#Fluff blurb
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daddydixonscrossbow · 3 months ago
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It was early in the morning. You hear the door open a few second after Dog jumped down off the bed.
That meant one thing - Daryl was finally home.
He had been on a run for the last two days, and you missed him like crazy. You pulled yourself out of bed, padding over to the door and walking down the steps.
Daryl looks up at you while scratching Dog’s head, “Didn’t wake ya, did i?”
You shake your head, “No. I haven’t been sleeping well since you left.”
He quietly tells Dog to get down before walking over to you, pressing his lips to his, “M’home now, go get some sleep, baby.”
You nod, yawning as you turn back around, “C’mon, Dog.”
“Go get mom. I’ll be in in a minute, boy.” Daryl motions for Dog to follow you and he does. He stands at the top of the steps, waiting for you to reach them before running in and jumping on the bed.
A little bit later, you heard the bedroom door push open and close quietly. Daryl chuckles as he sees Dog laid up under your arm and slowly climbs into the bed behind you.
“Ya asleep?” Daryl whispers as he moves to press his body against yours, his arm laying over your waist. You let out a sigh, “No, but I will be here soon.”
He plants a kiss on the back of your head, “I love you.”
You smile, turning your head so you can get a real kiss, “I love you. M’glad you’re home safe.” He nods, reaching up to brush his hand over your hair, “Me too.”
Here’s a kiss for likin’ and rebloggin’💋
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trulyy-yourzz · 1 month ago
✿fluff - b.e x reader
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I know we all need a little something to make us feel better (I'm still mourning😞), so as a fellow billie writer, and for the requests in my inbox, here you go my loves 💕 I hope you enjoyy. Mwa!
Billie sat hunched on the edge of her bed, her eyes red and puffy from crying. She had just gotten back from the Grammy Awards, seeing all her friends and peers winning awards left and right while she came away with nothing. It stung more than she ever could have imagined. And she didn't expect it to.
There was a soft knock at her bedroom door before it opened, revealing you, her girlfriend. Billie looked up at you with a sad smile, trying to be strong even though she felt like crumbling inside.
"Hey, can I come in?" You asked softly, your voice filled with concern.
Billie nodded, wiping at her tear-stained cheeks. "Yeah, of course. I could use the company right now."
You entered the room and closed the door behind you. then making your way over to sit beside Billie on the bed. You wrapped a comforting arm around the singer's shoulders, pulling her close. "I'm so sorry about tonight, Bille. I know how much the Grammys meant to you," you murmured, rubbing your hand soothingly along Billie's arm.
Billie let out a shaky sigh, leaning into your touch. "I just...I don't get it. I poured my heart and soul into my album. I thought for sure I had a shot at winning something, anything really. But... nothing. It's like, what's the point?" Her voice cracked with emotion as fresh tears spilled down her cheeks. You tightened her embrace, letting Billie cry into your shoulder.
"You can't think like that," you said firmly but kindly. "Your music means everything to so many people, including me. The fact that you didn't win an award doesn't diminish your talent or your impact."
Billie sniffled and pulled back to look at you with loving eyes. "You really mean that?"
You nodded, cupping Billie's face in your hands. "I do Billie, you're an incredible artist and an even more incredible person. Don't let one night or a silly little award define you or your career. Your album is beyond amazing."
Billie felt a small smile tug at her lips as she gazed into your earnest eyes. "Thank you. I don't know what I'd do without you."
"You don't have to do anything without me," you said with a warm smile, cupping her cheek and leaning in to plant a soft kiss on her lips.
"We're in this together, love..."
Notes: screaming, crying, and throwing up!
That's all❤️
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angelltheninth · 2 months ago
Soft and Possessive Zhongli
Pairing: Zhongli x Fem!Reader
Tags: fluff, established relationship, kissing, fear of the passage of time, hurt/comfort, soft possessiveness, mention of Zhongli's real identity, touch-starved Zhongli, affection-starved Zhongli
Ko-Fi | Rules | Fandoms and Characters | Commissions
A/N: He's a dragon and they are famously possessive. But in his case it's cute, because he's cute.
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He’d been a bit odd all day. You didn’t know why your husband was behaving this way, it wasn’t an anniversary, or any other special event in their relationship that should make him this nervous. “You seem out of sorts today. What’s bothering you?”
Zhongli’s ears adopted a light pink hue as he gulped and cupped your cheeks. He always held you like that. He always held you like you were the most precious treasure in the world. To him you were the one thing he will always cherish and protect until the end of your days and far beyond.
“I never thought I would feel this way… that I would find someone like you.” He whispered as much to you as he did to himself. His gloved hands caressed your cheeks lovingly, his thumbs brushing lower and parting your lips. “You make me so happy, my darling. Let me cherish you, worship you.” He was the God in this relationship, yet he saw it fit to bend to his girlfriend's every whim.
“You’re such a romantic at times, you know that?” You leaned in and pressed a slow kiss against his lips. Zhongli sighed against them, his hands intensifying the grip. “I’m not going anywhere. You know that. I’ll be here until you get sick of me.” You assured him over and over again. The passage of time was the only real thing he was scared of.
He closed the distance between your bodies, his arms falling against the small of your back and pulling her close. He cherished this closeness, any closeness really. For as powerful and proud he was as Rex Lapis he was also insanely touch-starved and starved for affection. Affection that wasn’t empty words, empty worship in hopes of getting money and riches.
“I’ve had many treasures in my life. You are the most precious. If I could somehow preserve you forever I would.” He whispered before kissing your forehead and inhaling the scent.
“That would sound so creepy if I didn’t know you better.” You looked up at him, grinning.
“But you know me the best. So it’s romantic. Right?” Zhongli grinned back. You chuckled and brushed his hair off his face, silently admiring how soft and silky it felt under your fingers.
“Very romantic. My possessive dragon.” Your lips met in a second kiss, a gentle overlap of lips, devotion and promises.
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sugurusombereyes · 10 months ago
nightmares, geto blurb
“can i come in?”
suguru stands naked in front of you, well not naked but you could practically see the smudges in the brushstrokes that painted him whole. he had tried to hide that side from you, the places of him that weren’t flawless to the eye but would shatter to pieces if you touched them.
“yeah of course.” you say carefully, letting the invisible light he carried with him pour into your dark dorm. the warmth and brightness he carried spilling out onto your floorboards that would creak with the times you circled your room confused with the thought of how you felt about geto.
you softly closed the door as he walked in, taking his pillow from his hands and throwing it onto your bed. this was a common occurrence for you. geto would show up at your door with his pillow and eye bags progressively getting worse as his nightmares went on. you wanted to wrap him up in all the warmth he had radiated on to you and cover him in the comfort of silence just being silence instead of the absence of rikas heartbeat.
“c’mere.” you softly murmur as you lay on your bed, motioning for geto come and lay next to you. it was hard to not pretend that you couldn’t notice getos deterioration, the same eyes that you once believed could light up a pitch black room had dimmed out. carrying less of the anger he held and more of a heroic grief that was too painful to even think of. you couldn’t not pester him, inviting him to outings or to silent walks that would say so much more than he would. you couldn’t pretend that you hadn’t memorised his outline, the lines in his palm and the creases that would show up whenever he would smile.
that smile.
“wanna talk about it?” he shakes his head no, moving his body closer to yours and resting his head on your chest. you hoped that he couldn’t hear your heart going at hundred miles per second or the hitch in your breathing pattern that matched his whenever you were together. (he noticed the skips in your heartbeat and thought of how the sound of the rhythm was worth holding on a little more for)
but what geto didn’t know was that you would stay up and count his breathing pattern. he didn’t know that you would grow daises in your lungs if he had told you that they were his favourite flower. he didn’t know that you would do anything that would make him feel okay again, because you didn’t know how to feel okay without him. but he was scared. he was scared that if he let you in he wouldn’t stop pouring, turning into an ocean of his memories and waves of the weird feeling that he disguised as being sick. but you wanted him to engulf you like the waves did once to you when you were young, you wanted him to soak you in the crimson liquid that he felt seeped from close wounds whenever someone would ask him how he was doing.
“why aren’t you tired of me yet?” he asked confused.
“how could i ever be tired of you?” you replied with the same amount of confusion, but this type wrapped around his cold bones and brushed a thumb over them; assuring them that you weren’t going anywhere.
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lnfours · 4 months ago
Hi, can you write the following prompt please "i brought you flowers." "for what?" "there has to be a reason?"
after the week i’ve had, i need some lando fluff 🥹 also, i promise i didn’t forget about all your requests! life has been hitting me super hard the last few months
thank you all for being so patient with me and for sticking around 🫶🏻 i love you
cleaning out my inbox 💌
the door to the apartment closed, a sign that your boyfriend had finally returned home after a busy day.
you were in the kitchen, trying to find all the ingredients you needed in order to make dinner when you heard his voice, “i’m home!”
“in the kitchen!” you called back to him, the sound of keys falling into the porcelain dish by the front door echoing off the walls. he came into the room, clearly hiding something behind his back. a smirk on his face, that could only mean one thing.
he got you something.
“how was work?” he asked, moving towards you carefully in order not to show the surprise. you smiled when his lips found your cheek, giving it a soft peck. his usual, everyday greeting whenever he came home from a day of training.
“boring,” you mumbled, “how was your day?”
“same,” he said, “counted down the minutes until i got to come home.”
you chuckled softly, raising an eyebrow as you finally addressed the fact that he was hiding something behind his back, “whatcha got there?”
“a surprise, close your eyes.”
you closed them, heating a quite ruffle of cellophane as he arranged the flowers to be in front of him, “okay, open.”
you opened your eyes to the most beautiful bouquet of flowers you’d ever seen. they were vibrant, but housed all your favorite flowers. you smiled as you took them from his hands, raising them to your nose, “i got you flowers,”
“for what?” you asked, now curious to know if there was any real reason. if it was a way of apologizing before he told you something had happened. you looked over at the calendar on the fridge, hoping you hadn’t missed any important dates.
you hadn’t.
“there has to be a reason?” he asked, a small playful smile on his face. you chuckled, shaking your head before placing them down on the counter top.
you wrapped your arms around his neck, his finding their home as they wrapped around your waist, “no, there doesn’t. i was just curious, that’s all,”
he hummed, “i saw them in the flower shop on the way home and they reminded me of you.”
you smiled, “they’re beautiful, thank you.”
“you don’t have to thank me,” he smiled back, lips brushing against yours as he dipped his head down closer to yours, “i love you.”
“i love you,” you mumbled back before meeting his lips in a sweet kiss.
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writtenbyan-aries · 5 months ago
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A blurb where reader is secretly dating Chris and uses a fake account to mess with him while he’s on a stream with Matt
Warnings: swearing, secret dating, fluff
─── ⋆⋅ ☾⋅⋆ ───
You lean back against the headboard, a smile rested on your face as you have Matt and Chris’ livestream pulled up on the tv.
You finish setting up your burner twitch account with a giggle, and soon enough, crazy4chrispkreme has entered the chat.
You lay a hand over your mouth, tilting your head back as you try to control your laughter.
You let out a sigh, glancing from the tv down to your phone, Oh my god, the guy on the left is literally so hot.
You look back up at the tv, hoping for a reaction, nothing. So you type something else out, Chris!! Can I get a shoutout please!!!
And again, right after, Christopher! I love you sooo much please notice me!!!!!!!!
You bite your lip to stifle back your laughter when you see Matt lean into the screen, “What the fuck?” He laughs, reaching back to get Chris’ attention, “Do you see this?”
“See what?” Chris leans forward and Matt shakes his head, “Hold on, it went away. Just.. watch the chat.”
You give it a second, watching them both stare at the chat screen before you type out, Are you looking for my message?
Matt’s eyes go wide and he looks at Chris, “Did you see that?”
“You better not be talking about that fucking username.” Chris laughs and covers his face, “What the fuck.”
You giggle, Chris! Chris! I love you pleeaseeeee say something to me
At this point, there’s a few people telling you to chill out and to ‘calm your little fan girl ass down’, but you ignore it.
“What is up with these usernames chat.” Matt laughs, shaking his head, “They want you to say something to them.”
“I don’t..” Chris laughs, “I- just-“ he continues to laugh, “That’s actually crazy. Crazy four Chris-p kreme.”
You press your cheek into your shoulder, laughing before looking back at your phone, Ahhhh thank you I love you so much you have no idea my life has been made <3333
Chris raises his brows and leans back into the chair, “Glad I could help.”
But you don’t stop, Chris you’d be even hotter if you take your shirt off!!
And right after, come on! Don’t be shy! We all think you’re hot!
You press your hand to your mouth hard as you watch both of their reactions on the tv, “What the actual fuck..” Matt’s eyes widen and he sighs while shaking his head, “I’m going to have to agree with the other people here, you need to calm down.”
“I’m not taking my shirt off, why would- no. No.” Chris shakes his head and sighs, “What the fuck.”
Awww boooooo, you type, Why not????
User1: yoooo chill out
User2: seriously that’s so embarrassing, as a members of the sturniolo fandom, we don’t claim this bitch
User3: you have some serious issues you need to figure that out bro like seriously
You laugh, Fine, but I still think Chris is the hotter one out of the two.
Matt shakes his head and Chris crosses his arms, “I mean, I can agree to that.” He laughs and Matt rolls his eyes, “Why do you have to be weird?”
“I’m not, I’m just restating facts.” Chris laughs and you move around to get more comfortable, reading down over the chat as people try to explain to you that you can’t say that blah blah blah.
Christopher Owen, the man you are!!
God I wish I had the chance to date him, he looks like he would be a really good bf
Matt smirks, “Aw, Chris, they want a date. They think you’d be a really good boyfriend.” He looks at Chris and he smirks, “name a time and place.”
Your jaw drops as you laugh, swiping over to text Chris, name a time and place? Are you serious??
You go back to the twitch chat and watch the tv. He pulls his phone from his pocket and instantly starts to laugh, “Matt.”
Matt leans back, reading over your text and he gives Chris a look, “Uh oh.”
You type out the chat, Oh no!!! What’s going on?!
You watch as Chris taps on his screen before laying his phone face down in his lap. His text comes through and you laugh, shaking your head as you read it, You think you’re slick, huh?
You tap on it and text him back, What ever do you mean Christopher Owen, the man that you are??
You hit send and go back to twitch, the things I would let Chris do to me is astronomical, good lord
You giggle as Chris tries so hard to fight back a smirk as he reads your text. He leans forward to show Matt and his jaw drops, “Is that..”
Chris nods, “Uh huh.”
You type out in the chat, what’s going onnnnnn
Matt laughs and shakes his head, “Don’t you worry about what’s going on.”
Chris taps his screen and you sigh as you click on his text, the man I am, thinking my girlfriend is trolling me on a fake twitch account
You leave him on open and go back to twitch, typing out a message that only him and Matt will understand, why are you calling me a troll? I promise I’m a real person who just loves Chris sooooo much <3333
You lay your phone down and Chris stands up, “I’m going to grab a sweatshirt.”
Matt laughs and nods, “Alright.”
You look over at the door, watching as it opens and Chris walks in laughing, “Are you fucking serious?”
You shrug, locking your phone, “What?!”
“You’re actually the funniest fucking person ever.” He walks over and lays his body on yours, “I was so confused at first.”
You smile, pressing your lips to his as your fingers comb through his hair, “Hey, I have to have a little fun while you’re having fun.”
He laughs and peppers your face with kisses, “I love you.”
You wrap your arms around his neck, “but you don’t love my username?”
He buries his face into your neck and laughs, “How did you even come up with that?” You laugh and shrug, “May have remembered your old Snapchat username.”
“You’re ridiculous.” He smiles, tilting his head up, “But I love you.” He kisses your lips, “So much.”
“I love you.” You kiss him one last time before he stands up, “Wear the grey sweatshirt. I love you in that.”
“What so you can troll me harder?” He laughs as he pulls the grey hoodie off of the hanger, and you nod with a smile, “How’d you know?”
─── ⋆⋅ ☾⋅⋆ ───
Thanks for reading! I love you so much! If you want a Matt one or whoever, let me know! 🖤 catch you in the next one!
Likes and reblogs are majorly appreciated!
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pierregazly · 11 months ago
soft for you ꨄ lance stroll
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lance stroll x reader
warnings: disgusting fluff, mention of crash [1018 words]
request: could i request 3 & 4 from the 🫶🏼 prompt list with lance? [3. SMILING during a kissss >>>>> and 4. the gaze that softens as soon as it lands on you.]
note: lance taking after his dad >>> relationships come before f1 >>> this is part of my 1.5k celebration! feel free to request away!!
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He was pissed. Even without hearing his words, or knowing the whole situation, you could see it in his face. His eyebrows were pinched, the sarcastic roll of his eyes after every sentence that left his mouth, both stark examples of how genuinely angry Lance was.
It had been a nightmare of a season from the first race, anything that could go wrong, having gone wrong. You knew nothing you could say or do would truly change Lance’s perspective. The car wasn’t great, the strategy was poor, and little mistakes had begun piling up, the damage to his car worse and worse almost every race.
And the first race of the season you were able to attend? Another crash, another early end to Lance’s race. You couldn’t help the grimace that overtook your face as you watched him argue with one of the engineers, his hands flying up in the air in exasperation as another eye roll was visible from your spot across the room.
Multiple people were trying to avoid looking at the conversation currently taking place, not wanting to overstep or get anywhere near the line of fire once Lance finally made his exit from the room. You couldn’t help but stare at the situation, waiting for him to finally look up, to finally make eye contact with you.
It didn’t take him long to do so once he realized he had multiple eyes on him, his brown orbs locating your own just seconds later. His face, his mere gaze, softened almost immediately, any comment from his engineer going unheard and ignored as he simply nodded his head in response to whatever he was saying. You couldn’t help the small smile that began to form on your face as he walked towards you, leaving his mechanics and engineers to stew in their own anger and frustration.
Just another little thing you could always count on. He could be livid. He could be whipping his steering wheel across the room, or shouting at whoever would listen; but he would never allow it to enter your relationship. It was one thing you admired, one of so many things you loved about him. His career, his job, it was separate from your relationship and always had been.
He didn’t talk about racing when he was with you, didn’t talk about how poor the season was going or how miserable he was beginning to become. He would talk about it when you urged him to, not wanting him to bottle it up, not wanting him to feel as if you didn’t support him when he was at his worst. But he never let it effect your relationship, never let the anger mask his love for you, or the way he treated you.
Pulling you into his arms once he was close enough, you felt his chin rest gently on the crown of your head as a loud exhale left his body. His back muscles were tense, his body practically shaking in frustration as he squeezed you tighter, trying to take advantage of all the time he could get with you.
Pulling back, you watched the corners of his lips curve as he gazed down at you. Your grip on his bicep not letting up as you observed the influx of emotions cross his features. The defeat, the frustration, the misery; they were so prevalent at first, so raw as he tried to contain them. But before long, the emotions of devastation began to melt away. The small grin on his face not wavering as he looked down on you, practically delighted to see you, regardless of the outcome of his day.
“Bonjour, mon coeur. You look beautiful, as always,” he murmured.
Smiling up at him, you stood on your tiptoes so you could press a small kiss to his lips in gratitude for his words.
“Bonjour, my love. How are you? Are you okay? Are you sore? You’re very tense,” the onslaught of questions spewed from your lips, unable to contain them as you began looking him over.
The soft grip on your cheek was all you needed to glance back up into his eyes. A faint smile still graced his face as he gently ran his thumb across your cheek. A smile still graced his face as he leaned down to press his lips against yours, prompting your own lips to curve upwards as he did so. 
“I’m fine, mon coeur. A little sore, nothing I haven’t dealt with before. I just have to deal with some media, and probably some more yelling, and then we can get out of here, yeah? I can book us reservations for somewhere, or we can just get room service back at the hotel? Whatever you want.”
“Lance… if you want to talk about the race, we can. You don’t have to be so nonchalant about it, I know you’re not happy,” you said.
Shrugging his shoulders at you, his only response was to lean down and brush his lips against yours again, the curve of them still so prominent. The softness, the gentleness, the simple adoration so evident in his every action with you.
His lips touched yours before moving on to the tip of your nose, your cheeks, the skin below your ear; a smile gracing his lips with every kiss.
“I’m not happy, but not much I can do about it. I’m not going to let it determine my time with you, though. Work stays at work, no need to bring it back to the hotel with us. So, reservations, or hotel dinner?”
Before you could answer, Lance continued.
“Dinner in the hotel sounds like a good idea, I think. Room service and some reality television sounds like a good time to me, maybe cuddle up a little and ignore the world. What do you think?”
Pressing your lips against his with a large grin, your only response was a squeeze of his bicep and a nod of your head. If he wanted to escape the world and hold you all night? Well, all you could do was say ‘yes’. 
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just wanted to write something soft/loving so i hope y'all love this!!! thank you everyone for participating in my follower celebration and being lovely!!!
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hotwritergf · 11 months ago
Soft touches. Eddie Munson x reader. Fluff. Blurb.
🍯 You had your face nestled into Eddie’s chest, the material of his shirt tucked up under your nose. Breathing in the smell of his cologne is sending you to sleep softly. His hands find your sides, rubbing his fingers up and down them so innocently. You can’t help but wriggle around under his touch, this wasn’t a conversation you wanted to have with your boyfriend. Sure he’d find out sooner or later but it was too embarrassing for you, once he does find out you’re sure he’ll be relentless with the information. Your ‘shameful’ secret was that you’re ticklish. Really ticklish.
You’ve seen Eddie attack his friends with the playful act before, watching on at the onslaught you were blushing the entire time, wanting the ground to swallow you up. You also knew that he was ticklish, Steve had wrestled him to the ground and squeezed at his hips plenty of times. Even signalling to you and saying ‘If he ever gets mouthy, just give him a squeeze.’ Eddie looked back at you and waved his finger as a warning, you’d never been brave enough to tickle him. Mainly because you knew he’d try it back.
You didn’t hate being tickled like everyone else seems to, but it made you shy. Something about it made you flustered, maybe the loss of control or the fact you were rendered to giggles and squeals. But deep down, it was because you knew you liked it.
Eddie notices you squirming under his touch, he pinches at your sides playfully. Experimenting with his new discovery, he drags his nails up and down your sides. Squeezing at your hips just like you’d seen happen to him before.
“Sensitive, sweetheart?” He coos down at you, trapping your arms under his knees so you can’t move. Eddie laughs along with you as he pokes up and down your ribcage. You erupt into laughter, twisting and wriggling from side to side as he continues his attack and you enjoy the moment of closeness with your boyfriend.
“Maybe.” You respond with a smile, lifting your head up to see him smirking down at you. With a gentle stroke to your hair he whispers, “I’m gonna getcha.” His voice teasing and soft, it’s playful. Innocent and carefree, something you crave during the constant stresses of life. It brings you out of the anxiety and into the moment. As much into the moment as you can be as you’re gasping for air through your laughter as he finds the soft spot on your neck.
You’re babbling, begging him to stop. “I’m barely touching you baby! You’re so ticklish.” He laughs along with you as teases as his nails softly scratch behind your ears. Looking down at you, Eddie notices the pink shade that’s flushed across your face, withdrawing both of his hands from your neck and replacing them onto the small of your back and kisses your head.
“Too cute. Can’t believe I haven’t done that sooner. This is valuable manipulation material!” His smile beams down at you, maybe it wasn’t such a bad thing he’d found your dirty little secret if you could see that smile each time you were tormented by him. 🍯
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2-dsimp · 3 days ago
Hi 👋
My head cannon is actually something that was brought up in the discord.
Nokka and Wifey having 4 kids, 3 daughters and 1 son. Eldest daughter is basically Nokka's mini-me and the two are always butting heads.
Son is the youngest and is a carbon copy of Wifey, just an all around sweet boy, who loves his mother and likes to bake.
I'd just love to see some dabbles of Nokka interacting with his kids.
Like what if he found out his eldest daughter has a secret boyfriend that he only finds out about because one of his other daughters blurted it out during a fight the two girls were having?
『Yandere Husband family bonding times』
Tw: wife reader! pure fluff, and tons of sass, Nokka butting heads with his look alike daughter.
“Well I’ll be goddamned, I wish whoever that unlucky bastard is good luck and good riddance once he takes her off our hands. We can finally get some peace n quiet round here.” Nokka chuffed, you slapped his chest giving him an exasperated glare. You had just finished setting the table, only to come back to this nonsense chatter. “Seriously, honey? That’s our daughter we’re talking about.”
“Hell, we ain’t gotta worry about shit, I’d hate to admit it but I know she’s the man in the relationship.” The other daughters busted out laughing, enjoying the snide remark from their father. Meanwhile your baby boy was hugging onto your waist, equally amused. Eyes flickering from his elder sister. Who looked like she was about to flip the damned table. She was her daddy’s daughter after all, a hothead to the core.
“If anything, we should be worried about that poor sap she’s with, who’s gonna end up as her lil bitch.” Your husband snorted, taking a swig of his protein shake. Before lazily, returning a rude hand gesture that his look alike daughter gave him via middle finger. “Old man fight me if you wanna be talkin shit about my man!”
“Girl You betta thank ya mother for puttin you on this earth as a female… Otherwise I would’ve” He sassed, pointedly ignoring his raving daughter, opting to flicker through sports channels.
“Wife come get this brat already. She giving me indigestion.” Shaking your head with a sigh, from their habitual bickering. You went over to pacify your fuming daughter. Eventually it watered down to you listening to her gush about her secret boyfriend. Who seemed like the good natured type of guy to bring home to parents. Ultimately, leaving you pleased.
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lostalioth · 6 months ago
Could you make Sam, Dean, or Cas(one or all whatever you feel like but I love Sam🫶) with like an alternative/goth person? I can describe me as an example, real short with fluffy purple mid-length hair, tons of piercings and genderfluid(uses all pronouns), with a slim thick but still more of a slim thick/chubby/muscular with great humor like Deadpool as you loved animals and horror games. I love going to concerts and art, anything creative and going to college for marine biology/zoology!
𝘴𝘢𝘮 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘢 𝘨𝘰𝘵𝘩/𝘢𝘭𝘵!𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘯𝘦𝘳
warnings: gender neutral!reader (or i did my best to), goth/alt!reader (if i failed at describing that im sorry as well), reader described to wear eyeliner/makeup and jewelry and piercings mentioned, short sweet fluff with sammy boy.
a/n: a couple things i did my best to write this as gender neutral as i could? i may have failed as i tpcially write x female reader but i tried and i didnt know exactly what you wanted me to write besides one of the supernatural boys with an alt/goth person so sorry its just a short headcannon :) also this is my frist time writing for any of the supernatural boys so im sorry if he is out of character.
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Sam loves to do your eyeliner for you on the days when you just don't feel up to it, your full makeup look often takes you a minute to complete. Of course as with everything Sam gets very dedicated to it and so he only does it after he has perfected it, not wanting to ruin your look with imperfect liner. Meaning sometimes it may just take longer in the end than if you did it on your own. You could care less though because as Sam does it, he will have a very soft grasp on your face and or neck the whole time. Softly caressing your skin with his thumb mindlessly in focus. The small action always makes your heart swell.
Plus: after almost 2 weeks of begging and endlessly promising to never show or tell Dean, he lets you do your signature eyeliner look on him. He wouldn't let you do your full regular makeup look on him but you were happy he even agreed to the eyeliner.
“Babe I promise you're gonna look so cool once I'm done” you gush with a small smile on your face. You had a hold on his chin to force his head still. You were currently sat on his lap in your shared room at the bunker, Him being sat on your vanity chair.
“You're lucky i love you princess” he chuckled softly and rubs his hands over your thighs, giving them a small squeeze as continue working on your masterpiece.
Speaking of your shared bedroom in the bunker, with your and Sam's combined wardrobes there was a severe lack of color. The both of you favoring black and darker colors.
You require attention from San often even when he is on one of his research deepdives. So Sam doing whatever he can to keep his girl happy worked it out that he will do his researching on the couch. That way you can lay out next to him with your head in his lap. He often finds himself playing and fidgeting with your necklaces or ear piercings, facial piercings, etc.
You have a darker sense of humor that tends to come out at inopportune moments on hunts. It never fails to break tension however and get a small laugh out of both the brothers.
Sam isn't all that big on PDA but loves giving you small random shows of affection, his hand rubbing your shoulder, a small squeeze of your hip in passing. His favorite though being small kisses of appreciation, reassurance, etc. though after a small and not entirely compliant of him messing up your makeup when he'd kiss your face and how it took you a long time. He began turning the small kissing habit into kissing your hand, the top of your head, your shoulder, anywhere but your face when you had your full makeup look on.
When you’d tag along on hunts with the boys Sam bought you a small vial necklace that matched all your other jewelry for you to wear and fill with holy water. Just in case you needed it.
The brothers also found out the hard way that when you're fully dressed up in your gothic/alternative look on hunts the three of you are often turned away at churches. You learned to pack a more normal outfit to switch into if it's necessary to step foot in church. You also easily overheat with your all black clothing. Sam started always keeping the AC on in the impala, at least when he's in the driver's seat that is.
Sam finds himself tracing or kissing your anti-possession tattoo that you had gotten alongside them. You don't often go on hunts with them, Sam being far too worried and nervous about your well being. He's concerned you'll get hurt even not out on hunts so he was relieved when you agreed to get the tattoo when they did. He wants nothing more than for you to be safe and happy.
“I will always protect you baby you know that right?” Sam questions softly as his finger traces around your shared tattoo and any others you have.
“I know that sweet boy” you smile fondly at your boyfriend and snuggle closer in his arms.
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specialagent-spencer · 6 months ago
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Spencer - *walks up to you* “Hey, great job on solving that case today, y/n.”
Y/n - *you look up at him with a smile* “Thanks, Spence. Couldn’t have done it without you.”
Spencer - *growing more nervous* “I was wondering, if you, um.. Dinner. Would you like to go to, dinner, with me?”
Y/n - *you tilt your head* “Is the sky blue?”
Spencer - “Well, actually it-“
Y/n - *you cut him off with a laugh* “Spencer, Spencer. I was saying yes, yes to dinner.”
Thank you for interacting ♡
Hearts and reblogs are heavily encouraged!
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daddydixonscrossbow · 18 days ago
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It was a hot day, so you cut your jeans into shorts
“Aw fuck.” You huffed as you tossed the knife down onto the bunk. Beth peaks her head in, “You alright, y/n?” You look up her, “what? Oh.. yeah.” You slap your hand down onto the jeans in your lap as you look down, “I think I cut my jeans too short.”
You look back up at Beth, “Y’don’t happen to have a sewing kit on ya, do ya?” You laugh slightly as she shakes her head, a smile on her lips, “If I did, I’d help.”
“S’okay.” You stand up, “Wouldn’t have time to sew them anyway. Group’ll be back any minute. I gotta go on a run.”
She nods, turning to walk away and you kick off your sweated jeans before pulling the cut ones up your legs. Your eyes close as you feel the cooler breeze on your legs, it was instant relief. It was a little too much, but not being restrained felt so good.
Beth walks by again, stopping when she sees you, “Whoa.” She raises her brows, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in shorts before.”
“I can’t remember the last time I did wear shorts.” You laugh, turning to pack your jeans into your backpack, “Are they back yet?”
She nods, her eyes moving down to your knees.
“Girl, are you judging my hairy legs? It’s not easy to find a razor around here.” You fight back laughter as she shakes her head, “Hairy or not, you have nice legs. I’m sure Daryl’s eyes will pop out of his head when he sees you all daisy duke, lookin’.”
“Are they really that short?” You look down and she sighs, “Not at all, if you’re asking me, which.. you are.. I’d say they’re just the right length, not too short, not too long. Just right.”
“Well, that’s good.” You laugh, “Alright, I’ll be back. I’m going to check that old infirmary building to see if they have any left over medical supplies.”
You make your way outside and Michonne is the first to whistle, Maggie following.
“Look at that. She has legs.” Michonne jokes, “And nice ones at that.” She walks up to you, “Mm, mm. Who knew.” You jokingly push her away, “Bye.” She laughs as she walks away and you head the familiar rev of the motorcycle growing closer.
You turn around, watching as a smirk grows big on Daryl’s lips. You walk up to him, stopping as he stops his bike.
“Hell, girl. Look at them legs.” He leans over, eyes trailing up and down with a whistle, “What made y’do that?” You point, “The sun. It’s fuckin’ hot, Daryl.” You look over at Maggie and she nods, “Ready?”
Daryl looks from her to you, “Where ya goin’?”
You motion to the gate, “Just to the infirmary building.” He shakes his head, “Nah, m’comin’ with if y’dressed like that.”
He motions to the back of his bike, “Get on.”
Here’s a kiss for likin’ and rebloggin’💋
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ferrarifinnick · 2 months ago
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wrote a whole poem for the book he gifts you, and i’m awful at poetry but might have actually crafted a masterpiece (by my awful standards at least hehe). but that’s not here oops. pretend it is, hey? anyway here’s soft and sweet ashy. loving him lately. lmk your thoughts! enjoy <3
based on this request
ashton irwin x fem!reader
99% sfw (tiny masturbation implication)
the days of squishing into ashton’s little tour bus bunk bed were long gone. instead of a privacy curtain, you had four walls and a door when you’d visit him on tour, and sometimes he’s even book you a hotel suite all for yourselves. kitchens, second living rooms, en-suites for rooms only your suitcases would spend the night in.
things were different now. the band was bigger than ever, the music was better than ever, and every show you attended had a bigger crowd than the last.
and you’d know! every few weeks, you’d fly to a new city to meet ashton, and he’d steal every free minute he could just to take you to a coffee shop or a museum. anywhere he could think of, just so he could immerse you in the lifestyle you’d always dreamed of.
“try this one,” he’d say, cash already in the hands of a street vendor, buying yet another local cuisine for you. “this one’s a chimney cake, what do you think?”
he’d kept a long list of your favourites on the notes app in his phone, and he’d always be sure to snap a picture of you taking your first bite. on those late nights in foreign cities, when the time between your next visit stretches too long, he’d scroll through endless pictures of you.
sometimes they made him think of all the time thats passed since he met you. your face changing with time, and yet somehow you only grew more beautiful. sometimes it made him sad, knowing that time couldn’t stand still forever. sad that he could only ever have you for too little. sad that forever was always coming closer.
the days you leave him to fly back to your shared home, he always updates his lock screen to your latest adventure. and suddenly one night, phone in hand and scrolling for the right picture for his lock screen, he realised just how many cities he’s gotten lost in with you. hundreds, and with that came thousands of treasured pictures.
and suddenly an idea hatched.
when you checked in at the next hotel reception, he waited for you in the room. sat on the end of the mattress, next to a little box tied shut with ribbon. at the click of the door, he shot up to meet you, lifting you into his arms and carrying you to the rose petals on the bed.
“eager, are we?” you said, grinning against his lips.
“always,” he said, shutting you up with a kiss and then gently set you down at the foot of the bed. “but i’m more eager for you to open this.”
the box was heavy in your hands and you raised an eyebrow. “i’m not forgetting an anniversary, am i?”
he chuckled. “not ours,” he reassured you, and nodded at the box. “open it.”
you pulled at the ribbons, the pretty red bow slowly sinking into a loose mess of string. the lid eased off the box with your help, and suddenly you were staring at a thick blue book. you lifted it up to compare it with the size of your certainly smaller head, but it was too thick and heavy.
you read the letters on the front of the book. “when i’m away, you’re never far. you’re in my blood, you’re in my heart.”
ashton’s hand found your back, and he turned the pages you couldn’t seem to open.
your tears fell on glossy pictures of your faces, young at first and growing older with every turn of the page. so many moments lost from your memory with time, and suddenly it was all too much.
the book clamped shut. forgotten on the bed as you flung yourself at ashton. caught in the safety of his arms, you let yourself sink into his familiarity and melted against him. part of you wished your skin could fuse with his, and maybe then you’d never be apart again.
“oh, ash,” you sighed into his chest. “how am i ever going to get on that plane again,” you said, running your hands over the dimples in his shoulder blades.
he chuckled and brought you with him as he fell back against the mattress. “let it fly,” he said. “let it fly and stay here with me instead.”
hotel and city hopping with ashton… uhhh yes please ??? dreamy! please consider liking, commenting, and reblogging. love <3
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angelltheninth · 4 days ago
Saw your post about Arcane sapphics, could I request the same characters with them reacting to being readers first serious relationship?
No problem Anon, I love all of those characters, feel free to send in more requests for them.
Pairing: Vi, Caitlyn Kiramman, Maddie Nolen, Sevika, Ambessa Medarda x Fem!Reader
Tags: fluff, developing relationship, casual to serious relationship, first kiss as a couple, teasing, slightly suggestive
Ko-Fi | Rules | Fandoms and Characters | Commissions
A/N: I bring sustenance for the wlw part of the Arcane community!
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Well, she's the same, which is surprising to you but when you think about where she was forced to grow up it starts making more sense. Both of you are in the same boat, but Vi carries herself with a bit more confidence. Much like everything else she does.
"Not a lot of stable relationships in prison, sweet stuff. I'd love it if you took my serious relationship virginity, I've been looking to lose it." She grins and leans in close to you, her hands roaming down your hips. "Now, how many of yours can I take?"
"None if you keep talking like that." You pushed her face away from yours, leading to Vi biting your hand, lightly.
"We'll see about that. I don't know if you noticed, but I'm very charming. Seriously now, how did a cutie like you stay single this whole time? If I met you before now I'd definitely want to date you." Her arms closed around your body, bringing you close and brushing her lips against your ear, making you shiver.
She was definitely buttering you up. Vi's lips pressed against the sensitive part below your ear. "I have a very specific type of girl that I go for, and that's you. Strong, brave, pure of heart, hotheaded, with tattoos, able to break me in half, you get it." Vi laughed, music to your ears but a moment later she lifted you up and smiled up at you, as if to show you that you chose the right with her.
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"You do realize I was voted one of Piltover's biggest heartbreakers right? I'm not ashamed of that title, far from it. But darling, do you really think I care if you were in a relationship before?" Caitlyn could tell you were a little nervous while on your date. Now she finally knew why. If this worked out this would be the first serious relationship you've been in.
Of course you knew Caitlyn had a bit of a reputation among the ladies. She was popular for a reason, "It's... a little hard to believe that a woman like you would be seriously interested in me. Not that I don't think I'm hot, but I've been told I'm more hook up material."
Her brows furrowed in mild anger. "Who told you that? You deserve to be in a long-term relationship, anyone who missed out on a girl like you made a huge mistake." She pulled you against her chest, her hands gently massaging into your tense shoulders. "Better for me, I get you all to myself now." Her cocky grin made your body feel warm, a familiar kind of warmth.
Honestly you expected that she would be bored of you by now but Caitlyn kept asking you out again and again. Other people began to notice too, but she was never one to care about rumors.
"Does... that mean I get to call you my girlfriend now? And tell you I love you in front of other people?" Caitlyn nodded quickly, her hand cradling your cheek and pulling you into a chaste kiss, the first official kiss of your new relationship.
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Being a spy doesn't leave much time for serious relationship, not that she doesn't try when she really likes someone. Someone like you. "Of course I'd love to date ya, love. What kind question is that? Yer a catch!" Maddie smiled right before she kissed you.
But when she pulled back and saw you biting your lip nervously she feared she might have rushed in or misunderstood things. Her hands found yours, her thumbs rubbing the back of your hands, leading you to the bed. "I've... never been in a relationship before, so I don't really know how to do it. Believe it or not I've been winging it this whole time."
"I had a feeling. No offense to ya but it's real easy ta tell ya were nervous the whole date. Glad to know it wasn't cause of me." She smiled to herself, also starting to get shy, she wasn't used to being so vulnerable. "I'm nervous too, don't know if ya could tell. Every time ya kiss me I get the shivers. Good kind! I think it's been... about a year or so since I've been serious 'bout anyone."
"And you want to be serious with me?" You asked, hopeful. Since she wasn't gonna stay here forever it was a lot to ask for of her. "I don't want to pressure you into it though."
"Gods no! I love being with ya! Yer so cute I can hardly hold myself back when I'm around ya. My boss doesn't like that but hey, the heart wants what it wants. For as long as I'm here I'd love to be with ya." There was really no telling how long that will be. Maddie knew that too, all too well, but she wanted to make good memories with you, for as long as she was able to she wanted to be with you, kiss you every chance she got.
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Sevika blinked, slowly. "And? What is that important, sweetheart? Do you have some crazy ex hook-up or something? Point me in her direction, let's go." She was already gearing up for a fight. One that she would win.
"No! You meathead, not everything is a brawl! Listen to me!" You pulled her towards you and into the bedroom, closing the door behind the two of you. "I'm trying to open up about my relationship inexperience."
"Oh. Okay." Again, she didn't really have that much of a reaction. Instead of that she sat down and pulled you into her lap, "Does that make you feel bad or something? Cause I don't care about that stuff all that much, you know. I just want you all to myself, and if you're looking for more experience I am very happy to help out." Her hand smacked your ass, affectionately, grinning when your hips moved against hers in response.
It made you feel better, knowing that Sevika wasn't placing any pressure on you. Not even when you started your relationship. After the first night you realized she was assertive but not pushy, letting you make first moves and only then escalating to the point where clothes came off.
"You're so cute when you're nervous. Like a little kitten backed into a corner. But that also makes me want to protect you. If I'm your first real relationship then I'll make damn sure I'll be the last." When Sevika promised things to you she always delivered on them. It was basically a marriage proposal. Maybe she was moving a bit fast.
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"I already knew that, pet. If you planned on hiding it from me, first you shouldn't hide anything from me, and second, you were really bad at it." Ambessa laughed out loud and patted you on the shoulder, her large hand eclipsing it. "Does that bother you?"
"Not exactly. I'm worried that it bothers you." Her hand grabbed your chin suddenly and forced you to make eye contact with her. "Uhm... yes?"
"Do not assume things about me. I rather like knowing that I'll show you the ropes, I'll get to take so many of your firsts won't I?" She moved your head to the side, her full lips pressing against your neck, her other hand against your lower back and her thick, muscular thigh between your legs. "Even if it's not forever I will make sure you remember every bit of it."
You shuddered against her hold, your heart drumming against your chest, blood rushing south. No matter what she did there was no way you would ever forget about her, she had to be aware of that already. Especially as far as your firsts go.
As soon as her hands started pulling at your clothes you yelped in alarm. "I-Is my body all you want to date me for?!" She didn't answer. She stared at you before she pulled her own shirt off. "Ambessa! Really?!" But what better way to celebrate a new relationship.
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whoreforwolverine · 6 months ago
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Logan - *Catches you staring at his hands* “Don’t the claws scare you, princess?”
Y/n - *smirking as you shake your head* “No, they’re more of a turn on, actually.”
Logan - *Flicks his brows up and tilts his head* “Alright then.”
Y/n - *tilts head* “what? Does that scare you?”
Logan - *chuckling as he walks over to you* “No, no. Not at all.”
𓆩𓆪 like and reblog 𓆩𓆪
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lnfours · 2 years ago
SEQUEL TO HAUNTED W CONRAD! Where she finds out 👀👀
oh fuck. warnings: mentions of death, cancer and mental health
'haunted' | inbox
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you hadn't seen conrad at all the rest of the summer. it wasn't like you wanted to necessarily see him, either. what was there left to say anyway?
you had gotten to say bye to jere, steven and belly, but ignored conrad with a cold shoulder. you knew you were wrong, but he had hurt you. you couldn't help it.
this summer, the fishers didn't come to their beach house. steven, belly and laurel weren't there. for once in your entire lifetime, the house sat empty, and it only made your heart hurt more.
the icing on the cake was that your mom had seen a for sale sign in the front yard on her early morning jog that morning. the fishers and the conklins were never coming back, and you didn't know why.
you were laying out by the pool your family had put in over the spring, your phone buzzing on the little table next to you. you picked it up, reading the name at the top of your phone screen.
jeremiah fisher
you swiped it over, pressing the phone to your ear, "hello?"
"hey, y/n," you could hear his polite smile and the sound of wind in the background, "are you in cousins?"
you licked your lips, sitting up, "yeah, why? are you guys finally on your way?"
"no, uhm," jere said, "conrad is missing."
"what do you mean 'missing'?"
you heard belly's voice suddenly on the other end, "look, we checked brown already and his roommate said he talked about going to the beach. cousin's is the only beach conrad would ever go to. i know it's a long short, have you seen him or heard from him?"
you let out a shaky breath, "no, but i can check around the town for you guys, how far away are you?"
"couple hours out, still," jeremiah said, "i'll text you when we're crossing the bridge into town."
you nodded, speaking up when you realized they couldn't see you, "okay, i'll text you with updates."
"thanks a lot, y/n." jere said
"you're the best!" you smiled as belly sighed out of relief. you hung up with your friends, tugging your shorts on and slipping into your flip flops. you left the shorts unbuttoned, letting them sit lowly on your hips and your bikini bottoms sticking out from the top.
you made your way over to the fisher house, spotting conrad's car. you swallowed thickly as you walked up to the front door. you knocked, pulling your fist back as you sighed.
there was no answer.
you made your way through the gate and to the backyard. you looked around, a towel laying down on the grass next to the pool, but no sign of conrad. you thought of the last place he would be, walking over to the side of the house and grabbing jeremiah's surfboard. you made your way down to the beach, tugging your shorts off before you made your way into the ocean. you paddled out on jere's surfboard. you let the waves rock you back and forth as you watched conrad surf, smiling to yourself as he pulled off one of the tricks you had shown him. he looked over at you when you clapped your hands.
"nice job, fisher!"
you swore you almost saw a smile on his face as he paddled over to you. you smiled as he floated on his board next to you.
"hey," he said.
"hi," you said back, his hair wavy from the salt water, "didn't think you guys were coming this summer."
he nodded, sniffling as he looked out at the ocean, "yeah, we're... not really supposed to be here."
you looked at him confused, "what do you mean?"
he sighed, "i've got a lot to catch you up on."
you smiled as you squinted out at the waves, "well, i've got nothing but time. hit me, sea creature."
he laughed softly, remembering the nickname you had called him one drunken summer afternoon when he had seaweed all over him from surfing.
"talk over something to eat? i'm starving." he said. you nodded, following him as you both paddled to shore. you threw on your shorts and carried both of your pairs of flip flops as he carried the boards back. he hung them back up on the side of the house, tossing you a towel from the deck. you thanked him as he wrapped one around himself as well, the two of you heading inside.
it was scarily bare in the normally full of life summer house. there wasn't any food in the fridge or the pantry, there wasn't any of the clutter from siblings leaving their things behind. there wasn't the sound of belly and steven arguing in the living room over the tv, and jeremiah wasn't playing music up in his bedroom.
it was eerie. none of it felt like the home you were used to it being.
"i'm gonna order a pizza," he said, "still like your usual?"
you smiled, "yeah,"
he nodded, pressing the phone to his ear as he ordered. you played with your fingers as you waited for him to hang up.
"so," you broke the silence, "what's up? what is that you have to tell me?"
he let out a sigh, looking down at the floor, "my mom's cancer came back last spring. she died a couple months ago."
your eyes watered as you watched him look back up at you with glossy eyes. he continued, "i found out before everyone else and i couldn't tell anyone. that's why i was so shitty to you last year, i didn't know how to deal with loss when she wasn't even gone yet. i'm so sorry. for hurting you."
you wiped the tears from your eyes, getting up from your seat at the island. you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him down into a hug. he happily accepted your hug, holding you tight against his body.
"i'm so sorry, connie," you said, "i wish i had known sooner."
he let out a soft chuckle, "i thought you hated me."
you shook your head, brushing his hair from his forehead after you pulled away, "i could never hate you, conrad."
it was silent for a minute, "there's uh... there's more."
you raised an eyebrow, "there's more?"
he nodded, "i also found out that my dad had an affair the same day i found out my mom's cancer came back."
you shook your head, "what a fucking ass."
he nodded, "i know."
you sighed, "anything else happen?"
he let out a chuckle, "found out yesterday the house was going up for sale. apparently, when my mom died, my aunt julia got the house because my mom's half went to her. she wants to sell it and this is the only piece i have left of my mom. the only place that feels like home without her."
you watched as a small tear slipped down his cheek. you frowned, wiping it with the pads of your thumbs.
"c'mere," you said softly, his front breaking down as he nuzzled into your shoulder. you rubbed his back, your other hand playing with the hairs on the back of his neck.
"i'm sorry," he mumbled.
"no, you don't have to apologize," you said, "it's okay. you were going through all of this alone. i just wish you would've told me so you didn't have to."
he held you tighter, "i tried, i just couldn't."
you pulled back, lifting his head by his chin for him to look at you. you smiled, wiping more tears from his cheeks, "well, i'm not going anywhere now, okay?"
he nodded, smiling softly into your palm and pressing a gentle kiss on the skin there.
"i love you." he mumbled against your soft skin.
he finally said it back.
"i love you, con."
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