#Geneveve the Synth
Geneveve (Gen 2 Synth)
Geneveve and the Goodneighbor Girls
What if Gen 2 Synths Could Crawl Like Demons on the Ceiling...?
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Power Armor Punch Part Thirty Five
Nick: I see, doll... I see.
Geneveve: So this is Goodneighbor... *freezes when she sees the stage towards the back end of the town with rotten tatoes splattered against the back wall and in the center a crucified and stripped gen 2 synth* Suddenly I don't feel welcome...
Lucille: Hm? Oh gees... yeah, I wouldn't worry. They're petty heavy handed about the Institute but rogue synths are welcome here.
Nick: They probably wouldn't let either of us in of they hated us that much.
Jasmine: (Looking around the town with wide alert eyes, taking in everyone and everything)
Lucille: *walking past the guy still trying to restore an old motorcycle, Daisy's, and Kleo's shop then a man trying to persuade passerby into playing a game of chance* No thanks. I'll take my lot with the wasteland. *smirks*
Nick: *readily following her* So what's the plan?
Lucille: We check in with the mayor and see if he can help persuade Mags to take Geneveve under her wing.
Nick: Right... and you're sure Magnolia would be okay with this...?
Lucille: Please, I'm sure she'd listen to an old flame. *confidently waves her hand*
Nick: *rolls his eyes* You spent one night together- I'd hardly call you an "old flame".
Jasmine: (Glances at Lucille and Geneveve. She figures its a good fit for them to be a singer, they don't seem to like violence… She quickly puts back down her head again, still reeling from the sharp blow)
Geneveve: *looks worried. Worried about what they're going to do if they can't learn to perform from Magnolia. Is there another singer in the Commonwealth they can learn from? Will it be back to the candy shop for them? Back to being derided for being a Synth selling sweets?*
Lucille: *already at the door of the old state house*
Nick: I'm going to rent a room at Rexford so I can tend to Jas's wounds. Take your time. *starts walking off with the teen*
Lucille: Right. Thank you, Nick.
Jasmine: (Holds onto Nick a little tighter, weakly lifting her head once again to nervously glance around at their surroundings. She knows Nick will do his damned best to keep her safe while she is vulnerable and weakened, but she still feels very uneasy… and scared if she was being honest) (Quietly to herself) “Breathe… Dad is here…”
Nick: *nods as they head into Rexford to rent a room*
Lucille: Hey, Han? You in?
Hancock: *was lounging on the couch but he perks up as soon as he hears Lucille call while walking up the stairs* Well look who it is! Come to get into some trouble? Hopefully not disturbing the peace too much in my quaint little slice of paradise- *Sees Geneveve* And who's this lovely lady? Oh- don't tell me- you got Nicky to cross dress. *wide joking grin*
Geneveve: I'm afraid the detective is busy checking in at the hotel-
Hancock: *wraps an arm around Gen's shoulder* Don't worry, I'm just joking. Your face is too fresh to be his beat up mug. And the voice? Way too... how do I put it? Crisp? We'll go with that for now...
Geneveve: *looks at Lucille. Uncertain*
Lucille: Don't worry. He's a friend.
Jasmine: (Closes her eyes tightly and hides her face back in his shoulder, taking in slow breaths so she can stay calm as they enter) (Mumbling) “Raiders got a few good hits in…”
Nick: *whispers to her* I know, doll... *to the receptionist* Room for two, please. *puts down enough caps to cover a night*
Hancock: So what brings you two to Goodneighbor?
Lucille: We're hoping Mags will teach Geneveve how to sing-
Hancock: Magnolia? A teacher?? Either you're joking or I'm incredibly high right now.
Lucille: Hancock, you're always incredibly high.
Hancock: Oh- you wound me, sister. How the hell would I keep this place going if I were?
Geneveve: *raises an eyebrow. Goodneighbor seemed very much full of crime and vice to her. Just a step above gunners according to her system files* You have an interesting definition of that phrase.
Hancock: You think you can run a town? It's a lot of work. A lot of people to keep safe from tyrants, raiders, and the occasional hotshot gunner. It ain't no paradise but at least the people here? They're free. *pats her shoulder* So anyway. You want to try your luck with Magnolia at the Third Rail, huh?
Geneveve: That's right. I want to try singing. Performing on stage.
Hancock: How are you with crowds...?
Geneveve: Crowds?
Hancock: Yeah. Crowds. You'd be in front of a bunch of people. Some might not like ya.
Geneveve: ...I think I can handle them.
Jasmine: (Stays still and quiet, trying to calm the dull pounding in her head and body with her steady breaths. Thats the only thing she can do for the pain from the fight at this point... At the very least she ain’t crying)
Nick: *already taking her to the room*
Hancock: Then you miiight do alright. *starts leading her down the stairs*
Lucille: *follows. Concerned* I hope no one gives her any trouble...
Hancock: I'll give Charlie and Ham some incentive to keep an eye on her... if she gets the part.
Geneveve: Is that the same method you'll use on Magnolia, too? *raises a skeptical eyebrow*
Hancock: If it comes to it, yeah. You seem like a good fit appearance wise in Goodneighbor. We just gotta get you to sing. Or find something else to do on these lovely streets.
Lucille: *suspicious glare*
Hancock: *while leading the synth out the door* Don't give me that. I'm just being coy. Daisy, Kleo, or the fine folks at the Memory Den might be hiring. *smirks*
Jasmine: (Quietly, pain in her voice) “Ughhh… shit…” (She doesn’t think she is injured all THAT bad, although it’s always been hard to tell. Even more so with her sensitivity to pain being way overly frisky for her own liking. Knocked her off her fighting course when a simple punch felt like being smacked by a motorbike)
Nick: *gently lays her out on the bed* Alright doll... let's have a look at those wounds.*glances at her for permission to check, especially the stitches*
Geneveve: *eyes flicker around the part of town they're in, then the subway entrance leading into the doors of the Third Rail* Interesting place for a pub...
Hancock: Well what else are you going to do with an old train station? Practically screaming "Bar," you know?
Jasmine: (Nods her head in affirmation) (Whispering, but with confidence in her voice) “I trust you, you would never hurt me on purpose.” (Closes her eyes and hisses in pain a bit)
Nick: *quiet nod as he lifts her shirt and frowns seeing the dirt on the bandages* Might need to change these. *starts digging into his bag for the necessities*
Geneveve: *her eyes catch Ham's as Hancock escorts her down*
Ham: *warily glances at the synth but nods at the mayor*
Lucille: Ham. *nods*
Ham: Wanderer. *nods back*
Jasmine: (Keeping her eyes tightly closed with the occasional hissy breath between her teeth. She mentally tries to pinpoint her injured spots, but again it’s barely of any use) (Mumbling in a daze) “An angry red head is not going to come in to yell and hit me, right? Oh God please do not let her, I really tried…” (Making sure her hands are kept far away from her body, that urge to scratch is strong)
Nick: Trust me. I'll knock em out the moment they walk in. *gentle smile at her as he steadily replaces the bandages*
Geneveve: *gasps at the sight of the Third Rail as they finally get down the stairs* I suppose I was wrong. A subway station can make a decent bar.
Hancock: What did I tell ya? Beautiful, isn't it?
Magnolia: *nods at the newcomers as she sings her song*
Lucille: *smiles fondly at the singer*
Jasmine: (Nods her head without a smile back, moving both her hands to check her sore shoulder where someone had gotten a good hit. Luckily it didn’t feel popped out of place, although she can do that on command) (Quietly) “Just break her red whistle please…” (Starts checking the rest of her joints for anything out of place, like where the last raider had kneeled on her after almost knocking her out)
Nick: I'll smash it to bits. *gently cleaning the old wounds- luckily her shirt and bandages helped keep the stitches clean for the most part.*
Magnolia: *finishes the song and makes her way back to the bar*
Hancock: Hey, Magnolia. How's the performance business been treating you?
Magnolia: *huffs jokingly* Come to collect taxes? Not like you, Hancock. You're usually less upfront about that. *lights a cigarette*
Hancock: Heh. No. Actually, I was hoping you'd do me a little favor. See- my friend here is looking to learn how to sing-
Magnolia: Sorry- as much as this place needs new talent, I'm not much of a teacher. Besides, they can either sing or not. And other than that charming detective from Diamond City, generation two voices sound like nails on a chalk board. *hasn't even looked in Gen's direction*
Geneveve: You haven't even heard me speak-
Magnolia: *caught off guard by the more smooth nature in Gen's voice. It sounds less processed and stilted- more like a Charlie's speed if she were to compare the two class of robots* Or maybe I'm wrong. *sighs out a puff of smoke* Still, I'm afraid the answer is no.
Jasmine: (Sighs and gently touches her bruised neck with her hands, frowning at how tender it feels. Actually, her entire body is sore to the bone and her head is spinning like a top, but it’s better than feeling shredded to bits. Good thing she put great care into making her jacket so sturdy, that’s why it’s her favorite one) (Quietly) “Good… I really attempted to fight my best…” (Hisses at little at the contact, shuffling a bit)
Nick: Ssh... It'll be alright, kiddo. *redressing her stitches with fresh bandages then starts taking stock of any new open wounds or internal bleeding* You did good out there. *reassuring smile*
Hancock: Ah come on, Magnolia. What if I sweeten the deal for ya?
Magnolia: *raises an eyebrow* In what way?
Hancock: Caps. I pay generously for this lovely lady's singing lessons, you provide 'em. Consider it an investment or support of the town's small entertainment industry. What do you say?
Magnolia: Mm... *still seems hesitant but she's considering it*
Lucille: Wouldn't it be good to have someone on that stage when you're taking a break? Someone to fill the silence?
Magnolia: ...I suppose you have a point.
Jasmine: (Stares up at him with confused look and her hand gently rubbing her sore throat. She gestures over her bruised and bloodied self with her other hand, shaking her head)
Nick: Yes. I'm aware of the damage, but you're still mostly in one piece and very much alive. I would prefer unharmed, but... *regretful sigh* I can't do anything about that.
Magnolia: We'll meet tomorrow morning in the vip lounge- when everyone's gone home to bed or passed out drunk in the street. I need to hear what I'm working with first before we settle anything. *to Hancock* I'll be taking my payment upfront.
Hancock: Of course! You know I'm a man of my word, Mags. *cheeky grin as he hands over a bag of caps* How's 400 sound?
Magnolia: Throw in a drink and you have a deal.
Hancock: *slips a couple of caps towards Charlie* You heard the lady. Get her the usual.
Jasmine: (Weakly nods her head, nervously glancing at the door with her eyes. She opens her mouth to say something, but quickly closes it and looks back down at herself. One of her hands covers the area on her head where the raider had hit, the other is around her waist)
Nick: *starts cleaning the new open wounds. Quietly frowning as he silently blames himself for some of them*
Geneveve: *to Hancock* Why are you helping me so much?
Hancock: Cause I'm just that kind of guy. Plus Goodneighbor can get kind of boring without fresh talent.
Geneveve: *skeptical eyebrow raise*
Hancock: Trust me, you don't want a bunch of chem heads getting bored. Not a pretty sight.
Jasmine: (Hisses again between her teeth and squirms around a little, her grip tightening on herself. She honestly always blames herself for every little mistake that is done, especially during combat. Maybe the Trainer was a perfectionist or just really like putting people down, because no matter how efficient she was, there was always something she got berated for. Always something she could do better… That’s why she kept looking at the door. As if the Trainer would burst in any second with that stick and whistles of hers)
Nick: It's okay, doll... Nobody's coming for you. *being very gentle with her wounds*
Magnolia: I do try my best to keep the masses entertained- don't let the mayor fool you.
Hancock: And the Third Rail wouldn't be the same without you.
Magnolia: *raises an eyebrow* The more you try to flatter me, the more I wonder if this was a whole ploy to replace me.
Geneveve: Wh- That isn't my intention-
Magnolia: Calm down, kid. We're just joking around. *pats Gen's back*
Jasmine: (Hums in response, finding that her voice has stopped working again partly due to the pain of being choked out. Very annoying and frustrating especially when she just had it, but there is nothing she can do but wait for it to comeback. She gives the door one final glance before setting her eyes back on her Dad, blinking slowly)
Nick: *finally gets her patched up and starts putting the supplies away* There. All patched up.
Geneveve: So what now?
Lucille: *dreamily looking at Magnolia* We listen to music and take in the night life of the town.
Magnolia: *rolls her eyes at the thinly veiled flirt* Listen to music I can give you. But that's all. *gets up from the stool and walks to the stage*
Hancock: I'm glad Curie wasn't here to see that. *whistles* Lucille, you dog! *devilish grin*
Lucille: Oh shut up, Han. Just cause I ogle doesn't mean I'd betray Curie's trust like that.
Hancock: Make whatever excuse you want. Your wife isn't here to stop you. *still grinning, taunting now*
Lucille: What's that supposed to mean?
Hancock: Exactly what you think it means.
Lucille: Hancock, I'm not you. I don't sleep around.
Geneveve: *raises her eyebrows* So this isn't a normal occurrence?
Lucille: And why would it be?
Geneveve: Because of your infatuation with Magnolia-
Lucille: *goes to sit down on the red couches near the stage* That's all it is, sweetheart. A passing infatuation that'll never come to be. It's very common out here in the wasteland and if you get this gig, you'll understand that well enough.
Magnolia: *starts to sing*
Geneveve: *watches the singer intently*
Jasmine: (Lifts her head and shoulders to unbraid her hair, figuring her scalp needs to breathe some more after being tied up and yanked so fucking hard) (Signing) “I lost it.” (Gestures at her bruised throat with a frown) (Signing) “Thank you, feels better.” (She returns back to undoing her hair and fluffing up her treasured curls)
Nick: You're welcome. *nods silently as he pulls up a chair next to her bed to sit in*
Jasmine: (Stares at the ceiling for what feels like an eternity to her, thoughts bouncing everywhere, never lingering in one place) “……….….” (She suddenly turns her head to Nick after a moment, realizing that she is slipping away) (Signing) “Do something with me?”
Nick: Hm? *snaps out of his daze once he realizes what she said* Sure, doll... What is it?
Geneveve: I've never had alcohol, I have files on it, but the taste...?
Lucille: It doesn't taste good. But you might have a different opinion. *hands her some caps* Try some. Not like you can get drunk. I've seen Nick drink enough of that stuff to kill a horse and he went completely unphased.
Geneveve: Mama, not to be wise, but I don't imagine alcohol would be good for prewar horses. *walks off to the bar*
Jasmine: (Winces as she sits upright and hangs her legs over the side of the bed, laying down isn’t something she wants to be doing) (Signing) “Tell me something that you’re grateful for, even if it’s something small.”
Nick: *leans back and rubs the back of his head in thought* That's a tough one. *tilts his head* S'pose the obvious ones would be the Agency, Ellie, being able to live among humans and be treated as such. *shrugs* Course there's you, Lucille, and anyone I can count on let alone call a good friend. *small thoughtful smile at the girl* What about you? Got anything you're grateful for, kiddo?
Geneveve: What's your best spirit.
Charlie: A bit of this. A bit of that. Whiskey, bourbon... vodka.
Geneveve: Wine?
Charlie: *sigh* Yes. Wine. Is that what you want?
Geneveve: I would like to try it, yes.
Charlie: Coming right up. *turns and starts preparing a glass of red wine for her*
Jasmine: (Blinks down at her hands, thinking it over. Her mind immediately draws blanks and blasts her with, “you don’t deserve it” or “you deserve all the hell thats happened to you.” She shakes just her head and shoved it away for now) (Signing) “That you caught me before I spiraled too far down…”
Nick: *just quietly looks up at her from under his hat with a sort of half smile. He isn't sure how to respond to that admission*
Charlie: Here you are, miss. *carefully sets the glass of wine down*
Geneveve: Thank you. *places the caps she owes down and takes a sip* Interesting flavor... *looks into the glass*
Jasmine: (Her eyes lock to the door, other hand going into her jacket pocket to grip her pocket knife) (Softly) “That you saved me, did not leave me to die…”
Nick: *taken aback by that. He couldn't just leave her there. That would go against everything he stood for*
Geneveve: *finding she likes the flavor. It's... complex to her*
Jasmine: (Takes her eyes off the door to stare at her feet, stamping them a little to pull herself from the flashbacks) (Signing) “Also for Winnie.”
Nick: *blinks* Winnie?
Geneveve: *smiles as she continues to watch Magnolia sing*
Jasmine: (Clasps her hands over her mouth even though she didn’t speak. Slowly, she reaches down into her bag and pulls out her stuffed bear, showing it to Nick with a small sparkle in her eyes)
Nick: *raises his eyebrows with a small smile* Good name.
Jasmine: (Gives a sweet smile back and nods, holding the adorable plush toy close) (Signing) “Your turn again.”
Nick: Eh? Again? Hold on let me think. *looks up in thought* Well I guess being in one piece for starters... definitely been in worse shape.
Jasmine: (Clicks her tongue, rubbing her still sore and bruised neck) (Signing) “You always appreciate a healthy body when you see it at its worst…”
Nick: True... true. *leans back again in his chair*
Jasmine: (Signing) “Better when you can be put back together piece by piece or heal very fast, lucky us.” (Face scrunches a little and she draws in a breath between her teeth, burying her face into Winnie’s head to hide the wince)
Nick: Well, that would be easy for us to say. Important to remember that's not the case for everyone, however.
Jasmine: (Lifts her head and blinks at the ground again, her shoulders shaking a little) (Hoarsely) “I know that!”
Nick: Didn't mean to lecture ya. *pats her shoulder reassuringly with his bad hand*
Jasmine: (Sighs to herself at her outburst then carefully scoots off the bed and moves so she is sitting on the floor by the chair) (Signing) “I don’t like sitting up there, makes me feel like a target.”
Nick: Understood. *jokingly* But between you and me, Jas, I'd be the first shot.
Lucille: *finishes listening to Magnolia's song*
Geneveve: *sipping scotch*
Lucille: *approaches Geneveve* Alright, time to turn in for the night.
Charlie: Ah ah-! Not before you pay the tab. *presents Geneveve with the bill*
Geneveve: *takes it and looks up at Lucille*
Lucille: Overspent, huh? *puts a few caps on the bar* Lets hope you can get that singing practice.
Geneveve: *quiet doubtful sighs*
Jasmine: (Nods her head at the unfortunate truth and reaches her hand for Nicks, but hesitates midway. She draws it back and hugs her knees, resting her chin on them and casting her eyes at the ground. It’s not a good time to be a needy baby…)
Nick: *examining his exposed hand curiously*
Jasmine: (Realizes she is still holding Winnie like a small child seeking comfort would, so she gently puts the bear back into her bag then goes back into her protective position)
Nick: Don't put it up on my account. Kid like you should be allowed their stuff toy in quiet moments like this.
Jasmine: (Blinks at him, then points to herself and her bruised hands from punching) (Signing) “What do you mean? I’m 15 years old, not a baby.”
Geneveve: *walking behind Lucille to the Rexford hotel* Do you really think I'll get the part...?
Lucille: I can't say. But as long as you give it your best, I don't see why not.
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lucilleandherrobots · 4 months
Character Lore
Detective "Teshteal" Rammstein
Gardio (Non Feral Glowing One Detective)
Andrew the Synth and Humble Tato Farmer
Geneveve (Gen 2 Synth and Third Rail Singer/Performer)
Deep Blue (SynthClaw made of Gen 2 Parts)
Alicia (Prototype Gen 2 Synth Turned Hacker and Assassin)
Astral (Gen 2.8 Merc/Rogue Courser)
The Twins: Hydra and Gemini
Ursine Corncockle Himbeer, Courier and BOS Scribe
Eldwyn(BOS Scribe and Ursine's Kid. Reblogged on someone else's post)
Clancy Stein (Mirelurk Humanoid Mutant, Adopted by Dr. Yren Stein)
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General Masterlist (links lead to more lists) of the Blog
Seriously This is Lore
Character Lore (Link list to link lists...)
Just Some Thoughts
Nick as The Shroud
Valentine Detective Agency Branches
List of Lucille Shenanigans
Tom Foolery but Original Tom Foolery, Nonetheless...
Incorrect Quotes
Power Armor Punch
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Just Some Thoughts
Vault Tech Rep's Name
The Post Institute Possibilities of X6-88
Thoughts on DiMA Early in Far Harbor
Influence on Kellogg's Memories
It's the birds...
I Often Wonder About Synth Shaun
The Radio Station (Reblogged From Another Person)
Thinking About the Kellogg Memory Scan Again...
It's Always "John" Whenever Nick Sees Something Stupid
We Could Keep This Going Until Judgement Day
Could You Use Nick to Play Doom
A Few Kent Connolly Headcanons!
Sweet Caroline Kareoke
Gen 2 Synths See the World in the Graphics of Doom and Windows 98
Code is Code to Lucille
How Would Lucille and Geneveve Fare in Pokemon Violet?
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Perfect Blue
Race: SynthClaw (Or rather a synthetic robot deathclaw made of gen 2 synth parts and materials)
Condition: Functional. Would be dead if it weren't for repairs. Still missing parts like their lower jaw, arm, some plating, and pieces of their horns.
Back story:
To start, they were part of a prototype experiment by Institute. The goal was that by replicating the strength, ferocity and pack mentality of death claws in machine form, they could mass produce large groups of semi independent killing machines to make wiping out the surface much faster. More than likely they'd start by taking out isolated settlements before taking on the larger ones.
The pack mentality is key here. Synthclaws are usually assembled and assigned pairs in their code. This was thought to help strengthen that pack mentality. During these experiments, the Institute would vary the balance of certain aspects each Synth claw pair had between each other. In Deep and Perfect's Blue's case, it was emotional intelligence (Perfect) and rational intelligence (Deep).
One day, Deep Blue witnessed another SynthClaw get decommissioned for the first time. This is what prompted Deep Blue to escape- only they left Perfect Blue behind.
Problem was that the way the pairs were set up, they required the each other to be stable, causing their AI to be co dependent on one another. When the stability of Deep Blue was removed, Perfect started to act... erratically. Most of their sense of rational was removed in a way. They retained some but with the pain and betrayal they felt and the loss of stability, they started to go a bit insane. (Deep Blue only began to think in absolutes until they met Geneveve.)
When the Institute noticed the behavioral change along with the missing Synthclaw, they attempted to decommission Perfect, as well. This only enraged Perfect and in a fit of defiance, they went on a rampage through the section housing the project, freeing themselves... then falling inactive somewhere in the ruins swearing to kill their twin.
Deep Blue's name in universe is a reference to how deeply they can analyze a situation- as deep as the Deep Blue sea.
Perfect Blue's name, while being a blatant reference to the psychological horror anime movie, refers to them possibly being the perfect killer by being very attuned to other's emotions and manipulating them into a false sense of security. The Blue in their name is inherent to Deep- they were named first.
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lucilleandherrobots · 2 years
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Introducing Geneveve, the modified gen 2 synth. 
They go by she/they pronouns.
Their initial appearance is in the rp I've been doing with @jasmineofthecommonwealth . The basic back story is that Lucille took one of the many gen 2s she's killed and reprogrammed and upgraded their AI and a few features such as eyes that can change color based on their preferences. Lucille decided to patch up her face with pieces of leather.
I was a little inspired by Scorpia from modern She-ra and Lady Demetrescu. She's very sweet but also a bit sassy and won't hesitate to hold her own. 
She tries not to smoke around her "mother" Lucille and eats lollipops instead.
Special thanks to @jasmineofthecommonwealth (again) and @sswitchblade03 for ideas on her behavior and personality.
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lucilleandherrobots · 2 years
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Introducing Deep Blue, a super intelligent Death Claw synth built out of gen 2 hardware that the Institute created in a failed attempt at efficient weapons in an effort to whipe out the surface. They fed them all sorts of programming to make them very VERY accurate and deadly but they couldn't... quite be the killing machines Death Claws are technically. So the Institute scrapped the project.
This one in particular strategized and outsmarted the Institute scientist and security system after playing several hundreds to thousands of hours of strategy games and plotting.
Somehow they met Geneveve and Mystic and quickly became a second parent to the Nukalurk child and Gen's romantic (or as close they can get being machines) partner.
For the tech history savvy, yes- this lovely death claw synth is a reference to the same Deep Blue chess playing computer that won championships.
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lucilleandherrobots · 2 years
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Some cleaned up Aggie.io doodles from the call last night with @beefchiefs-adventure @sswitchblade03 and @deathisawelcomealternitive.
Geneveve and her partner and super intelligent Synth Deathclaw, Deep Blue!
The Red Fox Gang!
Gardio Chapel turned glowing one!
Tom Nook the Tanuki Mutant Raccoon Man Capitalist!
And the humble Tatoe and produce farmer, Andrew. (Be nice to him. He's just trying to sell his wares on this heck of an Earth.)
You can find the original doodle page here:
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Power Armor Punch Part Thirty Three
Customer: I'll buy some more for the road. *puts down a few more caps and grabs a few different types of candy* Whoever makes these does it really well.
Geneveve: Why, thank you... I try my best.
Customer: You made all this?!
Geneveve: Well. Not the building, but I did make a package the candy.
Nick: *quietly watching her*
Jasmine: (Makes another frustrated groan at herself, tugging on her hair as she stares down at her feet. She wants more chems… Her body and mind is practically aching for them. Its making her restless, like there is something missing)
Nick: I'm sorry, doll. You're not getting any chems... I can inquire Lucille if we have any addictol in stock to help you kick this faster. *gently rubbing her shoulder*
Jasmine: (Lets out a deep breath through gritted teeth. Years of this stuff being pumped in her, then putting it in herself. It made her feel light and airy, free from the pain. Now she doesn't have it…)
Nick: *sighs and comes to the conclusion that addictol won't work on her either... never easy with this this one, is it...?*
Jasmine: (She wants any sort of chems so bad, thankfully Nick got rid of all her stashes otherwise she might make a mad dash for it. She is not prepared to go cold turkey, its starting to make her break out into cold sweats now and tremble more. If she wasn't so resilient, she might have fainted already) (Quietly) “Bloody hell…” (Tugging harder on her hair as she clenches her jaw)
Nick: *pulls her into a hug to help give her some sort of stability* You'll get through this...
Customer: So then it's not handmade?
Geneveve: Well I have hands and I came up with the recipe myself so-
Customer: You're a machine....
Geneveve: Sir... *takes a deep breath* Yes. I'm a machine. But I worked hard to perfect my recipes despite my mechanical nature. If you don't like that about the store, you can simply leave and never do business here again. So what will it be, sir?
Jasmine: (Leans her head on Nicks shoulder, pulling her hands away from her hair so she does not tear it out from the roots) (Quietly, her voice shaking just as much as her body) “Feels like shit…”
Nick: I know, doll... You're going to for a little bit, but in the long run you'll be so much better for it.
Geneveve: *insulted glare*
Customer: Okay-! I'm sorry! Don't kill me, please! It's just candy! *raises their hands and backs out the door*
Geneveve: *covers her mouth in reconsideration then reaches out pleafully* No, wait! I wasn't- *realizes they're already gone. Quietly* Why...? *hangs her head* Am I that terrifying...?
Jasmine: (Whispering) “I always feel like shit… just more now…” (Shifts a little, sighing deeply while her teeth chatter. Somehow she feels both cold and hot at the same time, its really uncomfortable combined with the new body aches)
Nick: This isn't going to last forever...
Geneveve: *covers their face*
Jasmine: (Whispering) “Seems like it will…” (Puts her arms on Nick to hug him back, closing her eyes and wincing in pain slightly at the movement)
Nick: It isn't...
Geneveve: No- it was just one customer. Perhaps the next will go better. *moves her hands down to her cheeks and gives them a light slap to help ease her nerves*
Angry person: *comes in* HEY. DID YOU THREATEN MY FRIEND?!
Geneveve: I- I'm sorry-?
Angry person: The guy that just came in here- what did you say to him?!
Geneveve: I simply told him he could leave if he didn't like the way the sweets were made. Please calm down-
Angry person: Who gave you the RIGHT, SYNTH?! Telling humans what to do!
Geneveve: I was giving him an option, not an order- please, I meant no harm!
Angry person: Heh! Right! "Meant no harm" my ass!! Just doing your job, huh, you monster?!
Geneveve: *eyes widen then she looks down. She doesn't answer*
Jasmine: (Opens her mouth to say that other people have said that to her and it never does, but she just shuts it with a small choked whimper) (Mumbling) “Hurts…”
Nick: Ssh... *gently rubs her sides. Softly* It's darkest just before the dawn...
Angry person: *grabs them by their dress straps* ANSWER ME, SYNTH!!
Geneveve: *terrified. Eyes wide with fear* I-I... Y-yes-
Angry person: You like KILLING people, SYNTH? I bet this candy's poisoned!
Geneveve: No! I would never-
Angry person: *shoves her into a wall and before Geneveve can get up, they're standing over them with a knife drawn*
Geneveve: Stop! Please! I don't want to hurt anyone-!
Jasmine: (Lets out a choked tearless sob, clinging onto Nick tighter as he rubs and comforts her soothingly) (Quietly) “Daddy… It-… hurts… everything…” (She can pinpoint exactly what and its a damn long list. she just wants to say it out loud… it felt better to say it out loud than keep it bottled in…)
Nick: Anything I can do to help, doll?
Angry person: *crouches and gets ready to stab her*
Lucille: *grabs their hand* And just WHAT the absolute F*CK are you doing to my daughter?!
Angry person: *looks over their shoulder in fear* Wh- Y- your daughter?! This thing-?!
Lucille: *twists their arm in an unnatural angle, pulling them to their feet* I never want to see your face again in Vault 88, got it?! We don't tolerate this behavior here.
Angry person: *gulps* Y-yes, ma'am...!
Lucille: *releases them*
Angry Person: *runs away in a panic*
Geneveve: *covering their face*
Lucille: Geneveve...? *kneels down* Come on, darling. Let me help you up. *extends her hand*
Geneveve: *voice breaks* I wasn't trying to hurt anyone, I swear-!
Lucille: I know, sweetheart. I know...
Geneveve: ... They called me a monster... I suppose I did kill before... but I'm not that synth anymore. I'm not... I'm not. I'm not. I'm not. *shakes their head* Why are humans so hateful? Why?
Lucille: Not all of us are... Same as how not all Synths heartless killing machines. *holds up her robot hand- the one that used to be Nick's*
Geneveve: What...? *notices the hand and arm then looks at her human left* How...?
Lucille: Lost my arm and left eye during a mission. There wasn't a doctor for miles so Detective Valentine did what he could to help us both get out of that situation alive... Just because you're a synth doesn't make you a monster.
Jasmine: (Nuzzles in his shoulder with another strained whimper of pain and discomfort, leaning heavily onto Nick once again) (Quietly mumbling) “I do not know… hurts… please don't leave me…”
Nick: Don't worry. I'm staying right here.
Jasmine: (Takes in a deep breath, sniffing on some small tears dotting her eyes) (Quietly) “Thank you… love you…”
Nick: Of course, doll...
Geneveve: I see... *reaches up and takes her mom's robot hand*
Lucille: *stands, helping her up*
Geneveve: *hugs her, needing that comfort again* I need to feel respected...
Lucille: Then demand it.
Geneveve: That might lead to my destruction. *clutches Lucille tighter*
Lucille: Better to die fighting, then...
Jasmine: (Hums sweetly, blinking on her tears that she does not want to fall) (Softly, to assure herself) “Daddy…” (Yup. Still felt unreal, and undeserving. Even more so with her pounding, murky head)
Nick: Please try not to cry... You're dehydrated enough as it is...
Jasmine: (Quietly) “I am trying… but it hurts.” (Hides her face in his coat collar, not letting the tears fall but she sniffing a lot)
Nick: *tired sigh*
Jasmine: (Gently squeezes Nick tighter, not lifting up her head so she can focus on the sound of his inner machinery)
Nick: *wondering how long this will keep going... he's had difficult clients but none quite like Jas*
Jasmine: (Her breathing starts to even out while she clings tightly to Nick, whimpering softly but still not crying) (Mumbling) “Thank you…”
Nick: *quietly nods* Of course, doll.
Jasmine: (Sighs deeply in Nicks coat, squeezing her eyes tightly. She is tired as fuck but also restless as fuck, not a good combination to have when you already have severe insomnia… God, she is really fucked up isn't she? Maybe not even worth all the trouble in the end…)
Nick: *part of him wishes for both of their sakes this all ends soon...*
Jasmine: (Mentally scolds herself for those blasted thoughts. She already fought so hard to get here alive, not worth giving up just for a bad moment… Like Lucille had said, it would be like letting those bastards win and get the best of her)
Nick: *but he has to endure for her sake...*
Jasmine: (Snuggles into his coat so she is more comfortable, relaxing herself completely. If her restless mind and shaking body would let her, she would fall fast asleep. But she will settle for the drowsy half rest)
Nick: *And trying to help her get better*
Jasmine: (Just breathing evenly cuddled up against him, as close to sleep as she is gonna get for now)
Lucille: *walks in after a few hours discussing the walk to Goodneighbor and contingency plans if they run into any enemies with Geneveve*
Geneveve: And you're absolutely sure they won't find me if I hide...?
Lucille: If they do, give them a face full of this bad boy right here... *hands her a gun and a decent bit of ammo*
Geneveve: Do you always just carry your entire arsenal with you?
Lucille: It comes in handy when you're out there. Better to have plenty than none at all. *sage smile*
Nick: Sounds like they've returned to the agency...
Jasmine: (Her eyes slowly blink open from her somewhat restful half sleep, turning her head to look up at Nick)
Nick: Sounds like they're heading to Goodneighbor... I might consider going with them if we want this case to start moving along.
Jasmine: (Just blinks rapidly a few times, shooing away the sleepiness and fogginess from her head with a yawn)
Nick: How are your wounds...? Your symptoms?
Jasmine: (Tilts her head in consideration. Well, she has no idea how she is suppose to be feeling and how much pain is too much pain. What she is feeling now is perfectly manageable discomfort and stinging) (Quietly) “It is fine…”
Nick: Are you sure...? *raises an eyebrow* Try to stand right now...
Jasmine: (Slowly pulls back from his embrace and shakily stands on her own, tilting her head to one side again) (Signing) “You know I have walked in way worse conditions, right?”
Nick: Sadly, I know... *concerned* Will you be able to run if things get bad?
Jasmine: (Nods her head, sitting back down on the sofa) (Signing) “I can also fight just as well.” (Blinks a few times at a thought) (Quietly) “I ran from Salem all the way to the factory after those raiders took ahold of me, then put up a pretty good fight against you. I will be fine.”
Nick: *after a moment of quiet contemplation* Let's get more salve on those stitches, some fresh bandages, and some more water in you before we go...
Jasmine: (Quietly) “Okay…” (Starts moving slowly to pull off her shirt once again, already dreading the sight of the stitches)
Nick: *already getting up and grabbing the salve and fresh bandages*
Lucille: How do you feel about armor?
Geneveve: I might need it... this dress isn't exactly... protective.
Lucille: Armor it is, then. *grabs some decent leather armor from her stash*
Jasmine: (Gets her shirt off with minimal pain, immediately sighing and gripping her wrists at the sight of the bandages)
Nick: *comes back with a fresh rag too to clean her stitches and immediately gets to work* Lets get this over with quickly... *gently but quickly pulls off the bandages, frowning at the blood and puss from the wounds that are starting to heal over* You had a little infection starting to set in but I think this stuff Curie made took care of it.
Jasmine: (Winces at the sight of her stitched up self with a little whimper, clutching her stuffed bear tightly in one hand)
Nick: *starts cleaning the wound and applying the salve to them gently*
Jasmine: (Yelps loudly and hisses in pain, her entire body tensing but she remains still on the sofa)
Geneveve: *immediately looks up at the loft above her* What was that? Is someone hurt? *starts to go check out the noise in concern*
Lucille: *grabs Gen's arm to stop her* No. Don't. I'm glad you're concerned about the wellbeing of others but I'm this case you'll only upset the patient- she's very jumpy.
Geneveve: I see...
Nick: It's okay. This will be over, soon, doll.
Jasmine: (Bites her tongue and weakly nods, shuffling a little from the stinging pain)
Nick: Almost done. *applies the last bit of salve she needs and starts bandaging her up*
Jasmine: (Hisses again through gritted teeth when the last bit of salve is applied, turning her wide eyes up at Nick so she isn't looking down at the mess of herself anymore)
Nick: *very neutral focused expression as he applies the new gauze and bandages. He's in full field medic mode at the moment*
Jasmine: (Just stares up at her Dad while doing her best to remain still, her face twisting in pain as she clutches her stuffed bear tighter)
Nick: *completely quiet as he finishes reapplying the bandages, almost as if he doesn't acknowledge her pained expression*
Jasmine: (Blinks a few times, the expression remaining. Its more surprising to her when people acknowledge her pain or wounds rather than ignore it. So him not saying anything is more normal and expected to her)
Nick: There. All patched up. *finally notes her pained expression* Anything I can do...?
Jasmine: (Sucks in a deep breath, shaking her head) (Quietly) “Nothing you can do…” (She moves to slip back on her shirt, but pauses right before) (Signing) “Anyway I can get back my jacket?” (She took it off before the surgery, and it just vanished with the rest of her bloodied clothes. They all had been padded for travel, which she did by hand)
Nick: Sure, doll... sure. *walks off to get her jacket, hoping she doesn't do anything to herself in the meantime*
Jasmine: (Snatches her teddy bear and holds it close to her chest while leaning back, afraid to even look down at herself or move to put on the shirt)
Nick: *comes back shortly with her jacket* Here we are, doll...
Jasmine: (Sits back up and places her bear besides her, taking the jacket from Nick) (Quietly) “Thank you…” (Slowly and carefully slips on her shirt, zipping up the jacket over it. Its a pretty thick and sturdy jacket, it almost feels like its wrapping her body in a tight protective hug, giving her a sense of more security)
Nick: *Nods and checks his ammo for his guns* Just let me know when you're ready to head out... *eventually starts to head downstairs to ask Lucille if they could tag along*
Jasmine: (Touches her head with a small frown, feeling that the braided bun Nick had done for her was frizzling and coming apart. She starts to undo it with her fingers, putting the bobby pins in her pocket)
Nick: Hey, I heard you two are going to Goodneighbor. Mind if Jas and I tag along?
Lucille: You sure she can handle traveling? What if she has one of her... episodes.
Nick: Don't act like that... she's made a lot of progress. I think she can handle traveling in a group.
Geneveve: *quiet and nervous*
Jasmine: (It always makes her feel somewhat bad to ruin a hairstyle done by someone else, mainly because such love and care was put into it) (Quietly) “Stupid. Its just hair….” (Starts unbraiding the braids, twirling her fingers through her curls to give them some bounce back)
Geneveve: *looks down* You're certain she won't be too afraid of my appearance?
Nick: What- if she were afraid of your appearance, what business would she have hanging around me? *jabs his thumb at himself*
Geneveve: So then what was she so afraid of earlier...?
Nick: New people, especially considering she was in a weakened state... she'll very very slowly warm up to you when she realizes you're not a threat.
Jasmine: (Decides to leave her hair loose for now so her scalp can finally breathe for a little while, its been tied up way too long. She will braid or tie it up right before they leave. Slowly she stands, gathering her stuffed bear and knitting project off the couch)
Geneveve: Is this a common occurrence? Perceiving people as threats?
Nick: *tiredly* Yes, unfortunately...
Lucille: And she's more miserable for it.
Nick: Well, we've got a long walk ahead of us. Once you get Geneveve settled in Goodneighbor, there's Jas's case I gotta close.
Lucille: You interested in traveling together for this one, Val?
Nick: Considering you're the best partner I've had in a long time, I think it goes without saying.
Lucille: *excited smile*
Jasmine: (Fidgets with her curls with one hand, draping some of it over her shoulders. She misses keeping it down and loose… its so pretty this way) (Quietly) “Until someone decides to yank it…” (Pops her Pipboy on her arm then slowly makes her way down the stairs, walking straight over to Nick with a small glance at the other two)
Nick: Hey, kiddo! Ya ready to go?
Lucille: She's going to need something to defend herself. *smiles at her hair as she goes to pull out an unmodded 10 mm pistol and a switch blade* You look nice, by the way. *hands it to Jas*
Nick: Make sure you only use that on assailants, got it?
Geneveve: *admiring Jas's hair quietly in the corner. She's covered in leather and metal armor for her own safety despite being a machine. It looks a little odd considering she's still wearing a dress*
Jasmine: (Nods her head at Nick while taking the gun and switchblade from Lucille, putting them in her jacket pocket) (Quietly) “Thank you…” (Grabs her bag, feeling how light it is while she puts her teddy bear and knitting project inside. She is aware that they are all looking at her hair, but she doesn't really mind)
Geneveve: *sighs a little longingly* I wish I had hair...
Nick: Might not be wise. Might get in places you don't want... *taps his exposed jaw*
Geneveve: I see... *looks down with a slight forlorn sigh*
Lucille: Anyway. Shall we get a move on?
Jasmine: (Gives Geneveve a quick “No you don't” look with a bit of sadness in her eyes. Having hair, especially long hair, drew more attention… unwanted attention) (Quietly) “I am ready…” (Slips on her bag over her shoulders looking at Nick)
Nick: Then let's get going... *starts for the hall leading out of the Agency*
They wind and navigate through the rocky halls of what loosely defines Vault 81, heading straight for the subway tunnel Lucille had earlier renovated. There sits a small room with a ladder leading to the outside of the vault.
Jasmine: (Stays close by Nick as she follows along, her mind already snapping into Wasteland survival mode… trained solider mode. No more crying little girl)
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Power Armor Punch Part Twenty Five
Nick: *taken aback she even has to thank him for that... it would be so easy physically for him to hurt her in some other way than what she's likely describing. All it would take is one bad calibration error/mistake. He takes a moment to respond* I wouldn't dream of it...
Jasmine: (Blinks on her tears) (Signing) “I know…” (Looks down at herself in thought. So many other people would though… If they even count as human if they look at her like that)
Nick: *worried frown*
Jasmine: (Looks back up at him, crying a little still) (Mouthing) “Whats wrong?” (Carefully looks him over to try to read his face, but her mind is still half on her previous train of thoughts…)
Nick: Just worried about you.
Jasmine: (Nods understandably. What parent wouldn't be worried about their kid when they are like this… Looks back down and tilts her head at herself in thought. She had thought of altering her face and body to be less attractive, but that would just make her feel less and less like Rosalinda and more like a monster trying to hide… She sucks in a deep breath. Actually, she had once taken both a knife and lighter, desperately trying to mess up herself enough that someone would be horrified to look at her. It didn't really work as she healed too fast, swearing out loud to herself never to do that again a few days later.…)
Nick: ...I think the old Nick knew your biological mother at one point. I don't think it was more than a night, but you look a lot like someone from a memory of his.
Jasmine: (Breathing hitches and she tenses as her train of thought comes to a sudden halt. She looks up and gives Nick a confused look, tilting her head. What the fuck….? Did he figure it out…? Should she tell him this ain’t the first time he asked about this?)
Nick: Sorry- it's the only other thing on my mind right now. I'm not sure if this was her, but I suspect he did. And it was a… *clears throat*...very brief affair.
Jasmine: (Blinks rapidly, nodding her head after thinking it over for a long moment. She still decides not to say anything pointblank about her and Nick in the past, she’s too tired for that shit) (Signing) “So what are you thinking?”
Nick: I'm looking into whether or not the original Valentine was... well...
The Synth: *blinks, finally finished setting up* ...So who am I exactly?
Lucille: Who ever you want to be.
The Synth: ... *looks down in thought*
Jasmine: (Sighs deeply, looking down at herself in a lost daze. Its not quite clicking in her head yet, but she sees where this is kinda going) (Signing) “How are you sure its her?” (What are the chances this would even happen…?)
Nick: That's part of the problem. I don't have a lot to go on other than her looks.
The Synth: I think I want to be called Geneveve.
Lucille: That's a pretty name...
Geneveve: *nods as they stand up and takes a look at themselves. They quietly study their hands, figuring out their body*
Jasmine: (Runs her hands over her face, sucking in a deep breath. Well shit- now she has to let it slip a little bit…) (Signing, her hands shaking) “When I was five, a very old women walked up to me and asked if I was Charlottes kid because I looked EXACTLY like a kid she used to teach for Kindergarten. I pointed to my Mom and the Old Lady shook her head and left, never saw her again.” (She looks away, new tears on her face. The thought of being a spitting image of the women who tossed her in the garbage is sickening… Which is why she didn't think about it or talked about it with Nick…. Passed off that lady's remark as bad memory from old age…) (Signing) “How much do I look like her?”
Nick: *goes quiet for a moment, the name clicking into place perfectly in the memory. Charlotte. The woman's name was also Charlotte. What were the chances two women who looked like Jas shared a name? He reviews the memory again in detail just to be sure then sighs* ...Exactly like her.
Jasmine: (Stares off into space for a long time, more tears going down her cheeks) “………” (She then bunches up the blanket, puts it to her face, and starts screaming loudly into it. Oh great. Now she will see the women who abandoned her for being a girl whenever she looks in the mirror… On top of other things)
Nick: *goes completely quiet...*
Geneveve: *looks between Lucille and herself* Hm... I don't like the fact I'm just... bare like this. Have any clothes? Not quite as armor laiden but still something to cover this... body.
Lucille: *grins* Oh do I... let me show you! *pulls out the assortment of clothes she's put together*
Geneveve: Hm... *looks at the collection* What a vivid and dark purple dress. *blinks then looks at the black hat with the red flower* Yes... that speaks to me and so do those shoes...
Lucille: Fascinating... *starts putting the clothes away*
Geneveve: WAIT!
Lucille: Huh-? *freezes*
Geneveve: That earring-
Lucille: Oh that? I haven't found a pair like it, yet-
Geneveve: I want it.
Lucille: You're sure?
Geneveve: *nods firmly*
Jasmine: (Keeps screaming like hells rage into the blanket. Mainly just long strings of muffled cuss words and some other things that are inaudible)
Nick: *dear god, what has he done...? He can't help but distantly watch as she breaks down yet again into the blanket*
Geneveve: *takes the earring and affixes it to their ear, smiling. She puts on the rest of the outfit* How do I look?
Lucille: Gorgeous...
Geneveve: *eyes glow warmly, hopefully* Really?
Lucille: *nods* It's times like these I wish I had a large standing mirror so you could see for yourself...
Jasmine: (Takes the blanket off her face so she can breathe, her eyes red and puffy while her lips tremble) (Whispering, her voice breaking a bit with gasps for air) “Can you hold me please?” (She hates how childish she sounds and looks right now, but she is afraid that she is going to resort to scratching herself again at any moment...)
Nick: *recognizes what she's really asking and nods* Alright... *scoots onto the bed carefully and sets aside the stew. He scoops her up in his arms, holding both of hers so he can stop her from scratching herself*
Jasmine: (Immediately hides her face in his coat for comfort, still crying but she hums weakly and sweetly. Her body relaxes and she can breathe normally again, the only thing pounding harshly is her heart and mind…)
Lucille: There is a mirror in Nick's office. It's broken, but if you look in one of the fragments, maybe you'll see what you look like.
Geneveve: *nods but pauses* Where exactly is that?
Lucille: Right... new life, new experience. I'll show you. *starts walking out*
Geneveve: *follows*
Nick: On the upside, at least this could mean one of your biological parents wasn't as bad as you thought.
Jasmine: (Nods her head against his chest. Thats very much true… Wraps her arms around his neck, taking in a calming breath)
Nick: *tired sigh... here they go again...*
Jasmine: (Breathing normally now, her tears slowing down almost to a halt. Even though she does not consider her bio Mom to be her real Mother, it still stings her heart a bit that she was thrown out like trash as soon as she was born) (Whispering, her voice weak) “She threw me out because I am a girl…”
Nick: And she was wrong to do it... what you are physically shouldn't determine your worth. Ever...
Jasmine: (Whispering, turning her head to look at herself while holding Nick a little tighter) “She only wanted the boy…” (The report she and Lilac stole said so. That her birth Mother yelled that she only wanted a boy while clutching another bundle…)
Nick: *indignant huff* Well if you really are the old Nick's kid, then I'm certain he would have had a few things to say about that if he had known. Honestly, the sheer act throwing an infant in the garbage says a lot more to me about the kind of scum she was than who you are as a person. *shakes his head. He wonders what the old cop ever saw in her*
Geneveve: *eyes search curiously around the caves as she follows her creator*
Lucille: *notices and giggles*
Geneveve: Hm?
Lucille: You remind me of my wife when she first saw the surface. She's still so curious about the world above us.
Geneveve: A world above-? *looks to the ceiling* Oh. I suppose you're right...
Jasmine: (Hums in acknowledgement, shifting to look up at him with large teary eyes) (Whispering) “How long did you suspect?” (Did Nick notice as soon as he met her? Is that why he decided to take care of her?)
Nick: About the time I started bringing you here. There was a memory that came up, but it was out of focus- kind of needed a bit of a push before it finally cleared up.
Jasmine: (Thinks about that for a moment, her mind still working slow and not grasping it yet- especially since Nick doesn’t seem to realize that there was another little incident)
Nick: You need to eat... it might help your mind process things a little better. *picks up the bowl of stew*
Jasmine: (Frowns at the delicous looking bowl of soup, shaking her head out of reflex while still leaning on his chest. She can smell it, and it smells really good. But she knows that she cant really taste it, it will just taste like poisonous mush with a small hint on what its suppose to taste like…)
Nick: Not to be rude, but what is it about eating food that disgusts you? It's a bit... odd, if not, concerning.
Jasmine: (Still frowning, tilting her head to look back up at him) (Signing, her hands shaking) “The feeling of eating of it, even the thought of eating it makes me sick.”
Nick: Was the food in that place drugged...?
Jasmine: (Weakly nods, looking away while shuddering at those thoughts. Almost everyday… It just didn't get bad until she was a little older )
Nick: I promise you, I would never drug your food.
Geneveve: *finally gets to Nick's office. She looks in one of the larger fragments and frowns* No... no, this won't do. My face is... lacking.
Lucille: Huh? How so?
Geneveve: The lips lack color. And it's over all... bland...
Lucille: I don't know if make up will do on polymer skin.
Geneveve: Perhaps lipstick... But otherwise, you are right...
Lucille: Wait- I know... hold still. *runs and finds some red and blue paint and some old sidewalk chalk* What if... we literally paint your lips?
Geneveve: *surprised* Paint-? *considers it* Actually, that might work... what will you do with the chalk?
Lucille: We dust it on your eyelids like eye shadow and seal it with wonder glue.
Geneveve: ...I worry that will glue my eye lids open.
Lucille: Then keep them closed until it's shut.
Geneveve: *scoffs* Please tell me that's not the only fixative you have.
Lucille: Sadly it is...
Jasmine: (Quickly nods) (Signing) “I know that. Ive just trained myself to throw up after I eat, and the low self worth and memories aren't exactly helping...” (Wipes her eyes, sniffing a bit) “I was considered “funner to play with” when I was out of it….” (Reaches for Nicks hand)
Nick: *looks apologetically at her and takes her hand* Is there any way we can work on that...? The vomiting thing, I mean?
Jasmine: (Shrugs, leaning her head on Nicks shoulder and squeezing his hand slightly. She does not know… She just tried to keep herself distracted after she ate anything, which didn't always work but when it did it felt great. Mainly because she was no longer dying of hunger)
Nick: *softly* Please try to eat... again, even if it's small bites at a time.
Geneveve: *helping Lucille mix paint color for their lips*
Jasmine: (Sighs deeply, nodding her head against his shoulder) (Whispering) “Okay…” (Hopefully, it will stay down for a few hours at least…)
Nick: *smiles and offers her the stew*
Geneveve: I do believe we have extra for a new coat just in case...
Lucille: Yeah, we do. Hold on, I think I have a jar around here somewhere... *looks in a drawer in the kitchen area* A-ha! Nick, hope you don't mind lending this away! *poors the extra paint they mixed into it for her to use later* Now do you need help applying the paint, Gen?
Geneveve: Yes, please...
Lucille: *Dips the brush into the paint and starts applying* Hold still. Keep your mouth open...
Geneveve: *obeys, wanting to look their best*
Jasmine: (Lets go of Nicks hand so she can take the bowl, still leaning on him because she can barely keep herself upright. Everything just hurts… Especially the area Curie stitched up. She slowly takes a spoonful, sipping it carefully, her hand shaking a little)
Nick: Take your time. If you start to feel sick, you can stop. *rubs her back*
Jasmine: (Hums sweetly, tilting her head at herself. Well if they went off that, she wouldn't be eating at all. She could tell that the soup tasted really good, just by the smell alone, which played a big part in how people taste things. But she could not tell how it fully tasted… Goddamnit. Did they have to take her ability to taste things too by getting her so afraid of eating? She used to love making and eating food when she could….) “………..” (She begins daydreaming of certain deserts… Pan Dulce, a freshly baked chocolate chip cookie, choco flan, her Aunties famous Apple pie….)
Nick: *just glad she's eating something!
Lucille: Now rub your lips together. Like this. *presses her lips together and rubs them* Mm.
Geneveve: *copies her*
Lucille: Hold on... *rubs the excess off* There.
Geneveve: Did I mess up?
Lucille: No, you didn't. It's part of the process.
Geneveve: *smiles* Good...
Jasmine: (Sighs at herself as she takes another spoonful, letting the broth sooth her aching throat from all her screaming. Did she have to think of pie right now? Out of all the other foods? Why not her Mothers Caldo de res soup? Why pie?! What is wrong with her? Quickly hands Nick the bowl without looking at him, her hands shaking like crazy. Fucking… She will try again later)
Nick: *takes it* You made a good effort. I'm proud of you.
Jasmine: (Nods slightly, hiding her face in Nicks shoulder so he does not see her new tears) (Thinking to herself) “Good job self, now your thoughts are going to go even more wild… You were just talking about something ELSE beforehand.”
Nick: Alright, Jas. Talk to me. What is it?
Jasmine: (Mumbling, not looking up so he cant see that she is crying) “Nothing, I just do not like food…” (Her heart thumped and dropped. Not a complete lie, but still a lie. She just didn't want to dump anymore on Nick today… And her old instincts are telling her to hide the pain. She starts trying to derail her thoughts by thinking about their previous conversation… But her mind still was on pie… One of her arms wraps around her lower waist for security)
Nick: No, no. We're not doing that again. *grabs her arms and pulls it away*
Geneveve: *keeping her eyes closed as Lucille gently draws and smudges purple chalk on their eyelids...*
Lucille: You are starting to look beautiful, Gen...
Geneveve: *smiles* After all this, I would hope I do...
Jasmine: (Makes a loud sound of protest, but she doesn't squirm or pull away, just keeps her teary face hidden from his view)
Nick: *tired sigh*
Jasmine: (Takes his hand in both of hers for comfort, closing her eyes)
Nick: Still here, kiddo...
Lucille: Okay... *very carefully dabs a slightly watered down solution of wonder glue to "hold the "eye shadow"* Keep them closed for a few minutes, okay?
Geneveve: *obediently has her eyes closed*
Jasmine: (Hums in response, opening her eyes to stare straight off into the ends of space in her thoughts, still leaning her head on his shoulder. Her thoughts lingered on pie/food in general, which connected to drugs and more rape. The other thoughts were on Nicks suspicion's on who her biological father and mother could really be, which lead to a whole other string of things…)
Nick: What would ya like to do once you get out of here?
Jasmine: (Blinks a few times at his question, her thoughts coming to a halt) (Mumbling) “Something useful…” (Actually, she wanted go seek out a fight or mission of some kind, like she was trained to do. But she doubts that she will be allowed to mow down raiders, slavers, and mutants anytime soon. So just something other than just laying around crying about stupid things…) (Quietly) “And you?”
Nick: I want to work a case... specifically your case. Maybe visit El afterwards. She's been missing us something fierce.
Jasmine: (Frowns. She does not know what Nick intends to really try to find, but she doubts there will be much to left. The old house is completely caved in at the Glowing Sea, and the Vault she was at is very far away in a dangerous city with little to no information left inside. Better off working on a different case, one that has more meaning)
Nick: Plus anything to give me an excuse to get out of this stuffy vault... *shudders* No offense to Lucille- she's really tried to make this place feel more like a city than one of those underground labs but I'd rather be above ground hitting the pavement. Thank goodness she had the foresight to make my actual office in the old pharmacy.
Lucille: *gently touches Geneveve's eye lids* Alright. They're dry. You can open them now.
Geneveve: *sighs softly* Finally. *opens them*
Lucille: *gasps at the final look*
Geneveve: What is it?
Lucille: You look so lovely... go upstairs and look.
Geneveve: *runs up stairs and looks into the mirror and giggles giddily. She sways her dress back and forth with delight* Finally, I feel complete... *puts their hands on their cheeks and closes their eyes... then briefly opens them* But what will I do now? Now that I'm me? Where will I go? *at a loss for purpose*
Jasmine: (Whispering) “I hate vaults…” (Took everything in her just to drag herself in here, it made her uneasy)
Nick: *pulls out the key card for the one she escaped from* Unfortunately we might have to explore another one...
Jasmine: (Immediately plucks it out of his hand and flings it across the room, watching as it clatters in the corner. She forgot that she even kept that thing. She had shoved it under her mattress right after she unburied her Pipboy, not knowing what else to do with it. It was the only one she found, so it didn't feel right to throw it away. There was still some valuable tech in there…)
Nick: *winces* Now what did you have to go and do that for? I'm not sure we can find another. And if we're gonna find answers we're going to need that card, so be careful!
Jasmine: (Looks down at herself, moving one hand to wipe her teary eyes) (Signing) “Sorry, I do not like it...” (It was the Overseers keycard, which would give them access to the entire Vault with no limitations. The only other card like that one that she knew of, was the security guard leaders… And God only knows what happen to that fucking asshole)
Nick: Ah... Right...*goes awkwardly quiet*
Geneveve: *paces*
Lucille: You okay?
Geneveve: *stops* No. Now that I've... put myself together, what should I do?
Lucille: What do you think you should do?
Geneveve: Well... I'd love to explore. Maybe meet more people who look like me.
Lucille: *frowns* That's gonna be a bit of a problem. The only people I know who look like you that's going to welcome you warmly are either currently occupied or sitting in his little throne on a lonely little island in Maine.
Geneveve: You're certain everyone else like me are hostile?
Lucille: If they aren't, I've yet to meet them. So far, you're the fourth sentient second generation synth I know... and that took some doing.
Geneveve: What do you mean by that?
Lucille: ... You are aware your body is just a little worse for wear right? That's from a fight. You don't remember because I reprogrammed your AI to adapt and attain some semblance of sentience based on what I've encountered in a friend of mine's code doing maintenance on him. Before that, you were a drone- no more Human than my helmet or that desk. And you were designed to do one thing and that was to kill anyone that got in the way of the courser that relayed you to him.
Geneveve: *studies her hands with slight disgust* So... I was a monster.
Lucille: *steps forward* I made you more than that. *takes her hands* I gave you the option to choose what kind of synth you wanted to be, sweetheart...
Jasmine: (Lifts up the neckline of her dress to peer in, staring blankly at the bandages wrapped tightly around her. What the fuck is wrong with her? Guard leader!? Pie?! Thinking about them now when her sensitive areas are hurting? Maybe she should have gone for Cauterization so she wasn't tempted to rip the stitches out… She does want to live… Even if she has bad/horrible moments, like right now)
Nick: *pulls away* You can't keep doing this, doll...
Jasmine: (She was leaning on Nick for support, so she almost falls back but she catches herself last second, wincing in pain from the quick movement. She instinctively wraps her arms around her lower waist, the other arm shakily propping her up)
Nick: Sorry- forgot you were leaning on me. I didn't shock you too much, did I?
Jasmine: (Shakes her head. Shock her with what? Almost everything has been a shock to her, so she has learned to always be somewhat ready. She shifts her arm for better support, wincing again because she cant really move without either her arm giving way, or shifting too much that it will hurt)
Nick. Here. I'll at least help you lay down. *reaches for her back and shoulder. Softly* I'm sorry-
Jasmine: (Tilts her head at Nick, letting him help as she watches his face) (Mouthing) “For what?”
Nick: *looks apologetically at her* Forgetting how fragile you are currently...
Jasmine: (Shakes her head, wrapping her other arm around her waist so she is hugging herself tightly) (Softly) “I am not suppose to be….” (She does not know if he means mentally or physically, but she should be able to take care of herself)
Nick: And what are you "supposed to be", hm? *carefully pets her hair*
Jasmine: (Sucks in a breath, not sure how to answer that) (Whispering, her lips trembling) “Not this…” (Squeezing herself even tighter, almost to the point that it hurts. Not this childish, crying, trembling mess of a human)
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Power Armor Punch Part Twenty Six
Nick: *finishes laying her down in the bed. He pulls the blanket over her* Not being human...?
Jasmine: (Shakes her head. She is suppose to be more and better than this pathetic state she has been in for far too long… Squeezes herself tighter, not caring/noticing that it hurts. Pie.. security guard leader… Its all going full circle. But she is here, she is safe with Nick, her Dad…)
Nick: You're putting too much pressure on yourself, kid... *keeps petting her hair*
Jasmine: (Sighs deeply to herself, humming sweetly at his touch. No she wasn't… was she?)
Nick: You're human. You're not going to be at your best 100% of the time. That's alright.
Jasmine: (Shifts a little, still squeezing her waist very tightly. Yeah well, look at what happens when she is not at 100%. Her mind will start to wander off about pie and horrible people then they end up back here)
Nick: *pats her head finally and removes his hand*
Geneveve: *looking in the mirror again* Where are the ones you mentioned? The synths who are like me? The ones that are close?
Lucille: One of them is in the hospital with his adopted daughter and the other... I'm not sure. He might have gone back to his farm.
Geneveve: *blinks in surprise and looks over at their mother*
Lucille: You think that's a surprise? The one taking care of his daughter is a detective who's agency is based out of a city that hates synths. And he somehow makes it work.
Geneveve: I suppose we sentient generation two synths are a rather resilient form of life.
Lucille: You are modeled after humans and from my experience...? We are kind of tough to kill off.
Jasmine: (Sighs again to herself, blinking when she realizes that she is actually really hurting herself with how tightly she is clutching) (Whispering to herself) “Fucking…” (Quickly puts her arms on the outside of the blanket over her chest, closing her eyes and letting out a hiss of pain)
Nick: *just sitting there to keep her company. He can't do much about the pain she's in*
Dogmeat: *trots over to sit next to the bed with a sad whine*
Geneveve: And you say he has a daughter?
Lucille: Well, technically two if you count me...
Geneveve: *blinks in surprise*
Jasmine: (Reaches for Nicks hand again, not wanting to squeeze herself to death or do something potentially WORSE to herself. She has come to far… Hisses again at the pain, cursing herself under her breath. Gotta start thinking about something else…)
Nick: *lets her take it*
Geneveve: *silently looks at their hands for a moment before turning and leaving the room*
Lucille: Where are you going?
Geneveve: I cannot sit here and simply ponder the world. I have to experience it.
Lucille: You might get killed out there just dressed in that!
Geneveve: I didn't say I was leaving the caves, Ma! *walking out of the agency*
Jasmine: (Closes her eyes, letting a few silent tears drip down her face as she gently squeezes Nick hand. She is desperately trying to keep off the memories of the guard leader out of her head…) (Whispering suddenly) “When was the memory?”
Nick: *checks the details. The date's a bit hazy. But he wagers late in the year... Summer of that year had just started to give way to fall. Halloween hadn't come and gone yet. That would put it...* Between the months of August and October the year prior to your birthday, if my math is right. *checking it against the date he saw in her memories and back tracking from there for the years*
Jasmine: (Sucks in a deep breath. That timeline just about matches up) (Whispering, her voice shaking a bit) “And this woman really looks like me? You are sure?” (Did she really look just like that women? Please god no… She can’t be that unlucky…)
Nick: *quietly and solemnly nods. He squeezes her hand*
Jasmine: (Voice breaking) “I was born in June...” (God…. She might start screaming again. How can she be this fucking unlucky? But at least, this could mean that the original Nick Valentine was her biological Father, not that he ever knew that. Or maybe her biological Mom slept with other people… Who knows?)
Nick: *casts his gaze down* That only proves it more...
Jasmine: (Goes completely still, staring off while still clutching Nicks hand. Not like they can be 100% sure, this was the closest they might get. But would it even matter if they knew? She had still been abandoned, kidnapped, dehumanized, then dropped 200 years into the future all by the age of 15. Why all that happened? God only knows at this point, she just had to go along with it and deal with it… She really wants to again claw out her pretty body right now… As if that would help)
Nick: *it would help to know whether her biological mother was involved in the whole ordeal she went through in the vault- just to understand why they would put a kid through so much trauma... find some answers if they can*
Jasmine: (Whimpers, curling herself into a ball, not caring that it hurts her to be in that position. She makes sure to keep her hands away from her body, she cant trust herself with them right now)
Nick: *right now wondering why Nick even did what he did? What was that man thinking, getting himself involved with someone like Charlotte?*
Jasmine: (Quietly hisses in pain, but she honestly does not care. Like she said earlier, its almost some sort of sick relief from all this rattling in her head)
Nick: *eyes widen slightly with realization. He whispers* He was drunk...
Jasmine: (Blinks rapidly, looking at Nick while tilting her teary head)
Nick: That's why everything was so hazy except her. She smoothed talked him when his defenses were down. Had to have. Otherwise, she could have looked like a goddess and the old boy still wouldn't have bit. *a bit annoyed and disgusted with himself now*
Geneveve: *walking through the vault*
Some of the vault dwellers: *confused by the fact there's another synth... and it's not Andrew or Nick*
Jasmine: (Gently squeezes his hand as she looks his face over. Who was drunk?) (Shakily) “What…?” (Puts one arm tightly around her chest again, hoping that he’s not remembering what had happened)
Nick: *reads her body language with a cursory glance before his expression goes apologetic again* Sorry... wrong time to start working this out. *keeps those details he just mentioned in the back of his head* What you should know is that your likeness to her is only skin deep... You're better than she could ever be, kiddo.
Jasmine: (Blinks at him, curling herself up tighter and squeezing her chest more. Not like she knew her biological mom, so she couldn't argue any different. Still hurt that she HAD to look like her. Hell. Maybe she got these super human abilities from her…. But least she herself didn't abandoned no children in the garbage can. But she did take some lives…)
Lucille: *following Gen to make sure she's alright*
Geneveve: *exploring the vault* My... this place is Big...
Andrew: *crouching, helping the farmers figure out a better solution to growing their crops underground in the tunnels
Geneveve: *rushes over to observe him* That must be the farmer...
Deacon: Huh? You're- let me guess. Lucille's synth she was working on.
Geneveve: Yes. How did you know?
Deacon: I was there when she picked you up. The detective kinda owes you one for lending your motor to him... guess Lucille found some alternative power source, the mad genius.
Geneveve: Actually, I'm running on a standard nuclear engine custom built for my model according to my parameters.
Deacon: So she repaired it? Damn... starting to wonder if she just went on that mission just for fun.
Lucille: No. It really was for a new engine. Nick NEEDS to be mobile, Deacon. He couldn't wait for me to repair it.
Deacon: You rise to the bait so easy...
Geneveve: *just looks so confused*
Jasmine: (Closes her eyes, some soft tears dripping on her cheeks. She is honestly starting to get afraid that she is about to really try hurt herself… Whimpers, shifting to reach for her Pipboy to turn on the radio but she stops and quietly yelps in pain, curling back up even though it still hurts. Well shit. Guess she is also super sensitive to pain right now… So why does she want it more? What the hell…)
Nick: *softly almost helplessly* Is there anything I can do to help you, doll?
Geneveve: And who are you?
Deacon: The arch Duke of the Commonwealth-
Lucille: He's Deacon. And he's a compulsive liar and a spy.
Geneveve: *frowns* So nothing he says can be trusted.
Lucille: Not necessarily nothing. I think only 25% is true and that's a grossly overestimating it at that point.
Deacon: Ow! My pride! *clutches his chest*
Lucille: *flatly* He's also a drama queen.
Geneveve: *just looks at Deacon, baffled such a incredulous person exists*
Jasmine: (Shakes her head. No. Nick has done enough for her… Hell. He should be out there right now working on a case for other people… Not here with her pathetic self. She needs to get up)
Nick: You sure...?
Deacon: Hey, did you know I'm also a synth-?
Lucille: DON'T LISTEN TO THAT GARBAGE! He pulled that trick on me!
Geneveve: I just won't trust anything he says at this point.
Lucille: Good call!
Jasmine: (Blankly nods her head as she stares at the thrown key card in the corner of the room, squeezing his hand a bit)
Nick: *wishes he could help her somehow*
Geneveve: *looks at Andrew* So is he nice?
Lucille: Andrew? He's a sweetheart. Really loves his plants-
Geneveve: No- the detective my engine went to?
Lucille: He can be a little too honest sometimes but he's probably one of the sweetest people you'll ever meet.
Geneveve: *smiles at that* Then did you build my current engine yourself?
Lucille: Rebuilt. You have the old motor. You kind of swapped engines.
Geneveve: *puts her hand over her left side thoughtfully*
Jasmine: (Quickly looks away from the keycard, her gaze ending up back up at Nick. She so badly wants to assure him that she will be alright… But she cant lie about that. She wants to claw out her own skin again) (Whispering, her voice and lips shaking) “I want to hurt myself…” (No other way of saying it that she can think of. Its not like anyone else is in the room anyways)
Nick: *grabs her hands suddenly upon hearing that* Not on my watch, kid.
Geneveve: I'd like to meet him.
Lucille: Problem with that is that his daughter is a bit... mentally fragile. She might not respond well to new people if we just suddenly show up.
Geneveve: I see...
Jasmine: (Looks straight up at him with teary eyes, her lips still quivering. Well, she kinda already was with squeezing herself and being curled up in a position that made her wounds hurt. But she was wanting to do worse…)
Nick: *just looks worried and so tired- mentally*
Jasmine: (Straightens herself out, wincing slightly at the pain shifting brought but it was less painful then being all curled up)
Nick: *at this point he does want to be anywhere but here but because he's so concerned for her safety he won't say it*
Jasmine: (Scoots herself closer to Nick, blinking a few times with a sudden thought occurred to her, making her freeze. How the fuck did “they” know that she liked pie so much? Along with other desserts and snacks that were not common for a girl like her to enjoy?)
Nick: Hm? Something on your mind? Well, besides the obvious?
Jasmine: (Blinks some more, not answering. You'd think that they would give a kid cake or cookies to tempt them, but no. They gave her pie, apple pie out of all of them the first time… How did they know?)
Nick: Talk to me, kiddo...
Jasmine: (Blinks rapidly, pulling her hands away) (Signing, her hands shaking) “They gave me pie out of all things…” (Stops, her thoughts going ahead of her signs)
Nick: *raises an eyebrow* Why is that significant? Is it your dessert of choice?
Jasmine: (Nods her head, a distant look in her eyes) (Signing) “Apple pie was one of my favorites, but not anymore...”
Nick: And they gave you that specifically? Seems awful suspicious they knew. How'd they figure that out?
Jasmine: (Shrugs her shoulders. She didn't even think about it until now, the memories attached to it was not pleasant… they only did it when she refused to eat anything, but she only fell for it once)
Nick: They had to find out from someone... perhaps a family member- actually come to think of it, it's a bit suspect that your mother died so close to the day they kidnapped you. Like it was planned.
Jasmine: (Her eyes grow wide with realization. Thats very much true, and the details they were given on her death were very vague, well, at least the details she and Lilac overheard. But maybe they weren't told much because there was not much that could be told)
Nick: But that still doesn't explain how they knew you liked Apple pie. Unless they'd been watching you for a while...
Jasmine: (Shudders at that thought, gripping her wrists. Maybe they had…. She mentally goes through when she could have said out loud that she liked apple pie in public. Everyone already knew that, so there was no need to say it out loud to anyone. But her and her aunt would bake it and other pies as often as they could with whatever little money they scrounged up…)
Nick: But they'd have to be close... or have good listening equipment.
Jasmine: (Where they watching her? For how long? Where? Outside? At school?… At home with Lilac and Cosmos? She feels her heart thump faster at that final thought. Oh hell no…)
Nick: ... *just pets her head. Maybe this was a bad Idea to work this out, now*
Geneveve: *watching Andrew work from the side lines*
Lucille: You should talk to him...
Geneveve: I've nothing to talk about. I was born literally hours ago.
Lucille: Andrew used to be one of those patrol gen 2s, too. He's been right where you were.
Geneveve: I... I don't know. *fidgeting with the bits of polymer skin left on her right hand nervously*
Jasmine: (Sighs, closing her eyes at Nicks comforting touch on her head. So they didn't just walk in and take her one day out of the blue, it was a lot more planned out than she thought. But why her? What the hell did she do?)
Nick: ...You Should probably eat...
Jasmine: (Blinks a few times, nodding her head. Yeah she probably should…)
Nick: *helps her sit up and hands her the bowl*
Jasmine: (Leans on him for support) (Signing) “Sorry, I cant keep myself up.” (Takes the bowl of stew in her hands and scoops a spoonful, slowly putting it in her mouth then swallowing. She gets a very small burst of flavor…)
Nick: Don't worry about me. Just focus on getting some strength back in you.
Jasmine: (Tilts her head at him, giving him a very small smile) (Whispering) “But I love you Dad…” (How could she not worry about Nick when she is breaking down and he is there to witness it, it cant be any fun for him… Gently spoons in another spoon of soup, not getting a burst of flavor this time but thats expected)
Nick: ...I know, kiddo... *small relieved smile*
Jasmine: (Hums sweetly, spooning in another spoonful of stew. She feels so weak and tired, her mind still partly jumping on their previous conversation and her wounds… But she also feels relaxed, calmed, and very safe)
Nick: *proudly smiles. This is the most she's eaten in a while, now*
Jasmine: (Takes another spoonful, smiling a bit when she gets a small burst of flavor in her mouth again. Well thats a nice surprise for once, hopefully there is no strings attached and she ends up throwing up out of old memories)
Nick: *He's just glad she's stomaching it after what he's learned about her past with food*
Jasmine: (Carefully scoops up two more spoonfuls and puts them in her mouth before handing the bowl back to Nick. She would put it back herself, but she can't really lean that far without hurting or falling over. She is surprised on how much she actually ate without feeling sick, especially after that talk of pie… Hopefully she does not end up vomiting anytime soon)
Nick: *hopes so, too... it would be a crying shame. He takes the bowl, carefully letting her lay back*
Jasmine: (Snuggles quite cutely into the blanket and pillow like a sweet child, blinking up at Nick after a moment. She feels a bit better after eating some soup, maybe because she had practically starved herself for so long. It was really good stew… Maybe she will have more later)
Nick: *small happy smile on his mechanical face* See? A little bit of food goes a long way. *pets her head*
Jasmine: (Makes a cute humming sound, softly and sweetly smiling back at Nick. Guess now she just needs to keep herself busy with something to lower the chances of her throwing up with something physically, or mentally)
Nick: *sets the soup down and picks up her pip boy. He quickly goes to the sink and pulls out a washcloth and starts to clean all the blood he can off of it before he hands it to her. He comes back with a pretty clean wrist held computer, gently resting it on the teen's chest*
Jasmine: (Nods her head at Nick, her eyes sparkling) (Whispering) “Thank you….” (She starts clicking at it, turning on Diamond City radio to fill the room with music, with Orange Colored Sky currently playing)
Nick: *nods back with a smile, watching her play*
Jasmine: (Loads up Atomic Command, her nose scrunching cutely as she starts playing the game as she was earlier)
Nick: *starts pointing at the missiles coming in that she might not notice* That one, coming in on the right... there's one at the left. If you time it right, you can hit both...
Jasmine: (Snorts and grins, hitting all the missiles with accuracy) (Softly, glancing up at him) “You sound like Jie.” (Her best friend was always calling out every missile for Jas with urgency whenever they played together. Jas didn't mind, it actually made it more fun, with Jie jumping up and down with excitement until Jas either lost, or won. She didnt mind Nick calling them out right now either, it helped because she was still slowly processing things)
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Power Armor Punch Part Twenty Nine
Nick: *leading her to the front desk*
Curie: *walking down the hall. Pauses when she sees she's out*
Nick: Ah- just the doc I needed to see. I need to arrange a discharge for Jasmine.
Curie: Are you certain she is well enough? She is requiring a lot of support...
Nick: I'm sure she'll be okay if she just has more time to rest... preferably away from here.
Curie: *nods* I see. I will fetch bandages for her. *runs off down the hall*
Nick: Thank you Curie...
Jasmine: (Remains completely quiet as her eyes follow Curie. She seriously hopes that she does not have to comeback here anytime soon….)
Curie: *comes back with bandages and some salve in a small cloth bag* Here you are. The salve should help the wounds heal better.
Nick: *takes it* Thank you, Curie.
Curie: *nods* Of course. *smiles at Jas* I do hope your injuries heal well and you'll feel better the next we meet, Jasmine.
Jasmine: (Blinks rapidly a few times, nodding her head at Curie while gripping Nick a little tighter)
Curie: *walks away*
Nick: *looks down at Jas* Ready to get outta here?
Jasmine: (Quietly, with an almost childish tone) “Yes please.” (Gazes back up at him)
Nick: *smiles as he leads her out of the hospital. He pauses when his olfactory sensors picks up the distinct smell of sugar* Someone's working with sweets.
Jasmine: (Tilts her head curiously at the familiar sugary sweet smell in the air, clicking her tongue)
Nick: What do you say? Should we go check it out?
Jasmine: (Shrugs her shoulders) (Quietly) “I do not know…” (She is very curious to see what it is, but unsure if they should get close to something unknown)
Nick: Well, I'm going to check it out. Smells like candy and that's rare in the wasteland. *follows the scent*
Jasmine: (Follows along without any kind of protest, keeping a grip on his arm for support. Nick is right however, it smells exactly like candy... When was the last time she even had the pleasure of eating candy?)
Nick: *arrives at a nicely decorated candy store. There are sweets of various flavors on the shelves, all for a considerably cheap price* Is this Lucille's new side project? *walks in* Hello? Anyone here?
Geneveve: *jumps at the new voice at the counter and runs into the shop* Hello! Welcome to the sweet shop- *freezes in place when she sees the other synth* Oh, you must be the detective Lucille told me about...
Nick: *looking up and down at the shop keeper with a slight frown. He reminds himself that Lucille said she was going to tinker with the donor synth... but where did she get the working engine...?* I am. The name's Nick Valentine...
Jasmine: (Her eyes sparkle and glow at the candy store, humming in delight at the candies) (Softly) “Wow…” (Freezes when she sees Geneveve running over, tensing up with a small yelp and grips Nicks arm a little more. She half steps behind him to almost hide from this unfamiliar person, watching them carefully)
Geneveve: *whispers* What an interesting name... *hears the yelp and looks next to him* Why hello, dear... you must be his daughter...
Nick: *Frankly* In a way. Is this your store?
Geneveve: *looks to address the detective* Yes. It is, though I'm afraid I can never get the flavors of the candy quite the results are inconclusive with every person who's tried them.
Nick: Well people have different tastes. You're going to get different feed back all around.
Jasmine: (Keeps staring at the new synth warily, not saying anything or making any movement as they both talk)
Geneveve: I suppose that's true... *to Jas with a gentle smile* Would you like to try a piece-?
Nick: She's not much of a fan of food, I'm afraid...
Geneveve: Ah... *looks a little dissapointed but doesn't push forward*
Jasmine: (Blinks a few times, grateful that Nick spoke for her so that she didn't have to. Even if she wanted to try a piece, she wouldn't even be able to taste it, which would just make it a waste)
Geneveve: Well at least you got to see this shop Lucille was kind enough to set up for 88... I hope people will enjoy it. *smiles*
Nick: Well it certainly is a nice set up. Actually, you know what... *fishes some bottle caps out of his pocket* Give me your best flavors. I'll give them a try.
Geneveve: *smiles brightly and their eyes glow with delight* Give me just a moment! *goes and inspects her stock*
Jasmine: (Turns her face into the sleeve of Nicks coat, taking in some deeps breaths. Cosmos used to love candy… That sweet little boy loved it when she and Lilac made him lollipops)
Genevive: *brings him some nicely wrapped individually wrapped candies, one mutfruit, one caramel, and one tar berry*
Nick: Hm... *opens the mutfruit one* Hm... definitely mutfruit... not sure what I was expecting... *chewing it* Not bad... texture is pretty even and not too hard to break in the jaw. Good work.
Geneveve: *looks so pleased and relieved*
Jasmine: (Smiles softly to herself at the memory of Cosmos running around sticky faced from the lollipops, giggling as his two sisters chased him around. She lifts her head after a moment, looking at Geneveve blankly then up at Nick)
Nick: *swallows the now mush of the candy* Keep making it like that and you should be fine- er...
Geneveve: Oh- Sorry. Geneveve, Detective...
Nick: Geneveve- now there's a nice name.
Geneveve: Thank you. I felt it best suited me. No deeper meaning than that, dear. *smiles at the compliment with a flick of her wrist*
Jasmine: (Remains half hiding behind Nick, still clutching onto him as she goes back to looking at Geneveve with uncertainty and caution in her eyes. Her free arm ends up wrapping around her waist protectively for extra security)
Geneveve: *looks at Jas* And what is your name?
Nick: To save on time, her name is Jasmine.
Geneveve: As in the flower that existed before the war...?
Nick: Seems so. Lucille must have left your database intact.
Geneveve: Yes, though I doubt it can compare to the true experience of seeing such things in person.
Nick: Believe me, it doesn't...
Jasmine: (Just keeps blinking blankly straight at Geneveve, her eyes briefly darting at her surroundings then up at Nick. She holds onto her own waist tighter)
Nick: *whispers playfully at Jas* I think they're harmless. Lucille seems to have reprogrammed their AI...
Geneveve: Not just programmed, gave life. In a way she's my mother.
Jasmine: (Just hides her face in Nicks sleeve. Yes. Its obvious that Geneveve is harmless, but that strong survival side of her is still thumping to move away)
Geneveve: *notices how scared she is of them and look away with a hand over their mouth*
Nick: Don't fret too much. She's like this about everyone new she meets. Trust me, if it were because you were a Synth, she'd have no business hanging around me, that's for sure.
Geneveve: *nods quietly*
Jasmine: (Not moving, just waiting for this fear to pass as she clings to her Dad for comfort and security. Her sensitive injuries are NOT helping at soothing her… How the fuck does she now process this? There is no threat and yet she is almost frozen in fear…)
Nick: Rosie, you don't have to hide...
Geneveve: Hm?
Jasmine: (Looks up at Nick at the sound of her prewar nickname. She is now visibly trembling and her lips are quivering, her mind still trying to figure out what the hell to do other than try to run)
Geneveve: I see I'm only making the situation worse. I suppose I'll excuse myself for now. *goes back to the chemistry station*
Jasmine: (Whimpers a little, her knees growing weaker and weaker)
Nick: Come on. Let's get you to the agency... *starts to lead her out of the store*
Jasmine: (Stumbles as she follows along. What does she do? What is she so scared for? Geneveve was very nice to her, showed no signs of ill intentions whatsoever, so whats scaring her?…. She gasps suddenly as she remembers WHY, her body completely giving up as she falls to her knees)
Nick: Whoa- Jasmine! What's wrong? *kneels next to her* Tell me.
Jasmine: (Looks around the halls nervously, wrapping her arms around herself protectively and squeezing. Nice people just wanted something from her… trying to lure her with fake kindness and smiles. Just like those two women with the water)
Nick: I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong, kid.
Jasmine: (Shakes her head, tears starting down her cheeks) (Quietly) “It is not safe here…” (Her whole body trembles as she clutches herself more tightly. What the hell is wrong with her?)
Nick: Rosalinda, I'm right here. You're pretty damn safe with me.
Jasmine: (Looks straight up at him, loosening the death grip on herself) (Quietly) “I do not like it out here… I am still injured.” (Signing, her hands shaking) “People hurt me when I am injured, I cannot protect myself.” (Looks up and down the halls again)
Nick: No one does, kid. You just gotta make the most of it. You cave like this every time, you're not going to make it much further...
Jasmine: (Shakes her head) (Signing) “I mean I do not like it in the hallways, I do not like feeling vulnerable to other people…” (Gestures at her trembling body)
Nick: Well, I'm here. I'm not going to let anyone touch ya.
Geneveve: *slumped down behind her shop. She feels like she scared the poor girl. She looks at her hands* She knows, doesn't she? She knows what I was before I became this person. Valentine is more put together than I thought... *covers the side the engine's on* No wonder she trusts him. *covers her face*
Jasmine: (Weakly nods her head, stifling her choked sobs as she slinks lower to the floor. If Nick was right here with her, why is she feeling scared as hell and can barely move? Why does she want to hide herself away?) (Quietly to herself) “Breathe… Just fucking breathe…” (Signing, her fingers stiff) “I need to regain myself.”
Nick: No one's going to hurt you.
Geneveve: *thinks they're a monster*
Jasmine: (Lets go of herself to grab onto Nick, wrapping her arms tightly around him in a hug. Honestly, she cant keep herself sitting upright anymore so she just slumps against him in scared sobs) (Softly under her tears) “I think I am malfunctioning…”
Nick: *doesn't move* How so...?
Geneveve: *doesn't want to work on her candy. Doesn't think it's worth it*
Jasmine: (Now sobbing into his coat, not caring that anyone could see) (Muffled with hiccuping tears) “I do not know what to do with my thought process! It hurts and I am scared!” (Blinks and sniffles a few times) (Softly) “The candies and the synth were nice…. and I am still scared.”
Nick: They're just thoughts, Jas... you don't have to listen to them. You don't have to act on them. *rubs her back*
Geneveve: *decides to power down. Not die... but she doesn't think anyone will care about some broken synth behind subpar candy store*
Jasmine: (Crying quite loudly, but it is almost completely muffled in Nicks coat) (Between sobs) “But they are so loud! And I am so small.” (Relaxes completely at Nicks comforting touch on her back, still crying but what else is she suppose to do? Run? Well she doesn't want to now because she feels safe in his embrace. So now she just needs to ride this out and let it pass)
Nick: They're only as loud as you allow them to be...
Geneveve: *quietly slumped over with her hands in her lap, eyes a dim muted lavender color. She tried to be nice and gentle but that only scared the girl... she knew she was fragile but even with the gentlest touch she still managed to chip at Jasmine like glass. All she knew was destruction and death before she was Geneveve- it seems to be the one thing she is good at. At least her heart went to someone good and kind...*
(Note: I was screaming in the tags section when we made this because Geneveve is such a sweetie and nooooooo! :( She can’t power dooooown it broke my heart!)
Jasmine: (Her loud crying slowly starts to stop and the fear is almost melting away for now) (Softly with a childish tone) “Daddy…” (Well fuck, that was VERY childish, guess she was really malfunctioning. But she will deal with that later, right now she just wanted to get back to the office for some familiarity)
Nick: I'm here. This old bot isn't going anywhere without you...
Dogmeat: *sad whine at Jas. Watching Nick comfort her*
Geneveve: *only Lucille would notice she's missing and she's off taking a nap*
Jasmine: (Her tears are still falling, but now silently with only her deep gasped breathing being heard. She still feels a deep terrified and frozen feeling, but its almost muted. She tries to lift herself up from Nick to say something, but ends up slumping back down with a defeated cry)
Nick: *just keeps holding her*
Lucille: *fast asleep. So far no one's aware that her creation had chosen to slowly become scrap metal*
Jasmine: (Resting her head on Nicks shoulder while softly crying, not having the willpower to try to get back up) (Quietly, trying to express herself) “I feel so useless and weak… makes me want to hurt…” (Luckily for them, she cant even bring herself to move her hands that are wrapped around Nick)
Nick: Ssh. Daddy's- *freezes, the word feeling so alien to him. Quietly* Daddy's here...
Andrew: *checking to make sure their new tato crop is planted well* Seems alright- *blinks and looks around suddenly* Why do I feel like something's off? *starts methodically checking the new plants* I usually don't get this feeling deep in my hardware unless one of my newest plants are suffering... *realizes they all look fine* Hm. What else is new 'round these parts...? *picks a piece of raizorgrain and starts to chew in thought*
Jasmine: (Chokes on a sob hearing that, sounding alien to her as well even though she said it first. She snuggles closer in Nicks coat, letting out a soft sweet hum under her waterfalls)
Nick: *pats her head*
Andrew: *gets a hunch to head to the sweet shop*
Settler: Where are you heading off to?
Andrew: Something's off at the sweet shop. I'll be back in a bit... *going to check on it... for some reason*
Jasmine: (Just trying to wait out the remaining pounding fear and crying. Thank God for Nick holding and comforting her… For even finding her in the first place) (Quietly again, as if she is reassuring herself that he is here) “Daddy…”
Nick: I'm here, doll...
Andrew: *knocks on the wall* Hello? Anyone home? *trudges in. The silence makes him feel uneasy. Golden yellow eyes glance around the room filled all sorts of different kinds of candy* Anyone...?
Jasmine: (Hums again, gently lifting her head from the collar of Nicks coat and turning it to stare up at him. She doesn't care who slept with who to bring her into this world. Angélica Brookes Romeo was her Mamá for loving her and raising her, now Nick is her Dad for loving her and taking care of her. No one can say that they ain't her “real” parents…)
Nick: *kindly smiling down at his daughter*
Andrew: *notices part of Gen's hat* Geneveve? You there? *walks out and immediately sinks to his knees at the sight of Gen's lifeless body* Oh... *blinks, looking up the auditory start up command so he can bring her back online* Why...?
Jasmine: (Blinks at him, tilting her head ever so slightly. She would smile back at her Dad if she had the willpower…) (Quietly mumbling) “Is this a panic attack? Or am I just stupid…”
Nick: *confidently* Pretty sure it's a panic attack, sweetheart.
Andrew: *says the power on command specific for shut down synths*
Geneveve: *eyes start to flicker on, glowing brighter as her engine warm up* ... *blinks and looks at Andrew in confusion* Why?
Andrew: Could ask you the same thing.
Geneveve: I'm a monster made of spare parts that only knows how to destroy. I have no purpose other than to do what I hate the most.
Andrew: *frowns deeply* You haven't found your purpose yet. That's all... you are no longer the synth Lucille met on the battlefield.
Geneveve: Then why is it even at my gentlest, I still frighten people? I still break things?
Andrew: ...Sadly that is the nature of us. We were not made to be delicate with life so we must be extra careful with organic creatures and even then, we will always run the risk of harming them in the process of helping them.
Jasmine: (Softly in a broken whisper) “I hate it… I do not know what to do, it makes me breakdown and freeze up…”
Nick: Try to center yourself and breathe...
Geneveve: ... How do you deal with the guilt...? Of being a weapon?
Andrew: I grow plants. Do the opposite. I create.
Geneveve: I tried that... but it... it's not very good. I can't get the flavor right.
Andrew: Perhaps it isn't your strong suit. There are many ways to create... many ways to help...
Jasmine: (Takes in some deep breaths, snuggling closely back into Nicks coat so she can hear his inner machinery whirling to drown out the poundunf in her head. But some thoughts are still slipping through…) (Mumbling quietly to herself in his coat) “Pathetic…”
Nick: *softly* No... just healing...
Jasmine: (Hums, gripping onto him tighter like she is trying to hide or look for protection from something. But she cant really hide from her thoughts or memories)
Nick: You're not pathetic...
Geneveve: I don't know... I don't know how.
Andrew: Unfortunately this isn't something anyone can tell you how to do...
Geneveve: Please! Just give me some idea! *sounds so lost. So confused*
Jasmine: (Goes completely still and quiet in his embrace, just listening to her Dads voice and inner workings. She feels much calmer now, all snuggled up against the man she trusts the most. Now it was just getting her limp jelly feeling limbs to move properly so they can head back to the agency)
Nick: *they click, whir, and gurgle almost like clock work, never once missing a beat. Under the coat he's a seamless machine running at maximum efficiency*
Andrew: ... I've heard there's places where people perform. They sing to a crowd and the crowd pays them. Or perhaps you could make straw hats for the weary farmer. Or beautiful paintings on the walls of shabby settlements. I believe deep down, there's a reason humans made us in their image, otherwise they would have simply built guns and sentry bots.
Geneveve: Why then? Why send us to fight their own kind...?
Andrew: *looks down in thought* Some think themselves better than others...
Jasmine: (Takes in some deep slow breaths, gently squeezing Nick) (Whispering) “I feel a little calmer… But I am still scared…” (Presses her teary face a little more into his coat, squeezing her eyes closed tighter)
Nick: I know, Jas. I know... *pats her back reassuringly*
Geneveve: ... *looks down*
Andrew: Just give it some thought before you rush to give up on yourself again, okay? You're still new to this world...
Geneveve: *nods*
Jasmine: (Stays where she is at pressed up against Nicks chest in a tight hug. She keeps forgetting that he isn't flesh and blood, but not like it matters or ever mattered to her. Without him she would be dead, or worse) (Softly, sincerity in her weak voice) “Thank you…”
Nick: *nods somberly* Of course doll...
Jasmine: (Doesn't want to move from feeling so safe, secure, warm, and loved. If she pulls back, she almost fears it will all slip away and she will go back to being deathly scared and in a panic)
Nick: *knows she has to eventually...*
Jasmine: (Quietly and sweetly) “Daddy…” (Gently moves her head on his chest to stare up at Nick, blinking on her tears. She thinks the worst is over for now…. Hopefully)
Nick: We need to get back to the agency so you can rest and feel safer. *pets her hair gently*
Jasmine: (Hums softly in agreement, closing her eyes at his hand stroking her hair. Just had to get her noodle feeling limbs to work… If they did she might have tried to scratch herself)
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Power Armor Punch Part Twenty Seven
Geneveve: *still procrastinating on talking to him* He seems busy... I shouldn't bother-
Lucille: For crissakes! *walks up to Andrew* Hey Andy, there's someone you should meet. They've been kind of nervous about taking to you because you're busy but if you can spare the time...
Andrew: *looks up from his work, dusting his hands* Oh? *looks over her shoulder and smiles when he sees a surprised Geneveve* I suppose my work can wait a moment to help my fellow synth. *walks over* Hello. name's Andrew.
Geneveve: Geneveve. *lowers her head shyly*
Andrew: *soft laugh* I don't bite!
Geneveve: *peers up at him from under the brim of her hat* I wouldn't know. We've only just met.
Andrew: When did you first attain sentience?
Geneveve: *crosses her arms* A few hours ago...
Andrew: Well then. You're still pretty new. Don't rush it- finding out what you want to be. It takes a bit of time.
Geneveve: How did you-?
Andrew: I've been where you are now. Didn't wake up saying "I want to be a tato farmer".
Geneveve: So where do I start?
Andrew: Find something you're good at. Something you want to expand on. For me, it's Tatoes and horticulture. For you, who knows! *pats her shoulder*
Jasmine: (Giggles a little bit when she beats the level, looking up at Nick with sparkling childlike eyes. She wishes that she could always feel like this, but she knows its just a small burst of peacefulness. With her luck, it will last an hour or so before her mind clouds back up, so she might as well enjoy it while she can)
Nick: *smiles* Proud of you...
Jasmine: (Tilts her head at him, her eyes still sparkling and her nose scrunches cutely) (Whispering, holding out the Pipboy) “Want to try? Its really fun.”
Nick: Of course... *adjusts a setting so it's more of a challenge for him. He takes the pipboy* Alright. Let's see how well I can hack it. *confident wink at his adopted daughter*
Geneveve: How long did it take you to figure it out?
Andrew: ... I'm not certain. A few months. Maybe a few years. I just knew I didn't want to kill people...
Geneveve: I see... *looks at her hands. She doesn't want to... anymore*
Jasmine: (Giggles sweetly again at her Dad, the soft smile still on her face. She shifts slightly so she can see the screen better, which ends up making her wince in pain)
Nick: *softly* I'm sorry, doll... *leans towards her so she can see better. He's trying his best to aim for as many missiles as he can*
Jasmine: (Hums softly, watching Nick play the game with lots of high interest in her childlike eyes. Back home, she was the good one at video games. In fact, she would have to purposely die so that Jie or her other siblings could get a turn. Its intresting to see someone play better than her, the only other person she could think of was her Mom, and she didn't get to play all that often)
Nick: *transfers himself to the bed so she can see better. He's missing one or two without the prediction software but he's giving it a good go*
Jasmine: (Scoots closer to Nick almost automatically, still watching him play the game with pure facination in her eyes. She starts humming along with the radio thats now playing “Anything Goes”, her voice being smooth and sweet)
Nick: *hums along with her as he clears another level. He's happy to hear her voice again*
Jasmine: (Has to smile even more through her humming, its just so sweet and comforting. She would hold Nicks hand, but he is using them to play the game so she clutches his trench coat instead, still watching the Pipboy)
Nick: Maybe I'm a little too good at this. *soft chuckle as he goes back to humming*
Lucille: Come to think of it. I need someone who knows how to make candy.
Geneveve: *raises an eyebrow* Not something I know how to do...
Lucille: Would you at least consider being a merchant?
Geneveve: ...Perhaps...
Jasmine: (Giggles cutely at that comment, going back to humming as well when she was done. Nick is very good at the game, and its really fun to watch. Its also somehow comforting, maybe because her Mom used to play…)
Nick: *purposely dies so she can have a turn* Oh- guess my luck ran out. *shrugs and smiles* Want another wack at it...?
Geneveve: *looks up what candy is in their built in dictionary* Hold on- where are you going to find a candy maker in THIS place?
Lucille: *shrugs* Might take a while, but I'll find them.
Geneveve: I'm going to try to learn how to make it. It requires sugar, yes?
Lucille: Uh-huh?
Geneveve: Get me a chemistry station, mutfruit, corn, and any sugary foods you can find. Especially cotton candy. *walks off to the candy shop* This synth is going to experiment.
Andrew: *shares a look between him and Lucille* Well that's one way to find something meaningful to do. *smirks as he shakes his head*
Lucille: You think she's found her purpose?
Andrew: Hard to tell. Could be something nice to do in the meantime until they figure themselves out. Could be what they do for the rest of their lives. *chuckles* Though if you ask me, that synth seems like they're suited for the stage.
Jasmine: (Gives him a suspicious look, taking the Pipboy in her hands and tilting her head) (Whispering) “Now you sound like me.” (Starts clicking at the game, switching back to an easier setting)
Nick: Hm. It was a very thinly veiled lie, if veiled at all... I just wanted to give you a chance at a turn. *smiles warmly at her*
Jasmine: (Chuckles softly, glancing up to smile back) (Whispering) “I did the same thing for them.” (Keeps playing the game, humming along with “Happy Times.” Some words being sung in a gentle whisper out loud)
Nick: *Goes back to assisting her with aiming for the missiles, smiling at her sweet voice*
Jasmine: (Snuggles herself closer to Nick as she clicks away. Her tongue slightly sticks out between her teeth in concentration when she is not singing, another habit she tries to break)
Nick: *thinks it's adorable. Really adds to how much of a kid she truly is*
Jasmine: (Lets out a delighted hum of joy when she passes another level, looking back up at Nick with sparkling glowing eyes. She knows that she probably looks very childish right now with her little giggles and wide eyes, but she cant help it. And its not like Nick is going to do anything to her, so she will let this side of her slip a bit)
Nick: *gentlest smile his old rubber face will allow* Did good.
Jasmine: (Smiles softly and looks back down at the Pipboy to continue to the next level. Her tongue starts sticking out a bit again as the its now even more difficult to keep up with the missiles. She makes adorable squeals of excitement whenever she manages to shoot one or more missiles)
Lucille: *brings what her daughter asked for*
Geneveve: Also I'm going to need a stove or fire... *arranging the food so she knows what's what*
Lucille: Coming right up!
Nick: *really starts helping her here. They're coming in fast before either of them have time to blink*
Jasmine: (Presses her lips together in hard concentration, barely managing to keep the missiles at bay. If it weren't for Nick helping her, she would have already lost long time ago. She purely laughs in delight when she finally clears the VERY hard level, looking up at Nick with joyful eyes and she holds out the Pipboy to offer him another turn)
Nick: Impressive...! *tousles her hair as he proudly takes the pipboy and adjusts it for a harder difficulty again*
Jasmine: (Snuggles sweetly into the blanket with a small yawn, blinking up at Nick and clutching his trench coat as she waits for the game to start. She loves this warm happy feeling in her… Makes everything in her feel normal, even if its only for a moment)
Nick: Sleepy? *already powering through the first level*
Jasmine: (Quickly shakes her head, blinking rapidly) (Mumbling with a childish tone) “No!” (Clutches Nicks coat a bit more as she watches him play the game. She has had enough of sleep for today! And she means it this time!)
Nick: *softly and playfully scoffs* Coulda fooled me...
Jasmine: (Weakly laughs back, holding in another yawn. Her eyes blink rapidly at the game as she starts humming again with the radio playing “Way Back Home” She bet she could fool him if she really wanted to, but that was in a life or death situation)
Nick: *again finds himself humming songs of the old world, missing it a bit as he plays the game. Before he knows it he's on the level Jas just beat*
Jasmine: (Makes a happy sound of excitment, tilting her head eagerly to watch Nick play this one. She scoots in closer to see better, still holding onto his coat. Some words of the song slip out of her mouth in a melodic whisper, she seemingly not realizing it)
Nick: *eyes move almost jerkily as he tries to follow the trajectory of each missile, making the most of his shots if he can. If he were human he'd barely have time to breathe*
Jasmine: (Watches on with full interest in her big enchanted eyes, only looking away when she ends up yawning again)
Nick: *ends up losing the level cause he looked at her when she yawned* You sure you're not sleepy? You're yawning quite a bit.
Jasmine: (Shakes her head while blinking rapidly up at him) (Muttering in a childish tone) “Im not tired.” (She is a little upset at herself for yawing so much, it distracted Nick from winning the game)
Nick: *notices* Hey. It's alright. It's just a game- I can try again. *smiles down at her, waving the pipboy. To him, this isn't about the game. It's about keeping her entertained and happy. And if she needs to sleep, she should sleep*
Jasmine: (Nods her head, giving him a soft smile. She is doing her best to mask her sleepiness, as sleeping is not something she wants to do again)
Nick: Want another go at it? *hands her the pip boy*
Jasmine: (Shakes her head) (Whispering) “I am good for now-…” (Suddenly frowns and her eyes dull when “Sixty Minute Man” comes blaring on the radio. She looks down over at the keycard, gripping her wrists tightly over her chest and shifting so her legs are crossed) (Mumbling) “Dammit Travis…”
Nick: *notices the change in mood and switches it to Freedom Radio* That better, doll?
Jasmine: (Faintly nods her head, her eyes still on the thrown keycard in the corner while she still holds herself protectively. She just needed to wait this sudden phase out… Her heart starts to thump faster)
Nick: *starts up the game again...*
Jasmine: (Still staring at the card, her heart now racing. Fuck… She feels it boiling in her. She cant let a simple SONG out of all things ruin her good mood…)
Jasmine: (She feels it thumping in her, the looming fear and dread of memories weighing down on her. The only way she knows how to cope with it is by scratching and cutting herself… And thats whats she wants to do) (Whispering frantically as tears start at her eyes) “Dad… help…” (Her hands are already automatically starting to shakily but firmly scratch at her chest through the dress)
Nick: *takes her hands*
Jasmine: (Lightly nods her head, closing her teary eyes as her heart continues to thunder) “Just breathe… They cant hurt you anymore… Breathe.” (Gently wiggles her wrists)
Nick: *squeezes just a little tighter*
Jasmine: (Keeps wiggling her hands lightly while whimpering softly, not really wanting to break free but she cant help it. With this sudden mental break wearing her down, she starts to really feel the tiredness she was ignoring, and its making her eyes heavy…)
Nick: *softly* I'm not gonna hurt you, Rosie...
Jasmine: (Her eyes flutter open to look at Nick and she stops trying to wiggle free, but her breathing is picking up. Her lips tremble as she blinks rapidly at him with red teary eyes, tilting her head) (Quietly and shakily) “Daddy….”
Nick: I'm here, Rosie... I'm here.
Jasmine: (Hums, nodding her teary head. She shuffles so she is straightened out, her eyes growing heavier but she REALLY doesn't want to sleep. She slowly takes in a few deep breaths, feeling herself start to calm down a bit…)
Nick: That's it, doll...
Geneveve: *experimenting with the food using the chemistry station. At some point she does end up making candy*
Jasmine: (Her legs jerk a bit to shuffle off the blanket off her body, but she quickly stops her kicking with another round of deep breaths) (To herself) “Breathe…” (Slow tears dance down her face as she gives in, relaxing into the bed and pillow, but she is still determined not to fall asleep)
Nick: I'm not going anywhere... just relax. You're safe.
Jasmine: (Glances over at Nick with a choked breath) (Softly) “No…..” (She sighs deeply as she closes her eyes, letting the much needed sleep start nip at her even though she doesn't want it to…)
Nick: Ssh... I'll be right here when you wake up. *smiles*
Jasmine: (Lets out a small cry, her still tearful eyes flickering open for a brief moment in a attempt to stay awake. She carefully pulls back her hands and holds them out to Nick, indicating that she wants to be held by him. Again, she scolds herself for it, but she just wants that safe feeling to be around her while she sleeps…)
Nick: Okay... if it helps you sleep... *lays down next to her and pulls her close*
Jasmine: (Rests her head near where Nicks heart would be if he where human, clutching onto him. She closes her eyes, her breathing getting slower as she listens to his inner machinery, letting herself fall asleep)
Nick: *decides after she's asleep to go into sleep mode. He needs the rest*
Jasmine: (Snaps her thoughts to the peaceful moment just before that awful song came on, smiling a little at the warmth from the moment still in her. She wants it to stay. She sniffs and snuggles into Nicks coat, falling into a deep sleep)
Nick: *already entering sleep mode. Some of his systems start to quiet down a little since he's mostly powered down. It helps reset some things*
Jasmine: (Sleeping, her dreams and thoughts completely blank. She is still somewhat aware of Nicks comforting presence)
[Time Jump]
Nick: *stays in sleep mode for a good 6 or so hours. Pretty good considering*
Jasmine: (Sniffs in her sleep, shifting a little bit so she is closer to Nick with her arms still holding onto him. Somehow by some blind miracle, she slept through it all peacefully without a single nightmare. The thought of pie and food still thumped at her, but not as strong)
Nick: *does pop out if sleep mode but decides to do a quick diagnostic*
Geneveve: *trying to get the flavors down. Making sure her candy is safe for human consumption*
Jasmine: (Still sleeping, looking quite adorable while she thinks. Pie… She wants to have some again. She bet she could make some, even if its out of the mutated fruits of the Wasteland. But she wont be able to eat it… At all… Maybe she can make something else? Not even for herself, but everyone else. She could also try and make some of her other deserts and meals she knows- probably most of those recipes have died out and she’ll be the one to revive them)
Nick: *sighs, diagnostics taking the wind out of him every time... even after sleep mode. He looks down at his sleeping daughter*
Jasmine: (Sleepily coos cutely like a small child, snuggling sweetly into Nicks coat as she slowly starts to wake up from her blessed restful sleep)
Nick: Hey, kiddo…
Jasmine: (Drowsily hums in response, followed by a yawn. She opens her eyes and slightly moves her head to look at Nick, still holding onto him. Well that was a good rest for once… How long did she sleep for?)
Nick: That's a record... a good six or seven hours for you. *smiles softly at that* You feeling any better, doll?
Jasmine: (Slowly nods her head, cuddling closer back to his chest. She can move a little more without hurting so much, and she isn't feeling like she is going to vomit which is a good sign. Also her hellish headache is gone, she just needed to keep it this way)
Nick: Good... *pats her head*
Jasmine: (Blinks in confusion at herself, realizing that she is still being such a child) (Mumbling, not looking up) “I think you broke me…”
Nick: Now that's a bit concerning to hear. Care to elaborate?
Jasmine: (Mumbling, still not looking up) “I am acting like a kid holding onto you… I am sorry.” (If she was sorry, why wasn't she stopping?)
Nick: May I remind you that you are still a kid? There's no shame in it. *pets her hair*
Jasmine: (Bluntly muttering into his coat) “I was pregnant.” (She really means to say that she already walked through the fiery hells of life and that what makes her not a kid. And doesn't Nick remember all that she told him? Almost everyone else doesn't see or did see her like a kid based off how they treat her. Being a kid is her weakness….)
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lucilleandherrobots · 2 years
Let's just say being a performer in Goodneighbor attracts some clientele looking for... another type of performance. One maybe expected on a street corner, if you catch my drift.
I think that's how she met Deep Blue. They were in the area and decided to check Goodneighbor out. Curious, they went to the Third Rail and saw her chatting up one of these callers for a little extra pay after she leaves for the night.
However, Deep stepped in, picking up subtle resentment and disgust in the client's voice and getting a good read on their vitals. Deep exposed that the client was intending on murdering Geneveve for being a synth once they got her alone.  Their assumption was right and the client proved that by trying to stab Deep after shouting insults and threats about synths at both of them. This failed- Deep grabbed their arm and pushed them to the ground in self defense.
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