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kindheartedgummybears · 1 year ago
the LH group @ Taylor
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mrchiipchrome · 4 months ago
Thunder Only Happens When It's Raining
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A/n: It's giving 'here damn', sorry for it taking so long icl I was struggling with this one. Say if you can tell whether I was hungry or no making this😭
W.C. - 7.7 k
The first thing you can feel as you start to gain consciousness is a weight against your arm, pressing on your bicep and cutting off the blood flow to the rest of your arm. The tingle in the tips of your fingers feels almost like TV static would, pricking and prodding at the insides of your digits almost harshly.
The second thing you feel is something, someone, pressed against your front, the warmth radiating from her disappearing between the two of you and turning into a tingle at the top of your stomach. Her body fits perfectly against your own, curves fitting in the spaces of your body like that what it was made for, maybe it was, you’d never know.
The third thing you feel is fabric against the back of your hand and soft skin beneath the fingertips of your right hand. The softness of the skin doesn’t fool you for a second though, a layer of firm muscle built up over multiple years just beneath it, an impressive feat really.
Still, you don’t open your eyes, much rather wanting to savor the slow morning moments of the Sunday, the last calm one for a while, with pre-season training starting during the new week and school picking up the pace.
The quiet, serene moment is only interrupted by the sound of something crashing to the ground not too far away from where you’re laying in your bed with the unnamed girl, your brain not even registering the familiarity of her scent and body.
Opening your eyes ever so slightly, a quiet groan leaving your mouth as your back meets the soft mattress, you see the dark brown hair splayed all over the pillow and arm, dark brown hair you recognized, dark hair that belongs to the only person that you definitely shouldn’t have been in the same bed as.
How in the actual fuck do you get yourself into these predicaments?
There’s honestly no use in pondering, the events from the previous night flooding in almost immediately, nearly like an old movie from when they still used physical rolls of film. Rubbing your eyes, a yawn escapes from between your lips, the relatively early morning combined with the late night culminating in the exhaustion you’re feeling.
It’s difficult to choose whether to stay in bed with the Croatian beauty or get up and check out what the noise had been caused by, in the end the curiosity won out over the comfort of your own bed and the warmth of the basketball player.
Carefully pulling your arm out from under the brunette’s head, you clench and unclench your hand more than a few times to get the blood flow going again, pins and needles returning as you start gaining feeling back in your forearm.
You pause as you hear a small groan coming from Nika, body still as if you were a statue in order to not wake her any further, a small sigh escaping you when she stills completely, seemingly back in the deep sleep she previously had been in.
Tiptoeing to the door, you very carefully push down on the door handle so as to not wake everyone in the building by simply opening your door, opening it a fraction and slipping your body in the space between the door and the frame.  
It’s like she doesn’t hear your heavy footsteps against the floor, because when you round the corner of the living room she’s sitting on your couch, watching some trashy reality tv show and eating sugary cereal you got especially for her. Cereal she wasn’t supposed to eat anywhere else than the kitchen because it would be a pain in the arse to clean up if it got on the cushions or literally anywhere else.
Leaning up against the wall, your arms cross over your chest just like a disappointed parent, looking at the older girl tiredly. Still, her eyes are glued on the tv and the drama being displayed on the screen, barely even blinking in order to not miss anything.
“What are you watching?” Em’s eyes snap to you, a scared look on her face, like she knows that she’s been caught doing something she knows she’s not supposed to do. Her almost pathetic attempt at redemption comes from the small smile she’s sending you, trying to convince you not to scold her.
“Hey Y/n, what’chu doing up already?” She asks despite it being almost lunch time, eyes shifting anywhere but to where you’re standing, and you roll your eyes at her antics. Pushing off the wall, you walk in her direction with decisive steps, flopping down on the couch beside her and sprawling out your limbs, looking like a starfish with your butt hanging half over the edge. 
Em looks at you all weird, not really understanding why you’re not cussing her out for disrespecting your rules, yet she doesn’t say anything, it would be foolish to incite that kind of reaction. Her eyes stay on you for a few more seconds before she turns back to Love Island on the TV, leading her to just feel you get up from the couch again and not see it.
“So what is this show you’re watching?” You ask her all the way from the kitchen, getting your own bowl out of the middle drawer of the cabinet, closing the drawer with your hip and moving towards the refrigerator, pulling on the handle and plucking the carton of milk out of the small bottom compartment of the door. 
Moving back to where your bowl is sitting on the counter, you wait for your best friend to answer the question you posed to her. In the meantime you search for the chocolate cereal you knew you had hidden somewhere in one of the three cupboards in the kitchen. 
“It’s called Love Island, they basically fly out a bunch of boys and girls to a tropical island to humiliate them in front of hundreds of thousands of people.” She pauses for a moment in her explanation, seemingly taking another bite of her cereal. “Boys and girls couple up during the first day there then bombshells come in and they can steal girls or boys that are already coupled up, then there’s the recoupling ceremony where people can choose to couple up with someone else. You’ll get it soon enough.
Pouring your cereal in the bowl, you barely look up from your hands as you multitask, listening to Em explain and fixing your own breakfast. Flooding the cereal with a lake of milk, your fingers wrap around the handle of the top drawer, getting a spoon and putting it in the bowl. 
Carefully walking back towards the sofa where Em is sitting, you make sure to not spill a single drop on your hardwood floors, not wanting another disaster to clean up. In her short time as your best friend, Em had spilled more than you had in your entire life, thankfully she knew to stay away from anything exceptionally expensive.
“So they like, do this willingly?” You ask her, still confused about why people would do that out of their own free will.
“Yeah, you get famous off it sometimes and you win a shitton of money.” She responds through a mouthful of milk and cereal, looking at you through the corner of her eye as you sit down beside her once again, putting your feet up on the coffee table.
The two of you sit in silence after that, the uncharacteristic silence confusing the brunette laying in your bed. In all the time she had spent with the two of you, there had probably been a collective 5 minutes of silence, not counting when either one of you were unconscious.
When Nika wakes up, she’s all alone in the comfortable, but slightly too big bed. Her pounding head reminds her of the night she barely remembers and her aching limbs feel too heavy to move, half lidded eyes peeking around at the sparse decorations around the room, trying to recognise where exactly she was.
The muffled sounds coming from the other side of the door are enough to pique her curiosity, so with quite a bit of effort, she gets out of the bed she’s almost sinking into, swaying on her feet as she moves towards the door.
Using the wall as support, she quietly makes her way towards the living room, the source of the quiet noise. As the light from the open room hits her eyes, she lets out a groan, the headache doubling in painfulness, her now closed eyes failing to pick up the looks she’s getting from the two of you.
A look of pure adoration flashes across your face as Nika practically stumbles into the room, one hand covering her eyes and the other up against the wall, practically holding her up. In your 18 years on earth, you’re more than sure that you’ve never seen something as gorgeous as the girl standing only steps away from you, a realization that was becoming far too normal in your unusually interested mind.
On the other side of the couch, a mischievous look in her eyes that tells you everything you need to know, not that you see it, too focused on Nika to even pay your best friend any mind.
Nika herself doesn’t see either of the looks, too preoccupied with the pounding in her head, simply moving closer to the couch with almost stumbling steps, like a little lamb trying to make its way to the shade.
In the end she has to catch herself more than once before she finally throws herself into the space between you and Em, practically sinking into the couch and disappearing between the cushions.
Emma smirks down at her playfully, pondering on whether to tease her or leave her alone, on very pointed look from you though makes her decision very clear. No teasing allowed apparently, wheat has the world come to.   
There’s a strange type of silence between the three of you, not uncomfortable by any means but still, it was strange.
Nika’s almost asleep again, her head resting comfortably against your arm after she shifted a bit, just enough for her head to come into contact with the muscle of your upper arm.
By the time Nika looks up at you through her lashes, the cereal in your brightly coloured bowl has turned soggy and lost its matte brown color, now an almost pale brownish beige. Disgusting look really, but still kind of tasty.
“Can I have some?” Her puppy dog eyes are very convincing in their own right, that much you’ll admit, but you’re not sure that the unappetising cereal would be any good in terms of nutrition, not even mentioning the cross contamination happening if you were to share the same spoon as well as the milk in the bowl already.
“Really? It’s all soggy.” You look down at her questionably, not even noticing the dramatic eye roll Emma sends you both at the oblivious nature the both of you possessed. In what universe would you and Nika not end up together? Probably in one where her brother actually cared for his girlfriends.
At that moment, Em realizes that she probably would tell this story at your wedding one day in the future, most likely laughing and halfway to being drunk.
“Hey Em, gimmie some of your fruity pebbles.” Clearly, she’s been caught up in her own thoughts for far too long, lifting herself up on the heels of her hands, Em peeks over the edge over your bowl only to see it void of anything that’s not slightly diluted chocolate milk.
Throwing herself back against the cushions with a groan, both you and Nika look at her amused, the shared twinkle in your eyes telling more of a story than Em could ever realize.
“Ugh, I don’t want to get up, you go get it yourself” She rolls her eyes again, completely oblivious to your knowledge of the fact that she had brought her cereal box with her from the kitchen and that it was next to the couch’s armrest.
“Come on Em, you think I don’t know about your little stash? Come on, sharing is caring as Americans would say.” Your playful smile reaches all the way up to the corners of your eyes, and though she would never admit it, Nika’s sure she feels something other than hunger in her stomach after it. 
As Em begrudgingly hands the box over, she doesn’t fail to notice the way your arm slips away from beneath Nika’s head, pouring the sugary cereal into your now shared bowl before handing it back to the shortest of you three, the smooth maneuver you probably didn’t even realize you’d completed results in Nika’s head resting against your chest and your arm slithered around your shoulder.
Even with your seemingly cool, calm and collected demeanor, you’re screaming on the inside, sharing a bowl of fruity pebbles with a gorgeous girl apparently sets every single nerve in your body alight. 
And the worst (best) thing about it is how right it feels, despite it all being so incredibly wrong, her boyfriend (who definitely doesn’t care about her like you do) was probably worried sick about her, you would be.
It’s not right, but damn does it feel good to have her close to you.
Not in a gay way or anything, you try to convince yourself, completely platonic, yep, yep, yep, just purely platonic.
Either way, when the world turns upside down, it’s probably smart to contact the nearest Aussie, after making a mental note to call Cailtin later, you settle into the cushions more, eating a spoonful of sharp and colorful flakes, deciding to simply not care about right and wrong for now and instead just
 enjoy yourself.
A comfortable silence takes over the room for the next hour or so, the three of you simply sitting quietly, watching the show and enjoying each other’s company.
Through the screaming and arguing of the contestants on the screen, the loud rumbling of your stomach can be heard. It almost echoes throughout the room.
Both of the older girls turn toward you, almost in unison, at the sound your stomach produces, eyes wide and faces filled with pure and unbridled amusement. You’re filled with embarrassment though, a deep, dark blush covering your cheeks, especially so as Nika reaches up to pinch one of them, like a grandmother would.
“Aw, are you hungry? Let’s go fix you something to eat.” Surprisingly enough, it’s not Em that teases you, but instead Nika, who teasingly pats your stomach before slipping out of your grip and standing up in front of you, holding her hand out for you to take, her silken palm meeting yours in a soft embrace.
With unsurprising strength, Nika pulls you up off the couch and almost drags you with her into the kitchen.
Tucked away in the corner, just beside the fridge, there’s a portable speaker that Nika takes with her unoccupied hand, bringing her other hand away from yours to turn it on, then connecting her phone not long after. Within the span of a couple moments, music starts playing in the kitchen, all types of music flowing out in waves.
Looking on cluelessly as she starts swaying her body along to the beat, Nika almost raids your fridge, seemingly disappointed with what she finds as she frowns and pouts adorably. Looking through your cabinets too, she’s even more disappointed with what she finds, brows now fully furrowed.
She picks up her phone from the counter where she had placed it down only moments before, humming along to the chorus, pressing and swiping and messing around on her phone before she looks up and over the top of it.
“Your address?” She asks, trying not to laugh at the dumbfounded look on your face, your mind clearly not comprehending a single thing she had said.
“What?” She smiles all cutely at you, and you have to try your absolute hardest not to replicate her expression, but in the end it’s simply impossible. Her smile is just so contagious that you can’t help it.
“I need your address, I’m ordering the ingredients.” Telling her you address quickly, you also thank her profusely for the thoughtful act, offering to send her the money for the groceries, to which she simply just waves you off, telling you that it wasn’t necessary.
 what do we do now?” You ask her, not noticing the way she’s moving closer to you until her hands grip onto yours, stringing you along as she starts dancing to the r&b song. The beat of the song grips ahold of you just enough to the point where Nika doesn’t have to push and pull on you tp make you dance, your body on autopilot.
“You know I really don’t like to dance.” You tell her, fully confused as she smirks at you, well up until you follow her line of sight down to your lower half, moving like a master, like you’d done it a million times before. “Shut up.” Is the only thing that comes out of your mouth, whispered through playfully pursed lips.
“I did not say anything.” She exclaims, still smiling at you teasingly, and you roll your eyes for what seems to be the millionth time since arriving in America, by now not even caring about the playful teasing.
Nika’s phone buzzes after a few more songs, the text message telling her that the ingredients were at the door.
“Come on, let’s go.” She walks to the hallway with you in tow, seeing her open the door to find a short and stout man on the other side, a thick, white mustache covering his upper lip. You both thank him and he gets a hefty tip before you close the door and basically skip your way into the kitchen, ready for some food.
“What are we making?” You ask her excitedly, almost buzzing with pure anticipation.
“We are making ơtrukli, it’s from Croatia.” Nodding along to her words, you walk towards the sink to start washing your hands, all whilst Nika starts to unpack all the ingredients and placing them on the counter. Shaking the water off your hands, you soon make your way to the drawer where all your aprons and towels were stored, pulling out the first one you could see and putting it on, absentmindedly tying the strings behind your back.
Looking back up from the floor, you soon see the look Nika’s giving you, half teasing and half plotting. Her eyes trail up and down your body, staying a moment or two extra on your torso before flicking back up to your eyes and then back down again.
Looking down at yourself, you see exactly what’s caught her attention, and the embarrassing print covering the front of the apron spells out a big “Kiss The Cook”, a gift from Lucy who thought she was oh so hilarious, in her mind it was an appropriate gift for a college student.
Your cheeks darken once more, your hand coming up to rub at the back of your neck before you speak.
“Uh yeah, um it was a gift from my older sister, well not my actual older sister, I don’t have one of those, but from my uh, my pseudo-” In your stupor, you had once again not noticed the way Nika was moving closer to you until her unbelievably soft lips were pressed to your cheek, her hands pressing down against your hip bones to push herself up slightly. Heaven was gifted to you in the form of a single moment, a single kiss pressed fleetingly to your cheek by a divine woman with a boyfriend. 
A boyfriend. Fuck.
“So, a kiss for the cook, now we can start.” Just as quick as it happened, Nika moves away from you and towards the sink behind you to wash her hands, leaving you completely dumbfounded, almost convinced that the whole thing had been a dream. She’s a whole dream, nothing that perfect could be attainable in real life.
But as she pats you on your back, you get thrown back into reality, with Nika standing beside you at the counter there’s virtually no chance of a possible escape, not that you’d ever want that either way. She grabs the ingredients, carefully pushing them in front of you both before ordering you to get a bowl. 
The plastic clanks against the counter as you put it down, Nika now ordering you to start making the filling made up of cheese, a pinch of salt, eggs and sour cream, whilst she makes the dough herself.
“This look good enough, boss?” Holding up the mixing bowl in order for her to check the contents, she nods quickly after looking at the mixture for a moment or two, beckoning you over at the same time.
“Alright, you put it on there.” She points to the dough rolled thin on the counter, and you move over as quick as your legs allowed you to, handing her the bowl so that you couldn’t mess everything up. “Like this.” She says, spreading the cheese mixture along the bottom quarter of the dough. Standing right behind her to get a closer look at the process, you peek over her shoulder as she works diligently, strong arms flexing with every single move she makes.
“Usually there would be a
 how do you say? Stolnjak
 like a cloth.” She rubs her thumb against her pointer and middle finger - almost like she’s asking for you to pay up - before she moves her hand back down towards the counter.
She takes the edge of the dough and starts to push it towards the other edge, making a roll that, at last, ends up in the middle of the counter.
“Plate, please.” She holds her hand up, ready for a plate to be placed between her waiting fingers. You move away from her, and for just a millisecond, Nika misses the warmth your body provided her, being just close enough for your bodies to exchange heat. After finding a plate that you felt was sturdy enough, you place it in between her fingers and wait for what she’s going to use it for.
She turns around briefly to flash her winning smile at you as an inaudible thank you, but then she turns back around and starts to press the plate’s edge against the soft dough, cutting it whilst at the same time sealing the edges off.
“Next steps are secret, go sit with Em.” She looks over her shoulder at you, a mischievous glint in her eye, all before she starts to physically shoo you away and out of the kitchen, even going as far as to start pushing against your chest to get you to go back to the living room.
Feet shuffling against the floor, you look back towards the kitchen sneakily, trying to get a sneak peek of the so-called secret step, only to be met with a middle finger and a playful smile paired with a knowing look.
Jumping over the back of the couch, you settle down into the couch with your back resting against the arm rest and your feet resting in Em’s lap. She looks at them disgusted, like she hadn’t done the exact same thing a hundred different times before.
“First you steal my cereal, then you put your disgusting feet in my lap, where are your manners?” She asks, playful annoyance coating every word coming out of her mouth, shaking her head almost like she’s disappointed in you. 
“First of all, I paid for that cereal, so it’s mine, secondly I have socks on, no cross contamination.” You smile cheekily at her, shrieking when she pokes the underside of your foot, extremely ticklish. Something Em really wasn’t supposed to know.
“Ticklish huh, now we’ll see who really owns that cereal.” Her statement makes no sense at all, but you don’t have any time to ponder over it as she throws herself onto you, starting to tickle your sides before you start to gain control, flipping her over and letting the wrestling commence.
Knocking over the empty bowls standing on the coffee table, it seems like Nika finally notices the childish nature of playing happening in the living room, her accented voice being heard all across the apartment.
“Children, stop it before you break something.” The both of you stand up almost immediately, going into the military salute position, throwing yourselves back onto the couch when she giggles at the pure silliness of the apparent adults standing only a couple meters away from her. Well you were barely even legal, but that’s a problem for another day.
Em’s eyes widen once more when she sees the print on the apron you’re still wearing, going back into mischievous mode in less than a second. 
“Ooooh, did the chef get the kiss?” She teases simply, and you try your hardest to keep the poker face, even going as far as to start coughing to have a reason for the blush that’s surely covering your cheeks by now, but of course that only makes you more suspicious. “Wait, actually?” She leans over towards you, shock displayed all over her face.
“No, she kissed me on the cheek, you know, like friends do?” Pushing her face away from yours with your hand, Em starts making kissy faces from the other side of the couch, by now neither of you are paying attention to the program on the tv, just focussed on annoying the other as much as possible.
“How come I don’t get any of that honey?” She teases, leaning closer again this time to pretend to kiss you on the cheek, before you once again push her away.
“Shut up” Crossing your arms across your chest, you signal that you’re done with the conversation, Em like always, continues on with her antics, but you don’t pay her any mind, the older girl finally shutting up like you asked her after a while.
With the both of you slowly being pulled back into the show that is love island, there’s no way that you notice Nika’s nearing figure until she’s standing right in front of the tv, somehow holding three plates of steaming food.
“Lunch is served.” Her proud smile is adorable and you actually have to prevent yourself from aww-ing at it, which is harder than it may seem. As she hands you your plate, your stomach rumbles loudly again which lets you know that it’s time to eat.
The first bite tastes like pure love, and you can’t help the loud groan from escaping through your lips, a pure home cooked meal differing from the plain rice and chicken that you’d had for lunch practically since you arrived in America. 
“This is so good, you did such a good job.” Looking at Nika sincerely, it’s difficult not to notice the growing smile on her face after your words, even as she moves closer to sit down between you and Em, the smile stays on her beautiful face. She smiles a lot. That’s a good thing, you decide, a person with a smile as gorgeous as that shouldn’t hide it.
“We.” She reminds you, after a second or two, a fond look in her eye that you hadn’t seen before, it’s kind of like the way parents looked at their kids in the movies when they got good grades or something. Yeah, no, probably not that. “We both made it, and you’re right, we did a hell of a good job.”
Em nods in agreement at the statement, not as thrilled to be, what she deems as third wheeling as someone might think, if only she had stayed home last night. Last night, the party, getting drunk beyond belief, bumping into Nika and one of her basketball buddies, Party P, getting pulled into more than one beer pong game, nearly passing out and then waking up to Nika using her phone, to then falling asleep just before getting woken up, insulting your pjs and then getting driven home. Wait.
“Oh shit.” Em says just before springing up off the couch in a panic, both you and Nika’s eyes following the cartoonish action, Nika far more concerned than you, simply based on the fact that she 
isn’t practically living with the
 enthusiastic girl. Em exclaims shit like that once every half an hour normally.
“Oh shit what?” The brunette asks, hoping to get a ‘I forgot my homework’ oh shit rather than a “I dropped my phone in the toilet” oh shit. 
“I fucking forgot that I left my car back at the school. We have to go get it.” She exclaims, almost running for the door as Nika stands up slowly, looking at you unimpressed as you lean back into the cushions. 
“What?” You ask innocently, like you can’t figure out why she’s looking at you in the way she is on your own. Taking another bite, Nika sighs and rolls her eyes before she once again sticks her hand out for you to pull yourself up with.
“You know I have to get home too, I can’t stay here forever.” She says, raising her eyebrows when you practically ignore her in favor of watching the show on the tv. Stepping so that she’s blocking your line of sight, her eyes staying on you until you actually get up. “Come on.”
“But the drive-” You start off, almost whining to the obviously amused girl, who just starts to beckon you over to where she’s now standing halfway across the apartment in the hall.
“But the drive nothing, if you don’t want Em to drive your precious baby.” She teases, getting startled when you zoom past her, just barely remembering to grab your keys off the hook before absolutely legging it down to the bottom floor. Unbeknownst to you, Nika takes her time and puts the dishes in the sink just to make it a little easier for you before she carefully slips her shoes on. 
Looking around the hall, she soon sees the spare house keys hanging off a hook not far from the hook your car keys hung on just a moment before. Just as the tall brunette exits out the front door, the door just beside yours also opens and an adorable dog jumps onto her, all excited and puppylike despite clearly not being a puppy.
“Who are you? Oh you’re so cute.” Nika coos at the slobbering dog, getting up from the ambush to kneel in front of him, scratching just behind his fluffy ear. He lays down on the ground, showing his stomach for loads of belly scratches.
“That’s Bubba, he’s just a little eccentric.” The old woman standing in front of her reaches out for her hand, bringing Nika up from the floor and leaving her own dog whining for more bellyrubs. “He’s a big baby. You’re one of Y/n’s friends? I haven’t seen you ‘round before.”
Nika nods her head quickly, introducing herself to the lady with the cutest dog ever.
“Yeah I’m dating Emma’s brother, but yeah we’re friends. I’m Nika.” She smiles, and the old woman replicates her actions. There’s an almost standstill for a moment before the gray haired woman sighs, looking at her amused.
“Alright now, if you’re ever having any problems with them knuckleheads, don’t be ‘fraid to knock and I’ll fix it right up for ya. And I just want to tell you how gorgeous you are, my god you are something else.” With that, the old woman leaves with her fluffy dog and her tiny red pure that Nika hadn’t noticed before.
Shrugging, Nika turns around and locks the door before making her way down to the lobby, walking out the door only to see you and Em basically wrestling on the ground in front of your garage. She rolls her eyes goodnaturedly, walking over with sure steps to deliver steady slaps to the backs of both your heads.
“Ouch.” Rubbing the backs of your heads, both you and Em follow after Nika as she makes her way to sit in the passenger seat, Emma groaning at the action like she even had a chance at shotgun in the first place.
“Y’all are idiots sometimes, you know that?” She says, waiting for the key to be inserted into the ignition so that the car can be started, and her words make you roll your eyes sassily. There’s always a bit of sass in you.
“Come on, bro let’s just go.” Em sits in the middle seat, poking her head forth between the front seats, using her elbow to nudge Nika in the ribs. Not that it would make any difference, since you were the one driving and not her.
Driving out of the garage, your precious baby of a car rumbles in that familiar way, the pebbles on the ground crackling under the weight of the car.
“Let’s get some life up in here.” Em exclaims after a few minutes of quiet driving, the sound of the engine mixed with the air coming from the vents clearly not satisfying the older girl. Unbuckling her seatbelt, Em leans forward and turns the radio on, the volume high like it’s supposed to be.
“Sit down Emma, are you trying to get us killed?” You ask, half joking and half serious, the surprising action from the girl in the backseat having startled you only moments before. The click of the seatbelt sounds behind the loud music, a reassurance that she indeed did not aim to be killed.
“Shush, enjoy my company kiddo instead of complaining.” Em smiles mischievously at you through the rearview mirror, leaning back into the seat and putting her hands together over her stomach.
“Oh so I’m kiddo now?” You look back at her briefly with the trademark ‘really?’ look, turning your eyes back to the road so as to not put everyone in danger. Nika giggles beside you, and it catches your attention quicker than you’d ever admit, not that you’d ever admit to most things, especially those involving Nika. Not that there was anything about her to admit in the first place, you tell yourself in your head, right.
“Would you rather be grumpy?” You hear Em’s accusing tone shining through the loud music in the background, and you can imagine the expression on her stupid face, with raised brows and an idiotic look.
Deciding to stay quiet in order to not give her any more ammunition, it seemingly gives her a lot more than you would have thought.
“Thought so.” She sticks her tongue out at you through the rearview mirror and you can’t help but shake your head in amusement, deciding to just let her be.
During the next hour, your car turns into a concert hall as Nika and Em sing along to the songs on the radio, and you catch yourself smiling at their silliness more than once, especially as they start singing to each other like they were in a band.
And to everyone’s surprise, you had even joined in a few times.
Luckily enough for Em, nothing had happened to her old ass car by the time you had dropped her off, except for the fact that it was 23 years old and that the paint was chipping in various places, the car seemed fine enough. 
Driving off in the direction Nika had pointed in, you flip Em the bird just for fun as you pass her by and she sends you one right back, all before Nika slaps the back of your head, calling you a child lovingly.
“Okay, right here and then you can park there.” Nika points to a spot right outside of the dorm building as you pull up in front of it, looking around you carefully as you park, there’s no way you would ever risk damaging your car.
Pulling the keys out of the ignition, you get out of the car at the same time as Nika does, locking up and checking it once, then twice and then thrice, just to be sure. Looking up, you see the unimpressed look the girl at the other side of the car is giving you, and you send her a sheepish smile in return.
“You care more about that car than you do your apartment.” Nika says just as you round the corner of the car, sidling up beside her as you two walk shoulder to shoulder towards the entrance of the building, the code to the door being put in before either of you can make your way into the building.
Looking around the entrance, there’s really not a lot to comment on, a couple of security cameras and some sort of guard sitting by the door. Well protected at least. 
“Come, we need to get upstairs.” The Croatian beauty takes your hand and pulls you in the direction of a set of stairs leading up to, what you presumed to be floors and floors of rooms. 
Following her up the stairs, it doesn’t take long for Nika to stop in front of a door, presumably the door to her dorm. She leans down and fiddles with something, somehow managing to produce a keychain from the small space, leaving you completely perplexed.
“How did you just-” She shakes her head amusedly, almost telling you to not even ask just with a simple look. “You’re magic, you know?”
“Thank you, but I’m really not, at most I can hocus pocus my way into some free drinks.” Nika says as she winks playfully at you, pushing her key into the lock without hearing the thumping footsteps coming from the inside of the dorm, too distracted by the dark red blush suddenly covering your cheeks.
As she tugs on the handle and opens the door, Nika’s tackled to the ground by a mystery girl, someone who’s clearly quite excited.
“NIKAAAAA, twin where have you been? I was literally posted up in here last night waiting for you.” The mystery girl gets up off the brunette, pulling her up and off the floor just a moment later, not even noticing you standing just a few decimeters away.
“You know how it is Paige, making the most out of the last of the off-season.” Nika responds to the blonde you now know to be Paige. Rocking back and forth on the balls of your feet, you almost leave without saying goodbye, seeing as your job was done, you had walked her home.
“Whose clothes are these? I know they ain’t yours.” You can hear the blonde, Paige, speak up again, and you see her tug at the corner of the t-shirt that clearly wasn’t Nika’s, seeing as it was a t-shirt you’d gotten for winning some tournament for England’s U21 team not too long ago.
Nika looks back at you for just a second or two, before she’s waving you over to where the two of them were standing not too far away. Walking closer cautiously, you look at Nika, almost asking her “what should I do?” through your gaze.
“Who’s this?” The blonde asks Nika, looking at you skeptically, not judging you but instead wondering who you were.
“You know Cal has a little sister, right? This is her best friend,” Nika starts off looking at Paige before she turns towards you, looking at you intensely as she speaks. “I mean we’re pretty good friends too, right kid?” She teases, and you groan loudly at the nickname, not wanting it to spread further than it already had. You’re not a kid, but to others you might as well be an infant.
“I’m not a child.” The playfully groaned words seem to take the blonde by surprise, for some reason you can’t fathom.
“Whoa, I was not expecting that accent.” She exclaims, looking at you with a huge smile on her face and a glint in her eye that you know you had seen before.
“Most people don’t, it’s quite weird actually.” You look at her as you speak, a small smile appearing across your lips. Shrugging, there’s really no telling why people didn’t expect that accent, but it happened often enough for you to probably need a shirt announcing the fact that you were not American. As if. 
“I’m Y/n Y/l/n, a friend of Nika’s and her boyfriend’s little sister.” Sticking your hand out for her to shake, Paige does so with the confidence you’d seen shine through in her interactions with Nika. 
“I’m Paige, Nika’s best friend.” Letting go of your hand, the blonde smiles mischievously, in a fashion that suggests that she does it all the time, and based purely on the way Nika rolls her eyes playfully, you’re sure she does.
“Nice to meet you, I should be going though, can’t have Em getting home before me.” Shrugging softly, you turn around to walk away from the two, but the brunette doesn’t let you get too far away before she takes hold of your hand once again, pulling you around to face her.
“I think I forgot my clothes at your place.” She tells you, an adorable frown on her cute face.
“Oh don’t worry, I’ll just bring them ‘round next time.” You wave her concerns off with the simple promise, keeping eye contact all throughout the interaction, not daring to look away from her captivating gaze.
“Next time?” She looks at you almost confused, but not really at the same time, there’s something about her that’s just so difficult to read. Maybe you’ll learn sometime, maybe.
“Yeah, next time.” You respond determinedly, of course you wanted to see her again, as soon as possible, you’re friends and you want to see your friends. As much as you want to see Nika again, the call of home is getting louder second by second and you know you can’t leave Em alone outside your door, waiting to get in as if she hasn’t gotten her own key to your place.
“You wanna see me again?” Nika smiles all mysteriously, raising her eyebrows slightly as if she was surprised before she moves her hand, that you just now realize is still connected to your own, uup to tuck the strand of hair falling down into her line of sight. Before either of you realize what’s happened, you’ve reached up and tucked it behind her ear, not even thinking twice about the usually intimate gesture. 
Not even seeing the light blush dusting the brunette’s cheekbones, you continue on with your conversation as if nothing happened, which in your mind was true, there was nothing there at all, right?
“Of course I want to see you again, we’re friends dummy.” The american lingo has clearly started to catch on as you start sounding like some idiot in those cliche american rom-coms that Leah always made you watch with her.
“Okay then, next time.” With that, the girl turns back around to face Paige, who looks at her in a way that you can’t decipher, the both of them disappearing back into the apartment. Shrugging, you start on your walk down the stairs, trudging down the steps until you come down to the first floor, walking out the front door after giving a polite nod to the guard thingy sitting there.
“Y/N!” You can hear your name shouted as you walk towards your car and you turn around, looking up to see Nika waving at you through the open window.
Turning your whole body around to face the building, you wave back at the woman enthusiastically before you turn back around to walk to your car.
Sitting down in the driver's seat, you inhale a deep breath before exhaling smoothly, emptying your lungs of as much air as possible. The headlights light up as you turn the car on, pulling out from in front of the building and onto the small slithering roads leading to the motorway.
The calm drive home isn’t interrupted by anything thankfully, the music from the radio playing softly in the background providing a nice backtrack as the repetitive motions of driving continue all the way until you’re parked back in your garage just outside your apartment building.
Going through everything that you have to do when you get back inside in your mind, you’re almost on autopilot, locking up outside before putting in the code at the door and then taking the elevator up.
The doors slide open, only for Em to be nowhere to be found, seemingly having disappeared into thin air. Eh maybe she’s finally at her own place, you think as you go to open the door of your apartment, suspiciously finding it unlocked.
That is until you remember that you’d run out before without locking so that would make a lot of sense.
Kicking off your shoes just as you come in, there’s a murmur coming from your kitchen, people seemingly speaking in hushed tones. Em was clearly not at home at all, maybe Mrs Peters had invited herself over again. 
Walking further into the apartment, you take out your phone just to check to see if you have any new texts, unconsciously walking towards the kitchen and the low voiced chitchat. Opening up the Instagram app, you scroll through your feed for a few seconds before Em’s voice cuts through the now silent air.
“What took you so long?” She asks jokingly, but there was a sort of seriousness underlying in her tone, the thing that makes you grimace, Emma is never serious. Standing just in the doorway of the kitchen, you lean onto the pillar-like structure casually, not noticing anything being out of the ordinary.
“Oh you know how it is, Nika wanted me to-” Looking up in the middle of your sentence, your jaw drops open in shock, eyebrows shooting to your hairline and phone crashing to the ground. “No way.”
“Hey kiddo.”
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nationmckinleyscorset · 2 months ago
Canon to me
How I see the wwdits relationships
If you don't agree don't interact
Laszlo and Nadja are married
Laszlo and Nadja have both slept with Lilith
Laszlo has a casual relationship with Sean
I still can't decide on Nadja and Charmaine, they seem like girl friends who kiss when they're drunk
Obviously Sean and Charmaine are together
After season 6 I would love to see a platonic relationship between Nandor and Charmaine
Nandor is a part of the polycule with Laszlo and Nadja, you will not change my mind, he and Nadja have a more fluffy relationship while he and Laszlo are mostly just flirty but they all fuck
Guillermo is in an off-screen relationship with Nandor, however he isn't fully involved in the polycule on the grounds that he wouldn't be attracted to Nadja. I do believe there is some tension between him and Laszlo though
The Guide is in an off-screen relationship with Nadja, she is weirdly interlinked with the polycule in that I HC her as being Nadja's girlfriend, occasionally being involved with Laszlo when Nadja is there but not only with Laszlo and never with Nandor
Marwa is Nandor's wife, I imagine she is also attracted to Guillermo because of the "I like whatever he likes" wish/curse but I don't think she would try anything with him because of his sexuality and he would reject her advances
After some thinking I do not want to imagine what goes down at girl's night but in my head The Guide, Nadja and Marwa are casual together
I can't stand Freddie, do not mention his name in this household. If we try to unpack his relationships we will be here all day.
Nadja has a casual relationship with Jenna. Don't ask me how she just does, very protective, very cutesy, not too extreme. Nadja is everything Jenna's boyfriend can't be
Nadja and Laszlo have a casual relationship with the baron, mostly sexual, it's like an affair but they're both aware of it. I feel like they would be with him separately though, maybe discuss it together afterwards but he's like a sidepiece for both of them
The Guide wishes she had a casual relationship with the baron, I HC she has tried but he has rejected her
The baron and the sire are an old married couple with a dog and adopted children
I believe Colin Robinson is a part of the polycule but he is asexual so he doesn't take part in... Activities. I know he was at the orgy but I imagine he was just there to feed and his outfit was purely to fit in with the other guests
(to clarify when I say "casual" I mean either mostly sexual or like they barely see each other, it really depends on the person. For example Guidja is definitely not casual but put Marwa into the equation and it becomes casual. The Baron is already married and so are Ladja so the relationship is on the side (I made it sound like mashed potatoes there 😭) so it's not super serious)
This is the only happy ending in my mind and I've built all these theories up to bury the finale
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alto-tenure · 2 years ago
dude the misogyny in pl is so bad. like just off the top of my head there's like twice the amount of plot-relavent women/girls who are dead (sophia, claire (x2), melina, rachel, aurora, des's wife, des's daughter) to the plot-relavent men who are dead (augustus, duke herzen, evan barde) like. they really took the girls behind the shed and put them down to further the men's characters 😭😭😭
it really fucking sucks like. fandom is Not Immune to Misogyny either but at least the people I've encountered over here believe the female characters deserved better (at least Flora if no one else)
(spoilers for: plvpw, lmj, lbmr, azran legacy, and miracle mask under the cut)
and there are a lot of different types of misogyny in the games too -- it isn't just the amount of female characters that are fridged (though I will say: Newton Belduke gets added to the count of male characters, and while both Mrs. Belduke and Mrs. Cantabella are dead, neither of them really fit the bill for fridging, since they're barely relevant beyond "this is how Eve and Espella exist", which is a Different misogynist trope but not fridging...) it's also:
the mishandling of Flora in DB and UF, who was shafted out of a character arc
characters like Espella and Aurora, which while prominent don't have much going for them in terms of characterization since they're more "mystery" than "character" -- you can read my essay about that here
and the fact that characters like them exist shows that PL knows they had issues with female characters and rather than actually Fixing The Problem they were like "oh! we'll just give female characters more screen time! this will fix everything!"
there's these two NPCs in Diabolical Box you interact with on the Molentary Express. they're named Steve and Mitzi. they're husband and wife. Steve has about double the amount of lines as Mitzi, despite the fact that you interact with both simultaneously. this was the example that made me want to graph the amount of lines female characters have versus the amount male characters had
why was Katrielle's game almost marketed as "Lady Layton" I know it's to give her a fancy title like Professor but like. Changing it to Layton's Mystery Journey was the right move imo, Lady Layton sounds like it's "puzzles: girl edition"
Diane Makepeace should have been the final villain of Mystery Room actually. She should have gotten to take in how completely wrong she was about Alfendi and watched her conceptions of the case crumble. It doesn't even necessarily have to be a redemption arc. She doesn't have to express remorse about killing those at least five other people. (And yes I acknowledge the racist tones of the whole "Mariana Etista" thing, these are not mutually exclusive)
this is localization specific but according to a couple friends of mine who are collaborating on a comparison between the EU-US-JP versions of Last Specter/Spectre's Call Emmy's character is very different in the US version, she speaks a lot more passively in the US version compared to the EU version which uh. Yikes
Katia's family history being mansplained by Layton since it's the "mystery" of DB
just like. they never acknowledge Hoogland's deal? like the women that were ""sacrificed to the dragonlord"" were running away from loveless marriages, sure, but why did those marriages exist to begin with? and now we (the protagonists) have taken away that escape route for women trapped in (probably) abusive relationships because the dragonlord was a lie and azran tech was causing the wind. sure we might have fixed the natural disasters but we sure didn't fix the other problems!
(I think the crossover does slightly better here by not portraying becoming a Shade as an escape for women but as kind of an empty existence, but witch burnings are always gonna be a little :/)
the general lack of female antagonists. Darklaw and Diane go a good ways towards filling that but Diane dying is :/ and while I'm fine with Darklaw being not the "final boss" because she’s also an Ace Attorney Prosecutor they just don't like girlbosses. women can be evil too
Marina Triton deserved better than what she got she is actually kind of a BAMF (going undercover in a cult that kidnapped her for years, hello??) but the ONLY reason she couldn't rescue Luke and Layton earlier was because Katrielle needed to be there in a Doyalist sense, which makes Marina knowing how to get them out of the cryochambers even weirder because if she KNEW why couldn't she have freed them EARLIER
Angela and Flora (in DB) being replaced by a male villain for a lot of their screentime (Angela was replaced by Descole after the first present-day conversation, so in all subsequent present-day scenes she’s Not There. Despite Flora being replaced by Don Paolo fairly early on in DB she actually speaks the third-most lines out of the female characters in that game...and I took out all the DP lines for that count)
but yeah the fridging is a problem, even one that persists into LMJ -- a major part of Ernest/Miles's motivations are that his mother died 🙃
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bibiana112 · 2 years ago
i just Know youve already gotten a few abt Aoi so..... for the comfort chara asks, 6, 10, and 15 with Mizuki or Akane? (or both if u want!!) :0
Dw you got the right impression! Mizuki and Akane qualify also this will have ZE spoilers that I'm not tagging so be careful
★ Comfort character ask game
✀ Akane ✀
6. the moment of theirs that made me the saddest
I am this close to impersonating a fellow zero escape friend and only replying to this with a row of fire emojis aj
10. my favorite moment with them in canon
Oh my god Akane has so many good ones how could you make me choose hmmm I love the gun scene like a lot a lot she has so many scenes of her acting that are so funny to me and so many little interactions with so much weight too I obviously want to say the reveal scene of her narrating but honestly it's such a game defining moment that in my heart it's not so much a favorite moment for the character but just generally in fiction of all time ds dual screen playing into the experience my beloved this shit's peak fiction and absolutely everything hinges on this moment like fr it's so good it's insane But okay I'll actually surprise everyone with this and talk about ztd positively actually and claim C-Team ending as my favorite moment for her because it just encapsulates her character perfectly, what she's capable of why she does it how she thinks of herself for it how she still despite everything holds her memories with Junpei very dear in what's kind of a selfish way the imagery of the blood red moon all as she is at her wits end realizing just how much she was playing right into some other Zero's hand like these are all great conceptually! I can only imagine a world where the execution of and context for these ideas didn't fall flat as hell on it's face also shout out for the voice actors carrying the few good moments of this game btw
15. what i dont like about the way canon portrayed them
Aside from how ztd generally just treats everyone in terms of framing and where the story goes and especially seems to erase details we had very well estabilished on her from her mind and characterization y'know forgetting she's not an only child not being afraid of fire being okay with nurses etc etc Then there's not much I dislike really, like, as much as it pains me to see her turn out so callous and utilitarian and ruining people's lives for the 'greater good' it's still such a good development for her regardless in a way you don't often see and I'm thankful for it. Like honestly it's important to me to keep this in mind for her characterization even when I'm writing fics where almost nothing bad happens after she saves herself in 999, those traits never manage to take such a strong hold on her while still being there, so, I deny canon but I accept her as she is <3 lmao okay I guess there is one thing I disagree and it's just that I like to think she wouldn't be as okay with murder as she supposedly is? I don't think she'd never do it herself, fucking far from it, I just think she wouldn't own up to it? Try to remove herself from it however she can I dunno or maybe even just doing it on auto pilot just absolutely seething without a word or saying stuff that's more calculated still, like the fire extinguisher bit is so funny but I do wish she sounded less hysterical about it? It doesn't quite fit her, it feels like I'm watching some random dating sim with a secret route where the girl goes crazy, also she sounds so silly with the chainsaw lol
★ Mizuki ★
6. the moment of theirs that made me the saddest
The ways she defines a family in the carousel scene and how her relationship with her parents never fit that and how she wishes it did work our with them and then all of that with the context of how Shoko and Renju talk about her on the bar is just... you two barely even wanted it to work huh
10. my favorite moment with them in canon
Mizuki end my beloved...... đŸ„ș😭
15. what i dont like about the way canon portrayed them
I don't like how she's friends with Ota specifically lmao okay not necessarily by which I mean I think it's weird that the fact all her friends being adults is something we're meant to practically ignore? It's not an inherently negative thing but it's mostly addressed as jokes at best but it's weird about what that means for her development wise or what it means for the characters she is friends with like they give her this presumed competence that is brushed off as her being 'so mature for her age' and so ahead of the other kids so we might as well treat her like we're peers but that. That has ramifications and implications and that's one of the things I relate to her own! So I know what I'm talking about it just feels shallow when it feels like it'd have some more relevance especially from Date's pov when it comes to assuming that same competence about combat and putting her in harm's way I guess it comes down to the more silly tone of AI but it's also a me thing to look at this and see missed potential because I know the nuance in those relationships and what it can do to a kids perception of self very well
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ecl1pse · 3 years ago
ngl i had absolutely no interest on ive when eleven dropped. it’s a fine song, but nothing of what i heard captured my attention. it just wasn’t for me. still isn’t & that’s fine. but love dive
. with love dive i get it. that song deserves every bit the hype it got. especially for its live performances!!
the mv is pretty but a bit boring ngl. i like some shots but it’s nothing revolutionary. the good stuff is in the performances, especially when they had the special intro with what i believe is rei’s voice??? that was a definitive 10/10.
i won’t lie there were some missteps with the styling tho. maybe it’s just me getting tired of the miumiu mini skirt set but i think those sets were a bit meh
tho i will admit their stylist did a better job with those than some of the other styling i’ve seen for it
but that’s another topic. i really liked the school girl-ish multi-colored outfits tho!! the heart details they did for those were so cute!! also the grey/silver ones dripping with jewels 10/10. but the all pink outfits they did for the inkigayo one-take video!!! they still heart-shaped accessories & cute cargo pants!!! 😍/10 so good, i love it. i want more of that!!!
i loved that choreo quite detailed but they’re not doing bone-breaking stunts on stage. it also tells a story with even the facial expressions, like they’re luring you in to fall in love with them— but it’s not a love that will be entirely reciprocated, you’re the only one falling in love here.
quite fitting for an idol group in some way ngl. they have millions of fans adoring them & fawning over their every move, but that kind of love is mostly a one-way street since as fans we’re mostly faceless to an artist performing on stage (especially for acts that have debuted in the past couple of years & haven’t or are barely performing with live audiences now). like, if you think about it, that’s kinda fucked up & wrong
but it feels good to project feelings on someone in a screen who can’t harm you in a way someone actually involved in your real life could. it feels safe.
as a side note, i saw sunmi said they had offered her the song before taking it to ive & starship ent but she rejected it because she felt it suited a girl group better. & while i get it & she wasn’t wrong on that
i also wish i could peek into that alternate universe where sunmi actually sung love dive 😭😭 i know she would’ve added such a different & adult take to that song, perhaps even made it more dark & just—im banging my fist in the air bc that could’ve been as iconic as gashina was in 2017 😭😭 why is she afraid of success?!!?!! i get it tho. the ive take is extremely good & their voices make it sound so sweet, it’s perfect. wouldn’t hurt to see a sunmi cover tho đŸ„Č
anyways ive did great & i’m definitely going to be looking forward to whatever they release next, especially if they keep it as dark & cute as love dive was!!!
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