#Gas Stove Protection and Freedom Act
Republican Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas and right-wing Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia on Thursday introduced legislation that would prevent a federal agency from banning gas stoves.
Cruz and Manchin's bill to preempt the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) from banning gas stoves—titled the Gas Stove Protection and Freedom Act and described by progressive advocacy group Food & Water Watch as "absurd"—comes even though the agency says it has no plans to implement such a prohibition.
Climate and public health advocates celebrated last month after CPSC Commissioner Richard Trumka Jr. told Bloomberg News that gas stoves are "a hidden hazard" and suggested that new ones should be banned.
However, as Reuters reported Thursday, Trumka "walked back those comments after conservatives and energy industry groups seized on them as a way to criticize the Biden administration for allegedly overreaching with its climate and environmental policy agenda."
Food & Water Watch observed that while "there is currently no plan" to ban gas stoves, "there is substantial research documenting the hazards associated with the air pollution" the methane-powered appliances create.
A widely shared recent study found that 12.7% of childhood asthma cases in the U.S. can be tied to indoor air pollution caused by gas stoves. The findings bolstered calls from environmental justice advocates and public health experts to prohibit the sale of new gas stoves and expedite the switch to cleaner and safer electric ones, but the CPSC has yet to propose regulatory action.
"Manchin is doing his part to fuel the ridiculous right-wing panic over a nonexistent war on gas stoves," Food & Water Watch policy director Jim Walsh said Thursday. "But his intent behind this legislation is serious: to inhibit climate action and undermine agencies charged with protecting public health and safety—all in the interest of propping up his fossil fuel funders."
"As state and local governments are increasingly looking to turn away from gas in new construction—moves that will improve air quality and public health, and reduce climate pollution—Sen. Manchin continues looking backward," said Walsh.
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Manchin is the top congressional recipient of cash from the fossil fuel industry, which has fought aggressively against increasingly popular campaigns to outlaw gas stoves at the state and local levels.
However, the coal baron who leads the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee is far from alone in his defense of planet-heating and illness-inducing gas stoves.
As The Washington Post reported Thursday, Natural Allies for a Clean Energy Future—a nonprofit group founded by a half-dozen gas companies—"has enlisted prominent Democratic politicians and pollsters to help enhance gas' reputation among liberal voters."
Former Sens. Mary Landrieu (D-La.) and Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.) and former Rep. Tim Ryan (D-Ohio) are among those going to bat for the fracking and gas utility industries.
"Natural Allies is backed by TC Energy, the Canadian pipeline giant behind the controversial Keystone XL project, and Southern Company, one of the biggest U.S. utilities," the Post reported. "Launched shortly before the 2020 election, the group is led by Susan Waller, a former executive at the pipeline firm Enbridge."
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brostateexam · 2 years
The Biggest Winner of the Gas Stove Fight Is Induction Ranges
Just weeks before, Richard Trumka Jr., one of the Consumer Product Safety Commission’s five members, ignited a national frenzy with his stark warning to a Bloomberg News reporter that the humble gas stove—a central feature of some 40% of US kitchens—poses a serious health risk, especially to children, and might therefore be a candidate for government regulation. “Any option is on the table,” he declared. “Products that can’t be made safe can be banned.”
Within hours of the interview’s publication, a new culture war was under way. Republican Representative Ronny Jackson of Texas dared someone to pry his stove from his “cold dead hands,” while fellow Republican Representative Jim Jordan of Ohio found traction with the pithier “God. Guns. Gas stoves.” Even as some liberals were laughing off the right-wing panic about jackbooted “gastapo,” others no doubt quietly fretted that their gleaming culinary flamethrower from Viking or Wolf was about to become next year’s bloated monument to conspicuous consumption.
The outrage cycle was sufficient to prompt an immediate diplomatic walk-back by the head of the CPSC and another by the White House. Over the following weeks, Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis leaped into the fray, proposing a permanent tax deduction for gas appliances. (Never mind that the vast majority of Floridians don’t have access to residential gas.) And on the same day, Republican Senator Ted Cruz of Texas and Democratic Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia introduced a bill called the Gas Stove Protection and Freedom Act, which aims to bar the CPSC from implementing any rule that would so much as “substantially increase the average price” of a gas stove.
If the move to exempt a single category of home appliances from federal safety oversight seems drastic, it nonetheless carries a certain visceral appeal. “There’s this kind of understandable knee-jerk reaction, like ‘Oh, what now?’ ” concedes Matt Casale, director of environment campaigns for US Public Interest Research Group (US PIRG).
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sa7abnews · 1 month
Experts rip ‘triple crown of bad regs’ as Biden admin posts gas stove rule it denied was a ban
New Post has been published on https://sa7ab.info/2024/08/16/experts-rip-triple-crown-of-bad-regs-as-biden-admin-posts-gas-stove-rule-it-denied-was-a-ban/
Experts rip ‘triple crown of bad regs’ as Biden admin posts gas stove rule it denied was a ban
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After repeatedly denying that it wants to formally ban natural gas-powered stoves, the Energy Department posted to the federal register its finalized regulation targeting kitchen appliances.Critics from Congress to energy advocacy groups slammed the new rule, which administration officials have long denied would constitute a ban.But American Energy Alliance president Tom Pyle said it nonetheless wins the “Triple Crown for bad regulations.””It’s ineffective, unnecessary, and likely illegal,” Pyle said, going on to acknowledge that the administration had watered-down the original 2023-drafted policy.BIDEN ADMIN BACKS OFF GAS STOVE CRACKDOWN AFTER WIDESPREAD PUSHBACK”After receiving severe backlash for moving to ban gas stoves, the Biden-Harris administration settled for this rule, which they claim would lower costs for families. Of course, what they don’t tell you is their so-called savings is a mere 21 cents a year.”Pyle said that if Democrats continue to hold power, the rule will be a “mere down payment” on future regulatory overreach that will try to control other mundane aspects of daily life like cooking.”American consumers [are] fully capable of choosing the appliances that best suit their needs.”The Department of Energy, however, defended the regulation – including against claims that it had waffled on the matter.A spokesman said the rule posted to the federal register mirrors the regulation devised earlier in the year, and that this final rule has the support of groups like the Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers.Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm said the Department of Energy is “building on decades-long efforts with industry to ensure our appliances work more efficiently and save Americans money.””When you look past misleading rhetoric, you’ll see that our appliance standards actions are intended for nothing more than promoting innovation and increasing energy efficiency without sacrificing the reliability and performance that Americans have come to expect and rely on.”However, lawmakers who have tried to blunt “bans” or regulations on home appliances and other implements that require fossil fuel power were not convinced of the new rule’s benefits.In 2023, Rep. Dan Newhouse, R-Wash., successfully drafted an amendment to an energy bill that would prohibit Granholm’s department from implementing the original energy standard for cooktops.”If this draconian rule were carried out, it would eliminate anywhere between 50-95% of today’s gas appliances,” Newhouse said at the time.WHITE HOUSE FINALIZES RULE INCREASING CLEAN ENERGY SUBSIDIES FIVEFOLD IN BID TO SUPPORT GREEN JOBS”Gas appliances are at the center of American households. They power our stoves, furnaces, water heaters and fireplaces,” he said, calling natural gas “affordable, reliable and safe.”On Thursday, a spokesman for Newhouse said the lawmaker’s efforts were a “leading factor” in having the original rule rescinded and revised to its current form.”While this new rule will still require strenuous federal oversight by Congress, it does prevent states like California and Washington from implementing sweeping, radical rules that are completely unreasonable for consumers and producers and will only pave the way for other states to follow,” the spokesman said.Rep. Kelly Armstrong, R-N.D., whose Gas Stove Protection & Freedom Act passed the House but has languished in the Senate for a year, called the new rule being posted “incredibly frustrating and out of touch.””Americans are concerned about the fentanyl crisis that is crippling communities, and many Americans are worried about being able to provide for their families and put food on the table. Instead of considering the immediate needs of many Americans, the administration has chosen to prioritize attacking gas stoves to appease climate extremists,” Armstrong said, adding that it shows that the administration wants to control every aspect of life.Heritage Action for America vice president Ryan Walker said the Department of Energy is “villanizing natural gas” despite its affordability and clean-burning qualities.”After insisting they had no plans to ban gas stoves, the Biden-Harris administration just plowed ahead with its new rule that may price the hugely popular appliances out of existence,” Walker said, adding, “The Left only cares about virtue signaling and pandering to their extreme base, not the hardworking Americans trying to make ends meet and put food on the table. The next conservative administration can and should reverse the Biden-Harris appliance crackdown.”Democrats who were either vociferously opposed to Republican efforts to blunt regulations or in favor of such rules did not offer reaction to the news.CLICK HERE TO GET THE FOX NEWS APPRep. Frank Pallone Jr., D-N.J., the ranking member on the House Energy & Commerce Committee, said of 2023 efforts to stop such regulation that “House Republicans are once again putting polluters over people.”Pallone did not respond to a request for comment. Neither did Rep. Mary Gay Scanlon, D-Pa., who previously called cost-related concerns about forcing Americans off natural gas a “conspiracy theory cooked up to embroil Congress in culture wars that shed more heat than light on the issues facing our nation.”The Philadelphia lawmaker said in 2023 the rule proposed at the time would save consumers $1.7 billion collectively.One longtime Democrat did, however, speak out against the original 2023 draft of the rule – as Sen. Joe Manchin, I-W.V., said the feds “have no business telling American families how to cook their dinner.”The Associated Press contributed to this report.
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neyatimes · 1 year
Ted Cruz, Joe Manchin secure gas stove protection bill in must-pass govt funding package
Sens. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, and Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., secured language prohibiting federal regulations targeting gas stoves in the annual must-pass government funding package, the bipartisan duo announced. In an announcement late Thursday, Cruz and Manchin applauded the inclusion of their amendment — which closely mirrors the Gas Stoves Protection and Freedom Act they introduced in February — in the…
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dertaglichedan · 1 year
House Democrats who voted against two GOP proposals to block President Joe Biden from banning gas stoves accepted campaign donations from the head of a China-linked group pushing to electrify the U.S. economy, records show.
Reps. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR), Ro Khanna (D-CA), Raja Krishnamoorthi (D-IL), and Adam Schiff (D-CA), among other Democrats, voted "nay" on Tuesday and Wednesday on the Gas Stove Protection and Freedom Act and Save Our Gas Stoves Act.
"What troubles me about this whole gas stoves issue is the level of coordination," Thomas Pyle, president of the Institute for Energy Research, a pro-fossil fuels group, told the Washington Examiner. "The public overwhelmingly rejects having to pay more for things they know make their lives easier and allows them freedom, access, and mobility."
The Biden administration has faced scrutiny from Republicans over government proposals to ban gas stoves in order purportedly to stave off climate change. Rep. Kelly Armstrong's (R-ND) Gas Stove Protection and Freedom Act, which the House approved 248 to 180 on Tuesday, would prohibit the Consumer Product Safety Commission from using tax dollars to "regulate gas stoves as a banned hazardous product" or implement any "product safety standard" that would ban the sale of gas stoves or "substantially increases their price."
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makethesausage · 1 year
Upcoming: H.R. 1615 Gas Stove Protection and Freedom Act
H.R. 1615 Gas Stove Protection and Freedom Act, sponsored by , is scheduled for a vote by the House of Representatives on the week of June 12th, 2023.
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michaelgabrill · 1 year
Upcoming: H.R. 1615 Gas Stove Protection and Freedom Act
H.R. 1615 Gas Stove Protection and Freedom Act, sponsored by , is scheduled for a vote by the House of Representatives on the week of June 12th, 2023. https://ift.tt/Id4J18k
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arun-pratap-singh · 2 years
Joe Manchin and Ted Cruz are Trying to Ban Gas Stove Bans
Senators Ted Cruz and Joe Manchin: An alliance forged in (methane fueled) flames. Photo: AP / Gizmodo (AP) Senators Joe Manchin and Ted Cruz have teamed up across the aisle to introduce a new bill that would stop the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) from restricting gas stoves. The legislation, titled the “Gas Stove Protection and Freedom Act,” was introduced during a Thursday committee…
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thechasefiles · 4 years
The Chase Files Daily Newscap 4/5/2020
Good Morning #realdreamchasers! HAPPY MAY DAY! Here is your daily news cap Monday 4th May, 2020. There is a lot to read and digest so take your time. Remember you can read full articles via Barbados Government Information Service (BGIS), Barbados Today (BT), or by purchasing a Daily Nation Newspaper (DN).
MASCOLL: NO NEED TO PRINT MONEY – Government’s ambitious push for a six per cent surplus under the Barbados Economic Recovery and Transformation (BERT) programme, sanctioned by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), has been readjusted to one per cent. This revelation was made by Government’s Chief Economic Advisor, Ambassador Dr Clyde Mascoll, who contended that since the Mia Amor Mottley administration was still aiming at a net positive in the face of a $2 billion stimulus package to combat the economic effects of COVID-19, recent fears about the printing of money (financing of Government by the Central Bank) had been misplaced. “In these circumstances, we have to relook the capacity of the Government to run a surplus and therefore there has been a reversal to the extent that we will now relax the target of six per cent primary surplus and bring it down closer to one per cent. What is happening in that environment is that once again, Government is going to extract less than when it was having a six per cent surplus.  “So, the fiscal room that you are hearing about is that Government no longer has to have a surplus of $600 million. It would instead be around just about $100 million,” said Mascoll, who was a guest today on Starcom Network’s Sunday Brass Tacks radio call-in programme. (DN)
GOVT, NUPW STATEMENT ON NATIONAL ASSISTANCE BOARD – Government and the National Union of Public Workers (NUPW) issued a joint statement today after discussions relating to staff of the National Assistance Board (NAB). NUPW President Akanni McDowall said on May 2 that there had been “conflicting information coming from the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Elder Affairs” concerning the quarantining of NAB workers. This is after six employees of the state entity tested positive for the coronavirus a week ago. Please see the statement below: Government and the leadership of the National Union of Public Workers met today under the chairmanship of Acting Prime Minister Santia Bradshaw, to discuss a number of matters related to the cluster of positive cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) diagnosed among the staff of the National Assistance Board (NAB) and the associated implications for the staff, the clients of the NAB and the broader public health management of COVID-19 in Barbados. This meeting was constructive and productive with discussions being guided by three main principles and priorities:
• Protecting the health and wellbeing of the entire staff of the NAB and their families who have been impacted either directly or indirectly by these events
• Ensuring there is no compromise of the health and wellbeing or quality of service delivered to the more than 1 000 clients of the NAB
• Maintaining the principles of sound public health management in the management of this NAB cluster that have guided the implementation of the National Pandemic Plan for COVID-19 in Barbados.
The meeting agreed as follows:
• All members of the staff of the NAB on active duty since the diagnosis of the first case linked to the NAB cluster will be tested for COVID-19
• All members of staff of the NAB testing positive for COVID-19 will go into isolation for treatment at the Harrison’s Point Isolation Centre.
• The entire staff of the Country Road Office of the NAB, which is the main location of the cluster of cases, along with members of their households will undergo a period of 14 days quarantine dating from last exposure to a confirmed case, at facilities designated by the Ministry of Health & Wellness.
• The Government of Barbados through the Ministry of Health & Wellness and the Ministry of People Empowerment and Elder Affairs will take every reasonable measure to protect and promote the welfare of those in quarantine or isolation including the quality of accommodation, nutrition and access to appropriate pyscho-social support.
• All additional staff of the NAB who may have come into contact with an infected member of staff would have done so outside of the contagious period and therefore there is absolutely no COVID-19 public health risk associated with engagement with the staff of the NAB and therefore no need for the public to be concerned.
• The Home Help Workers and other field staff of the NAB who have been tested for COVID-19 and are negative and who have been assessed and cleared by the Ministry of Health & Wellness will continue their duties in support of the elderly in care or shut-in as of Monday May 4, 2020.
• All Home Help Workers and other field staff of the NAB will continue to be provided with full personal protective equipment (PPE) as per the protocols of the Ministry of Health and Wellness.
• All outstanding payments of wages and salaries to NAB staff which may have been delayed by the requirement of quarantine of the office staff will be paid no later than Tuesday, May 5, 2020.
• The Government of Barbados in consultation with the National Union of Public Workers will develop a channel for communication with the staff of the NAB to keep them abreast of all relevant developments and to assure them of the continuing support of both entities as this situation is managed.(DN)
SHOP OWNER’S PLAN UP IN SMOKE – Wayne “Jingles” Carrington was looking forward to restocking his shop with alcohol and foodstuff with some of the COVID-19 restrictions being lifted from May 4. But he will have to rethink that plan as his uninsured home and shop in Golden Rock, The Pine, St Michael, went up in smoke on Friday night after the gas stove exploded. “I lost all my money. I put the money on the bar with the intentions whenever I get things, I would go out and buy a small portion. When things happen tomorrow, [May 4], I did really plan to restock my place. I tell myself this opening ain’t going be for long, so I will get heavy stock so I would be okay for when that time comes,” he said from his brother’s Wildey, St Michael home today, where he is now staying. The 62-year-old said he had just finished cooking and was about to make some gravy when the incident occurred. (DN)
FOUR HOUSES DAMAGED IN FIRE AT BANK HALL – Four houses were damaged in a fire at Bank Hall, St Michael this morning. Barbados Fire Service Divisional Officer Ernie Fields said firefighters were called to the area at 11:45 for reports of buildings on fire. He said the four houses were occupied by six people but there were no reports of injuries. Three fire engines and 13 firefighters responded to the blaze. Fields said one of the houses was extensively damaged while the others suffered minor damage. The fire was subsequently extinguished. (BT)
UPDATE BODY OF TEEN MISSING AT SEA FOUND – The body of 16-year-old Amalee Mayers of Beach Mount, Bathsheba, St. Joseph who was missing at sea was discovered this morning about 6 a.m. by a resident from the area. Police Public Relations Officer, Inspector (ag) Rodney Inniss said, the body washed up on the beach near the area where he had gone missing near Tent Bay. Police are on the scene conducting the usual protocols of forensic examination. (DN)
IMMIGRATION DEPARTMENT NOTICES – The Barbados Immigration Department will reopen on May 4, from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. with new guidelines, in an effort to limit the spread of novel coronavirus (COVID-19). A press release from Government said physical interaction with the public will therefore be restricted to people paying outstanding fees, until May 18. All other clients are asked to call 535-4100, or email [email protected]. Clients visiting the department are required to wear masks, whether disposable or cloth, and the physical distancing requirement of remaining at least six feet apart must be observed. Additionally, all applications for the renewal and or grant of any permit or form of status, which expired during the period March 28 to May 4, are now extended until May 30, 2020. New applications will not be accepted until May 30, and applications that have already been submitted will be evaluated and clients ontacted by the relevant personnel. (BGIS)
BARJAM PRESSING ON - A proposal to allow journalists to record court hearings is under consideration following a submission from Barbados Association of Journalists and Media Workers (BARJAM) to Attorney General Dale Marshall. That was one of the initiatives the group announced on May 3, World Press Freedom Day. It said following the request for reporters to do audio recordings of proceedings in court, it was informed that the matter was forwarded to the Registrar of the Supreme Court for discussion with the judiciary.   “We look forward to a favourable outcome,” said president Emmanuel Joseph. His comments were contained in a press release to mark World Press Freedom Day in which he also saluted the “hard-working and productive members of the reputable media fraternity in Barbados”. “I say to all media personnel, especially the front-line reporters and photographers and their media houses, stand up and take a bow for weathering the COVID-19 storm which is still raging, to keep this country abreast of developments surrounding this devastating virus. Your day will come for reward in this generally thankless profession,” Joseph said. He stated that while the COVID-19 virus has blocked a number of plans and programmes by BARJAM, including this month’s media awards, there was progress on others. The association made successful representation to the leadership of a key organisation which had on two occasions in February and March, turned away media workers after notices had been sent to the media houses. “Based on the proposals outlined in the entity’s response letter to us, following what they described as a series of miscommunications, and once they act on their measures, the conflict between media professionals and the organisation is unlikely to happen again. “I can also state that a window of hope has been opened for the news media and the Barbados Defence Force (BDF) to work more closely together in a mutual and respectful partnership of information flow. I cannot say anything more specific at this time, except that I represented BARJAM earlier this year where I was invited to address an interactive session for security operations personnel of the BDF during a one-week training workshop in which media relations was a key component,” Joseph stated. Still at the top of BARJAM’s agenda is the establishment of a Benevolent Fund to assist members who fall on hard times and the need for Government to introduce that long-mooted Freedom of Information Bill into Parliament. The media body was recently admitted to sit on the UNDP’s Global Environmental Facility Small Grants Programme National Steering Committee for Barbados. The programme offers financial and technical support to civil society organisations for community-driven projects that contribute to conserving global biodiversity, adapting and mitigating global climate change, protecting international waters and preventing land degradation. (DN)
BACK IN COURT TWO WEEKS LATER – Two weeks after fisherman Anthyne Douglas Jones said he was sorry for having drugs and it would not recur, he was back in court on similar charges. And on May 2, despite the pleas of his attorney Queen’s Counsel Michael Lashley, the 59-year-old, of Colleton, St John, was remanded by Chief Magistrate Ian Weekes. Jones appeared in the District “A” Magistrates’ Court Criminal Court No. 2 charged with possession of cannabis, trafficking and supplying on May Day, in relation to $2 900 in drugs. He pleaded not guilty and prosecutor, Sergeant Theodore McClean, objected to bail, stating that Jones had several convictions for drugs and was before the court only a few weeks ago.(DN)
CONSIGNEES WITH PERSONAL EFFECTS URGED NOT TO COME TO PORT – Consignees with personal effects at the Port of Bridgetown are required to utilize the new Home Delivery System and will not be allowed entry into the Port for collection of shipments. Barbados Port Inc. in collaboration with the Customs & Excise Department, authorized local freight forwarders (consolidators) and truckers, will be offering a full home delivery service for all personal effects, effective Monday May 4.  Consignees should not come to the Port. These arrangements will remain in place for the next two weeks to allow for the safe clearance of cargo backlog, without large numbers in Port. The protocol will then be reviewed to gradually allow limited self-service clearance by appointment only. Consignees have the option of working with an: Authorized freight forwarder, Authorized trucker. If you elect to work with a trucker when contacted by your freight forwarder about your cargo, you will be required to contact the trucker of your choice. How it Works - The Freight Forwarder or Trucker will: Manage all relevant documents, Arrange for signature of customs declaration by you, Facilitate processing of the documents through ASYCUDA World, Make arrangements for the processing of all monies (electronic or cash payments) due by you, Confirm with you payments due either on delivery or through pre-payment, Pay all associated fees and duties owed to Customs and the Port on your behalf, Collect your cargo from Shed 2, Deliver your cargo to you, Where cargo has been flagged for inspection by Customs, the shipment may be examined on your behalf by the freight forwarder or trucker, or you may be required to be present in person at the Bridgetown Port for interview. You will be advised by the freight forwarder or trucker. Unless requested to be present at an inspection, you will not be allowed to enter the Port. All persons presenting at the Port of Bridgetown to conduct business are reminded that strict health and safety and social distancing protocols must be observed. All visitors are required to wear face masks, utilize sanitization stations and follow the directives of security personnel. Should you require any assistance, please call 434-6101.   (BT)
COVID-19 CASES REACH 82 - A 55-year-old Barbadian male has tested positive for novel coronavirus (COVID-19), bringing the national count to 82. A statement from The Ministry of Health said the latest case, an employee of the National Assistance Board, came into contact with two known cases. He brings the number in isolation to 31. No one was released from isolation today, so the number of recovered people remains at 44. Seven people have died. Fifty-one tests were done by the Best-dos Santos Public Health Laboratory yesterday, and results were returned for 46. The total number of tests done by the laboratory now stands at 2 420. (BGIS)
CHANGES IN PETROLEUM PRICES FROM MIDNIGHT - The retail prices of gasoline, diesel and kerosene will decrease, effective midnight Sunday, May 3. Gasoline will be adjusted from $3.57 per litre to $3.09 per litre, which represents a decrease of 48 cents; the price of diesel will drop by 37 cents, from $2.89 per litre to $2.52 per litre, and kerosene will go from $1.01 per litre to 73 cents per litre, a reduction of 28 cents.These price adjustments are in keeping with Government’s policy of allowing retail prices to be reflective of those on the international market.  (BGIS)
The world is facing the rapid spread of the Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic. As we continue to do our part in Barbados please remember to stay home but on the days you have to go out wear your masks, practice social distancing (stand 6-10 feet away from each other), practice good daily hygiene, eat healthy, exercise and keep your mind active. There are 242 days left in the year Shalom!  Follow us on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram for your daily news. #thechasefiles #dailynewscaps #bajannewscaps #newsinanutshell #coronavirusinbarbados #nationalresponse #dailynews #thechasefilesblog
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Water Damage Repair Service in Lubbock
Annually, floods kill more people than lightning, tornadoes and hurricanesAllows. If you would like specialist Assistance by Means of Your flood cleanup or just wish
DON'T depart pools
If your home or commercial property Was bombarded, then your Very First priority is
DO place aluminum foil or wood cubes in between moist floors and also the legs of furniture That May 't be moved
DO flush your bathroom before you use it to look after clogs from mud and debris
They can be most often from individual contact, therefore dangers of injury out of almost any
After you're prepared to begin the cleaning procedure, it's 's crucial that you not prioritize.
Very long time for you to dry. If it is seriously broken or warped, it will need to be
Damage their internal electrical programs and douse pilot lighting. They can even
Yourself. However, the prices in time, provides and machinery rental escalate
Electric wiring. Unless you're Sure That You understand what you're performing, work with a
Addition, ventilation systems can flood and eventually become polluted. If This happens,
DON'T use electrical appliances turn on ceiling fans and lighting if the ceilings are moist
Placing it Together
The possibility of slips and falls is elevated. Additionally, be quite careful around appliances, also
Dos and Don'ts of both Flood and Water Damage Cleanup
DO check for cupboards and Other Things that may Be Prepared to fall over
Floor coverings: Most carpeting and laminated sheeting Might Have to be
Appliances: These can be shorted out during flooding and may leak detrimental
Cleaning up after a flooding would be a Great Deal of work also It's potential to do a Lot of it
The Very First thing you will Have to Do after a flooding is sewage cleanup in Lubbock always make sure it's safe
Dried, however muddy fiberglass batts should really be thrown outside. Cellulose insulation,
Particle board and Engineered timber: These substances may separate and
DO conserve Things Such as publications, documents and photographs from re-sealable bags and suspend them to be washed afterwards
DO utilize a Wet-vac, shop vac, lovers, dehumidifiers and desiccants (materials that absorb moisture) to Get Started drying outside the home
Very hefty. Don't hurt your self by simply depriving it.
Safety. Stay away from the area until government officials say it's safe to
DON'hands on drain a flooded basement overly fast, because rapid developments in stress could cause the basis to collapse
Publish a Claim
DON'T do structural or electrical function yourself
Water supplies us life, but it can also take lifetime span and destroy every thing from its
You're able to reach a phone, telephone your insurance policy company and, if essential, a flood
DO wash hard surfaces with hot soap and water or detergent
Insurance Policy Professional / Adjuster
DO turn away power and water (until You would have to do this while standing in plain water )
They must be taken apart and hosed off piece from piece to reduce contamination
Trail. When It Regards Your House or businesses, be Mindful of the way the next
Items could be changed :
DO wear protective clothes, gloves and rubber gloves
DON'T input Your House or company should you visit major structural damage
Wood studs and framing: These solid pillars are generally OK Should They dry
A professional prior usage.
DON'T join generators to the House 's power system, but plug in fans and appliances right
From being dismissed through the atmosphere.
Thrown out following a flood, particularly any with soaked foam backing. Even a
DO odor for gas and look for broken gas and power lines, foundation cracks and exterior damage
And flood recovery .
Observing a flooding, but they can ordinarily be stored when dried out completely.
DO Open up Every One of the doors and windows to Enhance ventilation
DO throw all exposed foods, beverages and medicine, such as canned goods
The Destruction Water Reasons
DO Briefly patch holes in the walls and roof with plastic wrap and fix Flooring and roofing segments together with 4X4s in the Event That You can do this firmly
Remaining contamination are low.
DO check by Means of Your mortgage holder before renewing home insurance checks, especially if the harm will be extensive
Become helpless, and cleaning them will call for professional cleansing. In
DON'T let crap stack up, as it could exacerbate pollution and also home pests
Strong wood: Furniture and other solid wood items may warp and crack
Made from blown-in taken care of newspaper, has to be gotten rid of and replaced.
DO remove all of wall coverings and toss them out, since They Might harbor mold
Which ought to be taken out in the site instantly.
DO maintain a Sheet of ruined wall and floor coverings to Reveal Your insurance assessor
Contractor if you notice damage to such products.
Weaken immediately after getting damp and typically need to get changed.
DO throw away permeable Materials like padded foam and furniture rubber
Or enter zip code
DO disinfect dishes along with other items with soap and warm water, but throw all soft plastics
DON'T entry generators, grills, camp stoves or charcoal within homes or inside closed Places
1st Steps
Electrical shocks and possibly even explosions. And also don 'forget that wet things can be
Combined. They can also wreak havoc on houses and businesses, requiring
Do wash down wooden objects and, if possible, take them dry out
H-Vac: Heater and air conditioner components can become flooded, which may
Plaster: This thick substance Might Not Have to be replaced but it requires a
DO assess your running water is safe to wash and also to work with for cleansing
And water damage clean up professionals can be found 24/7.
DO Avoid rodents, snakes and insects that might have come in with flood waters
Personal a franchise
DO make a record of the harm and also shoot videos or photos
Completely. They need to be disinfected, however don't ordinarily have to get mended.
And explosive gases in to the air. They Need to be washed and assessed by
Gas lines and electrical devices. Using them could cause
After These Big difficulties are handled, You Should Begin on the water damage cleanup
DO remove Drinking Water
A second pair of underwear for security, telephone Paul! Our nationwide network of flood
Qualify for flood and home protection reimbursements or even to acquire building
DON'T Wander sagging floors or flooring previously sagging ceilings
More Economic Freedom
Insulation: Foam sheets of insulating material only need to Get hosed away and
Fast. Furthermore, You Might need Specialist contractors to perform the work to
Return. As soon as you are able to go back, take emergency supplies and income with you. If
For you and your own family to become on the property.
DON'T Work with a household vacuum to eliminate water and mud
At this stage:
If You Contact a Specialist Restoration Assistance?
Plumbing and electric wiring: Floods may float or split strip and pipes
Condition or Zip-code
Wallboard and drywall: These porous substances act like a sponge and also become
Following that, you will get started on assessing the damage. Watch every measure, as
DO Clean your hands frequently with soap and soap
DO eliminate debris
Everything from fresh drywall and furnishings into new structures.
DO search for Damaged pilings, changed stairs, slanted floors and Partitions
DO remove drywall, completed ceilings and also most insulation which 's been connected with flood water
Professional cleaner could possibly be ready to save little rugs and valuable carpets,
And drinking water damage restoration contractor.
Brittle at a flood, and could remain infected after they dry out.
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makethesausage · 1 year
Upcoming: H.R. 1615 Gas Stove Protection and Freedom Act
H.R. 1615 Gas Stove Protection and Freedom Act, sponsored by , is scheduled for a vote by the House of Representatives on the week of June 5th, 2023.
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michaelgabrill · 1 year
Upcoming: H.R. 1615 Gas Stove Protection and Freedom Act
H.R. 1615 Gas Stove Protection and Freedom Act, sponsored by , is scheduled for a vote by the House of Representatives on the week of June 5th, 2023. https://ift.tt/BrfadUG
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