#For the love of Urd pup!
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acoraf · 9 months ago
CC, House of Flame and Shadow.
Page 653:
Omg Ithan!!! Take a damn hint!!! You ARE the alternative to Sabine!!!! Ffs!!!
Just tell him already Jesiba, the wolf is an idiot!!!!! Arrgh!
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open-at-the-close · 1 year ago
Initial thoughts after reading HOFAS
There is a shit ton of information in this book and I had a lot of feelings and I'm sure I forgot plenty of things throughout the 800+ pages, but here's a start.
First things first: all hail motherfucking Ruhn. Ruhn is hands down, without a doubt, my favorite character ever written by sjm. Honestly, he's my favorite character ever written by anyone at this point. He is the absolute best, kindest, best brother and friend anyone could ever ask for. There were moments that I feared for his life. I thought I was going to throw up when Baxian bit off his fucking hand, and when the prince of hel said he was selected as the one to die I vowed to never read another sjm book if he didn't make it. Phew, glad we dodged that one guys because I don't know if I could have upheld that claim. But seriously, this book only made me love him more and I'm thrilled at his happy ending.
On that note, basically everyone made it through this book. I mean yeah, Cormac sacrificed himself and that was sad, and jessiba traded her life, but I mean she had 15 thousand years. Everyone I care about and their friends and family made it. I am shocked. I fully expected Tharion, Baxian, maybe Ithan, or either Flynn or Declan to die. And I was bracing myself for the heartache, but they literally all survived.
Speaking of Ithan...what the hell even was that? His storyline is so strange and roundabout to me. I already thought it was weird and unnecessary that they through him loving Bryce into CC2, then he gets offered a spot as alpha, doesn't want it.. saves the mystic wolf, fucking kills her.. tried to bring her back, turns her into a reaper.. still tries to get people to follow her, even though he doesn't want the Fendrys to lead anymore and basically everyone is hinting for him to just do it himself, but no, he doesn't want to lead...and then poof he's not just an alpha he's the fucking prime. Okay pup. I like his character, sort of, but that storyline is weird.
Where the hell was the dragon the whole book? I assume Tharion's book will be the next one and we'll get some answers on that.
Speaking of my poor little Mer. His life is depressing as hell in this book. I fully didn't expect him to make it because, man he just kept taking losses. Here's to hoping he gets a better story in the next one.
I wanted more from the world merging. I loved Az and Nesta being Az and Nesta, and I loved this book, but I was annoyed with Bryce for her entire trip there and she kept making stupid decisions that led to her being on terrible terms with them and I didn't like that. I do appreciate that her and nesta ended on better terms though.
I feel like they just casually glossed over the fact that Rhysand and Bryce are basically distant cousins. He is a descendant of one sister and Bryce is a descendant of another, and that wasn't addressed at all. Neither was the fact that Ruhn looks just like Rhysand. Maybe I'm being greedy about the world collision, but I just wanted moreee.
Speaking of world colliding if we don't get a TOG spin off out of this she is just being cruel. The shifter world. Urd = wyrd. The drawings in the caves. Lidia's son is literally named after Brannon! I mean come on. Give me the unfinished stories of TOG.
I'm sure there is more I want to say, but that's all that is coming to me at the moment. Also, in case it wasn't clear, I really really loved this book.
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lightandfellowship · 1 year ago
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It took a really long time but I finally settled on Dream Eater teams for the upperclassmen + Baldr. (Dream Eaters in these images do not reflect their actual sizes.)
As usual here are the explanations under the read more:
Aura Lion (primary): I really wanted to give Vidar a wolf Dream Eater because of the mythological Vidar's connection to Fenrir, but alas there are no wolf Dream Eaters in this game (which is very surprising to me; seems like an obvious choice?). I felt a lion Dream Eater was the closest thing, and a lion's reputation for being the "king of the jungle" fits Vidar's leader role and his pursuit of Kingdom Hearts. This Dream Eater is also a Light type, which is perfect for Vidar who is fiercely loyal to the Light. It's one of the most powerful Dream Eaters as well with a lot of Light attacks and support abilities, which fits a powerful leader who watches out for those under him.
Juggle Pup (secondary): I'll admit, I had a hard time picking Vidar's second Dream Eater. What convinced me to pick this guy is its color scheme, gambling theme, and its description. It's primarily blue and yellow which nicely matches the colors in Vidar's design. And much like this Dream Eater, Vidar "took a risky gamble" on Kingdom Hearts. Its description also says "their poker faces are hard to read", which I think fits Vidar as well (just look at how straight-faced he is when Vor despairingly talks about her emotional issues, haha).
Peepsta Hoo (primary): Because owls are considered wise. And this Dream Eater has an ability where it "scans" enemies for weaknesses to exploit (along with having a name that evokes "looking/peeping at something"), which fits the "vision" thing Vala has going on, along with how she watched Urd from afar to assess her abilities. This Dream Eater also uses a lot of elemental magic attacks (as well as some light magic despite being Dark type) which fits how Vala primarily uses magic. Finally, it has a link attack called "Fly-By Knight" which will be relevant…right now.
Lord Kyroo (secondary): Mostly because of my knightly Vala headcanons I've talked about before (tbh "samurai" could probably work too and would perhaps be more fitting; I just go with the European knight thing because of her debuting in Beast's Castle and because I'm more familiar with knights.) That being said, its description does call it a "smartypants" for some reason, which I think fits her. The clear reference to the Frog Prince fairytale also works well with her debuting in Beast's Castle since the Beast is also an enchanted prince turned into something "ugly". And of course this Dream Eater uses magic.
Me Me Bunny (primary): Me Me Bunny is the closest thing to a ninja-themed Dream Eater due to its appearance/body language and its description saying it knows "bun fu". (I know, not Japanese). It is Physical-attribute which fits how Vali uses physical attacks.
Kooma Panda (secondary): Gonna be honest, not much logical reason for this one, I just think they would make an adorable team. I'm imagining Vali taking naps on Kooma Panda's belly and them climbing trees together. That said, color-wise, I think Kooma Panda's blue-green claws match Vali's eyes extremely well. Oh, and it's a Physical and Light type; I don't think I need to explain why Light types are good for the upperclassmen in general, haha.
Cera Terror (primary): Mostly just because this Dream Eater's crest (head) resembles the shape of Heimdall's collar. I just love it when people visually resemble their pets in some way, whether in shape or color scheme or vibe. Once again, this one is a Physical and Light type.
Skelterwild (secondary): I wanted to pick a rainbow Dream Eater as a reference to the mythological Heimdall who guards the rainbow bridge "Bifrost" (funnily enough this Dream Eater is ice-themed as well…"frost" is in the name Bifrost, even if it doesn't actually mean that. It can just be a silly pun, y'know). And yeah I guess our Heimdall gets to have a dino theme for his Dream Eaters.
Keeba Tiger (primary): I knew I wanted either Aura Lion or Keeba Tiger for him because of these animals being considered strong, scary, and wild, but I think the ice age theming of a saber-tooth tiger better fits how Helgi looks like he's dressed for the cold with those furs of his. In addition, its ability link board includes a lot of attack boosts and attack hastes which fits Helgi's confrontational personality. Plus, much like Aura Lion this Dream Eater is just pretty powerful in general.
Tyranto Rex (secondary): For a lot of the same reasons as above: it's large, powerful, imposing, and wild. (I guess I accidentally went for an "extinct" theme here.) One of its dispositions is called "Tyrant" (and Keeba Tiger has one called "Conquerer") which fits how Helgi thinks force is acceptable for maintaining righteous order. Both of his Dream Eaters use fire attacks, coincidentally.
Wheeflower (primary): Wheeflower's head shape actually perfectly matches the flower shape on Sigrun's sleeves. But yes, I chose this one because of the flower theme. I also really like the headcanon from user rosie-kairi that Sigrun is distantly related to Lauriam and Strelitzia, and wouldn't you know it this Dream Eater is not only a flower, it also has a dandelion themed attack. It also has access to Protect and Shell which fits how Sigrun jumped in front of Heimdall to protect him from Dragon Maleficent.
Eaglider (secondary): I wanted to pick a Dream Eater that could reference how the mythological Sigrun was a Valkyrie, and I think this one works well for that. Its head shape is very helmet-esque, and I frequently see Valkries depicted with feathered wings.
Pegaslick (primary): It was absolutely necessary to me that Hoder have at least one Light type Dream Eater, so here it is. Also, I feel like Hoder's hair kind of resembles white feathers (plus she's got that whole angelic look going on), so a pegasus just makes sense. It has support abilities like Haste and Regen.
Cyber Yog (secondary): I really struggled with picking a second Dream Eater for her until I realized that the dispositions for this Dream Eater are all references to Santa's reindeer (Comet, Blitzen, etc.) And, well, mistletoe is important to the mythology of Hoder and Baldr. Because Cyber Yog is Thunder attribute and Pegaslick is Light, it can do a dual link with Pegaslick called "Ragnarok", something else important to Hoder and Baldr's mythology. Cyber Yog being red also matches the red accents in Hoder's design. Finally it has access to Protect and Shell which fits Hoder's original intentions of protecting Baldr.
Ghostabocky (primary): Like with Hoder, I knew I wanted Baldr to have at least one Dark type Dream Eater on his team (he actually gets two). This guy being a mischievous, gluttonous-looking ghost just fits Baldr's color scheme and vibe, right? (I mean, it wields a knife.) One of its dispositions is called "Split Personality" which can (figuratively) reference a couple of things, like Baldr hiding himself and his darkness from everybody, or his symbiotic relationship with Darkness.
Woeflower (secondary): This one was so easy to pick because of how perfect it is. It's a Dark type, of course. Its head shape, thorns, and color scheme match Maleficent, the one who, y'know, had a major hand in killing Hoder. But the best part is its description: "This Dream Eater is a total downer, inflicting negative status effects left and right and getting pouty when companions leave it behind." Just like how Baldr feared Hoder leaving him behind.
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kabargames · 5 years ago
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Cobain Nih! 6 Tips Farming Mobile Legends Biar Cepat Kaya
(function(d,a,b,l,e,_) if(d[b]&&d[b].q)return;d[b]=function()(d[b].q=d[b].q;e=a.createElement(l); e.async=1;e.charset='utf-8';e.src='//static.dable.io/dist/plugin.min.js'; _=a.getElementsByTagName(l)[0];_.parentNode.insertBefore(e,_); )(window,document,'dable','script'); dable('setService', 'kabargames.id'); dable('sendLogOnce'); dable('renderWidget', 'dablewidget_1oV9EjXP'); Lagi nyari kunci jawaban game Word Across karena ingin lancar berbahasa Inggris? Buat Kamu yang ingin lancar berbahasa Inggris tapi nggak punya cukup uang untuk ikut kursus atau sekedar membeli kamus Bahasa Inggris. Kamu bisa memanfaatkan game Word Across sebagai sarana belajar dan praktek berbahasa Inggris. Pasalnya, game yang menghubungkan kata dalam bahasa Inggris ini sangat baik buat Kamu yang sedang mempelajari kata-kata dari bahasa Inggris. Kalau kesulitan menjawab dibeberapa level tertentu Kamu bisa menggunakan kunci jawaban game Word Across terlengkap dari level 1 sampai dengan level 210 yang sudah Kabar Games siapakan berikut ini. Baca Juga : Nikahan Mantan: Saatnya Lampiaskan Rasa Sakit Hatimu Disini 5 Hero Mobile Legends dengan Kemampuan Mirip Cheat Map Hack Hiram, Update Berskala Besar Pertama ArcheAge! Ini Fiturnya Genshin Impact: Gameplay, Karakter, Review & Spesifikasi PC Kunci Jawaban Braindom Terbaru dari Level 1 – 225 googletag.cmd.push(function() googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-9949385-2'); ); Kunci Jawaban Word Across Level 1 – 20 Level 1 How, Who Level 2 Add, Dad Level 3 Are, Ear, Era Level 4 Six, Is Level 5 Wall, All, Law Bonus Awl Level 6 Yard, Day, Dry, Ray Bonus Dray, Rad, Rya, Yar Level 7 Your, Our, You Level 8 Wars, Raw, Saw, War, Was Bonus Raws Level 9 Eyes, Eye, See, Yes Level 10 Gold, Dog, God, Log, Old Bonus Dol Level 11 Note, Tone, Net, Not, One, Ten, Toe, Ton Bonus Eon Level 12 Play, Lap, Lay, Pal, Pay Bonus Paly, Alp, Ply, Pya, Yap Level 13 Sink, Skin, Ink, Kin, Sin, Ski Bonus Inks, Kins Level 14 Sends, Ends, Send, Den, End Bonus Dens, Ness, Sned, Eds, Ens Level 15 Eight, Get, Hit, The, Tie Bonus Gite, Gie, Git, Hie, Teg Level 16 Worn, Nor, Now, Own, Row, Won Level 17 Black, Back, Lack, Cab, Lab Bonus Balk, Calk, Alb, Bal, Kab, Lac Level 18 Unity, Tiny, Unit, Nut, Tin Bonus Nit, Tui, Tun, Yin Level 19 Cakes, Cake, Case, Sack, Sake, Ask, Sea Bonus Aces, Cask, Kaes, Keas, Ace, Kas, Kea, Sac, Sec, Ska Level 20 Meets, Meet, Seem, Met, See, Set Bonus Metes, Teems, Emes, Mete, Seme, Stem, Teem, Tees, Eme, Tee Kunci Jawaban Word Across Level 21 – 40 Level 21 Pact, Act, Apt, Cap, Cat, Pat, Tap Bonus Pac Level 22 Hosts, Shots, Host, Shot, Toss, Hot Bonus Hots, Sots, Tosh, Sot, Tho Level 23 Guide, Die, Dig, Due, Dug Bonus Gied, Gude, Ged, Gid, Gie Level 24 Loves, Solve, Lose, Love, Sole Bonus Voles, Levo, Oles, Sloe, Voes, Vole, Lev, Ole, Sel, Sol, Voe Level 25 Seems, Mess, Seem, Sees, See Bonus Semes, Emes, Seme, Eme Level 26 Suits, Sits, Suit, Its, Sit Bonus Situs, Tuis, Sis, Tis, Tui Level 27 Slips, Lips, Slip, Lip, Sip Bonus Lisps, Lisp, Psis, Sips, Sis Level 28 Clues, Clue, Cues, Cue, Sec, Sue, Use Bonus Luces, Ecus, Luce, Lues, Slue, Cel, Leu, Sel Level 29 Petty, Type, Pet, Yep, Yet Bonus Yett, Pye Level 30 Eased, Ease, Seed, Sad, Sea, See Bonus Aedes, Dees, Sade, Ads, Eds Level 31 Doubt, Bout, Bud, But, Dot, Tub, Out, Duo Bonus Bod, Bot, Dub, Oud, Tod Level 32 Drums, Drum, Mud, Rum, Sum Bonus Muds, Rums, Surd, Urds, Urd Level 33 Hardy, Hard, Yard, Day, Dry, Had, Hay, Ray Bonus Hydra, Dray, Dah, Rad, Rya, Yah, Yar Level 34 Deter, Deer, Reed, Tree, Red Bonus Treed, Dere, Dree, Rede, Rete, Teed, Ere, Ree, Ret, Ted, Tee Level 35 Lousy, Soul, Sly, Soy, You Bonus Yous, Sol, Sou Level 36 Allow, Wall, All, Law, Low, Owl Bonus Alow, Olla, Awl Level 37 Wagon, Gown, Ago, Now, Own, Wan, Won Bonus Gowan, Agon, Gnaw, Awn, Gan, Goa, Nag, Nog, Wag Level 38 Brash, Bars, Bash, Rash, Ash, Bar, Bra, Has Bonus Arbs, Bras, Abs, Arb, Sab Level 39 Style, Lets, Let, Set, Yes, Yet Bonus Lest, Leys, Lyes, Lyse, Stye, Tels, Tyes, Ley, Lye, Sel, Sly, Sty Level 40 Texts, Test, Text, Set, Sex Bonus Sett, Sext, Stet, Tets Kunci Jawaban Word Across Level 41 – 60 Level 41 Flood, Fold, Food, Fool, Old Bonus Loof, Dol, Loo Level 42 Sears, Ears, Seas, Are, Ear, Era, Sea Bonus Rases, Eras, Rase, Sear, Sera, Sers, Ers, Res, Ser Level 43 Donor, Door, Odor, Don, Nod, Nor, Rod Bonus Rondo, Ordo, Rood, Dor Level 44 Apply, Play, Lap, Lay, Pal, Pay Bonus Palp, Paly, Alp, App, Pap, Ply, Pya, Yap Level 45 Catch, Chat, Act, Cat, Hat Bonus Tach Level 46 Kicks, Kick, Sick, Sic, Ski Level 47 Seven, Even, Seen, Eve, See Bonus Evens, Neves, Esne, Eves, Neve, Sene, Vees, Ens, Nee Level 48 Third, Dirt, Hid, Hit, Rid Bonus Thir, Dit Level 49 Knelt, Ken, Let, Net, Ten Bonus Kelt, Kent, Lent, Elk, Lek Level 50 Saved, Save, Vase, Sad, Sea Bonus Devas, Deva, Devs, Sade, Ads, Eds, Vas Level 51 Signs, Sings, Sign, Sing, Sins, Gin, Sin Bonus Gins, Sis Level 52 Snack, Sack, Sank, Scan, Ask, Can Bonus Cans, Cask, Kas, Sac, Ska Level 53 Lofty, Loft, Fly, Lot, Toy Bonus Oft Level 54 Berth, Herb, Bet, Her, The Bonus Beth, Reb, Ret Level 55 Mixed, Dime, Die, Dim, Mid, Mix Bonus Idem, Med Level 56 Bends, Beds, Bend, Ends, Send, Bed, Den, End Bonus Bens, Dens, Nebs, Sned, Ben, Bes, Deb, Eds, Ens, Neb Level 57 Rough, Hour, Hog, Hug, Our, Rug Bonus Gor Level 58 Flips, Flip, Lips, Slip, Lip, Sip Bonus Fils, Lisp, Fil Level 59 Ounce, Cone, Once, Cue, One Bonus Unco, Con, Eon Level 60 Brink, Rink, Bin, Ink, Kin, Rib Bonus Birk, Kirn, Irk, Kir, Nib Kunci Jawaban Word Across Level 61 – 80 Level 61 Porch, Chop, Crop, Cop, Hop, Pro Bonus Cor, Orc, Roc Level 62 Notch, Cot, Hot, Not, Ton Bonus Chon, Con, Hon, Nth, Tho Level 63 Thumb, But, Hub, Hum, Hut, Tub Bonus Bhut, Bum, Mut Level 64 Swung, Guns, Snug, Sung, Gun, Sun Bonus Gnus, Gnu Level 65 Comer, Come, Core, More, Ore Bonus Cero, Corm, Merc, Omer, Cor, Moc, Orc, Rec, Rem, Roc, Roe Level 66 Yells, Sell, Yell, Sly, Yes Bonus Ells, Leys, Lyes, Lyse, Ley, Lye, Sel Level 67 Stall, Last, Salt, Tall, All Bonus Talls, Alls, Alts, Lats, Slat, Alt, Lat, Sal, Sat Level 68 Drama, Arm, Dam, Mad, Mar Bonus Damar, Dram, Maar, Mara, Rad, Ram Level 69 Agree, Eager, Gear, Rage, Age, Are, Ear, Era Bonus Eagre, Agee, Ager, Gree, Ere, Erg, Gar, Rag, Ree, Reg Level 70 Grill, Gill, Girl, Ill, Rig Bonus Rill Level 71 Terms, Rest, Stem, Term, Met, Set Bonus Erst, Rems, Rets, Tres, Ers, Rem, Res, Ret, Ser Level 72 Would, Loud, Duo, Low, Old, Owl Bonus Wold, Dol, Dow, Oud, Wud Level 7 Hairy, Airy, Hair, Air, Hay, Ray Bonus Ahi, Rai, Ria, Rya, Yah, Yar Level 74 Crown, Corn, Crow, Worn, Cow, Nor, Own, Row, Won, Now Bonus Con, Cor, Orc, Roc Level 75 Plank, Plan, Lap, Nap, Pal, Pan Bonus Knap, Lank, Alp Level 76 Match, Chat, Math, Act, Cat, Ham, Hat, Mat Bonus Cham, Mach, Tach, Cam, Mac Level 77 Graph, Harp, Gap, Par, Rap Bonus Gar, Hag, Hap, Rag Level 78 Feeds, Feed, Fees, Seed, Fed, Fee, See Bonus Dees, Feds, Def, Eds Level 79 Sixth, Hits, This, His, Hit, Its, Sit, Six Bonus Hist, Sith, Tis Level 80 Dirty, Dirt, Tidy, Dry, Rid, Try Bonus Yird, Dit Kunci Jawaban Word Across Level 81 – 100 Level 81 Bases, Base, Bass, Seas, Sea Bonus Sabes, Sabs, Abs, Bes, Sab Level 82 Event, Even, Teen, Vent, Net, Ten, Vet, Eve Bonus Neve, Nee, Tee Level 83 Lacks, Slack, Lack, Sack, Ask Bonus Calks, Calk, Cask, Lacs, Kas, Lac, Sac, Sal, Ska Level 84 Slots, Loss, Lost, Lots, Slot, Toss, Lot Bonus Sols, Sots, Sol, Sot Level 85 Lands, Land, Sand, And, Lad, Sad Bonus Ands, Dals, Dans, Lads, Ads, Dal, Sal Level 86 Blues, Blue, Bus, Sub, Sue, Use Bonus Lubes, Bels, Lube, Lues, Slub, Slue, Bel, Bes, Leu, Sel Level 87 Needy, Deny, Eyed, Need, Den, Dye, End, Eye Bonus Dene, Dyne, Eyen, Eyne, Dey, Nee, Yen Level 88 Guard, Drag, Drug, Grad, Dug, Rug Bonus Dura, Gaud, Gaur, Guar, Ruga, Dag, Gad, Gar, Rad, Rag, Urd Level 89 Spicy, Icy, Sic, Sip, Spy Bonus Pics, Pyic, Yips, Pic, Yip Level 90 Zones, Nose, Ones, Zone, One, Son Bonus Eons, Noes, Sone, Ens, Eon Level 91 Sinks, Skins, Kiss, Sink, Sins, Skin, Skis, Ink, Kin, Ski, Sin Bonus Inks, Kins, Sis Level 92 Props, Pops, Prop, Pop, Pro Bonus Pros, Sop Level 93 Mount, Unto, Not, Nut, Out, Ton Bonus Notum, Muon, Mon, Mot, Mut, Tom, Tun Level 94 Humor, Hour, Hum, Our, Rum Bonus Mohur, Mho, Ohm Level 95 Shuts, Huts, Shut, Thus, Hut Bonus Tush Level 96 Loser, Roles, Lore, Lose, Role, Rose, Sole, Sore, Ore Bonus Lores, Orles, Sorel, Oles, Ores, Orle, Roes, Sloe, Ers, Ole, Res, Roe, Sel, Ser, Sol Level 97 Fungi, Fin, Fun, Gin, Gun Bonus Fig, Fug, Gnu Level 98 Wally, Ally, Wall, All, Law, Lay, Way Bonus Yawl, Awl, Yaw Level 99 Farms, Arms, Farm, Mars, Arm, Far, Mar Bonus Arfs, Rams, Ram Level 100 Aware, Area, Wear, Are, Awe, Ear, Era, Raw, War Bonus Ware, Awa, Wae Daftar Kunci Jawaban Word Across Level 101 – 120 Level 101 Ghost, Hogs, Host, Shot, Hog, Hot, Got Bonus Goths, Gosh, Goth, Hots, Shog, Togs, Tosh, Sot, Tho, Tog Level 102 Tells, Lest, Lets, Sell, Tell, Let, Set Bonus Ells, Tels, Sel Level 103 Mound, Undo, Don, Duo, Nod, Mud Bonus Muon, Udon, Dun, Mod, Mon, Oud Level 104 Theme, Meet, Them, Hem, The, Met Bonus Heme, Mete, Meth, Teem, Thee, Eme, Tee Level 105 World, Lord, Word, Low, Old, Owl, Rod, Row Bonus Wold, Dol, Dor, Dow Level 106 Firms, Firm, Rims, Fir, Rim, Sir Bonus Firs, Mirs, Rifs, Mir, Rif, Sri Level 107 Rapid, Arid, Drip, Paid, Pair, Raid, Aid, Air, Pad, Par, Rap, Rid, Rip, Dip Bonus Pardi, Pard, Dap, Pia, Rad, Rai, Ria Level 108 Hatch, Chat, Act, Cat, Hat Bonus Hath, Tach Level 109 Plump, Lump, Plum, Pulp, Pump, Pup Bonus Pul, Ump Level 110 Knees, Keen, Knee, Seek, Seen, Ken, See Bonus Keens, Skene, Ekes, Esne, Kens, Sene, Skee, Eke, Ens, Nee Level 111 Width, With, Hid, Hit, Wit Bonus Whid, Whit, Dit Level 112 Blast, Bats, Last, Salt, Slab, Tabs, Bat, Lab, Tab, Stab Bonus Blats, Albs, Alts, Bals, Bast, Blat, Labs, Lats, Slat, Abs, Alb, Alt, Bal, Lat, Sab, Sal, Sat Level 113 Peace, Cape, PaCepe, Cep, Pac, Pea Level 114 Shake, Sake, Ash, Ask, Has, Sea, She Bonus Hakes, Haes, Hake, Kaes, Keas, Shea, Hae, Kas, Kea, Ska Level 115 Plots, Lost, Lots, Plot, Post, Pots, Slot, Spot, Stop, Tops, Lot, Opt, Pot, Top Bonus Lops, Opts, Pols, Slop, Lop, Pol, Sol, Sop, Sot Level 116 Burly, Blur, Bury, Ruby, Buy, Rub Bonus Burl, Bur Level 117 Blush, Bush, Lush, Bus, Hub, Sub Bonus Buhls, Buhl, Hubs, Shul, Slub Level 118 Spend, Ends, Pens, Send, Sped, Den, End, Pen Bonus Pends, Dens, Peds, Pend, Sned, Eds, Ens, Ped, Pes Level 119 Grand, Darn, Drag, Grad, Rand, Rang, And, Ran Bonus Dang, Gnar, Gran, Nard, Dag, Gad, Gan, Gar, Nag, Rad, Rag Level 120 Chips, Chip, Ship, His, Sic, Sip Bonus Chis, Hips, Ichs, Phis, Pics, Pish, Hip, Ich, Pic Kunci Jawaban Word Across Level 121 – 140 Level 121 Cones, Cone, Nose, Once, Ones, One, Sec, Son Bonus Scone, Cons, Eons, Noes, Sone, Con, Ens, Eon Level 122 Saint, Satin, Stain, Anti, Ant, Its, Sin, Sit, Tan, Tin Bonus Antis, Tains, Ains, Aits, Anis, Ants, Nits, Sain, Sati, Snit, Tain, Tans, Tins, Ain, Ait, Ani, Nit, Sat, Tis Level 123 Hazel, Hale, Haze, Heal, Zeal, Ale Bonus Laze, Hae, Lea Level 124 Count, Unto, Cot, Cut, Not, Nut, Out, Ton Bonus Unco, Con, Tun Level 125 Coupe, Cope, Coup, Cop, Cue, Cup Bonus Puce, Cep, Ope Level 126 Budge, Bed, Beg, Bud, Bug, Due, Dug Bonus Debug, Gude, Deb, Dub, Ged Level 127 Taxed, Date, Ate, Axe, Eat, Tad, Tax, Tea Bonus Axed, Tae, Ted Level 128 Bring, Grin, Ring, Big, Bin, Gin, Rib, Rig Bonus Brig, Girn, Gib, Nib Level 129 Aptly, Play, Apt, Lay, Pal, Pat, Pay, Tap, Lap Bonus Platy, Typal, Paly, Paty, Plat, Alp, Alt, Lat, Ply, Pya, Yap Level 130 Genus, Guns, Snug, Sung, Gun, Sue, Sun, Use Bonus Negus, Engs, Gens, Genu, Gnus, Negs, Ens, Gen, Gnu, Neg Level 131 Dared, Dread, Dare, Dead, Dear, Read, Add, Are, Dad, Ear, Era, Red Bonus Adder, Readd, Redd, Rad Level 132 Crawl, Claw, Arc, Car, Law, Raw, War Bonus Carl, Craw, Awl, Caw, Lac, Lar Level 133 Tents, Nest, Nets, Sent, Tent, Test, Net, Set, Ten Bonus Netts, Stent, Nett, Sett, Stet, Tens, Tets, Ens Level 134 Found, Fond, Fund, Undo, Don, Duo, Fun, Nod Bonus Fondu, Udon, Dun, Fon, Fou, Fud, Oud Level 135 Thyme, Myth, Them, They, Hem, Met, The, Yet Bonus Hyte, Meth, Thy Level 136 Clown, Cow, Low, Now, Owl, Own, Won Bonus Cowl, Lown, Col, Con Level 137 Minor, Iron, Norm, Ion, Nor, Rim Bonus Inro, Morn, Noir, Mir, Mon, Nim Level 138 Yacht, Chat, Act, Cat, Hat, Hay Bonus Achy, Chay, Tach, Cay, Thy, Yah Level 139 Abyss, Bass, Bays, Says, Bay, Say Bonus Bassy, Abys, Sabs, Abs, Aby, Ays, Sab Level 140 Knife, Fine, Fin, Ink, Ken, Kin Bonus Fink, Kief, Kine, Fen, Kef, Kif Kunci Jawaban Word Across Level 141 – 160 Level 141 Gamut, Gum, Gut, Mat, Mug, Tag, Tug Bonus Gaum, Gam, Gat, Mag, Mut, Uta Level 142 Drift, Dirt, Rift, Fir, Fit, Rid Bonus Frit, Dif, Dit, Fid, Rif Level 143 Short, Host, Shot, Sort, Hot, Rot Bonus Horst, Hots, Orts, Rhos, Rots, Thro, Tors, Tosh, Ort, Sot, Tho, Tor Level 144 Paced, Cape, Pace, Ace, Ape, Cap, Pad Bonus Caped, Aced, Aped, Cade, Dace, Cep, Dap, Pac, Pea, Ped Level 145 Asked, Desk, Sake, Ask, Sad, Sea Bonus Daks, Kaes, Keas, Sade, Ads, Dak, Eds, Kas, Kea, Ska Level 146 Sheen, Hens, Seen, Hen, See, She Bonus Esne, Sene, Ens, Nee Level 147 Awash, Wash, Ash, Has, Saw, Was Bonus Haws, Shaw, Shwa, Awa, Haw Level 148 Brush, Shrub, Bush, Rubs, Rush, Bus, Hub, Rub, Sub Bonus Buhrs, Buhr, Burs, Hubs, Urbs, Bur Level 149 Lends, Ends, Lend, Lens, Send, Sled, Den, End, Led Bonus Dels, Dens, Elds, Sned, Del, Eds, Eld, Ens, Sel Level 150 Waved, Wade, Wave, Awe, Dew, Wad, Wed Bonus Awed, Deva, Daw, Wae Level 151 Picks, Pick, Sick, Skip, Sic, Sip, Ski Bonus Kips, Pics, Spik, Kip, Pic Level 152 Opens, Nope, Nose, Ones, Open, Pens, Pose, One, Pen, Son Bonus Peons, Pones, Eons, Epos, Noes, Opes, Peon, Peso, Pone, Pons, Sone, Ens, Eon, Ope, Pes, Sop Level 153 Twins, Twin, Wins, Its, Sin, Sit, Tin, Win, Wit Bonus Nits, Snit, Tins, Wist, Wits, Nit, Tis, Wis Level 154 Glaze, Gale, Gaze, Zeal, Age, Ale, Gal, Gel, Lag, Leg Bonus Egal, Laze, Lea, Zag Level 155 Mores, More, Rose, Some, Sore, Ore Bonus Morse, Omers, Mors, Omer, Ores, Rems, Roes, Roms, Ers, Rem, Res, Roe, Ser, Som Level 156 Pouch, Chop, Coup, Ouch, Cop, Cup, Hop Level 157 Snaps, Spans, Pans, Pass, Snap, Span, Nap, Pan, Sap, Spa Bonus Asps, Naps, Sans, Saps, Spas, Asp, Pas Level 158 Tonal, Alto, Loan, Ant, Lot, Not, Tan, Ton Bonus Notal, Talon, Tolan, Lota, Nota, Tola, Alt, Lat, Oat Level 159 Begin, Being, Binge, Beg, Big, Bin, Gin Bonus Bine, Gibe, Ben, Gen, Gib, Gie, Neb, Neg, Nib Level 160 Flats, Fast, Flat, Last, Salt, Aft, Fat Bonus Alts, Fats, Lats, Slat, Alt, Lat, Sal, Sat Kunci Jawaban Word Across Level 161 – 180 Level 161 Puree, Peer, Pure, Per, Rep, Rue Bonus Rupee, Pere, Pree, Ere, Ree Level 162 Amber, Bare, Beam, Bear, Mare, Are, Arm, Bar, Bra, Ear, Era, Mar Bonus Bream, Embar, Barm, Bema, Berm, Brae, Ream, Arb, Bam, Mae, Ram, Reb, Rem Level 163 Fumes, Fuse, Muse, Sue, Use, Sum Bonus Emus, Fems, Feus, Fume, Emu, Fem, Feu Level 164 Belts, Belt, Best, Bets, Lest, Lets, Let, Set, Bet Bonus Blest, Bels, Tels, Bel, Bes, Sel Level 165 Dough, Dog, Dug, Duo, God, Hog, Hug Bonus Hod, Oud Level 166 Deity, Diet, Edit, Tide, Tidy, Tied, Die, Dye, Tie, Yet Bonus Dite, Yeti, Dey, Dit, Ted Level 167 Crowd, Cord, Crow, Word, Cod, Cow, Rod, Row Bonus Cor, Doc, Dor, Dow, Orc, Roc Level 168 Muted, Duet, Mute, Due, Met, Mud Bonus Emu, Med, Mut, Ted, Ute Level 169 Batch, Bath, Chat, Act, Bat, Cab, Cat, Hat, Tab Bonus Bach, Baht, Tach Level 170 Crime, Mice, Rice, Ice, Ire, Rim Bonus Cire, Emic, Emir, Merc, Mire, Rime, Mic, Mir, Rec, Rem Level 171 Libel, Bell, Bile, Bill, Ill, Lie Bonus Bel, Lei, Lib Level 172 Admit, Amid, Maid, Aid, Aim, Dam, Dim, Mad, Mat, Mid, Tad Bonus Adit, Ait, Ami, Dit Level 173 Drink, Kind, Rind, Rink, Din, Kid, Kin, Rid, Ink Bonus Dink, Dirk, Kirn, Irk, Kir Level 174 Youth, Hot, Hut, Out, Toy, You Bonus Thou, Hoy, Tho, Thy Level 175 Ports, Sport, Port, Post, Pots, Sort, Spot, Stop, Tops, Opt, Pot, Pro, Rot, Top Bonus Prost, Strop, Opts, Orts, Pros, Rots, Tors, Trop, Ort, Sop, Sot, Tor Level 176 Snake, Sneak, Sake, Sane, Sank, Ask, Ken, Sea Bonus Kanes, Skean, Anes, Kaes, Kane, Keas, Kens, Ane, Ens, Kas, Kea, Nae, Ska Level 177 Tenth, Tent, Then, Hen, Net, Ten, The Bonus Hent, Nett, Teth, Nth Level 178 Shady, Dash, Days, Hays, Ash, Day, Had, Hay, Sad, Say, Shy, Has Bonus Dashy, Ashy, Dahs, Shad, Shay, Ads, Ays, Dah, Yah Level 179 Champ, Camp, Chap, Cap, Ham, Map Bonus Caph, Cham, Mach, Amp, Cam, Hap, Mac, Pac, Pam Level 180 Dense, Needs, Ends, Need, Seed, Seen, Send, Den, End, See Bonus Denes, Dees, Dene, Dens, Esne, Sene, Sned, Eds, Ens, Nee Kunci Jawaban Word Across Level 181 – 200 Level 181 Spike, Pies, Pike, Skip, Pie, Sip, Ski Bonus Kepis, Pikes, Kepi, Keps, Kips, Sike, Sipe, Skep, Spik, Kep, Kip, Pes, Sei Level 182 Canoe, Ocean, Cane, Cone, Once, Ace, Can, One Bonus Acne, Aeon, Ane, Con, Eon, Nae, Oca Level 183 Drawn, Darn, Dawn, Draw, Rand, Wand, Ward, Warn, And, Ran, Raw, Wad, Wan, War Bonus Nard, Awn, Daw, Rad Level 184 Ninth, Hint, Thin, Hit, Inn, Tin Bonus Hin, Nit, Nth Level 185 Stirs, Sits, Stir, Its, Sir, Sit Bonus Sirs, Sris, Sis, Sri, Tis Level 186 Apple, Leap, Pale, Plea, Ale, Ape, Lap, Pal, Pep Bonus Appel, Palp, Peal, Alp, App, Lea, Pap, Pea Level 187 Scrub, Curb, Rubs, Bus, Cub, Rub, Sub Bonus Curbs, Burs, Crus, Cubs, Curs, Urbs, Bur, Cru, Cur Level 188 Pasta, Past, Pats, Taps, Apt, Pat, Sap, Spa, Tap Bonus Tapas, Spat, Tapa, Asp, Pas, Sat Level 189 Helms, Helm, Mesh, Elm, Hem, She Bonus Elms, Hems, Mels, Mel, Sel Level 190 Owing, Gown, Wing, Gin, Ion, Now, Own, Wig, Win, Won Bonus Wino, Nog Level 191 Aloft, Float, Alto, Flat, Loaf, Loft, Aft, Fat, Lot Bonus Foal, Lota, Tola, Alt, Lat, Oat, Oft Level 192 Cruel, Ulcer, Clue, Cure, Curl, Lure, Rule, Cue, Rue Bonus Lucre, Ecru, Luce, Cel, Cru, Cur, Leu, Rec Level 193 Zebra, Bare, Bear, Are, Bar, Bra, Ear, Era Bonus Braze, Brae, Raze, Arb, Reb Level 194 Mouse, Muse, Some, Sue, Use, Sum Bonus Moues, Emus, Moue, Sumo, Emu, Som, Sou Level 195 Steps, Pest, Pets, Sets, Step, Pet, Set Bonus Pests, Septs, Psst, Sept, Pes Level 196 Cover, Core, Cove, Over, Rove, Ore, Rev Bonus Cero, Cor, Orc, Rec, Roc, Roe, Voe Level 197 Rebel, Beer, Reel, Bee, Eel, Lee Bonus Leer, Bel, Ere, Reb, Ree Level 198 Cloud, Could, Cold, Loud, Cod, Duo, Old Bonus Clod, Col, Cud, Doc, Dol, Oud Level 199 Field, Filed, File, Fled, Idle, Lied, Life, Die, Elf, Fed, Led, Lid, Lie Bonus Felid, Flied, Deil, Deli, Diel, Lief, Def, Del, Dif, Eld, Fid, Fil, Lei Level 200 Boost, Boots, Boot, Soot, Sob, Too Bonus Boos, Bots, Oots, Stob, Bot, Sot Kunci Jawaban Word Across Level 200 – 210 Level 201 Thank, Hank, Tank, Than, Ant, Hat, Tan Bonus Ankh, Hant, Khan, Khat, Kat, Nth Level 202 Grief, Fire, Rife, Ire, Rig, Fir Bonus Frig, Reif, Erg, Fer, Fig, Gie, Ref, Reg, Rif Level 203 Smart, Arms, Arts, Mars, Mast, Mats, Rats, Star, Tram, Arm, Art, Mar, Mat, Tar, Rat Bonus Marts, Trams, Mart, Rams, Tams, Tars, Tsar, Ram, Sat Level 204 Finds, Find, Fins, Din, Dis, Fin, Sin Bonus Difs, Dins, Fids, Dif, Fid Level 205 Mouth, Moth, Hot, Hum, Hut, Out Bonus Thou, Mho, Mot, Mut, Ohm, Tho, Tom Level 206 Story, Rosy, Sort, Toys, Rot, Soy, Toy, Try Bonus Ryots, Stroy, Troys, Tyros, Orts, Rots, Ryot, Tors, Tory, Troy, Tyro, Ort, Sot, Sty, Tor Level 207 Beams, Base, Beam, Mesa, Same, Seam, Sea Bonus Bemas, Mabes, Bams, Bema, Maes, Abs, Bam, Bes, Mae, Sab Level 208 Stalk, Talks, Last, Salt, Talk, Task, Ask Bonus Alts, Kats, Lats, Skat, Slat, Alt, Kas, Kat, Lat, Sal, Sat, Ska, Tsk Level 209 Cards, Arcs, Card, Cars, Scar, Arc, Car, Sad Bonus Cads, Rads, Sard, Scad, Ads, Rad, Sac Level 210 Doors, Door, Odor, Rods, Rod, Sod Bonus Odors, Ordos, Roods, Dors, Ordo, Rood, Dor Nah itulah tadi semua Kunci Jawaban game Word Across terlengkap dari level 1 sampai dengan level 210. Kabar Games akan mengupdatenya kembali jika telah menemukan kunci jawaban ke level lebih tinggi lainnya, jangan lupa baca juga kunci jawaban Tebak Gambar, TTS Pintar, TTS Jenius, Brain Blow, Stump Me dan Tebak Tebakan 2020! Nantikan terus berita terbaru dan terupdate seputar game dan gadget hanya di Kabar Games. (function(d,a,b,l,e,_) if(d[b]&&d[b].q)return;d[b]=function()(d[b].q=d[b].q;e=a.createElement(l); e.async=1;e.charset='utf-8';e.src='//static.dable.io/dist/plugin.min.js'; _=a.getElementsByTagName(l)[0];_.parentNode.insertBefore(e,_); )(window,document,'dable','script'); dable('setService', 'kabargames.id'); dable('sendLogOnce'); dable('renderWidget', 'dablewidget_KoEP9KXB');
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