#Juniper: Sharp Tongued Prophet; Witness of Ruin
fatesxedda · 4 years
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“Big brother...I’m sorry but I can’t handle it anymore! We are supposed to protect our people!!! Not subjugate them! If I have to raise my lance against my own subjects then I reject being a prince!”
“To free our homeland, our own flesh and blood must fall. That is the only way.”
“I know she had to die. I know that! And yet...she was my mother. I...I helped kill my...ah...big sister...”
This is...interesting. Revolt, family killing family, King and Queen Slayers among familiar faces as revolution seems to the the next step. So...going home is out of the question. Especially with a civil war looming...though Juniper does wonder how well that will go. Hearing the knock at the door, the visions stop. With an annoyed groan, Juniper answer the door.
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“I’m busy. What do you want?”
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fatesxedda · 4 years
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“Why should I even teach you magic? I mean...first off, I’m still learning, secondly, you have to be able use magic in the first place, and finally...why in the god’s names should I even bother with you?”
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fatesxedda · 5 years
Forewarning (Open)
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“I wouldn’t do that if I were you. Buy that, and you will be on your way to misfortune. Trust me. Keep your money in hand and keep going.”
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fatesxedda · 5 years
To Accept or Deny This Fate (Open)
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“Death is the inevitable for those of us in this line of work. We could be devoured by beasts, turned into the very beasts we swore to kill only to lose our minds to our own base desires, be killed by our enemy. To accept our fate is up to the individual. I for one have decided to fight for my survival to the bitter end.”
She has a mission to do. She won’t let herself die so easily...especially not for Carla.
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fatesxedda · 5 years
My Muses
Yunneth: Dark Scion of Sacrifice; Speaker for the Dead
Nero: Womanizer with a Heart; Sorrowful Rogue
Juniper: Sharp Tongued Prophet; Witness of Ruin
Soren: Dark Scion of Freedom; Rebel of the Blood
Damien: The King of Madness; Chosen by the Dark God
Lucien: Dark Scion of Evil; Corrupted Puppet
Amara: Flaming Pugilist; Headstrong and Loyal
Hanon: Criminal Turned Healer; Destruction turned to Life
Carla: Queen Over Many; Lover of Few
Frey: The Divine Prince; Exalted but Humble
Beruka: Divine Noble; Haughty but Kind
Issei: Tender Archer; A Bow Guided by the Wind
Keo: Son of the Oceans; He Who wants to be a Man
Natsu: Electrifying Tinkerer; Smile like the Sun
Noel: Ice in His Veins; Warmth in His Soul
Namir: Prince of the Dunes; Great but Serene
Salem: Beast of Shadow; Hunter of the Golden Eyes
Heather: Mother of Flowers; Unfettered Beauty
Caenbris: The Dark God; Blinded by Madness and Sorrow
Moonmoon being MoonMoon(Mun Speaks)
A Perfect Service Announcement (PSA)
Main AU Route
Other AU Route
Diabolik Lovers AU Route
Blue Exorcist AU Route
Danganronpa AU Route
Vampire Knight AU Route
Castlevania AU Route
Code Vein AU Route
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fatesxedda · 5 years
Cows for the win (Open)
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“We all know the best animal is the cow. They come in different colors, they are adorable, they are like big dogs, and them looking at you with big eyes is like the eyes of the gods looking into you. Simply breath taking!”
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fatesxedda · 5 years
Prophetess of Death (Open)
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“Ever since I was 12, I would see visions. The city, engulfed in fire. Beasts, on the land, in the air, and in the sea emerging, devouring any and all. The sky going dark with the only light coming from the moon...in one year, this will be no more. Life must come to an end at some point but...this isn’t...”
It isn’t how she would have wanted it. A field of corpses, the charred corpse of their home now the nest of demons, beast men scouring the land for people to rip into shreds. Such a thing has haunted her...
One year...one excruciating year...
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