#George Lincoln Rockwell
"La vida es una batalla. Incluso ponerse de pie es una lucha contra la ley de la gravedad. Creo que la alegría de la vida está en la lucha misma, no en la victoria, porque si lo fuera, todos perderíamos. Todos vamos a caer. Todos perdemos la batalla de la vida, así que si no puedes encontrar diversión en la lucha por vivir y vivir al máximo, entonces ya eres un fracaso, incluso antes de que comiences".
~ George Lincoln Rockwell.
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muddypolitics · 1 year
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(via Josh Hawley Celebrates 4th Of July With Fake Patrick Henry Quote From Antisemitic 1950s Magazine, WHAAAAT? - Wonkette)
this story got even better.
"Not only is this a fake quote from Henry, the source is the April 1956 edition of the virulently antisemitic & white nationalist magazine 'The Virginian.' It was reprinted in The American Mercury in 1956, the year that antisemitic rag hired George Lincoln Rockwell."
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flock-of-cassowaries · 7 months
Don’t do it, Elizabeth. Do not give the relative with the partially-healed forehead wound and the widely-acknowledged history of terrible ideas free reign in the management of your family business.
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shrimpdinner · 2 months
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i think of this every time i see claims that the south doesn’t deserve attention, assistance, empathy because it’s racist or homophobic or something. this isn’t to excuse the racism, the hatred that exists in the south, but it’s crazy to me that northerners talk about how racist the south is while they’re mostly white suburban communities are breeding nazis
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rebel55 · 5 months
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opheliaintherushes · 1 year
The fact that there is Exodus discourse happening right now is too much, because:
a) none of these people have seen the movie, it's like sixteen hours long
b) that picture of Paul Newman wearing the Star of David always gets passed around and no one ever realizes where it's from
c) do they know what Bob Dylan is singing about in "Talkin' John Birch Paranoid Blues"
d) Mad Men already decided this for us; watch "Babylon," the greatest hour of television
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ned7-what-now · 2 months
15 minutes in the average american city will have you thinking and talking like george lincoln rockwell
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vigilantkatholixx · 5 months
Today’s liberal intellectuals, who pride themselves on scientific method and being “broadminded”, are the most narrow-minded, self-righteous and hate-filled bigots in the history of humanity. No primitive tribe worshipping with its witch-doctor was ever more vicious in its hatred and suppression of heretics than today’s Marxist intellectuals, anti-racists and liberals.
George Lincoln Rockwell
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daloy-politsey · 2 months
Here's a trivia question:
What do Leo Frank, Fred Trump, George Lincoln Rockwell, and Rob Zombie have in common?
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Remember the anti-Armenian racism theme park? And that one creationist who built a roller coaster in his back yard? Why does all this right-wing political stuff become theme parks?!
I’m going to become the fash-study version of Jenny Nicholson and do 4 hour long video essays about my experiences at George Lincoln Rockwell Presents: They Made the Floating Mormon City from Bioshock Real and You Can Visit It
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oldshowbiz · 7 months
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Vaudeville comedian Doc Rockwell was ashamed of his son George Lincoln Rockwell, founder of the American Nazi Party.
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pattern-recognition · 8 months
I honestly hope someone guns down a USAmerican politician with the reproduction StG44 just for the delicious irony. It really would be the icing on the the Shit Sundae of International Diplomacy.
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George Lincoln Rockwell moment, in which an american nazi larper politican got shot by another nazi larper with a nazi larp gun in a strip mall parking lot
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omg-lucio · 3 months
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El fundador del Partido Nazi Americano, George Lincoln Rockwell, posa frente a su casa, adornada con una esvástica gigante, en 1965. Dos años después, fue asesinado a tiros cerca de su casa por un miembro expulsado de su partido. La casa se encuentra en Arlington.
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nebris · 3 months
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George Lincoln Rockwell and associates at a Black Muslim conference. The dude on the left is like, “Man, if I survive this shit, I’m going back to collage and get an English Lit degree.”
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hughescocksworthnews · 6 months
George Lincoln Rockwell's National Awakening! Kaiserredux: Constitutiona...
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talenlee · 1 year
Do you have any hot takes about people who are dead?
George Lincoln Rockwell, the racist who invented holocaust denial and the term 'white power', was killed by a white guy who he told wasn't white enough to join his racist club and then his coffin on the parade to his funeral surrounded by shitty nazis got crashed into by a train which I think is the funniest example of non-micro trains activism
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