#Geoffroy's Bat
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loveisinthebat · 1 year ago
El Wiwi
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sitting-on-me-bum · 11 months ago
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Myotis emarginatus, Geoffroys bat, vespertilion a oreilles echancrees
By Dietmar Nill
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mytardisisparked · 3 months ago
favorite satine/obi wan moment?
(humble request for bat?)
Ooo, hard to pick a favorite moment! I'm kind of fond of their rendezvous while Satine is being hunted by the police. I also really like the fact that she showed up to his funeral and was openly weeping because the IMPLICATIONS are so TASTY.
Anyway, Happy Bat Week!! Lol!
Your bat is Geoffroy's Rousette (Rousettous amplexicaudatus)!
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While this fruit bat has excellent eyesight, hearing, and smell, it's also one of the only species of fruit bats that echolocate because apparently God made these guys OP. They roost in groups of 2000 or more, as is common with other species of rousette bats. They prefer softer, more ripe-to-overripe fruits when they can find them. This means that, sometimes, if the fruit is a bit fermented, the bats may become slightly intoxicated (as may happen with many other species of fruit-eating bat) (these guys might just be a little more prone due to liking softer fruits)(or maybe they're just party animals, idk).
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heepthecheep · 2 months ago
I was thinking about Redwall, and how it's kind of a shame that (iirc) they're sort of locked into being animals from Europe, when there's interesting little animals all over the world, when I had an idea
Au where Redwall is set in South America. Imo it would work surprisingly well...?
Anyways, rambles on species and such below
Badgers- while maybe not as aggressive as badgers, size wise they'd have to be Capybaras. I can't remember if their digging is as important as that of other species, but if so then a species of armadillo, maybe the Screaming Hairy Armadillo. Or...maybe a porcupine? Maybe a Grison?
Bats- multiple species in South America of course, but Vampire bats are extra fun
Dormice- are not native to South America, so I propose that a type of opossum could take their place, maybe the bushy tailed opossum. They're more closely related to squirrels though, so maybe the Neotropical Pygmy Squirrel, or another species of dwarf squirrel.
Hares- sadly no hares in South America, but there are a few species of rabbit. Rather than that, what would be more fitting of the boisterous personality would be some sort of monkey honestly? And they form troops, so that's neat . Maybe a Mara? They're somewhat hare-like
Hedgehogs- again, old-world exclusive. Closest relative would be some shrew species. Personality wise I'd go with a Caenolestid, idk they just have the same vibe
Mice- there are so many different species of mice in that every mouse character could probably be a different species from one another, lol
Moles- no moles in South America, so...there is one species of pocket Gopher, Thaeler's Gopher, and I think they'd be a suitable replacement
Otters- Giant otters easily.
Rabbits- see hare section.
Seals- I completely forgot they showed up in the series at all. I'd go with South American Fur seals probably
Shrews- plenty in South America, even marsupial shrews if you'd like
Squirrels- lots in South America as mentioned previously. Maybe focus on climbing and they could also become some sort of primate
Voles- seem to not be present in South America? Maybe replace them with a coypu because of their water habits, or Guinea Pigs just because
Cats- since in the books they're wildcats rather than domestic ones, they'd be some of the many smaller wild cats in South America, maybe Pampas cats or Geoffroy's cat.
Ermines- appear so rarely I'd just have them be actual ermines from up north
Ferrets- maybe replace them with Crab-eating Raccoons? Or one of the native species of skunks?
Foxes- already in South America , pick any species you want
Pine Martens- another one you could fold into weasels, or go with a Coati or something
Rats- lots already, go wild
Sable- again, make 'em weasels or go crazy...maybe these guys are actually Tayras.
Stoats- yet another weasely guy.
Weasels- finally. They're just weasels. There are multiple weasel species in South America
Wolverines- same with the ermines, have them be actual wolverines
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sam4samina-blog · 1 year ago
Alternate historyAlternate history (also alternative history, althist, AH) is a theme of speculative fiction of stories in which one or more historical events occur and are resolved differently than in real life. Allohistory (other history) is another term for the genre of alternative history. An alternate history requires three conditions: (i) A point of divergence from the historical record, before the time in which the author is writing; (ii) A change that would alter known history; and (iii) An examination of the ramifications of that alteration to history.One early work of fiction detailing an alternate history is Joanot Martorell's 1490 epic romance Tirant lo Blanch, which was written when the loss of Constantinople to the Turks was still a recent and traumatic memory for Christian Europe. It tells the story of the knight Tirant the White from Brittany who travels to the embattled remnants of the Byzantine Empire. He becomes a Megaduke and commander of its armies and manages to fight off the invading Ottoman armies of Mehmet II. He saves the city from Islamic conquest, and even chases the Turks deeper into lands they had previously conquered.One of the earliest works of alternate history published in large quantities for the reception of a large audience may be Louis Geoffroy's Histoire de la Monarchie universelle: Napoléon et la conquête du monde (1836) (History of the Universal Monarchy: Napoleon and the Conquest of the World), which imagines Napoleon's First French Empire emerging victorious in the French invasion of Russia in 1812 and in an invasion of England in 1814, later unifying the world under Bonaparte's rule.If It Had Happened Otherwise is a 1931 collection of essays edited by J. C. Squire and published by Longmans, Green. Each essay in the collection could be considered alternate history or counterfactual history, a few written by leading historians of the period and one by Winston Churchill.One of the entries in Squire's volume was Churchill's "If Lee Had Not Won the Battle of Gettysburg", written from the viewpoint of a historian in a world in which the Confederacy had won the American Civil War. The entry considers what would have happened if the North had been victorious (in other words, a character from an alternate world imagines a world more like the real one we live in, although it is not identical in every detail). Speculative work that narrates from the point of view of an alternate history is variously known as "recursive alternate history", a "double-blind what-if", or an "alternate-alternate history".Alternate history has long been a staple of Japanese speculative fiction with such authors as Futaro Yamada and Ryō Hanmura writing novels set in recognizable historical settings with added supernatural or science fiction elements. Ryō Hanmura's 1973 Musubi no Yama Hiroku which recreated 400 years of Japan's history from the perspective of a secret magical family with psychic abilities. The novel has since come to be recognized as a masterpiece of Japanese speculative fiction. Twelve years later, author Hiroshi Aramata wrote the groundbreaking Teito Monogatari which reimagined the history of Tokyo across the 20th century in a world heavily influenced by the supernatural.Radical alternative histories, which explore the consequences of fundamental shifts in biological evolution or geological history, include Harry Harrison's series about the survival of the Dinosaurs, begun with West of Eden(1984); Turtledove's Atlantis series beginning with Opening Atlantis(2007), in which a mid-Atlantic subcontinent calved off from North America in the geologic past.
More radical still are novels which portray Alternate-Cosmos universes where the laws of Physics and the structure of the world may be different.Alien space bats: "Alien space bats" ("ASBs") is a neologism for plot devices used in alternate history to mean an implausible point of divergence. "Alien space bats" originally was used as a sarcastic attack on poorly-written alternate histories seen as being implausible. The attacks are usually phrased as the need for "alien space bats" or by saying that the alternate history has gone into "ASB territory". The term eventually evolved into a reference to deus ex machina to create an impossible point of divergence. Examples include changes to the physical laws of nature, time travel, and advanced aliens interfering in human affairs. The use of ASBs in alternate history can be controversial. Some writers use them on purpose, adding science fiction or fantasy elements, or intentionally making unrealistic mashups of different eras. However, some AH projects use Alien Space Bats out of ignorance or naïveté. Things happen unrealistically because the writer has not put in the work to understand the era that they are working with. These unintentionally ASB timelines are generally looked down upon.Alternate Timeline: The Alternate Timeline at its core is different from the parallel universe in that it's only one universe, only played out multiple ways. Imagine you're writing something on a piece of paper and made a mistake: you can erase it with an eraser and write over it, or you can grab a new piece of paper. The first one is this trope, the second one is Parallel Universe. Technically, alternative histories as a result of time travel are not parallel universes: while multiple parallel universes can co-exist simultaneously, only one history or alternative history can exist at any one moment, as alternative history usually involves, in essence, overriding the original timeline with a new one. As a result, travel between alternative histories is not possible without reverting the timeline back to the original.
There are exceptions to the above, and an alternate history doesn't necessarily overwrite the old one. There are no rules written in stone regarding this. Modern ideas of time travel pose the idea of branching timelines. If a timeline isn't explicitly stated to have been erased, it's still there.
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beansprean · 2 years ago
Laszlo is a nathusius pipistrelle bc they are teeny and actually SING to attract mates!
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Nadja is a geoffroys bat (which is hilarious bc...Jeff) bc they really like olive plantations for some reason and also do a lot of screaming
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Nandor is a greater noctule bat, big enough to eat birds but a face cute enough you'd let him
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kinschi · 4 years ago
I couldn’t find if you answered this already but what type of bat would Adrien be?
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Geoffroys!! It's on his character sheet
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claudehenrion · 4 years ago
L'Islamo-gauchisme - ( II ) : les idiots utiles du djihad...
  Le gauchisme ''à la papa'' a bien changé : de peuple, de cible, de recrutement (j'allais écrire : de victimes). Ayant perdu ''le vrai peuple'' (qu'il n'a jamais eu. Mais il croyait l'avoir !) par sa bêtise, ses errements et ses dévoiements, par la vacuité de ses analyses et la perversité des solutions qu'il ne proposait pas, par son déni du réel et de l'évolution du monde, il s'est ''rattrapé aux branches'' en catastrophe, en racontant qu'il avait trouvé dans l'islam un prolétariat de substitution qui, espéraient les idéologues de cette erreur qui se rêve Terreur, allait voter pour lui et lui assurer la continuité de son pouvoir et la continuation de ses prébendes. Ah ! les cons !…
Il n'y a pas besoin d'être ''voyant  extra-lucide'' pour constater qu'une religion, quelle qu'elle soit, n'est ni un lieu de compromis, ni un terrain d'entente idéal, ni une variable d'ajustement éventuelle, mais qu'elle est une force qui peut soulever tout un peuple, contre son souverain et sa police, contre un régime, un mode de vie, un monde. Les djihadistes sont donc prêts à tolérer un temps des compagnons de route et même à leur faire croire qu'une alliance est envisageable, pour et avec eux. Cet (anti)raisonnement a, par exemple, amené le syndicat étudiant Unef à se rapprocher des Étudiants musulmans de France qualifié de bras armé des Frères musulmans par Mohamed Louizi (Pourquoi j'ai quitté les frères musulmans -Ed. Michalon). En croyant sauver quelques  meubles lors des élections, elle se fait bouffer par plus vicieux qu'elle ! Résultat : l'Unef n'est plus écoutée sur les sujets sérieux, comme la précarité étudiante en temps de covid. Et... c’est bien fait !
Cette énorme faute de jugement, presque un crime contre la pensée, ne date pas d'hier : on se souvient de ces militants de la Ligue communiste révolutionnaire (LCR), devenue le Nouveau Parti anticapitaliste (NPA) qui faisaient alliance avec des islamistes radicaux obnubilés par ''l’américano-sionisme'' et prônaient, au nom de la ''lutte contre l’impérialisme'', l'élimination de l'État d'Israël. J'ai en mémoire le Forum social européen accueillant en grande pompe le faux prédicateur-vrai violeur Tarik Ramadan à Saint-Denis, invité (on croit rêver !) comme ''leader religieux, représentatif d’une partie du prolétariat'' ! Même le Nouvel Obs avait titré une Une digne du Figaro : ''Confusion au Forum social européen : Les gauchistes d’Allah''.
Des bribes de vérité apparaissent dans les feuilles de chou les plus contaminées, même si, dans Libération, une Clémentine Autain revendique le titre d'islamo-gauchiste... que ce quotidien classe dans les ''insultes policées et intellectuelles'' (NDLR - ce qui n'a aucun sens !). Elle précise même, comme pour s'assurer que personne ne peut savoir de quoi elle parle : ''Je ne comprends pas exactement ce que veut dire le mot, mais si ça désigne l’intersectionnalité des luttes, alors oui, c’est ça qui me préoccupe. Je suis de gauche, et je me bats contre le rejet des musulmans en France'' (sic !)... Mais a l’opposé, on lit sous la plume de Pierre-André Taguieff, que ‘‘entre les islamo-gauchistes du Parti des indigènes de la république (en lutte contre la domination blanche et le peuple blanc) et les islamo-fascistes qui massacrent des infidèles au nom du Djihad, la différence est mince''. 
De son côté, Franz-Olivier Giesberg évoque la ''décomposition intellectuelle d'une certaine gauche française''. Et même Bernard-Henri Lévy (qui ne fait pas partie des gens que je lis ni ne respecte mais dont je sais citer un court extrait lorsqu'il a une brève crise d'intelligence) écrit : ''il suffit de lire Foucault pour prendre la mesure de la tentation identitaire, racialiste et, au fond, darwinienne qui n’a jamais cessé de hanter la gauche française, et de la longue généalogie de cette façon d’assigner les opprimés à leur origine, de les enfermer dans leur couleur de peau et leur ethnie''.
La Presse française sortirait-elle de son rituel aveuglement coupable ? Dans une enquête du Figaro Magazine sur ''les agents d’influence de l’islam'', les journalistes Judith Weintraub et Vincent Nouzille dénoncent ''les relais intellectuels de l'islamo-gauchisme, responsables politiques ou acteurs associatifs'’ qui, écrivent-ils, ''investissent l'espace médiatique''. Dans cette enquête, on croise, sous des formes et à des degrés divers, les sociologues Edgar Morin, Geoffroy de Lagasnerie et Raphaël Liogier, l'islamologue (?) Tarik Ramadan, l'historien Jean Baubérot, le démographe Emmanuel Todd, le géopolitologue Pascal Boniface, les journalistes Alain Gresch et  Edwy Plénel (qu'on est certain de retrouver dans tous les ''mauvais plans’’), les politiques  Jean-Louis Bianco, Caroline de Haas, Clémentine Autain, Benoît Hamon et Danièle Obono  ou encore des personnalités associatives telles que Marwan Muhammad, Houria Bouteldja et Rokhaya Diallo. Il ne manque à leur liste que Benjamin Stora, qui a entrepris d’inventer une nouvelle histoire réécrite de l'Algérie, de lecture très macronienne, c'est tout dire ! On en reparle bientôt, promis.
Mais s'il n'y avait que les islamistes comme groupe organisé coupable de volonté de conquête ! Ce serait oublier le climat de complicité intellectuelle et morale dans lequel les soldats d'Allah poussent leur avantage dans la sphère médiatique, intellectuelle et universitaire, qui se résume en deux mots : domination, d'un côté et pour les uns, et trahison de l'autre, pour les autres... sur tout ce qui touche au capitalisme, au christianisme, à l'Occident et à son histoire, et à Israël... (qui est intrinsèquement coupable, et son adversaire, même agressif, même radical, même terroriste, bénéficie donc de la bienveillance que l'on doit aux damnés de la terre). Il faut trouver une soif de justice dans la violence, la trace d'une faute dans celui qui la subit. En fin de compte, la question à 10 balles est : qui, du gauchisme ou de l'islamisme a pollué l'autre, et lequel sortira vainqueur de ce mano a mano ?
Mais quand, soi-disant au nom d'une minorité, d'une cause ou d'un mensonge historique, de beaux esprits très vilains veulent déboulonner les plus belles figures du patrimoine artistique, musical, littéraire, historique et militaire ou à arracher les plaques de rues au nom de grands hommes... on n'a même plus besoin de talibans pour dynamiter les statues ! Pourquoi donc les fous d'Allah s'épuiseraient-ils à faire taire nos cloches quand ils peuvent compter sur nos élus, en guerre contre le ''séparatisme catholique'' ? Et quand un Florent Boudié, rapporteur général du texte de loi sur ce qui aurait dû être ''Séparatisme'' et qui n'est plus que... rien du tout, établit un parallèle entre les enfants qui font leur première communion  et un viol incestueux, ou quand le pitoyable Eric Coquerel (LFI) affirme que le voile d’une mariée est le symbole de la soumission de la femme à son époux, que faut-il penser, sinon qu'ils sont idiots ? Ce sont des maniaques de la diversité qui traquent toute infraction à leur code d'effroyable ''bonne conduite'' et qui terrorisent ceux dont la plume, le dessin ou le verbe défendent la liberté d'expression. Tendez l'oreille ! Pour les ''idiots utiles du djihad'', la seule vraie menace qui pèserait sur nos institutions, ce serait la première communion des petites filles... alors qu'ils donnent la main à ceux qui rêvent d'abattre la République.  Mon Dieu, qu'ils sont cons !
Un dernier point doit inquiéter ceux qui ne sont pas encore contaminés ou ''porteurs malsains'' : l'accès de courage de notre ministre inconnue a vite été réorienté vers des terrains contrôlés par la bien-pensance : charger le CNRS d'une enquête, c'est assurer une fois de plus le parfait suivi de l'intenable et mortel ''et en même temps'' macronien : un coup à droite (’’Tremblez, canailles ! On lance une enquête...’’), et un coup à gauche (’’... mais on l'oriente vers un  organe qui va la classer’’). ''Je suis oiseau, voyez mes ailes... Je suis souris, vive le chats''. On sait dans quel état d'esprit sera abordée la demande de Frédérique Vidal : le CNRS est à la pointe des faux travaux de fausse recherche sur la prétendue écriture dite inclusive, sur la ''race'' en tant qu'arme de guerre, ou sur ''Sexualités, identités & corps colonisés''  (sic !), dans Ed CNRS-2019. C’est tout un programme !). Il faut tendre encore l'oreille... ‘’Ami, entends-tu le vol noir des corbeaux sur nos plaines....’’ ?
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lovingexotics · 5 years ago
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Geoffroy’s Tailless Bat Anoura geoffroyi Source: Here
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akhylsthebat · 4 years ago
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🦇Bat Fact! Do you know of Geoffroy’s Bat (Myotis emarginatus)? This medium-sized vesper bat sports long, wooly fur, is 0.11kg on average and can live to be 23 years old. Found throughout Europe, Western Asia, and Northwestern Africa, this bat will live in colonies as large as 1200 individuals! These colonies can be found in attics, caves, tunnels, buildings, and more. Despite often roosting in buildings it is considered a cave-dwelling bat; will often roost with Horseshoe bats. When not roosting this bat will hunt for spiders and flies in grasslands, scrublands, and sometimes in livestock sheds. This bat is listed as “Least Concern” by the IUCN and is threatened by agricultural activities disturbing their roosts🦇
📸Photo by Martin Celuch📸
#batfacts #bats #bat #akhyls #education
⬇️Follow Bat Facts⬇️ https://akhylsthebat.tumblr.com/ https://www.minds.com/akhylsthebat/ https://twitter.com/AkhylsBatFacts https://t.me/AkhylsBatFacts https://www.facebook.com/groups/137858924078846/ ❗️Disclaimer: All images used here are for educational purposes and are not used in any way for profit or to promote any products or services. Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing❗️
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loveisinthebat · 6 months ago
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pintando-paredes · 4 years ago
Mural at infant school in Brazil - crowdfunding campaign
Original campaign: https://chuffed.org/project/infant-school-mural-brazil
What and where
We are painting an 85 metre mural at João Batista Cardoso infant school in São Luiz do Paraitinga, Brazil with the participation of the children, parents and teachers.
The mural will transform the wall into bright, colourful and engaging space for the whole community to enjoy, especially the children as they walk to and from school.
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The infant school takes approximately 180 children from 3-6 years old and is compulsory as the first stage of schooling in Brazil. The school provides a wonderful space for young children to play and learn but as part of a small rural town it lacks the funds to spend on anything other than the normal day-to-day running costs of the school. For this reason we are using crowdfunding and asking you to help us realise the project.
We strongly believe that participatory art projects bring people together in a creative, constructive and positive action that benefits both the individual participating and their wider community. Mural projects nurture and inspire creativity in children and adults alike and can boost morale, community cohesion and create a sense of pride and ownership over a public space.
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Our community artist and project leader Andy will organise and implement the painting in conjunction with the director, teachers and parents of the school. Andy is an experienced community artist and has spent the last five years working in Brazil running various participatory art projects for children and young people with different charities and NGOs.¹
We will run scheduled sessions with the different classes for the children to participate in the painting as well as inviting and encouraging parents to participate as well.
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The design depicts many of the animals that are native to this region of Brazil and also the Paraitinga river which runs by the side of the school and from which the town gets its name.
The design of the mural is simple and geometric, this creates an impactful visual style whilst at the same time allowing for everyone to take part in painting as the design can be ‘painted by numbers’.
Mural plan to scale:
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Details of each animal:
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Capivara / Capybara – Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris
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Corujinha-do-mato / Tropical screech-owl – Megascops choliba
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Borboleta 88 / Cramer’s eighty-eight butterfly – Diaethria clymena
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Bugio-ruivo / Brown howler monkey – Alouatta guariba
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Jararacuçu / Jararacussu – Bothrops jararacussu
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Tucano-de-bico-verde / Green-billed toucan – Ramphastos dicolorus
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Preguiça-de-garganta-marrom / Brown-throated three-toed sloth - Bradypus variegatus
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Beija-flor-de-orelha-violeta / White-vented violetear - Colibri serrirostris
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Anta-brasileira / South American tapir - Tapirus terrestris
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Saúva-limão / Leafcutter ant - Atta sexdens
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Tatu-galinha / Nine-banded armadillo - Dasypus novemcinctus
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Onça-pintada / Jaguar - Panthera onca
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Periquito rico / Plain parakeet - Brotogeris tirica
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Macaco-prego / Black capuchin - Sapajus nigritus
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Rã-flautinha / Lutz's treefrog - Aplastodiscus albosignatus
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Morcego-beija-flor / Geoffroy's tailless bat - Anoura Geoffroyi
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Jacutinga / Black-fronted piping guan - Pipile jacutinga
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Quati-de-cauda-anelada / South American coati - Nasua nasua
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We have already painted around 20% of the space beginning with the water pattern which included the participation of the school children and we believe the project will realistically take five months to finish.
This timeline is an estimate that can change depending on various factors. It also does not just reflect the time it will take to paint the mural but the time it will take to complete the project as a whole. This includes the other preparation work necessary such as: finalising the design and colour choices inline with paint available, preparing the large stencils, transferring the design onto the wall and organising participatory workshops with the school children inline with the school's timetable.
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To complete the painting of the mural through the participation of parents, children and local community members.
To transform the space, creating a sense of ownership, pride and community.
To strengthen the ties between the families and the school.
To run further sessions with each class so that every child in the school makes their mark on the mural.
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Until this point our community artist has given his time voluntarily to work on the project and we have been able to cover the cost of the paint and materials through fundraising events at the school. But with the scale of the mural and the time it will take to complete it this funding will to allow him to support himself whilst he completely dedicate his time to running the project with the school over the next five months.
We are looking for your help to raise £1000 to be able to fully realise the mural and achieve our objectives for the project.
This funding amount is based on the minimum monthly wage in Brazil which for 2019 is R$998.²
The average GBP-BRL exchange rate for the last 12 months has been 4.989.³
This equates to £200.04 per month, so a projected timeline of 5 months therefore gives a total of £1000.20
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As a thank you for supporting the project we have come up with some amazing perks that includes the original artwork from the mural by our community artist Andy Câncio Bunce.
Remember to please include your name to be painted on the wall and address to receive the postcards, prints and posters in a message!
For the posters please include which animal you would like based on the designs featured on this page.
Name on the wall
Your name will be painted on the wall as part of our list of supporters for everyone to see and to show our appreciation of your donation. A photo of the names on the wall will be posted on here and our Instagram page for you to see once they have all been painted.
Thank you postcards
A handwritten thank you postcard sent directly from São Luiz do Paraitinga in Brazil, each one features an animal from the mural design. There is a total of five postcard designs, if choosing one or three the designs will be chosen at random.
Limited edition signed A4 print
Small print (210 x 297 mm) of the final mural artwork showing all 16 animals used with their common names in Portuguese and English and their scientific name. Printed on 250gsm matt couché (coated) paper. The prints are from a limited run 50 which will be numbered and signed by the artist.
A3 poster
Medium print (297 x 420 mm) of one of the animals from the mural artwork printed on 140gsm matt paper.
A2 poster
Large print (420 x 594 mm) of one of the animals from the mural artwork printed on 200gsm satin paper.
Postcards and Prints will be sent after the crowdfunder has finished and should arrive within 2-4 weeks but could take longer depending on printing times.
Photos of the names on the wall will be published once the mural is completed.
If there are any problems with your perk/reward please get in contact so that we can resolve it quickly.
We will post regular updates on the project here on the crowdfunding page and also on our Instagram www.instagram.com/pintando_paredes/ so you can see the difference your help has made to the project and how the mural is progressing!
Thank you!
Thank you very much for taking the time to check out our crowdfunder. We will be very grateful for any donations, big or small, to help us realise this project!
Please share this crowdfunding page on your social media accounts to help us reach more people.
For any questions please email [email protected]
Thank you very much!
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¹ https://www.hertsad.co.uk/news/harpenden-artist-leads-project-inspired-by-rio-olympics-1-4670633
² http://www.brasil.gov.br/noticias/emprego-e-previdencia/2019/01/decreto-fixa-salario-minimo-de-r-998-em-2019
³ https://www.xe.com/currencycharts/?from=GBP&to=BRL&view=1Y
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Level 1
Name on the wall
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Level 2
1 x Thank you postcard from Brazil 
Name on the wall
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Level 3
3 x Thank you postcards from Brazil
Name on the wall
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Level 4
5 x Thank you postcards from Brazil
Name on the wall
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Level 5
Limited edition signed A4 print
5 x Thank you postcards from Brazil
Name on the wall
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Level 6
A3 poster
Limited edition signed A4 print
5 x Thank you postcards from Brazil
Name on the wall
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Level 7
A2 poster
Limited edition signed A4 print
5 x Thank you postcards from Brazil
Name on the wall
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synapsid-taxonomy · 6 years ago
Anoura caudifer (Geoffroy 1818)
The tailed tailless bat
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Both its scientific and common names are oxymorons. Is this a first?
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toyoll · 3 years ago
Watch "From the Field: Geoffroy's horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus clivosus)" on YouTube
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the-chomsky-hash · 3 years ago
[B. The great discussion which, around 1830, pitted Cuvier against Geoffrey Saint-Hilaire, influenced, in part, how one is to identify a man’s hand, a cat’s claw, and a bat’s wing as being the same thing - cont'd]
[2. For Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, - cont'd]
d. at the same time [as challenging the functional criterion established by the systematists], Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire acknowledges the identity of a biological element across so much diversity, if the situation or the transformation in the species that would make it recognizable can be established.
"Therefore," he says, "I give the name foot to the set of anatomical elements that will follow from the third segment of the lowest limb of an animal."
The foot is a certain anatomical situation, or again, I can recognize a human hyoid bone in that of the cat because I can define the elements
that grew together
those that have disappeared
those that persist as ligaments
those that have changed their profile
Identity is not a visible given: it is
the result of the establishment of a relation (of an “analogy,” says Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire)
the tracking of a transformation
– Michel Foucault, Cuvier’s Situation in the History of Biology, (Discussion: Technical and Methodological Questions), Originally published as “La situation de Cuvier dans l’histoire de la biologie,” Revue d’histoire des sciences et de leurs applications 23, #1 janvier-mars 1970, pp. 63-92. Translated by Lynne Huffer
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nanshe-of-nina · 7 years ago
People of the Edwardian phase of the Hundred Years War as dril tweets
Philippe VI de France: Time and time Again. People on here Fuck me over and ruin my life. simply for starting the Dialouge.
Edward III of England: thinking of wrapping my entire body in barbed wire and becoming Sovereign.
Jehan II de France: a teen approached me at the food court and said “I see you wore your clown costume today” and i spent the next 9 hours processing the insult.
Jehanne de Bourgogne: CHILD: Papa.. tell me once more about WIFE’s DUTY. PAPA: it is WIFE’s DUTY to protect her husband from villains, always.
Jitka Lucemburská: Damn. the MomTown forums just started requiring 4 point Mom Verificaiton to be able to post there for some reason..anyone got a work around?
Philippa de Hainaut: my opinion on politics: my opinion on politics is that politidcs is extremely good, but sometimes it is bad.
Ludwig IV, Holy Roman Emperor: bigmouth fake priest telling me to “drink a shitload of holy water and kill yourself” as penance? this has happened at three churches now.
Pope Benedict XII: it is with a heavy heart that i must announce that the celebs are at it again.
Jehan III, duc de Bretagne: i just left an enormous pile of vomit behind golds gym for all of you abominable pig clowns to pick at #blackfridaydeals
Robert III d’Artois: (in really quiet, barely audible voice) hope your dick falls of bitch.
Hugues Quiéret: currently employed as Water Guru at the beach. it’s sort of like being a lifeguard except i have no inclination to touch the drowning people.
Geoffroy d’Harcourt: OH im so Fucking sorry “Your Majesty”, i didnt realize that dick rings were banished in this dystopian piss earth. Ur probably a 9gag poster.
Jacob van Artevelde: (in highly rational and cool voice) i have the higher follower count than them. i wiont let them undermine me.
Pope Clement VI: may the wind carry my tweets and soothte the sick, the wounded, the downtrodden of both man & beast, across the savage shit earth of trolls,
Jehanne de Valois, comtesse de Hainaut: startling how im the only person on this site with an actual human soul. you would think the other guys on here have one, but no.
Eudes IV, duc de Bourgogne: myth: making me mad is cool FACT: making me mad is a crap move& people who do it are all sociopathivc criminals with fucked up rotten brains.
Jehan de Montfort: turning my headlights off when driving at night,.. so that my Rivals cannot see me.
Jehanne de Flandre: i just want to find the optimal bra for sniper operations, but everoyne here is so rude, and pieces of shit.
Johann der Blinde of Bohemia: Q: If your post was proven by a counsil of wise men to be racist, or bullshit, would you bar it from the record? A: I do not delete my posts.
Jehanne de Clisson: as far as im concerned the best revenge is ordering wolf piss online & pouring it into soneones car. “living well” is too hard.
Arnaud de Cervole: i will raze every forest and devour each city in blood tribute for the crime of 9/11!! please nbring back blue collar TV
Frank Hennequin: the jduge orders me to take off my anonymous v mask & im wearing the joker makeup underneath it. everyone in the courtroom groans at my shit.
William Montagu, 1st Earl of Salisbury: im at the point in my life where i cant relate to any popular fictional characters unless they use massive amounts of hair gel and steriods.
Antonio Doria: my name is Destyn. i build crossbows and sell weed to all your dads and im 15.
Gautier VI de Brienne: MYTH: my posts are for the Pauper REALITY: my posts are for the Prince.
Étienne Marcel: looked at a newspaper today. looks like we’re getting taxed out the wazoo, with this president. anyone else see this shit? tax out the wazoo.
Edward Montagu, 1st Baron Montagu: girls always love to telling people not to“ Mansplain” but they do not care of, “Man's Pain”
Louis Iᵉʳ, comte de Flandre: 1) i do not owe you mother fuckers a damn thing 2) i will not hear any more questions or comments unless they pertain to MetroPCS, or Pepsi.
Philippe III de Navarre: the crusaders fire ballistas into my throbbing diaper- unlesashing a torrent of mustard yellow shit and poisoning the entire village.
Gaston II, comte de Foix: i am going to plunge a sword into our bed and officially end outr 40 yr marriage if you do not stop yelling while i am recording my stream’s.
Henry de Grosmont, 1st Duke of Lancaster: please help my cousin “Bruno_THought_Leader” who just had his account suspended for threatening to “Fuck” brexit.
Robert Le Coq, Bishop of Laon: i have absolutely zero interest in friendship, i have absolutely zero interest in jokes, i am simply here to collect data and earn respect.
Jehan Iᵉʳ, comte d’Armagnac: the joke is on you fuck face. i actually love getting screamed at and publicly shamed for my dumb-assed bull shit . I love apologizing.
Bardi and Peruzzi families: boy oh boy do i love purchasing large amounnts of Fool’s Gold. wait a minute... fools gold fucking sucks. this stuff is no good..!! Fuck !!!
Jehanne II de Navarre: i regret being tasked the emotional burden of maintaining the final bastion of morality and NIce manners in this endless ocean of human SHIT.
William de Bohun, 1st Earl of Northampton: if you have less than 1000 followers i can guarantee you that me and the boys share your posts in vip chat rooms and call you a "Muthafucka”.
William de la Pole: thinking about getting the dow jones back on track, simply by making a few phonecalls. but certain people have been a bitch to me, so i wont.
Thomas de Beauchamp, 11th Earl of Warwick: shutting computer down until the shitty moods & attitudes can fuck off., if you need me ill be on my other computer, sititng 60° to my right.
Thomas Holland, 1st Earl of Kent: ive heard from a reliable source that people arre putting their lips on to my girl friends avatars and going “muah muah muah.” cut it out.
Raoul II de Brienne, comte d’Eu: hate it when my boss knocks out the front leg of my desk with a baseball bat and funko pop lego shit flies every where.
Karel IV, Holy Roman Emperor: “RESULT You are the Serpant. YOu dislike loud places and people are constantly putting drama in your life. But you’re strong.” This is true.
Charles de Blois-Châtillon: torturing my damn dick with corn cob holders in Penance for the foul tone i took with the subway corporation today.
Jehanne de Penthièvre: i help every body, im not racist, i keep myself nice, and when i ask for a single re-tweet in return i am told to fuck off, fuck myself, etc.
Jacques Iᵉʳ de Bourbon, comte de La Marche: “ah boo hoo hoo i want to post Foul comments to content leaders” Fat Chance, Dimwit. I will annihilate you under bulwark of the Law and God.
John Chandos: DOCTOR: you cant keep doing this to yourself. being The Last True Good Boy online will destroy you. you must stop posting with honor ME: No,
Jehan d’Artos, comte d’Eu: , who had gone missing for 17 years and was presumed dead after failing to return from his ultimate dumpster diving life quest
William Douglas, 1st Earl of Douglas: i get emails. i get emails saying the trolls have won, and that i should bow to them, since i have lost the battle. to this i say FAT-CHANCE.
David II of Scotland: “jail isnt real,” i assure myself as i close my eyes and ram the hallmark gift shop with my shitty bronco.
Charles de La Cerda: i think that turning myself Gay in the summer of 2013 would really impress my overseas investors.
William de Montagu, 2nd Earl of Salisbury: my watch beeps whwich means its time to stand in front of my ex-wife’s house and play “Hit THe Road Jack” while dacning and licking her mail.
Jehan III de Grailly: its fucked up how there are like 1000 christmas songs but only 1 song aboutr the boys being back in town.
Louis II, comte de Flandre: U Have Forced Me To Take Extreme Measures To Protect My Business And My Lifestyle.
Blanche de Navarre: the wise man bowed his head solemnly and spoke ��theres actually zero difference between good & bad things. you imbecile. you fucking moron”
Charles II de Navarre: Sovereign Citizens Getting Owned Compilation
Philippe de Navarre: shooting off automatic rifles making horrible diarrhea shit noises as the recoil makes my tiny dick flop around. hell yeah. thats cool to me.
Charles, Dauphin de Viennois: surprise, dad. while you were witnessing the pennsylvania state lottery i tried on all your work gloves and they looked very handsome on me.
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