#Gandor brothers
niintendoqs · 4 months
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Baccano! But if they all had iPhones
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abyssalplein · 2 years
I was looking through my drafts and found this Keith Gandor headcanon, so I guess enjoy while I continue to procrastinate...
Okay, so gangster films existed in the 1920s. I haven’t seen any of them myself, but a list of some apparently good ones notes that these films were released in the late 1920s (1927-29). I know that a couple gangsters films were also released in the earlier 1920s as well, so take a moment and imagine this:
Keith’s father dies around 1920, and Keith’s this lost young adult whose just taken on a lot of responsibility. The true romanticization of the mafia happens later but there’s a little of the romantic flair in these movies, and Keith uses them as a kind of role model. He can’t look to his father, so now, he’ll look to the big screen to teach him how to be brutal but also how to be fair in a crooked world. Fast forward a bit, going to the movies is still a comfort and a past time, but having experienced running a mafia family for a couple years, these movies have lost their charm. Whatever is written in the script may be a lie, but he’s found himself drawn to the music. He finds that the movie’s score is what makes him feel the emotions that the visuals should be invoking.
He takes Luck to a film once, and his brother comments on how sad the ending was. Keith responds that the film was not that sad, but Luck points out that even Keith looked a little sad. Keith responds it was the music. After that, Keith returns to the theater more often with the goal to listen rather than to watch and falls in love. Luck accompanies him a few more times, and eventually points out that the accompanist is the same for a lot of these films. He suggests they wait until after the show to meet her since Keith likes her music so much.
This is how Keith first meets Kate. Like her music, he finds her to be just as sincere and beautiful, and Keith falls in love for a second time.
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empiriical · 2 years
added tick jefferson for the sole purpose of writing a flower shop / tattoo shop / coffee shop au with @closedcoffins && @c4rdsharp
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closedcoffins · 2 years
something something something, meta about how claire has always felt separate from his brothers despite them acknowledging him as a brother, and that's why he uses a separate last name and ran away once their father died.
he will call himself their brother without a problem, but the gandors also tend to refer to firo as a brother, so claire sort of has this mental block about it. while they very much probably regard him as if he were their flesh-and-blood brother, claire doesn't feel as though he has the right to regard himself that way, considering himself a welcome member of the household but an intrusion on their family. if he did, he probably wouldn't have left, and he probably would have taken up the name gandor.
ultimately, this comes down to a communications issue. claire never complained about this and the brothers never knew it was something claire thought, and he left without it ever being addressed.
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c4rdsharp · 2 years
✿ for ilya ….
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FRIENDSHIP.     childhood friends  /  work buddies or coworkers  /  family friends  /  friends with benefits  /  smoking buddies  /  adventure buddies  /  fake friends  /  recently friends  /  party buddies  /  friendship of need  /  dying friendship  /  circumstantial friendship  /  partners in crime  /  old friendship  /  [ your muse ] is the good influence  /  [ your muse ] is the bad influence  /  [ my muse ] is the good influence  /  [ my muse ] is the bad influence  /  opposites attract  /  ride or die  /  frenemies  /  roommates or flatmates  /  penpals  /  exes to friends  /  enemies to friends  /  other .
ROMANCE.     childhood sweethearts  /  [ your muse is mines ] childhood crush  /  [ my muse is yours ] childhood crush  /  exes  /  exes to lovers  /  forbidden lovers  /  highschool sweethearts  /  secret relationship  /  opposites attract  /  long distance  /  unrequited [ from your muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from my muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from both sides ]  /  skinny love  /  friends to lovers  /  enemies to lovers  /  spurious relationship  /  power couple  /  newly entered  /  soulmates [ metaphorical ]  /  soulmates  [ literal ]  /  awkward  /  turning toxic  /  toxic love  /  cheating [ on your muse ]  /  cheating [ with your muse ]  /  other .
FAMILIAL.     siblings [ half ]  /  siblings [ step ]  /  [ my muse ] is an older sibling figure to your younger sibling figure  /  [ my muse ] is a younger sibling figure to your older sibling figure muse  /  [ my muse ] is a parental figure to yours  /  [ my muse ] is a child figure to your muse  /  guardian figure  /  legal guardian  /  adoptive child  /  foster child  /  [ your muse ] is taken under mines wing  /  [ my muse ] is taken under yours wing  /  other .
ANTAGONISTIC.     dangerous to each other  /  dangerous to others  /  unpredictable  /  rivals  /  petty  /  developing into sexual or romantic tension  /  based off family matters  /  based of off circumstance  /  based of professional matters  /  based off misunderstanding or lies  /  conflict of ideology  /  betrayal  /  hero - villain dynamic  /  enemies  /  fight club  /  friends turned enemies  /  lovers turned enemies  /  exes turned enemies  /  other .
preestablished relations let's go / @prognostik
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drfeelgreed · 9 months
Slowly, Jorgi picked up the revolver, brought it to his temple, and---
Suddenly, he thrust the gun out in front of him and squeezed the trigger. Straight at the three brothers, his own bosses, across from him.
He pulled the trigger once...twice...three times, four, five, six......
Click Click
No fire erupted.
All that echoed through the quiet basement was the metallic sound of the hammer striking. It blended in with the jazz that filtered down from the floor above, creating an odd ensemble that lingered in Jorgi's ears.
"... That's very unfortunate, Jorgi."
Luck spoke sadly. Unusually for him, his eyes really did appear sad.
"Take a good look... Those're all blanks."
Berga spoke dispassionately, his face expressionless.
Jorgi was stunned; he had no idea what had happened. Luck handed down the verdict:
"... Listen, Jorgi. The three of us were grateful for all the work you'd done for us. We talked it over and came to a decision. If you'd steeled yourself and pulled the trigger yourself, we'd let you leave the group without a word. If you cried and begged for your life, we'd beat you half to death and let you leave. If you denied everything to the end, we'd cut your tongue out and let you leave. And...you chose the very worst outcome. I can't tell you how unhappy I am about that."
At that point, Luck shook his head and said nothing more.
This time, Jorgi really did despair and regret what he'd done. If he'd at least begged for his life...
Even now, it might not be too late. Just as he opened his mouth to speak---
A gigantic shoe was shoved into it.
Berga had suddenly jumped up onto the table and kicked Jorgi's face the way a kid would kick a ball.
"... Don't you make my brothers any sadder."
Eyebrows drawn together in a scowl, he looked down on the degenerate who lay on the floor. The lightbulb that hung right beside Berga's head was swinging violently.
Several of Jorgi's teeth had left his mouth, and the whites of his eyes showed under slightly opened eyelids. Apparently the attack had knocked him out cold.
Seeing this, several of the men who had been watching the poker match began to move. They picked up Jorgi's body and stuffed it into a gunnysack. Then two of them lifted the sack...and climbed the stairs to the ground floor.
After this, the gunnysack would be driven outside the city and taken to a place with a view of the ocean.
Jorgi was unconscious now, but he would probably never wake up again.
The man who knew his fate quietly stirred the vocal chords he almost never used.
"...... Damn fool..."
The only ones who heard Keith's soft murmur were his two younger brothers.
Baccano! 1930 "The Rolling Bootlegs". Chapter One, "Day One".
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gunmeister · 1 month
i actually genuinely consider baccano to be a masterclass when it comes to compelling relationship characters and i mean this in the romantic platonic and familial way. it's one of the only pieces of media where i've genuinely enjoyed the majority of the canon ships. it has realistic healthy AND unhealthy sibling dynamics (maiza & gretto and the gandor brothers are genuinely some of the best siblings i have encountered. in media). when two characters are friends (chane & jacuzzi, chris & ricardo, maiza & begg) i genuinely do believe and understand them being close to eachother and getting along.
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i'm still salty about Mother's Basement video where he shittalked Durarara's first OP like tell me you didn't understand anything about Durarara without telling me you didn't understand anything about Durarara
"We don't find out ANYTHING about these characters from the OP" because it's a big theme of Durarara that. People you cross the street. Are not always what they first seem like. That people like Seiji who seems normal, is anything but. People like Shizuo, who seems terrifying and dangerous and angry all the time, there are more to him than that.
"main characters" about the Raira Trio are you HIGH. Did you miss the POINT. Mikado is nOT the main character. It's an understandable mistake to make, as he is our initial POV character whose eyes we study Ikebukuro through for the initial leg of the story but jesus christ the entire point of Mikado is that he Wants to be the main character, but Isn't. Celty is the driving point of the show. You could even make the argument that Ikebukuro itself is, although Narita considers Celty to be the main character
And his bitching that Anri cuts the scene for "no reason" just because Chané cut it in Baccano... have you even WATCHED Durarara, Geoff. Because I don't think you did. Anri has a really fucking OBVIOUS reason for cutting the scene and guess fucking what it's fucking FORESHADOWING OH MY GOD you complain so much about the Durarara OP not doing enough foreshadowing for you but you dismiss the most blatant one
AND YOU WERE EVEN WEIRD ABOUT BACCANO like literally where the fuck did you get the idea that the Martillos are connected to the Gandors via money. Literally where. They are completely separate crime families, linked together via ACTUAL FUCKING FRIENDSHIP??? LIKE???? THEY SPELL IT OUT AT THE END OF THE SHOW? EVEN IN THE BEGINNING OF THE SHOW IT'S OBVIOUS LUCK AND FIRO ARE FRIENDS? THE MARTILLOS ACCEPT THE GANDOR BROTHERS AS GUESTS FOR FIRO'S SAKE. IT'S NOT A BUSINESS-RELATIONSHIP.
Also you missed the literal "Ennis is a human in a bottle" shot in the OP good fucking job Geoff
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strawberrisoulmate · 8 months
psst. you should share the wedding reception dance scenario :3c
wahhhhhh, you're really gonna make me type all that out, huh >///< (this ended up being super long, so i'll put it under a cut)
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so basically... i had been thinking a bit about how both luck and hanna would be at yours and claire's wedding. obviously.
claire grew up with the gandors and is considered their adopted brother, so of course they'd be there to support him on his wedding day. hell, i could maybe even see the gandor brothers (+ firo) being his groomsmen with luck potentially even being his best man. regardless, they'd definitely be there. and, since the two of our inserts are such good friends, she would absolutely be there as a guest to the bride (you! uwu)
with all of that said, i can imagine a scenario where our inserts are chatting together and enjoying the wedding reception. there's music pouring out from the stage where the band that claire absolutely hired with his assassin money is and everyone is having a great time drinking and dancing and laughing together.
across the room, luck is observing the party from a distance, sipping his glass of champagne as he watches his brothers dance with their wives from the sidelines. isaac and miria are drinking and laughing loudly with a few of the other guests while firo practically trips over his own feet trying to ask ennis to dance. it's all good fun. he's never been one for dancing himself, but he's perfectly happy to enjoy the atmosphere where everyone else is having a great time around him. it isn't until a flash of red hair and a bright, coy smile comes into view that luck's attention is pulled from the center of the room, followed quickly by an arm being thrown over his shoulder before he has a chance to dodge it.
"luck! whatcha doin' all the way over here? there's a party going on, ya know, and you're over here brooding and drinking all by yourself?"
"i'm not brooding. just enjoying the music from a distance, is all."
"oh, come on! let loose once in a while, will ya? keith and berga both brought their wives along and you didn't even bother to bring a plus one? it's my wedding, remember? you should get out there and dance with someone at least!"
"you know i don't dance. and i don't need a plus one. i'm perfectly content to be here on my own. shouldn't you be with your wife right now?"
"yeah, i'm about to go find her. but still, just do me this one favor. grab yourself a doll to dance just one song with and i'll die a happy man. well, i won't die, but you get the picture. look, there's a cute one right over there. bet she wouldn't turn ya down if you asked her."
"i told you, i don't need to—"
"whoops, gotta go. i think i hear my wife callin' me~"
and with that, he spins on his heel and rushes off back into the crowd.
cut back to our inserts talking before we are promptly interrupted by claire. "pardon the interruption, miss, but i'm gonna be stealin' her away for a little while," he says before taking your hand and practically sweeping you off your feet with a twirl. as he's whisking you away, he sends a glance over his shoulder and is like “oh, and i’ve already taken care of payin’ you back for the advice ya gave me a while back. you can thank me later 👋” and then pulls you along to dance.
for a moment, hanna is confused and just standing there with a blank expression. paying her back? what did he mean by that? she wonders to herself before her thoughts are sharply cut off by the silhouette of a figure coming into view. she looks up at the person with curiosity before her eyes meet those of luck gandor. a man she'd met on occasion and had spoken to once or twice, but they hadn't had many opportunities to converse all that deeply. before she can ask him if he needs anything from her, he speaks up and asks her if she would like to dance.
huh? a dance? with me?
immediately, her cheeks begin to heat up and she pauses, stunned silent for a couple of seconds before she fumbles out a modest — and slightly awkward — "s-sure. i'd be honored" before reaching out and taking his hand.
as they make their way towards the dance floor, hanna looks around the room, catching your eye as you dance with your new husband and gives you a confused look, only to be met with a surprised grin back. luck's feet stop, making hanna stumble a bit behind him, before he turns back to her. the hand that had been in hers moved to her waist, resting against her lower back and the girl could feel her face heating up even warmer than before. for a moment, she hesitates, but ultimately follows his lead and steps closer, moving one hand to land daintily on his shoulder while the other gently rests in his free hand.
as they begin to move, stepping and swaying to the music, hanna's eyes fall to the floor, watching her feet in an attempt to both make sure she doesn't accidentally step on his as well as to avoid the piercing gaze that she could feel staring holes into her. she'd never danced with anyone, and much less been this close to any man before, so she was sure that her nerves were very clearly shining through.
"you know, i think you're supposed to look at the person you're dancing with."
"a-ah… i'm sorry."
"you seem nervous."
"well, i've never… i mean, nobody has ever asked me to dance before."
he chuckles softly.
"well, i've never asked anyone to dance before, so i suppose there's a first for everything."
the girl quietly squeaks with embarrassment, but something about hearing that makes her incredibly happy. she forces her eyes to look up at him and he's gazing back down at her with a charming smile that made her heart harshly skip a beat.
"i suppose i'll follow your lead then, mr. luck."
a nervous giggle escapes her as she quickly corrects herself.
"excuse me— i mean mr. gandor."
"hm, luck is fine. you can drop the "mister", too. makes me feel old."
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and that's pretty much it.
they continue to dance until the song ends and then part ways, but oh man, does hanna now have some feelings to sort through ahah.
she spends the entire rest of the evening in a daze as she replays it over and over in her head and continues to find herself daydreaming about his pretty eyes and his charming smile and the way he held her as they danced and the tingling feeling left on her fingers from how they felt against his hand.
she was already a hopeless romantic before, but now she's absolutely down bad 😂
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boundlss · 1 year
@futurecomposed ( luck gandor ) / starter call ( melvi dormentaire ).
For all that Melvi is capable of impeccable composition on a good day, his faux-polite demeanor is only barely kept under wraps around most people. Luck, ever the exception, hasn't had the pleasure of bringing Melvi's public facade into the privacy of their apartment in quite a long time, but there are still things Melvi doesn't tell him right away even now.
For reasons other than politeness, Melvi can't help but worry over the thoughts that threaten to consume him. They aren't particularly bad, this time, though he does also generally struggle to tell Luck the difficult thoughts. They're nerve-wracking for a different reason.
Chiefly, the reason is that Melvi specifically remembers Luck admitting that he didn't particularly care for marriage.
Melvi hadn't cared for it either until recently, although looking back on it he supposes it had probably only been because marriage wasn't something he could even apply to himself and Luck until recently. He'd never been envious of Luck's brothers and the formal, official nature of their relationships---a tall feat, considering the ease with which Melvi experiences envy.
But now the idea of it isn't quite impossible anymore, and Melvi can't stop thinking about it.
It's the cause of some strange, pensive silence that follows Melvi---an unusual occurance even on his best days, so Luck is probably at least a little grateful for the small reprieve from Melvi's usual needling. Unfortunately, Melvi intends to break the silence to let some of his thoughts escape him.
"Luck," he calls, glancing over to the kitchen where Luck is just wrapping up his attempt at an easy recipe Berga had sent to him. "Is there a particular reason you don't put much stock in marriage?"
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kitsune528 · 2 years
A Scene in the Light Novel that I wish was in the anime but I know it wasn't because it was cut for time but god damn it's just such a fun scene: The Poker game between the Gandor Brothers and Jorgi
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abyssalplein · 1 year
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I was cleaning out my files and found this Gandor brothers series(?) that I did. How did I forget about this? These are from 2 years ago???
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starrymused · 1 year
Luck Gandor is one of the heads of the Gandor Family mafia alongside his older brothers Keith and Berga. He and his brothers become complete immortals in November 1930 after unwittingly consuming the Cure-All Elixir at the Martillo Family's promotion party for Firo Prochainezo.
Luck conducts himself with practiced composure, usually suave and courteous even when that courtesy is not sincerely meant. Such conduct befits the role of a quintessential mafioso, a role Luck wants to, is expected to, and must fill as a Gandor boss; as neither he nor those close to him are fully convinced he is suited to be mafia, he constantly, consciously emulates the qualities he 'ought' to have, including ruthlessness and shrewd civility.
While Luck is not 'cut out' for the mafia, he has proven himself more than competent and capable in acting like one to the point where some like Firo Prochainezo will call him the "perfect mafioso" he strives to be. Furthermore, underneath Luck's calm veneer lies turbulent emotion—up to 1930—including that of passionate violent intent when his family, friends, or men have been killed or harmed in some way. His vengeful ire can be genuinely murderous in such situations, though he possesses enough self-awareness and self-control to recognize such feelings and actively try to manage them.
As honed as Luck's sangfroid is, it is not ironclad. The fury that he suppresses when his men are murdered in 1930 boils when he is confronted with their murderers, and he instinctively shoots Dallas Genoard in the head when that fury bubbles over. Meanwhile, there is no similar scale when it comes to forgiveness: he cannot and will not forgive those who have done harm to those he cares about or is responsible for. The pain he feels for those killed under his watch or wronged is long-lasting and sharp, and not easily forgotten.
Unbridled anger is not the only emotion that has cracked Luck's mask of composure; when talking to Maria Barcelito, whom he finds hard to manage, he has on more than one occasion let his exasperation and irritation get the better of him—much to his men's amusement, and to his lack thereof. He is also surprised and chagrined at himself when he realizes how bluntly he is speaking to Eve Genoard in 1932, more affected by their personal situation than he should have been as a mafia boss.
Luck's need to prove himself is as much for his brothers as it is for his men, other Families, and himself. As the youngest brother, he strove to act mature and be taken seriously (when he was often not due to his age) even in adolescence, and his admiration for his brothers' more natural gangster mien—coupled with envy—continues on through 1935. His brothers are the only people with whom he drops his mask of calm, and even then only in private.
As someone introspective and prone to overthinking, Luck is conscious of how immortality has affected him and his brothers, and believes himself to have changed for the worse. In becoming immortal, he no longer fears death like he did when mortal; in becoming immortal he has become apathetic, his emotions no longer as fierce and violent as they were before. This troubles him to no small degree, as especially does the possibility he may never again possess such passion, and he admits to feeling jealous when he recognizes such passion and life-risking determination in others.
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empiriical · 1 year
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maiza feels guilty for staring when melvi is across the room, but he cannot help the way his eye is drawn to him against his will. he looks so much like gretto, && it tugs painfully at his heartstrings.
he averts his eyes when he realizes that his gaze has narrowed && sharpened into a glare, but it's too late. the damage is done. so he excuses himself from the conversation he's been tuned out of for the past minute or so with a mumbled apology, && takes a moment to compose himself.
breathing shallowed, maiza weighs his options. he can simply leave ; that would be the easy option, but then again, this is a festa hosted by the martillos. he shouldn't have to run away from his own party, especially not from melvi dormentaire. so he nudges his glasses up on his nose && walks over, trying to keep his expression neutral.
he spots berga gandor across the room, watching him, && the taller man leans in to mutter something to his wife, whose eyes dart over to maiza, && then whispers back. feeling self conscious, maiza looks away. the last thing he wants to do is cause a scene. "luck," he says to the youngest gandor, clearing his throat as he approaches. "i'm sorry. excuse us a moment."
now alone with melvi, still feeling far more exposed than he'd like, maiza exhales. "i wish," he starts, then stops, biting his tongue. "i truly wish... the circumstances... they're of a sort that..." he plucks his glasses off his face, pinching the bridge of his nose. he's never felt so inarticulate. but before he can continue, melvi cuts him off, as if predicting what he's attempting to say.
❛ i am what i am. you cannot be angry with a stove for heating the house. ❜
maiza bows his head. you just look so much like my dead brother is a terribly unfair response, even to melvi. && with the time that's passed, you tried to kill firo, && you would've tried to kill me won't cut it either. in a room of ninety percent immortals, melvi wouldn't be able to set foot inside alveare if anyone still considered him a threat.
but it's not really about that at all, is it? not his treacherous intentions in 1935. it's what melvi represents — who he resembles, yes, but more than that, what it would have meant, had he succeeded. in 1930, a 200+ year guilt && heartache had finally eased. knowing that gretto's memories — && soul, if one believed in such things — had been laid to rest inside firo, a person who maiza cares for, trusts, && perhaps even sees as a little brother in his own right had been a miracle he'd never expected. but it had brought forth a new guilt, the curse of immortality bestowed upon firo, eased only by firo's insistence that he was thrilled by it. but had melvi devoured him — stealing firo's life, && gretto's memories — that, alone, would have killed maiza too. && that is a fear he's never been able to fully let go of.
"i'm not angry," maiza says finally, which may not be true but is how it should be. he knows that. he's older than melvi, in appearance && years, && he shouldn't be handling this with such immaturity. "i just find it.... very, very difficult to see you here, knowing everything that..." he sighs. "but it's not your fault. the problem, && the difficulty, lies with me && me alone. this is my burden to shoulder, && honestly, melvi... i have no interest in being your friend. i'm sure you feel the same about me. but despite my reservations, you've clearly earned the respect of people who are my friends, && i have to come to terms with that."
he replaces his glasses, && forces a smile. "so i'm not angry. i don't even hate you. i only..." the laugh he lets out is broken && sounds more like a choked down sob. "i'm sad. that's it. that's as honest as i can be."
deathless . / @redeulogy
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closedcoffins · 2 years
@ruenoirs likes this post for an assigned baccano fave!
i'm going to be honest when i say that i definitely did have a character who popped into my head as an active first choice, but she requires some explaining before i tell you about her.
since the one muse i know you write is poe, this recommendation is based largely on that. she's not a character featured in the anime and because she's not in many of the books i've come prepared with a backup recommendation that IS featured in more relevant plotlines.
that said, my initial recommendation for you is monica campanella. both she and poe focus heavily on their relationships with and feeling towards others in their respective narratives, and as a result the people who consume those narratives tend to reduce their characters down to just the love interest for the more popular character.
monica herself is a nervous wreck. she's also a calculating and cold killer. both of these things are true depending on who she's around. she's someone who grew up hating the world and faking all of her smiles until someone came into her life who interested her enough for her to feel something for them. i won't spoil her story as it spoils most of the plot of the 1700s novels, but she gains notoriety initially as a serial killer called the "mask maker".
that said, i mentioned a backup choice, and that backup choice is luck gandor.
aside from the fact that luck is a canon fan of poe's works, which maybe influenced my decision-making here a little, luck is also the sort of person who seems a little more amiable than he actually is at first glance. he's the youngest brother of three and one of the leaders of a mafia family, and though his general demeanor suggests ruthlessness and a determination to do whatever is necessary for his family, one of his biggest weaknesses is his tendency to give people fair chances when he shouldn't.
runner-ups: roy maddock, begg garrott, mark wilmens, huey laforet.
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c4rdsharp · 2 years
     awful general summaries of the gandor family members.
keith : the actual don of the family ; eldest brother of berga, luck, and claire. speaks minimally, about five words per month. has an absolutely piercing stare, but is ultimately in the background most times. is actually very strong, do NOT fuck with him. also has 52 joker cards up in his suit sleeves for some reason and is implied to have bought 52 separate card decks JUST to take the jokers out. married to kate. (passive) maria enabler #1.
berga : second eldest brother. is not very smart but what he lacks in brains he makes up for in muscles. so many muscles man. very, VERY loud. constantly forgotten though because he suffers middle child syndrome. does not who julius ceasar is. went to firo’s casino & just straight up ASKED if he could make the slot machines easier. getting in constant extreme fights with claire, there is so much fucking property damage. once basically revealed his cards to Luck and immediately wondered how Luck knew what his cards were literal seconds after, i’m not shitting you. a big bear. married to kalia. (active) maria enabler #2.
luck : the youngest brother, but is somehow the one doing almost all the work? smart, too smart, knows so much knowledge. can’t fight for shit though. you think he’s the most normal guy ever, but no, he’s a Little Fucked Up Actually. canonically revels in the screams of men who fuck with him & the family, i feel we as a society just gloss over that. he is kind AND a little insane. apparently very empathetic . . . which just makes him even scarier honestly. do not be fooled by his smiles he is PLOTTING your death i guarantee it. unmarried bachelor. chronic maria disabler.
claire : technically not a Gandor Mafia member, but a Gandor Family member nonetheless. adopted step - brother. has WAY too many names, you need less names dude. thinks he’s the shit, literally god. also thinks he can’t die. this is HIS world, we’re all just living in it. INSANE feats of strength & acrobatics. unfortunately, he IS just a regular fucking dude, like, there is NOTHING there, he is just that good. ran away to the circus like the clown he is. will just outright propose marriage to ANYONE he finds attractive don’t ask him for romantic advice, honestly. you will never win a fight against him ever. also he likes trains.
tick : the Gandor family’s torture technician & one of Luck’s subordinates. cheerful, but fucked up little dude. ended up being traded in to the family by his step - father when he was a child. Luck is literally the same age as him, but apparently a son figure nonetheless. FASCINATED by scissors, he’s got a whole bunch of them. looks like a florist. so many scissors dude, i can’t emphasize enough on the scissors. is actually really kind & sweet, but still just snips - snips at human intestines. wants to see how unbreakable or breakable human bonds are ‘cause he can’t see them. little weirdo, i like him. maria enabler #3 and probably her best friend.
maria : Gandor family assassin. the most energetic of them, probably. it’s kinda cute, if it weren’t for the fact she was mentally a child running around with 2 katanas at all times. oh, yeah, she has 2 katanas. they are apparently alive & full of bloodshed (debatable). she can & will slash anything in her way. even if that’s Gandor property. she is here to cause fights & property damage. everything else is secondary to that. the swords call when the swords call. most of the time it is property damage, because Luck won’t let her kill at random. c’mon, amigo, let her kill. just one little fight. just a little blood for the blood swords. begrudging daughter figure to Luck (somehow?)
nicola & edith : they’re literally just here, dude. they are the most normal people here. one’s just a capo & the other is just a waitress. please help them.
kate : wife to keith. EXCELLENT pianist. very lonely though. she plays at the Coraggioso sometimes. literally the nicest person on this list with nothing else fucked up going on for her. her only crime is marrying a mob boss. will invite you to dinner & give you food. you better accept or Else. loves her husband very much.
kalia : wife to Berga. we know absolutely nothing about her in canon except for 3 things : she’s hot, she’s the one to have proposed, and she gets into arguments with Berga a lot. i think it’s a crime we DON’T get to see her or even meet her. she sounds incredible, i am begging you, Narita, please introduce Kalia in 1935-E. i don’t even know how or why, i think she should absolutely be there. also absolutely loves her husband.
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