#Future Goku
secretsofdbz · 7 months
Alright, timelines. (link to my old post)
Today I'm going to walk you through the cluster fuck of Toriyama not paying attention to what he writes from the Trunks arc to the epilogue of the Perfect Cell arc.
Reminder that I divide the "Android Saga" in 4 arcs:
Trunks arc (arrival of Frieza to 3yg training),
Android arc (until the time machine is discovered)
Imperfect Cell arc (until Cell absorbs 18)
Perfect Cell arc (+ epilogue of Trunks killing imperfect Cell)
I will also pull Toei and Daizenshu content if needed just to show how bad it gets, BUT that's just to enhance my argument. Everything here is manga-deductible without extra context or content.
As I've shown in the link above, the manga implies 4 timelines:
Forgotten timeline (Cell kills Trunks and steals his time machine),
Lost timeline (the timeline that dead!Trunks traveled to, which did not have a Cell pop in the middle of its Android Saga, otherwise Trunks would've known about Cell),
Future Timeline (the one we know and see, Trunks traveled to a uni where Cell traveled to first, so there's changes and Cell pops up in the Android saga),
Main Timeline (the one we know and follow, to which Cell and Trunks traveled to),
Let's go into details about dates and math and everything first. (under the read more because LONG)
When Future Trunks discovers dead!Trunks' time machine, he states that it comes from age 788, which is 3 years from where he comes from (which means he comes from 785), and that the Machine landed here "4 years ago". 4 years ago was about one year before Trunks first came (aka one year before Meca Frieza stuff).
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During the first trip, Trunks states he comes from 20 years into the future.
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That means during his first trip, he went from 784/785 to 764.
We also know he's 17 at this point and "will be born in 2 and a half years"
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(Baby Trunks is supposed to be ~6 months old by May 12th, 767, so "I warn in 764, I'll be born in 2.5 years, so I was born in 766" works. Ignoring the wikis about Trunks' birthday being June and Future Trunks' birthday being in November, it doesn't matter here, we just need the years))
For Trunks to be 17 during his first trip, he needs to travel from 784 (before his 18th birthday). So by the time he comes back the second time, it needs to be in 785 (so he is 18!); since it takes 8 months to charge the machine (Trunks the Story manga chapter), that works out.
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So in terms of trips, we have:
Trunks (both versions) : (early-mid) 784 to 764
Trunks (both versions): (early-ish) 785 to May 12th 767
Cell: 788 to 763
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(handy recap sheet)
At the time, for Toei, there were only two Timelines (aka it was both multiverse theory AND dynamic time travel theory, because Trunks becoming aware of Cell who killed him means Trunks isn't killed by Cell... yeah it's all sorts of EHH ??):
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Anyway, you'd think this would be fine right? The image of Cell killing Trunks while he still had his sword (which he shouldn't since he broke it on 18's arm he never used it again in canon) is anime filler, we're all good.
Except... no. This fucking panel right here. Cell explains "(the machine/bots collecting dna) could've gotten Trunks cells but didn't because we had enough Saiyan cells".
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Cell supposedly comes from a timeline where GOKU killed Frieza and Cold. But this god forsaken panel contradicts that. (of course it's just that Tori forgot, but we are DB fans, we take things seriously and word of god of the manga is supreme and can't be wrong)
This means that THIS particular version of Cell doesn't come from the Forgotten Timeline.
The Cell we know and love/hate comes from a timeline in which a future Trunks killed Frieza and Cold, BUT everything still went to shit (Goku + gang dying, dead!Trunks traveling to the past, and coming back to destroy the Androids).
In this timeline, Bulma met Future Trunks (who killed Cold and Frieza) in 764, presumably the gang got all the warnings like in the main timeline, but everyone STILL died. So she invented the Time Machine to send her Trunks to the past (perhaps with different instructions so as to not repeat the mistakes of the Future Trunks she saw 20 years prior).
Here's the thing. There is a way for this timeline to exist. You "just" gotta work on the postulate that "each time there's a time travel to the past, a new branch is created". And "if the time machine travels back in time a second time, it lands in the timeline it first branched out unless it travels back further in time". Rephrased: The "784 to 764" trip created a new branch in 764. The "785 to 767" trip landed in that new 764 branch. However the "788 to 763" trip created a whole new branch in 763.
The Time Machine that was piloted by dead!Trunks actually "traveled further back in time", creating an earlier "branch"... which is why Trunks noticed changes, including Goku's late arrival (or Frieza's earlier arrival, we don't know).
Yes, because Future Goku did not use Instant Transmission to fight Frieza and Cold. We know he didn't because Future Bulma had the coordinates where Goku landed, which is how Future Trunks got said coordinates. If Goku had IT to fight Frieza and Cold, Bulma wouldn't have known where the pod was going to land 3 hours later.
So timelines and where does Cell come from? Well you need a timeline from the Branch that started in 764 (with a Future Trunks' arrival to kill Frieza and Cold) but in which everyone died to the Androids, and in which, when Trunks traveled back home, he was able to destroy the Androids...
Anyway here's my final recap of all the timelines in Z, in which "one time travel is one interference creating a new branch". And this is how we can see where Cell comes from :D
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This opens a realm of possibilities!!
Did a version of Trunks stay in the past, during his first trip and got a wish to Shenron to have a way to destroy his androids, so he didn't come back in 767 and didn't grow strong at all? Did the future trunks that warned against the Androids but that timeline still went to shit approached the problem differently?? who knows! Time for fanfics and doujins I guess :D
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agokuaday · 2 years
Can I offer.. ghost Future Goku? :)
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day 126
uhhhhhhh can I offer you a ghostly future goku angst gochi ? I'm literally sorry for this one </3 future timeline gochi literally eviscerates me, like goku must have died with so many regrets and future chichi.. god FUTURE CHICHI.... AAAA
anyways thank you for this one ! i am in pain </3
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megamattzx · 4 months
Preview to Dragon Ball New Frontier Time Dead Redemption. Alternate Future Goku centric story.
"Part of me wishes I could still be with her," The alternate version of Goku told his counterpart. It was clear he was in emotional pain. Guilt in his voice and eyes. Tears can even be seen falling down his cheeks. "But.... I'll never change...... I just can't.......”
Goku tried to find the right words to comfort his alternate counterpart but it wasn't easy. “You got to give her time to process everything,” he finally told his alternate self. “Reflect on all of your mistakes, and once you're both finally in the right mindset, try to-” that's when he was cut off by his alternate future version. Even though he wasn't necessarily exactly from the Future Trunks timeline, he knew.
“Will you shut up with that bullshit!?” Future Goku snapped back. “I already know I fucked up!” the more he continued his ranting, the angrier at himself he became towards himself. “No amount of time is going to let her forgive me or address the damn problem! She's done with me! She made that very clear!” And before Goku could even say anything, Future Goku snapped back again. “I'm not going to cling on to false hopes that I can try to communicate the problem at hand. I ain't going to push this even further and fight a losing battle! My version of Chi-Chi is done with me! I broke her trust too many times and now she wants nothing to do with me! No doubt wanting the boys not to speak to me ever again! It's what I fucking deserve!”
“You know that ain't true!” Goku tried to snap back. “you just got to fix a bit of yourself first!”
“I ain't going to change!” Future Goku told him. “And I'm not going to be able to give her the proper amount of time to heal! Nor can I give her to think about what needs to change either! As much as I love her, I have to let her go!”
“Oh yeah?” Goku said sardonically. “And what makes you think that!?”
“Because I don't have much time left!” Future Goku finally said. Beginning the cough after he said that. Pretty nasty cough at that. Goku watched this his eyes widened when he saw blood on his counterparts on hand. His own blood that he coughed up.
“I can tell the whole situation with Chi-Chi isn't the only thing bothering you,” Goku finally said calmly. Clearly wanting to know what was also going on with his counterpart and friend. Maybe this was going to help him understand why Future Goku was giving up on his version of Chi-Chi and their relationship. And accepting the consequences rather than trying to fix it even though there's clearly a possibility for him to. “What's really going on? You okay Future?”
Future Goku didn't understand all the nicknames that everyone gave each other to identify the others with but he played along. Started to see why it was easier to identify people with. Which version of Goku he was talking to for example. Taking a deep sigh after his brief coughing attack, he finally confessed to his friend. “I don't have much time left,” Future Goku said. Taking a deep breath before he was specific. “I'm dying, Hero. I got the demon plague. I got it, beating that Broly we fought a few months back. While dealing with him and that so-called Frieza Red Ribbon gang, just to get an extra bit of money, money that I sent to Chi-Chi anonymously, to cover Goten’s education.”
Goku was shocked by this revelation. He couldn't even believe his eyes as this happened. He couldn't help but feel sorry for his counterpart. It was already bad enough that this version of Future Chi-Chi was actually considering divorcing him in his timeline, but this was even more of a wake-up call than anything Chi-Chi could do. “You know you should have been honest with her that it was for Goten to get his education stuff. She's trying to send it back,” Goku told him sternly. “She's been trying to send it back but because it was anonymous, she couldn't find out who it was.”
“She would have definitely sent it back if she knew,” Future Goku told Goku bluntly. “She wouldn't accept anything I try to give for the boys either, because it would be me trying to win her back, in her eyes.”
Goku just felt a bit of anger towards his alternate future counterpart. Sure his counterpart did screw up, but that wasn't why he was angry at him. He was angry at the fact that he had given up on her so quickly. At least that's what it seemed like. “Demon plague isn't something that kills you in a short amount of time,” Goku explained as calmly as he possibly could as he quickly was trying to figure out what caused him to have this defeated mindset. ”Why the hell would you give up on her like this!?” his anger and impatience was becoming more and more evident as this happened. Even if the Earth Saiyan didn't want to admit it.
“I gave up on trying to make it up and reconcile with her, only a few weeks ago,” the alternate future version of the Earth Saiyan finally admitted. “When I found out I had it…..” the damn fool took a deep breath before finally admitting it. “I was foolish enough not to notice the sign sooner. The early stages that I had it. The slight coughs. The occasional fevers, headaches, chest pains. I was a fool. Buried myself in my own work as a Time Patroller, to escape from the reality I was in with my version of Chi-Chi. Became more reckless too. I assume me getting reckless was how I even got sick in the first place.”
Goku felt his blood boil slightly from hearing every detail that his counterpart was saying. He couldn't help but feel angry at the fact that this version of Goku got so selfish and burying himself in his own duties to try to get away from his reality. All while trying to provide for his family behind the scenes without them knowing that he was okay. He couldn't bash them too much for recklessness. He would be a hypocrite if he did. But he could call him out for the worse recklessness. Getting too reckless. And sure this version of Goku made a drastic mistake, but knowing that he met other versions of himself that were in similar positions, but still managed to make things right to their partners made him want to slap this counterpart in the face. But he couldn't do that. Not until he heard the full thing.
“Wasn’t until I had a massive coughing attack in Conton City, that forced me to go to the doctor, before I found out,” Future Goku added before finishing the last part which caused Goku's eyes to widen in horror. “When I found out I also found out I just entered the terminal stages.”
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dragonballwish · 2 years
How much time between trunks’ birth and goku’s death in future timeline? (And which happened first?)
Just thinking about how bulma might have dealt with the grieving process following goku’s death while also havin to take care of a baby, and how everyone else in their circle was dying one after another following that.
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lili250307 · 1 year
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we lost and won at the same time. YIPPEEE
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whirlydoodle · 5 months
meme redraw
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inspired by this tweet https://twitter.com/jefe24s/status/1276514851788075008
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pikapillar · 1 year
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The future is rose
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dragonballclassic · 3 months
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spidertams · 6 months
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In Toriyama’s memory.
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forever-yours-things · 4 months
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scipunk · 1 month
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Goku Midnight Eye (1989)
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iamryrito · 9 months
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Warriors Z - Dragon Ball Z
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masenkoha · 1 year
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turtletoads · 8 months
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future trunks + the few scenes tien and chiaotzu had a snow outfit
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mushroomwriter · 18 days
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DRAGON BALL Z episode 122
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actuallysaiyan · 8 months
Hi again!
Here are the requests for DBZ that I mentioned in my previous ask!
Feel free to write them when you want/can!!!
Dating Vegeta would include headcanon
Dating Future!Trunks would include headcanon
Dating Android 17 would include headcanon
Dating Goku would include headcanon
These headcans can be just SFW or both SFW and NSFW.
It doesn’t really matter to me!
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warnings: smut, oral sex(fem and male receiving), mentions of trauma, possessiveness, protectiveness, fluff, vaginal fingering, possible mentions of violence word count: 1.7k pairings: Vegeta x Fem!Reader, Future Trunks x Fem!Reader, Android 17 x Fem!Reader and Son Goku x Fem!Reader a/n: I didn't know if you wanted it all in one post, but I figured it was easier for me to do it like this! I hope you really enjoy!!!
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Don’t expect much in terms of romance. He’s not that kind of man. But don’t fret, he will always be there to protect you and defend your honor.
If you show him any kind of affection, he’ll be so flustered and not sure how to handle it. Usually he gets quite irritated, but in reality he’s loving it so much. He wants you to be soft with him.
That being said, if you were to argue with him and fight as well, he’ll be so happy and so turned on. Saiyans do enjoy a feisty lover and they want to feel challenged.
But Vegeta doesn’t always want to fight. He wants domesticity as well and wants to feel loved just as much as anyone else. Show him the softness of a human lover and he will always come home to you for more affection.
He might surprise you sometimes by offering affection of his own. He’ll be red faced and stuttering, but he’ll offer you his heart and soul when he realizes you’re the one for him. You’ve got a lover for life. NSFW
Vegeta wasn’t the most experienced when you first met him, and he was so shy and flustered the first time you tried initiating anything intimate. His hands fumbled and his mouth felt dry and his brain was blank.
With time, he found the right rhythm and touches just for you. He figured out exactly what you like and became the best at pleasuring you. Even if you are more experienced than him, he shows you just how much he enjoys pleasuring you.
Despite what you initially thought, Vegeta loves to give more than receive. He really loves being between your thighs, tongue gliding so perfectly against your wet folds. He drinks up your nectar like it’s the nectar of the gods.
Vegeta enjoys many different positions, but his favorites are doggy and mating press. Both for different reasons as well, considering they give him different kinds of control and feeling.
Sometimes he enjoys sensual, slow sex where you both take your time pleasuring each other. Most of the time his pace is rough and animalistic. He’s very loud during sex, lots of growling and grunting. 
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He’s so considerate of your feelings, but at times he can be flaky and miss dates. He’s not always the most focused when it comes to those kinds of things, but just know he really means well and never wants you to feel abandoned.
He likes to surprise you with cutesy things. He’ll make you a bouquet of wildflowers, draw you something he knows you find cute, make you a playlist of songs that remind him of you.
Trunks will always have your back no matter what. He will defend you with his life. You are the greatest thing to ever happen to him and he won’t let you slip out of his grasp no matter what.
He enjoys spending quiet time with you. You two can be seen cuddling in his bedroom, watching a movie you’ve both seen a million times over. Or you can be in the forest together, walking around and enjoying nature.
He’s big on romantic gestures and often uses them to excuse his flakiness. He’ll plan romantic dates for you even if it’s not always available to either of you because of the way the world is in your future. Trunks wants you to be so happy either way.
He’s good with his hands. Trunks enjoys massaging your whole body first to really get you so relaxed and loose for him. Then he likes to suck on your nipples while he fingers you slowly. You’ll be dribbling all over his hand before long.
He’s obsessed with your scent. It could be part of his Saiyan instincts that kick in, but he loves your natural scent. He rubs himself against you just to get more of it on him. And the scent that comes from your pussy makes him drunk on you.
Trunks likes to act tough sometimes, but he absolutely crumbles if you give him a blowjob. He can barely look down at you as you have your lips wrapped around him because the scene is much too erotic for him to handle.
He’s a big fan of lingerie! Get dressed up for him and show off your body in those silky, lacy bits of clothing for him. He’ll spend so long just admiring your beautiful body and undressing you ever so slowly.
Trunks loves pulling out and cumming all over your ass or pussy. He enjoys looking at you with his seed all over your body parts. If you ask him to cum on your face during a blowjob, he’ll bust right then and there. He views it as marking you up.
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He’s awkward at first. He doesn’t truly believe you’ve got feelings for him. He’s done so much bad in life, he figures his chance at romance was over. But when you show him softness, he’s melting.
Give him time to blossom and he’ll become the perfect boyfriend. He enjoys the closeness of being your boyfriend. He wants you to rely on him whenever you can. He’ll show you he can be so reliable.
Android 17 comes with a lot of baggage, and he never wants to open up about it. He’s ashamed of his past. But from time to time, when he does open up to you, please listen to him. The more you listen without judgment, he will be more open to telling you about his past this way.
If you were to play with his hair while kissing him, he’d be so flustered. His cheeks would be so pink and he’d look away. But he absolutely loves it when you play with his hair and kiss him so softly.
He worries a lot whenever he can’t be around you to protect you. He’s vowed to protect you for the rest of his life. It’s a way for him to cope with what he’s done and how to continue to live for a cause that’s worth it.
Android 17 has an obsession with cumming inside of you. When he learned that his sister had a baby, he became a man who was relentless with trying to have his own baby. If you don’t want kids, make sure you get on some sort of birth control.
He loves slow and passionate sex more than fast and rough sex. Being able to take his time with you is the best feeling in the world. He’ll be in missionary position, your legs wrapped around him and all he can think about is how happy he is.
He’s big on kissing you slowly and letting it build into something else. Making out makes him hard like a horny teenager. There’s just something about your warm tongue rubbing against his that makes him dangerously close to busting in his pants.
He may need aftercare after sex. It takes a lot out of him emotionally, so just lay there with him and play with his hair and enjoy the pillowtalk. If it gets too intense in his mind, you can just kiss him and get on top again to let him fuck away the pain.
Android 17 loves to go on and on and on for hours. He’ll exhaust you with his stamina. He is a fucking machine, literally and he uses that to his advantage all of the time. Just remember your safe word!
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He’s not the most clever when it comes to love, but he knows how to show you his affection through actions rather than words. He may come across as really dumb a lot of the time, but he surprises you.
You can expect cute little gestures often. He’ll give you wildflowers, hunt you an animal for you to cook, or even just pull you into his arms after a battle to kiss you all over your face.
Goku is so possessive and protective. Nobody is going to get between you two. He’s going to show anyone who’s interested that you and him are so close and nobody can ever break you up. 
He’s got to have at least one hand on your body at all times whenever he’s near you. He’s also big on hand holding and wrapping his arm around you to keep you close to him as you two are out walking.
Doesn’t always know how to be the most romantic and he might actually ask for advice from Bulma to show him the right things to do or say during a date. He cleans up really good too and looks amazing in a suit. It’s not his favorite thing to do, but he’d do it for you.
Goku is needy and wants to fuck all the time. Sometimes it’s even when it’s an inappropriate time. You’ll need to try and get him to behave as much as possible. But sometimes he just wants to shove his hands down your pants and feel your wet cunt against his large fingers.
He loves fast, wild and sloppy sex. Sloppy and wet kisses, snapping his hips so fast and hard, bruising grip against your hips, leaving scratch marks down his back as you try to hold on as best as you can.
Goku eats pussy like it’s his last meal. He devours you like you’re the only flavor he wants on his tongue forever. He’s really good at it too, using his instincts to figure out exactly what you like in terms of getting head.
His fingers slide so deep inside you, reaching places you didn’t even know could be reached just with fingers. He holds you on his lap, fingers deep inside you curling against that sweet spot as his thumb rubs against your swollen nub.
He’s messy with cumming. It’s always a bit inside and a bit outside, just messing up your pussy with his seed. He loves to play with it afterwards, pushing it back into you and then smearing it all over your clit. He’ll easily make you cum again like this after he’s had an intense orgasm of his own.
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