#Gas Station Bus game
prompt-heaven · 8 months
100 different locations
abandoned house
amusment park
antique store
art gallery
art studio
auto repair shop
book store
by a bonfire
coffee shop
crime scene
dressing room
fire escape
fire station
flower shop
foreign country
gas station
grocery store
haunted house
hedge maze
ice cream shop
music store
parking lot
place of worship
police station
sex shop
small town
sports game
spy agency head quarters
tattoo parlour
thrift store
vet clinic
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xlovingcupcakex · 7 months
M!Kylar x F!Reader - Gaming (Part 2)
Uhh. Me every 300 words: Kylar sex Kylar sex Kylar sex Kylar sex Ky--
Summary: You and Kylar meet. Kylar is being a creep. Pushes boundaries. Possesive Kylar behaviour. Typical Kylar delusions. As mentioned before, Kylar kinda belives you guys are e dating for some reason.
2.7k words of basically pushing boundaries and hornyness. Lot's of escalating.
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The gas station – bright and vibrant during the night – was mostly empty at this hour. You anxiously sat in the seating area, a cup of hot chocolate in your hand as you checked the time once again. Anytime now.  
Anytime now and Kylar should be here soon. You intuitively pressed yourself into the corner of the couch, trying your best to minimize your form as you tapped your finger against the paper cup in your hand. It was probably too late to hide or leave by now. 
As soon as your phone screen lighted up, you instantly checked the notifications. A discord message greeted you. It’s Kylar. 
“I got off the bus stop. I’ll be at the gas station in 5 minutes, Love.” 
A cold feeling washed over you and your legs felt weak as you looked at the message. Two minutes passed. You were too nervous to watch the entrance door. 
Another two minutes.  
30 seconds.  
You froze up, gripping the phone tighter in your hand. Your feet were pressed into the floor with all your willpower. Your form was hidden in the corner of the gas station and other than the worker behind the counter, you were the only one inside. Would he be disappointed in how you looked? Did you look nice enough? 
The bell rang and you looked straight at the table, too nervous to look up and check if it’s Kylar. You didn’t even know how to recognize him.  
You didn’t have to worry about recognizing him, since it seems he called you immediately on discord upon entering the shop, sound of the ringtone playing all over the gas station. Shifting your position, you stiffly positioned yourself in the direction of the entrance, and there he was, you guessed. A baggy hoodie over his form, with some black ripped jeans to go along with it. A mop of black, tousled hair, with some dark eyebags under his eyes. He looked down on his phone, a nervous expression on his face. 
He looked surprisingly... Cute. Shy. Sleepless. 
As you looked up at him, he found your form shortly after, thanks to the discord ringtone.  
His gaze was intense as he looked you, before slowly making his way towards you, a little unsure of himself, but pressing on, nevertheless.  
You could feel a blush rising to your cheeks from how nervous you were, you casted your gaze towards the cup you were holding, feeling bashful. It was too hot inside. The steps stopped before your table and you forced yourself to look up.  
Green eyes. The most vibrant green you’ve ever seen. Piercing right through you. The man tore away his gaze, looking to the side, before sending you a shy smile.  
“(Name)? Is... that you, Love?” Kylar asked, before taking a deep breath to calm himself down. He nervously moved his hand around in his pocket.  
“Y-Yeah. Are you... Kylar?” He visibly cheered up upon hearing your name, looking less stressed as he heard your voice. You sounded even better in real life. It was like melody to his ears. He took a seat in front of you. 
“So (Name), um... Love.  What do you want to do... Do you still want me to be your... Blanket?” asked Kylar.  
You opened your mouth to say something, anything. In the end, you looked like a fish out of the water and only nodded your head. Your hands trembled under the table as you shyly played with the material of your outfit, unsure of what to say or do. 
Kylar stood up; palms pressed against the table as he picked himself up, getting ready to leave, seemingly twitching to touch you. He grabbed your hand, before looking down towards the floor, a blush on his features, eyes slowly drinking in the shape and look of your legs.  
His hand gave yours a small squeeze as he led you outside, with you slowly trailing after him. His hand felt warm and slightly sweaty. Or maybe it was your hand that was sweaty? You really couldn’t tell the difference at the moment.  
“Where would you like to go, Love?”  
With another, gentle squeeze, Kylar shot you a questioning look as you calmed your beating heart. Gripping his hand tighter, you nodded in the direction of your home, guiding him. “My home is in this direction.” you said.  
The air felt crisp, sharply hitting your face as both of you walked. Kylar couldn't believe his luck; he was relishing in the chance to finally be beside you and touch you, to feel your warmth against his. A shudder of pleasure ran down his back, making goosebumps rise all over his arms, making his hands involuntarily jerk.  
He diligently paid attention to every detail as you walked. You didn’t notice – the lanterns barely casting any light – as you continued to walk. He examined your hair, how it moved and glittered under the light, how vapor escaped your lips as you took a breath, the sound of your steps. He did his best to crave it into his memory.  
After 10 minutes or so, you and Kylar stood in front of your flat. You took the keys out of your jacket and unlocked the door, before pushing it open, familiar warmth welcoming you. You let Kylar take the first step inside, which he went ahead with.  
His fingers trailed against the wall, before flattening his palm as he took off his shoes. You followed after him inside – after taking off your jacket and shoes – before welcoming him into the open space that was your living room.  
“Here we are...” you anxiously shifted from one foot to the other, waiting for his reaction. Looking straight at him as he took in the décor, your stare bringing a pale blush on his cheeks. 
He slowly walked up to you, hands trembling with anticipation as he continued to close the gap. Now, standing in front of you, he hugged you tightly, his smell taking over your senses. Oh, he waited for so long! So much so he didn’t even notice how you tensed up, clearly surprised. He shamelessly took a deep breath, inhaling the scent of your shampoo and perfume. “It’s a nice place, Love...” 
"K-Kylar...?” you managed to squeak out, but he didn’t listen. Instead, he snuggled more into the crook of your neck, his nose bumping the skin. Upon feeling his lips, another squeal left your lips, which seemed to finally make him come to his senses, but not back off.  
“S-sorry, Love... I just... Waited for such a long time...” 
A dreamy sigh escaped him. You were so good. So cute. Even your shy expression made his heart race and face curl up into a timid smile. So, so adorable! So adorable how you were so shy you tried to take a step back, only for him to grab you closer to him, overwhelming you.  
This felt good. Nice. Kylar was in heaven as he held you in his arms, feeling quite content just holding you.  
Your face felt hot. Hands awkwardly on your sides.  
Black hair tickled your face as you let him hug you, heart fluttering at the proximity. Eventually, you wriggled free your hands and arms. With one arm, you hugged him back. Meanwhile, you reached your free hand to pat at his head, removing some hair that covered up his face; letting you get a clear look at his expression. 
A small bead of sweat rolled off of his temple, running down towards his jaw. His eyebrows were relaxed. Closed eyes and a small on his face made him look harmless. With his hair out of the way, the eyebags didn’t seem as severe as before. With the way how peaceful he looked, you felt guilty about your earlier reaction. He was like a total puppy. It was you who invited him over, after all.  
“Ky, do you want to grab some snacks? We can watch a movie on the sofa.” you said, gradually pulling back. This time, he let you go without any problems. An excited expression on his face as he nodded, lips pursed together, the corners threatening to rise up.  
“Great, you can stay here, and pick something on Netflix. The remote is on the table. I’ll be back soon.” 
You briskly walked to the kitchen, which wasn’t that large, but enough for you. Pressing your palms against the cold surface of the countertop, you took a few deep breaths, before reaching for some snacks from the cabinet.  
“Let me get this for you, Love...” 
You swiftly turned around, coming face to face with Kylar as he eagerly wrapped his arm around your waist, before pushing you towards him. His head rested on your shoulder, his breath hitting your neck and creating goosebumps. You instinctively arched your back at the sensation, a noise of surprise escaping you. Kylar reached for the snacks you looked at earlier and placed them snugly into your hands. 
“Thanks...” you muttered, trying to create some distance. Kylar still didn’t let go, holding you close, clearly enjoying himself. “You can let go, now.” 
“Oh, right! Sorry, Love. You just feel so nice...” Kylar let you slip out of his grasp, a bashful and sheepish expression on his face, as he blushed and looked away. “You smell nice. I like your perfume.” 
“You are taking the role of my... Blanket quite seriously, are you not?” you teased, hoping to ease the feeling in the pit of your stomach. It helped a little.  
Kylar tensed up a little, before taking your hand in his. Seems he didn’t appreciate the teasing this time. “You wanted me to be your blanket, my Love, d-did you not? I came all the way j-just for you,” Kylar stuttered and too a shaky breath before giving your hand another squeeze and continuing, “You wanted t-to be my pillow as w-well. You have to keep your word, my Cherry.” 
You nodded your head, acknowledging what Kylar said. “You are right, I remember...” 
Freeing your hand seemed impossible as he made you trail behind him as he walked to the couch. He motioned for you to sit, and you did as you were told. The snacks were on the table, long forgotten.  
He sat beside you, your hand still in his. Soon, he placed some of his weight on top of you, his head resting on your shoulder again. The close proximity still made you nervous, especially with his prior behavior. But you couldn't pinpoint why.  
He was quite adamant and touchy right now, but he was lovely-dovely with you on voice as well, so you guessed that there had to be an explanation for his behavior, at least somewhere. You racked your brain for possible answers as Kylar continued to cuddle and nestle info your form. 
He enjoyed your warmth so much. Your perfume. Your shampoo. It was almost too much for him. His self-preservation was wearing thin. You were all he wanted. All he could think about ever since you invited him into your friends list on League. So sweet. So loveable. You deserved everything and he will gladly show you, his love, how far he is willing to go for you.  
He swiftly turned on the movie, just like the both of you planned ever since coming back home. On the cozy sofa, with the noise from the background from the TV, Kylar’s attention went back to you, to admiring your beauty. The color of your eyes, your focused expression, the small twitch of your muscles. He’ll make sure to remember everything, every little detail. It will be burned into his memory. 
“You are wonderful,” Kylar muttered into your shoulder, which made you cast a glance in his general direction. “I-I’ll be the best boyfriend, I promise. I’m so happy you gave me the chance.” 
You tensed up. You did? You don’t remember anything that would make him think you guys were a couple. At least not yet. Everything fell into place as you thought through his behavior. Being touchy, being so eager to please, the pet names... It all made sense.  
Maybe you did give him the impression of being his girlfriend...? You searched every possible memory. Was it your flirting, being just nice to him? It must have been. You did have feelings for him, but you didn’t officially agree to be his girlfriend, yet. A cold feeling washed over your body. Kylar didn’t seem to notice. Were you supposed to just... Roll with it? It wouldn’t be so bad. Seems like he already likes you plenty. At least his behavior from earlier made sense, now.  
You didn’t hate his touch. It was nice. It just confused you earlier. That must be it. The last thing you expected out of yourself was to pick up a lost puppy that has fallen for you.  
You used your free arm to cautiously wrap it around Kylar. It made him nuzzle into you more. He shuffled a little, scooping himself closer, before gradually lowering himself and placing his head on your chest instead. You played with his hair. A content noise left him as he relished in the feeling of your fingers in his hair. Seems like you didn’t need to answer him, as your touch was enough. 
You casted your gaze towards the movie. The room was mostly dark, save for the TV before you. You didn’t notice when Kylar let go of your hand. Instead, it traveled around your waist, bringing you closer. His other hand was on your thigh, gradually itching towards the inside rather than the outside, diligently watching out for your reaction, eagerly checking how far you’ll let him go with you.  
He gave your thigh an experimental squeeze. Your body tensed up, your look traveling down to his hand. But you didn’t stop him, and that was enough for him. A blush on your cheeks and your quickened heartbeat told him everything he needed to know. 
In one, swift movement, he raised himself up. The hand that was on your waist was now on your cheek. Another squeeze to your thigh. This time it was much rougher, impatient. Eager. By instinct, you leaned to the side, where there was more space. Your back glided down the backrest of the sofa as a result, which gave Kylar a chance to follow after you. He locked you in place with one of his legs between your thighs as you laid on the sofa, your hair now messy and your expression surprised as your lips parted in a quiet gasp.  
The hand that was on your thigh earlier was now on your left side, holding up Kylar’s weight as he leaned in closer towards your face. “You are so pretty, my Love...” 
Vibrant, green eyes stared back at you through messy, black hair as you felt his breath on your lips, before he finally hissed you. Deep breaths left past his nostrils, before a low moan rang in your ears. 
“S-so, so good. My Love tastes so good...”  
He didn’t let you get a word in before he kissed you again, with more force this time, deepening the kiss. His free hand traveled down from your cheek to your ear, down your collarbone, before finally groping at the mound of flesh under his fingers, enthusiastically squeezing and kneading.  
“I l-love you.” he breathed out as he pulled back, content with the state in which he left you in. Slightly bruised lips from kissing, wet and glistening with both his and your salvia. Your eyes, your hazed gaze as you panted for air. Your chest that moved up and down. Pride swelled in his chest at the state he left you in, a perverted smile and blush coating his cheek, eyes hungrily soaking up the view before him.  
He caressed your cheek with surprising care, a strong contrast compared to his earlier behavior and touch. “We’ll do m-more later, r-right?” he asked, but left little to no time for you to answer, “After all, we have the whole night...” 
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can you do a tom x reader where the reader is in a girl group and goes on tour with tokio hotel and they all get into a bunch of shenanigans together? LOVE LOVE LOVEEE YOUR WORK BTW!!
(Hey! Sure I can and thank you for loving and requesting my work! Sorry if this isn't really a Tom x reader but enjoy!)
Tour Shenanigans
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You guys always wake up with headaches at this point
Tom is almost thrown out onto the balcony and has no recollection of whatever you guys did
Bill is buried under piles of clothes, your band members are almost drowning in food, Gustav is dressed in a hula dancer outfit, Georg's hair is in braids and is painted purple
You guys cannot remember for the life of you guys what happened until media leaks it the next day
You guys are constantly at clubs and getting shit faced
One time you guys somehow ended up being the bartender and serving the actual bartender
You and Tom could legit go on for hours with each other doing god knows what
Your band and Tokio Hotel are actually pretty good friends
You guys got drunk and went down skinny dipping in a lake and almost drowned
Bill was once dressed as a princess
On Halloween one time you guys pretended a member of your band was seven and used her for candy
You guys constantly raid gas stations and supermarkets
You guys had to run because Georg pushed you and Tom, who were sitting in a cart, into a display case
Shit went everywhere and the staff got pissed
You guys hauled ass out of there
There are videos that surfaced of you pretending to be Tom, Tom was somehow dressed as you, Bill and your band member were holding each other on a couch and murmuring some sorta language before making out, Gustav was being held up by your friends and screaming "Jesus is me!" While your friends bowed to him and Georg was blasting music on his bass
Saying how drunk you were was an understatement
You guys went to the depths of hell
So many things you guys CANNOT bring up again out of fear of going to jail
Interviewers bring how you guys act up so much you guys start blaming each other
You guys have stolen so much shit, some even by accident and are too afraid to bring it back
You guys get bored in hotel rooms and just ding-dong ditch hotel rooms
You guys knocked hard as hell on a door once and you tripped Tom on accident but left him
He was laying on the ground and trying to get out of a situation with a confused man at the door
You guys had to run back and drag him by his feet down the hall to get out
You guys go to a lot of attractions like amusement parks, carnivals, but you and your band once dragged them into a haunted house
Georg was oddly calm and trying to find a way out
Gustav and your guitarist were clinging to each other and when they tried to run bumped into each other
Bill tried to be hero and help your friend he has a crush on but ended up screaming and jumping into her arms
You and Tom somehow got lost and we're trying to sacrifice each other to a clown
Somehow you all ended up back together and huddled all in a corner while screaming
Of course, Tom tripped again and you guys had to run back and carry him away as a man with a knife chased y'all
You guys once tried an escape room but it ended up in you guys screaming at each other
The operator kept coming on and saying not to break shit and going "that's not a clue!" Because you guys were so helpless
You guys try and cook dinner but somehow make it even worse than before
You guys on the tour bus have a game of when the bus moves, stand up and who lasts the longest wins
It was pretty fun until the bus took a turn and you were practically thrown into the door
Turns out, nobody locked it!
The door busted open and you barely grabbed onto the door frame as everyone was yelling for the bus driver to stop and Bills fighting for his life to get you back on
Tom is screaming on roller coasters and clinging to your arm while screaming in horror
He looks like he's bouta die ngl
When getting jump scared do not expect him to play hero
He'll forget About you and haul ass, looking back and seeing you
He tried going back for you but couldn't
The pants did not hold him down whatsoever because he was holding them like they were a dress and legit BOOKING it
He was aa fast as the speed of light let me tell you
Karaoke with this dude gets competitive
Especially with both bands
You guys broke a window and TV
Do not play Wii with these assholes because it did not end well
The remotes were thrown every direction possible and you guys got called by the desk to shut the fuck up
You guys go to the beach sometimes and once went at night
You guys were so far out you didn't think you were gonna make it
It was horrifying
Drives with Tom are oddly calming
Music is blasting, driving fast and leaning out the window as you guys are screaming lyrics
Oddly therapeutic
He doesn't leave you alone on stage
He is messing with you and kissing your neck just to make you laugh
You all once went through a drive through with Bill in a shopping cart
You guys got in trouble bc you forgot money for the food you ordered and they called the cops
You guys ran away in every direction as Tom is legit running and pushing the shopping cart with Bill in it as fast as he can
Media eats this shit up
So many pictures of you guys drunk and wasted but somehow still managing to do some stupid shit
You guys get scolded so many times but continue to do it
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spookyscarydemonbabe · 10 months
Lazy makeouts with Gareth on the Corroded Coffin tour bus the rest of the boys hate it
ugh don’t get me started 🤤
Traveling on that bus can get tiring
Being stuck in such a small space with three other boys makes it so difficult to get privacy with Gareth, but you manage to find ways around it
Every time you get to a new truck stop on the road, you’ll spend an extra couple of minutes to sit down at whatever fast food place is inside for a little ‘intimate’ date
Whenever the bus is stopped he’ll find all sorts of fun places to take you at whichever location you park at
Not to mention how nice it is when the boys give you your own privacy
They’ll make it known that they’re all leaving, giving the two of you free reign of the bus while they’re gone
Of course you’ll snuggle on the big couch up front and maybe play a board game or two, but it’s so much fun to be a little dirty and touchy feely whenever you can 😈
Trying your best to keep quiet behind the curtain in your bunk so your make out sessions don’t disturb the guys
Showering together to help ‘save water’,in Gareths words
Not being able to wait any longer and running into the gas station for a condom and a bathroom key for a quickie
Don’t worry, you make sure the bathroom is at least halfway decently cleaned before making it any dirtier
tags: @munsonology @esme-viridian @toomanyfandomsimfanvergent
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sweatshirtghoul · 2 years
Domestic Copia HCs
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I posted these on twitter so I figured I would post them here as well.
- He’s not the best at washing his makeup off, so he loves when you offer to do it. He just closes his eyes and wraps his arms around your waist as you delicately wipe his face, and when you place little kisses on each freshly cleaned area, he melts. He knows you’re a busy person as well so he’ll never outright ask you to, but you always try to offer as it’s his favorite part of the day and lets him know you love Copia, and not just Papa. 
- He loves to lay on top of you. If he’s had a rough day or is extremely tired, put your phone or book away because he’s going to get you under the covers and get you under him. He clings to you tightly and is content to listen to your breathing. Sometimes he’ll talk, but for the most part he’s happy to have someone he can just be with. If you start to twirl the longer part of his hair at his nape with your finger, he’ll be asleep in minutes. (You, however, won’t be because this man SNORES and sleeps like a brick.)
- The first time he knew he was in love with you was when you walked into his office with a snack tray, knowing he hadn’t eaten that day, and he was enamored to find tiny, cut-up morsels for his rats as well.
- Whimpers when you scratch his head. He is insatiable for a scalp massage. In the shower if you offer to wash his hair, (which is often because just look at it), he will let you until the water runs cold and you’re both forced to get out. 
- Always panics when his alarm clock goes off and is frantic to turn it off, as he normally wakes up before you and doesn’t want you to stir. If you wake up, he’ll always apologize, kiss your forehead, and tuck you back in.
- Every day when he gets back to his room, you hide a different rat in your hands and he makes it a game to try to guess which one it is. He’s always right because, “they are my children, amore. A Papa would know his own child even if he was blind.”
- Always has to be touching you, whether it’s holding your hand or clinging to you, he always has to have some contact as you make him feel safe and grounded.
- Acts upset when you fall asleep while he’s telling a story, but he will stay awake for hours just relishing the fact that you’re in his arms, and you want to be there. (Sometimes you wake up to him crying about it.)
- Is amazed by the fact you seem to know where everything is. Whenever he is panicking because he can’t find his gloves, belt, etc., you seem to find it in a matter of seconds. This is normally when he will bear hug you and wonder what he would do without you. 
- On nights when he’s working late in his office and knows you can’t sleep either, he’ll often ask you to come in. You either sleep on the couch in his office or doze off in his lap while he continues to work. Just knowing you’re there has such a calming effect on him.
- Makes sure to bring you a trinket from every stop of whatever tour he’s on, even if he’s screaming to stop the bus so he can run into a gas station and grab you a cheap magnet. When he gets home and is settled, he dumps them all out and tells you a story with each one and how it made him think of you.
- Always reads his sermon to you the night before mass and frets about it. The next morning if he’s unsure about a part while he’s speaking, he looks to your smiling face and powers through.
- On colder nights, instead of a robe you normally opt for one of his old, heavy cassocks from his Cardinal days. Whenever he sees you in this you can normally expect to spend all night reminiscing on earlier times.
- Has an overnight bag for you on the tour bus always, just in case you change your mind and say you’ll come with him. You never do, but he can still hold out hope. 
- Whenever he finds one of his favorite shirts missing, he always knows he can find you sleeping in it, and assumes you’ve had a hard day. After the first time this happened, he leaves more shirts lying around just in case. 
- Absolutely cannot sleep without thanking you for being with him and telling you how much you mean to him.
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frozen-waters · 4 months
𝓗𝓮𝓵𝓵𝓸 𝓫𝓻𝓸 ❤️
Can i get uuuuhhhhhhhhhh
Eagle flies and paytah hc?
Thank you 𝓫𝓻𝓸 ❤️
yes!!!!!!!!!!! (all of these are modern)
Eagle Flies and Paytah hcs
• they both go “uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh” before they order at a drive thru or on the phone
• Paytah leaves his empty coffee cups in Eagle Flies car and he doesn't find them until his dad is in the car with him and asks about all the empty coffee cups on the floor of the backseat
• they cannot be on facetime together past ten p.m. because Paytah is passing out and on Eagle Flies side it sounds like he's at a Nascar race or something every single time
• they get way too into board-games
• they cannot cook like. actual food for each other. if they're eating together it either has to be fast food, something they ordered, or something you put in the microwave
• they constantly ghost each other and then go back to talking nonstop for a week
• do not ever let them study together nothing will get done
• when they were in high school they spent so much money on gas station snacks/food when they had sleepovers and they made themselves sick multiple times
• there are never any leftovers between the two of them
• constantly kicking each other under tables
• they fall asleep across from each other on the couch a lot
• can't ever decide on what to watch together. but they often either end up just watching Adult Swim or some weird show they're never able to find again no matter how hard they try
• Paytah threw an apple way too hard at Eagle Flies one time and almost broke his nose
• Paytah wears basketball shorts in the winter and Eagle Flies hates it
• Paytah is just a tiny bit lactose intolerant and Eagle Flies “warns” him not to shit himself whenever he eats something with dairy in it
• sat on the bus together everyday but in high school it evolved to them sitting in separate seats (in front of/behind) and one of them would turn around to talk to the other
• their pictures of each other are never nice they’re always super candid or blurry
• they play sooooooooo much Super Smash Bros and Mario Kart
• if Paytah is walking faster than Eagle Flies he’ll pull him back by the hood on his hoodie
• will plan weekend trips like. one day before the trip actually happens
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miheartsedthings · 5 months
Part Three (Go catch up and come back)
ModernBilly x FemReader (AFAB Reader)
Summary: You and Billy have been sneaking around enjoying each other's company. It's all fun and games until your period is late.
Billy and reader are both 18, but they haven't graduated yet.
Warnings: Aggressive behavior, pregnancy scare, waking up to f!ngering, abort!on, sl*t-sham!ng. ANGST
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You realize it one morning while brushing your teeth. Do I have enough pads for my next period? You though, then it dawned on you in horror; when is my next period? It should be any day now, right? You checked your planner. Your last period started over a month ago. You were a week behind. The rest of the morning was a jittery blur. Your room, your favorite sweater, your nail tearing a run in your favorite tights. All of it felt distant, unreal somehow. You felt like a clock was thrumming in your head, a countdown to disaster. 
“You okay, baby?”
Your mom asked this on your way out of the door. Your bus would be by any minute and you'd been on autopilot. She sat at the dining room table with her coffee, looking over at you with a suspicious glint in her eye. Your stomach flipped. 
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just kinda tired.”
“Better sleep instead of texting that boy.”
You couldn’t find the words, plus you was flooded with panic. 
“I can see the bus, gotta go. Love you.”
You rushed out before she could say another word and bolted down the street. What she didn’t know was that you hadn’t taken the bus in months. You walk right past the bus stop, down the block to the gas station where Billy had been picking you up for months. You have to steel yourself as you wait for him. Biting your lip and taking deep breaths.
You can’t tell him before you're sure. Your mom’s promise that he would abandon you if you got pregnant stuck in your head like an old song. Of course, you didn’t believe her…but what if she was right? Even if he didn’t totally abandon you, how would you manage to deal with it without your parents finding out? Maybe I could ask Nancy’s mom? A honk made you jump out of your skin and you turn to see Billy laughing hysterically from the driver’s seat. 
“Hey scaredy cat.”
“Shut up.” you chide, though you're already grinning and on your way to the car.  He can always make you feel better.
“Aw, don’t be a sour puss, little puss puss.” He called with puckered lips. As soon as you were within reach he pulled you over the center console and kissed you, causing a chain reaction of flutters which complied with the nerves you'd already been feeling. As a result you're overwhelmed and break from his lips too early. 
“What’s wrong?” he asks gently. You know you only have one chance to smooth things over or else you’ll never hear the end of it. So, you smile and peck him on the lips. 
“Just tired. That’s all.” 
He looks into your eyes for a moment, those cool blue eyes as serious as ever. Then, he nods and drops the subject. He makes a joke about keeping you up too many nights but you don’t hear it over the furious drumming of your heart. You manage to put the issue aside on your way to school, and you think you’ve successfully made it through until you’re just about to part ways in the hall. After a final kiss, you turn to leave and feel him take your elbow in his hand. 
You turn to him, genuinely unsuspecting.
“What’s going on?” he asks it quietly, and when you realize what he means your spirits plummet into your feet. 
“It’s like I said, I’m just tired today. I’m fine.”
You try to smile again but he isn’t buying him. 
“Baby,” he says with a serious look on his face, “you’re a bad liar.”
You drop your eyes to his chest, absentmindedly tracing a few fingers along the seam of his leather jacket.
“Did your mom say something? Is it Nancy?” 
You shake your head, putting your hand on his arm as the bell rings. 
“I’m okay, Billy. Trust me?” 
You leave him frowning, but hurry off to your first class. 
. . .
Billy's POV
           I haven’t been able to fucking think straight all morning, luckily the bullshit they teach in this school is preschool level so it takes none of my focus to ace the exam in my first period. What the fuck could she be hiding? What would she feel like she couldn’t tell me? Had her bitch of a mom finally convinced her to leave? In gym I take my frustration out on the weight bench. Some asshole tried to muscle me off it but it takes next to nothing to make him back down.
This school is full of clowns who worship the simplest displays of superiority. Which explains how Steve was the king at one point. Anyone with half a brain cell could lead these freaks. Of course, there are those who don’t care about that shit, the normal ones who can’t wait to get out just like me. Unlike me they can stomach this boring shit every day. I can’t. Without YN I would die in this place. 
            Is she mad at me about something? Has she talked to Nancy about it? I shower and head out early, she’d mentioned something about Nancy having Chemistry 3rd period and I take the back stairwell in hopes of beating her to Mr. Hopewell’s class.  
I’m lucky, I get to the classroom just moments before Nancy does, she’s looking down at a book in her arms and I have to touch her arm to get her attention. 
“Oh, hey.” she seemed surprised to see me, I gestured for her to come out into the stairwell with me. 
“You talked to Yn yet today?” 
            “No, we have lunch together. Why?”
            “Somethings up with her, she won’t tell me. I need you to find out for me.”
             She shrugs.
             “Maybe it’s really nothing.”
             “Nancy, I know my girl. Just ask her about it?”
              She considers it a moment. 
              “Alright, but I can’t promise I’ll tell you. If she’s really hiding it I’m in her side.”
              I roll my eyes.
              “Girls are all alike.”
. . .
               By the time lunch comes around you're dying to talk to Nancy. Billy has been texting you non-stop and at this point you're dreading seeing him in 5th period. When he thinks you're keeping something from him he gets like a blood hound chasing a rabbit: he just won’t let it go. It’s so frustrating! In his mind there’s no such thing as an innocent secret between you, as if you can’t have any privacy as individuals or else it means you don’t really love each other. 
                At first you didn’t think much of it, but even the simplest thing you might not wanna share can ruin a whole conversation because he gets fixated on it. When you spot Nancy at your usual table, you're so relieved you could cry. 
                “Hey Nancy, I need to ask you about something.”
                 She gives you a knowing grin.
                “Let me guess, it’s something you haven’t told Billy about, right?” Your smile falls and she chuckles at my expression. “He already tracked me down and asked me to find out for him.”
                  You shake my head, genuinely dumbfounded. 
                 “This boy is relentless.”
                 “You got that right. He seems really worried. But listen, I told him I’m on your side. If you don’t want me to tell him whatever it is, I won’t. I swear.”
                 You're relieved to hear that, reassured that you chose the right person to be friends with. 
                “So? What’s so big you can’t tell your lover boy?” 
                Rather than risk anyone overhearing, you whisper it in her ear. Her eyes go wide and she whispers back, asking if you’ve taken a test yet and you whisper back that you only realized this morning. You ask if her mom can help get a test and she promises to ask her. 
                “But don’t mention my name, please? If my mom finds out….”
               “Don’t worry, she won’t find out.”
. . .
            He won’t stop, no matter how much you ask him to please drop it and that you’ll tell him later. He’s yelling and driving way too fast and playing his music way too loud. These are the moments you really hate Billy Hargrove. 
            “Wanna stop by the ice cream place, oh whoops, there it went. Gotta answer faster." He's yelling over the blaring guitar and chaotic drums, asking questions and then answering them in the same second just to annoy you, just to try and get an answer. "Oh there’s that cafe you like how’s about, awwww, too slow. You gotta speak up, baby.” 
           His tone is condescending as we speed through town. You sit with your arms crossed staring out the window, trying not to let it show that you're terrified. We reach a back road and he speeds up even more, going 15, 20 over the speed limit. He cranks up the music until it's painfully loud and leans his head out the window, hooting and hollering like he just won a million dollars or something. 
            “What’s wrong?! Not having fun?!”
            He takes your chin and tries to make you look at him but you wrench away and look back towards the window, wiping at tears streaking down your cheeks. He does it again and it takes both hands to push him away. In response he pounds on the steering wheel and speeds up even more. By the time you get to the gas station you're so shell shocked all you can do is hop out of the car and start walking.
Almost immediately he’s there, grabbing your arm, getting in your face so that you have to turn away from him. He’s asking you again and again what’s going on. Is it your mom? Nancy? Did someone at school say something? Is there a teacher messing with you? Are you mad about something? On and on until you feel on the verge of panic. You hate him so much at this moment but all you can do is wipe at tears and try to catch your breath. Can't he see how this looks? People walking into the gas station turning to gawk at you? Finally, with your back against the car you blurt it out.
“I might be pregnant!”
Instantly he falls silent, leaving just the sound of your sniffling between you.
“I don’t know yet. Nancy’s gonna ask her mom about a test.” 
You don’t wait for him to collect himself enough to answer. You break out of his grip and start walking home. He doesn’t come after you. You stop by a grocery store and duck into the bathroom, crying.
Billy has the ability to scare the shit out of you and he uses it to get his way at the slightest inconvenience. Why doesn’t it mean anything to him when you ask him to wait? When you tell him you're not ready to say something, why can’t he just leave it at that? How can he claim to love you and bully you into submission like that? It feels so unfair. Just now, in the car, you felt like your heart was going to explode and you couldn’t stop crying. How could he claim to care about you and make you feel like that just to get what he wanted? Didn’t it bother him to see you so upset? You spend half an hour in the bathroom while others come and go. Eventually you manage to stop crying and leave, your mom’s words are burning in your heart. 
“You think that boy cares about you?” She’d asked at dinner one night shortly after they met him “Get pregnant and you’ll see. He looks at you like a piece of ass and you’re probably giving it to him free of charge. Do you even make him buy you dinner first?” she’d scoffed, shaking her head. “Little girl, you think he loves you so much, just go ahead and keep letting him use you like a damn toy and see if he sticks around to take care of you and the baby. I bet you anything he’ll be gone. Anything.” 
You're shaking by the time you reach home, and rush upstairs to your room. You must've fallen right asleep, because you wake up with just enough time to do homework and go down for dinner. By then, you're numb. You just want your mom to be sweet to you. You wish you could tell her that you're scared and hurt and angry, but you can’t say a word. If you ever admitted that you and Billy had sex she would truly do everything in her power to keep you apart, even if it meant dropping you off and picking you up from school every day. Your life wouldn’t extend beyond school and your bedroom.
The next day is Saturday and Billy doesn’t text you all day. Maybe your mom is right. You tell her you feel sick and spend the day in bed. It’s true, after all. She checks on you, bringing you soup and touching your forehead. She’s so gentle with you when you're sick that you wish you got sick more often. When she’s not in your room you turn your music up and cry into your pillow. You hurt in so many different ways that it’s hard to feel anything other than this overwhelming sadness. You want to hear Billy’s voice, but the day passes and you don’t hear from him. Maybe it’s over. Maybe he never loved you. Saturday night you're lying on the couch watching a movie with your parents, it’s something old that the two of them say is a classic. Nancy texts you.
*Mom got a test. Come over tomorrow?* 
*Yes, thank you so much, Nancy! I love you!*
*Love you, too. Hope Billy didn’t flip his shit the other day.*
*You have no idea*
You're embarrassed to show up to Nancy’s house the next day, afraid of her parents or her brother catching a glimpse of you needing a pregnancy test. Luckily, it’s just her at home when you arrive. You're so relieved you start to cry. 
“Oh, yn, it’s okay.” 
She pulls you into a hug and you go to her room. You tell her everything; from the car ride from hell with Billy to crying in the bathroom, and what your mom said. 
“He hasn’t texted you at all?” She asks. Her eyes and her tone are gentle, she’s such a comforting person. You lean your head on her shoulder. 
“Well, we should probably figure out if you’re even pregnant first.” 
You laugh at that. 
“Yeah, about that. Isn’t it too early?” 
“You said it’s like a week late?”
“9 days now, yeah.”
“Should be fine.” She digs into her night stand and pulls out a brown paper bag. “There’s two in there, just to be sure. Plus some condoms.” You thank her again and hug her “Anytime. You owe me, though. I had to swear on my grandma’s grave that they weren’t for me.” 
“You’re a good friend. I’m lucky.” 
She smiles and then waves you off towards the bathroom. The instructions are a mile long and you're so nervous scanning through them. By the time it’s time to pee you realize you probably haven’t drank water since Thursday night. You come out and Nancy laughs when you say you're dry as a bone. The day ends up turning into a hangout as you go to the corner store together for lemonade and run into some girls from school. The three of them had just gotten out of church and were complaining about it, making fun of the pastor and talking about which choir boys they thought were cute. 
It was a rare moment of connection that you cherished. You didn't have a lot of connections outside of Nancy. Billy's reputation kept you insulated as this untouchable being. New to the school yourself, no one knew what to make of you, and now, most people didn't try getting to know you. Some out of fear of Billy's jealousy, others because of their own. You got lucky with Nancy. She never let a rumor stand in her way.
When you were good and ready, you and Nancy said goodbye to the girls and headed back to her house, having to run laughing the final stretch because you could barely hold it by then. The stick was barely wet before she came barging in and you couldn’t stop laughing as you traded spots on the toilet. 
Only a best friend could make such a terrifying day so much fun. 
You sat the two tests next to each other on the bathroom counter and stood staring at them. Nancy leaned over your shoulder. 
“Dare you to lick em.” 
You push her away, laughing and she starts fiddling with her hair. 
“What are you gonna do? I mean, if it’s positive?” 
You shrug. 
“I can’t keep it. I mean, I don’t want to be pregnant.” 
“Were you guys…using anything?”
You shake your head, embarrassed.
“I don’t know why. We just…I don’t know, we were being stupid.” 
What you couldn’t admit was that for a while, you’d felt untouchable. Sex was a magical thing and getting wrapped up in it was intoxicating. You’d felt so close to him, so able to make him happy, to be connected that way. Neither of you had ever mentioned using protection, it didn’t feel necessary, somehow. Nancy puts her hand on your shoulder. 
“It’s okay,” she says softly, “Mistakes are what they are.” 
You hugged her again. You separate when the timer goes off and for a moment you're too afraid to look away from her eyes. She gives you a reassuring smile and you take a deep breath, and look down. 
. . .
“We’ll go to California after graduation. I’ve got a buddy in San Diego who owns a string of surf shops, he’d let me manage and maybe even own one. You can go to school out there, we can get a nanny during the day and then be together at night.”
It’s Sunday night and Billy finally asked you to come over. You went right from Nancy’s over to his place. His parents were out of town and Max was in her room. You’d barely gotten into his room when he started spilling this grand plan. His eyes were bright and wild, imagining this future for the two of you. Well, three. 
              You're too stunned at first to say anything. You watch him go on and on about the sunshine in Cali being good for a baby, and how his grandparents would be happy to babysit and his cousin had a big summer house on the shore you could stay in. Your heart feels so full it could burst watching him go on, so excited. Your eyes start to well up with tears. He sees you crying and puts his hands on your cheeks. 
“Baby, what is it?”
You shake your head. 
“I thought you’d be upset.” 
He scoffs at you. 
“You’re gonna be a great mom.” 
He says it with so much love that it hurts. 
“No, I’m not.”
“I’m not pregnant.” 
He’s silent, the light dimming in his eyes. 
“I took two tests.” 
He drops his hands away from your face and steps back, then sits on the bed. You go sit beside him, sensing so much sadness. 
“I’m sorry.” You whisper to him. 
He shakes his head. 
“It’s alright, baby.”
You’re quiet for a long time, his eyes distant. 
“We can still go to Cali together.” 
He looks at you, seeming somewhat surprised to hear you say that. 
“I mean, if you still want to.” 
He palms your cheek and kisses you. He puts on music and you lay down together, his head resting on your chest. It's quiet for a long time as the music plays. You lay there with your fingers gently moving in his hair.
“I love you,” you whisper. “I was so nervous, ya know? I thought you’d hate it.”
“Scared the shit out of me when you told me. Then I started thinking about everything and it just started coming together. We could’ve really done it.” he pauses and you feel a little tremble in him, making your heart skip a beat, you hold him, gathering him into your arms as much as you can “You would’ve been a great mom and a fuckin milf, too.” 
You laugh a little, but he keeps shivering and then he breaks. His breathing hitches and for the first time since you met him, he’s crying, wetting the front of your shirt. You kiss the top of his head and stroke his hair, holding him close through the tremors and the sobs. He gathers the side of your shirt in his fist as he cries, holding onto you as if he’ll blow away if he doesn’t.
             You love him so much at this moment that you would do anything for him. Anything to comfort him. But, there’s nothing to do, so you let him cry. The music plays and he cries through the album, at least as long as you had in the bathroom. It’s strange that he’s mirroring that sadness now. You had no idea he would become attached to the idea of you mothering his child, but given what you know about his mom it makes sense. It makes your heart ache for him. 
Your mom was wrong about him. Hell, even you were wrong to think he'd abandon you. Neither of you understand how much he really loves you.  You laid there, quiet, the music and his crying the only sounds. You have a future with him, he loves you enough to want that with you. But, it’s better this way; to go to college and get jobs before you have kids…as a matter of fact, you'd never even decided that you wanted kids. You feel like you should tell him that had you been pregnant you wouldn’t have kept it, but now doesn’t feel like the time. It also isn’t the time to talk about how much he scared you the other day. His outbursts aren’t usually that bad, and most of the time he apologizes on his own, but you don’t think an apology will cut it this time. 
How he reacted wasn’t fair at all. But this isn’t the time for that, either. You just let him cry for as long as he needs to. Eventually, you fall asleep. You're woken up by a tingle that rushes through your body, making you gasp. The lamp is still on but the music has stopped, heat and pleasure pushes a moan from your throat. His fingers are moving in you, his teeth bearing into your neck. 
His mouth moves to yours, hungry and insistent. You're so wet and so close to cumming that you don’t have time to think before cresting helplessly into an orgasm. It’s such a rush and your head is empty as you moan his name, gripping his arm to stabilize yourself. It feels so good you can’t think of anything else but his skin against yours, his hand, the way he touches you. You rock your hips against his arm and he kisses you, his tongue brushing against yours. 
His palm is on your cheek and you're kissing it as he moves his body between your legs, pushing his boxers down and letting his dick free. He’s stroking it and then slipping into you, all the while his lips are pressed against yours. He feels so good, and then you remember. You push away from him once and then again when he doesn’t move away. You struggle to sit up and finally he understands, backing away. 
Breathing heavy he pulls out and asks what’s wrong, panting against your lips.
“I have something we can use.”
He looks at you strangely, then you dig into your backpack and fish out the condoms. When you hold it up he looks even more confused. 
“Why the fuck would we use this?”
“Uh, because. Billy, I don’t wanna get pregnant.” 
“You won’t.”
“We just-”
“But you weren’t. Right? I’ll pull out, baby it’s fine.” 
He goes to climb on top of you but you inch back. 
“I’m serious. We can’t risk it anymore.” 
He sighs, sitting back on his haunches. 
“Do you even know what you’re asking? Those make it so I can’t even feel anything.” 
You don’t know what to say to that. You're conflicted because it feels bad to have to ask for this, but it feels worse to have to fight for it. 
“Billy, I can’t risk it.”
He sighs again, shaking his head. Eventually, though he relents, asking you to suck his dick a little first. You do, and soon the little hiccup with the condom is forgotten. You hope it isn’t like this all the time. You had sex that night, though you could tell he had a harder time finishing than he usually does. He came, though, with you on top, grinding your hips into his while your own high had already left you lightheaded. You didn't talk any more about it that night.
You didn’t talk about the pregnancy scare until a party the next weekend.
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To Be Continued...
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reno2005 · 5 months
A Tale of Two Pringles
Leon S Kennedy(RE4) x GN!Reader
Words: 645
Summary: things are looking bleak in your desperate search to get your hands on a can of the limited edition suspicious stew pringles
Notes and Stuff: I wanted to imagine that "I thought of you" moment / That swedish game with the blocks and mobs and stuff yknow the one // somewhat inspired by true events(I really did want to try those chips...) / I suck at titles
It was the best of promotions; it was the worst of promotions. There you stood in a sea of salt and crispy potato thins, your disappointment reaching an all-time high as you scanned the aisle in the grocery store for what felt like the third or fourth time. You were dying to try the limited-edition suspicious stew Pringles but every store you went to was sold out or didn’t even carry it. Grocery stores, liquor stores, retail stores, you stopped at every place you could imagine would even have it. None.
Defeated you headed home, head filled with daydreams of the strange and exotic flavors that could have danced in your mouth if you had only learned of the promotion earlier. Even then, scalpers would have gotten it for sure someway or somehow. You tried to comfort your mind on the bus ride home as you listened to the Minecraft soundtrack. You couldn’t have the flavors of the world dance in your mouth but you could at least have the sounds comfort your crying potato chip yearning heart.
You stepped into your apartment and softly announced your presence. Disappointment still eating away at your heart, you didn’t think to listen for a response. Glancing over at the dining room table you saw your laptop open, the screen black. Beside the laptop was the mad scribblings of your master plan, the exact route you’d take to get your hands on this can. You sighed deeply before taking a seat in front of the laptop.
“Fuck it.” You said before turning the laptop on. You couldn’t let a can of potato chips and corporate manipulation get the best of you and your love for the game. Sooner than you expected, the disappointment in your heart and the lack of greasy cholesterol was eating at you just a little less.
Just before you got completely lost in the block world you heard the apartment door open and a familiar voice calmly call out “Hey, I’m home.” Leon walked into the dining room to find you seated in front of your laptop, the Minecraft music blaring from the speakers as he set his things down. “You alright?” He asked slightly concerned at your fixation for the game, he was used to you cheerfully greeting him as he arrived home.
“Yeah, I’m just bummed. I wanted this limited-edition flavor and I couldn’t find it any-“ As you turned to greet him as cheerfully as you could your eyes widened as you spotted the can in his hand. It was the stew. He had the stew. “W-where’d you get that?!?” You stammered as you jumped up.
“Just some random gas station. I actually went to get a cup of Joe and I saw this. Figured you’d like it since it’s Minecraft.” He raised it up towards you as he gave you a soft smile, unaware of the priceless treasure he was easily giving away to you.
You pounced on him, wrapping your arms around him for the strongest hug you felt you’d ever given in your life. “Thank you!” You said as you choked back tears of joy.
“Woah, I think you’re happier to see these chips more than me.” Leon joked as he patted your back, stuck in your hug, although he didn’t try to fight it.
“Of course, not…” you released him and gave a cute pouty face as you looked at the can. “I’ve just been looking everywhere for these and you just waltz on in here with them like nothing.” You paused to look up and smile at him. “Thanks for thinking of me.” You said still fighting back the tears of joy.
“Anytime.” Leon said as he wiped a tear from your face. He patted your shoulder and smiled at you. He looked at the laptop behind you and then back at you. “C’mon, I’ll watch.”
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Wordgirl Villains go on a road trip (headcanons)
To fit all of them, they stole rented out a bus
Leslie is driving the bus while Mr Big stands next to her for a majority of the time, controlling the music. All he plays is Tiny Big songs
Two Brains almost gets stuck playing a game of eye-spy with his henchmen, before he somehow convinces Ms Question to play with them.
Lady Redundant Woman fills up literally any empty seat with one of her clones, while the original somehow gets stuck sitting next to Royal Dandy, who keeps whining about everything.
Eileen put Maria in a jar so that she could hold her. If anyone questions why she insisted on putting the giant sentient energy creature in a jar to take with her, Eileen just responds with "She's my birthday present!"
Probably the strangest reveal of the whole trip is that the Whammer apparently has some pretty intense road rage. Someone has to convince him to not get up and wham all the traffic out the way.
Granny May and Hal Hardbargain are forced to sit next to each other, and the entire time they just complain about how "back in their day, the people actually knew how to drive"
Tobey, Victoria, and Captain Tangent are all forced to sit by each other because they're all kids. Tobey and Victoria are forced to sit in agony as Tangent literally won't stop talking.
The Butcher somehow manages to sneak by to change the music, to the relief of everyone except Mr Big.
Brent insisted he should come along so that he could bond some more with Chuck. The two sit next to each other, making forced and awkward small talk.
If having the Whammer being a Road Rager wasnt enough, the Learnerer is also sitting in the front, criticizing literally every driving move Leslie makes. It takes everything in Leslie's power to not get up and slam the Learnerer against the wall.
Timmy Tim-Bo is passed out in the middle of the bus.
Nocan is, for some reason, confused over the concept of traffic. Whenever someone tries to explain why the bus isn't moving, he just doesn't get it. "Cars are in front of us? No, NO cars are in front of us!"
Big Left Hand Guy is stuck making sure Invisi-Bill doesnt get up and do something stupid, which gets progressively harder as Invisi-Bill gets progressively more fidgety.
Do you ever notice how when Seymour's in a vehicle, he's the one driving it? That's because if he's the passenger in any vehicle, he gets horrendously car sick. Like 'I'm so nauseous i can't even keep my eyes open' kind of car sick. And the Coach is stuck sitting next to him.
Reason and Rhyme joined in on the car trip because they thought that it would be a fun experience and they'd get to bond with the other villains. While Rhyme is having fun, Reason is regretting the decision because it's loud, the bus smells horrible for several reasons, and there are still 4 hours left of the trip.
Amazing Rope Guy gets forgotten at a random gas station in Delaware.
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thewriterg · 2 years
Pairing(s): Bo Sinclair x Fem!reader, Lester Sinclair x Fem!reader, Vincent Sinclair x Fem!reader
Summary: You had known the Sinclair’s since you were at least eight unknowingly that they had killed your mother But Bo were always protective of you most he would give you a mocking bird if you wanted. —flufftober; day 6–
Word count: 700+
Warning(s): Fluff, Reader is 8 when this first starts and then ages up to about 14-17, Protective Sinclairs, and NO SWEAR WORDS GUYS 🤭
A/n: —GIF isn’t mine— This is so rushed but had our homecomings game we lost 🤭
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GIF by @sweeetestcurse
The last time you’d seen you Mother was when you were eight years old, let’s just say Your father wasn’t the best and your Mother Just packed you both up one day leaving without another word.
You came across Ambrose when your mothers fan belt snapped completely in half with no way of salvaging it on hand that’s how you met the first Sinclair brother Lester
He was nice and funny even though the roadkill scared you at first you warmed up to him decently fast he offered to take you and your mother back into town where his brother worked on cars and such while your mother agreed with little to no hesitation
When you all finally got to the gas station Lester or ‘The Easter bunny’ you called him introduced her to Bo before encouraging you to go pick out a few snacks before explaining your situation to the tall Brunette missing the glaring looks he’d sent to his brother
“Well I don’t have any that’ll fit here but I just got new stock up at the house” The man offered while the women sighed in relief agreeing and thanking him without a thought of hesitation calling out to you before you simply returned behind her with ritz cheese crackers and a caprisun
“Alright honey, how much for the cracker and the caprisun” Your mother questioned beginning to pull her wallet out of back pocket before the man who’s name you had yet to catch stopped her
“Oh, Don’t worry about it”The man and your mother continued to go back and forth about paying for the snacks the rested in your hand before she’d finally given up and allowed you both to leave the store without paying for the snacks
“House is Just a quarter Mile from here I could get Lester here to take your little squirt here to the wax house real nice figures” For the first time in the day your Mother was hesitant openly declining the idea while Bo continued to persuade her thought of interest at the time
“Half an Hour that’s all” The man reassured the women before she finally nodded while Lester couldn’t help but tilt his head at his brothers. abnormal behavior
“I’ll see you latter little lady I love you” You’ll never forget how she Squatted down to your level so her eyes could meet yours kissing just above your forehead where her lips met with your hairline
That was the last time you’d ever seen your Mother.
You were lying around on the couch jonsey’s head in your lap while you finished up your homework more tired than you ever could’ve been you’d just barely survived finals week and you couldn’t be more exhausted than you already were your hair had stayed in a ponytail, your diet consisting of coffee, monsters, and ritz crackers and you’ve never Felt your hands go so numb
“Hey lady, finish up with your homework dinner be ready soon if a catch you eating another cracker I’ll skin you” Bo stated walking back further into the kitchen while you giggled softly you don’t know if you were laughing at Bo’s grumpy tone or you were just so sleep deprived you start to become delusional
Either way you begin to sit up causing Jonsey’s ears to perk up slightly before she hopped down from the couch making her way over to sit in front of the fan her tongue sticking out while panting
You’d made your way into the kitchen sitting down at the table Lester was already there but Bo nor Vincent were seen meaning Bo had probably made his way down the steps into the basement alerting his twin there was food on the table which your mouth couldn’t help but water at the chicken pot pie in front of you
It wasn’t long before the two brothers came back into the kitchen in a pair before you all began to eat
“You’re awfully hungry today y/n/n are you alright?” Lester questioned looking at you with a soft gaze to which you just nodded with a finger held up mouth stuffed with pie crust
“I’m Fine bunny, it’s just finals week I’ve been living off of Monsters and crackers” You sighed beginning to slow down your eating as you got more full and satisfied
You’d all had occasional small talk explaining things that happened during your week while you missed the way Bo looked at you proudly so. Stressing over test and grades, spending time with your family, he couldn’t ask for a more perfect kid
Bo Sinclair would give you the world if you asked for it but knowing that would take time he’d settle for a mocking bird
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princessg3rard · 5 months
I was gonna say something about how you react to bomb threats like we react to a moose but then I remembered how I reacted to the last bomb threat so I really can't say much. but it's still interesting how your expressed sentiment to terrorism is the same as mine to wildlife
MAJOR TW FOR WAR !! (also, fucking wall of text ahead lol)
I mean it’s just a part of life here ig :,) I remember vividly the days (bc of plural wars/operations) my dad would be sent out to gaza or lebanon or the west bank and ask us to help him find the shoe shine and to pack him enough socks, like it was a game. I remember hiding in a parking lot with my hands over my head, in safe rooms, and in bathrooms until the rockets get destroyed, while eating pizza and drawing with friends. I remember having to reroute my bus schedule bc my usual line was bombed, or the central station once again was attacked so the lines are closed for a bit - and just fucking hating moovit for not telling me this earlier (that app omg I want to punt it into the sun).
my mom remembers being terrified that sadam hussain will attack us with mustard gas and wearing gas masks under red alerts. my dad was deployed into battle for 20 years on and off, leaving my mom to wonder if she’ll have to raise us alone. we’ve seen clubs, busses, markets, prides, coffee shops, and border passes bombed and attacked over and over again.
it’s not news to anyone, is what I’m trying to say. it’s fucking tragic every time but when u live with it for so long, u kinda get used to it :) also our wildlife is too cute to do anything they can’t harm u really
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mothermara · 7 months
fallout 4 was the perfect game TO ME in the aspect of validating me picking up random garbage because I think there might be a unforeseen future project in which the random garbage I found will be useful. like when I'm furnishing the bus I put on top of a gas station or other such things
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valpogossip · 2 days
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You lot sure have be busy the last month. If I was of lesser mind or simply someone with something better to do, I would have resigned myself to my silence and let you all carry on. But business pays. And unfortunately for you, it's yours that pays me, and you're all not going to believe this.
A natural good citizen, Abril Valdivia out of the kindness of her heart ( or her lust ) returned a ring ( allegedly ) to one Mallory Watson. How did she get this ring? Unknown, but the two seem pretty familiar with each other and their addresses but who knows ! Maybe they're just quilting together?
Speaking of Mallory, the winter wind whispers and it all says that Wylie Henderson ( Mallory's ex? almost? unclear) has also wandered back into the Valpo region. Will there be room in their hear with all their puppets and clown memorabilia? Only time will tell.
Anayeli Chavez was seen exiting Charlie Hastings office at the university. But then again, Charlie was also seen entering and at some point exiting out of Anayeli's office too. And back and forth they go, but something tells me that they're not using office hours for their intended purpose. Does anyone else find it strange that where Rohan is Anayeli seems to be too? Interesting.
A ROUND OF APPLAUSE FOR ADEM KARTAL ! Valpo's favorite dad has finally found use for another D word ! Dating ! The word was dating you freaks. He asked the beautiful Ysla Alonso out for their first official date. We're so proud of you and can't wait to see where this goes !
Aivryn Johnston made an interesting dye job choice, but don't worry after being absolutely terrified, Dixie Harrison found it within her to help the younger one out.
According to our sources, Arlo Hwang has been spending a lot of time at the Harrison household for one Leia Munoz-Silva. Don't worry though, all that time in the bedroom and the only screams coming from there are a video game. He's not the only man coming in and out though, Rohan Kaur has been making his own rounds. Hm. Wonder what could be all the way out in Casablanca that he needs to make that drive for. Interesting.
Astrid Blackwell and Noah Fontaine have laid down the law ! After laying down their lips together back in May (what? did you think we forgot) ? It only took another showcase of their undeniable jealousy for them to decide to... not? act like friends? but be? best friends? Interesting ! Best of luck to you both !
When he's not in Anayeli's office, Charlie can be found hanging around Secondhand Style. Though, he never goes in? We're thinking it may have something to do with Saffron Barton? What do we think, Valpo?
Drew Crane is back in the Valpo region ! The slushie machines in every local gas station has been quickly depleting upon his arrival and so has the raccoon population? Someone call PETA? He's staying with the Dominguez-Herreras/Cisneros, and five in one house? Seems to already be causing some distress with Luna being upset he's sharing things with their family but not with her. They say loose lips sink ships but maybe sealed ones do too?
Hiyori Ito and Luna Dominguez-Herrera were seen taking a bus out to god knows where and not returning until the next morning looking sleep deprived, excited, but also (in Hiyori's case) terrified ! They must have had quiet the time! Who wouldn't want to go missing with them? (Me)
Speaking of returns, Leon Amos is back in town! Wasted no time making quick work in Salem West's DMs and pissing Luna off. What exactly does it mean to break up with someone because you don't trust yourself? I don't know but I do know it goes down beautifully with my popcorn!
Omar Osei found like a deer in the headlights at the appearance of his ex Nevaeh Thompson! I guess you can never really outrun the consequences of your own actions, but how funny it is to watch him try!
Between dodging Charlie and dodging Zak Torres, Saffron has become as hot of a commodity as the clothes she carries. Maybe one day she'll give that friend of Zak's a chance or for entertainment purposes she'll rehash some memories with Charlie. Only time will tell.
In lighter news, it looks like Yazmin Taylor might be in the market for a new job! If my professor looked like she does, I know I'd never miss a class either. We're wishing you all the best!
That's all I have for you today, but don't worry. We'll be back next month with even more delicious tea for you to catch up on. And to Vanni, Felix, Elias, Javi, Nikhil, Poet, Rafael, Rania, Reyna, Sade, Sebastian, Zaid, and Vicious; i'm always watching.
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under-theweirwood · 11 months
@oknutzyweek2023 day five ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
my brain is a machine that produces harvard era finnlo so this is what i have to offer. pls don't ask me what happened to day four hehehe. instead enjoy college boys and sillysoft bus ride feelings. featuring a new hoodie and a playlist from alex.
Finn was cold. He was cold and he was annoyed and his feet hurt and it was all his fault. And it was a Sunday night and they were going to get back to campus so late. He could feel himself pouting but he couldn't bring himself to snap out of it. 
“Why is it already cold now?” Finn complained, hunching his shoulders in. It wasn’t like it was winter, but he had left his sweatshirt almost certainly in the away team locker room. His perfect, reliable, heavy enough for a chilly day but easy to bring to practice sweatshirt. 
Logan went along with the bitching, though. Reliable Logan.  Logan whose quiet, private jokes had been distracting him from everything all evening. Logan who looked so pretty after he scored a goal it made Finn catch his breath suddenly. “Man, I know.” 
Logan looked at Finn sideways. They were standing in line at a gas station in upstate New York, headed home from an away game. The bus was getting gas, so the team was released onto the store, stocking up on snacks like they wouldn’t reach civilization for weeks. “Did you leave your sweatshirt?” 
“Yeah,” Finn sighed.  One of them always forgot something, either on the way, which was annoying, or on the way back, which was disappointing. 
“No wonder you’re cold,” Logan said. “You’re always cold. Merde, no wonder you’ve been like an ice cube.” 
Finn blushed and tried to cover it up by tweaking Logan’s beanie. His stupid, silly beanie that pushed down his dark wavy bangs around his eyes. “No one said you had to take a nap on me if I was so cold,” he said. And it was true; no one had told Logan that he should lean his head on Finn’s shoulder and knock out with his headphones on. It was just something he did, instinctual, like the way he’d sometimes reach out and rub Logan’s ankles while they watched TV, or the way he’d fallen asleep instantly in Logan’s bed the other week during a movie and slept there through the night. 
Then it was Logan’s turn to blush. It made a little rushing feeling go through Finn when Logan blushed back, or when their eyes caught in a look they wouldn’t name. The feeling of possibility--  and then a whole flickering array of other things, like hope and excitement and panic and fear fear fear-- and then, putting it away. 
“Stay here. Get your snacks. I’ll be back,” Logan called as he turned to walk, toward the bathroom or something, Finn figured. He shrugged. He knew what Logan wanted. 
Finn caught up with Will and Percy in line, scooped up twizzlers and cheez-its and some peanut m&ms for the journey ahead. Percy was acting out something from a movie, it seemed like, gesticulating wildly with the hand that wasn’t clutching a bag of sweet chili doritos. Finn rubbed his hands up and down his arms and let himself be distracted. 
Moments later, they were headed back out, armed with enough sugar to raise the dead. 
“Got you this.” Logan jogged to catch up with Finn. He didn’t look right at Finn but he was smirking as he shoved something into Finn’s arms. 
Finn shook it out. It was a thick gray hoodie, with some text in garishly sparkly neon green lettering reading out, “New York is for Lovers”. 
Finn had to laugh. It was so kitschy, so cheesy, but also...something in his silly, unreliable heart tweaked out a little at the word “lover” on anything that Logan was pushing into his hands. He didn’t want to ruin it by overthinking.
Not thinking about it at all, he pulled it over his head, sighing in relief. It was somehow incredibly soft, smelling like cleaning chemicals and faintly of movie theater popcorn butter. And it was from Logan who was so sweet and so unpredictable. Finn could not have seen this coming. 
“So you’re not an ice cube for the rest of the drive,” Logan said, yanking the hood down over Finn’s eyes as soon as it was over his head. 
“Uhhuh, I knew you had an agenda,” Finn laughed. His heart was beating quickly, though, his whole body warm in a way that had set on too fast to just be from the hoodie Logan had handed him. No, this was a fizzy, pulsing warmth not unrelated to how it felt lining a shot up into open goalspace. 
Logan looked right at him, just for a second, and it was just the two of them. Locked eyes together in the parking lot of a Kwik Trip in nowhere, NY, on a Sunday night on the way back to campus. The night, dark and chilly and quiet besides for the whooshing of cars passing just up on the highway and the murmur of conversation from inside, from the bus. 
And then just as quick as the moment arrived, it was over. With a sharp, and frankly unnecessarily screech of whistle, Coach was herding everyone back onto the bus, announcing their ETA back in Cambridge and starting to issue reminders about morning practice the next day. 
Finn followed Logan to their normal spot, halfway up on the right side, and slid into the aisle seat. He pulled his arms in to hug himself, cocooned in the sweatshirt. Standing outside with Logan had been enough of an adrenaline rush to cause a little crash, and Finn felt impossibly tired all of the sudden, his feet aching once again as he pulled out his phone and looked at the practice schedule for the week. 
Next to him, Logan’s headphones were back on, his eyes closed as he tilted his head back. Finn wiggled his shoulders over minutely, enough for Logan to do what he was undeniably waiting for the opportunity for. 
The bus accelerated onto the highway, everyone seeming to quiet down and nestle in for the last leg of the trip. Logan didn’t disappoint; he dropped his head back against Finn’s chest and wiggled over so their thighs almost overlapped. Logan was toasty, of course, a little scowling space heater conveniently positioned on Finn’s right. 
The lights were down, so Finn didn’t worry about the blush staining his cheeks or the goofy smile he quickly tucked away. He pulled out his headphones and scrolled back through texts until he found the playlist Alex had sent him a few days before. They didn’t have the exact same taste in music but it always felt good to think about his brother down in Tampa, jamming out or running to the same songs as him up in Cambridge.
Finn pressed shuffle and closed his eyes. His feet were sore but he felt perfectly content, going 60 miles per hour toward home with Logan next to him and his team all around them.
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pillarsalt · 2 months
you inspire me to sticker again (i used to hand-write little slogans on nametag labels) and the coffeeshop i frequent made a whole aggressive post when mine were found in the bathroom and i backed off for a bit, lol.. how do you go stealth mode effectively or do u just slap the stickers without caring if people see?
Yesss sticker it up anon!
I live in a foot-traffic heavy part of my city, so people often leave posters and stickers about various causes, events, etc. I always, always sticker outdoors at night. I'm often out late when the streets are mostly deserted because businesses are closed. I always give my head a swivel before I sticker to make sure I'm not being watched or followed; honestly I would be happy to explain my views to anyone who asked, but I am genuinely afraid of violent reactions, so I try to stay anonymous.
I also work in the same incredibly liberal neighbourhood I live in, and while I'm 100% sure no one could get me fired about it, tbh I want to avoid any unpleasantness from other locals while I'm at my job. I'm fairly certain the owners of a queerio bookstore nearby know it's me because I've stickered the lamppost outside their building and they have cameras facing the street. They're a bit icy when we have to interact but I don't give a shit lol. I would never leave a sticker with content I couldn't explain or don't wholeheartedly believe in, so if they confront me about it, I'm prepared to defend myself. I know my shit!
I never sticker on or inside private businesses; this is mostly because if they happen to have trans identified individuals working there, it could be interpreted as "targeting" them and that's not what I'm going for. I do sticker public buildings though. It depends on how they already appear: airports and malls are a no go because it just creates more work for custodians who are expected to keep the bathrooms pristine, but gas stations and bus stops with longstanding graffiti are free game.
So yeah, be super careful for your safety, but keep stickering. I made some tiny hearts with suffragette colours inside of them; even something as simple as that lets feminists around you know that you're here too, and god knows it's easy to feel isolated when feminists are so vilified. Good luck!
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gvtted-ratz · 4 months
read all our tags/ratings. they r important n give u all u need 2 decide if u wanna actually read or not. do not like the tags/rating? do not read.
FEM ALIGNING/IDENTIFYING PPL (unless mutuals/friends) DNI WITH OUR MLM WORKS. fem ppl can still request tho. respect our wishes or get blocked. yes we do read/check everything. we tag appropriately/use tags that go with our posts.
want 2 request? find the rules: here!
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Correct Ending
John Doe x M!It/Its!Reader
Last Edited: 27/03/23
TW: blood, horror, stalking
Requested: no
Word Count: 3,031
Notes: role-reversal AU. reader is the stalker/eldritch-horror being, john doe is a gas station worker stuck in a time loop (tho his looks/odd actions r still the same). it/its used 4 reader/mention of reader having a “human male form/human male face” as well as having “sir”. he/they pronouns used 4 john doe. treat this as having some spoilers (ending 7 basically)+remember of the canon creepiness/horror aspect from the game. if u can’t handle that, this prob aint 4 u so tread with caution/dont read. distorted/glicth text have numbers beside them as they will b put in at the end with each word 2 b read easier if desired/needed.
While people think the man is creepy, you couldn’t help but l̸̩̈́̿͆̔͌́ő̶̗̠͛͊͑̍̿v̵̨͎̈̄̀̚ĕ̵̖̦͔̘͇̑͊̿̌̑̄ [1] him. It didn’t matter that they didn’t shower or seem to understand that his clothes being thrown everywhere in his home wasn’t exactly the best for their mental health. The deteriorating mental health of your beloved truly did help you in a way though. It meant that he’d need someone around and what better person to help them than you? None of those other people in Uncanny Valley can help him like you could. They’re just tiny little humans, lacking anything significant about them. You, on the other hand, can protect your lovely little gas station worker by simply existing. Changing most of your form to anything he may desire is something you keep in mind, watching, together with, seeing what they may or may not like. Of course, some things you do rather wish to keep; a more human male figure seems more appropriate to you at times when you’re with the guy. It had taken a while but after watching how other men looked, you had been able to achieve the appropriate image.
Due to the time loop, it appears that John Doe forgets about you. Every. Single. Time. You’re doing what you can to ensure he chooses the right options. You’ve been trying for so ļ̴̢̹̫̪̙̀͛̈́̓͛o̸̬͔̍͛n̶̜̽͛̾̀��g̵̨̖̎̇̄͐̈́̇[2]. So why can’t the person just r̵̬͇̓̋e̴̹͐m̵̨̢̈́͝e̶̻̭̔̄m̸̧͚̽͊b̵̯̑̈́ē̴͔r̴̭̙̊[3]? That’s all they have to do. Remember you! It’s all you want! You want to be remembered, for all your trials and errors to be acknowledged! You distort reality for him! You’ve even given him gifts you thought he’d like; he’s accepted them every time but soon enough, those gifts get pushed aside, along with forgotten, when the new day arrives. But today there will be a change! There has to be! You’ve tried your best so you need to make this one count. It’s either the route he chooses leads to the right outcome for you both, or one that leads to one they will surely hate.
You see him on the bus, staring into space. For a human, he’s more uncanny than most. Maybe that’s what brought you to l̷̹͊͘ộ̸̊͐v̴̛̬͈͆̂̈́i̷͎̪̝̾̔̂ṉ̴̱̪̑g̸͙͛̄͌ [4] them. Then again, not seeing anything odd or weird in a place called Uncanny Valley would be wrong. He truly does fit in with the town in a way; the behaviour that is. Their looks give them more of a wild, unhygienic appearance more than anything. So many other humans stay away from the guy because of it, leading to a wide berth on the bus. It works in your favour after all; you possibly can’t go a day without watching the darling thing. To catch your interest out of all the others is an achievement in itself. Oh, they truly should be proud of themself because of that.
Seemingly sensing your staring, the yellowed eyes look towards your glassy ones. Once met, your grin widens tenfold. It seems to nearly split your face in half, showing off way more teeth than a human can possibly have. They blink at you, the black shirt they have on changing its design to an eye with a question mark as the pupil. The lips that never seem to close fully lift just slightly, more in a confused smile than a happy one. You’ll take it though, feeling warmth clouding your brain at his simple grin. You lessen your beaming when he looks away, starting to zone out again by how unfocused their eyes start to look. The warmth starts to edge away now that their attention is no longer on you. You can feel your lips fall into a straight line, feeling empty with that small amount of attention lost.
The bus stops, opening its doors to let off the passengers. John is one of the first to get off, letting you follow him from a distance, having taken the back of the line to do so. They’re heading to the gas station, working another day behind the counter. The long, messy hair of his is easy to spot in the small crowd; not to mention that they, along with a few others, are heading to place. Not many stop by thanks to the reality-shifting you do to try and keep John more or less alone. It makes time drag by slower, plus, you can watch him for longer.
You lurk about, staying hidden among the aisles to let John get comfortable in the beginning of their shift. You don’t want to appear suddenly like you have so many other times. It always seems to lead to the B̵̟͚̝̫̣̹̯̈̿̑͐ ̸̠̟̬͙̍͊́̇͆͜͠͝Ȁ̵̡̰͙͍̱̹̯͆̿ ̸̓̀̋̒̇͜D̷̰̖̥̤̣͈͕͂̒̓̽͌ ̷͉̼̦̒̈́ ̶͈̲̏͐ͅE̵̗̘̺̥̰̠̟͆̅͒̐̔̈́ ̵̙̞̭̪̙́͐͊̿͝N̷̩͋̕ͅ ̸̨͚̯̈́͑̌̀́̾̚D̸͍̩̫̈̈́̋͗̽̕ͅͅ ̷̮̩̋̋̈́͊͋̀Ĩ̸̥͈̙̦͊̅͘̚ ̷̳̱͕̻̜͚̋̊͐͝Ṇ̷̡͓̟̃̆̊̔ͅ ̷̭̬̇̆̈̈́͊G̴̤̒̐̍̈́ ̶̣̺̒̚Ș̸̲̺͇̋̈ [5]. Those were so tiring to deal with, having to revive your love over and over and over and over again. “It’ll be different this time. It’ll be better,” Your voice, though low, sounds disembodied with a static quality. You’ll win his affection this time or simply restart again until he accepts… So many endings have passed, moreover, restarting is getting tiring. You can feel your desperation taking over, leading to your hands shaking.
You grab the first thing you can get your quivering hands on, leading the object to your mouth. A tearing sound echoes in the store as your mouth widens, the skin going from your lips to your ear tearing open to reveal more teeth. The object is placed in your mouth, your jaws clamping down on it, completely as well as utterly crushing the item. You can hear glass shatter and crunch as you eat both the glass as well as pickled quail eggs. The taste combined with the texture of both floods your mouth as you try to get your mind in order. By the time you finish, there’s a puddle of juice on the floor, the jar, metal lid, and pickled eggs all having been eaten. Your hands have stopped shaking so you allow your face to go back to the human male face you’ve constructed, alongside altered, just for John.
With a clearer head, you look around the aisle. Your glassy eyes make eye contact with a horrified mother with her three kids. The children, all ranging from ages four to eight, stare at you with awe mixed with terror. The mother, on the other hand, looks like she’s about to pass out with how much panic seeps out of her. You give them a large, toothy grin, wiggling your fingers mockingly. She herds her kids away, shushing them when they try to protest. None of them will remember this by tomorrow.
Deciding your beloved has had enough time to settle into their shift, you start to approach the counter. No one is at the counter, letting you walk right up and stand before him. He’s staring off again, almost always does so when bored or understimulated. The skin at the edges of your eyes crinkle as you smile, this one not as wide as the one who had given them on the bus nor to the family in the aisle. With no answer, you reach into your pocket, pulling out your closed fist. “Hi.” Your voice, now sounding like it comes from you, carries a cheery but unhinged tone. The yellow eyes you’ve come to adore look at you, now more focused and full of attention.
“Hi,” They blink in surprise at your presence, clearly having missed it until you appeared. “How can I help you, sir?” Your closed fist hovers over the counter, your smile never wavering, as you release your gift.
“For you!” Teeth, some bloodied while others are nearly shiny clean, land on the counter with a clattering sound. John stares at them, his mouth forming a straight line despite never closing all the way. With no answer from him, together with their eyes going unfocused again, you try to smooth it over with more words you deem to be complimentary. “You smell good.” It jolts them back into reality for the moment. You can see his pupils start to expand, nearly swallowing all of the yellow. His shirt even has the eye change, the pupil on it now a heart. You know you haven’t won them over just yet but you have the seed planted in his mind now.
“Uhm… Ok…” His voice shakes, along with his hands as he drags them closer to himself. The black nails they have shine in the light, only adding to their appearance you’re fond of so much. He scoops them in his hand, putting them in the incorrectly-worn jacket’s pocket. You’re not sure if they’re genuinely happy about your gift, or absolutely horrified by the fact that they were just given teeth by a stranger, in their mind that is; you both know each other already if only he remembered you.
“What’s your name?” You lean towards him, hands gripping the edge of the counter so tightly, they can see the strain in your knuckles. The smile he gives you is still small, pupils still enlarged. Quietly, as well as shakily, they point to their name tag.
“That’s definitely one of the names I’ve heard. I’m _̵͙̋̈́-̴̻͖͍̆̆-̵̧̨͆_̸̦̞̊̆-̵̢͗͝_̵̰̇̕-̷̩̭̈́͋_̴͙̺͇̦̅̃  [6] but you can call me [Redacted]!” Your hands are clutched together near your chest as you tell them this, flashing distorted and gorey images in their mind. The smile on his face seems a little more strained now, a spiral appearing on his shirt. Maybe giving them your name confused them. Then again, anyone who isn’t like you will only hear it as garbled glitching. You’re only hoping the more understandable name you’re allowing them to call you is enough.
“Are you doing anything after work?” You decide to try and go for it, hoping that maybe, just maybe he’ll say yes like he’s done a few times before. Besides, he said “No” in the previous day. So this time, now that you’re more normal, they should say yes.
“No… I’m not doing anything. Why do you ask?” He seems genuinely interested this time, leaving that fuzzy warmth to worm its way into your head. An odd gurgling noise escapes you, making their brows furrow in confusion as you suddenly leave. Behind you, just before you exist, you can hear a small “It was cute but in a creepy, stalkerish way… And a little weird… A me type of weird.” escape him. Their comments don’t sound disgusted however, they sound more like you’ve successfully gotten their curiosity paired with their attention.
It’s a few hours later that John leaves the gas station. You can feel your entire being shake with excitement, feeling the hope that his choices will lead to the correct ending; no more time-loops or reality-shifting needed. You’re quiet as you creep closer and closer to the oblivious person in front of you. You can hear their mumblings about “finally getting off work” combined with “can’t wait to sleep.”
“Hi,” You’re practically hovering behind him, staring with large pupils. Your hands are shaking as you clutch them near your stomach. You refrain from touching him in case you scare him away. An entire body shudder is an answer you receive; just faintly you can hear them swallow. “Oh… My bad. I didn’t think I’d frighten you so bad…” You give him an apologetic smile, despite not feeling sorry at all. Seeing any reaction from them only feeds your infatuation. Before he can even respond, you’re leaning in more, invading his space. “Can I come home with you? Please? We can.. We can get to know each other better! Have a relationship!” You’re coming on strong, you know you are, but you can barely hold in your desperation.
Your last sentence seems to surprise them, seeing that spiral on their shirt appear again. Maybe should reword it… “Like- Like a great friendship! Best friends!” Your hands are shaking so badly, forcing you to dig them into your gut to hide it. That doesn’t hide how your voice shakes as you trip over your words. They lick their lips, glancing away from you for a second to process your words.
“Alright… Yeah. Yeah, you can come over-” His pupils are large again, a barely-there flush slowly crawling up his neck and towards his face. Their words are cut off when the bus arrives. As soon as those eyes leave to look at the bus pulling up, you dart away. You have to make it to his apartment as fast as possible. You have to get there before they can. Ȳ̸̼̹̉̃͘Ǒ̴̯͐͛͠U̸͖̩̜͛ ̸̟̱̙͔͊H̵̑̕͜͝A̸͇̱̺͗͘V̷̨͖̗̗͒E̵̢͖̕͜ ̶̳̭̲̓T̵̮͔͖̗̈́̌O̵̙̹̹͈͌͒̓.̴̩̝̟̭͋̓ [7]
Unease, curiosity, and excitement waft to you from the entrance of John’s apartment. You made it just before they had, vibrating with a feeling of fear mixed with passion. Slowly, he carefully enters his apartment. The trash, including the ungodly smell of everything in the apartment, would usually turn people away but turning off your smell to some things, or even rewiring your own brain can make it smell like it’s a new sort of heavenly desert, helps you enjoy John’s scent and their unhygienic apartment.
“Anyone home..? [Redacted]? Anyone?” Hearing your name from those lips makes a wheezing sound from the build-up of emotions. The sound you’ve let escape you allows John to locate you easily in his living room. There’s a nest of both unwashed clothings paired with blankets made on the sofa.
“Hello, John!” You can feel your mouth salivate. You’re so close. So, so close. You can smell their anger, their shock. You’re confused by it but try to push on. He said you could come over! They shouldn’t be mad at you for doing just that! “It’s unfair, you know? So, very unfair!” You cry out, feeling your eyes start to water. The stress from so many time-loops, so many rejections, and constantly having to alter your looks taking its toll. “You’ve NEVER given me a chance! Never! Not ONCE.” The static garbles some words while enhancing others. “I did everything right! I did everything I thought you’d like! That you’d LOVE.” You see the person before you sweating slightly, brows furrowed in concentration. Maybe he to, is stressed from all these loops and finally feeling its effects like you. “I can be anything you want! Anything you like!” The more normal form you have shifts to a more distorted, uncanny one. Neither is your true form but the most humanoid you’ve ever been; all of it has been for them. So much energy. So much time. It’s all been put into what he wants or what they may find even remotely attractive.
Finally, you settle on the more uncanny form. You’re shaking with your stress. Sweat covers you layers, forcing your clothes to stick to your heated skin. The anxiety is creeping into your voice the longer John is silent. Your tears are so close to spilling over as you choke out your desperate question. “What’s wrong with me…? Don’t you love me?”
The silence seems to stretch on. John’s own stress seems to melt away as realization dawns on them. He blinks a few times, staring at you as everything falls into place. Maybe it’s your shaking. Or it could be the fact that you just poured your entire being into your rant but a smile makes its way onto their face. It reminds you of your own in a way. There are too many teeth, pupils dilated, together with the shaking of their entire being. “I do love you…” Their voice shakes with this declaration, breathing getting heavier. You can feel your pupils dilate and warmth flood your entire body. “Of course, I love you… But not when you pretend to be something else.” Be yourself? But that isn’t what John wants… No, it is. He’s saying it right now so they must mean it. “You don’t have to alter your appearance or your personality for me… It’ll all be fake then.” His eyes are wide, smile just as big as excitement courses through them. How could you not notice how unhinged he was? They have to be just like you! You had just pushed too fast, that was it! Made them lose interest too fast! “I remember the past loops… All of them. You’ve been trying for weeks, haven’t you?”
“Every day. I’ve been looping this every single day… Hoping! Hoping you’d say yes!” Your tears are finally rolling down your cheeks. You’re getting choked up, wanting the right answer so badly. Wanting to end the endless Ạ̶̏̐ͅ ̷̟̅̆͌̄G̷͖͌̋̓ͅ ̷̼̬̯̦̌̈́͘͠O̸̤͍͙͑́̈ͅ ̶̟͕̒̽͛N̷̡͙͉̾͆̇ ̸̧̻̮͋̆̄Ÿ̸̢̰̪́̽̕ [8] you’ve had to endure to get John to just yearn for you as you do him.
“We're just going to keep meeting like this, aren't we? It's just some endless loop…” There’s a pause as they finally make a decision. “So… We may as well see what happens then.” You feel your legs give out, the stress exploding. You grab your shirt close to your chest, sobbing in happiness on your knees. A genuine smile spreads across your face. Your entire being shakes as you feel the time loop ends. Finally. You finally achieved the Correct Ending.
A hand settles on your shoulder as John crouches down in front of you. It’s tight, grounding even. Your sobs don’t stop even when they sit in front of you. When the hand leaves, you look at him. His grin is shaking, alongside his body. His eyes are glassy with unshed tears. You don’t know why but you don’t care. You latch onto the man in front of you, gasping for air but also to get as much of his smell as you can. Your nails pierce his skin, making the wounds bleed, with how tight you hold onto them. This doesn’t bother them though as he latches onto you just like you’ve done. Their nails sinking into your own skin brings no blood. Only indents are left behind. Gentle static noises surround you both as your sobbing subsides. It’s more of a gentle buzzing as you let your form slump into John’s, letting it mould itself to his. No more time-loops or needing to shift reality to get John to love you anymore. Not when you finally have it.
[1] love
[2] long
[3] remember
[4] loving
[6] _--_-_-_ 
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