illneverbeapassenger · 9 months
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Pantelleria island, Italy.
September 2023.
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lucoremeu · 2 years
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Cádiz - Nadal 2022
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jelloworld · 2 years
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musicmags · 7 months
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reportwire · 2 years
World’s Largest Oil Corporation to Lead Climate Change Talks in 2023
Credit: The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Opinion by Gadir Lavadenz, Pablo Fajardo Mendoza (quito, ecuador / la paz, bolivia) Monday, February 27, 2023 Inter Press Service QUITO, Ecuador / LA PAZ, Bolivia, Feb 27 (IPS) – The Chief Executive of the twelfth largest oil producer – Sultan Al Jaber of Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) – has been appointed as…
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modelsof-color · 1 year
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Duckie Thot by Gadir Rajab for Oyster Magazine - June 2018
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sitting-on-me-bum · 3 days
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The lighthouse and fort at Spain’s port of Cádiz once marked the western limits of the Phoenician world. Founded, according to legend, around 1100 B.C. as Gadir (meaning “walled” in Phoenician), Cádiz became a key colony for the Phoenicians. Here, they regularly came into contact with local populations.
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mirzablogg · 3 months
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Ona Feda Olum Peygamberimiz Muhammed (s.a.a) nazarında Gadir-i Hum’daki muazzam 124.000 Kişilik topluluğun görevi neydi?
Ona Feda Olum Peygamberimiz Hz. Muhammed (s.a.a), Gadir-i
Hum’daki Müslümanların görevlerinin;
1- İmam Ali (as)'a Yaptıkları biate bağlı kalmaları,
2- İmam Ali’nin (as) dostlarıyla dost, düşmanlarıyla düşman olmaları,
3- Gadir-i Hum Olayı’nı başkalarına ulaştırmaları,
4- Gadir-i Hum Olayı’nı dilden dile gelecek nesillere aktarmaları olduğunu bildirdi
Ona Feda Olum Muhammed (s.a.a) Gadir-i Hum günü kimlere lanet etti?
Ona Feda Olum Muhammed (s.a.a), o gün aşağıdaki şahıslara
lanet etmiştir:
1- İmam Ali’nin (as) imametini inkâr edenlere.
2- İmam Ali’nin (as) velayetini gasbedenlere.
Cemalettin Yaldır
Gadir Şinasî (Pasuh be
110 Sual Piramûn-i Hadise-i Bozorg-i Ğedîr)
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questionsonislam · 16 days
What are the proofs that Shia put forth about the claim that Hazrath Ali should have been the first caliph and how can these claims be answered?
It is possible to answer these claims under different headings:
1- O Messenger (you who convey and embody the Message in the best way)! Convey and make known in the clearest way all that has been sent down to you from your Lord. For, if you do not, you have not conveyed His Message and fulfilled the task of His Messengership. And God will certainly protect you from the people. (Al-Maidah Surah, 5:67)
There is no implication in the verse to the caliphate of Hazrath Ali. As Shavkani says, the verse expresses generality. In other words, it says, Whatever has been sent down to you, convey all of them. In fact, Hazrath Aisha said, Whoever says Muhammad has hidden something from what has been sent down to him will have been lying. and recited the verse above.
This being the case, the Shia says that the verse above proclaims the caliphate of Hazrath Ali. However, with this claim they accuse Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) of not performing his duty completely; because if the verse is meant how they understand it, then it means Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) passed away without announcing it.
2- While he was going on a campaign (to the Campaign of Tabuk in the narration of Suyuti) Prophet Muhammad left Hazrath Ali in his place. When Hazrath Ali said: Do you leave me with women and children? Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) answered: Wouldnt you like to be the example of Moses and Aaron with me? However, there will be no prophet after me.
In the answer of the Prophet, there is a sign to the event of Moses going to the Mount Tor. Moses went to Mount Tor leaving his brother Aaron in his place. Aaron is also a prophet like his brother Moses.
It is reasonable to infer the high virtues of Ali from the above narration and no one opposes to this. However, it is a far-fetched evaluation to conclude, The first caliph should have been Hazrath Ali. For Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) also left some people other than Hazrath Ali in his place when he went to war. Abdullah b. Ummi Maktum is one of them.
3- Bara b. Azib relates: In a military expedition, we rested in Gadir-i Hum. The call to the prayer was issued... After the prayer, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) held the hand of Hazrath Ali and said: Of whoever master I am, Ali is also the master of him. O My Lord, be a friend to whoever is a friend to him; and be an enemy to whoever is the enemy of him.
Even if this narration is accepted as healthy, it is not possible to understand from here that Hazrath Ali should be the first caliph; because Hazrath Ali is surely one of the distinguished among Muslims. He bears the honor of being the lion of God with his courage. He possesses the rank of the Master of Closeness to God. Because of such distinguished qualities of his own, he has been the master of all Muslims all through the history. As Alusi puts it, if the Prophet had wanted to leave Hazrath Ali as the caliph in his place, he would have said, O people! This is the ruler of you after me. Listen to and obey him! And such a command would surely have been fulfilled. Surely it cannot be thought that the Companions who love the Prophet so dearly as to say: May both my mother and father be sacrificed for you! would not have listened to the word of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in such a significant issue. Likewise, the wish of Hazrath Abu Bakr: I recommend Hazrath Omar after me was realized and Muslims gave their oaths to Hazrath Omar.
4- One of the narrations the Shia put forth as evidence to their claims: Before his passing while his illness deteriorated, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: Bring me a pen and a piece of paper; I will dictate a testament in order for you not to deviate. When Hazrath Omar said: The illness of the Prophet deteriorated. The book of God is enough for us. there emerged off-handed talks. Prophet Muhammad said, Go away from me. It is not appropriate to dispute in my presence.
According to the claim of the Shia, the Prophet wanted to dictate that Hazrath Ali should succeed him and Hazrath Omar prevented this. However, in the narration in question there is no implication to this. It is just compulsion to understand this verse in that way.
5- Say: I ask of you no wage for it (for conveying Gods Religion to you which will bring you this favor), but (I ask of you for) love for my near relatives (on account of my mission) (Ash-Shura Surah, 42:23)
In another narration, upon the revelation of this verse, Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) was asked: O Messenger of God, who are your relatives that we should love? and he answered, Ali, Fatıma and their offspring.
The Shia presents this verse as evidence to the love of the Family of the Prophet. While it is possible to accept this as an implicational meaning, there is no evidence to this in the open meaning of the verse.
Ibn-i Abbas was asked about this verse. Before he answered, Said b. Cubayr who was present there said, The Family of the Prophet whereupon Ibn-i Abbas said, You hurried; because there is no family of Kuraysh with which Prophet Muhammad does not have a tie of relationship. The meaning of the verse is: At least take the right of relation into attention.
In the explanation of the verse, Ibnu Kasir points out this meaning: If you do not help me, at least do not make me suffer for the sake of the relationship between us.
This evaluation of his really shows a delicacy deserving attention: The evidence to prove that the intended meaning of the verse is Hadrat Ali, Fatıma and their offspring is weak. Moreover, the surah is among the Meccan surahs. In Mecca, however, Hazrath Fatima had no children. She had children after the War of Badr in the second year of the Hegira when she got married with Hazrath Ali. But it should not be misunderstood that not accepting this narration means not loving the family of the Prophet; because they came from a pure progeny, from the most honorable family upon earth in respect of honor, virtues, and lineage.
Fahraddin-i Razi presents the narrations: Be it known that my Ahl-i Bayt (family) among you is like Noahs Ark. As those who boarded the Ark (at that time) attained salvation, so any person who loves my Ahl-i Bayt (now and on) shall attain salvation and My Ashab (Companions) are like celestial stars in the sky. A person who follows any one of them will attain salvation. And he makes this evaluation: Now we are in the sea of responsibility. The waves of doubt and lust hit us. The one who sails in the sea needs two things:
1- A sound ship.
2- Stars that give off light.
Therefore, whoever gets on such a ship and sails looking at the stars has greater hope. Ahl-i Sunnah has embarked on the ship of affection for the Family of the Prophet and is sailing looking at the stars of Companions.
Ahl-i Sunnah does not have a problem of not loving the Family of the Prophet. We pray for them in each sitting of every salat and love them dearly. Among Ahl-i Sunnah, names like Ali, Hassan, Hussein, Fatıma are very common.
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etaali · 3 months
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🌺Gadir, Kadınlar İçin Tarihi Bir Gündür
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academia makes me feel so dumb sometimes. i'm reading this paper about how it's possible that sidonians were in iberia before the tyrians (who founded gadir aka cadiz) and had their own colonies and whatnot and about five pages in it mentioned the relatively well-known city of medina sidonia and. after 26 years of hearing it the name finally cliqued.
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delitay · 1 year
Doğru mu, yanlış mı karar sizlerin
Biz aklın durduğu çağda yaşadık
'Ben dinsizim! ' diyen beyinsizlerin
Din dersi verdiği çağda yaşadık.
Çabuk pişsin diye zorbanın aşı
Ayıran olmadı kurudan yaşı
Keçinin kaplana her adım başı
Kırk tuzak kurduğu çağda yaşadık.
Baylar çalım sattı, bayanlar etin
Ar duvarı çürük, darbeler çetin.
Modern putçuluğun, şirkin, zilletin
Kemale erdiği çağda yaşadık.
Bazen kör kilitler vuruldu dile
Bazen armağanlar kazandı hile
Homo'nun,komo'nun, deyyusun bile
İtibar gördüğü çağda yaşadık.
Yabancısı olduk ilin, obanın
Müdür ekmeğini çaldı çobanın
Resmi dairede devlet babanın
İpe un serdiği çağda yaşadık.
Önümüz çileydi, arkamız cefa
Bir gün semtimize basmadı sefa
Mürşidin, müridin günde beş defa
Günaha girdiği çağda yaşadık.
Kimi hak adalet gördü düşünde
Kimi devlet kuşu buldu başında
Vatanseverlerin vatan dışında
Hasretlik sürdüğü çağda yaşadık.
Göz yumup izine düştük batı'nın
Tuttuk kuyruğundan haçlı atının
Pamuk yumağının, tüyün, tütünün
Nice baş yardığı çağda yaşadık.
Neler yıkmadık ki son olsun diye
Harcadık günleri gün olsun diye
Asker kaçağının şan olsun diye
Askeri vurduğu çağda yaşadık.
Dilendik, savurduk Doları, Markı
Döndükçe aşındı düzenin çarkı
Şalvarı, kasketi, gömleği, börkü
İhtiras sardığı çağda yaşadık.
Kimi vurgun vurdu döndü köşeyi
Kimi yalamakla doydu şişeyi
Kiminin ateşi, külü, maşayı
Ekmeğe dürdüğü çağda yaşadık.
Kılavuzluk yaptı körü beylerin
Seçimde sağılan sürü, beylerin
Morgtaki ölüden diri beylerin
Hâl-hatır sorduğu çağda yaşadık.
Atladık bir çağdan bir diğerine
Çıktık zirvelere, daldık derine
'Çağdaş bayanlar'ın cins beylerine
Çuvallar ördüğü çağda yaşadık.
Biri yola çıkmaz dayı bulmadan
Biri balık avlar suyu bulmadan
Birinin haftayı, ay'ı bulmadan
Milyarlar derdiği çağda yaşadık.
Baş örtüsü yasak,Türk olmak günah
Sabır ver, sabır ver ey gadir Allah!
Bulaşık basının her gün, her sabah
İslâm'ı Yerdiği çağda yaşadık.
Zorbaya rüşvettir 'nurol-çok yaşa'
Mâbutlar, kıbleler değişti hâşâ
İnsanın kâğıda, demire, taşa
Secdeye vardığı çağda yaşadık.
Görün hâlimizi biz insanların
Tutsağı olmuşuz suizanların
Her zaman her yerde müslümanların
Müslüman kırdığı çağda yaşadık.
Abdurrahim Karakoç
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jackhkeynes · 5 months
The Numeric Week
cutting in translation from the 14th October 1950 edition of the Roxa Comba, in their regular column called The Numeric Week. The Roxa Comba is a weekly paper based in the Groin [A Coruña] and affiliated loosely with the Russet Dove media guild.
Y Semman cas Nombr - Sambað 14 Octobr 1950 The Numeric Week - Saturday 14th October 1950
1500: Y lonctum par lau de Japetos III, y novel conjogntur Atlantic oy depos des Morrac vars Ambrosia eð ayent sy preu boðanç augtað je Maucr derran. Vellisquað cos original pall'eç administraçon a catr man d'an 1943, l'accommission dene demorað veg monfeyað deut ag confluyenç de hey cas bors e, lon digr, y sounç d'abat. Y snar conjogn y citað de Gadir ag floy Soux e Paratzon ne Brasil auster. 1500: The length in leagues of Japetos III, the new Atlantic link laid down between Morrack and Ambrosia which conveyed its first messages this last Wednesday. Originally conceived by the two administrations in concert in 1943, the endeavour was delayed several times due both to budgetary concerns and, of course, the outbreak of war. The cable connects the cities of Gadire on the river Soux [Agadir, Morocco] and Paratzon in eastern Brasil [St John's, Newfoundland].
3: L'enombr de vouð dessur dell'opposson ny cambr Yansief yon y soumission dy clou Zachet por interrogment sull'effectualtað de molin a forç sougl se cof yer eligt, ne souc d'un veðrvent imprefait cas y jure suajonnant dy Minister a Ðar. Partejan aun (ða lorry nosthubr sey visant vars y Collujon ben contrig) caglou irrayað cos divers sull'eç advantaç cohernt a men basant a astraphor Drengoçan e sull'occasion de l'Andron a Alchemy ne Lisbon extollir com mojol ny doujug mondial. 3: The number of votes by which the Mortar coalition's proposal to fund effectivity research into threshold force mills [nuclear power plants] passed in the Yansieve chamber yesterday, after a surprising volte-face from the Ministry for Farming advisory board. Proponents have (depending on their sympathies or lack thereof regarding the Collusion) pointed variously to the benefits of relying less on Drengot astraphor [electricity] and of elevating Lisbon's Faculty of Alchemy to a hub on the world stage.
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sajid-waseem-u · 1 year
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The Prophet (sig) said: The best invocation is that of the Day of Arafat, and the best that anyone can say is what I and the Prophets before me have said :
(Lä 'iläha 'illallähu wahdahu lä sharika lahu, lahul-mulku wa lahul-hamdu wa huwa 'alã kulli shay'in gadir.)
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ehlibeyt-yolu · 1 year
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modelsof-color · 1 year
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Duckie Thot by Gadir Rajab for Oyster Magazine - June 2018
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