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starriesse · 9 months ago
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—— ♡ ⊰ MADOKA KANAME NPTs ... !!
[PT: Madoka Kaname NPTs. End PT]
✦ ⁔⁔ Names — Hope. Angel. Flower. Deer. Fawn. Petal. Ange. Rose. Pinkie. Magipink. Frilline. Frill. Wish. Friwish.
✦ ⁔⁔ Pronouns — Flo/Flower. De/Deer. Pet/Petal. Cy/Cycle. Mae/Magic. Pi/Pink. Fri/Frill. Lae/Lace. Wish/Wishes.
✦ ⁔⁔ Titles — The Ultimate Magical Girl. The Magical Girl. The Sacrificed One. They Who Sacrifice. The All-Loving One. Their Hopefulness.
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pupsmailbox · 10 months ago
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NAMES︰aequora. aequorea. aether. agris. alatina. andromeda. anemone. angel. angeli. angelica. angelina. aqua. aquamarine. aquatique. astraea. astro. athena. atolla. aura. aurelia. aurita. aurite. baia. bio. biolumine. blanche. blu. blue. bluette. bubble. capillata. caru. cassiopeia. cephea. chiro. chrysali. chrysao. cnidaria. coral. coralle. cordelia. cosima. cosmo. crystal. crystalle. cyanea. cyanei. dentelle. divinity. dove. eleuth. eleuthiria. ephyra. ethie. ethy. evangeline. eve. fishie. fishy. flo. floa. float. floatesse. floatette. floatie. floaty. frill. frillice. frillie. frilline. frillisea. frillita. frillyn. frillyne. frillyta. frisweet. gell. gem. glen. glow. glowesse. glowette. guppie. guppy. halo. heaven. hydridae. hydrozoa. idol. idolette. illuminette. innosweet. jefrill. jell. jellace. jelle. jellette. jellice. jellicent. jellie. jelliette. jellimer. jellina. jelline. jellisea. jellisweet. jellita. jello. jelly. jellyfish. jellysh. jule. lagoona. lumi. lumie. lumine. luminescence. luminesse. luminette. marina. marine. mauve. medus. medusa. medusae. medusanne. meduse. medusozoa. mer. mermi. monema. moon. moonie. moonlight. moony. muse. mysti. méduse. nadar. nager. neptune. noctiluca. nomina. nomura. ocean. oceania. oceanne. olindias. onceanne. ophelia. polyp. reef. scyfrill. scyph. scyphozoa. sea. sean. searene. selsi. seraphim. shaun. shim. shimmer. shimmerette. shimmerie. siren. sirene. smuckie. spottie. squish. squishie. squishy. sting. stinger. stingette. stingie, stingie. stingy. swefrill. tagi. tenta. tentaclesse. tentaclette. tenti. tide. twinkle. twinklette. ulma. veil. velella. whimsy. wisteria. zap.
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PRONOUNS︰ae/aem. afterlife/afterlife. an/angel. angel/angel. aq/aqua. atol/atolla. blue/blue. bubble/bubble. ceph/cephea. cherub/cherub. choir/choir. cloud/cloud. cor/cor. coral/coral. crys/crystal. dance/dance. decor/decor. deity/deity. divine/divine. dream/dream. dress/dress. dri/drift. drift/drift. drip/drip. drop/drop. feather/feather. fish/fish. flo/float. float/float. fluff/fluff. fri/frill. frill/frill. glide/glide. glow/glow. hi/hym. high/highnes. holy/holy. hy/hydra. hymn/hymn. idol/idol. illuminate/illuminate. immortal/immortal. inn/innocent. jel/jel. jel/jelly. jelly/jelly. jelly/jellyfish. jellyfish/jellyfish. lamb/lamb. light/light. lu/lumi. lumi/lumi. lumi/luminou. luminescent/luminescence. luminescent/luminescent. mar/marine. mari/marine. medu/meduse. mer/maid. moon/moon. nettle/nettle. nom/nom. ocea/ocean. ocean/ocean. pastel/pastel. petti/petticoat. pink/pinkie. pop/pop. pre/preform. preform/preform. pure/pure. reef/reef. regal/regal. rhyme/rhyme. rhythm/rhythm. rock/rock. sacred/sacred. scy/scyph. scy/scyr. sea/sea. sheep/sheep. shi/hyr. shim/shimmer. shimmer/shimmer. show/show. silly/silly. sing/sing. sing/song. smack/smack. song/song. splish/splash. stage/stage. sti/sting. sting/sting. sting/stinger. swe/sweet. swi/swim. swim/swim. tenta/tentacle. tentacle/tentacle. tenti/tenti. tide/tide. twinkle/twinkle. vae/vaer. wa/wave. wave/wave. wing/wing. zap/zap. ଳ. ⚡️. 🌊.
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ottersaurus · 3 years ago
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The races endemic to the Continent of thunder, Akahua.
They are named the Raptors, Gargoyles, Frillins, and Salamandres
The raptors are a small race of semi-nomadic dinos who live in the northern parts of Akahua. They're are two distinct groups who live in the region. The golden tribes that live by hunting on the plains and the silver tribes who live on the snowy mountains. I made a more detailed post about them here : https://ottersaurus.tumblr.com/post/639762723629137920/for-some-reason-i-never-got-to-posting-these
Gargoyles are a race of lizard people who like to fight. They have tough skin with with stone and iron being part of their bodies. They stone on their body grows slowly throughout their lives. Though they may come off as brutes, but many have a code of honor to not fight a weak/unwilling opponent, with many going as far as to never use a weapon. They love gems and jewelry, and many of this races is decked out with some type of gem.
Frillins are a spiritual race and the one with the most wide spread civilization. They have the ability to astral project. Many of their technological advances came to them but visiting the neighboring countries in their astral form. Many are vegetarians, but also need to get proteins from the bugs they cultivate.
Salamandres are secluded and territorial race that lives in the humid jungles of Akahua. They come in many shape and sizes with some of them never coming out of the water. They are locked to their homes as they need the humidy to breathe. they are also known as lavaskins due to the toxin that can be found on their skin.
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nameless-octoling · 4 years ago
tvax and dj wassa gay fuckin, and its so hot (♥﹃ ♥)
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“Are..... you lost? And like, were you present??”
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hypnothesis-au · 2 years ago
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((actually tho we are SO FRILLIN EXCITED to reach 1k, thank you so much everyone!!! Welcome and thanks for sticking around <3))
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captaincraigcuttlefish · 2 years ago
Wait-why are Cuttlefish looked down upon? I read the thing but it didn't make a whole lotta sense to me
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“Th’ long n’ short o’ it is that Cuttlefish were pretenders n’ squit, who donnae think o’ anythin’ other than frillin’ tae reproduce. It ain’t based on any fact, jus’ a lottae rumours an’ hearsay. Unfortunately, ‘s a popular belief.”
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fiery-is-in-pain · 3 years ago
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and 2: sorry for not posting I've been story boarding some oc comics so they're taking up some time (:
I've been watching Turnabout Bridge and while I'm not all the way through yet I just WHY IS NOBODY ADDRESSING THIS MANS ISSUES AND WHY IS PROSECUTOR GODOT CONSTANTLY ANTAGONIZING HIM I GET IT A GRUDGE OR WHATEVER BUT I JUST- I should end the sentence there of we'll be here for hours, have a lovely rest of your day!!
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suffering-with-fiery · 4 years ago
the first video with sound. I could have kept going for so frillin long but I figured this was enough vines for now. Here you are. I like to think I'm doing what we need but I'm not knskn
characters belong to WOOMA/Hiiragi Kirai, and the vines belong to their original owners. enjoy even though there's not many (:
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starriesse · 10 months ago
♡ ⁔⁔ CUTESY IDOL NPTs ... !!
[PT: Cutesy Idol NPTs. End PT]
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[PT: Names! End PT]
— Idollesse ; Idolline ; Muse ; Musette ; Musine ; Star ; Starlight ; Ribbon ; Frill ; Frilline ; Ribbonette ; Frillyne ; Frillie ; Bow ; Starrie ; Starry ; Lyric ; Lyrica ; Melody ; Songstress ; Cudol
[PT: Pronouns! End PT]
— Idol/Idols ; Mu/Music ; Fri/Frill ; Rib/Ribbon ; Bow/Bows ; Cu/Cute ; Song/Songs ; Star/Stars ; Bri/Bright ; Shy/Shine ; Ado/Adore ; Ly/Lyric ; Che/Cheer
[PT: Titles! End PT]
— The Idol ; The Singer ; They Who Stand on the Stage ; The Star of the Show ; The Dancer ; The Star ; The Rising Star ; The Adoring Idol ; The Sweet Idol ; The Cutest One
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Frillin’ Myself (35mm)
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steven-vandervate-art · 6 years ago
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Chillin’ & Frillin’ #tututuesday https://www.instagram.com/p/ByUIc8nHiaE/?igshid=prvbrc19ile
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kai-keda · 8 years ago
Vegeta/Nightmare Moon or Freeza/Krillin (which is best crack ship lol)
Oh FUCK I DON'T KNOW FACKI mean, personally, I prefer to just ship Buu Saga Vegeta with Princess Luna but Saiyan Saga Vegeta and Nightmare Moon would work great.As would Majin!Vegeta with the Nightmare Moon from the nightmares Luna gave herself.Honestly, because Frillin holds no REAL meaning to me outside of making it represent myself and Geekdom, imma have to go with Vegeta/Nightmare Moon.
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sunnyspeakers · 4 years ago
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u guys might hate me for this one but skywings are british. british accents
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candiedjams4u · 5 years ago
I just added this listing on Poshmark: 4/$23 Jamberry Nail Wraps Chillin’ & Frillin’. #poshmark #fashion #shopping #shopmycloset
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captaincraigcuttlefish · 2 years ago
Hey captain, a new business called "Makoid Missions." Is now open and oh geez, what a line!
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“Also those sharks are frillin’ terrifyin’. None of my business if I can help it.”
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fiery-is-in-pain · 3 years ago
Ok its 12am where I'm at but yeehaw I'm going all in on this (sorry for any typos I'm on mobile) I'll put this stuff under the cut incase it gets super long >:) here we go
hey future Fiery here, past Fiery was a prophet and an idiot this is long as hell and only a small amount of what I wanted to type so
Hello and welcome to my essay on Why Jake Marshall Should Come Back and Why His Brother Neil Marshall Should Also Be Here (I need the cowboy brothers please capcom I'll give you everything I own)
I've been chugging water this entire time and I'm about to scream but let's stop procrastinating and get on with it.
So I haven't gotten overly far in the series cause I dont have it and i watch other people play it so I technically shouldn't know who Kay is but I know anyway thank you fanfiction so I dont fully know her personality but at the same time I kinda do. (I dont know when she came in tho and I also dont know ANYTHING about her backstory) Let's move on.
Jake is very cool I love him so much capcom please bring him back and also give me his brother I want to see the mystery gang (haha scooby doo reference) please I need it to survive
(I personally headcanon) JAKE MARSHALL IS TRANS YOU CAN PRY THIS FROM MY COLD DEAD HANDS (you will be unsuccessful) Neil was very very supportive which brought them closer and helped Jake transition and also made sure everyone got his brothers pronouns right.
The two of them really liked cowboy and the wild west from a young age and when Jake was 16 (Neil would be around 10 if the wiki is correct) he gave Neil one of his very cool old cowboy hats that didn't fit him anymore. Neil wore it until he couldn't anymore and the hat retired and was hung in Neil's future office.
Jake was in karate for a while but was eventually taken out cause he couldn't make the time since be was going to college too (he got up to a 2nd degree brown belt in fancy karate term) Neil also wanted to learn so Jake started teaching him how to fight and stuff. (Jake also helped Neil with homework) they also at some point took hire riding lessons after begging their parents for like. Years.
Neil expressed interest in becoming a prosecutor in his early teens, and did research and studying on his own time to help get him a law degree and to see whether it was something he wanted to do (spoiler alert: it is something he wants to do) after awhile Neil finds he really enjoys it, talking about new things he's learned to Jake (who is supportive of it, he's becoming a detective after all and what kind of brother would he be if he didn't support his little brother?)
Eventually the two get their dream jobs and they LOVE IT. Neil finds pride in putting away criminals and Jake is a great detective who leaves no stone unturned. They eventually meet the gang, Lana, Goodman, and Angel. They often absolutely decimate case after case (finsing the true culprit every time) and at some point meet Gant (Nail and Jake dont trust him, but they keep that to themselves)
Neil meets Edgeworth and Franziska first, him being a prosecutor and all, and eventually pokes at Edgeworth enough to finally get him to hang out with their little group, and they all go to the bar or something (Edgeworth had fun but he wont admit that)
Later on at some point Jake starts mentoring Gumshoe (I love Gumshoeso much) about being a detective. Gumshoe looks up to Jake and thinks he's cool. They hang out sometimes too (:
After hanging out for awhile at the job they finally go to, you guESSED IT, THE FRILLIN RANCH YEAHHHH BABYYYYYYY ok so I imagine that Jake and Neil would have to practically DRAG Edgeworth and, incidentally, Franziska to the ranch, where they show off their horse riding skills and attempt to teach the others. Franziska is a natural, as she took some lessons at the request of her father, Manfred von Karma (i hate manfred) the horses HATE Edgeworth, so he chills with Kay (hey Kay's here now) and chats with her and her father, who he knows vaguely. Lana looks cool as hell on a horse, Goodman is trying his best, and Angel is there for the ride.
They ride a trail led by Neil, who frequently comes to take care of the horses with the kind elderly couple who takes care of the ranch, and have a wonderful time seeing the wilderness. (Kay rides with Neil upfront and Edgeworth, much to his despise, rides with Franziska. She makes fun of him for it is a sisterly way for the entire ride)
The group is AMAZING I LOVE THEM SO MUCH and im gonna leave it here for now cause this is already super long and I haven't even MENTIONED ema yet. Lowkey might draw some of this when its not really late. Thank you for reading this far and have a lovely day!!!
Capcom should bring back the really cool and amazing Patrolman Jake Marshall (give him back Detective status) who is lovely and has Texas aesthetic and should also give us an AU where his brother is still alive because I want to see them both interact so in this essay I will-
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