#Frontiers of pandora nor
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run away with me - part two

Part One Here
Pairing: Nor/Fem!Sarentu!Reader
Summary: Nor hesitantly returns. And while Ri'nela is quick to forgive and welcome him back into the Sarentu... he knew that you would not be as forgiving. But you wouldn't be the woman he loved if you did.
Word Count: +3k
Warnings: Spoilers for AFoP, only one or two uses of Y/n, proofread by me, ANGST!!!
Taglist: @mooniequeen @avatar-lover @taronyuhunter
A/n: This needed a Part 2 (especially now that I finally got to that you-know-what scene on AFoP. I had a feeling it would happen but still!)
Ri'nela is tsahik now.
Nor is honestly so proud of her, and of everyone he left behind. When he returned and realized that everyone in the Resistance was still around -apart from those who were lost to the attack on HQ- even after so long, he was internally relieved. While he initially hated the very sight of his human allies, he had spent so much time traveling alone, surviving in the wild, and reflecting on himself and his inner demons... to the point where he knew that the Resistance was not part of his pain and Priya and the others were innocent. He had come to the same conclusion as So'lek did. They were his allies, and they wanted Eywa to be free from the pain the Sky People inflicted on her just as much as he did.
As Ri'nela shows him around, keeping her arm linked with his as if afraid he would disappear, Nor quickly notices a few things are different among the new Sarentu clan and their tawtute allies. There were several more Na'vi than he remembered. All of them come from different backgrounds, wearing various clothes and different styles from one another, and none of them bore the mark of the Sarentu. Some had very young children among them, and to his surprise, they bore the mark of the Sarentu. They all greeted Ri'nela respectfully as she passed by them, addressing her as their tsahik. The only one who appeared to treat Ri'nela the same as before and call her by her name was Teylan, but Nor suspected that she likely asked him to. Teylan gave the other Sarentu male a wide berth, and Nor couldn't blame him.
While Ri'nela leads Nor away from the clan to journey to the Hollows, he notices one other thing about the Na'vi living among the reformed Sarentu.
You were not among them.
He didn't dare ask, no matter how much it pained him to do so. He felt as though he had no right to know about you, to know what you've been up to or if you were even still alive. He knows Ri'nela will be expecting him to ask, but he's still as stubborn as when they were kids, so he bit his tongue.
And maybe that's why Ri'nela brings him to the Circle of Ancestors, something he dreaded but knew it needed to be done. He had felt like a stranger in Eywa's presence, not having connected to her since he and his friends first found a Tarsyu flower. Nor felt as though he didn't deserve to connect to the Great Mother, not after growing up in the shadow of the Sky People, learning their ways and forgetting everything he had been taught as a child. After he left the Resistance, he felt more ashamed of who he became and was convinced Eywa would hate him now more than ever after what he did.
Ri'nela was patient with Nor, encouraging him to connect to Eywa, at least just this once. She promised she would never make him do it again if that was what he wanted, and so, Nor knelt in the grass and slowly took his kuru in hand, finally making the connection.
He finally got to see the truth for himself, revealing what Alma did... or, technically what she didn't do. While his anger and resentment still festered, there was also unimaginable guilt. After he saw Alma's memories, he also saw yours.
He saw your fear and pain while walking through the remnants of the Circle of Songs, the place the Sarentu were butchered during their annual moot, now laid barren within the yavä'. He had been on the radio with you as you traveled through it, remembering how he listened to your distress at your discovery in the midst of searching for proof of Anufi's innocence. He remembered feeling helpless, wishing more than anything that he could have gone with you. He should have gone with you...
He saw your grief and pain... your anger and fear. He saw everything you went through, and most of it was without him, when you needed him the most. He saw you every time you connected to the Circle of Ancestors, downloading your memories in case something happened to you. He saw how you wept in front of Eywa while clutching a familiar carved stone in your hand, the one he had gifted you after promising to always stay by your side.
Your memories did little to comfort him, and as he finally disconnected from the Circle of Ancestors, his curiosity got the better of him, glancing over at Ri'nela as she carefully watched him with folded arms.
"Where... where is she?" He finally asked.
"She's persistent in spreading stories and democracy across other clans, like a true Sarentu," Ri'nela doesn't hesitate to answer, having been waiting for him to ask, "While I remain here to lead our clan, she ventures out there, as our envoy, to find new friends and spread our wisdom. She always comes back with stories of her adventures and sometimes brings home other Na'vi who wish to join the Sarentu. She always has something new to tell me from her travels."
"So..." his ears begin to rise with hope, "She eventually comes back?"
"Always. It could be days or months, but she always comes home. Although... she never stays long."
Ri'nela sucks in a deep breath, her gaze heavy, "I can see it in her eyes. She is saddened by us. She looks at me and Teylan and thinks of you. That is why she travels so much... to be rid of your memory. To forget that you abandoned her."
Despite how her tone was soft and gentle, her words cut deep into Nor's skin, making him flinch in pain as his ears and tail lowered in distress and guilt. Ri'nela lowers herself to her knees, meeting Nor's eyes with a stern, cold expression, "When she returns-- and she will, you will not abandon her again."
Nor swallows sharply and nods once, his voice so quiet and strange to him, "What do I even say to her?"
The Sarentu tsahik lifts her chin, "I would do nothing less than beg for her forgiveness on your hands and knees."
Nor had been living among the Sarentu and the Resistance for two months before you finally made your appearance.
You flew in by ikran, fast and agile, your Bonded barely giving herself time to fan out her wings to stop her descent before her talons landed gracefully on the ground. Luckily, no one was close enough to be ambushed by the harsh entrance, but once people began to realize who had made a quick landing in the center of their community, they all began to flock toward you and your ikran, eager to see you and hear about your travels.
Nor didn't know that it had been you who landed, but when Ri'nela came to fetch him, both relief and dread fought each other in his stomach, his lungs barely expanding enough for him to breathe. He follows the tsahik out of his new kelku and toward the crowd, unconsciously keeping his head down so you wouldn't immediately see him.
Not like that was an issue as you were currently occupied by your friends and family, barely giving you time to dismount from your ikran before you were bombarded with hugs and warm welcomes.
"Teylan!" You laugh excitedly, hopping down from your banshee as Teylan runs up to you. He bends low just before he scoops you up in his arms and swings you around in the air enthusiastically, causing you to let out a soft squeal of surprise.
Nor watched this soft display from a distance, a small twinge of his tail indicating he was slightly jealous. He was aware of what Teylan had done and knew why neither you nor Ri'nela felt the need to tell Nor about their friend's betrayal after the first HQ was destroyed. At the time, Nor was hateful and blamed everyone who wronged him and his loved ones. He understands why he was never told about Teylan's betrayal, knowing it wouldn't have gone well... knowing that it might have ended up like what happened with Alma's avatar.
Despite coming to terms with himself and calmly accepting both Alma and Teylan's betrayals, Nor couldn't help but feel bothered as he watched Teylan set you down and begin rambling about everything you might have missed while you were gone. It bothered him that you had forgiven Teylan easily enough, your smile wide and keeping your eyes solely on your dear friend as he talked so he knew he had your full attention.
So'lek walked up and greeted you as well with a small yet warm smile, asking about your travels and other clans. Nor felt his eyes lower in shame. While the lone warrior was sympathetic to Nor and how he felt, So'lek has yet to speak to him, only watching from a distance with those disappointed eyes. Nor couldn't blame him. He had let So'lek down, just like many others.
He stands back, letting everyone else greet you first, but Ri'nela won't let him run away, no matter how much he wishes he could. Keeping Nor to stay put with just one, pointed glare, she turns away and walks up to you, embracing you tightly before whispering into your ear,
"There is someone here to see you."
"Is it Anufi?" You asked excitedly, not yet catching whatever dire note was in your friend's voice as you pulled out of her hug to inspect her face, continuing to ramble, "Or Okul? I promised them I would bring some of Relun's best recipes the next time I visited. I didn't think Okul would be so impatient--"
You cut yourself off, voice faltering on your tongue as your eyes catch movement behind Ri'nela. Peering over her shoulder, words fail you as your eyes widen in shock, face quickly losing color as if you had seen a ghost.
Nor felt his skin prickle under your watchful eye, noting the way your ears and tail fell before he could even blink. Standing closer to you than before, he made a quick observation about your attire, his eyes scanning the songcord running up and down your arm, longer than it had ever been before. His own ears lowered when he noticed a familiar item dangling from the cord.
You still had his stone. He wasn't sure if that made him feel better or worse.
After you were given time to relax and have a home-cooked meal with your friends and loved ones, you found yourself in a secluded part of the forest near the base, arms crossed and internal walls up as you stood before Nor, alone. Ri'nela insisted the two of you talked privately, and the two of you both had your own reasons to disagree with her, but didn't dare protest.
You let the two of you linger in a long, sullen silence, making Nor's skin crawl uncomfortably, keeping his eyes lowered to the ground while yours practically bore into his flesh. He wished he didn't deserve your hatred, knowing that you were unforgiving when you wanted to be. Perhaps it was because you were younger, but you always seemed so... kind and gentle, but eager to fight for what was right. You always wanted to fight for your home, for the memory of your mother and sister. You had wanted to fight so that other Na'vi children never went through what you went through with Nor, Ri'nela, Teylan, and the other Sarentu children who were abducted. Nor has seen your fire directed at the Sky People and he was always proud to witness your ruthlessness... but he never thought he'd be on the receiving end of it.
And now that you were less young and less naive, it was hard to picture that younger, more hopeful you. As he stood before you, he couldn't help but wonder where had the time gone.
Your eyes never leave his form, your expression impassive as you finally spoke, "How long before you leave again?"
Nor flinched, eyes still downcast, "I... I don't intend on leaving."
"Like you did last time."
He winced once more, voice quiet in response, "Could you ever forgive me?"
Your eyes narrow, "Why should I?"
"You seem to have forgiven Teylan easily enough."
"Because at least Teylan stayed and did everything in his power to show he deserved forgiveness," you snapped. Although you never raised your voice, your words still felt like a punch to the gut, "At least Cortez stayed and tried her best to right her wrongs, instead of running like a coward and avoiding her responsibilities."
His eyes finally lift to meet hers, irises riddled with guilt and pain, "I'm so sorry..."
You glared at him for what felt like forever when really it was only a few minutes. Eventually, your posture relaxes, the anger bleeding away into defeat and quiet resentment. You shook your head, voice equally as quiet as his, "I don't blame you for how you feel. I don't even blame you for what you did, despite how much I wish you didn't do it."
Your own eyes lowered, unable to look at him as you whispered, "I blame you for leaving and not making it right. For abandoning us-- your family."
Nor wanted to reach out and touch you, but instead curled his hands into fists to restrain himself, keeping them at his sides while looking out over the forest, "Why... Why didn't you just track me down and drag me back?"
He couldn't help but wonder. You were an excellent tracker and hunter, far more observant and patient than he had ever been. Many times while he was alone out in the wild, he would dream of you ambushing him, screaming at the top of your lungs before you grabbed him by the ear and brought him back... back home. Nor would often wake up from these dreams and feel cold, often looking around to see if you were actually there or not. But you never showed up.
You bite your lip, "I thought about it... many times actually. Sometimes it was almost an unbearable temptation and I had to keep busy to stop myself."
He glanced back with disbelief, "Why?"
"Because as much as I hate you..." If you had realized just how much those words hurt him, you didn't show it, your mind far away even as you looked directly at him, practically looking right through him, "I would never make you do anything against your will. That would make me no better than Mercer. You wanted to be left alone. So that's what I gave you... even if it left the most unimaginable pain in my chest. It was worse than Aha'ri because at least I knew my sister was dead... but I had no idea where you were or if you were alive."
Nor was harshly reminded of what he saw in the Circle of Ancestors, your pain still at the very front of his mind, the very pain he caused for disappearing without a trace. His eyes glance down to your wrist, longingly staring at the small stone with the mark of the Sarentu he had carved into its surface.
"I'm sorry."
"You said that. You also said that you go wherever I go," she followed his gaze and lifted the stone up to her eye level, staring at it while remembering all of those promises he made the day he gave the stone to her, "You said if you ever leave, it would only be when I was ready to go with you. You lied."
Nor finally stepped forward, hands reaching out to you as he tried to bargain, "B... But I'm here now. I-- I'm here to stay and make things right again. I can make things right. Teylan and Alma... they came back to make things right. I want to do the same."
"Yes. Now. When the fighting is over, not when it mattered." You bite back.
He sucked in air through his teeth, hissing as though he was in pain, your words like venom, "I know. I know I made a mistake. I should have returned immediately after leaving. I should have gone to cool off and then come straight back to you. I... I should not have hurt Alma. I should not have hurt you."
"And unless you can turn back time, you can't change what you've done," you step away, keeping your distance, keeping your walls high and on guard as you mutter, "I should be grateful you wanted to try and traditionally court me. If we hadn't taken things slow... had we mated... I don't think I could have survived what you did."
Your eyes glare deep in his soul, "What was that phrase Mercer used to say? 'I dodged a bullet?'"
Nor's ears stay low and pinned to his skull, looking like a kicked puppy, "Please do not say that."
"Because you are not Mercer."
"No, but as of right now, it's easier to say his name than yours," the words stung, hurting Nor even more when he caught the way your voice cracked. Glancing up, his heart shattered at the sight of tears slowly spilling down your face, your lip trembling as you tried to keep your words steady, "I expected Mercer to do terrible things. I... I never expected for you-- for you to--"
You scoff to yourself, your words ashes in your mouth, "I should've known. You wanted to leave from the start. Maybe if I had let you go from the start, this would have hurt less."
"But I am here now," he quickly soothes, "I'm here."
You don't glare at him, but your wet eyes bore into him as though he had betrayed you all over again. You let out a shaky sigh through your nose as you slowly open your mouth, making your tongue move before you could hold back your words, "... I don't need you right now. I needed you back then, but not now. I needed you when it mattered."
He could almost see your walls building ever higher in your mind and heart, his own beginning to crumble to dust, "Y/n, please--"
"I'm not going to make you leave again," you quickly add, turning your back to him as you start walking back toward the Resistance base, distantly speaking without sparing any emotions, "I'll do that myself. I have to leave at first light tomorrow to meet up with the Zeswa before they take off for migration. I think it would be best if you and I don't interact from here on out whenever I come back home. Stay or leave, I don't care anymore."
You walk back without uttering another word. You don't even look back to see Nor's reaction. He watches you retreat until you completely disappear from view, the urge to run after you so strong he has to bite his tongue from calling out to you. Something made him stay put, letting you go despite how his anger and sadness were pleading with him to pick up his feet, to follow you, to say everything he didn't know how to say but by Eywa, he wanted to try.
But he didn't. He knew this was no more than he deserved for what he put you through alone.
A/n: This is definitely getting a Part 3 😈 Lemme know if you would like to be tagged in it!
#nor x reader#nor avatar#nor imagine#nor#avatar frontiers of pandora#frontiers of pandora nor#nor frontiers of pandora#avatar frontiers of pandora nor#nor avatar frontiers of pandora#nor afop#afop#afop nor#nor angst#nor x sarentu#sarentu#sarentu reader#afop imagine#afop x reader#afop sarentu#sarentu oc#frontiers of pandora#avatar fop#ubisoft game#ubisoft
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A Flickered Flame of Sarentu
Something Dear
Summary: Ah’so gets something taken from her, Nor and the other comfort her, now a chance to get it back comes up and Nor try’s to do the impossible
A/n: angst, comfort, Mercer being a bitch, fluff moments, red dividers not mine
Bold - Speaking in na’vi
Word index:
Sa’nok - Mother
Years ago na’vi children in the western frontier were taken from there clan by humans, they soon began there training in TAP.
The children were raised and trained like they were humans, but that unfortunately made them start to forget their na’vi heritage, but they still hold the things they barely remember dearly.
A na’vi girl named Ah’so keeps a tiny wooden angtsìk that was carved with the help of her mother, the only thing she has left.
She takes it everywhere but try’s not to let it be seen by the humans especially John Mercer, the man that is the cause of the children being there. He just wants them to be formed to soldiers to fight against there own people if necessary.
Currently the children are in the cafeteria eating there dinner after a long day of learning again.
Ah’so is looking down at the table playing with her little wooden toy completely in her own world of thought.
She thought how the creature that her wooden toy was supposed to be would be like up close, she was fascinated with creature even though she hardly knew anything about it, only how it looked.
She also thought about the dreams, that were more like nightmares, that had her mother in it. Ah’so hardly remembers her family but she often has dreams about some kind of memory. A memory about her watching her toy being carved and the sweet, comforting voice of her mother.
The memory dose not show her face, only her hands. Hands that use to hold her and make her feel safe, and carved the small toy creature made of wood.
Mercer says that her mother abandoned her like everyone else’s family’s but she doesn’t believe that, she refuses to believe that. How could a kind, comforting, caring mother abandon her child?
Ah’so continued to play quietly with a small smile on her face as Mercer and two soldiers walked in and the children stopped whatever they were doing and faced them for a moment before looking at another direction, not wanting to look at the man they did not like.
Mercer walked over but not as close to the tables they were sitting at, he would do this to make sure that everyone wasn’t doing anything he didn’t allow.
Ah’so immediately stoped playing with her toy and tried to hide it by covering it with her hand but unfortunately Mercer saw it and walked over to her.
“Ah’so, your not allowed to have that piece of wood outside your bunk” he said as Ah’so held the carving tightly not saying a word.
“You know the rules, yet you disobey them” he sighed then held out his hand unfortunately of her “give it to me, now” he said in a stern tone.
Aho’so looked down at his hand, she didn’t want to give up the only thing she has. She held her toy even tighter, Mercer didn’t like that.
“Listen Ah’so, give it now, I am not asking” he definitely did not have the time for this. The other children just watched, they couldn’t do anything cause they knew it would only make things worse.
Aha’ri tho wanted to lash out but her younger sibling wouldn’t allow it so she just stayed put glaring at Mercer.
Nor definitely wanted to lash out at Mercer as much as Aha’ri did, he like everyone else knows that Ah’so’s carved toy was dear to her, he had a strong bond with her so he always felt the need to help, protect, and comfort her.
At a time like this he wanted to defend her but the glances he got from the other kids basically told him not to, it would only make things worse.
Mercer was getting frustrated with this “Ah’so, do as I say, now!” He yelled and that made her flinch. Ah’so didn’t want to suffer Mercer’s wrath but also didn’t want to listen and give her most beloved thing.
She slowly and shakily loosened her hold on the carving and extended her arm a little in hesitation, it seemed that she was gonna surrender the craving but it also seemed like she wasn’t.
Mercer grabbed her hand and tried to forcefully take the craving but she tried to pull her arm away from him and hold onto it as best as she could but Mercer unfortunately managed to rip it out of her hand.
Ah’so gasped slightly and reached out a little to her toy but knew that there’s not way she was gonna get it back. “You try and disobey me again, I will not hesitate to do something you won’t like” Mercer threatened. Aho’so had a sad and scared look on her face, on the verge of tears.
Mercer gave the children one finally glare before he and the shoulders left. When they did Ah’so started to sniffle and soon sob, Nor immediately put a hand on her shoulder then caressed her back.
“It’s ok, it’s ok Ah’so” he said softly as Aha’ri and Ri’nela went over and tried to comfort her too. Ah’so kept on crying and tried to wipe as many tears from her eyes “I..I want it back” she sobbed. Nor held her hand gently “I’m sorry, I don’t know if there’s a chance”. Nor wanted to say yes, that they could get it back but when he thought about it there was no way they could.
“Look, even if there’s no way we can get it back now, that doesn’t mean that you won’t see it again” Aha’ri said trying to make her have hope “I’m sure you’ll see it again and maybe that’s when we can try and get it back”.
Ah’so looked at her friend and sniffled some more before wiping some tears on her face “ok, I can wait for that day” she said with a small smile but hints of sadness in her voice. Aha’ri smiled “good, just have hope, that’s one thing Mercer can’t take away from us”.
It was night and everyone was in there bunks laying down ready for bed. Ah’so wasn’t sure if she was gonna sleep well tonight without her angtsìk toy but she had to try. “Sleep well, Ah’so” Nor said from on top of his bunk “you too” Ah’so replied.
She took a breath and closed her eyes to let the calm feeling of sleep take over. Ah’so eventually fell asleep at some point.
During the quiet tie of sleep Ah’so had the dream again, her mothers arms, her sweet voice, her wooden angtsìk toy.
Her mother was singing some kind of lullaby, she could only make out it tune and some of the words. Everything seemed peaceful in the dream until it twisted like it has so many times before.
She could hear her mothers screams and could only see fire, and the angtsìk carving broke and burned in the flames, that part was not in her nightmares before, but something else being added in her nightmares was common.
“Sa’nok!” Ah’so screamed out and sat up when she awoke, tears flooded her eyes and went down her cheeks. Her scream woke up the other children, Nor climbed down from his bunk and went beside her.
He took her hand to let her know that he’s there “I’m here Ah’so, I’m here” he spoke in na’vi. Nor brushed his thumb over her hand and wiped her tears using his other hand.
She continued crying as some of the others were near to comfort her “did you have that nightmare again?” Nor asked.
Ah’so turned to face him slight and nodded “yeah” she sniffled “and I saw my carving broken, and burning”.
“Your craving is ok, I’m sure Mercer hasn’t done anything to it” Nor gently squeezed to her hand to give her reassurance. “But what if he has?” Teylan asked, not wanting to seem negative but the question did make Ah’so worry.
“Teylan!” Nor hissed at him “don’t make her worry!” he glared at him. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to worry her” Teylan frowned. “We know you didn’t mean it” Aha’ri said trying to ease the tension.
Nor sighed “Ah’so, I promise you, if there’s a chance, I will get your carving back” Ah’so looked at him with a tint of hope in her eyes “thank you, Nor” she gave him a nod with a small smile.
“Now get back to sleep, I’m sure you won’t have another nightmare” Nor moved from her bunk but still holding her hand. Aho’so laid down, she and Nor slowly let go of the other’s hand. Nor gave her a soft smile and climbed back into his bunk and the other got back onto there bunks. “Good night” Nor said before laying down and everyone started to fall asleep.
Ah’so didn’t have another nightmare that night and slept peacefully. Everything was quiet and peaceful until it was morning and everyone had to wake up for another day of learning.
The children were in the classroom continuing the same lesson they had yesterday which was about how the kids were gonna do there ambassador job for good and how they were gonna do it, the usual.
Ah’so was looking down at her hands with a sad look on her face, she wasn’t paying attention at all.
Alma noticed and weak led over to her “Ah’so, what’s wrong?” She asked. The question made her look up at the avatar “Mercer took my carving” she mumbled looking down a again.
“Oh, why did he?” Alma kneeled down to be face to face with her. “I had it in the cafeteria” she replied still looking down.
Alma sighed “I’m sorry that happened” then Nor spoke up “isn’t there something you can Alma?”. Alma turned to him and shook her head “I can’t, there’s nothing I can do”.
Nor frowned and balled up his fists of course Alma couldn’t do anything, she never helps them from Mercer’s abusive actions.
Ah’so sighed in disappointment “I’m sure everything’s gonna be ok” Alma said patting her on the shoulder gently with a small smile.
Ah’so wasn’t really so sure about it tho.
After a pretty long day everyone was heading back to there bunks.
While walking back Nor noticed Mercer talking to Harding but something caught his eye, it was Ah’so’s carving on a table behind them.
Nor saw this as some kind of chance, he could get into the room and just sneak behind the two humans when they weren’t looking.
But he exactly didn’t have experience so there’s a chance he might fail and get caught, then he would have to go face a horrible punishment.
Nor was willing to try anyway, for Ah’so. He was gonna need some help too, he tapped Aha’ri’s shoulder and she turned to face him “what’s wrong?” She asked.
Nor pointed to the table where the carving was, Aha’ri looked over and looked back at Nor “Ah’so’s carving” she whispered. “We can get it back” Nor whispered “I just need to sneak in quietly, I need you to keep an eye on Mercer and Harding to make sure they don’t see me”.
“You sure you don’t need me to come in with you?” Aha’ri asked “I’m sure, if I get seen you make a run for it, I don’t want you to get punished” Nor replied. “I’m not gonna let you get punished, whether you get seen or not” Aha’ri said and Nor sighed “ok, come on, and let’s hurry”.
The two quickly made there way near the entrance of the room, it was on the side so Mercer and Harding wouldn’t see them. Nor peaked a little and saw the two humans still talking. “I’m going in” he whispered and Aha’ri nodded.
Nor crouched down and slowly walked in the room, he glanced at Mercer and Harding for a moment before moving towards the table. He gotten closer and closer until finally he went underneath it.
He looked over at Aha’ri looking at him from the entrance. Aha’ri glanced at Mercer and Harding, they were still talking and didn’t see them.
She gave him a slight nod to let him know everything was fine and he could make his move. Nor gave a slight nod back and slowly moved from under the table to get up slowly.
He was still crouching but was tall enough to reach the top of the table to grab the carving. Nor started to reach his arm over, but he did it slowly while glancing up a little make sure the two humans didn’t turn around or didn’t hear him.
He was so close to taking the carving but his ears twitched as he heard one of the humans move
He looked with worry in his eyes, it was Mercer, thankfully he didn’t turn around but it seemed that he might. Nor just stared frozen in place, Aha’ri watched anxiously ready to move in if needed.
A slight moment went by and Mercer and Harding went back to talking, none of them turned around or noticed the presence of the young na’vi boy in the room.
Nor silently sighed in relived and moved his arm again, this time a little faster. I’m a swift move he grabbed the wooden carving. He immediately went underneath the table again holding the carving he had in his hand tightly. Aha’ri felt relived and smiled slightly.
He know had to get out of there, he looked at Mercer and Harding one final time until he silently made his way back to the entrance.
Aha’ri put a hand on his shoulder “you made it” she whispers with a smile. “I did it” Nor smiled too “now let’s get back to the others” he said and the two stood up and quickly made there way to the bunks.
No one was in the halls at the moment which was good, which meant they wouldn’t get in trouble and no one will know what they just did.
Meanwhile the others at the bunks worried and wondered where Nor and Aha’ri were when they noticed they weren’t with them by the time they got to the bunks.
“What do you think happened?” Ah’so asked pacing around the room in worry “how did we not notice them gone earlier?” Teylan frowned. “Do you think Mercer found them?” Aha’ri’s younger sibling asked “he might be doing something to them by now”.
“I’m sure there fine, they’ll be back” Ri’nela said trying to calm everyone down. Ah’so leaned back on wall “what if something happened to them? Are they ok? Are they hurt?” She mumbled to herself.
Everyone else was thinking the worse and some mumbled to themselves a little.
This silence of worry continued on until the door opened revealing Nor and Aha’ri. The kiss looked in surprised “Nor! Aha’ri!” Teylan exclaimed.
“Your ok!” Ah’so gasped in relief “of course we are” Aha’ri smiled “where did you two go?” Aha’ri’s sibling asked walking up to her “we went to get something” Aha’ri replied giving her sibling a calm smile to put them at ease.
“Get what?” Teylan asked tilting his head, Nor turned to Ah’so and revealed the wooden carving. Ah’so gasped along with the other children “my carving!” She went up to him “how did you get it?” She asked.
“Mercer and Harding were talking and your carving was on a table, they were distracted so I snuck in while Aha’ri kept watch, I got it without either of them turning around or glancing over” Nor explained with a smile. Ah’so looked at him with thankful eyes, looking like she was about to cry from joy.
The na’vi girl gently took her wooden toy from the boys hands and examined it, beginning to smile a little.
“There was a close call but nothing that serious, but thank eywa I-” Nor was cut off but Ah’so hugging him tightly “thank you” she said in a hushed tone “thank you, thank you, thank, thank you!” some tears of joy started to develop and Nor hugged back “your welcome”.
Ah’so gave him one final squeeze before letting go slowly, giving him a smile, some tear stains on her face. Nor smiled back.
Ah’so looked over at Aha’ri and walked over to her to give her a tight hug that she was grateful to return.
Ah’so gave her one final squeeze just like with Nor and let go slowly. “Thank you, Aha’ri” she smiled “your welcome Ah’so” Aha’ri patted her arm smiling back.
Ah’so looked back at Nor, the two smiled at each other warmly.
The warmth feeling of the smile felt like the fond embrace of a flickered flame.
#avatar#afop#frontiers of pandora#Frontiers of pandora nor#Avatar nor#Avatar oc#na’vi oc#frontiers of pandora oc#Oc x canon#fanfic#avatar teylan#avatra aha’ri#Frontiers of pandora protagonist#Avatar ri’nela#Avatar Alma#Avatar Mercer#Avatar fanfic#Avatar frontiers of pandora fanfic#Afop fanfic#Avatar 2009 fanfic#A Flickered Flame of Sarentu
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You know, I was searching the web for Na'vi hair styles for my Alma fic i have going for inspiration but than i found more than expectation so...
it seems right to fill the Frointers of Pandora tag with these beauties.
The author links are below to check out and such and please do if you haven't already; it's a must for BTS stuff of the game.

So'lek!! bc you don't see much with his chest gear on! Hot.

Eetu for you thirsty birds

Alma!!! my fav character. Again, you don't see skin around her neck bc she has that neck scalf Did you see the scar on her right cheek under her eye? Where did that come from?
Also, what colour would you call her eyes? I'd say brown but there's an odd contract to them. Were they going for a light brown?

Here's some Colonel Harding with all her scars. Kinda hot, even if she's a horrible person. This under-the-collar stuff is kinda useful for my fics tho 😉
Also, i really like her eyes! Such a dark blue which you don't see as often on poc characters. Maybe it's a recessive gene that's active in her character's Lore?

Honestly, i'm glad to see more of Nesim's neck bc it's hard when trying to do any art with her, finding the proportions of her neck with her Zeswa collared chest guard... painful.
Also... she's stunning! Minang too!

You know, I hate Nor's headpiece with a severe passion. I personally don't think it suits him; far too big. If it was smaller, it'd be fine but it covers up most of his head. Plus, he's not a clan leader so it's odd.
So i threw that in so you see what Nor looks like without that decor!
Link to Artist's Page/Blog; the artist did the hair styles for FoP
#avatar#avatar fop#so'lek frontiers of pandora#avatar frontiers of pandora#frontiers of pandora#fop#nor#alma cortez#nesim#minang#zeswa#zeswa clan#sarentu#so'lek#eetu#eetu frontiers of pandora#angela harding
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so'lek and the sarentu
#everyone say thank you so'lek for putting up with us 🙏 lol#avatar#frontiers of pandora#afop#sarentu#so'lek#teylan#ri'nela#nor#my art
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Nor wanting to leave the Resistance immediately because working for them feels too similar to working for TAP. Nor watching the Sarentu PC meet Na’vi clans and encourage them to ally with the Resistance. Ri’nela strengthening the bond between them as the Sarentu tsahìk. Teylan tinkering, improving, creating tools for the Resistance to use throughout Pandora. The Sarentu becoming just as ingrained into the Resistance as they were into TAP.
Nor possibly pleading with all of them that they’re still doing Alma’s dirty work. That there is no difference between the Resistance & TAP. Humans are humans regardless of what they call themselves. The PC and Ri’nela telling him there is a difference and that the work they’re doing is good. Teylan telling him there is a difference but that he still misses “home”. Neither answer feeling satisfying.
Nor no longer being able to relate, to understand, to connect to the other Sarentu anymore. TAP’s original goal was for them to be ambassadors to bridge the gap between humans and Na’vi. The Resistance’s goal is the same. Nor is exhausted of working with humans. He’s wanted to leave since day one.
The only family he’s ever had for years says “no” for reasons he cannot comprehend. They are laughing and smiling with the humans, with Alma, as if they are friends. Nor begs them to remember the RDA’s abuse, it’s all he can ever think about. But they do not like talking about it. The other Sarentu are here but are slowly leaving him behind.
In a base full of humans, Na’vi, and Sarentu, Nor is completely and utterly alone.
#just thinking about Nor….#avatar frontiers of pandora#frontiers of pandora#afop#nor#nor afop#nor avatar#💭
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AU Where Aha'ri's death was the last straw for Alma and she leaves TAP with the children into the forest with no plan.
Single mother to 8 kids 💀. In case you guys didn't know there are four other sarentu students mentioned in the game so they are here too
#teylan is overstimulated#avatar#avatar frontiers of pandora#frontiers of pandora#afop#the sarentu#sarentu#TAP#the ambassador program#yuayt#yefti#telisi#au#teylan#nor#ri'nela#okni
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Some of my favourite little details in avatar: frontiers of pandora
The two guards outside the council room in the aranahe hometree that just chat shit? All the time? Even during that last confrontation with Etuwa's father they're just stood chatting about someone's poor foraging skills or some shit it's so funny
The fact that the camera lowers when you're speaking to humans, which I know is probably so we can get a good look at them but I chose to believe it's because your sarentu slowly kneels until they're eye level with them
Nefika and Relun's dynamic of miserable old man and batshit crazy old woman
Whatever the fuck Okul's got going on. Gender? Babes they're clinically insane, they're too busy running into poisonous gas to worry about gender
The sleeping pod things hanging from the ceiling in the hometree. It took me forever to work out where they were all sleeping because there was no way they were all fitting in that one sleeping den
"it is sound proof Priya."
Anqa forgetting her training and getting attacked by wasps because she's too busy thinking about Priya
Hajir and Alex planning to have tea, no one talk to me
Daniella being this very capable badass soldier with a hardened exterior and her himbo husband who's just happy to be there as long as there's wood to whittle and food to cook
The sarentu humming sarentu songs while they cook
Zomey refusing to leave the plane until she saw Eetu get out
The resistance humans wearing clothes that have been altered/repaired by Na'vi weavers
Minang losing her shit and charging the base in the plains despite being the calmer, more collected one? Good shit.
That little detail in the cloud spitter description that says kids make a game of seeing how close they can get to the plant without triggering it
"I can still smell the chemicals" just kill me now I can't take this
Every single individual human having to ask Jake Sully for permission to stay on the planet. Were they forced to go back to the RDA if he said no? Or were they just left to die out on pandora?
The ferals being unable to communicate with eachother and being so angry because they're so lonely
Kin, Relun and the Kame'tire trader all being friends before the Kame'tire were banished
Priya not being able to talk to Alma in her human form because her avatar was her friend
Nor just. Disappearing? Where did he go? Is he okay? Why can't I go looking for him?
The Na'vi naming options for your Ikran being the names of other kids in TAP
So'lek collecting the identity tags of the soldiers he kills
So'lek in general actually. "This dReAmWaLkEr decided to lock you up in a box instead 👀"
Alex being granted permission to stay on pandora because he wanted to keep Grace's legacy alive through his work. Why is this never mentioned anywhere but in his character description?
The comic book pages
The fact that Priya dyes her hair. Are you actually telling me this excitable little climatologist worked out how to make hair dye from pandoran plants before Alex figured out how to eat any of it?
Anqa's fucking "my land was invaded too". Give this head-empty lesbian a break man
Everyone hating Billy because they think he can't be trusted only for him to be one of the most loyal among them
Etuwa's father refusing to fight because he lost his wife, then deciding to fight because he won't let them take his daughter too
"what have they done to you, my beautiful?" Actually sobbing like a fucking baby rn
#avatar frontiers of pandora#afop#avatar frontiers of pandora spoilers#afop spoilers#eetu#nor#priya chen#anqa salaam#etuwa#nefika#relun#okul#kin#so'lek#hajir bashera#alexander tremayne#zomey#billy nash#minang#daniela neves-mackay#jin mackay#god is that everyone? i remember now why i hate posting on this hellsite
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so’lek isn’t fucking with my sarentu’s sexy moves guys im moving onto ri’nela

#avatar#avatar frontiers of pandora#afop#avatar so’lek#so’lek#sarentu#ri’nela#na’vi#na’vi oc#teylan#nor#james cameron avatar
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First Meetings

So’lek x Sarentu!Reader
Hi everyone, this is my first fic ever for anything, this will be with AFAB reader in mind and will follow closely to the storyline of the game, so there will be spoilers. As I'm making this a series, each of these can be read as standalones. I hope you enjoy it ! Any Na’vi words or phrases I use, the English translation will be right next to it, if not then it will be at the end of the fic!
Word count: 2.6k
Masterlist - Next
“It's our world, it's lost…dying, because we didn't fight for it when we had a chance. Now we’re fighting for yours. We’re going to make a difference here. Together.” Priya passionately declared as she looked at you sincerely. Then her eyes widened as she remembered something, “Oh! So’lek was hoping to catch you too. Promised him I wouldn't forget. Tell him I didn’t forget !”
You giggled at how cute and bubbly Priya was, out of all the humans here at the resistance base, you liked her cheerful mannerisms a lot. You could tell that she would be a wonderful friend to have. You nodded and thanked her before you head over to find So’lek.
As you slowly walked through the base, your mind had shifted to the recent events that occurred while you and the others were at the TAP facility a day ago. The reason for the shift being a certain resistance Na’vi.
Oel ngati kameie. I see you.
Those were the first words you heard from him when you woke up after the cryo sleep. Even with all the chaos that was going on at the time, you couldn’t help but feel drawn to the Na’vi who seemed to be very straight-forward, blunt and yet understanding of the situation that you and the rest of the Sarentu had faced.
So’lek, he said, was his name (‘what a lovely name’ you had thought) when you asked him while on the run from the RDA, one of the last remaining survivors of his clan. Although, everytime you think of that memory, alone and running from the RDA, you remember the fear of being separated from everyone and wondering if they were safe. After what happened to Aha’ri, you couldn’t stand anyone else being hurt. But So’lek’s voice kept you moving forward and when one of the RDA in the AMP suit caught you, holding you down as that horrible man, Mercer looked down on you, comparing you to your sister, the only thing you wished and hoped for was that So’lek would keep the Sarentu trio safe, as you almost gave up, He came out of nowhere, shooting at the RDA to save you and told you to run.
When you finally got out of the TAP facility, Pandora was nothing like what Mercer or the TAP said it was. They said that it was a terrifying, vicious, and cruel world. However, to your eyes, It was beautiful, the bright sun, the sounds of the creatures and water of the forest. It was like a new world and you couldn’t believe that you spent so long without it all.
As you walked forward, finding So’lek and the others immediately became a priority, when you finally found So’lek, he was hurt, the concern in you washed over like a wave in your chest, he must have gotten injured while protecting you. You knew at that moment that you wanted to protect him as well, taking his bow and using your Na’vi sense that So'lek told you about, made you realize how much you missed out on life, then getting the dapophet plant to heal him and fighting the RDA, gave you a feeling like no other, it made you feel that you can help, that you can be a protector as well.
However, It was when So’lek asked about your songchord, that made your heart flutter. You can still remember the conversation even though it hadn’t been that long.
“You have no songchord.” So’lek said as he got up after repositioning his shoulder, noticing that the Sarentu he seemed to run into a lot was missing a songchord. There was just something different about her, she seemed very caring and yet so strong in spirit, as he could tell as they were on the run from the RDA. “We had my mother’s, but they stole it” Your voice cracked as you said it, the pain of losing both your sister and the songchord, the only piece of your mother left still hurts you to this day.
Hearing that, So’lek felt anger and resentment flare up in his chest. Not only did they kidnap the Sarentu children, kill his clan and hurt the lands of Pandora, they had the audacity to steal something precious from a child as well. He could not explain the feeling in his chest, he wanted to do something for the Sarentu. “Then we must change that” his voice seemed to soften as he said the words and as he questioned, “What is your name Sarentu ?”.
Hearing his voice being gentle brought heat to your cheeks, and more flutterings in your chest, a feeling of happiness seemed to spread through you, “Y/N, my name is Y/N” you looked at him as your name rolled out your mouth in a hurry. Hearing it, So’lek lips curved up a tiny bit, his smile although small was gentle.
The rest went on with him making sure you understood that you must find your own way as you are a Na’vi and by doing so on your own was the way you can learn and then he finally asked you to join the resistance, hearing how he talked about the resistance made you understand why he was in it and you wanted to join them to help other Na’vi, to help save Pandora. After reaching the resistance base and meeting many new human faces, it was a breath of fresh air, they seemed so kind and you could tell that they were sincere in their welcoming and the work that they do here. The only person you still felt a bit weird with was Alma, but you discarded it as it was probably a long time of not seeing each other. She must have felt that she lost all of you after putting you all to cyro sleep.
Seeing the rest of the Sarentu trio free was another happiness that you could not describe, as you saw them as your family. With you being the second to last youngest, you looked up to Ri’nela and Nor a lot, you tried to be there for them as much as possible, to be listening ear or someone they could find comfort in, especially Nor, as he lost his best friend, your big sister. He was the only one that would rebel at the facility, trying to follow Aha’ri’s footsteps. Ri’nela, she became a big sister to you, but was always worried about what would happen if things didn’t go the way TAP wanted. Then there was the youngest, Teylan, he was like a little brother you never had, he would always hold onto your shirt when he felt overwhelmed and sometimes at night when he felt no one would notice, he would sneak into your bed and cuddle wanting to escape whatever nightmares would plague him. It was why you made a very simple doll out of one of the old clothes you had, you gave it to him saying that at times if he couldn’t see you, that he can always hold on to it to know that you’ll always be there for him. The day you gave him that, he hugged you so tightly, he didn’t let go for a long time. But it worried you how much he seemed to praise and think about Mercer.
Then you were given your first mission, take down one of the RDA facilities near the base which was polluting the land, Pneumatic Tower Echo. It felt overwhelming at first but after seeing how the land, your land, the land of Pandora, was ruined because of the RDA, a determination had stirred up in you. It was what made you destroy the RDA facility as soon as possible. In wonder you had seen Eywa had worked in mysterious ways, the land rejuvenated after the facility was destroyed, with creatures from the forest returning to the land, the flora coming back to life. Teylan called you through the radio in worry after hearing the bang, he and the others were at a flower they found. He wanted you to be there with the others so you could check it out, you had hurried over to the group, slowing down as you and the others came closer to the flower, Ri’nela had gasped in wonder, saying how that it was the flower that opens only for the Sarentu, to connect to Eywa, a Tarsyu. You had looked at it in awe, as you could only barely remember seeing the flower when you were a toddler. Finally, pulling your kuru forward, you connected to Eywa and met your ancestor Entu, the first Toruk Makto, with your will renewed, your heart became content and excited at the prospect of learning more and more about what it means to be a Sarentu.
You stopped reminiscing as you finally headed over to the armory where So’lek was at, looking over his gun. For some reason you didn’t think twice when Priya told you that So’lek was looking for you, your feet seemed to have a mind of their own. So’lek ears turned to your direction as he heard your footsteps approach him, he looked up and his lips curved up automatically, he looked proud as he said, “You did well out there”. You felt happy at his words, that you had helped the resistance in some way. As you looked over at him, you felt curious about the weapon in his hand. “Did the humans teach you their weapons too ?” you asked.
So’lek’s eyes became dull at those words, a resentment growing in his chest as his thoughts went to his clan, from when he could last remember them. You wanted to take back the words immediately, not wanting to see his eyes fill with such emptiness ever again. “No, I saw the RDA butcher my clan. Their bullets slicing them to shreds. That was my lesson.” he explained, his voice low and tense as he continued, “I know how it feels to be among the last of your people. The humans…they are like their guns. Brought here to cause pain.”
You took in his words and you honestly agreed to what he exclaimed. Guns and those strange machines just brought more destruction to Pandora, especially the humans who operated them. But you were confused as well, were the humans here at the resistance base not RDA once ? Voicing this concern of yours, he firmly replied in a hurry, “and I will not make it easy for them to forget. They are our allies now, yes. But, this is not their war. They fight for the ghost of their home world. But we fight for our home.” His words made you think about your time spent at TAP. Although the program was to ensure a healthy relation between humans and Na’vi, it never felt like that. It felt like that evil man had won, “In the end, Mercer got what he wanted, he made us into soldiers.” Your hands clenched tightly at your sides, your tail swishing, agitated and just saying it made you frustrated.
So’lek looked at the Sarentu thoughtfully, he could understand her frustration, her pain and sorrow, he could see how much she wanted to change the way things were and he felt like he wanted to help guide her on her journey, to be her helping hand, he could not explain these emotions well. So he advised her, “You are not what they made you. You are Na’vi. You will learn what that means in time. Starting with this,” he pulled something from the back of his gear, it was a songchord, “I made it for you” he passed the songchord to you, looking at it, you could feel the crack in your heart when they had stole your mother’s songchord from you lessen. You held it in your hands gently, as if it was the most precious thing in the world, which probably was as this was the first time someone, other than your sister and mother, ever made anything for you.
“My own songchord, like my mother’s…” you gently noted.
“All Na’vi wear one. It is your life’s journey for the world to see. For you to remember” He explained the significance of the songchords to you.
“Her’s had more beads on it” you exclaimed in a low tone, trying to remember what it looked like when you last saw it, before Mercer had taken it right out of your hands. You tied the songchord that So’lek had given you on your wrist and examined it carefully, noticing a bead on, your eyes looked at him curiously.
“Each bead is a moment of great importance to the wearer. I have put one in place to commemorate your first steps to freedom. Build on it. Build your own memories. Each one, a new song in your heart.” So’lek explained, noting the soft and gentle look grace the Sarentu’s face. This expression was something he hoped to see, to brighten whatever dark clouds that had been swirling in her mind.
You looked at him, hoping to convey your will to him, “I hope we can. Ri’nela really wants to try. To know what it means to be Sarentu. But at the Tarsyu…Nor seemed confused. Upset.” Thinking about it, after your sister's death, Nor took it hard and felt that it was his own fault for her death, that he did not try harder. He always used to listen closely to Aha’ri with you when she would hum the songs or tell stories of the Sarentu.
“Eywa shows us who we are. And who we can be. But she also reminds us of what has been lost. For your people, that is a heavy burden” So’lek said somberly. He then picked up his gun and started inspecting it again. “The back exit is not so exposed, he may be there.” Noting the worry on your face for Nor, he stated. You nodded with a smile at him, you were about to turn and leave when you remembered, “So’lek,” he turned his head to your voice, a slight shiver crawled up his spine at the gentle caress in the way you said his name, he could see your expression and he felt shocked at the way your eyes looked him in gratefulness. “Irayo So’lek. Thank you so much. For saving me and the others. For giving me strength. For making this songchord and the bead, I will treasure it always and I hope that I can show you my journey through it.”
You turned to leave, feeling the heat rush back to your cheeks at the honest words you blurted out to him, your feelings all over the place. However, before you left, you heard him whisper to you, so that only you would hear, “Be safe.” You felt your heart skip a beat as you nodded to him and rushed out of the base in order to search for Nor.
So’lek did not expect the Sarentu to say such heart-felt words, he had to cover his face because it felt slightly heated. He did not understand what he was feeling, as he did not feel the same with the other Sarentu trio as he did with her. Maybe it was her honest and caring nature that made him feel flustered. For now though, he decided to ignore those feelings. He needed to focus on gathering intel about those who killed his clan and defeating the RDA.
Little did either of them know, that in the future that he would not be able to ignore his feelings and that there would be a bead that represents them on her songchord.
∘ Oel ngati kameie - I see you
∘ Irayo - thanks
Thank you if you've read through to the end ! I would greatly appreciate comments on how it was and any tips to further improve my writing.
#so'lek x reader#so'lek#avatar frontiers of pandora#avatar#afop#sarentu#frontiers of pandora#so'lek x na'vi!reader#so'lek x sarentu!reader#so'lek fluff#nor#ri'nela#teylan
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The Sarentu.
(Do not repost my work on any platform.)
#atwow#avatar 2#avatar frontiers of pandora#frontiers of pandora#avatar teylan#avatar nor#avatar rinela#Sarentu
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I’ve been seeing videos of Frontiers of Pandora and so’lek has me charmed so badly!!!
RIGHT?! I'm so confused as to why we can't romance him, like, he's done so much for us he's so caring??? Spoilers ahead:
He gave us a bow
He gave us a slingshot
He gave us a songcord
He's concerned for us nearly half the time we talk to him over the radio
Yet he's always quick to reassure us if we sound worried
When Eetu is tasked with teaching us how to hunt, So'lek sounds concerned and mentions how HE should be doing that! Dare I say he sounds protective or even possessive
And that's just what I've seen so far since I haven't even finished the game!
#so'lek frontiers of pandora#so'lek#frontiers of pandora nor#frontiers of pandora so'lek#avatar#avatar movie#atwow#avatar the way of water#avatar 2#avatar 2009#james cameron avatar#ask anla#ask box#anon ask#ask anon#ask
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A Flickered Flame of Sarentu
Summary: Ah’so was captured by the TAP along with a few other children of her clan. They were raised like humans, at the process forgetting their na’vi heritage. Tho the na’vi children may have forgotten a lot about there clan hey still hold the few things they have dear to them, like the sounds of there clans songs, little things that belonged to another family member or to them. Aha’ri and her younger sibling had there mothers songcord, Ah’so had a tiny carved 'angtsìk made by her mother. Over the years Ah’so dreads and fears the place they live in and nightmares of the day they got taken and about her mother.
But she and the other children have each other to look out for. Ah’so had a strong bond with Nor, he would comfort her and she would comfort him, the two wouldn’t dare to let anything happens to the other. Eight years went by now and TAP still trains them.
Until one day the na’vi clans come together after an avatar named Jake Sully turns on the RDA. During the chaos John Mercer orders the na’vi children to be killed but their teacher, Alma Cortez, saves them and puts them in sleeping pods where they stay for nearly 16 years. Until they wake up, and the humans have returned to Pandora, now they must fight.
Ah’so and her friends must fight for the safety of there home they hardly know but will reconnect. While her friendship with Nor develops into something new and takes a very big turn. Will it be for better or for worse?
A/n: Images not not mine, the images for Ah’so are to give you ideas on what she looks like, cause that’s what a face claim does, this is Oc x canon, I just thought this can be good, chapters will be late when publishing, there will be spoilers, only a few chapters will come out until I play the game
Include: Fluff, Angst, Mentions of death, Comfort, Some chapters will not be pretty
Chapter 1-Something Dear
Chapter 2-Someone loss
Chapter 3-Awakening Freedom
#avatar#avatar 2009#frontiers of pandora#Oc x canon#Fluff#Angst#Na’vi oc#Frontiers of pandora oc#Frontiers of pandora Nor#Fanfic#Frontiers of pandora spoilers#The satentu#Teylan#Ri’nela#Aha’ri#Alma#john mercer#angela harding#avatar fanfic#Avatar frontiers of pandora fanfic#A Flickered Flame of Sarentu
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Okie nefika aside.
Mama kataru!!! 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
So kind and beautiful!!! Y'all there isn't enough appreciation for her!! We gotta fix that!!
#avatar#avatar the way of water#na'vi x reader#na'vi avatar#avatar 2#na'vi x human#frontiers of pandora#so'lek#lo'ak#kiri#jake sully#neteyam sully#neytiri#tuk sully#omatikaya clan#metkayina clan#aranahe clan#sarentu clan#nor#nor x reader#nefika worship#nefika#kataru#our mother#im crying
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Frontiers of Pandora ✨Spoilers🩵
the accents ... mm
#so'lek is such an old man i am inlove#💦💦#nor frontiers of pandora#so'lek#so'lek video#so'lek frontiers of pandora#nor video#avatar frontiers of pandora spoilers#frontiers of pandora#lord take me now#so'lek vid#nor vid#so'lek and his sarcasm#nor#afop#avatar frontiers of pandora
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Vurur alu Ingyentsim Ayramä hasey sìmi! Just finished the Secrets of the Spires story!
#i'll make a post about story/gameplay thoughts on it later#for now enjoy some screenshot spam#avatar#frontiers of pandora#afop#secrets of the spires#sarentu#rasi#lì'fya leNa'vi#small language note: there's not really a specific word for “secret” nor “spire”#so what I wrote is actually more like “mystery of the mountains”#close enough#I considered using “asip” for spire (means “tall thin pile of something” or “tower”)#because I feel like “asip tskxeyä” (“tower of rocks”) fits the bill for “spire” pretty well#but the only example sentence we have for it is “someone built a tower of bones in the forest”#so I'm not 100% certain whether it also applies to natural structures or if it implies that someone/something made the pile#so i went with the safer but somewhat less interesting “ram” (“mountain”)#(asip might still be perfectly valid! i'm just not certain)#buuuuuut i guess “ingentsim ayramä” is just a tad more succinct than “ingyentsim ayasipä tskxeyä” anways#let's avoid stacking genitives if we can lol#although....hmm....I guess it's not like it strictly NEEDS the tskxe part.......#meh whatever i'm just gonna post this before I have more time to overthink and change my mind 😅
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Every time I see her, I call her momma. I love how she took us under her wing. She is so amazing and beautiful.
#avatar frontiers of pandora#avatar ikran#avatar rda#eetu frontiers of pandora#sarentu#solek frontiers of pandora#nor afop#ri'nela#teylan#aranahe#Nefika#afop
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