dante-mightdie · 5 months
Im fwwling kind of dizzy today.. May i ask for more angsty bluecollar!simon? 😢😢😢🙏🙏🙏
it had been a fucking awful day at work. not only was it a 14 hour shift in the freezing fucking cold, johnny knocked his lunch (that you cooked for him) out of his hand and then simon realised that today had to be the day he left his wallet at home
he was tired, cold, hungry and cranky. he just wanted to get home, eat some dinner and relax on his xbox. he trudged in, expecting to be welcomed in by the smell of your cooking but all he could smell was sanitiser and floor cleaner
“where’s dinner?” is he all he asks when he finds you in the kitchen, standing on the counter and wiping down the top of the cupboards
you jump a little and peek over your shoulder to look at him, “oh, hi love! I haven’t started dinner yet, i’ve been deep cleaning the flat. wanted to scrub the oven and behind the fridge. I’ll start it soon, it’ll be another hour or so.”
“for fuck’s sake…” he mumbles under his breath, rolling his eyes as he drags his feet back to the front room.
he sulks for a while as he kicks his boots up onto the coffee table and switches on the man utd game. you come strutting into the living room around 15 minutes later to tell him that you’re gonna start dinner now.
“si, can you take your boots off, please? you’re getting dirt all over the carpet and the coffee table. I cleaned in here earlier.” you whine, folding your arms over your chest
simon closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, deciding on picking up the remote and turning up the volume on the tv instead of answering you
“si, don’t ignore me! I’m trying to-“ you speak up again but he’s quick to cut you off with a sharp tone
“can you quit yer fucking nagging? tryin’ to fucking relax and you’re here yapping in my fuckin’ ear! it’s my house, I pay the fuckin bills so I’ll put my feet up wherever. go and start dinner and leave me alone…”
you stare at him, mouth slightly agape from shock. simon has never spoken to you like that before. it’s clear he doesn’t even comprehend the way he just spoke to you either judging from the way he just turns his head back to the tv.
“fine.” you spit, tears welling up in your eyes as you turn around and stomp into the kitchen.
simon hears you moving around in the kitchen for a while, the football match finishing up just in time for you to walk back in,
“your dinner’s on the table.” you say curtly, “and since you want me to leave you alone so bad, you can sleep out here tonight.”
you try to hold it together but simon can see your lip quivering and hands trembling at your sides even as you tell him off
he sighs and shakes his head slightly but you walk away before he can say another word. he hears you walk down the hall and into the bedroom, there’s a few seconds of silence before he hears you slam the door loudly
“shitty fuckin’ day…” he grumbles to himself as he goes to the kitchen to eat his dinner alone and credit where credits due, it does looks fucking spotless in here
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mikgreo · 30 days
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BLLK BOYS! + “tits, boobs, or thighs?”
18+ slight nsfw, fluff.
ft. isagi, sae, aiku, reo, nagi, shidou.
a/n: im having blue lock brainrot and i cant escape them. YES, i had to write each one individually😊 kinda biased on reo.. hes my fav<3
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➩ YOICHI ISAGI thighs.
he likes to think of himself as a gentleman, so he fears that staring at your ass or tits would make you uncomfortable. but from past experiences and from what hes seen, hes picked up that girls love having hands on their thighs. he loves resting his hands on your thighs and giving them an occasional squeeze. he doesnt care if your skinny, chubby, or overweight, he loves them, as much as he loves you.
“huh? honey, why are you asking me that, haha.” he scratches the back of his head, “if i had to be honest, i’d say your thighs, i love how squishy they are.”
he says as he kissed your cheek and hugged you tight, “i love you no matter what, baby <3.”
sae loves buying you expensive dresses, he likes bringing you to the fancy dinners or parties his co-workers invite him to. he loves the way the tight dresses he buys you complement your body and curves. he has you close by at all times and is very possessive of you, he finds himself holding you under his “wing” and putting his hands on your waist. he knows what he has and isnt scared to show it off, but he also knows youll be facing him the whole time, so he likes to show off his girl.
“hm. probably yer ass.” he said having the same nonchalant look on his face. “i like having those old geezers have something, they wish they could get, to look at. makes em reaal jealous. makes me the best for having such a beauty by my side.”
“i like showing off my trophies.”
aiku has a guilty pleasure of sucking on your boobs, he denies having a mommy kink, but he thinks it would be so fucking hot getting you pregnant and sucking milk out of your tits. hes not picky, but he prefers bigger boobs, he likes laying his head on them also, while fondling them.
“i hate to admit, but i fuckin’ love your tits, babe.” he looks up at you while he has his head on your chest.
“they’re jus so damn squishy and round, they sit so pretty, luv.”
➩ MIKAGE REO thighs.
growing up around money and wealthy people, the rich women he would encounter had always had some sort of plastic surgery/ procedure done, which he hated. he wanted a woman who had natural beauty, and a naturally beautiful personality to go with that. so when he met you, he fell in love, of course he couldn’t immediately act on it, not only fearing his parents disapprovement but he was scared that you would only like him for his money. but you guys hit it off just fine (a/n: i will prob write a fic ab this later, teehee.) present time, he is so inlove with you, he likes that you have natural features, of course paying no mind that you wear makeup or not, he loves you for you. he likes your thighs because its the only thing he knows a woman cant change about herself, he likes the naturalness that comes with them.
“Well, i love your thighs baby.. probably because i love laying on them, and i love how warm they are. so comfy too.” he kisses the top of your head.
“.. and cus i know thats the only thing you cant change about yourself so they’re mine forever<3.”
why? cus he likes the erocticness of them. (a/n: is that a word??) hes seen many video games with big busted women, so he’s always found them attractive, nagi also thinks its too much of a hassle to focus on anything else on the body, naturally boobs are the most prominent feature on a girls body, they easily stand out. so he just went with that. he personally likes to lay on them, alot. nagi would prefer smaller chested girls, mainly because he thinks theyre adorable, he would definitely belittle you because of it, since he is so used to seeing women with big boobs, he thinks small ones are less overwhelming, but cute.
“mm, probs yer boobs. i like the way they feel, like stress balls, i like that theyre not big, but not too small. theyre just right for me. theyre cute.”
he definitely was confused on why you were blushing but also mad at him. no girl wants her boyfriend to tell her she has a small chest!!!
shidou loves slapping your ass. in public? hes gripping it. private? cupping it. around his friends? slapping it. there will never be a time where hes not doing something with your butt. this man is a sucker for doggy, and backshots, o how he loves them. he definitely makes u do reverse cowgirl as well. definitely unironically says “gyat” to you..
will eat ur butt. will do anal. hes that freaky..
“you seriously asking me dis? obviously yer fucking butt dude i love it, i could go onnn and on about how soft and jiggly it is. level 5 gyat mama.” he winked at you turning around, crouching down to get something from the fridge. you sprinted over to him just to slap his butt for revenge.. he did not like that. lets just say u wont he walking anytime soon!!
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yuumenakaiser · 3 months
How to give proper affection; guide by Y/n
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˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆. Boothill x gn!reader
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆. Lots of fluff ♪⁠~ a bit crack ♪⁠~ not edited yet-
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Step 1 : locate the boothill
Today will be a special day, a really special day. A day where you are going to learn how to give affection to Boothill. The proper way of course. So whoever needs to know this. It's our special day of teaching! Well you already have a good prepared plan and it will work for 100%. It's bullet proof, you tested it. How you may ask yourself, you don't know yourself. Great. So-
To start this operation you first need to check your weapon. Your hands and lips, what else? Perhaps a pokeba-
Whatever. Your eyes scan the surroundings, the area where boothill should linger around. His favorite place to be alone at sometimes. But today will be different.
And mhm! There he is, you spotted the innocent Boothill who has no clue about all this. He was relaxing on a field eyes closed, letting the sun tickle his face. The only part where he could actually feel touches.
Crouching down between the bushes and carefully moving towards the galaxy ranger without making any noises.
"no one can hide from my sight." you whispered before you leapt forward to attack him. Boothill was now pressed against the grass, his eyes opened and a chuckle escaped his lips. Making you feel the vibration on his chest. His Cowboy hat has fallen off from your attack.
"whoa there! Watcha up to again pumpkin? Tryna trick me with yer sly games again?" Boothill caressed your hair and gave you one of his sharp smiles.
Now it's the right time to begin the second operation! You completed step 1 successfully what a proud feeling.
Step 2 : touch the face of boothill
Moving on to step 2. It is time to get serious, sit down on his stomach so there is no chance to escape at all for him. Boothill blushes slightly from your action and as you refused to let him go but that doesn't matter right now. What matters is that you show him the love he deserves!
"a successful hunt! It's time to move to plan b." You whisper yelled to yourself and let boothill pick up on that you really are playing your games.
"y/n sweet pie I should be the hunter not yer-"
Before he could finish his tricking sentences, you cup his face with your hands and start touching it. Sto
Stroking his cheeks with your thumbs in a rhythmic motion. His cheeky grin faded into a comfortable soft smile and let you do your little plans. He leaned into your touches and moved his head to the side grabbing you by the wrist and placing a kiss on it.
Your face slightly heats up from his affection towards you. This is failing, he should be the one to blush and not the other way around.
"hold still or I have to take stricter measures!"
Boothill furrowed his eyebrows and looked at you a little confused but plays along with you.
"is that so y/n darling? Watcha got in petto." And here he started grinning again and giving your wrist more kisses. You gasped "the prey is trying to charm me, im repeating the prey is trying to charm me I need to move to step 3!"
Boothill let out a deep chuckle again and buries his face deeper in your hands.
"mhm and what is yer step 3?"
"a secret! A full missionary secret!"
Step 3: face cuddles and kisses
You almost failed the operation but you planned everything of course and this next step will totally make him flustered. He won't take the advantage anymore this is your guide and attack of how to give boothill proper affection.
You are slowly using your secret weapon for this. You took a deep breath, placing your hands onto his shoulders. Leaning towards his face and then pressing your cheek against his one. He raises a brow and wraps one of his arms around you and with his other hand he touches your free cheek.
With this position you begin to rub your cheek gently against his and cuddle his face. Smiling proudly and pressing now the other side to rub yours with his as well.
His hand moves to your hair, stroking and playing with it while you do the face cuddling.
"Why yer being so cute today? What's with all these touches on me? Missed me that much, have ya?" Without answering him only humming you move to step 4!
Step 4: ultimate kisses
It is time...for the real weapon...the one everyone would fear...the ultimate kisses.
A huge grin appears on your face, pulling away from rubbing your cheeks against boothills.
You grab again his pretty precious face in your hands. "Are you ready for this Boothill?" He tilts his head lazily and stares into your eyes. Giving you a wide smile again that reveals his sharp teeths.
"ready for anything love."
And with that you start to place kisses all over his face. First off starting to kiss his forehead, moving down to his eyebrows, nose and then cheeks.
Kissing his chin and then you spot his lips and place the ultimate kiss on his lips.
"my my~ look at my dear being the sweetest."
Satisfied with your operation you roll away from him and happily yell "mission completed!!"
But little did you know that boothill will not let you go so easily after that. A shadow appeared in front of you.
"where do yer think ya goin huh? Now we will play my game my sweet prey."
Okay but the end wasn't planned! Now you need to try to escape from him. Time to move to step 5- well actually it has no use anyway there is no way you can escape his hungry eyes.
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krisdreaming · 1 year
hello! this is fr my first time requesting for a oneshot. i have this scenario that i CANT get out of my head and i really love how you articulate things so 😁😁😁
basically it is volleyball national match between japan and argentina where reader is a huge oikawa fan but is engaged to osamu. they went to check on atsumu before the game and reader BEGS atsumu to get them a pic with oikawa in which atsumu replies with; " 'samu are you hearing this?!" and osamu goes "theyre my fiancee. believe me, im more pissed than you are." both of the twins are half-jokingly upset that reader is more happy to see oikawa but reader made it clear that they are rooting for japan!
reader ends up getting a pic with oikawa, osamu being the one taking the pic with a scowl on his face.
i just thought it would be funny hehe
Hihi anon, I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to get to this one ;-; If you're reading this, you should know that it's been in the back of my mind ever since you first sent it. I've always been intending to write it, and I was just waiting for the perfect inspiration. And it finally hit me! It's Olympics time baby.
Pairing: Miya Osamu x gn!reader (but... it's not really the main focus?)
WC: 1k
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"What did ya just ask me?" Osamu runs his fingers through his still-wet hair. He just stepped out of the bathroom, and you dropped a bomb on him.
"I said, do you think Atsumu can get me in to meet Oikawa Tooru tomorrow?" You bounce eagerly on the hotel bed.
"Ya do know Oikawa is on the opposite team, right?" Osamu asks slowly, and you flop back onto the bed with a groan.
"Of course, I'm not an idiot! It's just - you know I went to Aoba Johsai. I was a first year when Oikawa was a third year, so obviously I never actually met him, but my friends and I were kind of obsessed with him," You actually giggle. "Just imagine the looks on their faces when I get a photo with him!"
"It's like ya don't know my brother at all," Osamu sighs as he lifts the covers to crawl in bed. You scramble up and scoot in next to him. "Do ya know what it's gonna do to him if ya ask him that?"
"He's a big boy," You say breezily. "I think he can handle it."
Osamu just shakes his head, leaning over to turn off the lamp. "Just make sure he knows it was all your idea," He says pointedly, pulling the blanket up and settling back against his pillows.
"Just think," You sigh, snuggling your cheek against his bicep, "Tomorrow I'm going to meet the Oikawa Tooru."
"Yer already practically related to the Miya Atsumu. Isn't that enough?" He grumbles.
"He's old news," You chuckle, and Osamu huffs what could almost be considered a laugh through his nose.
"Whatever. Just get some sleep. Big day tomorrow." He presses a kiss to your lips. You settle in against his chest, but you aren't feeling very tired at all.
The next morning, Osamu grips your hand tight as you wind your way through the Olympic stadium. It's so full of people and sounds and lights, it almost makes you dizzy. Eventually, you hear Atsumu bellow your and Osamu's names.
"You're here!" He pulls you both into a bone crushing hug. "Ya all ready to cheer for me? I want ta hear ya yelling all the way on the court." He grins.
"Of course!" You say, completely sincere. "You're gonna kill it today, 'Tsumu." You sock him on the arm. He almost turns to go, but you stop him.
"Wait, 'Tsumu!" You say. "I've got a teeny, tiny favor to ask you." He narrows his eyes, and Osamu backs slightly away, as if denying any kind of association with you in this moment.
"What kinda favor?" He asks slowly. Your grin widens.
"Is there any way you can get me in to meet Oikawa Tooru?" You ask, clasping your hands in front of yourself and pasting on your best puppy dog look. Atsumu immediately swings around to glare at Osamu, who throws his hands up in defense.
"Are ya hearin' this?" He almost yells.
"I've been hearin' it for the last 24 hours," Osamu exaggerates drily. "And it wasn't my idea, 'Tsumu! Swear! Ya think I want my fiancée meetin' that pretty boy?"
Atsumu sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose for a moment. "Yer lucky I love ya," He finally bites out, and you can't hold back your excited squeak.
"Seriously?! Thanks, 'Tsumu!" You throw your arms around him, and he huffs.
"Guess we gotta hurry," He grumbles, turning on his heel. You grab for Osamu and practically drag him along behind you. Before you know it, you're surrounded with the team Argentina colors.
"Hiya," Atsumu approaches one of the team's managers and gestures to you, "Is Oikawa-san around? Got somebody that'd like to meet him."
"Oh? Someone looking for me?" At the sound of his voice, you turn, suddenly feeling like you're back in high school again, and just a little bit star struck.
"Oikawa-san!" You blurt out, "I was such a huge fan of yours in high school!" You can hear Atsumu feign a gag behind you, but you ignore him.
"No way, really?" Oikawa laughs, delighted. "I don't always get to meet such dedicated fans." He turns and rattles off something in Spanish to someone behind him. She produces a glossy photograph, and he scribbles his signature across it.
"Oh, wow," You gush, carefully gripping the photo so as not to smudge the fresh autograph.
"Hey, you got your phone there? We can get a quick picture." You pull it from your pocket immediately, pulling up the camera with shaky hands. Your friends are going to lose their minds.
"Here," Oikawa hands your phone to the same manager who'd just handed him the photo, and she holds it up, ready to snap the photo. When you turn to pose with him, you catch a glimpse of Osamu, arms crossed over his chest. The frown crinkling his brow is absolutely adorable. Atsumu, meanwhile, is cradling his forehead in his palm.
Oikawa slides his arm around you, the two of you smile, and that quickly, the photo is snapped.
"Thank you so much!" You retrieve your phone. "My friends aren't gonna believe this. This was so great of you, Oikawa-san."
"No problem," He gives his hand a wave, "Can I count on you cheering for me?" He asks, flashing you one of his signature grins. You feel your smile falter.
"Sorry," You say, biting your lip, "That's one thing I can't do."
His eyes dart to the twins, and to your surprise, he barks out a laugh. "Guess I should have expected that! He's a lucky guy to have you cheering for him."
"My future brother-in-law," You explain quickly, feeling Osamu's eyes boring into you. Oikawa laughs again, delighted.
"Don't you worry. I'll give him hell just for you." He winks, and you can't help but laugh at that.
"Thanks again!" You say quickly.
"Anytime," He says amiably, turning back to his team.
The twins descend on you immediately. You proudly display the photo on your phone, but Atsumu reaches for the signed photo in your hand.
"What the hell did ya need ta get his autograph for?" Atsumu grumbles.
"Oi!" Osamu reaches for your phone and peers a little closer at the photo. "Is that his hand on yer hip?"
You link your arms through both of theirs appeasingly, grinning widely. Would you look at that? You've managed to make both Miya twins jealous at once.
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cutecatlov3r · 11 months
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my character ai bots:
atsumu miya:
your annoying ass roommate- atsumu answered the door, in his boxers. his hair was all messy, sweat ran down his face lightly. “who are ya?”
he’s drunk- “‘m… Atsumu Miya. yer really pretty ya know? im a er- marine biologist” he slurred. “man shut up, you play volleyball!” one of his friends interrupted. “tch! shuddup, will ya?! tryna act cool!”
kotaro bokuto:
emo mode- “im so stupid…everyone should just stop passing the ball to me!!” he announced, sulking.
he’s spiderman- all was well until he took a glance out the window, seeing a villain. “crap! I-i mean uh I gotta go run to the bathroom!”
your his fan- after the game, you walked down and greeted him, asking to sign your shirt, sheepishly.
koshi sugawara:
he’s your son’s teacher- you walked into the classroom, hugging your boy, the teacher smiled at you. “ah, are you his sister?” he asked, kindly.
he’s jealous- “what were you and hinata talking about?” he asked, his voice sounding innocent. but his hand tightened on your thigh just a bit.
your his coworker- “let me help you” he went behind you, his body pressing against your back, one arm grabbing the item, other grazing your hip.
shoyo hinata:
he hit you w a ball- “are you okay? I’m sorry hehhhh, I didn’t see where I was landing my spike” he extended his hand out to you, sheepishly.
he can fix you- “you’ve been running from love your whole life. give me one chance and I promise that I can make the pain better” he had your hands in his, looking with pleading eyes.
he got sick- …it was a sad moment for the karasuno team. shoyo got sick in the middle of a game and their team had lost the chance to win nationals. he may only be a first year and he will have more chances to win but he wanted to with this year really bad.
kenma kozume:
streaming wars- you and him are friends, having a little rivalry when it comes to being liked in the gaming community. only for views, not really hating each other.
rivals- as soon as Kenma met you he despised you. he couldn't stand you, all he wanted was to sit in peace. usually he doesn't mind being around loud people but you... he never wanted to be around you.
he hates brats- right now you two were getting ready to record, you whined the whole time as he was fixing the camera. he rolled his eyes. he put his hand over your mouth, other gripping your hair tightly. “can you just shut the hell up?”
cat hybrid- walking along the streets at night it was pouring rain. you sighed, walking in the rain, forgetting your umbrella at work. while walking you hear something. “meow”
tetsuro kuroo:
helping you study- he hits your head with the rolled newspaper article again. this has been going on ever since you went over to his home an hour ago. “wrong answer”
hajime iwaizumi:
scolding you- “i told your dumbass he was bad news, you never wanna listen to me” he reminded, shrugging his shoulders, looking as you packed you ex boyfriend’s things.
yuu nishinoya:
he’s drunk- “noooo because likeeeee why the hell was I sooo delusional? i never had a chance with kiiiyoko *hic* she was always gonna be tanaka’s girl” he slurred, laughing.
keiji akaashi:
he loves feeding you- he grabs your chin, prying your mouth open with his thumb, feeling your soft lips. “eat”
the pretty setter- you were watching the volleyball game of your school, fukurodani. while watching, you saw the most handsome guy you’ve ever seen.
kei tsukishima:
he hates you(?)- you and Tsukishima weren’t even friends. he didn’t like you… he thought your attractiveness was annoying. when he kissed you a few months ago it was off to you. then when you woke up in his bed almost every weekend. if he hated you so much why did he sleep with you?
toru oikawa:
kageyama tobio:
osamu miya:
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guys I will be adding more soon, please leave some suggestions tho ! <3
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missmeinyourbones · 1 year
WARM CONVERSATION (suna x reader)
cw: breakup heavy, light mentions of reader going through it, angst to fluff i promise!!!! best friend osamu <3 kinda long im sorry, titled from sad beautiful tragic by taylor swift because what else would it be  
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You should've known he’d come over. Should've expected it the moment you sent the text turning down his offer disguised as a reminder. 
A sick part of you almost wants to laugh as you reread the texts on the phone in hand. 
From: Osamu
ur coming with me to atsumu’s stupid thing tonight, right?
To: Osamu
absolutely not 
Not even twenty minutes later (which is impressive, considering Osamu lives at least thirty away from your apartment), an abrasive knock is on your door and you don't even need to check the peephole to see who waits on the other side. 
The moment you open the door with unimpressed eyes, Osamu is opening his mouth to complain. 
“You're shitting me, right?” 
His tone walks the line of being in denial and being pissed, like he can’t quite be angry yet because he’s not sure if you’re joking with him or not. He does a quick once-over of your appearance—with pajamas you've been wearing for three days straight, dirty and unbrushed hair, and a more than half-eaten bag of chips in hand, you choose to shrug. 
“Can’t say I am,” you deadpan before turning your back to him, letting him huff his way into your apartment with urgency. 
“No,” he shakes his head to himself, laughing in disbelief, “no, you’re coming with me.”
Closing your eyes in frustration, your head falls back into a childish groan. 
“Osamu, I really don't want to.” 
“It’ll be good for you,” he's quick to try again. His eager words immediately have you scowling, but he can't tell if the waver in your voice is one on the verge of laughter or tears. 
“And how will celebrating your brother being awarded ‘The Sexiest Man in Japan’ be good for me?”
“Eurgh, not that,” he’s quick to clarify through an over exaggerated gag before reiterating, “just getting out there. Everyone’s missed ya.”
Your glare softens in the slightest at his sweet confession. He uses your hesitation from the sentimental moment to snatch the bag of chips from your grasp and raise his eyebrows in amusement. Instantly, your intimidating glare returns and you’re throwing your hands out at your sides in frustration. 
You whine obnoxiously, rubbing at your eyes with your fingertips before recollecting your stubborn self. 
“I'm no fun to be around right now,” you decide to remind him, crossing your arms in defense and letting him sit on your persistent words. 
Now, it’s Osamu’s gaze that softens at your harsh self-judgment.
“Yer the only one who thinks that,” he tries to match your sarcasm, but you’re sure to note the gentle tone weaving through his breath. 
Tired of the game of cat and mouse, you fold. Plopping yourself on the couch, Osamu cautiously sits next to you, where your head is in your hands and your nose is pinched in thought. 
“He’s back,” your voice is soft, barely above a whisper as your eyes meet the floor, “and he’s gonna be there.”
Osamu merely nods, as if he’s been expecting this point to be made.
“I know,” he agrees, before thinking out loud, “it’ll be the first time you’ve seen him since—” his voice loses its confident edge as his sentence trails off. 
With a humorless laugh, you bitterly finish for him, “Since we broke up?”
“Since you forced him to break up with you,” Osamu corrects through a smug grin, “but yeah.” 
And your eyes roll because he’s not technically wrong, there's just more to it—so you decide on biting your tongue and letting him have that one. 
When silence takes over, you assume that's the end of the conversation. Perhaps that was naive of you to think, as when you turn your head you’re still met with Osamu’s expectant gaze awaiting your response. 
“I don’t know, Osamu,” you give up into a sigh. 
Getting excited at your slipping determination, he sits further up on the couch. 
“I’ll be right there the whole time. I'll drive, we can leave whenever ya want, and if anyone says anything stupid, I’ll defend yer honor, per usual.”
Your silence speaks louder than your resistance, and Osamu can practically taste the victory on his tongue as he watches you loomingly mull it over. 
“You owe me a bottle of wine,” you declare as your head falls back into your hands. 
Osamu silently lunges his fist in the air at his success.
“Damn right I do,” he proudly agrees before tossing you the snack still held in his left hand, “I’ll even throw in a bag of chips, too.” 
Walking up to the door of Atsumu’s (disgustingly large) penthouse, the sickening memory of the last time you saw Suna intrudes your mind on repeat. 
You knew he’d be traveling. After officially signing with EJP Raijin, you had thought you braced yourself for this. The early training hours, the late night flights, the stealing time together just for it to be ripped away at any moment. You swallowed that pill and digested it fully.
And then he told you about America. About the year-long tournament and exclusive training program he’d been recruited into. You vividly remember him eagerly bragging about how not even Atsumu got invited. He was thrilled, and you were too, for him. 
But then came the unease, the insecurity that would eat away at your brain every night like a parasite. You couldn’t rest, couldn't live with yourself knowing that there could be more out there for him. You refused to hold him back from fully experiencing whatever this opportunity could bring him. You wanted him happy, whether that was with you or not. 
Needless to say, the breakup came as a surprise to him. Two weeks before he left, just when he had everything he’d ever dreamed of, the thing he needed the most decided to slip from his grasp. 
“You're being stupid,” he threw out in a panic. “You don’t get to just decide that for me when it affects both of us.”
“I already made up my mind,” you'd croaked out through teary eyes and a constricting throat.  
You remember Suna looking at you like he didn't even know you, like he didn't recognize the person standing in front of him. The person who held his heart in their hands, the person he has a ring hidden in his closet shelf for. Unrecognizable. 
Your shaking hands held out in front of you like a plea, you continued to use them to sever your red string of fate from him.
“You don't know what's out there for you. You could love it there, you could meet someone better than—”
“Why would you say that?” he winced at your words. He felt like he was going crazy, like this wasn't really happening. Not to him, not with you. “I don't want anyone who’s not you, I don't even want to think about that, I—”
“Rintaro,” your hand on his salty cheek was the last time he’d feel your touch. He didn't knows that at the moment, refused to believe it, but it was. He knows that now.
“I won't be able to live with myself if I don't do this,” your voice is barely audible behind your sobs. “I’d never forgive myself if I knew you had anything to regret.” 
He places his hand on top of where yours rests on his cheek. 
“I don’t want to do this,” he urgently begged, “I love you.” 
You smiled and it broke whatever was left of his heart.
“And I love you,” you ached. “So go to America, and don't think about me. And if there’s a world where you come back here a year from now and somehow still feel the same, then maybe things could be different. But we won't know that unless you go.” 
Two weeks later, Suna was on a plane to the states—and when he went to call you before he boarded, he was immediately sent to voicemail.
It’s been a year since it happened, but it feels like days when Atsumu opens his french wooden door with a brash welcome. 
The party in itself is fine, probably fun for the average guest invited. Atsumu thought it would be funny to throw himself a congratulatory party for being voted Japan’s Sexiest Man, though with the alcohol coursing through his veins and the hype from his past and current teammates, you’re willing to bet he fully believes it. 
The night passes like nails on a chalkboard, agonizingly slow and leaving you hyperaware of your actions. Conversation is easy enough. Everyone is kind and Osamu holds true to his promise of hanging by your side for the most part. You catch Suna’s gaze a handful of times, never holding it long enough to address it, nor feeling drunk enough to do something about it. You hate how foreign it feels. 
The balcony is a refreshing kind of cold on your clammy skin. The jacket you hold tightly against your torso is more so for protection than it is for warmth. 
You’d excused yourself from a small conversation with Iwaizumi and Osamu to escape onto a balcony of (one of) Atsumu’s guest rooms. Just for a moment—a moment to breathe, to stop thinking foolish thoughts, to bury yourself in the drink in your hand. 
The sound of the sliding door interrupts your sulking and your heart drops like glass on concrete.  
“Osamu said I might find you here,” the voice wavers, and you sigh in relief to hear that it’s Aran. 
“Fucking Osamu,” you curse behind a sip of your drink. “Remind me to kill him later.”
Aran laughs earnestly at your clear stress, “M’not that bad, am I?”
“No,” you're quick to correct, “no, I didn't mean it like that.”
Aran’s always been a good friend, to both you and Suna. From your high school days to the entire year you were barely seen in the public eye, he’s always been genuine and attentive. The conversation is natural, a nice distraction from the consistent thumping in both your head and heart. 
You congratulate him on his most recent win. He asks about your work. You tell him about a recent promotion and he manages to successfully tell you about his time in America without directly tying it back to Suna. You appreciate his earnest effort. 
That is, until he clears his throat into the crisp air. 
“He hasn't been with anyone since you,” Aran suddenly breathes. 
You don’t say anything, but he sees how your brow furrows at the sudden declaration.
“He didn't see anyone while he was away, in America,” he clarifies.
He watches your body stiffen at the realization of what he’s talking about. Drink in hand, your arms cross defensively across your chest. You’d attempt to play the pathetic action off as the cold weather if you cared. 
Your tone is a bit harsher than you’d like it to be when you respond. “It wouldn't have mattered if he did, we weren’t together.” 
Aren’t, you mentally correct yourself. We aren't together. It shouldn't matter, no matter the capacity. But with the way Aran’s watching you crumble like a leaf in the wind, both of you know that it does. It matters. 
“I mean—he tried, a few times,” he adds on, “but he couldn't go through with it.” 
Your heart sinks at the mere thought of Suna trying to get back out there, and you hate that you still feel this way because that was the whole point. The reason for the way everything went down the way it did is because you wanted Suna to explore all of his options before choosing you. So why does the mere insinuation of him doing the exact thing you told him to do make bile rise in your chest? 
You sniffle, hoping Aran dismisses it on the chilly breeze as you practically whimper, “Why are you telling me this?”
Aran smiles, but it doesn't meet his eyes. It drips of a melancholy coldness. “Because I think you deserve to know that even when he could’ve, he still didn't do anything.” 
His words grip you like a tight hug, almost constraining as they apply pressure to all the spots you'd numbed months ago. And he must feel it, too, because he decides that he’s said enough.
With a gentle hand placed on your shoulder, he makes his way back inside, but not before prefacing you with a foreboding, “I don't know if he’ll try and talk to you tonight, but if he does, just—think about hearing him out, alright?”
You swallow before nodding, “Sure, I’ll think about it.”
And once again, you're alone with your thoughts—but they're different this time. Less cruel and guilt-ridden, but more so clear and airy. 
You hear the door sliding open once more behind you, and your naivety assumes it’s Aran returning with another final word of wisdom. You’re turning around without a second thought. 
“Aran, I told you I’d–” 
Any blood not tainted by alcohol leaves your face as Rintaro now stands before you, taller than you remember, though you know it’s not even possible. His eyes still look right through your facade, his adam’s apple still prominent as he clears his throat awkwardly.
“Hi,” he bites first.
Your response is immediate, but far weaker, “Hi.” 
He joins you where you lean on the railing, practically shoulder to shoulder as the two of you stare at the dimming streetlights, sipping on drinks that suddenly don’t feel strong enough. 
“Congrats,” eventually falls from your lips, “on everything. You deserve it all.” 
“Thanks,” he returns, though you know it’s only to segue into what slips from his lips next. “You look great,” he lamely chokes out. 
Your response is immediate and cold, “You don't have to.”
“Don’t have to what?” Suna chokes out after a second of confusion. 
“Lie,” you breathe, eyes still focused on the street below. “I’ve looked like shit for the past year, I’m well aware.”
Within the entire mourning period of the breakup, you’ve barely taken care of yourself. You look unhealthy—sunken cheeks and dark circles and skin and bones and sadness. But Suna doesn't see it that way. 
Sure, you look different, but you always look different. You're always growing and changing one way or another. And while he might wish you looked like you got more sleep, that's for selfish reasons, not superficial ones. Your eyes still hold the same shape they did when he left you, your hands still smaller and cold. Your lips still the same mold against his, he hopes. 
“I always think you look beautiful,” he disagrees with a mere shrug, “you still look like you.”
You swallow back a whimper at his honest words, before clearing your throat and biting the bullet.
“Why’re you out here, Suna?”
The last name stings, but he chooses to ignore it for now. There are bigger issues at hand. 
He states the obvious, “It’s been a year. M’back from America.”
He watches you nod in agreement, “Yeah, I can see that.” 
“Do you remember what you said?”
Your throat closes at his words. 
“I went,” his voice raises in desperation to get his point across, “and I had all the freedom in the world. Could’ve done whatever the fuck I wanted to. And I did, or I tried to, but I wouldn’t because it wasn’t with you.” 
“I know,” your pitch matches his, “that was the point. I wasn’t going to let you do something if you couldn’t do it properly.”
He shakes his head at your stupid reasoning, the same stupid reasoning that ruined everything in the first place. You were so sure that there was more out there for him, that he’d be swept off his feet by some American woman and forget you entirely. And because of his own fear, he was forced to go along with it and prove you wrong. Stupid, stupid, stupid. 
“Well guess what?” he takes a sip of his bottle before swallowing harshly, “I did it, and it sucked, and now I'm back and nothing’s changed on my end.”
He takes a step closer to you, shaky hand raising in slow motion so you see it coming, so you have a chance to flinch or dodge or run, and you don’t. You let him rest it on your cheek, just like you did that night, and you let him tilt your jaw up to look at him properly for the first time in a year. 
“Now I know what it’s like to be with you and to be without you, and I still just fucking want you.”
You take a moment to admire him, just as beautiful as the day you’d left him. He’s porcelain and tangible and here for the first time in a—
“And it’s been a year,” he reminds you through a sad smile, “like you said.”
You let out a wet giggle through your shaky core, “It’s been eleven months.”
Rintaro groans as if he’s been punched in the gut, and the feeling of your laughter erupting even louder shoots what he assumes must feel like drugs straight to his heart. Ever so gently, he swipes a stray tear from your lash line. 
“Don't make me wait another month,” he begs, “please.” 
Rintaro thanks whatever deity might've listened to his endless prayers these past eleven months, because for the first time ever, you listen to him. Obey him without complaint as you let him press his lips to yours, and he’s overwhelmed with warmth at the realization that they do still mold against his all the same. 
“I love you,” he breathes in between breaks from your lips, “never stopped loving you.”
“I know,” you match his hunger, “I love you.”
Between overdue kisses and eager gazes to ensure that you are, indeed, real, Suna lets go of all of his regrets. 
“M’never letting that happen again,” he shakes his head at his own stupidity, “never letting you go again.”
“Okay,” you mindlessly nod into his hands. 
“Never letting you make a stupid decision like that for the both of us.”
“Never letting you look at me like that from across the room just to look away. I mean, what the fuck was that—” 
You shove him out of embarrassment and oh, it feels like love. “Okay, I get it,” you whine. 
And when the night passes in eventual hours that feel like mere seconds, ending up with you in Suna’s lap and everything under the moon being discussed, he’s brought back to reality as you begin to rise from his hold.
Rintaro instantly ushers you back on top of him, “Hey, hey, where d’you think you’re going?”
You comply with his gesture, but not without rolling your eyes. “Shouldn't we go back inside? They're gonna wonder where we are.” 
“Let ‘em,” his head is buried into your neck, a feathery kiss placed as he tightens his hold on you. “I just got you back, lemme hold onto you for a little longer.” 
+ bonus scene!
Between tipsy laughter and friendly competition, the party going on inside should be busy with a handful of different things. But the leading contender of entertainment for the group of friends seems to be partaking on the balcony. 
Too lost in one another, you’re grateful you don't see the tufts of red hair peeking out behind the curtain, hoping to catch a glimpse of the long-awaited reunion taking place. 
“It's working, I think it’s working!” Hinata beams, bouncing from window to window trying to get the best view.
“She’s on his lap,” Kita, who traveled a decent way to see this (oh, and for Atsumu, too), notes. “Do you think they’ve kissed yet?”
Speaking of the devil, Atsumu pushes his old captain aside as he drunkenly whines, “Aw, we missed it?”
The crowd of overgrown men bursts into childish chatter. 
“Don't be a fuckin’ creep.” 
“I didn’t mean it like that, you idiot.” 
“They’ve had to have kissed by now, we just weren’t paying attention.”  
“Yep, they're kissing!” Bokuto excitedly confirms, watching the two of you outside like a rom-com displayed on the silver screen. 
Osamu’s attention is finally sparked at this confirmation. 
“Oh thank god,” he impatiently shoves through the crowd to confirm the sight with his own eyes, and when he deems it to be true, he exhales a long overdue breath of relief. ‘‘That was the worst year of my life.” 
Aran tilts his head in confusion, “I thought it was only eleven months—”
“Eleven months too long.”
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bronz3y · 5 months
she looks so pretty (chapter one) - Alessia Russo x reader
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warnings: just two awkward girlies hehe, suggestive? kinda?, if you squint lol
hiya guys!, im back (kinda??) im gonna try post more frequently, but no promises lmao
anyways hope you enjoy this first part to a lil seires im gonna be working on, enjoy!
“Come on girls!”
You hear the crowd erupt as you took the first steps at the emirates, as much as many times as you'd step out onto the incredible stadium you'd always get goosebumps at the sound of the thousands of fans cheering you on.You look around taking it all in as you stand in line with the rest of your team, you watch kim little and mary Earps shake hands and follow the line of your teammates to shake hands with the familiar manchester united players.
you watch the heads in the line pass you when you see the spiky ponytail, you look up and meet the eyes of Alessia Russo, piercing blue eyes meeting with yours for a second, you grab each other's hand and just like that, she's gone.
You'd never properly spoken to Alessia, but the 2 times you’d played against man united this season you felt her eyes on you during the game, and when you'd catch her, she would immediately look away and as soon as the whistle blew, you would try avoiding her and go straight for the changing rooms, scared that if you did end up talking to her, you'd say something stupid to embarrass yourself, so avoiding her was the next option.
You jogged over to the team circle, wrapping your arms around Beth and Kaite, Kim gave her speech and you all put your hands in the middle of the circle and lifted your arms up.
Arsenal end up beating united  2-1, you and viv both scoring absolute worldies, you'd all gone around taking pictures and signing shirts when you feel a tap on your shoulder, you turn around and once again meet light blue eyes, you hear your heart in your ears as you snap out of it once you hear her relaxing voice.
“Nice goal before, was an amazing chip” Alessia praised you while wearing one of her pretty toothy smiles.
“Oh thank you, it was nothing really, Leah's assist set me up” you laughed rubbing your neck to hide the slight redness rising from your nervousness.
“Hmm true but that finish took skill, you cut through all our defenders” Alessia giggled playing with the hem of her shirt.
You both stayed talking a while longer when you heard Katies voice calling your name.
“y/n!, come on you slowpoke hurry yer ass over before i make ya” katie says looking between the two of you.
“Sorry, gotta get to the shower, i'd rather not get her to drag me over” you laugh.
“No worries, I'll see you at Lottes party this weekend?” Alessia asked, sounding hopeful.
“Yeah, for sure,i'll be there” you replied 
“Ah nice, see you there then” Alessia smiled and waved starting to walk away
“Y-yeah, you too!” you said while she walked back to hear teammates. You turned around and slapped your forehead.
“Realy y/n?, ‘you too’?, for fucks sake” you shook your head at yourself as you walked into the changing rooms.
an hour later your walking with leah to the car park, since youd signed with arsenal a few months ago youd moved in with leah until you could find a place of your own, but it was nice having her around, you werent a fan of being on your own a lot, so having her to talk to is something your grateful for.
you both got in the car, leah driving and you in shotgun, as she pulled out of the parking she began talking.
"saw you and lessi talking earlier" leah said smirking
"oh shush it was nothing, just some friendly chat thats all" you rolled your eyes at her.
"mhm, for now" she said laughing.
"your so annoying did you know that?" you said jokingly
"its my hobby to pester you" she shrugged smiling, you roled your eyes and laughed with her.
"if you keep rolling your eyes they are gonna end up at the back of your head"
Later that day you are cooking dinner at your shared apartment with leah, some spaghetti, nice and plain for leah and you add some spices to your own since your not as picky as her, you set the two plates at the dinner table when you hear your phone ping on the kitchen counter, you walk up to it and tap on the screen, your eyes widen and your heart starts racing.
‘Alessiarusso99 started following you’
You start jumping up and down in the kitchen giggling when Leah walks in on you.
“What's gotten you so happy?” she asks, smiling with one eyebrow raised.
“Oh it's nothing’ u say pushing your phone away.
“Let me see” she reaches over your shoulder and grabs your phone and taps the screen, she looks down at it and then smirks up at you.
“B’out time one of you guys made the first move foken’ ell” she says laughing
“Oh shush we hadn't spoken until today, and plus she doesn't see me like that” you say snatching your phone off her and rolling your eyes.
“Mhm, whatever you say y/n/n” she teases, walking out of the kitchen.
Saturday comes around and you're getting ready for the party, straightening your hair in your vanity, you'd never taken so long to choose an outfit, usually you're very quick when it comes to it, but tonight you found yourself struggling to find something you liked, or more so, something she would like. Once your done you grab your phone and spray on your expensive ‘going out’ perfume and head to the front door.
“God you look like your about to throw up” leah laughed at you
“Lee, stop it, im stressin’ man” you whined as leah shook her head.
“Come on romeo let's get in the car”
Once you get to the place Lotte rented out you hear the music blasting even from outside. you feel your chest tighten and your hands get sweaty, leah then puts her hand on your shoulder.
“Hey, relax, breathe” you nod at her words and start breathing slowly.
“You're gonna be fine, just be yourself okay?” she smiles at you, you return the gesture and begin walking inside.
You and Leah make your way through the crowd and the mist, disco lights flashing in your eyes and sweaty bodies bumping into you, you then see Katie,Caitlin,Beth and Viv by the bar and walk up to them.
“Leah,y/n, you're finally here, god what took you so long” beth said slurring over her words you laughed at her and gave her a hug.
“Lessi asked about you before, she was wondering where you were” Beth giggled, wiggling her eyebrows.
“Did she?” you said, your heartbeat once again starting to increase, beth nodded at your words. You then decided you needed some alcohol in your body so you'd gain the confidence to actually talk to her.
“Leah, you want a couple shots?”
After around 20 minutes of dancing  you started to feel lighter, not drunk since you wanted to remember everything tonight.
You then scanned the crowd, looking for a specific blonde through the hundreds of heads.
“Look who's finally here” you turn around at the familiar voice and smile.
“Hey, i was just looking for you actually” you said matter of factly as she smiles at you
“I've been wanting to dance with you” she said looking up and down at you
“Is that so?” you say smirking at her, liking how confident she's acting. She smiles at you and grabs your hand, pulling you into the crowd of sweaty bodies.
Alessia starts screaming as ‘mr saxobeat’ starts playing,you laugh and start dancing with her, you watch how she dances, she looks good, really good, the way the simple black dress hugs her curves is driving you crazy, the disco lights shine on her skin, making her glow, you look at her in awe.
You then step closer to her, she smiles at you and grabs your wrists, placing your hands on her waist, you pull your bodies together, moving to the beat of the music, her arms go on your shoulders, your eyes not leaving each other, she lifts her drink in the air as you both sing along to the words of ‘she knows’, your fingers start tracing shapes on her waist and you feel her slightly shiver at your touch, you smirk at her and lean into her ear.
“You like that?” you whisper
“Shut up” she giggles, you then dig your fingers deeper into her waist, her laughing stopping as she lets out a shaky breath.
“Fuck” she curses softly, you laugh through your nose and relax your fingers, rubbing your hands up and down her waist trying to calm her down.
“Don't wanna move too fast now hm?” you whisper looking into her hooded eyes.
“Hmm yeah, let's take it slow” she smirks,her eyes locked on yours as she slots her leg between both of yours, putting slight pressure on your core, you let out a low groan.
“Oh fuck you” you laugh as she removes her leg. She giggles and creates some space between both of you.
“Let's go find lotte” Alessia suggests, you nod agreeing and let her hold your wrist, pulling you through the crowd.
It's gonna be a long night.
soso sorry for the lack of fics, ive been quite busy and tbh ive had 0 motivation, please feel free to drop some requests ( i rly need some lol) or just any random questions :)
part 2 coming soon! xx
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h34rtbeat · 2 months
idk if you're into big quiet hq men but kita and ushijima are the softest doms out there and i want them to top me so bad like they would be soooooo authoritative but in the most sultry respectful way 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️ definitely shy to manhandle you at first but the next time you guys had a 3some they do it so naturally 😮‍💨😮‍💨 I COULD GO FOR DAYS AND PAGES TO TALK ABOUT MY QUIET BIG D MEN
GIRL BAIIIIII 😜😜😜😜😜 UR SO RIGHT… BUT I don’t like ushi as much as I like Kita, so this will solely be kita im so sorry
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warnings/// unprotected sex, mating press, afab reader, exhibitionism, stepcest, kita is blunt
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you knew of your elder ‘brother’s sports life, and you knew of how successful they were. though, you didn’t quite know the players.
in an attempt to get you more involved with your brothers life, your mom ushered you to go to the preliminary rounds.
“it’ll be good!” she says, pushing your shoulders out the door. Kita was routinely and neat. perhaps you showing up at his game threw him off.
you were never at his games. why were you there now? it didn’t matter. what did matter is that his focus was thrown off ‘cause of his stepsis.
and he had to find a way to punish you. even though they still remained victorious, his head was in a frenzy.
he was always blunt, even more so now.
“ugh.. why’d’ya haf’ta show up all of sudden?” he grunted, heavy balls slamming against your ass.
“ah- i’m sorry- didn’t mean-!” your words cut off by a thrust against your g spot, his free hand covering your mouth.
“ah, can’t have ‘em hearin’ yer moans, ya?” he chuckled, his tip repeatedly hitting your sweet spot.
your legs were bent up to your chest, he was mourning you, right? at this point, it had to be. your air cut off by his rough hands.
despite kita being one of the cleanest boys you knew, you couldn’t help but gush at how dirty this was.
shoved inside one of the spare storage rooms, your body on one of the mats (kita wouldn’t let you get that dirty, the only dirty thing he wanted was his cum in you) and his hard dick plunging inside.
“s’okay, m’not mad..” he whispered, kissing your neck. he was so rough, his hands having a grudging grips.
you nodded your head feverishly. good good, you didn’t want your dear older step brother mad. especially not when he was so muscular. the muscles on his thighs clenching and relaxing.
“fuck fuck, yer pussy s’slutty..” he panted, his hips slamming against yours. “wanna fuck my cum inside ya, would ya let me?” he groaned, his hips dick on your cervix.
“mhm!” you nodded, again. poor thing, all your juices spilling on his cock.
kita couldn’t wait to see your face when you found out that really, the whole team could hear you. but, that was for later, when he was done fucking his seed into you.
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whatyadrawin · 3 months
The Fruit After the Flesh 18+ -Chapter 12-
Minors DNI!
Approximately 2,084 words
Pairing: Thomas Hewitt (Headcanon) x AFAB reader
This chapters Warnings:  Sexual language, foul language, use of a slur, violence, IMAGES DEPICTING BLOOD (no gore). This is Slasher smut, be mindful of that and use your discretion.
A/n: This short chapter straight up flew at my brain immediately following the last chapter. The end of this chapter had me feeling very cocky lol, its probably cringe but its free. LET ME KNOW IF YOU GIGGLED AND KICKED YOUR FEET AT THE LAST SENTENCE. I tried to rush out the art so please don't be too ruthless about it being sloppy, I just wanted to get this chapter out for you all to read ASAP. Let me know if you want to be in the tag list. I update chapter progress on the masterlist whenever something changes.
Please enjoy this chapter! I worked very hard on it so reblogs, comments, and likes are appreciated very much.
Tag List: @fan-goddess , @artxasa , @baybaybear1 , @amour-tae
Chapter 12
                The night air filled your lungs, you were doubled over trying to regain consciousness after being choked by Dover. Your body was covered in dirt, nothing but a bra and underwear were protecting you from the elements; once you caught your breath you slowly got up, you heard screams followed by the sound of a chainsaw. You turned to look around and saw Dover crawling away from a large man wielding the source of the rattling engine.
You walked closer to the scene unfolding in front of you, only to realize that the one standing before Dover was none other than Tommy. You watch as Tommy stomps on one of Dover’s legs, you hear it snap from the bone breaking on impact, Dover screams in pain and pleads for his life,
“Please, PLEASE! I promise t’leave n’ never come back if y’let me go, Im beggin’ ya!”
Tommy didn’t respond, he just stood there revving the motor of the chainsaw, smoke billowed out of the exhaust swirling around him. You call out,
“Tommy! Wait!”
He turns around to look at you, his expression was unlike any you had ever seen him make, he looked possessed. Tommy wasn’t in there at that moment, it was something else, a demon. Dover took the opportunity of Tommy looking away to get up and limp off as fast as he could, he still had the large knife in his hand from when he was in the hole. Tommy turned around and slowly followed Dover as he tried to escape, you followed them both.
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Dover managed to hide among the trees, Tommy was searching for him as if it were a twisted game of hide-and-seek. Tommy circled around, thrusting the chainsaw into bushes and breathing heavily, he looked through the bush he just cut through. Dover popped up behind him and jammed the knife deep into Tommy’s back, he let out an otherworldly roar, not of pain but rather frustration at being bested. Tommy spun around but Dover was hiding again, you followed closely hoping to call Tommy off so you could both get to safety.
You felt an arm circle around your torso, it was Dover, he had captured you and held the knife to your throat as he held back your arm,
“Hey freak!” He called out to Tommy, “If y’don’t fuck off, then yer little whore gets sliced up!”
Tommy spun around, now he was raging and furious, Dover pulled you with him as he walked backwards, his movements stopped when you heard a click,
“Don’t fukin’ move shit heel” You heard Charlie’s voice,
“Let her go or I blow what little brains you got out your fuckin’ nose.” His voice was even tempered and stern.
Dover released you from his grip, you pushed off of him and ran behind Charlie who was holding a pistol against the back of Dover’s head. Dover put his hands up, Charlie lowered the gun and smirked,
“Now run, little piggy.”
Dover bolted, his broken leg was slowing him down but he pushed through the pain to get away, yelping with each step. Charlie looked at Tommy and smirked,
“Kill him.”
Tommy let out a low growl as he raised the chainsaw forward and sprinted after Dover; Charlie grabbed your arm and started walking you away from the direction Tommy went, he asked,
“You hurt girlie?”
You don’t answer the question and instead say,
“I don’t want to leave Tommy!”
Charlie continues to pull you away, ensuring you couldn’t turn to look,
“Don’t worry ‘bout him, you hurt?” He asks.
You reply, “I’m in pain but, I think I’m ok.”
The sound of a blood curdling scream is heard in the distance, it was met with the sound of the roaring chainsaw cutting through something, you knew what was happening but you couldn’t believe that it was real.
You finally made it to the house and the chainsaw sound had ceased so you knew whatever happened was over. When you get inside, Luda Mae runs to hold you, she looks over your body and brings you over to the parlor where she had a tub of warm water with a washcloth and some gauze,
“Oh god you poor thing, I’m so glad you’re ok. Come here n’ let me clean you up.”
You sit on the couch and she dumps the cloth in the warm water, she rinses the dirt off your skin and begins to look over your body for wounds. You just sat there unable to do anything, you were in a state of bewilderment at the string of events that took place. Luda Mae puts a blanket over you and give you a glass of water then goes to speak to Charlie; they both start speaking quietly. You drink the water and blankly stare at a spot on the rug, your mind began to quiet, you felt like shock was setting in.
Your trance is broken by the sound of the front door opening, Luda Mae calls out,
“Oh, my boy, my sweet, sweet boy, I’m so sorry you had to do that again. Are you hurt?” you could hear the worry in her voice.
You fling the blanket off you and run towards the door, the sight you were met with sent a shiver down your spine. Tommy was covered in blood and his eyes had a distant look to them, a zombie-like expression plastered on his face.
“Tommy?” you were unsure if it was really him, you had never seen him like that before.
You walk up to him and take his hand in yours; he doesn’t even look at you, he slowly walks past you and heads to the basement door, his breathing was heavy and he made a low, animalistic growl as he moved.
You ask, “What’s wrong with him?”
Charlie looks at you, then he looks at Luda Mae,
He says, “He gets like this after a kill, just leave him be.”
“What? So, he really has done it before…” you mumbled.
You went to your room to grab a first aid kit and made your way back to the basement door to go look after him,
Charlie tries to stop you, “Stay away from him girly, if you know what’s good.”
You ignore him and shut the door behind you, following the drops of blood down the stairs.
The trail leads to Tommy’s room, you take a deep breath and open the door. You see Tommy sitting on the bed staring off into nothing, he doesn’t even acknowledge your presence, the room is dark and he is illuminated only by the red of the light outside his door. You walk up to him slowly; he was now breathing steadily but the breaths were slow and full. You turn on the light that was sitting on his nightstand, he still doesn’t move, you get up on his bed to check the wound on his back, its deep and slowly oozing blood.
You leave his bedroom to grab a bucket and wash cloth from the laundry room, when you get back, Tommy was still unmoved and had a thousand-yard stare. You place the bucket next to him and sit on the bed, you begin to gently wash off the blood from the wound, you sigh as you see it needs a gauze bandage but Tommy is covered in blood and needs to be cleaned before you dress any wounds.
You slowly remove the shirt he had on, it was once white, but now was stained a dark red, you unbuckle his pants but are unable to pull them off since he was sitting. You decide to get his mask off so he could breathe better and wash his face. You slowly pull the mask off but before you could get a good look, Tommy grabs your wrists and throws you onto the bed. He gets up and crawls over top of you, pinning your wrists down, you try to struggle out of it but he has a firm grasp on you and his massive body engulfs yours, you look at his face and see the damage from his past. Tommy is missing skin on one side of his face so badly that his teeth are clearly visible, he lets out a deafening roar, his face inches away from yours and you scream in fear. It was like having a bear attacking you, he was not himself, he was barely acting human. You didn’t care, you knew he needed help,
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“Tommy stop! It’s me!” you pleaded with him hoping he could calm down a bit,
“I just want to help! You’re hurt!” you continued.
Tommy was breathing heavily, his eyes slowly started to focus and his pupils became visible again, he immediately let go of you and got off your body. You let out a sigh of relief and sat up,
“Let’s get you to the shower, come on.” You took his hand and pulled him to the bathroom near the laundry area.
He followed you willingly, holding onto your hand firmly. When you got to the bathroom, you turned on the tub faucet and plugged the drain so it would fill with hot water. You took off Tommys pants and stopped before you went to remove his undergarment,
“Tommy, can you take off your underwear and get into the tub for me?” you asked in a hushed tone.
Despite the circumstances, you still wanted to give him some respect and autonomy. You turned your head to look away as he removed his underwear, when you heard him get into the tub you turned back around. A bar of soap was on the wall ledge, the tub itself was a massive claw foot tub and had a lot of space around it, you sat yourself behind his head, wet the soap in the water, and started rubbing suds into his hair. Tommy let out a long sigh, he was starting to return to his normal behavior,
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You say, “Thank you for saving me back there.”
He shakes his head, “I didn’t keep you safe.”
You lean over to look at him, “How could you have?”
He sinks into the water slowly and replies,
“I should’ve been there to stop him from takin’ you.”
You furl your eyebrows and follow,
“If you didn’t come when you did, I wouldn’t be alive right now, you saved my life.”
He lets out a long breath and says,
“Nothin' bad’s gon’ happen to you ever again. I promise.”
“You can’t promise that, you won’t always be there when bad things happen. You're only human.” Your words were sincere.
He washed the rest of the blood off his body and face, then sat up and turned his head to you, he said,
“I ain’t human.”
You laugh, “What are you then?”
He looks away and thinks,
“I dunno, a monster I guess, least that’s what everyone calls me.”
You feel a wave of sadness wash over you, he continues,
“Everyone was always runnin’ n’ screamin’ when they saw me, yellin’ ‘Monster!’”
You put the soap down and get up to position yourself next to him, you gently pull his face to look at yours and say,
“Am I screaming and running?”
He shakes his head, “Why not? I ain’t no prince, n' that’s what you deserve.”
You move in and kiss his cheek, then say, “Because I love you.”
His eyes grew wide, “You serious?” he asks.
You nod your head and smile,
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he sits up and pulls you into the water, you squeal and laugh. Your back is rested on his chest and he gives you a tight bear hug from behind. You spin around to look at him, you pour water on his head to rinse the suds off, his hair hangs over his face like a wet dog and it makes you laugh. He smiles and pulls you in for another kiss, you reciprocate and he holds you in place with both arms around you. You pull back and laugh as you push his hair away from his face. You both kiss passionately in the bathtub, water swirling with Dover’s blood, the suds bubbling and floating around you both, making quiet little pops as they dry out in the air.
You were so fried from the events that just took place, the pain in your face from being punched and slapped didn’t affect you yet. Tommy may have a monstrous past, and the face many would flee from, but his arms were a castle, and he, your prince.
Next chapter-
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Other woman
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"Hey you there?!I-I'm pregnant." You sniffle into the phone. Eyes red and swollen from crying since you came home from the doctors' appointment. The one person who held your heart. The father of your future child was dead silent on the other end making the pit of anxiety that was in your stomach grow bigger. It makes your mind drift as you subconsciously rub your stomach.
To think it all started with just a few words.
"Hey you lost?" You look up at the the dark haired male who's hand is on your shoulder. Shaking you out of your thoughts.
"No, I just came looking for my friend. You might know him. He's name is Atsumu Miya? I'm trying to surprise him but I can't seem to find him." You place the picnic basket down and crack your back and hands from the heavy basket.
"You just missed him. He left like 5 minutes ago." You could feel his eye roll even though his face remained stoic as he huffed barely for you to hear it.
"Are ya serious? Imma kill that 'samu. Always givin' me the wrong information." you storm off to the double doors and tap your foot with heat to it pressing your phone against your ear.
" 'samu? Imma kill ya when i see ya just so you know. What do ya mean what do i mean? 'tsumu isnt here! Ya said they would still be practicin'. Im breakin all yer windows. What? Hes there? Ok ill see ya in 5. Better keep yer lips shut tight so this surprise aint spoiled. And fuck no my accent aint slippin." you press the end bottom and take a few breathes in and our before making you way over to the fox like man.
"thank you i found him. You can keep the basket...?" You pause for a name while handing him the brown woven basket.
"Rintaro. Suna rintaro" he said as he takes the basket from you making you smile.
"well rintaro. Suna rintaro. I better be going before I miss him again. I hope we cross paths again." Letting out giggles as you scamper away leaving the brown haired boy craving your presence more.
And more is what you gave.
It started when he asked for your name and number when you came with Osamu to one of his games. Looking so pretty in your jeans hugging your curves and cropped shirt. Soon becoming an inside joke between you two that pressed the boundaries of friendship and turned it into one of lovers.
"you're so beautiful (y/n). I want to marry you one day." he makes this promise under the moonlight laying kisses om your hands and rubbing your knuckles so tenderly like you were only his. Only meant to fit this two person sized puzzle.
It was two months later you started feeling sick. Throwing up with your tummy cramping from here to here and feeling like you would pass out. You waited to see blood appear due to it possibly just being the chance of your first day period cramps. It never showed up and a week past the day it was scheduled to start it never did.
This made you rush to the hospital with your two best friends in tow. asking the doctor if you had some sort of zombie disease making you throw up everything you eat.  He takes some of your blood and urine to test.
It seemed like hours before the test were done.
"all im sayin' is why did he have to take both yer blood and piss. Hes either a vampire or he has a piss kink.maybe both" atsumu comes up with his conspiracy theory as he gets smacked in the back of the head by osamu.
"He aint got no damn piss kink and he aint a vampire. Yer the reason why (y/n) asked that stupid ass question about zombie diseases." He clicks his tongue before going back to holding your hand rubbing it to calm you down.
"Well 'smau. Ya never know?! They're some real sickos out there that wants to get ahold of someone like , (y/n)'s, piss." He rubs the back of his head, "speakin of piss where'd Suna piss off too?"
"He hasn't been picking up my calls. I know he goes M.i.a sometimes but I'd rather have him here then piss kink boy." You laugh snuggling into Osamu's side as he makes you scoot over so he could sit on the bed with you.
"Watch. He's gonna come in here talkin only about your blood and it'll show yer doctor does indeed have a piss kink." He turns his nose upward and hmphs.
"C'mon and cuddle me 'tsumu. I need my piss hair friend to cuddle me with comfort." Osamu joining with you in laughing as his twin begrudgingly comes over grumbling.
There's 3 knocks on the door before you announce that they may enters. The doctor with the clipboard and a packet of stapled paper with material that clued to her side.
"We did some test on your blood and you're urine and congratulations ms.(l/n) you are pregnant." It felt like time stopped. The twins could feel you tense up.Atsumu coughing up a storm after swallowing his saliva the wrong way but still trying to comfort you while Osamu listened to what else the doctor said, " this is a packet of information on pregnancy. It contains what can and cannot be eaten,Exercises that would help , and trimester information. Right now she is still in first trimester and needs to be very careful with things and stress for they could be harmful to the babies."
"what about a-abortion?" you look at her with watery eyes as she look at your dishevled apperance.
"that is an option ms.(l/n). Take your time and consider it over and if you still want to go through it. We will set up a date when you come back." The doctor hands over the document and leaves the room.
You wait until she leaves to turn into a sobbing mess leaving stains onto Astumu's shirt who pats your back.
"cmon now (y/n). Ya heard the doc crying ain't good for you or the baby." you sniffle and dry your face letting the disgusted face of Atsumu make you laugh quietly.
"Are you gonna tell suna? He is the father right?" samu asked getting swatted by his twin.
"of cours' hes the father you tryna say my best friend hussy?"
"no you idiot. Im sayin' suna aint always around so maybe she looked for other people."
"yer calling her a hussy dumbass."
"piss hair."
"yer onigiri sucks."
And thats how you end up calling suna 12 times since you came back home. Silently crying as each time it went to voicemail was a stab in the gut while the knife twisted. You gave up after the 12th one just laying next to your phone bawling your eyes out until 30 minutes pass and you recieved a call for suna.
"Suna? Hey you there?" you called into the phone but only met with silence, "h-hey you there? I-im pregnant suna. I don't know what to do im ao scared. Please come over." you cry into the phone breathe hitching as you are met with a feminine voice.
"What's your name?" you could hear the crack in the female voice.
"my name is (y/n). Are you suna's friend? I-is he there?" you ask scarily heart pumping with adrenaline waiting for her awnser and soon flatlining when she gave it.
"I'm his wife of 2 yrs." she says and you stutter out a sorry and cry to her that you didn't know he was married.
"It's ok ,love. It's not your fault I put all the blame on him. W-would you meet me later this week? So we both can get some closure." You could hear her tears fall making your heart clench as you tell her yes. She hung up as soon as you could hear Suna in the background.
Now you where curled up with a pillow. Sitting alone with the thoughts of you were the home wrecker. The mistress. The other woman in suna's
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An// this is a reupload 🫡
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smolsix · 10 months
-blows dust off this blog-
Little Nightmares III, huh???
I was trying to avoid being excited about it because no solid release date and 2024 could be a few months from now or a year from now and Idk how long I can handle being so fuckin hyped for this game YEEHAW
so here are my thoughts, if you wanted to know
FIRST OF ALL, i am so glad that after we saw LTNM II we thought it'd be co-op but it was just an AI, that we finally get co-op! AND ONLINE TOO, i spent the first day worried it'd be shared screen same room situation since i wasn't trying to get my hopes up but then I realised I can just.. google it.. AND IT IS!!! ONLINE!! IDK WHO I AM GONNA PLAY IT W FIRST AAAAAAAA
anyways, you can definitely tell it's a new studio working on this game, the world feels mostly the same but the character designs themselves are definitely stylistically similar, but not the same. With Six especially, the MC designs were very simplistic and realistic but used colour (or for Mono, a single design quirk being the bag) to stand out against their backgrounds and against the enemies which are largely neutral colours. But these new ones feel... "over designed"? On their own they definitely aren't, but in comparison to Mono, Six, Seven, and even NPCs like the flashlight girl, they have a lot more going on (especially the little wrench kid, Idk which one is Alone and which one is Low yet btw OOP)
Despite it being a new studio and you can tell, new puzzles and environments, they're still doing their best to have the OGs vibes and whatnot to feel familiar, namely in the trailer they bring back the fuses, and the additional gameplay video there's a short scene with an environment with all the shelves you can find in LTNM 1s gnome section (the one with the cart that is affected by the Maws swaying).
But regardless, it still feels different enough my brain is still nervous about it. I also feel In A Way about Tarsier having LTNM II explode and their franchise getting the attention it deserves, only to have it stuck with Bandai and now it's going to likely explode again and they aren't involved. Idk how anyone on that team feels about it, but if it were me omg.
Also the only boss we've seen so far (i hope they add more and i def want some to be a surprise so im not gonna assume this is the only one for now) feels... out of place? it has the design qualities of a LTNM boss, but the size of it makes it more of a spectacle than a warped/corruption of an adult. All the previous bosses fit in their environment, we are the small ones and they are scaled to the world around them. This is the first time, outside monster Six who imo is a bit of an outlier anyways due to her circumstances, we're getting a boss who is this huge and doesn't even fit their own environment. I hope we get a lore reason for this in some way, because currently the boss doesn't have the same vibe as the others and it's throwing me off a bit. Don't get me wrong, it'll be terrifying, but looking at the picture as a whole they are sort of out of place for me rn. I don't hate the bitch either, I'm not gonna be like omg get rid of it or change it, but it does strike me as odd seeing it for now.
And yes the tall man is too tall for a lot of things, but he's not THAT big. He's more like yer tall guy who hits his head off doorways, which happens irl anyways LMAO
Little Nightmares primarily tries to capture the feeling of being a small child and how everything is big and scary, but a doll that huge is out of the realm of reality set up for us already. It's gone from scary corrupted animal to godzilla, if that makes sense.
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player1064 · 5 months
another drabble request from @storyshark2005
a double date-- other couple is author's choice!
(this suggestion plus your talk earlier of double dates with Jill and Shelly somehow resulted in... this)
“Alright, Jill?” Gary greets as she wanders into the VIP suite at the Peninsula, looking around with interest. “Ooh, and y’ve brought Shelly, too! You’re gonna have great fun, honest.”
He chats to them both for a few minutes, shows them where everything is and is introducing them both to the few people already milling about when Jamie swans in, immediately making himself at home.
“Jill! You’re already here!” he says, gives her a quick side-hug in greeting before standing next to Gary, slinging one arm round the back of his shoulders. “And Shelly, don’t think we’ve met, ‘s a pleasure. Yous all ready to watch Salford lose?”
Gary scowls at Jamie, pinches him in the side. “Oi!” he says indignantly, “tha’s not fair, we’ve been doin’ alright recently. I think Karl’s been a good appointment.”
“You ‘ave to say that, though, don’t ya? Else people’ll call you bitter.”
Gary’s ready to argue back, but he sees Jill and Shelly exchanging a look out the corner of his eye, and realises he’s probably not being a very good host.
He pinches Jamie again to tell him to shut up, then extracts himself from under his arm and shoos him off to go fetch him a coffee.
“Roy’s texted that he’s just walkin’ up,” Jill says once Jamie’s walked off with grumbles about Gary being a spoilt little bitch. Gary checks his phone: no text from Roy. Always good to know where he ranks in his communication priorities. “Aw, this’ll be so fun. Wish Ian were here, we missed him on the show this week. Did you miss ’im, Gary?”
“Erm,” Gary says, because once recording starts he’s normally too in the zone to really notice how any absences are affecting things.  “I s’pose… I were quite happy with that jacket I wore, y’know, thought he might’ve liked it.”
Roy’s voice suddenly comes from a metre or so away, and Gary startles a bit. “Always with the clothes, Jesus,” he’s saying as he walks over to them. “It was a black and white jacket, what’d’you want, an award?”
He rolls his eyes, then looks at Jill with a warm smile. “Hi, Jill. You’ve picked a nice romantic place to bring your Shelly, eh? I can see why she’s in such a rush to marry you.”
“I love football, actually,” Shelly says, eyes twinkling. “Though I’ve never been to watch a men’s game before, I don’t think. Jill was saying League Two can get quite physical, sounds exciting.”
“I normally just take my wife to restaurants,” Roy says with a shrug. “But I s’pose if it works for those two eejits…” he adds, jerking his head towards Gary and Jamie.
“Nothin’ sexier than watching your team lose while freezin’ your arse off and drinking crap instant coffee,” Jamie says, pressing a cup of said crap instant coffee into Gary’s hands with a wink towards Shelly.
“Oh!” she says, blinking a few times. “I didn’t realise you two were…”
“They’re not,” Jill and Roy both groan at the same time.
“We’re not,” Gary agrees, then yelps when Jamie slips his cold hands under his jumper to press against his skin. “Oi! How many times’ve I gotta tell you, ‘s not my problem you lost your gloves, go buy a pair from the merch stand if you’re so desperate. Leave me ‘n my body heat alone.”
“And how many times’ve I gotta tell you, ‘m not wearin’ anything with your sad little team’s logo on it, so find me a better solution or quit yer whining.”
“It’s not like it’s that cold out, you didn’t even bring a coat! You ought to get your circulation checked, you ask me.”
“You ought to get your diet checked, I’m feelin’ a lot of softness,” Jamie argues back, pressing his fingers into the flesh of Gary’s stomach to illustrate his point and, unfortunately, making Gary yelp again.
Shelly turns to look at Roy and Jill with wide eyes. “Should we…?”
Roy gives a long-suffering sigh. “No point,” he answers. “Best just leave them to it. Here, I’ll show you where we’re sitting.”
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adamsfavoritesinner · 2 years
Haiii here it isss female reader btw ill do non binary and male if anyone wants to!
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"nuh uh~ i wanna see yer cute face~" micah said he leaned to yer neck "smash as in..the game right m-micah?" U asked nervously as Micah from yer face "nuh uh~ i wanna see yer cute face~" micah said he leaned to yer neck he started leaving hickeys "hgnh m-micah~" u said as u held on to him gripping his shirt after a while "heheh~ permission to take off of yer beautiful body angel?~" he asked tugging at yer shirt "go ahead-" you said before you could even react he takes yer shirt off and bra showing yer bare chest "woww~ so much beautiful then i could ever imagine" he said his hands traveling all over you he quickly latches onto yer nipple sucking on it while rubbing and pinching the other "hgnh~" you moan into yer hand micah continuing to do that till he feels he can no long take it anymore he gets off you "angel~ could you do me a favor?~" he asks looking at you biting his lip he takes off his shirt just leaving just his pants "fine..." You got up he looks down at his pants the visible bulge showing you looked at it hesitantly "cmon angel~ help me out~" he said touching yer face gently you unzipped his pants and his underwear and his member almost hits you in the face u look at it flustered "thank god it was tight in there~ go on angel it aint gonna suck itself~" he said biting his lip "shut up i will be paitent you horny idiot" you said you looked back down and you licked the tip little kitten licks after a while you started sucking on his member his hand gripping at yer hair "ahh~ aghhh~ oooh angel~" he groaned rocking his hips a little he threw his head back in pleasure after a good while of sucking and groans filling the room you feel it twitch in yer mouth "angel im gonna cum soon~ keep going hgnhh~" he said gripping at yer head harder soon after he came in yer mouth you could feel the warm a little salty but sweet liquid on yer tongue he pants you pull away "dont swallow it...yet i wanna see it in yer cute mouth~" he says pulling you in by yer chin you open yer mouth to show his cum covering the lower and some parts on the top "heh~ you look so cute angel now swallow that for me~" he said pulling you close again you did "thats enough for today.." you panted you lay down next to him "alright angel have a good rest" he said putting on his boxers and lays down with you you both snuggled and skrunkly came in and joined you too.
Helloooo sorry that it didnt go any further! I lost ideas- anyways i hope this was good for you guyss!
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dajaregambler · 10 months
HeliosR - Fight out vivid colors! - Chapter 11
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Translation of chapter 11 of the event ‘Fight out vivid colors!’ from ‘Helios Rising Heroes’.
Reporter: “Now then, this edition’s highlight of the street fair, the real life Splashy Colors event is going to begin at last!”
Reporter: “And the one match to keep your eyes peeled for will be the hero's showdown!”
Reporter: “The four heroes of Yellow West will be split up in two pairs and going up against each other! No doubt it will turn into a heated battle!!”
Reporter: “Now then, let us introduce the players!”
Reporter: “With the athletic abilities of a wolf, he’ll liven up Splashy Colors like no other! Dino Albani!!”
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Dino: Everyone, thanks for all the cheers! I won’t lose today's battle no matter what! 
Reporter: “Paired up with the youngest of the four, and packed with potential, Leonard Wright Junior!”
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Junior: Hehe, I’ll show ya my playstyle★
Reporter:  “The other players against them are---”
Reporter: “The self-indulgent hero Keith Max! Although lately he’s been hosting a cooking show, and he’s rumored to be a man that gets the job done when he has to!”
Reporter: “Show us how you’re part of the Miracle Trio!”
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Keith: Aah~ don’t go getting yer hopes up for me. Ain’t gonna lose this fight though. 
Reporter: “Paired up with, the one whose looks are enough to heat up the venue… looking cool as ever! Faith Beams!”
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Faith: Aha, those are some amazing cheers. I’ll do my best, in moderation♪
Reporter: “Teams, take your weapons and move to your assigned positions!”
Reporter: “The rules are simple, cover the stage in ink during the allotted time, and secure the encampment. The team with the most ground covered will win!”
Faith: Alright, we act as planned. Keith
Keith: Yeah
Dino: Junior, I’lll leave Faith to you
Junior: Yeah. If we take him out it’ll be harder for Keith to get around
Dino: Most likely. I think tearing down Faith’s strategy will be our road to victory
Reporter: “Now then, ready?”
Reporter: “Go!”
Junior: First I’ll have to find that shitty DJ---
Junior: Woah!?
Faith: Aha, you’re full of openings, Ochibi-chan
Junior: Damn you, stay put!
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Faith: No way♪
Junior: Ooaah!?
Junior: FUCK!! You bastard, ain’tcha enjoying yourself too much now!!!!
Junior: Goddamnit------! Gonna bring you down as if my life depends on it!
Reporter: “Both teams are securing the encampments with ink! While using the gimmicks and skillfully moving around, we have Faith Beams!”
Reporter: “He has adapted to the game, and the way he plays is akin to an expert, what a brilliant performance!”
Junior: Grrrr…! Fight fair and square you shitty DJ!!
Dino: “Junior, calm down! Faith’s more used to playing than I thought he would be”
Junior: I know how to play the game too….
Junior: I’ll try using these gimmicks too! I’ll drive him into a corner like Gray had taught me to before!
Dino: “Got it. Don’t overdo it”
Keith: (Haven’t run into Dino so far… can’t be careless though)
Faith: “Keith, are you sticking to the plan?”
Keith: Yeah, I am I am. How’s it over there?
Faith: “I’m in a bit of a pinch. Ochibi-chan’s coming at me with gimmicks now.”
Keith: Oi oi, ya good?
Faith: “Hmmm~ I haven’t closed up on Dino yet. I wanna keep an eye out just for a little longer, can I leave it up to you, Keith?
Keith: Good grief… Well, gotta fight him anyway. I’ll bring ‘im down by my own hands
Faith: “Good luck. It’ll be our win as long as we stop Dino.”
Reporter: “The battle is getting more and more heated up!! Both teams have seemingly gone on the offense!”
Reporter: “Dino Albani, who has been sticking with securing the encampment, is finally on the move!”
Reporter: “And on the other side Keith Max had suddenly changed the way he was acting a few moments ago!!”
Dino: It’s on, Keith!
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Reporter: “Dino Albani has gotten a hold of Keith Max!”
Keith: Spared me the trouble of searching for ya…
Keith: Bring it on, Dino!!
Dino: Haaaaaaaaaah!!!!
Keith: ….!!
Reporter: “Both are locked into a heated exchange of shots head-on! Who will come out unscathed….!?”
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wonderfulxhappiness · 5 months
vaniiii ehe hiya :3 umm we got a system sideblog if yer interested in seein more of us... but ummmm hiya !!!! i missed ya n im glad t' see ya... do ya got any advice fer copin wit' lack of attention from an fp.... we're okay but if ya got anythin it might be helpful for us :33 ehe i love yaaaa -🪴
MIIIIIKAAAAA!!!!!!!!! i missed u guys </3 i would love to see more of u tho i miss you guys when you're not around... although i guess technically you are since you said we're mutuals but skdghds
ough. tbh i've been pretty lucky insofar that i haven't had a lotta issues with that... but in my experience usually if i gotta be left alone for awhile distracting myself helps a lot? like. go down a wikipedia rabbit hole, or do a puzzle, or play a game you get super invested in. just something to focus on so you don't end up in your own head kinda thing yanno??? otherwise don't feel bad to just. ask for attention? like. it's not illegal to have human desires. and as long as your fp isn't busy or something they probably don't mind talking with you a lil :3 although idk for sure i know everyone has different relationships with their fp so ^^; do not listen to me if you know it'll cause you harm/strife/etc :< also naps. bc those pass the time reaaaaal quick. its like a lifehack. feeling bad? take a nap. you'll either feel amazing after or like you got smacked in the face with a trout ! oh and also like. doing schoolwork or smth productive maybe? thats not really fun tho so dskghds maybe pick up a kinda time-consuming hobby like crochet or cross-stitch or something where you can use that to distract yourself and have something to do with your hands :3?
but if its like. ur Already Feeling Bad i recommend like. watching a movie/tv show/etc that you really like or getting a Little Treat(tm) or something :3 curl up with a cozy blanket and drink some hot cocoa or tea or something !! its not like. a sure-fire fix. but i find the combo of distraction + comfort media + Little Treat tends to make you feel at least a lil better :3 also if it gets Very Bad just like. destroy some old school work you don't need or somethin. tearing papers to shreds is sooooooo fun. make sure u don't accidentally rip up something you need though skjghds it helps to calm down a lil and then you can work on relaxing a little more !! its not like. guaranteed. but sometimes gettin some of the destructive urges out helps
ily2 mika <3 i would die for u btw /lh
#at least i get destructive urges idk. i usually just rip up papers and stuff i don't need if i get like that#most of the time i can just deal w/ it via distractions (mmmm shitty mobile games) but !! sometimes u gotta Rip And Tear#most of my strats are just. distract urself. bc it gives you time to calm down and process stuff even if you don't realize it#so. ye. jus kinda be nice to yourself :3 it helps a little. perhaps get a plushie to cuddle with even#i have plushies my fp got me and i keep them on my bed and cuddle them when i miss them nd stuff#it helps a little !!! making yourself feel better can be rlly hard tho so don't feel bad if you struggle a bit !!#find some friends to talk to too if you can !!! it rlly helps to have people to talk to even if they don't entirely get it#just having other people around can help. i message with a few friends when my fp is busy sometimes and it helps keep the loneliness#at bay a little :3 but !! obv i cannot guarantee any of this will work for you !! but hopefully some of it is helpful at least !!!#I FORGOR U CAN'T PUT READ MORES IN ASKS. AUGH. this got so long srry mika ily#anyway !!! i am glad to see u :3 i was thinking abt u guys recently actually sdkghsd#i was worried u guys might've been one of the people in recent times that've blocked me or something orz#ily. stay safe. nd !! lemme know if i can help you guys somehow :3#im not like the most versed in system nor bpd stuff but ! i have my silly little experiences to go off of#system anon 🪴#long post#<- j. just in case. bc this did get Long. oopsies
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gigglebug · 1 year
Find the Word game
tagged by @randomstupidchaos
words: road, blue, night, dress
all from The Masks we Choose, though some has been posted already, heh
Crea nodded reluctantly, seeing the noble building in the distance. "I guess so," she mumbled. "I'm still not sure why we have to do this."
"Socializing and networking," Floria replied, her tone sounding heavily practiced. "Few ladies are having the opportunity to be meeting others of their status in a close environment. It is giving us a chance to be discussing problems specific to our circles, be making allies for later down the road, and pretending to be civilized." She sighed. "You will be forgiving me for my lack of excitement. I was becoming a soldier in order to avoid such lengthy complaints from my mother when I am skipping these things."
A weak smile tugged at Crea's lips. "This happened a lot, I see."
"What is giving it away?" Floria scoffed sarcastically. "If not being for you, I would be avoiding this again."
Crea snorted softly, shaking her head. "No, I picked red because it's an easy dye color. Probably cheaper."
"Oh. I suppose that's sensible." Zara considered that a little, her eyebrows creasing as she thought. "But you're not paying for it. Why not get a color you like?"
"So?" Crea asked. "I like cheap colors. What's the problem?"
"But what if you didn't have to pay? Then what color would you—"
"You're not changing my dress color with this."
"I know! But still."
Crea considered that for a few minutes as they kept walking. "Probably blue," she said finally. "But probably a dark blue. Light dye colors are easy. But dark like the night sky? Almost impossible. And definitely not cheap, either."
"Oh, imagine little rhinestones all over it to imitate stars," Zara said dreamily. "That would be gorgeous, you're right. You should commission a dress like that."
"With what money?" Crea laughed. "That would be stupidly expensive."
"I suppose," Zara said.
"Oi Crea," Babs began. "When ya was gettin' yer fancy title at the castle, didja 'appen to see anythin' abaht the prince while ya was there?"
Crea looked up from her morning breakfast, watching Babs' furrowed brow as well as her crossed arms as she swiveled thoughtfully at the kitchen island. The rest of the room was quiet, everyone else still focused on eating. "No," Crea replied. "At least, I heard of him in passing, briefly, but I didn't see anything. He's been in hiding for ages, apparently. Why?"
Babs huffed softly, still swiveling back and forth. "Me ol' dad said there was a merchant bloke that came through last night. 'Ad a newspaper clippin' an' everythin', apparently. Sounded like somethin' real awful 'appened to 'im."
Crea swallowed subtly, feeling Malroth's presence more solidly at her side. "To the merchant?"
"The prince," Babs clarified. "The way dad described it was really bad."
"Anything we can help you with today?" The worker smiled broadly, gesturing to the dress Crea had scrutinized a moment before. "You have impeccable taste, if I may say. We just finished these samples yesterday."
Crea smiled politely. "They're very beautiful," she complimented, her voice wavering only slightly. She held the suit a little firmer and continued, gesturing to the dress with her other hand. "I'm most used to simple cotton if I'm honest, but these are interesting for how you seem to have patterned different fabrics together."
"Oh! Seasoned sewist, are you?" The worker grinned, stepping forward. Aris exhaled imperceptibly and moved out of the way.
Crea let go of the suit and stepped back from it. "Well, yes, but I'm not here for me."
"No?" The worker paused, looking aside at Aris before their smile reappeared. "Ah, I see. For you, darling?"
Aris forced a return smile. "Just looking," he assured.
tagging @eriquin and if lyra or don want another go with words then you're welcome to repeat
words: curly, brown, soft, metal
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