#Fully have a backup soo
koreanthrillerenjoyer · 4 months
i have an extremly shitty phone and had this for like 4j maybe and i just got to ordering a second hand iphone 11 (mind u i have samsung) and it arives in 2 days, im so fucking hyped, partly cuz my current one SUCKS and partly cuz omygod i get to do over my phone lockscreen, layout, the back of my phone stickers etc etc, hhh its so fun.
Chosing a theme was SO HARD, i currently have ateez lore as the theme and i love it but il change it up again, i tried picking a fandom to theme it on but eventually went off one of my pinterest boards, heres some of the current inspo
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Wow suddenly my phone/tumblr lets me upload pics, homophobic much 🤚🙄
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kitofawriter · 2 months
Spoilers for LMK Season 5 Episodes 1 and 2 (again) below the cut!!
Better audio! Let’s go!
The intro, my beloved!
Tired MK, nap now or you may never get the chance.
“Way batter monkey mountain” I missed that before.
SpongeBob style zoom in is hilarious
“I already said the thing!”
SWK wants MK to be as immortal as he is, of only so they can play fight without him holding back at all. I can feel it.
They destroy mountains in the show more than anything else.
MK, The Small Sage of ignoring his problems until they go away except they never go away.
“A surprise?” The fact that this many thousands of years old monkey is so excited for surprises is adorable.
Mac doing his lurking.
“You really are the worst mentor” Mac, I love you, but you are not any better. Remember the anime style video game?
“We” will get me every time.
I kinda wonder is LBD was actually the one to like, fully bring Mac back or if someone else did and he doesn’t remember.
“You need to do better” you’re not being super fair there, like SWK is trying. Maybe step up and also be a monkey mentor if you’re so concerned.
Pigsy doing his fast little hammer trying to get it finished faster.
MK, if you weren’t ready why did you call him over?
The house!! Genuinely hope nothing happens to it this season. (Tell me it’s not gonna become this shows version of the Bounty)
I was so distracted my the pictures I didn’t notice the drawings!!! OMG!!! MK you’re the best!!
Love Mei in those overalls BTW, super cute.
It’s funny that MK can activate Tangs power for him.
It’s interesting to see that the only major difference with the animation is the characters. Like the cinematography is still really similar. It’s just rigged animation now.
If anyone has any insomniac!MK getting comforted by Pigsy (or any of his dads) fic recs, please share them because this is the good stuff.
Also MK is the anti Steven Universe. Steven collects moms and MK collects dads. (But obvs Pigsy is like number 1 Dad. Pigsy gets the worlds greatest dad mug and Tang, Sandy, and SWK all get mugs that say “backup dad” and then a number in order of when he met them. Because I think it’s funny.)
I love how Pigsy knows forcing him to bed is 100% the wrong thing to do here. Like this is something he’s dealt with multiple times.
MK cooks like I do. It’s okay MK, I don’t know how to freestyle either, that’s why I’m the baker of the family.
The animation shift of the food that’s missing something and the finished thing is so nice. I lost how it shifts from looking bland to looking SOO GOOD.
I want those noodles.
Baby MK!!
I would die for Pigsy. Like, he’s such a good character.
I wonder if the burning of FFM is canon and if Mac helped save all the baby monkeys. That would make sense as to why they cling to him.
Every season MK gets further and further for a good nights sleep, for only pennies a day, you could sponsor a monkie kid and help him receive a nap. In return, he will be well rested to prevent monsters from destroying the city.
Team Let MK Rest!
Little monkeys are scared. It’s okay little monkeys, they won’t destroy your mountain this time, probably, maybe.
Episode 2 time!
Took a break because internet was being mean to me. (Wouldn’t load)
Have I mentioned how much I love the new intro?
SWK is unimpressed with the lords of the underworld’s intimidation tactics
I love how MK still uses/wears Monkey King merch even though they’re friends now. Do you think SWK has a closet full of unreleased merch he has saved to give MK as gifts? Because MK would love that.
Mac is also unimpressed. Very “been here done this before”.
Ace attorney MK!!!
“We have brought a power even greater than yours” *brings out Nezha and Li Jing* did you guys read JTTW? Because like…beating these guys was how SWK got recognized as the Great Sage Equal to Heaven.
Cheeky monkey
The panic in Mac’s eyes when he realizes what’s happening is fascinating.
I kinda wonder where they got the fillet, cause in the book they were given to Guan-Yin by Buddha. I doubt Buddha was like “you need to subdue the Monkey King again? Yeah sure, have this super powerful thing”
Also SWK still trying to comfort MK even when dealing with this thing.
Your honor, they are divorced.
Tang is the only one who can teach MK anything.
Painted style sections my beloved.
“It’s his lawyer bit.” They’re both so used to MK’s antics
SWK’s obnoxious younger brother vibes whenever Nezha is present are my favorite.
Heaven getting flashbacks to SWK’s last rampage
I think there should be a running gag that MK’s style and Sandy’s style are total opposites so every time MK rebuilds something of Sandy’s there’s a little chibi Sandy mourning the new look. It’s be funny.
You know Mac, if you just portaled Wukong into the truck sooner you probably wouldn’t have gotten caught.
Also sad SWK face will always get me.
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flames-memory · 4 months
Monday morning
BC took me to this cool fancy mall, and we had dinner. It was fun, just nice to have a cozy moment, have dinner. We went home and snuggled to sleep.
Billy asked BC to run the club tonight, he had something come up. She did great, people were dancing and moshing. The music was great. It wasn't the big crowd of opening night, but I thought it was decent. BC was worried it was too quiet.
Tuesday morning
Mistress took me back to the same club as the first time with Faye. I wrote the blindfold, and I could hear all the people there, but it didn't matter. I didn't care as much, since I couldn't see them. It was intense and, of course, amazing.
I am NOT. Soo... Weird dreams. Eliza was there with BC when I woke up, they had dinner ready, or mostly eaten. It was nice to chat, but for some reason I didn't really want to..
Yeah that's a lie. I didn't feel as comfortable around Eliza. I think she's nice, but I'm not fully comfortable with her, knowing how she prioritized BC recently. I don't need her in my problems.
Sniffing, running, city, trees, Hellions... Smashed.. ha.. fire doesn't hurt... Searching... But not.. no.. no longer desperately. Curiously. Familiar. Uncomfortable.
What's all that? That's all I got right now. That and.. "Not". I am Not. A name??
Whatever. I'll figure it out. It doesn't seem to be imminent disaster.
I need a better schedule. When Eliza said she was going to Black Cat, I wanted to throttle her. WTF?
I don't understand people.
I can't straight out understand, so my brain comes up with maybes.
Maybe Eliza is mad cuz I butted in.
BC been busy a lot, really, the last few weeks. With Faye, with other people sometimes. I never know for sure. I certainly didn't mind, I was aware when I got involved with her that she was a busy person. At least I could look forward to seeing her when she wasn't . Everywhere we go out seems there's someone she's close to. Some of them are friendly. I finally have a few people i'm starting to 'know', people I can have a conversation with. I'm seeing Mark around more, and Andres and I are slowly becoming friends, although he's a busy little spark himself.
I feel like I year Max as backup. His plan b joke been bugging me, since he's not all wrong. I tried to make it up to him, even if he didn't mean it, by giving him some focus, and luckily, BC turned out to have 'throuple' dates with Eliza and Sebastian a bunch since they been back from Paris, so it worked out pretty well.
Till today.
I took a job I didn't have to, thinking she had movie plans with Eliza. Why? I think she did one night, way back when, and somehow Tuesdays are always weird, and other than it one night at the movies, I just thought it was like, their thing.
And I hate to say it, but I'm not eager to hang out with Eliza yet. I guess I have to forgive her for putting BC through some unnecessary shit first.
If it had been Faye, it wouldn't have been the same. Although... Here's more maybes now.
Maybe things seem weird and tense cuz we're worried about Faye. Maybe Faye being missing means suddenly, BC has a bunch of free time. Maybe I'm not sure where that thought leads, but I wish Faye were back, so I didn't get too used to BC being bored and lonely, for ME to get used to having so much of her time before Faye comes back. Faye's going to be around a lot more, which means everything will change, as far as our schedules and when we see each other, I think.
I'm not good at this stuff. I wish I was. I know I love them, but I'm scared I'm not enough for both, and I'm not willing to lose either. Imma just fuck it up till one chooses to leave me, I guess.
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yarns-travel-blog · 2 years
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((This is one of those unreality post like pokemon is real kind of blogs)) (piccrew credit)
Hi, im Yarn (he/they transmasc, bi/ace 28) i used to have a website where i posted photos and paintings from my travels, but the hosting got zapped, soo.... blogging like this seems easier anyways.
I travel around with my pokemon, we do odd jobs mostly. I like having my freedom to go where i want and see stuff and try new things, and delicious food! I used to try tackling gym circuts, but me and my team have come to realize hardcore battling isnt really for us. Farming ends up being most of what we do, but I've also gone on research trips as backup muscle, and the designated camp chef xP. My parents (and brother) are botanists so I end up going with their colleagues a lot. (I dont know anything about plants or plant pokemon so do not ask me!)
I like learning about mythology and history. But i also love cooking, (for humans and pokemon) painting and drawing, and tea.
I grew up in Azelea Town in Johto, but did a lot of my early pokemon journey in Hoenn. Right now I'm helping out at an inn in Dewford (mostly cleaning some kitchen help and bartending xD). But when it warms up a bit I think we're gonna go to Sinnoh. Its been a while since I've been there, and im dieing to see Mt Cornet again, but I am NOT going there in the winter.
Team under the cut,
Current team:
Canopus - (Flygon) He was the first pokemon I caught on my own. And we've been training and traveling together ever since. When I was young i had ambitions of being a dragon tamer, and trapinch/vibraina/flygon gets are a good line to start with (at least acording to my cousin and her family don't complain to me if you disagree). He's really chill and calm, and honestly isnt much of a fan of fighting, which ended up being true for me as well haha.
Nari - (Ampharos) The farm I grew up near let me have one of the mareep after my first ever summer working there. They've been my treasured partner ever since. He's a total goof.
Lucy - (Trubbish) This is the only pokemon I've ever gotten from a fancy breeder, but just !!! She's the most precious darling girl! I've seriously never seen anything cuter!!! She's always at my side when I'm cooking, she’s an amazing taste tester and extreamly helpful with clean up.
Sparker - (Charmeleon) My cousin's charizard ended up with some eggs... and she knew I had always wanted a charizard, so she had me come pick one up. He's grown up so fast its honestly hard to belive. He's still stuck in his little shit phase though. He likes showing off for Canopus.
Larry - (Relicanth) met while helping on a fishing boat in southern hoenn. I love him dearly, but he's not happy outside the hoenn oceans, so i mostly hang out with him when I'm in hoenn and need to surf around.
Catasetum - (Leafeon) Technically my brother is her proper trainer, that's why she's named like that. But he's suck at home and she likes traveling, so she's coming with me ✌
Sable - (Umbreon) He's with my brother, I really miss him :< but he's helping look after my nephew and their family eevee.
Bluebell - (Gastrodon) They're an east sea varient. And soooo soft. When I'm not hanging with Larry I usually have them with me, otherwise they help with pest control in my mom's garden.
Periwinkle - (Altaria) They actually like battling, so mostly they hang out in Blackthorn with my cousin, but if I'm going on a trip where i might actually have to do some fighting I'll take them along.
Hopper - (Sableye) They're my funny little guy.
Nanasaur - (Tropius) He's kinda my dad's but also has traveled with me a lot. Especially before Canopus was fully evolved. He deffinatly has big dad energy.
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asavt · 4 years
Cookie Run!Promare AU(3) - Operation Rescue
 By Notebook
The smell of disinfectants permeates throughout the entire surgical room, as the cleaners wash away the remains of former Mages. The ashes of these test subjects cling unto the sponges and mops as the cleaners dipped them into their water buckets, turning the once clear water into a murky grey-red. 
Once the room was fully cleaned, the cleaners drained the discolored water into the sink before filling the buckets with fresh water. They gathered their cleaning supplies and headed towards the next surgical room for disinfection. Preparing the room for the next batch of Mages for dissection. 
Near the bottom of the facility, where the most valuable Mages are kept, a figure shivers near the corner of their cell. His entire body was covered in bandages due to the plethora of medical tests from the day before. 
The Mage looked around the cold white sterile room he was imprisoned in. Bereft of anything else, save for the bed he slept on. The harsh lights beamed down from the ceiling as the figure stared at the white wall before them. 
He hoped each day that someone might come and saved him from this never-ending nightmare, but alas that day still has not arrived yet. 
It has not arrived in over 3 years. 
The figure continued to stare towards the white wall when the door to their cell slid wide open. A flurry of doctors poured into the room, along with a few guards that followed them into the room. The doctors ordered the guards to take Y-9 to the “sleeping” room. 
The guards picked up the tired Mage and carried them towards the room. The Mage did not fight back against the guards, knowing full well of the consequences for those who do.
“Excuse me. Are you new here?” asked a nurse, who was drinking her 7th cup of coffee. The man nodded his head as he adjusted his glasses. 
From what the nurse observed, the man had brown hair with a light brown highlight, light pink eyes, and a soft smile. He also wore white scrubs along with white with light blue shoes and the tag of which unit he worked at. 
The typical uniform for nurses who worked at the facility.
The man, carrying a thick manila folder, smiled at the veteran nurse before him. “Yes, I am. I was wondering where unit 1 is located? They didn’t give us a map of this place. So… I was just wondering where it is. I have to deliver some important paperwork to the unit’s doctors,” explained the male nurse.
The female nurse gave him a weird look before responding to the new nurse’s question. 
“Sorry, but no one is allowed in that unit except for the nurses and doctors that were assigned to that unit,” explained the irritated nurse. “You just have to deliver the paperwork to the proper secretary and ask them to deliver it for you. That’s just protocol, kid.”
“Ah, I see. And where do I find the proper secretary?”
“Just keep heading straight until you find the fake fountain, then turn right. Then you keep going until you find the sign that says, ‘Unit 1, Main Secretary’. Just go in and give them the paperwork. They will do the rest.”
“Huh, I see. Thank you, Ma'am.”
The young nurse waved the old nurse goodbye before walking past her, heading towards the direction of the fountain. 
The nurse finished her 7th cup of coffee before throwing the soft paper cup into the trash can next to her. While she walked towards the operating room for the next experiment, a sudden chill ran down her spine.
As Tea finally finished the last of the facility’s finances a male nurse, whom Tea never seen before, entered his office while carrying a large manila folder. The nurse looked at the secretary and smiled, which in all honesty creeped Tea out. 
“May I help you?”
“Umm, yes… I need to enter Unit 1 to deliver some important paperwork, but I don’t know how to get there. Can you help me?”
Tea rolled his eyes. Figuring they are new to the facility Tea explained, “Unless you’re assigned to Unit 1, you are not allowed to enter that specific Unit. If you need to deliver some paperwork to the docs over there, just hand me the papers and I’ll fax it over to them.”
“Wait. So, you have access to Unit 1?”
“Yes!” Yelled the very tired secretary. “Now, just give me the folder and be on your way.”
“Alright. Alright.” The male nurse answered as he laid the folder on the table and left the office. 
When Tea picked up the manila folder and opened it to see its contents, a large puff of gas and smoke envelope the entire room. Knocking out the secretary. 
As soon as the male nurse heard a loud thump, he knew the sleeping gas had worked. He waited for a few minutes before entering the office, so as to not get knocked out from the gas. 
The male “nurse” rifled through the secretary’s desk before finding the plethora of keycards for Unit 1 in a secret compartment underneath the desk. 
The “nurse” took the keycards, hid Tea underneath his desk, and left the office.
The “nurse” walked towards the door to Unit 1 and used all the keycards to unlock the doors, thus gaining access to Unit 1.
The male “nurse” quickly entered the Unit and headed towards the elevator that will take him to the lower levels of the facility. The levels where the Mages are kept. 
When the elevator doors finally opened, the “nurse” headed towards the back of the unit. 
The “nurse” smirked a little as small flames appeared from his fists. Disappearing just as quickly.
“Alrighty then. Just be a good test subject and it will all be over lickety-split.”
One of the doctors chirps as they put in an IV on Y-9’s arms along with an anesthesia face mask. 
Y-9 knew this day would come, yet he didn’t feel scared nor sad, but rather relieved. It was finally going to be over. 
Just before the anesthesia kicked it, a large explosion shook the entire unit causing the power to shut down. Soon, the backup generator kicked in and the alarm ranged throughout the entire unit.
Before the doctors could realize what was happening, the doors to the operating room flew hide open and flames shot from every direction. The doctors ran for their lives, while Y-9 looked towards the one that stopped the dissection. 
Y-9’s field of vision grew smaller and smaller, as their rescuers picked them up and placed them on a gurney to wheel them to safety.
The last thing they remember was seeing the exit sign before everything went black. 
“Hey. Hey! Can you hear us?”
“I don’t think he can hear us.”
“Is he in a coma?”
“No, he’s just asleep from the anesthesia they gave them.”
“Oh, then-Huh? Boss look! He’s waking up!”
Y-9 slowly opened his eyes to find not the harsh white light of the facility but the warm yellow lights of a warehouse. Y-9 lifted his head and looked around his surroundings.  
He finds himself surrounded by a bunch of people, who were either treating the wounds from those who were rescued from the facility or standing guard around the windows and doors of the warehouse.
Y-9 then looked towards the two people next to his bed. 
“Did…. Did you guys save me?”
“Sort of,” the younger of the two answered. 
“I merely short-circuited their systems, while the boss here did the bulk of the work.”
“Now, don’t sell yourself too short. We couldn’t have saved as Mages as we did without you frying the circuits,” the older one replied to the younger one. 
“No, really it was no big, man.”
“Well, it’s a big deal to me. This is the most Mages we have ever saved, and I think-Oh?”
The older one looked towards Y-9, who had confusion plastered on his face. The older gentlemen smiled at Y-9. 
“I’m so sorry for not introducing ourselves. We are the “Magicians”, a group of Mages dedicated to saving our kind and rising against those oppressing our kind. My name is Espresso, the leader of the “Magicians” and this here is Lemon.“
"What’s up.”
“He is one of the top generals of the "Magicians”, so he helps with these sort of missions.“ 
"Yup. I can use my mana to create electricity. As a result, I can hack almost any computer or fry any system.”
“But he’s better at frying than hacking.”
“Sad, but true,” Lemon said as he puts on his jacket with lightning bolts on them. 
“So, what’s your name?”
“Huh? My… name.”
“Yes,” Lemon responded. “What’s your name?”
Both Espresso and Lemon waited patiently for Y-9 to answer their questions. A few moments digging through buried memories later, Y-9 looks at the boss and the general of the Magicians. He answers:
“Cinnamon. My name is Cinnamon.”
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HHHHHH Lovely, absolutly lovely and cool dude!!  come on guys!! you better read this is soo cool!!!
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kanohivolitakk · 3 years
Things G3 should do if it ever happened #1: Make Makuta a tragic villain
By this point, I think most of the fandom knows that in MOL, Makuta was portrayed DRASTICLALY differently compared to rest of the series. Instead of being a charismatic chessmaster with 50 billion backup plans, Makuta was heavily implied to be more tragic. He showed genuine remorse and regret towards causing Mata Nui asleep. There’s even heavy implications that he wasn’t fully in control of his actions given the now infamous “my duty is to the mask of shadows” line.
Soo what should G3 do? Capitalize on it and make Makuta a tragic villain he was heavily implied in MOL. I’m aware that people are sick at “villains being characterized as tragic misunderstood babies uwu” (just look at the Disneys Cruella fiasco) but imho it would be an interesting take on the character, given it was already something the early materials played it. Besides Bionicle in G1 didn’t really have that many tragic villains, Krika being the only one I can think of. So this franchise having more sympathetic villains wouldn’t hurt, especially if we still had a few more amoral foes along the way. Which I think we should but thats a post for another day.
From what I understood G2 tried to do this to an extent...but at the same time its G2 so it wasn’t allowed to be as complex as it could’ve been. Which is why I want them to try it again, this time in a more complex setting. While I don’t think G3 needs to be as complex as G1 was, I do feel one of Bionicles strengths was how it was relatively complex compared to other kids media IPs at the time
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anistarrose · 4 years
Summary: Stan finds a recording from a fateful puppet show, a few disjointed memories fall into place, and the Pines family has some tense conversations.
Relationships: Ford Pines & Stan Pines, Dipper Pines & Ford Pines & Mabel Pines & Stan Pines
Characters: Stan Pines, Ford Pines, Dipper Pines, Mabel Pines, Bill Cipher (posthumously)
Set in early September, probably a little less than a week after Dipper and Mabel went home.
(It felt good to write some Stangst again! Title is from Monster Town by Go! Child because when I can't think of titles on my own, I go to my GF playlist for inspo, and that song jumped out at me today)
“We should probably bring a backup camera on the boat,” Ford mused, in a tone that made it impossible to tell whether he was talking to Stan or just to himself. “Maybe even multiple backup cameras. There’s no telling what the Arctic climate could do to their circuitry, and people hardly take cryptid reports seriously even with photographic evidence, never mind with just an eyewitness account and an excuse about a broken camera —”
“Easy, Sixer.” Stan set down his fully-packed suitcase at Ford’s feet, satisfied with its contents. “I’ve got a camcorder up in my room, or maybe in — actually, I can’t remember where I decided to keep it, but it’s probably still in the house somewhere. If I can find it, you can add it to your camera horde.”
Ford zipped open Stan’s suitcase, revealing hand-knitted sweaters and Hawaiian shirts in approximately equal numbers, and sighed. “Some brave wardrobe choices you’re making here. Or have you forgotten that the first beach we’re stopping at is in Alaska?”
“Well, someone’s gotta lead the fashion revolution in the Arctic Circle, and it sure ain’t gonna be you,” Stan called as he headed upstairs, provoking a resigned “hrmph” from Ford.
Stan decided to look for the camcorder in his bedroom first — because while his memory still had some scattered gaps, his gut instincts rarely lead him astray, and checking his room had been his first impulse. Sure enough, he found it sitting on a shelf and covered in slightly less dust than the adjacent stack of magazines, just as he ever-so-vaguely remembered it.
“Better make sure this thing works, before Ford declares it too unreliable for yeti hunts or whatever,” he muttered to himself, leaning back onto his bed and fumbling for the power button. The camcorder blinked to life, presenting an interface that was probably hopelessly outdated — but Stan didn’t care, while Ford would have no way of knowing what modern Earth technology looked like.
What’d I even record on this thing anyway? He selected a random video from June, was greeted with his own voice singing the first line of the Stan Wrong Song, and immediately deleted the recording. With a sigh and silent vow to never let Ford learn of the song’s existence, he moved on to a video from July.
Once again, it was Mabel’s handiwork — heh, no wonder I couldn’t remember what I used this thing for, since the kids were always borrowing it from me — but this time, Stan himself wasn’t in frame, though the craft supplies strewn about the living room were enough to stir dormant memories.
“Dipper! Puppet Dipper! Smile for the camera!”
Dipper yawned, then somewhat half-heartedly mimicked the motion using the sock puppet on his hand. “Puppet Dipper’s not really feeling up to it this morning.”
“Did Puppet Dipper stay up too late trying to solve a mystery? Bwap!” The footage blurred as Mabel nudged Dipper with a sock puppet of her own. “Do I need to make him a little puppet-sized pillow?”
“How about… some puppet-sized sunglasses, for a puppet detective?” Dipper suggested.
“Good idea!” Mabel agreed. “Then no one will notice when Puppet Dipper falls asleep standing up!”
Stan shook his head and smiled.
Man, I wish I’d found this back when my memories were still a mess — Mabel kinda skimmed over the whole puppet saga in her scrapbook. Wonder what else got recorded from that week…
He selected the next video chronologically, noticing that it was also the final recording on the device, and the smile vanished from his face.
“You can’t stop me!” It was Dipper’s voice, yet not Dipper’s voice — all fury and arrogance, and the camcorder’s cheap speaker crackled with static, like the voice was too much, too wrong, too alien to properly record and then replicate. “I’m a being of pure energy with NO weaknesses!”
Without a doubt, Dipper’s body was onscreen, but he was staggering towards Mabel with arms twisted at impossible angles. He lunged for the journal in her hands, eyes glinting the same gold color as the emblem of the six-fingered hand —
Stan hit the power button, rolled over on the bed, and buried his face in his pillow as the wave of memories crashed into him.
Brushing off Dipper’s sorry state as sleep deprivation, until the kid collapsed on the way out of the theater. Seeing the cuts and bruises all over Dipper’s hands as Stan helped him to his feet, and grilling the kids on what happened the whole drive to the hospital. Not getting an answer beyond “sleep deprivation.”
Not being able to give the doctor an answer beyond “sleep deprivation.”
Telling the twins’ parents it was just “sleep deprivation.”
A tense phone call, assuring Mr. and Mrs. Pines that Dipper’s recovery would be swift and tha Gravity Falls was still safe for their children. Stan’s hands shaking as he holds the phone, having no idea if that’s the truth, if he’s doing the right thing.
Mabel crying over a crumpled-up scrap of paper — a note? — she’d found in the car, and refusing to show it to Stan. Half-overheard secrets, whispered between the younger twins when they think Stan isn’t paying attention — apologies, worries, and murmurs too soft to be in any way decipherable.
Dipper, still with bags under his eyes, spending the next few days doing almost nothing but looking over his shoulder and burying his head in the journal. Stan pretending not to notice, but secretly finding it far too familiar for comfort.
Later memories, too — memories of demons, and handshakes, and feeling his body go numb. Memories of a voice, a furiously shrieking voice — both terrified and terrifying, but more than anything, alien.
Now, far too late, Stan recognized it.
“We’re calling the kids,” Stan barked, barging back downstairs, and Ford jumped.
“What’s wrong? Are your memories —”
“Better than they’ve ever been, actually.” Stan stormed directly to the living room table, flipping open the laptop on loan from Soos and clicking the video chat app. “Good enough to figure out something that apparently no one thought it might be important to tell me!”
“Are you sure?” Ford put a hand on Stan’s shoulder. “We can still call them, but let’s talk this through first, make sure you’re not missing any gaps —”
Stan paused, cursor an inch away from the call button beneath Dipper and Mabel’s profile picture. “Did Dipper tell you about the time Bill possessed him?”
Ford started to say something, stopped, and tried again. “I… I assumed you knew. I’m sorry.”
“Did you know I ended up taking him to the goddamn hospital afterwards?”
“No,” Ford whispered, and Stan felt Ford’s fingers dig into his shoulder. “Call the kids, Stan.”
Mabel must’ve been online, because she picked up almost immediately. The video opened with her sitting in her kitchen in Piedmont, Waddles in her lap. “Grunkle Stan! Grunkle Ford! Guess what I —”
The joy drained out of her smile when she noticed her grunkles’ grave expressions. “What’s going on?”
“Mabel, pumpkin,” Stan murmured, trying to tune out the sound of his heart thumping in his chest, “could you go get your brother?”
“I’m here, I’m here!” Dipper slid into view, almost falling off his chair, and Mabel scooted out of the way so they could both comfortably face the laptop. “Is something wrong?”
“Not anymore,” Ford explained, “but Stan and I wanted to talk about… communication, among other things — Stan? Are you sure you’re alright?”
Stan wiped the sweat from his forehead and shuddered, forcing himself to take a deep breath as he stared at the computer.
Dipper’s back home. Dipper’s safe. They’re both safe, and they’ll never have to worry about Bill again.
“Stanley?” Ford echoed, increasingly distressed. “Please, if —”
“I’ll be alright,” Stan managed, because even he wasn’t a good enough liar to convince anyone he was alright at this exact moment. “Promise. But kids, why didn’t you tell me when Bill hijacked your puppet show?”
Dipper and Mabel exchanged a guilty look.
“Was it because you thought I’d take away the journal?” Stan regretted his ‘only self-defense’ stipulation for the third journal more than almost anything else he’d said that summer, because he’d always known deep down that it wouldn’t stop the kids — and in hindsight, he would’ve much rather known what trouble the kids were getting into, not have them hide it from him with their late nights out in the woods and nonspecific excuses.
“At first,” Dipper replied. “But we ended up worrying a whole lot more about you sending us home early —”
“Your parents almost made that decision for me,” Stan admitted. “They were ready to drive up here and come get you when they heard what happened. I dunno how I convinced them to let you stay —”
He sighed. “And maybe knowing the truth wouldn’t have actually helped me that time — but it would’ve been nice to know how big a lie I was telling when I told them this town was safe for you kids, y’know?”
He regretted voicing that thought immediately, but regretted it even moreso when Dipper looked away from the camera, mumbling: “I’m sorry, Grunkle Stan.”
“Stan’s not trying to guilt you,” Ford spoke up, “but we want you to know you can talk about these things honestly with us — and that goes for both of you, Dipper and Mabel. We’d never want to punish you for something that was obviously… someone else’s fault.”
Thank god one of us has finally learned to think through what we say before we say it, Stan figured.
“I’m sorry too, kids,” he added out loud. “For getting angry at you a minute ago — ‘cause I’m not angry at you, I’m angry at Bill for what he got away with right behind my back, and I… I just…”
He brushed a finger across their digital faces, a gesture that no doubt failed to translate to the video feed Dipper and Mabel were viewing, and smiled. “Thanks for picking up so fast, ‘cause I really needed a reminder that the two of you are safe and sound and all.”
The kids smiled back, visible for just a second before Mabel leaned forward to hug her laptop and the screen went dark.
“Anytime, Grunkle Stan.”
“Coffee?” asked Ford, ever the early riser, as Stan trudged into the kitchen the next morning. “You look like you need it.”
“Gee, thanks, Sixer,” Stan groaned, slumping into the seat across from Ford at the kitchen table. “I’ve heard of backhand compliments, but now I’ve gotta live with your backhanded coffee offers too?”
“Sorry. I’m sympathizing, not mocking — I promise, when I woke up today, my eyes were just as bloodshot as yours are now,” Ford replied, sliding Stan a mug of steaming coffee. “How are your memories?”
It was a routine question as of late, but Stan still managed to botch it completely.
“Too good,” he muttered under his breath, and earned a quizzical look from Ford.
“…Good enough that I can remember all kinda things to feel shitty about,” Stan reluctantly admitted. “Like not even noticing when Dipper was possessed, for one thing. I spent the whole summer worrying about him, except for when he was actually in danger —”
“Oh, Stanley,” Ford sighed, “that’s not your fault. You know Bill was an expert liar; he scammed too many people to count —”
“Yeah, but I shoulda seen through it!” Stan brought his fist down on the table, and the contents of his mug sloshed precariously close to the top. “Of all people, I should’ve known better —”
“Right.” Ford grimaced. “Right. Because no one else who should’ve known better was ever tricked by a dream demon for a whole lot longer than a few hours —”
“Shit. Ford, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean it like —”
With a controlled glowering expression and deliberate motions, Ford stood, marching across the kitchen with all the fury and hesitation of a slow-moving thunderstorm.
“I didn’t mean it was your fault! I’d never — ”
“…I know.” Ford came to a halt at the door, bracing one hand against the frame. “But if you can say as much about me, then… then why can’t you just say that about yourself?”
“You would’ve caught on soon enough, if Mabel hadn’t defeated Bill when she did — I wasn’t there, but I’m sure of that because I know you, and I know how well you know Dipper.” Ford shook his head. “I didn’t catch on to Bill’s lies for years. I gave him free reign to hurt people for so much longer than one evening —”
He crossed his arms, and his imposing silhouette in the doorway seemed to shrink.
“So if you’re not blaming me for anything to happen this summer, then you’d better not blame yourself, you — you knucklehead.”
“Are you kidding me?” Stan leapt out of his seat. “It’s no wonder you didn’t see through Bill’s lies, when your whole life, you had me watching your back — and then I wasn’t there for you, when you needed me more than ever —”
“Because I pushed you away!” Ford shouted, whirling back around to face him. “Do you know what I realized while I was trying to fall asleep last night? That if I’d just stood up to Dad when he kicked you out, if I’d just done the right thing for once in my formative years, then the end of the world as we knew it would’ve been averted altogether! No falling for Bill’s flattery, no arguing over the zodiac, no Weirdmageddon! We could’ve had it all, but we just couldn’t live in that better world, all because I convinced myself you were suffocating me —”
“But it sounds like maybe I still am, huh?” Stan growled. “If all I do is just make you furious like this —”
“No,” Ford gasped, all the hostility in his voice and his glare immediately melting away. “No, no, absolutely not! I’m not furious at you, Stan, I’m…”
“Furious at yourself,” Stan accused, “for being even worse than me?!”
“No! Don’t even say that!”
Before Stan could process what was happening, much less protest it, Ford was hugging him, burying his face in Stan’s shoulder.
“Maybe — maybe I am angry at you, after all,” Ford admitted, “but you’re my hero, Stanley. My inspiration. If am angry with you, it’s — it’s just because you’re too damn stubborn to forgive yourself…”
Stan gingerly placed a hand on Ford’s shoulder. “…Yeah, and you’re one to talk.”
“I won’t deny that,” Ford mumbled. He went quiet for a few seconds, and when he spoke up again, his voice was quieter, yet slightly more composed. “Maybe we need to just… call a truce. Find something positive to agree on. We’re both too stubborn for this argument to end with either of us admitting we were wrong —”
“At least for give-or-take the next forty years,” Stan interrupted, punctuating his words with a bitter laugh.
Ford barked out a laugh of his own, loud and cathartic, and withdrew from the hug, removing his glasses to rub his eyes. “If Dipper and Mabel were here, they would have told us to stop being stubborn old men a while ago. I wish they were here.”
“They’d probably also tell us it’s more Bill’s fault than either of ours,” Stan added. “And… I guess they’d have a point.”
“I can see the logic in that.” Ford smiled faintly. “I’m sorry for making this about me, by the way. You opened up to talk about your own issues, and I —”
“Hey, I made it about you just as much as you did, Brainiac,” Stan reminded him. “…But damn. You think we’ll ever be able to talk about our feelings without shouting our lungs out at each other?”
“We’re still no good at thinking through anything before we say it,” Ford replied, “though I guess we must be getting a little better, since we didn’t even stop speaking to each other this time.”
“Thank god. I’m tired of not talking to you.”
The two of them settled back into their seats at the table, and Stan reached for the morning paper, but Ford spoke up once more.
“I know forgiveness, especially self-forgiveness, can be… complicated,” he told Stan in a low voice, “so maybe I’m biased, speaking as someone who’d rather not grapple with my own personal guilt — but even more important than whether you forgive or blame yourself, I think, is acknowledging that you made mistakes, yet still deserve good things from the universe. And that goes for you and me both.”
Stan took a sip from his mug, pleased to find its contents were still warm. “Good things like coffee, and adventures sailing around the world?”
Ford chuckled. “My priorities exactly.”
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Things I Noticed in the Hamilton Film
Soooo, I was supposed to have posted this last year when the film first dropped, and I forgot...
Anywayyyy, things that were new, from the album, or was obvious to everyone but me. This is literally just me listing details I loved for my own keepsake later on
I hope this film’s success (and the play’s hopeful continued success on stage), shows that Broadway plays can and should be filmed for everyone 
Lin Manuel Miranda is a brilliant writer, scriptwriter, musician, rapper, singer, and a genuinely lovely person, but I think my favorite part about him is his acting. He has such a pure naturalness and sincerity in his acting. He nails microexpressions/gestures and sometimes I forget that he’s acting
E.g., Lin’s devastation after Washington kicks him out 
There’s some songs I wondered what their purpose was, but watching it I understood. For example, Story of Tonight sets up the purpose of the revolution. Like, My Shot is Hamilton’s ‘I want’ song, but Story of Tonight is all of the revolutionaries ‘I want’ song, and that’s why it comes up again for Laurens and Hamilton at their ends
Samuel Seabury’s acting was gold
In Right Hand Man the way the backup stage/cast lights up as they sing ‘not throwing away my shot” and Hamilton agrees to work for Washington
The fact that Helpless ends with “You’ll be a new man” because Hamilton is still so obsessed with his own ascendency  
They way they start Satisfied, it’s like Angelica doesn’t know the true extent of her devastation until she gives her toast and says “satisfied”. Like, she knows what she’s done but she’s still thinks this is fine and this is for the best, and it’s not until this moment that the weight of it fully hits her. By the end of it, it’s like she’s barely holding it together for this toast
Towards the end of the song, Eliza kisses her cheek and Renee’s expression is like she’s about fall apart in that very moment from the sheer overwhelming joy and pain
So in Helpless when their talking about letters, Peggy does a cute random shimmy while handing Eliza the letter. But then in Satisfied we see that she’s doing the shimmy to the beat of Satisfied, meaning that she knows how Angelica feels and knows about the love triangle 
I’m trying really hard not to scream about the rewind of all the dance and action in Satisfaction but please know I am internally screaming about this forever. 
Almost forgot, Burr and Hamilton were friends at one point. Burr shows up for his wedding to wish him well :(
I wasn’t gonna scream that much here, but LESLIE ODOM JR. 
Leslie’s smile- amused and scoffing disbelief- when singing about Hamilton in Wait for it
Speaking of Wait for it, the way the whole cast is waiting on stage and the balconies as Burr sings. and the way the dancers shift to Hamilton’s direction when Burr talks about him 
Also the lighting creates boxes on the stages, like Burr is trapped. But then this reappears in Your Obedient Servant 
I never knew the lyrics were “This is commonplace, 'specially 'tween recruits” and not “’tween corps” in Ten Duel Commandments...makes more sense
I think there’s 10 people in that line up in Ten Commandments 
The way Stay Alive conflicts Hamilton’s precious notions of sacrifice, and forces him to shift his focus from dying to legacy
The mimic of the bullet in Stay Alive 
The way that Eliza is also so excited about the war and the scholars in The Schuyler Sisters and that excitement goes away after she has the actual risk of losing someone she loves because of the war 
Who’s the choreographer because DAMN (btw it’s Andy Blankenbuehler) 
Also the dancers lifting up other dancers for whole bars? Incredible
The way women are interwoven into the story of the war, singing the chorus and setting the scene and rejoicing with the soldiers at the end 
The fucking red lighting in Yorktown. Also, the shot in the song’s pause is one of the best shots in musical history. 
The fact that ‘black and white soldiers wonder alike if this really means freedom’ ‘not yet’ is a commentary on slavery and the line is said by Washington 
The brilliant way What Comes Next undercuts the gravitas of Yorktown . 
Also, King George loses more and more of his costume and moves around more as the show goes on. Also, blue lighting with “I’m feeling blue” hahaha
Lafayette and Hercules getting the same letter about Laurens + Hamilton’s sobbing. And Laurens’ singing ‘there will be more of us’, referring to the future generations who will fight and win abolition. 
Burr’s disgust while Hamilton rants. Hamilton’s pouting then childish glee at the beginning 
Burr stays at the bottom of the staircase after Hamilton climbs it. Also, Jefferson descends the staircase after Hamilton ascends it, indicating their statuses
The refrain of “How does a....” shows up in Nonstop as Burr’s “How do you write...” (other characters sing their own personal refrains but Burr sings this), and it’s like this ongoing, jealous, incredulous questioning of how Hamilton became so successful, and part of the answer of how he did it is that he doesn’t stop writing and working.
Regardless of which sister he ended up with, love was never gonna be enough for Hamilton
The way Daveed Diggs jumps and dances and dives across the stage in just about every song he’s in. The man truly deserved the Emmy 
Jefferson’s being surrounded by his slaves because he sucks 
Hamilton’s costume goes from white --> brown-->blue-->green-->black and someone with more color scheme expertise needs to dissect this for me please
The fact that even Burr peaces out when it comes to the affair, like, nope, this is too messed up even for me
An in-universe explanation as to why the Ten Duel Commandments and Phillip’s count is the same is that Hamilton’s killing (metaphorically and literally) in order to stay alive is a part of their family’s DNA.
Anthony Ramos is phenomenal at playing 9 years old then having to switch to 19
The fact that Phillip was probably so determined to defend his father is that this is after the Reynolds Pamphlet and everyone was humiliating and scorning Hamilton
The Room Where it Happened
Hamilton is like an apparation to him, and Burr is both scared and begging the ghost to reveal the truth
The fact that this song is a plot song and a ‘i want’ song and a villain song all at once. Also, the song picks up speed to signal the shift from historical recounting to ‘i want’ song
They replay the beginning where Jefferson/Madison call for Hamilton
Jefferson being the one to ask “Don’t you remember Lafayette”, and there’s like a slight change in his demeanor that’s more Lafayette then Jefferson 
Burr, Madison, and Jefferson discreetly talking to each other in Washington on Your Side representing their nefarious schedming. Also, Daveed Diggs keeps Jefferson’s limp even without the cane. Also Madison is angry at Hamiilton when he says “the bill of rights, which I wrote!” 
One Last Time: 
How perfectly the Bible verse reflects Washington’s opinion of legacy. The younger men are obsessed with preserving their own memories in history, but for Washington, his legacy would be that everyone would be safe and at peace. 
Washington’s practically crying at the end 
Hamilton asking Washington here to teach him how to say goodbye because Hamilton genuinely doesn’t know how: people left him before he could ever say goodbye 
We Know: Jefferson’s pure WTF face when he says “my God...”. In this reaidng, Burr definitely threatened him (I didn’t always intepret that way when listening). But Hamilton’s still an idiot. 
Hurricane: Once again, Lin’s facial expressions. The way the the chorus stands around and watches him. But also the freaking brilliant way that the dancers mimic the hurricane, and Burr and Maria are the only other people in the hurricane with Hamilton. But at the end, it’s just Hamilton and the desk 
Reynolds Pamphlet: The way Washington can’t even look at him, but Angelica gets in his face to yell at him. Also, Jefferson hands a pamphlet to the conductor 
This reading, Phillippa Soo sings Burn with so much rage and fury and that is pretty much my favorite part of this entire film
Hamilton’s face at “Alexander, did you know?”
The fact that Angelica narrates Uptown because it’s too intimate for Burr or anyone else to narrate. Eliza’s changing facial expressions as she slowly lets him in. The way Hamilton just completely breaks down and sobs
The Election of 1800: 
Jefferson shaking his head when Madison suggests Hamilton
Burr’s falseness is hilarious. He hands Hamilton a pamphlet. 
Jefferson’s look of resignation when Hamilton is making his decision, then starts dancing around when he’s won
The close-up of Burr’s face falling when he realizes who Hamilton has voted for 
The whole “runner-up becomes VP” thing made me think about if we could have had Hillary Clinton as VP, and I made myself sad. 
Your Obedient Servant: I always saw this song as a reflection of the custom, but I never fully appreciated how it reflects their relationship: their relationship has completely disintegrated, but their working to maintain this false appearance of friendship/civility that no longer has a place in their relationship. 
Also, Burr’s increasingly incensed and it does not help that Hamilton sends like a 12-page letter and the dancer even teases Burr
The guy who gives Hamilton Burr’s duel challenge plays Charles Lee. Karma 
The World Was Wide Enough
Burr’s POV then Hamilton’s POV, like this story has become less and less about Hamilton and he is no longer in control of who’s telling his story
The shot of Eliza walking away and in her wake, it’s Burr shooting 
Burr’s alone in the stage, finally realizing the world (aka the stage) was wide enough for the both of them, but it’s too late. Also, in part foreshadowing his own future: that he had the world before him regardless of Hamilton, but he was completely ruined after this duel
I definitely cried at ‘the orphanage’. Also I interpret the gasp at the end as her breaking fourth wall and seeing the audience and realizing that Hamilton’s legacy has continued even to today. 
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nitewrighter · 5 years
Kidnapper: We have your son/daughter for overwatch couples
Reaper: *talking on the phone* Look, I’m just asking you to stay calm and please. Don’t. Kill. Them.
Kidnapper: *on the other side of the line* Oh... you don’t get to make that demand---
Reaper: Wasn’t talking to you. Andrea? Did you get that? No killing.
Andrea: Your preference has been noted, sir.
Kidnapper: Wait what--?
Reaper: Order--not preference. We’re not killing. Just wait for backup.
Andrea: I’ve fully analyzed the situation and based on my observations I’ve concluded that I’m fully capable of handling this myself, sir. However, as stated, your preference---
Reaper: Order!
Kidnapper: Look you two aren’t going to throw me off. We have your.. freaky... buff daughter clone thing, and if you want it ba--OH GOD HOW DID SHE GET OUT!? SWEET MOTHER OF FUCK-- SHOOT HER! SHOOT HER--
Reaper: *holds the phone away from his ear as screaming fills the other line*
Andrea: *comes onto the other end of the line, panting* Did you have a preferred rendezvous point, sir?
Kidnapper: *on the phone* We have your sons. If you want them back, then Satya Vaswani will have to hand over all of her blueprints to the Vishkar--
Kidnapper: I thought I told you idiots to gag him!
Rajeev: Chewed through it, bitch! *resumes singing* CALL IT MORNING DRIVING THROUGH THE SOUND AND IN AND OUT THE VAL-AAYYYYYY!
Kidnapper: Anyway, if you ever want to see your sons again you’ll---Where the fuck is the other one?!
Rajeev: I dunno, but he said to distract you.
Rajeev: ...I shouldn’t have said that.
Kidnapper: Are you fucking kidding me?
Rajeev: ...
Rajeev: *resuming singing* THE MUSIC DAAAANCE AND SIIING---
Kidnapper: We have your daughter.
Genji: Do you?
Kidnapper: Yes, what kind of question is---shit--where the fuck did she go?!
Genji: Ninja.
Kidnapper: If you want to see this filthy little Dorado orphan again you’ll---
Sombra: I’m going to stop you right there. This right here? This is the part where you send Marti out of the building in a gesture of goodwill and we let bygones be bygones.
Kidnapper: You are not the negotiator here!
Sombra: Okay, so just so we’re clear, we’re not negotiating?
Kidnapper: The only negotiation is that you hand over that drive containing-- *sound of gunfire* Oh fuck what was that? Dietrich? Dietrich are you---Oh shit... *second sound of gunfire* WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!?
Sombra: That would be my wife. Too bad we’re not negotiating.
Maximilien: *handing briefcase forward* I’m glad we could come to an arrangement.
Kidnapper: *shoving Faustine into his arms* Take your meatbag brat.
Faustine: I had a bag.
Kidnapper: I don’t care about your stupid bag--
Faustine: *fiercely* It’s a Birkin you rancid piece of---
Maximilien: Ma Reinette, it is fine. All that matters is that you are safe.
*sniper fire takes out the kidnapper and Maximilien picks the briefcase back up*
Maximilien: And that those who would try something this idiotic are cleanly dealt with.
Faustine: *pouting* I want my bag.
Maximilien: *chucking her on the chin* I will get you a new bag.
McCree: So you have Jaime--Can I talk to him? Just... just to know he’s all right?
Kidnapper: *handing phone over to Jaime* Make it fast.
Jaime: Dad?
McCree: *incomprehensible cowboy jargon*
Jaime: *incomprehensible cowboy jargon*
McCree: *incomprehensible cowboy jargon in a questioning tone*
Jaime: *incomprehensible cowboy jargon followed by a laugh*
McCree: You take care now, kiddo.
Jaime: I will.
McCree: *hangs up*
McCree: He’s being held at an abandoned oil refinery about 19 miles north of Kenrita. He’s got a guard of about 10 that he’s counted, but there may be more. They’re desperate, jumpy, easy to confuse.
Hanzo: ...how did you get that from “Wind’s blowing fast but the air smells sweet and I’m all slicked up in this nest of trick-or-treating sidewinders?” or--or whatever he just said? 
McCree: Just gotta know what to listen for.
Kidnapper: We have your son. The ransom is--
Doomfist: If he’s my son he can handle it. If he can’t, well... *hangs up*
Kidnapper: We have your son.
Moira: *gasp* Did... did you tie him up?
Kidnapper: Yes.
Moira: The--the knots aren’t hurting him, are they?
Kidnapper: That’s not your concern, but he’s quite secure. He’s not getting out anytime soo--what the fuck?!
Moira: ...you’re not very bright, are you?
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shesawriter39049 · 6 years
“FAMILY TIES” Kim Taehyung (M) Mafia AU PART 3
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AU SUMMARY :  A powerful alliance made up of  4 families spanning over a decade, is suddenly turned on its head when one family has a new leader after an unexpected death. Well, let's just say he's not down to follow the somewhat civilized rules your families have inforced. Sooo now, it's game on…
Warnings- Language/mentions of violence...but this is a Mafia AU and Tae is Boston raised so it should be expected. Dirty talk/ teasing/edging/light cum play/slight overstimulation/ ice play/inappropriate use of a champagne bottle/ LIGHT very light daddy kink...it's dialog heavy but it always will be. This is a (M) series not just smut soo...there is an actual storyline with sex mixed in because well that's apart of life.  But  a good 4k-5k of this is smut/teasing
Jimin, Namjoon, Yoongi , Hoseok  Jungkook and Jin all make appearances in this
*You can read this as a stand alone and not be completely lost..but there will be things referenced from the previous parts
Chapters 4 and on will pretty much be balls to the wall which is why the first 3.5 had soo much backstory. There will still be more to unfold but by now there's a clear understanding/dynamic.
The circle of men flooded into a pool of bodies...and it became harder and harder to hear, the wind started to pick up causing everyone's voices to sound like they were blowing through an industrial fan. The gloomy overcast that danced over the pier seemed to be foreshadowing the mood for the day as the comradery in front of you only seemed to intensify. More than anything you just wanted to be over there, well aware of the effect you had on him, able to ease his rage in a way that only one other could..and that was his mother. Buttt...to be honest even though it was killing you not knowing what was going on first hand, It really wasn't your place. I  mean hell even Bunny was standing next to you and Hoseok and herself are actually a couple. They were grown ass men handling their business, as they please. If anything the two of you being over there would have just been a distraction, because then, naturally, their main concern would shift from the situation at hand..to making sure the two of you remained untouched. Still, you couldn't help but feel nauseated as you wondered what the fuck was going on. What makes this whole thing even crazier is not even an hour ago, he had in enraged to the point of tears, now he had your heart in your ass while you prayed he was okay! 
"Relax you already know his pretty ass can fight!" the deep slightly raspy voice, accompanied by a gravely chuckle hit the back of your neck, and you already knew who it was before you even turned around.  A slight smile moving up your face once he said that because well, he was right actually that's probably why he was such a good fighter. When you guys were younger boys use to think Tae was an easy target because he was a pretty boy in a Burberry sweater vest, but as we all know..pretty boys don't want their faces to get fucked up. So as a result, his reflexes became second to none, quick on his feet, in and out before you even knew what was happening. Simply nodding as a notion of agreeance, he was right..and you needed to chill. Stepping behind him, to plop your chin on his shoulder..almost as if you were releasing all of your stress once your body slouches into his frame. You were already taller than him naturally and these heels only made it worse. Yoongi couldn't help but snort out a laugh at how ass backwards this all was, but let's be real he'd probably have to stand on his tippy toes to even reach your shoulder. The two of you have known each other since high school, somehow he always found himself caught in the middle of your never-ending dysfunction.
So considering the fact that your heart was sitting in your ass at the moment you found his presence calming to say the least. Running his fingers through his ice blonde locks, lacing his lips around the tip of his dab pen, as Bunny also found her place..lacing her arm around yours..damn near feeling like her entire body was trembling once she made contact. You could literally cut the tension in the air with a plastic spoon...to be honest, the feeling was almost suffocating. Especially considering the bits and pieces of dialog that kept bouncing in and out of the cloud of men in front of you.
“I didn't come here for this-”
“I mean honestly, nobody told you to come at all so now that you're here..you get what you fucking get!”
“Excuse me!? Kid lower your fucking tone with me! I don't know who the fuck you think your talking too. As you sit here with 10 guards around you thinking your tough! But I-”
"Ya know, I find it funny how you keep bringing up my men as if you didn't intrude on my space. As if they wouldn't be here with me regardless. Yet you're the one backing closer and closer to my men...I haven't moved once...I don't need them to handle my shit for me, if you wanna step to me...step to me...!"
At this point, it was damn near impossible to differentiate between voices, almost sounding as if there were multiple altercations happening all at once, or either they were just all talking over one another. Which was more than likely the case, you noticed one of the sheriffs get out of his car and walk into the crowd, which wasn't too promising. Clearly Bunny had the same gut feeling as you..as she gripped you even tighter, while you lowered your face on Yoongi's shoulder pushing your nose into his leather jacket. Peering up with heavy lids..almost as if you thought if you looked at the salutation from a different angle it would get better or something.
The officers that were on site, were there for a reason, fully aware of what your families did and as long as you kept it somewhat lowkey they'd try to turn a blind eye. But there were limitations to that…and clearly this was one of them, and two be fair, you could see why. A big ass brothel breaking out at the pier, drawing unnecessary attention to the fact the some of the richest people in the state..all happened to be in the same place..at the same time. That appears to be wheres where their limits to “Turning a blind eye” ended. There have always been speculations..and rumors in regards to your family's..financial stature. The new “Boston Brahmins” as the tabloids like to say,and yes, the business you owned and the investments you had could easily support the lifestyle you lived. But there was always just something about your "circle" that seemed..a little ..out of the ordinary.   
Not even realizing you were also squeezing Yoongi's hand to the point of damn near cutting off his circulation, OR that you even grabbed it to begin with ... until your own almost went numb. Yet, he didn't complain, the two of them were close..really close, more than likely Yoongi already knew everything...which is part of why he came to comfort you, to begin with."Whose all over there? As far as our guys are concerned..ya know besides Tae?" Leaning up almost whispering in your ear from how loud everything was.
"Ughh, Tae, Jimin and Hoseok…" 
A dramatic scoff left his lips as he nudged back into your shoulder "Really? Come on doll, they're more than fine over there, fuckin chill,our boys are good!" Again, he was right, the three of them together packed a lotta heat, just as you were starting to relax..hell you were actually a second away from laughing until...
"Hey, boys keep it clean...KEEP IT CLEAN!" The sound of Sheriff Morales voice shot straight through you to the point of almost leaving you breathless, instantly pulling away from Yoongi..walking closer to the circle..not even caring to see if they followed. You couldn't help but notice Namjoon shoot out from your peripheral..he'd never let too far away from him, especially in a situation like this. 
"HEY BREAK IT UP! BREAK IT THE FUCK UP! Boys don't make me pull out my taser., and bagg you!-I'm trying to do this as-Fuck, Hanley I need backup...NOW!" Suddenly everything got 10 times louder. Two more cops ambushed the circle..trying to calm whatever storm was brewing within the barricade the men had created. "
Ahh...stay where I can see you princess" Almost feeling like a child who ran too far away from there parent in the damn grocery store as you suddenly felt Namjoon pull you in the opposite direction. Clearly you were getting too close for comfort,
As much as you didn't want to admit it..this feeling is exactly why Taehyung is so guarded..the mental rollercoaster of worrying about somebody in this lifestyle is fucking exhausting. "I SAID FUCKING STOP!"  A sound almost comparable to a growl ripped through the air and finally, the circle started pulling apart ..literally, the sheriff's department prying them away from each other. Making Marco and his men leave, as Tae pushed his way through Mazda, determined to get his hands back on whoever he was dealing with before the cops broke it up. Mazda was Tae's right-hand soldier so he knew better, yes it was his job to protect him but once Taehyung got to this point it was just better to just let him handle the situation as he pleases. Staying close enough behind to step in if need be.
"So that's the way you wanna fuckin play huh!!?" The grit in Taehyung's voice was terrifying you don't think you'd ever heard it that dark, or his accent that thick. If you weren't looking directly at him you wouldn't have even fathomed it was him. As he continued walking towards Marcos and his men, neither Hoseok or Jimin tried to stop him, both appeared to be painting relatively hard, as they followed close behind.The anger engraved in their eyes was lethal even from where you were standing.
They weren't just a little upset over a little scrap they were blowing fumes, suddenly you watched Mr. Kim walkover in Taehyung's direction..no guards..just him, pulling Taehyung back with him one-handed. One hand rested coily in the pocket of his light gray dress pants, blacked out aviators resting low on the brim of his nose. Not needing much force, when it came to getting what he wanted, he already knew no matter how angry he was out of respect Tae wouldn't cause a scene. He'd do whatever his father instructed.
 "Yeah will see how this plays out next time, come down to The Dot , without your security line if you wanna play like a big boy!!" Your eyes tried to follow the sound because you didn't recognize the voice, but to be fair...it seemed like Marcos men were the problem!
"Zeb, rilassati amico!" The snarl came from Marco, you weren't Italian but after a while some things became almost second nature. He said something along the lines of "Calm, your ass down" and he complied. Zeb appeared to be older than Maroc, his Southie accent was extremely potent and no disrespect but he looked like he lived a hard ass life which, which made you wonder how the pair even met to begin with. Something else that sparked your interest was how quickly Taehyung's ears perked up the minute Marco spoke..it was almost like watching a puppy..jump from there seat upon hearing a sound they needed to investigate. Clearly, there was something about Marco's new "Carpo" That had Taehyung intrigued, to say the least…making his way to lean against the blacked out Escalade you two arrived in. Staying close enough to be able to hear and see what was happening but far enough away where he wouldn't be tempted to wrangle someone's neck.Making your way over to him immediately once you realized he was alone...it was just..protocol, at the end of the day personal shit aside this was a business. Rule number 1, you never emotions cloud your judgment, be there done that and it didin;t end well. You'd go check on him if circumstances were different, in a heartbeat, so you had to now. Back in the day that was your mom's job, making sure everyone was okay , I guess you could say once she died you just took it upon yourself to do the same.
Taehyung tried to turn away as you swayed towards him which let you know he was hiding something, gripping the side of his face making him look at you. Jaw tight yet he still avoided direct eye contact. Letting them flutter up to the sky, there was a gnarly ass bruise on the side of his jaw. Accompanied by a slight gouge right beneath his ear which was hiding beneath his hair  "Luxxy I'm fin-" Cutting him off with a snarl..face reflecting how fucking annoyed you were because the wound reflected foul play.
"What the fuck did he try and hit you with..brass fuckin knuckles!?" Brows furrowed as you huffed out"That fuckin bitch," whispering out to yourself in disbelief as you marveled at the gash.  
Stroking his jaw, with one hand while the other palmed his ribs, you watched the tension almost appear to deflate from his body once you touched him. Not even aware how gentle, and almost intimate your touch was that's just...the way things got with Tae, it was subconscious at this point. Yet he still wouldn't look at you! "Doesn't matter..he's a fuckin’ pussy..especially now that I know he was the one behind that bullshit excuse for a shootout..I'm done, fuck him!" You could almost feel the anger in his voice... the deep rumble radiating from his chest " I don't care what my father says that motherfucker is no kin to me, I don't give a damn what we promised Leo...he's not my fucking family and the next time I see him I'll be damn sure he knows it! I’m done!" Finally letting his eyes meet yours..which were damn near gouging out of there sockets..trying to figure out where the correlation, in regards to the shootout came from.
"Wait what? How-"An almost facetious chuckle left his throat..which to be fair was a little unsettling considering the topic at hand. 
 "The kid last night-"  
A single bullet left the barrel, not in celebration but as a warning…
Taehyung taking that as a hint pulling your hands down from his face "Baby-" freezing immediately after he said it...both of you suddenly feeling a little uneasy at the use of the pet name, considering the .."Atmosphere" it was being used.  As well as the tone of voice he chose, It came out so smooth, so effortless..you hated how good it sounds leaving his lips with that deep gravelly tone of his. What neither one of you managed to catch was the fact that his fingers still naturally intertwined with yours, once he pulled them back from his jaw. Clearing his throat..slightly letting his eyes flutter away from yours..suddenly feeling somewhat, uncomfortable "Luxx...I promise I'm fine will talk about this later.." Pulling away from you before you could even say anything else.
Scanning your surroundings swiftly out of habit and they caught Namjoon..who made his way a little further up the pier, yet he still had his eyes on you..mouthing out "You good?" In which you nodded quickly..before bringing your attention to the situation at hand..even though he knew you were lying, this wasn't the time or place to question it. As Marco and his men continued being pushed further and further away it seems the bickering never stopped once Taehyung left. It just continued with Jimin, Hoseok and ..damn apparently Yoongi. 
Once things started to  re-escalading to the point of the sheriff feeling the need to step back in, that's when another voice rumbled through the wind, "Son, if your smart you'll listen to Marco, before I come show you that I don't need a security line, or a fucking switchblade to put you in your place! Don't make me step out of character...Don't..." You could pick out that voice in a crowd of millions, the brassy tone that set exceptional low, mixing against his Dorchester accent, as he stepped forward,  hands casually resting in his pocket...calm as ever. White linen shirt tucked into his black dress pants..blacked out Cartier sunglasses. You could see the reflexes from the diamonds on his watch a mile away...it was your Sunny, AKA your father. You couldn't help but smile at the way Marco's men damn near quacked at the sound of his voice. Clearly, smart enough to know that your dad wasn't to be fucked with..mumbling a couple of things as they finally got back in there car. Since he didn't have the balls to say it loud enough to actually be heard he didn't deserve a response.
You noticed Bunny run over to Hoseok who gladly welcomed her into his arms..wrapping her legs around his waist..cupping his face. Appearing to be giving him a once over, to make sure he was okay..you'd be lying if you said you weren't slightly envious of their dynamic. The way Hoseok didn't let his lifestyle control his happiness. The way he wasn't afraid to let someone in...the feeling of knowing your fighting not only for yourself,but because you have someone that's counting on seeing your face every night. That was a pleasure that Taehyung never had …...but secretly wanted more than anything. Sometimes in this lifestyle nights get really fucking dark, and you just need to know..that someone else is always holding a little nightlight to help you find your way back. Maybe he'd eventually let himself have that because he deserved it..even if he didn't think so...
Once all the smoke cleared you watched Taehyung, who was accompanied by his father and yours, head over to have what appeared to be a little debriefing of the days' events.  As they walked past your father smiled at you, Mr. Kim smiled at you...Tae's eyes purposely avoided yours, yet again. Instantly making a knot form in your stomach, when did everything become such a fucking game with the two of you? Hot and cold to the 3rd degree, two seconds away from literally saying "Fuck all this, I'm out " and just hopping on a jet somewhere..actually not somewhere you knew exactly where you would go and who you'd see. The thought of it instantly changed your mood..sliding your phone out of your back pocket teasing your bottom lip with your tongue...Scrolling through your contact list before clicking on one labeled "Baby boy" sending out a text that simply read "Vegas tonight?" followed by the purple devil emoji, and pretty much every liquor emoji that you could find.
A second away from heading off to harass Namjoon when your gaze found someone else...Jimin as he was now the only one left from the altercation. Watching him carefully as he appeared to also be the only one in pain. Gripping the side of his stomach as he walked over to the driver's side of his car. His eyes catch yours and he already knew you were coming his way, taking in a deep breath trying to act as though he wasn't damn near wheezing resting his body against his alfa. Sauntering over, he couldn't pretend like he wasn't loving the attention, spreading his legs slightly so you had room. Crouching down in front of him not saying a word, as your hands applied steady pressure to his ribs and you watched his jaw tighten, his tattooed torso was all shades of black and blue. 
"I'm going fuckin castrate them" Left your lips in a whisper, obviously referring to Marco's men as you knew this was all their fucking fault. Eyes fluttering shut as he tried to steady his breathing, while you continued gently rubbing your hands up, and down his sides. Noticing a long surface cut on his opposite rib..to be honest if he wasn't already sore it probably wouldn't even bother him. Luckily it barely broke skin, if anything it just stings, regardless of how minor the cut was you couldn't help but look at him like a sad puppy.
"Babe..I'm fi-"Swallowing his tongue instantly after the glare you shot him...not even wasting his breath if you wanted something it was damn near impossible persuade you otherwise. A facetious smirk graced his lips as you pulled an alcohol wipe, and medical tape out of your purse.
 "Well, that looks fun.."  The base in Tae's voice almost gave you chills as it rolled up behind you, there was an air of sarcasm laced in his delivery, which made Jimin chuckle slightly. Yet the look on his face said otherwise... almost doleful. Jimin isn't a "Soldier" per say, he's a vendor, dispatcher.I guess more so an associate within the business ..and more importantly, he's one of your men. Yes granted you all work together, but the signature on his checks say, Sunjata...not Kim. But the way things work in this line of business, if you're with a capo, con, underboss, or a boss and you rank beneath them... within the same alliance, you always protect them..always.
It was clear Jimin also picked up on the facade Tae was trying to put on  "V..man I'm fine, honestly... I stepped in that because I was fuckin' heated about the last night! If anything that's why I'm still in pain..not from this little...box cutter bullshit" A harmonious chuckle left Tae's lip's at the sound of that…
"Boss ladies orders huh?" Eyes flickering over to the mini first aid kit casually chilling inside your six thousand dollar handbag.  Taehyung's tone was almost taunting and for a split second, you almost kicked him in the shin..but instead your brought your focus back to Jimin. 
 A hiss left his lips as you gently cleaned the cut, "Boss, ladies orders…" He concurred in a more....constricted tone will say as he spoke through gritted teeth. Hissing out from the sudden sting of the alcohol as you damn near bathed him in it. To be honest you weren't sure what to expect from Tae when he walked over, and at this point, you didn't give a shit after this morning it's clear the to of you didn't owe each other a damn thing, to begin with. You were just another girl he was fucking,nothing more.
 "Yeah, I get it, man... Luxx is ugh, pretty hard to say no too..that's for damn sure"
You caught him smirking down at you in your peripheral, completely ignoring his comment because if not you'd end up snapping off. That was such a loaded statement considering what took place this morning, not to mention the suggestive tone he choose. Your face reflected you were far from amused though, it was clear both of the men in front of you picked up on your shift. Trying your hardest not to apply too much pressure as you cleaned the area. Using some medical tape to just cover the cut, it wasn't deep enough to need much, you just didn't want it rubbing against his shirt all day. 
You felt Taehyung crouch down behind you while you continued dressing Jimin's cut "When you're done...You wanna explain this little  attitude you currently have orr…" Whispering out against the side of your neck, the lack of emotion in his voice was enough to piss you off..nevertheless he should already know what your issue was. Funny, he’s already over your argument and in his mind..the two of you should be riding the same wave!
 So instead of making a scene you simply responded with a dry, "Nope" Letting it leave your lips with a pop not even bothering to even look up at him. And of course, once he didn't get what he wanted..he walked away, without saying a word which seemed to be the vibe of the day apparently. God forbid he approach you in a more desirable manner.
"Luxx, I'm fine really…. " Patting your hand gently before edging himself off the ground, extending his hand to pull you up as well, not that you needed it but he was a gentleman. "Thank you" Left his lips in almost a whisper, returning the gesture with a smile before heading over to finally find Namjoon.
"Guys we need to start heading out, the tides getting high!"The crew members voice echoed through the crowd, causing you all to slowly follow his directions to load the ship. Gazing up at the sky you realized how gloomy it was getting, again it appears mother nature's dropping hints, yeah this little dinner meeting thingy was going to be a hot ass mess! Honestly, you've had a bad feeling about it since your father brought it up last night. With your luck, you'd end up stuck on the island until this storm that was approaching passes. You'd be damned if that happened though, ready to call for a helicopter in the blink of an eye before you spent the night in the same house with damn near 40 mafia members. The idea alone just gave you a fucking migraine, which confirmed you needed a vacation!  And Vegas doesn't sound too bad at all, and you already had a boy toy down there anyway. "Baby boy" was Jungkook, he managed one of the strip clubs your family owns as well as it's used to wash some of there proceedings. He was younger than you and often let you take control which you loved..and at the same time..he wasn't afraid to be a big boy..and fuck you into the mattress either. He'd be a damn good distraction from, well shit EVERYTHING, but more importantly Kim Taehyung. Why not distract yourself from one pretty boy..with another? I mean this is why we were given options right?!
The ferry ride over was..chill I guess after you and your father had a little one on one..where he filled you in on the situation you overheard this morning. In regards to the dispatch truck being ransacked while on the highway, that whole scenario alone was still mind-boggling.  How could someone know your driver's exact location, unless they somehow got their hands on either his route..or chipped into his garmin. Which again was more than unsettling... Once returning to the main level, weighing out your options deciding you wanted to have a "Drama free ride" Yeah I know I gaged too. But since you  wanted to have a "Drama free ride" you figured it would be better to keep your distance, so you sat at the bar with Jimin and Joon.
That didn't last though, not that anyone's surprised , by the time you slammed your first shot..and finished half of your second drink, you found yourself playing a little game. You couldn't help but notice his eyes casually darting over in your direction here and there, you'd be lying if you said you didn't do the same.  As he sat on the opposite side of the bar parallel from you. You could already tell what he wanted ..a man who could say so much without saying a word. Drinking you in piece by piece as he bit into his plump bottom lip with a smirk, almost like he could sense your arousal from across the room. Knowing damn well the effect he had on your body, he could have you soaking through your panties without even touching you.
You weren't necessarily eye fucking him back per say..you just didn't turn away from him…You didn't want too…
Tae 1:40 PM: Why the fuck are you sitting all the way over there? Can you just snap out of whatever funk you're in? Or  you can just let me fuck all the attitude outta you?
It literally felt like someone lit a match in your stomach, as you read that! For one…fuck him for even having the audacity to come at you like that. And fuck you for wanting too, god you wanted too. You always found his arrogance sexy, the bluntness of his delivery had you rubbing your thighs together. Still not able to fathom how  he's already over this morning's argument so quickly whilst it still set heavy on your heart. But at the same time, it's partially your fault he feels like he can just get away with everything so easily. in the past if you'd have issues..you wouldn't press him to talk it out. The two of you would just avoid each other for a couple of days..then he'd randomly pop up, typically around midnight. With a bottle of some ridiculously expensive alcohol, you only thought with your pussy when it came to Kim Taehyung. So naturally, you'd get drawn in by how charming..and just naturally sexy this man was…his aura alone was almost enough to get you off at times. He'd tell you how much he's missed fucking you, how no one else compares..how bad he wants to feel you come on his dick. Hands roaming your body effortlessly, he knows your body like the back of his hand, he could get you off in the dark, the minute he touched you, it was game over. He wasn't stopping all night..he'd damn near fuck you until your body went limp, then he'd slow down his pace, and edge you until you were begging him to let you come again. And that was that, whatever the situation was, it was never discussed again. Ya know, if were being honest here..the original agreement was touch and go…fuck and leave. Whatever happened in your beds after hours stayed there, well…until. ..it naturally started to spill over into the daylight.  And touch and go ebcame touch and stay, touch and cuddle, touch and lounge on the couch and watch Netflix. 
He'd slip up and call you baby outside of sex, or he'd occasionally get touchy while out in about, it became more common for you two to spend the morning after together. The first time you stayed over it  ended in a trainwreck, but it seemed..or at least you thought, the two of you had found a groove..and happy medium if you will but clearly you were wrong! 
you didn't mind, you actually kinda liked it, until it became evident it was starting to fuck with him mentally which is why you're in this current situation, once he started to catch himself slipping up he'd spazz out. The idea of letting someone in, you especially, more than just sexually scared the shit out of him whether he'd admit it or not, you knew it. You also respected it but in return, he needed to respect your mental health and not play all these fucking games. If he wanted it to just be fuck and leave..cool..but KEEP IT LIKE THAT.. because again “it's touch and go!” Per YOUR rules Mr. Kim.
You typed out and backspaced about 3 different responses..his phone was open in front of him so you were sure he noticed how many times your text bubble popped up without sending a message. "Fuck it" The whisper meant for your ears only, almost as if you were giving yourself a pep talk. .. Placing your Chanel boy bag on your shoulder, grabbing your phone while inhaling the last of your drink, Namjoon purposely cleared his throat exceptionally loud. Almost as if he wanted you to look at him, you could already sense  both Jimin and himself, shooting you an all knowing smirk that almost made you nauseated. "Fuck off" left your lips in a playful whisper,  even though you meant it wholeheartedly, before sauntering in Taehyung's direction. The sound of your red bottoms clicking against the hardwood flooring, your energy always radiated throughout any atmosphere. That was one of Taehyung's favorite things about you, it was damn near impossible to ignore you! When you walked into a room everyone noticed, you were well aware of the effect you had on people and you carried yourself accordingly. The pure look of arrogance that danced along his face as you swayed in his direction made you wanna fuck, and shank him all at the same time, and lord knows you always have a switchblade somewhere. Dusting your fingers through your hair, breaking up your curls ever so slightly, still not daring to break eye contact. He wanted you so fucking bad..eyes glued to the way your high waisted jeans clung to every curve of your body…Maybe you'd let him..maybe you'd just tease the fuck out of him…it was currently undecided.
Walking up behind him, stroking his scalp with your nails, sliding your hand down to the nape of his neck taking a firm grip on his thick mane, before taking a seat next to him. Knowing how much he loved your nails raking through his scalp…the feeling shot straight to his dick, as a slight growl left his lips. Turning his head to face you slightly as he also ran his fingers through his hair, which held a slightly messy wave after taking his hat off just moments prior.  Leaning over so his lips brushed against your neck as he spoke, the rich scent of Dalmore hitting your nose "I knew it wouldn't take long…" his voice sat exceptional low, the biggest tease you'd ever met. You didn't even have to look over at him to know this mother fucker was smiling, he was just sooooo sure of himself! His hand roamed up your thigh, and a dramatic scoff left your lips as you rolled your eyes in response even though you refused to turn your head and look at him.
 "Fuck you.." your clap back was quick..and full sass, ghosting his lips over your skin before grazing the area beneath your ear with his teeth. While you tried your hardest to stifle the moan that was desperately trying to leave your lips.
"Oh baby,  trust me I plan on it.." Grabbing your hand, snaking it under the bar top to palm him through his jeans.. guiding you to feel how hard he was, and of course, he had to make it move while it's in your hand so you got the full effect. Out of habit you'd didn't retract even once he moved his hand, instead you palmed him slowly over his jeans. While this cocky motherfuker reclined in his seat, not even bothering to look discrete, a low rich moan left his lips. Thank god both of your parents were on the upper level of the ship because there was nothing lowkey about what the two of you were doing. That's also probably partially why you were so turned on, the idea of getting caught, was kinda sexy.
"Fuckkk.." There was an underlayer of defeat laced within that moan and you hoped it went undetected, but you could tell by his reaction you failed miserably.  As a deep rumble left his chest, you royally fucked up this time…You knew he'd wanna fuck you, and he'd be all over you, which was true. What you underestimated was how much you'd wanna fuck him, considering your father's a mob boss, you of all people should know better than to ever go into a mission ill-prepared. Yet that's exactly what you did..you didn't have your guard up and he snaked right in!
 Bringing his lips back to the side of your neck, the feeling of them ghosting over your skin alone gave you chills, as his breath fanned against your flesh "What baby? " Ya know he actually had the nerve to sound genuinely concerned!? Snaking his hand up your thigh, getting dangerously close to the area that desperately needed attention. Moving his hand farther and farther up your inner thigh as he kneaded the muscle against his palm.
‘Tae…" It came out so breathy and a lot needier than you intended which only riled him up even more, as he hummed against the side of your neck. 
Sinking your nails into his clothed thigh while he hissed into your hair in response, "What baby? What do you want…you want Tae you take you in the back, and ruin that pretty little pussy until you come all over my dick?" His hands moved over to your core, cupping your entire pussy in his hand before sliding down, letting his index and middle finger tease up your slit through your jeans. "You want me to fill you up so you can sit in that meeting right next to Sunny with my cum dripping out your pussy..is that what you want baby?"
Fuck, you couldn't even think straight at this point nevertheless speak, your original intention was to toy with him a little…teach him a lesson. So it's clear that he can't just fuck your problems away and the two of you needed to set clear guidelines moving forward if you were still going to maintain a sexual relationship. But I guess this is what you get when your game plan is fueled by pettiness, now all you wanted was to have him bottomed out in your pussy. "Your so fuckin sexy, sitting here letting me toy with your pussy..not even caring that Sunny  could pop up at any time.." A growl left his lips he already sounds so fucked out your skin felt like it was on fire. "Hmm seems like you enjoy being my little slut, more than you like being “his…little girl..huh?" All you could do was hum in response, damn near feeling light-headed at this point. You didn't know why that turned you on so much, or why he was already on 10!  Maybe it was all you, maybe it was the 2 drinks he slammed since being on this ship, whatever it is..it was working for you! He was right though you really could give less than a damn about your dad,  one of his men, the crew members no one. Nipping at your ear and you didn't even care to muffle your moans anymore, fuck it.
"Such a good little slut for me, fuck, let me make you come, you already know I know what you need.." That he did, he knew exactly what buttons to push to get what he wants from you.  Another careless whimper left your lips, this one louder than the last.  He took your lack of response as a response and technically he was right, you wanted him…patting your thigh gently as he got out of his chair.  Heading towards a set of doors that Read "Employees only" not even glancing back to see if you were following because he knew you would!
So now what? Do you stick with your original plan or do you cave, and give your body what it desperately needs…I guess you should probably sort that out realll quick before you head back there! Your mind has to be made up before Taehyung gets his hands on you, no doubts no hesitation. That's something the both of you can sniff out a mile away…because if you're not in it 100%, it's game over..He'll find your weekspot..and toy with it until you come…
Running your fingers through your hair with a loud huff, you heard Yoongi chuckle to your left, not even realizing he was sitting next to Taehyung the entire time. "You two are somethin else.."  Shaking his head with a slight grin as he picked up his Bourbon filled glass before he could even take a swig, you grabbed it. Downing what remained in one gulp the smoothe sting drained down your throat. Fuck you hated dark liquor, you couldn't help but gag, sounding like you were choking up a hairball from the aftertaste. Even though you didn't find shit funny about the sudden burn forming so deep in your chest that you were dam near wondering if you were about to start growing chest hair. With the combination of yoongi's airy chuckle and that golden gummy smile, you couldn't help but let out a snort yourself. "You good?" patting your back slightly, you just nodded in response sliding your purse next to him on the bar. Knowing that meant you wanted him to babysit it while you handled your "Business". 
Hopping out of your chair, positioning yourself dangerously close to him as you rested against the bartop "And if my father comes looking for me?" The arch in your brow accompanied by your tone of voice implied you were expecting a very..specific response,a sly smirk moved up his face as he licked his lips.
 "Your in the back on a business call" 
It was clear he was more than content with his response once the smirked moved from his face up to yours, "Good boy.." winking back at him playfully before strutting off to find Kim Taehyung.
Upon stepping behind the doors, the minute it closed he was all over you, slamming you back against the wall. Completely ignoring the sting from your body hitting against the wood paneling once his lips attached to the side of your neck. All you could smell his cologne and 4k a barrel bourbon, as his fingers roamed your body freely, knowing exactly where to go. Licking, sucking, biting down on the exposed skin as you whined out his name, nails clawing at his back through his bomber jacket automatically bringing your leg up to wrap around his waist. "You know how much I fucking hate waiting" biting down on your ear with a deep growl, while squeezing down on your ass as he rolled his hips into yours.
 "Yet your still going to fu-" -
"Ugh this area is for is employees only-"  Both of your eye shot over to your right trying to follow the voice, your faces read the same thing a combination of "Excuse you/ Do you know who the fuck I am?" Even if she didn't have a clue there was no way in hell she'd say shit else after the way the two of you sized her up with saying a damn word. Not even able to complete her original stamanet, the two of you carried a certain..aura  that amplified when together, that's for damn sure. Even if people had no clue who you were, how much money you had….what your family did for a living..there was just something about your presence that spoke volume.  Bringing his focus back to where it belonged..you, one hand snaked up your back, cupping your neck, while he slid his tongue into your mouth, completely ignoring the crew member that's less than 10 feet away. While his other hand found its home resting against your ass, as you shamelessly moaned against his tongue. You couldn't help but chuckle into the kiss, your eyes caught her jaw drop to the floor in your peripheral 
"She's right..how about we stop being so rude and take this somewhere a little more private?"
Purring out against his tongue, running your hands down from his chest, all the way down to bulge forming against his jeans, letting your hand rest on it actually, giving him a light squeeze just enough to make him squirm.…"Hmmm..captains quarters?" The cheeky grin on his face proved he already knew you'd be down, not even waiting for a response before he grabbed your hand.
"Ugh, umm- no excuse me I can't let you -"  The moment both of you whipped around to face her…was the moment she again.. forgot how to conjugate a verb…everything she thought she was going to say got stuck somewhere between her ass and her throat.
"Listen.." Placing both of his hands in the pockets of his jacket, cocking his head to the side slightly, letting his tongue drag along his bottom lip. Bring his sole attention to the women in front of him, you could damn near feel the heat that was pouring from her body. You knew that feeling all too well, she could almost feel the base in his voice. "We charted this entire ship…so I think it's safe to say.I can and will fuck her wherever I please…Your more than welcome to come watch, but I'm doing what I want..where I want. And right now.." Bringing his focus back to you, intertwining his fingers with yours…butterflies forming in your stomach in anticipation, you almost forgot how shameless Kim Taehyung really was.."I think…I wanna fuck you right no his desk…so that's what I'll do…"
Neither of you cared to see if she had anything else to say, as you followed his lead down the hall ..entering the room on the far left. The minute the door closed he had your back flush against it..lips instantly latching to the side of your neck, dragging a restrained moan from your throat, as your eyes fluttered shut. As odd as it may sound it almost felt..nostalgic to have him like this..the strong smell of bourbon painting your skin, hands roaming down to cup your ass through your jeans. Your body naturally arching up into his touch..needing to feel more than just his lips, grinding your hips into his..causing him to moan out against the crook of your neck. This moment reminded you of the way it used to be..when it was still fun..carefree..just...mind blowing sex. The kinda sex that could have your panties sticking to your clit at just the mention of his name…. Back when there were no complications, no drama ..just orgasms and booze. But as we've already established.that's the way it USE to be..shit hasn't gone that smooth in damn near two months.
Now, you were just as much to blame as Taehyung If you wanted to talk this out you should have pulled him to the side, and did it properly. How the hell can you sit there and get angry that he has no respect for the way his mind games were starting to affect you..and  he can't just fuck all your problems away. Or how unhealthy this has all become and the two of you actually need to talk this shit out like adults...and figure out a clear understanding of what this is or isn't going to be ,yet here you were. Your intentions going into this were nothing but a mind game, fueled by nothing but liquor, anger, and pettiness,now you're on a ship, the same one as your father I might add.  With your panties completely soaked..clit swollen and throbbing about to let him have his way with you on top of someone's desk..against the wall...the door...you wanted him to ruin you on every surface in this room. AND to make it even better...you started it this time..you went over there and initiated all of this, and the icing on the fucking cake was how bad you wanted him right now. 
Jerking him away from you with a slight hiss, still allowing him to stay close enough to almost taste the leftover liquor on his lips. Brow arching immediately, at your sudden change up, clearly unamused .."What fuck was that?"Surprisingly his tone reflected more confusion than anger.   A satisfied smirk moved up your face, with how quickly you just got under his skin, your pride needed you to regain some sort of self-control.
"That, was me doing whatever the fuck I want..and right now I want a drink" Purring out against his bottom lip, bringing your hand down to trace the "LV" on the buckle of his belt..trickling your fingers down to his zipper. Stiffening the moan taunting within your throat as you could already tell how hard he was. The imprint of his hardening length starting to break through his jeans.  Eyes daring you to even THINK about teasing him, jaw clenched..you knew how impatient he was. How impatient you both were..he was always down to play..he just doesn't like to be played with. Yet you still let your hand palm him anyway, earning a murmur, comparable to a breathy moan. Before you sauntered away towards the mini bar  to your right. 
" I might make you work for it actually..not that you deserve my pussy right now anyway…"
A dry scoff left his lips at the sound of that, accompanied by an almost..sarcastic chuckle "Excuse you? I don't deserve-Yeah ok...try that one again. Although…" purposely letting the "O" slide off his tongue slowly, casually taking his time to stroll over in your direction. Neither one of you daring to break eye contact, as he positioned himself centimeters away from you. Bracing his weight on the bar top, "You might wanna stop while your ahead...remember.." leaning over..so his lips brushed against yours as he spoke..dropping his voice to a timber that, instantly had your core throbbing on command "I'm the one who decides if..and when,you come-"-  
"And I'm the one who decides if you even…. get to feel how good my pussy is to begin with. So who really...has the upper hand here Mr. Kim, hmm?" Cocking your head to the side at the implied question..the look on your face proved you were more than satisfied with yourself. 
His gaze darkened, tongue dragging along his bottom lip.."You know I'm not the one to play this game with baby..making you beg and breathing are one and the same for me…". Eyes drifting down to the glass bottle in your hand "And since when do you drink dark liquor? " 
Ignoring him initially as you dropped two ice cubes in the glass..filling it halfway before finally acknowledging his question. "Since you started acting like a little bitch and I need something a little stronger than vodka.."
Scooting back on the mini bar until your back was reclined  slightly, bracing your weight against the wall, while you took your drink in the other, gulping down more than half of what was in your glass. Throat humming as the liquor soothed down, bringing your leg up slightly to to tease his length through his jeans with the toe of your Louboutins. His reflexes caught you off guard as he snatched your ankle in his hand..making you yelp, yanking your body a little closer to his with a snarl. "You're really fuckin pushin it.."  bringing his hand down to take a firm grip on your inner thigh, lifting you slightly so your ass was resting on the edge of the bar. Positioning himself in between your legs for support, while  his hand found there home in your hair, tugging on your roots forcing you to tilt your head up to gaze directly in his eyes. 
"Such a fuckin brat" Hissing out against your bottom lip, while you teased his with your tongue the smile on your face proved you didn't give a fuck.
 "As if you deserve anything less right now..maybe if you'd get your shit together I'd behave" The scoff that left his chest was so snarky you were almost offended, almost as if he was saying "Pfft..yeah.. Okay!" 
Fingers trickling down your zipper "And for the record, you plan to make me “Work for your pussy” Smacking your clothed heat hear enough to make you knead “ I think we both know, this pussys already mine…" The minute he slid your zipper down it felt like all the heat was just seeping out of your body, you watched his face contorted in pure pleasure from how completely wrecked you already where and whether you want to admit it, it was all from him. "I can smell how bad she needs me....fuckkkk" There was always something so sexy about the way his body reacted to you..the way he could look so turned on and you haven't even touched him yet..all because he got off on getting you off.
Pressing his hand against your heat which literally felt like heat..fingers practically sticking to your panties as they stuck to your clit "Oh how easily your body betrays you baby" Slipping  the soaked silk to the side..sliding two fingers in with no warning,the sound of your arousal oozing out as he pushed his way to the hilt, going knuckle deep "Fuckkk.." left both of your lips in unison...as his fingers engulfed themselves between your pulsing walls ..you were so fucking warm..so tight..squeezing them to the point of almost forcing them to buckle over one another. You couldn't even help the senseless moans that were leaving your mouth as he worked you with his fingers. Lips suckig down on your collarbone "You pussys literally dripping down my hand...your milking my fingers like your life depends on it..and you really wanna sit here and tell me it's not mine?" Sliding his fingers out to work your clit...rubbing your own juices against your already sensitive bud. Neck reclining fully as you sucked your bottom lip into your mouth, damn near drawing blood from trying to muffle your moans. For no reason except your pride..which was technically pointless, he was right..your body said exactly how you felt.
"God,  your so wet for me I bet I could slide right in...have you coming all over my cock in seconds, but you just had to play this fuckin game with me didn't you?" Sinking his teeth into your neck until you kneaded out, sliding his fingers up and down your folds before sliding back in.Switching intermediary between twisting and curling his fingers inside of you, purposely slapping your clit with his palm each time in slid in and out. 
"Until-Oh god fuck- your gonna make me come..shit Tae" Clenching down around him even tighter almost as if you were trying to keep him from pulling out. Clawing at his thigh, as you desperately tried to steady your breathing so you could try and pull yourself together. Almost like he could sense you regaining a little self-control so he had to knock you right back on your ass. Scissoring his fingers in and out, even faster this time making sure to curl his middle finger up in a come hither motion probing that spot..the one he always found effortlessly. A dark rumble left his chest once he knew he had you in the palm of his hands..your release..desperately trying to reach its peak..and whether you got there..was solely up to him. 
"Hmm what were you saying baby..untilllll…" purposely dragging out the phrase..tone obviously condescending because he knew you were being a smartass with whatever you were about to say.
Almost choking on your own breath when you tried to speak initially "U-Until you put your name on it..it's not yours...no matter how good you fuck me.." Tone extremely breathy...yet sultry as your arousal dripped from your tongue..you were so fucking close..eyes struggling to stay open. Humming out in response and he continued pumping his fingers even faster..able to feel how close you were.
"That's it, baby..be a good girl and come for me.." Coaxing against the side of your neck..and rolling his tongue against your skin, slurring his words right into your neck as his tongue continued panting out your name.
 "Mmm, I bet you can feel my tongue on your pussy can't you baby? My tongue rolling against your swollen little clit..your pussys always so greedy when it comes to me..always." Relentlessly rolling his tongue against you making sure you felt every stroke...everywhere.  "I know how much you love coming all over my face, and you know how much I love tasting that sweet little cunt of yours " He was literally moaning all this into the side of your neck, as he licked..sucked..rolled his tongue along every inch. His words only punishing you closer and closer as you started rocking against his hand  "Fuck, baby my dicks getting so hard just thinking about how good you taste…" Sliding a third finger in and at that point you were about done.
 " Oh fuck.."  that familiar pressure forming in your stomach, Letting his middle finger meet that ridget patch of skin..flicking the spot until your legs started to shake...
"Kim Tae-fucking-hyung.." You snarled out as he yanked his finger from you, a strand of come followed behind..starting at your pussy following up his finger as lapped it over his tongue. You were fucking furious squeezing your thighs together for some sort of stimulation. You literally wanted to shank him, as he stood in front of you with the most arrogant smirk painted on his lips.
 " I believe…." Stepping back to have a seat on the leather chaise lounge adjacent to the bar "...I told you to come on my fingers like a good girl..but you haven't been one of those all damn day. So I'm not quite sure why you'd even fathom the idea of me letting you come so easily." Quirking his brow up at you basically as if he was implying that you had no reason to be upset..you should've known better..and to be honest..you should've..He was so calm and collected in contrast to how needy you felt not to mention how hard you were panting.
"Fuck you" Snapping back instantly only making him chuckle
 "Come here"  Two words..those two words in combination with his deep growl he called a voice had you knees weak..but you weren't going to show him that. Putting a little extra emotion in the word "Come" than was necessary .
"Make...meee.." The sultry drawl in your tone was obvious as you reclined against the wall, hip still rested on the bar top.  
Eyes damn near bucking out of there sockets at your response "Make-make you..are you fucking-" Running his fingers through his hair with a drawn-out exhale " If I have to come over there and get you.. So help me god ,I'll literally have to carry you out of this bitch when I'm done with you..your choice"
Relaxing your posture even more at the sound of that..the sass literally levitating off your skin.. an actual growl left his lips as he lunged towards you, scoping you off the bar, throwing you back on the chaise. Making your body bounce against the cushion while a soft giggle left your lips from the sudden impact,  crawling on top of you so his lips hovered over yours. Hand coming to lace around your neck, the tension shot straight to your core as you hissed out..arching up into his touch, which he took as a hint to squeeze even  tighter..so he did.only making you whine, which satisfied him to no end. 
"You're really working my last fuckin nerve…" Hissing out against your lips bringing his opposite hand down to work the zipper on your booties..and you assisted kicking them off as if they didn't cost..almost two grand. Grinding your hips up into his as you clawed at his back..he was wearing way too much fucking clothing for you liking.
 "I know, but you look so fucking sexy when you're angry…" Moaning out against his bottom lip, letting Your teeth tease at the pillowy texture before sucking it into your mouth. Instantly letting him take control of the kiss arching your back slightly as he rolled his tongue against yours. For once you didn't fight against him. You followed, as he slowly explored your mouth, volleying his tongue against yours as you started to grind your hips up into him. A moan escaped his lips as he pulled back from you...releasing his hold from your neck, much to your dismay..exchanging it to tug on the waistline of your jeans.
"You done being a brat yet? Or would you rather sit there with your pussy dripping against your panties when it could be dripping down my cock?" Grinding his hips into yours even deeper this time forcing a stifled moan from your throat.
 "I mean all you do is play games so why the fuck should I make this easy for you? "  Taking a firm grip on his length through his jeans,  which was officially his last straw with you.He was rock fucking hard...the last thing he wanted you to do was tease him..he needed to be bottomed out in you a good oh I don't know 20 minutes ago. Pulling back from you with a loud huff that..released way more than just frustration. 
"Alright...you gonna tell me what the fuck your deal is..or am I gonna have to make..you tell me? " ..there wasn't even a lick of warmth in his tone..done with the games ...and to be honest that probably turned you on more than it should have. The hint of pure aggravation in his voice only making your walls clench even tighter.  But you played it cool, while you could at least, your face stoic.. not even giving him a verbal response. Clearly taking your lack of response as a response that you were still in full fledge brat mode.Nodding slowly, giving you confirmation that he was also ready to play. Eyes scanning the room briefly before landing on a box. A shiny black one with a pink rose colored spade on it... The devilish look that emerged on his face should've been your first indication that ugh, shit was about to get real. Bringing his gaze back to you...reaching down to shimmy your jeans down your legs..before pulling his bomber jacket off throwing them both on the floor behind him. Neither of you said one word, the sudden..anticipation that loomed over your body was almost suffocating. Keeping your eyes trained on his every move..you knew he was up to something.
Reaching over to unbox a brand new bottle of Armand De Brignac champagne…..pulling the metallic pink bottle out ..which had never been opened until well, now. Breath hiking in your throat as he pulled your panties to the side..pushing out his lips..aiming a good amount of spit down on your clit..not that you even fucking needing it..you were already leaking onto the leather.  Naturally making your body arch as his saliva roamed down your folds "Let's try this one more time...what the fucks your deal?" Brow arched at the implied question..and still nothing... bringing the tip of the champagne bottle..to meet your clit making you go wide-eyed automatically. "
Tae.." The slight tremble in your chest indicated you were a little concerned..to say the least.
 "If I were you..unless your gonna answer my fuckin question...I'd stop talkin…" God, why did him being such a dick turn on you on so damn much?  He was sitting on your thighs so you really couldn't move slowly dragging the head of the bottle up and down your clit. Slowly..too fucking slow..you were still so sensitive from him denying you of you release barely 5 minutes prior, the feeling of him edging your clit was almost painful.
 "Taehyung…" Your voice and body were already trembling as the cap grazed your clit, using two fingers to pull your lips apart..exposing the tip head on. Circling the cap right on the peak, making your clit tense immediately, your nerves were already on 10, not taking long for all the blood to rush straight to your overly sensitive bud. Already feeling like your release was seconds away and he just fucking started.
 "What did I just tell you? Please don't make me gag you..I'd really weather not do that while I watch your cunt drip all over this bottle of  Armanda.." He actually had the nerve to sound a little stressed by the idea, as if you were the one inconveniencing him as if you weren't the one..damn near about to come over a champagne bottle.
Sucking his bottom lip into his mouth bringing his focus back to your pulsing pussy, the look of concentration on his face was damn near erotic on it's own " Fuck look at how ready your pussy is baby..look at how fuckin pretty she is….fuckkk" The fact that he already sounds like he balls deep in you really didn't help your situation..tone sitting exceptionally low..and breathy. The sound of your juices slicking against coating that covered the cap, felt like it was bouncing off the walls.  Trying your damnedest to not grind into the bottle..but fuck you needed more. Eyes fluttering shut at the sound of him moaning out..as he watched you start to melt into the chair. Naturally, you started to rock your hips into the bottle..you couldn't fucking help it...for some reason the actual glass felt like it was iced..which made your whole body shudder..as he wedged it between your pulsing heat. 
"Look at you..letting me fuck your tight little pussy like this...in someone's office..come dripping down there chair..and yet you still won't admit this pussy belongs to me.." Tisking,..as his eyes zoned in how swollen and wet you were..teasing your entrance  even more with the bottle, but every time you'd rock into it..he'd pull it back even more..almost making you chase it.  
"Tae, fuck please-" whining out as you arched slightly…a second away from a full-blown temper tantrum.
 "What baby? You need more? Hmm? I'll give you whatever the fuck you want..you just need to start taking…"Bring his opposite hand down..to your clit..letting his thumb circle the tip as he slid the bottle back in. You should've been embarrassed with how quickly you were falling apart and more importantly how hard you were clenching around this bottle...Endlessly moaning out variations of  "Please..baby, please Tae..." It was so faint but he heard you. You needed him to take the bottle deeper..so you actually got to the girthy section of it. Yet he wouldn't go down that far..not until you gave him what he wanted.
 "I already told you, baby, I could do this all day... I Know you can feel how hard I am..I know you wanna come around my cock...so be a good little slut and tell me.." Grunting out as he took the bottle exactly where you needed before pulling it right out!
 "Fucking hell Taehyung!!" Smacking your hand on the leather which only earned a chuckle from him as you huffed out in frustration...eyes fluttering shut ..running your fingers through your hair as you tried to steady your breathing enough to speak properly.
" You- you know, the fucking the issue.."
Brow arching immediately at your sudden change in attitude.."Oh really? And what is it? Please don't tell me you're still talking about that bullshit from this morning?" Phrasing the question more as a statement yet he still expected a response.  Sliding the bottle back in...until your pussy was teased by the wider section..and he just left it there..letting your body pulse aimlessly. Positioning  his lips down to spit on your clit again before bringing his finger back down in a figure eight motion "Answer my fucking question or I swear to god ..I'll get myself off instead.." Arching up into his thumb, spine levitating completely off the chair as your eyes squoze shut..you were so sensitive that even though he wasn't moving it was almost enough to get you where you needed, and you were almost there "I know your pussy baby...I don't have to be in you to know when you're close..don't fuck with me, if you come without me telling you to I swear I'll edge you till you fucking cry…" The hiss that left his lips literally made you shiver, you didn't need to open your eyes to know he was staring right at you, you could feel it…"Now be a good girl and answer daddy's question." He hasn't called himself that in months..when shit started shifting and getting awkward..some things were lost in the shuffle...and this was one of them..the name alone made you clench around the bottle even tighter.
  "I-fuck….it's-it's more than this morning..I'm just...oh my god...tried..of the fuckin games.." almost choking that sentence out,, not even sure how you managed to get it out, to be frank. Forcing yourself to look at him, needing to see his reaction, the feeling of him starting to twist the bottle slightly, had your second attempt at a release, right where you needed it. God now even his eyes were fucking you if this man did not let you come you'd literally cry.
 "And what exactly do you want me to say? Hmm? That no one gets me as hard as you??" Working your clit even faster now and you couldn't stop yourself from grinding his hand. The number of times his name fell from your lips was fucking ridiculous "Or... how about..that I've never slid in a pussy so perfect..so fuckin wet...so tight.." Gritting out through clenched teeth as he continued working your clit..rotating the champagne bottle in his hand as he worked it in and out, the sound of your juices slushing against the glass.  "Or , my main issues ..that it fucking terrifies me how much I care about your bratty ass..is that it!? Is that what the fuck you wanna hear!?" The sudden change in his voice...made your eyes flutter over to his immediately, gaze extremely heavy. Tone went from frustrated to almost flustered within seconds. 
"Yeah that got your attention, didn't it? Now who's playin games? You knew you already fuckin’ knew you had it...you..had me, you always have….”  There was a pause, a very significant one actually, his eyes softened and for a moment the hard ass/dom facade faded and he was taehyung. Regardless of the situation at hand, something just let you know..he was being honest about his feelings. 
“Take my belt off and unzip my jeans...Noww..." Your entire body was shaking and he actually expecting you to be able to undress him…"What did I say?" Brow arched tone instnatly annoyed you felt him start to slow down his pace and there's no way in fuck you'd have that. Reaching up with shaky hands you unclasp his belt..work his button and unzip his pants…
Snatching the bottle out..making you whine at the lack of stimulation only making him grunt out in frustration .."Don't...did you really think…." Taking his dick in his hand which was already rock fucking hard..stroking it gently..almost admiring it. Precome, drizzling down from his tip while you whimpered beneath him..almost drooling at the sight of it. " I was gonna let you come on a champagne bottle over my cock? Spit!" placing his palm in front of your face and you did without hesitation...pulling his opposite hand from your clit he pulled his jeans down just enough let him move around. Storking himself in this hand..you couldn't take your eyes off him leaning down so his lips brushed over yours.
"This pussys fuckin mine…." Letting his length tease up your folds...all you could hear was the sound of your juices slides all over the place. Flicking at your clit with the head, with how wet you were he kept losing his grip,, sliding down to tease your entrance..even when he honestly wasn't trying too.."Nobody fucks you like me..and you know it…." You finally feel him position himself at your entrance..causing you to arch up onto him..as he slowly starts to slide in a breathy cry leaving your lips while he pressed his forehead against yours "You wanted me to put my name on it? Well, it's mine..all mine...." Moaning out against your bottom lip before sucking it into his mouth. Teasing his way through..your walls grabbing him immediately making him growl even louder...nails moving up to claw at his back..pulling back slightly bracing both of your legs on either side of his head. 
Grinding his hips into you slowly..purposely shallow fucking you making you whine…'Daddy, fuck-" The faint cry in desperation left your lips arching up into him hoping to push him all the way in leaning down to bring his forehead to yours. Pressing his body against the back of your thighs making your body arch up even higher, the new angle enough to make you come immediately if he'd actually give you all of him. 
The mention of the nickname caused an arrogant smirk to move up his face "That's right baby...and who's making you feel this good? Mmm, who's about to make you come?" Bringing his index and middle  finger down to circle your clit..you could tell from how rock hard he was..he wouldn't last..which is why he was working you up.
 "Fuck, Tae it's you...god it's you please just fu-"  Sliding in completely until he's bottomed out, both of you moaning out simultaneously from how tight you still where, the two of you pulsing against each other in unsion.
 "Mmm, baby your still so tight for me, fuck"  At this point all bets were off, rolling his hips into you at a relentless pace, grounding his hips against yours as he fingers still worked your clit, pulling out completely every time before rolling his hips back into you. His cock filling you to the brim every time..if you didn't know any better you think he was in your damn throat he felt so big. "Oh god..” You watched him throw his head back slightly as his eyes fluttered shut, “Daddy’s pretty baby wanna come? I feel you milking me baby I know you wanna…" His tone was getting brittle...shaky even. He was just as close as you were.  It didn't take long for you to feel like you were ready to explode,  your walls engulfing him every time..squeezing around every centimeter of his cock, your heat feeling like it was morphing him into you, as you continuously spilled down your thighs.  
"Yessss, please.please let me come...:" You were a whimpering mess beneath him body coming up to a complete arch, as your muscles started to seeze..body humming in anticipation. 
"Who's pussy is it baby? Say like you fuckin mean it.." Letting his lips suction against his spot beneath your ear..dancing over the little reminders he left earlier. Rolling your hips up into his, clawing your nails from his back bracing one around the back of his neck and the other deep in his thick mane. 
"Fuck, it's yours..oh my god you feel so fuckin good -" He leaned into you a little allowing your hips to grind up into his slightly, the rotation of his hips got stronger..deeper. Rocking them into yours making sure his pelvis slapped against your lips every time..as he currently had them spread apart so he would attack your clit. That was it you were done...you were coming and there wasn't shit you could do about it. Clenching around him so hard it was almost painful how frantic all your muscles became. 
"Fuck yes, baby, come on..keep going..keep coming baby..." Coaxing you through as he felt your body start to cave in beneath him, your release came pouring out of you, the moan that left your body was so fucking loud there's no way..they didn't hear you. Clawing at this back from under his shirt..as your body trembled..hiccuping the air in your chest as he continued rubbing your clit. Your thighs were shaking on his shoulders..you couldn't even moan anymore... Your walls spazzing around him.
 "God Tae, I can't, I can't Oh fuck I can't…" clawing at anything you could as he started slamming his hips into you..you knew he was close but fuck he needed to at least let your clit go so you could breathe .
"You've been acting like a fucking brat all day...I know you can take it..so take it!" Grunting out against your lips before sliding his tongue in..the kiss was needy..sloppy..more tongue than anything else as he moans out into your mouth…"I'm gonna fill you up so good..is that what you want baby? My come leaking out of your slutty little pussy?" All you could do was moan..as you arched into him, You could feel him start to pulse, you were just waiting for it to explode .
"Baby" The breathy cry left your lips your second release snuck up on you effortlessly, he never gave you a chance to call down, every nerve in your body was still on high alert. All the air felt like it let your body as you came.. You couldn't help but arch up into him, bracing your hands on his chest because in all honesty, you were trying to almost run away. The feeling was so intense you didn't know how to fucking handle it, once your walls grabbed him..it was almost like your body was getting too weak to retract as quickly..so your walls were cradling him longer..tighter...which gave him exactly what he needed "Baby fuck, I'm- "  Lapping his tongue back into your mouth, as you felt him spill into you...painting every inch of  your walls.
Once he came he let your clit go, but he stayed balls deep ...rolling his hips at a slower pace as you trembled beneath him. The Slow grind of his body just let you feel more than you needed too right now..the sound of how wet you were..both of your arousals seeping down your thighs. Lips still not leaving yours as you both moaned out against each other tongue the two of you stayed tangled up like that for a moment. Just letting your tongues lazily dance against one another's until he finally pulled back from you ..causing your eyes to flutter open slowly. A lazy smile laying across his face as he sat up..fixing himself in his jeans, neither of you said anything. It didn't feel like anything needed to be said currently, you watched him walk over to the mini bar..pouring a shot of whiskey and slamming it immediately… Walking towards you with a glass of ice...positioning himself between your legs..which we covered in come...as it seeps out of your walls, using his index and middle fingers he played in the cream..running it up and down your folds circling your clit..pushing it in and out, using it to finger you ever so lightly. Moaning out at the site of the mess you both made, he could feel himself starting to get hard all over again. 
 Your body shuddering every time he touched you, you were so sensitive...almost wincing out once he touched your clit. "Daddy go a little too hard on you baby?" Quirking his brow in your direction..his tone surprisingly wasn't sarcastic..maybe he was honestly concerned because you'd been so quiet. Minus some breathy moans here and there, shaking your head with a lazy smirk, bringing your hand down to play in his hair, as he laid his head on your thigh. Also not trying to ruin the moment but I'm going to assume neither of you realized the ship docked., around the time Taehyung slid in..but carry on.
You watched him pick up an ice cube...body too exhausted to even put any thought to it…"Your so swollen baby.." the whisper buzzed out against your clit, yet you still didn't move. That is until you felt the ice cube, trickle up your folds...causing you to hiccup a sharp breath that you damn near had to remind yourself to exhale.
 "Tae.." all your body could produce was a squeak as your started to tremble all over again. Working the piece of ice up and down your folds before he brought it over to meet your clit, the grip on his hair became almost painful. As you tried to pull him away from you" Baby..I can't..please, I-" Yet here you were rocking your hips into his hand..you hadn't even realized you were doing it. Humming out in response with a smile as he slid the piece of ice in your entrance. Teasing it in and out.. swirling it up and down your folds as he laced his tongue around your clit before suckikng it into his mouth. 
Moaning, out at the taste of you, shooting every vibration straight threw your heat "Babbyyyy….I could eat your sweet little cunt for hours if you'd let me.." Eyes flickering up to meet yours as your buried your fingers deeper in his hair. Arching up into his mouth, it was too fucking much yet you needed it..every part of it. Rolling his tongue against the tip of your clit  while he continued working you with the piece of ice, the chill in combination with the water drizzling down your lips, on top of how skilled this man's tongue was..fuck..
"Oh my god..."
"Kim, Taehyung, you just continiously give me reasons to wanna murder you..I really don’t thnk you’ll be sastified until I bust a cap in your ass.!" Both of your eyes shot up at that because..well fuck it was your dad...fuck, fuck, fuck! Taehyung couldn't help but laugh which did not help you since his face was buried between your thighs. " You two can thank this lovely lady out here..she had no problem leading me to where you two were. So clearly your great at making friends"  You couldn't help but snort at the dryness in his delivery, it was clear he could tell she hated you two.
 "That little bitch" You whispered out rolling your eyes. Taehyung's lips moved over to your inner thighs massaging up your legs while ..leaving faint little kisses as your dad spoke through the door. 
"I'm actually going to pretend.. as none of this happened..and that Luxx is not in there with you doing god knows what..because the thought of that alone kinda makes me wanna blow a whole  round through this damn door.." Tae brought his lips back down to your pussy giving your clit one last good french kiss, as you dug your teeth into your bottom lip so didn't cry like you wanted too. His eyes teasing you as he continued giving your pussy little kitten licks as if your father wasn't right out sided the fucking door. "So on that note..you two have 5 minutes to make your way into the restaurant Luxx...your bag is hanging on the door..again please for my sanity just don't respond.." Your father lowkey didn't seem surprised to be honest..not quite sure what that says about you two but hey, at the end of the day you were both adults. But having sex in someones office deffiently wans’t one of your proudest moments. 
Once you guys heard footsteps move in the opposite direction you both couldn't help the cackle that escaped your throats "Fuck, your literally going to be the death of me, Sunny is literally going to kill me.." Taehyung made his way over to the door, grabbing your bag off the handle, on his way back he picked up your jeans..helping you step into them. Thighs feeling like complete mush once you put your heels back on. Touching up your makeup quickly before letting him know you were ready to go. You noticed he was staring at you while you blotted your skin in the mirror but you didn't say anything about it. 
"Are we good?" The statement alone kinda caught you off guard, not to mention how passive he currently sounds. He wasn't the type to ask that..or even seem like he cared enough to even know the answer to that question. You weren't stupid both of you were a little buzzed when you came in, and sometimes in the heat of the moment, you say things you really don't mean. More importantly, you know better than to hold your breath when it comes to him...as strong as this man is, he's literally the biggest pussy in the world when it comes to shit like this. Yet you still weren't  able to hide the smile the moved up your face as you applied your lipgloss.
Shrugging nonchalantly ,as if that one question didn't mean the world to you "I mean for now..yeah…will see what happens..” 
Shooting him a lazy smile before getting up to head out of the room "Hey.." Grabbing your hand to pull you back into his frame "I meant what I said... In regards to how I feel about you. The timing was fucked I know, but I meant it regardless! I can't promise what that means right now. I got a lotta shit I need to work through in my head, but I just want you to know, I meant it...all of it" Letting his hands massaging your side, a slow exhale leaving your chest as you gazed up at him..sucking your bottom lip into your mouth with a nod...not saying anything because well..what could you say? "Thank you?" I mean it was still kinda an empty promise but I guess one step at a time right? Leaning down to wrap his lips around yours one last time..exhaling a breath that almost left you breathless, as he gently massaged his tongue against yours.Even once his tongue left your mouth his lips stayed pressed against yours, just enjoying contact before laying one last chaste kiss alone your lips. 
The ship docked, behind the restaurant..as it sat right off the water, it was clear by the lack of cars that Dino's restaurant was closed to the public today. As if you weren't already mentally drained from the past 24 hours,.the moment you stepped off the ship there was a blatantly obvious shift within the atmosphere. Suddenly the air felt thick and the sky looked even gloomier than it did when you loaded ship. There was this..sense of somberness as you entered the restaurant,almost as if everyone was walking on eggshells.
 The restaurant itself was stunning, Dino’s always had great taste, it had a modern contemporary feel..a lot of exposed brick and dark mahogany hardwood flooring. All of the lights were dim, in-caged in black lanterns hanging from the drop-down ceiling, with a big double sided fireplace smack in the middle of the restaurant. Essentially the perfect aesthetic for your standard boujee Instagram picture. The typical layout was changed through..now only sat 2 long black wood tables..connected together so everyone could sit in one place. It appears you two were the last to join the party..two waiters positioned at either side of the entrance, with wine glasses, giving you your choice of white or red. As your eyes gazed around the room, the vibe was just...off, the smiles were short..almost fake..the usual laughter and side conversations were nonexistent. Everyone had the same consensus..there was an unsaid understanding..this meeting wasn't going to be fun.
The little bubble of mob life that your use to was about to burst with you sitting mid-air. It was almost like he could sense your energy hand moving up to rub the small of your back...he didn't say a word..but he knew you were freaking out. Even if you looked calm and collected on the outside,  there were two seats left..between Namjoon and Hoseok, Bunny sat to his left, one of the serves came up to pull your chairs out for you, as you two sat down. Desperately avoiding your father's gaze...Taehyung's hand immediately found its home on your thigh, it has genuinely harmless,  he knew he had the same effect on you as you did him. "How's our princess doing?" A smile pulling on your cheeks at the sound of his scratchy voice...impossibly thick Boston accent dripping from his lips…
“I'm alright uncle Dino how are you?" Smiling over in his direction his salt and pepper hair slicked back..while he sipped on his whiskey. Dino was in his mid 50’s and he wasn't actually your uncle...but he and your father were very close ...so you've just always grown up calling him that, he always treated your dad like his little brother.
 "Alright, well it seems like everyone's here..son..nice of you to finally join us.." Taehyung father stepped in front of the tabled..sliding his blazer off, you watched Tae's cheeks flush at his father's comments. The first sound of laughter erupted through the room, and even if it was at your expense...it was definitely needed.
If Taehyung's father was any indication of how he'd age then ..you were in good shape..he was starting to go gray in certain areas, ...his skin holding the same warm complexion as his sons. Naturally thick brows..thick head of hair slicked backed...Mr. Kim did have facial hair though which was always well groomed..he was always well groomed. Always looking dapper even if he was just in a sweater and jeans. 
" I'm sure you're all wondering why your here...I'm not even going to address the altercation earlier because it's not even worth me wasting my breath…" You heard a couple of snickers fill the room once he said that..little side comments here and there "What we're here to discuss is last nights…" incident" and the future of our alliance once we bury Leo in three days…" Letting his eyes pan the room slowly, almost as if he was still trying to get the right words to come out.
 "First off...I guess I don't know any other way to say this so I’ll just blurt it out... the four of us knew about the shooting or at least the possibility of it.." The two of you gawked at each other while pretty much the entire table damn near revolted, simultaneously all basically yelling variations of the same thing which was " Excuse me!!?"
"What..do you mean..you kinda sort knew?" Taehyung was the one to actually speak up first brow furrowed in frustration while you gulped down the drink next to you, you didn't even think it was yours, to be frank
. "He means one of Dinos men tipped us off, 2 days prior.. they overheard bits and pieces of Marcos plan. We weren't a 100% but we had an idea, that's why the party was so heavily armed..we just wanted to keep it lowkey, because we went trying to tip him off that we knew…We wanted to see how he'd operate, naturally how he'd execute all of it.." That correlation came from Johnny boy...well at least he was well aware his mothers fucking birthday was going to be interpreted by an unessicarry shoot out.
The look of confusion that danced along the room was almost comical  "Are you-" Almost too dumbfounded to even put together a proper sentence... "So wait, please don't tell me you also knew..the two of us were going to end up in a janky ass “taken” knock off staring a damn child, that's barely old enough to work at a packie..because that's a whole different-"  A snort hit almost the entire room simultaneously once that left your lips. Namjoon's head whipped around, with the way the night panned out..you never really got the chance to give him the ugh..details of last night's situation.  
"That's what fuckin happened? You got janked by a dude that works at a packie?" The look on his face was priceless..pretty much screaming "How fucking stupid are you two.."
The look on Taehyung's face however,  proved he didn't find any of this funny,  instantly snatching the smirk from Namjoon's lips. As he was obviously still pissed his men let that slip through the cracks. "Yeah, somehow my men were severely incompetent last night" Letting his eyes cut over to Mazda..if looks could kill...a damn bullet would have grazed his head.
"They somehow managed to let some ill-prepared amateur slip his way into the driver's seat..long, long fuckin story.." Clearing his throat before taking a sip of his drink. You watched Hoseok whip back in his chair so his eyes were locked with Taehyung's, voice sitting barely above a whisper. 
"Okay well do the other parts in this "Long story" Work more in your favor? Because this doesn't sound too promising man...like...Really a kid.at.a.packie!!!?!" The hint of animation in his voice accompanied by the eyebrow raise earned a chuckle from Tae no matter how annoyed he was.
 " Yeah, Fuck you too Jung…" the response returned in the same hushed tone.
"Okay, yeah whatever, now back to my initial question did you guys-" The snarl that left your father's lips cut you off before you could even complete your sentence.  
"Really!? No, Luxx, that part we did not know..nor did we know about the dispatch truck or the altercation with Jimin. All we knew is that Marco was planning something, and in all honesty, we didn't know it was a shoot out until-"
" Until I noticed the amount of ammo and gunfire was missing from the safe room. Sorry, we're late by the way we had an ugh..situation.." That voice came from the back door, as he leaned against the frame his leather jacket..accompanied by a designer backpack of some sort hanging off his shoulder. His dark locks disheveled, while a taller, more polished gentlemen stood to his left…Dressed in a black fitted peacoat with a Gucci scarf wrapped around his neck.
 "Yeah customs had a great time with me.." The taller gentleman rolled his eyes while running his fingers through his thick dark locks, utter sarcasm oozing from his plum flushed lips. Jungkook and Jin were also invited to this meeting apparently. Fucking great…Jungkook's eyes found yours immediately with a cocky smirk. 
Taehyung squeezed your thigh even tighter leaning over to whisper in your ear "Aww look at that...your little fuck buddies here…" 
Huffing out in response as you rolled your eyes "Behave Kim Taehyung….." his name coming out sing-song like as a low chuckle rumbled in his chest.
 "Now we both know I don't know how to do that baby...flirt back with him..I dare you…I'm sure he'd love to watch you get fucked properly.." The base in his voice shot right to your core as if you could even handle more of him tonight.  Eyes going completely wide-eyed, slightly paranoid that someone heard..but luckily the people that were on either side of you wouldn't have cared. Tongue grazing against his bottom lip with a smirk, more than pleased at the current state you were in. Knowing good and well he was only riling you up, just to make your body fall apart all over again.
Missing whatever conversation was currently being discussed but it seemed as though they were still discussing the situation with Jungkook and the guns. It appears Marco grabbed some weapons in Vegas and Jungkook didn't question it initially because he's Leo's son, but the amount of ammo he was pulling out of the vault seemed suspect. Of course, Kook didn't wanna seem too obvious and bombarded him with questions. But if something was going on where you guys needed that amount of weaponry...Jungkook would be the first to know. And considering the lack of warning before Marco dropped in..he just knew something wasn't right, which is why he called to give your father a heads up. 
The table was starting to break out in multiple separate conversations at this point, everyone speculating  "Okay, okay..guys were getting off track!" Mr. Kim elevated his vice ever so slightly, just enough to get everyone to stop talking. "Now..like we were saying...Jungkook tipped us off on the weapons, but as far as Jimin and the dispatch truck goes..we're still trying to figure that out. Speaking of, Luxx , Taehyung, the two of you will be heading back to China with Jin to sort that out!"
Tae nodded seeming a little more enthused than you "Okay, when?" 
" Tonight, so you two will need to head out of here first..so you can go home and pack, within the next hour or so will helli the two of you out of here." 
There was nothing you loved more than being told your flying across country a good oh I don't know, 4 hours prior. A long sigh leaving your body at that, you hated the flight to Beijing ...14 hours non stop...then considering the funeral was in 3 days you wouldn't be there long enough to even enjoy the city. You'd just be copped up in an industrial building play Nancy Drew while the two of you interrogated the staff . 
 " Over the past year ...that side of the business has become more so your baby than any of ours so ...we're gonna let you guys handle that investigation on your own. Let's just hope you two can stay ugh, focused...long enough to do so.." Both of your faces flushed at the sound of that..his sarcasm was always so nonchalant  and unexpected..which of course earned a snort from the entire table .
"Yeah okay good luck with that" Yoongi smiled over at you while you instantly picked up the closest thing to you...a spoon and chucked it directly at his chest…"Hey Tae, man control your woman…" A smirk moving up Yoongi's face as he said that and Taehyung just smiled..surprising not correcting him for the title he gave you
 " I try, but I mean ...the only person she really listens to his her daddy" squeezing down on your inner thigh when he said that..Immediately picking up on the double meaning (s) of that sentence, causing you to squeeze your thighs together as you tried not to laugh.
"Alright, I’m glad we were able to lighten then mood, but obviously we didn't invite you all here to just joke and eat dinner. ." stopping for a second to clear his throat, your father almost seemed nervous...which was rare for him..extremely rare. "As you guys know, Leo started to slowly back out of the business..closing out a lot of his deals, just as he started to get older. Focusing most of his income on his actual...blue collar businesses. Currently, he only has two open files..and those move a little slower than some of the ones we dabble in." 
Letting his eyes pan the room..needing a second to collect his thoughts "Well, Leo left all of his business to Dino...titles..everything...and as we know Marco is impulsive..hot-headed-" 
"A fuckin pussy.." Taehyung bit in making your father chuckle slightly
 "That he is son, I can't disagree...which leads me to our concern. We think he's trying to reopen some of Leo's old connects...right now our biggest concern is where about 90% positive he's trying to reopen the Cabaranao case…." The entire room fell silent at that...the Cabaranao case was a cartel drug case in Mexico, shit got really, really dirty with that one, a couple of people within your team ended up doing time, while others paid their way out of it. Cabaranao was messy, his business was unorganized, he didn't give a fuck about being lowkey. I think he actually got off on the publicity and the "Thrill" of almost getting caught.
His deals were dangerous..every time you sent one of your men out to make a run, you honestly had no clue if they'd ever make it back. But the money was fast..and good..damn good. The aftermath of your alliance pulling out of it is how both Taehyung and your mother ended up murdered, they didn't play fair.Your  fathers had no “proof” but they didn't need any...knowing far too well how that circled operated. Your hand immediately finding Taehyung's intertwining your fingers with his as if felt like all the air's been knocked out of your body. Still trying to fathom how he could be so fucking careless. The silence proved that everyone was in shock, no one expected this..of all the things your father  would have said this was the furthest thing from your mind. 
"So basically the motherfucker either want us all to die...or go to Jail? Nah fuck that' I'm done...I'll handle him my damn self!" You could feel the fumes radiating from Hoseok's body..you could see Bunny out the corner of your eye trying to calm him down. As we all know Hoseok was a "cleaner" in addition to his main job, that's what he's paid to do..make you disappear without a trace, but the problem is, this sat to personal for him. For all of you, so there would be a concern of emotion getting in the way and shit getting messy. But that's the problem with all of this, it is personal and it's going to get messy, really fucking messy.  The liability becomes almost suffocating when the issue at hand hits so close to home.
"Shit I'm down.." your eyes shot over to the opposite end of the table..that was the first thing Jimin's said this entire meeting. voice sitting exceptional low, jaw clenched just as tight as the man right beside you.
Taehyung was surprisingly quiet..but how tight his jaw was, in addition to his leg pattering beneath the table..made it pretty damn clear he was fucking furious... "Hoseok, trust me...I know, I know how you feel but we can't operate like this...not like him. We've made it this long because were smarter..cleaner...we handle all of our dirty work..to the tee. Not on a whim…The way he end him..end this is.. gonna take every ounce of skill, and self control that we have.." The calmness in Mr Kim's voice couldn't even ease the feeling that was looming over everyone's head… That deal cost so many people so many things...the fact that he could pretty much just say "fuck you all" just because he wanted a quick buck was mind-boggling.
 You found yourself slowly massaging Taehyung's thigh, the fact that he was so quiet through all of this was concerning to say the least. "What are you thinkin baby?" Whispering out against his ear, keeping your tone calm, hoping your energy would transfer… purposely using the endearment hoping it would ease him a little, knowing how much he loved the way it sounds leaving your lips.  
"That I'm ready to get the fuck outta here and handle him...my way." Yeah, that wasn't the answer you wanted, staring straight ahead..not even sure what he was looking at, to be honest, he was probably just spaced out, tone lacking any hint of emotion. While his fingers fiddled with the knife to his left, letting a deep huff leave your body, relaxing your posture in your seat. Bringing your hand up to the nape of his neck. Dancing your nails through his chocolate locks, just trying to keep him as relaxed as possible. To your surprise, he didn't seem annoyed, or uncomfortable by your little acts of affection to be honest it almost felt like he needed it. As his opposite hand keeps rubbing light circles along your thigh. Eyes still glued to whatever object held his attention on the wall in front of him. No joke he was probably planning Marcos murder in his head as we speak, I wouldn't put it past him at this point.
The air in the room was so thick, it was literally nauseating I think it was safe to say..no one really cared to have dinner. You heard a couple of phones go off simultaneously and you noticed a pattern when it came to who looked down. There were a couple of people within the alliance that handled intel..in the sense as they were always up to date with the news. Making sure your business or anything that even remotely pertained to you never ended up there, and if it did, they were instantly doing damage control. You watched the look on Jins face contort, and you knew it wasn't good "Ugh, can someone turn on the TV…please, channel 2 news.." Looking around hoping one of the servers heard him and they did, the minute the screen clicked on there was a reporter..on the side of the road in front of a blacked out Benz. Taehyung's blacked out Benz, no one noticed, I mean to be fair it wasn't anything out of the ordinary, that would scream "This is Kim Taehyung’s car" Technically it was just one his drivers used. Maybe the two of wouldn't have given it a second thought either..if the headline didn't' seem.. a little too coincidental.. The scroll along the bottom of the screen reading ...
"18-year-old boy found dead inside a car on the side of the expressway…"
If you guys want a part 4..make sure you show this some love, hit the like button and come hit up my ask box and talk to ya girl! I always love hearing your thoughts on what I post!
Love you guys as always,
If you guys want a part 4..make sure you show this some love, hit the like button and come hit up my ask box and talk to ya girl! I always love hearing your thoughts on what I post!
Love you guys as always,
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Gotham s5ep9 “The Trial of Jim Gordon” Personal Review
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“Well, I did not see that coming”    Warning NO spoilers below, why am I so late with this ..
 “Gotham has a chance to be born anew. To return to what it was before people ripped down the trees and paved over the earth. He's trying to reunify with the mainland to save all these people. A return to filth.  Pollution. He's fighting for death, while I promise life in its purest form.” “The plants will adapt; they always do.” So IVY PEPPER is the big bad in this episode she wants to get rid of Gotham people and one of the first steps is getting rid of Jim Gordon. But in the end she´s gone and forgotten about, you´d think there would at least be some tiny reference.   Honestly I think I could really dig misanthropic Ivy (is there some plant based black metal .. hmmm ) but I don´t think they built this up well enough, that they just give her these ridiculous powers and send her out to try to kill a lot of people and now all people, and then just have that fade into nothing basically doesn´t help the case. Ugh. Also Ivy leaves Selina with that gang guy she already fought against and they repeatedly mention their history despite the guy being also under the influence of Ivy. Which is odd because .. first of all, if the history with Selina is important he should be there without being drugged. Also if his history with Selina is not important she could have just picked anyone else and probably would have had a better chance because as we all know SELINA KYLE already had a field trip with him. So why would he be a threat now? (I mean unless you count some the presence of my dame made me win the jousting effect, which is a thing but not in gotham)  Well the whole plot is Ivy gets Jim shot by Zsasz. Okay so this is stressing me out, I thought I came here for a crazy dream trip but Lee´s voice is haunting me. Can just everyone be alive n happy, pls.  Hm I don´t quite know what to make of this trial, probably because there really isn´t anything about it .. and I think most meta in this fandom did a better job plenty times already.  Nevertheless, he´s his own prosecution and nice, also is this his theatre stage voice? Before Ivy´s interruption the whole think started with JIM GORDON lamenting how the gangs get more aggressive and that they need at least a temporary CEASE FIRE to get their reunification and save lives. Oswald Cobblepot provided the venue for this and Barbara was present as well. But that does not matter too much.  Big theme this week: RESPONSIBILITY And for fucks sake, the JIM GORDON trial just beats the same crap again that I´ve been annoyed with for forever. “I did my best. Your best never seems good enough.”   “Therefore we pose one simple question: Are the people in Jim Gordon's life better off with him alive or dead?”  I mean Jim did Lee dirty that’s a valid point but she´s not the only one and most of the trial bulk is about Jim just not being able to save people. People being mad they trusted him looking for safety. And I´m gonna try to just sum up the whole rant in short: If some pyromaniac sets a fire and the firefighters can´t extinguish it quickly enough it´s still not the firefighters to blame I´m so tired of this nonsense. Also we have a hint of the same nonsense with BRUCE WAYNE: He´s thinking that he is responsible for Ra´s and Galavan but again, see above. Or in other words: What Selina Kyle said. She hit the nail on the head with: “Jeremiah blew up your house”.  There really isn´t anything to add.  “And I know that a lot of people lost a lot more, but part of me wonders if it wasn't fate.” “It wasn't. It was Jeremiah blowing up your house.” Maybe it's time to move on. (…) And how many terrible things have happened to it because of me? Galavan.  Ra's al Ghul. If this city really is my home, then maybe the best thing I can do for it is leave.”  VICTOR ZSASZ oh Victor ..  Victor in love is a delight, Victor in anything is a delight  * So first of all he gets rough with ALFRED again, okay the other way round but, idc, it was too short * Also they just like repeating things .. I´m here for Gordon only Gordon we´ve had this but tbh I´ll take it again and again.  “Okey-dokey.  Time to boogie. Hey! I'm only here for Gordon. So all of you stay down. 'Cause I see anyone and, you know bang.” “Oi, oi! Now, I heard you were looking for Jim Gordon.” “Uh-huh.”  * So technically, with Bruce doing “IvyLingo” the William Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet quote could have been just Ivy´s influence but Zsasz reading Shakespeare is just right as roses as well, //gotham language//  “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet. You know, I'm really taking the time to stop and smell the roses these days.” * More is this IvyInfluence of is this something coming out of the drugged person. The name thing was such a childish take on being in love and I feel like there´s meta in this about IVY PEPPER and her age ups, or maybe not fully age ups (but I´d still like to believe it wasn´t just body age ups but brain chemistry n stuff too but still experience is another factor) but, buut instead of thinking about any implications of that I´m just gonna find Zsasz adorable  “Uh, I'm technically not allowed to say it. Her name.  Which is such a bummer, because it's the most beautiful name in the world.” “You watch him.” I could say it all day.  Hey, I will say it all day. Ivy. Ivy Pepper. Mrs. Ivy Pepper Zsasz. Oh, that sounds good.”  * “Don't worry, though. I'm just a distraction so she can finish off Jim once and for all. You know, that's how great couples work. Maybe I shouldn't have told you that. Oh, well.” Okay so Zsasz ~is~ a damn chatterbox and can´t keep his mouth shut. // On a side note. I think I went into this a bit in a fanfic and this is imho such unused potential even with Ivy 2.0. Zsasz conditioned Butch to follow orders, Ivy just does it with a little whiff of a scent. I believe Zsasz would be SO intrigued by this, like not only for doing good work professional reasons but how fascinating would this be, he´d sure want know its limits, he´d certainly would want to know how far this perfume actually could push a person, skin themselves alive? //  // On another side note: Zsasz was so close to spilling the name and he sure spilled the distraction plan which is so totally unbelievable dumb, which is why I´m wondering if 1.) Ivy would have needed to give better instructions 2.) Zsasz got some slight resistance gene to the perfume or 2.) if InLoveZsasz is just such a tremendous idiot .. //  * “Alvarez makes a hell of a Mai Thai. I can barely feel my face.” Oh I want one of those, wait no make that two. Also someone make two or more fics involving Zsasz, Alvarez and cocktails. Please.  * “I can tell you one thing. I am sick and tired of getting shot at in my own precinct.” It was about time someone said it, thanks Harvey Bullock. * “I'm sorry. Did you just say "People. Ugh"? “Lucius, what if I were to tell you I have in my possession the most intoxicating perfume you'll ever smell?” “I would tell you that's an abrupt change of topic. Can we go back to the part where you said "People. Ugh"? “ Okay that´s the only sensible and appropriate reaction anyone in this city ever had. LUCIUS FOX is the real freak on this show, cause he got his shit together. And his Ivy love grin is adorable.    * “We're perfectly bonded, like carbon and oxygen or hydrogen and oxygen “ “We do not have time for this.”  Lucius Fox and Selina Kyle being awesome. * SELINA KYLE and BRUCE WAYN being on the same “maybe” page was sweet. Also her being mindful of her claws and not touching his cheek during the kiss. “If I didn't know any better, I'd say this was a date.” “Maybe it is.” “That okay with you?” “Maybe.”  * Another repeat thing and another piece on the BARBARA KEAN turning into OSWALD COBBLEPOT list is her poisoning the gang leaders with alcohol. Oswald did it with Cannoli and well he killed them for good but it counts.  *  Also if the show had just put them side to side earlier, it could have been so good, soo good. * Also HA! I knew it. I mean my first impulse was to be like, wtf, why is everyone and their aunt trying to get on such good graces with Jim suddenly, why is Jim Gordon the key to survival now? Oswald and Barbara sure both did their fare share of courting Jim. And I did use this word on purpose because as Oswald later calls it, Barbara´s motive was not just strategical and political it was also motivated by her love for Jim Gordon.  Which clearly and totally also means: Gobblepot.  It´s just a logical extension if you follow the parallels. Oswald´s actions too were about liking Jim. And if that doesn´t convince you enough he has had that quip about Barbara knowing all about keeping Gordon happy. He sure would do the same, if Jim let him. That was all jealousy talking.  * “If we're really going to leave Gotham, we need to keep Gordon happy. You know all about that, don't you?” *  “What exactly are you doing? I'm trying to keep this city from ripping itself apart.” “So this has nothing to do with your feelings for Jim?” “What if Ed fails, and we are stuck here? This will put us in Gordon's good graces. Consider it a backup plan.” * “Controlling the gangs was not a backup plan. You saw a chance to convince James Gordon that you had changed. But he will never see you as anything but a dangerous woman keeping his child from him.”  * “Ms. Kean, this may come as a surprise, but building a submarine from scratch by yourself takes time.” Didn´t I say so .. this still stresses me out though, building a whole submarine from scratch, how even  * “I don't know what's going on inside that man's head sometimes.” “I think you'll find that he needs you a lot more than he's letting on.” Well, I need to hear it from him.”   Well and there she goes, hearing it right after Jim woke up. LESLIE THOMKINS  stays at home while Jim goes out and hunts. She´s not happy at first but then comes to terms with it I guess, Jim has this line about what else should he do not being him anymore. Well idk. Leslie doesn´t seem to be quite herself either. She went out as well, ran a fight club n stuff ..  * “I never thought that this was how my life was going to be. I have no interest in being a father myself. I always presumed that I was unfit to be one.”  Well, honestly I don´t think ALFRES PENNYWORTH can be considered fit to raise a child. What was nice this week was that he talked to Lee and offered his own insight about parenting without being a blood relative. That was a kind and considerate touch.  * I have to look up which episode it was where Jim Gordon woke up to Edward Nymga and Oswald Cobblepot singing because wow that must have left a lasting impression if this visual turns up again  * Edit: I didn’t really notice until I made gifs but Barbara´s “See, those drinks I just gave you they're poisoned. And you had two shots before everyone got here. So that should be taking effect around PAUSE now the rest of you have 48 hours before you'll need the antidote”  line was so well structured. Like the now doubles as a 1) you´ll die like now and as a 2) so ~now~ that we got that out of the way let´s get to the real business .. and I love it //Gotham language //
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detarditviska · 5 years
Thoughts on SF1 Qualifiers
So first of all congratulations and good luck to everyone who qualified. I have very mixed feelings about them, to be honest. But let’s see one by one:
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I’m happy that Better Love qualified. I kinda expected it since, it’s a good song. I did think her vocals were not that strong as everyone says, but that’s my personal opinion
I don’t think this deserves to be in the final. I think I should add that this is my dead last. Her song is very repetitive, her vocals are nothing special. But I do have to say her staging, especially her backup dancers fit the stage very well and are super cool.
I have mixed feelings about this. On one hand, I can see why people want this in the final, on the other hand, I personally do not like the song. It’s a dramatic ballad, yes that’s cool, but it’s a boring one. I don’t see something special in her performance and I don’t understand what others see.
We all know this was going to qualify no doubt. It’s a cool, catchy pop song, the staging was a bit lacking and her vocals too, but otherwise I don’t see a problem with it getting it’s deserved spot in the final. But unlike with Fuego, I don’t think this will score as high. (Also the backup dancers reminded me of the kpop group Ateez. Stan Ateez yall)
I personally really really love this song. His national final performance was soo good, which is why I was disappointed by his vocal on Tuesday. I kinda thought he was doomed to not qualify, so I’m 100x happier that he actually made it! It hurts me that he got so much hate, I mean come on people it’s not his fault that people voted for him instead of your favourites? I hope he manages to better his vocals until the final and I’m really happy he qualified.
Czech Republic
I love this song. It’s a bop. But when I heard the live version, I was a bit scared that this might not be able to qualify. I thought it was a bit weak and I had it way more energetic in mind. I did go to Eurovision in Concert and honestly, the actual live stage was amazing! But on screen, it loses a bit of that energy. I’m still very happy that they made it into the final tho.
Another one of my dead last places managed to get into the final. I kinda get why people like it, but I personally just can’t bring myself to like it. I also think the staging is creative, but again nothing I personally enjoy. I think it was a mix of Australia, being Australia and the song itself that brought it into the final.
As experimental and different this is, I was not surprised. It’s a good song, it has a shock factor and their vocals are on point. Just like Hungary last year we all were correct with the statement that even tho it’s shocking at first, people will still like it! 
San Marino
I cannot express how happy I am that this qualified. I was very surprised because internally I knew it has basically 0 chances of qualifying. I am fully aware of the fact, that A) the song is not that good (Because it’s a bop don’t @ me) and B) Serhat’s vocals are also very weak. I am fully aware and yet I’m still soo happy. San Marino has a hard time qualifying, so I think we should treasure every single time they manage to get into the final, deserved or not. Serhat is also such a King and I heard him sing live and he just manages to hype up the crowd and just let everyone have a good time! 
It’s a magical song and I’m happy that it qualified. I knew it was a borderline qualifier and that’s why I am even more happy that it actually made it into the finals. I was scared because it is really monotone and nothing dramatic or with a wow factor. But I guess just that calm atmosphere drew people in and got stuck in people’s minds. 
Sadly my first and second place of the semi: Hungary and Belgium did not make it into the final. I can see that Belgium had a weak staging, his vocals where underwhelming and they could’ve done a better job at the clothes, but I’m still sad. I do not understand why Hungary didn’t make it tho. I thought he had a solid performance and I kinda did not expect it.
If you want to know my opinion on other songs of the first semi just ask in my ask box. I will maybe write another post about it if anyone is interested.
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a3cg · 6 years
Hii! i've never got an SSR from event before and soo wanna get this Kazunari, do you know how many daiya does it take to get the event SSR? THANks A LOT!!
( ´ ▽ ` )ノ It depends on how far you want to go! Also please keep in mind that this is based off of Clockwork Hearts (Tsuzuru) and Knights of Round IV (Itaru). The former I (tried and failed) to tier 5, and the latter I just went for the single SSR. I also want to point out that I am a f2p player who just hoarded up my daiya prior to events (゜▽゜;)
It ended up being a bit longer than expected, so it’s cut under a Keep Reading!
If you want to tier, you have to really bank in your daiya. For the Clockwork Hearts event, I used about 300 daiya (not including gacha pulls) to rank for top 10k or T5. I ended up missing it by about 100 ranks because I fell asleep too early… (  •́︿•̀  ) Based on other people’s recounts from the A3 Discord, T2/T1 people spend up to 800 daiya, some as many as over 1000. The more popular the boy, the more of a bloodbath ranking is, and thus more daiya you have to spend. I got Tsuzuru about 4 days before the event ended.
If you just want the single SSR, you still need to spend some daiya. For Knights of Round IV, I spent around 200 (not including gacha pulls). I find that it’s a good indicator on if you’re going to get the SSR by points or not by tiering for the SR. For Knights of Round IV, I went for top 30k or T7. I ended up getting Itaru on the very last day (・∀・) Talk about clutch…
Here’s some various tips that I picked up from Twitter, Discord, and just playing.
On Ranking:
The first two days and the last two days of the event are the worst. The first two days, ranks change really fast, so you can gain ranks really fast, but also lose them really fast. The last two days, particularly the last day, you often lose ranks faster than you gain because everyone is trying to rush the event.
Don’t be disheartened if you lost your rank really fast! You can gain it back. I find that I often drop 7k ranks overnight, but gain it back within an hour or two of grinding.
Do allow yourself a pocket of rank drop though, in case of emergencies and also sleep. (Sleep is very important!!)
There’s a strange calm the half-hour right before the event ends… Maybe it’s just the acceptance of dea—
Use SP on every type of performance (i.e. matinee [1:30:00]) at least once, then exclusively do Final (00:20:00) and Additional (00:15:00).
The first time you complete a performance will give you 5 daiya.
Beyond that, it’s only worth it to do Finals and Additionals because they give the most points for your SP, especially when you fully level them up.
If you want to rush the event (i.e. gain a lot of points quickly), doSoirees (00:30:00) too. I find that I only do this on the last two days of the event, where ranks start moving a lot faster
It helps to turn on push notifications for when your SP regenerates! The only qualm I have about this is when it goes off in the middle of the night…
Having the gacha R, SR, and SSR really helps. It’s okay if you can’t get them in gacha, but they help save a lot of SP.
It’s good to have a friend-list with active players because that means that you will have at least some that have the cards up for you to use! Also, don’t be afraid to refresh your support list a couple times so the strongest card shows up. I find that sometimes, it helps me cut down an entire SP which saves up in the long run!
To refresh your support list, select a support first. Then, tap your support icon that shows up next to your team and press the grey button on the lower right that says 更新. There is a cool down time of a few seconds, so you just have to be patient.
If you obtain one of the gacha cards, level them up as soon as possible. It also really helps to level up their skill (feed them R and up cards) and max their training (the fire symbol).
Kameman and Boxed Kamemanrefills (the pink birds) will be your new best friend. I use up the Boxed Kameman first (thank you Liber for the update for SP overflow) then the single Kameman.
Always keep in mind the timer of your SP recharge. Whenever your SP is max or overflows, the timer resets. If you only have 5 minutes for your next SP recharge, it’s best to wait that 5 minutes rather than using your Kameman, especially if it fills up or overflows your SP.
Please please please be aware of when the event ends, date and time wise. Don’t make the same mistake I did!
On Daiya Getting and Saving:
Whenever you clear a story, whether it be main story, card story, or event story, don’t clear it right away. This will act as a backup reserve for your daiya! Only clear them when you’re in a daiya crunch and really need that last couple.
A daiya a day keeps the pain away… The daily login daiya as well as the daiya you get from clearing the daily missions do build up over time.
Only pull when you really want to pull, meaning it’s a gacha that will help you in the event or it’s your best boy. Otherwise, save up, no matter how tempting it is!
( ^∇^) Best of wishes for you anon!! I hope best boy comes home for you ❤
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sincerelysusywoo · 6 years
Believe in me.
When I was little I just wanted to sing.
In my mind my Mother was a singer and so would I be one day.  I loved her singing so much that I would practice my own tirelessly. 
I sang when I was overjoyed and even more when I was sad, alone. 
I loved singing and music because of the beauty of it that lived inside my mother so you could imagine how deep that hit me when she said in my asking if I could be a singer that maybe one day I could be a backup singer. 
Nothing is wrong with being a back up singer. Nothing. But as a child you don’t dream of that - you dream of making your music and people hearing it one day. Your music, your voice.  
At 8 or 9 I started to write songs. Little songs but songs all the same and when I got to middle school I could write whole songs with melodies and meaning and depth. I could write music even when I wasn’t really trying to at all. It was like the music just flowed through me. 
I wrote this song one day that I can still remember for my friend and her then boyfriend Alexis ( middle school nonsense). I came home singing it because it was that deep in me and my mother overheard it and asked me what song was that. I told her it didn't really have a name it was something I wrote. She did’nt believe me - she kept asking me to tell her who really wrote the song. It just made me really mad because it was something I wrote. 
Music is something I love in an entirely different way than I could ever love any person or thing or even place. Because music is who I am & it is who I was meant to be. 
To be honest half the time my life seems funny to me because none of it has anything to do or investment in the thing that matters most to me in the world. & that haunts me. 
Do I blame my mother for this? I don’t know if I can. I think my lack of esteem in music at a very young age has a lot to do with her. It was something I cared so much  about that I casted soo many shadows over it because of her doubt in my ability until downplaying it didn't matter anymore. Its become more removed from me as something I want to actually do the more impossible I make it in my head. It's a lot like an old great love, ya know - how old great loves never change how you feel about the love but you can feel like you no longer know the person at all & so now you wonder does the love matter at all. It's not current.
She can never take accountability for how her stomping on my dreams before they were even in my head fully deterred me from something that feels like the only purpose for me worth chasing. Her telling me I should sing back up or that my songs were not mines was like telling a girl who wants to be a doctor she can just play nurse. 
This is all on my heart because once again I feel like she doesn't believe in me. 
Its knowing this thats made not listening to her easier. All the things she gave me advice on would have kept me small and regular. As much as she wanted me to do better than her in a very commercial way. I don’t think she ever aimed for me to extraordinary. I think maybe that has alot to do with how she sees the world but I want to do amazing things and live a life people write in books.
I want to trully be happy and not just happy -  I want to be alive. I want every part of my life to feel like putting your hands in the cookie jar and getting magic out of it. 
Maybe the burden is I have to live my life breaking the rule without my mother's blessing because I am not going to get anywhere waiting for her to notice that I can or waiting for her to just believe in me. 
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grifalinas · 7 years
There’s been a buzzing in Stan’s ear since Wendy came running up through the gift shop to tell him about the twins finding the hidden passage to the basement, about the three of them going downstairs to explore, about the lift they’d found and stepped into and she hadn’t thought to follow them and it had turned itself on and vanished and the last thing she’d heard was a high, cold, cruel laugh that felt like nails on her spine and made her hair stand on end and now the twins are gone and they need to go after them and, and, and and and-
He’d gone and found Ford, leaving Wendy to deal with the tour group, and by the time they came back downstairs the Shack was empty apart from Soos and Wendy, who follow them down into the basement despite the lack of invitation.
“You two need to stay up here,” Ford says sternly, while Stan hits buttons and dials that are themselves hidden in the walls. A panel in the wall turns around, revealing a pair of, for lack of a better word, guns, and two pairs of- for lack of a better word- boots, and a pair of ordinary burgundy jumpsuits.
They look different than they did thirty years ago. Ford has upgraded them extensively in the past three decades, needing to feel prepared in case He ever escaped. Stan had always hoped they’d never need them, but- well, this time he can’t fault his brother’s paranoia. They’re going to need those upgrades if they’re going to beat Him, they’re going to need the edge of Him not knowing everything they’ve got at their disposal.
At least this time around they’re not going in blind. They know what to expect, at least somewhat- no doubt He’s made upgrades too, but they can still prepare, as best they can. Stan takes down two backpacks, each stuffed with anything they might need down there- rations, a first aid kit, an emergency blanket, even a spare pair of glasses and, in Stan’s case, a backup hearing aid. There’ll be no repeat of the mistakes they made before.
So they change into the jumpsuits and shoulder the packs and clip on the utility belts that carry the tools Ford made for them, step into the boots that fit so much more comfortably now- Stan notices that he no longer has to balance on his toes, the weight distribution is much more even now- and finally they slip their arms into the guns, only barely wincing as the guns lock onto their arms to keep them in place.
Stan wiggles his fingers into the triggers, and is surprised when he finds a second pair, and a fifth for his thumb. Those hadn’t been there before. He gives Ford a confused look, but Ford’s face is impassive, he’s in scientist mode, he’s in testing mode, Stan isn’t going to get any answers from him any time soon, so instead he reaches out and rests his free hand reassuringly on Soos’s shoulder. He doesn’t have any right to ask what he’s about to ask of him, not when Soos won’t even fully comprehend what he’s being asked unless Stan and Ford succeed and are able to come back and explain themselves-
-except they will make it back, Stan is determined to. They’ll get down there and find the twins and bring them home and maybe while they’re there they’ll find a way to beat Him for good, so they can stop worrying about it.
“Listen, Soos,” Stan forces himself to say. “This may be the last order I ever give you and it’s up to you if you want to cut your losses and run-”
“Never,” Soos says, and Stan knows he means it, but the kid doesn’t understand, can’t understand, might never understand-
“Listen. What’s down in that basement is dangerous. If it ever gets out, it could destroy the whole town. It could kill everyone. We’ve kept things on lockdown here but if we don’t make it back, then you’ll need to take over. Keep the Shack running or shut it down, it doesn’t matter, but make sure that whatever is in that basement stays there.”
“Yes, sir, Mr. Pines,” Soos says, saluting. He looks stern and determined and a little bit frightened but not as pants-wettingly terrified as he should.
“Are you sure you understand?” he asks. “Tell me again. I need to hear you say the words.”
“Watch the Shack until you get back and make sure nothing bad escapes from the basement.”
Until you get back. “Soos-”
“-and once you get back then you can tell us what’s going on.”
He can’t do it. He can’t bring himself to shatter that hope. He lets his hand fall with a sigh. “Okay, Soos. Just... wanted to make sure.” He turns to Wendy next. “Wendy-”
“I got it, dude,” Wendy says. She looks more laid back and chill than ever, which means she is as terrified as Soos should be. Stan hates that, but he’s kind of grateful, too. He doesn’t expect her to stick around longer than a few days if they don’t come back, but at least Soos will have someone he can talk to about what happened, even if neither of them will be sure.
“Time to go, Stanley,” Ford says quietly, so Stan shifts the gun to rest on his shoulder and they go to the lift. It never came back after it took the twins, which is kind of a good thing, Stan thinks: it means He doesn’t expect them to follow. They can use that. It is going to make getting down there harder, though.
“I hate this part,” Stan says, hooking his left arm around Ford’s shoulder and feeling Ford mirror the motion with his right arm around Stan’s waist. There’s static visibly discharging from the side of his own gun and his boots, and then he’s says, ‘Hop!’ and does so, catching the side of his gun against the wall and using his feet to steady and guide them as they spiral around the lift tube.
Stan’s eyes are clenched tight against the dizzying height and motion, so there’s no warning when they finally land. He steps away from his brother and straightens, trying to orient himself, and then the two nod.
“We’re gonna make it back,” Stan says suddenly, and gets a baffled look from Ford. He swallows, and repeats, “We’re gonna make it back. I’m not leaving Soos to run my business, he’ll ruin the place. So we’ve gotta make it back.”
For just one moment the dead look Ford has taken on falls away to be replaced by a more familiar openness, and he nods.
“All right, Stanley. We’re going to make it back.”
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pugugly001 · 7 years
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“Welcome to Hypnotica America’s premier Male Management Serv ... Mr’s Johnson? You’re kidding, we had him in the fetishizer for 48 hours last time ... I know we don’t technically cover after 90 days, but given the difficulty your husband has had I think we can make an except ... oh we’ve got a runner ...”
If I can make it out, I could get to Canada, Europe, someplace where they protected men from the fetishizer instead of this ...
Suddenly there the lights in the parking lots flash everywhere and I hear “All roads lead to Hypnotica” over the speakers. Suddenly no matter how straight I run I see the franchise curve into view ahead of me, closer each time I see it. The manager is speaking into an earpiece and the lights flash again “Look at my breasts Mr. Johnson”
No, I can’t I squeeze my eyes shut - I might do better running blindly than seeing right now anyway -- “Breathe, Calm down, and look at my Breasts before you hurt yourself...” -- I shout “No, you can’t make me ...” before I think about the fact that I should keep quiet ... not likely how I’ll escape but every little bit ...
In front of me I hear  “I bet if you’re hypnohorny you’ll look ...”
I feel myself start to become hard in my pants despite my best effort at control.
She’s too my left now “Soo hypnohorny ... so hard to run ...” So if she’s too my left then my right should be away. I run that way ... straight into a pair of warm pillowy breasts ... Strong arms wrap around me and I’m pressed against themstartled I open my eyes for a moment and that’s a moment for than I should
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“Surprise Mister Johnson! There they are, so powerful, so hypnotic ...” as she steps back I feel my resistance draining down, down into my preternaturally hard cock, my eyes locking open as my jaw goes slack ... 
She takes a careful step backwards ... Somewhere inside I can hear myself yelling ‘No, No don’t follow her you idiot’ but that part of me is cut off from any control as I helplessly step forward ...
She steps back again, forward I step ...
She smiles “Yeah ... yeah I think we’ve got him. Thanks for herding him to me Aisha ...” to my left I vaguely hear the pretty black woman chuckle “Any time Deanna. My shifts over, do you need me to stay?” 
Step back ... step forward ...
“Can you make sure I don’t trip over anything going back and get the door? Oh and tell Mrs Johnson we’ve got him, she must be distraught.”
Step back ... step forward ...
“See Mr Johnson? Look how small a basic fetishizer is now? Right here in our shirts now. You have to let us condition you so someone cant just enslave you and take you away from your wife now?
Step back ... step forward ...
“They’re too small. Canada and Europe aren’t going to be able to stop these anymore? Pretty soon women are going to get them when they open a bank account.”
Step back ... step forward ...
“Sidewalk Deanna”
Step back and up ... step forward ...
I try to move my foot so I’ll trip on the curb. All I need is to break eye contact for a second and -- she sees something in my face and guesses “No. Very Sneaky Mister Johnson, Now step up like a good boy.”
Step back ... step forward and up ...
it takes another ten minutes before I’m strapped down  in one of the comfortable recliners.As I wake from the dreamlike fetishizer state I realize I’m naked, which is new, but the various clamps and straps are secure before I can do anything effective. Some kind of weird gag is in my mouth, two nozzles up my nose. As I try to push it out with my tongue suddenly I feel pressure cuff’s inflate around my legs and arms, then the gag inflates, and lastly as I’m thrashing my head I feel something inflate around my head, and slowly rotate my head straight ahead of me as something -- presumably headphones -- pops into my ear canal Around my arms and legs I feel a sudden pressure, like from a blood pressure tester, and my limbs are locked down far more firmly than any previous machine. 
I’ve kept my mind through six of these and they’ve all been scary, but none of them just flat out immobilized me like this. I’ve never been so terrified.
Deanna pops up and starts talking to me but I can’t hear anything -- like, at all, while she chatters happily inches from my face. Fortunately she’s always been quick on the draw, and sees me trying to read her lips. She reaches past my head and I can hear her loud and clear.
“Sorry about that - I helped design this, but I’m still not used to it. As much as I’m getting tired of seeing you here, I have to admit if it wasn’t for you I’d have never started this, Hypnotica Inc wouldn’t have bought it from me, and I wouldn’t be a millionaire as of two weeks ago. So thank you for making me keep at it. That said, I really think this machine is the answer to your problems. Sorry, I tried to name it the Johnsonbreaker 9000 but they vetoed that.”
Working as she spoke, she put a drop of something on my eyelids, which she then stuck a thin rubbery strap to. I could blink, but when not actually blinking my eyelid was held firmly open. “So, Welcome to the Fully Integrated Sensory Control Suite, and if you can make FISC’S into anything dirty without really reaching for it congrats because I really really tried and I can’t.”
She ducked out of sight relative to my head, but her voice was still as if she were right there “That’s Marketing for you. We can make a device to sexually enslave you, but we can’t use the name ‘Johnson’ in it because that sounds like we don’t take our responsibilities seriously:” She teased my cock lightly but I refused to cooperate with whatever. “HypnoHorny Mister Johnson ... ah there we go “ and she attached some kind of sleeve which took my cock into it easily, 
“Sorry, this part is going to sting ...” and it did - she had stuck something like a needle in my at the base of my cock, and then again in my leg. “That will keep your penis from doing something awful if you have an erection last more than four hours. A tiny little blood pump that will drain blood out and back into your body so bad things don’t happen. Our testing shows this actually keeps your penis oxygenated and improves the sensations too, so there you go. Oh - yeah, I’m getting extra money specifically for that too, because we can surgically alter men so their hardons never collapse now. Whole new money thing, and I get 10% of every sale or license. Gross, not net.”
She started pulling at something else, what the hell else is she doing now, I don’t have that much more down there? Then I felt her putting something around my testicles -- “I think, long term, that’s going to make me richer than the FISC’S is. I mean, this thing is going to be a big ticket items and I get a cut, but how many of these can you really sell? But making a man’s hardon last for days? That’s going to be a billion outpatient operations worldwide and I am gonna get a cut of each of them.”
Oh god, I feel something at my ass ... because of course there is “This is not nearly as large as you think it is, but relaxing will help. This is like, a kind of combination balloon hose, one part of it is so you can spend a week in here, and the other to stimulate the prostate when we need to. One of there designers came up with it, but it’s really pretty cool and seems to work really well. and that just leaves this ...” and I felt something slide firmly into the area behind my penis in the no mans land between penis and asshole -- “And that establishes control of the prostate.
I was trying to cry, but no tears were coming -- I suddenly realized they were being efficiently removed by the tubes up my nose. 
She got up and looked pensive. “I’m forgetting something” She walked over to the control panel for a second and I heard her pick up a manual.  What the hell could she be forgetting? That’s everything. I can’t cry, I can’t move, what the hell else can she control on my body “Oh ... yeah that”. She stood over me, and fished something off to both sides. What fresh hell ... She attached two devices to my nipples. 
Oh ... yeah that ...
“Okay. That’s it - everything but the VR glasses themselves and sealing the unit. Don’t worry about a thing - We -- we have some government offers on this so we way overengineered this - Freshly setup like this you can literally live years in it, Even if our backup generator died it can last for months on the backup battery alone, It’s lightly armored, Unless we we get nuked or something you’re as safe as you can be.”
“So ... there’s one last thing I should tell you.” She bit her lip.”You know, I’ve liked you since High School, you were always so good to the kids, and I know I didn’t ace your course but I really liked it and ... Janet was helping me with the legal issues getting this stuff together, and we talked about her health issues ... and she’s going to Europe for some experimental treatments that I’m paying for with the money I got on this, but the prognosis is ... well ... yeah ...”
“So Janet proposed that I imprint you with me instead of her, and I argued but ... well, that was actually why we had this scheduled for next week even before you broke your conditioning ... again ... and ... IT’s not like you’re not going to remember her or anything, I wouldn’t do that but ... I’m ... a lot kinkier than she is, and you’re going to wake up with, like, a lot of new fetishes.”
What the hell does THAT mean! 
The VR goggles slid down over me eyes -- for a minute they were in enhanced reality mode and I saw Deanna press a button and the outer shell closed down into darkness while some final pressure balloons inflated, removing the minisule bodily control I somehow had left after everything else
and then there was a sound, a slow pulsing sound. And a kind of 3-D spiral came up and I tried to close my eyes but I just couldn’t keep them closed ... and the system was massaging my cock and balls, and in the background where whispers in both her voice and Janets ...
And I’m at my old classroom desk ... except the classroom is huge. None of the other desks are huge, except one, in the center front easily twice the size of the others ...
{-*Click*-}{-*Clack-} {-*Click*-}{-*Clack-} {-*Click*-}{-*Clack-}
I look at the clock ... I see her frame fill the doorway ... Goth makeup, in a latex catsuit ...
I have no idea what possesses me ... “You’re Late. Do you have a hall pass?”
She smiles. It is a terrifying sexual smile.
Intellectually, I know it’s not real, she’s not that large, that I’m in a Pod, that I’m not even this young ... but I distinctly feel the warm feeling of myself pissing down my own leg ...
In another pod, not all that far away from the one Mr. Johnson is in, a small mainframe correlates musculature data, and an avatar walks closer to him with a widening smile and a distinct swing to her hips as the NPC’s flee the classroom. The computer is in learning mode - shortly it will be able to act as if she was there even if she was gone.
But for the moment she grins and speak quite distinctly.
“Passes? We don’ need no stinkin’ Passes.”
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