#Flutter's Ramblings
tojisun · 22 days
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no meme, this is really just how i’d look at him too ◞‸◟
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afuntimepartyy · 17 days
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Some Shelly and flutter doodles! Tried to doodle some cosmo but it didn’t work out so, these two!!! Be expecting some responses to the characters in the inbox today! It’s headcanon day >:]….
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ameliaenya404 · 3 months
This piccrew is soo cute omg
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No pressure taggies but yall might like this 🩷🩷🩷
@dog55teeth @hollowtakami @verypomegranate @yippe3allthedamnnamesrtaken
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flowery-laser-blasts · 5 months
Me: So, you know that old show called 'Kim Possible--
Mother in Law: Oh yeah, I love Kim Possible!!!
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stormbreaker-290 · 1 month
Yall I got a moth in my room and it's just flying against my walls stupidly.
I'm just hearing a constant faint rustling of paper.
Sir please I need sleep it's too cold to drown the noise out with my fan-
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answrs · 6 months
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okay I know the immediate thought (for me, at least) was Lewis/Vivi/Arthur. which is fantastic too... but please consider my counterargument: Arthur/Lewis/Vivi
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halebobgr · 1 month
Hi, Halebob! I’ve read your ‘The Inherent Violence of Summer’ and then i fell hard in love with your babyroth. He’s so baby especially in ‘Step by Simple Step’. The way you portray him, he just a little boy, goodest cutest babyest babby boy. I want to hug him cradling him to bed, protecting him from harm and smooch baby goodnight kisses. that’s my babyson alright. Your works are too good you make me yearn for a babyroth I could never have😭
Anyways, I really love your works so much i wonder if you know any good babyroth fics you can recommend? In whatever pairings or general.
Love all your works and reeeaaaaally looking forward to next chapter of Step by simple step😉❤️ (YOUR THE DAD VINCE PLEASE TREAT BABBYROTH WELL FRom now on that you got another chance. don’t you DARE hurt baby’s little heart you goth vampire!😤)
what the hell
I don't know why, but it never crossed my mind that people from ao3 can probably just find me on other platforms too with a quick search LOL
Thank you, friend <3 I'm glad you're having fun with these silly stories I write so I don't go insane x)
As for recommendations, I will be honest, every fic I've started has been the result of me going "what the hell, how did nobody else write this already" so that is a little tricky... x) I had zero experience with writing (unless you count writing for my DnD campaign which... you shouldn't lol), just spite. "What could have been" by ToastedCatBread is awesome, so I can definitely recommend that without any hesitation though! "Raised By Wolves" by ErrantNight (who I adore and who has to sit through ALL my typos and grammar mistakes for Steps, bless their heart and soul) is also incredibly good but MUCH angstier! I'm afraid I'm more of a longfic kind of person (just look at my own stories lol) and while I'm sure there's a lot of young!Seph longfics out there, I can't quite point you to anything else right now, apologies x) Honorable and sad mention, but there was a fic (a oneshot, I believe?) I read years ago of Cloud going back in time and saving young Seph (but it was very angsty and Cloud was absolutely the wrong person for the job) but I cannot for the life of me find it again... :( As for Vincent... He's coming around, don't worry <3
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localgardenweed · 5 months
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More discord requests have summoned Vietnam, Taiwan, Denmark and Iceland to the KND. Finding founding years for these fuckers was hell and if they are totally wrong im sorry i know Viet and Taiwan are so off i couldn’t find any good source for them and UGHHH WHY INTERNET WHY I KNOW FOR A FACT THESE GUYS WERE HERE LONGER THAN 1945
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cherry-bomb-ships · 5 months
Hhhrgrg going to bed in a sec cuz I rly need to sleep but guys I love him I neeeeeed him I wanna hold him tight and let him hold ME tight and cuddle him and just be so so happy in his presence he is the moment the hour the day the heavens the earth the myth the legend he is EVERYTHING TO MEEEEEEEEEEE 💘💖💘💖💘💖💘💖💘💖💘💖💘💖💘💖💘💖💘💖💘💖💘💖💘💖💘💖💘💖💘💖💘💖💖💘
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tojisun · 11 months
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god im still thinkin about biker!simon and the helmet kiss im gonma sob i need him
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cloudcountry · 3 months
big fan of how azul saved my life and i thanked him profusely because wow are we having a moment? and this guy goes "you're so stupid why is your priority thanking me. i will need compensation for saving your life. dumbass."
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afuntimepartyy · 29 days
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Dandys world wings of fire!!! Since there’s so many in the post I’m not going into full descriptions but here they are! Def want to revise tisha a bit to give her slightly more obvious icewing traits and a wider rectangle shape. And cosmo isn’t feeling cosmo to me yet, so I’ll be revising him too but yay! (Astro will get really tiny changes probably, giving his cloak that copies his blanket a hood so he can have SOMETHING on his bald head)
Each characters and their tribes though because some of them are cut off
Sprout - Leafwing / Skywing, powerful leafspeak but no skywing abilities. Has big wings though! Currently not under dandys control
Astro - Nightwing / Seawing, born with powerful mind reading to the point of being able to go into others dreams. Animus cursed by dandy with powerful future sight with good intentions, the first to be controlled by dandys own silly version of evil leafspeak. Can’t breath underwater, can’t even breath fire! But can fully speak aquatic if he wanted to.
Dandy - Rainwing / Leafwing, born with absolutely no leafspeak and can’t spit venom but he does have full color changing abilities. Second active threat on the island, supposed to be the “friendly face” you can trust.
Vee - Hivewing / Silkwing, Hivewing stingers in tail and wrists with the abilities that comes with having silkwings antennae. Not under dandys control, but no friendly face either.
Cosmo - mudwing, distant nightwing which manifests in some star shaped patterns! Not under dandys control and is actively protected by sprout. Sprout used his animus magic once and that was to create a charm for him to makes sure dandy won’t hurt him
Tisha - Icewing / Leafwing, came to the island with teagan and was her childhood friend and maid. Originally assigned to Teagan as a dragonet to keep them company, and just sorta became her personal maid when they got older. No leafwing ability’s and is cold to the touch. Has icewings frost breath though weakened by her leafwing genes. Not under dandys control
Rodger - Nightwing with future sight, detective and came to the island to get answers. Toodles was not supposed to come with him, but she managed to sneak by and now him and toodles, teagan, and tisha are stuck on the island thanks to vee. Had an ear torn in his youth and early detective days, which is also how he got his eye scar. Not under dandys control.
Glisten - Silkwing / sandwing, pretty much all Silkwing abilities. Has a sandwing barb but it’s ineffective and small, so no sandwing scorpion action going on. Yada yada I already talked about him. His design and traits are made to mirror (heh) vee though, soooo… not under dandys control
Flutter - silkwing, just a small fat fluffy silkwing with big ol eyes. Currently under dandys control, though wasn’t drawn with that in mind (all drawings of these dragons are before things go REALLY bad so far). Overcome by flowers instead of vines.
For your patience with my rambling have some of the design processes for their shapes
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xlmibby · 3 months
a new chapter of my xiaolumi fic is now on ao3! this time it's a very summer-like beach date (with a bit of heated emotions that feel almost like roller coaster) so i hope the story will melt your heart away 🤭 please enjoy it!!! 🥰
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visdiefje · 6 months
Upstairs neighbour has been home a suspicious amount lately
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(CW for ableism, slight homophobia)
Rainbow Dash was the absolute pride and joy of her family. Ever since a young age she had been a strong flier, her proportions made her incredibly aerodynamic, and she had perfect wing ratio. For all accounts and purposes, she was the golden example of the ideal Pegasus. In her younger years, it didn’t take her long to climb the social ladder in school. She was one of the popular kids, and she knew it well. Rainbow Dash never really cared for the hierarchy Cloudsdale pushed, though. Her parents always said “any pegasus is a perfect pegasus” and she lived by that rule. Which is why, out of all her peers who mocked and shamed the short little yellow filly with small wings, she was the one to befriend her.
Rainbow Dash came to learn this little filly, Fluttershy, was one of the kindest ponies she had ever met. Flutters, as Rainbow Dash nicknamed her, made a habit of noticing the small things- the little bugs that fluttered through the sky, the shape of clouds, birds that perched on lamp posts. She had an incredible ability to pick up on Dash’s mood too, even when she thought it wasn’t obvious. She always put others before herself, even to her own detriment, and it baffled Rainbow- it baffled her how anyone could berate and belittle someone so caring over such small things.
She quickly learnt, however, she wasn’t safe from her peers scrutiny either. Rumors began to spread that Rainbow Dash was hanging with schools resident punching bag, and Rainbow quickly understood just how cruel kids can be. Three of her best friends, Hoops, Dumb-bell, and Score approached her after school one day, and promptly told her to stay away from ‘that flightless meatbag.’ That she was a ‘loser’ and ‘lazy’ and that those bad habits would rub off on Rainbow. Dash was, understandably, shocked that these friends she’d known for years, these friends so kind and caring to her, could be so harsh and cruel. Not wanting to lose such close friends, Rainbow promised she’d stay away from Fluttershy, but in reality she merely kept their friendship hidden from the public.
As Fluttershy knows all too well however, secrets can’t be kept forever- and the rumors just got worse when people discovered Rainbow Dash was hanging out with Fluttershy in secret. They claimed Fluttershy was her “filly-friend,” that Rainbow was just as much of a loser as she was, a coward and an idiot for hanging with such a low-life. This level of venom towards her punched Dash in the gut hard. She spent most of her days during those times hiding from her peers when she could, and it gave Dash a crushing glimpse into the life Fluttershy lived almost daily.
When Rainbow Dash discovered the starter of these rumors, however, she was furious.
Her closest friend, the foal she had known since flight-school, the foal she had spent her ENTIRE LIFE with- entrusted the best. Dumb-bell. HE had started the rumors.
That day she found out, she got into a massive fight with him, and had found out who he really was. She broke her friendship with him, with all his posse, and declared then and there that YES. She was Fluttershy’s friend. She would STAY her friend even if it cost her her status and she would NEVER stoop down to his level. After that she stormed away with Fluttershy, and didn’t look back when Dumb-bell called to her.
And unfortunately, her Loyalty to her friend DID cost her her status. She became the schools second punching bag, sited as the pegasus who “had it all and gave it up for literal garbage.” Rainbow was tough however, and though it hurt hearing how much everyone suddenly hated her, it fueled her to try harder, be better, PROVE that she was still the best, whether they liked it or not. And this rage and ego fueled desire to push herself beyond every limit she had would lead to her biggest regret. (Im gonna reblog this with the rest, post is getting laggy from so much text)
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weaveandwood · 4 months
Help I have three new fic ideas
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