#Funny Marco
thatztyv · 9 months
Open Thoughts
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- Cench and Tiana do an interview with Funny Marco
Word Count:
- 2.4k
Tɪᴀɴᴀ Gʀᴀɴɢᴇʀ
(tea-on-nuh  grain-jur)
"We already rolling?", Marco said looking at the producer. "Oh we going.."
"So how we start the interview off? Is there an intro?", Cench asked as we looked over at Marco.
"What? We already going", Marco said looking over at us.
Me and Cench looked at each other confused.
"You don't introduce us first or nothing. No, I'm Funny Marco and this is-", I said looking over at Marco.
"No we already going", he said and looked away.
I did an awkward smile and looked at the camera.
It got dead silent and Cench looked at me.
"Marco-", I started.
"It's your boy Marco and this is", he said and pointed at us.
We just looked at him.
"And this is", he said and pointed at us again.
"I thought you wasn't-", Cench started.
"No, y'all supposed to say y'all names", he said lowly as he looked over at us. "Imma start over."
He looked at the camera. "I'm Funny Marco and this is."
"Cench", Cench said still looking at him.
"Tiana", I said looking between Marco and the camera.
"Nah. We gotta get more energy."
I sat up in my seat. "Well we gone feed off you."
"Ight. Yo it's ya boy", he started before coughing.
Cench side eyed him before looking at me.
"My bad. It's your boy Marco and I'm here with", he said and pointed at us.
"Cench", Cench said more energeticly.
"And Tiana", I said and looked at the camera smiling.
"Did y'all use to steal bikes back in the day or what?", Marco asked.
"Did we use to steal?", I said tilting my head.
"Bikes", Marco said.
"Bikes?", Cench asked.
"Bikes", Marco said.
"Bikes?". I asked.
"Mmhm", Marco hummed.
"Nah, I had a bike", I said.
"I had three."
"So what did y'all use to steal when y'all was younger?"
"Candy", I simply said.
"So you a thief", Marco said.
"Not really it was one time."
"Once a thief always a thief, right?", Marco said.
"That's what they say", I said and shrugged my shoulders.
"So what are you?", he asked with a slight smirk.
"You tryna say I'm a thief?"
"I mean you stole before. Don't that- what make you a thief?... I stole too now that we talking about it."
"What'd you steal?", I asked.
"I stole a book", he said and looked at me.
"Oh that's good- well you know."
"How to get a job. But they took the book. They caught me."
"But you ended up getting a job so-"
"No they took the book."
It got quiet and I just looked at him.
"I feel like if somebody fart around you they flirting", Marco said randomly.
I looked at Cench and he looked at me. I started laughing, cause what.
"What?", I asked and we looked at Marco.
"Cause they comfortable with you."
I just fixed my posture in my seat and shook my head.
"Marco where you get that suit from?", Cench asked.
"Steve Harvey gave it to me", he said fixing his mic.
"Why is it so big?", I said raising my brow.
"Somebody said I looked like a public defender", Marco said.
"A public defender. Who you defending? A roach?", I chuckled.
"I would be yours", Marco said.
"Hel- who's?", I said tilting my head.
"Would you let me be your public defender?", he asked looking at Oakley.
"Fuck no", Cench chuckled.
"Oh", Marco said and looked away.
"Defend me? I'm going to jail fucking with you", Cench said.
"Nah because it's about-", Marco started.
"Soon as you walk in we fucked up. We're fucked."
"You really think so", he said and stood up fixing his suit.
When I tell you I almost busted out laughing. "Ian even see how long the coat was. That shit look crazy as hell."
"Alright let's play it out", he said as he sat back down and fixing the mic pack in his coat pocket. "Sorry y'all I'm late."
"What you mean play it out? I'm going to jail soon as you walk in", Cench said moving to the edge of his seat.
"Your honor. Listen I'm here to defend Cench", he started as he looked at the camera. "And.."
"I'll say your honor no he's not", Cench said.
Marco smacked his lips, sitting back in his seat. "Ah see you fucked it up already."
"Bro I'll defend myself before I-", Cench started looking over at him.
"No you won't", Marco said and looked at him.
"Yes the hell I will."
"We already in front of the judge", he said and motioned to the camera. "So we here with- so the fact that he's here for a speeding-"
"Where- your honor", Cench said and looked at the camera then pointed at Marco.
"No. The fact that he's here for a speeding ticket. We understand that he lied and said-"
"It's for a speeding ticket?! Hell yeah I'm definitely defending myself. You want- you defending me for a speeding ticket?", Cench said then sat back in his seat. "Yeah they can take me."
"Who?", Marco asked looking at him.
"Them people."
It got quiet again.
"Cench how do you feel when people call you the British T.I.", Marco asked and we looked at him before we started laughing.
He just looked at us with a straight face. "Do it piss you off?"
We just continued laughing.
"Alright we probably gone end it now. I think I-"
"Wait. Wait", Cench said as he was trying to stop laughing. "Who said that?"
"That's like yo- that's-"
Cench chuckled.
"That's the rumor they got bout you."
"British T.I.", I said and we laughed harder.
"I'm saying- I'm just- You don't care about the T.I. statement?"
"It was funny cause I know nobody said that", Cench said.
"Do y'all know why", Marco started as he stared at the floor. "People don't like to..."
We just looked at him confused.
"Let them know w-why they at the door", he said, looking up at us.
"What the fuck? What- What just happened man?", I said.
"Did you have a stroke?", Cench asked.
Marco looked away and at the ground again.
"Do y'all know. Why. People. Don't. Let the-", Cench said playfully mocking him.
"So basically when people knock at the door and they be like who is it and they be like it's me, just open the door. Why don't people wanna say who they are?", Marco said looking at us again.
I looked at the cameras and threw my hands up in defeat.
"Be real just tell me y'all honest opinion."
Cench sighed and put his face in his hands. "Because it's a surprise Marco."
"Oh", he simply replied, looking back at the floor then back at us. "You like surprises?"
"Yes", Cench simply stated.
Marco just hummed. "Y'all having a good time?"
I looked at him and chuckled. "I'm having the time of my life Marco."
He hummed before smiling a little.
"So I got movies lines for y'all from a movie I'm working on. We gone act it out", Marco said and gave me and Cench a paper. "I'm Marco. Tiana you Tiana. And Cench you Cench."
"And here I was thinking I was Marco", I said sarcastically as I read over the paper.
"Imma set the setting. We about to break and somebody house and I'm tryna back out. Just let me know when y'all wanna start", he said stumbling over his words.
"Let's start", Cench sighed.
"I'm nervous man I got the B.G.s", Marco said.
"What's the B.G.s?", I asked
"The bubble guts! I'm nervous, and I'm about to shit on myself."
"Keep a ti- woah keep a tight what?", Cench said looking up from his paper.
"Keep a tight ass", Marco read off the paper. "Say it."
Cench looked at him then back at his paper. "Try to hold it in or something."
"Shut up!", Marco huffed.
"That sound like butterflies to me", I chuckled.
"I'll butterflies yo ass. I'm about to go home", Marco said.
"Look. Look. If we don't go do this. You ain't gone have no home to go to. Marco bitch-", I said and laughed. "This is Next Friday word for word. Ice Cube gone sue you."
"No it's not. I wrote this myself. Come let's start over", he said crinkling his paper. "I'm nervous man I got the-"
"Marco get these papers back", I said grabbing Oakleys paper and handing him our papers back.
"We just gone vibe now. This the part where we vibe", Marco said.
I looked at him then at Cench then back at Marco.
"We vibe out just look cool", he said and propped his head up on his hand. "Vibe check, vibe check y'all. This the part where we vibing. I'm siting here with Cench and Tiana. And we about to vibe. We gone add slow music and just vibe."
Me and Cench looked at each other. We was lost as hell.
I looked at Marco, he was just staring at the floor. I looked away and supressed a laugh.
"You don't want to play the slow music before so we could hear what it sound like. So we can match the energy to the slow music", Cench said.
"No we gone add it on the video", Marco said and looked at him.
"Yeah but I don't know-", Cench started before Marco cut him off.
"Come on we vibing. Come on man. Like chill out."
Cench just nodded his head. He is so over it.
We sat in silence for bout a minute.
"Ah man thank y'all for watching the vibe check. We back again here with me Funny Marco and Cench and Tiana. Let's give them a round of applause."
Marco started clapping and everyone on set joined.
I tried my best not to laugh. I just looked down at my shoes.
"Ight", he said cutting off the clapping. "The fact we just went through the vibe check how y'all feeling?"
I squinted my eyes at him questionably. "A lil confused."
"Ah round of applause", he said and they started clapping again.
Then they stopped.
"How long have you been confused?"
"Uh probably-", I started.
"Give it up for the uh", Marco said and they started clapping... again.
This is the most confused and lost I've ever been on an interview. They stopped clapping and it got quiet.
"I miss my grandma", he randomly said.
I tried my best not to laugh but failed.
"I'm sorry. That's fucked up of me", I said trying to stop laughing.
He looked at me then at the ground.
"My bad Marco", I said and wiped my eyes. "I miss my grandma too."
"Yeah she in jail", he said.
"Oh", I said and crossed my arms.
"So Tiana what makes you so good at kickball?"
I looked at him questionably.
"I never said I was good at kickball."
"At recess... they said you was the number one pitcher."
I just sighed and sat back in my seat, covering my face.
"You know sometimes I just be thinking like damn we thinking."
We looked at him.
"What you said?", Cench asked.
"Sometimes I just be thinking damn we thinking", he repeated. "Whats something that you feel like you just think about?"
"Speaking of that where have you worked at as a kid?", Marco asked.
Cench looked at him like he was stupid. "What the fuck- What about family made you think about where I worked at?.. The only job I've ever had was at Foot Patrol."
"What made you change on em?"
"Change on em?"
"Nah I just quit."
"Like why you leave em?"
"I started rapping."
"So you left yo job for rapping?"
"I mean yeah."
"You couldn't rap and sell shoes?"
"I probably could have but I wouldn't risk it."
"What's the worst interview y'all been on?", Marco asked.
"This one", we both replied.
"Oh", he said and looked at the ground.
"You a bad person Marco", I chuckled.
"Ian done nothing wrong", he said and shrugged his shoulders.
"Breakfast club ain't do me like this", Cench said.
"But it wasn't a club. It was only four of y'all", Marco said.
"That's still a club", I said. "That could be a club."
"No it's not."
"Yes it is", I said.
"That's a pack."
It got quiet again and we just stared at him before sighing.
"When you get donuts how many come in there?"
"Twelve", I replied.
"Four", he said and flashed four fingers.
"Where? Where do you get a four pack of donuts from?", Cench asked with his brow raised.
Marco looked up and around at the crew. "Where do you get a four pack of donuts from?"
"Publix", some dude said.
"Yeah", Marco hummed. "Two is a duo. Three is a trio. What does four and five make?"
"Four makes a pack of donuts according to you", I chuckled.
Marco just looked at me before looking at the paper in his hand.
"Alright I enjoyed my time. Did y'all?"
"Yeah", Cench hummed.
"Definitely", I said.
"Y'all ready to go?"
"I'm kinda hungry so yeah", I said.
"Alright shit. Let's get back into the interview. Alright we gone get- y'all got the questions", Marco said and looked at the crew.
Me and Cench looked at each other.
"Didn't we just", Cench started.
"Y'all ready to start the real one?", Marco asked.
"The real what? We just did a whole interview", I said.
"That was the rehearsal", he said before turning back to the crew and sitting on the edge of his seat. "Y'all got the questions?"
"The rehearsal?", me and Cench said.
"Yeah, I was just warming y'all up. What did you think- we was-"
"I hope you joking", I sighed.
"You already got it Devin?", he asked one of the crew members.
He walked over and handed him a paper.
"Alright so let's get into it. Is you rolling the camera?", he said and looked towards the crew.
"Yeah I just hit record on em", somebody said.
"You can stop that camera", Marco said and pointed to the one in the middle.
"All four cameras?", Cench asked.
"Nah he can stop that one. We good", he said pointing at the camera again. "Alright. What it do y'all? It's ya boy Funny Marco with-"
He pointed over to us.
"Tiana", I said slowly.
"Cench.. Marco we did all this already", Cench said and looked at him confused.
"The cameras wasn't recording", somebody said.
"They wasn't what? Ion think I heard you right", I said sitting up in my seat with a chuckle.
"It's only thirty minutes", Marco said.
We just looked at him.
"I'm fucking with y'all", Marco said and finally laughed for once the whole interview.
"I was about to say", I chuckled.
"I enjoyed y'all today", Marco said.
"Thanks for having us Marco", Cench chuckled.
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stanforbreezy · 7 months
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rawsmackdownnxtdivas · 7 months
Liv Morgan 💋
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classycookiexo · 11 months
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And they claim they don’t have those though 💀
Also Marco’s better than me because I would have reminded G Herbo of him going to jail in November for fraud and would have showed Diddy and Moneybagg Yo on the screen and asked them both how do they feel about coparenting with those two
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liquoricebxxxh · 11 months
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thedigitalcrates · 11 months
Open Thoughts with Southside and G Herbo
Southside & G Herbo sits down with FunnyMarco and tries to take over the show.. The episode has received backlash.  Some say that G Herbo and Southside treated Funny Marco, the interviewer, poorly.  Others say that they broke Funny Marco’s $30,000 watch.  Funny Marco has addressed the interview as “uncomfortable”. 
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onikaswardrobe · 9 months
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For her interview with Funny Marco, Nicki wears Emilio Pucci pesci hoops ($585) and a Louis Vuitton essential scarf ($585) with a Helsa mini dress ($148) and Paris Texas furry boots ($1,016).
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doubleclutch · 10 months
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bricedavismedia · 11 months
G Herbo Threatens Chris Brown over Funny Marco and Squashes Beef
G Herbo Threatens Chris Brown for asking Funny Marco, why he let him disrespect him on his own show and later squashes it by stating that the two are not feuding on Instagram.
YouTube: www.youtube.com/bricedavis Twitter: https://twitter.com/bricedavismedia Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bricedavismedia Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BriceDavisMedia Website: https://www.TheBriceDavis.com
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boricuacherry-blog · 11 months
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ogroshi24 · 2 years
I’m in love with me
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prankvids · 10 months
https://PrankVids.com pulling,scary,prank,Darryl mayes,funny videos,funny sketches,funny sketch,sketch,youtube comedy,comedy,funny,sketches,sketch comedy channels,funny comedy,funny memes,funny short comedy sketch,short,short film,skit,comedy sketch,comedy sketches funny,sketch comedy,funny short comedy sketches,short sketch,longbeachgriffy,funny marco,lenarr,halloween video,PULLING A HALLOWEEN…
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myrquez · 5 months
so you’re telling me bezz told sky sport that he made a little mistake during the sprint bc he saw that “marc was coming to catch him”. he said that he was trying to focus on martin, but he knew marc was getting closer and closer and then he fucked it up
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( “ehi bezz your crush is here act normal” bezz: fall off his bike )
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bored, have some of my favorite animorphs quotes
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macksartblock · 1 year
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four average passengers, pay them no mind
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petit-papillion · 8 months
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Meanwhile Arthur....
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🎥 leclercdata
📸 Arthur Leclerc
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