#Foods to avoid with thyroid problems
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gomes72us-blog · 2 months ago
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prolifeproliberty · 3 months ago
10 months on the Carnivore Diet - my results
I know back in January I mentioned in a couple of posts that I was trying out the Carnivore Diet. Back then it was still new, and I was doing a bunch of research. Now I’ve been fully on it for 10 months, and it’s been amazing.
What I’m eating:
Meat (mostly beef and pork/bacon), eggs, butter, some cheese (mostly used as a garnish on eggs). I aim for a fat to protein ratio of between 75/25 and 80/20.
Typical breakfast: bacon and scrambled eggs cooked in bacon fat
Typical lunch: Chomp beef sticks or more recently these Greenridge Farm beef snack sticks from Costco that have really clean ingredients. I’ve also done leftovers and breakfast casseroles.
Typical dinner: Beef burger patties with scrambled eggs
What I’m drinking:
Water with electrolytes, Coffee with heavy cream, occasional low-carb alcohol (red wine, whisky, low or no carb drinks like vodka soda)
Bacopa monnieri (500mg capsule, 1/day) for my ADHD, Codeage beef organ supplement (1 capsule per day) as a multivitamin.
Basically none, outside of some walking and some minor weight lifting (biceps, triceps, squats) - nothing strenuous or consistent. I am working now on getting my walking and weightlifting more consistent, along with incorporating some abdominal exercises.
My results:
Weight lost: 50 lbs
Cycle regularity restored
Significantly lighter menstrual cramps
More energy, less anxiety/depression
Better immune system (still get sick occasionally, but much less frequently)
Biggest victory: my cravings for sugar and carbs went away pretty much entirely after about 2 weeks. I now have no desire to go back to the way I used to eat, making this the first diet I’ve ever tried that I‘ve been able to stick with for more than a few weeks, and certainly the first one I think I could stay on indefinitely.
What made this work for me:
The high fat content of my diet is very satiating, which makes it much easier to say no to carbs/sugary snacks. Also, artificial sweeteners actually make you crave sugar, so I cut those as well when I started the diet in January. I think that made a huge difference.
For context, I had NO ability to moderate carbs and sugar before this diet. I had a huge problem with binge eating sugar, especially if there was “free food” (a party, donuts in the staff lounge, etc). On previous diets, I could always come up with an excuse to eat sugar. Somebody’s birthday, I had a long day, it’s just this once and then I’ll be good, etc.
Now it’s not even a temptation.
How I learned about the diet and did my research:
I started with YouTube videos from people like Steak and Butter Gal. She does a lot of videos with recipes and tips for staying consistent, and she also does a lot of collaborations and interviews with doctors who recommend the diet, such as Dr. Elizabeth Bright. I went into researching the diet more for my hormonal health than for weight loss, and Dr. Bright is the expert on hormonal health (especially for women) and thyroid health.
This lead to more videos from different doctors and reading studies (including studies on the “link” between eating red meat and problems like heart disease and cancer, which were poorly done and don’t show what they claim to show).
How I handle social gatherings and holidays:
Everyone who knows me irl knows about my diet by now, either because they noticed my weight loss or because they’ve seen me eat! This means friends and family who are hosting will often ask me if I can eat certain things they’re planning to serve and will try to accommodate me.
It’s not too tough though because most social gatherings with food include some kind of meat, and it’s often “buffet style” so I can skip things I can’t eat. I generally try to avoid processed foods unless I can check the ingredients and make sure they’re free of preservatives, dextrose, sugar, etc, but one of my “cheats” is eating the meats and cheeses from charcuterie boards at parties.
If I suspect I won’t be able to eat much or I’m just not sure, I’ll often eat before I go so I’m not sitting there hungry. Then as long as there’s something I can eat, I can still participate in the social aspect of eating with friends and family.
Why I don’t eat fruits/vegetables:
I will occasionally have small amounts of vegetables, usually as a garnish (like I do with cheese). I also use medicinal herbs in the form of tinctures, capsules, or teas - though I need them much less often now! However, avoiding vegetables for the most part simplifies the diet, reduces my inflammation, and means I don’t have to count carbs like I would on keto.
The foods I eat all have zero or virtually zero carbs, and I know they won’t mess with my digestion or make me feel bad. It’s simple, it’s easy to follow, and I don’t have any real need or craving for the veggies. Occasionally I’ll have a couple pickle slices with my burger patties at a restaurant or some avocado with my bacon and eggs, but that’s about it. Basically, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
Please feel free to ask questions and check out the channels and videos I linked above to learn more!
Starting a new diet is obviously tricky this time of year, but January 1st will be here before you know it. If you’re looking to make a change, maybe this could be the thing that works for you like it did for me!
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feminist-space · 4 months ago
"Most of what “public health” does for Americans is taken for granted. Before the Covid pandemic, most people probably didn’t think about it at all. Yet the fact that, in most places in the United States, we can count on the water we drink to be safe, that the food we buy is not contaminated with e-coli or listeria, and that we don’t have to deal with dreaded childhood diseases that ripped through our communities only a few decades ago, is a testament to the tireless work of many, unheralded, often unknown heroes. This invisible safety net has been built up over the years, always underfunded and understaffed, always not-enough, but it’s all we’ve got.
By now, we’ve heard Kennedy’s views on everything from fluoride in drinking water to childhood vaccines, to threats to recreate the NIH and FDA in the image of his own quackery. Let’s be clear: Kennedy’s views are not “alternative” to orthodoxy, meant to shake up the system—they are verifiably false. They are nonsense.
Let’s take his claims on fluoride as an example. RFK Jr. wrote on X in early November: “Fluoride is an industrial waste associated with arthritis, bone fractures, bone cancer, IQ loss, neurodevelopmental disorders, and thyroid disease.” Um—no. In high doses over prolonged periods of time—as with many other substances (even water and oxygen!)—exposure to fluoride can be a problem, but not in the small concentrations we see in drinking water. Lest we forget: Fluoride has been a bugaboo of the far right since the 1950s, when fluoridation was supposed to be part of a communist plot to take over America.
And since conspiracy theories know no borders, we can also look at a natural experiment up in Calgary, Canada, for further evidence. In 2011, Calgary’s’s city council banned fluoridation, and now is set to reintroduce it next year. Why? Because since fluoridation ended, cavities in children’s teeth have become more numerous and larger, often requiring treatment under general anesthesia and/or intravenous antibiotic therapy to fight infections associated with tooth decay. As one researcher at the University of Calgary has said, the decision to ban fluoridation had a clear result: It was a source of “avoidable and potentially life-threatening disease, pain, suffering, misery and expense…especially [for] very young children and their families.”
As for vaccination, Kennedy’s views are long-standing and well-known. He has suggested that “there is no vaccine that is safe and effective,” and he still clings to the long-debunked idea that vaccines cause autism. More recently, during the Covid pandemic, he created a multimillion-dollar anti-vaccine juggernaut to dissuade people from getting vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2.
There is no person right now more vital to the anti-vaccine movement than RFK Jr., and his impact has been deadly. By convincing people to forgo routine pediatric vaccinations, he has endangered the lives of thousands of kids, stoked fear in families with autistic children, and in at least once instance was partially responsible for a devastating outbreak of measles. In 2019, 83 people, mostly children, died of the preventable disease in Samoa. While Kennedy has denied that his words and actions were responsible for the outbreak, he has supported anti-vaccination efforts on the islands, written to the nation’s prime minister about the dangers of vaccines, and visited Samoa to meet with anti-vaxxers and subsequently praised them for their work. As Derek Lowe, a columnist from the United States’ leading scientific journal, Science, has said: “Kennedy’s views on science and medicine are not only wrong, they are actively harmful and destructive. He has used them to make a great deal of money, and he has lied about them to interviewers and reporters whenever he finds it convenient.”
RFK Jr. is the poster boy for the new Trump administration, a rich man who never has had to worry about a thing in his life, putting the lives of ordinary Americans in jeopardy because he thinks he knows better than scientists. In fact, the man who thought it was a good idea to stage a hit-and-run with a dead baby bear and a bicycle in Central Park has shown a lack of judgment across the board for a long while. But he is part of an emerging kakistocracy-in-waiting that will be run by plutocrats and zealots. Our public health system in America is fragile and shouldn’t be a plaything. Once he’s done with his games, all the king’s horses and all the king’s men may not be able to put our public health infrastructure back together again. The damage may be lasting and profound.
But we are not powerless. So much of public health happens locally—and we can protect this precious national resource by speaking up and speaking out, at our city or town council meetings, calling and writing our state representatives, our mayors and our governors. This is going to be necessary work. As my Yale colleague Timothy Snyder has said: “Defend institutions.… Institutions do not protect themselves. So choose an institution you care about and take its side.” This may be your local public health department or Planned Parenthood clinic, a mental health clinic or needle exchange program, or services for LGBTQ+ or immigrant populations in your neighborhood.
These are all part of what makes public health happen day in and day out in our communities. Deprive RFK Jr. and Donald Trump of their power; take it away from them with focus and tenacity. Chip away at their campaign to destroy public health in America. These kinds of small acts will add up and will make a difference. If these men are the disease, let us be the cure."
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fishenjoyer1 · 4 months ago
Fish of the Day
Today's fish of the day is the guppy, by special request of @guppiesareamazing !
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The guppy, also known as millions in some English dialects, and scientific name Poecilia reticulata, is a well known freshwater fish. Common across every continent but Antartica, the natural range of the guppy stretches across the warm and tropical waters of South America and the Caribbean, from as far North as Venezuela, far South as Bolivia, and stretching Pacific to Atlantic oceans. Living in smaller streams or ponds due to poor swimming skills in faster waters, these fish are known for their ability to withstand brackish and slightly salty freshwaters, with an ability to be acclimated to saltwater (similar to their close relatives, mollies). Although, saltwater guppies have far fewer offspring. These fish are benthic, living on the river bed, but require water temperatures around 23-24 °C to survive. They can live in any elevation, with some restriction on increased pressure, and due to their highly adaptable way, are incredibly common in the aquarium trade!
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The reason for the widespread populations across the globe is due to their habit of eating mosquito larvae, meaning they were often intentionally imported in an effort to control malaria. Although current studies show this was ineffective at best as a control method. However, these populations have caused issues worldwide. Since they are highly adaptable, guppies tend to kill out local species, bringing both competition for food, and disease. In particular, guppies are known for carrying: a parasitic flatworm species known as Gyrodactylus turnbulli which causes the host to swim erratically before dying, waiting for other fish to feed on the corpse so it can infect another host. Along with fin rot, ich, swim bladder disease, and columnaris bacteria, all of which is infectious to other fishes. In the United States, guppies are known particularly for being a problem along the Southwest, and Southeast, driving out cyprinids and killifishes, and damaging damselfly populations.
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As discussed earlier, the diet of the guppy is made up of algae, zooplankton, insects/larvae, and surrounding detritus. Foraging for sustenance is common, and they travel in shaling groups as large as 30 individuals. These foraging groups help keep the fish calm, and spending less energy on anti predatory behaviours, leading to guppies that are less aggressive and less competitive, the same reason they need to be kept with multiple of their species in hobby tanks and captivity. In both wild and captivity, this fish is often predated on, especially considering they only grow to an adult size of 4-7cm in length.
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However, guppies have several tactics for avoiding predation. Considering the bright colors of male guppies, the schools help populations of guppies under high predations, as sholes band together to make antipredator decisions. In these groups, some guppies act as inspectors, approaching predators to assess the danger, and are thought to report back to the larger group, although research is still being conducted. Other tactics, such as the ability to darken the iris of the eyes from silver to black, draws predator attention toward the head of the animal, giving the fish an easier time pivoting out of the way of a strike than if the predator aims for the center of mass. All these abilities to avoid predators only aid the guppies ability to adapt to new areas, making them such an issue as an invasive species.
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The lifecycle of the guppy is like that of many other small fish. There are two generations per year, as male fish mature at the ripe age of 2 months and females mature at 3 months, with maturity causing males to exhibit sexul dimorphism dependent on the amount of a certain thyroid hormone that influences color patterns, as female guppies are attracted to brighter colors. Many of these bright colored males are bred specifically for different bright and flashy colors in the freshwater trade, leading to the many different variants of them in the hobby aquarium market. Their total lifespan is only around 2 years, and most fish will survive to see 3 breeding seasons total throughout their lifespan.
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Female guppies give birth to live young, who can swim immediately and are often eaten by the parents soon after birth. In mating itself, females will take on multiple male mates a season, despite being incredibly picky about which they choose. This is thought to be in an effort to avoid inbreeding. Most of the choices that female fish make are based on the number and prevalence of orange spots on the flank and caudal tail of the fish. The orange spots are made up of a pigment that the guppies can not synthesize, and must be obtained in the diet. These spots show how healthy the male is, and is a good show for the presence of parasites. After a show of courtship behaviour and an acceptance, the female fish will gestate for 21-30 days, before giving birth to anywhere from 30-200 fry over the course of several hours. Although common, female guppies do not always eat their fry, and this can be prevented entirely by keeping the adult guppies happy and full of live prey, such as brine shrimp, well raising fry.
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That's the guppy, everybody! Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
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darkmaga-returns · 7 days ago
Story at-a-glance
GLP-1 receptor agonists like Ozempic and Wegovy, originally intended as diabetes medications, have gained popularity for weight loss, leading to global shortages despite having modest benefits
Research shows these drugs reduce seizures and substance addiction risks, but they increase the likelihood of 19 other health conditions, including fainting, kidney problems and pancreatic issues
Common side effects include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting and abdominal pain, with potential risks of acute pancreatitis and thyroid cancer, making the trade-off dangerous for users
Ozempic's manufacturer Novo Nordisk reported $40.6 billion in revenue, highlighting how the "magic pill" mentality and ultraprocessed food consumption create a profitable cycle for pharmaceutical companies and food manufacturers
Instead of relying on weight loss drugs, focus on optimizing cellular energy production through dietary changes, avoiding vegetable oils and supporting your gut and mitochondrial health
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zukoromantic · 6 months ago
Dietry aspects that help you if you suffer from thyroid issues, specifically hashimoto's disease:
Avoid gluten. It sucks, yeah, but every source i found so far agrees on this. People with thyroid issues are more likely to be straight up gluten intolerant! If that isn't the case, you absolutely don't need to cut gluten out of your life. However, you should try to reduce the intake regardless. But not to worry! You can find brands that have pasta, bread mixes, pizza dough, even little snacks as gluten free! Alternatives are also always rice or corn for a lot of things. If you like to snack on crunchy things like cookies i can really recommend rice waffles. They even come with chocolate and other flavors a lot of the time. And as for the bread mixes don't worry, at least the german brand i get has the lowest effort kinda stuff. As in, put water, stirr, form on tray, oven, done (and i found one that is SO delicious to me even!)
Avoid pork. Also got this one from multiple sources. Like with gluten, it can be a problem if you're out a lot, BUT there is usually plenty of other meat. My go to is chicken or turkey. Beef is great too, but naturally it's more expensive than chicken etc. You don't need to cut out stuff like salami either because these days there's a lot of alternatives to pork in those regards
Veggies, veggies, veggies! I mean, who doesn't this apply to?! Vegetables are great and have so many vitamins. I try to eat a salad a day and have some veggies in my lunch. There is so many different vegetables, there's sure to be SOMETHING for you! In my salad for example i put grated carrots even though i don't like them apart from that. I also put apple to make it more sweet and delicious! (Note: for salad you should put some oil, otherwise your body can't absorb the nutrients that well. I love pumpkin sees oil bc i'm picky and don't like olive oil. But there's more you might like too!) Potatoes count as well for your vitamins. Put anything with some meat or in a stew or with rice, it doesn't really matter how you make them
Fruit is less helpful than veggies, but it's still great! Especially berries, apples, oranges, peaches, plums and more are helpful. That's because they have less sugar that for example pineapple, banana, grapes, or mango
Seeds and nuts. They can help you as well. I usually put sunflower seeds in my salad, but you can also put something in cereal or yoghurt or your lunch! They're nice and crunchy and can be great additions to some food
Less (cow) milk. Milk is fineee, but you shouldn't overdo it. Especialy with things with a lot of fat, like cream
Most fish. Most fish is great, salmon and tuna for example. In general, fish is really healthy. I don't like it but i know many do! So definitely keep eating it! :)
Eggs. Eggs are always good, get your protein! Many lovely ways to make eggs. Just make sure you don't always eat them with too much fat, so be careful with your fried or scrambled egg
Those are things i was told by a doctor or things i found from different sources on the internet. Some is obvious like you should just so in general get protein and vegebtables!
But for example, i've had hashimoto's disease for over six years now and only THIS YEAR i was told by a doctor that i should avoid gluten
So i wanted to make a little post for me and for others to have a quick check list regarding one's diet with thyroid issues! If you know/think of anything else, please share! It'll be much appreciated!
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actvpeople · 3 months ago
The ABCs of Hormones
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How They Affect Our Mood and Health
Hey friends! Today, let's dive into something that often stays behind the scenes but affects us every single day. Yep, I'm talking about hormones! These tiny chemical substances act as invisible conductors, regulating our mood and emotional state. Let's explore the world of hormones letter by letter, to see which hormones are responsible for our happiness, stress, motivation, and even sluggishness—and most importantly, how to keep them balanced so that life is brighter and more fulfilling.
Hormones That Control Our Mood
A — Adrenaline Adrenaline is the "fight or flight" hormone. It kicks in during stressful situations, giving us the energy to react quickly. This hormone helps us deal with critical moments, improving physical endurance and focus. But be careful—too much adrenaline over time can lead to anxiety.
V — Vasopressin Vasopressin regulates water balance in our body and affects blood pressure. If this hormone drops, we may feel tired and less focused. Maintaining good hydration is important for overall well-being.
G — Ghrelin Ghrelin is known as the "hunger hormone." It signals your brain when it's time to eat. When you're feeling intense hunger, you can thank ghrelin for that. To keep it in check, eat regularly and avoid long gaps between meals.
D — Dopamine Dopamine is the "pleasure hormone." It’s responsible for motivation and rewards. Whenever you feel incredibly inspired or like you can conquer the world, it's probably thanks to dopamine. To keep dopamine levels up, try new hobbies, exercise, and celebrate even the smallest victories. Even watching motivational videos can give your brain a dopamine boost.
E — Estrogen Estrogen is the primary female hormone that regulates the menstrual cycle and affects mood. Fluctuations in estrogen levels can cause mood swings, especially during the premenstrual period. Healthy eating and physical activity help stabilize these fluctuations and maintain balance.
M — Maturity (Testosterone) Testosterone is the "hormone of maturity," especially important for men. It’s responsible for libido, muscle mass, and confidence. Testosterone levels also affect energy and motivation. Exercise and a proper diet help maintain it at a healthy level.
I — Insulin Insulin is the hormone that regulates blood sugar levels. It allows glucose to enter cells and be used for energy. Balancing insulin is key for maintaining stable energy levels and preventing diabetes. Avoiding sugary foods and fast food is a good way to keep insulin levels in check.
C — Cortisol Cortisol is the "stress hormone." It helps the body cope with critical situations, but chronic stress keeps cortisol levels high, leading to fatigue and depression. Meditation, rest, and physical activity are good ways to manage cortisol.
M — Melatonin Melatonin is the sleep hormone, helping us fall asleep and regulating our internal clock. Its level rises in the dark, promoting a restful sleep. To maintain melatonin levels, avoid bright light in the evening and try to go to bed at the same time every night.
O — Oxytocin Oxytocin is the "love and bonding hormone." It’s released when we hug, show affection, or spend time with loved ones. High oxytocin levels help us feel happier and more connected. Hug your loved ones and express affection—it’s a simple and effective way to boost this hormone.
S — Serotonin Serotonin is the "happiness hormone." It regulates mood, sleep, and appetite. Low serotonin levels are often associated with depression and anxiety. To increase serotonin, eat foods rich in tryptophan like bananas, nuts, and dark chocolate, and spend more time in the sunlight.
T — Thyroxine Thyroxine is a thyroid hormone that regulates metabolism. Its imbalance can lead to weight issues and energy problems. Eating enough iodine (like seaweed) and maintaining a healthy lifestyle support normal thyroxine levels.
P — Phenylethylamine Phenylethylamine is often called the "love hormone." It’s released when we feel romantic attraction and helps boost dopamine, adding those wonderful feelings of love and excitement.
That's our ABCs of hormones! It seems like so many little conductors are controlling our mood and health that it can make your head spin. But don't worry! In the next article, we'll talk about what influences hormonal balance and how to keep it in check, so your hormones can be your best friends. Give us a like and stay tuned!
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avantahealthcare · 5 days ago
Managing Blood Pressure at Home: A Nursing Care Approach
Blood pressure management is a crucial aspect of overall health, particularly for individuals dealing with hypertension or hypotension. Proper care and monitoring at home can significantly reduce health risks and improve quality of life. A nursing care at home approach ensures that patients receive the necessary support, guidance, and interventions to maintain healthy blood pressure levels.
Understanding Blood Pressure
Blood pressure is the force exerted by blood against the walls of arteries. It is measured in two readings:
Systolic Pressure: The pressure when the heart pumps blood.
Diastolic Pressure: The pressure when the heart is at rest between beats.
A normal blood pressure reading is typically around 120/80 mmHg. Readings higher or lower than this range may indicate hypertension (high blood pressure) or hypotension (low blood pressure), both of which require medical attention.
Understanding Low Blood Pressure (Hypotension) and High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)
What is Hypotension?
Hypotension occurs when blood pressure drops below 90/60 mmHg. While some people naturally have low blood pressure without symptoms, for others, it can cause dizziness, fainting, and even shock in severe cases.
Causes of Low Blood Pressure
Dehydration – Lack of fluids reduces blood volume.
Heart problems – Heart failure or arrhythmias can lower blood pressure.
Endocrine disorders – Hormonal imbalances such as adrenal insufficiency.
Severe infection (Sepsis) – Widespread infection can cause a drop in blood pressure.
Nutritional deficiencies – Lack of essential vitamins like B12 and folate.
Medications – Some heart medications, antidepressants, or diuretics.
Symptoms of Low Blood Pressure
Dizziness or lightheadedness
Blurred vision
Cold, clammy, or pale skin
Managing Low Blood Pressure
Drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated.
Eat small, frequent meals to prevent sudden drops in blood pressure.
Increase salt intake (if recommended by a doctor).
Avoid sudden position changes (e.g., standing up too quickly).
Wear compression stockings to improve circulation.
What is Hypertension?
Hypertension is diagnosed when blood pressure is consistently above 130/80 mmHg. It increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, and kidney failure.
Causes of High Blood Pressure
Unhealthy diet – High salt and processed foods.
Lack of physical activity – A sedentary lifestyle contributes to hypertension.
Obesity – Excess weight puts pressure on blood vessels.
Stress – Chronic stress can lead to elevated blood pressure.
Smoking and alcohol – Can damage blood vessels and raise pressure.
Medical conditions – Diabetes, kidney disease, and thyroid problems.
Genetics – Family history of hypertension increases risk.
Symptoms of High Blood Pressure (Often Called the "Silent Killer")
Hypertension usually has no noticeable symptoms, but in severe cases, it may cause:
Shortness of breath
Chest pain
Vision problems
Managing High Blood Pressure
Reduce salt intake and eat a heart-healthy diet.
Exercise regularly (at least 30 minutes most days).
Maintain a healthy weight to reduce strain on the heart.
Manage stress through relaxation techniques like meditation.
Quit smoking and limit alcohol consumption.
Take prescribed medications consistently if advised by a doctor.
Importance of Home Blood Pressure Management
Home-based blood pressure management provides numerous benefits, including: ✅ Early detection of abnormal readings ✅ Reduced risk of heart disease and stroke ✅ Personalized lifestyle modifications ✅ Improved adherence to treatment plans
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Nursing Care Approach for Blood Pressure Management at Home
Professional nursing care provides a structured and evidence-based approach to managing blood pressure at home.Avanta Healthcare Center specializes in providing comprehensive nursing care for individuals, also extends professional home healthcare services, ensuring quality medical assistance in the comfort of patients' homes. With a commitment to holistic recovery and wellness.
1. Regular Monitoring and Assessment
Nurses assist in measuring blood pressure accurately using digital or manual monitors.
They track trends to detect fluctuations and report concerns to healthcare providers.
2. Medication Management
Ensuring proper dosage and timing of prescribed medications.
Educating patients on side effects and the importance of adherence.
3. Lifestyle and Dietary Guidance
Recommending a low-sodium, heart-healthy diet to control blood pressure.
Encouraging regular exercise and weight management strategies.
Providing stress management techniques like deep breathing and meditation.
4. Emergency Response and Education
Training family members and caregivers on recognizing symptoms of high or low blood pressure crises.
Offering first-aid instructions in case of emergencies.
Nursing care at home plays a critical role in ensuring that patients manage their blood pressure effectively at home
Managing blood pressure at home requires a proactive and structured approach. With professional nursing care and expert support from Avanta Healthcare Center, individuals can effectively control their blood pressure, leading to a healthier and more independent life.
#YourHealthOurMission #RehabilitationCenter #BestCare #WellnessJourney #StateOfTheArt #RecoverWithUs #HealthMatters #avantahealthcare
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organicsupplement · 7 days ago
Improve Metabolism & Skin with Organic Alpha Lipoic Acid
Metabolism is the process in which the body turns food and beverages consumed by a person into energy. It's a continuous chain of chemical reactions that happens in the cells.  Strong Metabolism allows an individual to breathe, move, and heal. Skin is the largest organ in the human body, it covers the entire external surface of the body. The skin has 3 layers which are the epidermis, dermis, and hypodermis, they have different anatomical structures and functions organic alpha lipoic acid improves metabolism and skin. 
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What is organic alpha lipoic acid?
Organic Alpha-lipoic acid is a compound that has antioxidant properties. It's made in small amounts by your body but also found in foods and as a supplement. It may benefit diabetes, skin ageing, memory, heart health, and weight loss. A prescribed dosage is effective and safe without serious side effects.
How does organic alpha lipoic acid improve skin and metabolism?
Organic Alpha lipoic acid (ALA) improves the skin by minimizing wrinkles, enhancing elasticity, and making the skin even-toned, It also helps in collagen production and has anti-inflammatory properties. For metabolism, organic alpha lipoic acid boosts energy by making mitochondrial function better and improving insulin sensitivity. It helps the body burn fat more efficiently. 
What are the signs and symptoms that an individual is having a deficiency of organic alpha lipoic acid?
A deficiency of organic alpha lipoic acid (ALA) might lead to fatigue, muscle pain, and nerve issues like tingling or numbness. It may also cause cognitive trouble, skin issues, and increased inflammation. Since ALA helps control blood sugar, a deficiency could impair glucose metabolism. Low ALA levels can result in more oxidative stress, leaving the body weak against damage.
What are some natural sources of Organic alpha lipoic acid?
 Animal-based products like red meat and organ meats are great sources of organic alpha lipoic acid, and plant-based foods like broccoli, tomatoes, spinach, and Brussels sprouts also contain it. But natural supplements can pack up to 1,000 times more alpha-lipoic acid than food sources.
Who should not be consuming alpha lipoic acid supplement 
Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) must be avoided by people who have thyroid issues, diabetes or hypoglycemia, and also those consuming blood-thinning medications. It may also cause problems for those with sulfur allergies, liver disease, or who are about to undergo surgery. People with a history of low blood pressure should also be cautious, as ALA may lower blood pressure further. Always consult a healthcare provider before taking ALA, especially if you have any of these conditions.
One thing every person should keep in mind is to never rely on self-diagnoses to start taking any supplements. A general practitioner has acquired enough knowledge and is well aware about the fact that whether or not you need any sort of supplements. What feels minor can sometimes lead to a serious concern, never compromise on your health. always check certifications and ingredients before you buy a supplement to ensure the authenticity of the product, and avoid them if you have any allergies to any specific ingredients.
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cleverhottubmiracle · 20 days ago
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Amy Schumer is getting candid about her unpleasant experience on the weight loss drug Ozempic. The comedian and actress, 43, recently revealed that she quickly lost 30 pounds. However, the side effects were unbearable and ultimately forced her to stop using it. While many people see positive results on GLP-1 medications, others like Schumer experience severe side effects. We spoke with healthcare professionals to break down how common these reactions are, who might want to avoid GLP-1 drugs and how to minimize side effects if you do take it. Amy Schumer’s experience on the weight loss drug Ozempic  Schumer first revealed her struggles with Ozempic in June 2023. She explained that the side effects left her unable to play with her son. “I was so skinny, and he’s throwing a ball at me and [I couldn’t play],” she said on Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen. During a January 29 appearance on The Howard Stern Show, Schumer elaborated on how while the weight loss results were impressive, Ozempic made her so sick that she felt like she was “shriveling away.” “I lost 30 pounds so quick. I looked great, but I couldn’t lift my head off the pillow. So what’s the point?” she said. “I was bedridden. I was like, vomiting—and then you have no energy.” She ultimately quit the GLP-1 drug. Schumer also speculated that her extreme nausea resulted from a genetic predisposition. “I have this gene, GDF15, which makes you extremely prone to nausea, which is why I was so sick during my pregnancy,” she said. How common are severe side effects from Ozempic? Ozempic (semaglutide) is FDA-approved for type 2 diabetes but is widely used off-label for weight loss. “Nausea is one of the most frequently reported side effects of Ozempic and other GLP-1 receptor agonists,” says Jennifer Habashy, NMD, MS, Assistant Medical Director at Claya. It occurs in roughly 20 to 45 percent of patients, she continues, especially at the beginning of treatment or during dosage increases. Other common side effects include vomiting, constipation and diarrhea.  Many users experience mild discomfort that subsides over time. “Severe negative side effects are rare, around 4 percent with Ozempic or Wegovy and less than that with Zepbound,” says Eleanor Yusupov, DO, Assistant Professor at NYIT College Of Osteopathic Medicine. In these cases, extreme reactions may lead to malnutrition, dehydration or overall intolerance, according to Dr. Habashy. Others, like Schumer, may have a heightened sensitivity to GLP-1 weight loss drugs due to genetic factors. “The GDF15 protein that Schumer mentioned, is produced by different cells in the body. [It] plays a role in nausea and vomiting during pregnancy and other conditions,” says Dr. Yusupov.  However, this shouldn’t be cause for alarm for most GLP-1 users. “No genetic testing is recommended before starting weight loss medications,” she clarifies.  Who should avoid GLP-1 medications like Ozempic? “For most people, Ozempic and Wegovy are considered safe when prescribed and monitored by a healthcare provider,” says Dr. Habashy. However, you should always consult with your doctor if you have any concerns or are experiencing severe side effects.  “I recommend that people let their doctor know if they ever have serious stomach, pancreas, kidney or gallbladder problems,” says Dr. Yusupov. “GLP1 medications are not for people planning a pregnancy or those with a history of thyroid cancer.”  Additionally, she encourages sharing any upcoming surgery or procedures, which may warrant certain precautions.  How to reduce the risk of side effects on Ozempic  “To minimize side effects, it is best to start with the lowest dose and gradually increase as tolerated,” advises Dr. Habashy. This helps your body adjust to the medication.  “Taking the injection on a full stomach, staying hydrated and eating smaller, more frequent meals can help manage nausea,” adds Dr. Habashy. Water, in particular, can support digestion. You should also try to avoid fried or fatty foods, as well as eating within three to four hours of sleeping, adds Dr. Yusupov. Remember that, unlike Schumer, most patients experience only mild gastrointestinal symptoms. You can manage these over time. “If symptoms persist despite dietary and lifestyle modifications or become severe, medication needs to be stopped,” says Dr. Yusupov. Schumer’s take on weight loss drugs in Hollywood Schumer has been vocal about celebrities hiding their use of Ozempic for weight loss. “Everyone has been lying saying, ‘Oh, smaller portions.’ Like, shut the f— up. You are on Ozempic or one of those things or you got work done,” she said.  The Life & Beth star noted that she’s always been transparent about her health choices, including previously undergoing liposuction. But when it comes to lasting weight loss results, are GLP-1 medications or lifestyle changes more important? “Making lifestyle changes is crucial whether or not people take weight loss medications,” says Dr. Yusupov. “GLP1 medications are highly effective. However, when they are stopped, people will have the best chance to keep the weight off if they have built healthy habits.” This includes managed stress, adequate sleep, a nutritious diet and an active lifestyle.  “Studies show that individuals who rely solely on medication often regain weight once they stop treatment, whereas those who incorporate lasting dietary and exercise habits are more likely to maintain their results,” adds Dr. Habashy.  While Schumer ultimately stopped taking Ozempic due to side effects, the medication continues to be a popular and effective weight-loss tool for many. If you’re considering taking it, talk to your doctor to better understand the potential risks and find the best approach for you. This content is not a substitute for professional medical advice or diagnosis. Always consult your physician before pursuing any treatment plan. Source link
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norajworld · 20 days ago
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Amy Schumer is getting candid about her unpleasant experience on the weight loss drug Ozempic. The comedian and actress, 43, recently revealed that she quickly lost 30 pounds. However, the side effects were unbearable and ultimately forced her to stop using it. While many people see positive results on GLP-1 medications, others like Schumer experience severe side effects. We spoke with healthcare professionals to break down how common these reactions are, who might want to avoid GLP-1 drugs and how to minimize side effects if you do take it. Amy Schumer’s experience on the weight loss drug Ozempic  Schumer first revealed her struggles with Ozempic in June 2023. She explained that the side effects left her unable to play with her son. “I was so skinny, and he’s throwing a ball at me and [I couldn’t play],” she said on Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen. During a January 29 appearance on The Howard Stern Show, Schumer elaborated on how while the weight loss results were impressive, Ozempic made her so sick that she felt like she was “shriveling away.” “I lost 30 pounds so quick. I looked great, but I couldn’t lift my head off the pillow. So what’s the point?” she said. “I was bedridden. I was like, vomiting—and then you have no energy.” She ultimately quit the GLP-1 drug. Schumer also speculated that her extreme nausea resulted from a genetic predisposition. “I have this gene, GDF15, which makes you extremely prone to nausea, which is why I was so sick during my pregnancy,” she said. How common are severe side effects from Ozempic? Ozempic (semaglutide) is FDA-approved for type 2 diabetes but is widely used off-label for weight loss. “Nausea is one of the most frequently reported side effects of Ozempic and other GLP-1 receptor agonists,” says Jennifer Habashy, NMD, MS, Assistant Medical Director at Claya. It occurs in roughly 20 to 45 percent of patients, she continues, especially at the beginning of treatment or during dosage increases. Other common side effects include vomiting, constipation and diarrhea.  Many users experience mild discomfort that subsides over time. “Severe negative side effects are rare, around 4 percent with Ozempic or Wegovy and less than that with Zepbound,” says Eleanor Yusupov, DO, Assistant Professor at NYIT College Of Osteopathic Medicine. In these cases, extreme reactions may lead to malnutrition, dehydration or overall intolerance, according to Dr. Habashy. Others, like Schumer, may have a heightened sensitivity to GLP-1 weight loss drugs due to genetic factors. “The GDF15 protein that Schumer mentioned, is produced by different cells in the body. [It] plays a role in nausea and vomiting during pregnancy and other conditions,” says Dr. Yusupov.  However, this shouldn’t be cause for alarm for most GLP-1 users. “No genetic testing is recommended before starting weight loss medications,” she clarifies.  Who should avoid GLP-1 medications like Ozempic? “For most people, Ozempic and Wegovy are considered safe when prescribed and monitored by a healthcare provider,” says Dr. Habashy. However, you should always consult with your doctor if you have any concerns or are experiencing severe side effects.  “I recommend that people let their doctor know if they ever have serious stomach, pancreas, kidney or gallbladder problems,” says Dr. Yusupov. “GLP1 medications are not for people planning a pregnancy or those with a history of thyroid cancer.”  Additionally, she encourages sharing any upcoming surgery or procedures, which may warrant certain precautions.  How to reduce the risk of side effects on Ozempic  “To minimize side effects, it is best to start with the lowest dose and gradually increase as tolerated,” advises Dr. Habashy. This helps your body adjust to the medication.  “Taking the injection on a full stomach, staying hydrated and eating smaller, more frequent meals can help manage nausea,” adds Dr. Habashy. Water, in particular, can support digestion. You should also try to avoid fried or fatty foods, as well as eating within three to four hours of sleeping, adds Dr. Yusupov. Remember that, unlike Schumer, most patients experience only mild gastrointestinal symptoms. You can manage these over time. “If symptoms persist despite dietary and lifestyle modifications or become severe, medication needs to be stopped,” says Dr. Yusupov. Schumer’s take on weight loss drugs in Hollywood Schumer has been vocal about celebrities hiding their use of Ozempic for weight loss. “Everyone has been lying saying, ‘Oh, smaller portions.’ Like, shut the f— up. You are on Ozempic or one of those things or you got work done,” she said.  The Life & Beth star noted that she’s always been transparent about her health choices, including previously undergoing liposuction. But when it comes to lasting weight loss results, are GLP-1 medications or lifestyle changes more important? “Making lifestyle changes is crucial whether or not people take weight loss medications,” says Dr. Yusupov. “GLP1 medications are highly effective. However, when they are stopped, people will have the best chance to keep the weight off if they have built healthy habits.” This includes managed stress, adequate sleep, a nutritious diet and an active lifestyle.  “Studies show that individuals who rely solely on medication often regain weight once they stop treatment, whereas those who incorporate lasting dietary and exercise habits are more likely to maintain their results,” adds Dr. Habashy.  While Schumer ultimately stopped taking Ozempic due to side effects, the medication continues to be a popular and effective weight-loss tool for many. If you’re considering taking it, talk to your doctor to better understand the potential risks and find the best approach for you. This content is not a substitute for professional medical advice or diagnosis. Always consult your physician before pursuing any treatment plan. Source link
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ellajme0 · 20 days ago
Tumblr media
Amy Schumer is getting candid about her unpleasant experience on the weight loss drug Ozempic. The comedian and actress, 43, recently revealed that she quickly lost 30 pounds. However, the side effects were unbearable and ultimately forced her to stop using it. While many people see positive results on GLP-1 medications, others like Schumer experience severe side effects. We spoke with healthcare professionals to break down how common these reactions are, who might want to avoid GLP-1 drugs and how to minimize side effects if you do take it. Amy Schumer’s experience on the weight loss drug Ozempic  Schumer first revealed her struggles with Ozempic in June 2023. She explained that the side effects left her unable to play with her son. “I was so skinny, and he’s throwing a ball at me and [I couldn’t play],” she said on Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen. During a January 29 appearance on The Howard Stern Show, Schumer elaborated on how while the weight loss results were impressive, Ozempic made her so sick that she felt like she was “shriveling away.” “I lost 30 pounds so quick. I looked great, but I couldn’t lift my head off the pillow. So what’s the point?” she said. “I was bedridden. I was like, vomiting—and then you have no energy.” She ultimately quit the GLP-1 drug. Schumer also speculated that her extreme nausea resulted from a genetic predisposition. “I have this gene, GDF15, which makes you extremely prone to nausea, which is why I was so sick during my pregnancy,” she said. How common are severe side effects from Ozempic? Ozempic (semaglutide) is FDA-approved for type 2 diabetes but is widely used off-label for weight loss. “Nausea is one of the most frequently reported side effects of Ozempic and other GLP-1 receptor agonists,” says Jennifer Habashy, NMD, MS, Assistant Medical Director at Claya. It occurs in roughly 20 to 45 percent of patients, she continues, especially at the beginning of treatment or during dosage increases. Other common side effects include vomiting, constipation and diarrhea.  Many users experience mild discomfort that subsides over time. “Severe negative side effects are rare, around 4 percent with Ozempic or Wegovy and less than that with Zepbound,” says Eleanor Yusupov, DO, Assistant Professor at NYIT College Of Osteopathic Medicine. In these cases, extreme reactions may lead to malnutrition, dehydration or overall intolerance, according to Dr. Habashy. Others, like Schumer, may have a heightened sensitivity to GLP-1 weight loss drugs due to genetic factors. “The GDF15 protein that Schumer mentioned, is produced by different cells in the body. [It] plays a role in nausea and vomiting during pregnancy and other conditions,” says Dr. Yusupov.  However, this shouldn’t be cause for alarm for most GLP-1 users. “No genetic testing is recommended before starting weight loss medications,” she clarifies.  Who should avoid GLP-1 medications like Ozempic? “For most people, Ozempic and Wegovy are considered safe when prescribed and monitored by a healthcare provider,” says Dr. Habashy. However, you should always consult with your doctor if you have any concerns or are experiencing severe side effects.  “I recommend that people let their doctor know if they ever have serious stomach, pancreas, kidney or gallbladder problems,” says Dr. Yusupov. “GLP1 medications are not for people planning a pregnancy or those with a history of thyroid cancer.”  Additionally, she encourages sharing any upcoming surgery or procedures, which may warrant certain precautions.  How to reduce the risk of side effects on Ozempic  “To minimize side effects, it is best to start with the lowest dose and gradually increase as tolerated,” advises Dr. Habashy. This helps your body adjust to the medication.  “Taking the injection on a full stomach, staying hydrated and eating smaller, more frequent meals can help manage nausea,” adds Dr. Habashy. Water, in particular, can support digestion. You should also try to avoid fried or fatty foods, as well as eating within three to four hours of sleeping, adds Dr. Yusupov. Remember that, unlike Schumer, most patients experience only mild gastrointestinal symptoms. You can manage these over time. “If symptoms persist despite dietary and lifestyle modifications or become severe, medication needs to be stopped,” says Dr. Yusupov. Schumer’s take on weight loss drugs in Hollywood Schumer has been vocal about celebrities hiding their use of Ozempic for weight loss. “Everyone has been lying saying, ‘Oh, smaller portions.’ Like, shut the f— up. You are on Ozempic or one of those things or you got work done,” she said.  The Life & Beth star noted that she’s always been transparent about her health choices, including previously undergoing liposuction. But when it comes to lasting weight loss results, are GLP-1 medications or lifestyle changes more important? “Making lifestyle changes is crucial whether or not people take weight loss medications,” says Dr. Yusupov. “GLP1 medications are highly effective. However, when they are stopped, people will have the best chance to keep the weight off if they have built healthy habits.” This includes managed stress, adequate sleep, a nutritious diet and an active lifestyle.  “Studies show that individuals who rely solely on medication often regain weight once they stop treatment, whereas those who incorporate lasting dietary and exercise habits are more likely to maintain their results,” adds Dr. Habashy.  While Schumer ultimately stopped taking Ozempic due to side effects, the medication continues to be a popular and effective weight-loss tool for many. If you’re considering taking it, talk to your doctor to better understand the potential risks and find the best approach for you. This content is not a substitute for professional medical advice or diagnosis. Always consult your physician before pursuing any treatment plan. Source link
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chilimili212 · 20 days ago
Tumblr media
Amy Schumer is getting candid about her unpleasant experience on the weight loss drug Ozempic. The comedian and actress, 43, recently revealed that she quickly lost 30 pounds. However, the side effects were unbearable and ultimately forced her to stop using it. While many people see positive results on GLP-1 medications, others like Schumer experience severe side effects. We spoke with healthcare professionals to break down how common these reactions are, who might want to avoid GLP-1 drugs and how to minimize side effects if you do take it. Amy Schumer’s experience on the weight loss drug Ozempic  Schumer first revealed her struggles with Ozempic in June 2023. She explained that the side effects left her unable to play with her son. “I was so skinny, and he’s throwing a ball at me and [I couldn’t play],” she said on Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen. During a January 29 appearance on The Howard Stern Show, Schumer elaborated on how while the weight loss results were impressive, Ozempic made her so sick that she felt like she was “shriveling away.” “I lost 30 pounds so quick. I looked great, but I couldn’t lift my head off the pillow. So what’s the point?” she said. “I was bedridden. I was like, vomiting—and then you have no energy.” She ultimately quit the GLP-1 drug. Schumer also speculated that her extreme nausea resulted from a genetic predisposition. “I have this gene, GDF15, which makes you extremely prone to nausea, which is why I was so sick during my pregnancy,” she said. How common are severe side effects from Ozempic? Ozempic (semaglutide) is FDA-approved for type 2 diabetes but is widely used off-label for weight loss. “Nausea is one of the most frequently reported side effects of Ozempic and other GLP-1 receptor agonists,” says Jennifer Habashy, NMD, MS, Assistant Medical Director at Claya. It occurs in roughly 20 to 45 percent of patients, she continues, especially at the beginning of treatment or during dosage increases. Other common side effects include vomiting, constipation and diarrhea.  Many users experience mild discomfort that subsides over time. “Severe negative side effects are rare, around 4 percent with Ozempic or Wegovy and less than that with Zepbound,” says Eleanor Yusupov, DO, Assistant Professor at NYIT College Of Osteopathic Medicine. In these cases, extreme reactions may lead to malnutrition, dehydration or overall intolerance, according to Dr. Habashy. Others, like Schumer, may have a heightened sensitivity to GLP-1 weight loss drugs due to genetic factors. “The GDF15 protein that Schumer mentioned, is produced by different cells in the body. [It] plays a role in nausea and vomiting during pregnancy and other conditions,” says Dr. Yusupov.  However, this shouldn’t be cause for alarm for most GLP-1 users. “No genetic testing is recommended before starting weight loss medications,” she clarifies.  Who should avoid GLP-1 medications like Ozempic? “For most people, Ozempic and Wegovy are considered safe when prescribed and monitored by a healthcare provider,” says Dr. Habashy. However, you should always consult with your doctor if you have any concerns or are experiencing severe side effects.  “I recommend that people let their doctor know if they ever have serious stomach, pancreas, kidney or gallbladder problems,” says Dr. Yusupov. “GLP1 medications are not for people planning a pregnancy or those with a history of thyroid cancer.”  Additionally, she encourages sharing any upcoming surgery or procedures, which may warrant certain precautions.  How to reduce the risk of side effects on Ozempic  “To minimize side effects, it is best to start with the lowest dose and gradually increase as tolerated,” advises Dr. Habashy. This helps your body adjust to the medication.  “Taking the injection on a full stomach, staying hydrated and eating smaller, more frequent meals can help manage nausea,” adds Dr. Habashy. Water, in particular, can support digestion. You should also try to avoid fried or fatty foods, as well as eating within three to four hours of sleeping, adds Dr. Yusupov. Remember that, unlike Schumer, most patients experience only mild gastrointestinal symptoms. You can manage these over time. “If symptoms persist despite dietary and lifestyle modifications or become severe, medication needs to be stopped,” says Dr. Yusupov. Schumer’s take on weight loss drugs in Hollywood Schumer has been vocal about celebrities hiding their use of Ozempic for weight loss. “Everyone has been lying saying, ‘Oh, smaller portions.’ Like, shut the f— up. You are on Ozempic or one of those things or you got work done,” she said.  The Life & Beth star noted that she’s always been transparent about her health choices, including previously undergoing liposuction. But when it comes to lasting weight loss results, are GLP-1 medications or lifestyle changes more important? “Making lifestyle changes is crucial whether or not people take weight loss medications,” says Dr. Yusupov. “GLP1 medications are highly effective. However, when they are stopped, people will have the best chance to keep the weight off if they have built healthy habits.” This includes managed stress, adequate sleep, a nutritious diet and an active lifestyle.  “Studies show that individuals who rely solely on medication often regain weight once they stop treatment, whereas those who incorporate lasting dietary and exercise habits are more likely to maintain their results,” adds Dr. Habashy.  While Schumer ultimately stopped taking Ozempic due to side effects, the medication continues to be a popular and effective weight-loss tool for many. If you’re considering taking it, talk to your doctor to better understand the potential risks and find the best approach for you. This content is not a substitute for professional medical advice or diagnosis. Always consult your physician before pursuing any treatment plan. Source link
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oliviajoyice21 · 20 days ago
Tumblr media
Amy Schumer is getting candid about her unpleasant experience on the weight loss drug Ozempic. The comedian and actress, 43, recently revealed that she quickly lost 30 pounds. However, the side effects were unbearable and ultimately forced her to stop using it. While many people see positive results on GLP-1 medications, others like Schumer experience severe side effects. We spoke with healthcare professionals to break down how common these reactions are, who might want to avoid GLP-1 drugs and how to minimize side effects if you do take it. Amy Schumer’s experience on the weight loss drug Ozempic  Schumer first revealed her struggles with Ozempic in June 2023. She explained that the side effects left her unable to play with her son. “I was so skinny, and he’s throwing a ball at me and [I couldn’t play],” she said on Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen. During a January 29 appearance on The Howard Stern Show, Schumer elaborated on how while the weight loss results were impressive, Ozempic made her so sick that she felt like she was “shriveling away.” “I lost 30 pounds so quick. I looked great, but I couldn’t lift my head off the pillow. So what’s the point?” she said. “I was bedridden. I was like, vomiting—and then you have no energy.” She ultimately quit the GLP-1 drug. Schumer also speculated that her extreme nausea resulted from a genetic predisposition. “I have this gene, GDF15, which makes you extremely prone to nausea, which is why I was so sick during my pregnancy,” she said. How common are severe side effects from Ozempic? Ozempic (semaglutide) is FDA-approved for type 2 diabetes but is widely used off-label for weight loss. “Nausea is one of the most frequently reported side effects of Ozempic and other GLP-1 receptor agonists,” says Jennifer Habashy, NMD, MS, Assistant Medical Director at Claya. It occurs in roughly 20 to 45 percent of patients, she continues, especially at the beginning of treatment or during dosage increases. Other common side effects include vomiting, constipation and diarrhea.  Many users experience mild discomfort that subsides over time. “Severe negative side effects are rare, around 4 percent with Ozempic or Wegovy and less than that with Zepbound,” says Eleanor Yusupov, DO, Assistant Professor at NYIT College Of Osteopathic Medicine. In these cases, extreme reactions may lead to malnutrition, dehydration or overall intolerance, according to Dr. Habashy. Others, like Schumer, may have a heightened sensitivity to GLP-1 weight loss drugs due to genetic factors. “The GDF15 protein that Schumer mentioned, is produced by different cells in the body. [It] plays a role in nausea and vomiting during pregnancy and other conditions,” says Dr. Yusupov.  However, this shouldn’t be cause for alarm for most GLP-1 users. “No genetic testing is recommended before starting weight loss medications,” she clarifies.  Who should avoid GLP-1 medications like Ozempic? “For most people, Ozempic and Wegovy are considered safe when prescribed and monitored by a healthcare provider,” says Dr. Habashy. However, you should always consult with your doctor if you have any concerns or are experiencing severe side effects.  “I recommend that people let their doctor know if they ever have serious stomach, pancreas, kidney or gallbladder problems,” says Dr. Yusupov. “GLP1 medications are not for people planning a pregnancy or those with a history of thyroid cancer.”  Additionally, she encourages sharing any upcoming surgery or procedures, which may warrant certain precautions.  How to reduce the risk of side effects on Ozempic  “To minimize side effects, it is best to start with the lowest dose and gradually increase as tolerated,” advises Dr. Habashy. This helps your body adjust to the medication.  “Taking the injection on a full stomach, staying hydrated and eating smaller, more frequent meals can help manage nausea,” adds Dr. Habashy. Water, in particular, can support digestion. You should also try to avoid fried or fatty foods, as well as eating within three to four hours of sleeping, adds Dr. Yusupov. Remember that, unlike Schumer, most patients experience only mild gastrointestinal symptoms. You can manage these over time. “If symptoms persist despite dietary and lifestyle modifications or become severe, medication needs to be stopped,” says Dr. Yusupov. Schumer’s take on weight loss drugs in Hollywood Schumer has been vocal about celebrities hiding their use of Ozempic for weight loss. “Everyone has been lying saying, ‘Oh, smaller portions.’ Like, shut the f— up. You are on Ozempic or one of those things or you got work done,” she said.  The Life & Beth star noted that she’s always been transparent about her health choices, including previously undergoing liposuction. But when it comes to lasting weight loss results, are GLP-1 medications or lifestyle changes more important? “Making lifestyle changes is crucial whether or not people take weight loss medications,” says Dr. Yusupov. “GLP1 medications are highly effective. However, when they are stopped, people will have the best chance to keep the weight off if they have built healthy habits.” This includes managed stress, adequate sleep, a nutritious diet and an active lifestyle.  “Studies show that individuals who rely solely on medication often regain weight once they stop treatment, whereas those who incorporate lasting dietary and exercise habits are more likely to maintain their results,” adds Dr. Habashy.  While Schumer ultimately stopped taking Ozempic due to side effects, the medication continues to be a popular and effective weight-loss tool for many. If you’re considering taking it, talk to your doctor to better understand the potential risks and find the best approach for you. This content is not a substitute for professional medical advice or diagnosis. Always consult your physician before pursuing any treatment plan. Source link
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cvithyroidcenter · 25 days ago
How to Reduce Thyroid Goiter Naturally and Medically
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A thyroid goiter is an odd growth of the thyroid gland, a touch organ at the base of your neck that resembles a butterfly. Hormonal abnormalities, autoimmune illnesses, or iodine deficiencies can all cause this example. Thyroid goiter can cause pain, swallowing problems, or aesthetic problems, but a few cases are slight and asymptomatic. Effective manipulation of thyroid goiter requires expertise to have remedy options, irrespective of the underlying etiology of the problem. We'll study every medicinal and natural strategies to lessen thyroid goiter in this put up.
Understanding Thyroid Goiter
Before diving into remedy techniques, it’s important to understand what reasons a thyroid goiter. Some common elements consist of:
Iodine Deficiency: Iodine is crucial for thyroid hormone production. A lack of iodine in the food plan can purpose the thyroid gland to enlarge in an try to lure greater iodine from the bloodstream.
Graves' Disease: An autoimmune circumstance that reasons the thyroid to overproduce hormones (hyperthyroidism), often leading to goiter.
Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis: Another autoimmune circumstance where the thyroid is underactive (hypothyroidism), prompting enlargement due to inflammation.
Nodules: Growths or lumps inside the thyroid can also result in an enlarged gland.
Thyroid Cancer: Although uncommon, cancerous growths can reason a thyroid goiter.
Hormonal Changes: Factors like being pregnant and menopause can have an effect on thyroid size because of fluctuations in hormone tiers.
Understanding the underlying reason is prime to determining the maximum suitable thyroid goiter remedy.
Natural Ways to Reduce Thyroid Goiter
For those in search of herbal methods, lifestyle and nutritional modifications can play a tremendous role in managing thyroid goiter.
1. Optimize Iodine Intake
Since iodine deficiency is a not unusual cause of thyroid goiter, making sure good enough iodine consumption is vital. Natural sources of iodine encompass:
Iodized salt
Seaweed (kelp, nori, wakame)
Fish and shellfish
Dairy merchandise
However, immoderate iodine intake can get worse sure thyroid situations, consisting of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis or Graves' disorder. It’s nice to seek advice from a healthcare provider to determine the proper amount for you.
2. Incorporate Selenium-Rich Foods
Selenium is some other important nutrient for thyroid health. It allows lessen inflammation and helps thyroid hormone metabolism. Selenium-wealthy ingredients consist of:
Brazil nuts
Sunflower seeds
3. Avoid Goitrogens
Goitrogens are substances which can intervene with thyroid characteristic and make a contribution to goiter improvement. Foods high in goitrogens consist of:
Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts)
Soy merchandise (tofu, soy milk, edamame)
While these foods are healthful, cooking them can lessen their goitrogenic results.
4. Manage Stress
Chronic strain can have an effect on hormone degrees and exacerbate thyroid situations. Incorporating stress-decreasing practices which include yoga, meditation, and deep breathing physical activities can help thyroid health.
5. Herbal Remedies
Some herbs are believed to guide thyroid function, inclusive of:
Ashwagandha: Known for its adaptogenic properties, it could assist adjust thyroid hormone tiers.
Bladderwrack: A type of seaweed excessive in iodine which can benefit iodine-poor individuals.
Bugleweed: Often used to control hyperthyroidism signs.
Always consult a healthcare issuer earlier than beginning natural remedies to keep away from interactions or aspect outcomes.
Medical Approaches to Thyroid Goiter Treatment
While natural remedies can be useful, scientific treatments are often important for dealing with moderate to extreme cases of thyroid goiter. These remedies deal with the underlying reason and alleviate signs.
1. Medications
Medications are a not unusual first-line method for thyroid goiter treatment. These might also include:
Levothyroxine: For goiters because of hypothyroidism, this artificial thyroid hormone enables reduce the gland.
Anti-thyroid Medications: Drugs like methimazole or propylthiouracil are used to control hyperthyroidism and decrease goiter length.
2. Radioactive Iodine Therapy
For individuals with hyperthyroidism or nodular goiter, radioactive iodine therapy is an effective alternative. This treatment involves consuming a radioactive iodine pill, which is absorbed by using the thyroid gland, shrinking it over time.
3. Surgery (Thyroidectomy)
Surgical elimination of component or all the thyroid gland can be essential in instances in which:
The goiter is large and inflicting significant symptoms (e.G., difficulty swallowing or respiratory).
Suspicion of thyroid cancer exists.
Other treatments have did not reduce the goiter.
A thyroidectomy is a everlasting solution however may additionally require lifelong hormone replacement therapy.
4. Monitoring
In instances where the goiter is small and not inflicting symptoms, a “watch-and-wait” method can be advocated. Regular tracking ensures any adjustments in size or feature are addressed directly.
Combining Natural and Medical Treatments
For finest effects, an aggregate of herbal and clinical approaches may be the satisfactory strategy for thyroid goiter treatment. For instance:
Addressing iodine deficiency with nutritional adjustments whilst taking prescribed medicines.
Incorporating strain management strategies alongside radioactive iodine therapy.
Using herbal dietary supplements along with levothyroxine (under scientific supervision).
Collaboration with healthcare vendors ensures that treatments are tailored in your precise desires and underlying situation.
When to See a Doctor
While some thyroid goiters can be controlled certainly, it’s vital to seek scientific recommendation if you experience:
Rapid growth of the goiter
Difficulty swallowing or respiration
Persistent hoarseness
Symptoms of hyperthyroidism (e.G., speedy heartbeat, weight reduction) or hypothyroidism (e.G., fatigue, weight advantage)
Early analysis and remedy can prevent complications and enhance consequences.
Thyroid goiter remedy encompasses a variety of herbal and scientific procedures designed to address the underlying purpose and alleviate symptoms. Whether through nutritional modifications, stress control, or scientific interventions like medications and surgical operation, the key is to increase a customized plan with the help of a healthcare provider. By know-how your circumstance and exploring all available alternatives, you could correctly lessen thyroid goiter and preserve most suitable thyroid fitness.
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trickyu12 · 1 month ago
Dog Daily Calorie Intake: The Ultimate Guide to Your Dog's Nutritional Needs
Ensuring your dog gets the right amount of calories is essential for their health and well-being. Whether you're caring for a playful puppy or an aging senior dog, understanding daily calorie intake is vital. This guide will walk you through the factors that affect your dog's calorie needs and help you calculate the right portion sizes for your furry friend.
Why Is Knowing Your Dog's Daily Calorie Intake Important?
Proper calorie management directly influences your dog’s health. Feeding your dog too little can lead to malnutrition, while overfeeding can contribute to obesity, which increases the risk of numerous health issues. Finding the right balance is key to keeping your dog at a healthy weight and ensuring they have the energy they need to thrive.
Factors Influencing Your Dog’s Calorie Needs
Every dog is unique, and their calorie needs depend on various factors, including their age, size, breed, activity level, and overall health. Let's explore each one in detail:
1. Age
Puppies and senior dogs have different nutritional requirements compared to adults. Puppies need more calories for growth and development, while senior dogs generally require fewer calories due to a slower metabolism. Adjusting the calorie intake based on age is crucial for maintaining optimal health at every stage of life.
2. Size and Breed
Larger breeds typically need more calories to sustain their body size and muscle mass, while smaller breeds may have higher metabolism rates and require smaller, more frequent meals. Additionally, certain breeds are more prone to obesity and may need their calorie intake carefully monitored to maintain a healthy weight.
3. Activity Level
An active dog, such as one that participates in regular exercise or has a job (like a working dog), will need more calories than a sedentary dog. If your dog spends most of their time lounging indoors, their calorie needs will be lower. Monitoring activity levels is an important part of adjusting daily calorie intake.
4. Health Status
Dogs with certain health conditions, such as obesity, diabetes, or thyroid problems, may have altered calorie requirements. Always consult with a veterinarian to determine the appropriate amount of calories based on your dog's health condition.
How to Calculate Your Dog’s Daily Calorie Intake
Now that you understand the factors that affect calorie intake, it's time to calculate the daily calories your dog needs. The two primary calculations for estimating calorie needs are the Resting Energy Requirement (RER) and the Maintenance Energy Requirement (MER).
Resting Energy Requirement (RER)
RER is the number of calories your dog needs at rest to maintain normal bodily functions like breathing and digestion. The formula for calculating RER is:
RER = 70 x (Body Weight in kg) ^ 0.75
Maintenance Energy Requirement (MER)
MER is the total number of calories your dog needs based on activity level and other factors. To calculate MER, you multiply RER by an activity factor:
Sedentary (little or no exercise): RER x 1.2
Moderate Activity: RER x 1.5
Active (working dogs): RER x 2.0 or more
For example, if your dog weighs 10 kg, the RER would be:
RER = 70 x (10) ^ 0.75 = 70 x 5.62 = 393.4 kcal/day
If your dog is moderately active, their MER would be:
MER = 393.4 kcal x 1.5 = 590 kcal/day
Choosing the Right Dog Food
Once you've calculated your dog's daily calorie requirements, the next step is choosing the right food. Look for dog food that meets the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) nutritional standards. These foods are balanced and ensure your dog is getting the right amount of nutrients, including proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals.
1. Quality Ingredients
Select dog food made with high-quality proteins (like chicken, beef, or fish), healthy fats (such as omega-3 fatty acids), and digestible carbohydrates. Avoid food with excessive fillers or artificial additives that may harm your dog’s digestive system.
2. Special Dietary Needs
If your dog has allergies, food sensitivities, or medical conditions, it’s important to choose food that caters to those needs. For instance, dogs with sensitive stomachs may benefit from food with limited ingredients or hypoallergenic formulas.
Monitoring and Adjusting Calorie Intake
Regularly monitor your dog’s weight and adjust their calorie intake as needed. Weigh your dog every few weeks and assess their body condition. If they’re gaining weight, reduce the portion size, and if they’re losing weight, increase their food intake.
Common Mistakes to Avoid
Feeding your dog the wrong amount of calories can lead to problems, such as obesity or malnutrition. Here are some common mistakes to avoid:
Overfeeding: It’s easy to overfeed your dog, especially with treats or table scraps. Stick to recommended portion sizes.
Underfeeding: Cutting back too much on food can result in malnutrition, especially if your dog is growing or has increased activity levels.
Ignoring Activity Level: Make sure to adjust calories based on how active your dog is. Dogs who exercise more require more food.
Understanding your dog’s daily calorie intake is vital for their overall health and longevity. By calculating their calorie needs based on factors such as age, size, and activity level, and choosing high-quality, nutritious food, you can ensure your dog remains healthy and happy. Always consult your veterinarian if you're unsure about your dog’s specific dietary needs.
If you’re looking for an easy way to estimate your dog’s daily calorie intake, use our Dog Daily Calorie Intake Calculator for quick results.
For more information, check out these resources:
Dog Diet and Calorie Requirements
Dog Food on Wikipedia
By following these guidelines, you can help your dog live a long, healthy, and active life.
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