#For anyone who is nervous ab the ending I will gently direct you towards the happy ending tag
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bucketsofmonsters · 3 months ago
Where the Light Enters - Part 19
Cole/Female Inquisitor
cw: unreliable narrator, hurt/comfort, slow burn, enemies to lovers, referenced noncon, happy ending, fingering, penetrative sex, loss of virginity, masturbation
word count: 4k
ao3 link
Defeating high dragons did not seem to have any meaningful effect on this war at all. Cassandra and Bull insisted it was vital if what she said about the elven voices in her head was true, but she suspected by the excitement in their eyes that they’d both simply wanted to fight a dragon.
Everyone had returned home from their dragon hunting missions and no one had lost a limb so at least she could count that as a success. 
Things had calmed down, at least for them. It was the scouts who were out doing the real work now, as Sera kept loudly announcing to people. They were looking for any dragons, she supposed. Solas was convinced they were the key to winning this. He said there were legends about dragons being tied to the veil, that perhaps one had been corrupted by someone and that was what was tearing holes in the fade. 
She didn’t really know. Cassandra had already informed her she would not be going anywhere near this final battle. She had done it after Cullen had attempted to inform her of this and then had run off after getting shouted at. 
Despite it being calm, no one was settled. They could all tell the end was near and they were on edge, incredibly jumpy. She wasn’t, of course, but Cole had informed her that perhaps this was because she was always on edge. 
Cole seemed relatively relaxed as well. He wasn’t one to worry about things like his potential demise at the hands of a corrupted dragon. He kept trying to help everyone else, force them out of their perpetual stress, but was having very little luck with it. Most could not be so easily distracted from such things.
Varric, however, was more than happy to be distracted. She found them sitting off in a corner somewhere, playing a game of wicked grace. 
“I’m helping,” Cole declared to her. “Mind won’t wander but it’s restless, has to do something. Teach him how to move his hands, hold his eyes. Spirits don’t have tells, just have to not get thrown out into the cold, chased down for playing the game.”
“Oye,” she said, pointing accusationally at Varric. “You’re trying to get him to help you cheat! I’ll have you know, if anyone is exploiting him for profit, it will be me.”
“Noted,” Varric said with a chuckle, rounding up the small pile of coins in the middle of the table. “I won this round.”
Cole nodded. “The ace in his sleeve won it for him.”
“I’m telling you, kid,” Varric said, like he was teaching a life lesson and not scamming someone. “You’ve got to call people when they’re doing that. Or work against it.”
“But winning cheered you up. You’re not thinking about the dragon anymore, bent and wrong, turned against its home. Untethered.”
Varric groaned. “And you ruined it. Better luck next time, kid, I’m going to go practice my shooting. There’s always room for another if you want it,” he said, giving Britches a pointed look.
“I’m good,” she said. “Not like I’ll be shooting at anything anytime soon anyways.”
“So you’re really not going?” he said, not sounding surprised at all. More sad than anything.
“What, to see the most dangerous creature alive right now?” She scoffed. “Why would I?”
“To help.”
“No thank you,” she said, shooting him a deeply insincere grin. “I’m sure you’ll be fine on your own. And if you’re not, I’ll be glad I wasn’t there to get caught up in it.”
“Whatever you say. You two have fun.”
With that, he left the pair of them alone. 
“Any luck helping people?” she asked, hopping up to sit on the edge of the table.
“No. Varric humors me. Sometimes he humors me so much he forgets to be scared for a moment.”
“Hey, that’s something,” she said with a smile. “Who’s your next target?”
“I don’t think I want to help them," he said, fidgeting with his hands. “I think I’m tired and I miss you and they’re all so scared it makes my head hurt.”
“Take a break then,” she said, grabbing his hand as she hopped off the table. 
He seemed concerned about the whole ordeal but let her lead him along, tugging him back to their room in the attic of the tavern. 
She tugged him down onto the mattress before he had time to worry. He fell on top of her, almost knocking the air out of her, but she couldn’t bring herself to mind. 
She pushed him up off of her, partially so she could breathe again and partially so she could look at him. 
When faced with his disheveled hair and a flushed face revealed from under a tipped off hat, she almost instantly drew him back in for a kiss, rolling her hips up into his. 
She pulled back, pressing her hands into his shoulders to keep him from following her and kissing her once more and blurted out, “Do you want to have sex?”
His eyes darted down to her lips and then back up to her eyes. “We’ve had sex.”
She rolled her eyes. “Not like that, real sex.” She grinded her hips up into his as if in demonstration. 
His eyes widened, excitement filling his face. “Really?”
He waited, clearly demanding an actual repose from her. When she nodded, he dove back into a kiss, hand snaking down into her pants, pushing one gently inside her and crooking it up. 
A soft moan was pulled from her and alongside it, she asked, “What are you doing?” as she pulled away from his kiss with a laugh. 
“Prepping you,” he said, his fingers crooking up in practiced motions. “That’s what you’re supposed to do. It’s what everyone else does.”
“I appreciate the enthusiasm but I promise I can take you”
He frowned, a little wrinkle forming between his brows. “I want to.”
She sighed a long-suffering sigh, hiding a smile. “If you insist.”
He moved, carefully and slowly, maybe too slowly. She could feel herself start to become impatient but shoved the feeling down. It was clearly important to Cole and she could allow it. 
And people were so rarely this gentle with her. When they were it was always done with an air of condescension, like she was some fragile thing that couldn’t take it. 
That wasn’t how it was now. There was no condescension in Cole's actions. They were simply laced with an excess of care. Everything he did was. 
He slipped a second finger in, steady and sure. Her body welcomed it, more than prepared. 
He scissored her open, carefully watching her face for any sign of discomfort now that he couldn’t read it out of her mind. She was pliant and soft underneath him, trying to quell any impatient squirming and allow him this. 
She decided she could allow the bit of impatience that was unbuttoning his pants and shoving his underwear down to release his dick. He barely seemed to notice, absolutely focused on what he was doing, brow furrowed with his lower lip trapped between his teeth. 
She gave his cock a steady stroke and he glared down at her. “You’re rushing,” he said with a huff. 
“I don’t know what you mean,” she said, batting her eyes innocently up at him. 
He gave into her a little, removing his fingers and shifting down so his length ran through her folds, gasping as he did. 
“You’re so wet,” he said, voice verging on delight.
“A brilliant deduction.”
He didn’t even bother looking annoyed, barely tamping down his grin enough to kiss her, deep and messy. It was frankly a bad kiss, too much too quickly, the desperation in it leaving it frantic and sloppy. She loved every second of it.  
The head of his cock teased her entrance, not intentionally but simply sliding along her as he moved, thrusting beside her.
She stamped down her dignity and gave him a quiet, “Please.”
His eyes lit up at the word and he shifted, ever so slightly, to position himself above her with intention. 
He stared down at her face, searching for something in it.
“Are you sure?” he asked, the air from his words tickling her face. 
She nodded, arms lifting to wrap around him, urging him closer. 
He pushed just the tip of his cock inside of her before freezing.
“You can move more than that, I promise,” she goaded him, trying to roll her hips to meet his.
He reached down and pinned her to the mattress, keeping her from moving as he shook his head. “If I do, I'm going to come.”
She laughed, the sound echoing through the room without a hint of malice to be found within it. “You’re so sweet.”
He nodded, distracted as he focused on keeping himself together. 
Eventually, he seemed to decide he was composed enough to move, pushing inside her steadily. He paused once more when he was hilted inside her, a loud moan escaping him. 
She giggled, shifting underneath him and earning another moan from his mouth. “One of these days you’ll learn to be quiet.”
He shook his head. “I feel good, why would I lock it inside?”
She smiled. It was a sweet idea, a declaration of happiness and pleasure, to him untainted by anything. 
She supposed it was alright. She didn’t mind the idea of everyone hearing him anyway. 
Finally he began to move, slowly and carefully, and she suspected it was as much for his sake as hers. Every movement was punctuated by a loud cry, his hands reaching down to grab the sheets below them. 
His thrusts sped up, movements stuttering and quick, inexperienced in the motions, lost in his pleasure. 
Her fingers tangled themselves in his hair, pulling his face down for messy kisses between gasps and moans.  
And then a knot began to tangle up inside of her, unbidden and unwelcome, pulling soft emotions taught. 
“We should stop,” she said, and he stilled instantly, pulling out of her and moving to the other end of the mattress. 
“What happened? Are you okay?”
“You can keep going by yourself,” she said cautiously. “I just think I don’t want your cum on me.”
He nodded, a wide smile plastering itself across his face. “I’m very proud of you.”
“Alright,” she said with a laugh. “Save it for when you’re done jerking off, alright?
He was still beaming at her when he moved to take himself in hand and she had to fight to keep another laugh from bubbling out of her. 
He came quickly, as he always did, staring at her longingly the whole time. 
“You’re such an idiot,” she said with a laugh, moving to kiss him as he whimpered and moaned through an orgasm, staring at her with nothing but adoration.
He looked up at her, breathless, as she pressed kisses into his face. “I love you so much,” she whispered to him between kisses, barely loud enough for him to hear. “Do you know that?”
“I do. It’s one of the only things I can read from you anymore. Sometimes, barely, fleetingly”
She smiled at the thought. “What, it’s that strong?”
He nodded, leaning into each kiss as it was laid on his skin. 
They fell asleep before long. Cole seemed like he really needed the rest and she was never one to pass up a nap. 
When she woke up, Cole was gone and there was some kind of scuffle going on downstairs. She quickly dressed and rushed down to see patrons of the tavern trying to shoo Cole outside as he held up what was a frankly massive cat by the scruff of its neck. It was covered in brown and gray stripes that only stopped for its white underbelly. 
“Look what I found,” Cole said, holding the cat aloft slightly away from him. 
Under normal circumstances, she could probably be convinced to let him keep the creature. However, given his big tomcat cheeks that indicated he was probably feral and the hissing and attempted mauling that indicated he was definitely feral, it seemed an ill advised venture. “Cole,” she said, tone deeply exasperated. “Please put the cat down before it tears you to shreds.”
“It doesn’t have a name,” he said, functionally ignoring her. “Would it be rude to give it one?”
“He doesn’t need a name in the wild, where you are going to return him to,” she said, with an amount of patience she didn’t even know she was capable of mustering. 
“Its name is Clover,” he announced, seeming proud of himself.
“Did he tell you that?” she asked.
“No, I decided.”
“Great, fascinating stuff. Would Clover like to stop clawing at you?”
“It would. It just doesn't know if it is safe. I will show it that it is.”
“You know this is a bad idea, right?” she demanded of him.
“I know you think that,” he said, his voice petulant. 
She rolled her eyes. “Back in my head again?”
“No. I can just tell.”
“Groundbreaking stuff. Alright, have fun with your new cat. Keep it away from me and probably keep it away from the tavern.”
She didn’t even notice Solas in the corner until he cleared his throat. “Yes,” he added, staring at the cat. “You should probably find some place less crowded to keep it.”
Cole nodded and made his way out the door, feral cat in tow, just leaving her and Solas. 
Her instincts told her to just leave, to run up the stairs so she wouldn’t have to talk to him. But she could feel goosebumps rise on her neck and knew he was staring at her.
“What’re you doing here?” she asked, turning to him. “I didn’t take you for a big drinker.”
“I’m not,” he said. “I was waiting for you. We need to talk.”
“Can we do it later?” she asked, already regretting not brushing him off and running back up the stairs. 
“No, it is quite urgent.”
“Are you sure?” she asked, backing out the tavern door as they spoke, Solas following behind her. The voices in her head were raising, echoing, shouting warnings at her that she could not hear, making it hard to focus on anything. She stumbled as she walked backwards, everything getting so overwhelming. 
And then everything around her faded away, an impenetrable blackness coming up around her. 
The only reason she knew she hadn’t gone blind was that Solas was standing in the void with her, looking just as disoriented as she felt, though she imagined there were probably fewer voices screaming in his head. 
And then there was an old woman in front of them, with hair done up like horns and the look of a mage about her. 
She was frozen in place, unable to move her arms, though Solas seemed to have no issue moving and shifted away from her easily.  
The woman chuckled as Britches struggled against invisible bindings and then, with a flick of the woman’s wrist, she could move again.
“What was that?” Britches demanded, 
“Just a bit of control over you. The pool must have a price, mustn’t it?”
She wanted to insist that surely the screaming voices were enough of a deterrent for most but she figured it was unwise to anger the woman who could seemingly control her without even extending any major effort. “What do you want from me?” she asked instead, trying not to sound too confrontational. 
“I’ve come to help, since you can’t seem to parse the voices on your own. I didn’t mean to grab him,” she said, gesturing at Solas. “But he seems to have tagged along so I suppose he can stay. Odd, he always seems to be in the right place at the right time, doesn’t he?” Her voice had a knowing lilt to it that she could not parse. “What the voices you took on and can’t understand are trying to say is that there is not just a dragon to be defeated, but a price to be paid. You must be given for the Inquisition to survive.”
“Given?” she asked, reeling back, having a bad feeling she knew exactly what this prophecy wanted to take. 
“That’s what you need to know, you can figure the rest out, I’m sure. Especially with such a capable mage at your side.” She shot Solas a look that meant something, something Solas understood. What it meant, she had no idea. She was too busy being filled with panic. 
With that, the world faded back in and the voices quieted to their typical wave of chaos. 
Solas grabbed her and pulled her to the side, speaking in hushed tones. “She’s right, that’s what I wanted to talk to you about. The dragon can be stopped but I was looking through the fade and the two of you are tethered. It can only be killed in conjunction with the anchor in your hand. Without that, the dragon is unkillable. While one remains so must the other.”
“Right,” she said, already trying to find an out from this conversation. “I’ll think about that.”
“You should,” he insisted, “a lot of people’s lives are riding on this.”
“Whatever,” she hissed, storming off to go find Cole. 
The thought kept swirling through her head, that Cole was going to fight that dragon the second they found it. She knew her telling him it was unkillable wouldn’t do anything. He wouldn’t run, it didn’t matter what she said. He would try because that’s who he was. 
So it was her or him, at the end of the day. Well, her or thousands upon thousands of people, but that didn’t really matter to her. She’d let them die in a heartbeat, wouldn’t lose any sleep over it. She found it impossibly and frustratingly difficult to say the same when she imagined Cole there, killed by something she could have prevented. 
But she couldn’t die, couldn’t give up now, not after everything she’d done. It wasn’t an option. 
And yet she found herself turning around to go talk to Solas again. 
When she found Cole, she knew he could tell that she was exhausted and panicked. Whether or not he could see into her head anymore, that much was abundantly clear. She was tense, jaw clenched and breaths coming too slowly, clearly intentionally slowed for others benefit. 
And, more than that, he took one look at her and knew if he tried to speak to her about it, she would freak out, spiral and push him away, so instead he just looked her up and down and said, “I lost the cat.”
That much was evident from the long scratch up his face alongside his empty arms. 
“Looks like it,” she responded, giving him a halfhearted smile. 
Before they got a chance to talk any longer, shouts started to rise and she saw that Sera’s scout had returned. 
Even from a distance she looked solemn. Sera practically tackled her to the ground when she got back, having clearly been worried about her, though she’d never admit it. 
“I found it,” she said to the crowd that was slowly gathering, sensing that she had important news. “It’s a few days' ride away.”
Everything got incredibly frantic after that. People were bustling around, grabbing every weapon they could find, stocking resources. This was going to be it, they all whispered. Take everything, after this it will be done, one way or another. 
She barely helped. She felt queasy as she watched them. 
People kept offering her things to do. Blackwall came up to her and asked if she could help lead the horses to their wagons, Varric asking if she could help carry supplies. Even Vivienne seemed to have something for her, asking if she wanted to abscond for a few moments and drink some wine together. That was the only offer she almost took them up on. But she had to be sober, it didn’t seem right not to be, not now. 
The offers never really seemed to end. It seemed to be out of some need to see her involved, to make it look like she was helping. She truly did not understand it. 
Josephine came to her with an authoritative air about her, seemingly actually needing real aid with something, and Britches looked up, nonplussed. “Yes?”
“We are doing one last plea to nobles with resources near the fight. I believe you are in good standing with some of them, your presence could be of great help.”
She scrunched up her nose and shook her head. “I think I’m good here, thank you.”
“I assure you it will not be dangerous,” Josephine said, seeming confused by her refusal. “We just need to do our best to support them from the sidelines. A well supported army is a successful army.”
“I know. I’d rather not though.”
Britches got up and wandered off without waiting for a response, where to she wasn’t sure. She was getting antsy but she focused everything she had into staying put. 
Less people came up to ask for help after that. It wasn’t even that they knew she’d refuse. Public opinion was simply starting to turn. She wasn’t the poor defenseless girl anymore, she was someone refusing to help. They’d invested time and care into her and what had she done other than abandon them at every opportunity. 
They were right, of course. There was no other reaction she could have expected from them. It needed to happen, she needed to be exactly as terrible as she always was, needed to turn them all down without recompense.
There were a few stragglers, ones who still had some modicum of belief in her or a hope that couldn’t be snuffed out so quickly. She wasn’t sure which and she didn’t much care. 
“If you want to come,” Cullen said, offering her an olive branch, “you could go and stay back. I’ve heard you do that in the field, it wouldn't be any different than that. Just so we don’t have to leave you here and you don’t have to just sit around and worry.”
She shook her head resolutely. “I’m just fine here. And don’t get too concerned, I promise I won’t waste away worrying. In fact, I’ll try not to worry at all.”
Cassandra scoffed. “Can’t teach an old dog new tricks.”
And then they began to head out. 
She watched them all pass her by, seemingly having successfully worked to piss off every single person there. Cullen was fuming at the head of the army, refusing to give her so much as a look. Blackwall and Sera gossipped about her as she walked by, with little regard for her presence. Bull shot her an incredulous look and she couldn’t help but try to figure out what he was wondering. Maybe what he’d ever seen in her, maybe how someone so vile had tricked him so effectively, maybe something entirely different. It was a mystery to her, probably would always be. She caught a few more nasty looks aimed at her as they left, some from people she didn’t even know.
Vivienne was the only one who didn’t seem angry, giving her a regal nod as she passed. She’d always respected the way Britches played the game, was one of the few who recognized it was a game at all. 
Cole sat by her side the whole time, reluctant to leave. She wanted to grab his hand and beg him to stay but she knew she couldn’t. He was too selfless to ever consider it, and besides, she needed them gone. 
Cole leaned over and whispered, “They’ll miss you. Right now they can see themselves, drowning, devoured, dying. It’s hard to see anything else. And you just sit, safe, secure. Alone.”
She just nodded. She knew that, knew it incredibly well. She’d been them many times and could not fault them for it. No one hated the safe more than frightened people did. 
She couldn’t help but wonder if she’d ever actually felt safe before. 
Varric did come to see her as the last of the troops filed out, sidling up beside her. “They don’t mean it,” he said, giving her a pat on the back. “They’re just worried. People get mean when they’re worried. You’ll patch it right up when we get back.”
She shrugged. “Doesn’t matter to me, they can think what they want.”
He gave her a knowing look but didn’t fight her on the matter. “Whatever you say, kid. See you on the other side.”
Cole stood up, running out of time to stall through. He turned and stared at her, like he was trying to figure something out.
“You’ll be fine,” she said, focused on keeping her voice level. “You always are.”
He nodded. “And then it will be fixed. And we can be us.”
“Yeah, it will be. Now go,” she said, shooing him off. “Go help people, don’t let me stop you.”
He stumbled off, turning to look back at her over and over again until he’d passed the gates and left her sight completely. She imagined even past the walls, he kept looking back, until Skyhold was far in the distance. 
She watched to chase him, to give him the biggest kiss she's ever given him, but that would give her away, would show what the voices roaring her her head so conveniently hid from him. 
So she didn't do what she wanted, didn't take one last look at any of their faces, let them believe what they wanted. She just let them leave.
The second the last troop had left Skyhold, she was off, racing to the garden where Solas had returned to, sneaking out of their ranks. 
He looked over at her as he arranged the ritual circle on the ground. “I was worried you might not come.”
She shrugged. “Thought about it. Are you sure we need to do this? There’s no way they could win on their own?”
He shook his head. “It has to be the mark, it can’t be done without it.”
“And there’s no chance I survive this?”
He looked almost exasperated, which seemed a bit unfair considering the circumstances. “I told you before, I haven’t exactly done this previously so it’s impossible to know for sure. It certainly seems unlikely. The spell will rip you apart. I think it would take a stronger person than you to survive this.”
“Whatever,” she said, staring down at the mark on her palm. “Couldn’t we cut my hand off or something? Does it need to be attached to me?”
“I meant it when I said I considered every option. I would not be doing it this way if I thought there was something else to be done,” he said, voice softening slightly. “Despite our differences, I do not want you dead.”
It meant more to her than it should have. She was probably just overemotional. 
“You aren't who you say you are,” she leveled at him as she forced the emotions down. There was no reason to keep leverage anymore, she could say whatever she wanted to him. 
“I am not.” At least now, at the end, he graced her with the truth.
“I know you don't like me and I know you don’t think I was good for him," she said, fighting back a sob. She managed it. She'd gotten very good at not crying. “But please tell Cole I love him.”
Solas nodded. “Of course”
And with her last breath, she laughed.
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whatifyoulivelikethat · 4 years ago
customer service, m | jjk
pairing(s): jungkook x reader
summary: You're the simple owner of an erotica shop. Known for being non-judgmental, non-kink-shaming, and for providing pleasant customer service. So what happens when a certain customer asks for a little... extra service?
warnings: rated M (18+) for language; non-idol!AU; mentions of toxic masculinity and kink shaming; dom/sub themes; smut (restraints, body appreciation, praise, nipple play, handjob, edging); softdom!reader x firsttimesub!Jungkook
“Thank you for your patronage.”
The older woman bowed politely and took the inconspicuous brown paper bag from you. You smiled at her as she tucked it safely in her purse before thanking you again and walking out. The sky was already pitch black, with only a few people walking about. It was late, almost closing time. There was only one other customer browsing the shelves.
You knew him well.
You turned from the counter and continued calculating the day’s sales. It had been a surprisingly busy day for an erotica shop. Lots of people had purchased books today and even a good number of toys. Being one of the few adult shops in the whole district got you some… interesting customers. Thankfully, everyone was too nervous or awkward to start shit. This made your job a lot easier and you didn’t have to hire a second person. It was a small business, but you were quite proud of owning it.
You heard the clearing of a throat.
You punched in the last number. It took you less than a second to record the total in the book before shutting it. A deep breath coursed through you. You lifted your head, a small smile on your lips.
The young man shifted nervously on his heels. Curled, dark brown hair past his ears. A sharp jawline, mole quivering under his lower lip. A permanent deer-in-headlights look, at least when it came to visiting the store. He was wearing an over-sized, navy blue dress shirt and tight black slacks with black oxfords.
“How can I help you, Jeon Jungkook?”
His ears turned red. “Oh… you remember my name.”
You bowed ever so lightly. “Of course. Did you enjoy your book?”
The blush crept to his cheeks. He coughed awkwardly. You didn’t look away, keeping your small smile on your lips. You were wearing a high-necked, long-sleeved, floor-length black dress. Completely covered except for your head and hands. Your hands were perched one over the other, calmly waiting for his answer.
“Er, yes.”
“That’s good to hear.”
Over the course of his visits, you had learned a lot about Jeon Jungkook. He bought books and porn primarily BDSM-themed, either lesbian dom/sub or female dom/male sub. He bought only a few toys, but all were marketed for self-pleasure. He did not purchase any of the clothing, despite always eying it as he checked out. He was very hesitant to ask questions when there was a lot of people in the shop. He did, however, ask when there were no people in earshot. He requested opinions and recommendations a lot. He listened closely to your responses, dipping his head a bit as if he was afraid someone would know what he was asking.
At the moment, Jungkook seemed to be collecting himself. You patiently waited, watching his body language. Trembling shoulders. Chewing on his lower lip. Eyes flickering, looking in every direction except you.
“Could I… Could I please try that on?” he finally asked, raising his hand to point at something behind you.
You turned your head, following the direction of his finger. It was a black leather top for men, cut high, just above the nipples. There was a steel circle at the center of the chest that would lay under the collarbones, against the sternum. High-necked, with studs at the seams to prevent it from getting ripped with use. It had long sleeves, except instead of an opening for the hands, it ended in a closed, flipper-like encasement with straps. The back had a zipper to get inside the top.
You took a moment to let your eyes roam over the piece before facing him.
“You will need someone to help you put it on.”
You saw his hand falter. He lowered it, expression falling.
“Perhaps you can come back with someone to see if you two like it.”
Jungkook shifted his feet uncomfortably. “I don’t... have anyone who could help me.” His eyes darted from side to side. “No one knows.”
Your brows furrowed at his sad tone. “I’m sure there is someone who understands.”
Jungkook shook his head quickly. “Everyone I’ve even suggested that kind of… thing… they laughed at me,” he said tearfully, chewing on his lip harder. “They told me I was weak for wanting something like that. They told me I should be a man.”
A sharp tinge of annoyance shot through you. What kind of fucking bullshit was that? To be so vulnerable and admit what you liked – that was being a man, or any human for that matter. Jungkook blinked rapidly, pushing away his tears. He had been repressing this side of him for a long time, it seemed, only revealing a little when he was at the shop. The thought made you angry. Not having sexual freedom was soul crushing.
“It’s expensive.”
Jungkook nodded. “I saved up for it.”
Your eyes flickered to the clock. “It’s ten minutes before closing, Jungkook.”
He bowed his head. “I understand.”
You winced. He looked so lost and alone, like a bunny who couldn’t find home. You tapped the counter sharply, making him snap his head up.
“The fitting rooms are in the back. Let me close up a little and I will be right with you,” you said, sweeping your skirts back to walk around the counter. Jungkook watched you stride to the door of the shop before scurrying towards the back. You locked the door and pulled down the metal grate before turning off the front lights. You could never be too safe, after all. You made your way back to the counter and grabbed the tall metal hook to bring the leather top down. He had good taste. This was one of your favorites.
Simple, yet effective.
You placed the metal rod back and walked to the fitting rooms, heels clacking on the hardwood. You always liked to wear heels. They gave you a sense of power, even though no one could see them under the maxi-length dress. It was like announcing your presence.
Your hand grasped the red velvet curtain and pulled back, revealing an awkward-looking Jungkook. He was picking at the peach fuzz on his face in the floor length mirrors. You blinked at him and he pulled away from the mirror quickly. He saw the top on your hands and gulped.
“Sorry, I–”
You cut him off. “Remove your shirt.”
Jungkook looked down. “R-right.”
You watched his fingers fumble with the tiny buttons of his navy dress shirt. He had long fingers, large hands. Small tattoos on his right hand. Lightly tanned skin, toned chest, dark nipples, sculpted abs. The silky fabric slid off his right shoulder. Tattooed arm as well. He slipped out of the other sleeve and held his shirt awkwardly in his hands. You indicated the hook to his left with your free hand. He swallowed and placed his shirt on the hook. His black pants were very tight. You could see his muscular thighs and calves.
“Move the ottoman to the center,” you said softly. There was an edge of command to your voice.
Jungook spied the black leather ottoman in the corner and gently pushed it to the center of the dressing room. He looked back up at you for approval.
He did, but facing you. You smiled, just a little.
“Face the mirrors, Jungkook.”
There was an inflection on your tone when you said his name. He started and scooted around, facing the three floor-length mirrors. You could see Jungkook’s nervous expression in the mirror and he could see you standing behind him at the entrance of the dressing room. You pulled the curtain closed behind you as you stepped in.
Now you two were alone, in the red velvet room.
You calmly removed the hanger from the leather top. “Raise your arms.”
He did. He had nice forearms and biceps. Even his triceps were nice.
You unzipped the back. Jungkook was watching you closely. You separated the zipper and reached around him, placing one sleeve on and then the other. Your chest was very close to his back but not touching. You placed two fingers around his wrist and yanked the leather down, making sure the fit was smug. Jungkook gasped. You did the same to his other hand before backing up and rolling the sleeves up. He shivered as the steel ring touched his skin, flush against his sternum. You had to pull a bit to fit his broad shoulders in it. The top could accommodate some stretch, but it was a little tight due to his build. Your eyes flickered to his face. He seemed fine with it.
Maybe a little too fine with it.
You zipped the back, careful not to catch his hair in it. Jungkook peered at his flipper hands and flapped the straps. He smiled. You almost did, but instead cleared your throat. He straightened.
“So,” you began, voice dropping an octave. “The nice thing about this top is that it can be fastened two ways.” You reached around him and took his left arm, crossing it over his right arm, over his stomach. Your hands lingered on the straps for a moment before snapping them behind him with the proper tightness. Restraining, but not circulation-cutting. You looked up. The position made his pecs push together and his biceps bugle against the leather. Jungkook gawked at his body in the mirror, eyes wide as if seeing himself for the first time. You could see his dark nipples harden.
“And,” you continued calmly, unsnapping the straps. “It can be done this way.”
You undid the snaps and maneuvered his arms to cross them behind his back. A few steps and you were in front of him, slipping the straps under the steel ring and pulling them taut. He inhaled sharply as you touched his hot skin. Quick few adjustments and you were done.
You let your eyes trail to his face.
Jungkook’s brown eyes were quivering, staring at you.
You moved out of the way and let him see himself. Now his chest stuck out a bit due to his arms pinned behind him, forcing him to arch his back. Jungkook tilted his head, tugging at the restraint. He flexed his muscles. It didn’t budge. His lips parted. Curls of dark hair framed his wide, inquisitive eyes. He looked at himself in every angle, the confidence evident in his features.
You stood about a foot behind him, hands behind your back. He caught your eye and blushed, looking to the floor.
“Like what you see?”
One, two, three seconds passed. Then he barely nodded, not making a noise.
He looked up slowly, chewing on his lip.
“Tell me how you feel.”
You could tell he was struggling with lying or telling the truth. You waited patiently.
“I feel… sexy,” he said, quietly at first, but with added sureness as he looked at himself in the mirror. “I really love it.” His eyes shifted towards you. You could see them sparkling with gratefulness. “Thank you.”
The side of your lips curved upwards. You took a step towards him. Your hand curved around his head, hovering just under his chin. “You don’t have to thank me,” you murmured, making eye contact through the mirror. Those brown orbs full of wonder and open possibilities. The mole under his lips trembling as they parted. Your other hand pointed to his reflection, where he looked at himself once again.
“Look how pretty you are, Jungkook.”
He whimpered.
You heard it. Jungkook heard it. You blinked slowly. His teeth sunk into his lower lip. Your hand was still under his chin, not touching. Gradually, very deliberately, he lowered his head, right into your palm. You observed him through the mirror. He rolled his hips, ever so slightly. The tight black fabric molded to his obvious erection, revealing everything.
You dropped your head a few centimeters lower, lips against his ear. Eyes still on his.
“Jungkook, I’m the shopkeeper,” you breathed.
He nodded in your palm, breath hitching. You tucked your tongue in your cheek. His breathing was getting heavier. You pulled your hand back, against his neck. He gasped as your fingertips touched his skin, your index and middle on his pulse. It was racing.
“I know,” he pleaded, so quietly you barely heard him.
You breathed deeply. “Wouldn’t this be your first… encounter?”
He nodded, short, quick nods of his head. You waited.
His voice was a whisper, fear mixed with arousal. “I know you won’t… laugh at me.”
Shit. Shit. Shit.
Your hand slipped down the leather. “You’re right,” you murmured. “I won’t.”
His bangs shrouded his eyes a little, but he was watching your every move. Watching your fingertips trace the steel ring, watching your hand splay across his chest, whimpering as you touched his skin. You kept your eyes on his as he watched you stroke his abs, tracing the muscles.
“Look at you, handsome boy.”
His ears turned red at the compliment. You smiled, just a little. Your other hand snaked up his side, making him gasp. Your hands roamed over his body, his tanned skin, his taut muscles. He moaned softly, music to your ears. Your thumbs slid up, pressing against his nipples. Jungkook trembled as you rubbed them slowly, exhaling lightly onto his earlobe.
“Pretty boy,” you whispered, “No one is allowed to call you weak.” Your breathing was getting heavier, heated against his skin. “What a beautiful body.”
You pinched the small nubs tightly. He groaned, bucking into your hands. You let your nail graze against them and he jerked into it, sinking your nail into his skin. His head lolled back, leaning against your shoulder.
“You can take a little more?” you asked, pressing a little harder.
You pinched again, harder. He really moaned this time, loud and clear. You pinched again, twisted. His eyes slid closed, thrusting his hips in his pants. You placed a soft kiss on his neck as you rubbed his nipples roughly. They were turning a little red. Jungkook was leaning against you and you supported his weight, planting your feet solidly on the ground. You flicked his nipples repeatedly with the back of your nail until he was squirming against you, dragging your name out in long moans.
You could feel wetness pooling between your legs.
You stopped, sinking your nails into his chest and raking down, down. Jungkook gasped in pain, lurching forward. You scraped down his torso, ripping your hands away sharply. He whimpered, panting hard. Swiftly, you moved in front of him to push the ottoman out from under him. He pitched forward, knees hitting the hardwood. You held him up until he straightened, kneeling.
His black slacks were very, very tight.
You moved back to your position behind him, sitting down on the ottoman. You spread your legs and scooted forward so your chest touched his back, making him shudder. You pressed your covered breasts up against him. Jungkook was staring at the ground. You impatiently reached forward and yanked his chin up.
“Don’t look away,” you warned.
He gulped. “O-okay.”
His dark, curled hair was stuck to his forehead with sweat. You pushed it aside gently, revealing his forehead, placing your lips softly on the top of his head. He made a small noise, appeased. Your fingers slid down his torso, tracing the scratches you had made. Pink, lightly raised. You traced the waist of his pants, playing with the button. Made eye contact with him.
“What are you hiding down here?” you purred, teasing the button from its hole. You could feel his chest rise and fall sharply as you pulled the zipper down, down. The bulge slid out slowly, now unconstrained by the zipper. You traced the outline with your nail and Jungkook whined, thrusting his hips lightly in your hand.
“Nice and hard, all for me?” You licked his earlobe ever so slightly.
Jungkook moaned as you palmed him, pushing his slacks down. “Yes. Oh, god, yes.”
You pressed your lips against his ear. Made sure to add a hardness to your words, like poisoned honey.
“There is no god here. Only me.”
You dipped your hand underneath the waistband and grasped his cock. Jungkook gasped, arms straining against the leather. You used your other hand to push down his underwear as you freed his cock and balls, your fingers wandering over them, cupping him. You massaged his balls, squeezing them, before dancing your fingertips on his cock. You nudged his head so he could watch you in the mirror.
“What a perfect cock waiting for me.”
Jungkook moaned, pupils blown wide with lust. His eyes darted from his face, to the leather top, to the reddening scratches on his stomach, to your hand on his cock. He rolled his hips in your hand, trying to get more friction. You took pity on him, wrapping your hand around his thick cock. It felt nice, you against his hard stiffness, veins pressing against your palm. He thrust his hips into your hand and you let him. You watched him fuck your hand, precum glistening from the head of his cock.
With your free hand, you hooked a finger around a stray strand of hair, tucking it behind his ear as he continued rutting into your hand. You placed your lips against his ear.
“Aren’t you a desperate, needy boy?” you purred.
“Y-yes,” Jungkook panted. “Yes, I am.”
You tightened your grip a little and he groaned, eyes rolling into his head as he thrust harder. You let him go on, until his breathing became shallow, tight, brows furrowed in pleasure.
Then you squeezed the head of his cock, hard.
He squealed in protest; orgasm cut short. You spread the pre-cum over the head, roughly. He whined, pressing his back against you, tears clinging to his eyes. You rubbed the angry red head, carefully but firmly, earning a choked sob of your name.
You pressed your lips against his jaw. “Shh.” You only intended on edging him once. If he continued acting like this, you might go full dom on him. You needed to be in control of yourself, for his sake. One by one, you wrapped your fingers around his cock again, this time dictating the pace. Your hand was slick with his pre-cum, adding to the pleasure. You kept the grip solid and tight, making sure to rub just under the head. His eyelids fluttered, moans filling up the store.
“What if someone hears you, Jungkook?” you mumbled against his shoulder, smirking. He cracked his eyes open as you continued jacking him off, fast and hard. His breathing was in short, rapid pants.
“Don’t care,” he whined, eyes fixated on his reflection and his cock pumping in your hand. “Wanna cum so bad, just for you.”
Jungkook, please, you thought, inhaling deeply. He smelled like fresh laundry and pre-cum. Delicious.
“Please… please let me cum for you.”
How could you not give in to his sweet pleas, his eyes finding yours, begging you so earnestly? You increased your pace.
‘You going to cum for me, handsome boy?” you growled. “I’m going to make you cum all over this mirror, all over your pretty reflection.”
Jungkook was becoming a moaning, ruined mess in your hands as you went harder, faster, tighter. His entire body jolted and he threw his head back, screaming your name hoarsely as he came, long, thick strings of white splattering across the mirror. You sucked in a breath, jerking his cock so it shot in different directions. All over his reflection, until it dribbled against the hardwood, dripping fat drops onto the ground.
“You’re so fucking sexy, Jungkook,” you breathed, marveling at the cum sliding down the mirror.
Jungkook slid down, head between your covered breasts. His chest was heaving, hair stuck to his face, lips dry. He nestled against you comfortably. Your hand was covered in cum and a few drops fell onto his muscular thigh.
“I-I’m sorry…” he gasped, cheeks turning pink. “I made a mess.”
You chuckled, petting his hair.
“I’ll just make you clean it with your tongue.”
He whipped his head towards you, but you were smirking at him. You winked.
“Just kidding.”
part ii.
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princessjungeun · 4 years ago
Hey Beautiful: Jennie x Reader
Request: Hii :) i have a request for jennie x femreader, where the reader is a famous idol and Jennie has a crush on her. They attend the same award show and at the end when they are backstage the reader asks Jennie for her number. Then they go on a date or something just cute stuff (fluff i guess😅)
A/N: I’ll write a continuation of this if you’d like for the date part :D
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Awards show season was in full swing and you were to attend the MAMAs tonight. It was your first time attending without a date, usually your best friend tagged along but she was working the night shift at her job so she couldn’t make it. 
You were already in your dress and your glam team was getting your hair and makeup done before you were to leave. This had been going on for hours and you were simply exhausted and hungry, the only thing keeping you going was knowing that you’d be seeing some friends of yours later in the evening. 
It took two hours but eventually your hair and makeup were finished and you were cleared to leave. Your manager sat across from you in the car, a smile on his face as she teasingly asked, “so anyone you’re excited to meet in particular?” 
You knew exactly what he meant, there was one person that had showed an interest in meeting you for months, Kim Jennie. To be honest when she said she was your fan in an interview, you were a little surprised. Despite being one of the most popular female soloists at the time, you were still shocked when you heard artists you looked up to liked you. 
Jennie in particular had mentioned on many occasions that you were her ideal type and she’d date you if she had the chance. Blinks and your fans shipped the two of you heavily as well. Most of the time you hated when you were shipped with people you never met because it made for uncomfortable times when you actually did happen to meet them. It’d happened in the past when people shipped you with a popular member of a boy group, he was to produce a song with you. However with all of the shipping flying around, you didn’t want to risk you or him getting involved in a scandal that would just add fuel to the fire. But with Jennie you entertained it, saying you’d date her too and she was your ideal type as well. Fans had been praying for an interaction for the longest and you knew you two were probably going to cross paths tonight. 
Once you’d walked the red carpet and avoided falling on your face, you were escorted inside to find your seat. The idols on the plus couch across from you were TWICE, the girls greeted you warmly, especially Nayeon who happened to be a close friend of yours. 
She scooted closer to you, and started catching you up on everything that had happened in the past month because you two hadn’t talked in a bit. You were both performing tonight, she wasn’t nervous whereas you were for the first time. 
Before Nayeon got up she nudged you gently, using her head to point you towards a familiar idol. You squinted, having forgotten your contacts at home, you realized it was Jennie, sitting with her members and talking to them. Nayeon stated, “I’m gonna call her over.” 
You panicked, “No no, not yet. Don’t call her over- Nayeon I sweat to god-” YOur friend only laughed, waving the girl down and mouthing to her from afar. You froze, trying to look everywhere but at Jennie, this was not how you wanted to meet her for the first time. Giving up, you hid your face in Nayeon’s shoulder, your face beet red as you laughed, the rest of Twice laughing and teasing you playfully. 
Nayeon patted your head, “she’s gone.” 
You peeked from her shoulder to make sure she was serious and not playing a prank, and she was. Jennie was now talking to Irene, facing the other direction and not paying you any mind. 
Nayeon told you, “you’re gonna need to work on that. She also said you’re cute...you missed it while you were hiding.” 
You smacked her shoulder and said, “I wouldn’t have had to hide if you just left her alone in the first place Nay. That was so embarrassing please never put me through that traumatizing experience again.” She sighed and said “okay fine, but you should talk to her before the night ends. She really does like you.” 
Nayeon scooted back towards her members and you focused straight ahead for the stage. As performances went on and awards were given out, you felt your heart race knowing that your big performance was coming up. 
A staff came and got you from your seat to escort you backstage during a break. Your manager was already in your dressing room with your stylist, both of them getting everything you need for your performance. Your dancers were warming up as well in a corner. 
You changed and start to warm up your vocals as well as your body, it was a new song and a new choreography which you’d never performed in front of such a large audience. The dance break was what you were most worried about because you hadn’t had a lot to time to practice in your shoes so you were afraid of messing up and hurting yourself. 
Your manager noticed the look on your face, “Hey don’t be nervous. Everyone in that crowd is your fan. You could go out there and just breathe into the mic and everyone would still lose their shit. So go out there and do your thing, I’ll be watching from in here. You’ll do great, stop worrying babe.” He always knew the right thing to say, he was like your best friend and soulmate all at the same time. 
You hugged him, “Thank you, I’ll meet you back in here when I’m done.” 
The dancers pulled you into a huddle, putting your hands together you all yelled, “1-2-lets get it.” You all broke and made your way towards the stage where a staff last minute checked your IEMs and mic to make sure they were working. 
You took a deep breath before making your way to the stage, the lights dimmed before the song started. Looking at your dancer they gave you a subtle nod, and smile giving you the last bit of confidence that you needed. 
During your performance all of your nerves melted away. You hit every note and move perfectly, gaining a huge reaction for the audience. The deafening sound of fans and other idols cheering you on only made your confidence rise, and it showed throughout your performance. When you were done almost everyone was standing up, even the idols as they cheered for you. 
After you were off of the stage you pulled your IEMs and mic pack off, handing them to your manager so you could go and change once more. Your second outfit was different, more elegant yet subtle. You changed your shoes to a pair of sneakers, relived that you could finally get out of heels. 
As your stylist touched up your makeup and hair you remembered that Blackpink was preforming in a bit. You wondered if you’d see Jennie back here, Nayeon did mention that she would probably be here when you got off the stage. 
Your questions were answered on the way back out to the audience because you ran into Jennie. The woman was passing you, looking down at her phone as she was walking. 
She looked up from the device to bow as she walked by, “Oh! Y/N hey!” she beamed as she tucked her phone in her back pocket. Although she knew she had to be somewhere she didn’t care, she wasn’t going to miss her opportunity
You looked her over and tried to not let your eyes linger on her very toned abs for a second too long. She told you sweetly, “you did amazing earlier, you looked stunning.” 
Heat rushed to your cheeks the longer she looked into your eyes, you stuttered out, “t-thanks...you’re going to kill it out there, more than me definitely.” 
Just as she was about to respond Jisoo called down the hall for her, waving her over with a clearly impatient manager. 
Jennie quickly turned to you and asked, “hey, I know this is the first time we met but can I have your number? Maybe we could go out sometime?” Her hand rested comfortably on your arm, a subtle touch that still made your heart burst inside. 
You nodded, “yeah, sure. I’d really like that.” Quickly she whipped out her phone and you put in your number, saving your name with a red heart emoji. 
Jennie smiled, “I’ll text you later.” 
You told her with a shy smile, “okay, good luck out there.” 
Jennie kissed your cheek, “thanks beautiful, i’ll see you out there.” She walked past you and to her members and managers who were waiting for her. 
You touched your cheek and smiled before following a staff member that was to take you back to your seat. When you got back Nayeon took one look at you before bursting out laughing. You frowned, “what?” 
Your friend replied, “run into Jennie did you?” 
You asked, shocked at how she already knew, “wha- how did you know?” 
Nayeon swiped her thumb over your cheek a few times before pulling away, showing you the faint lipstick stained on her skin, “She isn’t exactly the most subtle.” 
You poked Nayeon’s neck with a smirk, “Well turns out you and Jeongyeon aren’t either, Nay.” Her face flushed red as she pulled the collar of her top up and brushed her hair around her neck, you let out a laugh earning a slap on the arm from her. The two of you went back and forth playfully until the lights dimmed indicating Blackpink coming on to perform. 
You watched intently as the girls performed Lovesick Girls, Jennie staring at you as she sang that last part, winking in your direction as she made the heart gesture with her hands. You couldn’t help but smile back at her, trying to hold back how flustered the simple gesture. 
At the end of the night you were finally home and able to check your phone and as promised, Jennie did reach out to you. The message read: 
Unknown Number: Hey beautiful, I’m sorry I couldn’t see you more tonight. But I can make it up to you by taking you to that new art exhibition downtown. Are you free next Saturday?
You typed back quickly, not caring if it made you look desperate or like you were watching your phone: Don’t apologize, nights like these are hectic and unpredictable. I am free and I’m more than happy to go, thank you <3
You quickly updated her contact to Jennie and broke into a happy dance when she told you what time she’d come pick you up. You’d been dying to check out the art exhibition since you found out it was coming to town but tickets sold out before you could get the chance. So not only were you going on a date with your crush, but also to check out what you’d been dying to see for weeks. 
You flopped onto your bed and sighed, relieved that the day was finally over and that you were able to end it on a positive note. 
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cecesunshine · 4 years ago
Oiiii vim pelo confissões
Você poderia fazer a prompt 1 e 10 (acho que elas combinam bem uma com a outra) com o Alistair? Não sei se tem que especificar pronomes, mas poderia ser ela/dela se não incomodar?
It’s done, sorry for taking so long! Espero que você não se importe que eu tenha escrito em inglês. Beijinhos anjo <3
The Only Thing | Alistair Drew
Summary → The only thing that makes early morning practice tolerable for Alistair is when Scholar watches it. It’s time for him to have courage and confess his love for her.
Pairing → Alistair Drew x Scholar
Warnings → None
Word Count → 1830
Prompts used → 1. Can I kiss you? + 10. That was unexpected.
A/N → As requested, Scholar uses she/her pronouns! Also, English is not my first language, so I apologize if there are errors or if something doesn't make sense.
As soon as autumn arrived, with it came the cold wind and the endless rain. Alistair rolled his eyes as he saw the cloudy sky that waited for him outside through his window. His bed was warm and it was Saturday, which intensified his desire to stay in bed.
Alistair forced himself to get up, feeling the cold of the floor as soon as his feet touched the floor. He took a quick glance at Tadashi, who was still sleeping. Poor guy, he needed a break after everything that happened between him and his father in the last few days. Alistair walked silently to the wardrobe that he shared with his roommate, taking out the red Athletics Department shirt and black sweatpants and leaving them on the top of his bed. Alistair grabbed his shower products and left the room, heading to the bathroom.
The dorm was relatively quiet, as it was 5:40 in the morning. Alistair loved his department, and he loved everything he did but god, he envied the fact they could sleep into late hours of the morning. As he entered the bathroom, he saw that he wasn’t alone. There was Scholar, fixing her hair with a concentrated look on her face.
“Good morning, Scholar.” Alistair greeted her, going in her direction and leaning into the wall.
“Alistair! Hi, I didn’t even see you coming in!” Scholar greeted him back, quite startled at the sudden salutation given to her. “Why are you up so early?”
“I have practice, the real question is, why are YOU up so early? It’s Saturday, you need to rest.” Alistair asked, studying her features. If there was something that he liked about Scholar, it was definitely her eyes, always wandering around the room or simply focused on something. He had noticed how she would avoid eye contact and look around at random stuff when she was nervous.
“I want to do the homework that Ms. Rodriguez gave us early so I don’t have to worry about it during the rest of the weekend.” Scholar replied, staring at herself in the mirror again. “Also, I didn’t know Coach worked on the weekends.”
“He doesn’t, the Athletic Department students do it voluntarily, it’s part of the job. Although sometimes the only thing you want to do is sleep until late afternoon.”
“Well, shouldn’t other students from your department be up already?”
“We talked about it in our group chat, the other girls from the soccer team had a game yesterday and they are super tired, so they’re not coming. Raquel sprained her ankle so she’s not coming either and some of the boys said that they will be ditching practice today.” Alistair told her, then started counting on his fingers. “So taking me, Rick and some other guys, there will be probably 6 or 7 people at the gym today.”
“Got it. Well, good luck for you and the guys today.” Scholar said as she was making her way to the door.
“Scholar, wait!” The words left Alistair’s mouth almost immediately. “Do you want to...I don’t know...have breakfast with me?” Very slick, Al, he thought.
“I would love to. Meet me in my room when you're ready, ok?” She said and finally left, leaving a red Alistair alone in the bathroom, still processing what happened.
Alistair showered quickly, feeling his hands trembling as he ran his finger through his blonde hair. He needed to be nice and clean for her.
He made his way back to his room, dressing up in his usual practice outfit, trying to style it so it would look better.
"Wow man, never seen you so worried about how you look for practice." Said Tadashi, who had just woken up.
"I'm not only going to practice, I'm going to have breakfast with Scholar." Alistair announced, fixing his shirt. "Tucked in or tucked out?"
"In, obviously. You don't want her to think that you don't care." Tadashi joked. “I mean, she probably knows that you like her. Is not like you are very discreet about it, you’re always walking around her, complimenting her, flexing your muscles to her. It's cute to see, you’re like her personal golden retriever.”
Alistair didn’t reply, he just shot a serious look to his friend, so he would stop. Not because it wasn’t true, but because Alistair wasn’t aware of how other people looked at him every time he would orbit around Scholar. After finishing dressing himself, Alistair grabbed his varsity jacket and quickly said his goodbyes to Tadashi, who was planning on getting more sleep.
In the dorm hallway, the blonde boy knocked into Scholar’s room door, who came out seconds later. She was wearing black jeans, a white knitted sweater and her famous red scarf and was carrying her purse.
“Hi Al.” She greeted him once again. “Are you ready to go?”
“Yes. Let’s get some food, I’m starving.”
They both made their way quickly into the cafeteria, which was surprisingly empty. As Scholar sat down, Alistair went to the counter, where he got a coffee and a strawberry cake for Scholar and an energetic and a protein bar for him.
“Thank you.” Scholar thanked Alistair, as he put the table on the plate. “You know, I was very surprised you’d ask me to get breakfast with you. I thought you were mad at me or something.”
“What? Why?”
“I don’t know, after I congratulated you for the Athletics Department’s presentation at the competition you looked…” She stopped talking, as she was looking for the right words. "uncomfortable. I thought that maybe I said something wrong and I didn’t want to bother you so I decided that I wouldn’t ask you what I did wrong because I didn’t want to upset you even more, so when you asked me for breakfast I was shocked.”
“Scholar, it’s impossible for me to be mad at you. You are the sweetest person I know.” Alistair said, reaching to her hand, grabbing it gently as Scholar looked away blushing, clearly embarrassed at this caring gesture.
They both ate the rest of the meal quietly, sometimes exchanging little smiles and stealing glances that ended up with both blushing or laughing quietly. If anyone else saw them, they would say they were a couple, but they couldn’t see it as they were both oblivious.
The time to leave finally arrived, where Scholar offered to walk Alistair to the gym, which he happily accepted.
As Alistair presumed, the gym was almost empty besides some boys who were doing push-ups and seeing who would be the first to give up.
“I guess this is your stop. I need to go do my homework so I’ll probably go back to the cafeteria.” Scholar pointed to her purse, where all of her supplies were, and then looked to Alistair, who seemed sad about the fact that she was leaving. “Or...I could do my homework while you practice, if that’s okay with you.”
“Yeah, absolutely.” Alistair agreed almost immediately, giving her a smile. For him, this was an opportunity to impress Scholar. She would see him doing the thing that he does the best.
As Scholar sat down at the bleachers and started taking her stuff out of the bag, Alistair started stretching, warming up his muscles and took off running around the gym. He was really excited to work out in front of Scholar, as this was probably the sneakiest way to show off to her without exactly showing off.
Scholar was supposed to focus on her homework, but at that moment, she could only focus on Alistair, who had stopped running and was now participating in a push-up contest with the other boys of his department.
As the boys gave up and left, Alistair started laughing. Alistair wiped his sweaty face with his face, showing off his abs and his muscular form. God, had he always been that handsome?, Scholar wondered and quickly brushed up that thought as Alistair was walking towards her.
“Everything alright?” The blonde boy asked, taking a sip of his water bottle. “I’m sorry if seeing me training is boring to you.”
“Nothing is ever boring with you Al, and I love being around you.”She said, making Alistair blush. ”Are you finished yet?”
“Finished? I barely even started. I still need to take the boxing supplies out of the storage room and set them up and then I’ll start the boxing practice. Do you want to help?”
Scholar agreed, setting her things down. Already in the storage room, they both started to take out the things and setting it up in the gym, sometimes touching hands and blushing madly.
With everything set up, Alistair began punching the punching bag, always keeping an eye on Scholar, who gave up on doing her homework and was now just watching him. Alistair smiled, his plan was working.
“How do you not have a girlfriend or boyfriend?” She abruptly asked, taking Alistair by surprise.
“W-What?” Alistair spoke, his voice trembling and betraying him at that moment.
“How are you not dating someone?” Scholar questioned again. “Tell me, how is Alistair Drew, one of Arlington’s most attractive boys, single?”
“Well, it’s complicated.” Alistair took off his gloves and his headgear, sitting next to her. “I’m only single because I’m a coward.”
“What do you mean coward?”
Alistair looked at her, staring deeply into her eyes. He needed to tell her, it was time to finally be brave. He held her hand caressing it with his thumb. Scholar reciprocated, also looking into his eyes, giving him a confused look.
“Scholar, I like you.” He finally confessed, still looking at her. “I’ve been trying to tell you this for a while but I was always looking for the right moment. But the truth is, I was just afraid of telling you how I feel because I didn’t know how you would react. You are the most incredible person I know, you’re simply the best.” Alistair got silent for a few seconds and then spoke again. “I really like you...and I hope you like me too.”
After his confession, none of them knew what to say. The silence between them was uncomfortable, in a way that neither of them could put into words.
“Well, that was unexpected.” Scholar said, trying to help the situation. “Look Alistair, that day during the competition, I was going to say the same thing.”
“What?” He questioned.
“I was going to confess to you. I feel the same, Al.” Scholar announced, smiling shyly. “I like you.”
Now, the silence between them was comfortable. So comfortable that they were now closer than ever, as Alistair placed his hand on Scholar's chin, looking at her like she was the only person in the whole world.
“Can I kiss you?” He asked for permission, waiting anxiously for an answer.
“Yes Alistair, you can.”
And their lips touched, as both were involved in a loving but innocent kiss.
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minchanslut · 4 years ago
At Your Service
Pairing: F!Reader x Escort!MinChan  Word count: 2.4K
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You sighed deeply, feeling the warm water cascade down your shoulders, taking some of the tension you had built up on your muscles along with it, but that alone wasn’t enough. The immense stress that your job put on you along with so many nights of sleeping alone had started to get to you. You wouldn’t say that you were one to feel incomplete while not in the company of a significant other, but as your needs grew, you found it harder to satiate them yourself, often leaving yourself feeling unsatisfied. You craved the touch of someone else. 
Of course, you attempted to follow the trend of meeting people on dating apps and engaging in one night stands, but you were quick to realise that it simply wasn’t for you after having two separate experiences which left you deeply disappointed, and wondering whether men were even able to make women orgasm anymore. After telling your friend of your encounters and how you’ve given up hope on dating apps she suggested you hire an escort, if what you were looking for was just great sex. You dismissed her idea, saying that such a service would only be a waste of money and that you were bound to find someone who would be able to give you what you need, for free at that. But you had no such luck, not even after four months. It was almost as frustrating for your friend as it was for you, seeing as she had to put up with your constant whining and complaining. Even after months had passed she was still adamant about how you should at least try her suggestion, claiming that she heard of an extremely luxurious escort lounge through a coworker. It took some time, but eventually you gave in and decided to test the waters, though still quite skeptical, you had little hopes for what was to come. You had made an “appointment”, as they called it, about a week before, telling yourself you needed time to prepare, both physically and mentally. The website, which insured complete secrecy, offered a wide variety of escorts to choose from, which only made it harder for you to take your pick. After spending hours scrolling on your phone, reading the description provided of each escort and thoroughly analyzing their photos, you decided to go for a guy named Chris. His photo provided a glimpse of his toned muscles and charming smile, but not much else. You chose not to dwindle on your decision for too long, fearing that you would change your mind and end up back at square one. 
A week later you found yourself walking through the doors of a lavish club which seemed more like a 5-star hotel. There were both men and women dressed in expensive attire throughout the room. You timidly searched for the front desk, hoping whoever was there wouldn’t poke fun at your anxious state. Thankfully you were greeted with an understanding smile by a woman named Mia, who gave you a brief explanation of how everything worked. She would tell you which room your escort would be waiting in, and would announce to them that you were on your way and all you had to do was make it there in one piece. Seemed simple enough. Before you left she assured you that you had nothing to be worried about and that you were in good hands. 
“It’s not too late to turn back.” you told yourself, but if you did so you would lose both the experience and your deposit. Before you knew it you were already standing in front of Chris’ room, realizing then there really was no turning back. Chris was already standing at the door frame by the time you arrived. He greeted you with a smile, and allowed you to come inside, immediately offering you something to drink. You admitted to being too nervous to drink anything and he nodded in understanding. 
“Is there anything I can do to help ease your nerves? You know, before we start?”
You could only shrug, scratching your head awkwardly. 
“Okay how about, I eat your pussy? Would that calm you down a bit?”
You felt your cheeks heat up at his coarseness, but you went along with it nonetheless. That is why you were here after all. 
Chris approached you slowly, sitting down on the bed beside you, helping you out of both your bottoms before ridding himself of his shirt. You couldn’t help but stare at his toned arms and defined abs, and you would’ve stared at them for much longer if his touch hadn’t pulled you away from your thoughts. He instructed you to straddle him as he laid down. He chuckled when you gave him a confused look. 
“This way you can set your own pace, is that alright?” 
You decided to go along with it,as you figured that he would know what he’s doing. He guided you towards his face, your aching pussy spread out in front of him. 
“Whenever you’re ready.”
You took a deep breath and lowered yourself, providing Chris with direct access to your heat. He placed kitten licks on your clit, allowing you to get accustomed to the situation before wrapping his lips around the small bud and sucking harshly. You got the impression that Chris was enjoying himself just as much as you were, as he was moaning against your clit, the vibrations making your legs shake in pleasure. Chris’ hands found themselves holding onto your waist, helping you maintain balance as you grinded against his tongue, practically fucking his face. Your moans grew louder as your orgasm approached, your toes curled up as you pulled away, your pussy convulsing vigorously. You collapsed beside him as he sat up, wiping your juices from his chin with the back of his hand. 
“Do you need a minute or do you wanna go again?”
You asked yourself if he was insane, how could you go again after cumming that intensely. And yet no more than 5 minutes after your first orgasm you found yourself on all fours in front of Chris, who was thrusting into you at an incredible speed. He had his chest pressed against your back and you could feel his chiseled abs on your skin. He had one hand supporting his weight and the other rubbing your clit. Every so often he would plant chaste kisses on your back and shoulders, followed by praise that made you melt. 
“You feel so good, I won’t last much longer, shit.”
And he really didn’t, though neither did you. But mere moments later you were right back where you started, ready for another round. 
From then on you found yourself seeing Chris once a month, twice if you were lucky. 
You felt your muscles contort, an evident frown forming on your face as you refreshed the page once more only to receive the same notification. Due to your busy schedule the days you could make an appointment to see Chris were very limited, but luck had always been on your side and you were able to see him on the days you were free without any difficulties, until now that is. Your frustration grew as you continuously refreshed the website but were still met with the words “No slots available” 
You could easily be considered a regular there, but you hadn’t been with anyone other than Chris. You were unsure whether to just give up and visit the following month, maybe even making an appointment several weeks in advance this time, or to simply go for someone else. You really didn’t feel like going through the trouble of searching for someone else, seeing as it was already difficult for you to pick the first time. You were close to giving up on your search until you discovered a rather convenient quiz the website provided, which claimed to help you find the perfect sexual partner for you. After hesitantly clicking on the link you were redirected to a page with various questions regarding your kinks, desires and fantasies. It was a rather quick quiz that certainly didn’t beat around the bush. After calculating your results you were met with the name Minho in bold letters, along with a short description of him right beside his photo. You opted to trust their recommendation and booked a session with Minho for later that week. 
You walked into the building with less confidence than in the recent months, yet still not as apprehensive as the first time. You were nervous about what this new experience might be like, but you were excited nonetheless, wondering what Minho would do differently than Chris. Heading over to the front desk you greeted the receptionist whom you’ve grown fairly friendly with over the recent months. You made casual small talk as she typed away on her computer before stopping abruptly and looking up at you with a puzzled look on her face. 
“Do you not have a session with Chris tonight?”
Your cheeks flushed as you avoided her gaze, announcing that you were, in fact, there to see Minho. She cocked her eyebrow at you, smirking slightly and continued without another word. You shrugged it off, bidding her a farewell as you began heading towards the room you had been assigned, rolling your eyes when she shouted “Have fun!” from behind you. 
You knocked twice and Minho opened the door almost immediately, clearly expecting you. 
He was dressed simply, button up and black dress pants. His hair was pushed back, slightly damp from what you assumed was gel. He invited you inside and was quick to comment about how he had seen you before but never expected you to go for anyone other than Chris. 
“It’s quite an honor, actually, to have some fun with Chris’ plaything. Or is it the other way around, hm?” 
There was only silence, which caused Minho to sigh. He made his way behind you, helping you slip off your coat as he whispered in your ear. 
“No need to be so tense, I’m here to help you unwind after all.” 
He ran his hands up and down your arms as he nipped and sucked on the exposed area of your neck. His hands then traveled to your sides, fingers gently tugging at the hem of your shirt before pulling it over your head. His fingers softly traced the skin of your abdomen while he walked forward, leading you towards the bed. He planted wet kisses down your spine, getting lower with each kiss and pulling down your pants in the process. Once you were left in nothing but your undergarments he gently pushed you down onto the bed. You were at a 90 degree angle, your upper body laying on the bed as your knees pressed onto the floor supporting your lower half. Minho ran his hand up and down your back, humming at your reaction. 
“Eager, aren’t we? Maybe I should just give you what you want.” 
He wasted no time waiting for an answer as he placed a small kiss on your pussy through your panties. He moved onto your inner thighs, leaving chaste kisses on the supple skin. He could feel your legs beginning to shake with anticipation and he was quick to return his attention to your aching pussy, licking a long stripe up your clothed folds. Minho pushed your panties aside as he pressed his finger against your entrance. 
“Shit, you’re already getting wet, but you can do better than that, right?” 
He slid his finger in deeper, curling it upwards as his lips found their way around your clit, sucking on the bundle of nerves. He pumped his finger in and out of you at a slow pace, taking care to give enough attention to your clit. He withdrew his finger, only to collect your juices with his index and middle finger before sliding them back in, groaning in satisfaction. 
“You’re taking my fingers so well, can’t believe you’re so tight after being such a whore for Chris” 
You felt yourself clench at his words, burying your face in the sheets to muffle your whine. 
Your relationship with Chris was purely one of give and take. He provided you with a service which you paid for. You had no feelings for him and were sure he had none for you. Yet, choosing Minho over him this one time felt as if you were being unfaithful, but it also made your pussy ache with need for Minho’s touch. You wanted to feel him inside you, and you desperately wanted him to be the one to make you cum over and over again. He picked up his pace and had replaced his mouth with his thumb, which was now rubbing circles on your clit. 
Minho caught on to your attempt at trying to keep yourself quiet and clicked his tongue. With his free hand he grabbed hold of your hair, raising your head slightly so that your face was no longer against the mattress. His new position meant that it was now harder for him to reach your clit, but his index and middle finger never once stopped pumping in and out of you. 
“Now, now, if you don’t make any sound how am I supposed to know whether or not I’m doing a good job. Just for that I might not allow you to cum.” 
“No, please, I’m so close.”
Your words caused him to smirk, seemingly strengthening his ego. 
“Well, if that’s the case, I’d much rather have you cum on my cock, what do you say?” he said, removing his fingers from your heat. He helped you up, allowing you to sit on the bed properly. You eyed him closely as he removed his belt, his pants following soon after. He was left in only his white button up, of which half the buttons were now undone, and his boxers, the shape of his hard cock clearly visible. Minho unclasped your bra and helped you out of your panties, before slipping out of his boxers himself. He took the time to roll a condom onto his length, spreading your wetness onto the head of his dick. He pulled away for a moment, rubbing his thumb over your clit, followed but his palm slapping your pussy a few times. You felt your legs twitch as you ached to be filled up once more. He lined himself up at your entrance, but to your dismay stopping halfway to look over at the door which had previously been locked, swing open. 
You glanced over Minho’s shoulder to see Chris, who still hadn’t finished his sentence, come through the door calling your name, clearly not knowing you would be preoccupied with Minho.
“Mia told me that you’d be in this room, my session got canceled so I figured we could have some fun. Oh, am I interrupting?”
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prongsies · 5 years ago
Lights Up • Sirius Black
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PAIRING: Sirius Black x Reader SUMMARY: Sirius finally gets the freedom he deserves as he reunites with an old “friend” WARNINGS: Mild language, a bit sexually suggestive but not that much, shitty writing A/N: I found it a bit hard to write for this song idk why :( Fine Line Master list
"Do you want to stay?” Your voice echoed in the silence of your living room, eyes watching Sirius, trying to memorize every detail about him before you’re all forced into hiding a week later. As friends of Lily and James Potter, whose first and only son is being haunted down by a power-crazed wizard otherwise known as Voldemort, you’re part of the few he considers a hindrance from him “unleashing his full potential” - meaning, he’s got his eyes on killing you too.
Because of this, Dumbledore had asked all of you to go into hiding, and for Lily and James to assign their Secret Keeper. Which led to the dinner you had all shared just moments ago, prepared solely by you, in the small cottage you shared with Remus, skillfully concealed with Charms you had learned and relearned for the sole purpose of this meal.
It started off smoothly, all of you sharing your memories at Hogwarts and teasing James for how love-struck he was over Lily, until you got to the primary matter at hand: deciding who their Secret Keeper was. They were a hundred percent sure they wanted it to be Sirius, and no one questioned it knowing how much he meant to James and vice versa.
But it seemed Sirius didn’t like the idea, pointing his finger towards you or anyone for that matter, just not him. Knowing that as James’ best friend, they will come for him first. But everyone else insisted, Remus backing up the Potters’ statements which resulted in a verbal argument between him and Sirius, Remus eventually leaving to “go get some air”.
The rest of the meal continued in silence though, tensed after that little spat that ensued between your two friends. When it (finally) concluded, you walked your friends out your flat, James and Lily lingering longer to exchange sentiments and expressions of love before you cut off communication indefinitely. Then, with a kiss on Harry’s forehead - and a knowing look from James who gestured towards Sirius - they left, disappearing into the night.
“Sirius,” You tried once again, eyes studying the boy who wouldn’t so much as spare you a glance, “Do you want to stay?”
“I could,” He seemed to consider it for a moment, before his face morphed into a sour expression, “but I wouldn’t”
“What do you mean?” You approached him, taking careful steps towards him trying to avoid any kind of negative reaction, “Is it Remus? You know he won’t mind. He- he just needs some time to think, you know? But he’ll understand when you talk it out-”
“It’s not that, (y/n)!” Sirius exclaimed in obvious frustration, running his fingers through his hair, “It’s just.. I don’t think we should keep doing this anymore”
“What, being friends?” You asked humorlessly, bitterness seeping down your throat.
“Friends don’t fuck around while ignoring their feelings for each other, (y/n)! you know that!” He practically growled at you, eyes softening at your scared expression, yet the rest of his face remained cold, “and I can’t face Remus, especially after practically shoving his illness to his face”
“You just need to talk it out” You reasoned with him, trying to hide the hurt you felt when he backed away from you, “We’re all each other has, Sirius, especially now with James, Lily, and Harry in danger! We can’t- we can’t turn against each other now”
“I’m sorry, (y/n)” 
With that, he rushed out the door, leaving you behind with words paragraphs left unsaid. 
A month later, you and Remus find out about James and Lily’s deaths, then a day after that, the murder of Peter and 12 other muggles at the hands of the person you used to call you friend.
A shiver ran down Sirius’ spine at the sudden cold breeze that brushed his shoulders. Shutting his book and placing it atop the coffee table, he stood to get the fireplace ready, igniting his with his wand, before settling back on the armchair he had occupied.
Sighing at the warmth, he allowed his eyes to trail over the interior of Number 12 Grimmauld Place, where he had been residing in hiding after his escape from Azkaban five years ago. The war had finished, concluding in the so-called Battle of Hogwarts where he fought alongside his best friend, Remus, and godson, Harry. It ended victoriously, Voldemort finally descending into the pits of hell where he belongs.
With his contribution to the war and the countless proof pointing towards his innocence, the Ministry decided to open his case after almost two decades, allowing him the opportunity to walk the earth as a free man once and for all. The thought brought a smile onto Sirius’ lips, which didn’t go unnoticed by his godson who was descending the stairs from his room in the second floor.
“You nervous?” Harry asked as he neared, propping himself onto the armchair across Sirius with an envelope in hand.
“Very” Sirius nodded with a grin, “Although, I’m more excited than nervous”
“That’s alright” Harry shrugged as he pulled out the documents, spreading the papers onto the coffee table so he could sort through them, “Besides, the woman who had taken over your case is supposedly the best one out there. In fact, she was the one who insisted to handle it, apparently she’s been sending appeals to the Wizengamot the moment you’ve been locked up”
“I didn’t know it’d be a woman, do I know her?” 
"Too well, I believe” Harry replied simply, looking up at Sirius with a smirk playing in the corner of his lips as he busied himself. As if on cue a knock sounded from the front door, followed by Remus’ footsteps as he rushed from the kitchen to the entrance hall.
“Remus!” A woman’s voice echoed through the quiet home, followed by the sound of shuffling and the gentle shut of the door. “Is Teddy with you?”
“‘fraid not. He’s with his mum and grandma for a few days, with the full moon last night”
Sirius’ eyes furrowed as he eavesdropped on the conversation. Who could this woman be for Remus to mention his lycanthropy so nonchalantly? 
His question was answered as she stepped into the room, body going rigid at the sight of Sirius on the sofa. The latter was unaware he had rose to his feet as he saw her as well, his breath caught in his throat as he took the sight of her in. (y/n), the same girl he had loved for years, whose thoughts plagued his mind with regret the day he left her standing in her own living room after she reached out to him. 
(y/n), whose skin he used to caress almost every night as they lay in bed after  hours of intimacy and passion, whose lips he swears he could still taste up until this day. (y/n), the name he’d moan in her ear or against her neck, as pleasure overtook his body, he knows he could never be silent around her. (y/n) whose years of stress had aged her features significantly yet, much to Sirius’ jealously, remained youthful and beautiful after all this years.
“(y/n)” He found himself breathing out, his cheeks heating up at the small crack in his voice - a failed attempt of keeping his emotions at bay.
“Sirius” She seemed breath-taken as well. But she was quick to compose himself, hiding the admiration from her features and replacing it with something Sirius assumed to be her professional face. She cleared her throat, shaking her head slightly, before reaching a hand out towards him, “It’s great to see you again. I hope you don’t mind me coming at such a short notice, I just really need to prep you for your trial tomorrow”
“Drop the formalities, (y/n)! We all know your heart still beats for Sirius!” Remus commented from behind her, watching the scene in amusement. He reached over to share a high-five with Harry, who immediately settled after a playful glare sent towards him by Sirius
“Shut it, Moony” (y/n) rolled her eyes.
Hesitantly, Sirius took her hand in his, biting back his smile as his cheeks managed to heat up even more. It all ended far too quickly though, since just after she pulled her hand away, she ushered everyone into the dining room, ordering Remus to shut the door behind him as she charmed the small area to mimic a courtroom - which looked far too realistic that the sight of it brought chills to Harry as he recalled the way he felt in his own trial years ago.
(y/n) motioned towards a chair in the middle of the now-circular room, waiting for Sirius to take his seat. “Now, I managed to collect some of the many questions to be directed your way. Don’t worry though, we’ve also collected some memories to put into the pensieve to back up your statement”
“The pensieve?” Harry asked. He didn’t know they were allowed to do that.
“It’s a special privilege” (y/n) answered his unvoiced question, not tearing her eyes away from the mountains of paperwork she was pulling out from her bag, scanning each one as she placed them gently onto the table, “Help me with this, Moony, will you?”
Remus was quick to her side, helping her look through the documents. It was funny seeing them now, as Sirius had always thought they’d end up together eventually, which had been one of the reasons why Sirius refused to stay when she asked him to - he thought they had feelings for each other, (y/n) just taking it out on Sirius, but he was very wrong.
“Here we go!” She exclaimed triumphantly, grabbing a stack of paper from the pile, circling the table to stand in front of him, “Are you ready, Sirius?”
“Let’s have at it”
“This is undeniably one of the worst days of my life” Sirius grunted as he collapsed onto the dining room chair in exhaustion, dropping his forehead rather harshly onto the table in front of him. 
The room had been reverted to its original state when they had concluded the prepping session, something Sirius didn’t enjoy even just one bit.
“Remus, I was overcame by my emotions back then” Sirius deadpanned, earning a grin from Remus. It’s nice they could talk about the past so lightly now, no matter how dark it had been, “My vision literally went dark when I went after Peter. As soon as I calmed, I was already sitting in my cell in Azkaban”
“It wasn’t that bad” Remus tried to make light of the situation, yet upon recalling how it actually went, a cringe made its way onto his face. He could still hear Sirius' loud voice echoing the room just hours ago, trying to defend himself from the accusations thrown by (y/n).
He had thrown harsh words towards her, settling down whenever she would correct his wordings or point out the slight raise in his tone which the council wouldn't like. Sirius tried to keep up with all her suggestions, but doing so would mean he would need to keep his frustrations to himself - which was rather difficult since he had done just that when he was locked up.
He settled mugs of coffee in front of Sirius and (y/n). They had only taken a short few minutes for dinner before continuing their session again, and Sirius didn’t think it’d be that difficult to recall what happened in an event that occurred long ago. By the time they finished, it was near midnight.
“We can request to submit a memory to the council though” (y/n)’s voice was rough as she spoke, an effect of her consistent interrogation towards Sirius, teaching him how to respond in a way that would work in his favor. “Besides, we need you as calm as we can. Merlin knows you can be dramatic sometimes”
“Dramatic!” Sirius exclaimed in mock offense, “Love, you of all people should now how false your accusation is”
“Pads, you literally first appeared to me as a large black dog in the middle of the night” Harry reminded from beside (y/n). Sirius could see the familiarity in (y/n)’s eyes upon hearing Harry call Sirius by his Marauder name, knowing deep down she heard James’ voice as well. 
“Imagine being a thirteen year old finding out your godfather was “on the way to kill you” while seeing a literal death omen all the time. I was literally so afraid I thought I might shit my pants” Harry continued, earning a laugh from Remus.
“And what is it you told me when I transformed that night?” Remus quipped humorously, “You know the man you truly are, Remus!”
“Sod off, Lupin! Bloody hell” but Sirius couldn’t help the smile forming on his face as his eyes found (y/n), watching the way her eyes crinkled at the sides in laughter. Remus noticed this, sharing a look with Harry before nodding him out the room, disappearing up the stairs in hushed whispers.
When (y/n) calmed, she was left alone with Sirius, nursing her mug of coffee in her palms, the way she used to do when her hands started feeling cold. Sirius didn’t want the awkward silence to take over, so he initiated a conversation, “So... how’ve you been over the years?”
(y/n) gave him a look, and Sirius could just hear her teenage self utter a sarcastic ‘really?’, but she answered anyway, “It was rather peachy. I mean, losing James, Lily, and you in two days? It was really hard”
“I’m surprised you and Remus didn’t end up together. I was assuming that after living together for all those years, you’d develop something” Sirius jumped right into it, regretting the years he had spent not even trying to ask.
“Really?” And there it was, the face. She sighed, standing up from her seat to claim the chair beside Sirius, smiling up at him, “We were only friends then, Siri. We both couldn’t afford a place of our own so we figured we could live together. I mean, if you weren’t staying with Lily and James then, I would’ve offered you to live with me”
“Did you see someone else while I was gone?” 
“You’re actually being so blunt right now” (y/n) laughed. “If you had been this straight-forward then we would’ve been together by now. But yes, I had been in many relationships. Remus and I even tried going out once - too awkward so we reverted back to being friends. There was also this one guy who actually proposed to me 6 months into the relationship, but I declined”
“Why? You could’ve had a family by now”
“Let’s just say I was waiting for the Ministry to finally accept my petition to reopen your case. It’s the main reason why I joined the Wizengamot council really, so I can set you free” She said softly, “I’ve always known you wouldn’t betray your friends like that, especially James”
“Yeah” Sirius couldn’t keep his eyes off (y/n)’s lips as she spoke, swallowing audibly at the thought of how easy it is to connect their lips in the small distance between them. “Can I kiss you?”
“I could say yes, but I wouldn’t” She replied cheekily, reminisce of one of the few words Sirius had told her before he left.
“I’m sorry, by the way... I was young then - scared of the war, of being given that much responsibility which I ended up chickening out of. I- I didn’t know who I was then”
“Do you know who you are now?”
“No, but I’m certain I am hopelessly in love with you - have been all these years” His face neared hers, lips mere centimetres away, “And I know I’ll go mad if I don’t get to feel your lips again”
“I can’t” She pulled back, surprising Sirius. She was staring at his lips though, while biting her own, an indication of how much she wanted to do it, “I want to but I can’t. As of now, you’re still a client”
“But if you do a good job tomorrow, maybe I can reward you with one? and maybe something more?”
The grin on both their faces confirmed an agreement, and although Sirius’ nerves had settled once again in his stomach, at least he had something to look forward to.
“Are you ready, darling?” (y/n) asked as she stood beside Sirius near the front door of 12 Grimmauld place, her hand on the knob ready to turn it at any second. Harry and Remus had gone ahead of them, bringing Sirius’ belongings to (y/n)’s home somewhere in London, and mainly to give the two some privacy.
“Ready as ever, love” Sirius grinned. 
With a grin, she swung open the front door, allowing the sunlight to enter the house while the cold afternoon breeze nipped at their skin. 
Finally, after twelve years in Azkaban, and five years hiding in the Hellhole House of Black, he was finally able to take his first steps outside as a free man. Pulling (y/n) towards him in a tight embrace as they stood on the porch, he couldn’t help but let a few tears escaped. 
He had thought this moment would remain a dream, something so impossible to happen that he hated himself for even considering it. But here he was, not needing to transform into a dog just so he could roam the streets. 
He’s a free man now.
With a grin he turned back towards his old home, glaring at it as he raised both his hands, flashing the front door with his middle fingers, before shouting, “Fuck you, Number 12 Grimmauld Place! Fuck you, Azkaban! I’M NOT EVER GOING BACK!”
Fine Line Tag List:
@cedricisnotonfire​ @rexorangecouny​ @susceptible-but-siriusexual​ @annasofiaearlobe​
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ladyanput · 5 years ago
Seeing Green Ch. 7
It had been a boring day, with nothing really happening. It was the usual Alya and Lila being petty today, with an extra snap towards Nino, but Marinette tuned them out, choosing to focus on her friends instead.
Damian hadn't messaged her all day. Marinette told herself not to stress, knowing that he was probably busy, along with his family. They had an important company that seemed to grow more and more every year, they probably had their hands full. 
"Hey, Marinette." Nino strode up beside her as they made their way back into the hotel, the sun beginning to set outside. He offered her a small smile, his hands in his pockets. "You're looking chipper today."
A part of Marinette wanted to ignore him, to shove him away and never talk to him again. But she just couldn't get the guts to do so, not to someone she had known for so long. She just hoped she wouldn't regret this.
"I met Damian's family last night. He has so many siblings, Nino! I know a lot of them are adopted, but still!" Marinette let out a soft chuckle, not noticing the glares coming from Alya, glares that to kill. 
"I didn't think he'd be nineteen." Nino admitted as they stepped into their lobby. He noticed Miss Bourbon at the reception desk, looking a bit frazzled, but didn't comment. "I mean, he looks like he should be in his twenties."
"It's probably all that muscle on him." Alix strode up, playfully nudging Marinette with a coy smile on her lips. "Tall, muscular, he looks like he could bench press a truck." 
"I bet he has abs." Rose sighed dreamily and leaned into Juleka, who laughed at her girlfriend's antics. "Does he have abs, Marinette?"
"I- I don't know." Marinette felt her cheeks go rosy at the thought of Damian shirtless. It would be nice to see his broad shoulders, his muscles… Even for a minute or two. "But it would be nice to see sometime, I guess.."
Adrien frowned a bit as he eavesdropped in on the conversation, feeling that ugly envy claw at his gut. Why would anyone want a musclehead? He bet Damian and his family took steroids to get the bodies they got, they were rich and privileged, afterall. 
Adrien was completely ignoring that while he had some muscle, he never actually put it to use, and could barely lift twenty pounds.
His eyes stayed trained on Marinette as she made her way across the lobby towards the elevators. She shouldn't be daydreaming about other guys, she should be thinking about him and only him! He was Chat Noir, her soulmate, and she belonged to him, no other guy. 
He'd make her see soon enough. Then they'd get married and have children and live happily ever after, just like they were supposed to!
He caught sight of Miss Bourbon walking by him, a confused look on her face as she clutched a room key in her hand. She was close to Marinette, maybe if he got close to the bullheaded woman, he could get close to his princess again. And then he’d show her what a real man can do.
Ladybug stared out at Gotham from on top of her hotel, smiling to herself as she heard the honking of car horns and the blaring of sirens. Her eyes raised to the dark sky, barely able to make out any of the stars. 
Her gaze quickly flickered to the forms landing on the building next to the hotel, before she rushed over and landed before the vigilantes. 
“You have good timing.” She smiled up at Batman, quickly eyeing the new people that had joined the group this time; Batwoman and Black Bat. But, remembering her manners, Ladybug held out her hand to them and smiled. “It’s nice to meet more of Gotham’s heroes. I’m Ladybug, from Paris.”
“Batman filled us in.” Black Bat smiled in return as she shook Ladybug’s hand. She gave her a quick head to toe glance. “You’ve very… spotty. And red.”
“That’s kind of the idea.” Ladybug winked, then stepped back, crossing her arms as she suddenly let out a sigh. “So, Batman, did the League say anything about who they will be sending?”
“I’ll be one of the ones going.” Robin put in before his father could answer. If he could get to Paris, that means he could probably spend more time with Marinette, that and make his Angel’s city a lot less dangerous for her. He hated to think of her being terrified daily by those akumas she spoke of. 
“Yes, as well as a few selected members, such as Martian Manhunter and Green Lantern, they’d most likely be able to handle whatever akuma could come their way.” Batman shot Robin a look, before turning back to the brightly coloured heroine. 
“Can they control their emotions?” Ladybug shot out instantly, crossing her arms, a guarded expression flickering across her features. 
“Excuse me?” Batwoman crossed her arms, cocking a brow.
“Oh, it’s nothing personal! It’s just… The idea of one of the Justice League members becoming an akuma is a… terrifying idea. I don’t think I’d be able to stop an akuma with that kind of training that you heroes here in America have. I think if I ever went up against one of the villians or anti heroes from here, I’m sure I’d be in big trouble. Probably lose.” Ladybug lowered her gaze, shuddering at the thought of someone like Superman getting akumatized. There would probably be no hope then.
Batman opened his mouth to answer, but was cut off by the sound of Robin drawing out his sword. Then he caught sight of a blond boy clad in black leather. 
“My Lady, there you are! What fate is it that we both happen to be in Gotham city?” Chat Noir grinned at his partner as he landed on the roof’s edge, his green eyes roaming over her slowly,  his grin widening. “Did you hunt me down to finally admit your undying love for me?”
“You’d better get out of here, alley cat, before I skin you alive.” The danger in Robin���s voice sent off alarm bells in Ladybug’s head immediately. “We don’t take to voyeuristic perverts around here.” 
“What are you talking about?” Chat’s head tilted to the side slightly as he eyed the sharp blade pointed in his direction, remembering how it had pierced his skin a few days earlier.
“You know that girl you kidnapped the other day? Well, we know you’ve been sitting outside her window, getting your jollies off while watching her.” Black Bat pointed to Marinette’s window, the blinds closed, thank god. “You must be some sick pervert, to watch a high school girl like that.” 
Chat Noir seemed to go a bit pale at their words, his gaze quickly flickering to Ladybug. 
“You’re not listening to them, right M’lady? They’re lying.” He stammered out, his grip tightening on his staff.
“Ladybug, you know that stuff that was on the roof that you warned me about? That was semen, and Chat Noir’s DNA here matched to it.” Red Robin spoke up, meeting Ladybug’s gaze, seeing how she went pale. “You know the girl named Marinette Dupain-Cheng? Well, this disgusting pervert has obviously stalking her.”
“...” Ladybug took a few shaky steps away from Chat as he tried to reach for her.
“Don’t listen to them, M’lady, they’re lying. We’re soulmates, remember? I’d never do anything like that..” The nervous tone was obvious in Chat’s voice as he held out his hands in a gesture of reassurance. But he was cut off by a blade being shoved in his face. One look at all of the Gotham heroes, he could tell they all looked ready to murder him if he took another step. 
So Chat Noir did the thing he was always good at, he turned on his heel and bolted. 
“I’ll get him!” Batwoman snapped, taking off after him in an instant, becoming a blur of black that instantly melted into the shadows.
“Hopefully he’ll run into Red Hood, wherever that jackass disappeared to. He’s been doing that a lot this past week.” Red Robin muttered, looking ready to join Batwoman, until he heard the sound of a sob.
They all turned to look at Ladybug standing there, hyperventilating, tears welling up in her eyes. 
“Ladybug?” Robin stepped forward, freezing as he watched the tears sliding down her pale cheeks.
“He… He was doing that… Outside of my window? B-but how long? Did he follow me here all the way from Paris? I never knew, I never saw him…” The sobs quickly took over as she took a seat on the cold roof, her body shivered more violently.
“... Marinette?” Black Bat knelt beside the poor Ladybug, before her arms instantly wrapped around her. So that high school girl she had just met yesterday… She was a superhero. “Oh Marinette, I’m so sorry.”
“Angel?” Robin whispered as he knelt on the other side of her. He watched helplessly as she sobbed, then quickly switched to retching. He and Black Bat stepped back instantly as soon as she went running to the end of the roof and vomited violently. 
They stood there with her as the young heroine spiralled in that betrayal, that… violation of herself. 
After she eventually settled down, Robin knelt next to her, taking one of her hands gently to his mouth for a kiss.
"Angel, huh?" Ladybug sniffled and smiled up at him. "I- I take it you're Damian. Cat's out of the bag now."
The two shared a shaky laugh, before hugging each other tightly, Ladybug still shivering.
"I guess I won't have to worry about protecting you, if an akuma broke out, or you were kidnapped." She whispered as she rested her head on his shoulder, her face buried into his neck. He was so warm, despite the cold winter air.
"And I know you can definitely handle yourself." Robin murmured back, laughing to himself as he held her tighter. He kissed her forehead ever so softly, realizing quickly that Batman, Red Robin, and Black Bat were still watching them.
"So, I guess this is another new superhero couple, huh?" Black Bat spoke up, grinning as she crossed her arms. "Welp, since she knows you, Damian, I'm pretty sure she can figure out that the Wayne family is the Bat family."
"... I guess my boyfriend is Robin." Ladybug let out a shaky giggle, only for Robin's arms to tighten a bit around her. She glanced up at him and  gave a smile. "Well… I've always wanted to get a good look at Gotham. Care to show me around?"
Robin knew exactly what she really wanted. She wanted away from this roof, away from that hotel. She'd probably never feel secure there again, knowing what had been happening. 
"Fine, but Ladybug, tomorrow you're coming to the Manor, and we're gonna see what you're made of." Black Bat called over, a broad grin on her face. "A bit of sparring, sans powers and weapons, of course. Maybe we'll put the mangy cat's picture on a sandbag and you can go to town with a knife."
"I'd like that. The sparring, I mean." Ladybug grinned, then smiled when Robin took her hand. Without another word, the two of them grappled off into the Gotham night.
They made their way around Gotham, leaping from building to building, watching the people below, walking without a care in the busy streets.
"This place is probably a lot more violent than what I'm used to." Ladybug spoke up as she watched a guy try to steal a woman's purse, only for him to get throat punched, and to fall onto the sidewalk in pain as the woman strode away.
"I'd show you the ropes." Robin offered quickly, earning a smile from her. He returned it, then  glanced up at the clock tower closest to them. "Well… I should get you back, shouldn't I?"
"Wanna race?" Ladybug blurted, her cheeks going crimson as her hand tightly gripped her yo-yo.
"I bet at can beat you, Ladybug." 
Then they were off. Robin had to admit, she had some amazing agility. The way she moved… It was so graceful, so natural. Every time he had seen Marinette, he had seen the gracefulness in her.
It was part of what he loved about her.
When that thought entered his head, his grapple nearly slid from his hand, but he held on tight as they swung over a busy intersection. He was in love, in love with Marinette Dupain-Cheng. He just hoped when he did end up telling her, he didn't scare her away.
The two of them landed in the alleyway beside Marinette's hotel in silence, before Marinette dropped her transformation.
"I guess I win." Marinette giggled, before turning her back to Damian as he changed out of his costume and into some civilian clothes he always kept with him. 
"... Marinette, how old were you when you became a hero?" Damian murmured, taking her hand to turn her towards him once he was finished.
He could see the hesitation in her eyes, but gave her hand a reassuring squeeze.
"I became Ladybug when I was fourteen. I… I ended up having to become the Guardian when I was fifteen." Marinette whispered as they strode towards the front of the hotel, her hand gripping his tightly, their fingers lacing. Her mind instantly went to the Miraculous box tucked into a carefully hidden compartment in her luggage. With a bit of help from Trixx, she had managed to sneak it passed the airport security easily enough.
"That's very you. But I guess I was younger when I started training to take over the League of Assassins." Damian frowned a bit, missing Marinette's shocked look.
"Assassins?" Her brows drew together as she gave his hand a small squeeze to get his attention. "What do you mean?"
"I was raised by my mother for a short while, trained me to be an assassin." He sighed softly, before guiding her over to a nearby bench, beginning to tell her in detail everything about his childhood, about his mother, his grandfather, and his title as Prince of Assassins.
"Prince, hm?" A slow smirk spread across Marinette's face as she leaned close, their noses touching now. "I guess that makes you my prince, hm?"
"I suppose so." Damian returned the smirk, before cupping her face in his hands.
Marinette closed her eyes, loving how those big, strong, warm hands of his framed her face. She didn't object when he leaned closer, no, she leaned up and met him halfway, their lips meeting.
Her arms wrapped around his neck as a needy little whimper left her. The kiss deepened as Damian wrapped his arms around her waist, and held Marinette against his heart.
Across the street, on the roof, clawed hands curled into fists and green eyes blazed with fury.
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curiosity-killed · 4 years ago
betrayal! at the family dinner
in which Sirion is Miette
word count: 4204
Of all the things they’ve faced, the last Sirion expects to be a challenge is introducing Callebero to his parents. He probably should have known better. “You can’t be serious,” he signs. “He’s caused you enough strife over the years,” Malán insists. “He owes you this.” “He—what—strife?!” Sirion manages, repeating ‘strife’ in baffled emphasis.
Mamán frowns and looks to Malán. They’re all seated at the table, lunch forgotten between them. Only Malán is still eating; no doubt she doesn’t want to risk missing any clients at the shop. Mamán’s arms are crossed over her chest, fingers still stained purple from her latest batch of dye. “I’m with your malán,” she says as she turns back to Sirion. “If he thinks he’s good enough for you, he better not be too proud to visit us at home.” Sirion gawks at both of them, hands flat on the table. It’s rare enough for him to be speechless, but this time, he’s at a loss. “He’s the imperator princep!” he finally objects. This seems to do nothing to persuade them in any direction. Both turn matching flat stares his way, the same he always hated when he tried to get out of something as a kid. Now, he doesn’t feel the disappointment of his childhood but instead a baffled hopelessness. He can’t believe they’re serious. It’s a short ride back to the palace, and he spends it trying to come up with some way around this. He could just tell Callebero that both his parents died in a tragic accident. A wild horse escaped its owner and trampled them both in the street. It’s surely happened before. Probably. Any lie would be preferable to the embarrassment of telling Callebero that his parents refuse to come to the palace to meet him. He walks into the legion’s quarters and nearly immediately into Callebero himself. He barely restrains a groan. Callebero’s just swinging over the top rail of the training corral, and he grins as Jemma says something to him. As Sirion approaches, that grin turns to him and softens into a painfully affectionate smile. The dread Sirion had felt melts away in the face of it, and he smiles back reflexively. Callebero says something to Jemma before walking over to meet Sirion halfway. Strands of hair have escaped from his ponytail and cling to his forehead, and he swipes the sweat away with the back of his hand. It leaves the hairs smeared over his skin. “Hey,” he greets, a little breathless, “how are your parents?” The lies flit through his mind in a roll: trampled by a horse, mysteriously out of town for a prolonged period, moving to Soldato on short notice—and he wipes all of them away. There’s no use trying. “Good,” he answers with a smile. “Should you be out here?” Callebero shrugs, the same nonchalance he’s always worn when trying to get out of trouble. Sirion suppresses a reflexive smile even as he tries to keep a serious face. Callebero shouldn’t push himself—not so soon after nearly losing his remaining hand and life with it—but he knows he won’t really scold him. “Just testing my hand out,” Callebero says, flexing his left hand. The scars over his fingers are still bright and new, a fresh pink that’s stark against his skin. Sirion frowns a little at them, but he relents at Callebero’s cheerful grin. It’s hard to be the person to bring that smile down; it’s been too rare recently, outnumbered by the nightmares that wake him, shaking, in the middle of the night. “You have a minute?” Sirion asks. Callebero frowns but nods. “Of course,” he signs. “What’s wrong?” “Nothing,” Sirion answers, rolling his eyes. Callebero smiles, abashed. He always goes straight to concern, a reaction Sirion never would have guessed when they first met. “I’m just headed to the baths,” Callebero explains, “but I can wait.” “No,” Sirion says, shaking his head, “it’s not that important.” Callebero hums and nods in acknowledgment. He eyes Sirion for a moment as they cross back through the garden. A little burl of irrational frustration bubbles up in Sirion’s chest at the way Callebero has to lean a little to catch Sirion’s eye despite being three years younger. It’s familiar after this many years. “Your parents?” Callebero asks. Sirion sighs, giving up. “They’d like to invite you to dinner at our home,” he explains. Callebero snorts. “I’m guessing they phrased it a little differently,” he remarks. Sirion winces. He’s never been a good liar, but he’d thought he could manage this one. He raises his hands to apologize but Callebero shakes his head, smiling a little. “It’s sweet,” he says. “They’re protective of you.” “Too protective,” Sirion retorts. “You’re their baby,” Callebero points out. That earns him a flat stare. Sirion doesn’t need anyone else on his mamán’s side of that debate. He’s twenty-three, not two. Callebero just grins. “I’d be honored to join your family at their convenience,” he says, all diplomacy except for that stupid, cheeky grin. It comes together quickly after that; there aren’t many times when Callebero’s free enough to take dinner out on the edges of the capital, and so there aren’t many choices for Sirion’s parents to pick from. When the day comes, Sirion finds himself in the midst of an unexpected crisis. He’s been nervous all day, a low-level anxiety thrumming under his skin. He knows there isn’t any real reason to be worried, but it’s hard to stop. The people who matter most to him in the world are going to meet tonight—and what if it goes wrong? What if they don’t like each other? It nags at him all day. Even the ones that he knows are irrational still needle at him—whispers like, what if Callebero realizes that he doesn’t really want to be with someone from such common stock? It’s unfair to think it, but the anxiety writhes under his skin. “Is this too much?” Callebero asks. “I don’t want to be overdressed but I also don’t want to be disrespectful…” He says it to the interior of the chest, and Sirion leans back on their shared bed and watches. He’s used to Callebero’s anxiety over different things, but this is the first time he’s seen it over something like clothing. From where he’s sitting, Sirion can see the way his muscles are tensed under his scars, shoulders tight. Sirion frowns, canting his head. “Armor’s not appropriate,” Callebero mutters. He huffs and turns to Sirion. “It’s your family. What’s best?” Sirion shrugs. “I don’t know,” he says. “Something normal.” Callebero stares at him, shoulders dropping and expression edging towards abject despair. He turns back to the chest. It’s that moment that makes Sirion’s nerves disappear. He stands and walks over to wrap his arms around Callebero’s waist, loose enough that Callebero could move out of them. His hair’s still damp from the baths and his skin warm. He sinks back into Sirion’s hold, and Sirion presses a kiss to his neck. It sends a little thrill of delight up his spine, that he can do this now. It’s still so new. “They’ll love you,” he signs. “No matter what you wear. Though you’ll freeze if you wear only this towel.” Callebero snorts and Sirion grins. It’s true, he’s finally realized. No matter the tough front his parents put up, they’re doing it because they love him. By his guess, it’ll take all of two minutes for them to realize Callebero loves him just as much, and after that, they’ll be home free. Sirion nuzzles the back of his neck, loath to let go of Callebero now that his arms are around him. Callebero puts up with it for a few moments before turning over his shoulder to press a quick kiss to Sirion’s lips and gently disengage him. “I should get dressed then,” Callebero says by way of excuse. It doesn’t bother Sirion and he goes back to sitting on the bed contentedly. Callebero has never been the neediest when it comes to physical contact, and recently, he’s struggled between wanting it and being unable to stand it. Sirion is only bothered by it when Callebero himself is; he is happy to simply be together. Fortunately, it seems to have settled Callebero, and he selects an outfit shortly. It’s sleek and simple: black and silver with gold accents at the throat and wrists. Sirion watches with a little smile as Callebero gently tugs the amulet out from his collar, resettling it over his chest. It’s a small thing, and it shouldn’t mean much—but it gives him a little bloom of satisfaction to see. “Alright,” Callebero says, turning to him. “Ready?” “Of course,” Sirion signs, straightening up. He grins and Callebero gives him a shakier smile. They take a carriage most the way, Callebero’s one concession to Hayalen’s security concerns. It only seems to make him more nervous, though; he rubs his left thumb back and forth over the nearest scar on his hand till it’d shine if it were a ring. There’s nothing Sirion can say to assuage Callebero’s anxiety and taking his hand would likely only make him more fidgety, so he lets him be. The carriage pulls to a stop at the end of the street, too wide to squeeze between the buildings here. Once the doors are shut behind them, Sirion reaches out to interlace his fingers with Callebero’s. There’s an immediate shift as Callebero exhales and his shoulders loosen. Sirion gives his hand a little pulse and then starts them down the lane. It’s a quiet street. Most houses are lit only by a candle or two, and many are already fully dark. It’s a working street, one that rises early and sleeps early. Even Sirion’s parents are often abed by this hour. It’s only due to the gravitas of this dinner that they’re still up. Once at the door, Sirion gives Callebero’s hand one more squeeze before releasing it to rap at the door. It swings open a little too quickly, as if his mamán has been waiting on the other side. Only—it’s not Mamán. “Nía?” Sirion demands. His sister smiles, polite but a little stiff. “Good evening and welcome, Your Eminence. Sirion,” she greets with a slight bow. “Callebero is fine,” Callebero says. “It’s a pleasure to meet you—?” “Oh!” Nía startles a little, as if surprised that she forgot to introduce herself. “Abanía, Sirion’s elder sister.” Callebero’s smile is pure diplomacy as Nía leads them inside and begins the introductions. Sirion only barely stifles a groan once inside the common room; this was supposed to be a relaxed dinner with his parents and Callebero, and instead, his entire rabble of siblings is here. Nía looks back at him once, and he flips his hands over, palms spread. It’s faster than signing ‘What in the seven saints is everyone doing here?’ and carries the same message effectively. She jerks her head in a gesture at Callebero, eyebrows up. Sirion scowls. “Mamán?” She shrugs, but she’s grinning. Sirion scowls harder and flips a rude gesture towards her. She signs back, “Love you,” and bites back a laugh at Sirion’s expression. He’s tempted, then and there, to tug Callebero back out the door and to the palace. He’d accepted their parents’ absurd demand, but that hadn’t included dropping Callebero into the mess of their entire family. Preemptive mortification is already heating his cheeks. One of them is going to say something idiotic—something from which there will be no recovery. Worse, they’ll start a political debate and wind up trying to shame Callebero himself. They could have dinner some other time. Saints, Callebero is the imperator princep—Sirion could have him order his parents to the palace and they would have no choice to obey. Certainly that would be better than whatever absurdity is about to take place. But when he looks to Callebero, to pull him out of danger, Sirion finds him oddly content. He wears a small smile that’s more genuine than when he meets with courtiers, and there’s a hint of amusement in his eyes. Saints curse me, he thinks. They’re staying. They settle in at the table, on the same flat pillows they’ve used since he was a child. Callebero folds neatly into place at Sirion’s side, pulling his bad knee close with his hand to keep it from sticking out. Sirion’s lips twitch downwards a little. If he sits like that for all of dinner, his knee’s going to half-dead by the time they return to the palace. His siblings haven’t brought any of their children, for which Sirion isn’t sure he’s grateful. They’d offer a distraction, at least, and his siblings are all better behaved when their own children are watching. Now, they have free reign to be absolute heathens. “Welcome to our home, Your Eminence,” Mamán greets. “We are honored to have you.” “The honor is mine,” Callebero answers. “To be among Sirion’s family is a privilege, and moreso to be welcomed into your home.” It’s a good answer. Malán sits up a little, eyeing Callebero with something approaching approval, and Mamán actually gives a real, if miniscule, smile. Sirion turns to his curry and tries to will this dinner to hurry up. The sooner they leave, the fewer opportunities Elarion has to bring up the government’s treatment of farmers beyond the capital region and the fewer chances Lione has to bring up embarrassing stories of their childhood. And yet—somehow, impossibly, it doesn’t happen. His siblings are mostly quiet except for polite conversation. Nía is attentive and polite, and Elarion watches Callebero with wide eyes, as if they can’t quite believe the imperator princep sits among them. Saojin and Avaril set the table as quickly and silently as servants at a grand banquet. They are all disturbingly polite. Their good behavior should be a relief, and yet Sirion feels somehow betrayed. They’re miscreants, the lot of them. He can hardly visit for an hour before Lione is chiding him about the mismanagement of the state grain stores, and Avaril was ready to march up to the palace and slice Valyn’s throat herself when Sirion forfeited his captaincy. Watching them now, it’s as if his entire family has been replaced with perfectly poised and polite actors. He is deeply and nonsensically disgruntled. Partway through, Callebero slants his gaze toward him, that quiet check-in they’ve perfected on the battlefield and in the court, and Sirion leans in just enough that their arms press briefly together in reassurance. Appeased, a small smile curls Callebero’s lips, and he turns his attention fully to the rest of Sirion’s horrible, terrible, no-good family. Looking up, Sirion catches mamán’s gaze resting on them with such gentle warmth that his entire face heats up. He ducks his head, not sure how to respond to that knowing smile. By the end of the night, most of his tension has worn itself out. A thin string of bewilderment still runs between his ribs, but no one has said anything terribly outlandish or challenged Callebero to a duel over his honor, so. All in all, it’s better than he expected. “Sirion,” Malán says, standing, “join me?” He glances at Callebero, but the answering look is content and relaxed enough that he can’t think of an excuse to stay. Unfolding himself from the low table, Sirion follows Malán to the courtyard where the cool storage is tightly closed against the lingering warmth of the day. From one of the shelves against the back of the house, she pulls a basket and drops it into his hands. Lost, Sirion looks down at the basket and then back to where Malán has turned to the cold storage. “Malán?” he signs, drawing one hand free. “He is a polite young man,” she says, setting a swaddled bundle down in the bottom of the basket. Sirion hurries to readjust, pressing it to his chest with his left hand so his right remains free, “and he is clearly besotted with you.” Heat flushes Sirion’s face, leaves him stammering uselessly. His hand twitches around signs he doesn’t quite make, too startled and embarrassed to form words. “He has some work to do to make up for his past failings,” she continues, “but it doesn’t seem he’ll shy from the task.” The basket is now heavy with dense loaves wrapped in wax cloth and at least two whole dried fish. Malán pauses, frowning down at the berry bushes crowded along the low wall. Resisting the urge to groan, Sirion reaches out to tap her shoulder. “Malán,” he signs, “we live in the palace. There’s no shortage of food.” She harrumphs and closes the wooden door of the storage cell, slotting the wooden lock in place. “You miss your mamán’s cooking,” she replies, “and he is far too skinny. If our son runs the imperator princep ragged, what will the neighborhood say? You know Failleron is always looking for a reason to talk.” Briefly giving in, Sirion presses a knuckle into the center of his forehead. He doesn’t bother pointing out that Callebero has always been gangly and lean. He did come back from Capall thinner, after all, and there’s no stopping Malán when she’s decided to fuss. “It could be seen as an offense,” he tries, “implying the Soko house is too poor to afford a proper staff.” Malán arches her eyebrows and reaches out to tweak his ear in a way that makes him flinch and grimace, regretting the little jade studs he’s wearing. “My son lecturing me on propriety,” she scolds, and he dips his gaze apologetically. “I am looking after my son’s partner and welcoming him in our family.” He sighs and lets it go, recognizing defeat. There’s a strange warmth in his chest as they turn back to the house, an unfurling sense of pleasure and relief that he refuses to look at too closely because he’s still a little peeved about the deception. Still, when Malán pauses just shy of the door to smooth his hair back from his forehead where a few tendrils have slid free, he exhales and leans in to the touch. “—and the seeds are still held by the garrison supplier.” Sirion freezes, eyes flying open. Stepping through the door, he finds Elarion leaning forward against the table and Callebero canting his head to the side just-so. From a stranger’s perspective, his expression would seem disinterested, aloof: his brow is furrowed and lips thinned, gaze dropping briefly toward the table. After this many years, though, Sirion recognizes the expression as one of serious thought and attention. He nearly groans. They’d been so close to getting out of this. “The garrison should only be involved in distributing seeds and surplus in times of need,” Callebero says. “Any other restriction is an abuse of their authority.” Elarion tilts his head toward one shoulder, gaze slipping away from Callebero. He notices Sirion in the doorway and has the good grace to at least look a little sheepish. “Thank you for telling me,” Callebero says. “I’ll see that it is included in the ongoing review.” From here, Sirion can see the way Elarion’s eyes widen as his gaze snaps back to Callebero. A sense of smugness unfolds in his chest, as if he is somehow responsible for Callebero’s own personality. Walking fully into the room, he stops beside Callebero and rests his hand on his shoulder. Callebero looks up, gaze snagging briefly on the laden basket, and raises his eyebrows in question. Humming faintly, Callebero draws himself up to his feet with only a slight hitch. The rest of them hurry to stand as well. “Thank you for your hospitality,” Callebero says. “The privilege was ours, Your Emi—Callebero,” mamán says, correcting herself as she bows. “Please, there’s no need for that,” Callebero says, looking vaguely embarrassed. Mamán steals a glance at Sirion first, as if to check, but she straightens and walks them to the door. Behind them, Sirion can see Elarion slump back on his elbows with a bewildered look while Nía shares a look with Avaril and hides a grin poorly. Lione has leaned over to say something to Saojin that makes them grimace and shoot him a look of betrayal. “May the saints watch over you,” Mamán says at the door. She’s perfectly poised, dressed in her very best robes with her hair pinned back neatly with the teak pin Malán gave her years ago. Compared to Callebero’s robes or even Sirion’s, the fabric is simple and the layers few, but her bearing makes it seem insignificant. Mentally, Sirion makes a note to badger Nía into helping him sneak a new set of robes for both their parents before the next holiday; both Mamán and Malán would be mortified if he gifted them outright without an excuse, but it’s not as if he has much use for his wages. They’re quiet as they walk back down the darkened street toward the waiting carriage, each digesting the evening. There’s a slight hitch to Callebero’s gait, a stiffness from keeping his knee bent so sharply for too long. When he’s certain Mamán must have gone inside the house, Sirion squeezes Callebero’s hand and lifts his to sign. “I’m sorry,” he says, “I really didn’t realize they all would be there.” A breath huffs out of Callebero, and he shakes his head with a little grin. “It was nice,” he insists. Sirion narrows his eyes, but he can’t glimpse a hint of insincerity in Callebero’s voice or face. Something wobbles in his chest like a stone perched precariously atop a cairn. “You truly didn’t mind?” he asks after a moment, a little hesitant. Pausing, Callebero turns to him fully and cants his head. In the low light of the street, he is formed mostly in sketches of light: the moon whisking silver down his cheek and catching in his eye, the glow of a lamp in a neighbor’s window golden on the nape of his neck. A small smile curls the corners of his lips, but his eyes are soft as he reaches over to take Sirion’s hand. “It was nice,” he repeats, giving Sirion’s hand a squeeze. “They care about you so much and…” He hesitates, eyelashes flicking toward his cheeks as he looks down and away. That stone settles in Sirion’s chest, and he doesn’t press for more. He knows Callebero’s family is spread thin and far, that the person who should have been closest to him is the one responsible for the pale pink scars across his hand and the darker ones across his cheek and back and severed arm. Letting out a grudging huff, Sirion squeezes Callebero’s hands and draws them back along the road.
“They liked you,” he signs after a moment.
“Mm?” Callebero hums, looking to him with a small smile. Snorting, Sirion hefts the ridiculous basket on his arm. “It’s a sign of love,” he explains dryly, “pressing food on you.”
The smile curves into a grin as Callebero laughs at that. He doesn’t worry at his hand anymore and his shoulders have eased, growing relaxed with fatigue and contentment. It settles Sirion, washes away the last of his stress and worry as they near the carriage. “I’m afraid I’m too poor a cook to reciprocate,” Callebero remarks. Sirion snorts and shakes his head. Around the carriage, a few of the younger neighbors have gathered to ogle the fine horses and talk to the driver. He recognizes a few of them—children of his parents’ neighbors, enough younger than him that he never really got to know them—but they all grow wide-eyed at the sight of Callebero and him walking shoulder-to-shoulder. “If you let Elarion and Lione complain about the government, you’ll have more than made up for it,” Sirion signs as they climb in.
“Ah Elarion had some sincere points,” Callebero replies, stretching his legs out and reaching down to dig his thumb into the side of his knee. “They’re more than welcome to join Jisel and I. Perhaps they’d bring some fresh perspectives.” For a moment, Sirion imagines his idiot brothers crowded into Callebero’s study late at night. They’d both be too scared to say a word, gawking at the fine room and horrified by the way Jisel and Callebero needle and tease each other. He shakes his head and breathes out a laugh at the very thought. The carriage rattles into motion, and Sirion reaches out to take Callebero’s hand. He presses a kiss to the silvering scars across his fingers and looks up at him with a soft smile. “Thank you for coming with me tonight,” he signs, and Callebero’s expression turns sweet and open. “Of course,” he says. “I was glad to.” Humming faintly, Sirion tangles their fingers together and leans in so his shoulder presses into Callebero’s. In the morning, he’ll go back to being horrified that his siblings so gleefully conspired against him, but for right now, he settles against Callebero’s steady warmth with drowsy contentment unfurling in his chest. Maybe it isn’t the worst thing to be loved so fiercely.
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the-writing-dump-bin · 5 years ago
Can I request a NSFW prey and predator for Rissoto x Fem!reader! 😗
Aye, Anon. I’m gonna be real with you, this was a hard request. I have never wrote this kind of prompt before and I did the best I could. If it isn’t what you were looking for, I am very sorry >.
Risotto Nero x FemReader (predator/prey)
NSFW 18+
He watched you damn near every day since he met you...
Walking into a tiny liquor store a couple weeks ago, Risotto met you while he searched for a good wine to bring back with him to the La Squadra base. He came here to lay low from highly populated areas as he had just finished a hit job and was always cautious.
"Can I help you find anything in particular?" Your sweet voice said, standing beside him as he knelt down to look at the alcohol on the bottom shelf.
Risotto turned his head to see your legs then panned his eyes up and to your face. You were smiling at him, ready to help him with anything he may need. As he slowly stood, he could see how attractive you looked with your smiling face. He was taken back a little but kept his stoic nature as he spoke. "The selection isn't large here." He grumbled as he picked up a bottle. "What kind is this? I've never even heard of this before."
That comment hurt, but you didn't falter with it. Yes, the store was small and the shelves weren't stocked with well known brands, but that didn't stop you from smiling at this giant man that had walked into your store. "I independently own this store." You said, a hint of passive aggressiveness. "Everything in these bottles are made by me and I sell them. I am quite popular, I am surprised you haven't heard of me."
Risotto's eyes narrowed a little, looking like he was annoyed by your snarky attitude but really, he was intrigued. After that day, he had come around at least once a week to buy your products. Sometimes, when he was free, he found himself coming by to have small chats with you while you stocked shelves or cleaned around the store. He was hooked by you, and you barely did anything to catch his eye. Within these little meetings, his feelings for you started to grow. They grew so much, in fact, that he found himself wanting you for himself.
He had watched you from afar through the window of your store. He followed you when you walked home from closing shop or when you went to get groceries. He even used his Stand to turn himself invisible to get closer to you in public, almost close enough to touch you...
One evening, while out with friends, you had felt like you were being watched but stealing glances around you, you saw no one that you knew or caught eye contact with anyone who looked suspicious. It was a chilling feeling, but almost...familiar... A presence that you had grown to know the last month. "Risotto..." You muttered quietly.
"Huh? What?" One of your friends laughed. "You want risotto? Kind of a strange thing to crave while at the movies."
A nervous chuckle came from you as tried to play the comment off. "I guess I am just a little hungry. Haha." You had told no one about your little friendship with the dangerous man you met, but thinking of him made you wish he was around right now. Little did you know...
Risotto smiled as he heard you murmur his name. It took everything in him to hold back his hands from grabbing your waist to pull you close and whisper "I'm right here, mio amore." But he kept himself in check. He didn't want to scare you away, but he also couldn't just leave you. The rest of the night, he lingered around to watch you, waiting for you to break off with your friends so he could move in himself. You were going to be his...tonight...
It wasn't until about two hours later when you finally called it a night. You thanked your friends for a fun night and headed home. The street was quiet. No one around and the odd car passed by every so often. The evening was cool, just enough for a small sweater but even still, that didn't stop the chill you felt trickle down your spine. That same feeling you had earlier hadn't really gone away, but you couldn't help but look around you as you walked home. After the fear of being followed crept up faster, so did your pace. Your legs quickened, trying to get home faster before whatever was following you made itself known.
Risotto's tongue glided over his teeth as he watched you; grinning when he saw you walk a little faster down the street that was only illuminated by the dimmed street lamps. He didn't need much to pick up his own speed to keep up with you; his long legs helped him practically glide to you. Still invisible, he caught up to you, leaning in a little to breathe in the fear you emitted, causing him to let out a low, deep growl.
The sound made you skid to a stop and turn around to find nothing and no one around you. Your arms wrapped around you as you shivered. Turning back towards the direction of your home, you nearly ran into the tall, dangerous looking man that wandered into your store a month ago. "R-Risotto!" You gasped out.
"Why, Y/N..." He said with his sultry voice. "You looked frightened; like someone is after you..."
You sighed. "Well, um... I don't know. I felt like someone was following me all night." Looking up at him, you were dragged into his stare. Those scary, scarlet and black eyes burning into yours. You had thought them to be intriguing when you first saw them and had found yourself thinking about them when you were home alone or daydreaming at work. Without a thought, you moved closer to find a little comfort from your scare.
A sinister smirk played on his face. His prey that he had been pursuing for weeks was right here in his grasp. His hands came up and grasped your shoulders gently to pull you closer. Your scent wafted up again, reaching his nose, and he inhaled deeply, the same growl rumbled out as his right hand drifted down your side to rest on your bottom.
Your eyes shot open wide when the sound reached your ears again. Come to think of it... Where did Risotto come from? You had been walking down the street alone...weren't you? So how did he... "Risotto?"
After you had backed up a little to look at him, Risotto grabbed your chin and smiled. "What is it, mio amore?" He leaned down to kiss you but you and jerked away from his hold and started running. Sighing, Risotto disappeared from sight and chased after you.
Huff after huff, you sprinted down the street. It had been Risotto following you. You were scared, but there was also a small part of you under the fear that was...excited... The last couple weeks you have been looking forward to his visits, even if he didn't buy anything. The conversations were sweet and interesting, despite his looks. At home, you had thought about him before you went to bed and tonight, while with your friends, you had felt a longing for him. You let the fear take over you and you ran, cutting into an alley way to try and take a short cut to your house, but there was already someone there waiting for you and you were slammed into the wall of the building you tried to pass between.
"Y/N..." Risotto said, caging you with his muscular frame. "There is no reason for you to run... I heard you earlier; you called my name when you were with your friends." His hand slid up and down your side, his hips moving forward to pin you between him and the wall. "You have been thinking of me, haven't you? If you haven't guessed, I have been thinking about you, too." He bent down to ghost his lips on your neck, breath hot against your skin.
This wasn't how you thought your evening would end up, but the fear was also giving you a jolt that you hadn't felt in a long time, making your thighs squeeze together. This kind of play was exhilarating... "You caught me..." You admitted. "I have been thinking about you..."
Risotto smiled against your skin as he lightly pressed his lips against your neck, like he was tasting you before he devoured. His hand drifted down to tease between your legs, making you emit an involuntary moan. "I want you, amore... You want me as well, right?" His voice was like steady thunder before a storm, low and a little threatening. It could be felt in your bones.
Pulling his hand away, you whimpered in protest but then felt his hands grasp behind your thighs as he picked you up, wrapping your legs around his waist while he attacked your neck, sucking bruises into your skin. "R-is..." You brought your hands up and under his unique hat, tugging at his hair as best you could.
He was a little rough with you, but he couldn't really control himself. He had you in his sight practically the moment he met you and he was determined that you were going to be his. Hands traveled upwards under your shirt, grasping your breasts and squeezing.
You could definitely feel his excitement as you were wrapped around him and moaned with frightened anticipation.
Risotto emitted an animalistic growl and set you down, strong hands working away at the button of your pants and pulling them down. Quickly, he captured your mouth with his and kissed you hungrily while his hand returned to work between your legs, rubbing your clit feverishly. "Oh, Y/N..."
It was surprising to feel this right away, but it felt good. You kissed him back, wrapping your arms around him the best you can as you whimper from his administrations. "Ris... Oh, god, Risotto! We're out in the open... What if someone sees..."
He was enjoying hearing his name spill from your mouth, two long fingers pushing themselves inside you and pumping vigorously. The sounds of your moans and gasps made him go faster and faster. He wanted to make you cum right here and now. "Let them." He snapped. "Then they can see how you're mine as you cum over my hand."
You gripped him tighter as the threatening orgasm rose in your core. This experience was all new to you. Yeah, you liked Risotto enough to do these acts with him, but you never guessed that you would get off from being stalked and doing these things in an open area. "Wh-What ab-out y-ou?" You stuttered out, thinking about his hard cock pressing against your thigh.
"Don't you worry about me right now. I'll get my turn. I'm just taking what I want." Not taking his hand away from your soaked pussy, he coaxed you down to lay on the ground with his free hand and continued his motions, making you scream out in pleasure.
Everything went blank. Sounds were drowned out as you were thrown into the clouds. Slowly, everything came back into view and you could make out someone standing over you, staring at your quivering body. Risotto didn't smile; not even a smirk. He still looked focused and hungry, wanting more. He looked more terrifying than ever.
Risotto wasn't done with you. Not by a long shot. But he also knew that if he continued more of this in an alley, someone might think wrong and call the police. Even though he had said he wasn't worried about being caught, he also hadn't expected you to be so loud when you climaxed just from his hand. Who knows what kind of sound you would have made if he fucked you with his cock.
Pulling your pants up, he picked you up and cradled you in his arms. "We'll continue this at your house." He started walking, making sure no one was around.
"Y-You don't know the way.."
An amused scoff came from him as he looked down at your face and winked. "Oh, I know the way... Believe me."
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puckngrind · 6 years ago
Skating Lessons part 3
Summary: first real date with Josh
warning: smut, language, mention of wine...you have been warned.  
Word count: 2303
Series masterlist
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You situate yourself with your wine glass while facing Josh on the couch while his arm is perched on the back and fingers barely grazing your shoulder.  You weren’t sure what all this meant.  Your mind wrote off the feelings and the chemistry that was clearly there but here he was lounging on your couch which most likely had a dinosaur or hot wheel shoved in the cushions.  Josh stared into your eyes and waited patiently for you to take the lead.  You break eye contact to gather up your words.  Rubbing the rim of your glass with the tip of your finger you inhale...
“I’m different than other girls you’ve dated.”  You start and slightly look up at Josh.  Who hasn’t stopped looking at you. 
“That’s for sure.”  Josh chuckled a little making light of your statement.
“I have major baggage that most our age don’t.  Mason and I are a package deal.  Most men get wind of him or see my lock screen pic and ghost me.  I cannot remember the last time I had multiple dates with the same man.”  You breathe in and cannot help but notice that Josh hasn’t moved.  His expression has stayed the same and he seems to know you aren’t done.  “You are different.  You’ve met Mason and he already seems attached to you in this short time.  You don’t seem to worry about our package deal which is refreshing and makes me nervous...” You take a breath and Josh cuts you off.
“I love Mace and kids don’t freak me out.  My younger cousins are the best and I’m use to being around them when I’m home.  I cannot believe men run at the sight of that adorable face.  Do they even know how cool your son is?  I’m lucky they ran, that’s for sure, but I’m sorry the dumb asses hurt you.”  Josh says in almost one breath.  He seemed like a dream but how?  Why you?  There needed to be boundaries for Mason’s sake.  You had to put up some sort of wall to protect Mason because you told yourself it wasn’t to protect you.  You almost think Josh can hear your thoughts when he continues.  “Tell me what’s bothering you?  What can I do?”  His hand moves to your chin to make your eyes meet his.  The look of concern laced with utter affection distracts your racing mind. 
“But what happens when this ends?  Whatever this is?”  You motion between your two bodies trying to convey the scenario your mind has already made up about your devastating breakup. 
“Who says ‘whatever this is’ has to end?  I mean (y/n) I’ve just kissed you.  Let’s not jump to breaking up yet okay?”  This man just read your mind and makes your heart race. Josh is already slowly chipping away at the walls you instinctually have put up.  Your body gravitates towards him and he meets your lips in a passionate kiss that tells you that he’s not going anywhere.  A kiss that encompasses all the words unsaid.  One that proves he’s here for you and Mason.  You feel his tongue asking permission and you graciously allow him to explore you more.  You gracelessly sit your glass down and scoot closer to Josh’s body.  He helps and grabs your hips pulling you in.  Running your hands through his hair you let out a little moan as Josh runs his lips down your neck hitting a sweet spot that makes your crumble.  Josh’s hands run up and down your sides as you pepper kisses down his strong jawline feeling the tingle from his facial hair.  
“Josh...Josh...”  You try to pull away but he grabs you with ease and swings both of your bodies so you are now seated in his lap.  You can feel him growing hard under you which makes you squirm just thinking about it.  “Josh!”  You finally say louder in his ear stopping him from what you can only assume would leave a mark below your ear.  
“What Babe?”  Josh breathlessly smirks at you.  
“I don’t exactly do this.”  You once again motion between the two of you.  “And I don’t want to be just another girl you are sleeping with.  I’m not a one and done kinda girl.”  You said before filtering yourself.  Not that Josh had given you any indication he was seeing anyone else since most of his down time was spent with you at the rink or texting.  
“(y/n), you are the only girl I’ve been talking to and the only one i want to do anything with.  I’ve only thought about you since the moment I met you.  Can I show you how you make me feel?”  Josh leans his forehead to yours.  You close your eyes, breath in deeply taking in the intoxicating scent of Josh’s cologne and shampoo. He was real.  He was telling you everything you dreamed of hearing from a man.  He pushed every fear aside.  So you shook your head, bit down on your lip and Josh’s eyes grow wide and dark.  Without warning he stands to his feet with you still attached to him.  His strong arms lifting up your legs to wrap around him and his lips gravitating to yours.  He makes his way to your bedroom and gently places you on the bed.  You look up at him as Josh reaches behind his head to take his hoodie off in one motion.  You catch a gasp escaping your lips as you set your eyes on his body.  He smiles down at you and you start at the hem of your sweatshirt.  “No, please, let me.”  He grabs your hands and leans into you pressing himself between your legs with sends a shiver up your spine.
“Josh...”  You breathe out as he moves from your lips to your ear.  
“Let me know if I need to slow down or it’s too much.” Josh whispers in your ear as he leans back on his heels to remove your leggings and then your sweatshirt.  You shiver again.  “(y/n), are you cold?” Josh runs his hands down your legs as he takes you all in.
“Uh...no...just a little nervous.”  You honestly told him sitting up on your elbows a bit.
“Don’t be nervous,”  Josh leans in to kiss you.  “It’s me.  I’m here regardless of how bad the sex is.  We’ll have to practice more to work out the kinks if it is.”  Josh starts to laugh and you smack his abs at the joke.  He knew just what to say to ease the tension your body was feeling.  You wanted him.  Your body wanted him.  You just needed to shut your brain off to everything else.  
Josh presses the heel of his hand into your core as he lowers you back down the bed.  You can feel him still smirking as he starts kissing you again and giving you some of the friction your body was seeking.  He gently slides your panties down your legs and you kick them off in the direction of the rest of your discarded clothing.  Josh is gentle as he slides his finger into your folds and starts to work your clit.  You inhale sharply and your hands find his abs.   “Tell me if you don’t like something okay (y/n)?  But your body it telling me you like this.”  He almost laughs while bringing his slick finger to his mouth to suck off.
“Are you going to be all talk Anderson?”  You found your confidence and voice in the joking way Josh was relaxing your nerves while stimulating others.  
“No, ma’am.”  Josh kisses you down your body, taking time to easily unclasp your bra then moving down to your thighs.  You can feel his beard glide across the inside of your legs as Josh moves quickly to your folds.  Taking his time he slides one finger in and looks up at you.  You moan and grab at his hair which gives him the go ahead to stretch you out and curl his fingers to hit you in all the right spots.  You can feel your orgasm coming just quickly.
“Josh, I’m gonna....” You breathlessly moan out.  “Go ahead baby.  I got you.”  He adds another finger and flicks at your clit with his tongue.  Your orgasm comes in waves as Josh doesn’t let up his work on you.  Your toes curl in the sheets and your legs spread wider before coming down from your high.  
“Babe, I’m ready.”  You looked down at Josh as he wiped off his mouth and sat up.  You could see he sweats were strained.  He wasted no time taking his sweats and boxers off in one motion as his cock springs free.  “Want me to...”  You start to move to reciprocate.  Josh shakes his head no, lines himself up with you and slowly pushes in.  When he bottoms out you both moan in unison.  Josh leans in closer to kiss you.  
“Fuck, (y/n), you feel so good babe.”  His eyes meet yours as he starts to move.  Your legs wrap around him to draw him further into you.  He seems to be taking it slow and you aren’t sure if it’s for you or him.
“Josh, you aren’t going to hurt me.  Please fuck me.”  And at the words Josh springs into action.  He thrusts into you and doesn’t let up.  You moan out his name and quickly feel another orgasm coming.  As you feel it rising up you look up at Josh and his eyes are trained on every move you make.  He’s not slowing his rhythm which is making it hard to keep your eyes open.  Josh grabs your leg and the change in angle sends you crashing over the edge.  He stutters for a second and you feel him cum as he puts most of his body weight on top of you.  You poke at his side when you’ve come back down making Josh laugh and roll off.  He quickly springs out of bed and pads to your bathroom.  He returns quickly with a warm washcloth to clean you up.  
Josh slides back under the covers and pulls you into him.  Kissing your neck, “soooo...I really think we need to keep practicing that.”  Your elbow meets his ribs making him laugh into your hair.  You fall asleep wrapped up in each other.
Your woken up by the sun streaming in the window and not your alarm which is abnormal.  Your arm flops over to where Josh was when you fell asleep to hit the pillow.  Your brain instantly scans the room for his clothes which you don’t see and doubt sets in that he left without saying goodbye.  Then you catch a whiff of bacon in the air.  You quickly scramble to your feet.  Toss on some shorts and a hoodie then make your way to your kitchen.  Josh is standing over your stove, shirtless and jumping back as the bacon grease pops.  You eye a french toast and eggs on the counter and you see your french press loaded but nothing it happening yet.
“So you cook huh?”  You lean against the fridge taking in the sight.  Josh looks over at you sheepishly, rubs the back of his neck.  
“Uh, yeah.  Well, this is like my one thing...”  Josh closes the distance between the two of you picking you up off the ground and kissing you sweetly.  “If you expect more we are going to have to find Seth a girl so he can cook for all of us.”  He chuckles and puts you back on the ground.
“And you couldn’t figure out that?”  You point to your french press and he looks behind him.
“Yeah, what the hell (y/n)?  I was going to google it but I left my phone in your room and didn’t want to wake you.  That thing makes coffee?”  His face looks puzzles as he moves back to the bacon.  
“It’s called a french press and yes.  The best coffee.  I have a kerig and pour over too.”  You start to fix the mess Josh had started to show him how to make coffee.
“So I’m dating a coffee snob eh?”  He looks over and you hear his Canadian accent that isn’t always noticeable.  
“If you want to call me that.  Whatever.  And we are officially dating, eh?”  Your midwest accent doesn’t quite give the ending the punch it needs but it got Josh’s attention.  He scoops you up and sits you on the counter.  Your legs on either side of him and your hands glide down his abs.
“Well what the hell would you call us then, (y/n)?  Because I’m pretty sure this...”  Josh points back and forth just like you did last night.  “...this is dating.  I’m not going anywhere.  Well, I mean I have practice and games but you know.  When you’ll let me, I’ll be here.”  Before you can even question the dynamic of Josh and Mason, Josh puts his finger to your lips and continues.  “And we will figure out the whole Mason thing.  I’m not going to invade your space if you don’t think it’s best for him.”  Josh kisses your forehead, cheek, then lips.  
“Yeah, about that...”  Josh’s lips land on your neck and you lose all train of thought.
“When is Mason coming home?”  Josh asks stopping before he leaves a mark.  “I have to pick him up but my parents are taking him to the zoo today.”
“So we have all day?”  Josh leans in placing both hands on the counter.  “...to practice...”  he wiggles his eyebrows.  
“Was it that bad?”  Self doubt creeps in a touch even when you feel the heat of Josh’s body on you.
“Oh no (y/n), it was that fucking good.”  Josh says pulling you into him again.    
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wldthoughtz · 6 years ago
Your Girl
Finn Balor (Explicit Smut)
Requested by @megsgoodwood
Lio Rush’s sister has a crush on Finn. She turns her back on Lio and Finn wins the intercontinental championship and smut.
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Walking down the ramp I followed behind Bobby and Lio as we made our way to the ring. I glanced up and noticed Finn’s eyes raked up and down my body as I strutted behind both men confidently. Instead of wearing the ridiculous costume my brother had chosen for me which matched with their gold and black attire. I decided on wearing a Bobby Lashley cropped t-shirt that reached a few inches below my breasts and the tightest pair of jeans I could find, which I knew Finn would appreciate. By the look of desire in his eyes, he appreciated it very much. Unknown to anyone else, Finn and I had been shamelessly flirting for a while now. I would often tease him whenever we were around each other, whether it was asking him for help with my ring gear top or just plainly rubbing up against his crotch. While he would touch me every chance he got, from subtle hand touches to slapping my ass when he passed by. He was also a real sweetheart and would always send flowers and small gifts to my dressing room before every event.  I saw a smirk stretch across his face as I sent him a small wink as we made it to the end of the ramp. Lio walked up the steel steps and Bobby smirked as he held out a hand for me take to climb up after him. Once I was at the top of the stairs Bobby followed behind me and sat on the rope signaling me to climb through. Not sparing him a glance I climb through and stood in our corner of the ring. I saw Finn look me over again making a face of disgust at the small t-shirt I was wearing, making me let out a soft chuckle.
“What’s so funny?” Lio mumbled in my direction not turning fully around, Bobby turned too glancing at me with a questioning look. Both oblivious to the bedroom eyes that were being shared between Finn and me.
“Nothing,” I mumbled I making sure to roll my eyes extra hard at them before crossing my arms over my chest. They both gave me an unimpressed look before turning back to Finn who was smirking in his corner as he bounced side to side. The referee quickly took the belt from Bobby and raised it up for a few seconds before Lio pushed me forward to take it. Shaking my head, the ref handed me the belt and instructed me to take it over to the time box. With a sultry smile, I walked towards Finn’s corner making sure to sway my hips extra hard. He smirked when he saw my coming and quickly went over to sit on the rope making sure it keep it open for me. I sent him a small wink before I bent down, making sure my back was straight and my ass was out. I heard a soft growl from him once I was on the other side of the ropes. Once I was on the ground the bell rung, signaling the start of the match. Turning over the belt I made my way back over to Lio and Bobby’s corner and noticed a sour look of their face. 
“Why are you flirting with Balor?” Lio growled down at me as he watched Bobby overpower Finn and push him to the ground.
“I wasn’t! He was just being a gentleman.” I told him watching him send me a pondering look.
He looked at me then back to the ring to hype up Bobby before side glancing me, “Good because you know I already told my man Bobby he could have you.” He mumbled down quietly enough so the fans around wouldn’t hear.
“You’re disgusting you know that!” I growled up at him before stepping away and keeping my worried eyes on Finn as Bobby stomped on his ribs.
Lio and I had never seen eye to eye but being my brother, he felt like he had some sort of control against me. Even if I am a 4 times Woman Champion, and instead of being in the ring like I should be, my brother convinced Hunter that I needed a break. So here I am being the eye candy for Bobby Lashley for the third month in a row. The chants filled the stadium Lets go Finn and a small smile spread across my face when Finn cross bodied Bobby and charged for Lio only for him to jump off the side. Bobby rolled out and made his way over to Lio, where they began discussing a strategy. Finn turned to me sending me a small smile and wink when he noticed me mouth an are you okay?
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He nodded and his smile turned into a sour frown when he noticed Bobby walk up behind me and wrapping an arm around my bare waist and pulling my back into his front.
“He messing with you?” Bobby whispered, his lips almost pressed to my ear. I shook my head ‘no’ before stepping forward trying to get away from him to no avail. “Good, cus no one messes with my girl,” He mumbled into my ear before placing a wet kiss on my cheek. I pulled away from him with a look of disgust, wiping my cheek with the back of my hand and heard him chuckle as he walked up the steps. Glancing up I noticed Finn’s face was red with anger as he paced side to side watching Bobby as he entered the ring. Once Bobby was in Finn unleashed hell on him, throwing punches and kicks surprising everyone in the arena. 
Throughout the match I was a nervous wreck every time Finn was hurt. Finn currently had the upper hand and had been dominating Lio. I saw him punch Bobby making him fly off the side of the ring before stomping on Lio’s chest. Bobby climbed back into the ring only to be taken out by a sleep blade from Finn, then he was sent over the ropes followed by my brother. Finn ran back and gained speed before he went soaring over the top rope, taking out both Bobby and Lio. Quickly he threw Lio back into the ring where he was thrown into the corner before he was driven into the middle turnbuckle and landing flat on his back. Standing in front of the announce table I watched as Finn climb to the top turn buckle before jumping down and hitting a Coup de Grace. Finn rolled over to cover Lio I noticed Bobby holding onto the ring trying to stand to climb in and stop the count. Watching the Ref crawl to do the count with his back towards me and I quickly and quietly slid into the ring before running to the other side and jumping through the ropes, side kicking Bobby in the chest and knocking him down.
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My hands clutched the color of the t-shirt before I tore it off my body revealing a short Balor Club t-shirt that barely covered my breasts causing a big cheer to break in the crowd. “I’m not your girl,” I yelled down at Bobby before walking back to my side as the ref hit the 3 count.
Ding, Ding, Ding.
I smiled brightly as I heard Finn’s music blast through the stadium. He clutched the championship tightly to him before rolling out quickly as Bobby entered. Finn walked over to me with a huge smile on his face as he pulled me into a tight hug. “Thank you darling,” He panted breathlessly into my ear before pulling away and wrapping an arm around my waist, while the other hand hoisted up the belt. We both had beaming smiles as we walked up the ramp together. Finn pulled away from me and threw his hands up again with the crowd before turning to pull me into his arms and pressing his lips to mine in a hot and passionate kiss. The cheers and whistles of the crowd were deafening as we pulled, Finn chuckles and his hand wraps tightly around me when we see the furious look on Bobby’s face. Pulling me with him he flashes his championship once more before leading us backstage.
The curtain shuts behind us and claps and whistles echo through the halls as we enter, causing us to let out a small laugh as we hold onto each other. Thanking everyone and pulls me along behind him, he stops in front of my dressing room and pulls us inside before shutting the door and pressing my back to it. “Looks like out plan worked rather well,” He smirked, fiddling with the ties of my t-shirt that exposed my cleavage.
“Mhm,” I breathed out pressing my chest up to him and letting out a soft moan when his hand cupped my breast.
“Such a good girl,” He whispered down darkly as he slipped his hand under the t-shirt to cup my bare breast, causing me to moan out louder. “Shhh!” He whispered harshly pinching my nipple hard, making me cry out. He chuckled when I let out a whimper as he pulled away. “You have 15 minutes to pack everything so we can leave… because you’re all mine tonight sweetheart.” He mumbled out placing a soft chaste kiss on my lips before walking out of my dressing room, leaving me a panting mess.
Once we reached the hotel room, he tossed me down on the bed breaking our furiously hungry kiss, “You’re all mine tonight beautiful,” He breathed out keeping eye contact with me when he quickly began undressing. First his dark brown leather jacket, then his extremely tight black t-shirt that exposed his perfectly toned abs. My breath hitched when his tight dark denim jeans slid down his lower body followed by his tight boxer briefs. I almost moaned at the sight of his perfectly sculpted body as he crawled on top of me.
Immediately, his mouth possessed mine in a hot, passionate kiss that had me trembling against him. I could feel his big rough hands run up and down my body, caressing my soft, smooth flesh. His hand slipped underneath the hem of my crop top, and he pulled it up, over my body, and tossing it behind him. “Fuck darling,” He groaned out once my breasts were exposed, his mouth was all over them. He alternated from one, and then to the other; kissing, sucking, nibbling, before gently biting down on one of my nipples causing me to jolt up into him in shock. A small moan left my lips when he pulled away from my breasts, “God, I've waited so long for this," he growled out glancing up at me with dark eyes as he kneaded my large firm breasts in his hands. “These are just as amazing as I dreamed,” He groaned out rolling his thumbs over my nipples.  
Smiling I ran my fingers through his soft light-brown hair, as his mouth kissed between my breasts before taking my other nipple into his mouth. In-between moans, I was able to feel a burning fire in between my thighs, "Lower… Please, Finn… lower…" I whimpered.
My nipple popped out of his mouth as he pulled back to glance at me with hungry eyes, "Tell me what you want darling."
"Your mouth, Please!" I breathed out desperately, “Please Finn… don't tease me." I pleaded with him as I saw a devious smile appear on his face
Ignoring my pleas, he took his time, tantalizingly, tormenting me. He slowly kissed his way down my stomach while his hands never left my breasts as he squeezed and pinched them softly. His mouth traveled further south to my navel, his tongue dipping in and out. I let out a little moan when he bit me, leaving small teeth marks on my stomach. I heard him inhale deeply. "I can smell you… Fuck.... I can’t wait to taste you." He growled biting into my skin once more, causing a louder cry to rip from my mouth. His fingers wrapped themselves gently around the band of my shorts as he dragged them down with my panties. “Fucking perfect,” he growled sucking on the skin below my belly button.
I wanted to feel his mouth on me so badly. I didn't know how much more teasing he'd put me through. "Please Finn… Please…" I moaned while desperately trying to push his head lower.
A surprised gasp left my lips when he suddenly wrapped his arms around my thighs and parted them, leaving me spread out and completely exposed to his eyes. “Fucking hell darling…” He breathed out. “I’m the only man that will ever see you like this…” He groaned out running his hands up and down my thighs, keeping his heated gaze on me. “I want you just like this after every match… you got that?” He growled down at me.  
"Yes!" I moaned when he suddenly sunk his tongue deep inside me. I could feel his tongue lapping at my slit roughly before moving upwards to my clit. I gasped when he took the little bud into his mouth and began deliciously sucking on it. "Finn," I moaned between little sips of breath that I managed to take.
His hands moved up to cup my breasts, and he began alternated between kneading them and roughly squeezing my nipples between the tips of his fingers. “All mine,” He groaned against my mound.  
I felt my orgasm begin to build as he continued his assault on me. My whole body felt like it was on fire as he continued to lap at my clit furiously. "So close, Finn… so close…" I whimpered as my nails dug into his firm shoulders. I tried to hold my orgasm back as long as I could because I didn't want the intense pleasure, he was giving me to end. Unfortunately, I could only last a few more seconds before he sucked harshly emitting a loud cry as my body released.
Still panting when my senses came back to me, I felt Finn licking the wetness from the inside of my thighs. He glazed at me with a heated gaze as he watched my chest heave up and down. "Are you ready for some more?" he asked huskily as he wiped his face with the back of his land.
My face broke into a big smile as I pulled my bottom lip under my teeth, before nodding. A smirk grew on his face and without warning, he leaned down and plunged his tongue deep into me, where he began sucking and lapping without mercy. His mouth felt so amazingly good, it had me screaming his name, almost involuntarily, I slightly squeezed his head between my thighs causing him to growl against me. His large hands were roughly kneading my breasts and pushing my body down, into the mattress to keep me from squirming. I could feel that familiar sign from my body that I was getting close and Finn knew it as well. "Give it to me sweetness," he growled in his deep Irish voice, it was as if I could hear the lust dripping from his voice.
Suddenly his lips covered my mound and he sucked hard causing my body to shake almost uncontrollably as wave after wave of my orgasm coursed through me.
When I regained my senses, Finn was looking up at me from between my legs with a predatory gaze. "I want you in my mouth," I panted breathlessly. With a smirk he moved up my body, and our lips met in a passionate fiery kiss.
I gasped into his lips as he flipped over on his back and pulling me on top of him while we continued to kiss. I reached down, taking him into my hand and began stroking him causing him to moan out as he broke our kiss. Sitting up, I kissed his neck and bit into the skin softly, hearing him let out a soft groan as his head rested back on the pillow. Moving down past his chest I began kissing, licking, and sucking the firm skin of his abs, loving the sound of his primal groans.
My mouth watered in anticipation as I got closer to his long, hard erection. Glancing up at him I saw him gazing at me with scorching eyes as I grasped him in my hand. “Come on darling… its not gonna suck itself,” He mumbled darkly as he ran his hand over my cheek. I smirked proudly when he threw his head back as I bent down and ran the tip of my tongue over the head of his shaft. I could hear a quiet groans slip through his lips as I teasingly ran my tongue up and down his cock. “Fuck princess!” He growled out in surprise when I plunged his cock deep into my mouth. I could hear him gasp and pant in appreciation as I worked him in and out. I took a deep breath, relaxed my throat, and began to work him in deeper, loving the sound of gasps and curses that expelled from his lips. I could feel his fingers weave through my hair as I bobbed up and down on him. Within a few minutes, his breathing changed, and I knew he was getting close. He could have cum in my mouth if he wanted to, but instead, he gently pushed me away. He pulled me up to him and gave me a long, wet kiss. Breaking away he rubbed my cheek softly, "You are fucking incredible sweetheart," he praised me in a deep, husky voice.
I pecked his lips once more before nipping his bottom lip, "I want you inside of me, Finn.” I breathed out softly, my body trembled in desire as a devious smirk grew on his face. Pulling away from me he pushed me gently back on the bed and then moved to climb on top of me, his weight sensually crushing me. I could feel his cock press against the inside of my thigh, and he quickly took it in his hand and found my opening. “You sure about this darling? Cus once we do this… you’re mine, and only mine. And I don’t mean for tonight… I mean forever.” He breathed down softly cupping my cheek. The thought of being owned permanently by Finn made my heart swell as I gazed into his crystal light blue eyes.
Reaching up I cupped his prickly cheek, pulling him down to my lips. This kiss was soft and delicate as we savored in the warm, tingling feeling. “Make me yours,” I breathed softly against his lips, watching a beautiful smile grown on his red velvety lips.
I small moan left my lips when I felt the head of his erection push slightly against my entrance. He leaned down and captured my lips in a heated kiss, one of his hands firmly around my waist while the other held him at my entrance. “Finn!” I cried out loudly when I felt him sink deep into me, stretching my walls tightly around him.
“Fuck darling… You’re so damn tight!” He growled against my neck as his hand lifted my thigh onto his waist, allowing him to sink deep. My hands wrapped around his shoulders tightly as he rested inside me allowing me to adjust to him. He pulled out softly rocking back and forth, allowing my walls to relax around him. A loud gasp left my lips when he pulled out completely and sunk back into me with one long, smooth stroke. He immediately began to push himself in and out of me in long, solid, thrusts, as he pressed his lips tightly against my neck.
Small moans and pants left my lips as he pounded me hard, making me feel helpless to the pleasure he was providing. “You feel so good sweetheart,” He growled hovering over me as he sped up his powerful thrusts, drilling me into the mattress. He was pounding me so hard and fast that I barely felt his hands slip from my waist to one of my breasts, until he squeezed it hard causing me to throw my head back in pleasure. “So good.” He groaned out pressing his lips to mine in a sloppy kiss.
Finn continued to powerfully plunge in and out of me rapidly, and I could feel another orgasm building deep inside of me. He could tell I was getting close when my walls clenched around him causing him to bury his face in my neck with a growl. His hand moved down from my breast to my mound where he gently pinched my clit, which caused me to cry out as another orgasm washed over me like a tsunami.
Still panting, I let out a surprised squeal when he picked up the pace again searching for his release. Moaning I squeezed my walls around him hard, “Fuck!” He cried out as he pushed himself deeper into me. His breathing began to change, and his powerful thrust became sloppy, signaling he was getting close. I felt his body begin to stiffen and shake as his cock pulsed inside of me, with one last thrust he pushed deep into me before releasing hard causing us to moan out.
He collapsed on top of me but was careful not to crush me with his full weight as both of us struggled to regain our breath. “Fuck sweetheart… that was amazing,” He panted still slightly out of breath as he hovered closely over me.
“Uhu,” I breathed out as my chest heaved up and down.
He smirked down at me, reaching up to swipe the hair on my face to the side, “You know I meant what I said… you belong to me now.” He mumbled with a serious look on his face, “No one’s ever gonna take you from me. You understand?”
“Yes,” I whispered out softly as I gazed into his sky-blue eyes.
Leaning down he pressed a firm kiss against my lips before pulling back abruptly, “and why is that?” He asked me as I felt him shift his weight, causing him to sink further into me.
“Because I’m your girl,” I breathed out against his lips, followed by a soft moan as I felt him hardening again as he pulled out slightly.
“Damn right you are,” He smirked down at me, and I tensed when I noticed the blue of his eyes begin to fade to a dark black. “You’re our girl,” I heard a deeper voice call out from Finn’s lips as he sunk back into me in a hard thrust causing me to cry out loud in pain and pleasure.
Like this? Check out my other Stories!
Mine: Roman Reigns (Smut)
“I got you baby”: Seth Rollins
Congratulations: Seth Rollins (Smut)
“She’s mine”: Seth Rollins/ Finn Balor
Believe: Finn Balor
Love: AJ Styles
Home: Finn Balor (Smut)
Promise: Seth Rollins
445 notes · View notes
owenepierce · 5 years ago
Easter Event || Para
Who: Owen Pierce & Adam Sylvester
When: April 18th, 2020
Where: Practice Room in the Dominant dorm building.
Notes: Utilizes three eggs: cage, rope and a crop.
Dressed in a pair of blue jeans and a light pink hoodie, Owen stepped through the threshold of the Dominant Dormitory, the wind from outside tousling his blonde hair before the doors closed behind him. The submissive approached the front desk and asked for directions to the practice room where he was set to meet Adam Sylvester for his scene. After receiving instructions, he went on his way - doing all he could to subdue the little bubble of nerves that he had grown rather accustomed to since he had begun scening with people. Owen tried to remind himself that he had absolutely nothing to be nervous about; Adam was an experienced Dominant - he was related to the Headmistress, after all. If there was anyone at the institute that Owen could trust whole-heartedly to scene with, it'd be him. Owen arrived at the entrance of the practice room a few minutes early and dropped to his knees. He had learned that this was a customary first pose to initiate a scene, and he hoped to impress Adam and get their scene started on a good note by doing so.
Adam made a habit of arriving early to scenes, so that he could set up things as he wanted them, and yet, Owen beat him.  He supposed he wasn't surprised, since the new submissive certainly had seemed eager to impress.  Adam regarded him with a slight smile as he walked into the practice room.  "You look like you're looking forward to this," he commented, a distinct pleased note in his voice.  He walked past Owen to one of the shelves to pick out the toys that were required for the scene.  A crop, a cage, and rope, simple and versatile, easy enough to work into a scene.  "I've got a good idea of what we're going to do, but before we start, remind me again of your safeword and any limits.  Not just hard limits, I want you to tell me anything you don't want to do right now, not just things you'd never try."
"I certainly am, sir." Owen responded cheerfully when Adam entered the room. He lifted his gaze but remained on his knees. "My safeword is 'snap' and as for limits, I know I don't want anything to do with things that would permanently alter my face or body...um, not cut or blood or bodily fluids other than semen and saliva. I'm sorry if that's not a big enough list, but it's honestly all I know." Owen smiled gently and shrugged. He had only done two scenes before this and two weeks of school was hardly enough to inform him about everything he might not like, but he hoped what he knew would be enough.(edited)April 18, 2020
"No, that's perfect," Adam said as he set his supplies on a table and walked over to where Owen was kneeling.  He ruffled the boy's perfectly styled hair and smiled down at him.  "Good boy.  We won't be doing anything intense, but if you feel uncomfortable for even a moment, say something.  The safeword is important, but for this scene, even just 'wait' or 'stop' or 'hold on' will do just fine."  He smiled at him again and then picked up the cock cage from the table.  "I believe this was one of the items in your eggs.  Go ahead and strip for me."
The blonde beamed at Adam as he was praised. Even for the slightest thing being referred to as a 'good boy' never seemed to lose its punch. Every time the boy heard it, he felt a fluster of butterflies erupt in his gut. It was becoming clearer by the day that Owen had been marked appropriately and that knowledge only made him excited to learn more and continue to please. Owen watched Adam pick up a device from the table and quirked his brow inquisitively before letting out a little giggle. "Wow, I feel so silly. I was imagining like...a full-size human cage. That looks much less scary." Owen breathed a sigh of relief and nodded. "Of course, sir." With that he stood and pulled off his hoodie, revealing his impressive physique. Next came his shorts and underwear. After discarding his garments he returned to his knees, and looked on at Adam in anticipation for what was to come.
Adam chuckled and shook his head.  "I mean... did it just say 'cage?'  Because then I guess it was open to interpretation, and we could have used any kind of cage we wanted.  I assumed it meant a cock cage."  He gestured with the contraption as he watched Owen strip.  He was definitely attractive, that was for sure.  Not that Adam hadn't noticed that already, but with his clothes off, it was obvious that Owen worked out and was proud of his body.  "You look fun," he said more quietly as he moved towards Owen.  He trailed his fingers up Owen's abs, then tweaked one of his nipples to see if he reacted.  "Lean back against the table for me so I can put this on you.  It may be slightly uncomfortable, but it shouldn't be painful.  If it pinches or squeezes, say something right away."  It looked big enough, but of course you didn't want a cock cage to be too big, either, and move around.  If this one wasn't right, though, there were other sizes in the cabinet, he'd just go get a different one.  That was the perk of doing this in the practice rooms.  All the equipment they could want.
Smirking slightly at Adam's comment, a slight blush flooded Owen's cheeks. "Mmm, so do you, sir..." Owen bit his lip and allowed himself to take Adam in visually the way he was taking the blonde in. He was the pure definition of tall, dark and handsome - it was actually quite unfair. "...but I suppose now's not the appropriate time to get all flirty, huh? I'll save that for later." The submissive blew out a shaky breath at the feeling of Adam's finger's trailing against his skin, letting out a sharper gasp as the boy tweaked his nipple - his cock jerked reactively as well. At Adam's request, Owen leaned back and propped his hips out, putting his semi-hard member out for Adam to fasten the cage to it. Owen kept his eyes on Adam's as he explained what to do in the event of any overarching discomfort. "Yes, sir." the boy replied sweetly, with an equally sweet smile to match.(edited)
"Oh, you can get flirty whenever you want, pretty boy," Adam said with a laugh.  The reaction to Adam's touch to his nipple made the Dom grin broadly.  "Oh, yes, I was right.  Fun.  We're going to have to try sensory play with you at some point, if you react like this.  Tie you to a bed and just... touch you."  He punctuated the end of the phrase by leaning into Owen's space and running his hand down to Owen's cock, but not quite touching it.  He knew he needed to tone it down, though, because it wouldn't do to get Owen hard and not be able to put the cage on.  Adam crouched and very gently and deftly slid the metal ring over his cock and slipped his balls through it, then slid the cage attachment around his cock.  "How does that feel?" he asked, looking up at Owen as he held the contraption in place, before actually securing the pieces together with the little padlock that came with it.
"I'll definitely remember that you said that, sir - your ego's about to go threw the roof with me around." Owen flirted with a wink before his voice broke out in a desperately shaky groan as Adam explained how he would play with him coupled with the feather-light touch to his cock.  "Mmf... Sir." Owen panted out. "That thing's not gonna fit if you keep talking to me like that..." Clenching his jaw, Owen managed with great effort to suppress all the dirty little thoughts that Adam was putting into his head and kept his erection down enough to the cage to fit perfectly, but uncomfortably over his cock. "Oof..." Owen winced slightly at the tight fit, the chill from the metal sending an odd sensation to the sensitive skin on his genitals. "It feels....cozy, sir."
Adam laughed again and shook his head.  He definitely liked Owen.  He was a sweet boy, and eager to please, and didn't take things too seriously.  He patted Owen's hip in a soothing gesture as he looked up at the sub.  "Too snug?  We can try a different one if you thing it'll be uncomfortable to wear for any length of time."
Owen looked down at his newly-caged cock and noted that there was a little room between the head of his cock and the end of the cage. "Well, I suppose that depends on the purpose of something like this, sir." The blonde looked back up at Adam inquisitively. "If I get hard it's absolutely going to be super uncomfortable, but I've never done anything like this before. Is that what's supposed to happen?"
Adam smiled softly and nodded.  It sounded like it was okay, so he fitted the padlock into the slot as he answered.  "It is, yeah.  It's meant to prevent you from getting fully hard, and if your cock starts to try to harden, then yes, it'll definitely be uncomfortable."  He pocketed the little key and stood to look Owen in the eyes.  "That said, if it's too much, tell me immediately.  You're not obligated to enjoy the cage.  Some subs don't like chastity at all.  And some-" He slid a hand over Owen's waist and down to his caged cock, very lightly tapping it.  "-like the feeling of humiliation, of having their cock locked up, useless, unable to even orgasm, making them focus on their Dominant's pleasure instead."
Owen nodded in a show of his general understanding and gave Adam another bright smile. "Well, in that case - I'd definitely like to try and see it through. Focusing on your pleasure sounds like all kinds of fun, so if this is one way I can do that, I'm all for it, sir." The blonde arched into Adam's grasp and braced himself on the Dominant's arm, bringing his face in closer. "That said...how can I please you, sir?"
Adam smiled at the sub's clear display of desire.  "Aren't you eager.?"  He stepped back.  "On your knees for me again."  Adam sat on a nearby chair and beckoned Owen over to him.  "Crawl over here like a good boy, and show me just how much you want to worship my cock."
Owen flushed once more at Adam's observation of his own eagerness. The blonde had a reputation back home and probably at the institute already for being a bit boy-crazy. He was a flirt at heart and had a terrible time controlling himself around boys he was attracted to. Adam naturally fit the bill for someone he'd be more than boy-crazy over, nevertheless...it was still a bit embarrassing to the blonde hearing recognition of it - especially when it was said with such, devastatingly sexy confidence and coolness. Before he completely melted into a puddle, Owen dropped to his knees obediently and smiled sheepishly as he crawled to Adam. Once at the dominant's feet, the blonde's turned his gaze to the bulge in Adam's pants and wet hit lips. "Oh, sir... I want you so badly, you have no idea." Leaning forward, he grazed his nose teasingly against the dominant's crotch. "Mmf... Please, sir. May I please worship your cock? I promise to look extra pretty for you while I do."
Oh, that lovely flush on his skin, speaking of arousal and embarrassment, that was delicious.  Owen was adorable and sexy at the same time.  Not everyone could pull that off, but he did it with flying colors.  And his begging was spot on.  For someone who apparently didn't have a lot of experience, he was acing this.  Begging was a huge turn on for Adam, and it was obvious from the way the bulge at his crotch grew visibly larger.  "Such a polite boy.  Go ahead and take my cock out, pretty boy.  You can kiss it, and touch it, but you can't have it in your mouth yet."
From his place on his knees, Owen noticed Adam responding to his begging with a lot more than his words. He had to practically suppress a squeal of delight when he noticed Adam's cock throbbed under the fabric of the man's pants. Owen beamed innocently up at the other as he gave the submissive permission to do exactly what he was positively dying to do. "Thank you very much, sir." Owen quirked his brow playfully at Adam as he reached for the zipper on his pants. Leaning his face in so that his breath continued to provide sensation for Adam against his groin as Owen worked to unzip and unbutton his pants. Pulling the waistband of Adam's underwear down and under his balls, Owen's bright blue eyes widened with excitement at the sight of the other's hardening cock in front of him. Holding it in his hand, Owen leaned in and kissed the tip lightly before trailing more kisses down and back up the shaft. "Your cock is so beautiful, sir." Owen sighed out. "Please, please may I suck you?" He gave the man his best doe-eyes and made sure to hold Adam's cock right up against his face so he that he got the arousing visual of Owen's pleading, faux-innocence, hoping it would seal the deal and earn him what he so desperately craved.
Adam put a hand on Owen's head, threading his fingers through his hair, not controlling his movements at all, just because he wanted to touch the boy.  Owen's excitement was infectious, and he felt his cock twitch when the sub finally freed it.  The light touches of his lips felt like being teased, in the best way.  "Such a good boy," he murmured.  "I like hearing you beg for the chance to please me.  Go ahead, show me how good you can be.  You can suck me."
When Adam's fingers ran through his hair, Owen couldn't help but groan - it was one of his weaknesses. It was so comforting and intimate and at the same time, it made him feel especially submissive. At least, that's what he knew the feeling to be now, after a few weeks of studying. Before the institute, he just knew he enjoyed being roughed around in bed, but now that enjoyment had a name, and he was doing all he could to experience it over and over again. With that enjoyment, though - came arousal -  which was precarious in his current state. As Adam's fingers ran through his blonde strands, Owen's cock gave a start against it's metal confines. The blonde winced at the unexpected sensation but did his best to allow the discomfort to work itself out. "Thank you, sir." Owen rasped out and eagerly took the head of Adam's cock between his lips. Expertly, Owen coated Adam's cock with saliva, gave it a few pumps and brought it back out of his mouth with a 'pop' a trail of precum connected Adam's cock to Owen's wet lips. "You taste so, so good, sir. Fuck." Owen wasn't one for obscenities, but this circumstance deemed them more than necessary. Owen went back to Adam's cock now that it was properly lubricated with precum and Owen's saliva and began to suck at a much more eager pace. All pretense of teasing had been dropped.
Despite Owen's assertion that he was new to this, he was very obviously not new to the concept of a blow job.  He knew exactly what he was doing with that gorgeous mouth of his.  Adam groaned softly as Owen's tongue slid over a particularly sensitive spot.  "Your mouth should be illegal," he breathed.  His fingers tightened in Owen's hair and he tugged a bit, not enough to move him at all, just to make him feel it for a second before Adam loosened his grip again.
Owen had Adam's cock in his hand and was playfully slapping it against his tongue when the Dominant made the comment about his talented mouth. Smirking, Owen chuckled under his breath and took Adam back into his mouth. This time - as a way to further assert Adam's point - taking his entire length down his throat without so much as a slight gag. Owen was well aware of his faults and he was even more crisply aware of his capabilities. His talent for making a man absolutely lose himself sexually was one that the blonde treasured above most of his other skills. Letting out a desperate little whine against Adam's cock when the other gave his hair a good tug, Owen popped his cock out of his mouth again and panted out for air. "Sir... I want to worship the rest of you..." He pouted up at Adam innocently. "You have too many clothes on."
Adam groaned low in his throat when Owen swallowed him down entirely.  "Fuck, boy..."  He was very good at that, clearly practiced, and clearly well aware of just how good he was.  Adam could see the confidence in his eyes, the playful way he pleasured Adam.  In another scene, Adam might have made the sub beg more for him to take off his clothes, but he was impressed with Owen, and right now, he just wanted to give the boy what he wanted.  "Then take them off for me," he said with a teasing smile.
Owen's face lit up when received permission to remove Adam's clothes. A brief concern about how his caged-cock would fare when he took of an insanely hot guy's clothes did cross his mind, but his desire trumped his logic and he sat up to begin unbuttoning Adam's shirt. Wetting his lips as each patch of skin was revealing Owen's disrobing became a bit more frantic. Finally, Adam's shirt was unbuttoned entirely, exposing a stunning expanse of musculature and anatomical perfection. Sighing out dreamily, Owen leaned in and lick a strip from the very base of Adam's cock, up his chiseled abdomen, to his chest and finally to his neck. Taking in the scent of a cologne he might've been wearing Owen sighed once more. "You're absolutely gorgeous, sir. I feel so lucky to be your good boy right now."April 19, 2020
Adam didn't often indulge in this kind of Dominance, where he did very little and the submissive did all the work, but it was fun for a change of pace.  He sat there smirking, watching Owen slowly unbutton his shirt, and moved cooperatively when Owen pulled it off of him.  God, this boy had really found that corner between adorable and sexy and built his whole home there. "You are lucky," Adam said, teasing.  "And you are a good boy.  A very good boy."  He tugged on Owen's hair again, pulling him back a bit so Adam could look him up and down.  "How's that cock of yours doing?  Is it sad about being locked up and useless?"
"Uhhnf." Owen groaned out as Adam tugged on his hair once more, sending an immediate jolt of arousal to his cock, forcing it to harden painfully against the cage it was confined to. "V-Very sad, sir." Owen whimpered out. Pouting out his bottom lip in a crude display of faux-innocence, Owen raked his hands back down Adam's body and started to use both of them to jack the Dominant's cock over his face which, positioned just below Adam's arousal was the picture of submissive desperation.
Adam grinned when Owen agreed with him in that precious whimper.  Whining and whimpering were right up there with begging to him.  "Your poor little cock, all locked away where you can't have any fun."  He hummed softly, enjoying the way Owen kept his attention on Adam's body and cock.  He was a really good boy.  "I'll make you a deal, pretty boy.  I'll let your cock out to play, but you see, a good sub like you isn't allowed to play with his own dick.  I decide if it gets played with or not.  So if I let your sad, lonely cock out to play, then I'm going to tie your hands behind your back to make sure you behave.  What do you think?  Do you want the deal?"
The blonde listened to Adam's explanation quietly, occasionally pressing his lips against the other's cock as he did so. Owen perked up when the final deal was offered and smiled warmly up at Adam. "Oh, yes sir. That sounds like a good deal to me. Besides..." Owen lapped playfully at Adam's cock, slapping it against his tongue. "...tying up my hands certainly won't keep me from giving /you/ pleasure, sir - which is my main concern, of course." Owen's blue eyes honed in on the head of Adam's cock as he spoke. "I bet I could get you to cum with just my mouth, sir - no hands needed. So, yeah - please tie me up and let me suck your beautiful cock some more..." Wetting his mouth once more, Owen took Adam's member down his throat once more, relishing in the crude, slurping noises he made as his own saliva mixed erotically with the precum that dripped from and coated the rest of Adam's cock in the process. Popping off once more, Owen giggled and slapped it against his cheek, leaving a smear of arousal on his porcelain cheek. "You're making such a mess, sir..." Owen said with a playful wink.(edited)
"That's right, that's a good boy.  My cock is more important than yours, and you're lucky I'm letting yours out at all."  He grinned at the boy, enjoying the way he seemed to be reacting positively to the mild verbal humiliation Adam was introducing him to.  He seemed delighted, and the humiliating talk seemed to only make him more submissive and eager, if such a thing was even possible.  Adam sighed in pleasure as Owen started to suck his cock again, but when the boy pulled off, Adam lightly shoved his head away, a playful gesture.  "Go get me that rope from the table, boy.  And then come and turn around so I can tie your hands behind your back."
"You got it, sir." Owen stated cutely and rose to his feet a little clumsily. He turned around and walked as swiftly as he could to the table at the opposite end of the practice room. Once there he took a brief moment to scan over all the instruments that were there; dildo's, cuffs, whips, chains - the whole nine yards. He ran his hands over the cool metal of the wrist-cuffs and sighed. It was still insane to him that he was actually here, learning how to be submissive. Without hesitating any further he reached for the rope and pivoted back towards Adam, who sat there looking as devastatingly handsome as ever. Smiling softly at the Dominant, Owen placed the bundled rope on his lap, turned around and put his hands obediently behind his back as he waited for Adam to bind his wrists.(edited)
Adam watched Owen, noting with interest the way he looked over the rest of the toys on display.  The boy looked not just curious, but wistful.  Adam would have to get him back down here and try some more of those items on him.  When Owen returned, Adam sent him a smile and took the rope from him.  "Good boy.  So very obedient."  He took the opportunity to pat and squeeze Owen's ass before he started to unravel the bundle of rope.  He wasn't planning anything fancy, so it was quick work to tie Owen's wrists together at the small of his back.  He turned the boy around with a hand on his hip, the other hand fishing the little key out of his pocket.  "Here you go," he said as he unlocked the cage and slipped it off.  "Your poor cock can come out to play."  He stroked it once, then played with the head for a moment.  "But you don't get to cum until you've served your purpose.  What are you here for, pretty boy?"
Beaming at the praise Adam showered him with, the blonde bit his lip slightly, arching his back as the Dominant took the opportunity to squeeze his ass. He considered whining and begging to be touched down there more but he thought better of it and decided that Adam's pleasure was paramount in this moment - if he was good, his own relief would come soon enough. Sighing with relief when Adam unlcoked the cage, the blonde cock immediately stood at attention while the other man toyed with it, making Owen squirm desperately on his knees. "Thank you, sir. It feel so much better." He gasped out gratefully, his lips parting slightly. "Mmf, I'm here to serve you, sir. You're my purpose. Your pleasure is my purpose. I'm here to worship you and your cock like the good, pretty boy I am." He answered readily and leaned forward, bringing his lips just centimeter's from the flushed head of Adam's cock. Looking up at Adam, he quirked a playful smile. "Do I look pretty down here with your cock over my face, sir?"
"That's right, good boy," Adam praised, very pleased with Owen's answer.  "You're here to serve my pleasure and worship my cock.  Not for your pleasure or your orgasm, if I decide to give you one."  He ran his fingers through Owen's hair again as the boy knelt in front of him, the picture of obedience.  "You look pretty wherever you are," he answered with a chuckle.  "But with my cock next to your lips, you just look like you haven't quite gotten your lips where they belong."
"Right, sir." Owen responded obediently. The blonde flushed a bright shade of pink when Adam noted that he looked pretty regardless of the setting. His bashfulness faded quickly, though - as he was reminded of his purpose for the moment. Nodding dutifully, Owen forwent all teasing and took Adam's cock back into his mouth. He was clumsier now without his hands to stabilize himself - but after a moment of sloppy attempts, making an even worse mess around his slightly swollen lips, he found a rhythm and began to suck at Adam's cock with a renewed fervor, all the while keeping his eyes innocently locked with the other man's.
After orally servicing Adam some more, the scene moved to involve some light impact play with a crop until the dominant was pleased. Shortly after, the scene ended and Owen was administered proper aftercare.
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butwhyduh · 6 years ago
The Fall Festival
College Peter Parker x Reader
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Warning: smut, danger, maybe language. Word count: 3300 Summary: just a normal day for Peter Parker full of a science club meeting, a hay ride, and rescuing the a bunch of people in front of his awesome girlfriend. @thewackywriter
Peter Parker fucking loved fall. He also liked the pumpkin spiced food and the pretty fall scents girls wore. Peter liked the swirly leaves in the park. Mr. Delmar would sell pumpkin empanadas on Fridays in October and they were awesome. The Halloween decorations would spill out everywhere and Peter prided himself on having the best spider webs on the block, probably all of New York. What kind of Spider-Man would he be if he didnt?
But this year he had extra reasons to love fall. He was a freshman at ESU majoring in biophysics and minoring in photography. He wasn't too far from home and could hang out with Ned who went to Queens College and obviously majored in computer science.
And finally, Peter had a girlfriend. He couldn't believe that he found a girl that liked him back. Liz was a disaster and MJ ended up with her coming out gay to Peter after he kissed her. It was horrible. Even though she was really nice about it.
But then he met you at an event at college. He couldn't help but stare at you from across the room. It was pretty unforgettable how you first saw him. It was at the end of the event and he tried to grab a donut beside you and instead you turned around and your foam coffee cup was crushed against his chest. Peter ripped his soaked steaming hot t shirt off right away.
Your eyes widened at his fit form. Woah, he was a nerd with those abs? You quickly looked away and flushed. Peter noticed of course. Instead of asking you out, he turned brick red and basically ran out of the room.
It was a week later, you finally had enough of his eyes on you but never talking to you. You walked up to Peter, who dropped his pen on the floor in the library, and asked him out. He barely stuttered out a yes. A month later you were now officially dating.
You had your hand in Peter's as you walked into the student union building. The science club was meeting and Peter had talked you into going. You sat in one of the last stools in the room. Peter stood behind you with his head on your shoulder. You ran a hand through his hair as the group began. Peter hummed as you scratched his scalp.
Normally Peter was involved but today he was distracted by the smell of your hair, the softness of your sweater, and the way you were scratching his head. He resisted the urge to kiss your neck. You gently tugged at his hair and he stifled a moan.
"Peter, do you agree?" You asked him. He shook out of his thoughts.
"With what?"
"Study group for genetics?" You asked smiling. Peter had been day dreaming. Peter turned red again and nodded in agreement. You noticed he softly gazed at you the rest of the meeting. You tried to pay attention but those soft doe brown eyes were hard to ignore. Especially looking at you like that.
"Hey Pete, what was that? In the meeting. You kept looking at me?" You reminded him. He adjusted his back pack before grabbing yours. You would complain but he always insisted. Plus he was freaky strong. You saw him pick up the corner of a fridge once to get something from under it.
"You...ah.. you look really pretty today," he said. You smiled at him. Sometimes he was too good to be true. You pulled him to the side of the hallway as the meeting room cleared out.
"You're the sweetest boyfriend," you said pulling his collar until he was face level. He grinned at you before lightly placing his lips on yours. You deepened the kiss and Peter practically melted in your arms. He groaned when you bit his lip.
Peter quickly pulled away and adjusted his pants before grabbing your hand and pulling you towards the door. You smirked at the thought that you had affected him so. Peter slowed down after a minute and stopped in front of the bulletin board.
"Hey, they're having a haunted hay ride tonight. Do you want to go?" Peter asked excited. You felt nervous. You hadn't ever gone on one. "Come on. Lets go on a hay ride."
You felt his big brown eyes persuade you. "Okay, fine. Don't make me regret this."
You pulled Peter to your dorm room. You needed to study. Plus, you kinda left him in a state. Peter was sweet but too nice and you had to take care of him because he would never ask. He tossed the back pack on your bean bag chair and sat on your bed. You basically pounced him.You straddled him and pulled his beanie and jacket off. "Woah." He ran his hands on your outer thighs. You kissed him deeply and soon you felt his arousal on your thigh.
You pulled his t shirt off and stripped your own top off. Peter gripped your hips tightly as you kissed his neck. He softly panted as you sucked a hickie on his collar bone. His eyes closed and his hands grasped at your bottom.
You lightly pushed at his chest for him to lay back. He flopped to the bed. His erection painfully tight in his pants. You unbuttoned and pulled them off. You shimmied out of your pants and panties. Peter tried to unclasp your bra and you helped him because he wasn't getting it.
You reached in your night stand for the box of condoms as Peter massaged your breasts. You opened the box to find it empty. Your head flopped down as you showed him the box in disappointment. He groaned.
"How are we out?" He whined.
"Uh.." you thought of the last time you had sex. It was after a basketball game and Peter actually took charge and pinned you against the headboard. You had mindless grabbed a condom from the box in the heat of the moment.
"We'll have to get creative," you said simply before bending and kissing his belly button. He shuttered at the sensation.
"Are you gonna?... oh my God," Peter said closing his eye tightly as you took him in your mouth. You were the first girl to go down on him and he still couldn't handle it. Peter began whining as you kitten licked the tip.
When you took him deep in your mouth he whimpered and grasped at the sheets. He was trying hard to not cum. You bobbed your head and his hips bucked softly. Peter panted heavily. Unbeknownst to you, his super senses were going crazy.
"I...I'm..." he gasped. You knew he was close the way he twitched. You softly ran a hand on his thigh as you took him deeper in your mouth. A panicked look flashed across his face and he made a strangled gasp as he came.
A knock at the door made you jump. Peter scrambled to put on his pants. You pulled your clothes on quickly and called, "just a minute." You looked at yourself in the mirror to make sure you didn't look crazy before opening a crack in the door. It was your RA.
"Don't forget that we have a haunted hay ride tonight," she said bubbly. She handed you an orange flyer with the info. You thanked her and shut the door.
Peter sat awkwardly on the bed. You smiled at him. "We should go. Oh, crap. Its almost time," you said looking at your phone.
Peter pulled his shirt on and nodded. "Yeah, okay. You don't want me to..." he trailed off. You grinned at him.
"Afterwards. We can stop at Walgreens on the way back," you whispered and winked. You grabbed your hoodie, okay Peter's, and pulled him to the subway.
Soon you arrived at the stop for the park the university was using for their hay ride. They had a food stand to buy hot chocolate and cider donuts. Kids ran around dressed as characters. Peter grinned largely at any superheroes.
You climbed on the hay ride next to Peter. He held your hand with one hand and wrapped his arm around your shoulder on the other. Soon the trailer was full of college kids and teenagers. A man dressed as a skeleton jumped on the front of the trailer dramatically.
"I'm going to take you to hell!" He began dramatically. An older woman looked at him sternly. "Not really, sorry Mrs Smith. Anyways I'm going to tell you all about the horrors of the park." She raised her eyebrows and he corrected, "the history of the park."
He began telling a story about a legend of the park as the trailer slowly drove down the gravel path dimly lit with Christmas lights around trees. You couldn't quite pay attention because of Peter's close proximity and your unfinished earlier activity.
"This bridge was built in 1904 by the city council because it was common for carriages to get stuck in the mud. During high river level that could be dangerous. So it's probably plenty haunted of people who drown," the guide whispered darkly. The trailer creaked over the bridge decorated with plastic bats and spiders.
"Tyler," Mrs Smith chided.
"Sorry, probably not super haunted. Not as haunted as our next spot that was an early medical facility. Which is also probably not haunted," he said after her look.
Peter suddenly sat straighter and looked around. His spidey senses were tingling. A loud clangour and then screech came from the bridge where the truck and trailer behind them was. Peter jumped from the trailer, grabbed his web shooters and mask from his back pack, and hoped you didn't see him swing through the trees. You definitely saw him. Your blood stopped in confusion and fear. The bridge wiggled visibly. People on the trailer shreiked.
"Karen, what's wrong?" Peter asked.
"Bolts on the top left of the northern side of the bridge are compromised. A 45% chance of collapse," Karen said. Peter cautiously swung close to the side. Ancient metal flaked gold rust.
"Jesus, has anyone ever updated this bridge?" Peter asked himself. He began webbing the broken bolts together. Above him the driver of the truck tried to drive forward. A bolt on the right side snapped loudly and the bridge began to lean the opposite direction.
"There is now an 85% chance of collapse. You need to get them off the bridge, Peter," Karen warned.
"On it," He yelped swinging to the other side. Peter webbed the bolts together. "Drive," he yelled at the driver. The man nodded before flooring the truck. The bridge groaned but held as it drove over. The bridge creaked and whined as it shook. Peter quickly swung away from it and into a tree. In a deafening groan, the bridge collapsed into the river below.
Peter climbed high in the tree to avoid being seen. He pulled off the mask and web shooter and shoved them in his pockets. The police began to arrive and Peter weaved his way through the crowd to you. He prayed that somehow you wouldn't notice his lack of presence.
You searched for him in the crowd. Peter was Spider-Man. Peter was Spider-Man, your mind kept repeating. You lost sight of him as the bridge collapsed. Suddenly you saw him searching for you in the crowd. You ran to him and hugged his roughly.
"You're okay," you gasped. He wrapped his arms around you. You pulled back. "Peter, we need to talk. Not here."
"Uhh.. w-why?" He asked nervously.
"You know," you said seriously. He visibly gulped and looked at you warily. You refused to let go of his hand as you left the growing crowd.
Back at his dorm you sat on the edge of his bed. He stood nearby awkwardly running his hands along the edge of his sweater. The room felt incredibly silent.
"So... you're Spider-Man?" You began.
"Uh... yeah..."
"How? How can you do that... stuff?" You asked confused. He was very strong, you knew. But a superhero? Your boyfriend?
"Well... uh... I was uh.. bit by a spider," he mumbled running a hand through his hair.
"A spider? What kind of spider? Are you messing with me?" You asked.
"No, no, I'm not. At Oscorp I was bit by a radioactive spider that changed my DNA," he said biting his lip. "And now I can do stuff. Don't tell anyone."
"That's... crazy. How long? What can you do? Did you really fight captain America?" You asked rapidly. He smiled slightly.
"It doesn't bother you?"
"Uh... I worry about you. But its... its actually kinda hot," you said slyly. Peter's eyes widened.
"It... uh... it is?" He said quickly. You nodded.
"Too bad we didn't stop at the store," you mumbled.
"I'll go right now. If.. If you want," he said eagerly. You laughed.
"Uh, yeah. Sure," you flushed. He grabbed your face and kissed you before running out the door. You grinned at the thought. Now what should you do? Take everything off? Take some things off? Put on his clothing? Do nothing?
You turned on his radio and walked the room. There were subtle clues to Spider-Man everywhere. He had a photo of a spider on his bulletin board and what looked like a blue print of an iron man armor. A newspaper claiming the evils of Spider-Man sat on the desk. His genetics textbook sat on top despite him taking the class the year before.
Peter came back lightning fast. His face pink and his hands clutching a small bag. He dropped the bag on the bed and walked behind you where you were looking at an old photo. Peter wrapped his arms around you.
"What are you looking at?" He said kissing your neck.
"Your graduation. You looked so happy," you smiled running a hand to his hair.
"I almost didn't make it on time. There was a bus that ran through traffic I barely stopped," he remembered. You turned to look at him.
"That's insane. You stopped it with your bare hands?" You said looking at his brown eyes in amazement. He blushed.
"Uh.. yeah, I did."
"That means you can lift a lot," you said with an idea. "There is... uh, something I want to try if that's okay..."
"What? What is it?" Peter asked.
"Can you pick me up when we.. you know," you said looking away.
"You want me to pick you up while having sex? I can do that," Peter said grabbing the back of your legs and wrapping them around his waist. You gasped in surprise. Somehow between your earlier activities, the fear from earlier, and this new knowledge about Peter, you've never been more turned on.
You grabbed his face and began kissing him. Peter groaned as you lightly pulled his hair. He carried you to the bed and laid you down softly. Peter pulled off his shirt and you scrambled out of yours. He grasped the buttons on your jeans and pulled them down. You unbuttoned his pants and pulled them off. Peter quickly yanked his boxers down and then your panties.
You grasped him and rubbed your thumb over his tip as you pumped him. He groaned in your hand. He ran a finger up your slit and rubbed a few circles around your clit before pulling his hand away. You moaned slightly. Peter pulled your hand from his cock and moved to grab a condom. You ran your hand between your legs and began circling your aching clit.
"Woah," he said when he was done rolling the condom on. "That's so hot. Like, wow."
You pinched a nipple between the fingers of your other hand. Your hips rocked as you fucked your fingers. Peter gulped and massaged himself while watching. You pulled your fingers from yourself and put it in your mouth and tasted yourself. He had never seen you do that.
"God, you're fucking beautiful," he groaned. You gave him a come hither motion and he practically hopped across the room. "Do you want me to pick you up? Like- like you said," he stuttered. You nodded.
He wrapped his arms around your bottom ad you grasped his shoulders as he pulled you up. You felt his arousal on your thigh. You kissed him, running your tongue in his mouth to massage his. Your hips ground on him and his hips jumped at the contact.
Peter pulled your hips slightly back and guided you on his length. Nether of you had ever tried this before. You stilled at the sensation. He felt so good in you. Finally you took him deep as you could and began grinding on him again. You could tell Peter wanted more but this position was perfect for rubbing your clit again him.
"Bounce, baby. Please," he finally whined. You began thrusting slowly. His hands deeply massaged your ass cheeks. You groaned as he hit the perfect spot inside you. Every once in a while you swirled your hips and Peter would whine softly. Peter tried to let you control, and you clenched around him felt amazing, but he needed more so he began moving your hips for you setting a harder and faster pace.
You felt your core tighten as you got closer. "Peter, fuck, Peter, fuck," you moaned as he bounced you on his cock. He got a perfect view of your head thrown back and tits bouncing. "Don't stop, it feels so good."
"Yeah, you're so fucking tight and wet. Gonna make me cum, baby girl," he groaned. You gasped in surprise. Peter had never said anything like that. He opened his eyes and slowed down to see what was wrong. "What?"
"Don't fucking stop. I'm close. Keep talking," you groaned as your hips bounced. He growled and continued bouncing you.
"So tight. Such a perfect pussy. Taking it so good. God, I love you," He whimpered lying his head on your shoulder. He was trembling trying not to come.
"Don't stop. Don't stop. dontstop. I'm gonna cum. Gonna cum. Gonnacum," you gasped and your body clenched around his cock and you moaned loudly in ecstasy and your thighs shook. He sped up before losing his pace and he gasped loudly in release, his cock twitching inside you. You kept your legs wrapped around him. His chest beat wildly next to yours. Too soon he laid you on the bed and removed the condom and threw it away. He scooted by you and pulled you on his chest. You lazily ran your fingers on his hand. He rubbed your outer arm with the thumb of his other hand.
"That was... I thought... it was... that was great. Did you-did you think so," he babbled nervously. You smiled.
"Babe, that was awesome. We should definitely do that again. Next week I get my loan and I'll be going to the doctor," you said.
"Oh, for like a check up?" He asked.
"Yeah, and I'm gonna get on birth control," you said casually. Peter stopped moving.
"Does that mean no more condoms?" He asked hopefully. You laughed heartily.
"Yeah, hun, it does. We've got a little while for it to work and everything. You know what we should do?" You asked.
"I'm a... a little to tired-" Peter began.
"Not that. We should get a pumpkin," you said sitting up. You reached over for your clothing and began putting them on. "You know? since we missed it with my boyfriend having to save the day and all. I wanted to get one today."
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marvelhead17 · 6 years ago
Miracle (Original Female Character x Cable)
Chapter 23
Summary: “How did you fix it?” he asked. “Ask Ellen the Teenage Warhead,” Wade shrugged as he stood up, “As for baby Hitler he ended up having a diaper change, funny story I was actually going to call Cable since he was so keen on killing Russel, I thought this would be like taking candy from a baby, if that means replacing it with a bullet that is,”
Warnings to cover the whole fic: Graphic depictions of violence, use of weapons, mild to strong language, mentions of rape, mentions of pregnancy and miscarriage, referenced torture and psychological abuse/manipulation, nightmares and night terrors, sexual humour, sexual content.
Word count: 1.9k
Four Days Later
“Try not to get your asses kicked fellas, you signed the waivers so anything that happens in there is not on us,” the guard said with a smirk on his face. “The new girl has been pretty feisty,”
Wade and Nathan shared a knowing look, they walked through the opening metal doors and into the newly repaired prison block of the icebox, some security measures as well as major structure changes had taken place since the two had last been here, having of course wrecked the place by blowing a giant hole in the side of it.
They entered the prison cafeteria to find a group of mutants cowering in a corner, leaving the so-called ‘feisty new girl’ to have the entire room to herself, they saw her sitting alone at one of the larger tables closer to the entrance which they were currently walking through.
Wade spoke to Nathan, “Last time I sat down at one of these tables I got stabbed with an ass pen, still the most gruesome injury I’ve had and I should know, I’ve tried to kill myself with bleach before,”
“Last time I was here I was ready to kill your stupid ass, if you’re not careful I might be tempted to do it again,”
“For the last time what was I supposed to do? She was way ahead of us, there was no way I’d have convinced her to do anything else,” Wade tried to defend himself, Nathan simply grunted and they both made their way to the table.
Wade sat himself opposite Hayden while Nathan sat at a slight distance on her side.
  “Hey Haydes,” Wade said softly, Nathan noticed that her eyes were glowing soft violet and that she was muttering to herself in Russian.
“Da?” she looked up and shook her head, “Sorry, hey.”
“I’ve seen you pretty nervous before, but nothing like this,” he added, urging her gently to talk more.
“Nervous? I’m getting agitated from being stuck in this shithole, I can’t sleep because it’s triggering nightmares, too many people thought they could try something with me, and worst of all I haven’t even got my music to block everything out,”
“Yeah, well, we’ve heard you’re ‘feisty’,” Nathan raised a teasing brow; she put her face in her hands.
“So you’ve made a few bitches already, Russel is going to be so jealous when I tell him,”
“God- just because some moron whispered what he wanted to do to me in my ear yesterday and I kicked him in the balls so hard that he passed out- doesn’t make me feisty,” she sighed.
  “And what did you do today?” Wade smirked.
“Ugh, I knew you’d ask that,” she groaned.
“About an hour ago the bitch lying on the floor in the group over there,” she nodded her head in the direction of the mutants, “Tried groping my ass, so I broke her stupid jaw,”
“That’s the sis I know,” Wade grinned brightly and nudged her side playfully with his elbow, “By the way yellow is not your fucking colour, like at all,”
“I don’t intend to wear it for long, at least I’m hoping,” she then turned to Nathan, “Cable, did Wade make you his bitch while I was gone?”
“What the hell, no, of course not,” his eyes went wide and he shook his head immediately.
“You’re unusually quiet,” she commented, “And not in the stoic brooding kinda way either,”
“You’re unusually on edge, this whole thing is flipping our worlds around right now,” he said defensively followed by a shrug of his shoulders.
  “You know now that I think about it, this is definitely the table that Cable threw my weak-ass-dying-of-cancer body onto and made me a fucking quadriplegic,”
“I’m serious Haydes, I was practically human spaghetti, except nobody wants to eat cancer,”
“You’re such a fucking mess,” Hayden chuckled and shook her head, Nathan smiled as he noticed her muscles loosen up a bit.
He was tempted to put his hand on her thigh and brush it gently with his thumb but he shook the thought away.
  Now is definitely not the time, especially with Wade around, it’s certainly not the place either. Get a hold of yourself man.
                              “Alright you two, time to go,” a guard announced suddenly from behind them.
“What, but we just go here-” Wade protested.
“I don’t care,” he interrupted with a rand raised, “The prisoners have to go back to their cells, so either skedaddle or join them,” he gestured with his thumb to the other prisoners who were being escorted out.
“Fine,” Wade huffed at they all stood, “Who the fuck even says ‘skedaddle’ anymore?” he shook his head and then he hugged Hayden tightly and she smiled and squeezed him, “Okay, Hayden ouchie, remember your own strength-”
“Oh right,” she let go, “Sorry,” she smiled and Wade walked through the door, she turned to Nathan who stood rather awkwardly. “Uh, we don’t have to hug, I’m sure you have boundries that you need to uphold,”
“No, no it’s not- uh,” he stepped closer to her but he felt himself fumbling over his actions as he raised his hand to prepare for a handshake.
They awkwardly shook hands, a definite awkward tension hanging in the air between them, and Nathan left as well, Wade was going red in the face from holding back his laughter, but he released it as soon as they were out of earshot of Hayden.
  “I can’t believe you shook her fucking hand- oh man you guys are so adorable you know that?” he wiped a happy tear from his eye, “I can’t imagine what the hug would have been like, oh- but I can and it’s pure gold,” he burst into another fit of laughter. “Ah, precious, young love.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Nathan held back his tongue in case he sounded too defensive.
“Oh come on, you two are totally crushing on each other like high school kids, why can’t either of you see that? And you said it yourself you like listening to her and enjoy her company, that’s what it’s all about man,” Wade playfully swatted him in the chest.
“You’re not going to let this go are you, you jabbering butt plug,” he sighed as they walked out of the main entrance before giving him an exasperated look.
“Hell no,” Wade grinned wickedly as he stopped by Nathan’s side.
  I wish he was wrong but he’s not, I feel like I’m fifteen years younger and pining for someone who’s out of my league all over again. Note to self: Never let Wade find that out. I’ll never hear the end of it if I admit that he’s right about something.
                                                           * * *
  The Next Morning
Hayden had been taken from the Ice Box and was to see with the judge on the verdict of her case. She was relieved that they had finally finished reviewing the evidence she had given to them.
   Nathan and Wade sat anxiously in the court room, the judge announced that the jury had reached its verdict and it was a unanimous voting, the transport for Hayden was running late only agitating the men further. Nathan found that he was tapping his foot once again, his jaw clenching up and his eye beginning to spark as his anxiety grew.
   Hayden was told that they would arrive shortly at the court house, as the streets were overcrowded with people protesting and the van did not want to cause anyone accidental injury, she felt herself feeling suddenly nervous, it was rare that any good came from protestors.
   She entered the court room without handcuffs this time and sat in the seat she had just five days ago, she felt her heart throb in her throat and the mutterings all around her became a single hum that she couldn’t make out clearly.
Judge Tillman banged her gavel from her seat and the court room silenced immediately.
“I know the court has been waiting anxiously for the accused to arrive, but the verdict needs to be given in absolute silence,” she scanned her eyes across the room, “Jurors,” she turned her head to the stand that they were seated in, “What is your final verdict?”
“The final verdict your honour,” an elderly man stood and unfolded the envelope carefully, “Hayden Jones is found,” he cleared his throat to speak louder and clearer, “Not Guilty on the accounts of aggravated murder, first degree murder, and all other charges held against her,”
She felt her heart stop for a moment.
  Not Guilty? How is that even possible?
  The court dissolved into chaos but the judge soon silenced them with her gavel once more.
“The Jury has made their final verdict, there is nothing more to discuss. Whether your personal opinions on the matter differ will not matter in the decision that they have made, they were chosen with absolute certainty of having no personal affiliations with the case,” she rose from her seat and the rest of the court room did as well, “Court dismissed. Hayden Jones, you are free to return home,”
  Everyone except Wade, Colossus and Nathan, Hayden and the judge and jurors had already left the room by the time Hayden had the reality kick in for her.
She stared briefly at the judge before standing up from her seat and managing to speak, “Thank you, your Honour,”
“It wasn’t my decision,” Judge Tillman gave a small smile, “But it would have been, you’ve been through a lot for someone so young.”
“I meant thank you for giving me a fair trial, I thought for sure you’d give me a life sentence without a trial,”
“Just doing what’s right and fair,” she smiled again before leaving.
Hayden turned to look at the jurors who had remained behind, “Thank you,”
“No, thank you. You stood up for us,” a woman spoke, as Hayden raised a brow the woman exposed the small horns that were covered by her bushy hair.
“You gave us a voice and exposed them for their hatred towards us that they always lied about and covered up, you told the truth and risked your life for a cause that the generations before us have been fighting for, for so long,” a young man spoke this time.
  “Well as I’m sure you all know it was a bit of personal experience on my side,” she gave a small smile, “How many of you are mutants?” The eleven that stood in the stands all raised their hands.
“Son of a bitch,” Wade smirked, “I bet they didn’t even know,”
“Wait, there were twelve of you, where did-” Hayden paused as she saw a man’s figure disappear out of the back door, “Hey, wait!” she ran after him, he seemed awfully familiar. “Wait-” she stopped, almost paralysed suddenly, as she exited the door.
                          An enormous crowd had gathered outside the court house, her heart beat wildly and she saw camouflage as well as civilians all mixed together, they cheered instantly upon seeing her. Wade, Colossus and Nathan came out from behind her quietly.
“What in the ass?” Wade asked. “It was barely a handful when we arrived here earlier,”
“What are they all doing here?” she asked nervously.
“It appears that they are welcoming your freedom,” Colossus said encouragingly with a nod.
She scanned the crowds, her jaw slacking, the man had long disappeared from her mind and within the crowd, she noted signs bearing the words ‘Mutant Rights = Human Rights’ and ‘Mutant and Proud’ amongst the dozens of others. All bore a similar message of mutants wanting to be treated fairly and for Hayden to be released; she looked to the others before returning her gaze to her apparent supporting masses.
>> Chapter 24 << 
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zekethegm · 7 years ago
Fun With Lovecraftian Things Part 4.5: Romance Final Part
Part 4.1 Part 4.2 Part 4.3 Part 4.4
Ok, this is it. We got here. Good job everyone. Hope you enjoyed it, I really thought this one through a LOT I’ll be honest. This all started as kind of a joke but then it became clear that not only did I need to try and make it work but it had to be done well. Thanks for keeping up with it all this week, especially those people who I tagged every night with this nonsense.
Just off the top here if anyone has any genres or subgenres they want to see me try and mish mash with eldritch things then shoot me an ask or a message or a reblog or smoke signals but not carrier pigeons, landlord doesn’t like them.
The gold statue was remarkably accurate to his form. He moves on a cloud of roiling black tentacles, they extend out from him in all directions and gently slither around Kate’s feet. Moving upward his skin seems to be a gradient with the black of the tentacles fading into a silvery dark grey colour across his torso. His abs start just about where the tentacles end and they are a sight to behold, truly the sculptor did not do them justice. The way the light catches each bundle of muscle and plays off the shades of his skin is mesmerizing. His four arms, each an artwork of lean muscle, end in almost human hands. Were it not for their lack of fingernails and their pale grey colour there wouldn’t be anything peculiar about them at all.
The head is the most striking as it is the one thing Kate had been uncertain about from the statue. The skin becomes a translucent white as it stretched over the hexagonal prism shaped head. Beneath the skin glowing green veins snake their way across the almost frighteningly smooth surfaces of the prism. Kate steps close and runs her hand across the sides of his head, marvelling at the texture. The glow of the veins pulse slowly and the heat from his body pulses in rhythm yet no heartbeat is felt.
“Your statue is complete. You really do have a geometric head.” Kate marvels.
“Yes. I know it is not what humans would particularly consider attractive which is why-”
“Shhhhh. I don’t mind. I do have some questions, though.” Kate takes a step back, letting her hand linger as long as possible. Looking over Thain once more. “The tentacles make sense, very utilitarian. Locomotion, manipulation, good for everything. The head, actually, makes sense because you have no need for any of the sensory organs humans have. Two things, though: firstly, your arms are very human.”
“Yes.” He says moving his four arms about, inclining his head toward them as though he were looking at them. “Creating with hands just feels right. Certainly I could manipulate objects with a tentacle, and i often do when my hands are full, but there is something about them. They seem to naturally fit with creating.”
Kate nods. “Fair enough. The abs though? I mean I’m not complaining but why?”
Thain inclines his head downward. “Honestly, they have just always been there. I never thought to question them.”
Kate moves back to Thain and presses one hand firmly across his abs. “Well I am glad they are here.” She runs her fingers slowly across each muscle as her other hand slides to his back. He envelopes her in his arms. Two wrap around her shoulder and two slide to her lower back. They hold her close to him and she rests her head on his chest, feeling the pulsing warmth from within.
“It’s nice to finally see your true self.” she smiles. Thain remains silent, it is a nervous silence. “This isn’t your true self, is it?” She asks.
“Almost.” He replies.
Kate leans back to look Thain in his ‘face’ but not so far as to leave his embrace. “Show me.”
Thain hesitates.
Kate runs her hands up his abs and over his chest. “Please.”
Thain relents, nodding. A great smile crosses Kate’s face as the sides of Thain’s head seem to turn into something like silk. Each one falls away from the middle, resting softly against his silvery grey skin. As each of the strips fall away she bears witness to Pl’thad’grthain directly.
Now, having opened up fully, the body ends at the neck and from it sprouts a swirling black mass which flickers like a fire formed of the void. It is shapeless, formless and creates a sort of halo of darkness around it as light withers and perishes in its presence. “This is what I am. This body, the head especially, is something of a containment field. It is not unlike how your body contains your soul, only significantly more volatile.”
Kate looks into the flickering swirling blackness. As she stares into the void, so it also stares back at her and she finds it has the most beautiful eyes. She reaches up to caress it but two strong hands quickly restrain her. “It is too dangerous.” Thain protests.
“Maybe I need a little danger in my life.” She smiles.
“You will require protection.” Thain insists.
“Then I hope you brought some because I’m not the type of girl who usually carries that around.”
Thain carries her to her chair, his body remaining perfectly steady as his tentacles shuffle them across the floor. “Do you have anything waterproof? Should you begin to sweat I wouldn’t want the wards to wear off.”
Kate opens her bag and digs through a bit. “Waterproof lipstick, still unopened. It was a gift.”
Thain opens the tube and tears the makeup into chunks, each hand taking a piece and forming the chunks into cones with a fine point. Two hands begin marking her arms as two work to place very fine wards on her lips. She watches as he works, the blackness seems to surge forth and retreat along with Thain’s action. The void flame had shape and purpose, action and reaction, it was not random at all. It was his face and it was surreally beautiful.
“Finished.” Thain hovers away slowly.
Kate looks over her arms and inspects the work on her lips using her phone. “You know, I could get used to this look, never did like doing my own makeup.”
Thain rubs his neck nervously. “Kate. This is dangerous. I have never done this before, i don’t even know if those wards will hold.”
She stands from her chair.
“I think it would be best to put the sides back up. At least until I have time to ensure those sigils-”
Kate reaches her hands into the blackness, she feels them being pulled lightly in every direction, it is like a glove of gravitational force. Green arcs of energy flash across her hands and throughout his void flame. She grabs hold of the nothingness and pulls it down to her, closing her eyes and leaning in.
The darkness surges forward, forming the shape of a humanoid face. Lips of swirling abyssal force lock with hers and she can feel a surge of energy course through her, held at bay by the symbols on her lips. She presses in, pursuing the kiss, her lips warm with the heat of their impossible embrace. His halo of darkness flickers and sways as the world bends towards them, all matter drawn towards their kiss.
He separates his ‘lips’ from hers slowly. “I have never felt time stop by the command of another before.” He says.
“Watch closely, I’ll do it again.” She replies.
Tag time @sincerestaffect @typeaadventures @hypnocutiegypsy @raiswanson @creativityflows @cogwrites @paper-shield-and-wooden-sword @siarven @asttralhell @my-words-are-light @beautifulimposter25 @ravenpuffwriter 
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unchain-the-escapist · 7 years ago
White Sand
Meteor (Merel/Charlotte/Floor) (Romantic pairing)
Words: 4340
Prequel to Jurassic Meteor 
Please note that I am not a surfer, nor do I know which technique to use to stay on a board. This chapter circles around a polyamorous relationship and how that may evolve. Personally I have no experience with this type of relationship and I apologize if I have gotten the whole thing wrong. This was not my intention. If I have made a grave error regarding a polyamorous relationship that may offend anyone, please tell me so I can correct it.
Happy reading!
Taking a deep breath as she tilted her feet just enough for her to emerge from under the wave she was surfing on, Merel brought her board up and over the wave and ended up flat against the water’s surface as the wave continued in towards the shore.
Sitting down on her board with her feet in the water, Merel immediately began scanning for her next wave. It was the first time in a long time that she had the opportunity to surf and she wasn’t going to waste a single moment of it.
Spotting another wave, Merel lay down on her stomach and began paddling with her arms, adrenaline already starting to make its way through her veins. In her teenage years, she had spent a lot of time at the beach, every day during the summer break Merel had been surfing and swimming in the ocean not far from where she lived. The frequency of it annoying her parents to no end.
Sitting up, the blonde cracked her neck, the small breeze feeling refreshing against her skin. The week had been particularly hard for the blonde. Temperature had been higher than normal and she had had the tourist center shift at work. In a seemingly never ending crowd, Merel had been forced to endure children screaming and adults continuously asking her where the bathroom was. During the first hour of the shift, she already regretted working as a security guard. She loved her job when she was stationed at the attractions, especially the ones where she could be close to the dinosaurs, but sometimes it was a bit mundane. She had only applied for this job because of the opportunities it might bring.
As soon as Jurassic World had been announced to the world, Merel had dreamt about becoming a dinosaur handler.
Seeing how a wave began to form, Merel turned her surfboard around and waited to stand up until she felt the wave catching her board and brining it with it. The muscles in her legs took over, the twist and turns of the water familiar in their movements. Merel loved days like these. Not too many people in the water or on the beach, leaving plenty of room for surfers to navigate.
Merel’s workmates had been laughing at her for having the dream she had, saying that there was no way that a security guard could work themselves up to handler. But Merel hadn’t let their words get to her. She was determined to become something more one day.
Merel was so occupied by her thoughts that she barely saw the surfboard crashing into her, nor taking a huge gulp of air before she disappeared under the surface as her feet left her surfboard. Feeling the sting as her elbow grazed the rocks at the bottom, Merel managed to plant her feet and push herself upwards, her lungs taking in much needed air as she breached the surface and swam until she could stand up on solid ground.
Turning around while standing up, she saw the shadow of a person swimming towards her, probably the one who crashed into her.
“Dude! Watch where you’re going yo-“
As soon as the person stood up, Merel’s whole vocabulary seemed to evaporate from her mind. All she saw was skin, skin, and even more skin as toned legs seemed to go on for miles and miles. As Merel let her eyes travel further up, she saw muscular abs and white bikini parts which left little to the imagination. Realizing that the woman was talking, Merel snapped her gaze towards her face instead. Which she deeply regretted as she saw long, red hair made into a braid and was that…
“Oh no, are those freckles?! I’m doomed if those are freckles!” the blonde thought, still not hearing a word of what the other woman was saying, blood pumping through Merel ears and surely making her cheeks heat up as well. The woman in front of her was so beautiful that it made Merel speechless.
“… distracted… new to this… are you…hey!”
Snapping out of her staring trance, Merel noticed how close the other woman was now, her hazel eyes brimming with concern.
“Hazel! Do they have to be hazel?! Goddammit! And she has freckles!”
Amusement seemed to fill the redhead’s eyes as Merel still had been unsuccessful to form a proper word.
“E…hm… hmmm…I…”
The smile stretching the redhead’s lips made Merel’s stomach do somersaults.
“Just say something! You’re making this awkward for everyone! Oh why are girls this pretty?!”
And that’s when they blonde heard a laugh coming from the other woman’s mouth, Merel wanting nothing more than to hide as her cheeks flared up in embarrassment.
“Are you okay?” the other woman tried with once more, Merel nodding as she cleared her throat.  
“Yeah… yeah I’m good.” the blonde managed to say, feeling like high-fiving herself while she brushed some of her own hair away from her face. The blonde then noticed how the other woman began crossing her arms across her chest while her lower lip disappeared inside her mouth. Merel felt like she was on fire as the redhead’s hazel eyes started travelling across her body, Merel trying to do her best not to squirm under the stare.  
“Well… like I said, I am very sorry for crashing into you. Surfing is not as easy as it looks.” the woman said while releasing a breathless laugh, breaking the stare she had been holding as she bent down to pick up her surfboard.
“I’ll… I… I’ll… teach you how…” Merel managed to say through yet another stutter.
“Fuck. Me. Whyyy?” the blonde whined inside her head, bringing her hand up to rub at her eyes and pinch her nose while the other woman just laughed. Merel had always thought that she was sort of good at flirting when it came to women, but the redhead in front of her had thrown her off her game. Extremely so.
“I mean, absolutely! I would hate to crash into someone again.”
As butterflies spread in Merel’s stomach at the smile that the redhead was displaying, she too grabbed her board before holding her hand out for the other woman to shake.
“I’m Merel.”
As she felt the other woman’s hand in her own, the blonde tried not to gasp at the warmth that spread along her arm at the contact.
“And I’m Charlotte.”
Slumping down in a breathless mess onto the sand, Merel felt the painful contractions of her stomach muscles as she continued to laugh at the story Charlotte had just told her. The mental picture of a drowsy Compsognathus trying to eat cotton swabs while Charlotte desperately tried to keep it away from the container was just too funny. While Merel had tried to teach the redhead how to surf, the blonde had found out that the other woman was the head veterinarian of the park, how she had grown up on a zoo on the mainland where both her parents worked, and how she had travelled the world to volunteer at animal sanctuaries before going into veterinary school and ending up at Jurassic World.
“I was panicking, okay! I was trying to save it from a possible operation while it tried to bite my fingers off!” the redhead finished with as she settled next to Merel, the blonde sitting up while wiping the tears of laughter from the corners of her eyes.
The afternoon had been amazing and it turned out that Charlotte was a fast learner, quickly picking up on how the smallest of movements of the muscles in ones thighs and feet could make all the difference.
Looking over at the Charlotte, Merel noticed that her eyes were settled in the distance, looking far past the sun that was slowly setting. Sunlight was swimming around in her orbs, a smile forming on her lips. Merel didn’t want the day to end. She wanted to spend hours upon hours listening to Charlotte’s voice, to make her laugh. To hold her close…
Taking a deep breath, the sound directing Charlotte’s attention towards the other woman, Merel opened her mouth and asked a question that had been burning on her tongue all day.
“Do you wanna go out and eat sometime? Grab a coffee? You know… whatever you want to do?”
The blonde felt so unsure, but she tried her hardest not to let her voice or demeanor show that. She had already made an ass of herself with all the stuttering. Being nervous around women wasn’t who she was and she didn’t want to come off as such either.
As her words seemed to register with the other woman, Merel spotted signs of shock and uncertainty. Like she was torn. Had Merel misread the signs?! There was no that the blonde’s gaydar was off. Charlotte had to be gay, the slight flirting that they had done all day and the looks that Charlotte sent her way had proved as much.
The redhead’s eyes moved to the waves caressing the sand, her mind seemingly deep in thought. Merel could feel her stomach starting to plummet. She had never met anyone like Charlotte before and if she were to slip from Merel’s fingers, the blonde was going to feel it for a long time to come.
“I… can you…”
It was as if the redhead was counting the pros and cons in her head. It was just a date, not a proposal, Merel thought in amusement. Charlotte turned, her teeth nibbling on her lower lip, her eyes drinking Merel in.
“I don’t know. At the moment. Can you…”
She suddenly stood up, Merel following her example, more confused than ever.
“Can you call me on my work phone in like three days from now? I have a thing…to do first.”
Seeing the nervousness in the redhead’s eyes, Merel moved her head to give the other woman a nod. Maybe she was really busy and needed to get some things settled first? It wasn’t a flat out rejection, which made Merel’s stomach flutter.
“Okay great so… thank you for today.” Charlotte said gently, her movements pausing before she leaned in to kiss Merel’s cheek, the blonde feeling how her knees got weak at the light touch and the smell of the ocean clinging to the other woman’s skin. She had to force her hands not to reach out to touch Charlotte, or to connect her lips with the redhead’s own. It was too soon, Merel figured.
As they said their final goodbyes, Charlotte moving to retrieve her towel and handing in her surfboard, Merel felt how her heart swelled in her chest. The day had been perfect.
From the work phones to their private phones, from conversations to coffee, Charlotte and Merel had gotten closer during the past six weeks. They had only met five times since their afternoon at the beach, but after each time, Merel had fallen deeper and deeper for the other woman. She had wanted to take Charlotte on a proper date, buy her flowers and gifts and all that romantic stuff, but the redhead had declined. It had hurt Merel a lot, but Charlotte had gone on to explain that she wanted to be friends first before they dove deeper in their relationship. Something that Merel could truly understand.
The blonde could listen to Charlotte talk for hours. Merel watched how the redhead’s eyes twinkled as she spoke of her passions in life, how her eyes grew somber when she had to care for seriously injured animals. Merel wanted nothing more than to hold her hand through her musings, run her fingers along Charlotte’s skin and kiss it to bring the other woman out of bad memories. Merel felt how the redhead breathed new life into her, felt captivated by all that was Charlotte.
Which is why an invitation to one of the restaurants in the town center made butterflies in Merel’s stomach go crazy, her heart nearly leaping out of her chest. Merel had spent the better part of the day deciding what to wear, deciding on a suit she had worn to her brother’s wedding a few years earlier, and trying to gather her thick hair in an elegant braid. They had talked on the phone the evening before, Merel excited about the date while Charlotte had been more subdued. Which she had explained by saying that it had been a long day at work.
Pulling up to the employee parking lot at the back of the restaurant, Merel got off her motorcycle and made her way to the entrance. The evening was warm and filled with chatter from people walking along the main street, absent of children and instead opting for drinks and dining at the wide variety of restaurants. Walking up to the main street, Merel spotted the restaurant sign hanging above the entrance, her stomach wanting to revolt at the nervousness that she felt. She didn’t want to hope for too much to come out of this evening, but damn, Merel just couldn’t help herself. She imagined that Charlotte was a person who would support Merel’s quest in becoming a dinosaur handler. She had mentioned it to her in passing, but Charlotte hadn’t given her any response. Maybe Merel could request being stationed at the vet clinic to get closer to Charlotte? Maybe starting to volunteer there during the weekends? Maybe even…
The blonde had been so consumed by her thoughts that she barely noticed that she was now standing in front of the entrance to the restaurant, people walking in and out of the door while the hostess either greeted them or bid them farewell. That’s when her eyes connected with Merel’s.
“Hello? Can I help you?”
Walking further into the dim lit restaurant, the blonde had to clear her throat before answering the other woman, afraid that her nervousness might make her voice waver and crack as soon as she opened her mouth.
“Yeah, I’m supposed to meet someone here. Booked under Charlotte Wessels.”
Flashing s small smile in the blonde’s direction, the hostess turned to her computer screen and moved her eyes across it before facing Merel again.
“Indeed, there is a reservation in Ms. Wessels name. Shall I walk you to your table?”
“No just… point me in the right direction.”
Taking the lead, the hostess rounded the corner with Merel in tow. The restaurant was beautiful, the colors white, red, and orange mixing when it came to the decorations. Lights and candles were everywhere, casting glows and creating shadows in the room.
“There we are. The table in the corner.” the hostess said while motioning with her hand towards the table, Merel’s heart at first soaring, but sinking as soon as her eyes landed on who was sitting there.
Nodding towards the hostess, the blonde slowly began approaching Charlotte. And whoever was sitting next to her. The other person’s head was turned away from Merel, but Charlotte was smiling while talking to the other person. Based on the long, brunette hair and the form fitting suit jacket, Merel guessed that it was a woman. The blonde’s jaws began clenching in jealousy and betrayal. Was Charlotte seeing someone behind her back and had she screwed up the time and date for their date? The blonde felt like screaming and crying, her heart pounding mercilessly.
That’s when Charlotte spotted her.
The glint that had been in Charlotte’s eyes shifted as her eyes connected with Merel’s, replaced by a type of seriousness that hit Merel hard. The brunette also seemed to notice the shift and turned around, Merel gasping as she saw who it was.
It was her boss.
“Ms. Jansen?”
The woman moved her eyes up and down Merel’s body, her jugular moving up and down repeatedly as she swallowed, her body tense and looking ready to run.
Her voice was professional and clipped, just like it had been when they had first met during Merel’s introduction to the job as security guard during her first day at Jurassic World. She had been standing in front of a room full of new recruits, towering above nearly everyone in her high heels. Her presence had demanded respect and Merel had been in an awe during the entire time. But now it just made her feel defeated and angry.
A hand being placed on the blonde’s arm made her flinch, warmth flooding her as Charlotte leaned in to give her a one-sided hug.
“You look beautiful.” she said gently, Merel feeling slightly calmer as the redhead pulled away. The blonde moved her eyes between the other two women, Charlotte was wearing a red and white summer dress, her hair slightly curled. The sight robbed Merel’s lungs of air.
“So do you.” the blonde managed to say, her lips wobbling with the tension between the three of them. Merel was so scared and confused. All that she had ever wanted stood next to her and she could sense that Charlotte wanted the same, but how did Floor Jansen fit into the picture? Oh god, was she going to fire Merel?! Was she here to swipe the rug from under her feet, take her away from Charlotte?
Charlotte smiled then, as if sensing the blonde’s nervousness.
“Don’t worry sweetie. Sit down and we’ll talk. All three of us.”
So their boss was indeed involved.
Charlotte moved to sit down in her chair while Merel took a seat in front of her, Floor to her right. A waiter came and took their orders, Merel barely remembering what she had said as he disappeared, her mind too full of questions. The blonde desperately wanted to reach over and take Charlotte’s hand in hers.
“You might know who Floor is.” the redhead began to say, the brunette sitting impossibly straight in her chair, the nail on her right index finger digging into the tablecloth as her lips tried to hold a somewhat sincere smile.
“Yes, I know. But I have to say that meeting your boss after working hours is a bit scary.”
Floor chuckled, Charlotte joining her with a small giggle.
“So, humor is the way to go.” the blonde thought as the mood lifted slightly.
“Well, I apologize. But Charlotte really wanted us to meet.”
Merel could feel how her palms began sweating, discreetly wiping them on her pants.
A look was shared between Charlotte and Floor, the brunette hesitant and almost a bit sad, but the redhead reached out her hand and grasped Floor’s hand and looked at her with so much affection that Merel wanted to cry. They were a couple. Merel could recognize one of those looks anywhere. Tears began prickling in her eyes as Charlotte faced her. It was over, the heart in her chest starting to break. Charlotte would never be hers. Merel felt herself shutting down, her mind so deep into the process that she flinched when Charlotte suddenly stood up and placed herself next to the blonde, her forehead resting against the side of Merel’s head as one of her hands began stroking the blonde’s cheek.
“Please don’t cry. I’m sorry.”
“I feel like such an idiot.” the blonde said trembling.
“No, no, you’re not. Let me explain, please.”
Taking a few deep breaths, Merel turned to see how close Charlotte was close to crying as well. They were so close that Merel could feel the other woman’s breaths hitting her cheek, lips so tantalizingly close that the blonde’s whole body was aching. She didn’t dare to look over at Floor, afraid of what she might possibly see.
“I’ve been an idiot, I know. I should have told you this when we first met, but everything that is you threw me off. Your goofiness, bravery, craziness, beauty, and laughter made me feel so many things.”
Merel was both confused and amazed. Charlotte did feel the same that Merel felt for her. But then why was Floor here? And why did she allow this to happen? She could clearly hear what Charlotte was saying.
“And I don’t want to take this further until I’ve explained to you… what my heart wants.”
She looked between Merel and Floor, the blonde now daring to look at the brunette. She looked torn as well, like she was making a huge sacrifice.
“My heart… wants both of you.”
Merel didn’t know if the sound escaping from her mouth was a sob or a sharp exhale of disbelief. Her heart was pounding with a strong yes yes yes, but her mind was torn. What did this confession mean?
“I… told Floor about my… polyamorous side early in our relationship and we didn’t pay it much thought, but then I came to her apartment after that day at the beach and… it all became very real.”
Moving her eyes between Floor’s and Charlotte’s, Merel saw the raw emotions swimming around in them. Merel had always tried to keep an open mind about sexualities and relationships, but a polyamory one could be a whole new strain all together. The concept of sharing a loved one wasn’t for everyone and Merel hadn’t really thought about it at all. Until tonight.
“I understand if you don’t want to do this, Merel, but just so you know…”
Their eyes met and Merel saw it. Charlotte loved her. It was the same look that she had given to Floor. It must have been the one that she had given to Floor when they had talked about the blonde. What if Merel had had to have that conversation with Charlotte? Would she have given Floor a chance?
“…I… think I love you.”
There it was, clear as day. Those three little words that Merel had longed to hear for such a long time. It became hard to breathe, heart taking turns in dropping and soaring. She looked at Floor then. The woman was fighting with whatever she seemed to feel, hands wringing together as her lips took turns in thinning and widening as they disappeared and emerged from between her teeth.
“Floor?” Charlotte asked quietly, her head leaving the side of Merel’s to look at the brunette properly. Floor’s hands were shaking now while her lips tried forming a smile. She wasn’t mad, just… trying to accept it all.
“This is not easy for me, Merel. When Charlotte first told me I was angry, so, so angry.”
Merel’s pulse began racing. If the tables would have been turned, would Merel accept Charlotte dating Floor?
“We had been together for three months before you entered the picture. Three of the best months of my life and then one day she comes home and… talks about you like she’s a schoolgirl with a crush.”
It was quiet for a while, like Floor and Charlotte were reliving the memory. Charlotte snuck one of her hands into Merel’s own and squeezing it.
“I let her continue talking to you, meeting you, because… she would hate me forever if I didn’t give you a chance.”
Their eyes connected, Merel feeling relieved as she couldn’t find a single sign of malice in the brunette’s orbs. Floor accepted them. All of them together. The brunette would do that for someone she loves. And in that moment Merel knew, she knew that she would do the same of the situation would have been reversed. It was about Charlotte being happy. It was about Merel herself being happy because she knew that she would never be able to find anyone like Charlotte ever again. And Floor must feel the same.
Merel didn’t realize she was crying until she felt Charlotte’s arms around her, pulling her close and whispering things in her ear.
The waiters came and awkwardly tried to place the food at the table before quickly disappearing again. Merel could feel eyes watching them. The whole restaurant had probably stopped moving at the sight of their boss being close with two other women. But inside Merel’s chest and mind, everything was moving extremely fast, so fast that the movements formed words on her lips.
“I… I love you too.”
The words caused Charlotte to inhale quickly, her arms squeezing the blonde tighter. It was a promise that Merel would try to make all of this work. For Charlotte’s sake but ultimately for Floor as well. Because they both loved the amazing redhead who had tilted their world on their sides. And they both clung to that.
Charlotte moved away, Merel immediately missing the warmth but it came back in full force as Charlotte slowly leaned in to kiss her. It was short and sweet, but it made sparks erupt on the blonde’s skin.
The clearing of a throat came from beside Merel, blood freezing in her veins as she suddenly remembered Floor being there as well. The brunette still looked uncertain, but at least she wasn’t mad. Merel had just kissed her girlfriend after all. It would be a slow process, Merel knew, but they would work through it. Together.
“I don’t know about you, but this restaurant serves the most amazing food. And I’d like to get to know you better.” Floor said while smiling widely at the blonde, straightening back up in her seat before facing Charlotte. A look passed between them, the redhead looking happier than Merel had ever seen her be. And it seemed like the look caught Floor off guard as well, the woman eyes tearing up at Charlotte’s apparent happiness.
Charlotte left Merel’s side after a kiss to her cheek, sitting down in front of her and taking a sip of her water.
“Charlotte tells me that you want to be an animal handler.”
They spent the whole evening eating, talking, and laughing and Merel realized that during all the other times that she and Charlotte had met, there had been something missing. And here was the missing piece in the shape of Floor. And Merel would try her hardest to keep them all together.  
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