#Fred Purser
ones-g · 9 months
ᗩᑎᎥᗰᗩᒪ 丅ᗴᗴ丅ᕼ
Chapter Three.
>Cap. Two!
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<ᴼᵐⁿⁱˢᶜⁱᵉⁿᵗᵉ >
The land was once again desecrated, this time the young people dug a couple of graves for the lifeless bodies of their traveling and even living companions. Certain girls wiped away their tears as they looked with pain at each of the graves. Vanessa had mentioned that Rachel was due to see Oasis at the Meadowlands next month. Victoria dryly swallowed the little saliva she had in her mouth. The youngest remembered the talk they had once had together about the band. —She was very excited— She murmured to herself.
“Actually, Wonderwall is my favorite song, yours Vic?”
“I only know Wonderwall!”
Pains in her chest began to bother her too much. Her lip was curled and her head was bowed to the ground. Her left foot began to grind the soft earth she was stepping on. Her funeral was terrible for him. More so when they involved young lives. Like that funeral of her only dark-skinned cousin. They had shot him mistaking him for a “criminal”, he was only 15 years old.
Suddenly Laura Lee's voice began to be heard clearly due to the melancholic silence of the circle of young people. —Rachel, you had just moved from JV, I didn't know you very well— The blonde said, attracting Victoria's attention. –I must admit that in Trigonometry you never confused secants with cosecants, it was obvious how smart you were…- Laura Lee remained silent.
—She liked volleyball, but she was afraid of the players because they were too tall... that's why she joined us— Victoria declared in a low voice. –She was sweet, she liked romance novels and she loved her cat who died last summer... I think they will meet after that long separation- She finally concluded. Laura smiled at her friend in gratitude for participating. Van added just one observation to throw out. –Lord, please accept Rachel Goldman into your arms so she can fill your kingdom with music. I also ask you for Coach Martínez, and for the purser Janet and our pilots Robert and Fred-
Ty had decided to let go of Victoria's hand, she looked at her out of the corner of her eye to confirm that she was okay. Laura Lee was about to finish praying for the deceased when Ty decided to intervene. “I'll go for a walk” she turned around and walked straight through the forest. Victoria stared at her. He wanted to go with her, he couldn't stand the idea of ​​hearing an “our father” coming from her friend. She believed in God, but at this moment the situation was drowning her more and more.
She swallowed again, determined to leave without explanation and follow Ty to wherever she went. –Amen- she released the chestnut ironically. She immediately copied the taller one's movements. She turned around and deigned to follow at a brisk pace.
–Taissa- She called her, she did not turn around, rather she gave him a knowing laugh. –Where are you going? – Asked the shorter one.
–Wherever my feet take me... will you accompany me?-
– Will we have deep talks? –
—Iugh passed- She declared, laughing at the opponent's proposal.
-Then I'll accompany you- Victoria hurried again to be close to the other. –Do you think we will find a treasure? – She joked.
—Do you think you are a pirate? – She asked with grace. The brunette raised her shoulders in response.
–We may find scattered clothes or a broken suitcase– She assured.
–I need to find Natalie's suitcase- –Ouu and why is that?-
–She has bottles of alcohol for sure-
–You're not wrong, she said herself that she had brought a few- They both laughed.
–Speaking of alcohol, wasn't it that you weren't going to drink for anything in the world? –
—In special situations I need some vitamin in my body– Both teenagers walked aimlessly in their minds. At times they remained silent after saying something that they needed to think about in silence but then they continued with other topics of conversation, none of them touched on topics that really needed to put a definitive pause on the talk or the walk. They had respected the code “no deep talks.”
Both of their feet were already starting to hurt and each one's stomach was growling louder and louder. "I think we should go back," Victoria said, stopping short. –My feet will swell if I don't rest for at least 30 minutes–
–You've been very soft lately…–
–Hmm… hello! I have a cut that has been hurting like hell for three days now – Ty rolled his eyes, turning his back on his companion. She looked everywhere, nothing seemed interesting in that space. But the girl had a hunch, there was something that would be fundamental for her and the team, she could feel it. (Maybe her curiosity to continue was driving her crazy). "Stay here, I'll take about ten more steps and come back," she informed Vic. She nodded without any problem while she leaned on a dry log.
Ty continued on his way, turning around steep grades and even some mud puddles. The ten steps had already passed and he had gotten too far from Victoria. She stopped when he regained consciousness. She had left Victoria alone in an unknown forest without any energy to run in case any danger threatened her life. Determined to return, she turned her head slowly. And, there she was. Just a few kilometers away is the treasure, the joy of the thirsty. Aquatic life. An immense lake called, she screamed for attention. A smile of abundant happiness spread across Ty's face.
Her energy and hopes returned to her and with all the euphoria he returned to where he walked to look for Victoria. Recognizing some footprints of his shoes near Victoria, he began to shout her name. "Victoria!!" When she heard her friend shout her name, horrible images came to her mind: “Did they attack her? Did she hurt herself? Did she fall off a cliff? Did an entity appear?” Thousands of unanswered questions invaded the girl's head. With the last of her strength Vic rose from the ground with a wandering movement, she had sprained her ankle.
–Victoria- Taissa appeared, giving Vic a surprise, making him scream in fear. –Victoria there is a lake! –
—Ty are you an idiot!? I thought something bad had happened to you… – she whispered with her hand on her chest to lower her heart rate. Ty's smile did not leave his face and that caused the brunette a slight confusion. -A lake? What with that? –
–If we move towards that place, we have more benefits, be it water, food and we are even out of danger, the forest is immense… anything can come out of the trees, and even the dead can rise…– She said with total sincerity. Victoria raised an eyebrow reproachfully.
–Don't talk like that… it's stupid – The opponent quickly apologized for what she had already said. –Your idea is not bad, in fact I'm already tired of that place and I need a bathroom… – Ty smiled even more when he heard how Vic agreed with her proposal. Now they had to tell the others and start moving. –One more thing…– Vic said. –I need you to carry me–
—No way-
–I won't be able to walk because I just bent my foot, plus these are already burning thanks to this girl scout walk, I need you to carry me– Taissa bit her inner cheek to think about it, she was also tired but not hurt, she was hungry but with renewed energy to run a few kilometers carrying her friend.
–Okay, but the moment my back doesn't give any more, I'll throw you away- Vic nodded without reproach.
<ᴾᵒᵛ 'ⱽⁱᶜᵗᵒʳⁱᵃ>
–She turns left, I can see the wing of the plane– Despite putting a lot of weight on Ty's back, she didn't leave me on the ground at any time. Ty's steps were strong but were already starting to slow; she had run more than four kilometers by herself without resting.
–Let me get off, we are close–
–It's not necessary, I'm fine and even more so, we're close… don't worry. Guide me where to go-
–Continue straight, you will see a somewhat curved tree, on the left we will be with the others– Ty nodded to my words. She held my legs tighter. I noticed that she took a breath and expelled it in a matter of seconds. It was obvious that she was going to start running. I held on to his shoulders out of instinct and security, I wasn't going to fall taking Ty to the ground with me.
Taissa began trotting her where I indicated. I remained silent, closing my eyes as I felt my abdominal wound being pressed every time by Taissa who jumped to avoid stepping on a stone.
Ty's steps calmed down, some voices of our companions could distinguish.
—I'll get off but take care of me— Ty asked me. I nodded firmly. When I touched the ground I allowed myself to release a sigh of defeat. In my face I adorned a terrible grimace from which my companion laughed. —What hurts you?— She asked when my left arm passed through his shoulders.
—the right foot is still weak— I replied to what she laughed again. —Talk they on the lake, I'll go with Misty to see if this is solved
—Okay …— Being in view of all the other Taissa spoke while I separated me from his support. —Girls! Girls I need to listen to me— he exclaimed calling the attention of anyone who listened.
For my part I died in looking for Misty while going through the middle of the others. Shauna was the first to get up and ask me if I was fine when I was breastfeeding from one leg. "It's nothing …" I hits my arm to prevent the chestnut from grabbing me. It was not necessary since Misty was a few meters away with coach Ben.
"You'll do with Misty?" She asked what I nodded when he felt his totally worried gaze focused on me. And I must admit that Shauna's eyes were not the only ones who looked at me.
—They give attention to Ty, he found a lake which can benefit us— I shouted trying well the words like that everyone understands me.
To the latter the murmurs of the others began to hear "a lake?" "Why would we need a lake?" Unconsciously my eyes rolled. Taissa continued, his voice was calm and with a hint of authority as much as hope. —We can walk?— I heard Shauna ask.
Misty smiled at me strangely. He moved away from the coach and put his hands on his hips while analyzing me from head to toe.
—Your ankle again, right?— It seemed my mother's attitude, when she was going to scold me.
—still sensitive …— I replied. She approached enough and then guided to a closed suitcase. It made me sit and extend my leg to support it in yours.
—It was your footwear, it is not very ideal to walk on rocky roads with these— She said when unbuttoning my sandal. —It is not serious, a slight swelling … if we had ice you would be better but … for now… rest— I nodded with a slight smile. She lifted again down my leg gently.
Suddenly the demanding voices of Jackie and Taissa were heard violently. We both turn towards your address. —And if the rescue arrives?— Jackie asked.
—Do you think they are taking effect? If they knew where we would have arrived— Ty replied.
An ironic snort left Jackie's lips. —You don't know that— She said. I turned to see Misty and to my surprise she returned to Martínez. It was like a damn tick.
Laura Lee's voice caused her to look at her, the girl asked the older about "what he thought." He began to doubt. I didn't know what to answer. His hands were still pressed his beheaded and that sincerely gave me shame to see. This was not Ben who knew. His voice trembled by saying that we would have to leave him for his condition. The blonde denied the idea. —We can do a … kind of stretcher— I proposed not listening to anyone contributing anything.
—We have a turn to load it …—Ty accepted my proposal with a smile from ear to ear as well as several girls. —It's a joke? You are also wrong, it limps like the damn janitor and danger to open your stomach when trying to load it— Jackie intervened. —I'm sorry but for me it is much better to stay here—
Sigh. Jackie was right, at this time I was also a burden for the group. Fucking fucking.
—It doesn't need her to load— said Van. —I can take your turn if necessary, it's called empathy in case you didn't know— he said sarcastically.
Vanessa Palmer, who would do without her? We both smiled with complicity. —We will have a vote— Ty proposed.
Capturing all the attention again. —All in favor of waiting here, please raise a hand— Several girls built. But they weren't enough. —And … all in favor of going to the lake?— And as expected, those who supported this idea were the majority, we had won. —It's decided, take your things—
The walk was extensive, but I had the advantage of knowing where to step on seeing my footprints. If I did not exaggerate so much, we had spent about 20 minutes walking, nothing wrong to be in a misaligned row with a somewhat heavy cargo.
Misty recommended looking for a resistant branch to support me and not put all my weight on my foot. The idea really served me but I continued with the inability to move to my liking. Just by my side was Lottie. During the walk he asked me of everything, if I was hungry or thirst or if it hurt too much, if I wanted to rest or rely on it. I denied her protective friend questions several times. It was sweet but did not need that kind of containment.
A rotten smell was installed in my nostrils. I turned to see if Lottie smelled exactly the same as me and confirmed it to see her press her nose with her fingers.
—Why smells like shit?— I asked. —I don't know … it's horrible— she replied, giving me a way to go on when he noticed that the road became smaller and smaller.
Natalie's back posed in my eyes. —Be careful— Lott told me to see certain deformation on earth.
—Holy Shit—Natalie exclaimed. Out of the corner of my eye I managed to see a dead creature on the ground. That was the rotten smell.
I had an arcade when I saw how a bird put its beak in the dead body of the animal feeding on it. —I'm going to vomit— I whispered.
Lottie touched my back so that I continued walking but faster. I heard Shauna ask about what I could do that. Ben replied that the wolves in herds were those indicated to attack that way.
—Hey… hmm Matthew … I think now if I want water—
We had walked approximately 7 kilometers, my body unconsciously took stock by not having more strength on my legs and occasionally my shoulder collided with Lottie's. This was trying to walk at my level and that appreciated it.
It was a matter of trusting whoever is to reach our destination. Again the rivalry previously formed between our captain and Ty showed off again in the air. I surrounded my eyes and exhale heavily when we noticed that we should raise an steep floor. I took with my last strength the thick branch of which I held and uploaded to me. The suitcase that carried with me did not bring me any benefit.
—Oh shit— Van exclaimed. —We got it bitches—
Then I hurried. I hurried to rise, to push a little stronger the suitcase that my skillful hand loaded behind me. I hurried my weak steps.
And I saw it. I saw the lake, I felt my cheeks burn when smiling at that place.
—Let's not waste time— Ty said when he arrived at my side. He took my shoulders and squeezed me next to her.
In seconds our rags were all over the place. The laughs flowed as much as the ice water that caressed my píes. The moment was fantastic.
—I want to say, be careful, don't make sudden movements why the points are very easy to get out … Victoria are you listening to me?—
—You have to be careful, okay?— She asked again, his voice was heavy to my ears that sought calm.
"Okay," Babbling . I feel that he moves away when she listens to my answer and knows that she is not happy for this. But I don't have the luxury of thinking. I can't even stand to keep my gaze on Natalie.
The blonde dominated my mind, some time had passed in which she had not seen her half -naked silhouette. And I don't want to sound like a stalker, much less a pervert. But his body was hypnotizing. I kept turning my back like that night I was the one who maintained my distance when I was on his back in front of her.
Natalie turned a microsecond and felt her eyes stick to mine. I had caught seeing her without containment.
I tried to evade his eyes, as I analyzed looking for the mini reaction of shame. I felt my shoulders tense and my jaw aggressively press.
"Too many clothes!" Someone screamed and then blatantly threw water at me. The shirt that covered me had been soaked by the joke of a redhead. —Make yourself to the water tare! Or are you afraid to become a siren?— Brome again. I laughed to listen to her.
—My feet are submerged— I said clearly and with a pinch of hesitation in my voice.
Vanessa denied. —I demand that you enjoy this lake in a decent way. Don't make me drag here— I surrounded my eyes for the third time in the day. But this time I agreed. My hands went to the edge of my shirt. —We have an exhibitionist among us— Again I heard the playful tone of the redhead. And I followed the game. I started to wiggle my hips while listening to applause, whistles and laughs of others. I am apocus my wet shirt came out of my body and my support was exposed to everyone. —cute bra!—Mari shouted. To what I turned to see her. And I realized that both Mari and the others had seen me do the show. Including Natalie.
My eyes went to the lips of the blonde by noticing as the word "sexy" silently spell. But I ignored her.
I ignored how my face was dyed with a violent crimson. I ignored how my heart accelerated. I ignored the sweat that had formed in my hands. And as if it were a siren as they said, I got into the water. Let me carry out the flow of this.
The fire we have with Scatorccio will never end. And we both know.
The group of survivors had fun under the mantle of the lake. The time they had passed under the era indefinable and that did not worry.
—I would kill for an ice cream— Little Victoria was surrounding her best friend. Charlotte doubted to share the chestnut response.
—I would kill for a fucking Sushi— She admitted the highest making the opposite laugh. They both had different tastes but wanted the same. Decent food —If we get out of here I swear I will buy all the ice cream you want— —Why?— Victoria asked. —I need to create promises to feel able to survive in this place— The jet replied with his head and a sad smile on his lips. —I want to fulfill all the promises I do—
Both young people kept silent. Victoria stretched her arms and wrapped Lottie in a hug. —We will continue from here … and when I do it, I will try to eat Chinese food— Charlotte omitted a laugh.
—You hate Asian food— he said and both fangs showed happily.
—If … that's why I said I will try— they both separated from the hug, the lowest of the two began to swim around the other.
The silence seized the talk. But a long distance reflection seized Lottie's interest. —Vic, look that— She said, pointing to his finger the restless reflection inside the forest. —That … it's interesting— Lottie nodded confused by continuing to see it.
Suddenly Lottie was screaming at others about that reflection in the hill. All when confirming what the girl had discovered hurriedly came out of the lake.
The reflection could mean two things. One: a part of the plane or two: a window of some cabin. But Lott had a bad feeling, his steps were doubtful and his shit was lost. I knew that I wanted to say something about this but he was silent, he swallowed his words. Although she had seen that reflection, it seems to be, that he regretted having found it.
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brookstonalmanac · 11 months
Birthdays 11.5
Beer Birthdays
William G. Jung (1886)
Rob Widmer (1956)
Alastair Hook (1963)
Greg Hall (1965)
Craig Purser (1966)
Kim Sturdavant (1979)
Five Favorite Birthdays
John Berger; artist, critic (1926)
Eugene Debs; labor organizer (1855)
Will Durant; historian (1885)
Sam Rockwell; actor (1968)
Jim Steranko; comic book artist (1938)
Famous Birthdays
Bryan Adams; Canadian rock singer (1959)
Washington Allston; artist (1779)
Peter Emmerich; animator, illustrator (1973)
Myron Floren; accordionist (1919)
Mo Gaffney; comedian, actor (1958)
Art Garfunkel; pop singer (1941)
Famke Janssen; Dutch actor (1965)
Vivian Leigh; actor (1913)
Andrea McArdle; singer, actor (1963)
Joel McCrea; actor (1905)
Corin Nemec; actor (1971)
Peter Noone; English rock singer (1947)
Tatum O'Neal; actor (1963)
Gram Parsons; rock guitarist, singer (1946)
Robert Patrick; actor (1958)
William Daniel Phillips; physicist (1948)
Roy Rogers; actor, singer (1911)
Natalie Schafer; actor (1900)
Sam Shephard; actor, playwright (1943)
Elke Sommer; actor (1940)
Walter Stanley; Green Bay Packers WR (1962)
Tilda Swinton; singer (1960)
Ida Tarbell; writer (1857)
Chef Tell; actually Friedman Paul Erhardt, celebrity chef (1943)
Ike Turner; singer, pianist (1931)
Bill Walton; L.A. Clippers C (1952)
Fred Lawrence Whipple; astronomer (1906)
Ella Wheeler Wilcox; poet (1919)
Christopher Wood; writer (1935)
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vmonteiro23a · 1 year
ONCE IN 78’: Penetration: "Life's A Gamble"
ONCE IN 78’: Penetration: “Life’s A Gamble” “October 11, 1978 PENETRATION The latest single from Penetration is “Life’s A Gamble,” from their new LP “Moving Targets”. It’s flipped with the non-LP “V.I.P.”. The songs include the band’s newest  addition, Fred Purser who joined on guitar in July.” .punk diary
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vintagewarhol · 6 years
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duchessdaisybat · 7 years
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Who else is terrified right now cause I sure am!
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12thdoctorwhomst · 7 years
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I'm so excited for this show!!! I just can not wait! Olan even got David Tennent in it! I hope they have Doctor Who references.
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montanabohemian · 7 years
@olanrogers is officially the coolest human person on the planet
gina torres and david tennant
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papermoonloveslucy · 4 years
March 8, 1935
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Directed by William A. Seiter Produced by Pandro S. Berman Screenplay by Jane Murfin, Sam Mintz, and Allan Scott, based on the play Roberta by Jerome Kern and Otto A. Harbach, from the novel Gown’s by Roberta by Alice Duer Miller
Filmed at RKO Studios
World Premiere March 7, 1935 in New York City
Released wide on March 8, 1935
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Irene Dunne (Stephanie) was nominated for five Oscars between 1931 and 1949. In 1938 she appeared with Lucille Ball in Joy of Living. 
Fred Astaire (Huck Haines) received an honorary Oscar in 1950, and won a competitive Oscar in 1975. He appeared with Lucille Ball in Top Hat (1935), Follow the Fleet (1936) and Ziegfeld Follies (1945).  
Ginger Rogers (Countess Scharwenka / Lizzie Gatz) did five films with Lucille Ball. In 1971 she appeared as herself on the “Here's Lucy” episode “Ginger Rogers Comes to Tea” (HL S4;E11), filmed during an actors strike. 
Randolph Crane Scott (John Kent) also appeared with Lucile Ball, Astaire and Rogers in Follow The Fleet (1936). 
Helen Westley (Roberta, Aunt Minnie) also appeared with Lucille Ball in 1934′s Moulin Rouge. 
Victor Varconi (Ladislaw) was a Hungarian-born actor making his only appearance with Lucille Ball. 
Claire Dodd (Sophie) was born the same year as Lucille Ball. This is their only film together. 
Luis Alberni (Voyda) was a Spanish-born actor making his only appearance with Lucille Ball.
Ferdinand Munier (Lord Delves) did six films with Lucille Ball between 1933 and 1936. 
Torben Meyer (Albert) was seen with Lucille Ball in The Farmer and the Dell (1936) and played the German Bandleader in “Lucy in the Swiss Alps” (S5;E21 ~ March 26, 1956).
Adrian Rosley (Professor) is a Romanian-born actor making his only appearance with Lucille Ball.
Bodil Rosing (Fernande) is a Danish-born actress making her only appearance with Lucille Ball.
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Fashion Models
Lucille Ball makes her 21st film since coming to Hollywood in 1933.
Virginia Carroll
Diane Cook
Lynne Carver
Lorraine DeSart
Betty Dumbries
Maxine Jennings
Myrna Low
Margaret McChrystal
Marie Osborne
Wanda Perry
Donna Mae Roberts 
Kay Sutton
Wabash Indianians 
Hal Borne
Halbert Brown
Candy Candido
William Carey
Phil Cuthbert
Delmond Davis
Ivan Dow
William R. Dunn 
Howard Lally
Muzzy Marcellino
Phil McLarind
Charles Sharpe
Gene Sheldon
Mike Tellegen 
Sam Savitsky 
Dale Van Sickel
Anna De Linsky
Judith Vosselli
Chris Marie Meeker 
Charlotte Russell
Zena Savina 
Mike Lally (Bar Patron)
Michael Visaroff (Waiter)
William B. Davidson (Purser)
Mary Forbes (Mrs. Teal)
Rita Gould 
Grace Hayle (Miss Jones, Reporter)
Jane Hamilton
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Synopsis ~  Football player John Kent tags along as Huck Haines and the Wabash Indianians travel to an engagement in Paris, only to lose the gig immediately. John and company visit his aunt, owner of a posh fashion house run by her assistant, Stephanie. There they meet the singer Scharwenka (alias Huck's old friend Lizzie), who gets the band a job. Meanwhile, Madame Roberta passes away and leaves the business to John and he goes into partnership with Stephanie.
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Lucille Ball, who appears uncredited in this film as a fashion model, would later buy RKO, the studio that made this film. At the height of their success during “I Love Lucy”, she and Desi Arnaz purchased it and renamed it Desilu Studios.
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Lucille Ball decided to try out for this film when she heard RKO was looking for girls who had worked as models at Bergdorf Goodman in New York City. She had not actually been employed by Bergdorf, but had participated in a fashion show a promoter had put on there, so she applied and got the job.
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The original 1933 Broadway production of Roberta featured Bob Hope and Fred MacMurray, both of whom played themselves on Lucille Ball sitcoms. Chorus member Leon Alton was a background artist on many episodes of “The Lucy Show” and “Here’s Lucy.”
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A 24 year-old Lucille Ball, decked out in white-blonde hair, white furs and wearing a white gown, appears at 1:37:30 in the fashion show sequence. Lucille Ball originally had dialogue that was later deleted.
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In the 1971 “Here's Lucy” episode “Ginger Rogers Comes to Tea” (HL S4;E11) Lucy adds a sugar cube to Ginger's tea for the title of each of her favorite films.   When Lucy realizes she’s put six lumps of sugar in Ginger’s tea, Rogers says she only wanted Top Hat and Roberta (two lumps).  
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Clips of the film were included in “Hollywood the Golden Years: The RKO Story: A Woman's Lot” (July 17, 1987). Lucille Ball is also interviewed in the episode. 
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Fashion Shows were the subject of several Lucille Ball sitcoms: Lucy Ricardo models a Don Loper original; Lucy Carmichael did an impromptu fashion show in a restaurant to get close to Danny Kaye; Lucy Carter did the same thing to help out her daughter Kim, who got her first job at a fashion boutique.
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Roberta earned Lucille Ball a promotion at RKO: from clothes horse to actress!  Little did Maxine Jennings (red head) know Lucille Ball would eventually steel her thunder as a carrot top! 
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Some theatre managers took the bold step of offering patrons a money-back guarantee! 
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brookstonalmanac · 2 years
Birthdays 11.5
Beer Birthdays
William G. Jung (1886)
Rob Widmer (1956)
Alastair Hook (1963)
Greg Hall (1965)
Craig Purser (1966)
Kim Sturdavant (1979)
Five Favorite Birthdays
John Berger; artist, critic (1926)
Eugene Debs; labor organizer (1855)
Will Durant; historian (1885)
Sam Rockwell; actor (1968)
Jim Steranko; comic book artist (1938)
Famous Birthdays
Bryan Adams; Canadian rock singer (1959)
Washington Allston; artist (1779)
Peter Emmerich; animator, illustrator (1973)
Myron Floren; accordionist (1919)
Mo Gaffney; comedian, actor (1958)
Art Garfunkel; pop singer (1941)
Famke Janssen; Dutch actor (1965)
Vivian Leigh; actor (1913)
Andrea McArdle; singer, actor (1963)
Joel McCrea; actor (1905)
Corin Nemec; actor (1971)
Peter Noone; English rock singer (1947)
Tatum O'Neal; actor (1963)
Gram Parsons; rock guitarist, singer (1946)
Robert Patrick; actor (1958)
William Daniel Phillips; physicist (1948)
Roy Rogers; actor, singer (1911)
Natalie Schafer; actor (1900)
Sam Shephard; actor, playwright (1943)
Elke Sommer; actor (1940)
Walter Stanley; Green Bay Packers WR (1962)
Tilda Swinton; singer (1960)
Ida Tarbell; writer (1857)
Chef Tell; actually Friedman Paul Erhardt, celebrity chef (1943)
Ike Turner; singer, pianist (1931)
Bill Walton; L.A. Clippers C (1952)
Fred Lawrence Whipple; astronomer (1906)
Ella Wheeler Wilcox; poet (1919)
Christopher Wood; writer (1935)
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the-nerdy-fangirl · 7 years
y'all the final space cast video had me crying. all those peeps on the show I've been waiting my ass off for + my toothbrush harmonizing with the music? such an iconic moment.
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pasttenselibrarian · 5 years
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1. The original crew of The Love Boat (ABC, 1977-’86) included, from left, yeoman purser Burl “Gopher” Smith (Fred Grandy), bartender Isaac Washington (Ted Lange), Captain Merrill Stubing (Gavin MacLeod), Dr. Adam Bricker (Bernie Kopell), and cruise director Julie McCoy (Lauren Tewes).
2. Jill Whelan (second from right) joined the cast in the show’s third season as Stubing’s daughter, Vicki, while Ted McGinley (third from left) hopped onboard as the ship’s photographer, Ace Evans, in season seven, and Patricia Klous (second from left) replaced Lauren Tewes as Judy McCoy, Julie’s sister, in season eight.
3. The real-life “love boat,” the Pacific Princess, was operated by Princess Cruises from 1975 to 2002.
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vintagewarhol · 6 years
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lipehsseriesefilmes · 6 years
Final Space
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Final Space é um desenho bem legal de assistir. Com uma linguagem bem tranquila e informal a serie é baseada em uma escapada intergaláctica segue um astronauta chamado Gary, que é preso com uma sentença de 5 anos em uma nave isolada no espaço por fingir ser um piloto e destruir acidentalmente 92 naves de combate, após 1818 dias de sentença na nave Gary conhece seu ajudante destruidor de planetas e lhe dá o nome de Mooncake. Juntos, os dois embarcam em jornadas perigosas e emocionantes pelo espaço, a fim de desvendar o mistério de onde o universo realmente termina e se ele realmente existe. Claro que sempre temos um bichinho fofo para nos cativar nesses desenhos. 
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Olan Rogers – Gary Goodspeed, Mooncake, Tribore Menendez, vozes adicionais Fred Armisen – KVN Tom Kenny – HUE David Tennant – Lord Commander/Jack Tika Sumpter – Quinn Airgone, Knightfall Steven Yeun – Gatito (Little Cato) Coty Galloway – Avogato (Avocato), Bhero Caleb McLaughlin – Jovem Gary Ron Perlman – John Goodspeed John DiMaggio – Terk, vozes adicionais Gina Torres – vozes adicionais Shannon Purser – vozes adicionais Keith David – Superior Stone, Bolo Andy Richter – Gatekeeper, vozes adicionais Conan O'Brien – Clarence, Chuck, vozes adicionais Tobias Conan Trost – Anunciador da Ordem dos Doze, vozes adicionais.
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Apesar de não haver muito o que se falar. É uma serie maravilhosa, e vale a pena assistir. Infelizmente não são tantos episódios quanto gostaríamos e deixa um gostinho de quero mais. A segunda temporada da serie animada está prevista para Setembro/2019.
Fonte 1
Nota: ⭐⭐⭐  _   _     3/5
XoXo Lipeh ♥
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here are my thoughts: (in no particular order)
- prison fight club ??? i hate it
- veronica please stop touching sweet pea thanks
- but bonus points to veronica this episode for every time she stuck it to hiram
- i want penny peabody to STEP 👏🏼 ON 👏🏼 ME 👏🏼
- jughead in suspenders AGAIN is going some weird shit for me and i don’t like it
- also joaquin and archie are a team i didn’t know i needed to see
- are all these adults not feeling weird af for fighting with actual teenagers the way they are ???
- not a big fan of anything goes. but i didn’t like that song much before so it was already hopeless to me.
- also love that josie is trying to find her own sound but still sings covers just revamped, good on that one ras
- alice doesn’t trust betty but sure trusted her enough to ask her, a 16-17 year old girl, to help her hide a body O K A Y
- polly’s hair is so CUTE but that’s it i don’t care about anything else
- evelyn evernever is creepy but also really really cute ??? like i just wanna pinch her weird little cheeks
- fp grabbing jug like that made me actually like cringe like that’s a big no no idc how mad you are
- f*lice ??? more like ... no thanks (that’s it that’s all i’ve got)
- love fp’s bean tattoo though
- betty and jughead being able to have sex in the bunker without being creeped out is so ... odd to me ??? knowing all the shit that has gone down in there
- sweet pea and fangs are mentioned multiple times throughout out the episode but seen for a total of two seconds looking FOINE ??? cool thanks for the BREAD CRUMBS
- toni actually getting to talk about something that wasn’t cheryl was cool
- if we never see mad dog again i will be U P S E T if they actually killed him i swear to GOD
- it’s annoying how freakin’ handsome hiram is. it’s super annoying.
- fred andrews comin’ in hot against the warden i am READY and HERE FOR IT
- was honestly shook @ the woman i saw in the background of the prison fight club sesh who was dressed like a kindergarten teacher ??? just sayin
- i’m annoyed they made ethel so wacko because i love shannon purser that’s not RIGHT
- reggie looked ... so good 👌🏼
- where was hermione ??? i wanted to see her reaction to the speakeasy
- kevin annoyed me without even doing anything so that’s where i am on that
- was moose in his RROTC uniform at the speakeasy ??? odd choice but i get it i guess
- i miss sheriff keller where is he
- i love reggie mantle
- that’s it
hmu for any questions, comments, concerns, or discussions
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mothric · 7 years
hey hey hey so I have no idea what Final Space is about, and I *could* look it up, buuuuut I'd rather hear it from you. Care to enlighten me?
Final Space is a passion project by youtuber Olan Rogers (an absolute bundle of sunshine and a hilarious storyteller- you may know him from Ghost in the Stalls or Bad Apple). It is, simply put, an epic space opera about space.
It follows the adventures of Gary Space, who’s voiced by Olan, which explains his … unique use of the English language. He is a highly enthusiastic, high-risk, kind of dumb astronaut who’s working off a prison sentence on a spaceship devoid of other life (not counting HUE and a number of robot minions). I think the official synopsis says Gary’s gonna embark on a mission to find the end of the universe. The first two episodes have been focused on establishing characters and their motivations, so we haven’t gotten there yet.
Speaking of characters!! We’ve got HUE (the ship’s snarky command center voiced by Tom Kenny), Mooncake (adorable floaty alien sidekick), Avocato (full of salt and definitely not a cat), Quinn (I barely know anything about her yet but she’s kick-ass and I love her already), and the evil Lord Commander (voiced by David Tennant!!), and many more!
SPEAKING OF VOICES!! The show will also be featuring Steven Yeun (Voltron), Shannon Purser (Stranger Things), Caleb McLaughlin (Stranger Things), Fred Armisen (Portlandia), and even heckin Conan O’Brien.
I’ve seen the first two episodes and love it so much already, it’s hilarious and the animation’s great. if you like Olan’s sense of humour, you and this series will get along swimmingly.
anyway I should shut up and just let you watch a trailer or two
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river-ocean-cruise · 4 years
Kiss the 'Love Boat' Goodbye
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If you remember Saturday night TV dominated by a double-header of feel-good, travel-inspired shows, with the ‘Love Boat’ followed by ‘Fantasy Island’, this is the end of an era.
The ‘Love Boat’ is sailing off into the sunset. Princess Cruises’ most famous ship, the Pacific Princess, has left the fleet.
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Princess Cruises tells us that, in its years at sea, the Pacific Princess sailed, “more than 1.6 million nautical miles, including 11 unforgettable World Cruise voyages and countless cruises to exotic locales.”
But its real legacy is pure fiction.
The Pacific Princess popularized modern cruising to millions of TV viewers through its star role as the ‘Love Boat’. In the romantic comedy/ light drama by feel-good TV producer Aaron Spelling, the zany antics of Captain Stubing and his team, as well as shipboard lifestyle aboard the Pacific Princess, became part of TV viewers’ lives for 250 episodes and 3, hour-long popular TV specials years after the series wrapped.
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The series was based on a non-fiction book ‘Love Boats’, written by real-life cruise director, Jeraldine Saunders.
Long after the wrap of the ‘Love Boat’ TV series, its spirit sailed on, with an enduring relationship with Princess Cruises, which continued to invite the ageing cast to ship naming ceremonies and events.
As recently as 2015, Pacific Princess sailed a ‘throwback cruise’, recreating the cruise line’s very first itinerary to the Mexican Riviera in celebration of the 50th anniversary of Princess Cruises. Cast members sailing with this special cruise included Gavin MacLeod ('Captain Stubing' and Princess Cruises Ambassador), Fred Grandy (Gopher, the chief purser), Ted Lange (Isaac, the bartender), Bernie Kopell (Doc, the ship’s doctor), Lauren Tewes (cruise director, Julie) and Jill Whelan (Vicki, the captain’s daughter). Together with the guests, they celebrated the role the show played in Princess Cruises’ five-decades-long history introducing the cruise line – and cruise vacations – to an audience of millions.
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For that cruise, Princess debuted a featured, Valentine’s Day cocktail ‘The Isaac’ in honour of the character of Isaac the bartender and his scarlet jacket. Actor Ted Lange, even demonstrated ‘The Isaac’ (and revived his signature ‘grin-and-point’ move) in this video, complete with era-appropriate funk soundtrack.
“Most people don’t know that while I was serving up drinks on the Love Boat, I also became a licensed bartender in real life,” said Lange. “If a bartender recognizes me, he or she always wants me to try their special drink. Now, I’m excited for everyone to try my special drink and I know they are going to love it. Like the song says, “come aboard, the Isaac’s waiting for you!” 
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Enjoy ‘The Isaac’ at home to celebrate your own Valentine’s Day, the legacy of the Love Boat, and a return to cruising!
 ‘The Isaac’ Ingredients:
2 oz white rum
2 oz pomegranate syrup
½ oz fresh lime juice
splash of club soda
lime slice(s)
2 pineapple leaf spears
Fill highball glass with 2/3 ice or desired amount of ice. Into a cocktail shaker, add ice, white rum, pomegranate syrup and lime juice. Shake and strain into highball glass, filling just to the top of the ice. Top off with club soda and garnish with a fresh lime slice and two pineapple spears.
 True fans of the ship will be able to rediscover the Pacific Princess under a new name. The ship has been bought and added to the fleet of boutique cruise line Azamara.
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