#George ledoux
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Captain Science Comic Book #1 - (public domain) published 1950
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Man Ray (1890-1976), Groupe surréaliste, c. 1924-1925,
Top: artist Georges Malkine kissing his first wife Yvette Ledoux. Front, from left: André de la Rivière, poet Robert Desnos and sculptor André Lasserre

“GROUPE SURRÉALISTE” MAN RAY // circa 1924-25 [gelatin silver print | 9.2 x 8.3 cm.]
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Bud Abbott, Badly Drawn Boy, Sigtryggur Baldursson (The Sugarcubes), Victor Borge’s 1953 “Comedy in Music” premiere, the 1956 film BRIDGE ON THE RIVER KWAI, Mahatma Gandhi, Moses Gunn, Richard Hell, Dave Holland, Freddie Jackson, the unsinkable Violet Jessop, Persis Kambatta, Chris LeDoux, Annie Leibowitz, George “Spanky” McFarland, Groucho Marx, Don McLean, Ron Meagher (Beau Brummels), the 1995 album WHAT’S THE STORY MORNING GLORY by Oasis (good to meet you Noel), Phillip Oakley (Human League), John Otway, Michael Rutherford, Jo-El Sonnier, my most excellent cousin Susan Stamm, Sting, Nat Turner, THE TWILIGHT ZONE TV series (premiered 1959), Gillian Welch, the first newspaper comic strip THE YELLOW KID (1895), Yokozuna, and the great British writer (journalist, novelist, screenwriter) Graham Greene. I cite him as a key influence on my lyrics, and I’ve read his novels repeatedly—many of which have been made into films (some more than once): The End of The Affair (1955, 1999), The Human Factor, the excellent Our Man in Havana w/Alec Guinness & Ernie Kovacs (1959), The Quiet American (1958, 2002), The Power and The Glory a.k.a. The Fugitive w/Henry Fonda (1947), and the landmark film noirs This Gun for Hire w/Alan Ladd & Veronica Lake (1942) and The Third Man w/Joseph Cotten, Alida Valli, Orson Wells + Anton Karas’s ironic zither music (1951).
As a journalist, Greene’s 67-year long career took him to leper colonies, war zones, and odd “hot spots” around the world, along with spying for MI6 during World War II. These provided settings for his stories, exploring ambivalent ethical and political issues of the modern world, often through a Biblical lens that offered redemption to criminals and sinners while exposing the hypocrisies of moral superiors. I can find his imprints in several of my songs, but the most overt is “Unresolved—Graham Greene’s Script for Laurel & Hardy,” imagining if Greene had written a script for the comedy team of Laurel & Hardy (maybe echoing Greene’s late-in-life friendship with Charlie Chaplin). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBvBEVq0PSE Meanwhile, HB GG and thank you for your volumes of spiritually-informed writing and letting us be human in the eyes of God.
#birthday #grahamgreene #novelist #spy #thirdman #MI6 #johnnyjblair #singersongwriter #chamberpop
#johnny j blair#singer songwriter#music#pop rock#singer at large#san francisco#birthday#Graham Greene#novelist#spy#third man#MI6#chamber pop
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Photo de Georges Malkine de Man Ray.
Georges Alexandre Malkine est un peintre et un acteur français, né le 10 octobre 1898 à Paris 5e, ville où il est mort le 22 mars 1970 (dans le 4e arrondissement).
Lié au premier groupe surréaliste, ami de Robert Desnos, d'André Masson, de Max Morise, Georges Malkine est le seul peintre à figurer sur la liste du Manifeste du surréalisme de 1924. Pour la revue La Révolution surréaliste, il dessine l'emblème qui figure sur le papier à lettres de la R.S.. En 1927, il expose, avec succès, à la galerie Surréaliste. Mais cette reconnaissance le déconcerte. Il quitte alors la France, part pour l'Océanie, en compagnie de son ami le peintre et photographe Émile Savitry et d'une Canadienne: Yvette Ledoux que celui-ci vient de rencontrer. La belle finit par jeter son dévolu sur Malkine et Savitry poursuit seul son voyage. Malkine revient à Paris en 1930. Il donne trois illustrations à Desnos pour son poème The Night of Loveless Nights.
Il cesse toute expression plastique en 1933. Il ne reprend la peinture qu'en 1946, d'abord à Paris puis aux États-Unis où il reste pendant 20 ans. Revenu à Paris, il expose de nouveau, en 1966, une semaine après la mort d'André Breton. L'exposition est conçue en tant qu'hommage à Malkine et réunit Louis Aragon, Jacques Baron, Simone Collinet, Max Ernst, André Masson et Jacques Prévert. Aragon : « [Malkine] inventa cette sorte de baiser florentin : l'abstraction sans le dire. »
Malkine fut également acteur de théâtre dans la troupe de Michel de Ré, acteur de cinéma, violoniste, photographe, correcteur d'imprimerie, monteur de manèges, plongeur à bord d'un navire... Il a écrit quelques textes surréalistes pour la R.S. et un roman paru en 1977.
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I am very intrigued by whatever Dinnertable Country is, ngl. Also "Maddox's Shitty Life Soundtrack" made me laugh
( @angsty-prompt-hole )
oooh you picked my most gut-punch playlist, and not for the reason you might think lol
The tagline for Dinnertable Country is "make you miss your momma" and that is 100% truth. It's all the country songs my mom used to listen to when I was a kid, and when I think of my mom, I think of the big, heavy wood dinner table she's had for as long as I can remember. Any time I listen to it, I always end up texting or calling her, even if I don't have anything more to say than "I miss you".
Top songs: I Just Want To Dance With You by George Strait I Hope You Dance by Lee Ann Womack Look At You Girl by Chris LeDoux Must Be Doin' Somethin' Right by Billy Currington Dust On The Bottle by David Lee Murphy Whose Bed Have Your Boots Been Under? by Shania Twain Every Storm (Runs Out of Rain) by Gary Allen
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William Blake, Newton
Jöhan Heinrich Füssli, L'incubo
Étienne-Luoise Boullée, Progetto per il cenotafio di Newton
Claude-Nicolas Ledoux, Casa delle Guardie campestri
John Constable, La chiusa
e il mulino di Flatford
William Turner, Mare in tempesta
Francisco Goya, Fucilazione
Jacques-Louis David, La morte di Marat
Antonio Canova, Monumento di Maria Cristina d’Austria
Jean-August-Dominique Ingres, La bagnante di Valpingon
Théodore Géricault, La zattera della Medusa
Eugène Delacroix, La Libertà guida il popolo
Lorenzo Bartolini, Monumento funebre della contessa Zamoyska
François Rude, Rilievo dell'Arco di trionfo di Parigi Camille Corot, La cattedrale di Chartres
Théodore Rousseau, Temporale; veduta della piana di Montmartre
Honoré Daumier, Vogliamo Barabba
Constantin Guys, Per la strada
Honoré Daumier, Il vagone di terza classe
François Millet, L’Angelus
Camille Pissarro, Sentiero nel bosco in estate
LA REALTA' E LA COSCIENZA (l’Impressionismo; La fotografia; Il Neo-impressionismo; Il Simbolismo; L’architettura degli ingegneri)
Gustave Courbet, Ragazze in riva alla Senna (Estate)
Edouard Manet, Le déjeuner sur l'herbe
Alfred Sisley, Isola della Grande Jatte
Claude Monet, Regate ad Argenteuil;
Claude Monet, La Cattedrale di Rouen
Auguste Renoir, Le Moulin de la Galette
Edgar Degas, L'absinthe
Paul Cézanne, L'asino e i ladri
Paul Cézanne, La casa dell'impiccato ad Auvers (Non Aversa)
Paul Cézanne, I giocatori di carte
Paul Cézanne, La montagna Sainte-Victoire
Georges Seurat, Una domenica pomeriggio all’isola della Grande-Jatte
Paul Signac, Ingresso del porto a Marsiglia
Paul Gauguin, Te Tamari No Atua
Vincent van Gogh, Ritratto del postino Roulin
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, La toilette
Henri Rousseau detto il Doganiere, La Guerra
Odilon Redon, Nascita di Venere
Gustave Moreau, L'apparizione
Pierre Bonnard, La toilette del mattino
Auguste Rodin, Monumento a Balzac
Medardo Rosso, Impressione di bambino davanti alle cucine economiche
I pittori della cerchia di Mallarmé
Edouard Vuillard, La pappa di Annette.
James MeNeill Whistler, Notturno in blu e oro: il vecchio ponte di Battersea
1. Giovanni Fattori, In vedetta
IL MODERNISMO (Urbanistica e architettura moderniste; Art Nouveau; La pittura del Modernismo; Pont-Aven e Nabis)
1. Antoni Gaudí, Casa Milá a Barcellona
2. Adolf Loos, Casa Steiner a Vienna
3. Antoni Gaudi, Il Parco Güell a Barcellona
L’ARTE COME ESPRESSIONE (Espressionismo; La grafica dell’Espressionismo)
1. Edvard Munch, Pubertà
André Derain, Donna in camicia
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Marcella
Henri Matisse, La danza
Emil Nolde, Rose rosse e gialle
Oskar Kokoschka, Chamonix, Monte Bianco
L’EPOCA DEL FUNZIONALISMO (Urbanistica, architettura, disegno industriale; Pittura e scultura; Der blaue Reiter; L’avanguardia russa; La situazione italiana; École de Paris; Dada; Il Surrealismo; La situazione in Inghilterra; La situazione italiana: Metafisica, Novecento, anti-Novecento)
Le Corbusier, Villa Savoye a Poissy
Le Corbusier, Cappella di Nötre-Dame-du-Haute a Ronchamp
Walter Gropius, La Bauhaus a Dessau
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Plastico di un grattacielo in verro per Chicago
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Seagram Buildings a New York
Tre progetti per il Palazzo dei Soviet. Le Corbusier e Pierre Jeanneret,
Walter Gropius, Bertold Luberkin,
Teo van Docsburg e Hans Arp, Cinema-ristorante L'Aubette a Strasburgo.
Thomas Gerrit Rietveld, Poltrona con elementi in nero, rosso, blu
Pier Mondrian, Composizione in rosso, giallo, blu
Aivar Aalto, Sanatorio a Paimio - Poltrona
Frank Lloyd Wright, Casa Kaufmann a Bear Run
Pablo Picasso, I saltimbanchi; Les demoiselles d’Avignon; Natura morta spagnola
Georges Braque, Narura morta con l’asso di fiori
Robert Delaunay, Tour Eiffel
Juan Gris, Natura morta con fruttiera e bottiglia d’acqua
Georges Braque, Natura morta con credenza: Café-bar
Marcel Duchamp, Nu descendant un escalier n. 2
Umberto Boccioni, Forme uniche nella continuità dello spazio
Giacomo Balla, Automobile in corsa
Vasili; Kandinsky, Primo acquerello astratto; Punte nell'arco
Paul Klee, Strada principale e strade laterali
Anton Pevsner, Costruzione dinamica
Naum Gabo, Costruzione nello spazio; Il cristallo
Fernand Léger, Composizione con tre figure
Joan Miró, La lezione di sci; Donne e uccello al chiaro di luna
Giuseppe Terragni, Progetto dell'Asilo Sant'Elia a Como
Atanasio Soldati, Composizione
Constantin Brancusi, La Maiastra
Amedeo Modigliani, Ritratto di Léopold Zborowski
Georges Rouault, Cristo Deriso
Marc Chagall, A la Russie, aux anes et aux autres
Pablo Picasso, Guernica
René Magritte, La condizione umana Il
Man Ray, Motivo perpetuo
Henry Moore, Figura sdraiata
Alexander Calder, Mobile
Ben Nicholson, Feb. 28-53 (Vertical Seconds)
Francis Bacon, Studio dal ritratto di Innocenzo X di Velázquez
Diego Rivera, L'esecuzione dell'imperatore Massimiliano
David Alfaro Sigueiros, Morte all'invasore
Giorgio De Chirico, Le Muse inquietanti
Carlo Carrà, L'amante dell'ingegnere
Alberto Savinio, Nella foresta
Osvaldo Licini, Amalasunta su fondo blu
Giorgio Morandi, Natura morta con fruttiera
7. LA CRISI DELL'ARTE COME "SCIENZA EUROPEA" (Urbanistica e architettura; La ricerca visiva; La pittura negli Stati Uniti)
Ellsworth Kelly, Verde, blu, rosso
Morris Louis, Gamma Delta
László Moholy-Nagy, Composizione Q XX
Julius Bissier, 25 settembre 1963?
Josef Albers, Omaggio al quadrato
Arshile Gorky, Giardino a Sochi
Jean Fautrier, Nudo
Jean Dubuffet, Orateur
André Masson, Les Chevaliers
Hans Hartung, Composizione
Jackson Pollock, Sentieri ondulati
Mark Rothko, Rosso e blu su rosso
Albero Burri, Sacco B.
Antoni Tápies, Bianco e arancione
Giuseppe Capogrossi, Superficie 114
Lucio Fontana, Concetto spaziale: attesa
Alberto Giacometti, Figura
Ettore Colla, Officina solare
Mark Tobey, Circus transfigured
Georges Mathieu, Cast
Victor Vasarély, Composizione.
Kenneth Noland, Empireo
Clyfford Still, 1962-D
Emilio Vedova, Plurimo n. 1; Le mani addosso
Robert Rauschenberg, Letto
Mimmo Rotella, Marilyn
Roy Lichtenstein, Il tempio di Apollo
Andy Warhol, Marilyn Monroe
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Le Troisième Homme (The Third Man) (1949) de Carol Reed avec Joseph Cotten, Alida Valli, Orson Welles, Trevor Howard, Bernard Lee, Paul Hörbiger et Ernst Deutsch
Fantasia chez les ploucs (1971) de Gérard Pirès avec Lino Ventura, Jean Yanne, Mireille Darc, Georges Demestre, Nanni Loy, Jacques Dufilho, Georges Beller et Rufus
Super Mario Bros. le film (The Super Mario Bros. Movie) (2023) de Aaron Horvath et Michael Jelenic avec Pierre Tessier, Audrey Sourdive, Benoît Du Pac, Jérémie Covillault, Emmanuel Garijo, Xavier Fagnon, Nicolas Marié et Thierry Desroses
La Folie des grandeurs (1971) de Gérard Oury avec Louis de Funès, Yves Montand, Alice Sapritch, Karin Schubert, Alberto de Mendoza et Gabriele Tinti
Les Trois Mousquetaires : D'Artagnan (2023) de Martin Bourboulon avec François Civil, Vincent Cassel, Romain Duris, Pio Marmaï, Eva Green, Vicky Krieps, Louis Garrel : Louis XIII et Lyna Khoudri
Vacances romaines (Roman Holiday) (1953) de William Wyler avec Gregory Peck, Audrey Hepburn, Eddie Albert, Hartley Power, Harcourt Williams et Margaret Rawlings
Le Signe de Zorro (The Mark of Zorro) (1940) de Rouben Mamoulian avec Tyrone Power, Linda Darnell, Basil Rathbone, Gale Sondergaard, Eugene Pallette, J. Edward Bromberg et Montagu Love
Flair de famille (2023) de Didier Bivel avec Sylvie Testud, Samuel Labarthe, Fatim-Zarha Alami Marrouni, Oscar Copp et Anne Girouard
Un pont trop loin (A Bridge Too Far) (1977) de Richard Attenborough avec Dirk Bogarde, James Caan, Michael Caine, Sean Connery, Edward Fox, Elliott Gould, Gene Hackman, Anthony Hopkins et Robert Redford
Sirocco (1951) de Curtis Bernhardt avec Humphrey Bogart, Märta Torén, Lee J. Cobb, Everett Sloane, Gerald Mohr, Zero Mostel et Nick Dennis
West Side Story (1961) de Jerome Robbins et Robert Wise avec Natalie Wood, Marni Nixon, Richard Beymer, Jimmy Bryant, Russ Tamblyn, Rita Moreno, Betty Wand, George Chakiris, Simon Oakland et Ned Glass
Inspecteur Lavardin (1986) de Claude Chabrol avec Jean Poiret, Jean-Claude Brialy, Bernadette Lafont, Jean-Luc Bideau, Jacques Dacqmine et Hermine Clair
La Bête humaine (1938) de Jean Renoir avec Jean Gabin, Simone Simon, Fernand Ledoux, Julien Carette, Blanchette Brunoy et Gérard Landry
L'Homme qui tua Liberty Valance (The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance) (1962) de John Ford avec John Wayne, James Stewart, Vera Miles, Lee Marvin et Edmond O'Brien
Le Goût des autres (2000) d'Agnès Jaoui avec Anne Alvaro, Jean-Pierre Bacri, Alain Chabat, Agnès Jaoui, Gérard Lanvin, Christiane Millet et Wladimir Yordanoff
Remorques (1941) de Jean Grémillon avec Michèle Morgan, Jean Gabin, Madeleine Renaud, Fernand Ledoux, Charles Blavette, Jean Marchat, Nane Germon et Anne Laurens
Le Dindon (2019) de Jalil Lespert avec Dany Boon, Guillaume Gallienne, Alice Pol, Ahmed Sylla, Laure Calamy et Camille Lellouche
Adieu les cons (2020) d'Albert Dupontel avec Virginie Efira, Albert Dupontel, Nicolas Marié, Jackie Berroyer, Philippe Uchan, Bastien Ughetto et Marilou Aussilloux
Indiana Jones et la Dernière Croisade (Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade) (1989) de Steven Spielberg avec Harrison Ford, Sean Connery, Denholm Elliott, Alison Doody, John Rhys-Davies, Julian Glover et River Phoenix
Tigre et Dragon (臥虎藏龍, Wò Hǔ Cáng Lóng) (2000) d'Ang Lee avec Chow Yun-fat, Michelle Yeoh, Zhang Ziyi, Chang Chen, Cheng Pei-pei et Sihung Lung
Friends Saison 6, 7
Celui qui faisait sa demande : 1re partie - Celui qui faisait sa demande : 2e partie - Celui qui croyait faire jeune - Celui qui réglait le mariage - Celui qui s'était mal assis - Celui qui retrouvait son rôle - Celui qui avait toujours l'air bizarre - Celui qui aimait les petites siestes - Celui qui avait un livre à la bibliothèque - Celui qui n'aimait pas les chiens - Celui qui offrait un vélo - Celui qui se déguisait - Celui qui aimait les cheesecakes - Celui qui a passé la nuit debout - Celui qui a vu mourir Rosita - Ceux qui avaient trente ans - Celui qui avait un cerveau neuf - Celui qui savait la vérité sur Londres - Celui qui voyait la robe de mariée - Celui qui récupérait le prix - Celui qui avait une jolie cousine - Celui qui fantasmait sur le baiser - Celui qui écrivait ses vœux - Celui qui rencontrait l'auteur de ses jours - Celui qui a épousé Monica : 1re partie - Celui qui a épousé Monica : 2e partie
Coffre à Catch
#109 : Le Dirt Sheet débarque à la ECW ! - #110 : Aurélien Portehaut débarque �� la ECW ! - #111 : Mark Henry vs Matt Hardy - C'est un Perfect 10 ! - #112 : Le Championship Scramble: le titre de Mark Henry en danger!
Top Gear Saison 11
L'art de la chasse - La traversée du Japon - Alfas bon marché - Apprentis policiers - Spéciale Inde - Ski vs Audi - Angleterre vs Allemagne - Spécial Pôle Nord
Meurtres au paradis Saison 12
Désignée coupable - Un foyer aimant - La lettre anonyme : première partie - La lettre anonyme : deuxième partie
Affaires sensibles
La crise des missiles de Cuba - Poutine/Macron : le face-à-face des présidents - L'affaire Iacono : le mensonge - L’Erika ou la monstrueuse année noire - Cinq colonnes à la Une : la révolution télévisuelle - La sombre histoire du roi du polar, José Giovanni - « Humilier les morts pour terroriser les vivants » : la profanation de Carpentras - Georges Marchais, les mémoires effacées. - Le renard de Kerlouan
L'agence tous risques Saison 3, 4
Jeu de piste - Chasseurs de primes - Effacez-les ! - Les Chevaliers de la route - Boisson gazeuse - Le jugement dernier : 1re partie - Le jugement dernier : 2e partie - Mystère à Beverly Hills - Le docteur est sorti - Aux frais de la princesse - Un quartier anglais - Le monstre du lac - La route de l'espoir - Gran prix - Rien que du muscle - Un quartier tranquille - Prudence les enfants - Opération Abraxis - Le trésor sous la mer - Rock N' Roll - Une vraie mine d'or
Inspecteur Barnaby Saison 7
L'Homme du bois - La Réunion des anciennes - La Malédiction du tumulus - Le Prix du scandale - La Légende du lac
Fallait pas le dire ! (2023) de Salomé Lelouch avec Pierre Arditi, Evelyne Bouix et Pascal Arnaud
Dido : Live at Brixton Academy (2004)
Nanar Wars : Le Pire Contre-Attaque ! d'Emmanuel Prelle et Emmanuel Vincenot
Détective Conan : Tome 6 de Gôshô Aoyama
Détective Conan : Tome 7 de Gôshô Aoyama
Une enquête du commissaire Dupin : Un été à Pont-Aven de Jean-Luc Bannalec
Détective Conan : Tome 8 de Gôshô Aoyama
On ne vit qu'une fois, souvenirs d'hier et d'aujourd'hui de Roger Moore
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Jonathan Byrnes, MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics senior lecturer and visionary in supply chain management, dies at 75
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/jonathan-byrnes-mit-center-for-transportation-and-logistics-senior-lecturer-and-visionary-in-supply-chain-management-dies-at-75/
Jonathan Byrnes, MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics senior lecturer and visionary in supply chain management, dies at 75

Jonathan L.S. Byrnes, a distinguished senior lecturer at the MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics (CTL), passed away peacefully on May 7 after a long battle with cancer, leaving behind a legacy of profound contributions to supply chain education, industry, and the MIT community. He was 75 years old.
“Jonathan was not just a brilliant mind in supply chain management,” reflects Yossi Sheffi, director of CTL and the Elisha Gray II Professor of Engineering Systems. “He was a cherished colleague who had been a part of CTL for over half its existence. His impact on our community and the field of logistics is immense.”
Byrnes dedicated over three decades to teaching and shaping the future leaders of supply chain management (SCM). He authored over 200 influential publications and guided thesis work for numerous students and researchers. In 2021, Byrnes endowed the Jonathan Byrnes Prizes for Academic Distinction and Leadership, awarded each spring by CTL to a residential and a blended SCM master’s student who demonstrate, in Byrnes’s own words, “both a strong academic record (but not necessarily the strongest), linked with a strong contribution to student life.”
Byrnes made a positive impact on countless MIT students. In 2019, to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Master of Engineering in Logistics (MLOG)/SCM Program, several hundred alumni were asked to identify their most memorable class. Byrnes’s course, 1.261J – ESD.261J – 15.771J (Case Studies in Logistics and Supply Chain Management), was most frequently cited. Other anecdotal accounts and alumni surveys perennially note the course as their favorite and most highly recommended for its impact and influence on students’ careers.
Byrnes fostered a collaborative and discussion-oriented learning environment — a highly valued and sought-after experience of on-campus learning. “He was a gentle man, but was always so vigorous and energetic in class,” remembers Austin Saragih, MIT PhD student in transportation and a graduate research assistant at the MIT Megacity Logistics Lab, and a 2021 Byrnes Prize recipient.
Byrnes’s passion and influence extended beyond the realm of academia. He served on the boards of several companies, leaving an indelible mark on industry practices, and he co-founded Profit Isle Inc., revolutionizing profit analytics and acceleration.
Born in Lexington, Massachusetts, Byrnes earned his MBA from Columbia University in 1974 and his doctorate in business administration from Harvard University in 1980, where he served as president of the Harvard Alumni Association.
He is survived by his wife, Marsha (Feinman) Byrnes; sons Dan and Steve; daughter-in-law Nicole Ledoux; grandchildren Edison, George, and Adrian; and sister Pamela Byrnes and her husband Rick Jacobsen. He is predeceased by his daughter-in-law, Kristin Szatkiewicz Byrnes.
Remembrances may be made to Dana-Farber Cancer Center in gratitude to oncologist Toni Choueiri, or to the Experimental Model of Human Sarcoma Fund.
#Accounts#Administration#Analytics#anniversary#boards#Born#Business#Cancer#Careers#Center for Transportation and Logistics#collaborative#Community#Companies#course#education#engineering#Engineering systems#Environment#experimental#Future#human#impact#Industry#law#leadership#learning#life#logistics#management#mind
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New Country 27e jaargang #T1221(S780) (C25)van 18 maart 2024 (wk 12) uitzending op Smelne fm & Crossroads Country Radio

Album van de week: Sawyer Brown – Desperado Troubadours
Classic album: john Denver – Back Home again 1974
Hits of the Year : 1984
Maandfavoriet : Lainey Wilson - Countrys Cool Again
Maandartiest : Hal Ketchum
3 in 1: Patsy Cline

Hal Ketchum - Hearts Are Gonna Roll *maandartiest
Toby Keith – How Do You Like Me Now ?! #1 24 jaar
Luke Combs – Going Going Gone # 1 2023
The Mavericks - Moon & Stars
Chris Janson— Whatcha See Is Whatcha Get
Charles Wesley Godwin - All Again
Koe Wetzel – Damn Near Normal
Keith Urban - Messed Up As Me 25
Kane Brown – I Can Feel It #1.
Sawyer Brown – Under This Ole Hat Album vd week
Sawyer Brown - Nashville Cat *album
Chris Stapleton – Broken Halos 2018
Lee Greenwood - Going, Going, Gone - 1984
Daryle Singletary – Amen Kind of Love 10/03/1971
Merle Haggard – Daddy Frank (the guitar man)
Lainey Wilson - Country’s Cool Again favoriet
Tim McGraw - Standing Room Only sofi
John Denver – Back Home Again classic album
John Denver - Grandma’s Feather Bed
Jesper Lindell - Before The Sun
The Secret Sisters - Paperweight .
Patsy Cline -Crazy. (3 in 1)
Patsy Cline - I Fall to Peaces
Patsy Cline - She’s Got You
Sawyer Brown - I Wouldn’t Change A Thing Album van de week
Morgan Wallen - Good Girl Gone Missin’ #1 album.
Bruce Robison - Travelin' Soldier
Brian Capps Standing On A Rock
Chris Hillman - Love Reunited.
Chris Ledoux - Whatcha Gonna Do With A Cowboy (With Garth Brooks)
Steve Earl - Nowhere Road. Trucksong
Hal Ketchum – Sure Love _ maandartiest
Miranda Lambert – The House That Build Me juweeltje
Wyatt Putman - Fast Lanes *Album vorige week
Sawyer Brown. Goodnight And Good Morning Album vd week
Jimmy LaFave.-What Good Am I.
Major Dundee - Sweet Little Liza.
Ben Steneker en Aurora - If I Needed You .Dutch corner.
Ruud Hermans - Can You Help Me Out Of This Dream Dutch corner
John Conlee - In My Eyes 5 1982
George Strait - You Look So Good In Love. #4
The Judds – Why Not Me #3
Anne Murray - Nobody Loves Me Like You Do #2
Willie & Julio - To All The Girls I Loved Before #1
Mark Chesnutt – Lost in The Feeling

#playlist new country#maandagavond smelne's country avond#smelnefm#crossroads country radio#countrymusic#cdvdweek#playlist#maandfavoriet#newcountry
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I found out some shocking things doing this. In no particular order: Joseph LeDoux, a famous neuroscientist, is in a band called The Amygdaloids; time probably exists as a block where past, present and future exist simultaneously; cancer cells take up so much glucose and spew out so much waste that they make their tumour microenvironment toxic enough that it creates a selection pressure for cellular migration, forcing metastasis; there were several people who disproved Golgi's reticular syncytium theory of neurones before Cajal's neurone doctrine; Cajal, after winning the Nobel prize and experiencing unmitigated success in his professional and family life, travelled to the isolated hamlet where he was born, the last leg on a mule, and a peasant washing clothes in a stream immediately knew who his ancestors were on sight; one of the first CAR-T cell trial patients was a little girl with acute lymphoblastic leukemia who went into a cytokine storm, and hovered on the brink of death before one of her doctors, whose own child received drug treatment for rheumatoid arthritis, administered an IL-6 antiinflammatory therapy, and now that child has been cancer free for nine years; George Mackie discovered that jellyfish epithelial cells can generate and propagate action potentials like a neurone.
4am, decided to read the first chapters of 15 different books because I couldn't decide which one to start reading first.
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This is the video version!
#Battletech#MechWarrior#Mechwarrior Online#Solaris 7#DuncanFisher#Voice acting#voiceovers#George Ledoux
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#RIP#Suzy Delair#avec son tralala#louis jouvet#bernard blier#fernandel#pierre fresnay#fernad ledoux#laurel et hardy#Stan laurel#oliver hardy#télérama#pierre murat#miou miou#henri georges clouzot#quai des orfèvres
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(George Ledoux -Voiceovers)
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Bud Abbott, Badly Drawn Boy, Sigtryggur Baldursson (The Sugarcubes), Victor Borge’s 1953 “Comedy in Music” premiere, Mahatma Gandhi, Moses Gunn, Richard Hell, Dave Holland, Freddie Jackson, the unsinkable Violet Jessop, Persis Kambatta, Chris LeDoux, Annie Leibowitz, George “Spanky” McFarland, Groucho Marx, Don McLean, Ron Meagher (Beau Brummels), the 1995 album WHAT’S THE STORY MORNING GLORY by Oasis (good to meet you Noel), Phillip Oakley (Human League), John Otway, Michael Rutherford, Jo-El Sonnier, my cousin Susan Stamm, Sting, Nat Turner, THE TWILIGHT ZONE TV series (premiered 1959), Gillian Welch, Yokozuna, and the great British writer (journalist, novelist, screenwriter) Graham Greene. I cite him as a key influence on my lyrics, and I’ve read his novels repeatedly—many of which have been made into films (some more than once): The End of The Affair (1955, 1999), The Human Factor, the excellent Our Man in Havana (Alec Guinnes, Ernie Kovacs), The Quiet American (1958, 2002), The Power and The Glory (Henry Fonda), and the landmark film noirs This Gun for Hire (Alan Ladd, Veronica Lake) and The Third Man (Joseph Cotten, Alida Valli, Orson Wells + Anton Karas’s ironic zither music).
Greene’s 67-year long career as as journalist took him to leper colonies, war zones, and odd “hot spots” around the world, along with spying for MI6 during World War II. These provided settings for his stories, exploring ambivalent ethical and political issues of the modern world, often through a Biblical lens that offered redemption to criminals and sinners while exposing the hypocrisies of moral superiors. I can find his imprints in several of my songs, but the most overt is “Unresolved—Graham Greene’s Script for Laurel & Hardy,” imagining if Greene had written a script for the comedy team of Laurel & Hardy (maybe echoing Greene’s late-in-life friendship with Charlie Chaplin). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBvBEVq0PSE Meanwhile, HB GG and thank you for your volumes of spiritually-informed writing and letting us be human.
#birthday #grahamgreene #novelist #spy #thirdman #MI6 #johnnyjblair #singersongwriter #chamberpop
#johnny j blair#singer songwriter#music#singer at large#san francisco#pop rock#Graham Greene#film noir#birthday
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Untitled Project: Robert Smithson Library & Book Club [Raval, Marcel, & Georges Cattaui. Claude-Nicolas Ledoux, 1736–1806, 1960] Oil paint on carved wood, 2018
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Atardecer en el pabellón | Miguel Ángel Díaz Camacho
El ojo transforma la arquitectura en una película sensible, registra la compleja coreografía de reflejos, sombras y vibraciones que parecen alterar su propia materialidad: temblores de luz sobre la penumbra del techo junto al agua; imágenes desenfocadas de nubes y estrellas que transitan sobre suelos de losas brillantes o satinadas; sombras de personas y cosas que se arrastran sobre cubiertas y muros. La arquitectura constituye un elogio del movimiento. Y Mies lo sabe.
#Alberto Campo Baeza#Alejandro de la Sota#arquitectura#arquitectura española#arquitectura madrileña#Claude-Nicolas Ledoux#Francisco de Asís Cabrero Torres-Quevedo#Georg Kolbe#habitar#historia#José Antonio Corrales Gutiérrez#José Rafael Moneo Vallés#Josep Quetglas#Madrid#maestro#Mies van der Rohe#Miguel Ángel Díaz Camacho#movimiento moderno#proyectar#Ramón Vázquez Molezún
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