#Gavril Lloyd
Hello! I am the one who submitted Marietta Lloyd, I know she will probably not enter because surely I am the only one who submitted her, but I think she should be in the tournament because by not many people knowing who she is, she is getting away with the awful things she did! We can't let that happen! Everyone must know the monster she is!
hi, anon! you are indeed the only one to submit marietta lloyd. however, to make sure everyone know about the terrible things she's done, I've copied the propaganda you sent in and put it under the cut. everyone who follows me can read about her, even if she doesn't get in
read on about marietta lloyd!!
Okay so she was a poor girl that married for convenience, his husband was one of the richest men in the kingdom, together they had twins. At first, Marietta thought that she was going to have two boys, but was surprised when she ended up having a boy and a girl, Gavril and Gianna, looking at Gianna, she decided she was going to give her daughter the life she never had.
Everything alright until that moment right? Which mother doesn't want to give her kid the world? Well, that's when the problems started. First lets start with Gavril, Marietta only had eyes for Gianna, so she never played any attention to her son, basically ignoring his existence and never showing him ANY kind of love, she never hid the fact she only "loved" Gianna and that her son meant nothing to her. Even in a fight with her husband (he was getting tired of her toxic behaviour and wanted to get a divorce and leave with the kids), she says to him that he can leave with Gavril if he wants to but that Gianna belongs to her, Gavril hears that and breaks thinking why his mother doesn't love him, the only time she thought of him was when she needed Gavril to tell his best friend Emil, who is also the prince, that he should marry Gianna, aside of that, completing ignoring him. But if you thought that was everything, wait until you find out what she did to Gianna. While Gavril was the one that was ignored, Gianna was the one who received all the attention, incredible right? Wrong. Since a young age Gianna was heavily controlled by her mother in EVERYTHING, the way she looked, acted, dressed, what she did as a hobby, in her classes, the friends she had, how much she was allowed to eat, basically Marietta forced her daughter to be perfect, if she made a mistake or dissobeyed in any kind of way,
Marietta locked her into a small and dark room, and leaved her without eating. Marietta constantly screamed at Gianna, and told her she was useless and couldn't do anything on her own, that she had no value without her, forcing her wish of being queen on her daughter. When Emil needs to marry to become King he has to choose between his three best friends, one of them being Gianna (the other ones are Mila and Elyon, the most important for this is Elyon), that's when Marietta becomes even more obssesive, telling Gianna over and over again that she has to marry Emil, telling mean things about her friends. But what I consider to be the worst of all is that when realizing Elyon and Emil where in love, she sends an assasin to kill Elyon (which, technically, she ends up doing) so Gianna could marry Emil, and has no shame in admitting this to her daughter and making Gianna feel guilty about Elyon's death (because Gianna told her mother about Emil and Elyon's relationship).
Her other crimes include:
•Slapping Gianna so hard she has to use make up to hide her bruises, Marietta also pulls Gianna's hair from time to time •When Gianna eventually marries Emil, Marietta tells Gianna that she has to have sex with Emil and bring a heir to the throne, despite Gianna not being interested at all in having sexual relationships (she is asexual) •Following what was said above, one day Marietta hits Gianna very hard as a punishment for not having sleep with Emil yet, and tells her not to come back until she has done so. Which leads into Gianna almost forcing herself to have a sexual relationship she didn't want (lucky for her, Emil realized something was wrong and stopped before it could go too far) •Disregard her daughter's healing gifts despite her being one of the best healers in the world •Telling Gianna constantly that she is useless and would never accomplish anything without her •Trying to kill Elyon with her own hands in front of Gianna
Summary: She is an awful mother who says she is doing everything for her daughter while in truth it's only to feel better about herself, treating her daughter like trash and her son like he doesn't exist.
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giannalloyd · 3 years
Mila: Navidad se vuelve mucho más difícil a medida que envejeces
Mila: "¿Qué quieres para Navidad?" ¡No lo sé! ¿Seguridad financiera? ¿Un trabajo estable?
Gavril: Una siesta estaría bien
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lemoncielart · 5 years
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Tarot art de El prícipe del sol por Claudia Ramirez
└   Lyra Yuenai — El Diablo. [ Sufrimiento, pasiones, materialismo, luchas y conflictos. ]
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todayclassical · 7 years
April 06 in Music History
912 Death of composer Monk and author, Notker Balbulus. 
1631 Birth of composer Vincenzo De Grandis.
1660 Birth of Bohemian composer Johann Kuhnau.  1670 Death of Italian soprano Leonora Baroni.
1672 Baptismal of French composer Andre-Cardinal Destouches.  1708 Birth of composer George Reuter.
1743 Death of tenor Thomas Salway. 
1752 Birth of composer Johann Friedrich Kranz.
1759 Handel becomes ill at performance of Messiah in London. 
1767 FP of Arne "Linco's Travels" London.
1778 Birth of American composer Joseph Funk. 
1779 Death of Italian composer Tommaso Traetta. 
1797 FP of Beethoven's Quintet for Piano and Winds, Op. 16, at a Schuppanzig concert in Vienna.
1812 Birth of composer Gavril Yakimovich Lomakin.
1815 Birth of German composer Friedrich Robert Volkmann. 1818 Birth of composer Francis H. Brown. 
1835 Birth of composer Jose Marraco Ferrer.
1844 Birth of composer Joseph Ludwig.
1847 Conversion of Covent Garden Theater in London to Opera House, opens with Rossini's Semiramide.
1854 Birth of #tenor Heinrich #Botel in Hamburg. 1867 FP of Schubert's Unfinished Symphony in England, 39 years after his death.
1877 Birth of German tenor Jacques Decker in Cologne. 
1884 Birth of American composer Hart Pease Danks in New Haven, CT.
1885 Birth of French-American composer and harpist Carlos Salzedo. 1887 Birth of Rumanian opera composer Nicolas Bretan, in Nasaud.
1892 Birth of composer Mateusz Glinski.
1896 Birth of composer Juan Tomas Perez.
1900 Birth of French composer Andrés Orchassal Sas. 
1908 Birth of composer Vano Il'ich Muradeli.
1910 Birth of Italian soprano Emma Tegani. 
1911 Birth of composer Phyllis Margaret Duncan Tate.
1912 Birth of Welsh tenor David Lloyd in Trelogan, Wales. 
1916 Birth of American mezzo-soprano Martha Lipton in NYC. 
1912 Birth of composer Endre Szekely.
1918 Birth of Austrian bass Manfred Jungwirth St. Poelten, Austria. 
1921 Birth of American composer Andrew Imbrie, in NYC.
1926 Birth of Italian-American tenor Sergio Franchi in Cremona. 
1927 Birth of Polish soprano Bogna Sokorska in Warsaw.
1927 Birth of American tenor Stanley Kolk.
1927 Death of Romanian baritone Dimitrie Popovici. 
1929 Birth of Russian composer Edison Denisov in Tomak.  1929 Birth of American composer, pianist and conductor Andre Previn in Berlin.  1931 Birth of English soprano Joan Caryle in Wirral, Ruthin Cheshire. 
1934 Birth of Spanish tenor Juan Lloveras in Barcelona. 
1934 Birth of composer Reijo Jyrkiainen.
1936 Birth of composer Manfred Schoof.
1942 Birth of Polish tenor Ryszard Karczykowski in Tczew. 
1943 Birth of English soprano Penelope MacKay in Bradford. 
1944 Birth of English mezzo-soprano Felicity Palmer in Cheltenham. 
1946 Birth of American composer Barbara Benary.
1948 Birth of American composer Patrick Hardish.
1949 Death of Dutch soprano Aaltje Noordewier-Reddingius. 
1951 Birth of French pianist Pascal Roge. 
1951 Birth of Mexican soprano Rosario Andrade in Veracruz.
1953 Birth of French pianist Pascal Devoyon. 1967 Death of French bass-baritone Jean Vieuille. 
1967 FP of Miklós Rózsa's Piano Concerto. Los Angeles Philharmonic, with Leonard Pennario as soloist.
1968 Birth of composer Vanessa Lann in NYC.
1971 Death of Russian composer Igor Stravinsky in NYC at age 88. 
1975 Death of English mezzo-soprano Janet Howe.
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giannalloyd · 4 years
Emil: Bro, cuéntame la historia más aterradora que conozcas
Gavril: La vida sin tí, bro
Emil *llorando*: BRO
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giannalloyd · 4 years
Mila: Espero que tengan una buena explicación para esto
Gavril: De hecho tenemos tres
Elyon: Escoge la que más te guste
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giannalloyd · 4 years
Gavril *borracho*: Es malo confiar en el gobierno, niños
Emil y Gianna, siendo literalmente reyes de Alariel:
Mila *recordando todo lo sucedido con la familia real de Ilardya*: Pues no está tan equivocado...
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lemoncielart · 5 years
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Tarot art de El prícipe del sol por Claudia Ramirez
└  Emil Solerian — El sol. [ La calidez, la alegría y el renacimiento. ]
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lemoncielart · 5 years
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Tarot art de El prícipe del sol por Claudia Ramirez
└   Rhea de Amadis — La Rueda de la fortuna . [ Buena suerte, karma, los ciclos de vida y el destino. ]
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lemoncielart · 5 years
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Tarot art de El prícipe del sol por Claudia Ramirez
└   Gianna Lloyd — La emperatriz. [ Feminidad, belleza, naturaleza y abundancia. ]
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lemoncielart · 5 years
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Tarot art de El prícipe del sol por Claudia Ramirez
└   Mila Tariel — La Sacerdotisa. [ Sabiduría, intuición y reflexión. ]
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lemoncielart · 5 years
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Tarot art de El prícipe del sol por Claudia Ramirez
└   Elyon Valensey — La luna. [ Ilusión, miedo, inseguridad, emociones guardadas en lo profundo. ]
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lemoncielart · 5 years
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Tarot art de El prícipe del sol por Claudia Ramirez
└   Gavril Lloyd — La fuerza. [ Fortaleza, coraje, paciencia, control y compasión. ]
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lemoncielart · 5 years
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Tarot art de El prícipe del sol por Claudia Ramirez
└   Ezra Solerian — La Torre. [ Agitación interna, cambio repentino y revelaciones. ]
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lemoncielart · 5 years
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Tarot art de El prícipe del sol por Claudia Ramirez
└   Bastian Yuenai — El mago. [ Unidad, sabiduría y poder. ]
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