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saamiriikka · 1 year ago
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October 11, 2023 : gather at Mihkkal Hætta’s lavvu outside Norwegian parliament to protest the Fosen human rights violations in Norway.
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prisonhannibal · 10 months ago
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lite overraskende men jeg hater dette
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oodlenoodleroodle · 2 years ago
The norwegian government should pay every single krone that the Fosen windmills have generated in electricity sales to the Sami in the area of Fosen.
I want to specify: not just the profits, but every last single krone. None of the money generated by the windmills should go to the operation costs, but the government needs to pay the operation costs themselves.
This should continue as long as the government knocks the windmills down as they should have done over 500 days ago when the courts ruled that the windmills are illegal.
It's a ridiculous idea that Norway can continue making money with windmills that are criminal. Like you cannot keep money you have acquired from crimes, that is a basic part of the justice system.
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aintquiteright · 2 years ago
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End of the World by sunvemetal
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thesinglesock · 2 years ago
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Concert and Fundraiser in support of the Fosen Activists
the Indeginous music festival Riddu Riđđu is hosting a concert featuring several Sámi bands and musicians tonight (3. march 2023) at 7pm CET. Admission is free and the concert will be available to stream online.
Anyone attending is encouraged to donate to Natur og Ungdom's fund for the Fosen-protestors, which will cover their legal fees, travel expenses, food, equipment, etc.
Support the fundraiser here
Watch the online concert here
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city-flag-tournament · 5 months ago
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✯ Round 2 ✯ Match 53 ✯
The current flag of Iola, Kansas, United States
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The current flag of Hitra, Fosen, Norway
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Tournament Policies: ✯ Choose the flag that's more meaningful to you! ✯ Be respectful of place names and cultural symbols in your commentary! ✯ If you want to submit propaganda, you may do so at the submission form linked in the pinned post. It will only be included if it is submitted before the next post with that flag is drafted and will be included in all subsequent posts the flag is featured in.
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pojkflata · 2 months ago
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Me when I allegedly belong to an indigenous people but in lieu of showing solidarity with other indigenous peoples I support my country's green colonialism and slander indigenous people for resisting it
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historyfiles · 19 days ago
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Fosna-Hensbacka Culture: Fosna and Hensbacka form two regional centres for this (Fosna or Lille-Fosen is the former name for today's Kristiansund), with both locations being very similar in terms of archaeology.
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beardedmrbean · 11 months ago
The wind farm fought against by Greta Thunberg will keep operating with compensation paid to Sami reindeer herders.
Norway on Wednesday reached an agreement with the Sami people, ending a nearly three-year dispute over Europe’s largest onshore wind farm and the Indigenous right to raise reindeer.
Under the agreement, the partially state-owned farm's 151 turbines stay in operation. Energy Minister Terje Aasland said the deal includes "a future-oriented solution that safeguards the reindeer farming rights."
The agreement also has compensation for the Sami - including a share of energy produced - along with a new area for winter grazing and a grant of 5 million kroner (€439,000) for strengthening Sami culture.
'The violation of human rights has been brought to an end'
The speaker of the 39-seat Sami Parliament, Silje Karine Mutoka, said "there is reason to believe that the violation of human rights has been brought to an end, and that the agreement lays a foundation for the violation of human rights to be repaired."
Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre said "the state must learn from this case and ensure that violations do not happen again. It’s about better dialogue."
The UN is investigating the environmental impact of the war in Gaza. Here’s what it says so far
Austria, Denmark, Lithuania: Which EU countries have committed to decarbonise power by 2035?
In October 2021, the Supreme Court ruled that the turbines' construction violated the rights of the Sami, who have used the land for reindeer for centuries.
Since the ruling, Sami activists have demonstrated repeatedly against the wind farm’s continued operation and said a transition to green energy shouldn’t come at the expense of the rights of Indigenous people.
Greta Thunberg joined protests against the wind turbines
The protests drew support from Swedish activist Greta Thunberg, who was carried away during a demonstration outside the Norwegian Ministry of Finance, in Oslo, on 1 March 2023. 
In June, Sami activists protested outside Gahr Støre’s office. They occupied the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy for four days in February and later blocked the entrances to 10 ministries.
Further protests in October saw activists wearing traditional Sami outfits sit outside the entrance of Statkraft, a state-owned company that operates 80 of the wind turbines.
The farm is located in central Norway’s Fosen district about 450 kilometres north of the capital, Oslo.
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baeddel · 1 year ago
Statement Issued by the Plenary Meeting of the Saami Council in Arjeplog, October 14, 2023.
It has been over two years since the Supreme Court of Norway concluded in a grand chamber that the wind power plants on Storheia and Roan violate the human rights of the Fosen Sámi according to article 27 of the UN Convention on Civil and Political Rights. Our land and sea areas are the foundation of Sámi culture. Intrusions in the natural basis for Sámis will therefore threaten the survival of Sámi culture.
On October 11 2023, human rights activists have once again gathered in the streets of Oslo, where they have conducted several actions against the Norwegian state and the state-owned energy company Statkraft in protest of the ongoing human rights violation in Fosen. The actions have led to the Norwegian government acknowledging that the human rights violation is ongoing and has apologized for it. However, neither the government nor the wind industry itself has halted the human rights violation.
The Saami Council supports our youth's actions and everyone who has joined them to defend the human rights of the Sámi in Fovsen-Njaarke. We demand that the Norwegian government respects the Supreme Court's decision and the rule of law, and that the government takes immediate steps to halt the human rights violation.
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saamiriikka · 2 years ago
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weepingfireflies · 1 year ago
News Articles/Sources:
Date: October 11th, 2023
Date: September 11th, 2023
Fosen update 12th of October 2023
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Yesterday was the 11th of october, which means it’s been two years since the supreme court ruled the wind power plants at Fosen illegal and a violation of indigenous human rights. The local sámi reindeer herder families sued the state and WON in the supreme court, and despite this, the wind turbines are still up and the government is making no effort to change the situation even though they apologized and called it an ongoing human rights violation back in march after the first round of demonstrations. We live in a country where the state and state owned power companies can continue to violate sámi rights even after losing in the supreme court. 11th of october also exactly one month after the 700th day since the ruling, which was election day, and the day a sámi activist and artist moved into a lávvu in front of parliament where he still lives now. Because of threats, harassment, and vandalism, the lávvu has needed to be guarded 24/7 by other activists.
Yesterday, the main street in Oslo (which runs next to the parliament and continues up to the royal castle) was filled with lávvus while the surrounding traffic was blocked by people sitting down in the round. The lávvus were moved to the park in front of the parliament later that night, joining the first lávvu, pretty much filling up the whole lawn and some on the sidewalk. A group of activists entered the parliament, and yoiked (traditional form of singing/chanting) they sat in the main hall for hours until they were carried out by police while people were yelling ČSV and yoiking outside.
more than 40 years ago, sámi activists went on a hunger strike in a lávvu on that same grass to protest the building of the Alta hydroelectric power station (look up Alta conflict). They are still doing this to us, and they’ll continue unless we fight it and hold the state responsible for the harm it has done and continues to do to indigenous people of sápmi.
Today, all the entrances of the headquarters of the fully state owned company Statkraft have been blocked. Statkraft makes money off this ILLEGAL power plant. Statkraft operates the Alta hydroelectric power station, and the Pilmaiquén hydroelectric plant in Chile that the indigenous mapuche people have been fighting against. They have shown us so much solidarity and support in the fight against this company and Norway’s green colonialism, both in Sápmi and in Chile.
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The lávvus in front of the parliament are still up, people are sleeping there and plan to stay.
thank you for listening to us, ollu giitu.
Baajh vaeride årrodh! ČSV ❤️💚💛💙✊🏼
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oodlenoodleroodle · 2 years ago
Allekirjoittakaa jos olette yli 18 v, kiitos. Jätä puh.nro pois jos et halua soittoja Amnestyn feissareilta.
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warningsine · 1 year ago
In October 11 2021, the Supreme Court of Norway ruled that Norway violated the rights of the Sámi people by permitting the construction of wind farms in Fovsen Njaarke, the Storheia wind farm and the Roan wind farm.
At the time of the ruling, the wind turbines had already been put into operation. The Norwegian government had previously granted the licence and the operators had built the wind power plant, although the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination had urged them to stop construction in 2018 and the Saami council had warned that the of the power plant would have detrimental effects on the Sami reindeer herding communities. The reindeer herders argued the sight and sound of wind turbines frighten animals grazing nearby and thus jeopardise age-old traditions, and that land should not be expropriated for such projects.
In the unanimous decision, the court argued that making it impossible or extremely difficult for the Sámi to live their traditional life as reindeer herders is a violation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Article 27 of which stipulates comprehensive protection of the culture of ethnic, religious or linguistic minorities. The violation could also not be justified with reference to the green energy transition: Wind turbines should be built where they do not violate the rights of indigenous peoples. Thus, the license decisions were found to be invalid. The court did not say what should happen next to the farms and the owners are still operating them.
Sámi activists and climate activists continue to protest against the wind turbines. In February 2023, they blocked the entrances to Norway's energy ministry and in May 2023, 600 days after the courts decision, activists held protests in Oslo.
Roan Vind stated that they trusted that the ministry will find good solutions allowing them to continue the production of renewable energy while maintaining the rights of the reindeer owners. Fosen Vind stated that "the ministry is working on which precautionary measures are needed to sustain reindeer herding and its cultural practice."
We invited the owners of the wind farms to respond to an article reporting on the protests. Aneo, BKW, Energy Infrastructure Partners, Stadtwerke München and Statkraft responded.
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orlaite · 11 months ago
How much do you care about politics? How much do you think politics influence lifestyle? As a Norwegian, do you think it is not necessary to care about your country’s politics because human rights are never threatened? Or are human rights ever threatened there?
I care alot about politics and have since an early age. I think people's politics definitely influences lifestyle, but that lifestyle also influences people's politics. I don't think there's a clear cut line between the two with regard to which influences what, anymore than there is a clear cut line between heritage and environment.
And while living in Norway is very good and there are few other countries I could imagine moving to permanently, we definitely have our own problems that needs political engagement if they are to be solved. While we don't have alot the same glaring human rights violations other countries have, we too have institutionalized discrimination, corruption, people falling through the cracks of bureaucracy, etc etc..... Norway is a very politically aware country: participation in elections are at 75-85% for parliamentary elections and a bit lower and more varied for local elections.
And since you asked specifically about human rights: the highest judicial court in Norway (Høyesterett) said in 2021 that the human rights of the Saami people were violated when there was given permission for windturbines to be built in Fosen, on land that Saamis have historically used for traditional reindeer-herding, which is a protected cultural practice. Even after Høyesteretten concluded that a human rights violation had been commited, the windturbines still stand and right now several Saami activists are on trial for protesting the Norwegian government's inability to compensate the Saami people who were affected properly and for the way they commenced with the building of the windturbines even as the Saami protested that it would interfere with their reindeer-herding.
Alot of Norwegian politics are not reported on in international media because we're so small and they don't usually matter to anyone but us, + Norwegian is a niche language which makes new from here very inaccessible to the global population, but we do have our issues and high political engagement in these issues as well as engagement with global political issues.
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zsorosebudphoto · 2 years ago
Consellos para facer fotos chulas
Excepcionalmente, vou compartir uns poucos truquiños para que calquera poida mellorar as súas fotos no momento de tiralas. Non son unha experta nin moito menos, pero hai cousas que fun aprendendo dende que abrin esta bitácora/portfolio e que á xente lle pode ser útil. Son guías, non normas, así que por suposto que haberá persoas ás que non lles guste ou non lles funcione. 
Velaí van!
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Controla os parámetros ISO, velocidade de obturación e abertura de diafragma
Fedellando no modo manual podes subir e baixar a luminosidade das túas fotos a través destes parámetros, pero olliño con eles! 
Subir a ISO demasiado pode facer que a foto quede granulada. Por suposto, é posible que sexa iso o que busques.
Baixar a velocidade de obturación fai que as fotos queden máis movidas. Isto tamén pode ser bo, dependendo da fotografía!
Unha foto pouco iluminada sempre se pode mellorar, pero unha foto sobreexposta, non. Ante a dúbida, eu sempre lle vaixo un puntiño de exposición.
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Polo tanto, ás veces é mellor alumar artificialmente un espazo escuro (falo de focos, non de flash) que subir os parámetros até puntos nos que poda deformarse moito o resultado.
Controla a temperatura de cor
Hai dúas maneiras de cambialo: axustando a temperatura en graos K (Kelvin) ou cos filtros que adoitan ter as cámaras de predeterminado segundo a fonte de iluminación (para sol, sombra, luces fosforescentes, incandescentes, etc.). 
Eu sempre recomendo usar o espectro numérico até que atopes un punto que che gusta; nese sentido, podes optar polo naturalismo e buscar a cor que máis se axusta ao que vés cos teus ollos, ou ser un pouco pillabán e subir ou baixar un chisco a temperatura para infundir á túa foto dun determinado estado de ánimo ou estética. 
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Aproveita o desenfoque
A lonxitude focal é o que determina o lonxe ou preto que ves o suxeito da túa foto (usamos teleobxectivos como se fosen telescopios, para ver máis lonxe) pero tamén para determinar a profundidade de campo ou a nitidez que teñen cada un dos planos da foto (dende o máis preto até o máis lonxe); entre outras cousas que non me da a vida de explicar. O caso é que poden chegar incluso a deformar unha foto.
Os móbiles adoitan ter obxectivos moi angulares (<50mm), polo tanto fanche ver:
As cousas parecen máis lonxe, máis pequenas
Caben máis cousas na foto, porque ten un espectro máis amplo de visión
Deforman un chisco os bordes no que se adoita chamar “ollo de peixe” (isto no móbil non chega a notarse moito, pero algo de deformación hai)
Todo é nítido, dende o que está máis preto até o que está máis lonxe.
E isto limita un chisco a creatividade. Cun teleobxectivo, porén, (>50mm) podes ver:
As cousas parecen máis preto
Caben menos cousas na foto, ten un espectro menos amplo de visión
Non todo é nítido, só o plano que está enfocado (manualmente ou polo enfoque automático, tanto ten). O que está máis lonxe ou máis preto dese plano, está desenfocado. 
E isto último é PRECIOSO. Da unha sensación cinematográfica, outórgalle profundidade e subxectividade á foto. Alguén está a mirar e a deterse nese plano enfocado, como facemos nas nosas mentes. Dálle humanidade. 
Insisto que estes consellos non son normas, tamén se poden facer cousas chulas con angulares. Pero se queres intimidade, humanidade, etc. usa lonxitudes focais maiores ;)
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Ante a dúbida, achégate (ou afástate)
As fotos ás veces quedan mal porque non ousamos achegarnos abondo ao suxeito. Non queremos molestar á persoa que lle facemos un retrato ou nos da pereza abaixarnos a facerlle a foto a aquela flor. 
Ousade achegarvos, sempre atoparedes mais posibilidades canto máis preto esteades.
Claro que, cando usas un teleobxectivo para dar ese efecto cinematográfico do que falabamos antes, ás veces debes afastarte moito para que o teu suxeito non salga dos marxes da foto. A cuestión aquí é que, antes de cambiar a distancia focal cun zoom (iso é trampa), que valores se merece a pena achegarte ou afastarte para conseguir a foto. 
(para a foto de abaixo, metinme no mar co móbil na man!! que perigo!!) 
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Mira polo visor, non pola pantalla (con cámaras DSLR, sobre todo)
Non sei nas vosas, pero na miña Canon D70 teño que mirar pola pantalla para acadar os parámetros (ISO, K, obturación, diafragma, etc) perfectos para a foto. Pero despois, sempre miro polo visor para sacar a foto. O visor non ten os parámetros novos implementados, é o que ves na realidade pero encadrado na túa fotografía. 
Non sei porque motivo, iso faime ser consciente da composición da foto. 
A composición ten tantas normas como excepcións. Podería falarvos da regra dos terzos, das diagonais, do consello que lle deu supostamente John Ford a Spielberg (”cando o horizonte está abaixo ou arriba, é interesante. Cando está no medio é aburrido”) pero sería un tratado infumable e incluso podería limitar bastante ás vosas imaxinacións.
Penso que hai que entrenar o ollo a medida que vas facendo fotos. Observalas, trazar liñas sobre elas. Pouco a pouco, atopas que cando é máis interesante centrar o teu suxeito ou deixalo cara un lado, subir ou baixar a liña do horizonte, balancear o seu equilibro (refírome a que unha foto “pesa” polo lado no que hai máis ruído visual). 
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O meu consello aquí e deixar sempre un chisco do que se lle chama “aire”, é dicir, baleiro arredor do suxeito. Non pegar a cabeza dx retratadx ao marxe superior da foto, para entendernos. 
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En fin. Grazas por aguantar a chapa aos que chegastes até aquí abaixo. Se vos gusta, compartide!
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