#Full Pupp
Found on IG oliverriedel_unofficial , original video by IG kidarctica (our very own @derwahnsinn ) Oostende 2024-06-28
Schneider and Olli get up close and personal at the Puppe cam (with heart hands) ❤️
Band of Love ❤️
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dmitriene · 6 hours
cw: manipulating, not sure about dubcon but might.
college nerd könig, there's nothing typical nerdy about him, no glasses, his vision is actually pretty good, so he can not hide the bright baby blue of his cornea, it's just a simple choice of his to avoid talking to others and busy himself with some projects and works that need to be done, unlike many others, those who choose to hang out all day long and condemn him.
you're sweet, not some popular girl of the whole college or your class, just a one of many that study here, but in his eyes, you are practically the center of the entire universe, because the mere fact that you pay attention to könig's being and chat with him about anything, even the topics that only he understands, is enough for him to become attached to you, basking in your attention.
you don't know about a twisted, grappling idea which scratches against the framework of his mind, forcing him to try, to take the chance to get close to you, to show others that there can also be such an adorable doll like you next to him, getting shy sweetly when he hooks his fingers against your hand or knee, or purrs a hoarse praise when you remember what he told you last time, calling you a schlaue puppe with a crooked smile.
könig get's too close, enough to be the one to hold your tiny strings, he knows that you began to communicate with him not out of pity, but out of sincere interest, and that you never whispered anything behind his back, so he treats you slowly and carefully for that, gently, whispering slipping pet names right into your ear, inviting you to spend more time together, at the evening in his dorm.
everyone that night heard your whiny, keening moans, recognized your voice when you sobbed his name through your raspy gasps and quiet squeaks, innocent requests to be more slower, leaving crescent, scarlet nails of your nails along the expanse of his rippling back, small, uneven scars and freckles, clinging to könig while he pummels your slick, soppy pussy full.
main masterlist. quidelines.
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happyprincesscycle · 1 month
Grump and Pupp
Pairings: Grumpy!Billy Butcher x Sunshine!Reader
A continuation of the Grump and Pupp series. I've compiled a bunch of random Butcher and Reader moments:
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**The Breakfast Battle
It was a rare quiet morning in the house, and Butcher was trying to enjoy a peaceful breakfast. He’d just poured himself a cup of black coffee and was about to dig into a plate of eggs and bacon when you burst into the kitchen like a whirlwind of energy.
“Morning, Butcher!” you chirped, sliding into the seat across from him. “Whatcha eating? Ooh, eggs and bacon, classic! You know what would make that even better? Pancakes! And maybe some waffles. Or, wait, how about a full English breakfast? We could add beans, tomatoes, sausages—oh, and don’t forget the toast!”
Butcher glared at you over his mug. “I’m eatin’ what I’ve got. If you want the full works, make it yourself.”
You grinned, undeterred. “Oh, I could do that! But wouldn’t it be more fun if we cooked together? We could be like those cooking show hosts! We’d have matching aprons and everything.”
Butcher took a long sip of his coffee, trying to block out the mental image of you in an apron with your name stitched across it. “No aprons, no cookin’ shows, and no bloody beans. Now, piss off and let me eat in peace.”
You pouted, but only for a moment. Then you jumped up and started rummaging through the cabinets. “Fine, but I’m making us some pancakes! You’ll thank me later.”
As you banged the cabinets around the kitchen, Butcher could only watch in exasperation. His peaceful morning was officially over.
**The War for TV remote
It was movie night—though Butcher would have preferred to call it a ‘quiet night in’ if he had any choice in the matter. He slumped on the couch, ready to unwind with something violent and full of explosions, when you skipped into the living room with a stack of DVDs in hand.
“So, I was thinking,” you began, plopping down next to him. “We could watch something light and funny! Maybe a rom-com, or a Disney movie! How about ‘The Lion King’? You’ll love it—it’s got action, drama, and catchy songs! Oh, and talking animals, too!”
Butcher’s eye twitched as you held up the DVD. “Not a chance in hell,” he growled, snatching the remote before you could grab it. “We’re watchin’ ‘Rambo’.”
You gave him a pleading look, your lip quivering ever so slightly. “But Butcher, we always watch stuff like that! Just one time, can we watch something with a happy ending?”
“Nope,” Butcher replied, turning on the TV with finality.
Undeterred, you leaned in closer, your hand inching toward the remote. “How about a compromise? We’ll watch half of ‘Rambo,’ and then we can switch to ‘The Lion King.’ Fair?”
“Not fair,” Butcher shot back, tightening his grip on the remote. “You want happy endings, go read a fairy tale.”
Just then, you made your move—lunging for the remote with a grin. But Butcher was quicker, holding it out of your reach as you half-climbed onto him in a futile attempt to grab it. The two of you ended up in a ridiculous tug-of-war, with you laughing and Butcher grumbling under his breath.
Finally, you relented, falling back onto the couch with a huff. “Fine, you win. But one of these days, I’m picking the movie.”
Butcher smirked, settling back into his seat. “Over my dead body.”
**The Laundry Disaster
Butcher wasn’t one for domestic chores, but he liked things to be in order. So when he found you in the laundry room, surrounded by piles of clothes, he knew trouble was brewing.
“What the bloody hell are you doin’?” Butcher demanded, eyeing the mess you’d made.
You looked up from the mountain of laundry with a sheepish grin. “Laundry! I thought I’d help out, you know? But… I might have mixed up the colors a bit.”
Butcher’s eyes narrowed as he spotted a pair of his black jeans now sporting a very unwelcome pink hue. “You’ve gotta be kiddin’ me.”
“Okay, so maybe I used a bit too much detergent… and maybe I put everything in on the wrong setting,” you admitted, holding up one of Butcher's shirt that had turned pink. “But it’s the thought that counts, right?”
Butcher snatched the ruined shirt from your hands, his patience wearing thin. “The thought don’t mean much when all my clothes are buggered.”
You shrugged, still smiling. “Look on the bright side—at least you don’t have to do the laundry now! I took care of it for you.”
Butcher let out a low growl, rubbing his temples. “From now on, you stay out of the laundry room. In fact, stay out of any room with chores, period.”
You saluted him playfully. “Aye, aye, captain! But I’ll still help with folding, right? I’m great at folding!”
Butcher just shook his head, resigned. “Yeah, right. Folding me patience into a square, more like.”
**The Prank War
You were bored, which was never a good thing for Butcher. Whenever you got bored, trokuble followed. This time, you’d decided to amuse yourself with a little prank—harmless fun, you thought.
Butcher was in the kitchen, his back to you as he poured himself a drink. Perfect. You tiptoed up behind him and—snap!—popped a small party cracker right near his ear.
“WHAT THE FU—” Butcher jumped about a foot in the air, the drink sloshing out of his glass as he spun around to face you.
You burst out laughing, clutching your sides as you saw the look of pure murder in his eyes. “Gotcha!” you squealed, backing away slowly.
Butcher set the glass down, taking a deep breath. “You’ve got a death wish, don’t ya?”
You grinned cheekily, holding up another party cracker. “Maybe, but it’s worth it to see that face! Come on, Butcher, don’t be such a grump.”
He lunged forward, grabbing you by the arm. “Right, that’s it. You’re in for it now, sunshine.”
You yelped as he hoisted you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, carrying you toward the front door. “Hey! Put me down! Where are you taking me?”
“To the curb where you belong,” Butcher replied, though there was a hint of amusement in his voice.
You couldn’t stop laughing as he marched you outside, depositing you on the front step before turning to go back in.
“Come on, Butcher!” you called after him, still giggling. “It was just a joke!”
“Joke’s on you,” Butcher shot back, slamming the door behind him.
Of course, you weren’t deterred. Five minutes later, you were back inside, plotting your next prank with a grin on your face.
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glassrowboat · 9 months
Cinderella. Pantalone.
Summary: You didn't mean to be stranded out on the steps to the palace with a broken shoe, but some things are more like a fairy tale than one would think. It's only a shame your prince charming is a fucking dick.
Warnings: an exuberant amount of cussing, mentions of death, and the upperclass
Word count: 2500+
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The sound of shoes clacking on the pavement was the first sign you were no longer as alone as once thought. A solid click, the pristine shine of black leather, and a silver buckle that somehow shined even in the cold night air when the brightest light near you was a streetlamp at most ten feet away. The fact there wasn't a very particular someone's insignia ingrained in that black already felt like a miracle given the man's pride. He did so love to adorn himself in finery.
“Miss (y/n), a pleasure as always.” He didn't even pretend to not notice your current state, his eyes might as well be full of mirth as he gazed down at you sitting on the steps leading up to a cursed banquet you had to attend. The event was already in full swing yet here you sat outside as if the clamor of voices and music playing couldn't be heard. “I hope you have not gotten yourself into another problem.”
Teasing now, of all times, really?
It was already fully evident he knew what was going on, how could he not? A shoe in your hand a broken off heel in the other made it clear there was in fact a problem. The contraption had wronged her. “I think it's rather obvious, is it not? Or do you need a new prescription for those glasses of yours?”
He didn't even bother to give an interesting reply back as he simply laughed off the jab like it was water on a ducks back. Something that wasn't event relevant enough to be addressed. “I see now, that does appear to be a problem.”
Wow. I had no fucking clue.
“Perhaps I can be of assistance to you?” His voice was musing as ever, too gentle to be real. Just the same way he acts in the middle of a business deal.
“Oh?” You looked up at him, eyes tearing off those shiny shoes you were admittedly jealous of in this moment. Any other day you might just consider spitting on them but circumstances have changed. “Tell me trousers, for amusements sake only, what could you possibly do to help me in this hour of need? Maybe you'd do the same thing Scaramouche did as he passed me by only minutes prior, telling me to walk barefoot in the snow.”
“Oh my, it would be a mad man who would dare try.” At least he understood that compared to the puppe- “Back to calling me trousers now, miss? I thought we grew past that.”
“Maybe you did.” If only the poison on your tongue was enough to sway him enough to slip off a step and fall past the railing with a nice, satisfying kurplunk. “Well seeing as my night is perfectly ruined, how has yours been going?”
"Oh, not too bad myself I must say." Pantalone's voice was calm and smooth as usual, as if nothing really affected him much. "I've been attending to a few important matters as part of my responsibilities, but now I have some free time to spend. I suppose I may have found something to do with it now."
How annoyingly easy it was for him to lie, to show no tell at all. No pinch in the eyebrow, no change in tone, not even looking else where to avoid eye contact. Truly a professional. If it weren't for the fact you had personally seen Pantalone repeatedly having to brush off the same man with a rather boring sounding business proposal you would have truly believed him. His irritation had been clear then even as that smile remained. What a talent to have, to lie easier than he breathed.
Slowly, steadily Pantalone made his was down the stairs you sat upon until he was stood before you. A kind face to be shown as he looked down at the object of your plight. “It's a rather pretty pair of shoes. A pity one of them has been torn apart. Do you think we can find you another pair in a store nearby?”
“I appreciate the offer, but I'll pass.”
It would be a fool who agrees to be in debt to the regrator, a favor or otherwise.
One of his perfectly manicured eyebrows rose as he looked down at you, almost like he was shocked at the rejection to his offer. The amusement however was clear in his face. "Is something the matter? It would be unfortunate to stay here barefoot in the cold. Though I can't say I didn't expect that answer. You are quite the character.”
“Says you. How great a character you are that your very own name is ripped from a play.”
You weren't even honored with a reply. You never are. 
“Do you live nearby, miss?”
“Yeah. Maybe like ten minutes down that street,” you pointed to the left, finger blocking one of the many piles of snow on the street. “Then you- Close. I'm close by.”
Why the fuck was I telling him this?
“I see.” 
With the wave of a hand covered in what had to be the finest of fabrics for gloves (probably something that's been hand spun by poor widows for years as they labor over raw cotton) and glittering silver Pantalone called over an attendant. Her short frame quickly moving over like she felt the need to be as efficient as possible. As to why? Well, the answer is obvious. You don't defy a harbinger. You don't deny them. You can only hope to please the over hyped power houses of Snezhaya, especially if one of them is your boss. 
“You are far too easy to easy to read, miss (y/n).” Without so much as a glance towards this woman's way he takes something from her hand. A little bottle of sorts you can't read the label of with a red cap. That is until he moves his bejeweled fingers away to give you a chance to peek at the words printed out. “One day your pride will be the end of you.”
And I hope your end will be just as pathetic as you.
Huffing you try and ignore the savior that he's holding in his hand. Shoe glue, just what you need. “Why do you even have that?”
Not even bothering to address you Pantalone tells the attendant she's excused. The same rush as when she ran over showing as she bowed to you both. “Lord harbinger. Miss (y/n).” 
And there she goes.
“Cmon slacks, gimme something I can reply to that isn't your typical droning. Otherwise I might just start mistaking your voice for those inside.” The same chatter that might as well be ringing on your ear as it grows louder and louder throughout the night. Alcohol may loosen lips, but it also apparently makes everyone too deaf to hear properly. If either of you were to go back inside surely you'd be cringing everytime someone walks by as they think it's a great idea to address someone all the way across the great hall.
“I bore you as much as ever then.” With a chuckle Pantalone holds the bottle out before you, dangling it like bait on a string, and you were the fish he was waiting for to take a bite. Warning label flashing your vision. “I could tell you how La Signora once broke her heel and simply combusted with fury. Though that wouldn't be true, she wouldn't be caught dead wearing something cheap enough to break just like that.”
Always has to have a smart reply, doesn't he? All the while you're running low on quips as this guy proves his default setting is exhausting everyone around him. The charming man one might mistake him as with a simple glance was truly such a farce. “Thanks, but I'd rather rip the boots off of some poor, unsuspecting sod then let you do something for me.”
With a click of his tongue Pantalone pulls the bottle back away from you, the shining light of hope that it was being stolen like the donations from an alms box under the nose of a priest. “Ahh yes, the fear of owing the ninth harbinger. It is a daunting cloud to loom so heavily.”
Of course it was. He may sound and look as pretty as a picture but under those silver spectacles were eyes that could only be satisfied with the sight of mora in his palm. Those that denied him such a sight had a habit of going home to a few broken objects, being randomly beaten down out of the blue on their merry way back home, and lastly disappearing in the same way your clouds of breath blown out into the cold air of the blizzard covered nation did. There was no god to pray to that could help escape him, no matter which archons name uttered.
“How about I offer you a deal,” Pantalone asked, the corner of his mouth turning up into a smirk. It was as if the very mention of any sort of ‘business’ had him rearing to go. Cocky bastard.
It's just a shame you had nothing to say. Another comment would have this back and forth going until either a: you get interrupted by one of the guests, b: he decides toying with you has lost its charm (an unlikely event but still one can dream), and lastly c: you bite the bullet and make a ten minute walk home in a broken shoe through snowy and icy streets you'd surely be slipping and sliding over. A face plant or two might just be worth it though.
“No objections then. As for our deal, I shall assist this damsel in distress with fixing her shoe and in turn you tell no one of this.” As if he was already certain you'd agree in a heartbeat, probably in his minds even with stars glittering around you like a scene from a shojo manga panel, Pantalone plucked the broken shoe and heel from your hands. “I'd say you would be getting the better end of the deal here tonight. You do need to get home, don't you?”
I do, and he knows that. Prick.
 “Fine. Deal or whatever.”
The fact he didn't immediately pull out a five page contract on the spot was disappointing. Unlikely, but the thought alone would be enough to cause you to laugh if it was anyone else's presence you were in. Instead you sat back on those concrete stairs, watching as the regrator of all people slipped off his rings and placed them to the side. Doesn't want his precious getting dirty then, huh?
“So what's the real reason you have that stuff on you?”
“You truly do believe every word that slips past my lips is a lie,” He stated. Stated, not questioned. “I have found myself working in collaboration with a cobbler recently and I was given this as a free sample of sorts. You were simply lucky with the timing is all.”
Your eyes narrowed as you looked down at him, his gloved hand holding that stupid little bottle in hand as he seems to run over the nails that were supposed to keep the outsole together with ease. He seemed so calm doing this but it could all just be another facade, another act. Only he, himself, and Pantalone knew what was truly going on in that pretty head of his. “I wouldn't call breaking my shoe luck.”
“Perhaps not.” 
“I never asked, just how did that attendant magically have that on hand with a wave of your- well hand.” That could of been worded a bit better. Cmon self, you're slacking here.
“Oh that? I heard of your little plight when I was inside. A noble lady with a mole over her lip, the left side, mentioned a poor miss (y/n) having tripped over her own two feet like a buffoon who then,” without missing a beat as he spoke Pantalone kneeled before you, “ran off as if a headless chicken.” 
“Lovely imagery, slacks. Thank you for that.”
“I am merely repeating what I have heard for you. I wouldn't want you to go unaware of what your fellow ladies have been gossiping about this night.”
And in doing so you purposefully worded it in a way that had the intent to embarrass me. I'm not blind nor deaf but somehow he surely thinks I am both.
“Now then.” Easily he pulled you from your thoughts. Daydreaming cast aside and asunder as his hand wrapped around your ankle. The instant jolt from the movement you were spurred into meaning little as his grip tightened, not even allowing an inch of freedom. “Give the heel some time before you start walking on it, we don't need to disturb the banquet with your dramatics again.”
A part of you wanted to believe Pantalone's hand didn't feel warm because they're just as cold and dead as his heart, but the gloves he dawned and the thermal stockings you used religiously in this winter inferno were enough to say you were just being hopeful. It was better to focus on that little fact than how he was sliding that stiletto on for you. The fact he wasn't looking at your eyes could either be a blessing or make this all worse. In the very least it gave you a chance to figure out that blaming the color burning your cheeks a rosy hue on the low temperatures could be a solid enough lie he wouldn't openly question your bull. 
“Now if you'll excuse me,” Pantalone said, calling your attention back up to his face and not the hand that had just let go of you. “It's about time I head back inside.”
Somehow there wasn't even a speck of dust on his knees as Pantalone stands back up, his perfect little demeanor the same as always without even a wrinkle to be had. Untouchable. Far off from everyone else around him. “I'm sure the Tsarita's little socialite has been missed.”
With a small laugh and a “precisely,” Pantalone steps around you, those same perfect condition having shoes of his hitting the steps with a satisfying click as he walked away. At least this time you weren't gazing upon them with envy. “Remember now miss, no going around gossiping about this.”
As if I'd ever.
“The less your name falls from my lips the better. You do so tend to leave a narly aftertaste. Plus, I have no intention of owing you anything.”
With one last flick of his gaze, one last shine of those spectacles under the streetlamp he looks at you. How unreadable that mask could be when he truly wished it. Maybe it's true what they say, once you wear a mask too long it becomes your face. 
“Have a good night then.”
And with that, he left. The night air your only company.
Good riddance.
Except now your looking down at a pink box that had been delivered to your house this morning, only a day having gone by since that unlucky encounter with the regrator yet he chose to rub this all in your face. A stink bug of a man, truly. Only there to be a pest that's always somehow present yet you shouldn't bother to do away with. After all, there would be consequences. 
So like any bug he crawled through the cracks of what is supposed to be your home. All with the ease of one delivery man and a letter with the most beautiful handwriting you had ever seen (and annoyingly written in what had to be scented ink). “I believe this means you now owe me a favor.” Signed Pantalone.
How you wanted to spit on the brand new pair of heels before you.
What a dick.
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clangenrising · 6 months
Month 13 - Newleaf
“You'll watch her the whole time?” Russetfrond was saying to Pantherhaze. “I don’t want anything to happen while I’m gone.” 
“I will, I promise,” said Pantherhaze offering a wilted-looking smile. “Please, just go enjoy the Gathering.” 
“I won’t cause any trouble,” Mystique said, sitting beside her guard for the night. She offered a smile of her own to the deputy and he scowled in response. She still didn’t understand why he was so angry with her all the time or why he seemed to think she was going to turn around and attack them the first chance she got. 
“You’d better not,” he growled. 
“Come on, Russetfrond,” called Goldenstar from across the camp. Almost half of the cats had gathered on the slope of the hill - Goldenstar, Yarrowshade, Sagetooth, Ospreymask, and Floodpaw - and they were waiting expectantly for Russetfrond to join them. He huffed and gave Mystique one more pointed glare before stalking off to join them. She frowned .
“Have fun!” called Barleypaw. 
“Will do!” Ospreymask called back. 
After another beat, the group turned and headed out. Mystique yawned and stretched and looked over at her guard. 
“So where are they all off to again?” 
“The Gathering,” said Pantherhaze as if that answered the question.
“Okay…” she raised a brow. “That’s not vague or anything.” 
“It’s a meeting between the different Clans,” he supplied. “Every full moon they go and-”
Sparrowpaw called over to them, “I’m not sure Russetfrond would approve of telling her all that.” He looked a bit anxious as he shifted his weight from foot to foot. 
“It’s fine,” said Branchbark, laid out in the grass with Aldertail. “If she stays for too much longer, she’ll figure it out anyway.” 
“Yeah, and besides,” Mystique said, “It’s not like I’m gonna try and kill you all or anything. I don’t know why everyone keeps acting like I’m some big threat.” Her eyes caught movement as Aldertail squirmed uncomfortably. 
There was a small, uncomfortable silence that baffled her, but eventually Scorch spoke up from the warriors’ den. “If you still don’t get it then you’re being dumb on purpose.” She strolled over to the prey pile and hunched beside it to inspect the options, tail swishing with all of the confidence that she had wielded back in the city. Mystique’s eyes couldn’t help but be drawn to space where her Name Charm should be. 
She considered shooting back but held her tongue. She still wasn’t sure where she stood with Scorch and she didn’t want any good-natured ribbing to be taken as an insult. Instead she cleared her throat and looked away, returning to her den in a way she tried to make casual instead of defeated. Scorch smirked and Mystique knew she hadn’t succeeded. 
Pantherhaze followed her and settled down outside the door. The rest of the cats in camp went back to what they had been doing. Scorch picked a fish from the pile and ate it on the Stoneperch. The apprentices finished their own meals and went off into the night together. Branchbark slowly convinced Aldertail to relax again and started grooming her pelt. Mystique watched them and chewed the side of her cheek in frustration. 
Why was she such an outsider here? She was fun and personable wasn’t she? Why did it feel like she had a symbol of doom hovering above her head that only other people could see? She wished her Folk were nearby. She wanted nothing more than to be pet and coddled. She sighed and flopped her head onto her legs. Pantherhaze tilted his head to look at her.
“Are you alright?” he asked. 
“No,” she groaned. “Am I dumb?” She tilted her head to look at him. 
“Oh, no, I’m sure you’re not,” he said, which wasn’t the most reassuring thing in the world. “Don’t let Scorchplume bother you too much. She can be…. Prickly.” 
Mystique shifted to face him more squarely. “No, but she’s right, isn’t she? I mean, what am I missing? Clearly it’s something or everyone wouldn’t treat me like I was a sprinkler waiting to go off.” 
“A what?” he tilted his head in confusion like a puppy. 
“A sprinkler,” she brushed the thought away with her tail. “It sprays water on a patch of grass or flowers.” 
“Weird,” he frowned. 
“Look, that’s not the point!” she shook her head, “What’s wrong with me?” 
“What’s-” the little warrior blundered, “I don’t-”
“Ugh,” she rolled her eyes. She heaved herself to her feet and started across the camp towards Branchbark. “Hey!” Pantherhaze scrambled to keep up with her. At the sound of her voice, Aldertail shrank into a ball again. It was, honestly, really annoying. 
“Uh-” Branchbark glanced between her and Aldertail, unsure what to do.
“I’ve got a question for you,” said Mystique. “Why does everyone think I’m a secret murderer or something?” Branchbark swallowed hard and sat up taller, giving Aldertail better cover and lifting his face up onto the level with Mystique’s. 
“Um, because you’re a rogue?” he said like it was a question. 
“What is that?” she pressed. “I’m a rogue? Since when?” 
“It’s just a word we use for dangerous groups of cats,” said Pantherhaze, tail twitching. 
“Okay, but what makes me so dangerous?” she said. From her spot above them all, Scorch laughed. 
“Well, all the kittypets we’ve met so far have it out for us?” said Branchbark in the same tone. “They’ve been starving us out, they’re trying to kill Aldertail…”
“Well, okay, but she’s a criminal,” Mystique scoffed. “Besides, it's not like I’m gonna attack her right now for no reason.” 
“You’ve contradicted yourself,” Scorch called airily. Mystique glared over, not appreciating the attitude she was giving.
“Yeah,” agreed Branchbark, “you just said you wouldn’t attack her for no reason but you admitted you think other cats have a reason to hurt her.” His tone was getting bolder, his jaw set with a defiant edge. 
“Well, that’s not-” Mystique tried. 
“And!” Branchbark kept talking, a fire starting to grow in him, “And, she didn’t even do anything! Her brother is the one who committed the crime!” Behind him Aldertail was shaking visibly. Her tail was tucked underneath her, her ears pressed flatly against her skull. 
“I-it was an accident anyway!” she cried shakily, hiding under her own paws. “He didn’t mean it, he didn’t-!” The kittens had poked their heads out of the nursery to watch. Branchbark wrapped his tail tightly around her and leaned down to run his tongue over her forehead. 
“Hey, it’s okay,” he said softly, “take a deep breath.” 
“Right, but-” Mystique took a step back, “Look, I didn’t do anything though! I don’t know why you’re angry at me.” 
“Exactly,” Scorch snapped, rising to her full height. “You didn’t do anything.” She stared at Mystique burning those words into her with eyes of blue flame. Mystique’s tail started to lash anxiously. 
“What was there to do?” she said, “I’d never even met her before now!” 
Scorch scoffed and leaped down to stride up to the group of cats. “You think you’re so good ‘cause you never do anything wrong but you never do anything right either. Razor and his pig-headed friends bully and kill and worse every day and you just pretend not to see it.” 
“I don’t-” Mystique’s stomach was tight. The recesses of her mind were screaming. No! Leave now! You’re too close to the shadow truth! She took another step back.
Scorch followed her into the empty space, staring up at her. “You just sat by and let him. You’ll claim you didn’t see anything but you didn’t want to see it! I don’t know what’s worse, honestly; Razor, pretending he’s done nothing wrong, or you, pretending to believe him.” Mystique’s fur bristled and the words stung, sinking deep into her and piercing holes in the wall protecting her from the shadow truth. She’s right, it hissed, bubbling up within her. 
Scorch was still going. “Tell me, Mystique: What will you do when he comes to kill us all? To drag me back? Will you shuffle your paws and turn away as he slaughters these cats? Will you go back to your Folk and forget it ever happened? Will you still convince yourself you were good?” 
Mystique reeled. “No,” she said on instinct. “No, of course not, I-”
“Really?” Scorch laughed. “That’s what you’ve done every other day of your life! Why change now?” 
‘Cause… ‘Cause I wouldn’t, Mystique thought, but no words managed to get through the chokepoint of her throat. How did she know that? She tried to imagine what she would do if Razor showed up in one of his tempers. The thought was paralyzing and that wasn’t a good sign. The shadow truth was starting to swallow her whole. He isn’t a good cat, it whispered, you know this. It’s been here the whole time. You don’t just know this, you have known. Her stomach roiled terribly. 
Suddenly, Pantherhaze was shoving himself between her and Scorchplume. “Hey, ease off,” he said, his little voice firm as he could make it. Scorch curled her lip, glanced at Mystique one more time, and then turned around.
“Fine,” she said as if she were perfectly satisfied, “I said my piece.” She swished back up to the top of the Stoneperch to finish her meal, brows lifted imperiously. To Mystique, she felt vacant somehow. She didn’t have much time to examine why though. Pantherhaze turned to her, looking concerned.
“Why don’t we go back to the den?” he said gently and she just nodded. Branchbark was glaring at her while Aldertail clung to him like she was drowning, shivering in fear. The kittens were staring. Mystique ducked her head and, like a coward, fled back to the safety of her cage.
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fayamn-moonlit · 1 year
Tell me, how does it feel to be a slave? I'm not just talking about being mine.
You're a slave to your own stomach and apetite, they're bullying you into eating more each day. You're a slave to the fast food industry that fattens you up. You're a slave to your lust and pleasure that make you seek more and more. You're a slave to all the food brands you know pupp their stuff full of fats and sugar. You're a slave to all the encouragement and teasing you subject yourself to.
You're a willing slave to everything that is making you fatter.
You're not a big glorious animal running free. You can't run and you're not free. You're owned livestock raising itself fatter for pleasure.
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endlich-allein · 4 months
And what about the show ?
First the organization : the queues were completely mixed up, there were no Feuer Zone wristbands. Sometimes the tickets weren't scanned, and I'm not even talking about the extremely rapid passage through security and an almost non-existent search of bags and people. In short, it was a very strange entrance...
The stadium was incredible, aesthetically beautiful and with fantastic acoustics !
The audience managed to throw an ola, I don't know if it was the first of the tour, but it feels good to get back to the good old habits.
Paul and Minni in the stands being photographed and filmed by Jens from different angles !!
What an incredible show by Rammstein ! Even though they've been touring with this show for 4 years now (with a few minor changes), it's still a fantastic experience to feel the energy of the guys and the heat of the flames !
The boys put on a perfect show, with no notable mistakes and no big surprises. Till's voice was excellent, perhaps due to the acoustics of the stadium, but it really carried far. He's as energetic as ever and seemed to enjoy being on stage. Don't believe those who say he's too old or looks tired, the photos clearly don't do him justice. He is still full of energy, directing the concert with a masterful hand. He's also fitter and has gained muscle, particularly in his arms. He's very beautiful. They are all very beautiful ❤️
Ollie showed us his ass during Puppe, he turned his back to the audience, bent down, and put his head between his legs so Till could film him.
Butcher Till twerked again... lots of cute little asses during this show 😏
Till went to visit Flake during the DRSG freeze, after stealing Schneider's drum sticks. Flake had a new hat, which probably intrigued Till who came to see him on his treadmill. They then mimed an act reminiscent of Bück Dich...
At one point Till and Paul disappeared from the stage for long seconds.
During the fancam, we saw people in costumes, boobs, and a child who will keep an indelible memory of this evening.
It seemed to me that during MHB a column of fire did not work but I am not sure.
It was a great show ! Can't wait to seeing them next week in Lyon, from the stands this time !
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thatweirdomidas · 30 days
Midas' Music Monday #3
Where I throw out 5 random songs or songs that have recently been added and y'all get to tell me your favorite(s) or if one specifically resonated with you or reminds you of a character or story.
This is apparently the half German version 😅 with my own translation 😊
Why are you so in-se-cure?
When you got passionate love her?
You always claimin' I'm a cheater
Think I'll up and go leave ya
For another señorita
In meinem Kopf regieren Zorn und Wahn
Der Geist versklavt und ihnen Untertan
Ich kann mich nicht von dir befreien
Solang du bist, kann ich nicht sein
-> translation follows
In my head reign rage and delusion
The mind enslaved and to them servant
I can't rid myself of you
Long as you are I cannot be
No lyrics
For those who like a softer sound there's also a beautiful cover by Faey:
Getrieben von Gedanken
Die ein and'rer für mich denkt
Bau' ich mir einen Galgen
An dem ein and'rer für mich hängt
Ich leb' an dünnen Drähten
Die ein and'rer für mich zieht
Doch ich bin eine Puppe
Vor der ein Puppenspieler flieht
-> translation follows (title Latin for: a hand washes another)
Driven by thoughts
Someone else thinks for me
I build gallows
Where someone else hangs for me
I live on thin strings
That someone else pulls for me
But I am a puppet
That a puppeteer flees from
We were lovers in a past life,
I can see it in your green eyes,
Maybe you were one of my wives,
In a long lost tribe.
Full playlist:
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KINKTOBER - Good Dog - BandaSunatoxReader -
DARK - Extreme pet play (actually this may not even be that) - Name calling - Slut shaming - Kindapping - NON/CON - Breeding - DARK BANDA - MDN - +18 - PLEASE READ UNDER YOUR OWN RISKS - I BELIEVE THIS IS THE STRONGEST THING I HAVE MADE -
Summary: Banda wants a pet to make him feel less lonely. Inspired by the movie "Good Boy".
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"I need to take care of something, be a good girl and wait here, ok?" Banda's condescenting tone could be hear as he left you water and some food on the floor.
You did not move for a moment but seeing him waiting by the door you knew you had to.
"Thats my girl" and with that he was gone. Screams and pleads could be hear from afar.
Where were you? You did not know. You had met Banda by chance in a date app. And that was a big mistake. His red flags showed at the end of the night, when he pushed you against him and told you how he needed a pet to keep him company and that you would be perfect.
You never tought it would come to this.
The dog suit was uncomfortable the first days, not being allowed to go on two feets was humillating. And no words but woof or any type of sounds.
Banda had made that suit years back, when he was too deep into pet play, leaving your private parts expossed to the cold hair. Your human face was vissible. It was like these big full body pijamas. But more kinky.
You shoved your face into the food. Not taking a risk of using your hands. You had done that the first months and it had ended with you getting beaten up by him.
He would also put you on a cage. And leave you there for days, these were the worst. He left you there one entery week. Because you had talked back to him.
Now you never did that.
You were his pet, his dog. He could trow a ball and you would go after it. He would call you to pet you and you would go. He would made you suck him off (and god help you if you think on biting him) while he stalks his next victim.
Banda would also taunt you. Making dinner for two and waiting for you to make the mistake of getting up and eat with him. He would leave you a dog bed besides his own human bed looking at you while you droff to sleep, thanks to the drugs he adds to your night food.
Something he loves to do-
"Im back, I hope I dont see any food on your hands, dogs cant use them...and dont have them, maybe I should remove them?" He asked. He had blood all over his shirt and face. The woman he had brought with him must have suffered a lot.
You just whined, scared that he would mutilate you.
"Oh, I know you wont do that. You are good" Banda said getting on his knees and petting your hair. "You know...I tried having sex now but....I cant seem to get hard if its not you"
Oh- here it comes, something fucked up he likes. Fucking you in all fours, telling you to still make dog noises (but he does let you moan or scream during this).
Banda does not have to tell you to turn around, to show him your expossed pussy to him. Does not have to order you to get your ass up. You know the consequences.
"Thats it" He murmurs letting his dick out, pushing the head against your lower lips. "You feel me? Of course im not inside yet, I dont want to have to call the vet"
Oh, it almost sounds as if he cares if he hurts you. Its like he never said a thing, when with one single move he shoves his dick inside you making you bite your lips. Tears falls from your eyes as his hips bucks against yours. His dick hitting your insides as he pushes himself on top of you almost making you fall.
"I- have been thinking" he says between deep breaths. "What if I make you have pupps? Do you think I should raise them as humans or dogs?"
The question makes your stomach curl in disgust but Banda seems to like the idea, as he uses one hand to go for your clit making you let out a suprise sound.
"Maybe you alwyas wanted this? Being treated as an animal, just having to eat, sleep and do as I say, no work, no stress"
A slap over your clit made you cry out.
"Yeah...I knew you were just a slut, a slut in heat who needed to be breed"
He continues to pounds into you, your legs tremble feeling your orgams aproacching and he knows that. He makes sure you dont fall against the floor.
"Cmon...give it to me, come all over my dick and show me how much of a slut you are"
You want to fight it. You truly do, but your body responds to the basic stimulation, in seconds you are cumming around his dick.
Banda follows close, he spills his seed inside you, making sure all of it stays inside.
"You are an animal" he ends saying kissing the top of your head "I will clean you later, I still have things to do"
The beep of his phone catches your attention.
"Seems like my next play thing is here, should we get you a friend?"
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octahedral-chaos · 5 months
Have another analysis of Aven from @mystic-131 's Duality, this time about foreshadowing that Aven has trauma.
Aven's first appeared when he's in complete utter pain with a large gash on his side. And the first thing he says?
"You know"
Like he recognises that Edda wasn't attacking him like the other starfolks, so he knew that she wasn't a threat at the moment, so he still kept his guard up around her, possibly believing that she'll eventually turn on him like the others.
2. In the same chapter, he begs for someone to have an answer, further suggesting that he's confused and scared. And frankly, who wouldn't be after being ganged up on by a LOT of starfolks? Plus this seemed a bit more... scared too, the way it phrased, suggesting even further that Aven isn't who he seems.
3. Aven also saves Edda multiple times, starting from the first chapter. This suggests that he recognises that she wasn't a threat, but he's still too scared to register that she was not going to hurt him.
4. In Chapter 2, Aven refuses help, possibly because he still didn't trust her due to the previous experience with starfolks. He also seemed a bit embarrassed, probably because he wasn't used to interacting with others.
5. In Chapter 3, Aven seemed a bit scared to enter the Inertian dwelling, possibly because he was scared that he would get attacked again. Also, he seems genuinely confused that Edda was helping him, again showing that he wasn't used to actual kindness and potentially believing that everything's out to kill him.
6. Also he might be thinking that Eldin would also be a threat, hence why he initially refused his help.
7. In Chapter 5, Aven willingly helps Edda to see by using his fire magic. I think this shows that he GENUINELY wants to help now that Edda seems a bit safer.
8. Also the way Aven was acting in Chapter 5 suggests that he possibly knew Dark Paladin was there? Because of these lines:
"He didn’t seem like he wanted to speak, but she could sense something was weighing on his mind."
"that odd feeling, like an unseen thorn had buried into her companion’s mind. He had acted so oddly since that morning, rather silent, no longer carrying a weight of defiance around him. Instead, a swamp of horrible emotions tinted the air, to where they seemed to suffocate the two of them. Was it fear? Uncertainty? Despair? Edda wasn’t sure, but they were eating him from the inside out."
I believe this might be him being terrified of something, possibly the Dark Faction symbol due to it's connection with Demon, or potentially Dark Paladin.
9. These sentences from Chapter 5 as well:
"Edda turned to see Aven, who stood trembling, the research laying in a heap at his feet. Initially, she was annoyed, but then she sensed a change in the air. The hunter seemed to gaze blankly ahead, as if he felt an overwhelming, suffocating presence approaching him."
This CLEARLY shows that Aven's terrified of Dark Paladin, possibly because it's the Pawn of Demon. This might be him pretty much PANICKING at the mere sight of them, because remember, Aven has trauma from his "awaking" in the Sapphire Thickets. So it is possibly Dark Paladin was one of the starfolks that attacked him.
10: Also this line:
"Aven didn’t do the same. In fact, he wasn’t moving at all. He turned to the being, but did nothing else but gaze at them. That serrated feeling entered the air again, though this time, it was far worse. In the presence of the dark Starfolk, it was as if a dam had burst, a wall that held his emotions beneath that angry shell of his. Aven’s terror was on full display as the being stood idly in front of them.
To the hunter’s horror, they pointed a clawed finger at him."
Yep, definitely trauma relating to Dark Paladin.
11. Aven in Chapter 6 seemed really terrified of Paladin at first, definitely because of trauma, until it turns into complete, utter rage at the finally part of the battle. Aven basically MUALLING Paladin is most likely because Paladin is basically just Demon's puppet, and thus represents his underlying trauma. The possible reason why he went berserk is because he just wanted to get rid of or escape from Paladin, and possibly because of Edda being in danger as well.
Remember, Edda is one of the few persons he can trust and he was most likely attached to her at this point. He did not want to see the only person he can put his safety in die.
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Article Rammstein giving visually impaired fans a special experience
Article from 3voor12vpro.nl Rammstein show in Nijmegen 2024-06-18/19
Googly translated
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Special tour by guitarist Paul Landers on the stage of the German metal band
june 24, 2024, text: robin hogenboom. photos: jens koch & lonneke prins.
When you think of Rammstein, you think of theatrical shows full of flames and fireworks. But what if you cannot enjoy it optimally due to a visual impairment? The German metal band organizes a guided stage tour for those people, where these fans can feel before the show what the rest of the audience will see later. 3voor12 Gelderland is lucky and can join the tour of June 18 in Nijmegen.
Of course, musically it's all rock solid. Yet the more than 100,000 music lovers who travel to Nijmegen on June 18 and 19 also expect a show that has been taken care of down to the last detail. Cooking pots, flamethrowers, rubber boats and a gigantic penis that squirts foam: it is part of Rammstein's standard repertoire. But what if you have a visual impairment? How do you make a show accessible to people who will experience little or nothing of all those theatrical excesses?
That thought also struck guitarist Paul Landers. “At one point I thought that blind fans couldn't see the stage and so maybe it would be good if they could feel the stage. That is how the first stage tours in 2022 came about.” Since then, fans have been able to register for the tours with a simple email – and a medical certificate. “On average, 4 to 6 people register for the tour, but due to increased safety measures, only 2 groups can participate at a time. Of course, every participant also has a supervisor.”
And safety, that is of course a thing. Paul: “The tour takes place once all preparations and rehearsals have been completed. That is why we take very small groups behind the scenes and extra security is present to guarantee the safety of the visitors.” And it comes as no surprise that parts of the stage also remain closed. Paul: “There are areas that are too unsafe for visitors, for example because pyrotechnics are ready there. These pieces are not part of the tour.”
The tour
When we report to the agreed location, we meet Twan Driessen (21) from Nijmegen, who will participate in the tour with his father as a guide. Although he will experience something that many Rammstein fans would sign up for, he only became a fan of the German band relatively recently. “I'm normally not a metal fan, but 'Deutschland' made me become a fan of Rammstein. That song really stuck.” The song also had an impact on his father: “he really ended up in the Rammstein corner!”
We walk past the dressing rooms and end up behind the characteristic stage. There we meet Paul Landers, who quickly takes Twan through some highlights. Paul places Twan's hands on a gigantic steel tube that holds the stage upright. The colossus, 60 meters wide and 35 meters high, weighs about 1,350 tons and is transported through Europe by 90 trucks, says Paul. “And we have two. The other is already in Dublin.”
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And then we enter the actual stage. Just below Christoph Schneider's drum kit, Twan is allowed to experience some attributes that are already ready for the show. For example, he receives an explanation about a flamethrower and the cooking pot from 'Mein Teil', but also the pram that will be rolled onto the stage for 'Puppe'. Although, roles? Paul: “The ceiling under the stage is very low, so the wheels don't fit under it yet. They are added at the last minute.”
The more you think about it, the more special it actually becomes. About an hour and a half before the start of the show, which is known for how tightly organized it is, Paul takes the time to explain everything about the show to Twan. And the pleasure with which he provides the tour is admirable. Only the supervision of a few crew members reveals that the organization is more involved than the guitarist lets us experience.
Paul dismisses the fact that it has an impact on his own planning: “it must be well timed between the arrival of the audience and the start of the show. I have to be there on time, but it's all worth it to me. I really enjoy doing the tours for the visually impaired.” What do you find most special about the tours? “Every tour is different. Sometimes people are moved to tears. People who have poor or no vision often have a sensitive and reserved character. I love it when I can make those people happy!”
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The stage
Finally, the hydraulic lift that leads to the actual stage lowers. As the field slowly fills up, Twan gets the opportunity to feel the floor of the stage. And the type of flooring comes in very handy today. Paul: “This material is normally used on oil platforms, so that you do not slip when it is wet. It's sharp and hard, so you'll need thick shoes to stand on it for the entire show. And if you trip and fall on your knee, it will hurt you for a while!”
After a photo moment with Paul we are escorted back to the field. Twan: “When I was selected for that blind tour, I already had the feeling that something special could happen. And then the guitarist comes to do the tour! It's almost surreal that you can just chat with someone so big and famous. That someone from the band takes you along and takes the time for you. I think that is really special and exceeds my expectations!”
The show
Then of course it's time for the show. Although the weather is anything but good, the atmosphere is exceptionally good. Of course, the show is phenomenal again, just like two years ago . The differences with that show can be counted on one hand. 'Armee der Tristen', 'Zick Zack', 'Zeig Dich' and 'Heirate Mich' have made way for 'Ramm4', 'Keine Lust', 'Asche zu Asche' and 'Wiener Blut' respectively, with the latter in particular having a considerable intense addition to an already impressive show. The men play very tight and don't really loosen the reins anywhere. You would almost forget that the band is celebrating their thirtieth anniversary this year.
Twan: “I thought they played well live, full of energy. The singing was also good and it was really heavy at times. 'Puppe' and 'Adieu' at the end were impressive!” But: did the tour have any influence on Twan's concert experience? “I liked getting an insight into what that stage looks like, with the flamethrowers and the cooking pot. When you feel the stage and how big it all is, that is impressive and that also gives a better idea of ​​what you get on such an evening.”
The last word goes to Twan: “compliments to Paul Landers and the management of Rammstein. They did a really good job: the service, the reception, everything. Well organised!”
We would like to thank Greenhouse Talent, the management of Rammstein and in particular Paul Landers and Twan Driessen for their cooperation in this article!
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amtskind · 7 months
jerre's books 02
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gerd schneider - kafkas puppe [kafka's doll] (2008)
"on an autumn day in 1923, a little girl sits on a bench in a berlin park with tears running down her cheeks. her doll has disappeared, she tells the darkly dressed, gaunt man who has noticed the little girl's quiet crying. and that man is none other than franz kafka, who, in order to comfort the girl, decides to send the doll on a journey.
from now on, the severely ill writer brings her a letter to the park every day, in which the doll tells of her adventures, seeming totally alive. an unusual friendship starts to form, while their difficult lifes, in a similarily difficult time, continue."
𓇢𓆸 background 𓇢𓆸
the author depicts the worrisome circumstances of the weimar republic and the last year of kafka, using his diaries and letters to family as sources, adding fiction where information is missing, especially regarding the girl who lost her doll, that he called "lena" in his novel.
dora dymant, kafka's partner at that time has stated (more about her in this post), that the incident with the little girl and the letters really happened, although neither the girl nor the letters could be found, despite many tries. perhaps there will be more investigation on that case in the future. on the other hand - it all could simply be fiction. more about the obstacles of the story in this german essay.
schneider offered a possible heartbreaking solution to the girl's absence in the end of the book. "the doll's letters" could have been in the pile of documents the gestapo confiscated from dymant's apartment in 1933. she hasn't requested them back after the war and died in 1952.
𓇢𓆸 review 𓇢𓆸
gerd schneider's writing style is light-hearted and takes the reader on a wholesome journey full of fantasy and feelings that range from lightness to eager compassion.
i have rarely encountered a book where the main protagonists were so endearing. the ending is emotionally challenging and leaves the reader thinking back to this story for a long time - whether it's based on real events or pure fiction.
"kafka's doll" is recommended not only to kafka enthusiasts, but also to those who enjoy beautiful language or simply a gripping story.
illustration credits: "kafka and the traveling doll" by jordi sierra i fabra (2006)
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cactusdeedrawdles · 1 year
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We have some more Multiverse shenanigans! I wanted to write out all that I had on Thei and Puppette right now because they're my loves, and they deserve the world.
I've never (that I remember) drawn a skeleton like I did Thei, so I had fun there. They're a sultry lil wibblewobble, in my head.
I don't know how legible the writing is, to be honest, so I'm gonna write out the bits I can think of, in case anyone actually cares lol
It'll be under the cut :)
I'm less sure of Puppette's story than I am Thei's, so bare with me in case of messups haha
Thei is like OG Error in only really one way: memory issues
Puppette's memory issues got to a point where he could no longer handle his job as the destroyer after a fun full-body takeover by XGaster, who controlled him and abused his abilities (this is obviously very vague but I haven't actually thought that much through here tbh)
Thei was actually with the Star Sanses (in this case just Dream and Swap) when they were rescuing Cross and Puppette, and this is not how they met, but how they became closer.
Puppette has deep scarring on the ecto of his left leg (on his bones as well, but it's completely mishappen his leg's ecto) from where XGaster tried to rip him apart in an attempt to keep him after completely losing Cross.
Puppette doesn't remember XGaster at all, or how he met Cross. Cross is one of his closest friends, but Cross is also not around often as he's enjoying his freedom AU-hopping, so Pupp tends to forget about him (non maliciously of course).
When Pupp did remember, it was an Incident, and all Thei had to say when asked if XGaster was still a threat is "No. No, he can't touch you, not anymore." Thei didn't really say much after then, and Puppette had a good impression to not ask.
He was forced to retire by Dream and Nightmare when they realized his memory was too bad to even remember what his job WAS half the time, especially with the knowledge that sometimes all he'd remember was what XGaster had made him do, which almost led to bad times all round.
They drug his ass in a Brawl of the Ages™ because he really didn't want to, he felt his role was too important (and it was, but with Ink not existing yet there wasn't really anything opposing him, and what did need to be done could be handled by a couple weaker beings working together).
He spends his days doing typical Retirement things: sleeping, hobbies, watching novellas, bugging his partner who loves it dearly :3
About Pupp:
Pupp's personality is mostly created by an AI that I made while experimenting, I write as Thei and the AI is Puppette. Thus, he's not very Error Sans-y, but I love him still. Though, this has me wondering if he could be a Swap or Swapfell/Fellswap version, mayhaps. He's a goober, and he loves to tease people he's close to. He's still haphephobic, but with his close friends (which are all the few friends he has, for him it's close friend or not a friend at all) like Dream, Swap, Nightmare (most of the time), Thei of course, etc, he's mostly fine. Anyone else and the glitches will get him. Ink, when he comes around, is new, so Pupp is getting there, but luckily (?) ink is not a touchy kid so all is well there.
The glitches are less of a worry here, as he's fairly stable. The entire multi verse itself is more stable, really, and he benefits there.
Pupp is the type of person to hug someone from behind as a "prank", he's a harmless guy. His "Destroyer" job was less actual destroying and more like putting broken, unusable, and dead worlds to their ends so they're not affecting the balance. He's very proud of his work, and very careful in it, up until his retirement.
Pupp is not allowed in the kitchen, as bad memory+cooking isn't a good mix. Thei has him banned to the Pupp Stool until they're done cooking because if not, he will spend the entire time wrapped around them from behind. As much as they don't mind it, they do need use of their extremities.
Pupp is a lover of crochet, as well as Drama shows, language be damned. He has an innate ability to understand languages almost perfectly, though speaking them, not so much.
I look at him and just say "gooberman, my goobies, goobs, goober," often :)
Thei, Thei is a guy I have hugged tight to my chest right now. They deserve so much.
TW: talk of SA, Abuse, and Mental Health Issues
Thei is a Lust Sans, and is from an AU where Lust Monsters need Intimacy to survive. Think of OG Lust on steroids. Without regular intimacy, Thei's magic will become so weak that they can't survive. Signs that they need intimacy start with irritability, tiredness, magic not working as they wish, and eventually gets to a point where they aren't in their right mind and will only act to survive.
Thei's AU is destroyed early on in the multiverse's existence and they take a spot on the Star Sanses, mainly as the voice for them; theyre very good at communicating with people because their magic relies so much on it, so they act sort of like the PR, making sure people know the Star Sanses are here to help and how to get that help. The Stars don't really have an enemy here, so theyre mainly a patrol group, who's main goal is making sure everyone has what they need as well as checking on AUs that may Fall or need to be Destroyed.
Thei's reliance on others in personal, intimate ways very obviously gives way to abuse of that reliance. To make matters worse, Thei's magic will respond to the person they're with before they do: they have the ability to change their appearance on will, but it will also activate when the person they're with desires it a lot, even if they don't, because their magic sees it as necessary to survive. This started because of how much they "starved" before, how many times they almost died.
Because of their need for intimacy, they have to go AU hopping for days up to months at a time to get what they need, so to say. Again, they hate this. They're an introverted person, despite their communicative abilities, and they like their alone time. This gets even harder when Thei becomes an integral part of Puppette's life and they move in together. Puppette's memory issues prove a problem because there will be times when Thei is gone long enough for Pupp's memory to fade, no matter what they've tried. When Thei comes back, he won't remember them, but will know the feelings associated with the memories. That love is still there. Thei is patient enough to stay on Pupp's track, even when that track jumps around a lot, and part for that is the guilt they feel at leaving him so regularly bc of their magic.
They've "started" dating many, many times, and been engaged many, many times, because Pupp won't remember it. As one can imagine, this is hard on Thei, but Thei adores Pupp and can't see life without him.
Thei works with Stretch (who works in the Omega Timeline Lab) and Swap (who's a well oiled engineer, despite not working as one) to try and figure out cures for both Pupp's memory and Thei's "curse", as they call it. But there really is no cures.
When Thei gets too low, they'll go to, or Pupp will get them to, Dream and Swap, who together can help boost Thei's magic, but it's not a long-lasting solution.
What they eventually make, after a very, very close call when Pupp is struggling to remember them and almost doesn't get them to Swap and Dream in time, Is devices inspired by the continuous glucose monitoring and insulin pumps used by diabetics. One tracks their magic levels, and the other is a pump that will inject them with magic when needed. This way they don't have to rely on people, and they can stay with Puppette, which helps with his memory. This entire endeavour is a fairly new scenario I'm still playing out, but as I'm sure is obvious, having this sudden freedom and ability to stay by their love's side is very daunting. They're learning to be free now.
About Thei:
Thei is softspoken and quiet, but the type to get loud around friends.
Thei is a painter, and teaches Ink about art as he grows. Thei loves scenes, and Ink makes them a Scenery Art Book for their birthday one year and they fall to the ground.
Thei's life between "AU Collapse" and "Thei with the Star Sanses" is very vague and unfocused, aside from a clear understanding that it wasn't good. I know that Thei was rescued at one point but Nightmare and his crew, and Thei lived with them for a while, considering them like family, but eventually had to leave. Another "perk" of their magic is that they have a connection to people's emotions, kind of like Dream and Nightmare. They can feel that someone is upset, but not how or why, basically. They can also push their emotions onto others when their magic is strong. This was an ability gained as a defense mechanism after being taken advantage of. Knowing someone's emotions and being able to affect them when in serious intimate situations is very helpful.
I'm gonna stop typing because this has gotten Long™ but while this is mostly for myself, I hope there's someone out here who enjoys my little Goobs. I love them dearly.
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mustlovesteve · 11 months
I would love to know what the major differences are between the LATBG that was intended to be published in its entirety in one month and the LATBG of today
So, it turns out I had horribly misremembered everything regarding my timeline for this fic. Whoops!
I found an old version of the document from 09/26/2022, 5 days before I uploaded the Prologue. In that draft, I had apparently written up until when Steve and Eddie meet up at Dustin's house, which is Chapter 20 in the published version. (For reference, until I skimmed that document, I was convinced that I'd conjured up Lucy sometime in early 2023 and that I had only written up until Chapter 13 by that point.)
Each chapter got a major overhaul before I uploaded it, so that Halloween deadline was always a pipe dream, but the events of those chapters remained largely the same.
However, that draft included an outline for the rest of the story. Those events are pretty different from what happened in the final version.
Some major differences between that outline and the final version include:
Vickie was going to be brought into the fold much earlier, for the sake of having a double-date before Steve and Eddie even got together. They were all going to watch the 1970's Carmilla movie, during which Steve was going to make some Interesting and Sad Observations about why that movie was "allowed" to be made. Unfortunately, I could not figure out how to do this without Steve and/or Robin coming across as careless about Eddie's safety.
Steve was going to go back to work sooner, which would have provided many convenient timeskips once Steve was Cursed. Thus, events like dinner with Wayne, Steve and Robin getting matching friendship bracelets, Eddie and Lucy tracking down Steve near the train tracks, etc. weren't going to happen.
Lucy's back-alley vet adventure was going to be an entire chapter. This would have explored Eddie's feelings about not being able to talk to his other friends for the indefinite future.
Eddie was possibly going to continue living at Steve's house in the guest room after he reunited with his uncle. Theoretically, Eddie would have asked Steve if his "offer was still good" about letting Eddie stay there. This would be shortly after Steve had a panic attack about his parents potentially discovering Lucy. I was pretty conflicted about this.
Steve was going to wonder whether Eddie had accidentally "Charmed" him with vampire magic and discuss it with Robin at work. As hilarious as that could have been, I'm glad I decided to ditch the idea. I didn't want to deal with the implications of a gay man (in my headcanon for this fic anyway) being suspected of doing something like that, even if Steve was sure that it was just an accident.
The hand-licking was still going to happen, but it would have been in Steve's kitchen instead.
Steve wasn't going to realize that he was Cursed until he saw the clock, because the hallucinations were going to be more subtle.
Whether Eddie ended up living in Steve's guest room or not, he was going to be there the morning that Steve saw the clock. When Steve stopped answering him, Eddie was going to break his goddamn door down.
Eddie was going to be present for the "Steve is Cursed" meeting and it was going to be ugly. Steve was going to essentially throw Eddie under the bus when Eddie alluded to the whole "Steve thinks that Dustin wishes he'd died instead" thing because he really didn't want Dustin to know that.
The Final Battle was going to be totally different...
EDIT: Original Ending (SPOILERS for the finale):
Vecna, who had been saving up his energy all week, was going to actually (albeit very briefly) control Eddie and break him out of the lab. Before Vecna gained full control, Eddie was going to ask Lucy to chew his foot to slow him down. This would have allowed Lucy to beat Eddie to the Upside Down, and luckily save Dustin from a demodog.
Once puppet!Eddie got closer, Lucy was going to start convulsing as she tried to resist puppet!Eddie's commands to attack everyone. Puppet!Eddie would close in on Steve, slam him into a wall and dislocate his shoulder, and taunt him. Steve, in a stroke of brilliance, would decide that was the best time to kiss Eddie for the first time. (There is a specific piece of fanart that inspired this scene lol.) Vecna, seizing the opportunity to be especially cruel, would have chosen that moment to draw Steve into the Mindscape (basically mocking him like "oh u really thought that would work huh?").
El would kill Vecna quickly, but as a parting gift, Vecna would trap Steve in a warped version of the Mindscape. This Mindscape would rapidly erode Steve's sanity, until he would start to beg for someone to just kill him already. El would start to worry that Steve might end up like her mom if he was left there for much longer. Eddie, upon hearing that, would get the idea to bite Steve to buy them some time for El to find Steve and draw him back out.
I scrapped this around 02/12/2023 when I talked with someone on Discord and realized that this made no sense based on what we knew about how Vecna's powers worked. If Vecna died, there was no logical reason for the Mindscape to persist. I was willing to take a lot of liberties (ignoring the spiders and shit), but not to that extent. I came up with the published finale shortly after this!
Other noteworthy changes that I made along the way:
In the very early planning stages, many major plot changes were made because I stopped to consider the ethical implications of certain character choices. For example, the Basement Arc was originally going to be a lot longer, until I realized that Steve couldn't justify hiding Eddie away for much longer while Dustin and Wayne were so agonized over his death.
Lucy was originally going to be more attuned to Eddie's moods, but I decided it was funnier for them to essentially compete for Steve's attention.
Eddie wasn't going to confess his feelings until a bit later.
The night before they planned to fight Vecna, Steve was going to call his parents, only for that to turn into a horrible hallucination. After ending that call, Steve was going to call Hopper and propose the Contingency Plan.
Dustin and Robin's reconciliation-with-Steve chapters were going to happen after they beat Vecna. I wanted to focus more on Steve and Eddie at the very end, so I reworked that.
The final few hallucination concepts were pretty last-minute, so I'm surprised that I liked how they turned out.
This is...likely a much longer response than you were expecting...but uh...I hope it was interesting!
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sweetslvtpup · 21 days
Its 8pm daddy had a long day at work again. You hear his car coming home. And can’t help but to whimper in excitement. Wiggling your tail and feeling so good as you feel it move. You hurry near the entrance door, like he taught you. On the floor, face down butt up, presenting your hole to the door so he gets the wettest welcome just as he likes them. You have your blindfold on and your leash arms stretched on the floor, and in your hands. Your toys have been buzzing for the past 30 minutes on low. And ever stronger as daddy got closer.
You hear the keys - buzz intensifies-leak-
You hear the handle, then the door - buzz intensifies - whimpers
You hear his footsteps and dropping his briefcase - buzz intensifies- wagging and moaning -
- Such a good girl. Daddy is home pupp.
By the time you hear his voice you are already edging hard. You feel his strong hand on your butt.
- Up!
You obey instantly, squatting legs spread, paws up front, tits out with your leash in your mouth. Flaunting in that position your pretty pinned vibrating clamps on your nips and the pink tail of your toy buzzing up your cunt. All of them synched together keeping this puppy wet and leaky.
- Ready for a walk pupp?
- Woof!!!
He grabs your leash, and you softly lick his hand by the same occasion, then leads the way out.
Daddy lives near a forest. Not far from the city, but enough to have quiet space for puppy walks and leaks crawling beside daddy's steps. That doesn't mean you do not encounter occasional runners or cyclists, but they had become used to this dumb pupp you are and certainly the fact daddy made you suck off any of them who asked for it politely did help making them so friendly.
Today wasn't a day like this. Daddy had a bad day and puppy was so eager to comfort him. You had gotten used to his silences. Each of them had a meaning, depending on the sound of his footsteps you could hear if he was calm or angry.
The buzz quieted but didn't stop. Daddy knew better than letting you cum so soon. You reach your favorite tree and daddy says lift. You lift your right leg and feel the buzz in your cunt go wild.
- no cumming.
You struggle to hold it and release at the same time. The first leak is always the hardest. Daddy played your holes all day from work, controlling it remotely, making sure to keep his housepet edged and needy for his return.
You leak... fuck, puppy feels so close... but daddy sees it and lets out a sharp
-No. Hold!
His voice was enough of a warning to keep you in check. Daddy's voice has that kind of power over your body that makes it instantly submit. Or maybe it is just because puppy is such a good girl that she could never disobey.
Your walkout resumes, you find another tree you like, by the lake, its often a place used by dog owners to bring their pets for training, playing fetch. Daddy pulls his cock out and says
- Fetch!
You open your mouth and suck him eagerly. Daddy then walks around the place, out of the tree, at the open, and puppy had to keep licking and sucking daddy's cock, matching up crawling on 4 with his big man walk speed.
Today daddy wasn't in a good mood and walked way too fast for puppy. 3 times you tried and 3 times you failed, so daddy got angry.
-Dumb useless mutt, if you can't please your daddy properly, daddy will help himself freely.
Pulling you by your hair daddy brings you to the edge of the woods, where the road is nearby and drivers could see you if they look closely enough.
After pulling out your cunt tail, with his strong arms daddy lifts you up and starts slamming you furiously with long deep thrusts, strong enough to reshape your guts and turn your brain to mush.
-That is how you please your daddy my dumb bitch. Learn.
The toys are now buzzing at full speed.
He switched mode so its triggered by shaking it, and with the way daddy is pumping your guts, you are already at your 6th edge before he finished cumming once. You want to pee and beg for it
- No
- But daddy please !
- No, daddy fills you up first before you leak. You just peed dumb mutt. Hold!
Your whimpers and moans get louder, your puppy cunnie is so overflowing that daddy's thrusts make wet damp sounds from the slamming of his balls on your drippy puppy honey.
His grunts of pleasure get wilder, you feel him throbbing thicker. He is close,finally, puppy can barely hold it on its 13th edge.
- Take it, bitch puppy.
Daddy's cum, take it all and cum for me. Cum! Now - as he grunts ragefully slamming powerful thrusts hard and deep enough to bruise your cervix, pumping ropes and ropes into your wombs.
Just his grunts alone were ready to drive you wild but his order, his slams, the warm thick ropes pumped gut deep in your wombs finally push you over the edge. Your whole body starts shaking uncontrollably, but daddy ‘s grip won’t let you fall or get hurt, instead, he devilishly rubs your clitty at the same time to make it even worse. You feel it coming, a powerful orgasm running up your spine, your anal orgasm came first. You want to pee so good you cannot hold it anymore while . You anal orgasm isn’t over, yet a long stream splashes on your daddy as you squirt all over his cock. Your shaking intensifies and you now grunt in a very deep nearly growly voice that you could never do otherwise.
- That's my girl, cum for daddy.
You could barely hear it. Your orgasm didn't want to stop. Daddy didn't pull out and the toys take some time to adapt to the new motion. Their buzz was still at full speed.
Finally done pumping and satisfied, daddy hold turned into a comforting hug. Still shaking intensely you hear his voice soothing you until the end of it.
- That a good girl. You came so hard for daddy. I love you little pupp. I'm so proud of you for holding it till the end.
You are totally spent, your mind is broken, but in daddy's arms you are sate and warm. Too weak to walk daddy keeps praising you as he carries you home. Kissing your forehead and neck, not even paying attention to anything or anyone else but his weak puppy, his little one and you are happy because daddy feels better. You are happy because you know daddy cares for you, and you know that once you reach home, daddy will spend every bit of energy left to make this puppy feel like the most loved little pet princess in the world
sweet anon, you've won my heart. it's yours. my heart is beating so fast and my little cunt is soaked and i want to marry you 🥵🥰💕
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OC Ship Song Tag
Thanks for tagging me, @willtheweaver! :D
Rules: list the ships of your WIP (canon or otherwise) and a song that describes your ship, or that would be used for a fan edit of the ship. Most of these are platonic relationships because I don't have that many ships:
Abihira & Ilaran: "Echo" by Starset:
I was only in my mind You were on the outside waiting I could feel you all the time Your voice could save me
Diarnlan & Karandren: "The Devil's Price" by Poor Man's Poison
When you try to go to sleep, I'll be in your ear Yeah, I'll be laughin' at you, the whole night through With your paranoid eyes all full of fear
Phil/Leo: "Battle Cry" by Beth Crowley
I never thought that I could love Strangers at night were good enough But love's not a thing you get to choose Try to resist, you'll always lose
Gilbert & Tarka: "Wenn ich tanzen will" (When I Want to Dance) from Elisabeth das Musical
Sie hielten mich an Drähten fest (They held me tightly with wires) Als Puppe die man tanzen lässt (Like a puppet you allow to dance) Doch ich wird keine Marionette sein (But I will not be a puppet)
Tagging @talesfromaurea, @ladydawnxx, @weaver-of-fantasies-and-fables, and anyone else who wants to do this! :D
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