#French Kande
cococouture · 4 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: MS1676-Z The Josephine Necklace – Cloudy Quartz Mix by FRENCH KANDE.
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crazyblondelife · 7 months
10 Little Things I'm Loving Right Now
I finally feel like spring is in the air and I’m so ready! I’ve been reading new books, using new products and buying a few new things for my wardrobe and home! I’m sharing 10 things that I’m truly loving right now…I hope you enjoy this post and get a few ideas! This is the first of a monthly series so please let me know what you think!
French Kande has been one of my favorite jewelry lines for some time now! The pieces are unusual, gorgeous and really make a statement! Above, I’m wearing two necklaces from French Kande as well as a beautiful jewel encrusted bracelet! There are so many pieces to choose from on the website and they have just released their new Rue de Bac collection for spring, so be sure to check it out and find a little something to wear with your new spring clothes!
I am hosting book club at the end of this month and we read The Magnolia Palace which was a story that wove historical information with fiction to tell a story about two interesting lives at two times in history that revolve around The Frick Museum. I absolutely loved this book and read it so quickly! It’s not a heavy read, but definitely a page turner that I think you’ll love as well! Have your read The Magnolia Palace?
I am influenced by influencers every day, but I don’t shop everyday…just sometimes! Well, week before last was one of those times - I saw one of my favorite Instagrammers, Rose Hayes, post these shoes and knew I had to have them! I ordered them immediately and then checked the front porch everyday until they came! I have seriously worn them everyday since I got them and feel very good about this purchase! These shoes by JW Anderson weren’t inexpensive, but sometimes, you have to consider the price-per-wear and I have a feeling that I’ll consider these shoes to be free in the near future. I wore them with white jeans, a black tee and denim jacket to the airport yesterday and felt cute, put together and kind of trendy! And, in case you’re wondering, they are very comfortable! They come in several other colors and I’m obsessed with all of them!
I was gifted this ZO Facial Scrub by the company recently and used it up very quickly! It’s a mild exfoliant that really makes my face feel clean after I take my makeup off at night! It’s kind of like a smoother, scrubber and moisturizer all in one! I take my makeup off with my regular cleanser and then while my face is still wet, I use the ZO Scrub and then proceed with my retinol and moisturizer! I’m ordering two of these at a time from now on because I don’t want to run out!
I cannot say enough about this book from Brianna Wiest! The Pivot Year contains 365 snippets - one to read every day and it’s such a great way to start off your day! Buy one for yourself and everyone you love!
I just purchased this two piece set from Amazon and it’s my forth one! It comes in so many colors and is the most comfortable thing ever! I have it in light blue, a dark tan and a light tan! It washes well and I put it in the dryer. You’ll reach for this over and over again and at $56, you can’t beat the price!
Baldy had a little help with my stocking this year at Christmas and was given advice to buy this body oil from Necessaire! It was the best advice! I keep it in the shower and slather it all over my body while I’m still wet! It’s just so luxurious!
This three wick Grapefruit Nest Candle sits on the table in my entry and I burn it everyday! It’s such a fresh scent and works any time of the year!
I’ve been taking this Armra Colostrum for a little over a year now and love it! I haven’t read a bad review yet and it seems to much better for your system than collagen. I’ve actually stopped taking my liquid collagen and soley taking Armra now. I do take other supplements, but this is one I don’t ever forget! I love that it comes in convenient packets for travel as well as a bulk container to use at home! I add it to yogurt and mix it with my Goop Vitamin C Powder in the mornings.
This is the only item on the list that I don’t own yet, but it’s in my shopping cart! Veronica Beard is one of my favorite brands and I think this little knit jacket will be perfect for spring and go with nearly everything! I love that it’s somewhat unstructured, but also easy to dress up or wear with jeans and a tee!
I’m sitting in the sun on my porch at the Ritz Carleton in Naples Florida as I write this post! I’m getting ready to head to the gym and then to the pool! I hope you all are having the best day and thank you for reading today! I hope you find a little something you’re loving right now!
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lapanachestyle · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: French Kande Necklace Medallion Fleur de lis Graphite Pewter Gray Artisan.
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French Kiss (Skam - Chris x OC) Part 8
Synopsis : Life is a show and Nissen was Christoffer’s stage. He owned the place, people cheered for him, he brought life to the parties and good looks to his group of friends. But after high school he wasn’t so much of a star boy anymore and he found himself being terribly alone. Who really knew the real him? Only the people who got a backstage pass to his life could claim to do. But amidst all the turmoil of his young years, a strange girl is going to stumbled in his life - neither of them will be prepared for this.
Word Count: 3k
Part 7 <<< >>> Part 9
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Rule number eight: The quickest way to someone's heart is through their fourth and fifth rib.
              Chris remembered sitting down on his couch after somewhat cleaning his apartment. It was a couple hours ago and he was still in the same position. Maybe he was over thinking this whole date thing, maybe it wasn't worth getting gray hair over it. He should definitely relax and let the flow guide him, just show up ten minutes late and strut in the room with his hands in his pockets and a lazy smile on his lips. Yes, he vaguely recalled doing that numerous times back at Nissen and he even remembered that it worked nine times out of ten.
            At the time it wasn't important for him to make a good impression as long as he made a lasting impression. Cleaning his entire living space just because a girl came over to eat pizza wouldn't even have crossed his mind, and now he couldn't think of anything else but that stain of alcohol he couldn't get out of his couch's arm rest. Helen already knew what his apartment looked like so he couldn't entirely rearrange the space or anything drastic like replacing the entire fucking couch last minute.
            Again – over thinking. Surely, she didn't even care or wouldn't even notice. They usually hung out by the fire escape stairs, sometimes less than dressed down, barely awake or almost asleep, a beer in one hand, a cigarette in the other, blinded by the first or last rays of the sun. Weird how a day would turn out either great or terrible depending on those moments. Waking up to Helen sitting by her window one story above him, eating her cereals and staring at the city in the early moments of the day, was the perfect example of what Chris considered a good start. Going to class sure was a pain, but at least he didn't have to eat his breakfast alone with William the cat.
            That cat seriously started to get on his nerves – a bit like William the human piece of garbage who left him for his fucking scones and fish'n'chips. For instance, right this moment, the cat sat by the edge of the kitchen window and stared at Chris' limp form slouched on the couch like a boneless mess, and he judged him from afar. That small ball of fur was giving him a 'See what hot mess you've become?' glare, and at some point, Chris gave up and stood up to open the window so William could go out and stop this little game of his. His cat giving him judgmental stares was the last thing Chris needed, he was already berating himself enough.
            Helen would most certainly not arrive at his door with her arms full of pizza boxes, dressed to the nines and in heels. She would be in jeans and t-shirt, her hair would be tied back for practical reasons and her makeup probably off. And he would still be nervous about this evening. Hell, he should have waited until tomorrow to ask her out. Andre's voice interrupted his thoughts to tell him that he would have chickened out if he hadn't done it at the library. Chris liked to think that his friend was wrong – even though he wasn't even there, his advice being a mere figment of Chris' imagination – and that he would have won over Helen at some point anyway.
            Something he noticed a while ago was that he developed a tendency to simply wait and see. It was his new approach to nearly everything. It didn't sound like him at all to stay passive and wait for things to happen to him instead of making them happen. Andre said that he lost his fire. His parents thought he was depressed. Chris simply thought he has been a little off his game – for the last couple years.
            A loud and rather abrupt knock on the door caused Chris to jerk forward and get ripped out of his thoughts. He was on his feet before his brain could process what was happening. The door flung open so quickly it scared the person who stood behind it – a person who was not his lovely upstairs neighbor but a person who had pizza in their arms.
“Ugh, Christoffer Schistad?” the boy asked. He looked barely fifteen and his hand shook a little as he handed over the pizza to Chris without even waiting for an answer.
“Pepperoni pizza without olives for you, it's already been paid for- oh and she asked me to give you this.” The boy then proceeded to pull a crumpled piece of paper out of his Domino Pizza jacket and placed in on the pizza box. “G-good evening, sir.”
            And the kid dashed away before Chris could collect his thoughts and say something. He closed the door with his foot and set the pizza down on the coffee table in the living room. His attention was elsewhere, Chris forgot about the food and focused on the paper which he unfolded and read attentively with his brows knitted together in confusion.
“I promised you a pizza :) I'm sorry I won't be able to come and share it with you but Shansa had an accident involving a kitchen knife and I had to take her to the ER. Maybe see you later by the window? - H”
            In a fit of rage and frustration, Chris threw the paper out of said window and nearly flipped the pizza off the table too but he quickly recomposed himself. He ran a hand through his hair and rubbed the back of his neck, wondering what to do now. He suddenly found himself being restless – he couldn't simply shrug this off and eat his pizza alone, with William the cat judging him even harder. Maybe his cat was right to judge him, maybe he should do something – anything. Although the gesture was appreciated, Chris disregarded the pizza and once again left the couch. He headed for his room to grab a sweater and swiftly put on some shoes before exiting the empty apartment.
            When he reached the elevator, he realized he forgot to feed his cat and turned around to fill his bowl, then ran out again. In one smooth and trained movement, Chris pulled his phone out of his back pocket and dialed Andre's number. He never answered before the fifth tone, he said it naturally filtered his incoming calls.
“What are you doing now?”
“I'm not doing anything, we're hanging out at Astrid's place watching reruns of The Voice. You on the other hand should be busy right now,” Andre snickered. Of course, the bastard hadn't forgotten about Chris' pizza night. He was wortse than a high school girl.
“She bailed. Her roommate's at the hospital,” Chris sighed in the phone and stopped walking at the bus stop. “I'm outside now, I was gonna go do something thoughtful and romantic but then I realized I have no idea what either of those words imply.”
            There was a gasp and a sound of protest then a girl's voice rang through the phone.
“Chris, my child,” Astrid started with a parent-like tone. “This girl you both seem to think is some kind of divine creature is just a girl, okay? It's not like she didn't want to come, if she took her friend to the hospital, it must have been serious. Stop trying to constantly impress her, she'll grow tired of it trust me.”
“Don't listen to her Chrissy!” Andreas' voice exclaimed. “That's what they want us to think!”
“It's the truth, just relax and wait for her to come back, it's just a pizza night, not a freakin' wedding rehearsal dinner,” Astrid continued. “Be yourself, you're not as much of a fuckboy as you like to think, and if she’s not blind, she’ll see past your short comings. Now if you don't mind, I'd like to enjoy the rest of the evening with my boyfriend. Sometimes it feels like you two are married, I swear to God! Don't do anything stupid, okay? Bye!”
            And just like that she ended the phone call and Chris was left to listen to the dead tonality.
“And they say they're my friends,” Chris huffed as he put the phone back in its designated pocket.
            Out of brilliant ideas – or just plain old ideas for that matter – Chris sat down on the bench next to the bus stop. He seemed to have made a habit out of this – just sitting down somewhere and getting lost in his thoughts without ever finding any solution to his problems. The sun set and three buses drove by before he finally got tired of waiting in the cold of March, and left the bench. Instead of walking right back to his place he decided to take the long way home and walk through the park – if only to avoid the constant noise of the traffic and the people.
            It began to rain but Chris had run out of fucks to give a long time ago and merely put on his hood and kept walking straight ahead. The way back to his place took less time than he expected. He was yet again trapped between those empty four walls. Only this time he had an idea.
  “Is this a bad moment?” Chris asked hesitantly when a strange ginger girl with her hand bandaged up opened the door, a crooked knowing smile stretching her lips.
“It's never a bad moment for pretty boys and pizza,” she replied cheekily although she had never met him. “Helen!” She turned around and called over her shoulder. “Your suitor is here and he brought dinner!” Then she looked back at him and gestured him to get inside.
“Shansa, is it?” he asked out of pure formality. “I'm Chris.”
            She grinned and nodded before snatching the pizza from his hands and scurrying off to the kitchen. Just when things were about to become awkward for Chris who was standing on his own in the hallway, Helen came into view and holy molly, he was not prepared for this. She looked out of breath and a little disheveled, but oh so stunning. It was a strange mixture of her dressed up attire of earlier today and her more relaxed clothes. It seems that Shansa and her knife interrupted Helen's changing because she still wore her skirt but it was paired with a men’s shirt, which was messily tucked inside the skirt, and a pair of worn-out flat shoes.
“Chris!” she exclaimed, as if surprised. How many 'suitors' did the girl have? “What are you doing here?”
            He kicked off his shoes and walked forward, trying to put as much nonchalance as he possibly could in his demeanor. This never required as much effort before.
“Came for our pizza night,” he said with a shrug. No big deal. “I brought your pizza by the way but your hungry roommate already took it.”
            She laughed. It sounded different than usual – relieved, nervous, excited, all at the same time.
“You didn't have to do this,” she said sweetly but still let her hand reach toward Chris to gesture him to follow her.
“But I wanted to. I was looking forward to sharing a pizza with you.”
“But it's half past ten, Shansa is on painkillers and I still haven't gotten the time to change,” Helen said in a sigh before setting her tired eyes on him. Maybe it wasn't a good idea after all. “I'm glad to see you nonetheless.”
“Present perfect and 'nonetheless', huh?” Chris asked and raised an eyebrow. “Have you been reading grammar books behind my back?”
“No, silly! But I sit at the back of some open classes sometimes, they said I could do that since I work at the library,” she explained.
“Hey!” A feminine voice called for their attention and both their heads turned to Shansa who stood in the kitchen door frame, only wearing colorful leggings and a knitted sweater with her initial on it, holding a piece of pizza up to her mouth. “When you two lovebirds are done giving heart eyes to each other, maybe we can sit down and eat that pizza with a pack of beer, yeah?”
            She had reverted back to English again, the painkillers probably not helping.
“The doctor said not to drink when you are on medicine,” Helen replied with an affectionate tone but accompanied by an eye roll. “We’re coming.”
“That pizza's cold by the way,” Shansa said in between two bites. “Kudos to you pretty boy, the only thing better than warm pizza is cold pizza.”
“Don't even listen to her, she's already weird normally but the medicine is making it worse,” Helen laughed. “Come sit down, I'll grab the beer. Shansa please don't scare him away.”
“Whatever you say roomie,” she grumbled. “I'm charming and witty, if that scares him away, he's not worth it-” she said to Helen who was already walking away before turning back to Chris and adding “-but you're still a sweet sight for sore eyes.” As if it changed anything.
“You sound like my friend Andreas,” Chris suddenly said, only realizing how accurate it was when the words had crossed his lips.
“Is he single?” Shansa asked eagerly while leaning forward and chewing on her pizza.
“No,” Chris snickered. He liked that girl – whether it was by nature or the meds, she wasn't afraid to speak her mind and he liked that. A quality that Andre somehow managed to turn into a flaw because of his big mouth but still- it was appreciated.
“His loss,” she said dramatically. “Need help with those beers sweetie?” She asked louder for Helen to hear.
“Don’t come whining to me if the beer makes you sick,” she said upon entering the living room, carrying a tray with three glasses and several bottles.          
            She set it down next to the pizza box on the coffee table and Shansa used her phone to put on some music while Helen took place on the couch. She naturally chose the spot next to Chris, simultaneously too close and too far away from him. Only Shansa was oblivious to that – or if she noticed she was very good at pretending she didn't see.
“I'm happy to see you – again,” Helen said again lowly, only for Chris to hear. “Couldn't think of anything better to lift the mood after the scare she gave me,” Helen scrunched up her nose and pointed at her friend who decided to take up as much space on the couch as she could since the other two were glued to each other.
“It was an accident!” she protested. “Don't be mean, I'm the one with a severed finger,” she pouted to elicit some compassion from Helen but the girl merely rolled her eyes again, obviously used to her friend's antics.
“Poor thing,” Chris laughed. “You know I tend to agree with her Hel, she could have died after all.”
“See?!” Shansa exclaimed in her most dramatic tone. “Your boyfriend is on my side!”
“He's not my-” Helen began but stopped and rubbed her eyes with one hand. “Shansa, stop being a baby before I make you drink your beer from a sippy cup. Her finger is still attached by the way.”
“Do we have a sippy cup?” she asked and she sounded all too eager to actually try and drink her beer from said cup.
            Chris observed and ate in silence as the two girls bickered back and forth with increasing enthusiasm, as though this was their very way of communicating.
“Why'd you call her Hel?” Shansa suddenly asked him, waking Chris from his trance like state. She nodded her head in Helen's direction as if to make sure he knew what she was talking about.
“It's short for Helen?” Chris answered hesitantly, the statement almost coming across as a question. “And Hel's a goddess in Norse mythology,” he added and immediately regretted, feeling as if he had dug his own grave by doing so. The smirk on Shansa's face indicated that this is what she was trying to make him say in the first place, knowing full well that Hel was short for Helen. “What? You said you wanted to study Norse medieval literature, so you must know her. I listen, see?”
“The Godden of the underworld,” Helen commented before grabbing a piece of pizza – before Shansa ate it all – and chugging down some beer. It really was uncanny to see her act so relaxed and laid back when she was still wearing that no doubt expensive skirt.
“It comes from helja and means 'to welcome' or 'to shelter', but she is the goddess of the dead. She receives the fallen warriors dead in battle,” Chris explained under the girls' puzzled gazes. “What? I did take a course on that, it's not just random trivia I pulled out of my ass.”
“She's like, the Scandinavian version of Persephone?” Helen added.
“Except she rules the underworld alone, and she's a maiden,” Chris added with a shrug.
“That means she's a virgin,” Shansa whispered to Helen although Chris could hear it.
“I know what it means, you silly,” Helen said. “It's very interesting though, it's a rather advanced way of thinking to put your afterlife in the hands of a woman for the time and it's fascinating to see the difference between the way the Greek and the Scandinavian people consider women. Could be a good memoir subject to compare the two and their influence on literature, it-”
“Oh! Stop it girl! You're giving me a headache!” Shansa interrupted Helen's passionate rambling, making her blush out of embarrassment in the process.
            Chris on the other side stored that information away in his mind, taking mental notice to bring it up later since she seemed so transfixed by it. History and literature were her thing after all, that's why she came to Norway in the first place.
“This pizza would be better with olives,” Shansa then commented, giving a disappointed glace to her piece before shoving it in her mouth.
            Helen face palmed upon seeing her friend act like she was raised by wolves and stood up to get some napkins.
“But you, my friend really know the way to a girl's heart,” the ginger girl told Chris as soon as Helen was out of eavesdrop.
“Do I?” he asked, unconvinced. “What would that be? For future reference.”
“Through her stomach, duh!” she stated as if it was obvious.
TAGLIST: @bathshebaa @golden-guide
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cosmiclovestyle · 7 years
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Yoins: hippie 70's vibes by styling-w-mabel featuring a flower pendant
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Daily Etymology #101
Candy comes from the Middle English sugre candy (sugar candy), from the Old French sucre candi, which translates as candied sugar. This itself originated from the Arabic sukkar qandī. Qandī came from qand which meant rock candy, from the Persian kand. Kand may have come from the Sanskrit khaṇḍa which meant a piece or candied sugar or it may have come from Proto-Dravidian *kaṇṭu, which meant candy.
* indicates a reconstructed word
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cococouture · 4 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: RB2268-Z The Vivienne Necklace – Blush Moonstone by FRENCH KANDE.
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crazyblondelife · 8 months
Valentine's Day 2024 - Outfit Ideas, Recipes & More
I’ll have to say that January has been kind of blah and I’m ready to welcome February! Valentine’s Day seems like a bright spot in the month and something to look forward to and spring is right around the corner!
What could be better than a day celebrating love by dressing in pink and red, giving and receiving flowers and eating delicious food? Chocolate anyone? Today, I’m sharing some casual Valentine’s Day looks, a pink table scape that I’m swooning over and ideas for snacks and charcuterie that you’ll love!
When it comes to Valentine’s Day fashion, I like to be understated and not too crazy! I’m sharing a few ideas below that I think are fun for casual day/night. I don’t love to go out to dinner on Valentine’s Day because restaurants are usually crowded with pre-fix menus. I much prefer to make something easy and stay home with a nice bottle of Champagne and a few chocolate covered strawberries.
Today, I’m teaming up with my friends Darcy Vandenberg of Dear Darcy and Dawn Parsons of Party Till Dawn to bring you the best of Valentine’s Day! Be sure to check out their blogs and follow them and keep scrolling for all the V-Day inspiration!
My first look is made up mostly of pieces that have been in my closet for a while…a red sweater paired with a pair of wide leg cropped jeans with a scarf and my Gucci low heel pumps. The sweater is newer from Vince, but sadly sold out, but I found an almost identical one from Alice Walk! The scarf is from Cabi and very old, but I’ve linked a fun Kate Spade heart scarf below that so cute that I ordered it myself! The jeans are several years old and my shoes (almost identical here) were purchased in Paris when I visited my daughter last year! I’ve worn them so often…they are forever shoes…classic and so comfortable!
This next look (again with jeans) features my new pair of Madison Maison gold cowboy boots and I’m obsessed! If you don’t know this brand, be sure to check it out because the shoes are fabulous (loving this pair of jeweled green heeled loafers)! I’m wearing the same red sweater with an older faux fur coat from Abercrombie and a pair of straight leg, cropped Veronica Beard jeans! I added some bling with my necklaces (see below).
Why not add a little bling…after all, it’s Valentine’s Day! I’ve combined two necklaces to get my layered look…a long strand of pearls from Julie Miles and a shorter medallion necklace from French Kande!
I have pieces from Cabi in my closet that I’ll never let go of because they’re just too good and this coat is one of them! It’s such a classic piece and I pull it out every year! I found one on Poshmark and linked several others that would work with this look including a pink one from Sam Edelman. The bag is one that I also pull out every year, but I probably should wear it more often…why not? The jeans are the same ones Veronica Beard…I have loved these because of the length and the fit. My gold shoes are favorites from Bells & Becks.
The next look isn’t red or pink, but I think still good for Valentine’s Day. The coat and blouse are from Sea and two of my favorite pieces. I wish I had taken the coat off and photographed the blouse because it’s so cute but it was a cold day and taking off my coat never entered my mind…it’s linked below so be sure to take a closer look. It’s made from black eyelet, has some sparkly sequins and will go right into spring with white jeans. I paired these pieces with cropped, cuffed jeans and my Stuart Weitzman booties that I wear so often! My bag was a Christmas gift from Baldy (here’s a similar one from Tory Burch!
I had so much fun creating this fun table scape with vintage pieces and pink pieces from Haand Pottery! This is a perfect way to entertain friends for Galentine’s Day and it’s so simple to put together! I created this table very spur of the moment and didn’t have time to make anything homemade, but I think it still turned out great! I topped a small table with a vintage white tablecloth and started layering. I used vintage Depression Glass along with milk glass pieces and a few other odds and ends combined with pink Haand pieces to create a fabulous and interesting table. Don’t be afraid to sprinkle jelly beans and conversation hearts everywhere and throw in a few rose petals for good measure! You could use cheese and crackers along with chocolates or really anything you like! I think the key is in the interesting combination of pottery and vintage.
It may not surprise you to find out that I have a collection of espresso cups and anytime I see them in an antique or vintage shop, I buy them. Sometimes, it’s just a single like the one pictured above, but I always find a way to use them…they’re just so cute and add a pop of color or pattern to a table. I also like to make a tray of different cups with similar colors and serve espresso in them!
As always, you can use my code CRAZYBLONDELIFE to receive 15% off your purchase from Haand. These pieces mix and match so beautifully are it’s nice to add a handmade touch to your table! This pink set, which was created for Vivian Howard’s Charleston restaurant, will be perfect for summer entertaining
Valentine’s Day Goodies
Last year I made Valentine’s Day Chex Mix with my grandsons and they are asking to make it again this year! It’s such a good gift for them to give their friends or teachers…they can make it (for the most part) and everyone loves it!
As you know, I love to create Charcuterie Boards and Valentine’s Day or Galentine’s Day is a great time to make one. Get the details on this fun Valentine’s Day Charcuterie Board!
Last year, I did a post on combining cheese and chocolate! It’s a surprisingly good combination and makes for a beautiful display! Learn more about pairing Cheese & Chocolate!
I hope you have a wonderful last day of January and I hope you’ve enjoyed this post…I would love to know your Valentine’s Day traditions as well! Do you get dressed up and go out to dinner or do you prefer to stay home? Leave a comment and let me know!
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lapanachestyle · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: French Kande Necklace Medallion Fleur de lis Graphite Pewter Gray Artisan.
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another2bohemians · 4 years
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French Kande
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wellstyledlife · 6 years
Gray Day in San Francisco: What I Wore
Gray Day in San Francisco: What I Wore
We had a touristy day in North Beach yesterday capped off by Irish Coffee and a rousing card game. The Mr. and I hopped on Bart early to meet his sister for lunch at Sotto Mare. The weather was seasonably (for San Francisco) cool and very gray, so since my coats are all packed for our move I wore layers.  (more…)
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a day out. by capritcorn featuring creeper shoes ❤ liked on Polyvore
StyleNanda beige dress 3,120 INR - stylenanda.com
Kendall Kylie tie front shirt 2,925 INR - pacsun.com
Isabel Marant long sleeve shirt 15,270 INR - vestiairecollective.com
J.Crew ripped jeans 5,155 INR - jcrew.com
Agent Provocateur bra 3,705 INR - net-a-porter.com
Lingerie bra 1,215 INR - weekday.com
T.U.K. creeper shoes 2,130 INR - retrorebels.com
Vans sneaker 3,015 INR - vestiairecollective.com
Converse pink shoes 2,110 INR - vestiairecollective.com
French Kande long pendant necklace 10,990 INR - maxandchloe.com
New Tech Kites Paper Airplane Kite 2,860 INR - fab.com
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tavelrose · 6 years
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i kissed a girl, and she kissed me by teeenagers featuring Harry Allen ❤ liked on Polyvore
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cococouture · 4 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: The Thalassa Necklace RB2264-Z by FRENCH KANDE.
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crazyblondelife · 10 months
6 Winter Outfit Ideas
Happy Wednesday! Today, I’m sharing 6 winter outfits that are festive and warm that I hope you’ll love! All of these outfits are somewhat dressy (only one pair of jeans) and would take you most anywhere! I think the best thing about all of the looks is that they are made up of very versatile pieces that can be mixed and matched with so many other things to make different outfits! Versatility is key when it comes to having a wardrobe that really works! I did shop my closet somewhat when creating these outfits so all of the exact pieces aren’t available but I’ve linked as similar as possible. I hope you’re inspired by these looks!
The first outfit was created around a new holiday jacket from Mango! I love this jacket because of the Chanel vibe and sparkly thread. It’s a great color to wear with black, off white or even light wash jeans. My jeans are skinny jeans from Veronica Beard that are still available and also come in black (I linked both). The boots are several season old from Tory Burch but I managed to find them so if you want the exact boots, they are linked. I’ve loved these boots because they are warm and the color is neutral so they go with everything! The blouse is older from Joie and my jewelry is from French Kande!
I had so much fun putting this outfit together and I’m planning to wear it for a girls night that I’m hosting in December! It’s such a fun look but still very wearable and warm! The skirt is new from Loft (very affordable) as is the sweater. I purchased the boots last year from Free People and my funky pearl necklace is vintage. The longer strand of pearls is from Julie Miles.
I was introduced to the Brochu Walker brand this year and it has become on of my favorites! The clothes are very well made and so luxurious! The brown pants are faux leather and the light blue sweater is the softest cashmere! My boots are older from Ba&sh Paris and my bag is an ancient one from Kate Spade that I still love!
This look is my version of menswear for winter! The camel coat is a fabulous one that I’ll keep forever from Veronica Beard. I nabbed it on sale about 3 years ago and it’s definitely going in my bag for my trip to New York tomorrow! A camel coat is so versatile and looks great with nearly everything! The rest of the outfit is made up of what I would consider closet essentials. A pair of black loafers, black leather pants and a black cashmere crewneck. The belt adds just a touch of polish to the rest of the outfit! I kept my jewelry simple with a necklace from Devon Woodhill. Devon Woodhill is a new to me jewelry brand that I love. The designs are beautiful and pieces to give and wear for a lifetime!
Yes you can wear black and brown together and it looks amazing! My pants are vegan leather from Lysse New York, the sweater is from J. Crew (I want one in every color) and the vest is from Brochu Walker. The bag is another ancient one from Kate Spade (such a coincidence)!
If you haven’t experienced Sleeper Pajamas yet, what are you waiting for! This look will be my Christmas morning outfit…heels and all, because…why not! The feathers are so much fun and very festive! I’m still looking for the perfect outfit for Amos!
The holiday season is crazy and I’m feeling a little crazy too, but excited to leave for New York in the morning for our annual mother/daughter trip! We always have so much fun and I can’t wait! We’re staying in West Village this time and will be right across the street from the Union Square Farmer’s Market! I’ll be on Instagram stories and sharing a blog post soon! Have a great day!
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lapanachestyle · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: French Kande Necklace Medallion Fleur de lis Graphite Pewter Gray Artisan.
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