#Fullmetal alchemist the abducted alchemist
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qs63 · 2 years ago
I'm reading the Abducted Alchemist novel, which btw is hilarious, and it seems they inadvertently gave Riza an uncle and two cousins!
In the scene where they're accusing Roy of having a son, the team mentions that the General (the other Commander of Eastern command, not named) has a full grown son and two grandkids at home.
This novel predates Grumman's first appearance by a month, so while this unnamed General is technically him, he's also not. I'm guessing the General having a son was later retconned by Grumman's appearance and his relationship to Riza. Still, I find it funny that this novel has unintentionally given Riza a bigger family.
Now, I want to write/read something with Riza meeting her uncle and (apparently much younger) cousins.
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meliake · 1 year ago
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hes so father guys :,)
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weeb-polls-with-pip · 1 year ago
Autistic Anime Girls Group 1 Match 23
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Hikaru -
"She loves constellations and space. (that one’s straight from the opening) She loves sci-fi and aliens so much that her classmates genuinely thought that she just WOULDN’T NOTICE being abducted by aliens."
Winry -
"she loves mechanics and prosthetics and making automail and attacking Ed with a wrench <3"
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marylizabetha · 2 years ago
Thoughts about The Dodleston Messages, Part III
The points that started this train of thought,
• The future person saying that time travel is like a scale, to send someone back in time, someone from that time has to switch places with them and be sent to the future. • Aly bringing up Alchemy
In FullMetal Alchemist, there is The Law of Equivalent Exchange.
In order for someone to transmute something, something of equal value must be given in exchange.
Water can be turned into wine, silver into gold, etc. But something cannot be created from nothing.
The story begins with the protagonists learning a harsh lesson about equivalent exchange. Two brothers try to resurrect their mother with alchemy in a way that visually resembles the occult performing necromancy. Instead, they create a monstrosity that barely resembles a human and dies right away. One brother loses his entire body and the other, his leg. The remaining brother then has to give up his arm in order to attach his brother's soul to a suit of armor.
Later we see that the brother's body is trapped behind a gate and a strange spirit who claims to be ALL (like HIM) has the arm and leg of the other. Like, they did bring a body into this world, but to do so, another had to take its place in the spirit world (like the first point from the podcast).
It also made me think of abductions
and the theory that Aliens are just us from the future. Perhaps abductions are really just people being plucked from the present and taken to the future, in order for someone from the future to come here and study us, or whatever they are here to do. Like an Indrid Cold (Grinning Man) kind of situation.
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laforzadelvoila · 1 year ago
The Abducted Alchemist is the second light novel in the Fullmetal Alchemist series.
Train lines destroyed in a series of devastating terrorist strikes — all without a single victim! A string of kidnappings targeting the friends and families of the military! Civilian anger mounts with every passing day, and the authorities seem powerless to catch the insurgents. Colonel Roy Mustang alone sees a connection between the two crime sprees, but he’ll have a tough time convincing his superiors at Central Command… at least, until Edward and Alphonse Elric find themselves in the middle of the investigation — and the kidnapping too!
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servin-up-surveys · 2 years ago
survey #182
When was the last time you admired some flowers? What kind/color were they? Recently; they were white crape myrtles.
Are you in the process of watching or re-watching a series at the moment? I could never, ever picture myself rewatching a whole series ever again, you can barely get me to sit through a new one, but Girt and I are working on The Rain for the first time.
If so, how many seasons does it have? And what season are you currently on? There are three right now, and we're on two.
Has anyone you know gotten a new pet recently? Yes, my sister Misty's family adopted a corgi (I can't remember her name), and I think someone I shot pictures for once recently got a panther chameleon because she's been posting quite a few videos with him.
How old were you 10 years ago? Who were your closest friends at that point? 17, yeesh. Ten whole years ago... Jason was my boyfriend and closest friend, then there was Summer, Hannia, Girt, Alon, Maria, Megan...
Do you still speak to any of them? Summer and I talk/see each other sometimes because she's actually part of my sister's inlaws' family, Girt and I are together, and Megan and I sometimes interact over Facebook, but we don't really talk, I also have Alon on there, but she barely touches it so we don't really talk either.
Have you ever kissed someone of another race? I mean my boyfriend's father was pure Native American, but despite the fact he doesn't visibly display any traditional traits whatsoever, it'd be incorrect to say he's totally Caucasian.
Are there any races you wouldn't kiss? No, race means exactly nothing to me with relationships.
What is your favorite thing about your best friend? He is extremely trustworthy and honest. I never feel like he's hiding something from me or sugarcoating things, but he's also gentle with me. His balance in this stuff is incredible.
What do you mostly have in common with your best friend? We're very introverted. Love video games.
Do you like it when men shave their chests? If you are a guy, do you shave? I don't care.
What is your favorite kind of video game? Horror ones, specifically psychological or survival.
When you’re visiting a site, do you still type "www."? No.
What can you hear right now? I'm watching Markiplier's Resident Evil 8 LP. Two years late, but... I'm apparently having a streak of wanting to watch his stuff again.
Do you think it’s okay for kids to have cellphones? Yes, HOWEVER I definitely support limiting screen time and gauging what they're allowed to do on there with age but especially maturity. At the very beginning, I'm all for being able to call your guardians, because that cellphone might save your baby's life in horrible situations like abductions. From there, you be the judge based on your unique child and various factors relating to them.
Do you watch anime? If so, what are some of your favorites? Yeah, they can have very interesting plots. My favorite is Fullmetal Alchemist (including the Brotherhood iteration of it, idk which I enjoy more), and I'm also fond of Ginga Densetsu Weed and Deadman Wonderland. I've seen a decent chunk of Attack on Titan and was also into it.
Do you have any siblings? If so which one of them do you get along with the best? I have six technically, but I only know five. I don't really know which one I get along with best; I feel like Katie and I have the most compatibility, but I don't feel particularly "close" to any of my siblings and I fucking hate that.
What’s your favorite TV show? And who’s your favorite character from it? Meerkat Manor is my favorite show of all time, and Mozart was my favorite character.
Have you violated any of the 10 Commandments? If so, what? Yeah; I don't give a fuck about honoring God's name or even respecting him in any way or form.
Do people think you look like either of your parents? Does that offend you? I've heard both, and no. I'll admit as a kid having someone say I looked like my dad was mildly offensive just because I was a girl and he's a man, but I certainly don't give a shit now because I know what they mean, just features.
Do you prefer regular bacon or turkey bacon? Regular, turkey bacon is gross.
Do you think it’s weird when people talk to their pets like people? No? I honestly think that's probably very healthy for the animal, and the owner too. I think it strengthens bonds, and it must certainly make the pet feel included and like family to be treated like how you treat other people.
What is the last place, other than home, that you stayed overnight? Uhhhh I feel like I haven't done that in over a year now; I'm quite sure the last time was when I was in the hospital last... March or May, whatever it was.
What is the furthest you have traveled alone? Illinois.
Have you ever dated someone simply for their looks? No.
Have you ever been drunk? No, only lightly tipsy.
What was the name of the main character in the last book you read? Blue, in the book I'm currently reading. The last book I finished, Qibli was the protagonist.
What are three of your favorite toppings for salads? Bacon bits, cucumber, and uh... that's basically it lmfao, my salads are very simple. There's too many additions I DON'T like.
Do you prefer pizza or hot dogs? Pizza.
What is your favorite pizza topping? If I could only pick one, I'd say just regular ol' pepperoni.
Is your dad a jerk? I think he's... oblivious, if anything. He doesn't TRY to be mean, he's really very funny and playful but majorly socially unfiltered. Basically, I think he's capable of being unpleasant, but it's rarely malicious. He's just an old grampa with a few screws kinda loose lol
Is anyone in your family currently in the military? No, not that I know of.
What is your favorite dog breed? Meh I always answer this with such a big list, I love so many. I have been newly very into shar peis, though. There's an Instagram one that I'm obsessed with.
Have you found any gray hairs on your head? No, that might be the day I crumble lol
Do you own a bikini? Oh hell no, I haven't since I was a teenager.
If you were a rockstar, what color guitar would you have? I want to say pink, but REALISTICALLY, I'm not sure I would. Probably mostly black, and it'd probably have skulls and/or occult-ish stuff on it.
Would you rather have a personal chef or personal house cleaner? HOUSE CLEANER.
Do you have any zits on your face right now? Ugh I have one on the upper right of my hairline right now. You can't see it unless I pull my hair back, thankfully. It's not a terrible one, at least.
What are three of your favorite bakery items? Cinnamon rolls, donuts, muffins.
What are three creative hobbies you enjoy? Writing, photography, drawing.
What are three things you like about church? I like how they look and that is literally it. Besides appearance, I only have negative shit to say about them. I grew up forced into church and will never set foot into a sermon again.
What was the last type of pie you ate? It was probably trying an apple or peach pie, I'm not a fan.
Which book did you love when you were younger? The Warriors series by S.E. Hinton was a major obsession.
Which book series could you read again? ^ I actually kinda wanna get back into that once I'm caught up in Wings of Fire, but idk, it's been so so many years that I don't even remember where I stopped, but I know I was deeeep in, so I'd hate re-reading it all. I don't re-read stuff.
Tell me about your first breakup, if you had one. I mean that *technically* woulda been with Aaron, and that was... nothing, given it was a very puppy love situation; I wasn't ready for dating yet. My first real, serious breakup was Jason, and well I tried to kill myself ultimately because of it, so-
Which person would you chose to travel the world with? I'd like it to be Girt, but realistically it would probably be my mom; my boyfriend is such a homebody, like he genuinely doesn't like vacations/traveling and I think he's insane.
Do you have (a) stuffed animal(s) sitting in your room? Which one(s)? Lots of meerkats, there's a Cheshire cat, grumpy cat, a cute lil circular bat, a random fennec fox, and my favorite plushie from childhood, a moose. I plan on trimming the numbers down though whenever I redecorate my room.
Have you ever had to do a doubletake on someone 'cuz they were so pretty? Oh I've totally done this with Alon at some point, god when I look back I can't believe I never realized THEN that my ass ain't straight lmfao
Is your last ex currently in a relationship? I have no idea, I don't keep up with her at all; even if I'm curious of how she is/what she's up to, I don't allow myself to look at any of her socials.
Who was the last female you were introduced to? ummmm I'm actually not sure? Probably a doctor, realistically.
Who was the last male you were introduced to? A family friend's friend, Larry.
Do you use a nightlight? Yeah; it's a little Saturn lamp that I can change the colors of.
What’s your opinion on border control? Look dude I don't even want borders TO exist; every single goddamn person has as much right to be on this earth in any specific location as anyone else, get the hell outta here with that "illegal human" horseshit.
What are your favorite things to create? Feral meerkat OCs.
What’s something you prefer to keep private? My sexual life.
Are you good at prioritizing? NO
If you’re not religious, were you ever? What made you lose faith? Yes, and fucking life itself. A few months back I made a massive FB post regarding why I left my faith, and in the end it really made me realize that I have bad religious wounds, maybe even trauma but I'm not 100% sure if it's to that extent. I just know I'm extremely hateful towards religions like Christianity, and it's something I actually recently broke down over because I WANT to chill out with how the very topic sets me on fucking fire; I'm never going to like faiths like those, but I want to be kinder towards their existence and just stop being SO bothered by them and other people having them. It prompted me to try to find a therapist specializing in religious trauma (didn't get far btw, thanks shitty insurance <3).
What feeling do you have the most difficulty in expressing? Envy, most likely. It makes me very uncomfortable.
When was the last time you looked at your significant other/crush’s Facebook profile? Oh jesus I'm not sure, I never look at it, really. Especially when he touches FB like, never, and never updates anything, what would even be the point?
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makiswirl · 3 years ago
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reminder that the abducted alchemist is an actual, published book
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wizardcat-221 · 3 years ago
i love how riza hawkeye canonically is not 100% sure that roy does not have a kid running around somewhere
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levhach · 4 years ago
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qs63 · 2 years ago
Fullmetal Alchemist: The abducted alchemist
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Time for another FMA novel review!
This one much like the previous novel, Fullmetal Alchemist: The Land of Sand, happens in early canon. That means the brothers are still searching for the stone, however this particular novel focuses on a Military case and is very Roy centric — which admittedly is what I'm here for.
Spoilers ahead!
The story follows mostly Ed and Roy as they investigate a series of seemingly random bombing on the railways by a group of terrorists. The plot is quite simple, there aren't any big surprises or particularly memorable side characters. What this has is a lot of comedy and banter, which in my opinion is its saving grace.
There are a lot of funny moments: Roy being a shameless flirt, team Mustang interrogating him about a supposed "son", Havoc terrorizing Breda and Al with a car, Ed going ballistic about his height, Ed pretending to be Roy's son. The paternal Roy-Ed angle is played A LOT throughout the novel, so if you like this you'll have plenty to enjoy. I'm personally not a fan of it, but as it's mainly played for comedic relief it didn't bother me as much as I would've expected.
The best part of this story, for me, were the small Royai moments. You have Riza bringing Roy tea, the two of them discussing strategy alone, obligatory questioning of their past and guilt, and the two of them trying to save each from the same target. It really made me smile.
The worst part of this was Roy and Ed teaming up. It's very obvious the author ran into the same issue Arakawa did while writing the Promised Day arc. Roy is too dang OP so if you leave him alone he'll steal all the thunder from Ed. No, unlike Arakawa's own elegant solution (to blind him for the final fight) the author just inexplicably powered down Roy's abilities and alchemy.
There's a whole paragraph explaining how Roy can't hit the big bad because he's carrying a gun and ammunition on his back, saying that his skills aren't good enough not to hit him without setting off the ammunition. This novel was of course written before we had seen the whole might of Roy's flame alchemy, but that explanation rings so wrong and hollow after seeing Roy burn Envy's tongue and eyes with such accuracy that it was scary…
I wish the authors had found a less bullshit way to have Ed be the one to save the day with his automail blade.
The lack of understanding of Roy's past and abilities is also very noticeable in his final punchline to the terrorist leader, where he said something that almost made me put down the book entirely: "You know the difference between us? We don't use kids and money to try to win people's hearts. We kill, but we don't hate."
Considering all the evil the military did in Ishval and later, and how Roy himself burned innocent children, women, elderly during the war, that phrase left a terrible taste in my mouth.
In conclusion, the Abducted Alchemist is a funny story, worth reading if you want some mindless banter between the brothers and team Mustang. That being said, the plot is quite weak,and the lack of understanding of the characters — especially of Roy — did put a damper on my enjoyment of the story. For all this, it gets a 6.5/10 from me.
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midwayhope · 7 years ago
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fandomtrash-16 · 4 years ago
I had to add in the second half of the cannonical reactions to Edward's kidnapping in The Abducted Alchemist:
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Literally nobody is on the "oh my god we must do everything to save him!!!" level of panic. Even Alphonse, his own brother, isn't worried for Ed- instead worried for the other abducted child they had met the night prior.
This doesn't mean there isn't worry for his well-being, Roy does indeed worry for Ed. He just knows when he's needed.
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Mustang trusts in his subordinate's strength, which is why he's so nonchalant about the trouble he gets into, but he also cares deeply, (even if he doesn't admit it), and will step in and help when Edward truly needs it.
About 1 out of 5 Parental!RoyEd fics: “When his youngest subordinate goes missing, the Flame Alchemist will stop at nothing to bring Ed safely home.”
Meanwhile, Roy in Brotherhood: “Fullmetal’s gone missing up North? Hmm, sounds like a personal problem to me. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a coup to plan.”
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maddiicake · 3 years ago
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ON TWITTER   ||   ON INSTAGRAM  (Pt. 1)  (Pt. 2)  (Pt. 3)
COMMISSION FOR PuzzleEmerald on DeviantART, Instagram, and Twitter
A Comic version of a scene from their Fullmetal Alchemist FanFic, in which their OC, Tara saves Alphonse from Barry the Chopper
More and more comics flying off the shelves~!! I’m so happy that more people have been enjoying them so far ^u^ Haven’t done a Fullmetal Alchemist Comic since the collab for the comic version of Abducted Alchemist back in the days on dA... So great to get back to it~
And for an intense fight scene too!! Tara really stepping in with her fancy blade to save her knight in shining armor~ >u< I’m really interested in how she’s an actress, though.... just this scene alone makes me want to know MORE about the story!! >u<
Anyway, thanks so much for your patience and for commissioning me~! I appreciate it!
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thatoneao3writer · 4 years ago
Long story short, Bad doesn’t get arrested. Right after the last part is probably when Karl shows up, so he teleports onto the ship to see a very confused Tommy, two overwhelmed Green Lanterns, and Skeppy trying to help Bad calm down from a panic attack. Karl isn’t arrested either, because he didn’t break the law, and he probably isn’t on any wanted lists. Tommy and Skeppy, on the other hand, who were basically caught red handed doing crimes, weren’t so lucky.
Skeppy has a hearing, and in the end, he loses his interstellar driver’s license for allowing a minor to drive illegally. This may seem a bit harsh, but knowing Skeppy’s chaotic nature, this probably wasn’t his first major traffic law violation. He also loses his Tommy-chaperoning privileges.
Tommy would’ve gotten away with it for the most part, as, legally speaking, all the blame went to Skeppy for allowing him to drive in the first place. Except for the fact that he accidentally mentioned on of his and Purpled’s “little adventures,” during Skeppy’s hearing. This lead to Tommy actually be banned from going to space except under certain extenuating circumstances.
They try to put Purpled under the same restrictions as Tommy was under earlier; however, this doesn’t actually work, because Purpled has his own ship. Aliens who go around randomly abducting people, like the ones Purpled got the ship from, were probably breaking the law, and thus I’m gonna say that the ship is also equipped with illegal cloaking technology, so Purpled can basically sneak out whenever he wants. The Green Lanterns keep trying to confiscate his ship, and keep failing for increasingly comedic reasons.
PS, I’m glad I managed to get this in before I have to go to fencing.
PPS, The au I’ve been working on is a dsmp fullmetal alchemist au. Me and my friend created a new joint blog for it, so none of the posts show up in the tags yet. The blog is @dsmp-au-ideas if u wanna check it out! The fma au is the only thing we’ve posted so far.
They're so petty they tried to get Purpled in trouble jabahussj what children they are XD
(You actually fence?! That's so freaking cool!! And I don't know anything about fma, but I'll go check the blog out! :D)
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urcaptainvrodani · 5 years ago
okay but this actually happened in the fma novel abducted alchemist lmao and it was great
Kidnappers: We have your son
Roy: I don’t have a son
Kidnappers: Then who asked us for a ton of food and keeps screaming at us like a toddler?
Roy, whispering to himself: Oh my god, they have Fullmetal
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howtowhumpyourhiccup · 4 years ago
10, 16, 20
10. When did you first realize you were into whump?
I guess, technically, it must be somewhere in 2017 when I got into the Httyd fandom and first learned of the term "whump" and what it is.
But other than that, I've been into whump for as long as I can remember.
16. Do you have any whump media recommendations (whump blogs, books, movies, etc.)?
Despite being an avid whumper, I actually don't have that many recommendations.
I know a couple of media things that have large amounts of whump in it, like things that I really like, such as Attack on Titan, The Last Of Us, Fullmetal Alchemist, things I've mentioned before. But they all have some character death in it, which I know you're not a fan of, so I can't recommend any of those.
There's only one thing that I can think of that I can recommend, which is anything Legend of Zelda related. It's kind of like Httyd, in that the games look colorful and lighthearted, but that there is a ton of very dark stuff underneath all that color. I could seriously talk about the dark undertones in any Zelda game I'm familiar with for hours.
Like, in one game, one of the heroes of previous games makes a reappearance as a ghostly skeleton with one eye missing appearing to his blood-related successor because he died full of regrets and waited an unknown amount of time for his successor to arrive so he can finally ease those regrets.
And I've told you before about Them, the canon aliens that appear in one game, but did I also tell you that they come to take the cows from this one ranch and end up abducting an actual child, only to return her later in a catatonic and confused state? That same game also allows you to put an actual torture mask on a 10-year-old child and you need it for a side quest. :') (The mask is said that, when put on, prevents the wearer from sleeping no matter how much they want to.)
One game even implies that one species of monsters that you're killing are actually former civilians that have been turned by a dark power and can no longer be restored to their former selves. That same game also has a nearly abandoned village in which a total of three people live after they are all that is left after continued attacks from the enemy.
Link even canonically died before the events of one game, leaving that Hyrule without a hero and causing Hyrule's population to drop significantly. (It's never said in the game itself, but one of the books detailing the lore of these games shows a map of Hyrule before and after the calamity that took Link's life and the large yellow blotch of the populated area turns into a few tiny specks dotted around the land.)
It's amazing, I love these games so much. Excuse the rant! :'D
20. How are you doing today, buddy?
Oofs! My ever-present headaches and the accompanying tiredness, pre-period cramps, and slight flu symptoms. So today could've been better.
How are you doing?
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