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vanessaverse-official · 1 year ago
Announcing VanWeek2024!
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EDIT 4: I will be accepting late submissions
EDIT 1: You CAN make something in advance and then release it on the proper day. In fact, I encourage this so that you don't feel pressured to try and make something on the day it should be submitted!
Edit 2: Movie Vanessa can also be used. Also, times are in EST, but late submissions are allowed.
Edit 3: The difference between the prompts on days 6 and 7 is this-
Day 6 is "the bad thing (getting possessed) still happened but there's a happy ending"
Day 7 is "the 'getting possessed' part never happened at all and life continued as normal for Vanessa"
I, @halogenrobotics, was inspired by the recent ggyweek created by @puhpandas and with their permission have decided to make my own character week for Vanessa/Vanny!
It is going to run from April 28th to May 5th!
The rules for this week are practically identical to ggyweek for the most part. There are 2 different prompts everyday, but you DO NOT have to do them both.
In fact, you DO NOT have to try and do a prompt everyday if you do not want to. If you want to make something for just 1 day, that is perfectly fine. Feel free to do whatever you would like with the prompts. The only thing each story needs to have is Vanessa/Vanny!
This week is meant to be a fun experience for all involved, which means that works should try not to include anything considered taboo. If your work includes any phobias or extreme gore, PLEASE be sure to tag appropriately.
You are also not restricted to doing just art or writing, other mediums are allowed.
When you do make something, be sure to include the day it is for as well as whether it's for the WORD or THEME in the tags or description. This will make archival and future viewing of these works easier.
Be sure to tag your work (if possible) with "VanWeek2024" and tag this account @vanweek2024
Also try not to release whatever you've made until the respective "day" (ie release a story made for day 4 on day 4, no later, no earlier)
Any work released on AO3 will be archived on this collection as well .
However, the most important thing of all is to...
HAVE FUN!!! This whole event, like GGYWEEK, is meant to be a relaxed and enjoyable experience for everyone!
Edit 3: Credit to @theinsanefoxwriter for making the new profile image!
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cry-imbunnye · 10 months ago
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nubezumie · 2 years ago
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glitchy boi sketches
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nxghtc4f3amba55ad0rr · 11 months ago
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Day 1 (Free Space), @vanweek2024
I am way too late for this but here you go... I wonder if it's still valid.
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nadiawitch · 11 months ago
@halogenrobotics The true SB ending
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bun-z-bakery · 6 months ago
≡;- ꒰𝘚𝘵𝑎𝑟𝑠 𐒆𝑓 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑃𝑎𝑠𝘵꒱
CW: ptsd, trauma, subtle self harm
A/N: Day 1 Star - Prompt fic for vanessas birthday event by @vanessaverse-official! This will be cross posted on my ao3. Enjoy!
Fnaf Menu | Work Menu | Ao3
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Vanessa stood on the wobbly chair in the center of her dimly lit room, carefully stretching her arm upwards. The star in her hand was small, producing a faint glow. She had found a pack of glow-in-the-dark stars in the clearance bin of a craft store. Vanessa aimed to recreate a memory of the past, a memory she has clung to for many years since the day her father became the man she knew today. 
Vanessa presses the star against the ceiling then slowly moves her hand away, smiling at the newest addition that decorated her ceiling. For a second she could almost feel it again, the warmth of the campfire of that night and the sounds of the creatures that lurked within the woods. Her father laughed as she clung onto him in fear of something coming out to hurt them, but in his arms, she knew she was safe.
 However that was then, that was no longer Vanessa’s reality, She could still hear her father's laughter as they both lay on their backs, staring up at the sky scattered with stars that shined so brightly almost as if they were just for her. This was what Vanessa wanted, her happy memories back. The memories of her father, not the man she clings onto in hopes of seeing a glimpse of what he used to be. 
Satisfied with her work, Vanessa stepped down from the chair, blinking away the tears that started to swell in her eyes. She couldn't stop, not when she was almost done, the memory, her memory needed to be perfect, just like that night. 
One by one she continued placing the stars again, her fingers trembling with each one she held towards the ceiling. Her knuckles
were red from the frequent contact she made with the ceiling but she didn't care, Vanessa just wanted the comfort. In her eyes the stars were beautiful, pure, and untouched by the past that had consumed every bit of her life, maybe she could keep the stars there as a reminder of what could've been. 
Once again she steps down from the chair and admires her work. The stars that were supposed to help her reclaim her past now felt distant. Empty. 
She sniffled as she stood in silence. A few seconds went by before Vanessa's knees buckled. She sank to the floor as memories of both good and bad started to rush in, she crawled to the bag of remaining stars, and she gripped the bag causing some of the plastic stars to stab her palm. Vanessa threw the bag towards the artificial sky as she wept, the sound of plastic stars falling from her heaven landed on the ground. She takes one of the fallen stars that has now lost its shine and stares at it. 
"Just how many stars will I need to hang around me to finally call it heaven?" 
She screams as she holds herself in a vain attempt at self-soothing. She couldn't bring it back, no matter how many stars she hung, no matter how many memories she tried to recreate. Nothing she does will ever bring back the man that her father had once been.
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direlbueji · 2 years ago
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Which rabbit are you on a scale of 1 - 10?
Reference here (original work by Viscuvania)
= Follow my sites=
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pedrop-drawarts · 3 months ago
The Fox and the Rabbit 🐇🦊
Vanny/Vanessa & Glamrock Peter
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creativeaster · 2 years ago
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FNAF SB ( FNAF Fanart )
Security Breach Artworks
Top right was done with @levidrawssometimes on Instagram
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mochisbee · 1 year ago
New Icon 💖
Vanny Fnaf 🐰
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redtoondevils · 1 year ago
Cassie V.A.N.N.I Goosebumps small theory.
This theory I've been having for a while now, is reminding me of the Goosebumps theory 'The mask.' So while she put's the Mask on, she sees a digital reality, that is not real, and she sees all sorts of appiritions that are unique in it's own form. That appears real. That get's her in an insane trace of traveling through things, and sometimes hearing voices. Something like that, would definitely mess with your head. Over time.
So this get's me thinking of this theory about the mask, where a Girl named "Carly Beth." which is Ironic, because you have both protagonists with their first names starting with 'C'. Even though, their names are not spelled exactly the same, but they both wear masks, and it's corrupts them.
At first, it starts to mess with them, but then eventually starts to corrupt them. Almost turning them into the monster, that exists inside the mask. Although, Cassie's mask is a digital one. The concept of this is similar.
And it might still happen. It still depends on the outcome of this idea. But, I think that the idea would go something like this. That VANNY, Vanni. Still exists inside the mask.
And since FNAF fans has been missing her. That IF the developers were to bring her back. Is to get her to exist in her mask. But here's the catch, the concept of it, will stay the same of Cassie going into insanity.
But, the tweak of that to prevent it from happening. Is that Cassie will be met with Vanni, by doing these tasks for her. Like doing these mini games, like the Help wanted series. To prevent a corruption from happening, while making the game play more challenging to do.
And if you beat her challenges. She will disappear. And if not, then Cassie will gradually loose her sanity over time, and resulting into becoming the new Vanni.
And it would become something like a 'Bad ending.' (Personally, to me. Cassie is one of the best protagonists, who wouldn't deserve such a fate. I don't want her to turn bad.)
So, my theory is, is that the character Vanni. Does actually exist in the mask. At some point, the mask is going to start to manipulate Cassie. Just like how the mask monster was manipulating Carly Beth. And changing her mood.
Making her angry, ect. Which gets me to believe that Vanni IS her only monster. Created by an interdimensional world. Creating digital realities to corrupt people in the real world. That my own guess, assuming my take on the FNAF lore. But yeah, that one way to put it.
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vanessaverse-official · 9 months ago
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Guess what? After the unparalleled success of Vanweek2024, I have decided to hold a mini event in order to celebrate Vanessa's commonly agreed upon birthday of September 7th.
It will run from September 5th thru the 7th!
The rules for this week are practically identical to Vanweek for the most part. There are several different prompts everyday, but you DO NOT have to do them all.
In fact, you DO NOT have to try and do a prompt everyday if you do not want to. If you want to make something for just 1 day, that is perfectly fine. Feel free to do whatever you would like with the prompts. The only thing each creation needs to have is Vanessa/Vanny!
This event, like the last one, is meant to be a fun experience for all involved, which means that works should try not to include anything considered taboo. If your work includes any phobias or extreme gore, PLEASE be sure to tag appropriately.
You are also not restricted to doing just art or writing, other mediums are allowed.
When you do make something, be sure to include the day it is for as well as whether it's for the WORD or THEME in the tags or description. This will make archival and future viewing of these works easier.
Be sure to tag your work (if possible) with "vanessabirthday2024" and tag this account @vanessaverse-official
Also try not to release whatever you've made until the respective "day" (i.e. release a story made for day 2 on day 2, no later, no earlier)
Any work released on AO3 will be archived on this collection as well.
However, the most important thing of all is to...
HAVE FUN!!! Like before, the main goal of this event is to have a good time!
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cry-imbunnye · 10 months ago
So many ways to satisfy the hunger I forever feel.
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nubezumie · 2 years ago
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Vanny Sans!! spooky
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miimo96 · 1 year ago
Upload and post schedule is still a bit wonky but I'm getting better at making my poorly edited vids, and at my tase in music, anyway this took Sooo long to make, hope y'all enjoy ^^
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bun-z-bakery · 6 months ago
≡;- ꒰𝑊𝑒𝑙𝑐𝘰𝑚𝑒 𝛨𝘰𝑚𝑒!꒱
CW: pstd
A/N: Happy Birthday to our favorite girl Vanessa! A fluffy piece to end off my contribution for Vanessa's birthday bash! enjoy! ♡ Prompts I used "Birthday party, baking, hugging". by @vanessaverse-official
Fnaf menu | Works Menu | Ao3
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"You'll sleep here!" Abby exclaimed as she motioned towards her bed, making Vanessa giggle.
"Abby has been preparing for weeks," Mike added, making Vanessa smile at his little sister.
"That's very sweet of you, Abby. It'll only be for a few days," Vanessa said as Mike carefully helped her to bed. "Is there anything you—"
"Take him!" Abby offered Vanessa one of her plushies, cutting off Mike in the process.
"I just want her to feel comfortable..." Abby replied.
Vanessa enjoyed seeing the siblings' interactions, especially how much they relied on each other. She couldn't help but smile at the thought of the silly arguments they'd often have.
"Okay, you two," Vanessa said, gaining their attention. She reached out for Abby's plushie and held it in her arms.
"Thank you, Abby."
Abby hummed in response to Vanessa's gratitude. "I would love to keep this going, but I'm super tired."
"Right! We should leave ya then," Mike replied as he motioned for Abby to follow him. "Call us if you need anything!" Abby called out as they both left Vanessa to herself. Vanessa stared up at the ceiling, holding the plushie closer to her as the tears she’d been holding in now ran down her face. Even after everything, she was happy to know they still wanted her around. She drifted off to sleep with a soft smile.
"You're on cake duty!" Abby whispered as she dragged the bag of decorations that had been hidden in Mike's room. She grinned as he grabbed the box of cake mix, holding it up to read the directions. "Can't go wrong with chocolate, right?"
"Everyone loves chocolate!" Abby replied, easing her worried brother's mind a bit. Mike volunteered to take care of Vanessa once she woke up; in his mind, she didn't deserve to be alone, especially after how close the three had become.
"Right, yeah. I'm sure she'll love it." Mike smiled at Abby before they both started working on their tasks.
A few hours passed by. The siblings admired their work, high-fiving each other, satisfied with what they'd done.
"I'll go get her!" Abby whispered to Mike as she ran off, leaving Mike to add the finishing touches to the cake.
Abby knocked softly on Vanessa's door, careful not to scare her out of her sleep. "Vanessa?" she opened the door and quietly entered.
"Vanessaaaa~" Abby lightly poked her cheek, making Vanessa giggle at the small finger that woke her. "How long was I out for?" Vanessa yawned as she carefully stretched until she felt a satisfying pop in her body.
"Well, it's dinner time! Wanna join us?" Abby was practically bouncing where she stood. She knew Vanessa wouldn't say no to her, yet the suspense made her anxious.
"Of course, let's see what Mike made."
Abby took Vanessa's hand, eager but still gentle with the recovering blonde. "Come on!"
"Abby, I’m walking as fast as I can!" Vanessa giggled at the little girl's excitement. "Okay, let—" Vanessa gasped once she lifted her head, looking around at the decorations that covered the living room and the dining area.
"Guys, you didn't..."
"After finding out you'd be leaving the hospital on your birthday, we knew we had to make it special," Mike said before he blew a party horn, earning a laugh from both girls who now sat at the dinner table.
"There's cake!" Vanessa exclaimed through her tears, admiring the roughly decorated chocolate cake with a candle in the center.
"Happy birthday, Vanessa! Make a wish!" Abby exclaimed as she gently hugged Vanessa’s side before Mike made his way to her other side, giving her another gentle hug.
"Happy birthday, and welcome home," he added as Vanessa closed her eyes. For once, she realized she had found something she’d been searching for.
She blew out the candle and hugged them both.
"What did you wish for?" Abby asked, her cheerful expression contagious.
"It won't come true if she tells you, Abby," Mike added, making Abby pout.
"I didn't wish for anything," Vanessa's voice cracked as she wiped away a tear. The siblings looked at her, confused.
"Why not?" Abby asked with slight disappointment in her voice.
Vanessa smiled at her as she gently pinched Abby's cheek, making them both giggle. "Because my wish already came true," Vanessa responded, doing her best to keep her composure. She couldn't be happier with the little family she's now a part of.
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