sanvees · 9 months
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favorite kisses of 2023 (in no particular order):
chen yi/ai di (kiseki: dear to me) | yang/phoomjai (love in translation) | prom/nont (playboyy) | kitae/wan (our dating sim) | segasaki/yoh (my personal weatherman) | pluem/kawin (ghost host ghost house) | lomfon/thian (la pluie) | sprite/first (twins)
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herbie851 · 3 months
FINALLY!!!! They released the directors cut for the reunion scene in Ghost Host Ghost House. Yes, I have been waiting all this time. And yes, it was worth the wait. I doubt anyone still cares but just in case…
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wanderlust-in-my-soul · 5 months
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"Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches." — William Goldman (The Princess Bride)
My Tooth Your Love
Be My Favorite
Why R U
A Shoulder To Cry On
Ghost Host Ghost House
Unintentional Love Story
Happy Merry Ending
Cherry Magic The Movie
Between Us
My favorite scenes by the sea (Part 2/?) as part of my favorite bl-tropes-collection in no particular order.
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kattahj · 2 months
While I can understand the people who complain that "American" characters in Thai shows aren't American, there's also a part of me that goes, yeah, welcome to the suspension of disbelief required by all other countries. I've seen Swedes play every European nationality except Swedish, while Swedish characters are played by... well, people like Kris Holden-Ried. (Love ya, Kris. Atrocious accent.) And it's not like Thai characters in American films are necessarily played by Thai actors, so why would the reverse be true?
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blmpff · 8 months
✨ Various Tropes: Straddling (1/?) ✨
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TITLES IN ORDER: 1. History 3: Make Our Days Count (2019) 2: Where Your Eyes Linger (2020) 3: Be Loved In House: I Do (2021) 4: Ghost Host Ghost House (2022) 5: Big Dragon (2022) 6: My Tooth Your Love (2022) 7: Chains of Heart (2023) 8: Bed Friend (2023) 9: Kiseki: Dear To Me (2023) 10. Love Class 2 (2023) 11. Playboyy (2023) 12: Time The Series (2024)
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for @blmpff 💜
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heretherebedork · 2 years
Sign Language in BLs
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From parent to anxiety to interest to deaf love interest, oh how we grow and learn and get better.
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mysterygrl20 · 2 years
need a new bl show to watch but unsure of how spicy it is? someone made a spicy index list
🌶️ - Bell pepper - longing glances, maybe a caress and pinky touch, solid hugs, no kisses (Cherry Magic)
🌶️🌶️ - Jalapeño popper - 1 or 2 kisses, closed mouth or hidden behind camera angles, full of cheesy emotions but not sexual (Mr. Unlucky has No Choice but to Kiss)
🌶️🌶️🌶️ - Sriracha - at least 1 decent kiss, actual makeout with or without tongue, but clothes stay on (Bad Buddy, Semantic Error)
🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️ - Birds eye chili - multiple solid kisses and some clothes come off, but cuts away before any pants come off and hands generally stay above the waist, it's implied that they have sex but we only see the very start of the encounter (609 Bedtime Story, Between Us, Until We Meet Again)
🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️ - Specialty hot sauce - all or most clothes come off at least once, full on simulated sex happens though it can be masked with sultry background music and may or may not include an implication of climax (Ghost Host Ghost House, Cutie Pie, Long Time No See)
🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️ - Carolina reaper - full nudity at some point, though junk may be cleverly hid with angles and conveniently placed furniture, these boys fuckin and there ain't no ambiguity about it, sexy sounds at full volume rather than replaced by music or voiceover (Kinnporsche, Love in the Air)
🌶️☠️ - Pepper spray - there's full on sex and/or nudity but it's not pleasant or intended to be sexy, can apply to graphic SA scenes or just the marketing campaign for Dangerous Drugs Of Sex
(the show list isn't fully comprehensive yet but a great start)
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wen-kexing-apologist · 6 months
Rose's Day of Asks
Who were some of your favourite overall performances in terms of physical acting? Hands, face, body, whatever you prefer.
Have a great Day💜
 Hmm this is is a really hard question to- 
Billkin in I Told Sunset About You
Billkin as Teh is one of my favorite physical performances, not just in BL but of all time. I said this in The Conversation episode where we talked about I Told Sunset About You but for a boy that does not say much, Teh is incredibly loud as a character. The way he sits up, the way his face falls, the way he always circles, the grandiose and the miniscule ways that his body reflects his emotions. Do not get me wrong, PP is gorgeous and devastating in his role as Oh, but Billkin has a very very difficult character to contend with and to embody and from the posture, to the motion, the anger, the tears, the jealousy, the joy. He is constantly, constantly moving: tapping his fingers, shaking his leg, pacing, peeking, there is no way Teh is not an exhausting role to play, and he absolutely nailed it.  
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[the rest of these are in no particular order, but there are so many, you really need to limit me to like..five cause I can’t do that on my own.]
Nike Nitidon in 180 Degree Longitude Passes Through Us 
Nike as Inthawut is an understated physical performance that I really enjoyed, Inthawut as a character is incredibly self-isolating, distrusting, shameful, and Nike carries that character very stiffly, squared shoulders, rimrod back, but he still moves with such grace to him. I watched all of 180 Degrees just thinking “he’s moving like a dancer” the entire time. Which is such a fascinating way to exist in a story where Inthawut and Sasiwimol as characters are engaging in a sort of social dance around each other and around Wang as they attempt to deflect questions about Siam. 
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Hagiwara Riku in My Beautiful Man: Eternal 
Hagiwara is incredible generally but I really want to highlight his performance in My Beautiful Man: Eternal which has one of my favorite acting moments of BL. That is his performance when he is rescuing Kiyoi from Anna’s stalker. He moves so swiftly, so gracefully on a dime between threatening and violent, to soft and loving in his body and in his voice and in the shimmer in his eyes. Is it a surprise that he was able to pull that off? No, he showed such incredible range in his physical performance in the original season jumping between the timid, awkward, pushover to the loud, aggressive to the point of needing three people to hold him down, when he is defending Kiyoi, but it was truly so fun to watch him turn it on and off at any time. 
Also just an additional shout out to Yasei Yugei, specifically for the scene in Utsukushii Kare 2 when Hira tells him he doesn’t love him. The way his face fell? Incredible. 
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Hasegawa Makoto in Koi wo Suru nara Nidome ga Joto
I wouldn’t say Hasegawa as Miyata is overall my favorite physical performer, however he had one of my favorite face changes of all time in the episode 4 sex scene. The way he sets his lips, the challenging look in his eyes, it was such an incredibly impressive shift in Miyata who has until that point been rather annoyed, bitchy, or awkward. 
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Tod and Boy in Ghost Host, Ghost House
Again, I wouldn’t say they have one of my favorite physical performances overall BUT Tod and Boy in Ghost Host, Ghost House had one of my favorite physicality moments of all time with their sex scene in Episode 4. More accurately with the build up to their first time. Kevin in his shorty little short shorts knowing exactly what he was doing. I can’t even describe the whole thing or what exactly it was about the scene that really did me in but you can absolutely feel the desire, the tension through the screen, and that is in huge part due to the physical performance of both of those actors. Pluem covering his mouth, trying to look away, ugh, exquisite. 
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Nishijima and Uchino in Kinou Nani Tabeta? 
I think the hardest thing for me to appreciate with a lot of the Japanese actors is that I haven’t watched a ton of Japanese media so I rarely see the actors cross over between shows or genres and that makes it hard for me to understand just how talented they are at embodying their characters. But oh my god, these two, they are just. Their hug at the end of season one is one of my favorite moments of all time, it makes me so emotional. The full body panic that washed over Shiro’s body when Kenji turned to leave in the first ever episode of What Did You Eat Yesterday? Kenji’s face during the “I know you’re hurting” line, the increasingly frequent smile from Shiro in season 2. Just AHHHH they are both such good physical performers. 
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Louis Chiang, Hsu Kai, and Takeda Kuohei in Kiseki: Dear to Me & Old Fashion Cupcake (respectively)
Louis and Hsu gave me the same physical acting moment in Kiseki that I loved in Old Fashioned Cupcake which is the body responding to something differently than the brain is, especially in something as physically demanding and choreographed as a kissing scene. All three of them did such phenomenal jobs in their respective scenes with Ai Di looking so fucking confused when Chen Yi kisses him, and actually kissing back for a split second before biting him, Fan Ze Rui kissing Bai Zhong Yi back while trying to push him away and then immediately giving up, and Nozue fully doing calculus in his head while still kissing Togawa back. I appreciate actors so much because I could never oh my god. 
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Milk and View in 23.5 Degrees
I gotta get some ladies on here and who better than the loves of my life Milk and View. Milk I just want to commend how variable her performance is between 23.5 and Bad Buddy. I am so so here for all the rolling, flailing, fainting, screaming. She’s doing such an incredible job in what I am sure is a very physically taxing role. 
View going on the complete opposite end of the spectrum with a very stiff character with a very flat affect. I love everything about Aylin, and I especially love those little moments of emotion that do break through. The small smile Aylin gets, the crying breakdown she has on the basketball court, the delay before she too runs all gangly and awkward to the door to greet their friends. Stiffness feels like a hard thing to embody without it feeling like bad acting, because I think a lot of what I see of bad acting comes from people who are too stiff, for completely non-character related reasons. 
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This kid. Was. SO. CREEPY. I am so proud of him! When I first saw Barcode on screen in this show, I thought they picked him for the role of Non because he was the sweet, baby-faced little boy you remember from KinnPorsche and thus would garner sympathy. But no. 
It is because BARCODE IS A FUCKING POWERHOUSE at 18 years old. The laughter, the smiles, the absolutely deranged behavior. The breakdowns. This kid. Holyyyyyyyyyy shit. 
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In truth there are so so so so so many moments, performances, actors that are just absolutely incredible and worthy of praise, and the nice thing is that even small moments can make huge impacts on me, on an audience as a whole. Sometimes it’s not just the physicality of the actors that really makes the performance, it’s the anatomy of the scene, it’s choreography, it’s lighting, it’s sound. The silence in Our Dining Table, Episode 8 when Yutaka reaches back for the briefest of moments. The editing of the masturbation scene in I Feel You Linger in the Air cutting between Jom’s hands on Yai’s back and Jom’s hands on his own body. Han Baram’s sad, sad little face and his sad sad little song and the way he and Im Han Tae cuddle even when they are platonic in Sing My Crush. Sam Lin + Alcohol in We Best Love. Like ugh there’s just so many beautiful physical moments out there. 
Additional Shout Outs: 
First Kanaphan, Mark Pakin, Fourth, Ohm, Singto: all of these boys are so impressive in their physical acting in so many ways. First as Yok and First as Akk was almost completely unrecognizable to me when I first saw them. First is an incredible physical actor, and I wish that GMMTV would actually let him maintain complex characteristics rather than turning him in to the weepy boy every time. But from a physical acting standpoint, he’s incredible. Mark Pakin truly is GMMTV’s six man: he was on The Warp Effect, Moonlight Chicken, and My School President which all aired at the same time, with him playing three very different characters. It was such a treat to see Fourth and Gemini back to back in MSP and MLC as well, but the happy bouncy puppy dog that was Gun compared to the jaded, angry young adult that was Li Ming was just marvelous to behold, I swear to god I saw a storm cloud pass over that kid’s brow at one point during MLC. Ohm because of course. Singto because that dude is able to convey so much by moving so little of his face, it’s truly astounding. 
James Supamakong in Bed Friend, Episode 4
This is honestly more from a vocal perspective but the way he fucking screamed and cried in both attempted rape scenes haunts me to this day. 
The cast of Ossan’s Love Returns, but especially all of the fight scenes between Hayashi Kento (Maki) and Yoshida Kotero (Kurosawa), they were so fun to watch, especially because they are supposed to present as such put together characters, and the sustained fight scene in Episode 6 was fucking hysterical. 
Non-BL mentions: 
Toby Stephens and his voice acting in Black Sails
Matthew McFayden and the hand flex in Pride and Prejudice 
Kalki Koechil and physically portraying cerebral palsy as an able bodied actress in Margarita With a Straw (you can check out my write up for my thoughts on the ethical component of that though)
The fencing scene from The Court Jester
I have never watched the movie, but Christopher Reeve’s Clark Kent to Superman transition
Sense8. All of it. 
I haven’t even seen it, but Orphan Black
What are some of yours?
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queersouthasian · 1 year
I swear people be watching a show and be like "Where is the consent??" "This is very toxic" blah blah blah, omg this is a piece of fiction and it's impossible to create something if writers continuously try to cater to the moral value of the audience
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uwemagain · 2 years
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gerund or present participle: manhandling
handle (someone) roughly by dragging or pushing
Pluem & Kawin (Ghost Host Ghost House) | Nuer & Syn (Cutiepie 2 You)
For : @a-lovely-obsession
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sanvees · 9 months
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favorite couples of 2023 (in no particular order)
yang/phoomjai (love in translation ; thailand) | segasaki/yoh (my personal weatherman ; japan) | songkram/ai (destiny seeker ; thailand) | hotae/donghee (unintentional love story; south korea) | shogun/maitoh (why you y me ; thailand) | chen yi/ai di (kiseki: dear to me ; ) | yai/jom (i feel you linger in the air ; thailand) | togawa/nozue (old fashion cupcake ; japan) | pluem/kawin (ghost host ghost house ; thailand) | hantae/baram (sing my crush ; south korea)
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respectthepetty · 2 years
How to make a Thai BL starter pack
Use the apartment with the pool directly across from Deutsche Bank to show the character is rich rich
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Use this house with this room to show the character isn't rich, but his parents are
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Use these dorms to show that although the two leads hate each other, they will love each other eventually
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Use this high school and these steps to show high school sucks
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Use these stairs (of death) - REQUIRED
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Note: I'm 83% sure @colourme-feral knows the exact location of all these places and any other location in a Thai BL, so if you really are interested in starting that BL, go follow.
This post IS for you, @gillianthecat! Compile that list!
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Forehead touches - an indication of not only the emotional or physical connection and understanding, but also a mental one. (Part 2/?)
The Day I Loved You
Boyband - The Series
History 4: Close To You
Shigatsu no Tokyo wa... / Tokyo in April is...
Our Skyy 2: Never Let Me Go
At The Moment
Gaya Sa Pelikula / Like In The Movies
Chains Of Heart
My Story
Ghost Host, Ghost House
Part of my favorite bl-tropes collection, as always in no particular order.
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absolutebl · 2 years
10 BLs That Are Not About Coming Out
Also... doesn’t really even have a coming out sequence. 
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1. Kinky mafia dudes (KinnPorsche) 
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2. Cinderfella crossdressing historical romance (Nobleman Ryu’s Wedding)
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3. Grim reaper falls in love with a doctor (Dear Doctor I’m Coming For Your Soul) 
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4. I’m not gonna explain, just watch Color Rush (Viki) 
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5. Catfishing assassins on opposite sides of a turf war (Long Time No See Gaga) 
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6. Time travel romance might be poly (Tinted With You Viki) 
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7. Boys shack up with ghosts and each other (Ghost Host, Ghost House YouTube) 
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8. Mafia + doctor team up to investigate MURDER, have lots of hot sex (Manner of Death) 
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9. Gang of anarchists takes on corruption + identical twins (Not Me YouTube) 
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10. Doctor vs time via seduction (Triage)
More but might not be quite BL or end happily: 
Smart boy in love with zombie incubus, keeps him alive with sex (Eternal Yesterday Gaga & Viki)
Man in poly relationship with reincarnated pets (Choco Milk Shake - YouTube)
Dystopian gay Dexter meets Judge Dread (Devil Judge Viki) 
Polycule murders bad guy goes on run from mafia assassins (3 Will Be Free YouTube)
Bodyswap goes on a road trip (Cupid’s Last Wish YouTube)
Bodyswap goes to boarding school (Great Men Academy)
Boys ARE ghosts, still kissing (Peach of Time Viki & Something In My Room YouTube) 
Very little Korean BL (because it exists in that alt-reality bubble) has coming out sequences. Most Thai BL, because it is set in high school and college and around friends/family does contain it. Here’s my:
BEST Coming Out Sequences in BL 
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gabrielokun · 1 year
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