liliam69 · 12 days
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não vou falar mais de política, só achei bizarro esse artigo.
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yellowmanula · 2 months
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Oto i ona Epea. Pismo literackie, a w niej? Ile dobra! Tym razem występuję w roli etnografki i bajkopisarki haha ❤ Polecam też naszą rozmowę z Michał Mytnik o języku mówionym i kulturze oralności
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brilho-design · 8 months
Gazeta antes do amanhecer por João Otavio Dobre Ferreira
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slowianskosci · 2 years
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Taka to zima, że nie ma w czym tarzać dywanów.
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relewantna84 · 7 months
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cluj-actual · 1 year
Seva de mesteacan - beneficii multiple
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Seva de mesteacan este considerata de secole un remediu naturist pentru diferite afectiuni. De asemenea, este apreciata si pentru efectele sale terapeutice in industria cosmetica.
Seva este extrasa la inceputul primaverii, pentru ca pe parcursul iernii mestecenii stocheaza substantele nutritive. Acestea ajung apoi in seva. Imediat dupa extragere, seva este incolora si are un gust usor dulceag. Ulterior, dupa cateva zile de la extragere, lichidul fermenteaza, iar gustul devine mai acid.
Ce contine seva de mesteacan
Extractul de seva de mesteacan contine: calciu; magneziu; zinc; mangan; fosfor, potasiu, acid folic, vitamina C, cupru, aminoacizi, polifenoli (in cantitati moderate); glucoza; fructoza; aminoacizi. Acesti nutrienti sunt usor asimilati de organism.
Beneficiile sevei de mesteacan
Se pare ca seva de mesteacan are urmatoarele beneficii asupra sanatatii:
- extractul din seva de mesteacan este o sursa buna de minerale si vitamine;
- ajuta la dezvoltarea si mentinerea sanatatii oaselor: datorita continutului de magneziu;
protejeaza celulele de efectul radicalilor liberi: in principal, caracterul antioxidant este dat de continutul de polifenoli;
- mentine sanatatea pielii: vitamina C din seva de mesteacan tine departe radiatiile ultraviolete, ceea ce inseamna ca pielea este protejata. Astfel pielea este protejata si impotriva ridurilor, dar si impotriva altor semne ale imbatranirii;
- ajuta la mentinerea sanatatii parului: tot vitamina C este cea care stimuleaza productia de colagen, acesta avand un rol important in cresterea si mentinerea elasticitatii parului. Si in cazul parului, vitamina C protejeaza impotriva actiunii radicalilor liberi care pot cauza deteriorarea celulelor firelor de par;
- hidrateaza. In plus, pentru ca seva de mesteacan contine magneziu si potasiu, este o sursa foarte buna de electroliti.
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norbertojunior82 · 2 years
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Breadstick pepperoni pq o pessoal aqui de casa merece #maisumpedaco #breadstick #pepperoni #pizzahut #gazeta #mulheres https://www.instagram.com/p/ClKFfxnJiqe/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fat-fem-and-asian · 3 days
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Dagmara Dominczyk for Viva Magazyn and Wysokie Obacsy Extra / Gazeta Wyborcza's October 2024 Issues
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odinsblog · 11 months
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Sergei Khadzhikurbanov was sentenced to 20 years in prison in 2014 for his role as an accomplice in the killling of Politkovskaya, 48. She worked for the independent newspaper Novaya Gazeta and wrote stories critical of Kremlin policies during the early years of President Vladimir Putin's term, the war in Chechnya and human rights abuses.
She was shot and killed in the elevator of her Moscow apartment block, triggering outrage at home and in the West, and emphasizing the dangers faced by independent journalists in Russia. Her death on Oct. 7, Putin’s birthday, led to suggestions the shooting — in which the Kremlin denied any role — was done to curry favor with the president.
Four others also were convicted in the killing: gunman Rustam Makhmudov and his uncle, Lom-Ali Gaitukayev, who received life in prison, and two of Makhmudov’s brothers, who received 12 and 14 years.
Since Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022, private military contractors and the Defense Ministry have offered prisoners their freedom in exchange for fighting in the war.
(continue reading)
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muxas-world · 4 months
People on here expose marc ass on the friday jurnos are nothing against real scholarships
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soufre-de-paris · 8 months
…i just realized i'm going to have to go to either the national archives in centro or the state archives in botafogo and look at newspapers on microfiche
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wlasnagazeta · 11 months
Dlaczego druk paru egzemplarzy w technologii druku gazet nie do końca jest opłacalny?
Druk gazetowy jest jednym z najtańszych form druku, jednak przy próbie druku egzemplarzy 50, 100, etc. jego cena wcale nie musi być konkurencyjna względem innych technologii czy papieru. Oto dlaczego.
Technologii druku jest parę, jednak druk gazetowy jest nie bez powodu jedną z najtańszych form druku. Najtańszych i najszybszych. Przynajmniej, gdy mówimy o druku colsetowym rolowym.
Ale gdy kalkulacje cenowe będą dotyczyły niskich nakładów – rzędu kilkudziesięciu egzemplarzy – to konkurencyjność względem grubszych gramatur jest bardzo wątpliwa. Nie dzieje się to bez powodu.
Na dzień dobry, warto byłoby użyć prostej analogii. Wyobraźmy sobie, że chcemy zawieźć karton z gór nad morze, czyli 783 km, zaokrąglijmy do 1000 km.
Jeśli jeden karton zawieziemy samochodem osobowym, koszt przejechania 1000 km to około 6L x 7zł czyli 420 zł.
Gdybyśmy jednak ten sam karton wysłali tirem, to koszt wzrósłby z 6 litrów na 100 km do około 40 litrów. Czyli 40 x 7zł x 1000 / 100 = 2800 zł!
Ale gdybyśmy karton wsadzili do Tira w którym oprócz niego, znalazło się 100 innych kartonów, wtedy koszt spadłby z 2800 do 28zł za karton!
I drukarnia gazet jest takim TIRem. Przy dużej ilości publikacji, czyli przy dużym nakładzie, koszt jest jednostkowy jest mikroskopijny! Ale gdy chcemy wydrukować jeden egzemplarz, albo parędziesiąt – koszt może być znacznie wyższy od innych technologii.
A co wpływa na wysoką cenę malutkich egzemplarzy? Odpowiedź brzmi: duży odrzut początkowy. Druk gazetowy technologicznie znacznie różni się od druku offsetowego arkuszowego, czy druku cyfrowego. I to różnice technologiczne przyczyniają się do faktu, że 10, czy 100 egzemplarzy jest droższe niż druk w innych technologiach.
Całość https://wlasnagazeta.pl/artykuly/porady/dlaczego-mikrodruk-gazetowy-jest-srednio-oplacalny/
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gazeta-post · 1 year
Bungo Stray Dogs Season 6 Possible Release Date?
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ammg-old2 · 1 year
I found it hard to get to sleep on Thursday night, after seeing news that a Moscow court had charged the Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich with espionage. The images from outside the court shocked many of us. The Moscow press pack is a tight-knit community, and Gershkovich’s colleagues from the BBC, the Financial Times, Politico, and other publications posted “Journalism is not a crime” on their social media. As a journalist who has covered Russia for most of my career and worked closely with many foreign reporters, I count myself among Evan’s friends. The spying charges—a ludicrous pretext for what is, in effect, hostage-taking by the Russian state—threaten the 31-year-old reporter with a possible sentence of 20 years in prison.
Multiple Russian sources told me that, according to their knowledge of how Russia’s government operates, such a consequential action—the first arrest of an American journalist on espionage charges since the Soviet era—could not have been authorized without President Vladimir Putin’s assent. They also said that the razrabotka, an old KGB term for a surveillance and investigation operation, had begun against Gershkovich weeks before his arrest. It had been triggered, they said, by a paragraph in an article published in late December that carried his byline, along with those of three other Journal staff.
The Journal article described how intelligence reports from frontline commanders in Ukraine were “edited” by the KGB’s successor organization, the Federal Security Service, or FSB, before reaching Putin’s hawkish ally Nikolai Patrushev, a former KGB agent who’s now the secretary of Russia’s Security Council. A source with connections in the Russian state media who asked not to be named for reasons of personal security told me that they read the article as suggesting Patrushev was, in effect, “censoring the reports from the battlefields for Putin.” By the time the reports have been filtered through Patrushev and reach Putin himself, they are “often out of date,” the Journal reported, and “carefully calibrated to emphasize successes and play down setbacks” in the progress of the war.
Last week, a man was reportedly abducted from outside a restaurant in Yekaterinburg, near the Ural Mountains, and with his face obscured by a sweater pulled up over his face, he was bundled into a van by security officers. The Journal could not verify whether this man was in fact Gershkovich, but the reporter was in the city working on assignment, and the details described were instantly recognizable as the hallmarks of an operation by the FSB. Gershkovich was quickly transported to Moscow and locked up in the notorious Lefortovo Prison, where many victims of Stalin’s purges had been tortured and shot.
The very same FSB was the agency that certified the Russian foreign-affairs ministry’s clearance for Gershkovich, the usual vetting procedure for members of the international press in Putin’s Russia. “Old KGB officers always thought of Americans as their enemies, but now they see themselves fighting a war with Washington, so Patrushev and his key men in FSB are extremely vindictive,” Gennady Gudkov, himself a former KGB officer, told me.
He shared the view that the December Journal article had touched a sore spot among Putin’s associates—“so in their view,” the report was “driving a wedge between Putin and the FSB, between Putin and Patrushev.” Gudkov, who was also a deputy in the State Duma (one of the few willing to voice public criticism of Putin), told me that Patrushev has high political ambitions for his son, 45-year-old Dmitry Patrushev, who currently serves as Russia’s minister of agriculture.
After the Kremlin began its suppression in 2021 on the Nobel Prize–winning human-rights group Memorial, and last year forced the closure of Russia’s preeminent independent newspaper, Novaya Gazeta, the remaining foreign correspondents in Moscow commonly discussed whether they themselves might be the next target for the FSB. Those fears have now been borne out. I spoke with Ivan Pavlov, a leading attorney in Moscow who specializes in politically sensitive cases like Gershkovich’s. “Now the rules have changed,” he told me. “Every accredited correspondent for American media should realize that they are seen as enemies, as a potential hostage for swapping.”
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cluj-actual · 2 years
Alifia de Varza, un remediu excelent
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Că foile de varză strivite şi aplicate extern produc o serie de vindecări remarcabile ştim cu toţii, remediul fiind recunoscut şi de medicina clasică, fiind verificat în urma unor minuţioase cercetări.
Un remediu mai eficient decât frunzele verzei, însă, este alifia de varză, preparată în casă. Aceasta pătrunde mult mai uşor în interiorul organismului, iar durerea (chiar şi durerea vie) cedează la doar 15 minute după aplicare (în durerile mai uşoare), fapt confirmat de către specialiştii care au testat-o pe propria piele.Prepararea alifiei de varză se poate face acasă, foarte simplu.
Alifie de varză – Reţetă
– 50 ml. suc de varză crudă (3-4 linguri),
– 20 gr. lanolină (de la farmacie) sau untură de porc,
– 1 linguriţă ceară de albine,
– 10 ml. ulei (1 lingură) de germeni de porumb sau de palmier,
– 10-15 ml. alcool rafinat de 38-40 grade,
– 1 linguriţă miere de albine.Sucul de varză se poate obţine cu ajutorul storcătorului centrifugal. Varza se spală, se îndepărtează porţiunile stricate, se taie în bucăţi suficient de mici pentru a intra pe orificiul de admisie a storcătorului, pentru a le mărunţi şi a le centrifuga; sucul de varză se utilizează imediat după preparare, pentru a nu se oxida şi a nu ȋşi pierde din proprietăţi.
Metodă de preparare
Într-un vas emailat se pune la încălzit lanolina (sau untura) şi ceara de albine, se amestecă, după care se adaugă uleiul. Se încălzeşte totul până la 60 de grade Celsius.Separat, se încălzeşte sucul de varză crudă, la aceeaşi temperatură de 60 de grade Celsius, adăugându-se mierea de albine şi alcoolul rafinat. Se amestecă totul bine.
Se ia de pe foc vasul în care s-a încălzit lanolina şi uleiul, şi se toarnă uşor peste amestecul de suc de varză, miere şi alcool. Compoziţia se amestecă încet, până când se răceşte.
Alifia astfel obţinută se pune în borcănele. La sfârşit, se poate adăuga (opţional) o anumită aromă: esenţă de pin, de levănţică, de trandafir sau de iasomie (10 picături).
Termenul de valabilitate este de minimum 3 luni de zile, în cazul în care alifia este preparată cu lanolină, şi maximum 2-3 luni atunci când alifia de varză este preparată cu untură.Aplicare
Cu această alifie se ung zonele afectate sau dureroase, urmând ca locul respectiv să fie legat cu o bucată de pânză curată. Efectul benefic se constată în aproximativ 2 ore de la aplicare. Tratamentul se repetă de 2-3 ori pe zi.
La ce putem folosi alifia
Alifia de varză preparată în casă este un foarte bun cicatrizant şi poate fi utilizată în afecţiuni ale pielii. Zona afectată se spală, iar apoi se aplică alifia de varză, în strat subţire, de 2-3 ori pe zi.Este excelentă pentru calmarea durerilor, întrucât intră mult mai rapid în piele, diminuând sau chiar alungând disconfortul cauzat de acestea.
Alifia cu varză poate fi folosită pentru tratamentul artritei, artrozei, celulitei, degerăturilor, durerilor reumatice, eczemelor uscate, gutei, psoriazisului, sciaticei, entorselor, luxațiilor, întinderilor de ligament, tendinitei, tulburărilor circulatorii, tumorilor, ulceraţiilor, varicelor, zonei zoster.
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