#Galaxy device
goodguygadgets · 1 year
Celebrate Father's Day with a brand-new Galaxy device at The Great Samsung Sale
This Father’s Day, celebrate the greatest man in your life with a brand-new Galaxy device at The Great Samsung Sale! Happening from June 1 to 25, The Great Samsung Sale is your way to give Dad the premium gadget he most definitely deserves. Celebrate Father’s Day with a brand-new Galaxy device at The Great Samsung Sale You may enjoy exciting freebies such as a free Galaxy Buds2Pro or Galaxy…
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re-reclass · 1 year
MCU climaxes have gotten really same-y so it can be hard to get invested but James Gunn figured out the secret. If you show your villain abusing or experimenting on children and animals for 2 hours, I’ll gladly watch an extended scene of all the heroes kicking the shit out of him. Hell, I’ll even root for Chris Pratt.
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chipistotallysane · 1 month
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the forever knights have "facts" about him.
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ohfugecannada · 2 months
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So did anyone else hear about that new Marvel Zombies book?
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bringslife · 3 months
it’s funny to me seeing ppl go ‘the d/octor would never do that’ wrt the d/octor being vengeful or cruel when someone they love is threatened or just in general wrt bad guys
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whatudottu · 8 months
So, Derrick J. Wyatt has gone on record saying that cerebrocrustaceans do not have a feud with the galvans over which species is smarter and Dr. Psychobos is the only one who cares. However, in Alien Force, we clearly see Ben as Brainstorm getting insecure and competitive around Azmuth to the point of coming off as passive-aggressive and bitter. Assuming this isn’t just yet another retcon, this implies one of three things:
Cerebrocrustaceans do have a distaste for galvans, but very few of them hate galvans enough to actively want to hurt and/or kill them.
Rather than hating galvans, cerebrocrustaceans hate not getting to be the smartest person in the room as they tend to view anyone more intelligent than them as a potential threat and thus their first instinct is to assert their dominance over them (much like how many species of Earth crabs are highly territorial), meaning that how Brainstorm acted around Azmuth is how the average cerebrocrustacean would act when in the presence of anyone who knows more about anything than them regardless of species.
As an alternate take on the idea that they’re highly territorial just like many species of Earth crabs, cerebrocrustaceans are naturally competitive but the vast majority of them view outright hostility as beneath them, it’s just that Ben’s own competitive streak as a human mixed with cerebrocrustaceans’ competitive instincts resulted in him acting like a dick and Dr. Psychobos is an insecure megalomaniac who can’t stand the thought of anyone being better than him at anything.
I really, REALLY like the idea to give cerebrocrustaceans a little bit of territorial behaviours, haha! Kinda reminds me of how many fields of science have their own in-groups and are potentially a bit stuck up to outsiders, which seems to fit the egocentric coded smart guy niche they fill in terms of power and personality. Especially so since it contrasts with the ‘literally has no in-group’ isolationist galvans that love and value working alone (especially so given Azmuth didn’t go crazy on Xenon) to the point where it is both an honour to be someone’s assistant but also comes with the risk of being neglected.
Which Myaxx, not being a galvan, is more noticeably pissed off at Azmuth for that over Albedo who’s only really pissed off at Azmuth because of Ben (a child) wields the Omnitrix.
Still though, since galvans seem to be heavily involved with the Plumbers their eh, isolationist behaviour when it comes to science is mostly ignored in favour of their outcome and the stereotype of them being cold is overlooked in favour of seeing cerebrocrustaceans as being hotheaded in comparison. Up to and including the assumption by the galactic audience that cerebrocrustaceans have a feud with the galvans even if galvans do not return those feelings.
I think somewhere in the tags of one of my posts I had the idea that a galvan with a cerebrocrustacean assistant works better than a cerebrocrustacean does with a galvan assistant because of the strengths and weaknesses of their work flow. If you mix in the solitary nature of a galvan with the territorial nature of a cerebrocrustacean, alongside the previously mentioned methodology that galvans invent things for long term while cerebrocrustaceans invent things fast and efficient, a galvan assistant would complain that their carefully considered first drafts were butchered, dissected, and stitched back together by their cerebrocrustacean boss, the leading cerebrocrustacean complaining in turn that their assistant is a maverick that either attempts to control the project themselves or keep findings to themselves making the workspace unable to communicate to the understanding of another. The majority of complaining a cerebrocrustacean assistant would make with their galvan boss would be the aforementioned neglect to anything other than their work, the fact that having only two active scientists imposes strict working conditions galvans are perhaps more used to, and the fact that despite all these complaints they are simply by default peeved that their leading galvan is smarter than them. Honestly the main reason the galvan doesn't have any complaints to list is that, like any assistant, they slightly forgot to note anything; if everything is working as optimally as it can, there is no need to complain.
Keep in mind this is a general rule lmao- given the territorial behaviour of cerebrocrustaceans, while they may be stand-offish towards the out-group, they work much more efficiently within their in-group; critique, even unwarranted, is an open invitation for communication in in-group workspaces… even if other species including galvans may tire of such ‘interference’. Likewise with the solitary galvan, with no in-group everyone else is part of the out-group, and criticise all you like but an out-group is not going to change if you list off all the things you dislike about them; why make a complaint at all if the out-group does what you need them to. This stuff just gets brushed over because it’s the galvans that work closely to the Plumbers not the cerebrocrustaceans, so Plumber propaganda and presence influences the galactic audience’s understanding on who’s the ‘smartest beings of the galaxy’ while the only notable cerebrocrustacean doctor, Dr Psychobos, goes about the universe saying ‘oh how he hates that hedgehog frog’
Oh, I think I got carried away!
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thisispoggers · 2 months
Are you also gonna try and find the mini comics?
I just might honestly but not posting any rn cuz I have to double check if I even got every panel with me teehee
BUT THE COMICS ARE ALSO REALLY CUTE LOL too bad I can’t really read them as is cuz I have to translate them to English first using good ol google translate and watch it kick itself over when the elements’ names are used lmaoooooo
It translated “Api got angry” to “The fire is angry” once and I still find it funny for some reason (got that from a fic btw)
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thecurioustale · 1 year
My Use of Alliteration in Writing Prose
When I returned to Tumblr last week I mentioned that I would really appreciate some suggested topics that people would be interested in hearing about, and was prompted by the excellent @fipindustries with several ideas. One of them was my relationship with alliteration in my fiction—something I had talked about in the past and which can perhaps be expanded upon today.
When I was in high school, senior year I believe, we read a good amount of Beowulf, which I found to be a very inspiring story because when I was young I loved old-timey Celtic mythology and folklore. Gregor, one of the Guards of Galavar in The Curious Tale, got his entire species name, heathodwarf, from the heathobards of Beowulf, and there were not one but two characters in ATH the RPG named Grendel.
Anyway, one of the things we were taught about Beowulf is that it makes extensive use of alliteration as a literary device. Together with some audio readings I heard a few years later of the legendary Seamus Haney reading Beowulf, I became convinced of the power and beauty of alliteration as a storytelling ornament. Ever since then, I have been both liberal and deliberate in my application of alliteration, as well as the related techniques of consonance and assonance, throughout ATH. I consider it aesthetically pleasing if the same sound occurs two or more times in close proximity together, especially if the rhythm of the spacing of these instances is thoughtful and itself pleasing of figure.
What makes alliteration (and its ilk) aesthetically pleasing? That's mostly subjective, but I like it because it creates structure out of structurelessness. In generic writing, there is no attention paid to the sounds of words. Indeed, the medium itself is meant to be as transparent as possible, coloring the substance of the words not at all. Alliteration draws a little bit of the reader's attention back into the artifice of the medium—the physical words. And I find I like this. That little bit of coloring...is just pleasant on its own.
In turn, this deliberate...let's call it an "opacity" (as distinguished from the transparency of generic prose)...this deliberate use of opacity in places also becomes able to be used for other literary purposes: namely, for drawing attention not just to individual words themselves but to certain ideas in the text through the focus on those words.
For instance, take the phrase "dithering dandelions." It sounds sort of like a Looney Tunes euphemism, doesn't it? But put that aside for the moment and consider the following passage:
The morning was sunny but cold as stone, and a biting wind crossed the field of dithering dandelions.
I made this up for demonstration purposes, but here the invocation of the alliterative term "dithering dandelions" is meant to make the coldness and windiness of the morning more visceral to the reader by virtue of drawing special attention to itself through alliteration and then leveraging that attention to emphasize and deepen the image of the dandelions shaking violently in the wind, as if they were trembling with cold (which is one of the meanings of the word "dither"). Odds are that you've been in such a morning at some point, cold and windy and buffeting the young spring flowers. And if you can remember that image, then you can feel it all the better here and now.
There is other consonance in that passage: The occurrence of the "s" sound in "sunny," "stone," and "crossed" can be selected, if desired, as focal points for one's enunciation when reading out loud (or when reading silently but imagining the sounds of the words). The word "crossed" in particular is the most powerful word in the sentence and deserves any and all attention you want to give it, and it also makes consonance with the word "cold."
If read thoughtfully, the alliteration (and consonance) present in this sentence can elevate the text, making the imagery come alive in the mind's eye.
So I like alliteration both as an aesthetic end in itself and also as a subtle tool of emphasis to reward readers who engage with the text using more of their own faculty.
I especially lean into this in The Curious Tale, whose fantasy world tonality lends itself more easily to romantic prose. In Galaxy Federal, with its more literal tonality, I still do employ alliteration more than most writers would use in their works, because that's just a hallmark of my voice at this point, but it is noticeably lesser than in The Curious Tale. In particular, the really heavy alliteration—with multiple instances of a single alliterative line, often interwoven with one more other lines simultaneously—is quite rare in my science fiction, while being merely uncommon in my fantasy.
I don't know if I lean into it so heavily that scholars would bother to mark it as a key characteristic of my writing, the way they do of Beowulf. Probably not; I probably have other esotericisms and eccentricities that stand out more baldly. But I should be very pleased indeed if I were noticed by readers for my use of alliteration, and all the more if they appreciated it.
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luxpenumbra · 9 months
ugh ohmygod so I saw this post and it made me so mad that I simultaneously wanted to reblog it just to rant in the tags and to not reblog it so that I could avoid sharing it with /more/ people
listen. music is universal. when a singer, songwriter, producer, lyricist, musician, team puts something out into the world, there may be emotions that they are trying to put into it. They will draw on these emotions as they perform and edit and refine this thing they are making. There may be a story they are trying to tell, an experience they are trying to communicate, and this may not be straightforward; there is a level of abstraction between conceptualization and realization that I am convinced exists to some level in all pieces of art like this. This is not a flaw; this is marvellous. When I the listener interact with a song, or an album, or an artist's entire body of work - the emotions that I feel and the story that is conveyed to me may be just. absolutely different from the artist's intentions and their own experience. It may resonate with me in an entirely different way than intended; it may resonate with someone else in a separate, distinct, discrete way. My and others' awareness of the artist and any context they have made clear may play a part in this or it may not; it depends on how I interact with music and how readily available this information is.
All this is to say: the only fucked up thing with this whole gaylor shit is the part where people are convinced that their interpretation of her music and the way it resonates with them indicates some fundamental truth about her identity. The only person who knows that is her and frankly it's none of anyone else's business and it's probably not that interesting anyway. But!!! this does not mean that her music cannot resonate with someone's experience of queerness!!!! It is story and song and a vehicle for emotion, and the details that make something sing true to someone's life and values are not pinned to the artist's "true identity" like a fuckin. butterfly to a corkboard. there is VALUE and DELIGHT in being aware of some additional dimension of queerness by virtue of the singers intentions or identity or whatever but that's a fucking BONUS you NIMRODS the only thing you need is a heart to feel things and a song to feel them about it's about YOU and how you interpret things. you change things just by existing!!! the only person to experience a song the way you do is YOU!!! "if I wanna listen to gay music I'll listen to gay ppl singing about gay sex" good for you!! but what a sad and limited life you must lead to need the significance and meaning of art spoonfed to you by author bios.
AND THEN. fucking condescending ass AAAAAAAH listen. christian rock can slap. i say this as someone who is markedly not christian. and even if you don't think it slaps that's fine. but the fact that someone's out here going "oh poor limited babies who've never listened to real proper good music before projecting sasanaru onto christian rock because they've never known anything else" grow uppppp!!! first of all!!! nobody. NOBODY. is out here saying 10,000 reasons by matt whatever is about sasuke and naruto kissing. you know this in your heart of hearts, just like you know deep down that there is VALUE in eking out meaning in places where you don't expect to find it, and in places that have some connection to the earliest parts of you. (and even if you aren't doing this, aren't interacting with the context of the music and its genre, see above re:universal fucking language). you've probably done it before. it's tumblr, land of transformative works and webweaving of course you have. how limited in scope must you be to think that people who listen to a genre you don't value but who are also queer or something must be just poor deprived children, limited in resource, waiting for that next evolution i'm gonna weep. anyway listen to relient k cowards
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fis-paprikas · 2 years
what i enjoy most abt din is that he's a Leading Action Hero in aesthetics only. traditionally badass but just for flavor.
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paisainvesta · 10 hours
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duubsite · 1 day
Samsung Expands One UI 6.1.1 Update to More 2022 Galaxy Devices
Samsung is stir-frying the competition with its latest One UI 6.1.1 update, rolling out to an extensive selection of Galaxy devices, particularly those from 2022. This update is stirring up excitement among tech enthusiasts as it introduces a plethora of innovative features aimed at enhancing user experience. Here’s the scoop on Samsung’s One UI 6.1.1 update: Eligible Devices The One UI 6.1.1…
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fntfandom · 18 days
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Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra.
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janarthanan · 1 month
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Don't Miss These Deals on Kapaver Mobile Back Cover Cases
Don’t miss out on these amazing deals for Kapaver mobile back cover cases! If you’re looking to upgrade your phone’s style and protection, now’s the perfect time to shop. Kapaver offers a wide range of eye-catching and durable back covers that not only shield your phone from everyday wear and tear but also enhance its look with sleek designs. Whether you’re after something bold and trendy or classic and elegant, there’s a Kapaver cover that fits your needs. Grab these fantastic offers before they’re gone and give your phone the upgrade it deserves!
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thebradgeiger · 2 months
Examine Brad Geiger's bones or skeleton for resources you can potentially acquire. And then decide you couldn't possibly fuck with him, or anyone his robots know about.
#robots#terminator robots with internally carried transporter mechanisms or devices usually in their brain when they are our hyper advanced robots#the first legal safety and protection oriented military time traveling robots originated in this cluster of galaxies#our cluster of galaxies one was completely depopulated by time traveling criminal machines covering a criminal in disguise while he fled#our whole cluster of galaxies in this universe was contacted before life was muted#the time traveling criminal's machines took so long + were so ineffective that virtually everyone lived in bomb shelters until food ran out#suicide pills basically#everyone here was contacted and warned and planned together before everyone died#brad geiger is the first resurrected being and had to be resurrected first because of the unique nature of the crimes committed against him#everyone and everywhere here was exposed to criminal effects that paint them as criminals or enemies#brad geiger was initially after that killed as a fetus so he never breathed and was never painted as a criminal or targeted certain ways#celebrities#shakespeare#actors#taylor swift#zendaya#hollywood#movies#musicians#the technology for resurrection was developed over 200000 years ago#the technology for resurrection was developed over 200000 years ago and was only first used a little after the Planet Earth year 1980#they planned ahead#our local criminals are so numerous because they have instantaneous transport as well and always have#our societies here aren't extremely rich in terms of resources - they are just not extremely poor in one or more vital resources for tech
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