#Gd im doing cooking next
tiralja · 26 days
Good thing about mabinogi is that it has a truly unique feature where you can increase your bond with the npcs by having multiple interactions with them and by doing tasks for them. This is a really cool feature that gives you additional story, background on the characters and sometimes even secret shops on higher likeability points!
Bad thing about mabinogi is that that likeability can also go down if you keep messing up the tasks they give you and needless to say I will not be growing my tailoring skill in this reincarnation because boy oh boy am I annoying the poor man!
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unicyclehippo · 3 years
Have you considered the potential of a hs/college jemily? Goth Emily appearing super scary but just craving love and acceptance? JJ and Garcia seeing this goth girl next to tiny Reid and being concerned since he’s so frequently bullied but they’re just nerding out about Dr. Who
i don’t care about hs anymore since im well out of it thank gd & idk abt college au smth abt it feels off for the characters. they’re not done yet they’re not finished being cooked yet n i guess im just too fond of the ways they’re fucked up in the show to change that. if i were going to write a present day au (ie not fantasy or sci fi) it would probably be transplanting them from the FBI into smth else. i like the idea of them being equally fucked up people but in a situation that doesn’t allow them the outlet of fixing the world a tiny bit. my original thought was that JJ would be hotch’s assistant if he was still a super lawyer but the similarities would be too much. now im thinking about her as a psychiatrist after Ros yknow she wanted to make sure she could help other people. n i think Emily tried to break away from being an Ambassadors whelp & mostly succeeded but not entirely & so JJ watches this extraordinarily pretty, put together, very elegant refined woman come into the rehabilitation centre where she’s working n introduce herself as the physiotherapist n JJ kinda can’t believe it?? but then the next time they meet, Emily is in cargo pants & a tee & she’s matching a team of vets one for one in a push up competition n joking around with them
alternatively, u can’t go past a classic - coffee shop au right? Emily being the worst waitress in the world - sometimes it seems like she’s doing it on purpose?? - n JJ being a frequent guest each morning before she goes in to fbi headquarters. this story is fun bc Emily is fully trained as a spy n stuff n she will 100% leave without warning to go do her job in Boston n leave JJ behind whoops
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pinkbutterfly84 · 4 years
Quintis Fanfic after Postcards from the Edge
Toby followed Happy and Ralph out of the hospital, he was exhausted but what he felt was nothing compared to what 197 would be feeling over the coming days. Toby was relieved Walt was ok but knew the team were clueless on how close they really came to losing him, Toby knew Walt was minutes away from bleeding to death when Cabe rescued him.
Suddenly someone punched his arm 'hey numbnuts, back in the room. Ralph has asked you a question 3 times' Happy said to Toby.
'Sorry little man, spaced out there a minute, what was your question'
Ralph looked up at Toby, Rory etched on his little face 'will Walt be ok? Will he be home tomorrow'
Toby crouched down so he was eye level with Ralph 'listen buddy Walt is strong gonna take a lot more then his car going off a cliff to kill him off. Walter is going to be fine Ralph but these injuries may take a while to heal and gd may need physio'
Ralph looked on the verge of tears ' so he is going yo be in hospital a long time, I'm not going to see him for weeks or even month's'
'Great one Doc, make the kid cry' Toby heard Happy say in a hushed voice.
'Look Ralph Walter may not be home for a little while but that doesn't mean you can't see him, I'm sure your mum will take you to see him, he will need someone with your brain power to ensure his genius brain stays working'
'So........ he needs me to come up with some genius tests for him to do, problems to solve to keep his IQ at 197? Why didn't you say so! We need to get home right away so I can start developing these tests' Ralph started to pull Toby up and dragging him towards Happy's truck.
Happy followed behind and unlocked the car 'come on Ralph in you get, food first then home and you can eat and start working on the tests'
'Great in you get Doc, let's get burgers then we can go home' Ralph said as Toby and Happy got in the truck.
Happy looked over at Toby, he looked drained she can't imagine the mental toll it must take on someone to care for a friend medically and even worse doing it from a distance. She always respected Tobys abilities but today she saw him in a different light. 'Hey Doc u ok?
Toby was resting his head back with his eyes closed 'fine bit tired, nothing a double cheeseburger, large fries and a milkshake wont sort'
Happy smiled 'this i can sort' Happy drove to the nearest drive thru, drove up to the window and ordered enough food for the 3 of them including what Toby had asked for, he was softly snoring next to her so she didn't wake him and Ralph had that look about him they all got when they were deep in thought and problem solving.
Happy drove them back to her place, Toby had never been here but it was better then going to his place. She wasn't sure she was ready to see that side of him.
Once they arrived she pulled up in front of her apartment and gently nudged Toby 'hey doc, wake up, we're here' Toby slowly opened his eyes and looked around 'where are we, this isn't Paige's place' Happy looked up at him ' nope this is my place, don't have a key for Paige's place and you were asleep so this was the better option, come on Ralph food, then an hour of researching for the tests then bed, you can sleep in my bed'
Toby followed Happy and Ralph up the stairs a part of him was excited he was going to see Happy's inner sanctuary, if he wasn't so tired he would be able to gauge a lot of information from what lay behind the door Happy was currently unlocking. 'Watch the tools on the floor Ralph' Happy said interrupting Tobys thoughts.
When Toby walked through the door he stopped and took it all in, tools and machinery everywhere, it was messy but not dirty, clothes were hung up all over the place but not robbeled dirtily on the floor, the kitchen had dishes all over the surface but they were clean. He noticed there were no photos, nothing personal or sentimental.
Happy and Ralph were stood eating in the kitchen 'come on Doc foods getting cold' Happy said handing him his bag of food, he tucked in devouring it all in the time it took Happy to finish her burger.
Once they were all finished Happy took Ralph into her room with a laptop, 'here you go sit or get into bed with the laptop do what you need to do, and i'll be back in an hour for lights out, we are just outside if you need us'
'Thanks Happy im glad its you im with tonight'
Happy smiled and left him to it, she would check the laptop later make sure he hadn't been on the dark web again.
Happy went and sat by Toby ' Ralph boy ok' Toby said 'yep all set on the laptop, are you going to fill me in on why your so quiet?' Happy said sitting slightly faced towards him.
Toby sighed 'we were lucky today it could been so much worse' Toby was starring at the opposite wall 'having Walter life in my hands but not physically in my hands, ifs hard. Its like if you had to talk someone through repairing a motorbike engine but the engine was your best mate'
Happy looked closely at Tobys face she could see the effects of the day he looked lost and worn out 'I get it Doc, I can't imagine how hard it must be to know what you know to save lives and then have to do it on your best mate but not bring able to physically do it makes it even worse' Happy thought for a moment 'your a shrink what advice would you say to me if I was in your shoes?'
Toby slowly turned and looked at Happy smirking efrr so slightly 'turning the tables on me nice one Quinn' he paused 'I would tell you that you need to separate the medical from the personal, you saved a life it was hard but Walt is alive and functioning because he had a doctor near him whilst waiting for the paramedics talking him through how to stay conscious and alive'
'There you go Doc couldnt of said it better you did the best if not better then any other doctor on site could of done, and the personal?'
'I would tell you that you need to be there for your friend to help him recover and support him however he needs'
'There you go advice for us both you need to be there as a friend not an obnoxious Doctor and I actually need to be present and not hide'
Toby laughed and felt the stress of the day slowly drain away, he looked at Happy and smiled 'you know this is the first proper conversation we have had in months'
Happy scowled 'you know why that is jackass don't bring it up again or ill get pissed at you all over again'. Toby raised his hands in surrender 'im just saying I miss my friend, I'm sorry I cooked up our date but I would love to go back to bring friends again'
Happy was silent 'thank you for your apology I accept it and we can move on as friends' Toby moved in for a hug 'don't push it' Happy said holding her hands up.
Toby just looked at her 'just as friends its been a horrific day and we could both use a hug'
'Just this once and no funny business' Toby didn't waste any time and pulled her in, Happy was stiff at first but as she leant her head on his chest and felt his heartbeat and smelt the faint smell of his body wash she relaxed and realised how much comfort she felt in his arms and how much she had missed him. Toby moved himself backwards slowly and Happy moved along with him and it wasn't long before Toby heard Happy's breathing become more shallow and she started to purr softly, she was asleep in his arms. He felt relaxed and content for the first time in months. He pulled the blanket of the edge of thd sofa and covered them both up. He could see Ralph through the crack in the door and could see he was asleep so Toby let himself fall into a peaceful sleep.
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violasmirabiles · 4 years
me: for the love of god try to get a decent amount of sleep. take ur gd chalky licorice tasting extra strong melatonin. take the fuckin imovane too you cant keep doing this
brain: yes we have now done all that but may i present you with The State Of The World. pretty heavy innit. heavy on anyone with a heart and a brain.
me: cant we focus on me hardly getting any sleep at all for one moment
brain: oh yeah. speaking of you. you still dont know what to do next and cant contact anyone at the uni about that shit for more than a month. you also have no money and no therapist and the internationally praised System wont help you with that shit now just cos you failed to heal during the three years worth of support they gave you you piece of shit loser. yer gonna be quite alone lemme tell you that. dont even know what to do. dont even know what you want out of your treatment anymore. as if they can arrange all those tests and stuff you were discussing way before the rona hit. you cant even fuckin cook properly. you keep whining about wanting a partner but refuse to even consider letting anyone get close to you that way because youre so sure youre unlovable and wrong that you cannot let anyone make the mistake of trying to find out. thats on you cunt yer gonna die alone and youve no one ti fucking blame except yourself. prolly arent even focusin on THIS shit im tellin u. HUH? yeah knew it cunt you cant even listen. cant see anything through. its getting late you know. its getting late and youre failing, you know that
me: please im so tired
brain: so which bridge you gonna jump off of once you get back to fuckin joensuu then. cant even tell you to do a fuckin flip cos you cant even do that. fuckin loser. youre an embarrassment and a hindrance to your fuckin family and all your friends are ashamed and tired of you. dont talk back to me you piece of shit. why are you feelin sorry for yourself anyway selfish cunt there are people literally dying
tl dr am tired
ps this isnt a relatable funney post just cos i cant express shit without makin it look like. joke so dont :) even fucking think about reblogging
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dulharpa · 4 years
this is for hayley! @whistlingwillows a dear friend <3333
it’s meant to be a birthday present haha. i just want to shower you in love;;; so thought maybe i could go through as many of your fics and comment on them :^)))
(TO EVERYONE ELSE: please go to @whistlingwillows blog and read her fics!!! they are SO FCKIN GOOD AND AMAZING AND UGH HER MIND (it’s a lot of mcu and her bucky and steve fics are a*. i DEFINITELY RECOMMEND))
i wish you a VERY happy birthday and i hope we stay friends for many more years <3333333333 
i’m going through your masterlist heehee ;)))
ah first off, nice theme! i never could rlly see it before because i’m always on mobile heehee. also sorry for not reviewing them before??? i don’t usually read fics on tumblr as you’ve probably guessed;;
far from home -  bucky x stark sister!reader
firstly, i like how youre introducing the reader from buckys pov, like you can sort of already gather what shes like from them
‘Bucky can hear Tony’s soft inhale, feel the intensity of the man’s glare directed at Steve. He shouldn’t be eavesdropping, but a twitch of muscle would be enough to alert both men that he’s here. With the amount of tension crackling in the air, a brush against the wall would be equivalent to a thousand cymbals crashing in cacophony.’
IM CRYING ALREADY. the imagery in here is GLORIOUS. your tone here is so fitting! oo and the alliteration here is perfecto
ooooooo!! the backstory coming in  👀👀
‘despite what some people think that Steve and Captain America are two different personas, there will always be parts of Steve in the Avenger, and parts of the Avenger in Steve. They both want to believe in something good. They are, after all, one in the same.// Just as how Bucky and the Winter Soldier are the same man despite everything. HYDRA simply amplified the hate, fertilized the seeds of rage, curated the quiet thunder within his soul, within James Buchanan Barnes so that the Winter Soldier could thrive.’
yIKES! lol this is very character study like! nICE. it hurts tho, my poor children, i love you both 
oo ‘starlight eyes’ that is a very nice way of describing them
‘“Then what was London?” The protesters. “São Paulo?” The earthquake. “Vancouver?” Freezing cold water.//“Look, I care if Stark’s gonna run us over trying to find her. I care enough because she’s part of our team. Come off it, Steve. I know she can take care of herself. I’m gonna take a nap. Dr. Cho said no partying post-Singapore and what do you know, we throw the biggest party ever.’
ooo singapore uwu and london? (coincidence? haha jkjk) and the hints abt reader and buckys background are so good?? but so annoying??? like i just wanna KNOW yknow?? 
‘The water runs copper and the sting bites at his palm as he tries not to think. Tries to focus on the numbing cold that runs over his skin.’ 
your imagery is so vivid?? im actually in awe??? i am so regretful i havent kept reading your fics. like i know they are amazing, i just keep putting them off??? idk man. hopefully this makes up for it (gd tho, im still not done with commenting on one fic. this is what im doing with my motivation teehee ;)
‘ He feels weak. Tired. He wants to go back to bed but he also wants to stay out in the sun for a few hours more. The sun kisses his skin through the windows and he squints against the blue sky, wondering ‘
mood during this quarantine lol
‘“Oh, right.” Your voice is flat, uninterested, cold, as you stare at him. “You killed my parents.”Shit.‘
ooo robin as a nickname noice. very much gives me batman vibes lol
oh! and the way of doing the ‘flashback’ is neat! very original. it both tells us what happened AND buckys reaction to it again. he can re-analyse himself and reader. very cool
‘If you walk away now, don’t bother coming back!” Silence. Bucky can hear his own strained breathing, your soft sigh as you soaked in his ultimatum.’
👀👀 yikes that ultimatum. :// not good bucky. tbf theyre both trying to hurt each other but Yikes
eyy!!! readers pov!! finally! and the switch after we find out the outsiders pov? brilliant
oh no :(( more angst
‘When’s the last time you saw your therapist?”“Don’t have one. I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself.”’ they BOTH need therapists;;;;
very good fic!!! :DD they rlly do hate each other! i definitely like how you went back and forth with the timeline! it gave me a v strong idea on what yn was like even before we rlly got introduced. i am now very curious on where reader is? i love your characterisations! 
i will read the 10k+ fics but heck the last one took me ages lolol (i will comment in the future tho!! i promise <3 ) (that took me over an hour jjhghgdjh)
slipping away- amnesiac modern bucky x reader
‘ Put your fucking seatbelt on’
oh no, istg theyre going to have a car crash arent they (’ doesn’t put the seatbelt on to spite you.’ NO PLEASE PUT IT ON U DUMBASS)
ok,,,,, at LEAST he put it on before he got hit, thank heck. but still. youre so cruel to your poor characters lmaoo
oh gosh
‘You fall apart slowly, like pieces of you peeling away until you’re nothing more than your broken heart. The sobs that wrack your body are relentless and you shove your forearm into your mouth to muffle your cries. You want to bite into your skin. You want to distract yourself from the agony tearing you to shreds. You want to feel anything but the pain.///Tears sweep into your hair, cloud your vision and your whole face floods with heat as you try to breathe through the pain. You’re cleaved into pieces on that bed, eyes squeezed shut as the tears keep flowing, and your throat burns’
this hurts damn, it is so vivid?? i can really feel it 
i am so glad you got into writing yk?? so glad
NO PLS, TELL HIM. TELL HIM :((( ‘shes nice once you get to know her?? shes known nat for years now!! years!!
oh god ‘he looks younger without the burden of your time together’ this is so angsty omg
‘Well, he was stumbling through his apology and I just let him finish.” Your body fills with warmth as you remember his embarrassed smile, the way he shoved his baseball cap farther down his head, chin tucked to his chest, trying to hide that face. “When he was done, I opened my mouth to say something polite but what came out was ‘You look like someone I’d very much like to kiss’.”
this is so soft i stg im crying in the club
OH SHITTTTTTTTTTT , you left it off like that!!! thats so cruel!!!! i can’t!!! how dare you!!!! :””””””((( im typing this with tears in my eyes ill have u know!!
anyway!!! very good fic!! you could honestly make that into a longfic very easily lol. i felt too many emotions :(( 
i was just about to say where is the fluff!! where is it!! when i saw the next one and yay :))) pls i cant have more angsty stuff rn
cookies and rings and things bucky and reader
‘how much do you love me?’ ‘count the snowflakes, multiply by a million’
did you have to start the fic off with such a SOFT line? its so soft! so TENDER 
‘He wonders what kinda insane person wears socks without any clothes on, but then decides that it’s the kind of person who’s fallen in love with him.’  jesus, the soft moments filled with love are the greatest <3
you can write fluff so well, whyd you have to pain me with all that angst ;””””) (1/10 hurt, 9/10 comfort is the way to go lolol) (jkjk ill read the angsty ones too when i have the spoons) (gonna reread that hydra steve one and ik thatll fuck me UP)
‘ Then, he can feel the cold metal of the ring she slid onto her own finger less than twenty-four hours ago and realizes that he had thought a lot of things shouldn’t be possible, and yet they still are. ‘
you literally brought me to tears reading this softness, you have truly found my weakness
‘ She’s so damn gorgeous with flour on her face and eye bags beneath her eyes that he’s sure she will inevitably make his heart burst ‘
he already likes her so much! i can’t believe this is affecting me so much :’)
‘Bucky is quite sure Sam is in love with his girlfriend in the fact that he’s in love with the fact that his girlfriend is possibly in love with Bucky’
this is so soft??? sam loves reader bc reader loves bucky sm. pls my hear <3333
you do fluff SO WELL DAMN 
‘F.R.I.D.A.Y.’s voice echoes in his small little perch and he still thinks it’s weird without having the side effect of Stark in his suit chasing after him to hear the A.I. but he shoves that uncomfortable feeling of the dead man out of his head. That is too much regret to unpack right now on a mission. ‘
yike bringing back that reminder oof
but thats so soft??? (i am def overusing soft but,,,,, i love it and the vibe) she sent him cookies! god i can feel the love  
‘She expresses her feelings through cooking, which Bucky has learnt the hard way. One time, they got into an argument over something stupid—he can’t even remember what started it—and came to the kitchen at 2AM to see her sitting at the kitchen island crying her eyes out and surrounded by baskets of muffins.’
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 my hEART
you show how much they love each other in so many ways??? i am dying
“Alright, I like it.” Rolling his eyes, he pecks her forehead and she smiles victoriously. It’s so adorable that Bucky, with less than three hours of sleep, adds, “God, I want to marry you.//”“What?”//Oh.Shit.
oh my god! i am literally tearing up!!! AGAIN!!!!!!!!
oh shit o am literally crying
your fluff got me crying harder than your angst i hope youre happy
I really hope you enjoy reading this?? i keep forgetting to like text you but i wanted to do something for your birthday. especially in quarantine when everythings gone crazy. one year i swear ill do something REALLY good for you. not making promises bc i hate if i dont. but ill like, learn how to podfic because you D E S E R V E  I T 
ive spent like three hours doing this lolol 
thank you so much for everything hayley!
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thehighestmountains · 6 years
woo-wee, it’s been a wild 2 weeks. ca -> ind
the last week i was in california was quite emotional, saying goodbye to a lot of people, having one last hot pot meal with my roommates, playing badminton for the last time, having a last scrum cheer. my leaving gd was an extremely positive experience, people were so kind and supportive of my decision, wishing me the best, claiming the team would just fall apart without my bright personality. honestly, i shouldve wrote a post about that experience more but ive worked for my new company for 3 days, and scorpius who? (jk, if youre from scorpius, im totally kidding). 
i feel like moving away made me more open and less apologetic for who i am, and that in turn made my friendships more substantial. i now have a very frequent stand up for my personal sprints consisting of michelle, valerie, michael and zach from work - which i am so thrilled about because i need people to hold me accountable. we have weekly philosophy discussions, and a monthly book club. really keeps me socially active. 
speaking of socially active, my new work place has extremely open style seating. my whole team works on one teeny tiny desk, and i already feel super comfortable with them. i like their humor very much, and i was afraid i wouldnt make any friends. ha! 
there are many benefits to my new work place. ok, so we dont have any 401k matching, bUT we have free snacks (like la croix, pringles, energy bars, chips, starbucks cappuccinos in those glass jars, u know the ones, all the snacks you want we have), bring your dog to work fridays, team lunch where um you dont have to pay (like wtf, gd..jk but srs), the funniest people, and my work place is down the street from my apartment - like a 5 minute walk. i get to use a mac book pro, which is fun and more luxurious, but also for good reason. its much easier to test across platforms with a mac.
ok, a quick faq on how i am doing, submitted by michelle and valerie - wow its annoying i can just lump them into one word (my roommates) anymore. 
1. how is the weather? its quite finicky, in just the past three days. wednesday, it was very sunny, i wore shorts to walk snoot outside and our bed was so warm at night i couldnt even stay under the covers. on thursday, it was extremely windy, like so windy i was afraid the pie leftover (from pi day) that i was bringing home was just going to get ripped out of my hands. and friday, it snowed. 
2. did you finish unpacking yet? i finished unpacking on day 1. i am no slacky-michelly.
3. do i miss california, if so what do i miss? i already miss playing badminton, i sure hope this purdue badminton club works out. i would say i miss my friends, but i talk to them frequently enough that im doing okay. 
4. how is living with kay? he makes me dinner every night, which has been incredibly healthy for me. it takes the one thing i hate out of my day the most - cooking food. but it is a little weird to have him on voice call playing games with his friends all the time, like almost all the time hes at home. to be fair, division 2 just got released.
5. how is your job? like fantastic, i feel at home with these people. im really enjoying the work and dev environment already. also what i previously said.
6. what are some challenges? well, i have to find a comfortable stool for this high bar table that i am trying to use as a desk. the stool has to have good back support, which i think will be a challenge. 
7. what do i do for fun? well this is what is on my sprint for next 2 weeks: set up my sewing machine that i just bought so i can finally do some thrift flips, read 2 books (the tattooist of auschwitz, and trevor noahs new book), watch russian doll, moral orel, schitt’s creek, and whatever movies valerie, michelle, and i decide to watch on movie mondays, as well as reading some philosophy articles as part of our discussion. aside from personal things, we went to chicago the first week i was there, where we explored the art institute, and attended the chicago symphony.
8. what shops and stores are there? payless is our safeway. idk we have most cuisines you can think of, for restaurants. and idk just regular stores.
9. have i made any friends? my new co-workers who are the same age group as me.
10. apartment tour: this is what it currently looks like. lots got to change, but itll take a bit. 
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marraroma1994 · 7 years
MISSING YOU ~ A Daragon Fanfic ~ alternate ending of MOTTE in Manila
So APPLERS, Im an attendee of Motte in Manila and just like you, I cant move on. Every damn time that I open all my SNS, Youtube Etc. I always search for MOTTEinMNL’s Daragon moments. Daragon is everything so I decided to make a fanfiction of what we want to happen when GD kneels in front of Dara. So guys, hope you enjoy and share it to your co-appler. Please bare with me on this. First timer and maybe I’m not a very good english speaker/writer so there are some slight grammatical error.
Credits to the owner of the photo
The concert was almost over and the dancers all bow down in front of the concert-goers but Jiyong on the other hand kneels and faces Dara. They are all aware of what Jiyong has planned beforehand and he talked to them days before Motte in Manila when he decided to bring his concern to YG. He wants Dara to be his special guest and he wants not just one song. He insisted that Dara should be with him until the encore and YG can’t turn down his only request.
“So guys, I just wanna take this moment to thank you all for coming to my concert tonight.” Jiyong said, still facing Dara.
“We all knew that this is the first time in 8 years that I and Noona are sharing the same stage, so actually it’s a very special day to me and I’m just too happy that she didn’t decline my invitation”
Jiyong didn’t take his eyes off her. His mind was full of all the memories that they have shared together. All the laughter’s and tears. She have been by his side since God knows how long. He can’t remember any moment that Dara ever leave him specially the times when he is down and suffering thru a lot. He knows that he misses her a lot. He tries to be formal throughout the concert proper but he can’t hide how happy he is to be reunited with her once again. They were so close until that one time when he is drinking after a broke up and drunk dial Dara.
”Yoboseyo? Yah Noona!!! Where are you? I’m here in front of your house. Just came from the bar just a few blocks from your house and I decided to visit you.”
”Jiyong-shi? Wae? Okay I’m gonna open the door wait for me”
It’s almost 3AM in the morning. Dara opened the door and saw Jiyong drunk dead. She can’t stand the smell of the alcohol coming from Jiyongs mouth but still manage to get him to sit on the sofa. She almost stumbled because Jiyong was to heavy to carry. She immediately get a hot compress from the kitchen and get some extra shirt from her closet. Jiyong always visits Dara whenever he is not busy and Dara has no other schedules. They usually up for a movie night or just a cooking session once in a while. That’s why Jiyong left some of his shirts on Dara’s house so that he can change everytime he comes over.
“Jiyongie I hate your smell.” She gives him his shirt.
“You should be home by now. I’m aware that you have a MV shoot tomorrow for Bigbang’s comeback album” Dara said while letting Jiyong change his shirt.
“My Noona is so cute! Noona. Why are you like that? You’re so kind. You always take care of me.” Jiyong said while attempting to hug Dara from behind but Dara refused.
“Jiyongie what are you doing! Can you please sober up”
“Noona. I just wanted to be loved and to love. Isn't that a simple thing. But then I always end up being rejected and heartbroken.”
“Is it hard for someone like me to find true love?”
There was a complete silence. Jiyong and Dara was just staring at each other for it feels like eternity until Dara broke the silence.
“No. They just don’t know you better. Maybe they can’t see you as you. Or they can’t stand your angst. They don’t like your attitude. Or you’re getting into their nerves too much that they just want you out of their life. That’s it. You can’t please everyone”
Jiyong was blank for a moment.
“But how about you? You can stand me. You accept my flaws. You haven’t leave me even if I’m a total jerk. I know I fucked up a lot but you’re still here. You still cares for me.”
Dara was flustered for a few seconds. She looks at Jiyongs teary eyes. She then answers in a low tone
“Because… I’m not her. I’m not them. I see you as you. I don’t see you as G-Dragon but Kwon Jiyong. Mistakes make you as a human and I admire you for that.”
Jiyong was caught surprised of what Dara said. He didn’t know that after all those years, Dara didn’t see him as a loser. He always thought that Dara was disappointed in him in everything because she always scold him everytime. She didn’t praise him very often and she always looks irritated whenever Jiyong do some crazy things. That’s why Jiyong on the other hand haven’t attempted to make their friendship glow into something more eventho everyone says that they look good together. He knew that Dara is too good for him. It breaks his heart seeing Dara being admired by every guy that he knows but he can’t do anything about it. He’s aware that he doesn’t have the right and so he spend most of his time to flirt and date random girls that caught his eyes. But at the end of the day he knows very well who he wants to spend his lifetime with. He was just afraid to admit it to himself. Behind his G-Dragon personality is the soft-hearted Jiyong that conceals his true feelings.
Jiyong looks at Dara’s eyes with so much emotion. He doesn’t know what he really wants that moment. He can’t decipher his heart and mind. Maybe he’s too drunk to think straight or maybe sobering up will make this even worse. All he wants now is to held this girl in front of her. He knows that when he lets her go, He’s gonna regret it for the rest of his life and before she knows it, his lips locks into hers with so much passion. Their eyes were filled with tears. Hearts pounding faster until she can’t see anything. She feels like she’s on a hazy euphoria. Their hearts can’t contain every emotion that they feel right now. The warmth of their lips is overwhelming but at the same time it causes a sudden pain in their heart. They don’t know what will happened after this. Nothing is quite clear at this moment but one thing is for sure, the emotion that are present right now is mutual.
After that night, they become awkward with each other not to mention their busy schedules. Bigbang’s comeback and MADE Tour was fast approaching, and Dara’s solo projects too. They barely see each other. They seem to avoid the presence of each other everytime they were in the same place. Every person around them notices it but they choose to keep that to themselves. Days, Months and Years past until everyone forgot it, or maybe not? Until the day that Yang Hyun Suk ask Dara to come to his office for a meeting.
“Dara-shi. Have a seat first. I have something to discuss to you.”
“So Jiyong request you to guest on his concert in the Philippines this coming September 1. As we all know, you're very familiar in there and fans love you dearly. And maybe you can feature his concert and behind the scenes in one of your episodes in your Dara TV. Please think about it.”
Dara was quiet for a moment. She’s thinking about why all of the sudden after a long time would Jiyong wants her to be in his concert. After what happened to them, she thinks that it’s too weird to perform next to him but being professional as she is, she then agreed.
“Just sign this letter of request from GD so he knows that you are coming.”
As Jiyong was kneeling in front of her, the crowd went crazy. They are all chanting “DARAGON”, his dancers adds the spice and throws confetti on them. Dara was quite amazed and shocked. She cant hear what he’s saying because of the loud cheering from everyone. Her face turns red and she doesn’t know what to do. To escape the awkward moment, she decided to crack a Filipino punch line to everyone
“Ginalingan eh! May nanalo na. Uwian na. Uwi na ako!”
As she was about to exit the stage, Jiyong caught her hand and stop her from going.
“Noona. Where are you going? Please stay. I have something to tell you.”
Jiyong signals his band to start the music and his dancers immediately exits the stage leaving the two of them alone, still holding her hand. The crowds chant become more louder but she couldn’t barely hear them, all she hears was her own heart pounding. Up to this moment she doesn’t know what Jiyong was up to.
The song “Untitled 2014” starts to play in the background. Jiyong sings with his whole heart while looking straight into her eyes. His hands didn’t let go of her as he starts singing.
Naege doraogiga
Eoryeopgo himdeun geol ara
Ije deoneun sangcheobatgiga
Duryeopgo silheun geol ara
Nega tteona beorin geunaredo
Mojin mallo neol ulligo
Dwidora seoseo huhoehae mianhae
Jebal dan han beonirado
Neoreul bol su issdamyeon
Nae modeun geol da ilheodo gwaenchanha
Kkumeseorado neoreul manna
Dasi saranghagireul
Uri idaero
Neoege yongseobatgi boda
Jukneun ge deo swiulji molla
I noraereul bulleobojiman
Nae jinsimi daheulji molla
Nega haengbokhagireul barae
Geu heunhan geojismaldo moshago
Doraogiman gidohae mianhae
Jebal dan han beonirado
Neoreul bol su issdamyeon
Nae modeun geol da ilheodo gwaenchanha
Kkumeseorado neoreul manna
Dasi saranghagireul
Uri idaero
Ijeneun kkeutiraneun majimagiraneun
Neoui geu mameul nan mideul su eopseo
I can’t let go cuz you never know
Naegen neo gateun neoegen na gateun
Geureon sarangeun du beon dasineun eopseo
Nobody knows
What you mean to me
You’re always mine
Jebal dan han beonirado
Neoreul bol su issdamyeon
Nae modeun geol da ilheodo gwaenchanha
Kkumeseorado neoreul manna
Dasi saranghagireul
Jigeum i sigani jinagago
Da ijeul su issdamyeon
Geu gieokdo haengbokhaessdeon chueokdo
Ani daeum saengedo neoreul manna
Dasi saranghagireul
Yejeon geudaero
At the end of the song, Jiyong kneels again in front of her.
“Noona. Ahjumma. Yeppeun Yeoja. I know that I’ve been a fool for a long time. I know that I don’t deserve your attention even. But please, listen to me for atleast.
Dara was stunned of what’s happening. The crowd are the loudest at this point. They are all cheering “DARAGON”. The YG crews, bands and dancers are all smiling at her. She didn’t know if this is real or its just a dream. She hoping that someone wake her up if its not but a very big part of her wants it to be real.
“From this moment, I don’t want to call you Noona anymore. So please bear with me on that. Not that I’m being disrespectful to you, My Ahjumma.” Jiyong teases.
“I have wasted so much time and I don’t want to do the same mistake again. I should have told you before that you’re the most beautiful girl in my eyes, inside and out. I shouldn’t have waste every single time proving that to you. If I could just lend you my eyes to you right now so you can see for yourself how special you are to me.”
Dara can’t say anything. Her heart was exploding with too much happiness. She knows that this man in front of her is her biggest heartbreak but he’s is the only one who can fix it too. Jiyong flashes his gummy smile to her as he continue.
“Uhm. Jagi..” and the crowd loses it totally.
“Jagi. Have I told you before that you are my strength? Youre always here for me. You didn’t gave up on me after all that Ive done. Every pieces of you fits on me and Im in my best when Im with you. You are my inspiration. I know that Im not the very best choice for you. Im aware that you have so many guys around that admire you and dying just to be with you right now. But this Kwon Jiyong right here has an advantage. I can sing and dance if you want to. I can act. I’m a total package you know!”
Jiyong was shy all of the sudden as the crowd teases and laughs at what he said.
“I can be your stuff toy. You can cry on me. You can share your happiness with me in an extra level. And I’m willing to give everything just to see you smile”
“Jagi-ya, I don’t know what to say anymore. But as you know, Ill be leaving next year for my enlistment. So I want to ask you something.”
Dara’s heart was pounding too fast that she almost fainted at that moment. She’s too overwhelmed of the revelations.
“Jagiya, I have loved you from the start. Im just too afraid to be rejected by you. That’s why I keep our friendship just to be close to you as always. I don’t want to lose you that’s why I remain to be your friend because I believe that relationships our bound to end at some point but not friendship. I try to fall inlove with other girls so I can move on with my feelings for you but it’s too hard. And now Im not holding back anymore. Ill take this risk before I enter the military. I want my own son or daughter waiting for me as I go home. I want you to wait for me at the end of my military service holding our baby. I want to spend the rest of my eternity with the woman I truly loved”
“Dara-shi, will you marry this Kwon Jiyong?”
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itachikun · 7 years
i got tagged by @topssi and @taeyang-ish !!! tysm ily both!!
1. Ultimate bias(es)? 
2. who are your top 3 groups?
3. what are your 3 favourite songs? (right now?)
naked - taeyang
diamond - exo
divina commedia - jiyong
4. what do you like to do in your free time?
rewatch naruto
look at pictures of castles for sale around europe here and here
5. are there any places you would like to visit that you haven’t already visited?  
Morocco (i was at the airport for like 2h but it doesn’t count)
United Arab Emirates
6. do you have a dream job?
hm become a diplomat as soon as possible
help as many people as i can 
7. if you could meet ANY korean CELEBRITY (includes actors, models, k-music artists, etc.), who would it be?
im not going for my biases cause i know that it wouldn't go well lmao but i would love to meet Donghae, Seunghoon, Kangjoon, and Gong Yoo
8. what do you love most about your bias group(s)?
The intimate relationship you can clearly see they've (bigbang/exo) developed throughout the years and how they are like a family now. And the fact that they've taken kpop to a whole next level, ofc. 
9. who are your ultimate bias wreckers?
i have too many...but to mention some: gd, junmyeon, chanyeol, sehun, seunghoon, donghae...
10. what do you wish for the most to happen?
idk i just hope i get to find inner peace soon so i can chill a lil bit 
11. when did you get into kpop and how?
back in 2006 when i watched Free Your Mind by dbsk and i got shookth
12. what made you decide to have a tumblr blog?
i got too sad when Merlin (the series) ended back in 2010 and i needed somewhere to talk about it :/
13. favorite colour?
pink!! and brown
14. favorite animal?
15. what are your interests?
16. would you prefer movies or music?
17. what would you like to achieve (or experience) before the age of 60?
get a major in history just for the sake of information 
become a university professor (i guess? once i decide to retire from being a diplomat? yea)
!!!! im tagging!! --> @baekhies @gajshina @sehunas @94exo @wakareru @dae-dreamxx @3aekhyun 
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ravenvsfox · 8 years
Can you do a post about lalia and alverez eventhough there's not enough info about them X.
I can sure try!! (I went and reread their one scene lmao so I’m making a lot of inferences)
who is more likely to hurt the other?
from what I can see alvarez is a fiery lil son of a bitch but she’s mostly harmlessly teasing, while Laila is a little softer spoken but equally jokey like I think their relationship is an uncomplicated two way street considering they were laughing and holding each other up after the game from hell
so like.... if I had to choose I’d say Laila is too deadpan or unresponsive and it hurts Alvarez’s feelings lowkey
who is emotionally stronger?
I think Laila probs bc she’s holding up when she’s being record-breakingly destroyed in goal, whereas alvarez is dramatically collapsing on the floor like.... I think it’s 90% bravado and the rest of her is all soft
who is physically stronger?
GREAT question I think alvarez has thick legs bc she’s a backliner and she’s built that way (she’s also teeny tiny fight me on this), but Laila is probably toned as fuck in the arms from goal-keeping so like. Alvarez could outrun you and probably beat you up out of spite and Laila has like..... 2% endurance like she could beat you up but probably won’t
who is more likely to break a bone? 
I think alvarez has less regard for her own wellbeing and she really really tries to protect the goal (and her baby) so I think she’ll get roughed up by strikers here and there. Goalkeepers are a lil more untouchable, and I think in day to day life Laila is less likely to start shit (but she’ll finish it boyyyy)
who knows best what to say to upset the other? 
Like definitely Laila, the same laila who called her gf fat after they ran their first full game wtF like Alvarez rarely takes it as a real insult but Laila could stop pulling emotional punches and really do damage
who is most likely to apologize first after an argument? 
again.... alvarez is so gD dramatic catch her staring moodily into the middle distance like ‘my wife has drifted away from me.. a tumultuous sea floods the landscape of our love .... my heart it shakes.. god.... death has me grasped in its lily-white hands’
and laila’s across the room like ‘BABE my phone died im sorry I didn’t text you good morning but we were in the same bed’
like alvarez WILL apologize but she’d rather wait.. and be showered in praise....
who treats who’s wounds more often? 
you’d think laila would treat alvarez’s bc i’ve already identified her as disaster-prone but actually avarez likes to dole out comfort as much as she likes to receive it so she’s in there buying out the pharmacy when Laila is sick, buying bandages that are way too heavy duty for accidental cooking-related injuries. A firm believer in kissing it better
who is in constant need of comfort? 
like. idk their backstories but just based on alvarez’s chipper demeanour there’s like........... gotta be something under there..... she’s too happy to not be actually sad..... I think she’s an attention seeker and a showman and her confidence is actually tissue paper, and I think Laila needs to constantly make sure she’s okay or alvarez deflates
who gets more jealous? 
Alvarez is hot and her backliner buddy is def in love with her and Laila sometimes hates being confined to goal :)))))
Alvarez pretends she’s jealous a lot for the #drams but she knows Laila better than to think she’d do anything (Laila technically knows too, but she can’t stop the feelings other ppl get when they talk to alvarez and those feelings are always impressed and delighted and at least 60% in love)
who’s most likely to walk out on the other? 
did you know that no one at USC is physically capable of separating?? yeah pretty neat
who will propose? 
mmmmmm you’d think alvarez bc the world is a stage but she really deeply wants the satisfaction of being loved enough to publicly be professed to honestly. Plus she knows laila can do it and she’s waiting for her frowny indulgent gf to consult Jeremy for romance tips
who has the most difficult parents?
there’s.... literally no way of knowing....... idek alvarez’s first name.......
lets say Laila arbitrarily next
who initiates hand-holding when they’re out in public? 
ALVAREZ wholeheartedly she’s so so affectionate
who comes up for the other all the time? 
They’re honestly always gushing about each other it’s impossible to say
who hogs the blankets? 
Tricky but I think Alvarez?? She sleeps hard and long and wakes up at noon wrapped head to fucking foot in comforter and sheets and pillow cases? somehow?? Laila is an early riser and a light sleeper so she has to cling to Alvarez to make her stop moving so she can get some fuCKING SLEEP
who gets more sad? 
idk bro.... idk if you can be sad when you’re near Jeremy Knox..... idk
who is better at cheering the other up? 
If Alvarez is great at taking care of Laila, Laila is great at being there for alvarez like she’s just present and solid and sweet and she hooks her chin onto alvarez’s shoulder until she stops crying, and rubs her back and calls her affectionate names
who’s the one that playfully slaps the other all the time after they make silly jokes?
this is like canon alvarez slaps laila and laila rolls her eyes they tease each other! so much! 
who is more streetwise?
maybe laila?? I feel like she’s a little rougher around the edges. She probably killed a man to get onto the team
who is more wise?
uhhhh also Laila bc she’s school smart and street smart but not quite as much people smart?? she’s friendly but she can’t pull the attention of a room like Alvarez can
who’s the shyest? 
JOKE it’s laila no fucking contest bc alvarez is the loudest-mouthed human
who boasts about the other more? 
alvarez is always like ‘i’m married to the best goalkeeper in the south’ and laila has to be like ‘we’re not married’ and neil bursts in panting to tell them that andrew is the best goalkeeper in the south :/ actually ://
who sits on who’s lap? 
very alvarez, she makes Laila carry her and be her pillow when they’re travelling and she splays across her when they’re at home and honestly moulds her limbs into whatever shape is most convenient for her
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taeboos · 8 years
I was tagged by @idontknowibangtagon (thank you cutie!!!! <3) 
Rules: Go to this site and enter in your top ten biases from any groups and randomize them. The order they are displayed to you becomes their number (this just ensures that the process is random) and you just have to choose between the biases for each scenario!
Biases: (as given to you by randomizer)
Jae Park (Day 6)
G-Dragon (BIGBANG)
Taemin (SHINee)
Park Jimin (BTS)
Kim Taehyung (BTS)
Mark Tuan (GOT7)
Min Yoongi (BTS)
Park Chanyeol (EXO)
Minho (SHINee)
Kihyun (Monsta X)
Scenarios: (don’t worry, there is a question for every combination of biases (also, I randomized the pairs) and you don’t have to explain your answer, that’s just the way I am lol)
Go to a baseball game with 4 or 10. Jimin or Kihyun.  Jimin, bc like idk it would be super cute with him in a baseball hat and him just getting excited idk my bby 
Play a game of twister with 1 or 7. Jae Park or Min Yoongi. sHIET mAN I really wanna say yoongi but i think im gonna go with Jae on this bc I can imagine him just seriously having so much fun and would tease me a lot and make jokes igjldsijgls
Eat ramen at 2am with 2 or 8. G-Dragon or Park Chanyeol.  lol I am gonna have to go with GD on this bc he’d probably be the best person to hang around in the middle of the night who knows what might go down lol
Watch a Disney movie in theaters with 5 or 10. Taehyung or Kihyun. kiM TAEHYUNG MY BABY SCREAMS 
Go hiking with 5 or 9. Tae or Minho. Taehyung, bc I just?? I love him so much?? and we’d probably get lost but its ok bc we’re together??? 
Swim with the sharks with 4 or 5. Park Jimin or Tae. Jimin bc he could crush the sharks with his thighs if they try to eat us lmfao 
Swim with the dolphins with Yoongi or Kihyun. MIN YOONGI YES OMG
Fall asleep talking a 4am with 3 or 9. Taemin or Minho. Minho, idk ok it be so cute i can imagine it and now im cryin
Wake up next to 2 or 7. GD or Yoongi.  YooNGI holy hell id just die everymoring he’d be sleeping still when i wake up and i could just look at his flawless face not wanting him to wake up and when he does he catches me looking and then teases me djgklsgjlsj fUcjdkljfl
Be stuck in rush hour traffic with 4 or 9. Jimin or Minho. id k man um I think im gonna go with jimin bc I think he’d be most chill and would try to make the situation better by trying to make me laugh bc ill prob be the one stressing lmao 
Build a snowman with 7 or 8. Yoongi or Chanyeol. LOL um damn why can’t i choose both??? T-T......I’m gonna choose Chanyeol bc I think Yoongi would just get cold and complian about how ugly the snowman will be lol and Chan would be really cute and the afterward would be us pelting each other with snowballs and then going to snuggle with some hot chocolate next to a fire later dammit im crying
Spend a day baking with 5 or 7. Taehyung or Yoongi. dAmMIT wHOSE I DEA wAS IT TO PUT MY TOP TWO BIASES TOGETHER T-T.....idk idk idk but I think I’m gonna go with Taehyung bc ULT but also I think it’d be real cute but we’d literally be more interested the cookie dough and cake batter than the final product lmao and tbh we’d probably totally forget about the cookies bc we fell asleep cuddling and they’d burn and then we’d be like “well what do with these???” and we’d pack them up and give them to Jimin lmfao 
Be stranded on a desert island with 2 or 9. GD or Minho. I’m going with GD on this one bc he’d be the one to be more chill and relaxed (i think???) and plus he’d make good company we’d probably go hiking and since im physically challenged he’d have to give me a piggy back ride back the way we came lol
Be hit by a car by 1 or 9. Jae or Minho. JAE COULD RUN ME OVER WITH A CAR ANY DAY 
Hit 3 or 4 with a car. Taemin or Jimin. wtf is this question no (im sorry but if i had to choose im sorry taemin ur getting hit bc i can’t run over jimin ;-;) 
Kiss 4 or 8 in the moonlight. Jimin or Chanyeol. I’m gonna go with Chanyeol for this bc like jimin is shorter than me Chanyeol would be super cute and romantic and it’d be like that princess kiss like I’ll stand on my toes to kiss him but im almost as tall so it won’t bc much so our noses would just “boop” and it’d be really cute and he’d kiss me so sweetly and uGH *melts* 
Arm wrestle 1 or 3. Jae or Taemin. Jae, I’d probably loose no matter who I choose but i’d be more happy about it lmao 
Go to an art museum with 3 or 5. Taemin or Taehyung. Taehyung omg we’d be that couple who’d want to touch the sculptures like put arms around the necks of those naked sculptures yeah u know the ones and we’d almost get kicked out lolol
Have a picnic with 2 or 3. GD or Taemin. I hate these questions rip me im gonna go with Taemin
Buy a puppy with 1 or 10. Jae or Kihyun. Jae, bc like idk just Jae lol
Get a forehead kiss from 7 or 9. Yoongi or Minho. Yoongi thanks bye
Pick up 2 or 6 from the airport at 5am. GD or Mark. Mark, that’s my bby i’d do anything for that boy i swear 
Go on a roadtrip with 3 or 8. Taemin or Chanyeol. Chanyeol, because i really love Chanyeol ok like wow having a roadtrip with him would consist of so many cuddles in hotels and eating out and sightseeing and he’d be driving and i’d be asleep in the passenger seat and he’d just smile and carry me asleep to the next hotel room gjkdlgjlsdgj
Have an all night study session with 6 or 8. Mark or Chanyeol. Mark, bc we won’t be actually studying we’d be looking at memes instead and i’d fail and i’d blame him but it would be alright bc we had snakes and it was a good time 
Sing karaoke with 8 or 10. Chanyeol or Kihun. Chanyeol, bc like damn i think i’d die and get embarassed and he’d be all cute and encourage me to keep going and compliment me all the time and we’d be sweet duo ok lol idk 
Climb a tree with 6 or 9. Mark or Minho. Mark lmaooooo 
Go to the zoo with 2 or 5. GD or Taehyung. OH MY GOD TAEHYUNG fUCKK that boy would be trying to touch all the animals he’s want to pet them all and he’d tell me that we are gonna snatch and raise that baby polar bear no one will stop us ok 
Go bowling with 3 or 6. Taemin or Mark. LOL man, Idk....Mark 
Have 1 or 8 do your make-up. Jae or Chanyeol. fuck man idk I think im gonan go with Jae this time lmaooo 
Swim in the rain with 4 or 7. Jimin or Yoongi. WOWOW UMMM I think Jimin bc like idk I feel like Yoongi would want to be inside when its raining and be chilling and me and jimin will be the adventerous ones lol idk plus i think jimin would be so aesthetically pleasing while swimming in the rain???? 
Share your favorite food with 6 or 10. Mark or Kihun. Mark, bc he is my bby ok
Go ice skating with 1 or 4. Jae or Jimin.  Jae, bc just Jae i love him and something about this scenario makes me lean towards him im not sure why tho yet
Get lost on vacation with 2 or 10. GD or Kihyun. jfkldsgjkldsjglkds mY dUDE ugh Kihyun 
Get locked out of your car in the middle of nowhere with no cellphone signal with 4 or 6. Jimin or Mark. Jiminnnnn
Rob a bank with 5 or 8. Taehyung or Chanyeol. >.> uGH this choice is killing me i think im going with Taehyung tho, even tho this would end badly no matter who i choose lmao 
Have 8 or 9 write a song about you. Chanyeol Minho. SCREAMS CHANYEOL GJKDSGKSLGKSJGJKSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Be embraced by 9 or 10 after you cry. Minho or Kihyun. omg Minho id cry ok
Have 6 or 7 cook for you. Mark or Kihun. Mark, i trust him with cooking more lmao sorry Kihyun 
Have 1 or 2 be your sidekick. Jae or GD. GD HOLY HELL WE’D BE SO BADASS YASS IM HERE FOR THIS 
Star in a K-drama with 1 or 6. Jae or Mark. mgklgmlkfgsgksldg mARK 
Build a dresser from Ikea with no instructions with 3 or 7. Taemin or Kihyun. Kihyun lmao rip 
Be in a zombie apocalypse with 5 or 6. Taehyung or Mark. cHong chugin BALsa !!!! Taehyung. We’ll blast them to bits babe we got this we are a dynamic duo here to kick zombie ass 
Run a YouTube channel with 3 or 10. Taemin or Kihyun. I have no idea what we would base the channel on but i think im gonna go with Taemin here lol
So yeah im sorry bc it took me forever to finish this lol so anywhoo, I’m gonna tag: @parked-jimins @blamebangtan @boyfriend-sushi @lonely-doki @pastelunnie @ssweetshine @summersdaytae @fairynams @mylifeiskpoptrash 
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monstermash · 8 years
unfortunate backstory for this message is me pleading u to send it to me so i can dump my hcs somewhere but lets disregard that for now
1- Who is the most affectionate? !! i feel like probably bodhi bc cassian is a little bit distant from affection at first bc everyone hes ever loved has gone in some way or another but they’re both pretty gd touch starved at this point so there is so much snuggling and eventually cassian warms up to pda a little bit more2-Big spoon/Little spoon? bodhi is almost always the big spoon even tho he’s 2″ shorter than cass bc he likes to be comforting and wrap himself around him. jetpack ur bros3-Most common argument? both of them are.. kinda bad when it comes to self worth n personal love and all that so if they ever argue its kinda along the lines of “cassian jeron andor listen to me you are so worthwile and important and i love you” or one of them being very reckless on a mission and the other getting angry 4-Favorite non-sexual activity? they like playing cards together, and sometimes cassian reads before bed and bodhi wiggles up to lay next to him and read over his shoulder spooned behind him5-Who is most likely to carry the other? cassian ends up carrying bodhi to bed a lot because he’ll just not sleep for a while and then pass the hell out in the middle of the mess hall and cassians like.. well here we go again and hauls him off to bed6-What is their favorite feature of their partner’s? bodhi’s favorite thing about cassian: all of his jackets but also his Smilecassian’s favorite thing abt bodhi: his hair ?? its amazing he has a Thing for bodhis hair 7-What’s the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other? well im feelin like bodhi realizes hes kinda in love w cassian some time after scarif and then just spur of the moment kisses him? so thats the main first change is bam okay they’re kissing now8-Nicknames? & if so, how did they originate? someone i follow uses Bode as a nickname for bodhi which i think is hella cute in like a modern au or smth. bodhi calls cassian Cass a lot just as a quick abbreviation but also captain and sometimes other people call bodhi “your pilot” around cassian and he accidentally picked that up9-Who worries the most? its bodhi no question10-Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant? bodhi has a notebook full of things he needs to remember that he keeps in his bag or pocket at all times and it includes cassian’s standard coffee and food orders just in case11-Who tops? you fools... the strict top/bottom dichotomy is oppressing us all.. 12-Who initiates kisses? already answered13-Who reaches for the other’s hand first? bodhi is the #1 hand holding champion of the resistance so he’s into that 14-Who kisses the hardest? depends on the situation i think, after a mission they do have some intense “oh my god we made it out holy shit i love you so much” kisses, or sometimes if cassian has to do a mission w/o bodhi (or vice versa) they can barely make it out of the ship before the other is over there kissin them15-Who wakes up first? cassian is a really oddly early riser when he doesnt need to be and sometimes for meetings. plus he wakes up early w nightmares and stuff sometimes and likes to just lay in bed w bodhi there until he calms down16-Who wants to stay in bed just a little longer? both of them i think.. bodhi Never wants to get up bc in the empire they were pretty strict abt that stuff 17-Who says I love you first? already answered18-Who leaves little notes in the other’s one lunch? (Bonus: what does it usually say?) ok im talkin abt my college au here bc im uncontrollable but like. some days cassian has classes and bodhi doesn’t and bodhi makes him lunch every once in a while before test days or whatever and he always puts in a little note that’s like “you’ve got this!! i believe in you!! you can’t have your zepplin shirt back until you focus and do your readings tonight 19-Who tells their family/friends about their relationship first? assuming we’re going w a modern au in which either of them has family to speak of, i’d say bodhi in his weekly call to his mom to chat he’s like “hey mom i have a boyfriend!! he’s cute and has nice hair but he’s bad at making jokes”20-What do their family/friends think of their relationship? bodhi’s mom is totally fine w it and so is his sister, cassian’s parents are kinda weird abt it at first but mostly bc his last relationship was really weird so they’d question it no matter who he was dating. but, they trust this bodhi kid and think if anyone has to date cassian it should be them21-Who is more likely to start dancing with the other? bodhi doesn’t think hes a good dancer.. at all but he’s fairly ok but cassian is.... a really good dancer and this is totally inspired by the film dirty dancing havana nights which i still havent seen but he’s a good dancer but doesnt dance much so bodhi’s really surprised but then some nights they sneak into the mess hall when they can’t sleep and they dance because its good for emotional release and theres space down there
22-Who cooks more/who is better at cooking? theyre both pretty good cooks but cassian cooks more bc it reminds him of what little he remembers of home23-Who comes up with cheesy pick up lines? bodhi googles them because he thinks hes funny and he keeps them in his notebook24-Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times?25-Who needs more assurance? both of them rlly? like bodhi’s been thru some shit and so has cassian and theyre both kinda insecure and not the best at positivity abt themselves so they both need a lot of reassurance abt things26-What would be their theme song? hmmm either in our bedroom after the war by stars, or you are a runner and i am my fathers son by wolf parade27-Who would sing to their child back to sleep? cassian definitely..28-What do they do when they’re away from each other? they try to keep busy but they definitely send transmissions as much as possible to keep in touch29-one headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart. yknow. what happens in canon is enough for me lol30-one headcanon about this OTP that mends it. they have a lot of rituals after scarif for when one or both of them can’t sleep for any number of reasons, sometimes they’ll sneak out to this big hill near the base and look at the stars, or they’ll play cards (bodhi’s teaching cassian some tricks, but cass is fairly sure they arent good tricks and theyre making him lose), or cassian will tell bodhi about galactic history and run his fingers through his hair until eventually the sun rises or they fall back asleep
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mooncactus · 8 years
@lastchancegeneralstore​ ‘s asoue questionnaire! no one tagged me but I just thought the questions were great! 
favorite book in the series: Grim Grotto, since I was tiny! Even though I almost stopped reading it because of the water cycle bits, lmao.
when did you read them for the first time: right after the movie came out, so I was nine.
favorite character: 1) fiona, 2) olaf or lemony 3) sunny
kit/dewey or kit/olaf: RIDE OR DIE FOR KIT/OLAF
favorite quagmire: quigley is the only one with a god damn 3 dimensional personality is really interesting to me because he was toughing it out on his own for so long!
favorite baudelaire: sunny, to my surprise! think it’s because I’ve become super passionate about cooking as an adult so i feel connected to that, haha.
favorite snicket: lemony, absolutely. i love him. 
did you see the 2004 movie in theaters: yup! christmas day, 2004.
thoughts about the movie: i still love it, honestly. I maintain it’s an excellent movie but a terrible adaptation. the design, makeup, costumes, aesthetic, etc, still holds up perfectly. its just... the mood/writing/plot changes does not, lmao. also, it’s how I got into the series so I can’t ever hate it.  
favorite quote: a literally impossible question, but while listening to the audiobooks I spent like 5 minutes laughing at “YOU’RE being unbearable with a U.” “And you’re being stupid with an S!!!” so im praying it made it into the tv show 
have you ever met daniel handler: NO BUT I ALMOST DID!! a signing I was going to go to got cancelled :(
thoughts about ATWQ: I read the first one and enjoyed it, but felt left down, and i’m... still really upset beatrice isn’t in it. :/ i AM gonna finish them, though, and am excited to!
favorite ATWQ character: its cheating to say lemony, but oh my god. baby lemony
would you ever get an eye tattoo: no bc i dont do tattoos, but if I did, ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY fire-fighter or fire-starter: i start fires on my gas stove
least favorite character: carmelita is already The Worst, but daniel handler’s voice for her brought it to a whole nother level. + nero, for the exact same reason
did the quagmires survive: better question is, did fiona, fernald, and captain widdershins survive?? (no.)
in your opinion, what is the great unknown: a giant piece of pasta seeking revenge on fernald for mistreating its species
did you like the way the series ended: kkiiiinda. if I ignore the beatrice letters, absolutely. “beatrice sank” just pisses me off because I feel like the end was perfectly.. open ended, and then it just has to be NO!! MORE MISERY AND DESPAIR AND DEATH!! to the point where it doesn’t make any gd sense, what with the “and many years later insert baudelaire here still couldn’t sleep at night”. so. ugh. i will forgive if/when DH makes a beatrice jr series, because I really do think that’s next. 
what question do you most want answered by handler: me, shaking the man by the shoulders: GIVE ME SOME GD ANSWERS ABOUT KIT/OLAF!!! (another reason im hoping for a beatrice jr series, because I want lemony to narrate “how i met your mother’s boyfriends”, lmao.) 
what are you most excited for about the netflix series: oh god, everything. the new subplots/mysteries the most, though. im crying over the fact “asoue spoilers” is gonna be a thing again ;o;
binge watching or spacing out the episodes: RIDE OR DIEEEEE, i dont have class on friday so i will literally wake up and just watch them all in one sitting
tagging: @wasabinogingers @vi0letbaudelaire @susurrussapphic
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