#Fuck King Charles
The irony of King Charles getting cancer and Kate getting 'treatment' almost a year after the UK government shut down every single medical facility including appointments for cancer patients for almost a week after the Queen died.
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Cute and easy diy
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danepopfrippery · 8 months
Charles the Last has cancer and i feel fiiiine
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I do.
And there are several, several cases of poisonings, beheadings, and the people either almost, or actually killing the monarch when they do something privileged and stupid.
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hippeasantwitch · 1 year
Camilla Parker-Bowles is just Walmart Diana Spencer
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Why does my tutor think 4-5 BILLION people will be watching Charlie’s coronation??
The students in my tutor are satisfactorily annoyed at him from 2 years of his opinions, (he has actually come around from liking Jordan Peterson to recognising his flaws) but the pro-monarchy sentiment is detestable
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feralvegaspete · 8 months
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just-a-small-menace · 4 months
Charles Rowland comparing him and his "platonic best friend" to Orpheus and Eurydice 0.002 seconds before saying he's not in love with him is truly just the most out of pocket moment
Like sir what kind of denial are you on and can i have some
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gardenveela · 29 days
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it’s heartbreaking but dead boy detectives is still my favourite show of all time, and i just want to say that i’m so grateful for the community that bond many and many amazing, creative and loving people together 🤎
this show single-handedly ended my year long artblock and became a source of inspiration during these few months, and of course I would not like to let it go so easily I will continue to create 🔎✨
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shhhhimwatchingthis · 5 months
Dead Boy Detectives has everything:
Co Dependent queer platonic tough to define Best Freinds who would and have gone to hell for each other. they have an office with a cupboard full of board games, and a long history of Noodle Incident cases of '04, and also a bunch of maneuvers with code names. They are also ghosts who solve mysteries for other ghosts.
One is a sassy well read diva in a stupid little bowtie. he keeps meticulous notes, and went to hell on a technicality. he has no rizz and has a sexual awakening at the hands (paws?) of a supernatural Cat King
the other is a cheerful happy bruiser, the brawn with a pocket demension only he can navigate in his backpack, a magic cricket bat, and wells of anger deep down
they team up with a cool psychic (whos also a pretty tree) dealing with her asshole abusive boyfriend who was literally a demon while also trying to restore her memories (she also has a hilarious hate off off with the nerdy one)
then they add a sweet shut in who isn't very brave but is very inquisitive and has excellent reading comprehension and is actually the most brave
and their landlady is a hot goth Sapphic butcher who is done with their shit (but not really)
and the main antagonist is a cunt serving witch with an iron cane chewing up the scenery, just camp queen obsessed with Beauty and Revenge as she should be
she turns her crow familiar into an astrology loving twink to honeypot the nerdy one but the crow catches feelings whoops
the cat king who deserves his own mention again. he's here to seduce a stuffy British detective/tease, cause problems on purpose, reluctantly help solve those problems and mostly slut it up.
a bureaucrat learns to VERY reluctantly embrace the beautiful power of friendship after being swallowed by a fish
its set in a gorgeous seaside town with a light house! and a malt shop!
because this is all A Scooby Doo homage!
It's an episodic Case Of The Episode format! with strong serialized elements!
and as if that wasn't enough there's even Death of The Endless.
what more could any person possibly want in a show.
oh and there's a lot of really interesting themes around internalized homophpbia, abusive relationships and trauma and toxic anger and learning to love and trust and help other people again in spite of and because of the bad parts.
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dreamypurplesky · 8 months
trisha paytas should be given an award cuz if she keeps having babies at this rate we could abolish the monarchy in a few years
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danepopfrippery · 1 year
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Id quibble about slightly but otherwise slate is slaying it
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ickypuppi3 · 1 year
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hello and welcome to the uk is a fucking hell country, part 284829494
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[alt text:]
Anti-monarchists receive ‘intimidatory’ Home Office letter on new protest laws
Home Office claims timing of new powers, taking effect days before king’s coronation, is coincidental
Ben Quinn, Rajeev Syal and Vikram Dodd
Official warning letters have been sent to anti-monarchists planning peaceful protests at King Charles III’s coronation saying that new criminal offences to prevent disruption have been rushed into law.
Using tactics described by lawyers as “intimidatory”, the Home Office’s Police Powers Unit wrote to the campaign group Republic saying new powers had been brought forward to prevent “disruption at major sporting and cultural events”.
The new law, given royal assent by Charles on Tuesday, means that from Wednesday:
Protesters who block roads, airports and railways could face 12 months behind bars.
Anyone locking on to others, objects or buildings could go to prison for six months and face an unlimited fine.
Police will be able to head off disruption by stopping and searching protesters if they suspect they are setting out to cause chaos.
Jun Pang, a policy and campaigns officer at Liberty, said: “Key measures in the bill will come into force just days before the coronation of King Charles – a significant event in our country’s history that is bound to inspire a wider national conversation and public protests. At the same time, the government are using a statutory instrument to bring draconian measures that the House of Lords threw out of the bill back from the dead, once again evading scrutiny and accountability.
“It’s worrying to see the police handed so many new powers to restrict protest, especially before a major national event. When the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act came into force, the police repeatedly misused them – in part because they simply did not understand them. Similarly, when Queen Elizabeth died, we saw police acting in inappropriate and heavy-handed ways towards protesters that violated their rights.”
Shami Chakrabarti, the former shadow attorney general, said: “During the passage of this illiberal and headline-grabbing legislation, ministers admitted that the new offence of ‘locking on’ is so broad as to catch peaceful protesters who link arms in public.
“Suspicionless stop and search is notorious for racial disparity and it is staggering that more of these provisions have brought into force so soon after Louise Casey’s devastating report [on the Met police]. The home secretary can blast ‘ecowarriors’ but this legislation may be used against anti-poverty and Ukraine solidarity protesters too.”
A statement from the home secretary, Suella Braverman, said: “This legislation is the latest step the government has taken against protesters who use highly disruptive tactics to deliberately delay members of the public, often preventing them from getting to work and hospital, as well as missing loved ones’ funerals.
“The range of new offences and penalties match the seriousness of the threat guerrilla tactics pose to our infrastructure, taxpayers’ money and police time.”
full article here
so just to sum this up, peaceful protesting can now land you in prison for a year and you might face an unlimited fine which i believe is up to £5000, and police can now stop and search you if they believe youre "setting out to cause chaos"
its specifically being put in place right before charles' coronation, but these are now considered criminal offenses so theyre not exclusive to it.
you know, a country where you can be put in prison for a year for peaceful protesting really doesnt sound like a fucking democracy to me.
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an-adhd-infested-nerd · 8 months
I have no real connection to my Irish heritage but every time something bad happens to the royal family the 50% Irish in me jumps up and does a jig
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morganaspendragonss · 8 months
gonna be real, i literally don't give a shit whether charlie dies or not. he's only going to be replaced by his bald son and the monarchy will continue as it always has.
what i do care about is how this is going to be all over the news for the foreseeable even though tens of thousands of people are dying in a genocide our government is helping to fund, how people in our own country are suffering because of the cost of living crisis and the tories practically trying to tear the nhs (and many other public services) down.
and if he does die? we'll have to watch as this 'no money for the nhs' is funnelled into another state funeral and coronation. forgive me if i don't participate in the celebrations
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