forged-in-kaoss · 6 months
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pawbeanies · 7 months
makign a stupid noise while cumming and instantly regretting it because what if someone Heard.........
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halloweenism · 1 year
i am sooooooooooooosleeepyyyyy!!!!!!
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no-naem · 2 years
In a scenario where Kayano and Karma has a serious fight like Nagisa and Karma did in the civil war arc, I imagine it would be...very bloody and very brutal. These two are absolutely feral creatures who will stubbornly continue fighting and push past their limits until they can't move anymore.
We all know about Karma's fighting style. And for Kayano, she's probably a fast and hard hitter. Efficient at hitting the right spots and quick enough that you won't see her until it's too late. I feel like her kicks and punches could maybe make Karma stagger a bit but it won't do much to hurt him especially when he's an expert on blocking. Kayano's mobility is top notch like Okano and Kimura so she'll be able to handle Karma's direct attacks, being able to dodge and attack fast. But it won't last for long since Karma probably has more stamina. And, Kayano's lacking tentacles.
So of course the only other option...is to bite him to death. Clearly! Just bite him until he stops moving. :]
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i made a spiral ill gonna cum to it now cum for cockkkk rubrubrubrubrub obeyobey i obey
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isimarie2 · 22 days
i think i got a little carried away
Chloe and Red go together to school for months
Chloe and Red begin to fall in love over time they go
Chloe is extremly closeted but someday when Red and Chloe are in an intensive staring contest Chloe breaks
She kisses Red and Red kisses back after a moment
Chloe tells Red that she is in love with her but she cant be and tells Red that they cant be together at the Moment
Red is hurt but tells her that shes wiling to wait for her "ill wait for you because im in love with you princess and thats why i wait till youre ready"
Chloe only stares at Red and turns away and runs because everything overwhelms her at that moment
She always had the dream of her perfect fairytail Story were she finds her prince but why is she so stupid and falls in love with a girl
She cries her self to slep this night and dosent notice that Red didnt came back
After two months the Sommer break arived and they go theire separate ways
Chloe goes back home and has panic atacks because she cant accepts that shes in love with Red and is scared that her family thinks that shes a freak
Red writes her to meet her at the enchanted Lake to talk and Chloe becomes a panic attack and her brother comes in and sees what happens and comforts Chloe
They talk and he finds out about the felings she has for Red she thinks hes gona be mad but he just sayes "i love you for who you are sis and it dosent mater who you love"
She tells him that Red wants to talk with her by the Lake and he tells her that she schould go and talk to her and that he will cover for her
so Chloe goes to the Lake they Fight and Red runs away with a broken heart (redssgirll Story is the perfect explaination what happened there)
After that night they didnt talk and when Chloe goes back to school she sees that Red is not there and just thinks that she will come later in the evening
but after a month of Red not returning to school she panics she calls Bridget if she knows were Red is but she only thought that Red was with her over the Sommer break and now in school
(Red wrote a Letter to the Principal and stated that she cant atend school at the Moment and faked her mothers signature)
Chloe hangs up and calls her brother and they both decide to search for Red
Bridget cals Ella and ask her what happened betwenn them and Ella dosent know so she orders Chloe to talk and they find out that Chloe is in love with Red because it sliped her out while rambling and because shes stressed as f
she panics but her parents are suportive about it
and then they locate Red with a spell
Ending 1 Happy
Chloe finds Red and tells her how much she loves her and that shes ready to try Red for the begining is realy hurt and tels her that she need time but after a month they come together and live happylie ever after.
Ending 2 sad but it turns out good
They find Red in an abandoned vacation house and there they find her laying in the bathroom pale and she's is barely conscious
Red cut her self and tried to kill her self and when Chloe sees her she panics "RED"
Red looks at her shocked to see her there "princess?" she asks weakly
"Yes its me youre princess Red" Chloe awnsers
Red only looks at her and sayes "Im tired princess" and closes her eyes
"No no no Red stay awake pls i dont wana lose you pls" Chloe says panicked
Red does not Respond and Chloe panics further
Red gets brought to a hospital and she's in a coma for a long time when she wakes up she sees Chloe sleping on the hospital chair directly next to her bed
After a while Chloe wakes up and sees Red staring at her and she only looks at her and begins to cry " i thought you would die there" she sayes crying
"As would you care Chloe" Red awnsers mad at her
Chloe flinches and tells her what she came to conclusion with and that she realy loves her and that she will do anything to make it up to her she holds a whole essay about it and Red Interupts her
"Princess stop i still love you even if i tried not to it would not work i will always love you"
And Chloe cryes again and they talk everything out and come together and have theyre happy ever after.
Ending 3 Sad
Chloe finds Red but its to late she lais on the floor and dosent move and when Chloe gets chloser she sees that she dosent breath
first she thinks Red is just sleping but then she registers the huge blood pool around her and then the huge cuts on both arms
She crumbles and begins to scream and cry and then she gets caried out of there
Shes depressiv for a long while and on the dying day from Red she takes her own live because she cant live with out her anymore
And she gets buried next to Reds grave
maibe they see each other again in the after live or the next.
The Story that got me inspired:
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Short Version from when i planed what i write
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I have the feling that the short planig is better than what i wrote
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life-winners-liveblog · 3 months
Good night im sleeping now km gonna go sleep cus inned slep
Good night!
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a-wondering-thought · 8 months
m going to slep box!! i can't even begin to describe how much i look up to you and think you're cool and how much im giggling and blushing this conversation has made me djsdjskfjs good night!!! <3
okay!! but same!!! im so so honored to be talking to you and how cool you are to me, and im blushing and giggling so much as well and im actually kicking my feet in delight fhjdfgjdfgjfdgb good night!!! <3 i will talk to you tomorrow!!
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drowninnoodles · 1 year
Im gonna
Send me something in asks, have fun bitches
Good night
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im gona go to bed an slep now
Nightty night baba <33
Good night, little fox. I need to head to sleep soon, too!
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cydie · 5 months
I disconnect from my emotions as a protective measure when I feel unsafe
I sit in disbelief when I can't understand the hurtful actions that have happened
I wonder to myself if it was only good for a little bit and it was short lived
I feel the creeping dread of knowing it was a false safety all along, and how stupid of me to let myself trust it
I feel surprise every time there's a different outcome
I feel the guard gates give
I feel sections of my emotions that hit me unanticipated, ones I wasn't able to prepare for
I feel relief to know I was wrong, that he knows it was wrong
> 11am-12:30 21/04/24
1:48pm continuing on//
i woke up at 10, knowing he said 11
wen to the toilet thought aboutast night
lacking coherent feelings for it but wondering if I should currently have some
11 alarm I was back in bed I went back to slep bc i tired
woke up a minute b4 11?? why idk am I feeling too wired from last night to feel safe enough to sleep ???? or is my body so accustomed to a slep schedule that it's not letting me or is my inner guilt of sleeping the day away stopping me from sleeping in and has that been exacerbated by the fact that I know if I let it happen it will steamroll and spiral and he won't have the willingness to fix it??
anyway wow derailed
11am alarm go off he up at 11:06 he roll over to touch me smilex
im glad he's not mad but he keeps going back to sleep but then he said I have 15min timer if I fall back
which also wowee new thing he wouldn't have done that b4 so tangible effort is visible
anyway he gets up and goes to kitchen and half hour later I see he on floor sleeping
Oh ok I was misled
I go wake him and remind him he said 11
he told me to stop and that he didn't expect an alarm to go off at 8am and 10am
i don't focus on this bc I know he's sleepy and defensive so I need to chill before I lash out but I still bank it bc it hurt
I clean out the coffee machine bc I know I need the caffeine
I think about how he would be able to force himself to get up if it was work and how I don't seem to hold the same importance which speaks to how I'm constantly being made to feel inferior to everyone bc he sees me as lower and treats me with less respect bc he respects me less bc he thinks less of me
he eventually sits up
and I finish cleaning and go over and sit with him
he nicely says hi and apologises for being grumpy earlier
i say are you still mad
he says I wasn't mad
I say you were bc u said something defensive u said I'm not the one that had an 8am and 10am alarm
he says no I said j didn't anticipate that I would be woken up at 8am and 10am bc I figured you would have turned them off --- making the reason why I'm hurt rn my fault ---- deflecting, but maybe he knows he fucked up and is already trying to justify it
I said I didn't think to turn them off you didn't explicitly tell me to -- so we both forgot but it's my fault why --- you didn't anticipate being woken up at 8 and 10 but I didn't anticipate being emotionally chewed up and spit out last night we are not the same
I shut down my emotions because I'm protecting myself and you think that's manipulation. i shut off my emotions and replace them with narrowed eyes, suspicion, and scrutiny as I try to understand what I'm seeing in front of me because ((putting someone through these levels of extreme emotion and high ups and low downs is insanely emotionally manipulative and these extremes would derail any person's grasp of sanity making them feel crazy and question their reality)) because very faintly i wonder at 2% what if he's is actually manipulating me?? and i dont see it??))
and for some reason if i don't show a very clear and vulnerable response and i put my guard up instead, you think im malicious BECAUSE you have an overactive risk sense. you look for reasons to confirm your fears and you don't challenge them nearly enough which makes you more dangerous than you think i am bc you are more likely to give in to the feeling of the moment rather than the facts of the matter
so I have to consistently be vulnerable so that you can trust me enough to not be a heartless cold being who thinks he needs to use an umbrella when it's not raining
when i have the same level of fear of being vulnerable yet i am constantly having to push down and dismiss my own feelings, and trust you without reason to
when do you take the same risks as me? or do you feel so inferior and defective to me that you need to push me down to feel level?
----++ continuing from I said "you knew about my alarms and they've been happening for the last 2 years "
you said "figured you would've turned them off when we agreed 11"
i said "i didn't think of it, nor did you" if you knew interrupted sleep bothered you so much you should have anticipated this risk and said this
if I wanted to be overly considerate and "read your mind" which I am often doing and anticipating your needs for you, I would know to turn off my alarms because I would know that my alarms may bother you. and prior to this relationship, this is a consideration and care that I would have taken. in this relationship I have learnt that I must undo my next level hyper vigilance and need anticipation because you won't do the same and the more I do this and not get it in return is damaging my image of you
so i didn't do it either, both of us having the knowledge that I have 2 alarms
taking into even 30% account the aggressively unsafe past conversation it's reasonable for me not to be my normal level of overly considerate a standard to which i held myself to that I M in the process of undoing bc I have little to give and must manage my resources more efficiently
you paused and said 'i think I said that because of feelings I have underneath" or something to that effect
I did not understand the sentence specifically because the sentence used "feeling" instead of "other feelings" and this is the loudest thing I remember as to why I said "what" and you had to repeat what you said
you repeated "I think I said that because of other feelings inside of me"
and I said "what feelings"
you said "resentment"
and yesterday you gave me a wound where you accused me of something outrageously baseless and heartless
and I automatically also thought resentment bc I predicted that you would have been annoyed that you had to be awake and blamed me for it and then found something else to blame for your difficulties in waking up by pointing out that my alarms interrupted your sleep so your difficulties is my fault
I said "I also thought that" and something else I can't remember
and you said "I don't want to get into anything right now"
I said "I didn't ask you to" bc I didn't open the conversation up for it
you got defensive and said "yes you did" because literally i did but as a response
you started the fire but because i added to it thinking that you wanted the fire because you started it, you said that i started the fire because you only suggested a fire and i lit it
you opened the conversation(fire) by saying something that naturally prompts more questions
i asked these questions and instead of making it clear then that you weren't asking for a conversation, you responded and said something that would be hurtful (and you probably weren't even considering it because you went "I'm just innocently saying how I feel" even though deep down I'm well aware if my partner told me she resented me I would also be hurt)
so from my POV you've opened a conversation, I asked, you attacked me by telling me you resent me , and then when i tried to understand it you put up a wall and pushed me away
and when i pointed out that you were creating distance, you deflected that back on me and said that you had to create distance because i was pushing so that was my fault
and if I examine this and think about it deeply, you probably 1. realised what you said about the alarms was defensive, and said that you said that in response to an inner feeling realising it was wrong 2. voiced your negatively biased thoughts out loud without any consideration for how the words would be received 3. reactively got annoyed because you were asked to think about it and you didn't want to think about something negative about yourself bc that confirms your defectiveness wound so you lashed out at me instead, saying it's my fault you're feeling uncomfortable things
at the end of the day it's 2:58pm and you said 11am but you've done nothing to make that possible and blamed me for you not being able to 👍
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valdederon · 10 months
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FLAMES JOURNEY CHAPTER #23 nightmares and worries
the next morning valdederon wakes up seeing nova asleep under his tail shivering as he picks her up and lays her in his lap. untill she wakes up and grips his furr shaking.
valdederon-- whats wrong hun.
nova--couldnt sleep much last night i kept having nightmares..w..what if we get into a dungeon and i loose you i.
valdedering puts his paw on her muszzle and gently squeases instantly silencing the clearly sleep deprived and cranky riolu. and gently lifts her up into his arms carrying her to evergreens office to get some slep medicine.
valdederon--- evergreen do you have any decently strong sleep medicine. nova has been having some bad nightmares and somthing to help with that would be awsome if you can as well.
evergreen looks up from his paperwork and chuckles.
evergreen--- sure i can get some stuff for her.
nova-- why is your face all beat up.
valdederon sighs ears lowering as evergreen busts out laughing.
evergreen---- a certain feniken unleashed a powerful ember attack on me when he was brought here the scar is sizable now but my face was… black all over when it happend ..a newborn feniken that powerful he he verry rare isnt it val.
valdederon --- ha ha ha yea.. im still sorry about that. he he i wasnt in the best mood that day… or for a fair bit after that.
evergreen-- well from what ive heard over the years youve had it rough most of your life its no wonder you took awhile to settle down. . ahh here we are found some good herbs.. ill mix them up with some mint.
nova yawns heavily and shifts around in valdederons hold.
valdederon-- this world is amazing though..
evergreen nods and begins to mix the herbs together. adding in a few leavs of mind and adds a mineral based water seeing nia also needs some nourishment for her furr.
evergreen-- what have you all been up to.. her furr looks a mess.
valdederon--- mostly training and yesterday we took her on our first dungeon mission. i think she might be scared now.
nova whines and growls crankily wanting to rest.
valdederon--- oh hush you dont make me bop that snout of yours. youl get some rest soon evergreen is preparing your medicine
she whimpers at the thought of her nose getting boppes and burries her face in his furr.
evergree finished with the medicine--- ha ha ha ha now thats just mean. though she doesnt look to fussed about it..
valdederon takes the medicine and taps her shoulder handing her the cup .
valdederon--- yea she and i are verry much brother and sister now. she tests her limits evry now and then but overall knows to trust in me and i know that she can handle some situations alone.
nova drinks the medicinal concauction and slowly dozes off soon falling asleep with a soft purr when taiga the serperior guild master and valdederons father comes in.
taiga-- evrything ok . you left with out saying good morning bud.
valdederon--- yea im fine nova is having arough patch so i came to get her some medicine to help her sleep and calm her nerves.
taiga chcukles using his vines to rub her head as valdederon begins heading out of the infirmary. and back to his quarters laying nova down in the nest and sitting next to her letting his fluffy tail cover her like a soft comforting blanket. while kleo comes in with some fresh muffins.
kleo-- i heard your adventure last night was eventfull how did it go.
valdederon-- ha ha yea it was it went ok though im thinking were going to work on her mental resistance soon.. she didnt fight much but i think given that she was attacked and she saw goblins getting cut down i think shes freaking out inside but trying to hide it.
valdederon looks at his nest witch has a noticable wet patch and sighs.
valdederon--- shes definatly to mentaly stressed to do any other physical training or a dungeon run. ill be talking to raykore about doing some exercises to help her recover later.. but fornow i think its best i let her sleep.
kleo sighs and slithers over coiling around valdederon and nova comfortingly.
kleo-- youve grown so much since coming here.. but i think maybey dungeon diving isnt for you i .. your going to get distracted trying to protect and get hurt or .
valdederon-- i know your worried. but ill be fine i promise plus i wont be alone.. i have draggo nova.. and even raykore.
kleo smiles and kisses valdederons fore head and heads out. for the next 5 hours nova sleeps peacefuly untill she rolls over and sneases with a groan.
nova---my head hurts.
valdederon--- you wana go get some lunch.. im sure your hungry .
she nods and steps out from the nest only to grogily face plant onto the floor with a yelp and valdederon chuckles softly helping her back up.
nova---not a dam..word val…
valdederon--- no one will hear a sqeak of it lets head to the mess hall
the both head out to the feast thats in progress and draggo smiles having been waiting
draggo---were the hell have you guys been.ive been worried.
valdederon--- nova was abit sleepy still so i let her sleep in abit were here to eat no though .
for the next couple hours the whole team digs into the ongoing feast nova eating slower then she usualy does untill valdederon puts his paw gently on her shoulder making her smile rembering shes not alone anymore . eventualy after lunch they head to a smal camp site out behind the guild and raykore materealizes and can sense nova stress.
raykore-- whats wring with the pup.
valdederon--- shes under some serious stress the recent attack on her and her family and the what she saw in the dungeon. we need to start working on helping her mind and fortifying it.
raykore--- i see.. yes that is concerning we will begin working on that.. ive read up on riolu and lucario dynamics they train thier minds through meditation.. much like some wizards and mages did were were from.
valdederon--- yea thats a good point i never thought on that.
raykore-- well you didnt have to harden your mind ha ha ha you were already a arock hard mountain when we met.. though im glad to see youve become a.. some what cahotic but gental river stream.
draggo---……..some what chaotic… you are talking about the same delphox who anialated an army of imps in one second flat right.
raykore chuckles.
raykore--- believe me.. that isnt his worst kid and im happy to say i doubt wed see his worst any time soon.
{narator note} they all relax un aware on how incredibly wrong that statement is. as later on down the line un known forces will see the brutality that lay in his heart when his family is threatened .
< this is a hint of future events with out spoiling much an entire army will see him at his worst.. his most enraged state were even a god would scramble to run from his wrath >
valdederon sits down with raykore and nova as he decides to take part in her lessons on meditation. after awhile valdederon is fully entranced much to raykores amused surprise him having never cared about meditation training before but then focuses on trying to treach nova who is struggling to grasp how to meditiate eventualy getting her to slip into a trance and keeps an eye on her and valdederon.
draggo-- how will this help nova.
raykore taking a puff from her smoking pipe and blowing it into the trees.
raykore--- meditating is a good way to get the mind to calm and slowly wor through issues.. as to exactly how it works ha ha not even the greatest of sages could explain it.. i personaly believe that the trance like meditation stops the minds over thinking of situations. and begins to help it proccess recent events in a healthy maner.. how ever it works its prooven to help heal the mind body and soul. hell even some spirits still meditate. i am shocke dthat val is doing it though.. ha ha
draggo-- why is that.. did he not like meditating.
raykore--- i think it was mainly to do with how he was at the time.. hate.. rage.. anger..persuing revenge at evry turn.. at a subconcious level i think he knew back then if he meditated his plan would have ended before it even got off the ground.
draggo sighs seeming to understand.
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im going to faint i think i slep little the past two so good night sorry 😞
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ofyoursilentreverie · 4 years
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here have an ahsoka sketch because i am unable to go to bed at a reasonable time
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soft-fizzy-cake · 4 years
Folks what if I married Gen Gen one of these days 🥺👉🏼👈🏼
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toutorii · 4 years
Ive felt so sad recently and bad memories have been brought back up and now i just want someone to come cheer me up with compliments and virtual hugs
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