mrtenthirty · 6 years
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Reposting @inskilledvbs: #businessanalyst #BusinessTransformation #SmallBusiness #entrepreneurtips #entrepreneurlife #smallbiz #GetPeople #thisBArocks #WomeninBusiness #businessdevelopment #entrepreneurgoals #businessmotivation #businessgrowth #socialmediamarketing #womenintech #businessanalysis #smallbizowner #SMB #businesstips #businessideas #entrepreneurmindset #hustlehard #successquotes #WednesdayWisdom #mindfulness #progress #keepgoing #solopreneur #FOCUS #smallbusinessowner https://www.instagram.com/p/BucuyjFl1K0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=17gs7iwofr473
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ooccoo · 3 years
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gladysmalachiblog · 6 years
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#knowledgeispower #getknowledge #getpeople #gladysmalachiblog https://www.instagram.com/p/BlyzfFWgMrk/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1twb1n0t478tu
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its-sincerelymee · 8 years
When I first started high school, nobody knew me. I had only went to one small school my entire life for 10 years, so high school was like moving to a whole new city for me. Anyways, my high school was very well-known, mixy and had a certain reputation for having one of the best basketball teams in the city. Our small gym that we used everyday in phys ed would be packed with people from all over and the same thing went for the shows and other events. I saw this as a great start to getpeople to know who I am and what I love to do: sing. I auditioned to be apart of a singing group, to be in shows and go to events and I actually got in. After so many callbacks, I was one of the only two people that got in that year. felt like a huge accomplishment. ... I swear things changed bro! after a couple shows, people knew my name; people starting saying hi to me in the hallways, shouting out my Instagram name in the streets and I knew none of them! The days after shows were especially overwhelming having everyone run up to you telling you how well you did the night before. It felt really good, to be honest. After a while though, I started to get "used to it all". I would skip out on rehearsals, turn down opportunities and got really lazy about it all. Eventually things changed. I remember coming off stage after doing my last show senior year and barely had anyone congratulate me. There were so many other people probably having their first show that night so, it became a lot less about me. But anyways, my high school taught me so much; it taught me how to go hard for what you want, stay consistent, stay hungry, stay humble, clap for yourself instead of wanting to be clapped for and appreciate every moment of love given to you even from people you might not know because there's something very special about that love. ❤
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How To Never Lose A Fish Hey folks, Glenn May here with BassResource. com. And you know, on our forums we sometimes getpeople that are talking about the EWG Worm,
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studenttoartist · 5 years
Pattern Infill Active Audience participation Art
I have been working with Pattern as my predominate art style since the end of the first year of my Fine Art Degree Course. I am largely influenced by the work of Yayoi Kusama. The works main aim is to focus on trying to get participants to relax and forget their worries for a small amount of time by focusing on filling in the pattern sheet. As art work the final piece that has the evidence of audience participation documented through the marks they have made is far more interesting than the original blank pattern.
I have tried to develop the work by photoshopping snippets of my past pattern colouring work together into a new sheet (see Nunnery Gallery Piece). I also tried changing the colour of the work on a photocopier and by digitally editing the original images from past pieces of work.
I have also adapted the work to a textiles piece for a collaborative student project with Dance and Music students funded and resources by MODA (museum of domestic design) See Hans Handle and Hendrix Post.
I have thought about creating a colouring room directly influenced by Yayoi Kusama's infinity Rooms. As a direct way of trying to getpeople to see my specific tortured thoughts. I later realised I was being far too literal and my need for validation of my pain was interfering with my ability to make art work that the audience can relate too and sticks to the main goal of the piece which is mindfulness.
Moving forward with this work I want to explore how the pattern aesthetics change when my pattern work is applied to a three dimensional object further than creating dance props (Handle and Hendrix project).
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babyawacs · 6 years
@yahoofinance @wsj @ft @business @squawkcnbc @cnbcstreet its the interest rates. Not trump. Trump can say what he wants the interest rate game itis. Including tenyear bond. 3.2% on 10ys on 21trillion and iguarantee you trump would order market declines h
@yahoofinance @wsj @ft @business @squawkcnbc @cnbcstreet its the interest rates. Not trump. Trump can say what he wants the interest rate game itis. Including tenyear bond. 3.2% on 10ys on 21trillion and iguarantee you trump would order market declines h
@yahoofinance @wsj @ft @business @squawkcnbc @cnbcstreet
its the interest rates. Not trump. Trump can say what he wants the interest rate game itis. Including tenyear bond. 3.2% on 10ys on 21trillion and iguarantee you trump would order market declines himself hahaha
But itsnot him
Its the survival ofthe usa
And howto getpeople into buying bonds that don’t bankrupt theusa
******************** The…
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duoglas · 7 years
近几年, golang在业界越来越火热。在服务端开发中, Goroutine 和 channel 使得编写高并发的服务端软件变得相当容易, go 应用也能更有效的利用多个 CPU 核。同时,golang在微服务领域也有了很多优秀的实践。今日头条和阿里云等公司最近也发表了使用go语言构建微服务的经验。
安装最新的go 官方文档
安装最新的docker 官方地址
首先, 让我们创建工程目录people-demo
$ mkdir people-demo $ cd people-demo
people-demo$ go get github.com/gorilla/mux
现在我们可以准备我们的源码了, 下面是一个非常简单的人员管理系统,我们将其保存在main.go中
//main.go package main import ( "encoding/json" "github.com/gorilla/mux" "log" "net/http" ) // The person Type (more like an object) type Person struct { ID string `json:"id,omitempty"` Firstname string `json:"firstname,omitempty"` Lastname string `json:"lastname,omitempty"` Address *Address `json:"address,omitempty"` } type Address struct { City string `json:"city,omitempty"` State string `json:"state,omitempty"` } var people []Person // Display all from the people var func GetPeople(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(people) } // Display a single data func GetPerson(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { params := mux.Vars(r) for _, item := range people { if item.ID == params["id"] { json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(item) return } } json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(&Person{}) } // create a new item func CreatePerson(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { params := mux.Vars(r) var person Person _ = json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&person) person.ID = params["id"] people = append(people, person) json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(people) } // Delete an item func DeletePerson(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { params := mux.Vars(r) for index, item := range people { if item.ID == params["id"] { people = append(people[:index], people[index+1:]...) break } json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(people) } } // main function to boot up everything func main() { router := mux.NewRouter() people = append(people, Person{ID: "1", Firstname: "John", Lastname: "Doe", Address: &Address{City: "City X", State: "State X"}}) people = append(people, Person{ID: "2", Firstname: "Koko", Lastname: "Doe", Address: &Address{City: "City Z", State: "State Y"}}) router.HandleFunc("/people", GetPeople).Methods("GET") router.HandleFunc("/people/{id}", GetPerson).Methods("GET") router.HandleFunc("/people/{id}", CreatePerson).Methods("POST") router.HandleFunc("/people/{id}", DeletePerson).Methods("DELETE") log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8000", router)) }
people-demo$ go build people-demo$ ./people-demo
运行成功后, 我们在浏览器访问http://就能看到所有员工的列表John和Koko
curl -X DELETE
FROM golang:latest WORKDIR /go/src/app COPY . . RUN go-wrapper download RUN go-wrapper install EXPOSE 8000 CMD ["go-wrapper", "run"]
这里我们选择使用golang:latest而不是golang:onbuild,自己来控制dockerfile的内容。 然后我们使用docker build命令构建image
people-demo$ docker build -t people-demo-local .
在build过程中, docker会下载image相关的资源,并执行dockerfile中定义的执行步骤。根据当前的环境,build会持续几到十几分钟的时间。构建完成后,我们可以通过docker image ls命令查看image的情况
people-demo$ docker image ls REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE people-demo-local latest 30e6c76987f6 2 hours ago 741MB
people-demo$ docker run -p 8000:8000 people-demo-local
在构建镜像时,我们会发现build过程比较长, 同时也能通过docker image ls命令看到,所生成的image有700MB左右。我们可以通过以下命令来查看golang镜像本身的大小
people-demo$ docker images | grep -e golang -e people people-demo-local latest eca457920b00 2 minutes ago 741MB golang latest 138bd936fa29 3 weeks ago 733MB
scratch镜像其实是一个特殊的镜像,为什么特殊呢?因为它是一个空镜像。但是它却是非常重要的。我们知道Dockerfile文件必须以FROM开头,但如果我们的镜像真的是不依赖任何其他东西的时候,我们就可以使用FROM scratch 相关文档
FROM scratch WORKDIR /go/src/app COPY . . EXPOSE 8000 ENTRYPOINT ["./people-demo"]
由于我们现在使用的镜像不包含go的依赖,所以我们要预先进行编译,只把可执行程序放入镜像。 关于交叉编译的相关知识,可以参考这个文档
people-demo$ GOOS=linux go build -o people-demo .
CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux go build -a -installsuffix cgo -o people-demo .
这里CGO_ENABLED=0表示静态编译cgo, -a的含义是重新编译所有包, -installsuffix cgo是为了规避这里提到的一个bug。
people-demo$ docker build -t people-demo-scratch . people-demo$ docker images | grep -e golang -e people people-demo-scratch latest 3a7538208b77 19 minutes ago 13.4MB people-demo-local latest eca457920b00 35 minutes ago 741MB golang latest 138bd936fa29 3 weeks ago 733MB
最后, 我们可以再一次启动容器,检查服务是否正常。
people-demo$ docker run -p 8000:8000 people-demo-scratch
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robertmarceau-blog · 7 years
Quick start guide to an #online #marketing #quiz sales funnel http://rplg.co/fb053fb0 #business #world #house #need #share #show #work #email #help #time #story #experience #information #offer #gethelp #getpeople
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babyawacs · 6 years
@squawkcnbc @cnbcstreet its the interest rates. Not trump. Trump can say what he wants the interest rate game itis. Including tenyear bond. 3.2% on 10ys on 21trillion and iguarantee you trump would order market declines himself hahaha
@squawkcnbc @cnbcstreet its the interest rates. Not trump. Trump can say what he wants the interest rate game itis. Including tenyear bond. 3.2% on 10ys on 21trillion and iguarantee you trump would order market declines himself hahaha
@squawkcnbc @cnbcstreet its the interest rates. Not trump. Trump can say what he wants the interest rate game itis. Including tenyear bond. 3.2% on 10ys on 21trillion and iguarantee you trump would order market declines himself hahaha
But itsnot him
Its the survival ofthe usa
And howto getpeople into buying bonds that don’t bankrupt theusa
******************** The investment and productivity is…
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Get People - Something better. Took me a week to come around to this band
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lol changed my url
if anyone wants getpeoplegetpeople
i suppose its free now :)
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robertmarceau-blog · 7 years
Quick start guide to an #online #marketing #quiz sales funnel http://rplg.co/fb053fb0 #business #world #house #need #share #show #work #email #help #time #story #experience #information #offer #gethelp #getpeople
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golddustclub · 13 years
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