#French Straw Market Bags
handmixy · 2 years
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icarusthelunarguard · 3 months
This Week’s Horrible-Scopes
It’s time for this week’s Horrible-Scopes! So for those of you that know your Astrological Signs, cool! If not, just pick one, roll a D12, or just make it up as you go along. It really doesn’t matter. Better yet! Check out “Heart of the Game, Fredonia” and see if they can sell you those D12’s with the symbols on them. Tell them “Shujin Tribble” sentcha. And “Hail, Hail, Fredonia!” Home of the Blue Devil!
Apparently SOMEONE thinks there’s a market for the ‘Scopes by adding crushed beans and hot water to them. So no matter if you call it Dirty Bean Water, Go-Go Juice, or A Cup Of Joe, we’re serving up cup after cup of flaming hot coffee for your sipping pleasure. And so we’re all clear here, don’t you DARE pronounce it, “EX-PRESS-OH”! ...È chiaro?
Your drink, and we hesitate to even call it that, is the “Freakshake” from Canberra, Australia! It’s what happens when you mix coffee with a milkshake then top it with a Hot milk chocolate tart, a Mini Belgian waffle, a Buckeye brownie cookie, and cover that all with whipped cream, chocolate sprinkles, wafers, and a drizzle of chocolate syrup. This “coffee” abomination isn’t done there, because the only way to drink this is with a straw! So This Week… If you want to drink this, pack your bags and head out to Australia. And while you’re at it, bring a 55Gal drum of Insulin, ‘cause you’re gunna need it after all that sugar!
Yes, we said drinking coffee through a straw is wrong, but we’re willing to re-assess that possibility since your coffee is an “Iced Latte”. At least it’s an easy drink to make: 2 espresso shots, 2 tsp of sugar, honey or maple syrup, 100ml of  whole milk, and ice. There’s very little to screw up here, so we’re expecting good things from you. So This Week… You don’t need to buy a whole gallon of milk for this - just get a quart. But if you DO buy a gallon, just know that you’ll need to drink about 37 of these drinks to kill it. Considering it’s summertime, maybe that’s not an unrealistic goal.
NOW WE’RE TALKIN’! Take a coffee mug, add a shot of Irish whiskey, a little maple syrup, then add freshly brewed coffee leaving some room for whipped cream. You’ve got “Irish Coffee”, and we are TOTALLY jealous! And before anyone complains about using maple syrup, yes, sure you COULD use cane or brown sugar, but the Sweet Tree Blood dissolves and mixes easier. So This Week… Don’t drink this on a work day with breakfast. We know you - you’ll try to get around the Drink-n-Drive thing by carpooling. That would be a bad idea. 
Cancer Moon-Child 
What’s going on here? All these cold drinks are making us wonder what’s happened to all the GOOD drinks, but… Ok, whatever. You’re getting an “Iced Mocha” - and after reading the directions… well, ok. Here’s what you do. Whisk sugar, cocoa powder, and a little milk over medium heat until the sugar dissolves and you get a smooth chocolate syrup. Then add some milk and coffee, then pour over ice cubes. You know what you have here? A High-Test Hot Chocolate! So This Week… If you want a hot chocolate, just order one. You don’t have to be embarrassed; it’s your choice. You’re an adult now. Drink what you want.
FINALLY! A coffee that’s both HOT and MAKES SENSE! You’re getting a “Cappuccino”! (*FREEKIN’ FINALLY!*). It’s so SUPER EASY too! Equal parts Espresso, Steamed milk, and Milk foam in a small cup. The hardest part of it all is getting a good tasting dark roast and not using too much of it or too much water. So This Week… You’ll think you’ve got the proportions wrong, but you’ll be able to eyeball all the measurements accurately soon enough. Trust in yourself. 
(Again with the cold coffee drinks?!) Ok, ok. Fine - we’ll trust The Stars. Virgo you’re getting what can ONLY be described as “Set It And Forget It” coffee. It’s “Overnight Coffee”. It’s, “I put coffee grounds in my French Press last night, passed out at the computer, forgot it was in the kitchen, but had good cold brew coffee with breakfast.” We knew you’ve been sleep deprived all week, but you’ve got to come to your senses and prioritize yourself for a change. So This Week… Try taking a nap on your day off. You might need it more than those Flintstones Chewable Multivitamins.
Talk about getting a jump-start in the morning! You’re getting a “Caffè Mocha”, and it’s one of our favorites too. Trouble is we know you want to get it at Starbucks, and you’ll want to get the BIGGEST size they have. It’s made up of espresso, bittersweet mocha sauce, steamed milk, and topped with whipped cream. It sounds a lot like a different version of a Kick-In-The-Heart Hot Chocolate, right? Well, you’re gunna be screwed with this one. So This Week… You need to be mindful of your food intake. This drink ALONE is 450 calories, 45g of sugar, and 18g of fat! You need to get out on your bike if you want to burn all that off. On second thought, get out on your bike again anyway.
Those of you who think “Frappé” is only made at Starbucks really need to get out more often. THEY make something called “Frappuccino” - THIS is different. Your drink is made with spray-dried instant coffee… and we need to mention that this is the ONLY acceptable time to use INSTANT COFFEE… water, sugar, and milk. And fun enough, you can make it with a cocktail shaker! So This Week… Make this drink for yourself as an excuse for working out. It’ll be less lewd than using those Shake Weights.
You know how Spinal Tap has amps that go up to 11? Well, your drink does the same thing… Sorta. If you put ONE and ONE together. You know how to make a “double espresso”? You take a single shot of espresso, using 7g of espresso-fine grounds yielding about 1 liquid ounce of espresso… and just… FOLLOW US HERE… Double It! So This Week… Math may not have been your best subject, but come on! Just make the drink twice. Make it a couple times more and you’ll be able to make your heart play Flight of the Bumblebee in your veins.
We know how you love decadence, so you’re getting “espresso con panna”. It translates as ‘espresso with cream’ in Italian and is a single or double shot of espresso topped with a dollop of whipped cream. It’s often served in a demitasse cup or small glass, so you get to look so elegant with your pinkie finger extended as you sip. So This Week… The only reason why your pinkie is out is because the cup is so small and your fingers so thick. Learn to enjoy cucumber sandwiches and you’ll get invited to more tea parties… or just stick to your espresso in larger cups and be yourself. 
Some might think your drink is lazy, but we all know differently. Your drink, known as a “latte macchiato” is kinda funny to think about. Just make some steamed milk in a cup then pour a shot of espresso into the steamed milk. What’s so funny about it is how simple it is to make the Steamed Milk.. by sound, if nothing else. It’s that “WHOOSH!” in the bottom of the metal container that just makes the drink. So This Week.. learn how to make Steamed Milk properly - not scalded milk!
Some people misunderstand your quiet demeanor for what it actually is - a terrifying level of data collection about everything and everyone around you. And you love food. So what do you do when you want coffee, dessert and your after dinner drink, all rolled into one? When you’re “too full for dessert” make yourself an “affogato”! Pour espresso coffee over vanilla gelato or ice cream, and enjoy the melty swirls and dig in! So This Week… This is so amazingly simple! Why don’t people do this more often? Simple… because NOW we have to get into a battle about what the best “Vanilla” flavour is. And the answer to this is “Good Quality French”, followed by “Proper Vanilla Bean White Vanilla”. There will be NO EXCEPTIONS!
And THOSE are your Horrible-Scopes for this week! Remember if you liked what you got, we’re obviously not working hard enough at these. BUT! If you want a better or nastier one for your own sign or someone else’s, all you need to do to bribe me is just Let Me Know - or check out the Ko-Fi page ( https://ko-fi.com/icarusthelunarguard )! These will be posted online at the end of each week via Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook, Discord, and BLUESKY.
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kelirina8 · 5 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Chico's Straw Cornhusk Woven Flower Purse Bag Tote Large Beads Lined Boho.
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earaercircular · 1 year
Hemp insulation from Cavac Biomaterials driven by the decarbonisation of buildings
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A pioneer in hemp-based insulation, Cavac Biomaterials is investing 27 million euros to triple its production capacity. The new factory is expected to be delivered in the second quarter of 2024.
Cavac Biomaterials[1] wants the statements of the detractors of bio sourced materials to be treated as lies. With “only” 2,000 hectares of hemp cultivated in Vendée[2] and Deux-Sèvres[3] by 250 producers, the subsidiary of the agri-food cooperative Cavac of La Roche-sur-Yon[4] still holds some in reserve.
“We have 200,000 hectares of potential cultivation and will increase our hemp plots to 6,000 hectares within 12 months. Something to look forward to in terms of resources,” says Olivier Joreau, president of Cavac Biomaterials (60 employees). Its Sainte-Gemme-la-Plaine[5] factory, that transforms 15,000 tonnes of flax and hemp straw per year into insulating materials, has reached saturation point.
A new 12,000 m2 factory is being built in Sainte-Hermine[6], tripling its capacity. It will increase the Vendée-based cooperative's production of bio sourced insulation from 150,000 m3 to 450,000 m3 per year. The result is around thirty hires. The investment represents 27 million euros.
“The sector has no problem keeping up with the development of demand,” says the manager who is also president of the AICB[7], the association that represents French manufacturers producing materials for the construction market from plant biomass (wood, hemp, flax, straw, grass, etc.), animal biomass (sheep wool) or recycling sectors (paper, textile).
Certified products
The president anticipates a doubling of the sector's capacities within three years (excluding the wood sector used for structural materials).
“In recent years, bio sourced materials have become increasingly popular among building professionals under the new RE2020 thermal regulations[8] and the climate resilience law[9],” says the manager. Now benefiting from certifications that remove the obstacles to their use in construction, the sector is in constant development. According to the AICB, the overall market share of bio-sourced insulation has almost doubled, from 6% to 11% in less than ten years. For example, one in five lost attics is now insulated with bio sourced insulation.
Multi-outlet plant
A pioneer fifteen years ago, Cavac biomaterials intends to remain at the head of the race. Its flagship product Biofib'trio[10], an insulating sheet combining hemp, linen and a polyester fiber binder, is recognized as the brand of bio sourced insulation in France.
The Cavac subsidiary, which made 23 million euros as of June 30, 2023 (+10% versus 2022), also markets its hemp fibre in the form of technical fibre on an increasing number of markets, such as automotive industry, stationery, construction and public works. It represents 35% of the crushed straw and 80% of the turnover. The remainder, the hemp is calibrated and resold in bulk or in bags to make concrete and hemp blocks, mulch and animal litter.
Olivia Bassi, L'isolant de chanvre de Cavac Biomatériaux tiré par la décarbonation du bâtiment, in : Les Echos, 19 sept. 2023, https://www.lesechos.fr/pme-regions/pays-de-la-loire/lisolant-de-chanvre-de-cavac-biomateriaux-tire-par-la-decarbonation-du-batiment-1979494
[1] Cavac Biomaterials is a subsidiary of agricultural cooperative based in "Vendée", Cavac. Located in the south sells, the company specializes in the industrial application of plant fibres such as hemp and flax, plants recognized for their exemplary ecological. green growth and sustainable development are central to the philosophy of the company that has established itself over the years, growing hemp as an innovative and sustainable agriculture, adapted to the industrial challenges of tomorrow. https://www.cavac-biomateriaux.com/about-us/?L=EN
[2] Vendée is a department in the Pays de la Loire region in western France, on the Atlantic coast. In 2019, it had a population of 685,442. Its prefecture is La Roche-sur-Yon.
[3] Deux-Sèvres is a French department. Deux-Sèvres literally means "two Sèvres": the Sèvre Nantaise and the Sèvre Niortaise are two rivers which have their sources in the department. It had a population of 374,878 in 2019.
[4] La Roche-sur-Yon is a commune in the Vendée department in the Pays de la Loire region in western France. It is the capital of the department. The demonym for its inhabitants is Yonnais.
[5] Sainte-Gemme-la-Plaine is a commune in the Vendée department in the Pays de la Loire region in western France.
[6] Sainte-Hermine is a commune in the Vendée department in the Pays de la Loire region in western France.
[7] the Association des Industriels de la Construction Biosourcée (AICB) (Association of Biosourced Construction Industrialists) represents French industries producing materials for the construction market from renewable and local resources (wood, hemp, linen, paper and even recycled textiles). https://www.batiment-biosource.fr/qui-sommes-nous/
[8] Introduced by the Energy Transition Law for Green Growth (LTECV) of 2015, the National Low-Carbon Strategy (SNBC) and the Multi-Annual Energy Program (PPE) set guidelines for the sectors in order to achieve carbon neutrality in 2050. https://www.ecologie.gouv.fr/reglementation-environnementale-re2020#:~:text=RT2012-,La%20r%C3%A9glementation%20environnementale%20RE2020,la%20neutralit%C3%A9%20carbone%20en%202050.
[9] Achieve our climate goals in a spirit of social justice. The climate and resilience law of August 22, 2021 reflects part of the 146 proposals of the Citizens' Climate Convention (CCC). It aims to massively reduce our greenhouse gas emissions, in a spirit of social justice. https://www.ecologie.gouv.fr/loi-climat-et-resilience-bilan-2-ans#:~:text=Atteindre%20nos%20objectifs%20climatiques%20dans,un%20esprit%20de%20justice%20sociale.
[10] Biofib'Trio is a unique alliance of hemp, cotton and linen fibres, offering exceptional thermo-acoustic insulation. Biofib'Trio semi-rigid panels (available in thicknesses ranging from 45 to 200 mm) or rolls, are specially adapted for ecological and “complete comfort” insulation of the home, with ACERMI certified thermal performance. https://www.biofib.com/biofib-trio/
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strawbaguniverse · 2 years
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Buy Now Capri) French Basket / Summer Gifts / Straw Beach Bag / Party / Picnic / Market / Pool / Weekender by BOHOPeach.
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yourjentl · 2 years
When it comes to shopping for the Straw Basket Bag, it is important to find a reputed store that trades in eco-friendly products. "JENTL" can prove a one-stop solution for you. We offer the right items to our customers at the best possible prices. Shop it from us!
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frenchbaskets · 3 years
Etsy Boutique French baskets
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tefilovesreading · 4 years
It’s a Match! Part. 3
Pairing: Charlie Gillespie x Fem!Reader.
Word count: +2,9k
Warnings: A few swearing words but nothing else!
A/N: It’s a Match is finally back!! Let me know if you wanna be added to my taglist! 
Edited by: @theamazingtomholland
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The soft melody Charlie was playing on his guitar made her look at the propped-up iPad while she cut some veggies and her heart skipped a beat with the intense look he was giving her. If that’s how he made her feel through a screen she knew she was bound to collapse under his gaze once they met in person.
“What are you playing?” Y/N asked with one last look, before setting her attention on the cutting board. If she ended up with a missing finger because of him and his tempting smile, she was going to block him. 
“Traverser l’hiver” he answered, and  Y/N raised her eyebrows in surprise, she definitely wasn’t expecting him to answer her in French, “I’ve been listening to that song on repeat the last couple of days, and now I’m trying to learn it.”
“What does it mean?” she questioned, putting down the knife for a bit, so she could focus on his explanation.
“Making it through winter,” Charlie replied, plucking the guitar strings softly, “the song talks about how his relationships never last and that he’s glad that they made it through the winter because he can’t get enough of her.”
“Send me the song later,” she mentioned with a smile. That sounded like a good song, and she wanted to know what his music style was like.
Calling each other on FaceTime while they did their own stuff quickly became their thing since they matched on the app two weeks ago, just enjoying the company and asking questions once in a while. Normally it was just her doing stuff like cleaning her desk or cooking while Charlie sat there playing the guitar or reading a script.
“It’s in French,” he warned her, and even if she wasn’t looking at the screen, she already knew he was giving her That smile, the one that made her stomach flutter with excitement. 
“Music is a universal language, Charlie,” she chuckled.
“I thought that was love,” the boy pointed out playfully, “I’m gonna send it as soon as we hang up. Promise.”
“Good, because I’m not sure if I’d be able to find it.”
Y/N saw him throw his head back as he laughed, the movement loosening his man bun. She inhaled deeply, before looking away from the screen. She wanted to know if his hair was as soft as it looked.
“What are you cooking anyway?” Charlie questioned when his laughter died down, and he stopped playing with the guitar strings.
“I’m meal prepping actually,” Y/N admitted with a grin.
“No way,” he gasped, and she felt her cheeks blushing. 
“This is the first time I’m trying so don’t make fun of me,” she begged as a joke.
“Never, I’m actually impressed with your commitment because that takes a lot of time,” he mentioned with a soft smile. 
She smiled at him and bit her lip. Fuck it, she was gonna ask him to meet up. There was no way she could wait one more week, her assignments could wait.
“Y/N,” Charlie called her, and she tilted her head just a little to let him know she was listening, “let me take you on a date. You get to choose the place.”
She tried to hide her smile without much success, just knowing that Charlie was thinking about the same thing she was thinking made her feel so happy and excited about going out with him. 
Two weeks ago, she’d have never thought about developing such a strong connection with him or that she’d get so happy whenever a new text from Charlie appeared on her phone. The thought of their connection made her relax, she could feel it on her heart that this wasn’t gonna end in another ghosting experience for her.
“Can I tell you something before I answer?” Y/N asked with a grin.
“If you tell me you’re married, I think I can share,” he joked but nodded giving her the green light to ask him whatever she had on her mind.
“I was about to ask you the same thing before you asked me out,” she confessed and the look in Charlie’s face made her whole body tingle. He was too good with eye contact for his own good.
“In that case, I’m glad I asked first,” Charlie mentioned winking at her, and she knew her cheeks were blushing with that simple gesture.
When Jo came back home, she found Y/N smiling at her phone while French music played through the speakers. There was no doubt about who was responsible for putting that smile on her friend’s face. 
“What got you so happy?” Jo asked even if she knew the answer to her question.
“I’m going on a date with Charlie, in two days,” she responded holding back the excited squeal that was threatening to escape from her mouth.
“Dude, finally!” Jo scoffed but smiled at her excitement. Y/N deserved to have fun and go on dates. Her friend deserved to feel something for a guy again.
“Oh shut up!” Y/N laughed and put her head on her friend’s shoulder, “I’m so scared of how I feel about all this and I haven’t met him yet.”
“It’ll be okay,” Jo promised, resting her head on top of Y/N’s, “and if it doesn’t, we can always watch sappy movies and have ice cream for dinner.”
Two days later Jo followed the anxious girl pace in their living room, babbling about not knowing what to wear for her date or hypotheticals scenarios where Charlie would kidnap her and sell her organs on the black market.
“Y/N,” Jo said and the girl ignored her, “Y/N!” this time her friend stopped and looked at her with regret, “if you don’t wanna go then tell him.”
“But I do wanna go,” she grumbled as she sat beside Jo on the couch, “I’m just nervous about the date.”
“Where are you going?” Jo questioned.
“I told him we could go to Salt and Straw, ‘cause he has never been there,” Y/N responded biting her nails, “and then I think he said something about going to Vista Hermosa, but we’re not sure.”
“That sounds like a good plan, just make sure you go somewhere where you can talk and get to know each other.”
“Yeah, I know,” she mumbled, “I should probably start getting ready.”
She pressed her lips together in front of the mirror before throwing the lip gloss on her bag and making sure she had everything.
“Keys, Kleenex, mints, wallet and…,” she whispered and her friend’s hand appeared in front of her, “I don’t need condoms, Jo. It’s our first date, I’m not gonna have sex with him.”
“Honey, you never know,” Jo claimed with a knowing look on her face, “take them, just in case.”
“You’re a nightmare,” the girl huffed but took them and put them in her bag.
“I’m just making sure you have protection in case you need it,” her friend laughed and Y/N rolled her eyes trying to hide her smile.
Her phone chimed with a new text and her heart started racing in her chest. 
Charlie: i’m outside.
“Shit, shit, shit,” she whispered and looked at Jo with panic in her eyes, “he’s here. What do I do?” 
“Tell him to come upstairs, I’ll open the door, so he knows you have someone waiting for you to come back,” Jo ushered her to send her a text back.
Y/N: almost ready!! can you come upstairs?? i’ll buzz you in Charlie: sure!! no problem Charlie: what apartment??
Just a few minutes later she heard a knock on her door and Jo walked out of her room to go and open the door. She took off one earring as she heard her friend’s voice letting Charlie inside their apartment. As soon as Y/N heard his voice, she felt the butterflies go mad in her stomach.  
She grabbed her bag and made her way to the living room, putting on her earring again to pretend she wasn’t ready.
“Hey,” she let out and held back her breath when their eyes met. 
“Hi,” Charlie said standing up from his seat. 
If Jo felt the electricity that filled the room while they were looking at each other, she didn’t mention it. But Y/N felt her whole body tingle with excitement at the sight of the boy right in front of her. 
She lifted her right hand nervously, not sure if she should go for a handshake or not, but her hand got trapped between her body and Charlie’s as he went for a hug. It wasn’t long, just really soft and kinda comforting. 
“Sorry,” they both said at the same time when he noticed Y/N went for a handshake instead.
“It’s okay,” Y/N said giving him a reassuring smile and tucked a loose piece of hair behind her ear. 
“Ready to go?” Charlie asked pointing with his thumb to the front door. With a soft nod, she followed him to the front door, giving her best friend one last glance, Jo winked her eye at her and gave her the thumbs up.
“I parked the car around the corner,” Charlie mentioned once they were out of the apartment building.
“You found a parking spot nearby?” Y/N questioned in surprise and when he nodded eagerly she let out a laugh, “lucky guy.”
Hearing him laugh at her comment right next to her made the butterflies in her stomach go crazy. He took the car keys out of his pocket and unlocked the orange Subaru close to them. 
“Thank you,” Y/N smiled at him when Charlie opened the door for her. 
“No problem.”
“Get it together, Y/N,” she muttered before the boy opened his door. The nervousness coursing through her body made it feel like her tongue was tied, and she didn’t know how to put into words how glad she was to be there with him by her side. 
“So which Salt and Straw are we going to?” Charlie asked, starting the car and getting out of the parking spot. 
“We should go to the one near Little Tokyo, that one is closer to Vista Hermosa,” she replied and furrowed her eyebrows, trying to recall if it was actually close or not.
“Can you,” Charlie started, trying to get his phone out of his pocket, “type in the address? I’ve been living here for years, but I still need the GPS.” He handed her his phone after he unlocked it.
“When did you move here?” Y/N asked, taking the opportunity to start a small conversation
 and getting to know him a little better.
“I moved to Toronto right after high school and then moved to L.A. a few months after,” he bit his lip, probably trying to do the math on his mind, “About 3 years now?”
“I’m gonna let the GPS pass just because you are brave enough to drive here,” she joked and Charlie shot her a grin that screamed trouble. And she loved it.
The fifteen minutes ride from her apartment to the ice cream shop went by in a blink of an eye, between questions, jokes, and the occasional humming coming from Charlie whenever the radio played a song he liked or knew.
“What flavor should we get?” Charlie questioned, placing his hand on her shoulder to keep her by his side in the busy shop. She glanced at the hand over her shoulder and her heart started racing.
“What if we get the flight?” Y/N hinted, pointing at the option on the board, “that way we can pick four flavors.”
“Good idea, then I want Brown Ale and Bacon, and the Double-fold Vanilla,” Charlie said with an excited smile on his face to the guy behind the counter, “and you?”
“Strawberry Tres Leches and Chocolate Gooey Brownie,” Y/N responded after a few seconds of thinking which flavor could match better with Charlie’s choices.
“You realize we still got chocolate and vanilla ice cream, right?” Charlie chuckled and Y/N rolled her eyes, but couldn’t hide the smile forming on her lips, “next time we only pick the monthly flavors, deal?” 
Y/N looked up at him and nodded in response, knowing very well that meant he was considering going on a second date with her while the first one just started.
“They’re not gonna last till we get to the park, Charlie,” she warned as they made their way back to the car.
“That’s why I bought cookies,” he smiled as he tried to balance his car keys and the box with ice cream in one hand, “C’mon hurry up,” he ushered her, grabbing her hand with his free hand and guiding her through the surrounding people. 
It wasn’t like he laced their finger together or something like that, he just grabbed her hand to make sure he wouldn’t lose her in the crowd, but the touch made her wish he would never let go of her. Of course, it wasn’t the first time he touched her, but the small amount of time she got to spend with him in person was enough to feel drawn to him in such a magnetic way, she never imagined possible.
“Oh that one is fucking delicious,” Charlie gasped after Y/N’s hand moved away with the now empty little spoon, his eyes still focused on the road ahead of them, “which one it was?”
“That was Strawberry Tres Leches,” she replied with a hint of pride laced on her voice, “your pick isn’t bad, you know?”
Charlie raked a hand through his hair and turned around just a few seconds to show her a bright smile.
“I have good taste,” he observed in a tone that let her know he wasn’t just talking about ice cream flavors.
Y/N opened her mouth, but the words never came out, shaking her head in pure amusement she dipped the tiny spoon in another flavor and offered it to him. What was she supposed to say?
“Why did we think we’d get there with ice cream?”  Y/N questioned when Charlie opened the car door for her. 
“No idea, but we have a plan b,” he added, giving her the bag with cookies and opening the back door to search for something, “there we go.” 
“I want that one,” Y/N said, taking the orange and mango-flavored Capri Sun out of his hand with the biggest smile on her face. 
“I’m gonna give it to you just this time because that’s my favorite,” Charlie scoffed, but the smile that seemed to be permanent on his face gave him away.
He made her feel so relaxed but his energy was so contagious, she felt like she could do anything if she wanted to. 
“Would you go on a hike with me?” he asked her before taking a sip of his Capri Sun. The juice pouch looked ridiculous tiny in his hands.
“You’d have to take it easy on me,” she commented and closed her eyes to feel the sun on her face with delight.
“So that’s a yes,” Charlie stated and the excitement in his voice made her open her eyes, so she could look at the boy sitting next to her on the grass.
“Sure,” she giggled and turned her focus to the impressive view. The overlook of Downtown Los Angeles always took her breath away, reminding her how little she really was.
When they left the park, just minutes before it closed, both of them wanting the date to last a bit longer. 
“Do you mind if we stop for a coffee?” Y/N asked, her voice just loud enough for him to hear her above the music playing, her hands fidgeting on her lap.
“I was gonna ask you the same,” he replied, “we can always drive all the way to the beach if you’re up to that.”
“Are you serious?” Charlie’s beaming smile was the only answer she needed, “let’s go then.”
Being stuck in traffic with Charlie wasn’t bad at all, that meant more time together and a jamming session for them. Y/N knew he could sing, she heard him humming on their previous video calls but getting to listen to him really sing without a care in the world was amazing. 
“Stop bragging, I get it, you can sing,” she teased him.
“Don’t be shy, I know you can sing too,” Charlie said as he parked the car. And there it was, the weakness that meant seeing him backing up the car with just one hand. 
“Right,” she said clearing her throat and unbuckling her seatbelt after he fully stopped the car, suddenly the car felt too hot for her. 
“Don’t you think you’re gonna get cold without a jacket, Y/N?” Charlie questioned, grabbing two hoodies from the back seat.
“I was counting on borrowing yours,” she admitted with a shrug. 
“Let’s go before we miss the sunset,” the corners of his mouth turned up glad she was finally flirting back. Not that she didn’t do it before, but it was nice to hear she was as interested as him.
Their arms were brushing, bodies as close as possible while they faced the ocean and the sky changing colors as the sunset on the horizon. The breeze sent shivers down her spine and she pulled the sleeves to hide her hands to keep them warm. Charlie looked at her and put his arm over her shoulder, pulling her closer.
“I guess my hoodie won’t be enough uh.”
tagged: @cordeliascrown​ @crybabyddl​ @phantompogues @the-romanian-is-bae @doaspeggy-says @thatsmyfavoritewhiteboy​ @samanthawilliamspring @searchingunderthestars @luke-patt @moneybagmgk @angisbr @happinessinthedarkesttimes @knitsessed @teti-menchon0604 @randomstuff7 @warmness0ul @merceret @headheartbellarke @caitsymichelle13 
216 notes · View notes
bnnywngs · 3 years
printemps éternel
Rating: G | 1,138 words
Fandom: Haikyuu
Pairing: Hinata Shouyou/Kozume Kenma
Tags: Alternate Universe, French Countryside/Provence, based on youtube videos, Domestic Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, self-indulgent, a bit of cottagecore
can be found on ao3
The morning sun was a soft pastel light against the bedroom’s wooden floor after Shouyou moved the curtains. The french doors were easily opened after that, making his hair flutter with the cold spring wind that said his hello. Behind him, under two sets of blankets, Kenma groaned in a whine tone, complaining about being woken up with the clarity of the day.
“Good morning.” Shouyou smiled, sitting on the bed beside his husband and using his fingers to move Kenma’s hair from his face.
“Not good. Morning.” he groaned again, before blinking several times and smiling softly at the other man “Back?”
Shouyou hummed back with a nod “Already took a bath and went to the boulangerie earlier.”
“Good.” he yawned.
“I’ll wait for you in the kitchen.” Shouyou chuckled and kissed his nose tip before getting up.
When he finally emerged from the bedroom, after a quick trip to the bathroom, Kenma hugged his husband from behind and kissed his nape before sitting down to eat and drink his lovely coffee from the brand new coffee machine he bought just that week.
“Are we still going to the market in the next town?” Shouyou asked, mouth full of bread and cheese.
“Do we have space on the balcony for more plants?”
“Will you buy more plants?”
Kenma stared at him with slight distrust, making Shouyou whine.
“Maybe.” he said at last.
Kenma snorted into his coffee.
It’s been years since they decided to move together to France, destiny making them live in a small city in the south, and they never regret. Their neighbors were nice enough, and the neighborhood was pretty like everything they dreamed of when talking about the country, with a lot of small artisan shops, cafés, restaurants and beautiful views.
Sometimes, Kenma records some of the things they do to his YouTube channel as a vlog, showing the views, the spring time, the street markets and the occasional flea markets Shouyou loved to go to. His followers at first didn’t like it, but now they asked him for more videos, and Kenma thought that was hilarious.
Barely two hours later, Shouyou was parking their car beside an old catholic church.
“Ah, look, there’s a bread shop right in the front.” Shouyou pointed as they walked to the street market.
“It looks smaller than last month.” Kenma hummed.
“Yeah. And it’s May.” he shrugged.
“Where should we go first?”
“Strawberries!” Shouyou pulled him to the fruit stall, a bright sunshine smile on his face “I want to try one of those korean recipes.”
“The strawberry milk thing you sent me?” Kenma let himself be pulled “Oh, a basket shop. Let’s go there after this.”
After filling the plastic basket with strawberry packages and some other fruits and vegetables, they walked hand in hand to the other stall, the shopping bag weightening on Shouyou’s shoulder. Kenma kneeled on the ground to look closely, picking up some baskets to try on his arm.
“This one looks like that other one you bought in Gassin.” Shouyou said.
“Really? Oh, you’re right.” he nodded “What about this one? It has a funny shape.”
Shouyou giggled before turning to the lady managing the stall “How much is it?”
After buying the straw basket, Shouyou decided to put some of their purchases inside and let Kenma carry it as they walked through the market. A dog sniffed Shouyou’s shoes and he crouched down to pet it, turning back for a moment to smile at his husband. With a kiss on the dog’s head, the red hair got up and waved to the owner before holding Kenma’s hand and continuing their strolling.
“What should we buy now?” Kenma asked, “Dinner?”
“What do you want to eat today?” Shouyou looked around and said, “I’m kinda craving curry.”
“Curry, then.”
“Curry, then.” he nodded.
“Ah, cheese!” Kenma pointed to a stall a few meters away, pulling Shouyou’s hand like a petulant child “I want some.”
“Fro~ma~ge~” Shouyou sang with a bright laugh after, his accent still quite heavy.
They spent long minutes sampling the different kinds of cheese, talking to the person behind the stall and deciding to buy three small pieces to eat later in the afternoon.
“Should we buy flowers?” Kenma asked after saying their goodbyes.
“Hm~ no. I don’t really understand why we have to buy one every time we come to the market.” Shouyou shrugged “Let’s go buy bread!”
“Do we need jam?”
“I don’t think so. Ask me again next week.”
A good time and a lot of non-essentials later, they finally decided to end their shopping and went back to the car to let down their bags. After letting a small part of the windows open to air the vehicle, they walked through the busy city center looking for a good place to eat lunch. The city itself was pretty like every other they visited so far, with stone houses and buildings, old churches and older fountains. Almost all the houses had blue window shutters, making everything more beautiful with a hint of fairytail.
They found a cute small sandwich shop just under a stone house. A perfect place for the warmer weather under the spring’s sunlight.
“What are you going to choose?” Shouyou asked while they read the menu on the blackboard.
“The vegan one.”
“Ooh~ I’ll get the italian one. Anything to say?”
Shouyou stepped in line and waited for his turn, smiling politely when the woman managing the shop asked for his order.
They walked side by side, choosing a good spot for seating and eating under a large tree and far from the crowded sandwich shop. There, on the stone bench, they could see the valley down below, with its crop fields, woodland and small mountains. Not so far away, there was another small city.
A cold wind ruffled their hair and made eating a difficult task for a moment, making Shouyou laugh when he got some sauce on his chin.
“Let’s go home?” Kenma asked after dumping their trash in the nearest garbage bin.
“Okay!” Shouyou smiled.
They walked holding hands once more, reaching their car not so long after - Kenma had to pull Shouyou hard when they passed by an antique shop. Seatbelts on, music playing softly in the background and his portable video game in hands, they made their way back home with the windows down to feel the good weather.
“This was a good day, right?” Shouyou asked after they left the city.
“Hm.” Kenma nodded.
“Was it worth waking up earlier?” there was amusement in Shouyou’s tone.
“No. Never.” Kenma wrinkled his nose in distaste.
Shouyou laughed.
They didn’t talk for a while, but then-
“I love you.”
Kenma let out a fond sigh “I love you too.”
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artificialqueens · 4 years
The kind of love you don't believe in (Jan x Jackie) - Pinkgrapefruit
[7337 words]
Jackie takes a deep breath and slams her empty glass on the table triumphantly.
“I’m going to make you believe in love.” She says with such conviction it’s impossible not to believe her. Her eyes twinkle. Jan wonders if this might be easier than either of them think.
[ divorce lawyer/wedding planner au ]
A/N - i love this fic so much that i’ve tried to prolong it several times to no avail. it’s based off a Tumblr prompt me and jazz saw and ran with and honestly i’d make her a coauthor but she wouldn’t be impressed so instead it’s dedicated to her in the hopes that she’ll actually accept that for all her hard work and amazing comments while writing this. couldn’t have done it without her. i hope you fall as in love with it as i am.
Jan picks at the edges of her french-tipped manicure. It’s peeling. She stares at it for a second, examining the way the shiny polish reflects the sunlight filtering through the half-closed blinds. If she’s got her timings right, Bob will barrel through her office door in a minute or two and tell her to go home. Or to eat something. Or to do both which is the most probable outcome and Jan’s always been good at finding the most probable outcomes.
She’s a lawyer. It’s her job.
She’d started in family court and it was fun. There was a joy to bringing a child back home to their parents or filing adoptions and the kids’ faces would make Jan light up. She’d appealed for name changes and gender assignments and she was good, no one questioned that. One corner of her office had a neon rainbow sign and a comfy armchair and some books and some toys and it was usually occupied by a little kid who shouldn’t have to spend their afternoon in a lawyers office. But if she could look up from some paperwork to see a calm little kid - she could be calm and happy.
Then she started taking divorce claims.
And she’s a little less vibrant.
(The world feels a little less magical when your job is to help people split their lives in two.)
The problem is, she’s good. She’s really good. She hasn’t lost a divorce case and she gets a name for them. She gets recommended divorce cases until she only has a couple of gay kids and adoptions and custody agreements a month. Trixie takes the rest - nice, warm, motherly Trixie who makes everyone a cup of tea and asks them about their day and wears pastel pinks and yellows. Jan’s not bitter, she’s just jaded. She turns up to work in her charcoal pantsuits and her red heels, makes her coffee in her matte black mug, spends the day in her office with the door closed and leaves in silence. She’s happy, she’s just not what she used to be.
She tried to explain as much in the kitchenette the firm shares. There are only four of them; herself, Katya, Trixie and Bob - the boss lady. Bob does corporate, Katya does criminal, Trixie does the pro bono work and most of the kids’ stuff and Jan slogs away on divorces.
“I want to do something that feels meaningful,” she whined, pulling her turtleneck over her mouth as Bob pointed at the crossword question she couldn’t answer.
“Accumulation,” Katya said with a mouthful of apple that she crunched next to Jan’s ear, taking pleasure in the way the blonde scrunched her face up.
“Doesn’t fit the clue. It says impatience.” Bob reminded her, underlining it with her finger just to make a point.
“Anticipation,” Trixie yelled from the counter where she’d perched with her tea. “Jan use it in a sentence!”
“I anticipate going home.” Jan moaned to a cackle from the pink-clad woman. She stood, checking her turtleneck in the microwave door before leaving the kitchenette with a sigh.
So she’s waiting for Bob to come in and tell her to go home. It’s the middle of summer but it’s nearing seven and it’s a Friday. She’s got the weekend off for a wedding. She’d rather be in small claims court if she’s honest.
The idea of love becomes infinitely less appealing when you are surrounded by its decay at every turn. She’d rather just go home to her cat who she knows will always love her and cannot file a legal document saying it’s got irreconcilable differences and wants the house but none of the furniture.
No, Marceline would never.
Jackie opens the shop at six a.m. because she likes the feeling of the streets in the early morning. The sun is already up because it’s the middle of summer but the city still feels barren. It’s so quiet, she can hear her own heart among the calls of the birds. She enters ‘End Of The Aisle Weddings’ with a peppy smile and relaxed confidence and zero caffeine - saving that for her two p.m. pick me up when she and Rock can discuss their clientele over leftover wedding cake and hot drinks served in novelty mugs. It’s her favourite time of the day after opening.
She checks her planner almost immediately, plays her seventeen-ish voicemails while crossing things off the list and tacking on extra items that brides have found in a frenzy. She has one wedding coming up that should be fantastic but is also draining her more than usual with the number of requests the bride has. She gets about three calls a day making amendments and she’s more than happy to agree to them because most of the time she’s just a little drunk on the idea of being in love.
She calls the florist, the caterers and the photographer before Rock will be out of bed, skidding around the backroom’s slick floors in just her socks as she rearranges goodie bags and vases and table decorations organised by date.
Sometimes, she leans on the sage-green wooden table they use for meetings and looks through engagement photoshoots, planning her own. She imagines her hair in pin curls as her fiance dips her - probably in a field.
With their cat.
And some fairy lights.
She’s spent a lot of time hoping and dreaming and praying for her future wife to just walk through the door like they do in the romcoms she’s been born and raised on. She wants her ‘You’ve got Mail’ moment - a book with a rose in it and a woman she thought she hated but also loved. She wants someone to convince her to fall in love. She wants big moments and small gestures and the sweet warmth she sees in so many couples but she’s alone. It’s a cruel irony.
She hadn’t planned to be a wedding planner. She studies interior design and marketing at uni - interning at a wedding planner and never really leaving. She thought she’d do corporate, or events. Turns out, she’s pretty happy where she ended up.
Just a little lonely. Ever so slightly. Sometimes.
She brews another cup of chai and inhales the scent of cardamom pods, watching the business people on their ways to work through the big glass front windows - rain spattering on them like tiny droplets of light.
Jackie plans good weddings. She knows it’s not particularly objective but she knows she’s good at her job. By this point in the planning, she’s known the couple for close to a year so she’s pretty comfortable just to chill at the reception. She puts out fires where she’s needed in her white shirt and tailored black trousers - it’s typical attire for her - a black blazer hung on a hook somewhere, waiting for her exit. She’s comfortable, mobile and most importantly, she has pockets.
She knows she plans a good wedding which is why she’s just a little surprised to see (an objectively gorgeous) blonde woman sat at the bar, holding a tumbler of scotch. She’s in an off-the-shoulder yellow dress but somehow the summery look feels a little off-kilter when faced with her expression. It’s like it doesn’t fit her even though it fits her perfectly (objectively of course).
She scowls at the scotch before taking another sip and Jackie decides to approach as even though she’s terminally delightful she is not someone who enjoys the conga and it’s coming dangerously close.
She sidles up to the blonde girl, ordering a ‘sex on the beach’ with a smile to the bartender who she’s known for years. Jaida just winks, sliding over the drink and walking as far away as she can.
Jackie just sips her drink and watches for a minute or so until the girl flips her curls over her shoulder and stares her dead in the eyes. Her eyes are blue. A soul-piercing blue. But they look lost.
“Jan,” she announces, nonchalantly and Jackie has to blink a few times before she realises that the girl - Jan - is saying her name. She gives a frankly stupid little wave before she replies, voice full of amusement at her own stupidity.
“I’m Jackie. It’s lovely to meet you Jan,” she smiles, sipping her drink through the tiny straw Jaida always gives her after she spilt a particularly colourful cosmo down her old favourite shirt.
Jan nods towards her drink, “ Sex on the beach? All I’m getting from this wedding is a handshake in the garden.” She almost manages to maintain her slightly stormy demeanour but she cracks at the last second, blinding white teeth sparkling as Jackie has to hold onto the bar to stop herself falling off her chair in laughter.
“Not a wedding person?” Jackie asks, once she’s settled herself again and Jan tilts her head like she’s wondering why Jackie is bothering.
“I’m alone drinking expensive scotch at a bar,” Jan responds dryly. “I’m a divorce lawyer, I’m not exactly primed for this sort of thing. There is too much hope in this gazebo.”
Jackie feels the twinge of a smile at her cheeks and forces herself to look down for a second. “Fair enough, how do you know Rose and Nicky?”
Jan waves Jaida down and slips a tenner across the counter in exchange for another tumbler. She takes a long sniff and then a sip before she responds. “Rose - Rosé as we’ve called her ever since she chugged a bottle in uni - she was in my Law program - or at least the social work modules.” Jackie hums in approval and also a sort of understanding. She’s very good at putting the pieces together.
“You never planned to do divorces huh?” She asks but this time Jan’s the one to avert her gaze, staring ahead at the bottles of alcohol as Jackie rolls up the sleeves of her shirt  - it’s a warm day and the gazebo holding the bar and the dancefloor isn’t particularly well vented, she’ll bring it up with the company when she gets back to the office.
“Damn Sherlock.” Jan chuckles when she finally comes up with her response, tugging her dress back off the shoulders from where it’s risen up to. “No, I’m trained for family court - name changes, adoptions, custody - the sort of thing with happy children and good, fulfilling life changes. I’m just naturally good at homewrecking.”
“It’s not homewrecking if they ask for it,” Jackie points out, tilting her glass in a way that makes her look a little bit drunker than she is but then again she’s been on the champagne since ten when Rose forced a glass into her hand and the caterers are so well trained they just top you up.
She stands up, wobbling a bit on her heels and the uneven grass. “Wait,” she mutters, Jan placing a guiding hand on her lower back for stability. “You don’t believe in love do you?” It makes Jan snort in a very unladylike way but Jackie is deadly serious. “I’m a wedding planner. I love love. But you don’t.”
“It’s not that I don’t believe in it,” Jan sighs dejectedly, helping Jackie back onto her stool and ordering her another drink, handing out tenners like they’re coins. “I just think it’s underwhelming and disappointing and never ends well. Women will disappoint me. My cat won’t.”
“You’ve never sounded gayer.” Jackie deadpans.
They look at each other inquisitively. Eyes drifting, searching.
“Only one of us wore a suit to a wedding.” Jan points out and they both burst into raucous laughter that makes the conga line (somehow still going) look at them a little strangely.
Jackie takes a deep breath and slams her empty glass on the table triumphantly.
“I’m going to make you believe in love.” She says with such conviction it’s impossible not to believe her. Her eyes twinkle. Jan wonders if this might be easier than either of them think.
Janet are you busy?
I’m taking you to Karaoke.
Jan is pleasantly surprised to see Jackie in a mini dress but she’s also not mad about it. The dress is emerald green, hits just above her mid-thigh and is dangerously strappy and the heels Jackie paired with it make her legs look impossibly long. Jan also dressed up - but her purple mini dress feels more normal - less of a statement.
“Janet!” Jackie shouts from the entrance, clearly already tipsy even though it’s barely gone half-nine. She’s waving rather frantically and it takes willpower for Jan to move towards it instead of away but she reaches the girl who is warm and happy and she feels the stress in her shoulders melt away.
“Hi Jackie,” she sighs begrudgingly, holding the door for the brunette who practically skips into the bar that isn’t that empty. It’s a friday night. She should have expected it.
Jackie spins on her heels when they get inside and she gives Jan a once over with her eyes. “You’re not allowed whisky,” she decides after a little thought and Jan just stands there a little shellshocked as Jackie orders their drinks, winking at the bartender to get them quicker.
When she comes back to the high table Jan picked for them, she’s holding a glass of red wine and something that smells fruity which she sets in front of the blonde. Jan looks at it in disgust.
“What is that?” She asks, hoping she will like the answer.
“Pomegranate Mojito,” Jackie responds, looking smug and not at all phased by Jan’s death glare. “Drink up,” She says in a faux high-pitched tone and Jan mocks her as she sips the unnervingly pink drink.
She makes a face which makes Jackie almost spit out the wine she’d been drinking.
After about half an hour of watching drunk girls from the city university sing Taylor Swift off-key, Jackie decides they’re going to go up.
“I’m picking the song.” She demands and Jan raises an eyebrow, bemused.
“Okay Princess,” she responds because her drink is full again and it clearly had more alcohol than she’d been expecting. She’s a little disappointed that her whisky tolerance didn’t carry over into her weird cocktail tolerance - standing and immediately wishing she’d been sat down again.
Jackie once again leaves and returns smug, pushing the mojito towards Jan in a motion for the woman to down it which she does so dutifully - feeling it slide down immediately - smoother than the vodka shots she’d do in law school but still not quite her favourite scotch.
Bring it fucking on.
The first notes of ‘Nobody But You’ by Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani play and all Jan feels is regret.
She should never have let Jackie on her Spotify. That was a secret.
She is, however, pleasantly surprised to hear Jackie nail Blake Shelton.
Janet, I need to make name cards are you busy?
Fuck no.
Wait sorry, frick no.
Jannnnnnnn pleaseeeeee
I can leave at 5. Meet at yours?
You know where the key is if you beat me there
Jan does not beat her there - it would be impossible - she’s a lawyer who hasn’t left the office before six since she was twenty-two and Jackie owns a wedding planning business that despite having a very cute shop - half resides in her living room anyway. They may both be twenty-eight but they are very different.
Jackie does, however, open the door with a mug of coffee already brewed and a dot of ink on her otherwise bare cheek. It’s all Jan can do not to lick her finger and wipe it away, finding it endearing how the girl’s organised behaviour could turn chaotic on a moment’s notice.
She enters the apartment and relishes in how homey it feels. Her own isn’t as lived in as it should be after five years but Jackie’s is warm and painted in a sage green tone that highlights the light wood floors. She sees the brunette little set up on the rug and feels glad that she keeps a change of clothes in her office as she’s much better equipped to sit cross-legged on the floor in a sweater and some leggings rather than her usual pantsuit.
The coffee is just how she likes it, warm and sweeter than anyone should know about.
Her hair is still in a low bun so she removes one of the hair ties and lets it fall down her back in a wavy low pony, pulling the bits by her ears out so she feels less like she just came from an office and more like she belongs. The apartment always makes her feel this urge to become comfortable and she spends so much of her time uncomfortable she refuses to fight it.
Jackie just smiles as she watches the blonde adjust - it’s like watching a snake shed its skin and even now she looks a little less like the corporate robot she sometimes meets for coffee and a little more like the woman who fell asleep on the couch during ‘Ten Things I Hate About You’ with her mouth open. It’s cute.
They get to work on the cards pretty quickly or at least they try to. Jackie makes her write on a piece of notepaper before she lets her near the nice pens but they both realise rather quickly that her handwriting is chicken scratch.
“I do a lot of paperwork and I have to write fast to keep up with all the yelling,” she whines as she is relegated to writing little notes for the kids at this particular wedding. “How do you even know how to do this?” She asks, gesturing to the fountain pen and the fancy hand-lettered place cards scattered across the patterned rug.
Jackie sighs as some ink blobs at the end of an otherwise perfectly good name card and throws it into the discard pile with a huff. “My calligrapher fell through one time so I figured I could make extra money by doing them myself.” She admits. “Plus it is fun to use colourful pens.” Jan quirks an eyebrow at the mention of the colourful pens, scanning the rug indiscreetly for anything that isn’t black ink.
Jackie chuckles at her indiscretion and stands up, going to the cupboard by the kettle and, instead of pulling out tea or biscuits like one would usually keep next to a kettle, puls out a caddy of brightly coloured pens. She points vaguely to one. “That one’s purple and glittery.
“Purple and glittery?” Jan repeats back with childlike awe that makes Jackie snort indecently with laughter. Jan scowls. “I’m a lawyer, Jaqueline. My special occasion pen is a red biro,” she rebukes with a huff.
“Gimme that,” Jackie makes a grabby hand towards the pen Jan is now clutching and the woman mocks pulling it closer before handing it over. Jackie scribbles it on one of the discarded cards to check it still works and then takes a fresh new one and writes ‘Janet the Boss-Ass Lawyer’ on it in curly handwriting that makes Jan blush. She then fills the edges with hearts and hands it to Jan with a soft smile.
Jan holds it close to her heart before looking at it with tenderness. She examines it in the light of the industrial lamps Jackie has but she decides that’s not enough so she skitters into Jackie’s west-facing bedroom and lets the glitter sparkle in the golden hour sunshine. Jackie’s always three steps ahead of her so she follows slowly and patiently, listening to the soft mutters of the happy blonde who hugs her ferociously once they’re both looking at the sunset.
“Thank you,” she whispers, half holding her breath and Jackie smiles.
“You deserve to always be as happy as you are with that pen.” She tells her, dead serious and Jan nods slowly.
Jackie did not mean for her to take the pen.
Janet do you have my purple pen?
I know it’s your lunch break Jan.
I’m just concerned for the safety of the glitter pen.
“Even her handwriting is romantic, that fucking bitch,” Jan laments as she fills out the crossword.
“Ire,” Katya mutters, pointing to three boxes going downwards and Jan puts her hand out for a high five, pleased when Katya agrees. The word is neatly put in in purple, glittery ink and it brings a little something to her day - one could venture to call it joy but Jan’s never been that sort of person.
Katya’s only just come out of the storage cupboard she entered seven minutes ago and if Jan is right with her timings, Trixie will exit in a few minutes looking dishevelled and still with a hint of red lipstick on the outer corner of her mouth. She will eat an apple while sitting on the counter and be absolutely no use to Jan’s crossword.
Jan decides she is done with them for the day and leaves them to their own devices as she slinks back to her office. She places the pen down carefully in the holder full of only back biros because she likes to know where it is and pulls the notecard out of her briefcase just to look at it. Again. She would hesitate to call this emotion joy.
The notecard grounds her mind enough to sort herself out for the last adoption case of the month and Jan lets her mouth twitch into a smile when she thinks of the kid she’ll be fighting for. He is small, sweet and tenacious and reminds her of Jackie in a way she did not expect.
When he runs into her office, he makes a beeline for her desk and she ruffles his hair in a form of greeting. He has been there a few times before so he is comfortable and he collects the puzzle book from her magazine rack and peruses her pens to fill it in before retreating to the armchair in the back. He picks the purple one and she cannot blame him. She would too.
She settles the papers rather quickly getting everything ready for the court date set in a week and a half. All they need is for a judge to stamp them and the boy can go home secure. She relishes in the opportunity to provide that for him and she texts Jackie about how hopeful she is. Jackie responds with a pen emoji and Jan chuckles at her through the phone.
The pen is safe Jacqueline.
That’s all I wanted to know Janet.
Is this our first fight?
Are you already planning the divorce?
That was low.
I’m not sorry. Get back to work pen thief.
Are you using the mug?
It’s an abomination.
You didn’t answer my question
Jackie makes mugs for all her clients. It’s a personal hobby, decorating them with ‘Mrs and Mrs’ or whatever titles. Sometimes it’s a wedding hashtag. Sometimes it’s for a stubborn lawyer who needs a little more sunshine in her life.
She thinks of it as a joke and it is… to begin with. Then she’s on her iPad making mockups on procreate and it just sort of happens.
It’s a big mug - one of those that carry more coffee than you need with room for whipped cream (there should always be room for whipped cream, says the lactose intolerant wedding planner). It’s a white base with small, bright rainbows that says ‘Girl, you’re testi-fine’ in a graphic nineties font and it makes Jackie want to screech every time she sees it (she keeps it on display for this exact reason because nothing brings more joy than catching it in the corner of her eye during a dull moment).
She wraps it up pretty in silver paper and places it into a nondescript cardboard box for delivery. They meet at a coffee shop one morning when Jan is bored and Jackie has a lull in weddings and she hands it over with a devilish grin that makes Jan squint at her to read between the lines. The lines are not obvious.
Jan does not screech. She stares for a very very long time and then, she lets out a very slow controlled breath. And then she loses it. She cackles loudly and the patrons of the cafe look at the two lesbians in the corner with bemused faces and Jackie doesn’t care because this mug is one of the greatest decisions she’s ever made.
Jan takes it back to the office and fills it with hot coffee - three sugars and almond milk and just sits with it for a second. She almost wants people to see it but it’s so awful she will never admit to it. When Katya walks in, however, she is not angry. The blonde takes one look at the garish print and cheerful message and has to cling to the countertop for support - the mug staring at her until she can breathe again.
“That is the best mug I have ever seen and I demand one.” Katya decides and Jan texts Jackie under the table who immediately responds with a selfie of herself with a plain mug and the caption ‘I am plotting.’
Jackie plots exquisitely and makes three more lawyer-y mugs.
Jan is oddly proud.
Are you busy?
I want you to meet my cat.
“That is the single gayest message I have ever received,” Jackie announces, stepping into the house from the rain and shaking her umbrella out of the door decisively. Jan is already there with a novelty mug with the slogan ‘gay and can do maths’ printed across it, filled with hot chocolate and too much whipped cream and Jackie takes it readily - soaking up the heat of the house to replace some the early winter climate stole from her.
She sinks onto Jan’s expensive but still plush couch and pulls a blanket over herself like this is a usual occurrence. For all the times Jan has been at hers, Jackie has never ventured into the lawyer’s place and yet despite the blondes complaints about how barren it is - Jackie feels at home.
The walls are a little bare, the colours a little dark and the floor is cold even with the fire lit but she still feels cosy under her blanket, mug held just below her chin. Jan sets her own mug of green tea on the sideboard before she exits the open-plan kitchen-living room, on a mission to find her cat. When she returns she is holding a perfectly happy beige and coffee coloured long-haired cat who snuggles into the blonde’s chest with a purr. She nuzzles her nose into it, a blush spreading across her cheek as she notices Jackie stare.
“Jaqueline, this is Marceline,” she says as she carefully holds out the cat who is perfectly happy to be held. Jackie cradles her carefully.
“Hi Marceline,” she coos and Jan smiles softly as she brushes the light cat hairs off her flannel.
Jackie holds the ragdoll cat with one hand and boops her nose with the other, giggling as she pulls her face back, mewling slightly.
“Oh, what’s Jackie doing to you,” Jan coos in a voice Jackie would usually reserve for babies. “What’s the matter, baby girl?” Jackie just watches as the cat is removed from her arms and burrows back into Jan’s chest as she slides back into the sofa with her. Jackie rests her chin on Jan’s shoulder, peering at the clearly attention-spoiled cat.
“You’re a helicopter parent,” she jibes sweetly and Jan very carefully elbows her.
“You would be the worst helicopter parent,” Jan rebukes but instead of laughing, Jackie gulps and leans back a little bit. Jan puts Marceline down so she can face the brunette. “Hey, what did I say?” She asks, confused.
“Sorry,” Jackie mutters under her breath, “I’ve just always hoped I wouldn’t be my mum if I became a parent.” Jan gets it. Well, she doesn’t really get it but she places her warm, fur-covered hand on Jackie’s bare forearm and leans towards her slightly.
“You would be a fantastic parent Jackie.” She tells her sincerely. “I swear.”
Jackie smiles again and Jan thinks she would do anything for that smile.
Jackie I think I’m sick.
Fucking hot.
I can’t trust you at home by yourself can I?
Screw it I’m coming to pick you up. Wear clothes.
Jackie looks at the girl asleep in her passenger seat with a soft but worried smile. She doesn’t look awful - pale and a bit peaky but it’s probably just a fever she tells herself as they drive to the shop. She’s planning to set her up in the back corner on a pile of cushions and blankets scavenged from both of their apartments. Ideally, she’d stay at home with her but winter weddings are just as popular as summer weddings so she’s got a fair few to work on today and she can’t do it from home. Or Jan’s.
She has to wake Jan up when they get there and it pains her a little bit to do so, head lolled against the condensated window - it can’t be comfortable. She rubs a gloved hand up and down Jan’s arm to try and rouse her and she comes around easily but looking sleepy.
“I feel like shit,” she mutters and it makes Jackie laugh because of course, Jan doesn’t become sweeter when she’s sick.
They eventually get her situated with a half-gallon water bottle and a hefty amount of blankets and Jackie will admit it’s adorable to see her cocooned as Jackie sits at the work table with flower arrangements splayed out around her.
It’s just past eleven when Jan rouses from her nap and she squints until her eyes adjust to the relatively bright shop lights.
“What are you doing?” She questions, straining her neck to see what Jackie’s working on. Jackie raises an eyebrow and takes the portfolio over to her, pulling one of the many blankets over her legs and placing a hand on Jan’s forehead as a gauge of illness.
“So,” Jackie starts, flicking open the leather portfolio to the relevant page. “Someone wants a coastal wedding in winter.” She winces in disagreement and Jan lets her head fall onto Jackie’s shoulder.
“Well, love is a beach,” She quips and Jackie rolls her eyes.
“You’re lucky I wouldn’t hit a sick person,” she retorts.
“How do you do this job?” Jan whines after watching Jackie highlight things for ten minutes straight. Admittedly Jan also highlights things but it’s usually in an ugly neon yellow and not pastel blue.
“What do you mean? It’s plan-tastic,” Jackie jokes and Jan looks like she would stab her if she could move her body. “Do you want soup?” She asks trying to change the subject before Jan actually murders her.
“Yes,” Jan harrumphs but she does smile.
While Jackie is making the soup (or warming it up out of the can) Jan flicks through one of the albums Jackie keeps at the back of the shop and finds herself smiling at some of the pictures. She finds the album from Nicky and Rose’s wedding and comes across a picture of her and Jackie at the bar. She’s smiling - they both are. It’s cute.
“She has a heart!” Jackie exclaims when she comes back to the blonde looking at wedding photos and Jan scowls like a petulant child, only taking the soup when Jackie tells her she’ll take it back to the kitchenette and Jan realises she’s not sure she can use her legs at the moment. It’s good soup. It’s good company.
Jackie drives her home at the end of the day, tucking her into bed with a cold compress and when Jan wakes up the next morning she finds the brunette on the couch under ‘her’ blanket with an empty mug of hot chocolate on the sideboard and Marceline curled up by her cheek.
She presses a kiss to her temple and curls up on the other end of the couch with a glass of water, flicking through the channels on the TV until she finds a rerun of Sleepless in Seattle which she watches with the volume on low and subtitles on to let Jackie sleep a little longer.
Are you free tomorrow?
It’s a saturday?
Like 6-12
Should I ask?
City LGBT Gala
It’ll be nice I swear
It’s just Trixie’s bringing a date
Are you asking me on a date Janet?
Would you say yes?
Jan picks Jackie up at six. She stands under the porch of Jackie’s apartment building pressing the buzzer and wondering why you host an LGBT Gala in the middle of January. She leans on the dry wall and watches the spitting rain hit the pavement, grateful for the long black umbrella she’s brought.
She’s in a black blazer with fitted black trousers that end just above the ankles making her short legs look much longer. Under the blazer is a silk camisole in a champagne colour and she’s wearing nude Louboutins to tie it all together. Her long blonde hair is down and she examines herself in the glass door just to reaffirm she looks good. She feels good - better than ever really and as she waits for Jackie she’s pretty sure she knows why.
The Persian is in a floor-length gold dress that fits her just right, her brown hair curled and tumbling down her back.  It all just works and Jan feels like a lucky, lucky woman to be escorting her - she tells her as much.
“God Jackie,” she tells her, eyes wide and honest. “You look… damn.”
Jackie smiles shyly, blushing like she doesn’t believe a word she’s being told. “You don’t scrub up too bad yourself,” She quips back, making a motion for Jan to twirl which the blonde does immediately. “Those trousers are good for your ass.” She doesn’t mean to say it (she does). “Are you sure this isn’t too much?” She gestures to herself this time and Jan shakes her head.
“God no Jacks, you’re gorgeous,” she tells her emphatically and Jackie touches her chin gently in a joking manner to close her gaping mouth. Jan puts up the umbrella and thanks the height of the heels because she’s the almost the same height as Jackie in heels. There’s usually only an inch or two difference but now there’s less than half an inch and she feels powerful.
She helps Jackie into the car and then runs around to clamber in herself - grateful for the taxi.
“So what are we doing?” Jackie asks, nervousness hinting in her voice. She’s playing with the edge of her skirt and Jan takes the hand firmly.
“It should be fun,” she tells her, playing with the ring on Jackie’s thumb. “Me and Trixie are there for our work with trans kids - she’s bringing Katya, you’ll like her. She’s insane but she also does criminal law so it’s to be expected. There’ll be dinner, some activists will do speeches, there’s a queer prom aspect too so we’ll greet some kids and have a chat - you’ll love that. Then we dance and drink heavily.” She takes a deep breath mostly for comedy because Jackie still seems tense and the brunette cracks a smile.
“It sounds fun Janet,” she says, calmer now, intertwining their fingers properly and squeezing.
Jan has to let go of Jackie’s hand to put the umbrella up and they link arms again as they walk into the foyer of the grand looking hotel hosting the gala. They meet Trixie and Katya in the glamorous round-room, Trixie dressed in a rose-pink gown and Katya in a burgundy suit similar to Jans. Jan was right, Katya is insane but she is wonderful and Jackie ends up seated between herself and Jan at the dinner (Jan offered to sit next to the flamboyant charity manager so that Jackie would feel more comfortable and she’s very happy she took the offer).
The first course is Flank steak flatbread with roasted tomato, cilantro, roasted garlic and black cumin mayo. It’s decadent and stupidly delicious and Jackie asks Jan if she can get her the number of the catering company which Jan gladly agrees to, hand on Jackie’s lower back through the opening in the chair. It’s meant as comfort but Katya winks at them both several times and Jackie just blushes until Trixie calls her down. The other people on the table talk to Trixie about her work with LGBT youth and Jackie has to place a hand on Jan’s arm until Trixie points out it’s Jan’s work too and the blonde calms the fuck down. Cocktails are delivered to the table and Jan does not scoff at the fruity beverage. Jackie calls it progress.
For the main, Jan chooses a roasted lamb leg with thyme sauce, ratatouille vegetables and sauté potatoes while Jackie goes for the mixed grill with oriental rice and seasonal vegetables. At some point, Jackie ends up with all Jan’s veg and Jan ends up with half of Jackie’s rice but neither can distinguish when it happened. Nothing much interesting happens in the main course. So far no one has asked why Jackie is here which is a relief to her and no one has openly insulted Jan or said anything particularly incendiary so she feels safe in her peace of mind.
Dessert is cheesecake with berries and it is precisely when Jackie decides she needs to be brought to all future gala events. She whispers this into Jan’s ear and the blonde snorts into a raspberry. Katya watches them both and it makes the brunette feel like she’s done something wrong even when she and Trixie have a perfectly lovely and definitely hypothetical conversation about wedding flowers for people who like pink and red. Jackie assures them that she could do it easily and makes sure to hand over a business card she’s been keeping in the back of her phone for years. As a wedding planner specialising in queer events, she’d figured this could be a good chance for promotion. The whole table ends up discussing Jackie’s business by the coffee and truffles portion of the dinner and Jan just leans back with a proud smile as Jackie hands another business card to the over-eager charity director who wants a ceremony for himself and his longtime boyfriend.
The speeches are good but dull and she drinks her cocktail and then part of Katya’s in waiting for it to be over.
The meeting of the little gay kids in their suits and their dresses and their pronoun pins though is everything Jackie had hoped it would be and more and it makes her heart so happy to watch a teenage non-binary couple slow-dance to Billie Holiday.
Jan hits it off with a six-year-old called Milo who asks her if Jackie is a princess to which Jan replies “yes, she’s the princess of Persia,” and Jackie wants to cry. She takes a photo on her phone of them hugging and texts it straight to Jan because it’s precious.
Somehow, in all the madness, they end up slow-dancing. It’s not really the right song for it and Jackie doesn’t want to get makeup on Jan’s blazer no matter how many times Jan says it’s okay but it’s warm and comfortable and Jackie wonders why she’s spent the better part of eight months not being in Jan’s arms.
They end up on the very edge of the dancefloor because Jackie decides she needs to take her shoes off (she doesn’t) and suddenly it feels more real because Jan is towering above her and she feels like she’s in the rom-com she’s always wanted.
“Jan,” she whispers because the moment feels too important to speak aloud in, “do you believe in love?” She sounds so innocent and she’s looking up at Jan with her brown eyes so fragile that Jan pulls her even closer - the hand on her lower back warm and firm.
“I think we all have a capacity for love,” she muses as they sway out of time with the music. “It’s very human of us. But yes, I believe in love.” Jackie nods slowly, processing what’s being said.
She places her head on Jan’s chest and feels the woman’s shallow breaths in the rise and fall of her chest. She removes her head and looks into the blonde’s ocean blue eyes with a sigh, dropping the hand she’s been holding and wrapping both arms loosely around Jan’s neck.
“Do you know why I believe in love?” Jan asks suddenly. But it’s not sudden, not really, it’s built on layers and layers of coffee dates and mugs and purple glitter pens. Her eyes flick from Jackie’s brown ones down to her lips and back up a couple of times before she answers herself, watching the way Jackie looks completely at ease in her arms.
“You,” she mumbles.
And then they’re kissing and it’s soft but it’s passionate and it tells Jackie everything she needs to know about the way she makes Jan feel. It doesn’t last long, Jackie pulling away before they can scar any small children, but the look in Jan’s eyes is as pure and loving as Jackie has ever seen.
“You did it, Jaqueline,” Jan mutters into her ear, pulling her closer still until they are essentially hugging while moving in a slow circle. “You fucking did it.”
Jackie giggles and presses a kiss to Jan’s nose, having to rise up on her toes to do so, “you planning the divorce yet?” She jokes and Jan rolls her eyes playfully.
“Not a fucking chance.”
What wine did you want again baby?
Just pick up that red we always get
If you’re late for our own damn engagement party Janet I’m divorcing you.
I’m on my way babe. I have the wine. Calm down.
They’re calling it an engagement party but really it’s their closest friends sitting in their living room petting Marceline and drinking wine. They’re celebrating something everyone knew was coming and eating tortilla chips while they do it.
“Welcome to the engage-Jan-t party!” Jan announces to Jackie, Nicky, Rose and Bob as she walks through the door only five minutes early. They’re very lucky most of the group is usually late and Jackie only reminds her of that by raising both eyebrows at the pun and swiftly opening the wine to try and pretend she’s not stressed.
“What have we got?” Jan asks softly, pressing a chaste kiss to her fiance’s cheek as she peruses the alcohol selection. Nicky turns around on the sofa and winks.
“I’ve brought some rosé,” she jokes and Rose hits her before asking for a glass of wine to take the edge of her wife’s stupidity. Bob calls them all dykes before heading to the bathroom to ask her partner when they’ll get here.
Katya and (a very pregnant) Trixie are the last to show up, Rock and Bob’s partner Jinkx turning up only a few minutes earlier.
“Rosé?” Nicky offers Jinkx and they smirk before shaking their head.
“If it’s your wife, no thank you,” they joke and Jan high fives them with a grin.
They end up spending the evening on Jan’s extortionately large couch eating nachos and questioning how Jackie managed to get Jan to fall in love with her.
Jackie smiles coyly and tilts her head, bumping Jan’s shoulder with her own.
“It all started at a wedding…”
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kelirina8 · 6 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Chico's Straw Cornhusk Woven Flower Purse Bag Tote Large Beads Lined Boho.
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intobarbarians · 4 years
part six to this
Kuwabara shakes out the vermilion jewel from the bag and inspects it closely. He’s no geologist, but--
“This is glass.” Definitely not worth the money Hatori paid for it. It’s not even worth the lunch special at Yusuke’s ramen cart.
He sneaks a glance at the blue skinned woman. She loosens the white linen pouch and looks inside. A flurry of emotions passes over her face: confusion, shock, delight, then fear and suspicion. She looks over in Kuwabara and Hatori’s direction before abruptly hiding the money in her apron and shuttering her stall.
“Do you like it?” Hatori asks.
Well, he did, before he realized that a guy he barely knows got scammed paying for it.
Hatori waves off his concern. “It’s customary in markets like this to bargain with sellers. Everything is always overpriced.”
And Kuwabara is the dumb human that doesn’t know anything about demon culture. He must look like an easy mark to everyone here. “Why didn’t you haggle back there?”
“I am not very good at negotiating,” Hatori says. “I don’t have the patience for it.”
Sounds about right for a guy who wins all of his matches in less than a heartbeat.
Kuwabara carefully slips the glass back into the bag. “Thanks for the souvenir.” He’ll figure out a way to pay Hatori back.
The marketplace seems to stretch on forever. “Are you a collector?”
Kuwabara looks up from a straw stuffed doll. It’s almost certainly haunted. “Nah. I don’t know enough about Makai to be collecting stuff, I’m afraid.” He feels ashamed to admit that. This is where so many of his friends come from and he knows next to nothing about this realm. “I did just learn there’s some really cool glass here, though.” He squeezes the bag in his pocket.
“That glass is from a volcanic island in an ocean east of here. The color is a dead giveaway--it’s a specialty of the fire demons there.”
Fire demons, huh? It feels like the universe is having a big laugh at Kuwabara’s expense.
Hatori smiles. “What about human objects?”
He’s got his grandmother’s wood carvings and t-shirts from every Megallica concert he’s been to. The ribbon from the first gift he ever received from Yukina is in the top drawer of his desk. “I’ve always been more sentimental about people than stuff.” Which is so fucking stupid. It’s easier to clean out a closet than his heart.
“My Lady is quite fond of things from earth: books, paintings, and the like.”
It’s never occurred to Kuwabara that demons could be fascinated with human stuff like that. It seems so mundane compared to the magic that’s woven into Makai. “Your lady?”
Hatori nods. “My Lady. She could not come with me. I am unable to leave our home often, so I would like to bring back something for her.”
Hatori is shopping for his sweetheart. Kuwabara’s respect for him skyrockets. Oh! This is his chance to pay Hatori back for the glass. He puffs out his chest and says, “Let me help you! I’m great at buying gifts.” He’s got lots of experience at picking presents out for his sister. “What does your lady like? Does she prefer something practical or something pretty?” Shizuru loves cashmere sweaters and champagne flavored chocolates, which are both pretty great earth things.
His offer catches Hatori off guard. He considers Kuwabara carefully for a moment before his expression melts into fondness. “My Lady is...very romantic.”
A woman after Kuwabara’s own heart. He immediately envisions soft fabrics and bouquets. “I think I know what you mean.”
They turn in a corner into another row of stalls when Kuwabara starts recognizing more and more of the wares being sold. “Jackpot.” The entire section looks like it’s dedicated to selling stuff from earth.
Hatori picks up a hardcover with a knight brandishing a sword on the cover. The title is in French. “Is this very old?” The pages are slightly yellow.
Kuwabara flips to the copyright page. “1917. That’s more than a hundred years ago.” But “old” is relative here. There are plenty of demons that might consider 1917 the equivalent of last spring.
An odd look passes over Hatori’s face. “I see.”
Before Kuwabara can wonder if he said something wrong, Hatori points at another book. The spine is embossed in gold leaf. “Have you read any of these?”
Kuwabara examines all the books in the stall. “Um, I read a third of War and Peace.” Not in the original Russian, though.
Hatori purchases the book on the spot. It’s almost as expensive of the volcanic glass.
Kuwabara scratches the back of his head. He could have bought a copy online for way cheaper than that.
Hatori shrugs. “I won’t need money when I return home.”
The book shop owner reacts as strangely as the blue skinned woman did to the money Hatori gave him. His jaw drops. “Sir, I cannot accept-”
Hatori frowns. “Is the currency no longer good?” He sounds sincerely puzzled.
The book shop owner laughs nervously. “No, sir, it is very good. It’s just-”
Hatori pulls Kuwabara on to the next stall. “I see no problem then. Have a pleasant evening.” They leave the book shop owner sputtering behind them.
Kuwabara is really confused. “What was that all about?”
“He was uncomfortable with the idea he was cheating me too much, I think,” Hatori explains. “But I am perfectly fine with our transaction.”
“Oh.” That doesn’t quite explain what happened, but if Hatori doesn’t mind it, then why should Kuwabara?
They look at bolts of fabric and scarves. Kuwabara holds up a white silk shawl with cherry blossoms stitched along the edge. “This one is really nice.” It reminds him of a brooch his mother loved to wear. Shizuru got it after she died.
Hatori beams at him. It makes Kuwabara feel like he got a perfect score on his microbiology exam. “That’s perfect.”
Hatori pays for the shawl and leaves before the fabric merchant can ask him about the money.
Kuwabara watches the merchant gawk at the money in their hand. They seem too stunned actually chase them down. “Will your lady be happy with her gifts?”
Before Hatori can respond, the ground begins to tremble beneath them.
Seriously? An earthquake? Kuwabara looks around for a place to take shelter. He grabs Hatori’s arm and yells, “Hey, let’s get out of here!”
Hatori doesn’t budge. He bends his knees and centers his weight to keep standing as the shaking gets worse. Kuwabara’s spirit awareness kicks in: this isn’t an earthquake.
Something shatters just out of the corner of his right eye, but Kuwabara looks ahead at the same spot Hatori is watching. People begin screaming and cursing and running away.
Two claws burst forth from the ground. They swing through every nearby stall and send a rain of debris throughout the market.
Kuwabara lifts his arms to cover his face. “What the hell is that?”
“B’valan,” Hatori breathes. A long, chitinous creature with a thousand legs crawls out from a hole bigger than the swimming pool at his college’s student center.
B’valan probably translates into big, fucking nightmare centipede, Kuwabara thinks as he summons his sword and his shield. Boy, is he going to have stories for his next lab course.
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strawbaguniverse · 2 years
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Buy Now Oval Straw Bag - Bali Top Handle Bag - Handwoven Straw HandBag - Market Purse - Seagrass Tote Bag - Summer Rattan Bag - French Basket by BaliPleasure.
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yourjentl · 3 years
French Straw Market Bags
One of the most essential elements in a woman's wardrobe is bags. They are used to store items, match them with clothing, and also to show off a woman's sense of style. Though there are innumerable materials used in the making of handbags the most prized are ones made from natural material. Straw bags are one of them. If you want to buy the right French Straw Market Bags, you can consider visiting "JENTL" and buying the right piece to suit your need and budget. If you have any questions in your mind, get in touch with our experts or visit our official website!
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frenchbaskets · 3 years
Travel Straw French Baskets handle Camel handmade leather goods
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mylowwastelifestyle · 5 years
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How To Have A Zero Waste Kitchen:
Cloth shopping bag
Cloth napkin
Reusable produce bag 
Reusable sandwich bag 
Reusable snack bag
Mesh market bag 
Glass jar
Reusable containers
Stainless steel water bottle
Stainless steel straw
Plastic free scrubber 
Metal lunch box 
Bamboo cutlery set 
Cloth bowl cover 
Tea infuser 
Reusable coffee cup
Reusable coffee filter 
French press
Hand coffee grinder
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