#Frey: The Divine Prince; Exalted but Humble
fatesxedda · 4 years
Send 🚗 to go on a road trip with my muse
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“Make her dinner, double dinner, winner winner, bend her over, get on in her!”
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“Your taste in music is too lewd and we have kids in the car. Keep your weird music for when we aren’t crammed in a car...”
A 5 person road trip. It hasn’t been an hour and Yunneth and Nero are already fighting over the radio. Yunneth wasn’t a fan of Nero trying out some mediocre indie singer and she wanted to listen to a podcast or relaxing music. Hell, she would settle for a decent rock band, Not......what ever this is.
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“Hey! I am NOT a child!”
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“Big sister is right! This song is too lewd! I demand we listen to what I brought for this road trip!”
“No one wants to listen to your boy band!”
Nero would shout back, leading to Beruka to pout. Already this road trip is starting well...
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fatesxedda · 4 years
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“After a long time of searching, this is the building that will serve as our home.”
Looking up at the hotel, it looked almost dilapidated but still somewhat intact. Piles of rubble lie outside, possibly where they dug a way to the doors. They will have to reinforce the doors in case someone has any funny ideas but for now? The area here is far less chaotic than their previous homestead. Yunneth had to lead the way as Nero wanted her to grab Enid as well as to grab a few things that were left behind at their old place.
“It’s a bloody miracle we managed to find a way to clear a path inside. It’s a tad dirty inside so...watch your step.”
Once inside, numerous people were at work clearing debris (especially around the mistle), sweeping, trying to make the place seem...”homey”.
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“FINALLY! You’re here.”
“Oh. Enid, this is Salem. Where I am his left hand, Salem is his-”
“Yeah, yeah. Right hand. Hey, can you tell those idiots to get off the-”
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Nero and a teenage boy with white hair were heard coming down the hall, the two of them riding a luggage cart at high speed. Before they were in sight, it sounded as if they rode the cart down the stairs. Shortly, a loud bang is heard.
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What...is she supposed to say to that?
“...Can I live with you?”
Yunneth would ask Enid. She isn’t serious of course but that look on her face already spells out how done she is with Nero’s antics.
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fatesxedda · 4 years
Last One (I swear)
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And here’s Prince Frey. 
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fatesxedda · 4 years
Pray to the Troll (Open)
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“AGH! I don’t have any proper temple attire! What will I wear?!”
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“......What you wear every day. Kramva cares about two things: His stews and that people are being good. What? You got something you really want this winter festival?”
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fatesxedda · 4 years
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“It’s alright. Nilvar is a good pegasus. Here! Give him a carrot! He LOVES carrots. Go on! Don’t be shy!”
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fatesxedda · 4 years
Facts About (some of) My Muses No One Asked For
Salem is much more of a softy than he lets on. He’s just a tsundere.
Yunneth was originally right handed but after the near success on the attempt on her life, her right arm has become weaker. There’s a slight hesitation in the shoulder and it sometimes hurts. Not wanting to be powerless, she learned to utilize her left arm and is now left handed. She can still use her right side and the hesitation isn’t too bad. But she refuses to have a handicap so she learned to be left handed. (which is why any time I do gaia avatar stuff with her I always try to make sure her weapon is always in her left hand)
Nero has a tramp stamp. He got it during a drunken night of partying and the “friends” he was drinking with never stopped him. He has been ashamed of it ever since.
In the story I plan on doing, Heather will be losing an eye. I don’t know how or if it will take place during a time skip. But she will lose one of her eyes and she hides this fact either with her hair or with an eye patch with a flower on it.
The inspiration for Beruka is mainly from a certain archetype of healer in Fire Emblem. The haughty troubadour mostly. However, I am trying not to make her TOO self absorbed though some vanity will be there.
When it comes to ships, Yunneth will always have twins unless specified otherwise (that is if kids are ever mentioned). When it comes to kids, twins are her default; mainly a twin son and daughter. The same can be said for Nero whose default is a daughter and Frey whose default is a son. Everyone else I haven’t decided yet.
For a bit of spicy info, Yunneth is a bottom. She is emotionally vulnerable when it comes to sex and it’s something she knows nothing about outside of the scientific aspect behind it. She is stubborn when it comes to sexual encounters but the moment someone manages to get her in bed? She has no fucking idea of what to do. She’s blushing and awkward and looks ready to explode at any moment.
Salem will eat people as he doesn’t consider himself entirely human thus argues that it isn’t cannibalism but he tries not to eat anyone unless he loses control or if he is trying to drive home the idea that he WILL fuck up anyone who is thinking about getting in his way. It’s his go to “intimidation” tactic.
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fatesxedda · 4 years
Conflict Between Family and What is Morally Right
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An idea I have tossed around is the potential of a world war later in the story. Demons make their move and attack the humans, the humans strike back, declaring war, the island republic of pirates are later roped into it and declare war on Crysentia and while I haven’t figured out how the elves fit into everything, they may play a part or watch from the sidelines.
Team 17 will more than likely join the pirates since they are a nation built on no one ruling no one like a king. They have a council and they welcome anyone on their shores, be they human or demon. I can see someone making an uprising, causing a civil war that may tear apart the empire: Basically? Things are going to get chaotic as nation war while Crysentia is fighting a rebellion.
Frey is on Team 17 and is Prince of Crysentia. He knows why the rebellion starts: Because the emperor has become something of a tyrant and anyone who doesn’t fit the nation’s cookie cutter ideal is executed. Anyone with demon blood in them is executed. Frey, being a loving boy (or by that point in the story, a young man) who cares for his people, he wants whats best for them. His father being a tyrant is the opposite. But if he fights against the empire, he will have to fight his siblings and he knows it’s going to be him or them. 
This is why I need to get off my lazy ass and write more and get this story going because imagine Frey, fighting for a liberated homeland only to have to be forced to kill his own family. His eldest siblings have positions as generals and are respected and feared in the military. They are seen as national heroes and his sister even taught him how to ride a pegasus. It would tear him up inside.
I know I focus on Yunneth a lot...but her cousin has some potential depth I want to play with because he is of royal blood and he has seen quite a bit in his short life.....I should fix this.
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fatesxedda · 5 years
My Muses
Yunneth: Dark Scion of Sacrifice; Speaker for the Dead
Nero: Womanizer with a Heart; Sorrowful Rogue
Juniper: Sharp Tongued Prophet; Witness of Ruin
Soren: Dark Scion of Freedom; Rebel of the Blood
Damien: The King of Madness; Chosen by the Dark God
Lucien: Dark Scion of Evil; Corrupted Puppet
Amara: Flaming Pugilist; Headstrong and Loyal
Hanon: Criminal Turned Healer; Destruction turned to Life
Carla: Queen Over Many; Lover of Few
Frey: The Divine Prince; Exalted but Humble
Beruka: Divine Noble; Haughty but Kind
Issei: Tender Archer; A Bow Guided by the Wind
Keo: Son of the Oceans; He Who wants to be a Man
Natsu: Electrifying Tinkerer; Smile like the Sun
Noel: Ice in His Veins; Warmth in His Soul
Namir: Prince of the Dunes; Great but Serene
Salem: Beast of Shadow; Hunter of the Golden Eyes
Heather: Mother of Flowers; Unfettered Beauty
Caenbris: The Dark God; Blinded by Madness and Sorrow
Moonmoon being MoonMoon(Mun Speaks)
A Perfect Service Announcement (PSA)
Main AU Route
Other AU Route
Diabolik Lovers AU Route
Blue Exorcist AU Route
Danganronpa AU Route
Vampire Knight AU Route
Castlevania AU Route
Code Vein AU Route
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