#Fostering Agency
r0hitdhiman · 2 years
What disqualifies you from being a foster parent in Birmingham?
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You may be eligible if you fulfil several statutory and practical requirements to become a foster parent in Birmingham. These specifications could, for instance, state:
Age: The minimum age for non-permanent parents is 21.
Health: Foster parents must look after their physical and mental well-being.
Criminal history Foster parents are not allowed to have a history of violent or child-abusive crimes on their record.
Housing: Parents should select a location that meets specific safety and health requirements rather than staying with their children.
Income: Temporary parents should be paid regularly to support themselves and the developing child.
Along with fingerprinting and the child abuse and neglect registry, background checks for foster parents include individual investigations.
Foster parents must regularly attend meetings and workshops to maintain their licences.
Because every case is unique, the agencies licencing and monitoring foster care placements decide whether a person should be disqualified from serving as a foster parent in Birmingham.
Children may be placed in foster care from birth to 18. In England, Scotland, and Wales, young people can stay with their former foster parents until they reach age of 21. Young people in Northern Ireland can stay in foster homes while enrolled in training, employment, or an academy. Each fostering agency must identify foster parents from various backgrounds to meet the needs of nearby children in care. There are various types of foster care.
Two-fifths of the children in care, aged 11 to 15, are in foster care. Many family fostering programmes prioritise finding foster parents for teenagers. Other fostering services allow foster parents to care for children with specific learning disabilities, young parents and their children, siblings, and asylum seekers without parents.
Inquire about the people in need of care as you fill out an application.
Every child has fits of rage in which they scream, kick, punch, or throw things.
Whether it was planned with non-permanent parents, other family members, or people outside the home, the hostility can occasionally seem overwhelming and insane.
As foster families, we must recognise that numerous kids have experienced severe neglect, abuse, or harm. Their fear of the unknown might have had an impact on their behaviour.
Because they do not know how to react to boundaries, predictability, and a loving and safe environment, many of our kids frequently act out to restore the chaos, rage, and unpredictability to which they have grown accustomed. However, our superb therapeutic approach and support will assist you in overcoming obstacles.
As a foster parent, you will learn to recognise the kids based on their behaviour and look at their history.
Some children's behaviours may appear out of nowhere due to memories, scents, or locations they are familiar with.
It's essential to give our kids a chance to identify their problems. You should gently approach them even if they wait to open up immediately and persist until they do. We will be there for you at every stage, even though we understand that reaching you may take some work.
After such traumatic early experiences, it is normal and acceptable for kids to feel upset and angry. We all experience it occasionally, but children frequently exhibit emotional instability compared to adults. Children may take time to open up to their foster parents because they must first get to know and trust them. Because they haven't had the best up to this point, it can be challenging for our youth to trust adults.
The best fostering birmingham, Fostering Families, was started by committed professionals to improve children's lives. Our mission is to provide foster care that is as appropriate, knowledgeable, and considerate of the local authorities and children as humanly possible. Our fostering services are used by management in Birmingham, the South East, the Midlands, the North West, and the North East of England. Due to the increased demand for foster parents, local governments frequently find that more children need foster homes than they can accommodate.
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britannia112 · 11 months
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moniyng · 2 years
Fostering in London | Fostering Families
When a child cannot live with their parents or other family members, fostering affords them a safe and nurturing home environment where they can grow. Foster parents, often referred  to as foster carers, devote a lot of time and energy to their work and take satisfaction in knowing they have made a difference.
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When you seek to become a foster care provider, you immediately join something much bigger—a team that creates the conditions for both your success and the success of your foster child. Fostering is a technique to provide children and teenagers with a stable home environment when they cannot always live with their parents. Children in foster care have the chance to thrive in a family environment that is safe, secure, loving, and caring. 
One of the best foster agencies in London is Fostering Families. The fact that each child and adolescent is different makes it difficult to define a "typical child." You should expect, however, that they will need security, stability, and the chance to grow and thrive with carers who understand fostering and have empathy for the child's situation, just like any child or young person. The difference between foster care and adoption is that children in foster care still have legal obligations to their birth parents and the local government. An adoption order nonetheless severs a child's legal connection to their birth family. Foster parent placements could last anything from a few hours to several years. Many children return to their family homes, but some can get long-term support through residential care, adoption, or ongoing fostering.
Fostering in London
Those who desire to nurture must be at least 21 years old and mature enough to handle the responsibilities of motherhood.
Adequate fitness, well-being, and health to care for children until adulthood.
Able to offer a secure home with accommodation for one or more children. Living in your own house is not required.
Possess the chance and time to nurture. You can foster without leaving if your career is flexible enough to suit the requirements and you have a support system.
A group of passionate professionals established an independent fostering agency called Fostering Families to improve the lives of children. Our goal is to provide children and local authorities with the most appropriate, professional, and caring foster care possible.
Those who desire to nurture must be at least 21 years old and mature enough to handle the responsibilities of motherhood.
Adequate fitness, well-being, and health to care for children until adulthood.
Able to offer a secure home with accommodation for one or more children. Living in your own house is not required.
Possess the chance and time to nurture. You can foster without leaving if your career is flexible enough to suit the requirements and you have a support system.
A group of passionate professionals established an independent fostering agency called Fostering Families to improve the lives of children. Our goal is to provide children and local authorities with the most appropriate, professional, and caring foster care possible.
Source : https://www.reddit.com/user/drishti_jindal/comments/zx6dyq/fostering_in_london_fostering_families/
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horizonfostering · 2 years
Can You Be a Social Worker and a Foster Carer?
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Social workers play a vital role in fostering services, but can they foster children or young people? Find out here.
If you're a social worker who wants to become a foster carer, we can help you with your next steps towards becoming one.
Is it possible to become a foster carer if you are a social worker?
If you are a social worker and work full-time, you may not be eligible to foster. However, if you can demonstrate that you can meet all the fostering task while working full-time, consideration would be given to your application.
If you are working part-time, it is easier to show that you have the time to meet the fostering task in the UK. Please call us to share details about the possibility of you becoming a foster carer depending on the number of hours you work per week.
A former social worker…
Are you a former social worker? You could be a perfect candidate to be a foster carer. As you already know, you possess valuable knowledge and skills needed in the country to care for vulnerable children.
Roles of a social worker
A person with a background in social work is well placed to help children and families because they have been trained in unique skills. The roles of a social worker in fostering agency include:
•          Working with families. This means that a social worker understands all the legal requirements to become a foster carer
•          Train or work with foster families about their roles in caring for foster children and young people
•          Manage paperwork related to foster care
•          Provide support to foster carers.
Do you want to find out if you are qualified?
Are you a social worker who wants to start fostering? We can help you get started. We have unique transition programmes for social workers who want to become foster parents.
We can help you get started as soon as you want. Contact us today for more information.
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myfairkatiecat · 2 months
The misunderstanding of how Sophie "didn't realize her feelings for Keefe" in this fandom is wild tbh.
It's not that she had no choice in what she was feeling. It's that she had a crush on Fitz basically from the beginning--one based mostly on looks at first--that slowly developed into more as their relationship became closer. But Sophie had already acknowledged that she had a crush on him from basically the day they met.
That wasn't her first thought when she met Keefe. She noticed he was attractive, sure, but she was used to the suspicious way everyone looked like the epitome of human beauty standards by now. So she didn't view all of her interactions with Keefe through the same lens through which she viewed her interactions with Fitz.
She developed very close relationships with both boys, even just as friends. It's clear from Sophie's actions and behavior around Keefe that she cares about him, is comfortable with him, and their relationship truly is stronger than a lot of her other friendships. Even just as a friendship.
She also devloped a very close friendship with Fitz. It's clear that they trust each other a lot, especially in the earlier books, and their cognate bond only strengthened that. There was clearly something special about their friendship as well. But Sophie saw all of the moments through the lens of her crush.
Love is a choice, but feelings can creep up on you. They really can. If they couldn't, maybe I'd be able to stop having a stupid crush on one of my gay best friends, cause that's seriously going nowhere. Sophie developed feelings for Keefe slowly, while she also had feelings for Fitz. That's part of what was so complicated.
So in Lodestar, when Keefe grabs her hand and feels her "heart emotions," it's not that he's feeling her real emotions, and her head is all filled with Fitz but all of that is just superficial emotions. What's really happening is that he's feeling from her the emotions she has yet to name. When Sophie enhances him, Keefe doesn't need Sophie to acknowledge to herself what the feelings are in order for him to know them.
Are you guys all seriously telling me you've never had a crush on someone that you told yourself wasn't a crush very convincingly for a long time, only to eventually realize that it was definitely a crush for a lot of that tme? Because... that's a normal thing that happens sometimes.
It's not that Fitz was in her head and Keefe was in her heart. Both of them were probably in her heart, because she'd developed close relationships with both of them and began to have romantic feelings for them both. But she hadn't thought about her feelings for Keefe, whereas she spent a lot of time thinking about her feelings for Fitz. That's why Keefe could only tell her feelings for him when he could feel her heart emotions.
She also just... began to lose some of her feelings for Fitz around Legacy, and her feelings for Keefe definitely grew. It doesn't mean her feelings for Fitz were never real, but I can't say I'm surprised that a fifteen-year-old girl ended up changing her mind about what she wanted.
Anyway, I'm not saying it's a plot line you have to like, but I think a lot of people, including a lot of sokeefe shippers, think that the idea was "Fitz was in Sophie's head (she THOUGHT she liked him) but Keefe was in her heart (she ACTUALLY liked him and didn't even realize it!)" and that's just. Not even what happened. That's not the point of the whole head/heart emotions thing at all.
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everyone clap for me
I saw an incredibly brain dead take on activism and I didn't engage with the post
I'm just going to vague about it in the tags like a mature adult
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clotpolesonly · 7 months
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Blue Lily, Lily Blue ch 15 // Mister Impossible ch 25
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citnamora · 11 months
I think some people tend to forget that Dahlia didn't murder Fawles. That man drank the poison himself. She didn't force him- it was his own decision to go through with it. Yes he was obsessed with her (and an absolute creep about it, pedo shit aside) and yes his suicide only happened because of the pact with the necklaces. But that doesn't erase the fact that he was the adult in this situation, was the one who had the ultimate say on following through. The fact they chose to make her first "victim" a blatantly obvious mentally ill man doesn't change this fact.
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shih-coulda-had-it · 1 year
Imagine civilians dropping dead, not because of a villain, but because little baby Kotaro keeps waving at people, and the combination of a tiny baby boy in an adorable onesie sucking on his teeny little fist is a recipe for a lethal amount of adorable.
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taking the baby to see the agency!
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coochiequeens · 2 months
Shocking £11bn global trade in babies must end. Here’s what Keir Starmer should do
By Susan Dalgety Published 13th Jul 2024, 06:00 BST
As wealthy people buy babies from poor women whose health often suffers as a result, Keir Starmer should move quickly to ban surrogacy
The global trade in babies is big business. Research company Global Market Insights estimates the surrogacy industry was worth $14 billion (nearly £11bn) in 2022 and expects this to grow to $129bn by 2033.
Celebrities think nothing of renting a woman’s womb to secure a baby. Singer Robbie Williams and his wife used a surrogate for two of their four children. Actor Sarah Jessica Parker, she of Sex and the City fame, was delivered twin girls by a surrogate.
Even government ministers, desperate to have children, turn to this controversial method. Two years ago, the new Work and Pensions Secretary, Liz Kendall, revealed in her local newspaper that she and her partner were delighted to announce they were having a baby… through surrogacy.
But it was a decision in Edinburgh Sheriff Court a few days ago that exposed the ethical questions at the heart of this most controversial practice. A judge decided that a 72-year-old man and his now-dead wife were the legal parents of a three-year-old boy, Child A, who had been born in the USA under a surrogacy arrangement.
Sheriff Wendy Sheehan accepted the man was outwith the normal accepted range of parenthood but, in her written judgment, pointed out that he is “active and energetic” and had secured a nursery place for the child and involved him in various age-appropriate activities. He was also “researching boarding schools” for his son’s secondary education.
‘Gestational carrier’
And while Sheriff Sheehan admitted that she would not have granted an adoption order to a man in his 70s, she said the child’s welfare would be compromised if the court did not grant a parental order in these circumstances. “These concerns must be balanced with the fact that A’s welfare would be gravely compromised by the court’s refusal to make an order,” she said, “His gestational carrier has had no contact with him since birth. He is now aged three years and 10 months.”
And there, in a judgment handed down by Edinburgh Sheriff Court, is the reason that surrogacy is unethical. The child’s birth mother, a woman who rented out her womb to elderly strangers in circumstances we will never know, is dismissed as a “gestational carrier”. She is dehumanised. Reduced to nothing more than a living incubator for a rich couple who were far too old to have a baby but wealthy enough to buy one.
A surrogacy pregnancy is also more dangerous for a woman’s health. Only this week, Canadian researchers who looked at the records of nearly one million births revealed that surrogates, who usually become pregnant by IVF, have double the chance of dangerous pregnancy complications such as high blood pressure and heavy bleeding. Around seven per cent of surrogates suffered severe complications, compared with 2.4 per cent of women with natural conceptions and 4.6 per cent who had undergone IVF.
Psychological impact on mothers
Marina Ivanova, the study’s author, said there could be several reasons for this, including the “physiological and psychological impact associated with carrying a pregnancy for another person” and “the socio-demographic characteristics of those who choose to become gestational carriers”. In other words, surrogates are more likely to be women living in poverty, and carrying a baby for strangers will have an adverse impact on a woman’s physical and mental well-being. Tell me again, which aspect of this practice is ethical?
It is a crime in this country to buy and sell human organs such as kidneys because law-makers and the medical profession understand that such a trade could lead to the terrible exploitation of vulnerable people. Yet surrogacy, where a young woman’s body is used to incubate a baby for strangers, is considered perfectly acceptable.
The Surrogacy Arrangements Act of 1985 set out the legal basis for the practice, and last year the Scottish Law Commission and its partner body, the Law Commission of England & Wales, published proposals to liberalise UK surrogacy law even further, including a proposal to allow the “intended parents” to become a child’s legal guardians from birth. At the moment, it can take up to a year for this to happen.
Starmer must act
And while commercial surrogacy is illegal in the UK, “intended parents” can pay a woman “reasonable expenses” to carry a child for them. Many people, including the elderly couple who were the subject of the Edinburgh judgment this week, go abroad to buy a baby. Dr Herjeet Marway of Birmingham University points out that Britons are the largest consumers of the Indian commercial surrogacy industry, which is reportedly worth over £300 million a year.
Little wonder that women’s rights campaigners are now calling for an outright ban on surrogacy, among them Surrogacy Concern. Its founder, Helen Gibson, says that, at the very least, the legal loophole that allows Britons buy a baby outside the UK should be closed. She adds: “It is selfish and grossly irresponsible to pursue surrogacy at all. We call on the UK Government to ban the practice of surrogacy in its entirety.”
The demand for surrogacy is rising. It is driven by people with wealth, same-sex couples, women who are infertile or too old to have a child of their own, and some who are simply “too posh to push”. Even people who in other aspects of their life consider themselves progressive or left of centre seem happy to exploit another human being to get what they crave – a baby to call their own.
But babies should not be for sale. Women are not “gestational carriers”, and surrogacy is a feminist issue. The new Prime Minister has a never-ending to-do list, but if he is serious about building a country where every single person is treated with respect, as he promised only last week, then he should start with a ban on surrogacy.
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r0hitdhiman · 1 year
Fostering Birmingham: Creating a Brighter Future for Children in Need
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Fostering Birmingham is a programme that seeks to give needy children secure and nurturing homes to provide them with a better future. Birmingham City Council and private fostering organisations work together to find, train, and assist foster parents who can provide children unable to live with their birth families a secure and loving home.
The programme acknowledges that trauma, grief, and upheaval have all occurred in the lives of the children in its custody. As a result, it aims to give them a secure and stable atmosphere where they can flourish and develop into self-assured and resilient people. Fostering Birmingham is dedicated to ensuring that each child is placed with the ideal foster family that can cater to their specific requirements because it believes every child deserves a loving home.
Thanks to Fostering Birmingham's stringent recruitment procedure, only the best carers are chosen. Prospective foster parents undergo rigorous training and evaluation to ensure they have the knowledge, experience, and dedication required to give vulnerable children the care they need. For carers to adapt to the changing needs of the children, the programme also offers continuous training and support.
The programme acknowledges that adoptive parents significantly impact the lives of children in foster care. They offer a dependable and nurturing atmosphere where kids can grow up feeling safe and included. Foster parents are crucial in supporting children's relationship development and stress recovery. Fostering Birmingham appreciates the effort and commitment put forth by foster parents. It gives them the assistance they require to continue providing children with the high-quality treatment they deserve.
Fostering Birmingham is dedicated to locating foster homes that can accommodate the requirements of children in care. The programme acknowledges that every kid is different and has specific needs. It collaborates closely with foster care agencies to ensure that children are placed in homes where they can flourish and realise their best potential.
Fostering Birmingham also acknowledges the significance of preserving enduring bonds between adopted children and their biological families. It aims to assist and direct biological families in overcoming the difficulties resulting in their children being cared for. The programme also gives foster kids a chance, as needed, to stay in touch with their biological relatives.
Fostering Birmingham has had a lot of success in the past. It has given hundreds of kids the stability and care they require to flourish by placing them with devoted foster families. In addition, it has facilitated the development of enduring bonds between foster parents, biological families, and adopted children. This has improved the outcomes.
In conclusion, Fostering Birmingham is an important initiative that significantly improves the lives of needy kids. It acknowledges the particular requirements and needs of children in care and collaborates closely with foster parents, birth families, and kids to ensure they get the support and care they need to flourish. The initiative proves the value of teamwork and shows what can be accomplished when localities band together to help the most disadvantaged members of society.
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moniyng · 2 years
Best Fostering Agency in Croydon | Fostering Families
We require foster parents who can offer a nurturing and supportive atmosphere, so these kids have the best possibilities of leading happy and fruitful lives despite their past experiences. A child may be between a newborn and 18 years old because there is no such thing as a typical fostering arrangement. Additionally, we are always looking for foster parents to care for teenagers and sibling groups so that siblings can stay together. Foster parents could help a family take a short break from parenting, especially if their child has a health concern, a physical impairment, or a learning difficulty that might make parenting more challenging.
In other cases, the youngster may have been the victim of abuse and be unable to stay with the parents until things get better, or the youngster may have been taken to Fostering in Croydon as a consequence of a court order.
Fostering in Croydon
Some people think you need to be married, have a family, a job, and own a home to offer foster care. This can't be. Man or woman, single, married, in a civil partnership, divorced, widowed, or all of the above are all acceptable statuses. We ask that you have a spare room and the kindness to put a child's needs first. We are aware that fostering will include every member of your family. However, regretfully, we cannot consider applications where your children would have to share a bedroom to make space for a foster child. You can live alone or with your partner, own a home, and have kids. Capable foster parents come from a wide range of racial, ethnic, cultural, and familial origins.
Fostering families is one of the best foster agencies in Croydon. Supported living is a form of shared housing in which the hosts effectively rent out a room in their home to a young person leaving foster care in return for them giving them the encouragement, inspiration, and guidance they need to develop the skills and confidence they need to live independently. 
Source : https://www.reddit.com/user/drishti_jindal/comments/zwc37h/best_fostering_agency_in_croydon_fostering/
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yardsards · 1 year
let's play "do i actually wanna be a dad, or do i just wish i could give myself a better childhood, and am projecting that desire onto a hypothetical child?"
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soniabigcheese · 4 months
I learned something new today.
Here in the UK, on top of a load of specific requirements, you are legally supposed to declare yourself self employed if you take up fostering
I did not know that
I checked on the GOV.uk website
We ... obviously don't qualify, as both of us have health issues and disabilities. We don't have any room and we have what would be classified as a 'dangerous dog' - at least in the agencies eyes. Tommy is neurotic and displays signs of discomfort around people but wouldn't hurt them unless he feels threatened.
So yeah.
No wonder Bossy was in a panic about filling out her tax returns. Something she hasn't had to do before
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avvocarlo · 8 months
I don't hate my job or anything it just feels beneath my skill level especially considering how average the pay is
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