van-larkh · 5 years
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3 years ago, in a Facebook forum of the Latin-American community of gw2, I decided to write a post with the purpose of meet new friends and be able to play with other people inside the game, among the comments I met this boy who turned out to be the administrator of the page and began To talk about Charr with me. We started talking a lot about Charr’s Lore, our personal stories and the living world, it was amazing how we had so much to talk about and how we coordinated our ideas so well that we decided to meet inside the game.
 Every day I expected him to come from work to play together and have new adventures in Tyria, we had a lot of fun talking about the game and also about other personal stuff. It was there that we realized that we had more than a friendship, and we had many goals in common which you think is impossible to have with another person. After a couple of months, we began to fell in love in secret, but we were afraid to go further in a relationship since we were from different countries, and we don’t want to break such a beautiful friendship for having a failed relationship... But, even so, they were more and more the coincidences in our goals and hobbies that we decided to take risks and try to meet in person for the first time. 
After a year of friendship within the game, he was able to save enough money to come to visit me... Those were the two best weeks of our lives! We visited many places together and shared many personal experiences just as we lived inside the game with our characters, we felt that our friendship was strengthened at all times as well as our love for each other. The next visit would take another year, in what I saved money for the flight to be able to visit him now, meanwhile we never lost contact either through social networks or inside the game, playing gw2 with our characters meant to see each other day by day despite the distances. Later I was able to travel to his country and learn more about his culture, we enjoyed every moment walking and doing things together, we not only felt like a couple but also like best friends, sharing crazy things and good times together.
 That was when we started to decide if it was worth keeping us like this forever. Already for the third year things became more decisive, he decided to try to establish his life in my country so as not to have to leave me anymore, we were together for two months where we shared more personal coexistence, we supported each other and tried to establish ourselves, but unfortunately the things did not work in our favor... Before returning to his country, he wanted to seal our love and friendship with the greatest promise that could be made... A WEDDING! I was excited to just think that my best friend and partner wanted to be with me for the rest of my life, and that I would never have to suffer for having a player 2, so I accepted such a rash decision. 
That is how we civil married, and between kisses and hugs we decided never to break this friendship and take it to the end of our days. We are still seeing each other inside the game to keep in touch, and finally waiting for the day that we can live together and play locally as we always wanted.
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daarka · 5 years
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This game has been such a phenomenal muse for me as a roleplayer and artist! I wouldn’t trade my characters, and the relationships I’ve made with other writers, for the world. I met my best friend through Nightmare Court roleplay (of all things), and they quickly became someone I was closer to than anyone else I’ve ever known in my entire life--and that’s just so precious to me. I wouldn’t have ever had that without this game, and we--and our characters--have been on adventures together ever since. In that way, this game has quite literally been life-changing for me, and I love celebrating that! Now I run my own roleplay guild, and it feels amazing to be surrounded by so much love and creativity. #GW2Friendships
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nerdimmersion · 5 years
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Only makes sense that I swing by the @GuildWars2 booth at PAX. I wouldn't be where I am without them or Chronicles of Tyria. #GW2IRL #GW2GIVEAWAY https://www.instagram.com/p/B9KkuTZBIM9/?igshid=16o0ymg8h1k5l
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canthareef · 5 years
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Kristina (norn) and I (sylvari) met during his first dungeon run in the Ascalon Catacombs. Afterwards he ended up joining the guild I was in at the time and came along for a few more dungeon runs.
A short while later, LWS4E4 (A Star to Guide Us) comes out and we end up working together to get the requiem outfits. Then we started running achievements for some of the earlier story steps that we both missed. At this point we started partying up daily, and almost a year and a half later we still are.
Now we run dungeons as duos, hit metas as a team, farm holiday events together, key farm/world comp, WvW together, duo fractals, and have recently started duo commanding Drakkar every night we can. 
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Some of other duos:
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lukisurkrablade · 5 years
Guild wars 2 has helped the 700 mile distance between Me and My best friend feel like nothing. We love meeting up in the game and going on adventures, helping each other with missions, sending each other gifts, or just doing silly stuff. The game also gives us an escape from the hardships of life. Had a bad day? Go beat up Joko or Zhaitan’s armies. Feeling lonely? Hop into lion's arch or divinity’s reach and join a group doing a mission. Want to spend time with your Best Friend who lives really far away? Go on a mission with them or help each other figure out how to craft a weapon. Being able to play with My Best friend in the game has only further strengthened our friendship. If I’m ever sad, or having a rough day, my friend will offer to play Guild wars with me once I’m home, and give me virtual hugs in the game, there has been times that has been all that has gotten me through a rough day, and vice versa for my best friend.The picture is of our characters discovering my norn, Luki's, power of channeling the legendary spirit of Kalla together. The charr is named Icashar, and belongs to my bestfriend Skie. 
Skie's twitter: @SkieRavensway07
#GW2Giveaway #SeizetheAwkward
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starseers-garden · 6 years
Happy Valentine’s Day!
I may not be romantically or sexually involved with anyone, but boy I sure love my friends!
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@griffinblogsgw2 @callumthorn
Man, last year exactly, when #GW2FriendShips rolled around, I remember wishing I had friends in-game. I had just rejoined, after all, and I wanted other people to play with! But I was so shy... How would I ever make friends? Now, one year later, I have friends! And so does Feilim. My wish came true!
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And Tora and Rheno may or may not be a thing now :)c First time drawin kissing babey
Time to get sappy, oh yeah!
The post that kicked it all off was this one—I’d been googling Trahearne. Griffin is the one who got me back into GW2. If I hadn’t seen their art, my interest wouldn’t have been rekindled, and I wouldn’t have hunted around the gw2 art tags on tumblr and eventually found Callum. It all started when I started talking to Griffin maybe in December 2017? January 2018? Like, really talking to them. As aforementioned, I really liked their art, and I got back into GW2.  And we only talked more from there. And now, I was old enough to appreciate what GW2 had to offer and chose to dive into GW2′s fandom on what was a new platform for me: tumblr. As time passed and I poked around tumblr more, I happened across Callum’s art. I really liked their art, too, so I kept up with the latest posts. Then, Callum posted this, and I was like, why the hell not? And of course, there were shenanigans to be had. When talking to them (I was talking to both of them very often at this point), I mentioned Tora Steals Things (@torasteals) and that I liked it very much and was acquainted with the author. Callum was basically like “YOU LIKE TORA STEALS??? ME TOO” and then we spontaneously decided to make Tora Appreciation Month in September 2018. And BAM, the three of us became friends.
TL;DR: If it weren’t for GW2, I wouldn’t have made two amazing friends (especially since we’re all in different time zones and one of us is in a different country!), nor would I have stumbled into the GW2 art community (there are so many people I could tag goodness me). Coming across both my new friend group and this new art community have done so much good for me! I’m so glad to be here!
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aleyannadenton · 6 years
Guild Wars 2 Friend/Ships 2019
It was May of 2014, and there was a roleplaying event in Kessex Hills regarding the Nightmare Tower and dealing with the aftermath. Naturally, I attended, bringing my main character, Aleyanna Denton. And at that event, I struck up a conversation with another character, Renita Cartwright. And that has led into an epic series of events and such that continues to this day.
On the roleplaying side of things, our cast of characters have interacted with each other and the world as it has changed over what now feels like forever and a day. We’ve gone through triumphs and tragedies, joy and sorrow, and each moment has definitely been one that always feels wonderful no matter the circumstance.
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From March of 2017. We had White Mantle characters who just caused chaos. They weren’t long for this world, but it was definitely fun to play the villain in an event chain.
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A joyous occasion. My brunette mistologist asura Mixxa and her blonde asura Flixxa finally tie the knot.
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Hard to really caption this one, but you could say that Aleyanna and Minthe are planning something. Exactly what is known only to the two of them.
But it’s more than roleplaying in Guild Wars 2 that brought us together. We still share a common guild in the Rurikton Roses where antics are a plenty. In a good way, mind you. But we’ve also gone through each major release together ever since A Crack In The Ice. Sometimes we have to wait to be able to sync up tackling the episodes, but we’ve taken in all the experiences together. And yes, we both feel the emotions of the living world, good and bad.
@meetthejamesons, thank you so much for, well, everything. We have gone through so much in Tyria, and there’s still plenty more now and in the future that can be tackled. May our adventures always be fulfilling and enjoyable.
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The two characters that started it all, Aleyanna Denton and Renita Cartwright. A friendship that can’t be destroyed.
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chaz-targrin-gw2 · 7 years
#GW2FriendShips \o/
Alright, let me tell you about the time I met my first guild proper, because they’re all awesome friends and deserve some love.
So I was having some trouble getting to sleep, and decided to putter about in Lion’s Arch early in the morning. I’d been doing jumping puzzles fairly regularly and I was trying to find more to play with.
That is when I discovered Troll’s Revenge. 
That’s also when I made the mistake of attempting Troll’s Revenge on my own. (Aside: This was from before PoF had been announced, so mounts weren’t a thing at this point)
I’d started getting the hang of it, but I kept falling off the buildings on the second leg of the puzzle and having to start from the beginning. After about a half hour of this, I noticed a handful of other people running about on the rooftops, all with the same guild tag. 
We talked for a bit on map chat, I admitted I was having trouble with the puzzle, and they offered a party invite - They had two mesmers on their side, so if anyone fell off, they could drop a portal and get us back to where we were.
So we spent some time going through Troll’s Revenge together, having a laugh, helping each other figure out parts of the puzzle, and generally just toughing it out as a team. Close to the end of the puzzle, we had a moment to take a breather, and the other members of the party said they’d enjoyed having me along, and asked if I’d be interested in joining their guild. I said yes, and ended up joining the Calamity Hounds [HNDS]! We managed to finish the jumping puzzle, too \o/
Since then I’ve helped the Hounds whenever I can, which included joining their party to help them claim their guild hall for the first time! They’re all awesome folks and I’m glad I met them :D
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poroquagganbob · 7 years
Our Story - We found friendship in an unlikely place. It turned into something amazing.
My husband and I would not have known each other without Guild Wars.
Back in March of 2012, we met in Ravenheart Gloom (a place we both hated) in a Zaishen Bounty party.
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We had differing philosophies of the game, I was a speedclearer and he hated speedclearers. I asked our Assassin tank if they wanted to join me on a Fissure of Woe speedclear later and that made my now-husband annoyed.
We ended up going back to his guild hall and talking for 4 hours. Learning a lot about each other and becoming friends.  I thought nothing of it at the time, but before long, we were talking and playing Guild Wars everyday.
He changed my philosophy of the game. Before I met him, I went along with what everyone else wanted me to run. He encouraged me to create and test my own builds and be as creative as I wanted. It was inspiring. 
Together we helped each other complete our greatest goals in game before the launch of Guild Wars 2.  He wanted to win the Hall of Heroes with our guild, which consisted of no name players with nobody above rank 5.  We accomplished this, and I stayed up until 3 am to help, falling asleep in class the next day. I regret nothing, because he cried with joy after it happened. He still talks about how special this was for him to this day.
My goal was to collect every elite armor set in the game that I liked the look of, which totaled 74 sets. He helped me finish it.
It was him who ultimately convinced me to continue onto Guildwars 2. I wanted to play it, but my computer was not good enough. I was luckily getting a laptop for use at my coming semester at university from my parents and I convinced them to get me one that could run the game (but it was not a very good one)
We continued playing together and talking together everyday, exploring this wonderful world of Tyria and everything it had to offer.
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In December of 2012, he asked me to be his girlfriend. We did care about each other a lot, but I was scared about how this would change our relationship, I was scared of losing him. I got angry, I cried and then I said yes after thinking it over. Looking back, I think I made the right decision.
We were in a long distance relationship with me in Canada and him in the United States until December of 2013, where we met for the first time at the airport because he came to visit me.  And when we did meet, it was like we had known each other all our lives.
Most couples would spend their days together going out to see the world, not us.  We spent our time at my house for the most part, playing the game that had brought us together.
We continued to visit each other, either me going there or him coming to see me. He asked me to marry him in February of 2016 and I immediately said yes, without having to think about it.
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We’re still playing Guild Wars 2 together everyday, and through the ups and downs of our relationship, we finally got married in September of 2017, after waiting for me to graduate university.  And what was special about our wedding, was that we invited a few of our guildmates along and met them for the first time too. Two of them were in our wedding party, driving hours upon hours from their homes to get to the wedding location.
Marriage has not changed our relationship that much, it just feels more permanent.
We’re still helping each other accomplish goals in game, from legendaries to jumping puzzles and everything in between.  
On the day Path of Fire released, we spent 13 hours starting at 6am playing through the story together, only stopping for meals. It was shortly after we had begun our lives together, with me visiting the States and beginning my journey through immigration. 
But without Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2, we would never have met in the first place. And for that, we’re forever grateful to ArenaNet and their wonderful world which brought us together.
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Cascade and Killia Kiki 
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felidae-charr · 7 years
#GW2FriendShips : on how I met my future wife
“Gwendolynii? She must have really wanted the name Gwendolyn.”
A lot of people say that first impressions matter the most, and I suppose that’s true in terms of actually getting to know somebody... but more than that, immediate first impressions are memorable rather than anything else. After all, those words were the first things I ever said about my now-fiancé and (hopefully) future wife, @raatha. It’s a joke that, much to her chagrin, is probably going to follow her to the grave if I have anything to say about it.
Guild Wars 2 was a huge and important part of my life for many years. I met some very amazing friends on it, and had some incredibly fun times. One of my current best friends that I’m still in contact with, I never would have met if one of his friends hadn’t found me and signed me up onto his PvP team back in ye olde days of the game pre-release when beta tests were still happening. I probably would have a lot more money in my wallet if I hadn’t played this game and would have spent over two thousand hours of my life doing something else. (Let’s be fair, that probably would have just been two thousand hours of a different video game.)
But I wouldn’t have met my fiancé if I hadn’t played this game, and as the longest standing romantic relationship of my life, and as somebody that I am willing to not just move home but move country for, this story is going to just talk about her. Because I love her, and my life would legitimately be so much less fulfilling without her in it. My #GW2FriendShip has pretty much saved my damn life, and that’s worth talking about!
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And it still never fails to make me laugh that my first impression of my future-to-be-wife was that her character’s name was Gwendolynii and I giggled at how desperate she must have been to get the name Gwendolyn if she was willing to go that far for it. I saw her at a group roleplay, as we were both big into roleplaying on GW2 at the time and she was part of a RP guild that I had a bit of interest in potentially joining. We didn’t speak at all, more than we just sort of saw each other in passing, and we didn’t even really roleplay with one another either.
Actually... funnier than how I remember how I first saw her is the fact I don’t really remember how I met her. I know that @raatha approached me first, and we joined a party, and there was an at-length discussion of how beautiful she thought my sylvari was. There might have been some talk of roleplay ideas on both our ends, things she was interested in doing and things I was interested in doing. It was fun, I just don’t remember that much of it. For the most part, a lot of our friendship initially revolved around roleplay, but as time progressed it branched outwards, too. What other games did we like that weren’t Guild Wars 2? Maybe we should play them some time!
Then, drama happened. Not between me and her, but between me and other folk. A lot of miscommunication and misunderstanding, a lot of very harsh words from both sides, and far more hurt feelings than was really necessary. It was actually a really, really dark time for me and it impacted my love of Guild Wars 2 really heavily. I had to move server to even feel brave enough to log in and play the game, and my motivation for doing anything inside the game was thoroughly trashed. I still love GW2, but to be honest, everything that happened back then (over three years ago now) still impacts the game for me a little. Guild Wars 2 was never quite the same. Raatha was one of the very few contacts from my GW2 life that stayed in touch with me, and I’m really glad that she did. Without turning this into too much of a sob story, Raatha offered very endearing and very comforting support as I tried to muddle through a really hard time for me, and I’m forever grateful for that. She really did help me see it through to the other side of that nasty place, and our friendship really only got stronger because of it. As I got back onto my feet again, we dabbled at doing things that weren’t related to Guild Wars 2. We continued to roleplay, just not in the game. The friendship just developed along with everything else that we were doing.
And then one day, while I’m in the middle of work, Raatha asks me straight out of the blue if I’d be interested in dating her. The rest is history~!
I don’t have the same relationship with Guild Wars 2 today that I did five years ago. I’ve grown a lot as a person and my life has changed pretty significantly over those years. I still enjoy the game, still log in from time to time and play it, and I still get excited about story patches or new armour pieces that look pretty, but the game isn’t quite as magical for me today as it used to be. But honestly... I’m okay with that. I’m okay with that, because everything that was magical about GW2 has been replaced by everything that’s magical about my fiancé instead. And even if I don’t play GW2 as much any more, and even if I never play it the way I used to, the bottom line is that I don’t play GW2 as much any more because I met so many amazing people playing it. My activity in the game today does not change the fact that the game’s community, the game’s design and the game’s open-minded attitude towards creating an MMORPG that encouraged players to communicate and help one another rather than forcing them to compete for mobs or drops or quest progress is the reason that I got to make so many amazing friends, have so many amazing memories, and eventually - to my great surprise - meet the person that I now hope to one day marry and spend the rest of my life with.
So... thanks, ArenaNet. I might bitterly complain about your design decisions sometimes, I might get frustrated with some of the microtransaction choices your company makes, and I might have ranted very often and very frequently about bugs, or intentional mechanics in game that just don’t work, or stupid story decisions, or poor character writing... But I kind of owe you one, too.
TL;DR: GW2 made me realise I am actually incredibly gay and now I’m in loving lesbians with a very wonderful woman who I met while playing the most intense MMORPG dress up game of all time.
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karamessyart · 7 years
( Most of you do not know polish so I will translate : Achi : If I didn’t wake up you know what happend. Kokkuri: Inka, do not cry! Inka: But... Fucking Bifrost?! Achi: What??  Kokkuri : But you always wanted Bifrost. Inka: But I wanted to do it after Nevermore. Kokkuri: So you do one more! Achi: So you do one more! For me! ( obviously laughing while Inka cry ). You don’t need to do whole Bifrost for me. The Legend will be fine. Inka : Well fuck. Achi : You still love us, don’t you? Inka : Stop recording or your phone will learn to fly.)
To tell this story I need to start long before Guild Wars 2.
A teenager with no knowledge of English was playing Guild Wars 1 and this teenager was me that got so hooked up on this game like an adult me on a chocolate cake. But thanks to my fellow Polish-English dictionary I was able to understand English and game itself, discovering it every time I was doing any story or just talking with NPC. In same time I was playing some RPG website game that based on role-playing. Thanks to another player in that time I meet Achi. And we went together throughout quite a few games and a lot of fun.
And so years passed and Guild Wars 2 was coming in big steps, I was blabbing to her that ' HEY WE SHOULD PLAY TOGETHER!' but she was more sceptic about this game. So I waited. And waited. And thanks, God, Guild Wars 2 went free to play with Heart of Thorns! I made her like 'Try! You will like it! ' In that time I already made her join our guild team speak and slowly meet people on it. After 2 weeks of playing or even shorter, she bought Guild Wars 2 Heart of Thorns. That way I got one more person that I knew in game. But time was passing. I need to mention also another person Kokkuri. He is really important in that story too!
So with time flowing I made Achi go with me on her first guild meeting in Toruń, Poland about 2 years ago, she and I met our guild members and we had a lot of fun. Making jokes about the members and situations that were made. With time I wanted to give her something special and Kokkuri in same time wanted to make something for Fenus (another guild member) and Achi as they became friend really fast. In the end we got agreement. I am making Bifrost (at that stage I made one Bifrost back in the days when to get precursor you had to sit in the toilet and wish for the best) for Fenus and Kokkuri is making The Dreamer for Achi. I can tell you guys that road was full of plotting and instances of not saying what we are doing. We prepared everything with sending Legendaries as gifts and preparing small notes for them which both got really unexpected but hilarious results.
I can say that Achi reaction was the best thing ever the amount of O K*rwa and I will kill you was unreal.
After that or even in meantime I was already struggling with collecting stuff for Nevermore. I was crying on Teamspeak that I need to collect all the wood and I have enough of collecting it. Sometimes Achi sent me a little bit of elderwood like it was fine, I didn't suspect anything. After our guild anniversary 10th meeting in Gdańsk, Poland we had small like 'gathering' between me, Kokkuri, Robin(yet another guildmate) in Aczi place on Festival of Celtic Music in Będzin.
Normal day. We open our laptops to show what we gathered around ( I have a 5-year-old laptop so he is slow ) and Kokkuri was lecturing me and Aczik what we should sell out of our banks to have gold where my collector soul was like ' Noooo I need it for Nevermore '. Those two made me create GW2 Efficiency. Because my laptop told me that he can't open gw2 I borrowed Kokkuri laptop. I open up my dear account on his laptop and I needed to leave room to go get Robin who just arrived downstairs.
I am not sure how to... Describe it. I love them. I really love those two
TL;DR Yes. My two friends made me next Bifrost. I was crying when I saw it. I love those two people but sometimes I want to struggle them. Right now I am making The Bifrost for Aczi! Also do not worry Kokkuri ( I know you will read that ) I have something for you in making too!
Muhahahahaha She didn't expect me to be here, Hi guys I'm Kokkuri.
So she did say her part of this story so I guess I should tell you how it looked from our side of this small adventure. So let me now start from the beginning. I meet Inka through the guild wars 2 somewhere around 2014 and became friends quite fast, we played a lot together and she was always mentioning her best friend Achi so I became interested who's she is. Eventually, she joined our Teamspeak server and oh boy was I not prepared for her. She is one of the most amazing, loving and caring people I ever meet, and we became best friends in like matter of weeks which was strange and exciting to get soooooo attached to someone so fast. And so all three of us became very very close friends, sharing our crushes, seeking help and eventually meeting in person which to the outside it might have looked like were siblings because I was only like 17 at the time I first time meet Achik which is older by couple of years but to hell in our guild we have people over 50, bellow 16, female, male and no one give a damn because over internet it doesen't matter who you are because if your decent person with who you can lough, play and overally have a greate time then why not call them friends?
So back to the Bifrost story. It was somewhere around early January 2017 that I told myself I will get Legendary Armour and started collecting everything, Riding hard and overall farming so much to get everything before it will be dropped into the game. At around the same time, I finally learned the birthday date of the Fenus and smart me decided oh yeah let make him a legendary he would never ever get because he hates all of them. At the same time, Inka was saying that she wants to create a Legendary for Achik because of Inka (you do not question Inka logic because you will fall into such deep hole that even tangle depths would be looking like a Mount Everest).
So trolling me (muhahahahahaha) decided to troll Inka and at the same time create a gift for Achik and Fenus. The trolling was easy I knew Inka hated making Bifrost and that after she crafter her's and had what we called a curse of legendary (basically you don't want to play the game because you just don't, your too tired), and so I made her craft Bifrost but I was doing the collection for it and I would craft the Daydreamer and she would do the collection for it. I could hear her being frustrated and annoyed every time I mention her crafting the Bifrost (despite that we collected the materials together for both legendaries).
And so we did it somewhere in late April it was completed plus we also got enough gems to buy both of them an outfit to match the new weapons. Inka was worried how would we give them those items because if we sent the mail they will return it or sell the weapons and buy us something in return.
But I had a plan. It was simple I usually help my guildies in equipment management, doing the hardest achievement for people with too weak laptops (not looking in direction of Inka and Achi whose laptops are secretly calculators) and overall being a decent friend. I promised Achi to sort her equipment, sell the overflowing materials and make her life a bit easier, and when the time came I told her I will do it and I did !!! I managed to get her over 1000g by just selling excess materials. In Fenus case I just simply promised him to do one of the LS3 achievement he was struggling with and again I did it but also left something purple and account-bound.
And so the next day I got a message Kokkuri you d*ck, Twice!
Oh boy, that's a long story so I can just get into explaining the Bifrost for the Inka. A week or so after finishing the two legendaries Achi said to me that she wants to repay Inka by making something special for her and so I was in it again. Achi wanted to make her a focus or a sceptre dunno really but I had a plan, I always have a PLAN. There is this achievement in the game for account-binding two legendaries and I knew Inka was making Nevermore and I knew that Achi would help her collect the materials for it so I decided to make with Achi Bifrost. It was hilarious because whenever Inka was struggling with collecting the wood we would be sending between each other stacks of wood for collection, and then I would be hinting to her that were making Bifrost and that she should dismantle it for Nevermore. And so then Gdansk happened, That day was crucial, as it was supposed to be "revenge day" for legendaries. Achik bought Inka a birthday present and she packed it into layers and layers of bubble wrap, plastic wrapping and wrapping paper. I also did something like that but on a much smaller scale, but when Achik present was useful my how to say it lightly was in the wrong language... I bought her a manga and thought it was in English but apparently, it was in French so she had a hard time finding the proper translation.
SO yeah this gave us few more month of time to work on the Bifrost because she didn't have a clue that the birthday present wasn't a revenge but just a decoy. But this time we had a proper deadline, Achi told me that we have to have the Bifrost done before Festival of Celtic Music as she wants to surprise her and see her reaction in person. And again back to me with my plan, because I always have a PLAN. I decided that we won't raise her suspicion by trying to get an access to her account but by simply doing it when she will be occupied, but for this to succeed, there is someone else we need: Robin. Robin is our very quiet friend that promised to show up and we told him all about our plan and he had a simple job of distracting her long enough for us to mail the presents, account-bind and hide it.
The last step was for Inka to actually notice and so we made her make a gw2efficiency account so she would see a big spike and be like what the hell is happening. and the rest of the story you know from our friend Inka. Because it's in our guild spirit to gift each other some small or big presents to make the other one happy even if that means to craft of 3 legendary weapons in the span of nearly 6 months.
TL;DR I'm Kokkuri and after meeting Inka and Achi in Guild Wars 2 I became really good friends and became a mastermind behind 2 Bifrost and 1 Deydrimer because Kokkuri has a plan, he always has a PLAN.  
Ps. Oh Inka I know you will read it so be prepared because when I come back from the curse of the legendary I will start crafting a full bank tab of Bifrosts just for you and if your thinking I'm joking remember this Kokkuri has a plan, he always has a PLAN.  
// Kokkuri gave me permission to post it. IF not ask on Grzechu.2564 in GW2//
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khorren · 7 years
GuildWars2 Friend/Ships
May 2013 was an interesting time. I'd recently lost my father, and to help cope I delved into the world of Guild Wars 2. I was already a keen player, I was there through the betas, I saw Mad King Thorn burst out of the Lion's Arch fountain, I was there for the Ancient Karka invasion of Southsun Cove, and I had started to dabble in World vs World content. Our server, Jade Quarry, had recently got an influx of transfers notably Strike Force [SF] and The Professionals [PRX]. Strike Force ended up being my home guild, lots of friends made there who have followed me thick and thin. The Professionals brought me.... something else entirely. A commander who pinned up during the OCX/SEA/EU timezone who was friendly, knowledgeable, and was communicating mostly through chat rather than VoIP.
Back before the Megaserver, when maps were mostly your server mates, many people on Jade Quarry hung out in front of the bank in Lion's Arch. Everyone had their place, some lingered on the boardwalk, some congregated around the planks of lumber, and some of us hung out directly on the steps. In particular, that one PRX commander was lingering.
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"Hey, I recognise you from WvW" was the basic start to our conversation. "Wanna go kill some stuff?" So we headed out to Gendarran Fields and skulked around the swamp killing the risen Ketsurak amongst other things. I still smile every time we head into that swamp. We finished off adventuring and hung out some more on the bank steps. It was time for bed, we parted ways, and I thought that was going to be the last of that.
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Next day. "Hey. Wanna party up and do dailies?" came a PM. Dailies then turned into doing some zone completion. Zone completion turned to World map completion.... and I slipped out a casual "love you". It was picked up on, and I awkwardly fumbled for the next day or two. And yeah... There was something there. We'd talked every day for the past 2 weeks or so. We would send each other messages from work. We got home from work at the same time and gamed through 'til bedtime, talking away as we played, asking questions and learning about each other.
Ever since we've been thick as thieves, literally, we both mained thief characters and we've helped each other with countless Guild Wars projects over the years: Achievements, weapons, personal goals, and even Legendaries. He helped me make my 2nd legendary, The Dreamer, and for his birthday one year I gifted him Incinerator. Upon completion of The Dreamer he asked me the cutest thing ever. "Will you change your character's surname to match mine?" "That's hella sweet. Of course" I replied. I renamed my thief, and later my mesmer to match his surname and to this day it confuses people. We've been accused of being the same person more times than I care to count.
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It's not just Guild Wars we do together, but it is definitely the game we put the most time in to. Along with video games we watch sport together. Notably Seattle Seahawks football (or American football to me) games. While for the first year I had zero idea what was going on other than "ball go this way. yay. ball go that way. boo" I followed along, even dressing my characters in signature colours to support the team. That year they won the Superbowl and it was totally down to my lucky colours. Totally. :)
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He attended a Guild Wars party one year at PAX and was able to snag me a little present. A mini Mr. Sparkles which I still tote around on some characters. It means a lot to me, and I like the little guy a lot. I also wear a necklace with an Osprey (a seahawk) on it, to remind me of him when I'm out and about.
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It's been nearly 5 years now. And we've gone through so much together. He's my significant other, my best friend, my gamer buddy, my confidant, and my partner in crime (video game crime of course!) and I adore him very much.
Thank you, Guild Wars for bringing this amazing guy into my life. I Love you, Zander. <3
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My Little Guildies: Friendship is...Something, Something, Dark Side
About our guild:
Stay a while and listen for this is about a guild of misfits known as [TTT]. We are a very small guild of friends that is spread out across Central and Northern Alabama. At first, we couldn’t come up with a decent name for ourselves and jokingly picked Triple Threat Triad from Avatar: The Legend of Korra. After four or five years and a half-way upgraded guild hall later, I don’t think we can go takesy-backsies on the name.
The core members consist of myself and @priest-of-dwayna​ as the leaders. Since I’m the only father in the guild at the moment, I’ve awkwardly been referred to as Guild Daddy. A lot of people tend to know of my wife, @priest-of-dwayna​, as the one who made the plush versions of Taimi and Aurene. When she’s not working on her Plushimancy and being a mom, she’s watching my back in game and cursing me when I run us into trouble. It annoys her to no ends when I suddenly stop and open the map (I make the mini-map as small as possible because it takes away some of the immersion).
The other core members are @tyrian-tomo​ and @unicron-singularity​. These two are our North Alabama counterparts. @tyrian-tomo​‘s character, Tomosuke, is the antithesis to my character, Hallion. It pretty much plays out the same in real life too. @unicron-singularity​ is our resident tactician with her charr, Nibblet. We lovingly refer to her as Tactician Nibblet.
Things we do outside the game:
We all try to get together every couple of months to hang out. A lot of times we’ll hang out and play Cards Against Humanity but we’ll also go out into public and do things as a guild.
Below is of us going out for bowling. Instead of using our given names, we went by the name of our mains.
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The next four pictures are from this past Christmas. This was our first ever [TTT] [Ugly Wool Sweater] Christmas Party. If you’re wondering what the deal is with the blindfold and kitchen mitts, I have a soft spot for Cut Throat Kitchen. I got some gingerbread house kits and had everyone pair up to build them CTK style with sabotages.
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I even took a video near the end when everyone had to explain their house! Please forgive my horrible video capturing skills. XD
This is all just a small insight into our misadventures as a guild. I think our next outing as a guild is a field trip to New Orleans. If we manage to make it work, it should be tons of fun.
If you had to describe us, I think Stitch said it best, “This is my family. I found it, all on my own. It’s little, and broken, but still good. Yeah, still good.”
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hlmartinart · 7 years
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I'd be totally remiss to not mention my fiance, Azther Blackwind, who is the man responsible for pulling me into the world of Guild Wars 2. Az and I have always been a odd pair even before we became a girl who plays a male guardian and a guy who plays a female thief. He's a tech nerd who likes to build computers, I'm an indie comic creator going to school for game design. I live in the USA and he is in the UK playing on American servers to be with me. So in many ways Guild Wars 2 is the only way we really get to interact with each other as more than just a voice. We've visited with each other in real life a few times over the years but it's hard to arrange due to money and scheduling issues. He started playing Guild Wars 2 about a month after launch and really liked it so when he came over to visit me in the states he bought it for me... Let's just put it this way, he'd been playing it longer than me but I blew past him in achievements and started obsessing over the lore and characters. Which ironically lead to me dragging him on to Guild Wars 1 at one point for HOM farming and and more lore nerding. I'm definitely more hardcore than he is but we're both very happy. We've made lots of wonderful friends and had many wonderful times playing together. There was even talk that we would invite guildies who are able to travel to our wedding and have an in-game wedding for those who can't. By the way, Fun fact: if I take his last name we'll be Heather and Michael Pollard...HP and MP!
#GW2FriendShips #GW2Giveaway
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globofectogasm · 7 years
Let me tell you about my gw2friendships
So I’ve been playing Guild Wars 2 for about 5 years now and only started running a blog for it for a couple years. I’ve also really wanted to draw my characters and other peoples characters. And so I started up some commissions and I got quite a few responses. I remember starting and not being super impressed with my end results but lots of people loved my art I gave them and I will never forget that’s how I met @crowe-of-necropolis-aeternum and after I gave him some art we began to talk more, we talked on tumblr and he asked me to join his guild. Soon after that we’d do everything in game together and we eventually started talking off game.
But I’ll never forget the night where I really needed someone to talk to. I had called him out of the blue, I was just bawling my eyes out and I remember he was in a restaurant and took time out of his night to calm me down. I never call anyone, let alone cry on the phone. There was no hesitation, I knew I could count on him.
And I know we dont talk as much and life gets in the way and I’m just awful at talking to people cause anxiety but I still consider you a close friend and I hope to talk to you more. And I just can’t thank you enough for being there for me in a really dark place.
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possumbilities-art · 7 years
On Guild Wars 2, Friendships, and How I Met My Husband
I started playing Guild Wars 2 in 2013 after a bad divorce from my previous partner and a move to a separate state where I knew no one. A year later I joined a WvW guild called Strike Force. I made many great friendships, people I talk to every day and play not just Guild Wars 2 with but other games as well. Around October of 2014 I took notice of a player who commanded WvW for Strike Force. He was funny and sweet and we ended up having a lot in common. We started a friendship, leveling characters together in Guild Wars 2 and using Teamspeak to talk to each other. The more we talked the closer we got, eventually we started doing video calls over Skype while leveling and doing WvW together. It didn't take us long before we realized we needed to meet in person. He drove from his home in Texas to Kentucky where I lived (a 17hr drive that he did straight through) in May of 2015. The week we spent together is one of my most cherished memories. It was like I found something I never knew was missing. Over the next year or so he visited as many times as money and time off work would allow. Finally in May of 2016 I moved to Texas to live with him, we married each other on June 11th 2016. We've been attached at the hip ever since. Our desks are right next to each other and we play all kinds of games together. If it wasn't for Guild Wars 2 I would never have gotten the chance to meet him, if it wasn't for my friends in Strike Force gently pushing me I never would have started talking to him. Guild Wars 2 will always have a place in my heart as the game where I met the love of my life.
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