#Frieda Contritus
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sunnylucy31 · 4 months ago
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Frieda, commissioned from the awesome @notedchampagne
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sunnylucy31 · 17 days ago
“Oh my god this will make them so much more problematic 😊💛”
me making my oc a worse person
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sunnylucy31 · 19 days ago
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I’ve made a few of these for the Tomb of Time cast and more often than not Maya and Harrow end up sharing a square. This too is (very toxic) yuri.
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sunnylucy31 · 16 hours ago
have you answered about what pokemon teams ur ocs would have???? if not, well....... 👁👁 what pokemon would they have????
Alright so I kinda went ham on this and made full Pokemon teams for both my OCs AND the canon Tomb of Time cast. I’ll post them all here with some notes! Generally, I gave everyone a single legendary/mythical, and a couple have partner Pokemon that don’t battle, which are included in the corner of their trainer portraits.
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Celebi is obvious; a time traveler needs a time traveling Pokemon! Max keeps them out in most circumstances.
Butterfree is a reference to the LiS butterfly. Pity there aren’t any blue butterfly Pokemon.
Clefable and Blissey are much like Max: rare and shy, but friendly when they trust you. Also pink.
Pink Deerling for the pink Jane Doe shirt Max typically wears in LiS.
Tinkaton, again, is much like Max: pink and cute, but will absolutely wreck your shit if given cause (Remember how she almost shot Frank? Imagine if she’d had a hammer instead of a gun.)
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Shaymin is admittedly influenced by TToT Chloe’s mother being Persephone, but I think Chloe would really bond with the little guy. They would also be kept out in most circumstances and play with Max’s Celebi.
Absol can sense impending disasters. I imagine Chloe sought hers out in the wake of William’s accident.
Cloyster because… Well, look at it.
Her Persian’s name is Bongo, after her childhood cat.
Ferrothorn and Roserade are again due to TToT Chloe’s Persephone parentage. Ferrothorn specifically refers to the brambles surrounding her mother’s grove at Camp Half-Blood (thanks to @bulletbilltime for that suggestion among others!)
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TToT Rachel is a child of Dionysus, and being there aren’t many Pokemon themed around drinking, I reached for other elements of her character. Solgaleo and Pyroar are due to her assertions of being a proud Leo (don’t call her out on that)
Arcanine and Flareon for the many associations between Rachel’s character and fire. Flareon is kept out while traveling.
Zoroark for canon Rachel’s deception and masking, and TToT Rachel’s skill with illusions.
Gardevoir for her outward poise and grace that she shows to all but those closest to her.
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I don’t have much to say about Gideon’s lineup, because Zacian, Aegislash, and Sirfetch’d really just boil down to “swords.” Girl loves her swords.
Steelix and Aggron for some more tough and strong steel types. You could argue they have some swordlike features on them.
Golem because canon Gideon grew up in a hole in the ground (specifically on Pluto but there’s not a Plutonian regional variant of Golem yet so sue me)
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Harrow has a partner Cubone that doesn’t battle, both because bones, and she empathizes with mourning a mother you never really knew.
Darkrai for the nightmare element; Harrow is no stranger to frequent nightmares.
Houndstone, Spiritomb, and Cofagrigus for the tomb motifs. Spiritomb is particularly appropriate due to it being an amalgamation of souls.
Duskull is left unevolved because its later forms lose the bone motif.
Banette is formed by feelings of abandonment, which… Yeah.
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Frieda, as a daughter of Kronos, gets the other time themed legendary in Dialga.
Corviknight and Bisharp represent her martial skill as a warrior; Bisharp in particular for the twin swords she wields.
Empoleon, Nidoqueen, and Vespiquen are straightforward references to her position as Queen of the demititans. Type wise they mean that she probably has the most varied team of the demititans.
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I have even less to say about Hunter’s lineup than I did Gideon’s, because they all boil down to being fighters. He probably uses the humanoids for sparring partners.
Terrakion, Machamp, Hariyama, and Conkledurr are noted for their extreme endurance, a trait he shares as a son of Atlas.
Incineroar and Lucario represent his use of combat magic to supplement his martial skill.
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Maya’s team is psychics selected for intelligence to pair with her role as a mage/scholar. She rarely uses them for actual battles; instead they assist with her research.
Mewtwo and Alakazam are noted for their especially robust memories, a trait she shares as a favored daughter of Mnemosyne.
Meowstic and Hatterene pair well with her aloof and asocial temperament. Hatterene in particular helps keep unwanted visitors from disturbing her work.
Malamar for her manipulative side as one of the Queen’s Hands.
Delphox for the part of her that really wants to just burn something to ground every once in a while. (Rachel can relate.)
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Pierce’s team took some thought, on account of most star/astronomy themed Pokemon being legendary. Of those, she gets Jirachi, as she’d find them adorable and keep them out in most cases.
Starmie, Minior and Gothitelle continue the star/astronomy theme, owing to her father being Krios, lord of stars and constellations.
Appletun because she’s a hobbyist cook, and makes a mean pie.
Escavalier because she’s a spear fighter, and it’s literally the only pokemon I could find that references any kind of polearm. Yeah I know its arms are lances and not spears but I took what I could get.
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Siren has a partner Spheal that doesn’t fight, simply because she doesn’t want him getting hurt. His name is Blubby.
Her full team is water type owing to her father being Oceanus. Kyogre specifically represents the primal power of the deep ocean that is her birthright.
Milotic, Gorebyss, Lapras, and Primarina are chosen for their beauty and elegance, traits she prizes in herself.
Greninja refers to her dexterity and deadly skill with small blades.
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sunnylucy31 · 1 month ago
If Frieda ever ended up in a relationship. Would she strictly be monogamous or would she be cool with polyamory?
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sunnylucy31 · 19 days ago
@the-green-divine wrote a little thing once where Frieda and Siren kissed. I think about it a lot.
anyone else thinking about their ocs kissing
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sunnylucy31 · 3 months ago
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Frieda, commed from the lovely @door-insurance!
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the-green-divine · 18 days ago
I should dig that up
anyone else thinking about their ocs kissing
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