childofchrist1983 · 1 year
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Howbeit we speak wisdom among them that are perfect: yet not the wisdom of this world, nor of the princes of this world, that come to nought: But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory: Which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. - 1 Corinthians 2:6-8 KJV
While on this Earth and in these mortal bodies, we will never fully understand the mind of God. I don't know about you, but I love a good mystery. My favorite books and television shows are mysteries. These always have a problem that can be solved before the end of the book or the end of the show. I have heard that those of us who love mysteries are people who have a sense of law and order and like having good triumph over evil.
God is a mystery in the true sense, a mystery that we will never solve. The Trinity is a mystery; Jesus Christ as both divine and human is a mystery. The incarnation of Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit is a mystery. These are mysteries that we cannot solve or even understand. Even so, we know He exists and we love and trust in Him. One of the ways that we know that God exists is because we cannot replicate what God has done. We cannot create from nothing. Can we manipulate what is already created? Yes, but that all we can do. We have seen the power of God in our lives as well as in nature. There is so much we don't know. Faith is based on what we can't see or understand. We believe based on what others have told us down through the generations. We believe based on our inmost feelings that this world is not all there is.
One of Bible passages we have reviewed talks about the spark of immortality that God placed within us. That yearning for something or someone that can only be satisfied by the presence of God! Although some of us might get frustrated, feeling God doesn't always do what we think He should do, or maybe we get angry or impatient with Him, we can be confident in His existence by all the times God has blessed us and been there when we needed Him and we can always call on Him in good times and bad. He loves us like no one else ever will and He is always there for us. And all true Christians, we believe. May He help us all when we fear and doubt. Thank God for His strength and guidance when we are faced with sin. Thank Him for His mercy and grace. Through Bible study and prayer, God reveals His wisdom and guides us to see opportunities to grow closer to Him and grow spiritually. He gives us direction to live our lives according to His Holy Word and will. We must make God top priority everyday! May we be motivated to spread God's Holy Word and Gospel Truth to all the Earth, knowing that it is the only hope of all those lost in their sins. Let us not hold out a false hope for men to be saved without the Gospel, but instead, strive to do our part to get the Gospel out to a lost and dying world.
Leaning on Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ through prayer and His Holy Word and Spirit strengthens us and our knowledge and wisdom about God and His Gospel Truth, exposing these imposters. May God help us to seek and lean on Him daily to gain the strength, wisdom and spiritual discernment needed to expose Satan and his imposters who seek to destroy us and God's ultimate Truth. Everyday, we must remember to share Jesus Christ's Gospel Truth with the world and to thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for the grace that He poured out for us on the cross at Calvary. He has freed us from the burdens of sin and from the eternal damnation of Hell. In all we say and do, may all praise, honor and glory always be given to Him and His Kingdom of Heaven.
With renewed minds, hearts and wills, let us serve Him humbly and faithfully out of pure love and grateful rejoicing. May He remind us of His presence and to remain at peace, fully knowing that all will be well because He is always with us. Let us seek Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ today and everyday with all our heart and being, looking for His love, light and will for our lives with each step we take. Let us seek to please Him with our thoughts, words, and deeds and seek to advance His Kingdom of Heaven and His glory with our lives. Let us seek Him from a pure and humble heart, and when we so seek, we believe Him and His promise that we will find. May He help us all to be more sensitive to the teaching ministry of His Holy Word and Spirit, relying on Him and allowing Him to speak to us and guide us every step of our Christian journey.
God gave us the Holy Bible - His living and Holy Word - to let us know of Him and His abiding love and care as well as guide and prepare us for all our lives. May He help us encourage one another as we continue our walk with Him and our duty to Him daily. Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for being present for all our new beginnings and all our lives. May He redirect any anxiety we feel as He provides countless opportunities for growth and change. May we humble ourselves before God always, asking Him to forgive our sins and make our hearts and lives anew through His Holy Word and Spirit. May He help us make Him and His Holy Word top priority, so we can grow spiritually and grow in our relationship with Him as we apply it to our daily lives. Thank God that we can focus on Him and everything about Him, for that is what keeps us sane and at peace. May our words and actions always be a reflection of Him and His Holy Word and Spirit and will.
May He help us to always walk in His grace and Holy Spirit, not by our own measure. May He give us the humble humility to know that our freedom and eternal salvation is found only in Him, so that His grace may sustain us, and we may never lose sight of His love and light and mercy. Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for calling us to Him and to serve Him. May He equip us to do all that He has called us to do so that as He works through us, He may use us to produce fruit, to reach others, and to encourage all brothers and sisters in Christ. May He work all of these things in us and through us for His Kingdom and His glory. Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for all His creation, for His miraculous ways and for everything He does and has done for us! Keep the faith and keep moving forward in your walk with Jesus! He loves us and He knows what is best for us. Seek, follow and trust in Him - Always!
Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for His Holy Word and for sending His Holy Spirit so that we might have His grace, not only to awaken us and transform our hearts in our spiritual rebirth and guarantee our eternity with Him, but to also call upon Him whenever we are in need. Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for all the reminders of His love and mercy and faithfulness within His Holy Word. He is bigger than any challenge or circumstance in our lives. Knowing this within our minds and our hearts, nothing can deter our faith in Him and His Truth. May we all accept Him and His eternal gift of salvation and ask that He would transform our hearts and lives according to His will and ways. Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for His Holy Spirit who saves, seals and leads us. May we always thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for His almighty power and saving grace. For He is our strength, and He alone is able to save us, forgive our sins and gift us eternal salvation and entry into His Kingdom of Heaven.
May we make sure that we give our hearts and lives to God and take time to seek and praise Him and share His Truth with the world daily. May the LORD our God and Father in Heaven help us to stay diligent and obedient and help us to guard our hearts in Him and His Holy Word daily. May He help us to remain faithful and full of excitement to do our duty to Him and for His glorious return and our reunion in Heaven as well as all that awaits us there. May we never forget to thank the LORD our God and our Creator and Father in Heaven for all this and everything He does and has done for us! May we never forget who He is, nor forget who we are in Christ and that God is always with us! What a mighty God we serve! What a Savior this is! What a wonderful LORD, God, Savior and King we have in Jesus Christ! What a loving Father we have found in Almighty God! What a wonderful God we serve! His will be done!
Thanks and glory be to God! Blessed be the name of the LORD! Hallelujah and Amen!
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catenaaurea · 2 years
The Roman Catechism
Part One: The Creed
Importance Of This Article
From what has been said in the preceding Article, the faithful can understand that in bringing us from the relentless tyranny of Satan into liberty, God has conferred a singular and surpassing blessing on the human race. But if we place before our eyes also the plan and means by which He deigned chiefly to accomplish this, then, indeed, we shall see that there is nothing more glorious or magnificent than this divine goodness and beneficence towards us.
"Who was Conceived”
The pastor, then, should enter on the exposition of this third Article by developing the grandeur of this mystery, which the Sacred Scriptures very frequently propose for our consideration as the principal source of our eternal salvation. Its meaning he should teach to be that we believe and confess that the same Jesus Christ, our only Lord, the Son of God, when He assumed human flesh for us in the womb of the Virgin, was not conceived like other men, from the seed of man, but in a manner transcending the order of nature, that is, by the power of the Holy Ghost; so that the same Person, remaining God as He was from eternity, became man, what He was not before.
That such is the meaning of the above words is clear from the Creed of the Holy Council of Constantinople, which says: Who for us men, and for our salvation,, came down from heaven, and became incarnate by the Holy Ghost of the Virgin Mary, and was made man. The same truth we also find unfolded by St. John the Evangelist, who imbibed from the bosom of the Lord and Savior Himself the knowledge of this most profound mystery. For when he had declared the nature of the Divine Word as follows: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God, he concluded: And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us.
The Word, which is a Person of the Divine Nature, assumed human nature in such a manner that there should be one and the same Person in both the divine and human natures. Hence this admirable union preserved the actions and properties of both natures; and as Pope St. Leo the Great said: The lowliness of the inferior nature was not consumed in the glory of the superior, nor did the assumption of the inferior lessen the glory of the superior.
"By the Holy Ghost"
As an explanation of the words in which this Article is expressed is not to be omitted, the pastor should teach that when we say that the Son of God was conceived by the power of the Holy Ghost, we do not mean that this Person alone of the Holy Trinity accomplished the mystery of the Incarnation. Although the Son only assumed human nature, yet all the Persons of the Trinity, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, were authors of this mystery.
It is a principle of Christian faith that whatever God does outside Himself in creation is common to the Three Persons, and that one neither does more than, nor acts without another. But that one emanates from another, this only cannot be common to all; for the Son is begotten of the Father only, and the Holy Ghost proceeds from the Father and the Son. Anything, however, which proceeds from them extrinsically is the work of the Three Persons without difference of any sort, and of this latter description is the Incarnation of the Son of God.
Of those things, nevertheless, that are common to all, the Sacred Scriptures-often attribute some to one person, some to another. Thus, to the Father they attribute power over all things ; to the Son, wisdom; to the Holy Ghost, love. Hence, as the mystery of the Incarnation manifests the singular and boundless love of God towards us, it is therefore in some sort peculiarly attributed to the Holy Ghost.
In The Incarnation Some Things Were Natural, Others Supernatural
In this mystery we perceive that some things were done which transcend the order of nature, some by the power of nature. Thus, in believing that the body of Christ was formed from the most pure blood of His Virgin Mother we acknowledge the operation of human nature, this being a law common to the formation of all human bodies, that they should be formed from the blood of the mother.
But what surpasses the order of nature and human comprehension is, that as soon as the Blessed Virgin assented to the announcement of the Angel in these words, Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it done unto me according to thy word, the most sacred body of Christ was immediately formed, and to it was united a rational soul enjoying the use of reason; and thus in the same instant of time He was perfect God and perfect man. That this was the astonishing and admirable work of the Holy Ghost cannot be doubted; for according to the order of nature the rational soul is united to the body only after a certain lapse of time.
Again -- and this should overwhelm us with astonishment -- as soon as the soul of Christ was united to His body, the Divinity became united to both; and thus at the same time His body was formed and animated, and the Divinity united to body and soul.
Hence, at the same instant He was perfect God and perfect man, and the most Holy Virgin, having at the same moment conceived God and man, is truly and properly called Mother of God and man. This the Angel signified to her when he said: Behold thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and shalt bring forth a son; and thou shalt call his name Jesus. He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Most High. The event verified the prophecy of Isaias: Behold a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son. Elizabeth also declared the same truth when" being filled with the Holy Ghost, she understood the Conception of the Son of God, and said: Whence is this to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?
As the body of Christ was formed of the pure blood of the immaculate Virgin without the aid of man, as we have already said, and by the sole operation of the Holy Ghost, so also, at the moment of His Conception, His soul was enriched with an overflowing fullness of the Spirit of God, and a superabundance of all graces. For God gave not to Him, as to others adorned with holiness and grace, His Spirit by measure, as St. John testifies but poured into His soul the plenitude of all graces so abundantly that of his fullness we all have received.
Although possessing that Spirit by which holy men attain the adoption of sons of God, He cannot, however, be called the adopted son of God; for since He is the Son of God by nature, the grace, or name of adoption, can on no account be deemed applicable to Him.
How To Profit By The Mystery Of The Incarnation
These truths comprise the substance of what appears to demand explanation regarding the admirable mystery of the Conception. To reap from them abundant fruit for salvation the faithful should particularly recall, and frequently reflect, that it is God who assumed human flesh; that the manner in which He became man exceeds our comprehension, not to say our powers of expression; and finally, that He vouchsafed to become man in order that we men might be born again as children of God. When to these subjects they shall have given mature consideration, let them, in the humility of faith, believe and adore all the mysteries contained in this Article, and not indulge a curious inquisitiveness by investigating and scrutinizing them -- an attempt scarcely ever unattended with danger.
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ancientcosmicsecrets · 5 months
Mystical Origins
Exploring the Parallels Between Jesus and Ancient Deities
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Jesus The Son Of God
Jesus was born on December 25 through immaculate conception, could turn water into wine, walk on water, was betrayed by one of his 12 followers, and then crucified, died, and subsequently resurrected three days later.
However, Biblical scholars controversially believe that these claims are directly stolen or heavily influenced by stories of other ancient deities. One of the most prominent claims that the story of Jesus is fake is when he is compared to the ancient Greek God Dionysus. Several other Gods have similar stories to Jesus, including claims that ancient Egypt’s Horus and Osiris heavily influenced the story of Christ, leading some to believe that Jesus was not a natural person. So what would the purpose of reinventing the myth of the Son of God coming to Earth be? One scholar claims it was a Roman hoax designed to control the people.
Biblical scholar Joseph Atwill wrote on his website: “Christianity may be considered a religion, but it was developed and used as a system of mind control to produce slaves that believed God decreed their slavery.” The scholar argues that at the time, Jewish sects in Palestine were awaiting a ‘warrior Messiah,’ which became an increasing problem after the Roman Empire failed to deal with the situation with traditional means. As a result, the rulers resorted to psychological warfare, which would appear to give the citizens what they wanted while ensuring they followed their rules. Mr Atwill added: “They surmised that the way to stop the spread of zealous Jewish missionary activity was to create a competing belief system.
“That’s when the ‘peaceful’ Messiah story was invented.”
Both went to their temples at age twelve, where they are said to have astonished all with their wisdom. Both supposedly fasted in solitude for a long time: Buddha for forty–seven days and Jesus for forty. Both wandered to a fig tree after their fasts. Both were about the same age when they began their public ministry.
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Both were tempted by the “devil” at the beginning of their ministry. To Buddha, he said: “Go not forth to adopt a religious life but return to your kingdom, and in seven days you shall become emperor of the world, riding over the four continents.” To Jesus, he said: “All these [kingdoms of the world] I will give you if you fall and worship me” (Matthew 4:9). Buddha answered the “devil”: “Get you away from me.” Jesus responded: “…begone, Satan!” (Matthew 4:10). Both strove to establish a kingdom of heaven on Earth. According to the Somadeva (a Buddhist holy book), a Buddhist ascetic’s eye once offended him, so he plucked it out and cast it away. Jesus said: “If your right eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and throw it away;” (Matthew 5:29).
According to Bhagavata Purana, some believe that Krishna was born without a sexual union, by “mental transmission” from the mind of Vasudeva into the womb of Devaki, his mother. Christ and Krishna were called both God and the Son of God. Both were sent from heaven to Earth in the form of a man. Both were called Savior and the second person of the Trinity. Krishna’s adoptive human father was also a carpenter. A spirit or ghost was their actual father. Krishna and Jesus were of royal descent. Both were visited at birth by wise men and shepherds, guided by a star. Angels, in both cases, issued a warning that the local dictator planned to kill the baby and had issued a decree for his assassination.
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The parents fled. Mary and Joseph stayed in Muturea; Krishna’s parents stayed in Mathura. Both Christ and Krishna withdrew to the wilderness as adults. Both claimed: “I am the Resurrection.” Both were “without sin.” Both were god-men, being considered both human and divine. Both performed many miracles, including the healing of disease. One of the first miracles that both performed was to make a leper whole. Each cured “all manner of diseases.” Both cast out indwelling demons and raised the dead. Both selected disciples to spread his teachings. Both were meek and merciful. Both were criticized for associating with sinners. Both celebrated a last supper. Both forgave their enemies. Both were crucified, and both were resurrected.
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Dionysus was born of a virgin on December 25 and, as the Holy Child, was placed in a manger. He was a traveling teacher who performed miracles. He “rode in a triumphal procession on an ass.” He was a sacred king killed and eaten in an eucharistic ritual for fecundity and purification. Dionysus rose from the dead on March 25. He was the God of the Vine and turned water into wine. He was called “King of Kings” and “God of Gods.” He was considered the “Only Begotten Son,” Savior,” “Redeemer,” “Sin Bearer,” Anointed One,” and the “Alpha and Omega.” He was identified with the Ram or Lamb. His sacrificial title of “Dendrites” or “Young Man of the Tree” intimates he was hung on a tree or crucified.
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In the middle of the 100s AD, along the south coast of the Black Sea, Glycon was the son of the God Apollo, who came to Earth through a miraculous birth. He was the Earthly manifestation of divinity, came to Earth in fulfillment of divine prophecy, gave his chief believer the power of prophecy, gave believers the power to speak in tongues, performed miracles, healed the sick, and raised the dead.
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Zoroaster was born of a virgin and “immaculate conception by a ray of divine reason.” He was baptized in a river. In his youth, he astounded wise men with his wisdom. He was tempted in the wilderness by the devil. He began his ministry at age 30. Zoroaster was baptized with water, fire, and “holy wind.” He cast out demons and restored the sight to a blind man. He taught about Heaven and Hell and revealed mysteries, including resurrection, judgment, salvation, and the apocalypse. He had a sacred cup or grail. He was slain. His religion had a eucharist. He was the “Word made flesh.” Zoroaster’s followers expected a “second coming” in the virgin-born Saoshynt or Savior, who would come in 2341 AD and begin his ministry at age 30, ushering in a golden age.
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Born of a virgin, Isis. He was the only begotten son of the God Osiris. Birth is heralded by the star Sirius, the morning star. Ancient Egyptians paraded a manger and child representing Horus through the streets during the winter solstice (about DEC-21). He had no birth date; he was not a human. Death threat during infancy: Herut tried to have Horus murdered. Handling the threat: The God That tells Horus’ mother, “Come, thou goddess Isis, hide thyself with thy child.” An angel tells Jesus’ father: “Arise and take the young child and his mother and flee into Egypt.” Break in life history: No data between the ages of 12 & 30. Age at baptism: 30. Subsequent fate of the baptiser: Beheaded. Walked on water, cast out demons, healed the sick, and restored sight to the blind. He was crucified, descended into Hell, and resurrected after three days.
Different Stories
This article examines the fascinating connections between the narrative of Jesus and various ancient deities like Buddha, Krishna, Dionysus, and Glycon. The story of Jesus may have been influenced by or drawn from these ancient myths. However, it is the contentious idea that Christianity could have been designed as a method of controlling the minds of its followers that truly ignites discussion. Additionally, the text highlights the similarities in the life events and teachings of these figures, encouraging readers to reflect on the origins and purpose of the story of Jesus.
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eli-kittim · 6 months
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Who is the False Prophet of Revelation?
Eli Kittim
Binary Patterns
The Bible often uses binary patterns by introducing two important figures who turn out to be one single individual. For example, a binary pattern can be seen in the Old Testament’s (OT) presentation of the two Messiahs in Judaism: one is a high priest, the other is an anointed king of the Davidic line (cf. Zech. 4:14). The two Messiahs can also be found in the Apocryphal literature, such as in the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs and the Damascus Covenant. However, in the New Testament (NT), these two Messiahs are morphed into one priestly/kingly figure: Jesus, the Son of God (cf. Heb. 4:14 and Mt. 2:1–2).
The same is true of the two witnesses in the NT. In order to understand the identity of the two witnesses in Rev. 11:3-12, we must first trace them back to the Hebrew Bible from which they emerge (Zech. 4:14). So when we trace the identity of the two witnesses back to the OT and the context in which they appear, we find that they represent the two Messiahs of Rabbinic Judaism. But these two figures later became coalesced, commingled into one, in the figure of Jesus Christ, who’s given the titles of king and high priest in the order of Melchizedek, who is also a king and priest (Heb. 7:13-17). Therefore, the two witnesses appear to represent the coming Messiah: Jesus Christ (cf. Mal. 4:5; Rev. 6:2)!
The Earth & the Sea
First Jn 5:6 uses the symbols of “water and blood” to represent the divinity and humanity of Jesus, thus indicating that he’s both God and man. The “water” symbolizes the divinity of Jesus, while the blood symbolizes his humanity. Thus, water symbolizes the spirit, while blood symbolizes the flesh.
Now let’s look at the serpent of Gen. 3, which is later identified as the devil or Satan, who is also known as “the great dragon.” Revelation 12:9 says that he will be incarnated on earth:
“And the great dragon was thrown down,
that ancient serpent, who is called the devil
and Satan, the deceiver of the whole
world—he was thrown down to the earth,
and his angels were thrown down with him.”
Isaiah 27:1 alludes to the “the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places” (Eph. 6:12) by portraying their ruler (i.e. the serpent/dragon) as residing “in the sea”:
“In that day the LORD with his hard and
great and strong sword will punish
Leviathan the fleeing serpent, Leviathan the
twisting serpent, and he will slay the dragon
that is in the sea.”
Just as 1 Jn 5:6 uses the symbols of “water and blood” to represent the spiritual and human domains, so the description of the two Beasts in Rev. 13—-one “rising out of the sea,” the other “out of the earth”——may be used in a similar fashion to describe the spiritual and earthly realms, respectively. In other words, the reference may be to a single individual who possesses two natures: a human & a spiritual one. Let’s not forget that in heaven, within the Throne Room of God, a sea is explicitly mentioned in Rev. 4:6 (cf. Gen. 1:7).
The Unholy Trinity
According to Rev. 13:4, the whole world “worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast” (i.e. the Antichrist). Yet notice that the second Beast (i.e. the False Prophet), who came out of the earth mimicked Christ because he “had two horns like a lamb … [but] spoke like a dragon” (Rev. 13:11). The point is that just as the two messiahs and the two witnesses represent one person, so the False prophet and the Antichrist may be one and the same person as well. The Book of Daniel doesn’t mention two Antichrists but rather one, namely, the “little horn” (Dan. 7:8; 8:9-12).
First Jn 4:1 associates false prophets with unclean spirits which have been unleashed in the world. Rev. 16:13 reads:
“And I saw, coming out of the mouth of the
dragon and out of the mouth of the beast
and out of the mouth of the false prophet,
three unclean spirits like frogs.”
The Dragon, the Beast, and the False prophet seemingly represent an unholy Trinity in which these three persons are one being, just like the Holy Trinity represents one being, not a plurality of beings. The Devil, the Beast, and the False prophet appear to be three manifestations or three modes that represent Satan, his spirit, and his incarnation.
False prophets in the OT
Surprisingly, we don’t find the phrase “false prophet” in the OT, but there are nevertheless references to many false prophets. The Septuagint (LXX) talks about the priests and the false prophets (ἱερεῖς καὶ ψευδοπροφῆται), and often links them together. The term ἱερεύς in this context refers to a priest, one who offers sacrifices to a god, an idol, or an evil spirit. So the LXX suggests that the false prophets are priestly insofar as they encourage the worship of idols (cf. Zech 13:2). Jeremiah 34:9-10 (LXX) associates false prophets with divination, enchantments, clairvoyance, dreams, sorceries, and with lies. Similarly, in the NT, false prophets are magicians, sorcerers, & illusionists (cf. Acts 13:6). This is reminiscent of 2 Thess. 2:9-11 in which the Antichrist “will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie.” Likewise, in the Hebrew Bible, the false prophets are prophesying lying wonders and working miracles (see Exod. 7:8-13; Jer. 6:13). In the NT, they even rise from the dead (Rev. 13:3) and perform “great signs, even making fire come down from heaven to earth” (Rev. 13:13) in order to deceive if possible even the elect (Mt. 24:24).
False Prophets in the NT
Both Mt. 7:15 & Mt. 24:11 warn that there will be many false prophets (ψευδοπροφῆται) who will deceive the world. Matthew 24:24 speaks of false Christs (ψευδόχριστοι) and false prophets who perform “great signs and wonders.” Second Pet. 2:1 associates false prophets with false teachers who secretly introduce destructive heresies, even those that deny Jesus’ lordship. Similarly, 1 Jn warns of deception and commands Christians to “test the spirits to see whether they are of God; for many false prophets have gone out into the world. … This is the spirit of antichrist” (1 Jn 4:1–3). Thus, false prophets have the spirit of Antichrist. The apostle Paul calls them “false apostles” (2 Cor. 11:13) and “false brothers” (Gal. 2:4).
The most notorious false prophet in the Bible is the one referenced in the Book of Revelation. In Rev. 19:20, the signs that the False prophet performs in the presence of the Antichrist may be analogous to the signs that Jesus performs in the presence of the Holy Spirit who anoints him with power (see Lk 4:18; Acts 10:38). In fact, the relationship between the False prophet and the Antichrist seems to be analogous to the relationship between the first and second person of the Trinity in which the Word is not only with God but the Word is God, meaning that the Word & God are one and the same (see Jn 1:1). Thus, the reference to the Devil, his son (the Antichrist), and the unclean spirit (personified in the figure of the False prophet) may signify an unholy trinity of three persons who nevertheless share one being (Rev. 16:13). Let’s not forget that the great dragon——“that ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan”——is thrown down to the earth and takes the form of a man, as mentioned in Rev. 12:9. And just as Jesus, who is God incarnate, is called a prophet in Mt. 21:11, so the dragon, or Satan incarnate, may be dubbed the False prophet in Rev. 16:13. Matthew 7:15 warns of false prophets who come in “sheep’s clothing,” but who are “ferocious wolves.” This is echoed in Rev. 13:11 where the second Beast (False prophet) looks like a lamb but speaks like a dragon.
Curiously enough, it’s the False prophet who works miracles, not the Antichrist. But if the Antichrist is far more important, and if the False prophet is subordinate to the Antichrist, surely the Antichrist must have more power than him. Yet, in the Bible, the opposite seems true, which doesn’t make any sense. That’s why it seems far more plausible that they are one and the same person, just like the two witnesses and the two OT messiahs are one and the same person. So, the reference to the two beasts from the earth and the sea may be an allusion to a single individual who possesses two natures: a human & a spiritual one. Notice also that the second beast is not mentioned until after the resurrection of the first beast, “whose mortal wound was healed” (Rev 13:12), “and has come to life” (Rev 13:14). In other words, the second beast may simply represent the first beast after his resurrection. Therefore, it seems far more plausible to assume that the False Prophet is the Antichrist, who is also known by many other titles, such as “the man of lawlessness,” “the son of destruction” (2 Thess. 2:3), and the "Little horn" (Daniel 7:8, 20; 8:9-12, 23-26)!
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To the banksters: • War is Profit • Death is Profit • Debt is Profit • Crisis is Profit
You see, they wound twisted ways to benefit from decay, like a parasite. They MUST CONTINUE TO GENERATE all this negativity in order for their system to run. It operates from fear and scarcity, from selsihness, control, and domination.
The assuage THEIR OWN FEARS, fear they might lose control, they must maintain the CONTINUITY of all the problems and suffering that gives them the paypacks to stay on top. To them evil is good when you can extract money from the process.
Thus they REQUIRE constant, crisis, war, suffering. Without it they crumble and starve. They cannot feed off of goodness: partnership, generosity, trust, service or unselfishness. They made a system that requises massive PAIN to keep on running, because their master is the satan, the king over affliction and bondage.
Jesus, the King of righteous. He is the only solution. Though it did its worst to traumatize and break him (misunderstanding, rejection, abandoment, torture, lies, conspiracies, etc). These are the things that break us humans even more than starvation of the body. But Jesus would not break. Where we are weak, Jesus is strong. And He wants to be our strength. He wants His strength IN and THROUGH us. And that is called a trust/faith relationship in His graciousness.
Jesus never gave in to fear or hating back. He did what we have all fallen short of doing. His identity came from His Father God, not any of these supposed authorities on the earth (the religious leaders, the political leaders, the peer pressure of family and society). He is our campion. His victory is FREELY SHARED with US. In fact he wants to share with us his riches in Glory. He alone is worthy of trust and devotion:
The most profound chapter in all the Bible: we are lavishly invited into the HOLY INTIMACY with the Trinity. Not as equals, but as beloved allies. John 17.
• Jesus asked the Father to return to Him the Glory he had in Heaven as God's only begotten Son. • Jesus asked the Father to share this exact glory with US, so that ALONG WITH US, we too could enter into, experience and appreciate and be uplifted/transformed by literal Divine Glory • Protected from the Evil One, Taken OUT of this word and brought up to heave to be UNITED with God. Looked upon with the same DIVINE LOVE that the Father looks upon perfect Jesus with.
The most amazing prayer ever: "that they (the believers / disciples) also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me. The glory that You (Father God) have given Me I have given to them, that they may be one even as we are one, 23 I in them and you in me, that they may become perfectly one, so that the world may know that you sent me and loved them even as you loved me." Jesus is WELL AWARE of the predatory systems, all about lies, about taking, about extraction of sour energy from woundedness. Jesus instead is all about taking us up to Glory IN Himself, WITH Himself. He wants to share it all.
Here's the whole chapter:: 17 When Jesus had spoken these words, he lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said, “Father, the hour has come; glorify your Son that the Son may glorify you, 2 since you have given him authority over all flesh, to give eternal life to all whom you have given him. 3 And this is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.
4 I glorified you on earth, having accomplished the work that you gave me to do. 5 And now, Father, glorify me in your own presence with the glory that I had with you before the world existed.
6 “I have manifested your name to the people whom you gave me out of the world. Yours they were, and you gave them to me, and they have kept your word. 7 Now they know that everything that you have given me is from you. 8 For I have given them the words that you gave me, and they have received them and have come to know in truth that I came from you; and they have believed that you sent me. 9 I am praying for them. I am not praying for the world but for those whom you have given me, for they are yours. 10 All mine are yours, and yours are mine, and I am glorified in them.
11 And I am no longer in the world, but they are in the world, and I am coming to you. Holy Father, keep them in your name, which you have given me, that they may be one, even as we are one. 12 While I was with them, I kept them in your name, which you have given me. I have guarded them, and not one of them has been lost except the son of destruction, that the Scripture might be fulfilled. 13 But now I am coming to you, and these things I speak in the world, that they may have my joy fulfilled in themselves.
14 I have given them your word, and the world has hated them because they are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. 15 I do not ask that you take them out of the world, but that you keep them from the evil one. 16 They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. 17 Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth. 18 As you sent me into the world, so I have sent them into the world. 19 And for their sake I consecrate myself, that they also may be sanctified in truth.
20 “I do not ask for these only, but also for those who will believe in me through their word, 21 that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me. 22 The glory that you have given me I have given to them, that they may be one even as we are one, 23 I in them and you in me, that they may become perfectly one, so that the world may know that you sent me and loved them even as you loved me. 24 Father, I desire that they also, whom you have given me, may be with me where I am, to see my glory that you have given me because you loved me before the foundation of the world. 25 O righteous Father, even though the world does not know you, I know you (knowing meaning that Jesus has directly experienced and is intimately familiar with Father God), and these know that you have sent me. 26 I made known to them your name, and I will continue to make it known, that the love with which you have loved me may be in them, and I in them.”
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harrelltut · 5 years
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卍 I Legendarily BEE So Underworld HELL Famous [UHF = HARRELL] as A Heavenly ARCHANGEL [HA = HARRELL] who iJEHOVAH® GOD Metaphysically INCARNATED [MI = MICHAEL] on Earth [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] as A HIGHLY Crucified Black Christ [B.C. = JESUS] who Liturgically + Apostolically [L.A.] Freestyle His HIGHLY PRAISED SCRIPTURES of HOLY SPIRIT ILLUMINATION as Nubian Archangel [NA = NĀGA] SATAN who Biblically BEE Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] on Earth [JE = JESUS] 卍
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esther-pentecostal · 3 years
 60 Questions on the Godhead 
Is the word trinity in the Bible?  No.
Does the Bible say that there are three persons in the Godhead?  No.
Does the Bible speak of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost?  Yes.
Do these titles as used in Matthew 28:19 mean that there are three separate and distinct persons in the Godhead?  No, they refer to three offices, roles, or relationship to humanity.
Does the Bible use the word three in reference to God?  Only one verse in the entire Bible does so - 1 John 5:7.  It speaks of the Father, the Word (instead of Son), and the Holy Ghost, and it concludes by saying, "These three are one."
Does the Bible use the word one in reference to God?  Yes, many times.  For example, see Zechariah 14:9; Malachi 2:10; Matthew 23:9; Mark 12:29, 32; John 8:41; 10:30; Romans 3:30; 1 Corinthians 8:4; Galatians 3:20; 1 Timothy 2:5; James 2:19.
Can the mystery of the Godhead be understood?  Yes.  Romans 1;20; Colossians 2:9; 1 Timothy 3:16.
Has the Christian only one Heavenly Father?  Yes.  Matthew 23:9.
Then why did Jesus say to Philip, "He that hath seen me hath seen the Father" (John 14:9)?  Because Jesus is the express image of God's person.  Hebrews 1:3.  The Greek word for person in this verse literally means "substance."
Does the Bible say that there are two persons in the Godhead?  No.
Does the Bible say that all the Godhead is revealed in one person?  Yes, in Jesus Christ.  2 Corinthians 4:4; Colossians 1:19; 2:9; Hebrews 1:3.
Is the mystery of the Deity hidden from some people?  Yes.  Luke 10:21-22.
Who is the Father?  The Father is the one God, particularly as revealed in parental relationship to humanity.  Deuteronomy 32:6; Malachi 2:10.
Where was God the Father while Jesus was on the earth?  The Father was in Christ.  John 14:10; 2 Corinthians 5:19.  He was also in heaven, for God is omnipresent.
Did the prophet Isaiah say that Jesus would be the Father?  Yes, Isaiah 9:6; 63:16.
When God said, "Let us make man in our image" (Genesis 1:26), was he speaking to another person in the Godhead?  No.  Isaiah 44:24; Malachi 2:10.
How many of God's qualities were in Christ?  All.  Colossians 2:9.
How may we see the God who sent Jesus into the world?  By seeing Jesus.  John 12:44-45; 14:9.
Does the Bible say that Jesus is the Almighty?  Yes.  Revelation 1:8.
Whom do some designate as the first person in the trinity?  God the Father.
Whom do some designate as the last person in the trinity?  The Holy Ghost.  But Jesus said that He was the first and the last.  Revelation 1:17-18.
How many persons did John see sitting on the throne in heaven?  One.  Revelation 4:2.
If Jesus is the first and the last, why did God say in Isaiah 44:6 that He was the first and the last?  Because Jesus is the God of the Old Testament incarnate.
Did Jesus tell satan that God alone should be worshipped?  Yes.  Matthew 4:10.
Does the devil believe in more than one God?  No.  James 2:19.
Does the Bible say that God, who is the Word, was made flesh?  Yes.  John 1:1, 14.
For what purpose was God manifested in the flesh?  To save sinners.  Hebrews 2:9, 14.
Was Jesus God manifested in the flesh?  Yes, 1 Timothy 3:16.
Could Jesus have been on earth and in heaven at the same time?  Yes, John 3:13.
Does the Bible say that there is but one Lord?  Yes, Isaiah 45:18; Ephesians 4:5.
Does the Bible say that Christ is the Lord?  Yes.  Luke 2:11.
Does the Bible say that the Lord is God?  Yes.  1 Kings 18:39; Zechariah 14:5; Acts 2:39; Revelation 19:1.
How could the church belong to Jesus (Matthew 16:18) and yet be the church of God (1 Corinthians 10:32)?  Because Jesus is God in the flesh.
Will God give His glory to another?  No, Isaiah 42:8.
Was there a God formed before Jehovah, or will there be one formed after?  No.  Isaiah 43:10.
What is one thing that God does not know?  Another God.  Isaiah 44:8.
What is one thing that God cannot do?  Lie.  Titus 1:2.
How many Gods should we know?  Only one.  Hosea 13:4.
How many names has the Lord?  One.  Zechariah 14:9.
Is it good to think upon the name of the Lord?  Yes.  Malachi 3:16.
Does the Bible say that God alone treads upon the waves of the sea?  Yes.  Job 9:8.
Why, then, was Jesus able to walk upon the Sea of Galilee (Matthew 14:25)?  Because He is God the Creator.  Colossians 1:16.
Is God the only one who can forgive sin?  Yes.  Isaiah 43:25; Mark 2:7.
Why, then, could Jesus forgive sin in Mark 2:5-11?  Because He is God the Saviour.
Is Jesus the true God?  Yes.  1 John 5:20.
If God and the Holy Ghost are two separate persons, which was the Father of Christ?  Matthew 1:20 says that the Holy Ghost was the Father, while Romans 15:6, 2 Corinthians 11:31, and Ephesians 1:3 say that God was the Father.  There is no contradiction when we realise that God the Father and the Holy Ghost are one and the same Spirit.  Matthew 10:20; Ephesians 4:4; 1 Corinthians 3:16.
When Paul asked the Lord who He was, what was the answer?  "I am Jesus."  Acts 9:5.
While Stephen was dying, did he call God Jesus?  Yes.  Acts 7:59.
Did Thomas ever call Jesus God?  Yes.  John 20:28.
How could Jesus be the Saviour, when God the Father said in Isaiah 43:11, "Beside me there is no saviour"?  Because "God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto Himself" 2 Corinthians 5:19.
Does the Bible say that Jesus was God with us?  Yes.  Matthew 1:23.
Did Jesus ever say, "I and my Father are one"?  Yes.  John 10:30.
Can it be proved scripturally that Jesus and the Father are one in the same sense that husband and wife are one?  No.  The Godhead was never compared to the relationship of a husband and wife.  Jesus identified Himself with the Father in a way that husband and wife cannot be identified with each other.  John 14:9-11.
Does the Bible say that there is only one wise God?  Yes.  Jude 25.
Does the Bible call the Holy Ghost a second or third person in the Godhead?  No.  The Holy Ghost is the one Spirit of God, the one God Himself at work in our lives.  John 4:24; 1 Corinthians 3:16-17; 6:19; 12:13.
Can trinitarians show that three divine persons were present when Jesus was baptised by John?  Absolutely not.  The one, omnipresent God used three simultaneous manifestations.  Only one divine person was present - Jesus Christ the Lord.
Then what were the other two of whom trinitarians speak?  One was a voice from heaven; the other was the Spirit of God in the form of a dove.  Matthew 3:16-17.
What did the voice say at Jesus' baptism?  "Thou art my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased" Mark 1:11.  AS the Son of God, Jesus was the one God incarnate.
Does the Bible say that God shed His blood and that God laid down His life for us?  Yes.  Acts 20:28; 1 John 3:16.  God was able to do this because He had taken upon Himself a human body.
The Bible says that God is coming back with all His saints (Zechariah 14:5) and also that Jesus is coming back with all His saints (1 Thessalonians 3:13).  Are two coming back?  No.  Only one is coming back - our great God and Saviour, Jesus Christ.  Titus 2:13.
© 1969, 2008 Word Aflame Press
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Tract #8980
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tinyshe · 3 years
A Collection of Prayers for Perpetual Adoration
From Various Sources
Angel's Prayer At Fatima
"Most Holy Trinity; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit -- I adore  Thee profoundly. I offer Thee the most precious body, blood, soul  and divinity of Jesus Christ, present in all the tabernacles of the  world, in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges, and indifferences  whereby He is offended. And through the infinite merits of His Most  Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart Of Mary, I beg of Thee the  conversion of poor sinners."  
Blessed Sacrament Chaplet
BLESSED SACRAMENT BEADS  These consist of a medal of the Blessed Sacrament and thirty-three  beads, recalling the thirty-three years of Christ's life on earth.  
On the medal one makes a spiritual communion as follows:  
As I cannot now receive Thee, my Jesus, in Holy Communion, come  spiritually into my heart and make it Thine own forever  
On each bead say:  
Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, have mercy on us!  
(Source: "My Treasury of Chaplets" by Patricial S. Quintiliani)    
A Short Visit to the Blessed Sacrament Before Meditation
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.  
I place myself in the presence of Him, in whose Incarnate Presence I am before.    I place myself there.
I adore Thee, O my Saviour, present here as God and man, in soul and body,    in true flesh and blood.
I acknowledge and confess that I kneel before that Sacred Humanity, which    was conceived in Mary’s womb and lay in Mary’s bosom; which grew up to man’s    estate, and by the Sea of Galilee called the Twelve, wrought miracles, and    spoke words of wisdom and peace; which in due season hung on the cross, lay    in the tomb, rose from the dead, and now reigns in heaven.
I praise, and bless, and give myself wholly to Him, Who is the true Bread    of my soul, and my everlasting joy.
(by John Henry Newman)    
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel - Morning Offering of Reparation
O Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary,  (here kiss your Brown scapular) and in union  with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass being offered  throughout the world, I offer You all my prayers,  works, joys and sufferings of this day in  reparation for the offenses committed against  the Immaculate Heart of Mary, for my sins and  the sins of the whole world.    
Chaplet of The Divine Mercy
Say it on the Rosary beads.  
Sign of the Cross    1 Our Father    1 Hail Mary    1 Apostles' Creed  
On large beads:  
"Eternal Father we offer you the body and blood, soul and divinity, of your dearly    beloved son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, in atonement for our sins and those of the whole    world."  
On the small beads:  
V: "For the sake of His sorrowful passion"    R: "Have mercy on us and on the whole world"  
End with (repeat three times):  
"Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One, have mercy on us and on the whole    world"  
(Source: St. Faustina was given this by our Lord. )    
Sanctity of Life
My God, we adore You here in the Blessed Sacrament.  As we kneel before You, we recognize You as the Creator of all  Life. We thank You and praise You for the lives you have given to  us and to those we love. Give us a true and lasting respect for all  life, for we recognize it as coming from You. We pray for all who  have suffered or died as a result of disrespect whether that  suffering and death has come as a result of abuse, war, gossip,  or abortion. We pray for an end for all disrespect of life. As we  kneel before You we ask You to forgive all those who do not respect  the sanctity of life. We repeat the words you spoke as you hung  on the cross, 'Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.'    
Stay with us
"Stay with us today, and stay from now on, every day, according  to the desire of my heart, which accepts the appeal of so many hearts  from various parts, sometimes far away... Stay that we may meet You in  prayers of adoration and thanksgiving, in prayers of expiation and  petition to which all those who visit this basilica are invited...  May the unworthy successor of Peter and all those who take part in the  adoration of Your Eucharistic Presence attest with every visit and make  ring out again the truth contained in the Apostle's words: 'Lord, you  know everything. You know that I love you.' Amen".  
(Source: On December 2, 1981 Pope John Paul II inaugurated perpetual  adoration in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel of St. Peter's Basilica with a Mass.  At the end of the Mass following exposition of the Blessed Sacrament he prayed,  in part: (see above) (L'Osservatore Romano, Dec. 14, 1981))      
Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
* Adorable Heart of Jesus, the tenderest, the most  amiable, the most generous of all hearts, penetrated with  gratitude at the sight of Thy benefits, I come to consecrate  myself wholly and unreservedly to Thee! I wish to devote all  my energies to propagating Thy worship and winning, if  possible, all hearts to Thee. Receive my heart this day, O  Jesus!  
Or rather take it, change it, purify it, to render it  worthy of Thee; Make it humble, gentle, patient, faithful and  generous like Thine, by inflaming it with the fire of Thy  love. Hide it in Thy Divine Heart with all hearts that love  Thee and are consecrated to Thee; never permit me to take my  heart from Thee again. Let me rather die than grieve Thy  Adorable Heart. Thou knowest O Heart of Jesus, that the  desire of my heart is to love Thee always, to be wholly Thine  in life and in death, in time and eternity. Most Sacred  Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us. Sacred Heart of Jesus, I  trust in Thee.    
Hail to Thee, True Body
(A Prayer to our Eucharistic Lord)  
Hail to thee, true body born  From Virgin Mary's womb!  The same that on the cross was nailed  And bore for man the bitter doom.  
Thou, whose side was pierced and flowed  Both with water and with blood;  Suffer us to taste of thee,  In our life's last agony.  
O kind, O loving one!  O sweet Jesus, Mary's Son!    
Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
* I, (name), a faithless sinner, renew and ratify today  in Thy hands, O Immaculate Mother, the vows of my baptism; I  renounce Satan, his pomps and works; and I give myself  entirely to Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Wisdom, to carry my  cross after Him all the days of my life, and to be more  faithful to Him than I have ever been before.  
In the presence of all the Heavenly court I choose thee  this day for my Mother and Mistress. I deliver and  consecrate to thee, as Thy slave, my body and soul, my goods,  both interior and exterior, and even the value of all my  good actions, past, present and future; leaving to thee the  entire and full right of disposing of me, and all that belongs  to me, without exception, according to Thy good pleasure,  for the greater glory of God, in time and in eternity. Amen.    
Prayer to the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus
Heart of Jesus in the Eucharist,  I adore You.  Sweet Companion of our exile,  I seek You.  Holy God become man,  I beat with Your Heart.  
Eucharistic Heart of Jesus,  solitary, abandoned,  humiliated, cursed,  despised, outraged,  ignored by men,  have mercy on us.  Lover of our hearts,  pleading for Your beloved,  patiently waiting for us,  eager to hear our confidences,  desirous of our devotion,  have mercy on us.  Heart of grace,  silent and wishing to speak,  Refuge of the hidden life,  Sharer of the secrets of union with God,  Eucharistic Heart of Jesus,  have mercy on us.  
Jesus, Victim, I want to comfort You.  I unite myself with You.  I offer myself in union with You.  I count myself as nothing before You.  I desire to forget myself and think only of You,  to be forgotten and rejected for love of You,  not to be understood, not to be loved, except by You.  I will hold my peace that I may listen to You.  I will forsake myself in order to be lost in You.  Grant that I may quench Your thirst for my salvation,  Your burning thirst for my sanctification,  and that, being purged, I may give You a true and pure love.  I no longer want to deny Your expectations.  Take me. I give myself to You.  I entrust to You all my actions and thoughts -- my mind, that You may enlighten it,  my heart, that You may fill it,  my will, that You may establish it,  my soul and body, that You may feed and sustain them.  Eucharistic Heart of Jesus,  Whose Blood is the life of my soul,  may it no longer be I who live,  but You alone Who lives in me.    
Prayer for the Spread of Perpetual Adoration
Heavenly Father, increase our faith in the Real Presence of Your Son Jesus Christ in  the Holy Eucharist.  We are obliged to adore Him, to give Him thanks and to make reparation for sins.  We need your peace in our hearts and among nations.  We need conversion from our sins and the mercy of Your forgiveness.  May we obtain this through prayer and our union with the Eucharistic Lord.  Please send down the Holy Spirit upon all peoples to give them the love, courage, strength  and willingness to respond to the invitation to Eucharistic Adoration.  We beseech You to spread Perpetual Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament in parishes  around the world.  We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord.  Amen  
Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament  Help us to spread the glory of Your Son through Perpetual Adoration.
Pope John Paul II Eucharistic Adoration    Phone: 708-728-0840
At the Feet of Christ in the Eucharist
O Jesus, Divine Prisoner of Love, when I consider Your love and how You emptied  Yourself for me, my senses deaden. You hide Your inconceivable majesty and lower Yourself  to miserable me. O king of Glory, though You hide Your beauty, yet the eye of my soul  rends the veil. I see the angelic choirs giving You honor without cease, and all the  heavenly Powers praising You without cease, and without cease they are saying: Holy, Holy,  Holy.  
Oh, who will comprehend Your love and Your unfathomable mercy toward us! O Prisoner of  Love, I love up my poor heart in this tabernacle that it may adore You without cease night  and day. I know of no obstacle in this adoration: and even though I be physically distant,  my heart is always with You. Nothing can put a stop to my love for You. No obstacles exist  for me...  
O Holy Trinity, One and Indivisible God, may You be blessed for this great gift and  testament of mercy. Amen.  
I adore You, Lord and Creator, hidden in the Most Blessed Sacrament. I adore You for  all the works of Your hands, that reveal to me so much wisdom, goodness and mercy, O Lord.  You have spread so much beauty over the earth and it tells me about Your beauty, even  though these beautiful things are but a faint reflection of You, incomprehensible Beauty.  And although You have hidden Yourself and concealed your beauty, my eye, enlightened by  faith, reaches You and my souls recognizes its Creator, its Highest Good, and my heart is  completely immersed in prayer of adoration.  
My Lord and Creator, Your goodness encourages me to converse with You. Your mercy  abolishes the chasm which separates the Creator from the creature. To converse with You, O  Lord, is the delight of my heart. In You I find everything that my heart could desire.  Here Your light illumines my mind, enabling it to know You more and more deeply. Here  streams of grace flow down upon my heart. Here my soul draws eternal life. O my Lord and  Creator, You alone, beyond all these gifts, give Your own self to me and unite Yourself  intimately with Your miserable creature.  
O Christ, let my greatest delight be to see You loved and Your praise and glory  proclaimed, especially the honor of Your mercy. O Christ, let me glorify Your goodness and  mercy to the last moment of my life, with every drop of my blood and every beat of my  heart. Would that I be transformed into a hymn of adoration of You. When I find myself on  my deathbed, may the last beat of my heart be a loving hymn glorifying Your unfathomable  mercy. Amen.  
(by St. Faustina)
Lauda Sion
By St. Thomas Aquinas      
     Laud, O Sion, thy Salvation      Laud in songs of exultation      this thy Shepherd and thy King:      All thy might in triumph raising      Praise Him Who surpasses praising      Far beyond thine honouring.      
Be our theme of high thanksgiving      Living Bread and source of living      Set to-day before us here:-      Broken at that Supper blessed,      As by every mouth confessed,      For the brethren gathered there.      
Laud be lifted, sweet and sounding,      Ringing from an heart abounding,      Rising into jubilee!      Laud in duteous celebration      Of this Table's consecration      For such high solemnity.      
Lo, the King His Law revises;      Newer truth from elder rises,      Newer Law and Paschal rite.      Ancient truths their room surrender,      Glows the twilight into splendour,      Darkness vanishes to light.      
That He wrought at supper lying      In remembrance of His dying      Christ hath bid His Church renew;      We the ordinance obeying,      Earthly bread and wine displaying,      Consecrate the Victim due.      
Now the sacred truth receiving      We,- the Bread His Flesh believing      and the Wine His Blood to be,      What tho' eye and mind be failing,      Nature's order countervailing -      Grasp by faith the mystery.      
Under diverse kinds concealed      While to sense yet unrevealed      Lies a wonder all-divine.      Flesh and Blood hath each its token      Yet abides there Christ unbroken      Hidden under either sign.      
Perfect to the priest who breaks It,      Perfect in the hand who takes It,      Christ is undivided there.      One or thousands may receive Him      Yet true hearts in truth believe Him      Unconsumed everywhere.      
Good and bad alike partaking      Each, by diverse lot, is making      One to woe and one to weal,      Each from each is set asunder:      Mark the word of grace and wonder -      One to hurt and one to heal.      
Thus the Lord His Presence hiding      Dwells in many parts abiding, -      Every soul in Him confiding      Doubts not that the Whole is there.      He the One remaineth ever      Under every part: for never      Aught can Christ from Christ dissever,      still abiding everywhere.      
The Bread of Angels, lo! is sent      For weary pilgrims' nourishment;      The children's Bread, not to be spent      On worthless dogs profane;      In types significant portrayed,      Young Isaac on the altar laid,      And paschal offerings duly made,      And manna's fruitful rain.      
O Thou good Shepherd, Very Bread,      Jesu, on us Thy mercy shed;      Sweetly feed us,      Gently lead us,      Till of Thy Fullness us Thou give      Safe in the Land of those that live.      Thou who can'st all, and all dost know      Thou who dost feed us here below,      Grant us here to share      Thy banquet there,      Co-heirs and partners of Thy love      With the blest citizens above.      
"Do grant, oh my God,  that when my lips approach Yours to kiss You,  I may taste the gall that was given to You;  when my shoulders lean against Yours,  make me feel Your scourging;  when my flesh is united with Yours, in the Holy Eucharist,  make me feel Your passion;  when my head comes near Yours,  make me feel Your thorns;  when my heart is close to Yours,  make me feel Your spear."  
-St. Gemma Galgani
Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament  
O Virgin Mary, Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament, the glory of Christians, the joy  of the universal Church, and the hope of the world, pray for us. Kindle in all the  faithful a lively devotion to the most Holy Eucharist, so that they may all be made worthy  to receive Holy Communion every day.  
V. Pray for us, O Virgin Immaculate, our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament.  R. That the Eucharistic Kingdom of Jesus Christ may come among us!
Totus tuos  Totally yours,  Immaculate Conception, Mary my Mother,  Live in me,  Act in me,  Speak in me and through me,  Think your thoughts in my mind,  Love through my heart,  Give me your dispositions and feelings,  Teach, lead me and guide me to Jesus,  Correct, enlighten and expand my thoughts and behavior,  Posses my soul,  Take over my entire personality and life, replace it with Yourself,  Incline me to constant adoration,  Pray in me and through me,  Let me live in you and keep me in this union always.  
- The Holy Father  
   Hail full of grace!
Hail full of grace!  With every virtue was the Virgin adorned who as a lamp carried the unquenchable Light more  splendid than the sun.  Hail, full of grace, golden urn containing the heavenly Manna!  Hail, full of grace, quenching the thirst of men with the fresh water of the eternal  fountain!  Hail, full of grace, spiritual ocean in whom was found the heavenly pearl, even Christ!  Hail, full of grace, glorious heaven containing the God whom the heavens cannot contain!  Hail, full of grace, excelling the cherubic throne of godly splendor!  Hail, full of grace, pillar of light containing God who leads His people through the  desert!  
You are blessed, O holy Virgin Mary, and most worthy of all praise, since from you has  risen the Sun of justice, Christ our God.  
V. In your glory and your splendor.  R. Go forth, advance with victory and reign. 
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lawrenceop · 4 years
HOMILY for the 5th Sunday per annum (B)
Job 7:1-4,6-7; Ps 146; 1 Corinthians 9:16-19,22-23; Mark 1:29-39
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Both the prophet Job and St Paul write about having had conversations with God but how different is their approach to suffering and to their lot in life – why? 
Job has had every calamity and sorrow befall him – he has swiftly lost his wife and daughters, his friends, his fortune and servants, his future earnings, and finally his physical health. Job, therefore, speaks for us, voicing the existential angst that besets us human beings as we’re confronted by the limits of our frail mortality. So, from the depths of his misery and pain, he cries out as we have just heard in today’s first reading: “Is not man’s life on earth nothing more than pressed service, his time no better than hired drudgery?” (7:1) There is, in this passage from the long book of Job, which is worth reading in its entirety, a sense of hopelessness and unremitting anguish. Hence, he exclaims: “my days have passed, and vanished, leaving no hope behind.” (7:6) 
As Job continues in this vein, debating and dialoguing with his companions about the meaning of life, thirty-one chapters later, we’re told: “Then the Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind”. (38:1) God’s answer unfolds over four chapters, but it basically reminds Job of God’s wisdom and providence as Creator, as the one who holds all being in existence, and so, it is an invitation to trust in God’s purposes; that man, and even his suffering, has a purpose. Job, with tremendous humility, relents, and he says: “I have uttered what I did not understand, things too wonderful for me, which I did not know… therefore I despise myself, and repent in dust and ashes.” (42:3b, 6)
After this, God restores Job’s lot in life, and he receives twice as much as he had before the calamities befall him, so all’s well that ends well because he had great trust in God. And so the moral of Job’s life is that we should hold fast and trust in God no matter what comes. However, somehow, this is not all that satisfying. Because, if he’s lost it all once, it can happen again. The resolution is a somewhat naturalistic but worldly happiness of fame, fortune, and long life, but all these human goods are somewhat fragile and can be lost, so there we’re just called to trust that God’s will is being done. All this is a good moral lesson, of course, but I believe there is something more, something true and certain and firm that offers humanity genuine hope where Job has lost hope. 
St Paul, on the other hand, has also had his extraordinary share of human misery. As he writes, he’s endured “far greater labours, far more imprisonments, with countless beatings, and often near death.” (2 Cor 11:23b) He’s been flagellated, beaten, stoned, and shipwrecked several times, and has been in “danger from rivers, danger from robbers, danger from my own people, danger from Gentiles, danger in the city, danger in the wilderness, danger at sea, danger from false brethren; in toil and hardship, through many a sleepless night, in hunger and thirst, often without food, in cold and exposure.” (2 Cor 11:26-27) 
And yet, he never cries out or complains in the way that Job does; he is never robbed of his hope. On the contrary, he is extremely driven in his mission of preaching the Gospel. As we hear in today’s second reading, St Paul says: “it is a duty which has been laid on me; I should be punished if I did not preach it!… Do you know what my reward is? It is this: in my preaching, to be able to offer the Good News free… I still do this, for the sake of the gospel, to have a share in its blessings.” (1 Cor 9:16, 18, 23)
The difference between Job’s and St Paul’s outlook is rooted in the good news, the Gospel, that was given to St Paul when God spoke with him. So, on the road to Damascus, Paul was blinded by a bright light from heaven, and then he heard the voice of God; Paul encounters the Risen Lord Jesus who says to him: “Rise and stand upon your feet; for I have appeared to you for this purpose, to appoint you to serve and bear witness” to the whole world so that people may “turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.” (Acts 26:16, 18) This, of course, is the essence of what we shall do right after this Homily today, as we baptise one of our young parishioners: we’re turning him from darkness to light; we’re making a public proclamation as a Christian community of our fundamental hope; and we’re setting this child on the road to holiness through faith in God, that is, through friendship with Jesus Christ. For this is, in essence, what it means to become a Christian and this is what baptism entails. 
So, the reason why St Paul has hope and possesses a deep abiding joy, over and above the normal earthly happiness of Job, is because he has faith in the Risen Lord Jesus whom he has known intimately. So, Paul believes and hopes to be raised from the dead with Christ, and thus of having the final word, with Jesus, over all the sorrows and pains that life can throw at us. And he has the hope of eternal life in friendship with God the Blessed Trinity, finally victorious, with Christ, over sin and sickness and death. Hence he says: “To this day I have had the help that comes from God, and so I stand here testifying both to small and great, saying nothing but what the prophets and Moses said would come to pass: that the Christ must suffer, and that, by being the first to rise from the dead, he would proclaim light both to the people and to the Gentiles.” (Acts 26:22-23)
St Paul’s response to human suffering and the misery of our current mortal condition, therefore, is that we suffer with Christ whose grace helps us to endure all things, and so, with faith in Christ the Risen Lord, we have the hope of rising also from the dead, and so, of transcending all our current sadness and pain. This is the good news, the Gospel, that St Paul preaches, and that Christians and missionaries and the Church down the ages have spared no pain in preaching. Why? Because it is the light, the hope, that we have always needed in the sorrow and darkness of our human existences. For without the light of the resurrection, then, we have only the cry of Job: “Remember that my life is but a breath, and that my eyes will never again see joy.” (7:7) 
But, that is not our cry as Christians. All of us, having died with Christ in Baptism, now share the hope and promise of the resurrection and the joy of eternal life with Christ. Hence, our psalm response is “Praise the Lord who heals the broken-hearted.” For the Lord God knows that we are broken by sin, broken by sickness, broken by death and all the sorrows of this life. So he comes to heal us, but his healing is not a mere temporary restoration like the restoration of Job’s earthly fortunes. No, God heals us by strengthening our humanity, and making us fit for something greater and more lasting than this life: God in Christ comes to raise us up, through grace, to share in divine life, in the life of God himself.
So we get a hint of this in the Gospel today: Christ heals Simon’s mother-in-law, but St Mark doesn’t say this directly. Rather, he says (and I am rendering the Greek text more literally than the translation we’ve just heard): “He went to her, took her by the hand, and raised her up. And the fever left her and she began to serve them.” (Mk 1:31) The Greek word translated as “he raised her up” is the same word used over and over again in the Gospels when Jesus refers to his own resurrection, his being raised up from the dead. So, Christ promises in today’s Gospel account that we shall also, at last, be raised up from our final sickness, which is death, so that we can serve, meaning that we shall become like Jesus Christ himself who came to serve humanity by giving his life for all men and women. Hence the Lord says: “the Son of man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” (Mk 10:45)
This, my friends, is the source of our hope as Christians. This is why we need not despair, even when things fall apart in this life. Because, like Job, we can and should trust in God’s wisdom and providence. But, more importantly, like St Paul we place our faith and hope in the Risen Lord Jesus, whose love never fails. Thus St Paul also cries out, not in desperation but with great hope: “I am sure that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” 
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orthodoxydaily · 3 years
Saints&Reading: Wed., May, 19, 2021
May 6/May19
Saint Job the Righteous
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     Saint Job the Righteous lived about 2000-1500 years before the Birth of Christ, in Northern Arabia, in the country of Austidia in the land of Uz. His life and sufferings are recorded in the Bible (Book of Job). There exists an opinion, that Job was by descent a nephew of Abraham, and that he was the son of a brother of Abraham – Nakhor. Job was a man God-fearing and pious. With all his soul he was devoted to the Lord God and in everything conducted himself in accord with God's will, refraining from everything evil not only in deeds, but also in thoughts. The Lord blessed his earthly existence and rewarded Righteous Job with great wealth: he had many cattle and all kinds of possessions. Righteous Job's seven sons and three daughters were amiable amongst themselves and gathered for common repast all together in turns at each of their homes. Every seven days Righteous Job made for his children offerings to God, saying: "If perchance any of them hath sinned or offended God in their heart". For his justness and honesty Saint Job was held in high esteem by his fellow citizens and he had great influence in public matters.
     One time however, when the Holy Angels did stand before the Throne of God, Satan appeared amongst them. The Lord God asked Satan, whether he had seen His servant Job, a man righteous and without blemish. Satan answered audaciously, that it was not for nothing that Job was God-fearing – since God was watching over him and multiplying his riches, but if misfortune were sent him, he would then cease to bless God. Then the Lord, wishing to prove Job's patience and faith, said to Satan: "Everything, that Job hath, I give into thine hand, but only he himself touch not". After this Job suddenly lost all his wealth, and then also all his children. Righteous Job turned to God and said: "Naked did I emerge from the womb of my mother, and naked shalt I be returned to my mother the earth. The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away. Blest be the Name of the Lord!" And thus did Job not sin before the Lord God, nor utter even an unthinking word.      When the Angels of God again did stand before the Lord and amongst them Satan also, then said the devil, that Job was righteous, since that he himself was without harm. Thereupon declared the Lord: "I permit thee to do with him, what thou wishest, sparing only his soul". After this Satan inflicted upon Righteous Job an horrid illness, leprous boils, which covered him head to foot. The sufferer was compelled to remove himself from the company of people, he sat outside the city on an heap of ashes and had to scrape at his pussing wounds with an shard of clay. All his friends and acquaintances abandoned him. His wife had to see after her own welfare, toiling and roaming from house to house. She not only did not support her husband with patience, but rather she thought, that God was punishing Job for some kind of secret sins, and she wept, and wailed against God, she reproached also her husband and finally advised Righteous Job to curse God and die. Righteous Job sorrowed grievously, but even in these sufferings he remained faithful to God. He answered his wife: "Thou speakest, like someone hysterical. Shalt we have from God only the good, and have nothing bad?" And Righteous Job did sin in nothing before God.      Hearing about the misfortunes of Job, three of his friends came afar off to comfort his sorrow. They reckoned, that Job was being punished by God for his sins, and they urged this righteous man though innocent to repent. The righteous one answered, that he was suffering not for sins, but that these tribulations were sent him from the Lord in accord with the Divine Will, which is inscrutable for man. His friends however did not believe him and they continued to think that the Lord was dealing with Job in accord with the laws obtaining under human standards, thus punishing Job for the committing of sins. In begrieved sorrow of soul Righteous Job turned with a prayer to God, beseeching Him Himself to bear witness before them of his innocence. God thereupon manifested Himself in a tempestuous whirlwind and reproached Job, in that he had tried to penetrate by his reason into the mystery of the world-order and the judgemental-purposes of God. The Righteous Job with all his heart repented himself in these thoughts and said: "I am as nothing, and I foreswear and repent myself in dust and ashes". The Lord thereupon commanded the friends of Job to have recourse to him in asking him to offer sacrifice for them. "Since, – said the Lord, – only the person Job do I accept it of, lest I spurn ye for this, that ye did speak concerning Me not thus rightly, as hath instead My servant Job". Job offered sacrifice to God for his friends, and the Lord accepted his intercession, and the Lord likewise returned to Righteous Job his health and gave him twice over more than he had previously. In place of his deceased children was born to him seven sons and three daughters, more beautiful than any other in that land. After bearing his sufferings, Job lived yet another 140 years (altogether he lived 248 years) and he lived to see his descendants down to the fourth generation.      Saint Job prefigures the Lord Jesus Christ, having come down to earth and suffering for the salvation of mankind, and then glorified in His glorious Resurrection.      "I know, – said Righteous Job, afflicted with the leprous boils, – I know, that my Redeemer liveth and He wilt raise up from the dust on the last day my decayed skin, and I in my flesh shalt see God. I shalt see Him myself with mine own eyes, and not through the eyes of some other see Him. In expectation of this, my heart doth jump within my bosom!" (Job 19: 25-27).      "Know ye, the judgement, in which be justified only those having true wisdom – the fear of the Lord, and true understanding – the departing from evil" (Job 28: 28).      Saint John Chrysostom says: "There was no human misfortune, which this man did not undergo. He was the firmest and most adamant, beset by sudden tribulation by hunger, and by woe, and sickness, and bereft of children, and loss of riches, and then suffering abuse from his wife, insult from his friends, reproach from his servants, and in everything he showed himself more solid than a stone, and a source before the Law also of Grace".
The Monk Mikhei of Radonezh (1385)
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     The Monk Mikhei of Radonezh was one of the first disciples of the Monk Sergei of Radonezh, and lived with him in the same cell, and under his guidance he attained to high spiritual perfection. For his meekness of soul and purity of heart, the Monk Mikhei during his lifetime was vouchsafed to witness the appearance of the Mother of God to his great teacher. One time the Monk Sergei, having made the morning rule of prayer, sat for awhile to rest, but suddenly he said to his student: "Be alert, my child, for we shalt have a wondrous visitation". Hardly had he pronounced these words when a voice was heard: "The All-Pure One draweth nigh". Suddenly there shone a light brighter than the sun, and the Monk Mikhei fell down upon the ground and out of fear lay there as though dead. When the Monk Sergei lifted up his disciple, that one asked: "Tell me, father, what is the reason for this wondrous vision? From fright my soul hath nearly parted from my body". The Monk Sergei thereupon informed his disciple about the appearance of the Most Holy Mother of God. Saint Mikhei reposed to God in the year 1385. The celebration of the Monk Mikhei is done on 6 May, and his relics rest beneath a crypt at the Trinity-Sergiev Lavra. On 10 December 1734, over the place of burial of the Monk Mikhei, there was consecrated a church in honour of the Appearance to the Monk Sergei of Radonezh of the Most Holy Mother of God, together with the Holy Apostles Peter and John the Theologian.
All texts ©1996-2001 by translator Fr. S. Janos.
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John 6:35-39
35And Jesus said to them, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst. 36 But I said to you that you have seen Me and yet do not believe. 37 All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out.38 For I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me. 39 This is the will of the Father who sent Me, that of all He has given Me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up at the last day.
Acts 8:18-25
18 And when Simon saw that through the laying on of the apostles' hands the Holy Spirit was given, he offered them money, 19 saying, "Give me this power also, that anyone on whom I lay hands may receive the Holy Spirit." 20 But Peter said to him, "Your money perish with you, because you thought that the gift of God could be purchased with money! 21 You have neither part nor portion in this matter, for your heart is not right in the sight of God. 22 Repent therefore of this your wickedness, and pray God if perhaps the thought of your heart may be forgiven you. 23 For I see that you are poisoned by bitterness and bound by iniquity. 24 Then Simon answered and said, "Pray to the Lord for me, that none of the things which you have spoken may come upon me." 25 So when they had testified and preached the word of the Lord, they returned to Jerusalem, preaching the gospel in many villages of the Samaritans.
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the-perfect-author · 4 years
The Doctrine of the Scriptures
We believe in the complete inspiration of the accepted canon of Scripture as originally given. We believe that the Bible not only contains the Word of God, but is the Word of God to man. The Scriptures of the Old Testament and the New Testament were given by inspiration (God-breathed) of the Holy Spirit, using the faculties of the various writers but overruling their imperfections, thus giving to us the only inspired, infallible and authoritative revelation – The Word of the living God. The Scriptures therefore are the final authority for all matters of faith and practice (2 Timothy 3:16-17; 2 Peter 1:20-21; Psalm 138:2; 1 Chronicles 28:11,19)
The Doctrine of God
We believe in the Eternal Godhead, Trinity in Unity (Tri-une) who has revealed Himself as one God existing in three Persons, even the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit: distinguishable but indivisible; co-eternal, co-equal and co-existent in attributes, nature, power and glory. This Self-revelation of God in His tri-unity is revealed in the Scriptures alone. The one true Self-existent God is Eternal, Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omniscient and Immutable (Matthew 3:16-17; 28:19; 2 Corinthians 3:14; 1 John 5:7-8; Ephesians 2:18; Isaiah 48:16; John 14:16-17; Genesis 1:1; Romans 1:20; Hebrews 11:6).
The Doctrine of Christ
We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Eternal Son of God, who pre-existed with the Father, and by His incarnation and virgin birth He took on Himself the form of man and was revealed as the God-man. We believe that in Him the Divine and Human natures are so united that He is truly and properly God and truly and properly man, thus constituting Him as the only mediator between God and Man, and the Saviour of all men (John 1:1-3, 14-18; Matthew 1:18-23; Luke 1:30-33). This is to say that we believe in His Pre-existence, His Divinity, His Virgin Birth, and His Sinless Humanity. Upon these facts stand His Substitutionary Death, Burial, Resurrection, Ascension and Exaltation and Glorification to the throne of God, from whence He will come again “in like manner” the second time without sin unto salvation (Acts 2:34-37; Psalms 110; Micah 5:2; John 17:5; Isaiah 7:14; 9:6; Philippians 2:5-11; Acts 1:10-11).
The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit
We believe that the Holy Spirit in the third Person in the eternal Godhead, is Deity, and co-equal in nature, power, attributes and glory with the Father and the Son, proceeding from the Father through the Son. The Holy Spirit is not merely an influence, but the very Personality of the Godhead and executor of the will and plan of God (Matthew 28:19; 2 Corinthians 13:14; John 14:16-17; 15:26).
The Doctrine of the Covenants
We believe that the God of the Bible is a Covenant-making, Covenant-keeping and Covenant-revealing God; that man can either accept or reject the Covenants but cannot change them. Man does not originate the Covenants but is simply the recipient of such. The great Covenants of the Bible are the Edenic, Adamic, Noahic, Abrahamic, Mosaic, Palestinian, Davidic and New Covenants. The major dealings of God with man are summed up in the Old Covenant of LAW and the New Covenant of GRACE. All Covenants are founded on and are the expression of the Everlasting Covenant made in the counsels of the Eternal Godhead before sin, and cover God’s purpose for man in Creation and Redemption (Genesis chapters 1; 3; 8; 12; 15: Exodus 19-24; Deuteronomy 29-32; 2 Samuel 7; Matthew 26:26-28; Hebrews 8; Jeremiah 31:31-34; Hebrews 13:20).
The Doctrine of Creation
We believe that God is the Creator, preserver and Sustainer of Heaven and Earth and everything therein, and that all creation and creatures were created by Him and for His pleasure and all are dependent upon the Creator for their existence. None are independent but all are beneficiaries of Divine providence and care (Genesis 1:1; 2:1-4; John 1:1-3; Colossians 1:16-17; Revelation 4:11; Acts 17:23-31).
The Doctrine of Angels
We believe that God created angelic beings, spirit beings, who are ministering spirits doing the will of God, and are servants to the heirs of salvation. Their chief delight is to worship God, not be worshipped, and to do His good and perfect will (Hebrews 1:7; 14: Psalm 91:11; Matthew 25:22,41; 1Timothy 5:21; Hebrews 12:22-24; Psalm 104:4; Revelation 4-5).
The Doctrine of Satan and Demons
We believe in the reality and personality of Satan and fallen angels. The Bible shows that there were fallen angels who sinned along with their leader, Satan. Also that there are angels who did not rebel and these are spoken of as Elect Angels. Satan and his fallen angels, and demonic spirits, are reserved unto judgment of the great day, and will spend eternity in the Lake of Fire and Brimstone, which was prepared for them (Matthew 25; 14; 2 Peter 2:4: Jude 6; 1 Timothy 5:21; Revelation 2:7-9; 20:11-15; 14:9- 11).
The Doctrine of Man
We believe that man is the highest creation of God, made in the image and likeness of God: that man was created in a state of innocence and dependency upon God: that man is a triune being, consisting of spirit, soul and body: that God created man for God, to be filled with God. We also believe that man was created with a free will and is therefore a moral, responsible and accountable creature (Genesis 1:26-29; 2:7; 16-17: 1 Thessalonians 5:23; Psalm 8:5-8; Deuteronomy 30:15-19; Ecclesiastes 7:29; Romans 14:12).
The Doctrine of Marriage and Family
We believe that marriage was established by God and confirmed by Jesus Christ as a life- long relationship between one man and one woman. We believe that a Christian should marry within the community of faith. Christian marriage is a reflection of the love, purity and permanence between Christ and the Church. We therefore discourage divorce as a solution to marital difficulties and encourage husband and wife to devote themselves to God and find nurture in the instruction of the body of Christ. Children are regarded as “a heritage of the Lord”. Raising them is therefore considered as a sacred trust. (Eph 5.25-6.4)
The Doctrine of Sin
We believe that sin and “the mystery of iniquity” began in Lucifer, the Archangel and anointed Cherub covering the throne of God, and that sin entered the human race by this fallen angel, who became known as the devil or Satan (Isaiah 14:12-14; Ezek. 28; John 8:44; 1 John 3:8). The devil brought about the Fall of Man under probation, and thus man fell from his state of innocence and “in Adam” all men became sinners, totally depraved in spirit, soul and body, unable to attain Divine righteousness and hence all are under the death penalty which is the “wages of sin” (Genesis 2:16-17; Romans 6:23).
In this fallen state, man is totally incapable of recovering himself or of redeeming himself from sin and death or out of the kingdom of darkness into which all of Adam’s unborn race had been sold. Sin is missing the mark: sin is transgression: sin is rebellion and lawlessness (1 John 3:4). Man by nature is a rebel, lawless, self-willed and seeks to be independent of God (Romans 5:12-21; 3: 9-23).
The Doctrine of Grace
We believe in the grace of God which is manifested towards sinful men. Grace is defined as the undeserved, and unearned favour of God bestowed upon sinful men. Man does not deserve it; he cannot earn it; there is nothing in him that merits it. The grace of God includes His love, kindness, goodness and mercy and power by which he builds His church, which comes to men and is through Christ (John 1:14-18; Ephesians 2:7-9; Titus 3:4-7).
The Doctrine of the Atonement
We believe that the Atonement is the all-comprehensive plan of God in and for the redemption of fallen man. The old English word “atone” means “to cover, to pardon, to appease, to reconcile” and it is a most comprehensive word in its full ramifications. It was foreshadowed in the Old Testament by the sacrifice of animals, whose blood temporarily “covered” sin. It is fulfilled in the New Testament by Christ’s perfect, sinless, human and once-for-all sacrifice, His sinless, incorruptible blood not only “covered” sin. It is fulfilled in the New Testament by Christ’s perfect, sinless, human and once-for-all sacrifice, His sinless, incorruptible blood not only “covers” but fully “cleanses” sin (1 John 1:5-7; John 3:16-17; 1:29, 36; Hebrews 9:1-24).
A. The Atonement was made necessary by God’s holiness against man’s sinfulness which produces wrath, and wrath can only be averted by atonement, the appeasement, the sacrifice upon which judgment is placed (Ezekiel 18:4; Romans 1:18; 4:15; Isaiah 53:5-6; 2 Corinthians 5:21; Romans 3:25).
B. The Nature of the Atonement was:
1.    An Atonement, Appeasement. A sin offering (John 1:29, 36).
2.    A Propitiation (Romans 3:25; 1 John 2:2; 4:10).
3.    A Substitution (1 Peter 3:18; Romans 5:8). Christ died in our stead.
4.    A Redemption (Colossians 1:14). Christ bought us from sin’s slavery.
5.    A Ransom (Mark 10: 45; 1 Timothy 2:5-6). Christ paid the price.
6.    A Reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:18-21; Hebrews 2:17).
None of these words on its own, but all of them together, constitute the full truth of the Atonement. In the Atonement, the Lord Jesus Christ, who was sinless, took our sins and iniquities, and suffered the righteous wrath of a holy God, receiving the penalty of sin which was death. His death was not an accident but an accomplishment, making salvation available for all mankind, to “whosoever will” (John 3:16).
We believe therefore, that Christ died for our sins, was buried and rose again the third day, and personally appeared to His disciples showing Himself alive by many infallible proofs (Acts 1:3; Romans 4:25; 1 Corinthians 15:1-4). We believe that He ascended bodily to Heaven, and that He will return the second time, actually, personally, bodily and gloriously “in the like manner” as He went into Heaven (Acts 1:9-10; John 14:2-3; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18).
C. The Benefits of the Atonement are:
1.    Pardon – the forgiveness and remission of sin’s penalty (Acts 10:43; 13:38-39).
2.    Justification – the pronouncing just, a declaration of righteousness and right
standing before God through Christ (Romans 5:1; 3:24-26).
3.    Regeneration – by which one is born again into the family of God and can call
God “Our Father”. (John 3:1-5; Matthew 6:9; 1 Peter 1:23).
4.    Adoption – whereby one is placed as a son in the family of God (Romans 8:15,
23; Galatians 4:5; Ephesians 1:4-13).
5.    Assurance – whereby one has the witness of the Spirit that he is secure in obedience to the Word of God (Hebrews 5:8-9; 6:10-12; 10:38-39).
6.    Sanctification – whereby one is set apart unto the Lord and His holy service and use (John 17:17; 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24; Ephesians 5:26-27).
The Doctrine of Predestination
We believe that predestination and election are based upon God’s foreknowledge. God has not predestined some men to salvation and others to damnation against the free will He gave them. Prophecy concerning persons (such as Judas) was not predestination but foreknowledge. Because God foreknew and foresaw, He (through the prophets) foretold. Prophecy is not predestination but foreknowledge. God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9). There is a difference between Provision and Application. Provision for Salvation has been made available for all mankind (John 3:16); but Application of salvation is upon God’s terms. God foreknows who will and who will not respond to the conviction and converting power of the Holy Spirit and on that basis He has fixed the destiny of all men, which is either Heaven or Hell. God will never do with His creatures that which is inconsistent with His holy, righteous, and loving character or moral attributes (1 Peter 1:2; Romans 9:11; Ephesians 1:5, 11; Romans 8:28-29).
The Doctrine of Salvation
We believe in the salvation of sinners by grace, through repentance and faith in the perfect and sufficient work of Christ on Calvary by which remission of sins is obtained. The word “salvation” includes the meaning of “safety, security, deliverance, and preservation,” and “health, wholesome, soundness.” It is a comprehensive word and includes in itself God’s complete work in the redeemed sinner, reaching in its entirety from regeneration to perfection and glorification.
The Doctrine of Sanctification
We believe that the redeemed should be wholly sanctified in spirit, soul and body; that they should live a life that is Spirit-filled, a life of separation from sins of the world, the flesh, and the devil. We believe that the work of sanctification in the life of a believer results in a life characterized by love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. This kind of life rejects pride and rebellion and all behaviour stemming from this, such as homosexuality, sexual immorality, and sexual perversion, lust, incest, idolatry, envy, murder, strife, drunkenness, deceit, malice, gossip, slander, insolence, arrogance, boasting, promoting evil deeds, disobedience, greed, covetousness and all forms of moral depravity. Because God is holy he can demand no less from His creatures and all who desire to live with Him in His holy heaven throughout eternity (1 Peter 1:16-18; Ephesians 5:18; 2 Corinthians 6:14-18; Hebrews 12:14; Ephesians 5:23-27; Leviticus 11:44).
Necessary steps in going on to maturity (Heb 2:3; 6:1-2) and perfection are:
A. Repentance from Dead Works (Matthew3:2:4:17;Acts30:20-21;2:37-39).
B. Faith towards God (Hebrews 11:6; Romans 10:17; Hebrew 12:2; Romans 1:16-17).
C. Water Baptism (Matthew 28:19; Mark 16:16; Acts 2:36-38; 8:12-16; 19:1-7; Romans 6:3-4; Colossians 2:11-12; Galatians 3:27). This is by immersion into the Triune God, as in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, which is the Name of the eternal Godhead.
D. HolySpiritBaptism(Acts2:1-4;1:5-8;8:14-17;10:44-46;19:1-7;Galatians3:14-15). We believe the Baptism in the Holy Spirit is an experience at or subsequent to salvation, with the Scriptural evidence of speaking in other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance.
E. Laying on of Hands (Leviticus 4:15, 23-33; Mark 16:18; Numbers 27:18-23; 2 Timothy 1:6; 1 Timothy 1:14-16; Acts 9:17). This ordinance is found in both Old and New Testaments and includes in itself impartation, identification, substitution and imputation, and is used for blessing, healing and ordination.
F. Resurrection from the Dead (1 Corinthians 15; John 5; Revelation 20:1-6). This includes the resurrection of all men, either to a resurrection of life or resurrection of damnation.
G. Eternal Judgment (Revelation 20:11-15; 2 Peter 3:7; Matthew 11:20-25; Acts 17:30- 31). The purpose of resurrection is that all men might be judged as to their works done in the flesh, whether they be good or bad, and all will be rewarded accordingly by the supreme judge of all mankind (Romans 14:12; 1 Corinthians 3:9-15; Revelation 20:11-15). This settles the eternal destiny of all men. Believers will be judged at the Judgment seat of Christ and rewarded. The unbelievers will be judged at the Great White Throne and rewarded accordingly.
H. Perfection (Psalm 138:8; John 17:23; Ephesians 4:11-16; 5:23-32; Matthew 5:48). The whole purpose of redemption is to bring man back to the perfection from which he fell. The perfection that man will be brought to through the blood of Christ will be a sinless perfection from which it will be impossible to fall. The believer is to go on to perfection (Hebrews 6:1-2).
The Doctrine of Divine Healing
We believe in the healing of the body by Divine power, or Divine healing in its various aspects as practiced in the Early Church. God has ordained various means by which he heals; including the laying on of hands, anointing with oil; the prayer of faith by elders of the Church; the gifts of the Spirit; etc (Acts 4:30; Romans 8:11; 1 Corinthians 12:9; James 5:14; Mark 16:15-20; 1 Corinthians 12).
The Doctrine of the Kingdom of God
We believe that Christ came to inaugurate the Kingdom of God. This Kingdom is therefore already present but is not yet fully realized. It is seen wherever God’s reign is extended and is a present reality in the hearts and lives of believers. The Church is empowered by the Holy Spirit as the agency by which the Kingdom is extended. The Kingdom will be seen in its fullness when Christ returns at the end of the age.
The Doctrine of the Church
We believe that the Church is the Body of Christ, and that every genuinely born again believer is called to function as a member in that place set by God in that Body (1 Corinthians 12; 12-31).
A. The Church exists for:
1.    The worship and glorification of God and Christ.
2.    The edification of the saints.
3.    The propagation of the Gospel of the Kingdom and grace of God with signs following.
4.    The subjugation of Satan and his wicked hosts (Matthew 24:14; Mark 16:15-20; 1 Peter 2:24; Revelation 4:10-11; 5:9-10; 1 Corinthians 11-12-13-14; Ephesians 4:1-16).
B. We also believe that:
1.    God has set the five-fold ascension ministry-gifts in the Church, of the apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher (Ephesians 4:9-16).
2.    God has ordained the Church be governed in His order, having Elders and Deacons (Philippians 1:1; Hebrews 13:7; 17, 24; Acts 14:23; 1 Timothy 3). These must be qualified persons before ordained and appointed to office.
3.    The nine-fold fruit of the Spirit is the evidence of the Divine nature and character, and should be in every believer’s life (Galatians 5:22-23).
4.    The nine gifts are operations of the Spirit and reveal the attributes and power of God in the Church and are given to the members of the Body as He wills, and are still for the Church today (1 Corinthians 12:1-13).
5.    Every believer is a member of the Body of Christ and is called to function and operate in the Body where the Lord has placed them (1 Corinthians 12). Every believer is to find their place in a Local Church.
6.    God has ordained that the Church be supported by the tithes and offerings of its members, which are used in support for the God-ordained ministry and general expenses of the Local and/or Universal Church (Genesis 14:20; Matthew 23:23; Hebrews 7:1-4; Numbers 18).
7.    The Lord’s Table or the Communion is the ordinance in which members discern the Body of Christ, naturally and spiritually. It is the point of unity, not of division. Failure to properly discern brings weakness, sickness and death, while strength, life and health come through proper discerning (1 Corinthians 11:28-32; Matthew 26:26-28). The Lord’s Table is a Covenant Table for the Covenant community.
8.    The Lord’s purpose concerning the Church will be fulfilled and He will present to Himself a glorious Church, a perfect Church without spot, or blemish, or wrinkle, or any such thing. The Church will be a victorious Church and a suitable bride to be married to Christ (Matthew 16:18-19; 2 Corinthians 11:1-3; Ephesians 5:23-32; Revelation 12; Revelation 19:7-9).
9.    All who are added to the Church should continue steadfastly in the apostle’s doctrine, in fellowship, in breaking of bread and in prayers (Acts 2:42).
10.  The Church should maintain the Divine standard of Christian life, taking care of the flock of God, by caring, feeding, teaching, preaching, exhorting and disciplining its members (1 Timothy; 2 Timothy; Titus Epistles; Acts 20:20-28).
The Doctrine of Final Things
We believe that the end of the age will close with the literal, actual, visible, bodily and personal second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ in like manner as He went (Acts 1:9-11). At this time those who have died believing in Christ will be resurrected. They will be caught up to meet the Lord in the air, along with those believers who are alive at the time of His return. This is the hope of all believers in all ages. We believe in the millennial reign of Christ.
Additional to the Statement of Faith is our interpretation of some major Prophetic Scriptures which must find their fulfilment relative to the Second coming of Christ.
1.     THAT there will be a universal outpouring of the Holy Spirit as early and latter rain on all flesh (Joel 2; Hosea 6:1-2; James 5:7).
2.     THAT the Church will experience the fulfilment of the Feast of Tabernacles even as it historically experienced the Feasts of Passover ad Pentecost (Leviticus 23; Leviticus 16; Hebrews 9-10; Revelation 1-2-3; Daniel 8:13-14).
3.     THAT the seven- sealed Book of Revelation will be opened, with its attendant judgments as displayed under the Seven Seals, Seven Trumpets and Seven Vials (Revelation Chapters 4-10; 15-16).
4.     THAT, although there has always been persecution and tribulation through Church history, there will be the greatest period of persecution which is called “the Great Tribulation” at the close of this present age which will be for three and a half years, the fulfilment of the last half-week of Daniel’s Prophecy (Daniel 9:24-27; Matthew 24; Revelation Chapters 11-12-13-14).
5.     THAT there will be a personal Antichrist, as well as many antichrists, and his Kingdom will be a Ten-Kingdom Empire, a One-world Government which will be in existence at the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ (Daniel 2; Daniel 7; Revelations chapters 13-14; 17-18; 2 Thessalonians 2:1-1-12).
6.     THAT the Battle of Armageddon takes place at the second coming of Christ and that Antichrist and his armies make war against Christ and His armies but will be overcome by the King of Kings and Lord of Lords (Revelation 19:11-21).
7.     THAT at the coming of Christ all those outside of Christ are slain by the brightness of His coming, and the living Church is immortalized and translated with the resurrection and immortalization of the dead of Christ (1 Corinthians 15:51-57; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; Revelation 12; Revelation 20; 1-4; 2 Thessalonians 1:5-12).
8.     THAT there will be a period of 1000 years which is called the Millennial Kingdom. There will be no sin, sickness, disease, death, Satan or demons or sinners, because Satan will be bound in this period. The saints will possess the kingdom (Daniel 2; Daniel 7; Matthew 6:9-10; Revelation 20:1-7). It will be a Christian Millennium.
9.     THAT at the end of the 1000 years, Satan will be loosed out of the bottomless pit, and the second resurrection will take place. The wicked dead, and Satan will attempt a final overthrow of the Camp of God. Fire descends from Heaven. The earth burns. There is the Great White Throne judgment and all whose names are not in the lamb’s Book of Life are cast into the Lake of Fire. This is the final and eternal state of the unredeemed, the eternal hell (Revelation 20:7-15).
10.   THAT there will be a New Heavens and a New Earth wherein dwells righteousness. The New Jerusalem will be the capital City of the universe from whence the redeemed of all ages will go in the worship and service of God and the Lamb. Thus there will be eternal punishment for unbelievers and eternal life for believers (John 5:24; 3:16; Mark 9:43-58; Revelation Chapters 21-22).
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sprituality0 · 5 years
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Supreme God in Christianity According to the Bible
 Spiritual Leader Saint Rampal Ji
When we talk about supreme God in Christianity, then these questions come automatically in our mind like
■ Who is God? ■ Why do we need to know about him?■ Are God and Jesus the same? ■ Has anyone seen God?
These questions have remained a mystery for all of us. But here all of these would be answered with proofs. All over the world, people are in search of the Supreme God, whether they are theist or atheist. Everyone needs God whether for money, mental peace or salvation. This article would be a complete solution for you if you want to know how can we reach God and get complete salvation.
But first, Let us give you a Brief Description of Christianity
The followers of Jesus Christ are known as Christians. Jesus was born circa 6 B.C. in Bethlehem. His mother was Mary. Christians believe Jesus was born through Immaculate Conception by an angel. Mary and Joseph were Jews. Jesus was given the knowledge of Injeel. 
Most of Jesus's life is told through the four Gospels of the New Testament Bible, known as the Canonical gospels, written by Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
Throughout the New Testament, there are trace references of Jesus working as a carpenter while a young adult. It is believed that he began his ministry at age 30 when he was baptized by John the Baptist, who upon seeing Jesus, declared him the Son of God.
When Jesus grew up, spirits used to enter his body and they used to make prophecies and do miracles. Jesus preached about one God. As Jesus continued his preachings, the crowd became larger and they started calling him the son of David and as the Messiah.
The Judas and Pharisees heard of this and accused Jesus of having the power of Satan and calling himself the King of Jews in front of King Pilate. Pilate publicly washed his hands of responsibility, yet ordered the crucifixion in response to the demands of the crowd. The Roman soldiers whipped and beat Jesus, placed a crown of thorns on his head and then led him off to Mount Calvary.
There he was crucified and hung on a cross. While the crucifixion, all the spirits left the body of Jesus. When he was dead, he was taken down and buried in the tomb. But surprisingly, after 3 days the tomb was found empty. He had risen from the tomb and he first appeared to Mary Magdalene, then to Mary, his mother and then to his followers.
Was he Jesus who Rose from the Tomb?
The answer is No. He was not Jesus who rose from the tomb, but he was complete God Kabir who appeared as Jesus to keep the faith of the followers intact. Otherwise, all those followers would have lost faith in God. They would have become an atheist.
In this article, many other secrets about Jesus and God will be unveiled.
What the Bible says about the Existence of God?
Let’s discuss the existence of God in the Bible. Bible is the collection of three sacred books- Torah, Injeel, and Zabur. In both Christianity and Islam it is believed that the first human-made by God was Adam and we all are his sons and daughters. In his clan, many prophets were born. Some of them are Hazrat Dawoowd, Hazrat Musa, and Hazrat Isa. 
Dawood or David received the book Zabur.Musa or Moses received Torah. Isa or Jesus received Injeel from Kaal Brahm (Satan).
which they believe to be the Formless God because he gave the verses of Torah, Zabur, and Injeel by Oracle. Hazrat Mohammad, who is the founder of Islam was born around 600 years after Jesus.  He was born a Jew. Later he received the knowledge of Quran Shareef by Zibrael who was sent by the same god Kaal Brahm and then, Mohammad preached about Islam.
Disciples of Moses are called Jews, disciples of Jesus Christ are called Christians and disciples of Mohammad are called Muslims.
Quran Shareef has around 40 percent of the same knowledge of the Bible. (Kabir Sagar, Chapter 14, Mohammad Bodh, Page no 6)
There are many instances in the Bible which validate the existence of God. Christians believe that God existed even before Adam was born. All the creation is made by God himself (Genesis). In the New Testament of the Bible, there exists a Trinity in Christianity which preaches about the Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit. The millennial has explained about the three and it is believed that God is separate from the above three.
■ Below are some verses from the Bible that validate the existence of God:-
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1:1)
And without faith, it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him (Hebrews 11:6).
For since the creation of the world his invisible attributes, his eternal power, and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse (Romans 1:20).
For what can be known about God is plain to them because God has shown it to them. Ever since the creation of the world his eternal power and divine nature, invisible though they are, have been understood and seen through the things he has made. So they are without excuse (Romans 1:19, 20).
Fools say in their hearts, "There is no God." They are corrupt, they commit abominable acts; there is no one who does good. God looks down from heaven on humankind to see if there are any who are wise, who seek after God. They have all fallen away, they are all alike perverse; there is no one who does good, no, not one (Psalm 53:1-3).
The above verses prove that the Holy Bible accepts that there is the existence of God. He created the entire universe. He is eternal and divine. Those are fools, who say there is no God.
Myths in World Christianity (Christian Mythology)
There are 5 myths on which the Christians believe. Lets burst them one by one.
God is FormlessJesus is GodThere is no RebirthGod Ordered Christians to Kill and Eat AnimalsAdam was the First Human
Myth 1 - God is Formless in Christianity
World Christianity belief about God being formless contradicts the Holy Bible. In Genesis, in the creation of the universe, on the sixth day, God created humans in his own image.
Holy Bible - Genesis - Sixth Day of Creation
1:26 - Then God said, "And now we will make human beings; they will be like us and resemble us. They will have power over the fish, the birds and all animals, domestic and wild, large and small."
1:27 - So God created human beings, making them be like himself. He created them male and female,
These verses of the Holy Bible prove that God is not Formless.
Genesis - Holy Bible
3:8 - That evening they heard the Lord God walking in the garden and they hid from him among the trees.
3:9 - But the Lord God called out to the man, "Where are you?"
3:10 - He answered, "I heard you walking in the garden; I was afraid and hid from you because I was naked."
3:22 - And Jehovah God made long garments from skins for Adam and for his wife, to clothe them.
Holy Bible – Genesis
18:1 - And the LORD appeared to him (Abraham) by the oaks of Mamre, as he sat at the door of his tent in the heat of the day.
18:2 - He (Abraham) lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold, three men were standing in front of him. When he saw them, he ran from the tent door to meet them and bowed himself to the earth.
18:4 - Please, let a little water be brought and have your feet washed; then recline under the tree. 
18:5 - Seeing that you have come here to your servant, let me bring a piece of bread so that you may refresh yourselves
The lines above clearly describe the Lord God walking in the garden which Adam and Eve can hear walking and thus they hide. The Lord God also appears before Abraham who then bows unto them. 
Moreover, Abraham requests God's feet to be washed and then God reclines under a tree. Abraham even brings a piece of bread for God to eat.
No wonder the Lord God is in form as he talks, walks, meets, eats and can be seen. He also reclines and has feet which can be washed. Therefore the Lord God rightly said in the beginning that he created man in his own image. This clearly proves the Lord God to be in form
Myth 2 - Jesus is God in Christianity
This is the biggest myth in Christianity for Jesus is seen as God. Jesus was a prophet with some supernatural powers sent by Kaal Brahm on this earth. He was sent from Vishnu Lok (Kabir Sagar, Mohammad Bodh, Jabroot, Mokam 3).
Isa paigambar padhe kitaba, uska naam injeel kitaba.​
Salamalek taha hm keena, dasta bos unhu uthi leena.​
Tahwa baithe vishambhar rai, vahi peer to wahi khudai.
Yah vishnupuri hai bhai,yame bhi ek baikunth samai.
Vishnu hai yaha ka pardhana, sun mohammad gyan vigyana.
In the Christian Trinity, which explains about Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Jesus was the Son of God. Here are some biblical verses which prove that Jesus was the Son of God who was sent to spread the message of one God.
■ Hebrews 1:5- To which of the angels did He ever say, "YOU ARE MY SON, TODAY I HAVE BEGOTTEN YOU"? And again, "I WILL BE A FATHER TO HIM AND HE SHALL BE A SON TO ME"?
■ Matthew 17:5- While he was still speaking, a bright cloud overshadowed them, and behold, a voice out of the cloud said, "This is My beloved Son, with whom I am well-pleased; listen to Him!"
■ Mark 1:11- and a voice came out of the heavens: "You are My beloved Son, in You I am well-pleased."
■ Luke 20:13- "The owner of the vineyard said, 'What shall I do? I will send my beloved son; perhaps they will respect him.'
In these verses, it is explained that Jesus was sent by God to give the message of complete God. He was the son or messenger of God.
Likewise in Hinduism, it is believed that Shri Krishna gave the knowledge of Shrimad Bhagvad Geeta.
In Geeta, it is written that only Complete God should be worshipped. 
■ Those who worship Brahma Vishnu and Shiva are fools.
But priests in Hinduism were not able to understand Geeta verses properly and they started worshipping Shri Krishna instead of Complete God Kabir.
Myth 3 - There is no Rebirth in Christianity
In both Islam and Christianity, it is believed that there is no rebirth. It is believed that all humans will keep dying, as long as this creation will continue. Let them bury in the grave. When the doom will come, the dead (men and women) will be brought forth from the graves. Their deeds will be accounted for by God. 
Those who have deeds according to all four books (Zabur, Torah, Injeel and Quran Shareef) will live in heaven. Those who have not obeyed the four books will be sent to Hell forever. After that, the creation will be destroyed forever.
This belief is wrong because when Hazrat Mohammad was taken up to heaven by Jibrael, there he saw David, Moses, Jesus, Abraham, etc. If we believe in the aforesaid statement then, Jesus, Moses etc should have been buried in the grave. How they went to heaven if they were meant to be in the grave till the doom? This proves that heaven and hell exists and also there is the rebirth of the soul.
Myth 4 - God ordered Christians to kill and eat animals
God is merciful and kind. Humans, animals and even the microorganisms are all his children. Then how can he order his one son to kill another son?
● God has made grass and leafy vegetables for the animals and grains, fruits and leafy plants as food for humans. 
■ Holy Bible - Genesis
1:29 - I have provided all kinds of grain and all kinds of fruit for you to eat;
1;30 - but for all the wild animals and for all the birds I have provided grass and leafy plants for food -and it was done.
Hence He ordered them to be vegetarians.
After Complete God went back to his throne, then Satan sent spirits that used to enter the body of Jesus Christ and made prophecies. 
In the Bible, Corinthians 2:12-17, there is proof that the spirits used to enter the body of Jesus.
14 But thanks be to God, who always leads us as captives in Christ’s triumphal procession and uses us to spread the aroma of the knowledge of him everywhere. 
17 Unlike so many, we do not peddle the word of God for profit. On the contrary, in Christ, we speak before God with sincerity, as those sent from God.
This proves that there were some spirits who used to speak in Jesus. Some said the words of God without any adulteration in it. But there were some spirits who used to peddle the word of God. These spirits have given the direction of killing animals and eating them. Those were not the words of Jesus.
Myth 5 - Adam was the First Human in Christianity
Both Christians and Muslims believe that Adam was the first human on this Earth. But is not true. Once upon a time, there was a sage called Manu. His son was Ikshwaku. In his clan, there was a king named Nabhiraj.
● The son of king Nabhiraj was Rishabhdev who was the founder of Jainism. Rishabhdev’s soul was reborn as Adam. This instance has been taken from the holy text of Jainism- “Aao Jain Dharm Ko Jane” from page no 154.
This validates that there were humans before Adam and Eve. When God Jehovah or Kaal Brahm sent them on this Earth, most of the place was uninhabitable. They were sent at a solitary place, which was cut off from everywhere. All Christians, Muslims, and Jews are the grandchildren of Adam. That is why they believe that Adam was the first human which is actually not true.
More than One God in Bible
God in the Bible is not the only one. There are more like him. So he can't be the Supreme God.
● Holy Bible – Genesis 3:22 - Then the LORD God said, “Behold, the man has become like one of Us, knowing good and evil. And now, lest he reaches out his hand and take also from the tree of life, and eat, and live forever.
● The Lord God Said, “Now these humans have become like one of us and have knowledge of what is good and what is bad.
■ Point to Ponder.
God is saying that after eating the wisdom fruit, these human beings have become like one of us. And if these humans ate the fruit of life from this garden, then they will become immortal like us. The key statement here is "one of us". 
The God, who is saying this statement, is also referring to other Gods of equal status, that is why he is using the line "one of us" which means he is not alone. There are more like him.
● Holy Bible - Genesis 18 - The Three Visitors.
God in the Bible is not alone. There are more like him. Therefore he cannot be the Supreme God.18:1 - The Lord appeared to Abraham near the great trees of Mamre while he was sitting at the entrance to his tent in the heat of the day.
18:2 - Abraham looked up and saw three men standing nearby. When he saw them, he hurried from the entrance of his tent to meet them and bowed low to the ground.
18:3 My lord,” said Abraham, “if I have found favor in your sight, please do not pass your servant by.
18:4 Let a little water be brought, that you may wash your feet and rest yourselves under the tree. 
18:5 And I will bring a bit of bread so that you may refresh yourselves. This is why you have passed your servant’s way. After that, you may continue on your way.”
“Yes,” they replied, “you may do as you have said.”
● Here the Lord has come up with two of his comrades. This clearly proves that there are more gods like him. This proves the belief of Christianity to be wrong that Jesus is the only God.
18:22 And the two men turned away and went toward Sodom, but Abraham remained standing before the LORD.
● This verse of the bible also proves that God is in human form. He is standing, talking and eating bread offered by Abraham. So this concludes that the Lord is in Human form.
Up till 18:22 there is mention of 3 people. They are addressed in the Bible as "they". 
Also, there is a reference of 3 people in the Holy Bible, Genesis 19:1 to 19:25.
This further proves that there are more like them. These three Gods are Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva who were sent by Kaal Brahm.
Who is God in the Bible?
After reading about Jesus and Jehovah are not complete Gods, the question which arises here is 
● Who is complete God?
The Holy Bible gives the answer to this question. Let's find out.
● Iyov 36:5 - Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)
See, El is Kabir, and despiseth, not any; He is Kabir in ko’ach lev (strength of understanding).
Translation: Supreme God is Kabir, but despises no one. He is Kabir, and firm in his purpose.
In all Bible translations, the word Kabir has been translated as "Mighty" or "Great" whereas Kabir is the original name of Supreme God. 
Conclusion: This verse of the Bible proves that Kabir is Complete God. The one who worships God Kabir by taking initiation from the complete saint sent by him gets complete salvation. After attaining salvation that souls rest in peace in the eternal abode Satlok forever. The throne of God is in Satlok.
God Kabir met Jesus and took his soul to Satlok. On their way, God Kabir made him see his ancestors David, Moses, Abraham, etc. in the Pitra Lokas. Then God took him to Satlok. But Jesus did not have faith in Lord Kabir. He did not believe him to be complete God, but he admitted that God is one. When he came back from Satlok he preached about one God and talked about salvation. After the crucifixion, he only pleaded God to forgive his children for all the harsh deeds.

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harrelltut · 5 years
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卍 Oh Lord!!!… you say I’mma angelically fall from Astronomical Heaven as A FAMOUS Fallen Archangel who Naturally BEE So Mythically INTELLIGENT [MI = MICHAEL] on Earth [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] as A MOST HIGH [MH = JAH] BLACK MESSIAH [JEHOVAH] who Biblically + Canonically [B.C.] BEE A HIGHLY ADVANCED [HA = HARRELL] Black Christ [B.C. = JESUS] modern day humanity Crucify on Earth as I Ritualistically [RELIGIOUSLY] CURSE modern day humanity as Nubian Archangel [NA = NĀGA] SATAN???卍
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The early Semites and Canaanites had a number of Gods before eventually bringing the number down to two (Asherah and El) until finally settling into the monothestic Judaic religion. The old Canaanite and Semitic deities are as follows:
Adonai: Meaning “Lord”, Adonai is a name for God still used today.
Aglibol: Aglibol is a luna deity depicted with a moon halo decorating his head and sometimes his shoulders, one of his attributes is the crescent moon. Aglibol means “Calf of the Lord”.
Amurru: Amurru was an early storm and mountain God known to be based on the Mesopotamian Adad. Amurru’s consort was Asherah and he likely came to inspire both Ba’al and El who were also inspired by Enlil and Enki of the Mesopotamian mythologies.
Anat: Anat was a war Goddess, a virgin - likely meaning Hierodule as proven by the fact that she is also the consort and lover of her brother Ba’al Hadad. Anat appears as a fierce, wild and ferocious warrior in battle said to wade knee-deep in blood, striking off heads, cutting hands, binding the heads to her breast and the hands in her sash, driving out the old men and townsfolk with her arrows with her heart filled with joy. Anat is the mother of Aglibol. Anat in one myth slays the God of death, Mot to release Ba’al Hadad from the underworld, she also seems to parallel Ishtar slightly in a myth where she seeks to take vengeance against the hero Aqhat for refusing to part with his marvellous bow.
Asherah: Asherah is a Semitic version of the Sumerian Goddess Ishtar. Asherah is the consort of El with whom through Hieros Gamos she is said to have birthed the cosmos. Asherah was worshiped by early Hebrews up until their Exodus from Egypt when Yahweh alone became the monotheistic God of the Israelites.
Ashima: Ashima is a Goddess of fate and the working of destiny, she was still worshiped by the Samaritans long after the Hebrew people stopped worshiping her.
Astarte: Astarte (Depicted top left) was a Goddess of fertility, sex and war she was associated with Venus and thus likely modeled on the Sumerian Goddess Ishtar and came to later influence the Semitic demoness Lilith. In one myth Astarte is sent by the primordial God of heaven with her two sisters Asherah and Ba’alat Gebal to trick the God El however all three end up becoming consorts of El. In much later demonology Astarte is made into a masculine demon king called Asteroth.
Athirat: An ocean Goddess and varient of Asherah.
Attar: A Semitic male version of Ishtar and a war God representing the morning star, Venus. Attar often attempts to overthrow the God El and so may have been an early Semitic version of Lucifer/Satan - who also bares the epitaph “morning star”. Attar was a fertility God with power to cause rain. This male “morning star” may have lead to the development of Samael as the male veriant of Lilith.
Ba’al: Ba’al (depicted top row and central) means “Lord” however the title also refered to as specific deity. Ba’al was a God of the heavens, of storms and fertility. In the Bible when it says “the Lord said” this is likely a translation from the original “Ba’al said”, in later demonology Ba’al would be demonised as both the demon king Ba’al and Beelzebub or more accurately “Ba’al Ze Bub” meaning “Lord of flies”.
Ba’alat Gebal: Was one of three sister Goddesses including Asherah and Astarte sent to trick El but ended up being his consort instead.
Ba’al Hadad: Ba’al Hadad is the Semitic version of the Sumerian God Adad. Ba’al Hadad was a storm and fertility God that brough rain he also fought and killed the God of the sea, Yam who Yahweh had set up to take the throne of heaven, after which Ba’al Hadad was himself vanquished by the death God Mot and resurrected by Mot’s own death when he was slain by the warrior Goddess Anat who killed Mot in order to release Ba’al Hadad. Ba’al Hadad seems to be the chief of Gods in Canaanite mythology and has three consorts: Ba’alat Gebal, Asherah and Astarte.
Ba’al Hammon: Ba’al Hammon was a weather and vegetation God of fertility, he was often depicted with horns and was the husband of the Goddess Tanit. Ba’al Hammon was likely demonised as the demon “Mammon” which rules over materialism and is closely associated with another Canaanite God-turned-demon; Moloch.
Ba’al Shamin: Ba’al Shamin is thought to be a solar deity or a heaven deity and is often depicted in a trinity with the moon God Aglibol and the sun God Malakbel. Ba’al Shamin was originally used as a title and of Ba’al Hadad although later he seems to become a God in his own right.
Ba’al Zephon: The God Ba’al in his role as lord of Mount Zephon - the Canannite home of the Gods.
Chemosh: Chemosh was the head God of the Moabites in their tradition he was often appeased by human sacrifice by fire, Chemosh in the Moabite cosmology is paired with Astarte in the form of Ashtar and the two in sacred marriage symbolism are paired as one androdgynous being known as Ashtar-Chemosh.
Dagan: The Mesopotamian deity Dagon (depicted top right) was worshiped by early Semites under the name “Dagan” his mythology remains the same however his interactions with Sumerian deities are replaced by their Semitic counterparts.
El: El meaning “God” became identical with Yahweh and eventually became the monotheistic God of the Hebrew Bible however he is clearly modeled on the Sumerian Gods Enlil and Enki. El was the chief deity of the early Semitic pantheon. El was a storm and mountain God as well as the creator God of Heaven, he is nearly identical with all forms of Ba’al. El was the father of the other Gods in a sacred marriage with Asherah, these other deities became the “Elohim” - “Children of El” which was later translated in the Bible as “Sons of God” and came to mean angels. El was originally the husband of three Goddesses; Ba’alat Gebal, Asherah and Astarte. In Canaanite combat myths it is El that vanquishes the great primordial beasts; Behemoth, Ziz and Leviathan in order to create the universe from their corpses showing a reference back to the Sumerian myth of Marduk and Tiamat.
El Elyon: A title of El meaning “God of the most high”.
Eshmun: Eshmun was a mortal man who was harassed by the Goddess Astarte and so cut off his own genitals in ritual castration and died he was then resurrected and made a God of healing. Since the cause of his castration is a Goddess and castration often implies sacred union this myth is clearly a Hieros Gamos mythology since it also follows the pattern of death followed by resurrection and ascent into Godhood.
Gapn: Gapn was a messanger of Ba’al and was a God of vines and wine.
Horon: Horon was a God of destruction and chaos.
Ishat: Ishat was a Goddess of fire slain by Anat.
Itum: Itum was a Goddess and consort of the God Resep.
Jehovah Sabaoth: Meaning “Lord of Hosts” or “Lord of Armies/Powers”. “Jehova” is regarded as a pronounciation of “Yahweh” and so the two deities are practically identical with Jehova being seen as Yahweh in battle or as an aspect of Yahweh with a focus on war.
Kades: A mother Goddess of fertility often described as the fertility aspect of Astarte.
Kothar: The God of metallurgy and blacksmithing he was known to have created a marvellous bow for the hero Aqhat and two magic maces or clubs for Ba’al/El. Kothar was also an architect, carpenter and magician and was known to build the palaces of the other Gods, create spells and enchantments and bless deities with gifts of silver or gold furniture. Early Semitic builder cults probably venerated Kothar.
Kotharat: The Kotharat, meaning “skillful ones” were a group of seven moon Goddesses associated with swallows, they were divind midwives who helped women in childbirth and they themselves are seen as Hierodules/sacred prostitutes almost certainly having a connection to Hieros Gamos rites. The Kotharat were sometimes refered to as “Sasurartum”.
Malakbel: Malakbel was a solar deity often shown in trinity with Ba’al Shamin and the luna God Agibol. Malakbel was seen as a messanger of Ba’al - a term which is believed to have been rendered “angel of the Lord” in later Biblical interpretations.
Marqod: Also known as Ba’al Marqod meaning “Lord of the dance” was a God of healing and dancing as the two are thought to be linked and probably relating to ritual dancing. Interestingly the term Lord of the dance later became synonymous with Jesus Christ because of a Christian hymn which gives him the title.
Moloch: Moloch (modern recreation depicted lower left) was a Canaanite God. Moloch comes from the Canaanite “Mlk” meaning “King” and is often ascribed to various male deities in the Canaanite pantheon however Moloch is also a demonic deity depicted with a bulls head and horns and outstretched arms. There is a strong belief that the Canaanites would sacrifice their own children to be burned alive in the arms of a statue of Moloch to the beat of ritual drums this was considered a powerful sacrifice that would win the favour of the Gods since they had given something precious to themselves rather than property such as livestock or captured enemies, the sacrifice was known as a “burnt offering to God/Moloch” and is rendered in the Bible as the Biblical term “Holocaust” which has the same meaning. In modern demonology Moloch is often described as a demon.
Mot: Mot is the deification of death said to have dwelled on a throne in a low pit, in on myth he is invited to a feast by Ba’al Hadad who wishes Mot to submit to him, in this same myth Mot is refered to as “divine death” and so he may be a special kind of death God which only kills other Gods. In response to Ba’al Hadad’s request Mot claims his hunger is relentless and threatens to eat Ba’al Hadad himself, which according to the myth he achieved before being slain himself by the war Goddess Anat who cuts Mot into pieces in order to free and thus resurrect Ba’al Hadad. The reference to the hunger of Mot may influence later Semitic and Biblical depictions of death as a force that eats or swallows.
Nikkal: Nikkal was a Goddess of orchards and fruit and was known as “great lady and fruitful”, she is therefore also a fertility and vegetation Goddess thought to be based on the Mesopotamian Goddess Ningal.
Onca: Onca was a Canaanite Goddess of wisdom closely associated with the later Greek Goddess Athena.
Pidray: Pidray is one of the daughters of Ba’al and a Goddess of light and mists.
Qetesh: Qetesh (bottom right) was an aspect of Asherah described as a fertility Goddess and a Goddess of sacred prostitution linked with sacred marriage rites. Qetesh was also worshiped in Egypt where she was depicted as a forward-facing naked woman on top of a lion with a Uraeus and sun-disc on her head, often depicted holding a snake and lotus flowers she may therefore be related to Kundalini/serpent energy mysteries. Qetesh is the first known tripple Goddess in one form known as Qudshu-Astarte-Anat (wherein “Qudshu” is taken to mean Qetesh) from this it may be taken that Qetesh is synonymous with Asherah and Anat may also relate to Ba’alat Gebal since Asherah-Astarte-Ba’alat Gebal are also a set of Canaanite Goddesses who are mentioned in triplicate as the consorts of El.
Rabbim: Rabbim was a God of floods killed by the war Goddess, Anat in some myths but is more commonly said to have been slain by El/Yahweh or Ba’al. Rabbim may therefore be identical to the sea monster Rahab.
Resep: Resep is a God of illness and a deification of plagues, in some texts he is an attendant of Yahweh.
Resheph: A horned archer God whose name means “lord of the arrow”, Resheph was known as a war deity associated with protection from plague, the God Resep may therefote be a later corruption of Resheph. Resheph likely relates to the Sumerian God Pabilsag since Pabilsag is described as a horned bull synonymous with the archer of the Zodiac; Sagittarius.
Sapas: Sapas was a solar Goddess, a messanger of El and a healer, she was also known to lead souls through the underworld acting as a psychopomp just as the sun is seen to descend into the underworld at sunset. Sapas is also described as all seeing and called by the title “torch of the Gods”, this may have influenced later Semitic and Biblical omnipotent sun Gods and the Masonic symbol of light or “all seeing eye”/“eye of providence”.
Shahar: Shahar was the God of dawn and was brother of Shalim, he was born of the union of El and Asherah. The concept of the sun having different personifications depending on its position in the sky is likely influenced by Sumerian and Egyptian cultures.
Shalim: Shalim was the God of dusk and brother of Shahar, like Shahar he was born of the union of El and Asherah.
Sydyk: Sydyk was a Goddess of justice and judgement and was connected to the planet Jupiter, she was probably based on Roman mythology as she appears much later than other Phoenician deities.
Tanit: A mother Goddess likely based on Astarte, she was a consort of Ba’al Hammon and a Goddess of war, fertility, virgins (Hierodules) and nurses. There is some archeological evidence and written historical evidence to suggest that the worship of Ba’al Hammon and Tanit may have resulted in the sacrificing of children, this in turn may relate the two deities to Moloch and may be the cause of the demonisation of Ba’al Hammon into Mammon.
Yahweh: Yahweh was a divine warrior God of storms, war, mountains and the heavens. The name Yahweh likely started out as a title of Ba’al and/or El before becoming a God in his own right and ultimately becoming one with both these figures as the monothestic God of Judaism and the Hebrew Bible which likely relates back to the volcanic mount Sanai in later Hebrew mythology. Yahweh developed as the God of Israel and Judah and was the husband of Asherah before she too was mostly removed from the newly formed Jewish religion being refered to as titles such as “Shekhina” meaning “Holy Spirit” or “Bride of God”.
Yam: In the original combat myths of the Canaanites Yam is an ocean God thought to be modeled on the Sumerian God Anzu or Goddess Tiamat or perhaps even Kingu. Yam is sent by his father El to attempt to usurp the throne of heaven and succeeded making himself the master of the Gods and working them as slaves, the Gods in turn pray to their mother Asherah who goes before Yam and offers her body (sacred prostitution) in exchange for releasing the other Gods which Yam then accepts. Asherah goes back and relates this deal to the other Gods and Ba’al Hadad in rage protests and insights a war against Yam finally slaying him with the twin maces forged for him by the smith God Kothar. Slaying Yam in turn made Ba’al Hadad king of the other Gods. This mythology is clearly based on the uprising of the Gods behind Marduk in battle against Anzu, Tiamat and Kingu.
Yarikh: A moon God and husband of Nikkal, his dew was seen to make Nikkals flowers flourish and he was known as the “illuminator of the heavens” and “lord of the sickle”. It is unknown if this God relates to alchemical “Heavenly Dew”.
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Living His Word
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. . . the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world. - 1 John 4:4
Who is "the one who is in you" in our verse for today? As the context of our verse makes clear, it is the Holy Spirit, also referred to in the Bible as the "Spirit of Christ Jesus" and the "Spirit of God." In virtue of our acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior we have received the Holy Spirit and He is now an indwelling presence within us. The Holy Spirit is the "Helper" that Jesus promised to send His disciples after His death and departure to heaven (John 16:7). As a result, Christians have a supernatural source of strength and help that comes from heaven above.
Who is "the one who is in the world?" It is Satan, also referred to in the Bible as the "ruler" or "prince" of this world (John 12:31). He is the spirit of the antichrist and every false prophet who spread lies about Jesus Christ and the way of salvation. Indeed, the Apostle John refers to him as the "father of lies" (John 8:44) and he refers to those he inspires as the "devils children" (1 John 3:10). Instead of being a helper that lifts people up, he is the "Destroyer" (Revelation 9:11) that brings them down to ultimate devastation and destruction.
Although Satan and his demonic henchmen are a powerful supernatural force working in the lives of his children, the Holy Spirit that is in us is greater than him. The Holy Spirit is the Third Person of the Trinity, one with God the Father and with Jesus the Son. Satan's angelic power, in contrast, is that of a mere creature. Powerful though it may be, it is no match for the divine power of the Spirit.
What is the practical significance of being indwelt by the one who is greater than the one who is in the world? It means many things, but first and foremost it means that we have defeated Satan's false prophets (1 John 4:4). It means that we cannot be deceived by them (1 John 2:26-27). They come with the lies taught to them by their father, but the greater one within us always helps us to see them for what they are.
Today, consider the value of this. When it comes to the most important thing you could ever know, Jesus and the way of salvation, the greater one keeps you from being deceived.
© 2016 by Bible League International
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lovegodsmashtyrants · 5 years
The Litany of St. John Vianney, the Curé of Ars
For Private Use Only.
Lord, have mercy on us,
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us,
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us,
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, hear us,
Christ, graciously hear us.
God the Father of Heaven,
Have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world,
Have mercy on us.
God, the Holy Spirit,
Have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, One God,
Have mercy on us.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
Pray for us.
Saint John-Mary Vianney,
Pray for us.
St. John Vianney, endowed with grace from thine infancy, etc.
St. John Vianney, model of filial piety,
St. John Vianney, devoted servant of the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
St. John Vianney, spotless lily of purity,
St. John Vianney, faithful imitator of the sufferings of Christ,
St. John Vianney, abyss of humility,
St. John Vianney, seraph of prayer,
St. John Vianney, faithful adorer of the Most Blessed Sacrament,
St. John Vianney, ardent lover of holy poverty,
St. John Vianney, true son of St. Francis of Assisi,
St. John Vianney, exemplary Franciscan tertiary,
St. John Vianney, tender friend of the poor,
St. John Vianney, penetrated with the fear of God's judgment,
St. John Vianney, fortified by divine visions,
St. John Vianney, who was tormented by the evil spirit,
St. John Vianney, perfect model of sacerdotal virtue,
St. John Vianney, firm and prudent pastor,
St. John Vianney, inflamed with zeal,
St. John Vianney, faithful attendant on the sick,
St. John Vianney, indefatigable catechist,
St. John Vianney, who didst preach in words of fire,
St. John Vianney, wise director of souls,
St. John Vianney, specially gifted with the spirit of counsel,
St. John Vianney, enlightened by light from Heaven,
St. John Vianney, formidable to Satan,
St. John Vianney, compassionate with every misery,
St. John Vianney, providence of the orphans,
St. John Vianney, favored with the gift of miracles,
St. John Vianney, who didst reconcile so many sinners to God,
St. John Vianney, who didst confirm so many of the just in the way of virtue,
St. John Vianney, who didst taste the sweetness of death,
St. John Vianney, who dost now rejoice in the glory of Heaven,
St. John Vianney, who givest joy to those who invoke thee,
St. John Vianney, heavenly patron of parish priests,
St. John Vianney, model and patron of directors of souls,
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world,
Spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world,
Hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world,
Have mercy on us.
Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.
V. Pray for us, blessed Jean-Marie Vianney,
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Let Us Pray.
Almighty and merciful God, Who didst bestow upon blessed
John Mary Vianney wonderful pastoral zeal and a great fervor for
prayer and penance, grant, we beseech Thee, that by his example and
intercession we may be able to gain the souls of our brethren for
Christ, and with them attain to everlasting glory, through the same
Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee
and the Holy Ghost, one God,
world without end. R. Amen.
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