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Robert Mueller Lied, May Have Withheld Information From The American Public
Robert Mueller could be in serious trouble for withholding information about Joseph Mifsud, an alleged Russian contact from the American Public.
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And he does! 🤥 #Repost @infprenegade ・・・ #JeffSessions will testify today before the House Judiciary Committee about issues facing the DOJ. He's expected to get grilled by Democrats on Russia. After the Papadopoulos story became public, but before Jeff Sessions admitted to knowing about Papadopoulos, another Trump campaign adviser named #JDGordon fed a story to a reporter asserting that neither he nor Sessions knew what was going on at the time. Now Sessions is admitting he did know. This suggests that Gordon was lying, and was merely trying to cover for Sessions. It is not automatically illegal to lie to a reporter. But if this is the same story that Gordon gave to #RobertMueller or the FBI, then it is illegal. #GeorgePapadopoulos was indicted and arrested specifically for lying to the FBI. His subsequent confession about conspiring with Russia was merely an attempt on his part at avoiding prison. We now know that Mueller’s strategy is to aggressively go after anyone who lies to investigators. So if Gordon did tell the same phony cover story to the Feds that he told to the reporter, then it’s likely that Mueller will move to indict and arrest Gordon. From there, J.D. Gordon – a longtime political adviser with no known criminal history of any kind – would probably cut a deal and admit to everything he learned or witnessed while he was working for the campaign. Gordon met with the Russian Ambassador during the Republican National Convention, but there is no publicly known evidence that Gordon illegally conspired with Russia. However, simply lying to the Feds would be enough to get him arrested. #WhatHappened 📖 #FlakeNews❄ #TheResistance #republican #tcot #democrat #HillaryClinton #libertarian #AltRight #WhichHillary #Maga #conservative #blacklivesmatter #blm #deplorable #draintheswamp
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Degradation and decay of the executive branch got ya down? Turn that frown upside down with a friendly office game of #IndictmentBingo! I think I'm off to a good start with #RichardGates & #GeorgePapadopoulos right next to each other! I can't wait to jump to my feet, shout #BINGO, and weep over the fate of #TheRepublic
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‘James and the Giant Impeach” - 26” x 26” - neon, acrylic and enamel on/in panel. I started this piece after James Comey got fired and just kept on adding more and more text. I’ve been waiting to post it until this day. . . . . . . #impeach #impeachtrump #jamescomey #michaelcohen #stormydaniels #fakenews #foxnews #drainthewhitehouse #12comrades #concordmanagement #michaelflynn #makeamericagreatagain #rickgates #grabthembythepussy #maga #moneylaundring #georgepapadopoulos #paulmanafort #rogerstone #greatwallofamerica #collusion #obstructionofjustice (at Weliver Art) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2z0LjEndFk/?igshid=1wfktnw1k5nys
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Via @nytimes > How they are #connected to the #POTUS #castofcharacters 27 Charged ( #rogerstone plus #russiannationals #intelligence and #konstantinkilimnik ) 7 Guilty ( #michaelcohen #michaelflynn #georgepapadopoulos #paulmanafort #rickgates #richardpinedo #alexvanderzwaan ) #2016election #specialcounsel #trump #russia #wikileaks https://www.instagram.com/p/BtElnR7HpQU/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ykxsl6xht1nk
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For lunch in #Munich after a long time together with My business partner, friend after all those years and the famous and international attorney of law who uncovered the #fakingofRussiaGate through the #deepstate Dems arround #crookedHillary and the #fakenewsmedia years ago!
Talking about new business, the #fakepandemic and pretty excited of the upcoming #Trumpday and Mr. Trumps class action against #BigTech of course.
So time to remember:
#RussiaGate #JosefMifsud #GeorgePapadopoulos #RobertMueller #fakenews #TrumpNews #TNN #TND #DonaldTrump #USA #electionfraud #voterfraud #riggedelection #Trumpwon
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Russiagate Usa: chi ha autorizzato 007 italiani a collaborare con giustizia americana contro Trump?
“Migliaia di e-mail imbarazzanti su Hillary Clinton”, in possesso dei russi. Questo è quello che avrebbe detto il professore della Link Campus University di Roma Joseph Mifsud a George Papadopoulos consigliere della campagna elettorale di Donald Trump. Questa rivelazione ha fornito ulteriori indizi al procuratore Robert Mueller che sta indagando su un possibile complotto contro la Clinton da parte del comitato elettorale di Trump e il Cremlino. Mueller, dopo un anno di indagini, ha dichiarato di non aver raccolto prove sufficienti per dimostrare la trama ordita ai danni della Clinton. Tornando all’Italia, due sono stati gli incontri tra il ministro della giustizia statunitense William Barr e i capi dei servizi segreti italiani. Riunioni che miravano ad approfondire le informazioni sul Russiagate e il ruolo del professore della Link Joseph Mifsud. Il ministro della giustizia Usa non vuole mollare la presa e intende screditare il lavoro di Mueller cercando nuove prove per incastrare il presidente Donald Trump. Barr cerca queste prove proprio in Italia. La domanda sorge spontanea, perchè l’Italia ha incontrato autorità Usa in riferimento all’indagine sul Russiagate? Chi ha autorizzato i contatti tra americani e servizi italiani? Ad occuparsene, ora, sarà il Comitato di controllo sui Servizi (Copasir) che dovrà appurare la legittimità dei contatti autorizzati da Palazzo Chigi. Il ministro Barr è un politico dell'amministrazione Usa e occorrerà accertare come mai Gennaro Vecchione, il capo del Dis - Dipartimento Informazioni e Sicurezza -, abbia assecondato la richiesta degli incontri. Anche perché, scrive il Corriere della Sera, prima che il New York Times e Washington Post rivelassero le «missioni» di Barr nella capitale — accompagnato dal procuratore John Durham incaricato proprio da lui di «rileggere» l'inchiesta sul Russiagate — nessuno aveva mai ritenuto di dover rendere noto che l'Italia aveva avuto un ruolo attivo nella vicenda. E questo nonostante l'attenzione fosse rivolta anche alla Link, ritenuta molto vicina al Movimento 5 S, l'ex ministro della Difesa, Elisabetta Trenta è una docente dell'università. Lo scorso agosto Barr, secondo il sito Politico, alloggia al Marriott Grand Flora Hotel, in via Veneto a Roma. Il ministro Usa ha contatti con il premier Giuseppe Conte che fornisce il via libera alla collaborazione. Poi incontra il capo del Dis Gennaro Vecchione. L'obiettivo di Barr è chiaro: scoprire se il nostro Paese abbia avuto un ruolo nel Russiagate, se abbia ottenuto documenti riservati e se gli 007 abbiano effettivamente aiutato Mifsud a trovare un rifugio sicuro. Dal 2017 Mifsud è sparito e risulta introvabile. Ad agosto, seppure in bilico, era ancora in carica il governo giallo-verde. Giuseppe Conte ha informato i suoi ministri dei contatti con Barr? Barr insieme con il procuratore Dhuram è tornato a Roma per incontra il direttore dell'Aise Luciano Carta e quello dell'Aisi Mario Parente. La richiesta è quella di mettere a disposizione eventuale documentazione raccolta in questi anni. In particolare Barr chiede chiarimenti sulla fine del professore Mifsud che sparito dal 2017 risulta avesse alloggiato in un appartamento intestato a una società collegata alla Link Campus, fino a maggio 2018. Chi altro del governo italiano è stato a conoscenza di questo scottante “dossier”? Un dossier chiaramente contro il presidente Usa Donald Trump con cui il governo Conte 2 vuole stringere sempre maggiori sinergie economiche e un aiuto concreto nella vicenda libica. Un atteggiamento sicuramente "bifronte". Read the full article
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GOP Led House Panel Votes to #ReleasetheMemo, Grassley Tightens Noose Around Steele and the British Putschists
We now know, as the spotlight turns to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, that Rosenstein approved a reauthorization of FISA surveillance against Page after the 2016 election. Today Page remains a free man, after lots of leaks smearing his character and portraying him as a Russian intelligence asset, but with no proof or indictments presented to the public ever justifying the intense surveillance directed his way. Democrats and their allies hide behind protecting 'sources and methods' excuses, claiming other intelligence behind the curtain justified the FISA abuse. Thank God, the ultimate declassification authority lies with the Congress and the President, not with the career bureaucrats. Within five days or less, the public will be reading the memo that so disturbed GOP members of Congress.
As for the supposed integrity of those the Dems and Fusion GPS payola'd fan boys and girls with press passes are defending, it's telling that Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe resigned, or was told to resign, ahead of his designated retirement date, almost immediately after current director Christopher Wray viewed the Nunes memo in a designated classified viewing room on Capitol Hill. The weasely McCabe told then White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, that a CNN story about Trump campaign was false, only to later leak that Priebus had pressured the FBI into releasing a statement based on McCabe's words.
The following extended quote from the longest serving western correspondent in Moscow, John Helmer, may be of interest regarding whether the Steele Dossier was used to launder fakeint manufactured by CIA and MI6 into the FBI and use it to justify surveillance of the Trump campaign. We know that one of the lines of inquiry Sens. Grassley and Graham have pursued is whether Steele lied to the FBI about the origins of his oppo research and its distribution to (likely Fusion GPS paid off) members of the press. Among the likely reasons why the Obama politicized FBI let Steele get away with lying to its agents are, 1) Comey, McCabe and others put agents sympathetic to Steele like Peter Strzok in charge of handling the Steele contacts 2) CIA thanks to its 5Eyes intel sharing partnership with the British overrode or overawed any voices at the FBI who may have objected to the use of Steele's material without adequate vetting including its inclusion in briefs to the secret FISA court. -- JWS
"How did Simpson know with such confidence what the “Intelligence Community” was “saying”, and who were Simpson’s and Steele’s sources in the “Intelligence Community”? Rooney failed to inquire. Instead, he and Simpson exchanged question and answer regarding the approach Simpson and Steele made to the FBI when they delivered their dossier. In the details of that, Simpson repeated what he had already told the Senate Judiciary Committee. Rooney then asked what contact had been made with the CIA or “any other intelligence officials”. Simpson claimed he didn’t understand the question at first, then he stumbled. Source: http://docs.house.gov/meetings/IG/IG00/20180118/106796/HMTG-115-IG00-20180118-SD002.pdf -- page 61. What Simpson was concealing in the two pauses, reported in the transcript as hyphens, Rooney did not realize. Simpson was implying that noone from Fusion GPS, his consulting company, had been in contact with the CIA, nor him personally. But Simpson left open that Steele had been in contact with the CIA. Rooney followed with a question about “anyone”, but that was so imprecise, Simpson recovered his confidence to say “No”. That was a cover-up – and the House Intelligence Committee let it drop noiselessly. Intelligence community sources and colleagues who know Simpson and Steele say Simpson was notorious at the Wall Street Journal for coming up with conspiracy theories for which the evidence was missing or unreliable. He told the Committee that disbelief on the part of his editors and management had been one of his reasons for leaving the newspaper. “One of the reasons why I left the Wall Street Journal was because I wanted to write more stories about Russian influence in Washington, D.C., on both the Democrats and the Republicans… eventually the Journal lost interest in that subject. And I was frustrated…that was where I left my journalism career.” Left: Glenn Simpson reporter for the Wall Street Journal in 1996, promoting his book, Dirty Little Secrets: The Persistence of Corruption in American Politics. Right: Simpson in Washington in August 2017. When Simpson was asked “do you – did you find anything to — that you verified as false in the dossier, since or during?” Simpson replied: “I have not seen anything – “. Note the hypthen, the stenographer’s signal that Simpson was pausing. “[Question]. So everything in that dossier, as far as you’re concerned, is true or could be true?” “MR. SIMPSON: I didn’t say that. What I said was it was credible at the time it came in. We were able to corroborate various things that supported its credibility.” Sources in London are divided on the question of where Steele’s sources came from – CIA, MI6, or elsewhere. What has been clear for the year in which the dossier’s contents have been in public circulation is that the sources the dossier referred to as “Russian” were not. For details of the sourcing. The subsequent identification of the Maltese source Joseph Mifsud, and the Greek-American George Papadopoulos, corroborates their lack of direct Russian sources. Instead, the sources identified in the dossier were either Americans, Americans of Russian ethnic origin, or Russians with no direct knowledge repeating hearsay three or four times removed from source. So were the allegations of the dossier manufactured by a CIA disinformation unit, and fed back to the US through the British agent, Steele? Or were they a Simpson conspiracy theory of the type that failed to pass veracity testing when Simpson was at the Wall Street Journal? The House Intelligence Committee failed to inquire." -- http://johnhelmer.net/the-cia-bull-in-glenn-simpsons-russia-shop/
Jan. 28, 2018 (EIRNS)—Senators Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) sent a letter Jan. 25 to four former high-ranking officials in the Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee, and at least one current DNC leader. The letter asks 12 sharply framed questions centering on the individuals’ knowledge of or collaboration with Christopher Steele, and on their and others’ communication or distribution of Steele’s dossier. The four are John Podesta, former chair of the Hillary Clinton campaign; Joel Benenson, who worked with the Obama 2008 and 2012 campaigns, and was chief strategist for the Clinton campaign in 2016; former DNC Chairwomen Donna Brazile and Debbie Wasserman Schultz; and current DNC Chairman Tom Perez. A deadline of Feb. 8 was set for the individuals to respond.
Grassley and Graham state in their letter, that they are seeking to find out
"the extent to which the FBI may have relied on information relayed by Mr. Steele in seeking judicial authorization [from the FISA court] for surveillance of individuals associated with Mr. Trump."
Grassley and Graham’s questions include:
"Prior to the Washington Post’s article in October of 2017, were you or anyone else at Hillary for America aware of Mr. Steele’s efforts on behalf of the Clinton campaign to compile and distribute allegations about Mr. Trump and the Russian government?... Did you or anyone else at Hillary for America receive copies of any memoranda comprising Mr. Steele’s dossier prior to its publication by BuzzFeed in January of 2017? Did you or anyone else at Hillary for America receive other memoranda written or forwarded by Mr. Steele regarding Mr. Trump and his associates that were not published as part of the BuzzFeed dossier? Did you or anyone else at Hillary for America distribute outside of the organization any of the dossier memoranda, information contained therein, or other information obtained by Mr. Steele? Were you or anyone else at Hillary for America aware of Mr. Steele’s contacts with the FBI or other government agencies prior to the 2016 election?..."
The letter demands specifics.
The final question demands all communications to or from any in a group of 40 named individuals, including John Brennan, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Bruce Ohr, Fusion GPS, and James Baker, and includes former Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, who had used Steele’s memos in the coup against the Ukraine government in 2014 which brought pro-Nazi Bandera elements to power.
On Jan. 6, Grassley referred Steele to the U.S. Justice Department for possible criminal prosecution.
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GEORGE PAPADOPOULOS! Order any of my drawings on canvas or paper DIRECTLY for that official, signed artist print. Or grab my images on a wide assortment of items off fineartamerica (link in bio). . #miggstheartist #illestillustrator #illustration #art #artprint #print #hiphop #hiphopart #canvas #artoncanvas #canvasart #digital #digitalart #digitalillustration #portrait #seanp #seanprice #georgepapadopoulos #magilla #duckdown
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My man must be a real gentleman. He must be kind, honest, intelligent, with good sense of humor. I value faithfulness. Free registration👇👇👇 http://goldenbride.net #FridayFeeling #HoustonSnow #WhatIThinkDuringAShower #snowintexas #fox5snow #BigSean #GeorgePapadopoulos
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#trumptraitors: #initial #trump #foreignpolicy #team included #sessions (who #perjured himself in his #confirmation #hearing) and #georgepapadopoulos who attempted to set up #Russia meetings and went himself to #Europe to #pursue leads around #hillaryclinton and her #emails. #traitors #treason #trumprussia #collusion #maga #civicdirect
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THERE IS NOT NO COLLUSION! @realDonaldTrump #Manafort #MuellerMonday #Collusion #ThereIsNoCollusion #TrumpHat #GeorgePapadopoulos
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This low level volunteer #georgepapadopoulos had nothing to do with #trump or his campaign. Y'all #trumphaters are reaching. #pettypost (at Downtown Atlanta)
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Genie does as you wish.
#MichaelCohen #PaulManafort #MichaelFlynn #GeorgePapadopoulos #RickGates #trump #RussiaGate #ComplicitGOP #FBI #RobertMueller #Rosenstein
#Michael Cohen#Paul Manafort#Michael Flynn#George Papadopoulos#trump#Russiagate#Complicit GOP#FBI#Robert Mueller#DOJ#Rod Rosenstein
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My man must be a real gentleman. He must be kind, honest, intelligent, with good sense of humor. I value faithfulness. Free registration👇👇👇 http://goldenbride.net #FridayFeeling #HoustonSnow #WhatIThinkDuringAShower #snowintexas #fox5snow #BigSean #GeorgePapadopoulos
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