#Salem: Beast of Shadow; Hunter of the Golden Eyes
fatesxedda · 3 years
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“Look who has awoken from her long slumber...”
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“My lady, for someone who abhors sleep, you have been asleep for awhile.”
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“Some of us have been sleeping as well, you know...”
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“I want to go back to sleep...”
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fatesxedda · 4 years
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“After a long time of searching, this is the building that will serve as our home.”
Looking up at the hotel, it looked almost dilapidated but still somewhat intact. Piles of rubble lie outside, possibly where they dug a way to the doors. They will have to reinforce the doors in case someone has any funny ideas but for now? The area here is far less chaotic than their previous homestead. Yunneth had to lead the way as Nero wanted her to grab Enid as well as to grab a few things that were left behind at their old place.
“It’s a bloody miracle we managed to find a way to clear a path inside. It’s a tad dirty inside so...watch your step.”
Once inside, numerous people were at work clearing debris (especially around the mistle), sweeping, trying to make the place seem...”homey”.
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“FINALLY! You’re here.”
“Oh. Enid, this is Salem. Where I am his left hand, Salem is his-”
“Yeah, yeah. Right hand. Hey, can you tell those idiots to get off the-”
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Nero and a teenage boy with white hair were heard coming down the hall, the two of them riding a luggage cart at high speed. Before they were in sight, it sounded as if they rode the cart down the stairs. Shortly, a loud bang is heard.
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What...is she supposed to say to that?
“...Can I live with you?”
Yunneth would ask Enid. She isn’t serious of course but that look on her face already spells out how done she is with Nero’s antics.
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fatesxedda · 4 years
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Salem went into “beast mode”. Something equally monstrous had come in and he had no choice but to go full on beast mode. However, it wasn’t exactly during a mission. A late night snack run went south fast and now he’s creeping around, he’s in rags, and if it wasn’t for the fact that he’s trying not to show he’s a werewolf, he’d attempt to pop a tail just to cover his junk. And his phone was destroyed in the fight. He, himself, stepped on the remains of his clothes...his claws weren’t exactly “smart phone friendly” and...yeah. Not to mention he gets bigger and heavier. Why didn’t he bring his tome? WHY? Stupid, rookie move. And all because he wanted chips from the convenience store and thought “It would be a quick trip”. Shit... Gods forbid him to have one night off in peace...
Looking around, he would recognize the area. Please let Hikaru be nearby, if not at home... He wasn’t sure if he left the cafe or if he was in bed or what. Standing in front of the cafe, Salem would look around, making sure the coast is clear before throwing pebbles, or anything small he can get his hands on, at  the window.
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fatesxedda · 4 years
tricksterfinale replied to your post: dementedstatic replied to your post: ...
salem’s cuter.
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“You just say that cuz you want to get pounded by a werewolf!”
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“...Which I honestly can’t blame you. Okay, I’ll let that pass...”
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“Does a filter mean anything to you?”
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“Unless it involves offensive terms that are too ugly for the tongue? No~! Not at all~!”
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fatesxedda · 4 years
My Main 3 Babies
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fatesxedda · 5 years
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“What the hell do you think you’re doing getting into fights like this?!”
The seedier, bad side of town. Salem made it a point to look after this area on his patrol shifts, often volunteering when shifts were brought up in meetings and who took what area. Salem was the best one for this part of town. He’s legally an adult so no one would question why he was around (despite still being in school but graduation is coming up so...), he wasn’t fully human, and he can stomach any clean up he has to do. And his sense of smell. You can’t forget about the werewolf’s sense of smell. He may as well be a bloodhound with great hearing.
With hearing in mind, he heard something of a struggle and the sound of gun shots. Salem himself isn’t human so...unless they are using silver or bullets designed to slay The Children of  the Night, it won’t affect him much. It’ll hurt but...once he heals, the bullet will just “pop” off like a suction cup on skin.
Almost like certain other blue blur, Salem came in fast, his dagger at the ready.  Two on one? How unfair. And say if he’s on the wrong side? He has no qualms about knocking out or killing a third. But for now? He’ll help the “underdog” so to speak.
“Gods, humans are stupid...”
Salem would mutter under his breath.
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fatesxedda · 4 years
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“HAHA! Suck it, wolf boy!”
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“Big talk for someone five points behind!”
The two were playing soccer. The park at night was completely desolate, which made it perfect for the kind of soccer these two liked to play: “Magic/Supernatural Soccer”. Salem would use the boons he can use in human form while Nero will occasionally stop time to get ahead of the game. It also became something of a “rough contact” kind of game since the two were both reckless and competitive.
Salem was quick to maneuver the ball back to his feet, away from Nero and soon towards Nero’s Goal Post.
“Get ready to buy dinner, pinky!”
And with a kick, Salem with have the fall flying...flying past the goal that is.
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He put too much power in that kick. And it seemed to be heading towards someone in the distance. So much for this place being desolate...
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“Ohmygods! HEEEEY! WATCH OUT!”
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fatesxedda · 4 years
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The smell of blood was sickeningly intoxicating. He isn’t a vampire but his more animalistic instincts signaled in his brain that “The scent of blood means fresh meat is around”. Letting out a growl, he would stop himself before taking a deep breath. He doesn’t need this right now...if he frenzies now, he’ll be put down. Ah, the curse of being a werewolf in the big city.
Well...as much as he would rather not? He still has to check out the source. Though first, a phone call is in order.
“Nero? Hey, it’s me. Call me back when you can. I smell a lot of blood and I may need back up. Thanks.”
And with that, he would hang up. Pulling his knife out, he’d get closer in order to investigate.
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fatesxedda · 4 years
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“Caligula. A vampiric noble and higher up in Obscura. Some have said they have seen some of his men in an old looking building in the woods...a building that shouldn’t be there.”
A vampire with the power to construct, deconstruct, and move his own structures at will. A vampire that is hard to track because his castle moves all over the damn place. The target is such a lord. While he wants to kill him, chances are he is in his castle...and of course Salem won’t get the job. He’s still in training. Maybe someday but not today. Instead? He is to break in, see what they are up to, and then get out.
“You know this isn’t some fun adventure right? You sure you want to come with me?”
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fatesxedda · 4 years
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Here is some Pride Picrews for my muses!
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fatesxedda · 4 years
𝒕𝒚𝒑𝒆𝒔  𝒐𝒇  𝒑𝒆𝒐𝒑𝒍𝒆  :  𝒅𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒐𝒏𝒔  𝒂𝒏𝒅  𝒅𝒓𝒂𝒈𝒐𝒏𝒔  𝒄𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒔
bold what definitely applies to your muse. italicize what somewhat applies to your muse.
TAGGED BY:  @tricksterfinale​ (The other two you asked for are under cut for the sake of length)
TAGGING: @diamuses​, @sadisticbloodlxst​, @rxtrase​, @k-chxn​, @thehandworld​, @hxperdxspair​, @e-steele​, @electricea​, @hensetsu​
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𝙱𝙰𝚁𝙱𝙰𝚁𝙸𝙰𝙽   »   toothy  grins,  stories  around  the  campfire,  clothes  covered  in  pet  hair,  hot  temper,  old  jeans, heartbeat  in  head,  potatoes  and  steak,  beaded  jewelry, bruises  like  galaxies,  mementos,  backpack  stuffed  full,  craigslist  furniture, spontaneous  road  trips, air  ripped  from  lungs
𝙱𝙰𝚁𝙳   » homemade  bread,  white  lies,  easily  excited,  trying  on  hats,  band  geek,  pep  talks, no impulse  control,  sunsets,  vintage  fashion, long  showers,  selfies, following  dreams,  rosy  cheeks,  song  mash-ups,  pink  lemonade  with  tequila,  loves  easily,  animated  storyteller, full  of  comebacks
𝙲𝙻𝙴𝚁𝙸𝙲   » list  of  wishes,  biting  their  tongue,  band-aids  and  neosporin, shoulder  to  cry  on,  morning  sun,  necklaces, trial  and  error,  homemade  quilts, formal  clothing,  astrology  fan,  messages  in  bottles,  pleated  braids, speaking  up  for  friends, feathers,  motivational  quotes, vivid  dreams
𝙳𝚁𝚄𝙸𝙳   »   bird  watching,  shy  kid,  wind  chimes,  trying  to  whistle,  summer  camp,  apple  orchards, lost  in  their  head, glow-in-the-dark  stars  on  the  ceiling, hoodies, thrift  shopping,  saving  worms  off  the  sidewalk, pig  latin, bare  feet,  thunderstorms,  numb  fingers,  braided  hair, naming  potted  plants
𝙵𝙸𝙶𝙷𝚃𝙴𝚁   » goosebumps,  leather  jackets,  adventure,  chewing  nails,  cares  deeply  but  can’t  show  it,  bronze  locks,  no  sleep, taste  of  iron,  netflix  binges,  never  forgets, combat  boots,  stories  behind  scars, table  for  one,  official  soundtracks,  sore  calves, trusts  themselves  the  most
𝙼𝙾𝙽𝙺   » always  trying  to  be  better, wanderlust,  meditation,  sweat  pants, old   photographs,  yoga,  sleeping  in  hammocks, nostalgia,  minimalist  design, a breath  of  fresh  air,  baby  animals,  volunteering,  perfectionist,  doesn’t  care  about  fashion,  healthy  snacks, noticing  the  little  things
𝙿𝙰𝙻𝙰𝙳𝙸𝙽   » school  uniforms, thick  jackets, sleeping  with  the  windows open, logical  advice,  scrapbooking,  compasses, i  fight  for  my  friends,  sculpture  gardens, cold  morning  air,  big  soul, likes  routine, secret  romantic, last  to  get  jokes, sunflowers, practical  presents,  misty  weather
𝚁𝙰𝙽𝙶𝙴𝚁   »   herbal  tea,  smell  of  rain,  blinking  away  tears,  camping  trips, collecting  bones,  swiss  army  knives,  first  impressions, anxious  thoughts,  bobby  pins, burnt  marshmallows, too  competitive, clothes  lines,  messenger  bags,  holding  grudges,  gets  along  better  with  animals  than  people
𝚁𝙾𝙶𝚄𝙴   »   flirtatious  sarcasm,  candid  photos, lost  phone chargers, adrenaline  rush,  picking  dirt  out  from  beneath  their  nails, social  chameleon,  clashing  clothes,  self-deprecating  jokes,  claw  machines, sits  in  chairs  wrong,  smudged  eyeliner,  has  too  many  sunglasses,  eats  nothing  or  everything
𝚂𝙾𝚁𝙲𝙴𝚁𝙴𝚁   » infectious  laugh, family  trees,  shivers  down  their  spine,  lipstick  and  roses,  mood  swings, clumsy, believing  in  destiny, high  expectations,  sleeping  in  darkness,  collection  of  nail  polish, passionate,  good  grades  but  never  studies,  poetry  books,  blowing  kisses,  not  knowing  their  own  strength
𝚆𝙰𝚁𝙻𝙾𝙲𝙺   »   knowing  everyone’s  secrets,  backpack  covered  in  pins,  envy,  being  in  walmart  late  at  night,  earl  grey,  selective  memory, conspiracy  theories  and  cryptids,  key smashing,  need  to  know  basis, can’t  cook, bags  under  eyes,  experimental  art,  flickering  bulbs,  black  clothing  all  year  long
𝚆𝙸𝚉𝙰𝚁𝙳   » piles  of  textbooks,  cat  in  lap, keeping  a  diary, indecision,  scented  candles, studying  alone  in  a  café, lingering  touches,  museum  dates,  unanswered  questions, taking  on  too  much  responsibility,  collections,  chalk  dust,  comfy  robes, unnecessary  apologies,  coming  home  after  a  long  day
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𝒕𝒚𝒑𝒆𝒔  𝒐𝒇  𝒑𝒆𝒐𝒑𝒍𝒆  :  𝒅𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒐𝒏𝒔  𝒂𝒏𝒅  𝒅𝒓𝒂𝒈𝒐𝒏𝒔  𝒄𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒔
bold what definitely applies to your muse. italicize what somewhat applies to your muse.
𝙱𝙰𝚁𝙱𝙰𝚁𝙸𝙰𝙽   »   toothy  grins,  stories  around  the  campfire,  clothes  covered  in  pet  hair,  hot  temper,  old  jeans, heartbeat  in  head,  potatoes  and  steak,  beaded  jewelry, bruises  like  galaxies,  mementos,  backpack  stuffed  full,  craigslist  furniture, spontaneous  road  trips, air  ripped  from  lungs
𝙱𝙰𝚁𝙳   » homemade  bread,  white  lies,  easily  excited,  trying  on  hats,  band  geek,  pep  talks, no impulse  control,  sunsets,  vintage  fashion, long  showers,  selfies, following  dreams,  rosy  cheeks,  song  mash-ups,  pink  lemonade  with  tequila,  loves  easily,  animated  storyteller, full  of  comebacks
𝙲𝙻𝙴𝚁𝙸𝙲   » list  of  wishes,  biting  their  tongue,  band-aids  and  neosporin, shoulder  to  cry  on,  morning  sun,  necklaces, trial  and  error,  homemade  quilts, formal  clothing,  astrology  fan,  messages  in  bottles,  pleated  braids, speaking  up  for  friends, feathers,  motivational  quotes, vivid  dreams
𝙳𝚁𝚄𝙸𝙳   »   bird  watching,  shy  kid,  wind  chimes,  trying  to  whistle,  summer  camp,  apple  orchards, lost  in  their  head, glow-in-the-dark  stars  on  the  ceiling, hoodies, thrift  shopping,  saving  worms  off  the  sidewalk, pig  latin, bare  feet,  thunderstorms,  numb  fingers,  braided  hair, naming  potted  plants
𝙵𝙸𝙶𝙷𝚃𝙴𝚁   » goosebumps,  leather  jackets,  adventure,  chewing  nails,  cares  deeply  but  can’t  show  it,  bronze  locks,  no  sleep, taste  of  iron,  netflix  binges,  never  forgets, combat  boots,  stories  behind  scars, table  for  one,  official  soundtracks,  sore  calves, trusts  themselves  the  most
𝙼𝙾𝙽𝙺   » always  trying  to  be  better, wanderlust,  meditation,  sweat  pants, old   photographs,  yoga,  sleeping  in  hammocks, nostalgia,  minimalist  design, a breath  of  fresh  air,  baby  animals,  volunteering,  perfectionist,  doesn’t  care  about  fashion,  healthy  snacks, noticing  the  little  things
𝙿𝙰𝙻𝙰𝙳𝙸𝙽   » school  uniforms, thick  jackets, sleeping  with  the  windows  open, logical  advice,  scrapbooking,  compasses, i  fight  for  my  friends,  sculpture  gardens, cold  morning  air,  big  soul, likes  routine, secret  romantic, last  to  get  jokes, sunflowers, practical  presents,  misty  weather
𝚁𝙰𝙽𝙶𝙴𝚁   »   herbal  tea,  smell  of  rain,  blinking  away  tears,  camping  trips, collecting  bones,  swiss  army  knives,  first  impressions, anxious  thoughts,  bobby  pins, burnt  marshmallows, too  competitive, clothes  lines,  messenger  bags,  holding  grudges,  gets  along  better  with  animals  than  people
𝚁𝙾𝙶𝚄𝙴   »   flirtatious  sarcasm,  candid  photos, lost  phone chargers, adrenaline  rush,  picking  dirt  out  from  beneath  their  nails, social  chameleon,  clashing  clothes,  self-deprecating  jokes,  claw  machines, sits  in  chairs  wrong,  smudged  eyeliner,  has  too  many  sunglasses,  eats  nothing  or  everything
𝚂𝙾𝚁𝙲𝙴𝚁𝙴𝚁   » infectious  laugh, family  trees,  shivers  down  their  spine,  lipstick  and  roses,  mood  swings, clumsy, believing  in  destiny, high  expectations,  sleeping  in  darkness,  collection  of  nail  polish, passionate,  good  grades  but  never  studies,  poetry  books,  blowing  kisses,  not  knowing  their  own  strength
𝚆𝙰𝚁𝙻𝙾𝙲𝙺   »   knowing  everyone’s  secrets,  backpack  covered  in  pins,  envy,  being  in  walmart  late  at  night,  earl  grey,  selective  memory, conspiracy  theories  and  cryptids,  key smashing,  need  to  know  basis, can’t  cook, bags  under  eyes,  experimental  art,  flickering  bulbs,  black  clothing  all  year  long
𝚆𝙸𝚉𝙰𝚁𝙳   » piles  of  textbooks,  cat  in  lap, keeping  a  diary, indecision,  scented  candles, studying  alone  in  a  café, lingering  touches,  museum  dates,  unanswered  questions, taking  on  too  much  responsibility,  collections,  chalk  dust,  comfy  robes, unnecessary  apologies,  coming  home  after  a  long  day
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𝙱𝙰𝚁𝙱𝙰𝚁𝙸𝙰𝙽   »   toothy  grins,  stories  around  the  campfire,  clothes  covered  in  pet  hair,  hot  temper,  old  jeans, heartbeat  in  head,  potatoes  and  steak,  beaded  jewelry, bruises  like  galaxies,  mementos,  backpack  stuffed  full,  craigslist  furniture, spontaneous  road  trips, air  ripped  from  lungs
𝙱𝙰𝚁𝙳   » homemade  bread,  white  lies,  easily  excited,  trying  on  hats,  band  geek,  pep  talks, no impulse  control,  sunsets,  vintage  fashion, long  showers,  selfies, following  dreams,  rosy  cheeks,  song  mash-ups,  pink  lemonade  with  tequila,  loves  easily,  animated  storyteller, full  of  comebacks
𝙲𝙻𝙴𝚁𝙸𝙲   » list  of  wishes,  biting  their  tongue,  band-aids  and  neosporin, shoulder  to  cry  on,  morning  sun,  necklaces, trial  and  error,  homemade  quilts, formal  clothing,  astrology  fan,  messages  in  bottles,  pleated  braids, speaking  up  for  friends, feathers,  motivational  quotes, vivid  dreams
𝙳𝚁𝚄𝙸𝙳   »   bird  watching,  shy  kid,  wind  chimes,  trying  to  whistle,  summer  camp,  apple  orchards, lost  in  their  head, glow-in-the-dark  stars  on  the  ceiling, hoodies, thrift  shopping,  saving  worms  off  the  sidewalk, pig  latin, bare  feet,  thunderstorms,  numb  fingers,  braided  hair, naming  potted  plants
𝙵𝙸𝙶𝙷𝚃𝙴𝚁   » goosebumps,  leather  jackets,  adventure,  chewing  nails,  cares  deeply  but  can’t  show  it,  bronze  locks,  no  sleep, taste  of  iron,  netflix  binges,  never  forgets, combat  boots,  stories  behind  scars, table  for  one,  official  soundtracks,  sore  calves, trusts  themselves  the  most
𝙼𝙾𝙽𝙺   » always  trying  to  be  better, wanderlust,  meditation,  sweat  pants, old   photographs,  yoga,  sleeping  in  hammocks, nostalgia,  minimalist  design, a breath  of  fresh  air,  baby  animals,  volunteering,  perfectionist,  doesn’t  care  about  fashion,  healthy  snacks, noticing  the  little  things
𝙿𝙰𝙻𝙰𝙳𝙸𝙽   » school  uniforms, thick  jackets, sleeping  with  the  windows  open, logical  advice,  scrapbooking,  compasses, i  fight  for  my  friends,  sculpture  gardens, cold  morning  air,  big  soul, likes  routine, secret  romantic, last  to  get  jokes, sunflowers, practical  presents,  misty  weather
𝚁𝙰𝙽𝙶𝙴𝚁   »   herbal  tea,  smell  of  rain,  blinking  away  tears,  camping  trips, collecting  bones,  swiss  army  knives,  first  impressions, anxious  thoughts,  bobby  pins, burnt  marshmallows, too  competitive, clothes  lines,  messenger  bags,  holding  grudges,  gets  along  better  with  animals  than  people
𝚁𝙾𝙶𝚄𝙴   »   flirtatious  sarcasm,  candid  photos, lost  phone  chargers, adrenaline  rush,  picking  dirt  out  from  beneath  their  nails, social  chameleon,  clashing  clothes,  self-deprecating  jokes,  claw  machines, sits  in  chairs  wrong,  smudged  eyeliner,  has  too  many  sunglasses,  eats  nothing  or  everything
𝚂𝙾𝚁𝙲𝙴𝚁𝙴𝚁   » infectious  laugh, family  trees,  shivers  down  their  spine,  lipstick  and  roses,  mood  swings, clumsy, believing  in  destiny, high  expectations,  sleeping  in  darkness,  collection  of  nail  polish, passionate,  good  grades  but  never  studies,  poetry  books,  blowing  kisses,  not  knowing  their  own  strength
𝚆𝙰𝚁𝙻𝙾𝙲𝙺   »   knowing  everyone’s  secrets,  backpack  covered  in  pins,  envy,  being  in  walmart  late  at  night,  earl  grey,  selective  memory, conspiracy  theories  and  cryptids,  key smashing,  need  to  know  basis, can’t  cook, bags  under  eyes,  experimental  art,  flickering  bulbs,  black  clothing  all  year  long
𝚆𝙸𝚉𝙰𝚁𝙳   » piles  of  textbooks,  cat  in  lap, keeping  a  diary, indecision,  scented  candles, studying  alone  in  a  café, lingering  touches,  museum  dates,  unanswered  questions, taking  on  too  much  responsibility,  collections,  chalk  dust,  comfy  robes, unnecessary  apologies,  coming  home  after  a  long  day
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fatesxedda · 4 years
Starter Call (Nero and Salem)
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I want to give these boys attention so like this if you want a starter with Nero or Salem. Or I can do a starter with both. Just let me know or it will be random.
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fatesxedda · 4 years
dementedstatic replied to your post: tricksterfinale replied to your post: ...
{{ahhh nero nero nero. you still have him!!}}
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“Ah~ I am so good looking, even demons say I have them.”
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“I don’t know what’s worse: The fact you’re modest about your leadership skills or the fact you’re so vain regarding your looks. Un-fucking-believable.”
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fatesxedda · 4 years
Duality of Lineage (Wishlist)
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I want a thread where Yunneth or Salem can’t control their “other half” so to speak. Like, Salem feels his werewolf side beginning to take over and want to GO HAM! Like he goes on a rampage, eating and slashing a bloody path through the area, genuinely feeling good that he isn’t holding back, feeling the adrenaline and the rush. Like, he’ll feel awful about it later but at that moment? Not having to “be human”? It’s euphoric.
As for Yunneth, while her vampire blood is there, it’s still dormant. But it can stir from time to time such as moments of aggression or a rush she feels in a fight. But part of her wants to stay human. There’s a chance that when that blood awakens, her body can’t handle it and she degrades into a monster until her body finally gives out. Just imagine something triggers it (a bite, ingesting blood, or it can happen by chance) and she is locking herself up to keep others safe from her. But once they get that door open? Then it’s on.
Idk, I want my muses to go ape shit all of a sudden. Give me some blood and carnage with some angst. Give me that fun stuff!
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fatesxedda · 5 years
Salem Ideas
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I just got home and I’m about to eat dinner and answer an ask meme but first? Some ideas I wanted to share regarding Salem.
-Salem, even when human form, has fangs. They are smaller but it still makes his mouth look canine like.
-While in human form, he can make his claws come out. When bored, he’ll sharpen and clean them. He likes it when they are shiny.
-His friends make dog jokes just to make Salem mad. But they tease because they love him and he understands that...which is why he feels he has full reign to make fun of them too.
-His sense of smell is better than humans. However, he hates going into town because of all the smells. It’s overwhelming
-Despite the jokes, he does not sprout wolf ears and a tail; he is not some furry wolf boy husbando. Anyone who suggests otherwise gets whacked.
-Calling him a furry is a one way ticket to an early grave.
-He (secretly) likes a good head pat.
-A major reminder of the fact that he isn’t fully human is how he can eat humans without suffering drawbacks. He is half human but the beast side is much more prominent. He doesn’t go out of his way to eat people but say if he’s desperate? Well...he IS technically higher on the food chain so why not show some humans that? Luckily he’s a good guy and wouldn’t eat someone innocent. But if you are a horrid person and he knows it? Beware because catch him when he’s hungry and you’re on the menu.
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fatesxedda · 5 years
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“Hey...something I thought of. Is it cannibalism if a werewolf eats a human? I mean...they are human looking, as smart as a human, act like us, talk like us.....when they aren’t in a frenzy I mean.”
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“Then again, Salem as said some people have tasted good before...so I guess his taste buds are different? Werewolves are weird.”
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“Speak for yourself, Pinky.”
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