puppetmaster13u · 5 months
HYPOTHETICALLY. If I were to write a oneshot with meta batfamily, but they couldn't have shadow powers, what powers would you give each of them?
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chocsra · 7 months
im in the middle of reading stormbringer and why does nobody talk about adam and chuuyas friendship goals its peak (if there is a certain spoiler ab them do NOT run thy mouth)
ima scrap my old stormbringer fic and can yall tell me which typa fic u want me to write first:
non violent ending obvi but y/n is one of the suspected people thats going to be targeted by verlaine. and so chuuya and adam come to protect her and defeat verlaine. and like chuuya and y/n are sassing each other and chuuyas like "okay i had a shitty week too yknow?? people i actually cared for died and i dont want you to be next!" --everything goes silent and adams like "Master Chuuya, I believe there are better words to articulate your romantic feelings towards y/n, maybe then you can form a relationship after this is all sorted out--" "NO."
dazai is either overseas for a while or disappears off the face of the earth(not uncommon of him) and stormbringer chuuya is given a temporarily partner (y/n). and the dynamic is like "i wish i had a family" "trust me you DONT". at the end chuuya uses corruption and y/n genuinely is like "beautiful. you're beautiful." while she smiles like GENUINELY.
TELL MEEEEE bc i like both of these ideas but idk which to write first!! stormbringer chuu chuu season!
ps. march break is after this week and im sorry for not uploading cus i have like two exams this week along with two essays and one big ass assignment :(
click here to read: heyheyhey
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capnstuffs · 1 year
I ran out of ideas.
Gimme ideas.
I need it for living.
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enochs-g0r3-jars · 1 year
Some twitter posts the peculiars would make🤭
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ddracula0 · 1 month
Choso who’s severely fucked up, not to the point of no return but enough for you to lose your mind every once in awhile. Thinking of him being similar to Rodrick? But like less nice. He does shit for attention, like he’s a huge attention whore. Thinking loud obnoxious semi popular Cho x Reader who cannot stand it. He’s cocky as hell.
I’m thinking he’d be on one of the sports teams and that’d contribute to it. Being around other people who feed his ego he’d need the occasional reality check. Im thinking the reader is a Daria type, very blunt borderline pessimistic, a misery chick. We love a good opposites attract- Reader who doesn’t particularly care either way for him until he makes her the butt of one of his dumb jokes. I’m thinking something over the top, he spills his lunch on her, he ‘accidentally’ ruins her homework, I dunno one of the classics. And she retaliates not by screaming or giving him a peace of her mind. No instead she flips a switch and becomes sickeningly sweet towards him, inflating his ego every chance she gets, weaving her way into his life. She’s at all of his games cheering the loudest, she’s bringing his favorite snacks to practice, she’s gushing to him about how amazing he is. And he’s an attention whore of course he’s eating it up. And then one day it stops. I’m thinking he comes up with a really sweet homecoming proposal and she’d laugh before giving him the most lethal read you can imagine. And that’s that. They go the rest of the year avoiding each other until Reader moves away.
Boom act two, they’re like in college and they have a group project together. Which reader is dreading because she kinda feels bad about what she did, and Choso is dreading because he feels equally bad. They get through their group project and kinda pick up where they left off, reader starts going to his games, and studies with him before tests. Cho gets a chance to actually get to know the reader and finds he likes her just as much as the fake version of her. Maybe he’ll ask her to homecoming again and she’ll say yes. I dunno.
Alternatively I like the idea of Cho and Reader being really close in middle school and then budding heads as they get older. They find new friends and interests, the reader goes from being super bubbly and outgoing to being more cold and critical. Cho goes from being reserved and feeling out of place to loud and adored. Might write that at some point
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snickerdoodie · 24 days
Chat, Im thinkin of writing for Twisters..I’ve been overly obsessed and the little gremlins inside of me are itchin to make somethin. Comment or inbox me about what and who I should write about, I’m very open to ideas 😋
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boo-hoo-hooligan · 7 months
*slides into the room from seemingly nowhere* heyyyyy
so. i'm making a tf2 tadc au, and i need help finding out who's who. here's what i have for who could be who so far;
Caine eyes ("where i can keep my hundreds of all-seeing eyes on youu!!")
Caine ('cause of his god complex)
Gloinks queen (this is a joke)
Bubble (best option, esp. if engi is caine)
(not a lot to work w/ here, man)
If you somehow see this, please for fuck's sake tell me your ideas.
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andyd3adman · 4 months
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r3therat · 3 months
Aight, so I'm making a list of reasons why humanity should look up to Dallon Weekes and I need more ideas lol
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And this was all inspired by these comments on pinterest lol
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puppetmaster13u · 4 months
If I were to write a oneshot or two with Ghosts are Dragons, what would y'all be interested in reading?
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bluefever · 3 months
Pride month maybe be over, but I still wanna draw yaoi stuff
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uh I got like 30 pages left in the sketchbook 👀
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eyluvu · 8 months
I want to write more wonka but I have no motivation
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marlynnofmany · 1 year
Who’s got iseaki ideas that would be fun to see? 
Bizarre worldbuilding concepts that would be fun to drop a clueless normie into, places where specific types of people would thrive, fantasy tropes that deserve to be thwarted by someone who would rather punch an evil wizard than wait for the monologue to be over?
Asking for reasons.
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puppie-b0y · 9 months
This is set after season 2, but we're just gonna pretend the Metatron DIDNT break up the husband's- uhhh I mean.... the Metatron didn't ask aziraphale to take Gabriel's place. He just dealt with everyone, said "good job" to azi and crow and then kinda just... ✨️disappeared✨️ ...Anyways, hope yall enjoy!!
After saving the town from the legion of demons, aziraphale and crowley decided to celebrate. It was crowley's idea, he said he knew "just the place to go to after all that". Aziraphale took that as "I have a calming, elegant place to make up for the foul demons and ignorant angels". And while it was a fairly calm, quiet place crowley took aziraphale to, it was also a bar.
Now, aziraphale had drunk alcohol before. I mean, he drinks wine with crowley all the time. But of course, he never drinks more than a glass at a time and has never actually gotten drunk. He didn't really have a problem with people who got drunk. He didn't do it himself, but he never badly judged anyone else when they did. Although he sometimes thought it was absolutely ridiculous how people would act sometimes.
All of that considered, a bar was just... not what he had in mind when crowley said he knew a place. It was dimly lit and not too busy, Azi will give him that. But it wasn't as fancy, nor as entertaining as he had thought the demon would have planned.
"Crowley?" Aziraphale talked as the bartender put a drink infront of the ginger man. Crowley gave a soft grunt in response. "Shouldn't we have gone somewhere more... treasuring?" Crowley looked at him, raising a brow "treasuring?" He asked. Aziraphale nodded "Yes, somewhere with more, er, ritz." Crowley slightly jerked his head back, offended. "Angel, I'm paying for your drinks and I'd buy you food if that's what you'd want! That's not 'ritzy' enough for you?" Aziraphale looked between his own glass and back a crowley "Well I- I didn't mean to offend you, I just meant, well, er..." He closed his eyes and thought for a moment, before opening them and sighing, looking back at his glass. "I don't know..." Once again, he looked at crowley. This demon hadn't looked or been so confused since Noah's arc. Whether he was still hurt or he had totally let go of what the blonde said, aziraphale felt bad for it. "Sorry." He said. Crowley turned back to the bar and picked up his drink "I was joking, Angel. I don't actually care."
He did. He did care. He wasn't mad or offended, he honestly just felt bad.
Maybe this was stupid He thought.
He just wanted to spend time with someone he loved enjoyed hanging out with. Did aziraphale not want the same? Did aziraphale not want this? Does he not want him?
By the way, this was crowley's third? Fourth drink? And it was very much not simple wine. He was drinking pure scotch. Either way, aziraphale's opinion would have mattered to him. He really cares what the other man has to say about him.
Aziraphale took a breath in and gave a small, simple smile "Oh... good." Crowley gave him a quick glance and then took another big gulp of his drink.
It's safe to say that by the end of the night, Crowley was VERY drunk. Aziraphale, on the other hand, was very much not. The bar was within walking distance to the bookshop, so luckily they didn't have to worry about driving. Although, crowley could barely walk without stumbling and/or falling every so often. They were now walking home, aziraphale's hand around crowley's waist, trying to make sure crowley doesn't get hit by a fucking car knows where to go. Crowley could care less about being hit by a car, he was too busy paying attention to the Queen song that was stuck in his head.
"Crow- ugh, crowley! You're being too loud!" Aziraphale yelled as he tried standing crowley up straighter. "She's a killer.... QUEEEEEEEN!" He shouted the last part into the air. Then he stopped and kept his eyes on the night sky. He sighed. "This is beautiful." He said. Aziraphale looked up, then back at Crowley. "Yes I... I suppose it is." He paused, then took a step towards Crowley "But we have to get home now, you are far too intoxicated." Crowley furrowed his eyebrows and took a deep breathe in.
This is what my creation looks like from earth?
He looked back at Aziraphale. "I made this. It was the biggest project I ever had." He looked back up at the stars. "What a waste." Aziraphale was taken aback, confused as to what the demon meant. "A waste? What makes you think it was a waste?" Crowley threw his arms up and let them fall at his sides harshly. "I made all that and I don't even get any credit. Thrown away like I didn't do anything good, look at that!" He points to all the stars in the sky and looks at the man infront of him, raising his voice. "I made a nebula!"
Aziraphale sighs, unsure of what to say or do in order to make Crowley feel better and let them go back to the shop. Crowley sighed and started walking past the angel. "Whatever I don't need him. I don't need God or the angels. I can do whatever I want now."
Aziraphale quickly caught up with him and talked whilst the crossed the street and walked into the shop. "Surely you don't mean that, I mean, there must have been something good about being an angel." Crowley plops down into the chair, and lays his head back, closing his eyes. "Nah."
They both paused until crowley shot up quickly and looking over his glasses at aziraphale, pointing to him. "Y'know I thought you had enjoyed the nebula more. I mean, you were there when I made it, you seemed to think it was nice. He took a few steps toward aziraphale and put his hands on his hips. Dont you think i deserve a little praise? Or at least some credit?"
Aziraphale looked at him, worried. Oh my, he's had way too much to drink.
He spoke calmly, trying to make the firey man feel better. "I do like it. I think you did an amazing job. I never meant to give the impression I don't think that."
Crowley sighed and waved his hand at him, turning back to the chair and sitting down once again. "Whatever, it doesn't matter now. I'm not with heaven or hell and I'm finally able to be with you, so it doesn't matter."
Those last few words made Aziraphale lose his mind. I'm finally able to be with you, so it doesn't matter. What could he possibly mean by that?
The question begged at the tip of aziraphale's tongue. "Wha- what... what do you mean?"
Crowley didn't even look at him, he just kept his head lied back and his eyes closed, talking like nothing he was saying mattered. "Oh come on, angel, you know I like you, don't be stupid now."
"Yeah, I... I know, we're... we're friends, I just-"
Crowley cut him off. "Oh shut up, you know what I mean. 'I have a crush on you', that's what the humans say, at least."
Tears pricked at aziraphales eyes. Crowley must be lying. He's drunk and stupid and he has no idea what he's saying. He would never like an angel, much less Aziraphale, right?
"I... I don't like when you're drunk, crowley. You say things you don't mean. I'm going to bed."
As Aziraphale walked past crowley's chair, the ginger stood up. The blonde didn't care to stop. That was until crowley took off his glasses, set them on the table, grabbed the other man's hand and turned him around. "Oh for God's sake." He said before pressing his lips to aziraphale's.
The angels lips were soft, gentle. Crowley felt like he were still standing with aziraphale in the middle of his Nebula. The beauty of the stars surrounding them, twinkling with passion. He'd waited to do this for so long. He didn't always know that this was what he wanted, all he knew was that he was lonely. And that Aziraphale made that better. He used to be so confused, but now, it had felt like everything had fallen into place.
Crowley's lips were rough and the kiss was messy and uncoordinated. But no matter how messy the kiss or surprised he felt, no matter how much he wanted to stop it because the smell of alcohol lingering on the demons lips was a bit overwhelming, he couldn't. He couldn't stop, he didn't want to. At this moment, all he wanted was Crowley. The man he has had so many fun, happy, amazing moments with was now kissing him. He loved this man. He knew that from the bottom to the top of his heart, all that was there was love for him. But that didn't stop his worries.
Aziraphale broke the kiss and stepped back. "You're... You're drunk. You don't mean this." He looks around, panicking, trying to sort out his millions of thoughts. "You'll wake up in the morning, have no memory of this, and act like nothing happened!" Aziraphale took a shaky breath in and tried pulling himself together before any tears fell. "I can't have you doing this if you don't mean it." Crowley furrowed his eyebrows with a sincere look in his eye. He stepped toward Aziraphale and spoke softly.
"Angel, I do mean it. I've felt this way since... I don't even remember, honestly. I thought if I told you, you'd run. Never talk to me again and act like I don't exist." He got closer to aziraphale, taking another step forward, until he was once again, right in front of the man. "But I'm so done with worrying. God couldn't stop me from doing what i want. The angels couldn't, and the demons didn't either. I can't keep acting like I don't want you, angel. Like I don't love you."
"Love." He pressed another kiss to Aziraphales lips. This time, it was gentle and short, but all the while, it was still enjoyable. He looked back at the angel.
"I love you, Aziraphale."
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that-clown-charlie · 2 months
Man I need ideas of what to post, I mean i got tons of art piled up but I dunno if i should post them or not 🥲
I need to draw more Sun and Moon, more sillys-
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