#Fuck Ted Wheeler.
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will80sbyers · 11 months ago
Ted should be a queer ally just because it would be the funniest thing to write in
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Karen and Ted: We raised three perfectly normal kids who definitely don't need therapy
Joyce, getting ready to steal the Wheeler kids: You have three kids we don't know about??
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groovinrightalong · 8 months ago
“Will Wheeler” “Mike Byers”
I’ll do you one better. Will and Mike Hopper.
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bookinit02 · 2 years ago
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the people know what’s up
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oncamelliastreet · 8 months ago
it’s not talked about enough how horrible of a father and husband ted wheeler is. like, i’ve always seen him as an asshole and a neglectful father and husband. he’s very distant with his family, and whenever his family is around, he doesn’t actually pay attention to them. the most personal we’ve seen him with any of his family is holly. it’s clear that karen feels unfulfilled in her relationship. she’s constantly changing up her looks and is rarely seen without a glass of wine, and whenever it’s brought to their attention that their kids are in trouble, ted is consistently focused on how this is going to affect him and karen has to tell him off for being so self-absorbed.
hopper is more of a father figure to mike than his own father, as seen by the amount of times he has to give him a damn hug in the show because nobody else will. and while I think nancy has relationship issues for other reasons (such as her association between barb’s death and steve), it’s clear that both she and mike have similar issues being emotionally vulnerable in relationships (neither of them being honest about their feelings and having difficulties saying ‘i love you’ to their partners (though in Mike’s case this is definitely also because he’s literally in love with will)) and i don’t doubt that those issues stem from growing up seeing a poor relationship between their parents, and ted being emotionally neglectful. I don’t like him at all, I find even the lines he’s given that are meant to be jokes to be very telling about who he is as a person and a father, and that’s not somebody I would be happy to be married to.
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What Stranger Things 5 needs is a Karen Wheeler moment where the kids and teens are just a little careless, and she walks in on Nancy grabbing her bedroom stash of guns, or Mike yelling down his walkie talkie about a very specific code red or El unmistakably using her powers to unlock something. And of course, Karen loses it because she has no idea what just happened, but it seems really dangerous. Give me a Karen scene a la Aunt May at the end of Spider-Man: Homecoming, because I think it would be hilarious watching The Party try to explain anything they’ve been through to one of their parents, but especially Karen, and also because I think she would be so horrifically proud of her kids for being a bunch of rebels
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 9 months ago
• Autistic Ted Wheeler is not great with physical affection, but when Karen or the kids need it, he gives it. It's small but it's there.
• Autstic Ted Wheeler puts his foot in his mouth, but he doesn't understand what he's saying might be rude.
• Autistic Ted Wheeler went to a fair where it overloaded his senses in a bad way, but Karen and Holly wanted to go, and he couldn't say no to Karen.
• Autistic Ted Wheeler is exhausted from masking all day, and all he wants to spend time with his family, but by the time he gets home, his energy is depleted. He falls asleep in his chair again.
• Autistic Ted Wheeler wants to tell his family all about his special interests like hedgehogs, but he doesn't want to freak them out.
• Autistic Ted Wheeler who remains silent because he's afraid of what he might say.
• Autistic Ted Wheeler who wants to connect with his family but doesn't know how.
• Autisitc Ted Wheeler, who also might be a little ADHD has forgotten to mow the lawn before it rained. Now, he's out in the rain with his raincoat with yellow socks that had to match his raincoat. It had to be then because he didn't know when he would remember or have the energy.
• Autistic Ted Wheeler who has to hide his stims because that's what his father taught him to do.
•Pansexual autistic Ted Wheeler, who's never cared about gender when he has fallen in love but was told by his father never to talk about it or act on it again when his father caught him with a man.
• Autisitc Ted Wheeler who cries when one of his kids yells at him that they hate him and that Ted doesn't care about them. Ted, who cries and wonders if that's what it looks like on the outside.
• Autistic Ted Wheeler who wishes he could be normal.
• Autistic Ted Wheeler, who gets pulled aside by Nancy and Mike only for them to tell him he's not alone.
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jacksonseymour13 · 5 months ago
Billy🤝Joyce,Holly,Steve and Max
Being the only good characters to appear in multiple seasons
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wheelercore · 11 months ago
If not holly then im going to be the guy who makes the case for ted. A character with ted glasses gets swiped from under nancys nose like every 2nd episode of every season (exemption: s2). "the vanishing of edward wheeler" would blow my cock clean off.
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sspiderj · 1 year ago
karen wheeler defender till the day i die
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ofseaandstarz · 2 years ago
Happy Father’s Day to Jim Hopper & Mr.Sinclair the most amazing fucking dads in the Stranger Things universe
As well as the positive male figures in Dustin, Max, Will and Mike’s lives
Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson & Jonathan Byers y’all are so important in those kids lives!!
And a glad fuck you to Ted Wheeler, Max’s stepdad, Lonnie Byers and Martian Brenner
edit: ( can’t believe I forgot this)
And a huge fuck you to Mr.Harrington, although you aren’t canonicly abusive and an asshole to Steve you are in the majority of the fan works (at least the ones I’ve seen) Hopper is absolutely Steve’s real dad
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fireballwill · 2 years ago
Forget hosegate, lettergate, flickergate, whatever other gate this fandom has. What about sweetiepiegate
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queerpyracy · 2 years ago
i'm already blacklisting terms in advance of the upcoming US election but just know if any of you clowns force me to see discourse about how anyone who is disillusioned with the electoral system or the democratic party is basically fash i will crawl through your window at night and hold you down by the neck while i yell at you about all the heinous shit that the democrats of the coastal blue state of oregon have done or tried to do in the last few years
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brionysea · 2 years ago
my hot take of the day is that ted actually gives mike good advice. when mike talking about how much he cares about another boy at dinner made nancy storm off, ted said "see what happens?" and three seasons later mike's worried about losing el because he likes boys. mike not keeping quiet about homophobia at school ended with him getting forced off a cliff and almost dying, and to tie into that, ted's "so if your friend jumps off a cliff, you're gonna jump, too?" comment foreshadows how mike caving to peer pressure at the snow ball when everyone started heteronormatively pairing up led to the whole situation that he, el and will are in now. they're both right a lot more than people think but no one ever notices. getting some real "you're everything i might be and i'm everything you could have been" energy here
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lexyscross · 2 years ago
HAPPY FATHER’S DAY to Wayne Bailey, Jim Hopper, Ash Williams, Junior Sawyer, Peter Ray, and Nathan Cross ONLY in this Horror Home! 🥰
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doriandrifting · 2 years ago
Me: Cheating is wrong. You should never do it.
These two mf just existing:
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