#Game Of Thrones spoilers
jeena-says-hi · 1 year
When characters use their prosthetic arm to block weapons in a fight>>>>
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(Forgot Bucky)
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starogeorgina · 15 days
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Joffrey laughing while talking about Rhaenyra’s death to then die the same way Aegon II only adds fuel to my theory that in her final moments Queen Rhaenyra placed a real curse on her brother and those who share his likeness
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“Rhaenyra Targaryen had time to raise her head toward the sky and shriek out one last curse upon her half-brother before Sunfyre's jaws closed round her, tearing off her arm and shoulder.”
— Fire & Blood
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thestarlightforge · 2 months
this feels like when Brienne & Jaime finally kissed after 6 seasons of waiting. it makes perfect sense of course, but there’s no way it’s real, right? because they’re disabled & we don’t get happy endings? we were called delusional for years, and then our wildest ao3 conclusions were live broadcast to 11.8 million viewers 1 breath after vanquishing the main villain? my mouth? agape. my mind? boggled. except this feels 80x more so because it’s queer people. i feel delirious. elated. like i could punch a god & win, perhaps
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As I've mentioned before I'm watching GOT with my irl friend and my partner and I felt compelled to make a meme regarding my feelings about one of the episodes:
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I didn't know how to look up the Broom Boy's name without getting spoilers (we just finished Judged by Fire, so idk further than that) so I just drew him
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graveyardcuddles · 3 months
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jenesequoia · 2 months
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stardustndice · 3 months
heard the north remembers as soon as the episode began and cried out like a wounded deer
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monksrobes · 4 months
soldier, poet, king / TW for gore and violence
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princesssszzzz · 1 year
Fire & Blood (HOTD) // A Game of Thrones (GOT) Imagery & Parallels
Sansa is your sister. You may be as different as the sun and the moon, but the same blood flows through both your hearts." "Arya learns to fight in the Braavosi water dancer style with Needle." (AGOT, Arya II)
“Baela’s dragon, the slender pale green Moondancer would soon be large enough to bear the girl upon her back." “... a pale pink hatchling with black horns and crest, Rhaena named her Morning.” (Fire and Blood, 432 & 593)
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“[Baela] is wild, willful, and wanton, as we feared,” (Fire and Blood, 648)
“[Baela] was as wild and willful a young woman as any in the realm” (Fire and Blood, 645)
“[Arya’s] long horsey face got the stubborn look that meant she was going to do something willful.” (AGOT, Sansa I)
“And Arya … he missed her....so fierce and willful.” (AGOT, Jon III)
“Septa Amarys, who had been given charge of her religious and moral instruction, despaired of her, and even Septon Eustace could not seem to curb her wild ways.” (Fire and Blood, 646)
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“Rhaena’s egg had hatched a broken thing that died within hours of emerging from the egg” (Fire and Blood, 432-3)
“Lady was dead” (ASOS, Sansa IV)
“Rhaena enjoyed a life of comfort and privilege, with maids brushing her hair and drawing her baths. Singers composed odes to her beauty, and knights jousted for her favor (Fire and Blood)
“She loved King's Landing; the pageantry of the court, the high lords and ladies in their velvets and silks and gemstones, the great city with all its people.” (AGOT, Sansa III)
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“It would please me if he was not so old he could not give me children, nor so fat that he would crush me when we are abed. So long as he is kind and gentle and noble, I know that I shall love him.” (Fire and Blood, 649)
“When you're old enough, I will make you a match with a high lord who's worthy of you, someone brave and gentle and strong.”(AGOT, Sansa II)
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"He's just stupid. He likes to polish helmets and beat on swords with hammers." Arya about the (legitimized bastard) Gendry
"You fool, you thrice-damned fool. If I dared, I would have your bloody head off." Unwin Peake to (legitimized bastard) Alyn
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“Baela's dragon brought down our late king. There are many in the realm who will not have forgotten that. Crown her and we will rip all the old wounds open once again”(Fire and Blood)
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tarotsandpotions · 3 months
Crying, gagging and throwing up with the "fans" who wanted a more explicit scene of Jaehaerys' death. You people are ✨ disgusting✨
That scene is hard enough to watch, why the hell should it be play by play of the scenes from the book? The same scene where little Jaehaera is threatened with assault by Blood? The explicit scene of Jaehaerys' murder? They are children!
I understand it's because fantasy and blah blah blah but I am glad that the show went a different way with that event. It's already heartbreaking enough as it is.
On a positive note: Phenomenal acting from Phia Saban, she was incredible.
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HotD episode 10 was a masterpiece, one I both adored and hated. The entire episode felt like a dream of being chased yet having the feeling of not being able to run at all.
There were so many things I wish to highlight. But first, the ironies:
The cruel irony of how everyone had to lose something to attain the crown. While Viserys lost his body, Rhaenyra lost her child (and recieved the crown in front of the pyre)
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The way that Daemon ignored Rhaenyra's gut-wrenching calls to him but was the first to bend the knee, fulfilling his role as her ally but failing as her companion.
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The fact most predominantly shown was how without the dragons... Targaryens are nothing. To think that the Dance of Dragons began because of a Dragon refusing the command of their rider.
The way Rhaenyra, even through her pain, made it a priority to inform her sons of what had happened in order to save them the pain.
There were also so many parallels in this episode.
Both Daemon and Corlys refusing to acknowledge that they weren't the only ones who have lost a child (completely sidetracking the sentiments of their spouses to have their overdramatic diva moments).
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Rhaenyra stripping Otto of his pin, the same way her father did.
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Daemon crowning Rhaenyra, the same way he put the crown on his brother's head.
And finally, Rhaenyra receiving the crown standing in front of the burning pyre of her child facing away from it, and in the end... recieving the news of Luke's death standing alone, facing refusal of her claim as a ruler in front of a fire, looking towards it rather than away, thus disregarding her desire to not be a queen of the ashes... now she wishes to set it ablaze herself.
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All in all, it was a fitting end to season one and I can't wait to see how season two turns out.
(I have not read the books and all my interpretations are based solely on the show)
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starogeorgina · 2 months
Ten ASOIAF quotes that make me emotional
10. The crown is crushing him, she thought. He wants so much to be a good king, to be brave and honorable and clever, but the weight is too much for a boy to bear.
9. “As ladies die in childbed. No one sings songs about them.”
8. “Do you know what it is like to be sold, squire? I do. My brother sold me to Khal Drogo for the promise of a golden crown. Well, Drogo crowned him in gold, though not as he had wished, and I... my sun-and-stars made a queen of me, but if he had been a different man, it might have been much otherwise. Do you think I have forgotten how it felt to be afraid?”
7. “The blood of my sweet sons is on their hands.”
6. “Are we going home? I want my horse. And I want applecakes and butter and honey, and Shaggy. Are we going where Shaggydog is?”
5. All that Daenerys wanted back was the big house with the red door, the lemon tree outside her window, the childhood she had never known.
4. Robb, who had been more a brother to Theon than any son born of Balon Greyjoy's loins. Murdered at the Red Wedding, butchered by the Freys. I should have been with him. Where was I? I should have died with him.
3. “It was Ser Amory who brought me the girl's body, if you must know. He found her hiding under her father's bed, as if she believed Rhaegar could still protect her.”
2. “Egg? Egg, I dreamed that I was old.”
1. “Rhaenys was a child too. Prince Rhaegar's daughter. A precious little thing, younger than your girls. She had a small black kitten she called Balerion , did you know? I always wondered what happened to him. Rhaenys liked to pretend he was the true Balerion, the Black Dread of old, but I imagine the Lannisters taught her the difference between a kitten and a dragon quick enough, the day they broke down her door.”
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thestarlightforge · 2 months
“these HOTD finale leaks are worse than Game of Thrones season eigh—”
Missandei died in chains.
The only black woman main character on the show. Whose storyline began with her being a slave. Got captured. And beheaded. In front of her lover and her best friend.
In chains.
Gtfo I am so serious.
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polka-spots · 11 months
I think Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fore would have been way funnier if Jon Snow was born with the silver hair and purple eyes of the Targs simply because I like to imagine Ned Stark coming up with ever more frantic reasons that Jon Snow looks like That. Imagine him going "oh haha his mum was Lyseni yes mhm don't look too hard at this excuse" or "he's uhhhhhh albino yep" or "he had an accident with some bleach". And Robert just fully accepts the ever worse excuses and thinks that poor little Jon Snow is an albino half Lyseni boy who has very unfortunate accidents all the time with cleaning products.
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smelly-fozzy · 2 months
I’m sorry but Cersei Lannister is the funniest character to ever exist, and I love her. She’s spiteful, she fucks her twin brother and has multiple children with him, she genuinely loves her children, she literally made the in universe Spanish Inquisition which then immediately backfired on her, no she didn’t poison Jon Arryn- but she did push a ten year old out of a window and hired an assassin to finish the job using her brothers blade, she gave a witch her blood to tell her future and then was mad about the result, she has the worst beef with a teenager I have ever seen. Perfect 10/10
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