#Friar Lawrence
mercutiosblog · 2 days
friar lawrence should invent a painkiller, for menstrual pains can not be beaten with a simple man's rapier
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intothestacks · 3 months
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thecapuletjuliet · 4 months
apologies for mine lack of content on this fine summer's day. i was simply enjoying the orchestra of wildlife beyond mine window, with it's quartet of sparrows and whispering woods... followed by an accompaniment of pure verona heat.
i saw friar lawrence wander off into the forest with a wicker basket in hand, and i fear he hath returned to pillage the bush berries once more. my mother hath allowed him to proceed with his foraging on accounts he bring us some of his bounty for when he is finished. we make blackberry pie ❤️
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czache78 · 3 months
Turned on the 2013 Romeo and Juliet movie today cause I wanted to watch something while doing embroidery, I’ve heard it’s not good lol
It actually wasn’t too bad?? I mean I like the 1996 version better, but this one is pretty accurate to what the original play is and hey it had good background instrumental things. One thing I did notice was that it changed some of the dialogue a bit, which I get for things that people wouldn’t know (like “put up your sword” means “put down your sword” lol) but then some of them didn’t make sense? Like they switched “thou wilt” to “you will” for some parts but not others?? They did add a couple bits of dialogue that were cool though, like Romeo said when going into the tomb and seeing Tybalt “I will now kill the man that killed you” which is kinda cool (paraphrasing)
Ok one thing about the 1996 movie is that benvolio didn’t have a big role in it at all. However, with this one he has a lot bigger role. He’s the one rather than Balthazar that is outside the tomb when romeo goes in, which I always think is a cool take to give benvolio more of a connection to Romeo. I think they added dialogue there too? anyway ;(And ahh it was so sad when benvolio went to tell Romeo about Juliet’s “death”,,, that was one of the parts that stood out to me. Also benvolio looks so young in this compared to Romeo and Mercutio lol, I’ll have to look up how old the actors were bc Romeo did NOT look like 16 or smth. A couple other characters I felt had a bit of a bigger role in this were friar Lawrence and the nurse. With the friar, they added some bits at the end after r&j die where they just show him grieving. And the nurse, well first of all literally every time r&j would make out the nurse would just like walk in on them lol, but anyway the scene where she finds Juliet “dead” was really good and sad, another part that stood out to me. Ummm what else, oh yeah, that was an interesting little scene where (I think it was after r&j met and kissed and Juliet was going back inside??) Tybalt pulled her aside and was like “I love thee cousin” and Juliet just moves his hand off her, she’s so done lol. I think it’s always an interesting thing when the directors directly state that Tybalt is in love with Juliet,,, I don’t think so and um that’s a little weird but whatever ig. The actor playing Tybalt did a pretty good job at being angry ig, he reminds me of Tybalt in the Hungarian version of romeo es julia. And also I like Leonardo DiCaprio’s romeo better than this one,, this one looked older and didn’t really idk show emotions?? Some of his scenes and lines with Juliet I got creepy vibes from and with the 1996 version romeo just shows how he’s absolutely devastated at well, everything. Even the 1968 version he’s crying on the floor at friar Lawrence’s. This one was just kinda basic idk lol,, he didn’t really show how much he loved Juliet (or mercutio honestly, he did do a good job of screaming at Tybalt tho lol)
All in all it’s not my favorite but it’s decent and has some extra parts added that I liked :)
Alrighty anyway,,, sorry if that was messy lol I just wanted to comment on some stuff :))
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spankerella · 7 months
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canvas-madness-txc · 5 months
Turning Famous Paintings into Romeo and Juliet Art - Part 2
Part 1
The Irritating Gentleman
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does anyone know what order of friars friar lawrence is from? i'm trying to write a thing, and it'll bother me if i get it wrong.
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And since no one has mentioned this yet on this particular platform, let’s talk about “Rabbi Lawrence” and why that character in particular is deeply fucking offensive.
Friar Lawrence conducts an illicit wedding of a young man and a child (Juliet isn’t yet fourteen when the play begins). He gives a dubious “medicine” to Juliet, who again is a fucking child. He leads two young people to their death out of conviction that their love can change their families views. Now make him a Jewish man. Make him a rabbi.
You’re telling me a rabbi, who has taken on Jewish spiritual leadership and has a duty to protect his community, would allow a Jewish child to marry a Nazi? And, knowing that in Judaism Pikuach Nefesh is so important, would set in motion events that could lead to death? No. Absolutely not. That’s some blood libel shit right there.
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mjbythebay · 2 years
Romeo and juliet
Its so annoying oh myGod.
I hate how people romanticize it - it seems like an obsessive, driven by lust relationship
Do feel kinda bad for juliet tho - I think she was using Romeo as an outlet for teenage rebellion since she didn't want to marryParis.
Literally all the relationships were toxic and I hate friarLawrence. He's supposed to be the adult in the situation - and gets them killed (which one could argue was their parents fault) but he should have never given juliet the poison or married them in the first place
Lord capulet too - bro literally says he's going to leave his daughter for the streets instead of hearing her out.
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bychertryntheatyr · 2 years
Oh, flowers are beautiful, great are those plants. See this specimen here? Makes you shit your pants! - Friar Lawrence
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mercutiosblog · 25 days
I'm not sure what this is but have it anyway
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rando-ace · 4 months
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Didn’t have anything to post so have this Romeo and Juliet movie poster project I had to do in English!
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thecapuletjuliet · 4 months
good morrow verona!! beware the monastery, for friar lawrence hath been prancing about shoeless in his quest to "better connect with the lord".
my only worry is if he may get a splinter 😕
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spankerella · 7 months
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canvas-madness-txc · 4 months
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florsial · 5 months
Moonwater is honestly funnier when they aren't friends because, on one side, you have a teenager with the body of an 80-year-old man with shit hips who breaks his bones once a month and has the most grandpa taste ever, beefing with his boyfriend's younger brother who was definitely a child from late 1800s that died from tuberculosis in his past life and now carries the pale body and shitty immune system in his new one with the power of Shakespeare and the restless spirits of Tybalt (Regulus) and Romeo (Remus).
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