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thatztyv · 2 years ago
Still Yours
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- Just a baby daddy and his baby mother
Word Count:
- 1.7k
Rɪʟᴇʏ Jᴏɴᴇs
(rie-lee joe-ons)
"Daddy", Tiana squealed as she ran to Oakley and jumped on him.
"Hey princess", he chuckled. "Where's mommy?"
"Over there", she said and pointed at me as he set her down.
He walked over to me and flashed a smile.
"Hey Riley."
"Oakley", I said as I placed some party bags on the table.
"Now why you acting like that?"
"You want me to jump up and down and act excited?", I said raising a brow at him.
"Preferably", he said making me laugh.
"Nigga you wish."
My mom walked over to us and greeted Oakley.
"Hey Oakley it's good to see you again", she said as she gave him a quick hug.
"Hey Mrs.Jones it's been a while."
"Every time I turn around he somewhere far off", I said and rolled my eyes. "I'm surprised he made it."
"Well I couldn't miss our daughters sixth birthday. That's unforgivable", he said and playfully poked out his bottom lip.
"How long you here for?", my mom asked.
"Rest of the month."
"Well make sure you come by my house before you leave this time", she said and patted his back.
"Yes ma'am."
Her phone started ringing.
"It's your dad, I'll be back", she said.
"Ok", I hummed.
"So how you been baby?", Oakley asked once she walked away.
"Baby is crazy", I chuckled as I walked over to the sweets table on the other side of the room. Oakley following behind me like a lost puppy.
"You want me to call you love, babe, or if you're feeling spicy señorita."
"Riley is just fine Oakley", I hummed as I fixed the cupcake tray.
"Stop calling me Oakley. It's too formal."
"Well what else do you want me to call you?", I sighed as I looked at him.
"Cench, Cee, baby", he said and wiggled his eyebrows.
"I didn't even call you Cench when we was together and I'm definitely not starting now. And the other two... uhnt uh. Imma stick with Oakley."
"You ain't have a problem calling me Cee and baby a few weeks ago", he said and pressed up against my back side.
"That was a spur of the moment thing", I said pushing him off me.
"I bet it was", he chuckled.
"I saw y'all two over there", Lana said as I came and sat with them. "Y'all back together."
"No and we never will be", I said as I watched Tiana play with her friends.
"Mmhm, not with the way he was all up on you", Remi chuckled.
"Chile please, I can't stand Oakley", I said making them look at me.
"Now you know", Remi started.
"Both of y'all still want each other but y'all tryna deny the fact", Lana said.
"Like everyone around y'all can see it. Flirting and going on", Remi said. "I know y'all still be kissing and shit when nobody around."
"We kissed twice since we broke up."
"How many times y'all fucked though?", Lana asked making me playfully roll my eyes.
"That ain't y'all business", I chuckled making them laugh.
"That's what I thought. Y'all minus well stop acting delirious and get back together."
"Oh no ma'am. He aggravates my soul", I said and shook my head.
"Obviously he must not be that aggravating if y'all still fucking", Remi chuckled.
"He's aggravating to an extent."
"So he's aggravating when y'all just being causal and co-parenting. But he not aggravating when he's fucking you?"
"Exactly", I said making them laugh.
"You is a mess", Remi chuckled.
"Can I go to daddy's house tonight?", Tiana asked running up to me.
"If daddy says yes then you can go baby", I said pushing some of her hair out her face.
"Daddy can I stay with you tonight?", she said turning to him standing beside me.
"Of course you can baby", Oakley said with a smile.
Tiana smiled before running back over to her friends.
"Mommy are you going to stay the night too?", Oakley asked getting behind me and wrapping his arms around me.
"Hell nah", I said and pried his arms off me.
"Why not?", he chuckled.
"Cause if I come over there imma hurt you cause you get on my nerves."
He laughed.
"Am I that bad?"
"The worst", I huffed sarcastically.
I felt my phone vibrating beside me, making me groan.
I picked it up and saw it was Oakley. I rolled my eyes and declined it.
'If there's a problem he'll call my momma and she'll call me. I'm sleeping', I mumbled, getting comfortable again.
After a few minutes it rung again.
I sighed and just answered.
"You up?", Oakley asked after it connected.
I could see he had his side lamp on and could hear something playing in the background.
"There is literally no reason for you to be FaceTiming me right now", I groaned. "Where my daughter at? She ok?"
"Tiana's our daughter and she's asleep, she's good. So calm down sweetheart", he chuckled.
"Oakley it's four in the morning, the hell is you calling me for if Tiana not in need of something."
"I just wanted to talk to you Riley", he said making me roll my eyes.
"What you want?", I sighed.
"Come over", he said innocently.
I looked at him like he was crazy. Cause he is crazy.
"Oakley if you don't get off my phone playing."
"I miss you baby", he chuckled. "Come home."
"Take your horny ass to bed Oakley."
He scoffed playfully.
"I gotta be horny to call you and tell you I miss you? I just wanna talk."
"I know you ain't just tryna talk. You wanting some pussy and you ain't getting it. Good night Cee!", I said and blew him a kiss before hanging up.
Baby Daddy 🤸🏾‍♀️
You called me Cee, you do miss me 🥹
Riley 🫀 laughed at a message
Riley 🫀
Go to sleep
Baby Daddy 🤸🏾‍♀️
Please come over🥺
Riley 🫀
Night night, Love you Oakley 😚
Baby Daddy 🤸🏾‍♀️
I knew you still loved me😏
Love you too Riley 🤭
Riley 🫀
You're delusional 😐
Blocking you for the rest of the night
I knocked on Oakleys front door and looked around.
After a few minutes the door opened, revealing a shirtless Oakley.
I looked over his chest as I had a flashback from the last time I was here.
Oakley decreased the speed of his strokes and repositioned himself to thrust deeper inside me.
Each thrust caused a loud gasp to escape my throat.
I wrapped my legs around his waist, pulling his body closer to mine.
I gripped at his shirt, nearly ripping it, as he gave me slow deep strokes.
"Cee.. baby to- too deep", I cried out.
He rolled his hips smoothly as I continued to call out his name.
'Oh my god', I sighed to myself as I regained my composure.
"Where's Tiana?", I asked making eye contact with him.
"You're mom came and got her earlier to go shopping. They'll be back later", he said with a smirk.
"So you had me drive all the way out here to get her and she not even here", I said and he just stood there with that smirk on his face. "Ooh you make me sick."
"Since you're here", he started with a chuckle. "You wanna come in and wait?"
"No, I'll wait in my car", I said flashing him a feeble smile before turning around.
"Nonsense", he said grabbing my arm and pulling me inside.
He closed the door behind me and pushed me up against it.
"Stop acting like you don't want me", he mumbled as he pressed hisself against me.
"I'm not acting", I said and bit my lip. I looked over his face and down his chest before looking him in his eyes.
He put his head in the crook of my neck, gently kissing my sweet spot. I moaned quietly as I felt myself melting from his touch.
"Cee...fuck", I mumbled when he bit my neck softly.
He was making me wet and as I much as I want to hate it, I can't.
"I thought you didn't want to call me Cee", he said with a smirk after he pulled back.
"Shut up", I said before pulling him in for a rough kiss.
"Just be my girlfriend again", he groaned as I traced over his tattoos.
"Oakley", I sighed.
"Riley we should stop playing games and be for real with ourselves."
I sighed as I laid my head on his chest and looked out the window.
I felt Oakley's fingertips lightly trace over the tattoo on my back, a faint smile spreading on my lips.
I can't lie. I missed moments like this.
He moved my hair out the way as he leaned down to place a kiss on the base of my neck.
"Please Riley?" He hummed and pressed another kiss into the crook of my neck. He stayed there as his thumb rubbed circles on my waist.
I pulled myself up and hummed as I shifted my body so I straddled his waist, "One more time."
Oakley looked at me with a small smile and an admiring look, caressing my waist, hips, and thighs, making me bite my lip.
I cupped his face and pulled him in for a kiss. He groaned as I slipped my tongue into his mouth.
Both his hands move down to my butt grabbing my cheeks gently. I moaned softly into his mouth.
He pulled back, grinning as he spread his fingers over the backs of my thighs.
"Mommy", Tiana said running up to me.
"Hi baby. Did you have fun with grandma?", I said picking her up.
"Yes she got my nails painted", she said and showed me her nails.
"They're so cute baby", I cooed making her smile.
"Thank you mommy."
"You're welcome", I said before kissing her forehead.
"Hi princess", Oakley said as he tickled her chin.
"Hi daddy", she said between laughs.
"You wanna show mommy what I got for you're birthday?"
"Yes", she said smiling.
"Go get it."
I let her down and she ran off to her room.
"So what's this?", my mom asked turning to me and Oakley.
"What's what?", I asked raising a brow.
"I know y'all wasn't in here talking."
Oakley let out a hysterical laugh.
"I just got here", I lied.
"Sure", she chuckled. "We'll see if you just got here in a few months."
"What you mean by that?", I asked crossing my arms.
"Just know I love my granddaughter", she chuckled.
"Momma", I scolded playfully as I realized what she meant. "I am not having no more kids."
"We'll see about that", Oakley mumbled making me elbow him.
My mom just laughed.
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possible-streetwear · 11 months ago
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hearta54 · 2 years ago
He's A Distraction (Central Cee x Reader)
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Summary: You're a dedicated student and going to Cambridge and become a doctor is your stars and heavens. To make that happen you have to move schools, a boy was never meant to be part of the picture. But Cench looks so good in it...
Word Count: 2 472
Notes: Sorry this is a bit long, I would love if you guys would send requests.
You scroll fixatedly on your laptop, scanning the screen in intense concentration and stopping each time something caught your attention. Reading the Cambridge Medicine webpage was an addiction; in the past you had tried to dissuade yourself from accepting this, but how could you not when it always stared blankly back at you? Addictive but productive, each time you re-read the sentences you had engraved into your memory you grew closer to your dream. And when you closed your eyes at night, you saw yourself in lavender scrubs and a pearly white lab coat; living your dream of being a Cambridge Alumni doctor.
Three A*s needed for entry motivated you to be an excellent student. You didn't mean to behave exaltedly but your current school was inadequate in innumerable ways. Today in biology, there hadn't been enough dissection kits, so the class had taken notes robotically and brushed over the practical. Defeated, you remembered how you had trudged home dubious; how could a school implore success in its students and not have the right resources? A memory of sitting in an examination room at Queen Victoria's Sixth Form Academy unnerved you, yes, you had sat the scholarship examination. It had been strenuous and the competition in the room had been palpable, even so, you didn't feel as if you could compete successfully. Falling asleep, you were plagued by these worrisome thoughts even in your dreams.
Obnoxiously the sound of your alarm erupted immersing the room and awakening you. Each morning when you woke up, a void would open gaping at you, existing ostentatiously: It was a persisting sense of loneliness at first; an innocuous reminder to cherish time with your parents. But this was difficult when they both left for work as the sun just began to emerge teasingly over the horizon. Your mother worked as a university professor, such a nominal salary for an intelligent woman, and your dad worked as a nurse; anyone could tell you nurses were underappreciated, numbers didn't have to. A smart knock was being emitted from the hallway, who was at the door?
A postman adorned in fluorescents held a letter for you to take, when you hesitated a second too delayed, he dropped it, walking swiftly to his flagged motorbike and zooming down the road. A Queen Victoria's Academy insignia? You felt so inauspicious as you leaned on the door prying the seal delicately open. Covering your face with your hand you peaked at the verdict through the intricate gaps between your fingers. "We would like to congratulate your success on the recent Academic Scholarship examination and invite you to accept a scholarship place with us." No words can grasp your joy it's transcending.
Yawning tiredly, you stretched placing your feet into your fluffy slippers, the night had gone and went without a wink of reprieve - you were consumed with nerves for the day ahead: Your first day at Queen Victoria's Sixth Form Academy. Opening the door, you walked across the creaking timber to make breakfast alone as you did every morning. You were befuddled to see your mother occupied in the kitchen handling an assortment of kitchenware ,readying a breakfast spread; usually you would just eat cereal; before you were pancakes, fresh fruit niftily cut, orange juice and array of salivating dishes.
"Mum why are you not at work?"
"I wanted to drive you for your first day, I can't begin to express how proud dad and I are," she said beaming excitedly.
You sat at the kitchen visualizing your mother's small, slightly dated and mediocre car driving alongside the avant-garde and luxurious cars of your new peers. Your stomach knotted half ominously and half guiltily. She seemed so happy to drive you and had sacrificed work to drive you, your inner monologue whispered insisting to take the bus would leave your mother forlorn.
"I'm glad you're taking me; I didn't really want to take the bus on my first day anyways."
The academy's tree-lined boulevard was now in sight, driving alongside it now; planting your face against the misty window, eager to catch a glimpse. Your mother's car was now aligned with the curb which signaled a convenient space to leave; grudgingly you opened the door slowly as if peeking into a foreign world - in a way you were. You breathed in a long breath of courage as you slung your bag across your shoulders.
"Bye mum, thanks for the ride," you said, genuinely grateful.
"My pleasure darling, I love you, see you after school." Your mother grinned, pride cascading her face and carved smile lines. Guilt ebbed slowly as you watched your mother drive away. As her car dissipated to a speck in the distance a humble maroon car pulled to the curb, your mother had dropped you off with a car of a similar stature. You felt an unspoken sense of camaraderie. I'm glad I have someone to share the embarrassment with.
A boy emerged who appeared to be in the upper-sixth form - your year. He didn't seem ashamed of his car or even the slightest bit alienated; instead, he was confident, you could read if from his aura: it preceded him. Staring now, you saw his dark hair which was styled into jaw length box braids. His cutting cheek bones were iridescent, catching the sunlight, and you marveled at the softness of his plum bottom lip...
"I love you mum, thanks for the ride," he spoke to his mother with a genuine smile.
"I couldn't say no after you begged for a ride, could I? Have a good first day, Oakley."
What! He had asked for a ride. The guilt came gushing back, you weren't like him, yes you could relate about your car which was vain and face level. But he appreciated his mother wholly and wasn't attempting a façade to fit in with the elitism around. You felt a searing pang of shame. Frozen in thought you only broke out of this state when you felt dark coffee eyes meeting your gaze. The dwindling blare of the lesson bell dismissed you from the intense, awkward situation. Walking towards the office to meet the enrollment officer you chastised yourself sternly: This was the year of academic success entailing A*s, boys could tear down everything you had worked so hard for in a painful heartbeat.
The enrollment officer had distributed timetables to the small group of scholarship students; some of them gave a condescending air: Almost as if the fact testing had terminated slipped their minds, but most were nice and proffered kind but shy smiles, clipped at the edges with perceptible nerves. You navigated the halls wearily searching for your chemistry lab, the school was grandiose but tastefully understated. The look of old money attracted your gaze, it was a world away from where you had come. Walking the winding stairs, you see your chemistry class meters away from the landing 'room 299.'
Having arrived ahead of time allowed you to peruse the chemistry lab, it was a spectacle. Advanced modern equipment, granite bench tops, the most powerful microscopes... It left you speechless. You were broken from your trance by your classmates trickling in slowly and the booming voice of your new chemistry teacher.
"I am Dr. Olsen, I have a doctorate of chemistry from Oxford itself, trust you are in more than good hands," he paused to chuckle at his own joke but carried on when the students unreciprocated his mirth.
"This is the only chemistry class in the upper sixth form, that should allude to the arduous nature of the course. Therefore, to maximise your concentration I have taken it upon myself to devise a seating plan."
Dr. Olsen trailed off when the class began to groan resentfully.
"You can thank me when you receive your A-level results at the end of sixth form. Right then, in the back row, Y/N and Oakley Caesar-Su, Veronica Windward and Yasser Malik ..."
Oakley, You had been seated next to the boy from earlier this morning. You knew you shouldn't be smiling to yourself, chemistry was an imperative A-level. You weaved yourself to the back row and sat next to him.
"Hi Oakley," your voice had manifested much more timidly than you had expected.
" Yeah hey y/n, call me Cench, only my mum and tired old teachers like this one call me Oakley."
You giggled unexpectedly, he grinned back his gaze lingering. As Dr. Olsen droned on about Titration you took down notes studiously, beside you Cench was doing the same; writing down notes swiftly. You couldn't help but notice his handwriting was neat and prettily round, looking at his notes you dropped your pen. From your stool you reached down to retrieve it, on the way back up you bumped heads with Cench who had thoughtfully wanted to help.
"Oh my days, I'm sorry y/n, you good?" He was asking searching your eyes for signs of hurt.
You went to assure him you were okay when you got cut off by no other than Dr. Olsen...
"You two in the back Oakley and y/n quiet please."
"I am sorry Dr. Olsen I was just _"
"I don't want a justification take notes like everyone else, or get out," he said belittlingly.
Your cheeks got hotter as the class snapped their necks rubbernecking to witness your embarrassment, you looked at your notes mortified.
"Look, Dr. Olsen, You don't have to chat to her that way, she bumped her head and I was seeing if she was okay, yeah." Cench's jaw was locked making his cheek bones even more enunciated.
" Don't talk back Mr. Caesar-Su, detention after school." With an angered demeanor he resumed his lesson. You fought away guilt as you continued taking notes, if only I had gripped my pen tighter.
Trailing the halls advancing towards the exit, you're clouded with gratitude tinged with empathy for Cench, you hadn't meant to get him in trouble. Nor had you meant to tarnish his reputation in front of the strictest teacher. In your periphery you see Cench and your heart soars.
"Hi, Cench, I'm so sorry about earlier, I didn't think you'd get in trouble for trying to help."
"Don't worry about it y/n, that prick shouldn't have -"
"Right, students before we go into the room, these are the rules of after-school detention..." A teacher drawled these words with an expression of boredom.
You gave Cench an apologetic look over your shoulder before you opened the door, you were met by a smile and a shrug of the shoulders from Cench. The whole way home your mind is scattered with intrusive thoughts of him, you don't want them there but you don't want to fight them away either.
Cench's POV:
Detention dragged on just as I thought, thoughts of y/n appeased this listlessness because thinking of her had made it bearable. As we had worked on our assignments in silence I had chosen to continue my English literature essay. I could say I had not made much progress because the silence which filled the room was unsettling, but really it was because it was y/n who occupied my mind. Y/n with her guileless smile, her sharp and dazzling intellect, the clocked tick some more and I spent the time like this: Thinking up an interminable list of why I like y/n. Really and truly I had only met her today, but something about her...
Wrapping a towel around my waist and drying my wet braids, I hear a ping from my phone. 'You have received an email from..." It's a notification from the enrollments officer. Is this about today, I know I went overboard but I wasn't gonna let that prick talk to y/n like that.
I check what she has to say and she's saying I have to pick an extra-curricular to fulfil my scholarship expectations. That's calm, I'll join the Charitable Cause Club, I heard y/n is in it.
Y/N's POV:
At your desk you're riddled with inconsolable worry. In two days will be the chemistry exam which will make thirty percent of your semester grade. Staring at the notes in front of you which feel insurmountable you begin studying. It is well after midnight when you finally turn off your lamp and resign to sleep.
Cench's POV:
Standing around the classroom I see y/n, her eyebrows are nearly touching in what looks like worry while she reads her chemistry notes. I never thought she would panic during exam season, I think she's the smartest in our whole class. Watching her worry like eats away at me I really don't like it.
Lying awake on top of my covers despite the cold. My mind turns to y/n for the infinite time and I stop randomly at the Starbucks order she has in the morning sometimes. A regular matcha latte with two pumps of vanilla syrup and a strawberry icing doughnut embedded with fresh pieces of strawberry. Trust man's not simping... it's deeper than that.
Y/N's POV:
At 7am on a Friday morning, the library is empty. The comforting silence interrupted sporadically by the tinkering of the librarian. Today, is the day of the chemistry exam and no matter how much you study you don't feel ready for the exam. You feel warmth on your head, the feeling of someone watching you so you glance up straight into coffee eyes. It's Cench leaning on a bookcase your favourite Starbucks order in hand. Your heart skips several beats.
"Hi y/n, your such a neek you know, studying at this time." Cench says this as his eyes flick across your face, enthralled.
"I don't know, you can never be prepared enough," you retort, trying to fight a smile from showing on your lips but failing.
"I don't know about that, you'll do great, your as smart as you are cute. Which makes you very smart."
You feel your cheeks getting hotter and you stare blankly at your notebook.
Never taking his eyes off you Cench puts the drink and a paper bag down on the table.
"I got you a little something, good luck, yeah."
You watch him as he walks away, with his bag slung over one shoulder. Suddenly you are filled with the confidence he has in you.
Taking a few sips of your matcha leaves you refreshed, reaching into the paper bag your heart squeezes when you see a strawberry covered doughnut. How did he know. Looking inside the bag for napkins you see a strip of paper, unfolding the paper you read the message.
It says: You should go out with man. Scrolled on the bottom is a phone number.
You gasp earning a reprimanding look from the librarian. Your mind wanders visualising what your date with him will be like.
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party-in-the-front · 1 year ago
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Another Pete and Bas screenshot study
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izyizbizy · 1 year ago
I'm a middle schooler who was introduced to Ren by Chalk Outlines about a year back. This year on my art class, as someone who despises drawing and most forms of making art in almost all shape and form, I made this. I'm a terrible artist, I'm aware, but Ren means so much to me and my dad.
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currentlydrvnk · 1 year ago
no one writes about MODIE OR SULLY where is the love for my fine babes??
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furkanyasaroglu · 7 months ago
my best uk rap playlist
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9wun0 · 2 years ago
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skep in louis v
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ynfort · 8 months ago
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There are no concerts by Central Cee anytime soon.😭
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coilerayfandom · 10 months ago
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qadirvyrotek · 1 year ago
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thatztyv · 1 year ago
Open Thoughts
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- Cench and Tiana do an interview with Funny Marco
Word Count:
- 2.4k
Tɪᴀɴᴀ Gʀᴀɴɢᴇʀ
(tea-on-nuh  grain-jur)
"We already rolling?", Marco said looking at the producer. "Oh we going.."
"So how we start the interview off? Is there an intro?", Cench asked as we looked over at Marco.
"What? We already going", Marco said looking over at us.
Me and Cench looked at each other confused.
"You don't introduce us first or nothing. No, I'm Funny Marco and this is-", I said looking over at Marco.
"No we already going", he said and looked away.
I did an awkward smile and looked at the camera.
It got dead silent and Cench looked at me.
"Marco-", I started.
"It's your boy Marco and this is", he said and pointed at us.
We just looked at him.
"And this is", he said and pointed at us again.
"I thought you wasn't-", Cench started.
"No, y'all supposed to say y'all names", he said lowly as he looked over at us. "Imma start over."
He looked at the camera. "I'm Funny Marco and this is."
"Cench", Cench said still looking at him.
"Tiana", I said looking between Marco and the camera.
"Nah. We gotta get more energy."
I sat up in my seat. "Well we gone feed off you."
"Ight. Yo it's ya boy", he started before coughing.
Cench side eyed him before looking at me.
"My bad. It's your boy Marco and I'm here with", he said and pointed at us.
"Cench", Cench said more energeticly.
"And Tiana", I said and looked at the camera smiling.
"Did y'all use to steal bikes back in the day or what?", Marco asked.
"Did we use to steal?", I said tilting my head.
"Bikes", Marco said.
"Bikes?", Cench asked.
"Bikes", Marco said.
"Bikes?". I asked.
"Mmhm", Marco hummed.
"Nah, I had a bike", I said.
"I had three."
"So what did y'all use to steal when y'all was younger?"
"Candy", I simply said.
"So you a thief", Marco said.
"Not really it was one time."
"Once a thief always a thief, right?", Marco said.
"That's what they say", I said and shrugged my shoulders.
"So what are you?", he asked with a slight smirk.
"You tryna say I'm a thief?"
"I mean you stole before. Don't that- what make you a thief?... I stole too now that we talking about it."
"What'd you steal?", I asked.
"I stole a book", he said and looked at me.
"Oh that's good- well you know."
"How to get a job. But they took the book. They caught me."
"But you ended up getting a job so-"
"No they took the book."
It got quiet and I just looked at him.
"I feel like if somebody fart around you they flirting", Marco said randomly.
I looked at Cench and he looked at me. I started laughing, cause what.
"What?", I asked and we looked at Marco.
"Cause they comfortable with you."
I just fixed my posture in my seat and shook my head.
"Marco where you get that suit from?", Cench asked.
"Steve Harvey gave it to me", he said fixing his mic.
"Why is it so big?", I said raising my brow.
"Somebody said I looked like a public defender", Marco said.
"A public defender. Who you defending? A roach?", I chuckled.
"I would be yours", Marco said.
"Hel- who's?", I said tilting my head.
"Would you let me be your public defender?", he asked looking at Oakley.
"Fuck no", Cench chuckled.
"Oh", Marco said and looked away.
"Defend me? I'm going to jail fucking with you", Cench said.
"Nah because it's about-", Marco started.
"Soon as you walk in we fucked up. We're fucked."
"You really think so", he said and stood up fixing his suit.
When I tell you I almost busted out laughing. "Ian even see how long the coat was. That shit look crazy as hell."
"Alright let's play it out", he said as he sat back down and fixing the mic pack in his coat pocket. "Sorry y'all I'm late."
"What you mean play it out? I'm going to jail soon as you walk in", Cench said moving to the edge of his seat.
"Your honor. Listen I'm here to defend Cench", he started as he looked at the camera. "And.."
"I'll say your honor no he's not", Cench said.
Marco smacked his lips, sitting back in his seat. "Ah see you fucked it up already."
"Bro I'll defend myself before I-", Cench started looking over at him.
"No you won't", Marco said and looked at him.
"Yes the hell I will."
"We already in front of the judge", he said and motioned to the camera. "So we here with- so the fact that he's here for a speeding-"
"Where- your honor", Cench said and looked at the camera then pointed at Marco.
"No. The fact that he's here for a speeding ticket. We understand that he lied and said-"
"It's for a speeding ticket?! Hell yeah I'm definitely defending myself. You want- you defending me for a speeding ticket?", Cench said then sat back in his seat. "Yeah they can take me."
"Who?", Marco asked looking at him.
"Them people."
It got quiet again.
"Cench how do you feel when people call you the British T.I.", Marco asked and we looked at him before we started laughing.
He just looked at us with a straight face. "Do it piss you off?"
We just continued laughing.
"Alright we probably gone end it now. I think I-"
"Wait. Wait", Cench said as he was trying to stop laughing. "Who said that?"
"That's like yo- that's-"
Cench chuckled.
"That's the rumor they got bout you."
"British T.I.", I said and we laughed harder.
"I'm saying- I'm just- You don't care about the T.I. statement?"
"It was funny cause I know nobody said that", Cench said.
"Do y'all know why", Marco started as he stared at the floor. "People don't like to..."
We just looked at him confused.
"Let them know w-why they at the door", he said, looking up at us.
"What the fuck? What- What just happened man?", I said.
"Did you have a stroke?", Cench asked.
Marco looked away and at the ground again.
"Do y'all know. Why. People. Don't. Let the-", Cench said playfully mocking him.
"So basically when people knock at the door and they be like who is it and they be like it's me, just open the door. Why don't people wanna say who they are?", Marco said looking at us again.
I looked at the cameras and threw my hands up in defeat.
"Be real just tell me y'all honest opinion."
Cench sighed and put his face in his hands. "Because it's a surprise Marco."
"Oh", he simply replied, looking back at the floor then back at us. "You like surprises?"
"Yes", Cench simply stated.
Marco just hummed. "Y'all having a good time?"
I looked at him and chuckled. "I'm having the time of my life Marco."
He hummed before smiling a little.
"So I got movies lines for y'all from a movie I'm working on. We gone act it out", Marco said and gave me and Cench a paper. "I'm Marco. Tiana you Tiana. And Cench you Cench."
"And here I was thinking I was Marco", I said sarcastically as I read over the paper.
"Imma set the setting. We about to break and somebody house and I'm tryna back out. Just let me know when y'all wanna start", he said stumbling over his words.
"Let's start", Cench sighed.
"I'm nervous man I got the B.G.s", Marco said.
"What's the B.G.s?", I asked
"The bubble guts! I'm nervous, and I'm about to shit on myself."
"Keep a ti- woah keep a tight what?", Cench said looking up from his paper.
"Keep a tight ass", Marco read off the paper. "Say it."
Cench looked at him then back at his paper. "Try to hold it in or something."
"Shut up!", Marco huffed.
"That sound like butterflies to me", I chuckled.
"I'll butterflies yo ass. I'm about to go home", Marco said.
"Look. Look. If we don't go do this. You ain't gone have no home to go to. Marco bitch-", I said and laughed. "This is Next Friday word for word. Ice Cube gone sue you."
"No it's not. I wrote this myself. Come let's start over", he said crinkling his paper. "I'm nervous man I got the-"
"Marco get these papers back", I said grabbing Oakleys paper and handing him our papers back.
"We just gone vibe now. This the part where we vibe", Marco said.
I looked at him then at Cench then back at Marco.
"We vibe out just look cool", he said and propped his head up on his hand. "Vibe check, vibe check y'all. This the part where we vibing. I'm siting here with Cench and Tiana. And we about to vibe. We gone add slow music and just vibe."
Me and Cench looked at each other. We was lost as hell.
I looked at Marco, he was just staring at the floor. I looked away and supressed a laugh.
"You don't want to play the slow music before so we could hear what it sound like. So we can match the energy to the slow music", Cench said.
"No we gone add it on the video", Marco said and looked at him.
"Yeah but I don't know-", Cench started before Marco cut him off.
"Come on we vibing. Come on man. Like chill out."
Cench just nodded his head. He is so over it.
We sat in silence for bout a minute.
"Ah man thank y'all for watching the vibe check. We back again here with me Funny Marco and Cench and Tiana. Let's give them a round of applause."
Marco started clapping and everyone on set joined.
I tried my best not to laugh. I just looked down at my shoes.
"Ight", he said cutting off the clapping. "The fact we just went through the vibe check how y'all feeling?"
I squinted my eyes at him questionably. "A lil confused."
"Ah round of applause", he said and they started clapping again.
Then they stopped.
"How long have you been confused?"
"Uh probably-", I started.
"Give it up for the uh", Marco said and they started clapping... again.
This is the most confused and lost I've ever been on an interview. They stopped clapping and it got quiet.
"I miss my grandma", he randomly said.
I tried my best not to laugh but failed.
"I'm sorry. That's fucked up of me", I said trying to stop laughing.
He looked at me then at the ground.
"My bad Marco", I said and wiped my eyes. "I miss my grandma too."
"Yeah she in jail", he said.
"Oh", I said and crossed my arms.
"So Tiana what makes you so good at kickball?"
I looked at him questionably.
"I never said I was good at kickball."
"At recess... they said you was the number one pitcher."
I just sighed and sat back in my seat, covering my face.
"You know sometimes I just be thinking like damn we thinking."
We looked at him.
"What you said?", Cench asked.
"Sometimes I just be thinking damn we thinking", he repeated. "Whats something that you feel like you just think about?"
"Speaking of that where have you worked at as a kid?", Marco asked.
Cench looked at him like he was stupid. "What the fuck- What about family made you think about where I worked at?.. The only job I've ever had was at Foot Patrol."
"What made you change on em?"
"Change on em?"
"Nah I just quit."
"Like why you leave em?"
"I started rapping."
"So you left yo job for rapping?"
"I mean yeah."
"You couldn't rap and sell shoes?"
"I probably could have but I wouldn't risk it."
"What's the worst interview y'all been on?", Marco asked.
"This one", we both replied.
"Oh", he said and looked at the ground.
"You a bad person Marco", I chuckled.
"Ian done nothing wrong", he said and shrugged his shoulders.
"Breakfast club ain't do me like this", Cench said.
"But it wasn't a club. It was only four of y'all", Marco said.
"That's still a club", I said. "That could be a club."
"No it's not."
"Yes it is", I said.
"That's a pack."
It got quiet again and we just stared at him before sighing.
"When you get donuts how many come in there?"
"Twelve", I replied.
"Four", he said and flashed four fingers.
"Where? Where do you get a four pack of donuts from?", Cench asked with his brow raised.
Marco looked up and around at the crew. "Where do you get a four pack of donuts from?"
"Publix", some dude said.
"Yeah", Marco hummed. "Two is a duo. Three is a trio. What does four and five make?"
"Four makes a pack of donuts according to you", I chuckled.
Marco just looked at me before looking at the paper in his hand.
"Alright I enjoyed my time. Did y'all?"
"Yeah", Cench hummed.
"Definitely", I said.
"Y'all ready to go?"
"I'm kinda hungry so yeah", I said.
"Alright shit. Let's get back into the interview. Alright we gone get- y'all got the questions", Marco said and looked at the crew.
Me and Cench looked at each other.
"Didn't we just", Cench started.
"Y'all ready to start the real one?", Marco asked.
"The real what? We just did a whole interview", I said.
"That was the rehearsal", he said before turning back to the crew and sitting on the edge of his seat. "Y'all got the questions?"
"The rehearsal?", me and Cench said.
"Yeah, I was just warming y'all up. What did you think- we was-"
"I hope you joking", I sighed.
"You already got it Devin?", he asked one of the crew members.
He walked over and handed him a paper.
"Alright so let's get into it. Is you rolling the camera?", he said and looked towards the crew.
"Yeah I just hit record on em", somebody said.
"You can stop that camera", Marco said and pointed to the one in the middle.
"All four cameras?", Cench asked.
"Nah he can stop that one. We good", he said pointing at the camera again. "Alright. What it do y'all? It's ya boy Funny Marco with-"
He pointed over to us.
"Tiana", I said slowly.
"Cench.. Marco we did all this already", Cench said and looked at him confused.
"The cameras wasn't recording", somebody said.
"They wasn't what? Ion think I heard you right", I said sitting up in my seat with a chuckle.
"It's only thirty minutes", Marco said.
We just looked at him.
"I'm fucking with y'all", Marco said and finally laughed for once the whole interview.
"I was about to say", I chuckled.
"I enjoyed y'all today", Marco said.
"Thanks for having us Marco", Cench chuckled.
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thatboymo87 · 2 years ago
Can’t post this anywhere else so please have a look, and critic an old video I made for a friend
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cyrusdavirus · 2 years ago
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Punchlines uplift as if they go gym….. - - - #rap #hiphop #rapper #hiphopmusic #underground #hiphopculture #worldstar #hiphopartist #hiphopquotes #undergroundhiphop #celltherapy #bars #upcomingartist #ukrapper #itsfriday #undergroundrap #rapmusic #mixtape #musicartist #rappers #goodiemob #independentartist #undergroundmusic #indieartist #hiphopbeats #trapmusic #unsignedartist #90shiphop #xxl #cyrusdavirus (at London Underground) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp3pTW-I1j1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kiddcartier22 · 2 years ago
Best Song To Come Out Of Leeds Drops On The 31st Of March ⬇️2️⃣🌍
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geezerrap · 7 months ago
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