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truehimbo · 1 month ago
i fee like the first story of seasons had so much potential and definitely deserves a remake... the fact they gave us iris, mistel, raeger and licorice but NOT a gay marriage option is a crime. also nadi is my favorite bokumono/hm/sos spouse EVERRR but I cannot with the weird laggy 3D graphic stage... please come back 😭
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paporuii · 2 years ago
Love your cliff art!!! I've been replaying sosfomt myself, and I'm so torn on who to marry!!
Aww thank you so much!! 🥺☺️💖💕
Tbh me too! I was torn between marrying Cliff or Gray, but I def would like to try playing Gray’s route next time! 🌸
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abovethemountains · 2 years ago
Today I drew Huang from SOSFOMT
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ponysoprano · 8 months ago
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zephyr-bazaar · 6 months ago
🍒 & 🍄
🍒Rival marriages - for or against? And would you want them to return in future titles?
I MISS RIVAL MARRIAGES SO MUCH OKAY… they were so fun because depending on the characters, they either posed a challenge for you or were a nice way to see your in game friends have their life improve for the better, too! It makes the game feel much more alive. The fact that they dangled it back in sosfomt only to stop before the marriages is so RUDE.
Even in games without them, I like to imagine rival pairs… imagine Fritz and Agate or Georgia and Kiriku c’mon it’d be cute.
🍄- Which non-romanceable character do you most wish was a marriage candidate?
Leviathan I swear to motherfucking god
Anyways for not my gorgeous wife mistria is fucking me from and not an olive town character like Lars… Well obviously I want a polyamorous relationship with Caolila and Zahau and be their kids’ step dad but like, who the fuck doesn’t.
Probably Olivia in ANB!! Both for the reasons listed in my previous ask and also she’s really pretty and I’d love to explore her and her tea shop more, along with extra worldbuilding on hers Amir and Sanjay’s country!!
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ntrlily · 1 year ago
@toyota-supra so as far as BokuMono games I'd rec giving a go, here's 3 depending on the mood/available stuff to play on.
Story of Seasons Friends of Mineral Town: Pretty classic farm sim gameplay, not super in-depth on the social mechanics and it's generally one of the sandboxier entries. This is either a delight or something one bounces off of, depending on how into "farm sim with story" one is, but as far as sandboxy BokuMonos go FoMT is top of the list. I totally rec the remake over the original because the QoL upgrades in things like inventory management and the ability to get gay married do improve the experience a lot.
Harvest Moon Animal Parade: This one is a bit slow but overall it's a very well-designed game. The world is more fleshed out, and there's a lot to do. It's a wii game but it runs pretty easily in Dolphin, and you can configure any regular controller as if it were the wii classic controller to play it. Dolphin also has the benefit of being able to upscale the resolution, it does look prettier at 2x or 3x upscaling :3
Harvest Moon DS: if you have a flashcart+NDS or a hacked 3DS this one's pretty fun. Definitely one of the grindier entries, and the translation is pretty bad (look on Ushi no Tane for accessory descriptions because some of the official choices are confusing) but it is very satisfying when one wants to play a grindy farm sim :3
Also in HMDS and SoSFoMT you DO have little elves you can ask to help with farm work. The game balance is designed to encourage this, although you *can* get by without it but I would say to just use them.
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ironfloret · 1 year ago
it's almost 2024. you know what that means. fields of mistria release year (tentatively). :) i'm so looking forward to it AGH. nothing new in terms of farm sims since SoSFoMT has impressed me very much....i had my share of fun with olive town but it had so many problems that really bogged it down. and to be frank, AWL bored me to tears despite how excited i was when it was announced. 😭 but FoM looks just so completely up my alley in every conceivable way. feels good to REALLY be looking forward to a game release again. it's been a long time!
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gymleadercheren · 2 years ago
i am still chipping away at SOSFOMT, waiting for fogu to complete the SOSAWL guide because i need all the secrets but have fun marrying rock for the nth time
I feel ya, I feel so naked going into this game without the help of my beloved fogu……… but I’m scraping by just fine lol.
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he’s so stupid… (clenches fist)
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jake-marshall · 1 year ago
🍉🌾? :D
Thanks for the ask Rune!
🍉(Watermelon) - Favourite rare-pair?
I mean Bokumono has so many different games that I feel like the majority of ships could be categorized as rarepairs, even some protag/marriage candidate ones.  Using my best judgment rn and considering a ship to be a rarepair if it has essentially no fics or fanart, I would put my 3 current faves as:
• Jill/Dr. Trent (Ds Cute)
• Naomi/Brandon (SoSFoMT)
• Sara/Cain (GBC2)
(The little-to-no fic will hopefully be remedied at some point this year, and I've already hit some commissions up for fanart purposes /points to tumblr header/)
🌾(Wheat) - Do you prefer games where your child grows up, or ones where they stay a kid forever?
I think the games where your kid at least grows into a stage beyond toddler offers more, so like AWL or AP.  I know a lot of the earlier games treat the kid like little more than furniture so having a kid doesn't really feel rewarding, but, whatever lol.  I'm just glad your kid can finally look like your spouse.
>>Ask me Bokumono-related questions from this ask meme here!<<
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otome-loli · 6 years ago
The SOS:FOMT remake and why the designs make SENSE
A lot of people dislike the SOS:FOMT remake designs because of the fact that they don’t bear a lot of resemblance to their old designs. However, the designs used in FOMT were ported over from HM64, however, the characters had completely different roles and personalities in comparison to HM64. That said, I know that BTN had changed their roles and FOMT just carried it over, but I’m focusing on FOMT and HM64 because FOMT is getting the remake and HM64 were the original designs. 
Overall, their new designs fit within the aesthetics of a new game and better suit their new roles and personalities, as opposed to the ones they originally had in HM64. If they had kept their roles and personalities from HM64, I could understand being upset with the redesigns, however, I feel that their designs needed to be updated even if it means they don’t look the same anymore.
Because truth be told, they aren’t. 
Let’s start with the ones we’ve already seen, Karen, Popuri, Rick, and Cliff. 
In HM 64 Karen:
Is the daughter of Gotz and Sasha and is the cousin of Cliff and works in a vineyard/bar. 
Is rude and ungrateful, becoming defensive towards strangers
Has a strained relationship with Gotz
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In HM64, Karen’s outfit complements her personality. She’s rude and harsh, similar to Gotz and likely got her style of clothes from him. Your rival for her was also Kai instead of Rick. In HM64, she was the daughter of a rude and hard to befriend man who was described as lazy and unmotivated by his wife and a quiet but kind mother who doesn’t seem to socialize much. 
In HM:FOMT Karen:
Is the daughter of Jeff and Sasha and works in the local supermarket. 
Is chill and laid back, rather friendly and easy to get along with.
She gets along with both of her parents. 
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You can see how her design is still pretty much the same despite the fact that her personality and role in the story has changed. This design doesn’t really suit someone who has a gossipy and strong-willed mother and a quiet and anxious father. 
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However, her new design better reflects her personality and parents. It pays homage to her blond bangs and dark hair by having her hair transition from a light blond to a dark brown, it also pays homage to her original design by keeping her boots and shorts, as well as the vest and undershirt, but gives them a more stylish appearance. It’s something that is befitting of a girl that is no longer temperamental and rude, but rather someone who is casual and friendly. But otherwise, she looks more like Sasha and Jeff as seen in their new designs here
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Jeff and Sasha’s designs even better suit their personalities with Sasha’s being more reminiscent of someone who is actually strong-willed and a social butterfly while Jeff’s looks more like a guy who runs a supermarket as opposed to looking more the version of himself who was Duke’s nephew and ran a bakery. Between the transition to HM64 and FOMT, the main thing that stayed the same for Karen was her love of drinking, but otherwise, she was a completely different person. 
In HM 64 Popuri:
Is the daughter of Basil and Lillia
Works at the flower shop
Seems to be overall more mature although still considered young and upbeat. 
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You can see here how this design is better suited for someone who works more so with flowers than they do chickens. Both Basil and Lillia are florists and both have friendly and upbeat personalities. In HM64, your rival for Popuri is Gray instead of Kai. Her parents get along well and she is an only child, as a result, she helps out more in the shop. 
In HM:FOMT Popuri:
Is the daughter of Rod and Lillia, and sister of Rick. 
Works on a poultry farm.
Is more childish and doesn’t seem to help out as much on the farm. 
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Like Karen, you can see how her personality has changed but her design didn’t. With Popuri, her personality didn’t undergo many changes, however, they did make her more childish with her having a huge sweet tooth and participating in festival events mostly meant for children. While still youthful, her outfit doesn’t seem beneficial for someone who works in a chicken coop even if it isn’t as much as she’d like because Rick takes care of most of it. Her outfit is better suited for someone who is a florist or works in a flower shop. 
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However, her new design is better suited for someone who is still feminine, girly, and childish but also someone who works on a poultry farm. It pays homage to her original job by giving her a flower-like bow for her braid and giving her a two to three-piece outfit consisting of a blouse, bodice, and dress. It keeps in with her childish nature as well as for someone who would work on a poultry farm. Her boots are similar to the ones that Rick has and the shorter dress makes it easier to get around a coop. 
While we don’t know who her father will be in this game, we do have Lillia’s design here
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Assuming they still keep Lillia’s personality and illness the same, it’s safe to assume that she doesn’t get to leave the house as much. It pays homage to her original design with the dark colors and long dress, as well as keeping her hair tied back. 
You can easily see how Popuri’s style of clothes is very close to that of her mother’s in both games. 
In HM 64 Rick:
Is the cousin of Gray and Ann and is the nephew of Doug
Works in the tool shop where you can purchase brushes, milker, etc. 
Is not your rival in any way. 
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As you can see, his outfit is pretty well suited for someone who works in a tool shop. In HM64, we don’t know who his parents are, but we do know that he’s related to Gray, Ann and Doug. Because of that, we can see the resemblance between him, Ann, and Gray since they both have blonde hair and he has brown eyes like his uncle Doug. The apron allows him to reach and work with tools easily and the shoes presumably protect his feet in case any of them fall and seems to have a sweatband of sorts to keep the sweat from his eyes while working. 
In HM:FOMT Rick:
Is the older brother of Popuri and son of Lillia. 
Works on a poultry farm
Is your rival for Karen
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Like the previous ones, you can see how his design didn’t change even though his roles and relations did. Here, he doesn’t look related to Lillia or Popuri, but that can be attributed to Rod as we don’t see him in FOMT. While this outfit isn’t horrible for working with poultry, there are some that could be a little more effective. 
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His new outfit in the remake pays homage to his original design by keeping his hair the same color, his bangs, his glasses, and even keeping the green long-sleeved shirt, apron, and pants. However, is better suited for a poultry farm, they even gave him an eye color similar to Popuri’s so they look more related. 
With a shorter apron, it’s less likely to get pecked at by rowdy chickens and with pockets on both sides as opposed to just one in the middle, it’s easier for him to store and access small things for dealing with the chickens. And his pants are also tucked into his boots so the chickens can’t peck at that either. 
We’ve already seen Lillia’s redesign for the new games, so I won’t go over it again. While his outfit isn’t similar to either Popuri or Lillia, it is better suited for someone who is more active in caring for the farm. 
In HM64 Cliff:
Is the cousin of Karen and nephew of Gotz and Sasha. 
Lives off the land and in a cave behind the carpenter’s shop.
Doesn’t worry about not having a job, just a quiet guy enjoys animals and fishing. 
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As you can see, he looks like a guy who prefers to live off the land rather than a nomad who travels place to place. His hair even has blond highlights, similar to Karen since their cousins in this version of harvest moon. He has thick braces on his arm, useful for his pet hawk Kane/Cain to land on. He’s just a simple and quiet guy who likes animals and doesn’t worry about a job because he lives off of the land. 
In HM:FOMT Cliff:
Has no known family in the town
Needs a job in order to stay and is presumably a nomad for that reason, doesn’t live off the land. 
Rather than just being quiet, he’s simply shy and has a bit of trouble opening up to people.
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Just like with everyone else, noticing a trend here?, Cliff’s design wasn’t updated to better suit his new personality and role. He still maintains the outfit and looks of a guy that looks like he lives off the land rather than someone who needs a job and has no known family. The only thing that really changed between the two designs is that he lost his thick arm braces as Kane/Cain is not mentioned anymore in the games. 
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While I am going to miss his blond hair and highlights, his new outfit looks more like someone who is a nomad as opposed to looking like someone who knows how to live off the land. Since he has no known relatives, we don’t have anyone to compare his outfit too. However, unlike the others, it doesn’t seem like his outfit fulfills a particular kind of job or purpose, which attributes to his nomadic lifestyle as he searches for a job and place to stay. So far, his design pays the least amount of homage to his original one, however, given how much he and his role has changed, it makes sense as he is more of a “new person” than the others revealed so far as they’ve normally have had at least one family member in common going from HM64 -> FOMT> 
I’d like to do the others, but their designs haven’t been revealed yet. So chances are, I’ll either update this post or make a part two I necessary analyzing and discussing the character art. 
In the end, while the old designs are more nostalgic for a lot of us, at the end of the day, they gave them new designs to represent who they are as people... and FOMT is vastly different from it’s HM64 counterpart even though a lot of the characters at the same. A majority of the time, their mother has stayed the same although their father changed, however, some changed more than others. 
Ultimately, I’m glad that Marvelous decided to treat the FOMT versions as if they were different people rather than just cashing on the nostalgic designs to be a selling point of the game. Their new designs further distinguish them from their hM64 counterparts because they are basically different people in comparison to their HM64 versions. 
If HM64 was the game getting the remaster, then I’d say that they should probably stick closer to the original designs. However, they aren’t and it’s FOMT getting the remake. 
It’s also important to note that the game is a remake rather than a remaster, which basically means that this is a completely different game compared to the original (as a remaster would just be graphical and mechanical updates) and I’m glad they’re treating the characters as if they are brand new characters. 
Once more designs are released, I’ll discuss them either here or in another post.
Part Two - Mary, Elli, Doctor, Gray
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akinari-kashihara · 2 years ago
Um, hey, so you kind of never went to church to meet your boyfriend, and, well... Because you never met, you never learned that he needed a job, or that there was a job going at the local winery. He left town without you having ever met. If you'd met, you'd have been able to meet again on the 29th day of the month, but because you didn't... I'm sorry he's just... he's just gone. Forever. I'm sorry you had to find out this way.
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durotoswrites · 3 years ago
Ship! Gray x Claire
Oooh, I got a Graire request!  The only pairing I can think of off the top of my head that has an easily recognizable pairing name in English.
Gray x Claire
SEND ME A SHIP and I’ll tell you:
Who said “I love you” first
I could really see this going either way.  Gray is very tight-lipped about his feelings, but the more you get to know him in game, the more he opens up to the player.  At the same time, I can see Claire finally spitting it out, tired of wondering what the status of their relationship is.
Who would have the other’s picture as their phone background
Both of them for sure, but if I had to pick one, it would be Gray.  He does have a sentimental side to him, and the moment he first sees Claire in Harvest Moon for Girl, he thinks she’s attractive.  He would be thrilled to have a picture of her with him at all times.
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Who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror
I can see Claire starting it, and Gray enjoying it but being flustered about it, so he’d write sassy replies, followed by a hastily drawn heart.
Who buys the other cheesy gifts
Gray, although I imagine him crafting them.  I love the event in HM for Girl where he keeps the piece of silver the player gives him as a good luck charm.  I can definitely see him doing similar things and making her several pieces of jewelry, whether out of gems or even just tumbled rocks.  He’d be a little embarrassed about it, but as Claire comments on his skills improving, he’d lavish her with them, hehe.
Who initiated the first kiss
Gray.  And just as I always headcanon Gray, his first kisses are usually the rushed, nervous ones that nearly miss.  Claire’s happy to help him try again.
Who kisses the other awake in the morning
Neither of them strike me as morning people, so it would depend on who wakes up first.  The kisses are to keep each other from falling back asleep, all the while grumbling that it’s too early.  At the same time, they’re happy that they have each other, so it’s not all bad.
Who starts tickle fights
They take turns, but it’s mostly Claire.  Gray finishes them.
Who asks who if they can join the other in the shower
Gray.  He’d play it off like he is running late or they need to conserve water, and Claire would just tell him to say what he really means.  Cue flustered Gray confessing how he wants to be by her side as much as possible before work. <3
I also can see Claire inviting herself in the shower with him some mornings, partly to make sure both of them stay awake, lol.
Who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunch
I imagine Claire bringing Gray lunch regularly, while bringing Saibara one of his favorites as well.
Who was nervous and shy on the first date
Claire was more shy, and Gray was more nervous. In true Gray fashion, he doesn't think before he speaks in his nervousness, but it ends up breaking the tension in a way as they both confess aloud that they're nervous and shy.
Who kills/takes out the spiders
I headcanon Claire as being uncomfortable around spiders - not necessarily afraid, but not really wanting to touch them. If they're easy to catch in a cup and take outside, she'll nervously do so. If they're too hard to catch, she squashes them with a shudder. If Gray's there, she'll peek her head down the hallway. "Gray...."
"What's up?"
"There's... uh... a spider. In the bathtub."
"What?" (I'd imagine he likes watching her squirm a bit.)
"Well, can you...?" And he's already killed it by then.
Yeah, he'd be a spider squisher regardless of if he's alone or not.
Who loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunk Definitely Gray, and Kai will never let him forget it.
Thank you so much for the ask! Gray is a lot of fun to write for, and these were some fun questions. I hope you have a great day! <3
Send me a ship ask game!
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paporuii · 2 years ago
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Cliff from Harvest Moon SoSFoMT 💛🍇
If you saw my IG story, you can see how obsessed I’ve been with HM (again) hehe ///
A bit of a diff colouring style - more sketchy
I think I enjoyed it more, because it doesn’t make me feel like I have to render everything perfectly
Anyways I hope you guys like it! 💖💕 I wish I have someone to talk to about this game 🥺
💛 W Dialogue 💛
INPRNT || RedBubble
💛 W/O Dialogue 💛
INPRNT || RedBubble
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acediee · 5 years ago
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chaie · 5 years ago
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farming is a good time
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zephyr-bazaar · 6 months ago
Alright, Harvest Moon question of the day: Magical Melody is your favorite HM game. But, objectively, would you recommend it to someone who has never played another Harvest Moon game, as a starting point, and why or why not? (Note: i've played all of 30 minutes of MM so I have No Opinion other than I was generally pleased with the controls.)
Considering it was my first, yeah! I think ultimately the best one to start with is the FoMT remake at this point, but MM is a great option as well.
MM is a very simple and straightforward game, and it’s VERY easy to get into because of it. It has much of the series’ core gameplay elements (very similar to MFoMT, actually!) and the fact that you choose where you set your farm up makes for very unique gameplay.
The story also gives you gameplay objectives to help you ease into the game and figure out mechanics and different things the game and series have to offer. Likewise, the rivalry stats with Jamie offer nothing to the story, but are great incentives to focus on farm work!
One BIG quality of life thing MM has that I’m surprised and wish would come back is that you don’t need to be by your bed to go to sleep; there’s an option to sleep just from the pause menu.
Also, the lake cave is GOATed. Not the best mining in the series but definitely up there.
I also do love that it brings back the SNES cast, especially because people are much more familiar with the original girls’ granddaughters. I like that they’re kept in memory, and I like the blending with the StHHoLV cast! The original boys to MM are charming as well. I also think they’re great pairs that lead to the 64 iterations of their granddaughters (so, that is to say, the iteration where they are canonically the snes casts granddaughters).
The one drawback is uh, what happens when your animal gets sick for the first time. Seeing this shit when I was 11 traumatized me and is majorly why I almost exclusively grow crops in everything but AWL LMAO
Overall I do think it’s a great starter game!! I think this, SoSFoMT, and Animal Parade are probably the best. I do think for a few reasons, including and especially accessibility, that SoSFoMT is far and a way the best one though.
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