whisperedsonnet · 8 years
I’m afraid. I’m afraid not of falling in love with you but of all the uncertainty that comes after.
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whisperedsonnet · 9 years
Invite GOD to get involved.
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whisperedsonnet · 9 years
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whisperedsonnet · 10 years
1 Corinthians 10:13 - some thoughts.
Love keeps no record of wrongs.
I think every day is a day we need to ask ourselves - just how flawed is our love? Are we missing a higher calling to embody, even in some way, shape, or form, the love of God? I think most often, the answer to that question...
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whisperedsonnet · 10 years
To the man whom I shared beautiful memories with,
                Hi? How are you? Ok so let’s skip this part where in we pretend like nothing has happened. Funny thing is, I’m a fan of sad endings (you know it too right?), but I didn’t and I never want it for myself. The pain is just thousand times greater when it happens to you.
                It was on February when we had our art tour remember? For the first time I saw you differently. It continued throughout March during our group study in mcdo and every time you walk me home. Then it was April when we watched Spiderman (I enjoyed it a lot, hope you did too). Then May was okay, then June, July, August, September, and October. Step up, Ninja turtles, The Best of me. Food trips, coffee, our long walks, our small fights, I had so many beautiful memories with you my dear that I can't just sum it up in a piece of paper. Now I do not know how to forget them. Or maybe I don’t want to.
                What happened? That I do not know. I thought we could make it through, saying things like “we can do it” “two weeks will come by pretty fast, believe me.” GOD, what happened? I’m hurting, yes. But I don’t regret any single moment that I have shared with you. Those were some of the best moments of my 2014. I can’t hate you enough, no I just can’t do that, you have been nothing but good to me, you have been nothing but WONDERFUL to me. All the efforts that you have showed just to make me happy, I guess I can no longer show how thankful I am for all those little big things.
                Sorry, I can’t pretend like I’m not hurt. I can’t pretend that I didn’t wish for our times together back, I can’t pretend like I won’t miss ‘us’. But also I cannot force something; we’ll just keep on hurting each other. Lastly, will you please forgive me for not being totally open to you? For guarding my heart so much that I always end up hurting you? Please forgive me.
                Goodbye my almost lover, goodbye my dearest. Take care of yourself, always.
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whisperedsonnet · 10 years
It’s amazing how you poison people with your words or how you stain them with your lies or enchant them with your act. You, my friend, are an incredible work of art. You tell people how damaged you have been, how afraid you are of giving too much fearing that you might lose too much too. Let me...
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whisperedsonnet · 10 years
i think I'm falling in love with you. 
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whisperedsonnet · 10 years
And I don’t have words to describe what you’ve done to my heart, but one thing I do know is I never want to go back. I don’t want to remember my life without you.
(via vaind)
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whisperedsonnet · 10 years
I think there are pieces of yourself that you will always guard.
Kiera Cass, The Elite (via a-thousand-words)
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whisperedsonnet · 10 years
I'm craving, craving for something real.
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whisperedsonnet · 10 years
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Graphite pencils
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whisperedsonnet · 11 years
And she felt heavy right now.  Empty?  No, not empty.  Confused?  Probably.  Frightened?  Maybe.  Tired?  Possibly.  She just can’t understand everything that she’s feeling right now.  She’s torn between the extremes.  She just can’t decipher even her own heart.  Perhaps it is true that it is the most deceitful of all.
Perhaps love is a game I’m destined to lose.
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whisperedsonnet · 11 years
     There’s a tension between us waiting to be released.  I can feel it by the way you look me in the eyes, by the way our flesh touch, by the way we yearn for each other that it almost ache. I can see so much tenderness in your soul, the thirst- I can feel it too.  I do not know though what might happen if we let all the feelings stream, a collision perhaps or an explosion of hidden emotions. Speaking on the safe side, perhaps these feelings are better off to be kept, unacknowledged and buried. 
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whisperedsonnet · 11 years
Concealed Fear
I want to drench myself
In your love.
To get drunk
With the taste of your lips.
To get lost
In your eyes.
And to feel
The warmth of your flesh.
I don’t want
To enter your heart,
Afraid of what I might find –
The name of the girl
You used to love.
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whisperedsonnet · 11 years
. . . But our story did not end with
            “and they live
                      happily ever after”
                                 rather, it ended with
                                              “ then he went away
                                                            and so did their
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whisperedsonnet · 11 years
I’m breathing in a different kind of air. It has your savor, so strong and masculine. Suffocating, yet I crave for more. I want it to fill up my lungs, my every vein, my entire system.
I want it.
I want you.
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whisperedsonnet · 11 years
Feeding myself with thoughts of you is like swallowing a handful of drugs, addictive unstoppable, and to some extent gives me a unique kind of pleasure. Yet, I know so well that in the end it would leave me broken crashed and dead.
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